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File: 74 KB, 600x600, Bd16WbyCUAENg_U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9368343 No.9368343 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is dead >>9362783

Who will be reserving Carnival or Holy Lantern this weekend?

>> No.9368347

Really bummed that AP will never release a teal colorway of Holy Lantern on principal because Oo Jia did it first, I totally get it but it's such a good colorway and I'd own every cut if it was official.

>> No.9368368

Wasn't that a black colorway fail originally? I'm going for Carnival OP otherwise I'd be getting the navy zipper cut. I really wish they would rerelease the black x black zipper cut honestly

>> No.9368442
File: 92 KB, 400x533, 54_original_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so slow, I'm just now finding out about the Carnival rerelease but I've heard about the Holy Lantern rerelease for ages. Ugh, that dress is so ugly to me, wouldn't even want it if it was free.

>> No.9368454

One day I'll own Carnival in this colorway. ONE DAY.

>> No.9368464

I kind of want to go for the navy Holy Lantern but I'm concerned they will go with the first release's short length instead of the longer rerelease length and I really need those extra few cms.

>> No.9368512

Now you're just stupid. Why would they return to shorter length? They make dresses bigger and bigger each year.

>> No.9368523

Because they've returned to the old colourways so they might have also returned to the short length? You're probably right but I'd feel more confident if I knew for sure.

Carnival looks so perfect but alas, the exchange rate makes it more expensive than I can really afford to splurge on it right now. If only it was rereleased during the summer.

>> No.9368524

I'm only reserving if it's confirmed black x black is coming back, though it probably isn't since the star returning color is navy. Black x silver didn't look nearly as good.

>> No.9368660

Any recommendations for a short, not too poofy petticoat for short AP skirts, eg chocolate rosette?

>> No.9368684

Is Closet Child updating more than once a week now?

>> No.9368709

dude they were updating twice a week before this anyway, what are you on?
but yes, they're updating more frequently but it looks like their email alerts are screwing up a bit

>> No.9368724


>> No.9368725

Why are people so dumb they submit secrets that are several times the allowed size

>> No.9368728

lol oops, I meant more than twice a week. They updated last night and it caught me off guard. Did they send any notice about changing their update schedule?

>> No.9368744

That's the time they always update?

>> No.9368750

No, they updated a day early. For the US, they update Wednesday going into Thursday in the wee hours of the morning and Saturday going into Sunday in the wee hours of the morning.

>> No.9368752
File: 20 KB, 400x400, red_star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We often see religious symbols in lolita, but one of my dresses has a communist symbol (pic related). Would people think I'm a communist if I wear it, or are people not that familiar with it? It's not big but you can definitely see it.

>> No.9368754

Or in less cryptic terms, Thursdays and Sundays at 5pm Japan time.

>> No.9368757
File: 37 KB, 526x469, 9735ca8b453a970ad56ade4897149518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally just a star, anon. Unless you're wearing a communist themed dress, no one will think that. Even if it's a military coord, the star is in so many different countries and ideologies that no one can associate it with just one.

>> No.9368758

Thank you. I read this on wiki and it worried me a litte
>Different countries across Europe treat the symbol very differently: some have passed laws banning it by claiming that it represents "a totalitarian ideology"

but I don't live in Europe so whatever.

>> No.9368760
File: 9 KB, 300x225, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, don't sweat it; you can find stars in almost any country's military garb somewhere, especially naval. Here's some US military stars for ya, it's nothing special.

>> No.9368782

Does anyone else get really sad when one of your favorite dresses stays in a secondhand shop for months? Why doesn't anyone buy it? That dress deserves to be loved as I love mine.

>> No.9368790

I'm Finnish and communism would be pretty much the last thing coming to my mind from star even from a red one. Obviously I'm familiar with communism so I wouldn't be too worried.

>> No.9368792

Yeah, there definitely was an extra update, no idea who or if it is a permanent change.

>> No.9368874

I've noticed that their update schedule's gotten strange lately too. Stuff is up earlier and it's shuffled around too, not as organized as before. There is a notice about them moving offices 3/4-3/5 but that's the extent of it.

>> No.9368902 [DELETED] 

I recently gave my bf a bj while wearing lolita. I came home from a meetup last week and I got extremely horny as he was making dinner for us. It was really arousing and I really want to give another bj to him when I wear lolita the next time. Has anyone else gave their bf a bj while wearing lolita?

>> No.9368905

Let's change the subject. Has anyone worn lolita to a concert before? How was it?

>> No.9368910

I use a 17" one from leg avenue and it's about perfect for short cupcake skirts. If it's a little too much for that shape you can always remove a layer

>> No.9368913

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu2z4Uf9Tgc I just to have the exact same dress as the drummer (it's bodyline). Can anyone identify what the main girl is wearing?

>> No.9368916

If they celebrate carnival where you are you could get one of those really cheap ones (maybe you could even get a used one for free as soon as carnival is over) and cut it shorter.

>> No.9368992
File: 38 KB, 650x366, 5a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading a post about Peppermint Fox using Singapore Post for international shipping because it's much cheaper than Aus Post. Why don't more Aussies do this? Is it simply lack of awareness, or is it a hassle to do so?

>> No.9368994

I want to start a tumblr for my coords/possibly other lolita-related things and I have a few questions. What kind of content apart from outfit posts would you enjoy seeing? How do I get my first few followers? I'm not looking for efame but posting for literally 2 followers makes it feel very pointless.

Also, does anyone have recommendations for nice gothic lolitas to follow on tumblr? I mostly wear gothic and could use some inspo.

>> No.9368998

I think insta would be much better than tumblr because of all the ddlg blogs

>> No.9369000

outfit pics and detail shots of clothes are my favorite content and also the kind that grab the most attention, assuming the coordinates are good. just tag with relevant tags and if people like your stuff consistently they'll follow you

>> No.9369053


A bit of both, I think. I'm guessing their outbound parcel service is through a Couriers Please business account.

Did they say how much cheaper SG Post was? I remember looking at Skippy Post (similar setup) a while back and the price difference wasn't all that meaningful unless you were working with retail volumes, especially considering it's the buyer who's paying for shipping.

>> No.9369066
File: 30 KB, 993x226, pf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The post I had in mind said shipping costs through Singapore Post are "almost half" that of Aus Post. Looking at Peppermint Fox's rates in particular, the cost of shipping via Singapore Post ranges from $6-$11 for packages up to 250g.

>> No.9369089

They are returning to the older small sizes again.

>> No.9369109

I've noticed the shuffling/disorganization too. I don't mind the more frequent updates but I miss the new release page being ordered by price and type of item.

>> No.9369124

Seconding IG - I use tumblr but I don't follow any lolita-related on there at all, it's too much hassle to cruise through the tags to find decent posts because of all the ddlg bullshit.

While I understand your point about 2 followers, if you're not doing it for yourself first and foremost you'll always be seeking validation for your efforts and that has the potential to undermine you if you get a hard crit or hate thrown your way. Just something to keep in mind.

>> No.9369139

I hate to be 'that guy' and I already asked in the spoonfeeding thread, but I figure it's worth asking here too in case I miss it.

Could somebody's please point me in the direction of the HL rerelease?
I can't find any related information at all, though it could be because I'm on my phone.

>> No.9369204
File: 362 KB, 475x347, tumblr_ne9vq3B09c1sa2xlto1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulls I have a problem and I dont know what to do and it's honestly killing me every time i think about it.
I don't have much money at all to spend on lolita being a student, and a few months ago i bought a dress listed in perfect condition which arrived disgustingly stained. So stained it's honestly.unwearable. But it costed me 130$ and paypal never refunded me because my SS "warned me about it" when the dress arrived to them (they took care to only send me a single pic of the lightest stain which i thought i could easily get rid of).
What do I do? Should I throw it away? I'm so mad I lost 130$. I love this print yet I just can't enjoy seeing this dress every time I try to wear it.
(Fyi BTSSB Bunny Milk Snow Strawberry ribbon JSK)

>> No.9369208

It's not so much bust/waist that bothers me but the short length just shows too much leg on me.

>> No.9369209

There's a post in Lolita Updates, just search for holy lantern.

>> No.9369210

If you have nothing to lose, try washing it best you can then put it up for sale. Even if it goes for half the price, at least you got some money back? Don't let it deter you from your dream dress and go looking for another in better condition than the one you found.

>> No.9369212

That really sucks and you're rightfully pissed, but honestly I love getting damaged brand (when it's dirt cheap and I know all about the damages) because fixing it up can save a lot of money. Obviously this is not the situation you are in, but it's very worth trying your best to clean it/have it cleaned. If it's that damaged, then you can't really sell it and maybe could learn some good new lolita cleaning tricks in the process.

tdlr, almost anything can be saved with the right cleaning method. Start with some gentle cleaning methods and work your way up and I'm sure you can fix it.

>> No.9369225

Try looking up a few methods of cleaning out the stains, and be patient with the process. I've washed dresses out over the course of weeks and I've been very lucky that it's paid off, so it's entirely possible that you can salvage this.

Also, you may be surprised at how sturdy some dresses can be. Not to say that you should wreck them or anything, just have some faith in the construction of these things.

>> No.9369232

Thanks anons! I feel a bit less hopeless. I'll post a quick collage of the stains once I'm home to show you. I don't even know what the fuck these yellowish stains are. Tea? Juice?? Dust? Who even take such poor care of their dress?. As I still live with my parents there's no way I could wash a single dress in the washing machine though ("wasting water", all that)

>> No.9369235

Seconding this all the way. I bought a cheap Meta JSK off of Y!J that was described as having minor stains and it came reaaaally yellowed around pretty much the whole bodice, plus it had what looked to be a huge tea stain going down the skirt. After a few days of alternating soaking in a good cleaning solution, rinsing, and lightly scrubbing, it came clean 100% and looks and feels brand new. The white is so much brighter and made me realize the whole thing was discolored. Good cleaning can go a long way and will make you feel so accomplished.

>> No.9369238

Get a nice clean plastic tub and overnight soak/hand wash it rather than putting it in the machine. I've had great success with this and it helps remove excess dye that can cause future problems.

>> No.9369255


>> No.9369266
File: 210 KB, 703x862, IMG_0673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else excited for these two prints? Ribbon Berry Bunny looks a bit busy, but it's still cute. Melty Cream Princess is already a dream print for me, though!

>> No.9369268

I'm gonna do this. Also the color is faded, any way to fix this?

>> No.9369271

What's the dates on both of these?

>> No.9369277

Not much you can do about faded colour (if anything it might fade more in the washing process), but you can try using a "color brightener"?

>> No.9369285

Super hyped for ribbon berry bunny

>> No.9369302

Just be careful about dye running. Soaking for me resulted in the whites being turned pink.

>> No.9369308

they're cute but i feel a little disappointed that i don't love either of them. same with the rest of this batch of releases. ribbon berry bunny is busy and sweet cream princess isn't the kind of sweet i enjoy, if that makes sense

more power to the people who want it though. it's kind of a relief that i'm not totally in love with anything new right now though, 'cuz it means more cash to hunt other things down.

>> No.9369319

OP could use some color catchers to help with that, though I've never tried them myself so I can't really say how well they work. I've only ever seen one person have an issue with that, but it was with Milky Berry, which is arguably the worst print ever made in terms of color bleeding.

>> No.9369431

What is the deal with this sudden return of Old School? It's a great style, don't get me wrong. But so many people are doing it so, so badly. Did a brand do a re-release? Did someone start a trend? Seriously, what the fuck is going on?

>> No.9369432

Have you seen old school prices lately? It's dirt cheap.

>> No.9369526

I wore lolita to a concert a few years ago. It was seated so I wasn't in danger of having anything spilled on me (and I didn't wear a dress I cared too much about if anything had happened) and it was great! The only issue was going to the bathroom afterwards because my giant petticoat didn't fit in the tiny stall very well.

>> No.9369529

I'm thinking of getting back into lolita - is the style super dead?

>> No.9369534

It's in a weird place. Harajuku fashion is on the way out in general (see that thread for discussion). Lolita has become extremely commercialized, which is great because this makes it very accessible but also terrible because lots of people heavily involved in a narrowly defined fashion can understandably become pretty problematic. There's tons of lolitas and there's communities everywhere, but the quality of the fashion overall has dropped significantly.

>> No.9369535

What do you mean "quality of the fashion"? The materials used within it or lolita fashion as a whole isn't as it was in some way?

>> No.9369540

I didn't mean materials, but with so many low quality brands and poor imitations of brands, I suppose that can apply as well. Lolita fashion as a whole has become plagued in pretty equal parts by people who take it too far by turning the style into a costume (the rise of OTT and the rejection of anything that isn't OTT as "not lolita enough" or "filthy casual") or by people who really do not understand the core tenants of the fashion, refuse to take advice, and degrade the reputation and appearance of the subculture. I cannot honestly say if it's always been like this or not, but this is certainly the state of it now. If you want to get into it right now, you're going to have to slog through a whole lot of bullshit.

>> No.9369544

I wish the yellow version of Berry Bunny were a milk tea or very light mocha instead, but it's cute as fuck. Won't be getting it, just gonna look forward to some (hopefully) cute country lolita coords.

>> No.9369549

some people wear oldschool in protest of the OTT shit brands put out these days.

>> No.9369554

I'd say that quality of materials has become more inconsistent. It still trips me up that non-cotton materials are so prevalent and accepted given how generally poor stuff like polyester and rayon holds up over time.

>> No.9369556

I hadn't even thought of that, honestly. That's a pretty interesting form of protest. Gotta admire it though. I'd take Old School any day over some of this more crazy OTT stuff brands have been putting out (that last really big AP release....)

>> No.9369559

not meaning to be rude, but why would you care if it were dead anyway? there's threads about it here, and obviously people are still buying and selling, so what does "dead" even mean, y'know? i just don't get why it influences some people's decision to wear the fashion.

>> No.9369560

Really? I find the materials now (i.e. the poly AP uses now) can have more vibrant and detailed prints, and hold up a lot better to repeated washings

>> No.9369573

That's true, the print quality has gotten a lot better and poly has far less bleeding of reds. The polyester and rayon based stuff I have from AF has become more dull and pilled over repeated washings, and it's all stuff I don't put through the dryer.

In terms of actual brand quality, I'm thinking primarily of baby's re-release of Sweet Devil and Rosy Night's Masquerade. Sweet Devil was unbelievably flimsy for a dress of that price, felt like it was made from leftover Joann's bargain bin fabric and Rosy (which is actually cotton, hah) was just poorly constructed with cheap feeling lace and an unlined bodice.

Mostly a personal experience thing, I'm really glad you've had good experiences with your picks.

>> No.9369575

Well I guess I'd be coming back into the fashion after a long break and I remember it being very active with a lot of journals, blogs and original content to follow. If it's all just....same-y now and efame pushing I'm not sure I'd be as interested simply because I don't want to get involved with a community that's into a fashion for those reasons more than the fashion itself.

>> No.9369589

I use colour catchers with my daily laundry and I can put black, white, red etc together without anything bleeding. It also works with brandnew clothes so yes, I recommend them

>> No.9369613

Those people are easy to avoid. There are a lot of newbies on cgl who nitpick any coord posted online and think anything not OTT is casual lolita. There's people taking part in discussion tough they don't wear lolita (those people are also in the facebook groups). But actual comm meetups are usually more chill. There's a small amount of blogs to follow and there's a small group of people trying to keep livejournal alive.

>> No.9369624

Ive definitely noticed a drop in the quality of AATP over the last couple of years. With the few things ive purchased ive been very disappointed with the quality compared to several years ago. I compared the quality of the Vampire Requiem tote bags, with the newer one feeling almost replica quality in comparison. The original was lined, and in the same fabric as the jsk/skirt, whereas the new one was unlined and only surface printed on less good fabric. The print quality wasn't as good either.combined with their style changing so much, ive stopped buying from them after this.

>> No.9369669

Newer releases lack the charm and iconic look of oldschool. I got tired of the fancy princess dress aesthetic

>> No.9369693

You know there are brands besides baby, AP etc., that never release princessy stuff?

I don't get how there are so many people who complain that "brands" don't pay attention to durable fabrics and details anymore, don't make wearable stuff and only focus on OTT (this is the main reason I hear why people wear oldschool). When meanwhile hardly anyone pays attention to brands like seraphim, excentrique, moon afternoon etc. Let AP do what they do best and look somewhere else if you don't like it.

Tired of being labeled "oldschool" by my comm because I'm wearing something recent by physical drop or moitie.

>> No.9369720


>> No.9369722

"it is a very sexy sailor without breasts"

thank you raine dragon

>> No.9369726
File: 61 KB, 390x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell, 胸あて refers to the triangular piece of cloth between the sides of the sailor collar... Love it when people with no clue use google translate.

>> No.9369740

So I've been watching CTP sell off like crazy the past two weeks on the Japanese market for way less then I've ever seen it go for in the past few years. Is it just not popular anymore or is it just because these were Japanese market sales and not overpriced western sales?

>> No.9369743
File: 274 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170226-071053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops dropped my image

>> No.9369746
File: 377 KB, 600x600, 1741024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETC is re-releasing one of my favorite prints in pink, so cute! What are you wearing for easter, gulls?

>> No.9369809
File: 181 KB, 1018x634, 15195952_362849624067059_5049175584360013362_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, you guys are angels.
Pic related, the damages I was talking about earlier. How the hell do you even mess up a dress that bad?

>> No.9369813

Not sure about the others but top right and bottom left look like water stains to me, they should come out just fine.

>> No.9369815

Excentrique releases too many normalfag/ steampunk/ historical costume items. I rarely see anything from them that would work for Lolita. Not familiar with the other brands but so many less popular brands like putu, mam, marble, naoto, cornet, etc just look ita and not really that classic Lolita look. AP, Baby, and meta did it best

>> No.9369822

The other brands I mentioned are not ita and excentrique releases something suitable for lolita with every collection

>> No.9369860

Stain remover and handwash

>> No.9369876

Does anyone want to know how to deal with bitchy Russian lolitas? I bought an item from LM and she won't stop sending me messages about being aggressive or why she has to send a package to the United States. She also said that McDonald's has to go because it's neo-imperialism.

>> No.9369884

You don't even have to get to the lesser-known brands to find examples of designers that didn't hop onto the OTT bandwagon. Innocent World and Victorian Maiden's design styles haven't changed all that much since 2010, and they're every bit as detail-oriented as they were then.

The way you phrase things makes it sound like you just prefer what AP, Baby, and Meta did back then. Which is perfectly fine, but you can't dismiss other brands just because you don't like what they release.

>> No.9369885

Give her Haagen Daz ice cream, take her out to the movies and then 'spoon' her gently

>> No.9369888

Putumayo, mam, cornet and marble are brands that target people with a low budget, the Japanese equivalent of conlita's and beginners.

>> No.9369890

Tell her that in the future, she can specify that she doesn't sell internationally on her listing. Not sure how it's your fault if she didn't make that clear in her sale.

>> No.9369895
File: 410 KB, 450x600, tumblr_mo9nbwJi1L1rqa6vao2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think all the attention whores and status seekers who wanted it have already bought it for the status, causing the price to go up, and now that they realized owning it doesn't make them a better Lolita or more likeable, they've sold it off so the price is slowly trickling down to a more reasonable price. While $900-$1000 is still quite a bit of money, I find that price a lot more reasonable then $3500 since it originally sold for about $700-$750 after shipping and SS fees.

>Pic not related except just a simple coordinate I found via Google of dress in question

>> No.9369940

I like Ribbon Berry Bunny BUT I also like Romantic Cat from what I've seen so far and I have no idea which one to get. I could get both but I would really damage the bank account, I recently reserved Sweet Marguerite from Baby too. This is too overwhelming!

>> No.9369943

Excentrique's lolita silhouette is closer to older pieces (even from brands such as BABY, Meta, etc), where the level of poof wasn't as high. Just because it doesn't fit with today's more OTT trends doesn't mean that it's not lolita. Yes, they do a lot of non-lolita stuff as well but a lot is still very nicely done, more mature and more subdued in style, lolita.

>> No.9369951

Anyone know what the measurements of unshirred Millefleurs are? I have a feeling an 88cm bust might be too large.

>> No.9369989

all those brands you listed don't come close to the oldschool feel. hell, even modern maxicimam pieces resemble more oldschool. would say anna house is still oldschool, but I don't like their quality

>> No.9369996

Why are the bunnies so ugly.

>> No.9370013

Anon was responding to people who wear old school because they don't like how current releases are too OTT.

>> No.9370085

You sound like a real newfag that hasn't gotten past their "modern sweet prints are all that matters" phase by the brands you listed.

Excentrique has amazing construction and quality and goes very well with classic and sometimes gothic. It's very wearable and their corsets are some of the best for lolita fashion.

The other brands you listed aren't even lolita really, more like punk or gothic brands that sometimes put out good pieces for lolita.

>> No.9370099

>tfw you bought one of these

>> No.9370162


Seconding. I feel like I'm missing something - where are these images from? Are there release dates?

I looked at the news sections on the AP site and online shop blog and didn't see them.

>> No.9370189

They're on AP Tokyo's Twitter and Yaplog.

>> No.9370200
File: 1.09 MB, 1040x1158, haenuli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused. Is she claiming she made this pin? Because I've bought the exact same thing of AliExpress months ago...

>> No.9370214

Wooow, all her bitching about art theft and she does this?

>> No.9370218

You should post a picture of yours in the comments

>> No.9370227

Americans wouldn't know it desu, plenty of us still think siant peter's cross is demonic

>> No.9370231


I'm crying.

>> No.9370237

Holy shit what a cow

>> No.9370238

This ^

I'm a broke bitch and old school is cheap & easy to wear

>> No.9370240


>> No.9370251

I know her english isnt great so im trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe she means she painted the charms on the brooch? Because the charms on the brooches in ali express arent like the ones in Haenulis picture, Haenulis charm have a little extra detail to them and the faces are nicer. The charms on all the ali express ones are literally just big dots all over the place with big dots on the faces and like no real detail.

But that feels like grasping for straws.

I want to say something on her post but I dont know if I want to start a shit storm

>> No.9370256

You could just play along and say something like 'I have one from aliexpress but yours is cuter!^^'

>> No.9370257

Yeah thats what I was going to say like "Oh ive seen these on aliexpress but the charms on yours are much nicer!"

>> No.9370268
File: 2.09 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for shit picture (I hope it's not too big lol I never post from my phone) but this is the one I bought.

>> No.9370270

hate the brown in sweet cream

>> No.9370273

Can you remember when exactly you bought it? Like how long these pins have been around?

>> No.9370280

It was either during the 11/11 sale last year or maybe a few months before that, I can't remember. I could look it up but I want to go to bed lol

>> No.9370283

its cool Im just trying to gather info so I can try to present it to her in maybe a less accusatory fashion.

>> No.9370293

I love how creepy grandma looks

>> No.9370308

Has anyone actually called her out on this yet? I've been eyeing her stuff for awhile and strongly considered pre-ordering her newest print, but if she's an art thief, I can say good-fucking-bye to that idea.

>> No.9370314

my bad I found the post on FB and see a beautifully-worded comment mentioning aliexpress... can't wait to see if she responds to this

>> No.9370316
File: 3.41 MB, 1210x1206, Screen Shot 2017-02-26 at 1.59.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why tf would anybody buy both of these prints????

>> No.9370319

People have different taste than you. I want to get the JM cardigan of that print.

>> No.9370325

I really want this to be a misunderstanding because of her english because shes so against art theft when it comes to her own artwork, and ive been supportive of that and I love her dresses.

I even preordered her skeleton print JSK, but if this turns out to be a thing that art theft is ok as long as its not her art then Im going to be really sad to own her shit.

>> No.9370327

For the same reason people hoard chocolate prints or floral prints.

>> No.9370330

this girl has like 27 crown prints, you don't even know how deep this rabbit hole goes

>> No.9370332

She could have designed it and got it made in China. Then the factory could have made more without permission and sold. It happens to people in the enamel pin design business so I think we should all hold our pitchforks for now.

>> No.9370338

I would like to believe this, but I think she would have mentioned that she was designing this months ago, since it's been on Aliexpress since at least November.

>> No.9370339

Yeah thats I what thought too, at least that its a possibility since the brooch only seems to appeared last year and theyre all awful compared to her own picture. I cant find the brooch anywhere besides aliexpress too, which also makes me feel that it could be a little more possible that something fishy couldve happened

Im hoping she can clear it up, but at the same time ill feel bad if this pin is hers and being sold without her knowledge, but thats still better than her claiming something is hers.

The earliest order I can find for it comes from August 2016

>> No.9370356

Right there with you. definitely wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt, because I'm in love with her designs and have been saving to buy a couple of her dresses. I'll be watching this carefully to see how it turns out.

>> No.9370491


Only quoting the end of this because I'm on mobile and tracking down every post I wanna reply to would be hell, but this isn't exactly the first time she's just resold taobao/aliexpress shit at a massive markup.

Those huge double-strand pearl cross necklaces she had a year or so back for like $30 each? I picked one up off an eBay taobao reseller for like $4 shipped. It's not a new thing.

>> No.9370495

Same, I also find old school a lot easier to dress down and wear casually/comfortably vs the newer kind of over the top dresses

>> No.9370499

I can say with certainty that I had one of these on my aliexpress wishlist in December 2015 (went on a big wishlist spree around that time, still have some items left from it), but sadly the exact listing I saved no longer exists so I deleted it sometime last year.

>> No.9370500

more strawberries? yes please :3

>> No.9370515 [DELETED] 

They have a section in every BLG with several lolita coords/pieces...

>> No.9370525

They have a section in every GLB with several lolita coords/pieces...

>> No.9370551

That's one ugly ass coord for such an expensive dress

>> No.9370564

im wearing my only super pastel-coloured AP dress, since its the only thing close to easter coloured in my wardrobe

>> No.9370567

im almost sure that the marbled looking stains are dust, probably dust from the house of a smoker by the colour of it. sometimes takes a few washes to get the marks out but oxiclean does wonders if baking soda + icy water wont get it out

>> No.9370569


>> No.9370573

tell her to go stuff a cabbage roll where the sun dont shine

>> No.9370835

Waiting in agony for my SS to confirm that they put in my order for Carnival

>> No.9370848

I agree with >>9370270, I'd love Sweet Cream but I just don't like the brown bits.

>> No.9370908

Does anyone have a timeline of the designers BABY has had since the beginning?

>> No.9370913

Wow, I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out. I have to agree with you.

>> No.9370930

Mam, Marble and Cornet are all lolita specific brands

Yeah, no. Putu is cheap but Cornet is more expensive than AP, Mam and Marble should be cheap but they're not at all. I think you're a beginner if you don't know this. Would have taken 2 seconds to confirm.

>> No.9370936

Well that is just perfectly in line with the fact they changed the design of one of those dresses some months ago (you know with the black lace decoration), and let nobody know before or after selling and sending. To me it gives a red flag, it's fine to buy materials, but at least designers should give their own take on them and not just re-sell.

>> No.9370939

What's happening with the Closetchild online store? Are they updating every day now or something?

>> No.9370943

She's sold bonnets from elpress L as her own..

>> No.9370971

Do you know why Haenuli got booted from the Korean lolita community? She would suck up to girls and buy their dresses for a cheap "friends price", then sell it for a lot more overseas. She'll use people how she can to make a buck

>> No.9370984

idk why anyone is surprised, she's always been taking taobao shit and flipping it for way more. the bonnets, pearls, star clips, etc. this isn't anything new, the only thing original from her is the actual dresses

>> No.9370986

That is adorable! I don't have much that is suitable for easter in my wardrobe, but I will probably go with Meta's Fancy Egg.

>> No.9371022
File: 147 KB, 480x640, P13OP309-sx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAtP's newest reservation

>> No.9371023
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>> No.9371024
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>> No.9371031

I like the print, too bad the cuts are a bit strange.

>> No.9371036

Fuck me i LOVE this cut, print is super cute too though stuff like that isn't usually to my taste.
Do we know the other colourways?

>> No.9371041

I love this print so much, but none of the cuts really appeals to me. I'd really dig the V-shape JSK if it wasn't for the heart shape.

>> No.9371043
File: 94 KB, 720x960, 16999227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also comes in beige and black, and there's another JSK cut.

>> No.9371048

Jesus christ, this is hideous. Please do actual gothic again soon, AatP.

>> No.9371059

Black would be so damn cute, shame there's no navy option. I'll be adding that to my wishlist though.

>> No.9371060

When they do do 'gothic' it's pretty awful as well. I have no idea what's going on with that new Tarot card print. It just looks Hot Topic tier mallgoth.

>> No.9371062
File: 149 KB, 480x640, P13OJ206-iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the ivory colourway, I can't choose between this and the skirt.

>> No.9371072

27 crown prints deep?

>> No.9371084

Did they hire Milanoo's old designers?

>> No.9371108

This. I miss the Lyrical Bunny/Cherry Berry Bunny cute style. I know they were sort of soulless with the red eyes but still

>> No.9371110

Sudden? It's been back in since people got over their fear of black x white.

>> No.9371113

Do Cornet still run/have an online store? I always see their stuff second hand but I've never known of a shop or anywhere to buy new.

>> No.9371123

Which dress had wrong lace?

>> No.9371133

I googled it a bit in Japanese and came across both this old blog entry: http://plusarfa.blog.shinobi.jp/%E3%81%8A%E6%B4%8B%E6%9C%8D%E3%81%AE%E3%81%93%E3%81%A8/%E3%81%82%E3%82%8A%E3%81%8C%E3%81%A8%E3%81%86cornet and this thread on chiebukuro: http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1046591325
which both say the brand ceased operation completely in early 2010 because the designer stopped designing stuff.

>> No.9371137

No wonder their stuff is so scarce. Thank you anon! I'd tried googling myself but couldn't find a thing.

>> No.9371138

What do you guys think about edible accessories?

>> No.9371139

not a good idea.

>> No.9371141

Honestly I would. I have the IW Charles Crown OP and fell in love with it so much I would hoard crown prints if I had the cash to splurge on more dresses right now

>> No.9371142

i'm talking about something like a bonbon still in the packaging on a pin or candy bracelet/necklaces for an OTT sweet coord

>> No.9371144

>vampire nocturne
>Chocolate Addiction
>La Priere
>Banquet in the Dark Night
>Funeral Procession Of Rose
>Rosy Night's Masquerade
All gothic(or gothic styled) prints from AaTP that were hits and many love. BUT as of recently yes their "gothic" prints are sucking a small flaccid dick.

>> No.9371146

Gothic here, thus: a crosses print.

>> No.9371147

>When they do do 'gothic' it's pretty awful as well.
It didn't used to be

>> No.9371149

I would say it'd be smarter to use fake food still, just put a wad of paper in a real bonbon packaging for example. I think you really wouldn't want a real chocolate melting in the suns heat on you burando dress! ;)

>> No.9371160

Sounds disgusting

>> No.9371192

Do you have a link to the necklace if that's ok?

>> No.9371295

I thought I was going crazy! I've been getting emails every day for the last two weeks but only just noticed that they're updating daily. I was looking this morning and things were being uploaded as I was browsing. It's really strange.

>> No.9371298

People do that in comms all the time. Try calling them a scalper and you'll get hounded by people defending their right to sell clothes at whatever price they want.

>> No.9371301

Perfect for fatty chans who can't stick it out until dinner

>> No.9371397
File: 58 KB, 564x846, 027343ee651f161612652045819b1fc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gross in general but in some cases it can be ok i guess?
Was thinking about wearing that kind of bracelet with my Sugar Heart at the upcoming con next month.

>> No.9371413

does this have a name yet?

>> No.9371422
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>> No.9371430

Because facebook likes to rearrange posts in a group to "most popular" instead of showing recent first, is there anywhere outside of lolita updates to see what's coming up for sale or for sale currently?

>> No.9371551
File: 59 KB, 392x921, IMG_1794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what the name of this dress is and are there any better scans?

>> No.9371564


>> No.9371571


But.. why? Fake sweets are amazing and you don't have to worry about them melting, staining or whatever. The fake ones already look hyper realistic so I don't see the point?

>> No.9371583
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>> No.9371588


>> No.9371592

Where I can see her wardrobe/coords?
I love crown prints too and I want to feel bitter and jealous.

>> No.9371598

I am so confused by this whole ordeal. Why did they not just show how the product would be altered from the original stock photos? Did they just ship these dresses out without showing that the lace was going to be different?

I had a Dark Box release where they ended up using a different material than originally shown, but they showed it long before shipping it out. Did Haenuli seriously not think to do this? Isn't that a kind of false advertising of a product? I've seen lace/material bait and switch oddly a lot in lolita.

>> No.9371601

She must consider this a crowning achievement.

>> No.9371604

shut up Carlos

>> No.9371610

I don't understand why shit has not gone down in that facebook post

>> No.9371618

That was an interesting read. I like Haenuli but did anyone else get the feeling while reading this that she only did this replacement lace thing because it was for a blogger that could potentially damage her rep? She didn't event want to give anyone a partial refund?

>> No.9371624

What even?? That's all just EXTREMELY unprofessional and stupid >-<

Kinda sad now, since I liked the dress with the right lace.. This means there's only one dress like that now :/

>> No.9371625

Do you have a pic of the necklace?

>> No.9371633

And it's awesome for that girl, nobody else will have that exact beautiful dress.

>> No.9371635

thank you so much anon!

>> No.9371636

I have this girl on fb and she said that Haenuli only started to take her emails seriously after they'd seen she made posts about this on her fb and blog.
So yeah, totally feel like that's the case.

>> No.9371639

Nothing for us plebs. I didn't even order the dress but I think that's shitty. The original design really is far nicer than the all over lace.

>> No.9371641

I can't decide whether or not I want shit to go down. On the one hand I want to see her called out on her shit but on the other hand I just received my Just One Bite jsk (ordered before I learned she was kinda shady) and it's beautiful and I don't want my feelings about it to be tainted by drama y'know?

>> No.9371651

I feel you anon, also don't know how I feel about them. I think tho actually Haenuli should feel quite lucky for now, if this lace story would've been posted on RC uncensored or a place like that, things could've gone real bad for them

>> No.9371657

I know, their current stuff is more Sweet style in comparison, and the quality from what I've seen has gone down as well.

>> No.9371660

Most of the bigger brands are shady.

Just buy what you like.

>> No.9371661

True, but they aren't quite as gothic or as well done as their older prints. Even if a print was good and actually gothic, the colourway or the cut would often be much Sweeter, or in Sweeter colourways.

>> No.9371662

Maybe she had them manufactured, and the factory is now selling them too.

>> No.9371677

So you're a hypocrit

>> No.9371685

Most of the bigger brands don't consist of a single person, though.

>> No.9371688

She had them manufactured before August of 2015 and is only now posting about them...?

>> No.9371690

Which brands exactly? Are you just saying stuff to get (you)?

>> No.9371691

I don't understand either. We lynch anyone associated with replicas but appropriating ready-made shit to pass off as their own is somehow more forgivable? I find art fraud and actual theft in the interest of business far more reprehensible than someone simply buying a replica.

>> No.9371693

August of 2016 is the earliest I can find, they werent sold in 2015

>> No.9371696

It's taking all my willpower not to respond to the people saying they want the pin with an AE link.

>> No.9371699

This is true.
Well, for example take all the brands still willing to put stuff in the Leigh's stores. Or all the crap with Bodyline literally being owned by an old dude who proposes to his models.

>> No.9371704

The problem is that no one dares to call her out. Her "popular" friends will totally get defensive as fck and of course people don't want their own reputation to be runed for that

>> No.9371718

Bodyline literally started as a sex shop and i will never take lolita's who buy from there seriously. I know that's probably 90% of the community but I'm a lone lolita so idgaf.

Because all the other lolita's that turned into lolcows weren't popular and didn't have friends

>> No.9371737

>tfw been trying to sell two OTT sweet dresses in almost perfect condition for nothing (110$)
>note that one has a matching headbow and the other one has the matching AP ring
>can't sell them since months
I'm glad the lolita economy crumbling means I can buy cheaper but selling, especially OTT is a pain. I'm so annoyed I don't even feel like wearing lolita anymore because I can't refresh my wardrobe.

>> No.9371747

>for nothing
Pick one

>> No.9371754

If your idea of "nothing" is $110, I can guarantee that's why your dresses aren't selling.

>> No.9371764
File: 89 KB, 259x335, 708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not selling because ott sweet is dead anyway

If you think that 110$ is not cheap for brand dresses (including a matching accessory) you must be pretty poor

>> No.9371778

Do you mean OTT sweet dresses from like 2012 or newer more hime ones?

>> No.9371789

>thinking an AP dress + matching AP accessory/headbow for $110 isnt cheap

what dresses anon?

>> No.9371837

Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about because I'm a gothic lolita and I bought several mmm dresses for less than 100$ even though there are still people unwilling to accept reality and trying to sell mmm for 400$+

>> No.9371840

If a dress isn't selling,regardless of what you paid for it, regardless of what it sold for at one time, its not a steal. This is why the Western market is so slow, people can't deal with the fact that they are overpricing their clothing.

>> No.9371841

yeah i gotta say, even as a classicfag, $110 for a dress and a matching accessory is a nice deal.

>> No.9371857

That's not exactly what I meant but I could try it. What tags should I be searching? What about releasing from different countries, should I look for them all? I more meant something like lolibrary but with information about if stuff is actually for sale or pre-order and such.
Or I'd there a way to force facebook to organise groups by most recent?

>> No.9371864

You should follow all brands you're interested in. You'll see updates before it's on fb and in some cases before it's on the brands website or blog.

>> No.9371871

Where is this Facebook post?

>> No.9371873

Heanuli's own account

Someone with fb please get in there and ask for the ae link

>> No.9371895

I mean, I've been trying to sell a dress for 2/3 the value it sold for last and haven't had any luck. You can't deny the market's pretty bad right now.

>> No.9371900 [DELETED] 

>Right now
>for months
Pick one

>> No.9371902

try switching up shit-stirring techniques if you really want to get this board going, newfriend

>> No.9371919

I guess that makes sense for the Japanese brands, is there a list of chinese/foreign brands somewhere? Would I need to use weibo for those?

>> No.9371929

Selling things in USD probably isn't helping the secondhand Western market. Other currencies aren't doing so well. Forever weeping at the shitty Canadian dollar.

>> No.9371932

I feel you on the secondhand Moitie statement

>> No.9371944

I just bought a Moitie piece for >100, so it kills me seeing girls trying to sell their old, unpopular, faded MMM for retail. It's usually the Russian or French girls pulling this shit.

>> No.9371954
File: 72 KB, 800x449, FotorCreated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not >>9370491 but I've found the necklace

>> No.9371955

Yeah, with USD so high and the amount US sellers charge for postage I'm finding it much cheaper to buy clothes used (or even new on sale!) from Japan... that just feels wrong.

>> No.9371956

Does anyone have a link to that one older website that is basically an archive of dresses from every band as well as has images of pages from past GLBs? I know that sounds generic but it's an incredibly in-depth database that's very useful. I thought I had it bookmarked but I can't find it at all.

>> No.9371958

*brand, whoops

>> No.9371982

Was it Avant Gauche? That site is long gone. Hello lace too since that's the only other one I can think of. Both websites were taken down.

>> No.9371987

No, it was this! I finally found it. Thank you though!


This site has all the stock photos d/l for hellolace here:


>> No.9372027

omg somebody did (politly) ask her about it. you are a hero, rando person.

>> No.9372030

I don't know why more US sellers don't just get a kitchen scale and use the paypal ship now thing. Really cheap domestically.

Sadly it's the customs on the other end for international that make it really ridiculous coming from the US.

>> No.9372035

That was quick. She deleted the whole post. How shitty.

>> No.9372045
File: 24 KB, 470x223, dsxfdxggh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what you're talking about anon. Haenuli's post is still up, which includes this.

>> No.9372046

This is all that's there btw, someone apparently deleted a comment somewhere (or somebody has me blocked? LOL)

>> No.9372050

Any resell shops that have expedited shipping fast enough to deliver something in 5 days?

>> No.9372082

Vampire Nocturne is a special kind of disappointing, considering their other amazing vampire prints.

>> No.9372085

I can't find the post on her Facebook anymore. So is this an admission of art theft or...

>> No.9372087

Assuming this is USA, all the USA-based resale shops are pretty small and I couldn't expect them to get your order out pretty quickly.

If you really do need a dress in an emergency, the brand stores in New York or San Francisco ship out packages by overnight mail within 1-2 days, and if you call perhaps they can make sure your order gets out the door ASAP.

>> No.9372088

It's still there for me, are you on her friend list? She might've made it private.

>> No.9372108

She has it set to share with her friends, not public.

>> No.9372152

Different tastes. I personally also love crown prints about would buy both.

>> No.9372159

I got a refund, as soon as I received it I was not happy that the dress did not match the stock photo...wrote her a lengthy email because her dresses cost more than brand and yet she pulled that nonsense with switching the lace from the stock photo.

>> No.9372163


I'm >>9370491, thank you for posting it before I could! I wasn't able to get back to the interbutts until just now and I felt like shit for not delivering lol

>> No.9372166

for bigger Chinese brands that are trying to branch into Japan, check if they're on wunderwelt fleur and then look them up on twitter (the account will be in japanese)

>> No.9372210

Honestly I think Shin Haenuli is really unprofessional. Besides the misrepresented dress with the black lace and the fake 'Oh I bought these ceramic charms for this bought brooch' (which by the way still looks not well-painted), she also does not use English well (yeah even from a foreign person, if that person is in a business you should expect correct English), but she is also suuuupercringy with her pointing-out-idiots-on-instagram "oh yeah I'm totally alright but I'm going to repeat 3 times now that this person is really stupid in a public post". I can really tell you, it is super unprofessional.

>> No.9372216

Agreed 100%.

>> No.9372219

Cheap is 5-6k yen which is the price I frequently get those kind of dresses for from Japanese sites. Sure I'd pay $110 for a set I really like and not be mad about the price, but for most things I'd wait for the real bargains to come up.

>> No.9372221

How is she pointing out idiots?

>> No.9372230
File: 151 KB, 640x906, IMG_3662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She could have just better removed or blocked comments or something, instead she is taking so much bait. Of course stealing art is not cool, but it is really childish to just defend against it all the time. Block it out and move on. If she would be 'calm' she wouldn't do this all the time. And with this vs. that bought brooch it's very silly as well.

>> No.9372259

But the charms aren't even really better quality than on >>9370268
Is she saying she bought the frame in one store and the charms separately in another store and just happened to arrange the same charms in exactly the same way as on the AliExpress brooches without even knowing they exist? Riiight

>> No.9372285 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I can't hear that over the sound of my immensely large and wildly popular wardrobe. I spend an average of $80 per dress, was in the fashion for more than four years before bothering to buy a new dress or spend more than $300 on a dress.

If you can't find good deals, you're just not very good at looking.

>> No.9372309

6,000 yen is about $54 USD.
+~500 yen (at least, if not more) commission fee for SS you used to buy the secondhand piece of clothing from
+~800-1000 yen postage fee for shipping from seller to SS
+~$18-28 USD postage from SS to you, assuming you live in the USA.

total is ~$90-100 USD, so >>9371737 is basically selling it at the pricepoint you usually pay but actually cheaper, since they're including an accessory.

As someone that also hunts around japanese secondhand for deals, at the end of the day I know I'm going to be paying an added 20-30 bucks to whatever I buy.

>> No.9372314

You forgot international shipping 50 euro

>> No.9372319

>being europoor
that's just your mistake

>> No.9372320

I made it from someone ordering japanese secondhand from USA, since original price was $110 vs 6,000 yen - you guys have things like customs fees that USA doesnt give a fuck about lol

>> No.9372325

Wait, she's bitching about people getting tattoos of her work? And then she turns around and calls magpie-tier baubles her own? What a piece of work.

At one point I did seriously consider one of her dresses but fuck that now.

>> No.9372327

Only a few people have to pay customs because their post office is full of dicks.
Europeans buy from Japan
Fat Americans buy from China
Nobody buys from lacemarket

>> No.9372330

All I meant was the price breakdown was from USA standpoint so $110 USD for an AP JSK/OP + accessory is actually a great deal.

>> No.9372372

I agree. The clip art look of it is just horrible, along with the cuts. Not a patch on the Vampire Requiem series.

>> No.9372382

I wonder why they started doing that clip art/ugly graphic design stuff, considering how much more popular their "normal" prints are

>> No.9372432

Iirc, aatp has had some serious designer turnover over the years, so that influenced their design shift a lot. I think there was also only one designer for a long time (or there still is only one?).

>> No.9372434

almost all of these went on their half price sales lol, do you even aatp?
the only reason that more westerners are seen wearing it is because this shit's cheap second hand

>tfw collect aatp but nothing to collect in the past 2+ years

>> No.9372456


Man, I wish they'd bring Yoh back again. At this point I'd even take it if they recycle his old illustrations for the GLB.

>> No.9372458
File: 95 KB, 640x421, MMP w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot to add, he's the one who did the illustration for Melty Mermaid Princess.

>> No.9372461

He did a collab with hnoaoto recently

>> No.9372491

thanks anon. Just bought one!

>> No.9372531

someone PLEASE post this on behind the bows! she obviously was going to resale this as her own work

>> No.9372544

y i k e s

>> No.9372553

>Including shipping and SS fees in your price
That's the price you pay because you wanted the item. It doesn't suddenly make the item more valuable equivalent to what you paid for it. Do you add on shipping as well if you bought secondhand from the US?

>> No.9372558

A couple days ago, it was set to public. I'm not friends with her, and I could see it. So she restricted access after someone called her out. Sketchy to me.

>> No.9372572

I'd heard that their designer had changed a while back. I miss the 2010/2011 era. Sadly even AatP's non-prints have changed, they don't seem to do the wonderful, properly pirately stuff any more, and rarely any mature end ouji / aristocrat stuff, it's all super cutesy nowadays, or has some very odd fabric choices. I loved sets ike the Captain Hollow series, and the high collared waistcoats and jackets. Even their previously standard, always in stock wide legged trousers haven't been sold for years, which is a shame - they're super comfy and are practical for dressing up or down. I used to list AatP as my favourite brand, but I barely give them a second glance now, aside for when looking for 'wtf burando' things.

>> No.9372574

Definitely, same here, can't see it anymore. She is probably afraid of being caught. Also, if it was 'stolen' by the creator companies, then she wouldn't have taken so long to publish this if it's already over china-online-shopping. Come on, it was just a wrong move of her. I really hope someone makes a post on btb too, but at least I won't trust Haenuli anymore.

>> No.9372576

Please don't. I don't want to see 3+ secrets about this.

>> No.9372578

You don't understand the conversation

>> No.9372603

If you ever feel like listening to the biggest spergathon on the earth, join the LGBT chat on Lolita amino. Honestly it's just full of tumblr 12 year olds who have probably never worn a petticoat

>> No.9372618

I'm saying it doesn't make it a great deal anon. You'd have to pay for domestic shipping as well so it ends up the same price. Generally Japanese sellers take better care of their items, I'd rather buy from them if it's the same price.

>> No.9372687

Is there a picture of her charms painted/unpainted? She does paint well, but it's not nice enough to pay that price hike.

>> No.9372692

Post some caps here or in the lolita comm thread? I want a good laugh.

>> No.9372740

Do any one else's ap dresses have a really stiff and crunchy built in petti?
The whole dress is actually really stiff, but it isn't a replica. I'm going to steam it and see if this improves it.

>> No.9372743

How sad are you that you have to make fun of literal children to make yourself feel better

>> No.9372763

I think she's constantly having issues with her sewing factory. the one she used up to and a bit after st.vitus was the most reliable until they suddenly closed up for no reason.
I reserved the serenity starlight op and that was delayed because when she got the finished dresses they were all too big. so she had to send them back to get fixed.
maybe if she can find a safe way to expand her business with more people on her team she could secure a reliable factory for a good price.
I really like her designs and am so glad she's getting more visibility, but people have been against her since she expanded sizes.
I'm psyched for the new stained glass print because I'm still on the hunt for blk St. Vitus for a good price. she's the only one who's getting the vibrancy of colors that happens when light shows through those stained panels. CEL and others are too muted for my tastes.
anyway, maybe she should go back to releasing only a few designs per year so she can better manage the ones in production. if she had more time to supervise the factories it would help, because they can really mess up shit up, as hard as they work

there's my ramble. sry

>> No.9372774

Regardless, that doesn't excuse the way she handled the situation, ie sending everything out without so much as notifying those who purchased, expecting something entirely different. It sucks that she's having problems with the sewing factory, if that's the case, but she needs to learn better/more professional customer service. There are basic aspects of communication that she's completely failing on. This isn't even mentioning the markup of mass-produced pieces which she is claiming are her own.

>> No.9372778

Hard tulle is supposed to be stiff, that's what a lot of high quality pettis are made from, I wouldn't recommend steaming it unless you want the tulle to soften and deflate.

>> No.9372781

The hard tulle is there to help you out with volume because softer Pettis deflate with wear no matter what you do. Why don't you like it?

>> No.9372784

>hard tulle
>quality pettis
Unless they have many layers, tulle petticoats that depend on stiffness alone tend to deflate and lose their volume much quicker than petticoats that depend on layers of fabric. Chiffon and organza petticoats are much better and more comfortable than tulle.

>> No.9372791

>people have been against her
If she's being wrongfully called out or bullied, it'd be pretty obvious if all of these accusations are vendetta-based.

Except people are able to pull up links, screenshots, photographs and other bits and pieces that show there's pretty good reason for the criticism. It sounds to me that she's reaping what she's sown, and I just hope your faith isn't being misplaced.

>> No.9372806

Not the anon you replied to, but the original poster was asking about the hard tulle in some of AP's pieces and they made it seem like they automatically thought that hard tulle was an inferior material. Ofc a Pettis made of hard tulle alone is stiff and scratchy and will also deflate, but the built in hard tulle is meant to supplement a Petti made of softer material and help negate loss of silhouette.

>> No.9372830 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9372837

I bought a secondhand petti that has a lot of layers but is really stiff, I think the shape would look much better if it was softer. The description said it's made of russel lace and nylon, do you know a good way to make it softer?

>> No.9372906

It is USA, and that's pretty good advice; thanks.

>> No.9372954
File: 160 KB, 1393x940, Esther Coord 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you gulls have any character (movie,vidya,book) that isn't lolita but who reminds you of lolita for some reason?

Watched Esther yesterday and noticed her aesthetic is sort of lolita-ish? I might be talking out of my ass but the lacy nightgown,ruffly dresses, peter pan collars and ribbons made me think of it.
>little bitch calls her bo peep, and tries to break/take off? her ribbon chocker
>she begins to scream like a banshee
>flashbacks to that awful "psycho sweet lolita" fanfiction where a dude spills soup on her dress and she begins to scream "my braaaaand" while digging at his face with her decorated nails
Later on she throw said little bitch at the top of the slide, breaking her ankle.

>> No.9372957
File: 19 KB, 220x220, 220px-AlbumALP95Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally everyone in this movie

>> No.9372960
File: 41 KB, 396x612, skirt shape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of my innocent world dresses get this curled under shape in the back when they're worn and I hate how it looks. It's mainly more recent ones. It seems like longer/more petticoat volume actually makes it worse. Anyone know how to fix this aside from wearing almost no poof at all?

>> No.9372963

usually if I buy from a US seller the shipping is either included in the original price, or I've already haggled for a lower price that would make shipping free, so no, I wouldn't include it.

A 6,000 yen JSK/OP from a Japanese secondhand marketplace is going to end up being the same price as a $110 one in the USA after fees/international shipping.

>> No.9372983

I thought I was the only one. Thanks anon

>> No.9372996

>I thought I was the only one
I feel like every lolita blog I've read with a 'movies to watch as a lolita' list mentions it

>> No.9373006
File: 71 KB, 455x700, mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little princess and The secret garden are my two fav live-action movies from my childhood.

>> No.9373053

>more petticoat volume actually makes it worse

From your drawing and description of the issues, it sounds you have IW dresses with an A-line skirt. You'll need a corresponding A-line petticoat (or just take off a few bottom layers of an old cupcake petti).

>> No.9373061

>a dude spills soup on her dress and she begins to scream "my braaaaand" while digging at his face with her decorated nails
I'm not much of a fanfic person but that is hilarious.

>> No.9373066

That all depends on the ss and shipping chosen. And again I'd choose a Japanese seller over a Western one at the same price.

>> No.9373068

>every day until you like it

>> No.9373206

Yeah Yoh is great. He's still active as far as I know, and his art is great. I'd love more collabs with him. I think I've seen totes and the like being released by him.

Same here. All my dream prints are AatP, along with one of my favorite solids. But the prints I want are rare as fuck. 2010 was the best year for aatp prints in my opinion, 2012 is basically the last year they released multiple items I want. I think my biggest problem is the aesthetic change, it went from "Alice as a badass pirate" interspaced with theater and fairy tales, to whatever it is we have now. There's still the occasional throwback (La Traviata throws back to Masquerade Theater, Night Ship Alice to Treasure Hunt in the Mystic Islands, etc) but they're few and far between.

I also agree the materials have gotten dodgier, but aatp was never fantastic quality. I've got a 2009 piece that is distressingly low quality (completely unlined, the devil boning and the like). I've moved on to boz and moitie and been pretty happy. Moitie even puts pockets in things sometimes, and overall the quality is better.

>> No.9373207

Bless you anon. I've been trying to find hello lace archives for years.

>> No.9373253

It crunches and is quite loud, also makes the dress quite stiff. It's generally annoying

>> No.9373294

if someone has you blocked they blocked me too, lmao

>> No.9373379
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, 12373-a-cure-for-wellness-tv-spot-she-lives-in-a-dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hannah from A Cure for Wellness (beautiful but terrible movie) reminded me of lolita a bit. Purely for her aesthetic of course, not the... unfortunate turn things take at the end.

>> No.9377150

Does anybody have a link to this old lolita video, it was about a sweet lolita meeting a guy but he broke up with her cause she wasn't buff enough so she trained and drank eggs in champaign glass and the won a wrestling competition? Having a hard time finding it on YouTube

>> No.9377167



>> No.9377196
