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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9362312 No.9362312 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I just got back from katsucon and I noticed there were dozens of 'professional' photographers and maybe 5 decent ones, shuffling around doing shoots for shekels.

For you cosplayers who pay for a shoot, what do you expect from the shooter?
full direction of shoot, final products, gear, etc?

I shoot full time for the military and I have my own gear, so I want to consider this instead of drinking all day.

What are pricing/shooting times like?

I did a couple shoots willy nilly for fun with some people that caught my eye, I had a good time but i don't know if having a structured schedule would ruin the fun.

Should I stick to doing photos for free drinks and to talk to girls? Or is there any merit to charging you seagulls?

I feel like I would be happy charging 50 - 100 to follow someone around a good portion of the day making photo story and doing some posed stuff. Just enough to cover entrance fee and a couple beers.

>> No.9362315
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It feels like you want to get into this just for the "easy" cash. The politics of cosplay photography is a shitshow.

DESU I got spoiled last year by a really good photographer who underpriced herself, ($15 for thirty minutes, made sure to tip her extra) so it's hard to say. Knowing your worth is a good start. Don't be overpricing people, especially considering a lot of people don't even want to pay for a photographer.
>Should I stick to doing photos for free drinks and to talk to girls?
nigga what

>> No.9362329

>Should I stick to doing photos for free drinks and to talk to girls?

The money will be good alcohol money and you wouldn't want to talk to the girls anyway. You'd end up shooting yourself.

pun intended

>> No.9362337

i'm not looking for easy cash, but a little fun cash if its worth the effort / gear prep and risk.

>Should I stick to doing photos for free drinks and to talk to girls?
I got paid in drinks by this one couple I followed for an hour, and a beer from some guy who didn't have a photographer. It's easy to talk to cute girls or guys if i'm in work mode and they like the photos i'm doing for them, we work through the shoot and I can easily make a new friend.

What products do these photographers offer? If its just a handful of edited photos they shouldn't be charging at all.

I'm curious about the details because I saw a lot of shitty photographers making cosplayers uncomfortable in their shoots, and more than likely delivering poor products.

I understand you don't want some guy trying to make another quick buck for possibly bad photos, but can you tell me what you would expect from a photographer?

I would be fine shooting for free with fun people, accepting tips if they think my work is acceptable.

>> No.9362498

>getting into cosplay photography
Don't even bother mate. You'll be paid enough to cover your share of the room OR a decent meal.

>> No.9362516

Post some photos and we'll tell you why you're shit.

>> No.9362521
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I was at a convention this year with my first DSLR trying to practice taking cosplay photos. Asking people to relocate, pose, etc.

I also take photos for the military but I use their gear (reservist).

I wasn't really looking for cash since I'm no professional but I would really like to get into it in the future like maybe opening a free photo booth and work for tips.

>> No.9362522

Why is /cgl/ so fucking hostile towards photographers?

>> No.9362531


I like to think of photography as piracy.

You're basically stealing art.

>> No.9362540


See previous photography threads where Photogs were advising Cosplayers to be as fuckable as possible to ensure good photos she was already paying for. If you all kicked the creeps and dudes only after pussy out of your scene cosplayers wouldn't be so on guard.

>> No.9362574

I'm a cosplayer who used to be into photography when I was like 12, like all other kewl 12 year olds. I haven't shot much lately and want to start doing cosplay photography.
Do you think it would be a good idea to offer some free shoots to cosplayers to get experience?

>> No.9362604

Its basically like awards at quarters and group photos, shooting is pretty easy when you aren't below decks on a ship.

What branch are you? I'm navy just moved to DC.

I like to think of cosplay as piracy.
You're literally ripping off art (protected by copyright laws) to promote yourself.

>> No.9362769

Cosplayers hate photographers because of the wedding and portrait photographers who are there only because they see $$$ and are trying to upsell shoots to broke high school students, and because of the ones that are only in it to be Terry Richardson. Photographers hate other con photographers because of the aforementioned creeps, and other reasons like the oversaturation of inexperienced amateurs over charging for shit photos.
It could also be a little bit of salt on both ends. A cosplayer may have been ripped off by someone who talked better than they could shoot and edit, or by a snob who didn't think their cosplay was good enough to warrant wasting the oh so precious space in their card, and a good photographer who actually likes and appreciates cosplay may have gotten cucked by either someone with a t3i and the popup flash, or by a full time pro stealing all the good shoots and leaving the ones where they're not expecting to pay for an hour's time.

I also just want to put out there that charging more than like $50 for a con shoot is insane unless you managed to get an actual studio set up. Save the big bucks for actual shoots where you plan things out in advance with the client, you have a studio or location to shoot at, at least two lights, and an assistant or two.

>> No.9362793

>Americans and their obsession with paid photoshoots and nigri tier patreon cosplayers
I hate you.

>> No.9362815

bro you public affairs or combat camera or what? how much portrait knowledge you got? it's easy enough to start doing cosplay photos but you aren't going to be making much if you aren't good. you need to be doing it because you want to do it if you want anything out of it.

desu you have bigger problems if all you want to do is drink all day

>> No.9362831

This. So many times this.

When you start charging for photos, you are expected to act professionally. That means DON'T FUCKING FLIRT WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS! When people pay you for your service, don't make the situation uncomfortable. If that's too hard for you, stick to doing photography for cosplayers you think are hot for free.

>> No.9363039

Unless you're actually good, don't charge. I don't mean like "I know how not to put my thumb in front of the lens" but more like "I don't have to take thirty five identical shots in hopes that one of them will actually turn out."

If you're doing it to meet girls, kindly go fuck yourself. Every god damn con has dozens of creepy fuck photographers who think that dragging around their shitty strobist set-ups and dropping real money on fast primes is somehow the fast track to free pussy. This is doubly bad because all of them now seem to be in to "boudoir" or "pin-up" but have no actual clue how to shoot those styles, they just know it gets the girls in to their rooms and gets them down to their fancy underwear.

So, if you've got a solid portfolio, know how to work with people with no posing experience, can pose people in actually interesting poses, don't need to fondle the cosplayers to pose them, then go ahead and try to drum up some interest. Avoid the whole $x for X minutes trap because that's a trash way to charge for a shoot. Set a price per shoot per concept. Do some basic editing. Avoid the digital painting bullshit where such-and-such has fire coming out of their crotch because you found a cool After Effects filter. Avoid filters in general. Avoid actions that replicate instagram filters. Avoid tilting your camera to the side like a fucking idiot.

Act like a god damn professional. Return professional results. If you can't do that, then pay for your own fucking con you fucking poor and just take fun snapshots.

>> No.9363071

>Every god damn con has dozens of creepy fuck photographers who think that dragging around their shitty strobist set-ups and dropping real money on fast primes is somehow the fast track to free pussy
To be fair the majority of male cosplayers get into the hobby for the exact same reason

>> No.9363139

They can kindly fuck off too.

>> No.9363235

Every cultural, political and scientific achievement in the history of mankind have been about getting free pussy. Everyone from Alexander the Great to Copernicus. Without the incentive of free pussy, the human race would still be dragging our knuckles through the dirt and flinging our shit at each other.

>> No.9363360
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So much salt here, I think I will just take pictures of cute girls. My autism levels are pretty low so I can leave if anyone is showing signs of discomfort. (won't happen, i'm endearing as fuck) I'll be swimming in mentally unstable pussy and gross bottom shelf liquor. Maybe i'll be lucky enough to marry a closet seagull so I can have a life riddled with a lack of confidence and self loathing.

mfw the mad cosplayers in this thread are probably unattractive and have to pay to get anyone to take a picture of them.

>> No.9363457
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This attitude right here is why cosplayers hate cosplay photographers.

>mfw the mad cosplayers in this thread are probably unattractive and have to pay to get anyone to take a picture of them.
>unattractive people complaining about being flirted with while paying for a service

Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what it is.

>> No.9363544


Not that anon but let's be real, some guys would fuck anything. Just because you're hit on doesn't mean you're attractive.

Probably just easy.

>> No.9363566
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I've been shooting cosplay photography for several years now and I've built up a personal and rather professional looking photography portfolio.

That said, I have yet to actually do a paid shoot. It has different expectations and I'm not currently in a position where I want to be obligated for a timeframe or level of quality yet. I have had plenty of people offer me money to do a shoot, but more often than not I'll just give them some free shots.

On the other hand, I'd love some money to upgrade my camera and get a nice prime that would be better for portraits. But sometimes you work with what you've got!

ANYWAY, for what I can add to OP's questions. It should really be up to the group or commissioner to know what they want. Unless you want to offer full level service with yourself or an assistant setting poses for characters you happen to know, it can be tricky.

Not sure a lot of cosplayers would be interested in being followed around all day. That's what Snapchat and Instagram are for. You'd have better luck vying for photo shoot sessions rather than all day commitments. You'd at least probs cover your con costs. Or a nice meal.

PS: here's a picture I took at Katsucon this weekend, a friend of mine said they were on CGL.

>> No.9363695

I hope that isn't indicative of your portfolio

>> No.9363900

That is a terrible photo

>> No.9363908

You're a terrible photo

>> No.9363922

Anyone who puts hall shots in their portfolio deserves the lack of business.

>> No.9363977

This is always a slippery slope for me as a photographer and cosplayer.

I'm only amateur, so I dont charge, and I wouldnt anyways since its a nice hobby for me. I find from both sides of the coin- I get my best photos and take my best photos when I'm good friends with the subject.

I'm a west coast gull, I prefer the method of doing things out there. As a cosplayer it is nice to not have to pay through the ass for photos. And I mean its not like you dont compensate. My standard is to buy lunch/dinner for my photographer afterwords or a drink/coffee and my friends do the same when I shoot for them. The people I shoot with are my friends, we do it for the mutual benefit of our hobbies. I understand why people charge, but Id rather shoot with people I enjoy the company of, than try and make it in what is honestly an over saturated market shooting pictures of cosplays I may not even like and people who I dont know or really care about.

I also find a lot of the photographers that do charge, honestly have no business doing so. Some are good, professional, and take good photos. A lot however are just amateurs with a camera who want to make a quick buck, do not act professional and whose quality isnt worth it and way over priced.

>> No.9365522

I had a few paid photographers at Katsu, but holy shit one photographer blew me out of the water already and I'm ready to book him if he come back next year. He delivered me 105 photos from our shoot on Sunday already for me to choose my five edits. Still going over them.

>> No.9365823


No, I would not publish hall shots to my portfolio. I just heard that there was a Felix cosplayer who used 4chan and opted to post it here.

Fuck hall lighting, for starters.

>> No.9365827


I only posted it here because I heard there was a felix cosplayer at katsu form /cgl/.

You can never win with hall lighting.

>> No.9366713 [DELETED] 

The framing isn't horrible, you just have to be aware of sharpness and shadows, fixing color temperature might help too, it's a tad on the warm side. It's a very unflattering photo due to those factors. I started off doing the same thing, the best solution is just to find a spot with fewer distractions in the background, find a wall or open space behind the cosplayer. Most professionals will never touch dealers rooms because the lighting and crowds. Yes it is easy to find plenty of cosplayers in there, but for the most part none of them would be willing to spend more than a minute with you, they just want to buy crap.

I've been shooting cons for a little over two years, I think I'm just starting to get good enough to charge. However thanks to the overwhelming shitposting from /cgl/ I figure I'm better off just running around shooting people for free just to spite this salty ass fucker photogs and undercut them.

>> No.9366719

If you make a name for yourself at local cons by taking good pictures/vids without charging, then you can start thinking about the money.

Going in trying to charge that much with no reputation and little experience in cosplay/con photography is retarded. Why should anyone trust you to be competent?

Besides which, are you going to actually know the material? My favourite tog is a humble normal dude who has never mentioned charging, and he always get the best photos because we like the same games/anime so he always knows what kind of look and pose will really fit the character.

>> No.9366863

>My favourite tog is a humble normal dude who has never mentioned charging

>My favourite tog is a dude who I take advantage of and don't pay what he's worth


>> No.9367123



>> No.9367130


If you charge 50 - 100 at a convention, you are going to

A. Be laughed at.

B. Be taking advantage of idiots willing to pay FAR too much. And then be ostracized.

I am a fulltime professional photographer and I attend and photograph at conventions, often booking many private shoots. I would never charge that much towards cosplayers unless they were paying for a some in-depth, quality post-production work.

>> No.9367411

I'm with you brother.
>ask for photo
>people still find a reason to complain about me

>> No.9367419

Cosplay photography has nothing to do with actual skill and talent at photography. If it did, the top tier of photographers would be completely different.

How you get ahead in cosplay photography is networking. You become a part of the in-crowd, make it known you're a part of the in-crowd, and actively create demand for your services by systematically excluding those not in the in-crowd. Taking pictures is a distant second.

So start kissing up to popular cosplayers now.

>> No.9367423

So what you're saying is that you admit to putting out subpar quality work?

>> No.9367428

A. Everyone charges 50-100 on the east coast. Katsucon's average was like 50 bucks.

B. Nobody's getting ostracized by price. Maybe you don't understand how luxury marketing and pricing works.

C. Being a "fulltime professional photographer" is not any guarantee of skill.

>> No.9367433

How sad for you that you don't know what it is to have real friends and help each other out.

>> No.9367435

He just wants to fuck you, anon. Make it clear that you have no interest of ever fucking him and watch him disappear into the ether.

>> No.9367471


They ended up on a casting couch at some point.

>> No.9367519


A. Rarely see god east coast photos.

B. Sure. If you say so.

C. What other photographer qualifications do you need? Quality of work in your opinion?

>> No.9367610

Pretty much! I see tons of good cosplay photographers on Instagram with followers barely breaking 3k, while tons of shitty ones have 5-11k or more. I've seen shitty photographers even keep reposting their best or most popular shots and boudoir to keep the corndogs following.

You must do shit work if you can't make some money charging for shoots at a con despite your "full time" status.

This year it seemed like $75 was the standard, and out of that $75 fee, most photographers were far, but a few people definitely undercharged for what they were offering.

>> No.9367772

This might be hard for you to understand having clearly had the r9k sinkpisser mindset for so long, but for a genuine fan, getting to take pictures of someone cosplaying the characters you like well is more interesting than getting your dick wet.

>> No.9367803
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>My autism levels are pretty low
>Autism levels off the charts in this post alone

>> No.9367833

So you don't want to tell him you have no intention of ever fucking him because you're afraid I'm right and you don't want to miss out on the free photos after he tells you to fuck off?

>> No.9367862

I find it extremely hard to believe you typed this with a straight face.

>> No.9368103

>I'm a professional photographer but I'm scared of having modest prices because broke teenagers might laugh at me. Also my skills are so poor that paying me even $50 is a ripoff.

>> No.9368196


Haha, I could charge a lot more at cons if I wanted to but I know how much money and time cosplayers put into their work. I do shoots in non-convention time and charge normal rates. Since you are here, I'm confident that the quality of my work is definitely better than yours, or your expectations.

>> No.9368231

Sure, man. Whatever you say.
>I could charge a lot more at cons if I wanted to but I know how much money and time cosplayers put into their work.

>I could charge a lot more at weddings if I wanted to but I know how much money and time the bride and groom put into their wedding

>> No.9368260

LOL. Great translations.

Post something, great photographer. :)

>> No.9368272
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>> No.9368316

Family, I ask you for some good photography, and you post a fucking cooch shot?

You think I'm so weak minded that I'll be distracted by a Panty shot and overlook flaws?

You right as fuck. DAMN, that pussy fat tho. I hope you hit that.

>> No.9368342

So does anyone else have fun pretending to be another poster or is it just me? It really fucks up conversations when you interject as a third party

>> No.9368357

>Cosplay photographers who only take pictures of skimpy outfits.
Instant sign of a shit photographer.

>> No.9368369

Nah. Some of the greatest photographers in the world shoot lingerie and nudes.

If you're not attractive enough to get a photographer's attention, then it is what it is. But don't try and shame guys who like taking pics of the female body. Just hit the gym.

>> No.9368389


I appreciate the derailment. Nice choice in photo

>> No.9368416

To be honest, taking shots of attractive cosplayers in skimpy outfits requires a certain amount of confidence. A cosplay photographer who doesn't do a lot of skimpy shoots means they're not confident enough in their abilities to ask cosplayers for these kinds of shoots meaning there's a good chance they kinda suck. On the flip side some autistic guys will shamelessly do the whole boudoir shit even if their actually skills are shit because they're too autistic/confident to give a fuck.

>> No.9368693


>I'm not cute enough for skimpy outfits.

3/4ths of all cosplay requires a nice body to begin with if you haven't noticed.

>> No.9368699

Cosplay photography isn't about photography/modeling.... It's about dating and sex

It's like the social reject version of tinder

>> No.9368710

>I shoot full time for the military

How did you get a gig like that?

>> No.9368733
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>> No.9368761


Sign up for it at the recruiters office

>> No.9368776


Yes, 3/4ths of cosplays REQUIRE a nice body, but the amount of cosplayers that FULFILL that requirement is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY less than 3/4.

It's like the girls who post lineups of all waifus, and then when you go to their profile picture, they look like a pat of semi-melted butter.

>> No.9368891

the military has jobs for everything. forklift driver? check. guy who does photoshop? check. guy who washes clothes? check.

>> No.9368919
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>they look like a pat of semi-melted butter.

>> No.9368936

I don't do cosplay stuff much anymore because it is largely a huge waste of time for mediocre pics.

You have basically two options-

Show up to the con and do a mad dash trying to find all the best cosplayers and carefully ask them shoot with you and drag them to a small corner or something relatively close by to get a quick shot. They won't respect you, probably be afraid of you/annoyed with you, but it can go well. It helps if you have a female assistant.
The problem is your shoots won't have much room for creativity.

The other way is to do pre-booked appointments. This can work if you are very careful with who you book ... but if you open yourself up to public bookings you are going to be doing a lot of work for little money and it will be photographs you don't really care to take. The strength here is that you can actually try to be creative and do something good.

Basically, you want to hit a sweet spot where you can get your fav cosplayers to spend their time with you and also have relatively good and also great people coming to you with requests so you can charge money.

If you approach a cosplayer to shoot, they shouldn't pay you... but if they come to you charging may be appropriate.

This year at cons I am just going to be messaging some cosplayers I like and trying to 'book them' for shoots that I will do for free because I actually want to take some good cosplay pix.

If I want to make 50$ off of a dumb shoot I'll shoot a normie. It's a lot easier and doesn't suck up your fun 'vacation time' that a con provides. Like why waste your fun time shooting a 4/10 overweight girl for 30$ No thanks.

>> No.9368949

This poster ain't wrong. The best way is just to shoot on non-con days. It makes it more implied to compensate everyone fairly as it's not a 'special event'

Most of the best cosplay photography isn't shot at cons anyway.

>> No.9368957

wow if you're going to make a zinger comparison make sure it's actually relevant haha what a fail

>> No.9368980

>I am just going to be messaging some cosplayers I like and trying to 'book them' for shoots that I will do for free because I actually want to take some good cosplay pix.
I didn't know this was such a revolutionary concept. People post their lineups all the time so you can pick and choose.

>> No.9368997

It's not revolutionary, but in order to do this you have to spend a lot of time on social media to even know who they are and probably have already done some of the 'mad dash' method @ previous events to even have a portfolio or know how to find the good light to shoot good pics at a con at all.

>> No.9369015

I spent a couple hours at work and facebook messaged a bunch of people based on who they were cosplaying and filled up way more than I should have. Getting a few shots at any other con is easy. You're making the whole thing sound way harder than it actually is.

>> No.9369056

I normally charge around $50 for a aprox 30 minute shoot at a con. As I say all the time, cosplay and photography are a symbiotic relationship. If done right you can create some unique and fun stuff, even with people you don't know.
I can easily overbook myself if I'm not careful, which means less time for fun with friends and personal shoots. But I can make a significant chunk of change at a convention with just those shoots, but is that why you go to a con?

I've been doing this for many, many years now. One thing I'm now adamant about is having the people pay BEFORE the convention. It forced them to obligate their time to the shoot that you planned, especially if you have a busy shoot schedule with not much time in-between.
Allow for some time in between shoots because cosplayers have wardrobe malfunctions, last minute fixes, travel time while being over encumbered, and being stopped in the halls on the way to the meeting location.

If they are paying you, you better be prompt with your post-production work and delivery of images. If it's for free, they can wait until you get to it.

Do your research on the character you are photographing before hand, if not, ask all the questions on the way to the appropriate shooting location.

As other posters in this thread has said, keep your shoot fees low unless you have exceptional quality or something special to offer.

Don't plan on doing cosplay photography at a con and making a profit. You're going to be putting more work in than it's worth if that's the case. However, for networking and exposure and advancement in skills and in the field, it's really great.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

>> No.9369059

honestly, you just sound like a beginner. there's nothing wrong with that but feel free to prove me wrong with some of your portfolio.

>> No.9369067

I agree. I'd love to see some of these photographer's work.

>> No.9369076

it's worth it if you have no job. one guy I know does con shooting as a way to fund himself so he shoots to the point you might not see him the whole weekend.

>> No.9369080

It's possible to do, but there are only so many cons a year. But then again, if you have no job, collecting cans is a way to fund yourself as well.

>> No.9369100

he made a couple thousand at katsu so i think it turned out okay. i mean he still has to do post on the stuff but 2k is 2k

>> No.9369214

>Do your research on the character you are photographing before hand

I wish most photographers did that.
I hate seeing a character in some generic sexy modeling pose when that character will probably never do such a thing.
i think i cringe more at cosplay photos with characters not being like their characters rather than it being post-processed to hell.

>> No.9370226


I think that if the photographer doesn't have time to research (there is only so much you can learn about a character without being familiar with the series) then they should do a thorough series of questions before the shoot.

This applies to most photography though too. You don't want to photograph a social worker in a manner that makes them look entrusting, dominant, and menacing, for example.

>> No.9370341

Question from rusland here.
Been doing photography for quite a while now, got some nice stuff, decent Move broncolor lighting. Trying to get into cosplay shooting mainly out of interest and possible fun from working on the sets.
So anyway, how would one go and "advert" oneself and your possibilities to them? I highly doubt that I can take a para and a move to a con due to security, lack of space in most soviet buildings, where cons are held, and that you can will be asked to gtfo with such gear because you didn't send a request shortly before the birth of Jesus Christ. Setting stuff outside might be a good idea, since generators are battery powered.
Or should I ditch the light and just work out with local crap light there is? But meh...

>> No.9370360

info on photog pls

>> No.9370372

I've done cosplay photography for a couple years as a hobby, usually only with friends, and I've definitely improved a lot in the time I've been doing it. I don't really care about making money from it, I already have a great job; photography is for fun, and it makes me incredibly happy when I get a good shot of someone. But I can't really sink the kind of money into it that a professional would, so I'm working with less than impressive equipment.

For that reason, I'm always nervous to approach cosplayers at conventions I don't know and ask if I can take pictures of them, but I'm also a little antsy about doing private shoots outside of cons because finding a location has proven kind of hard. I don't even know which advice to ask for at this point...

>> No.9370376

Don't do it unless it's out of the goodness of your heart.

I take solidly average photos of my friends and sometimes friends-of-friends, and I can tell you for a fact that they don't appreciate how the work that goes into post-processing adds up.

>> No.9370452

It's a photog self-post, my nig.

>> No.9370498

sounds like you're going to need a crew. 1 to assist you and the rest to make sure you don't get jumped for your strobes. you can do natural light if the light is cooperating. all you need is to get some starter photos - which you might already have since you've been doing non cosplay stuff already - and ask some cosplayers if they'd like to do some shoots outside of a con where you can control the schedule and place.

just ask people. non photographers have really low photo standards so photos a photographer might pan will be perfectly acceptable to them.

>> No.9370559

Yeah, assistan is mandatory in such cases, just that the stuff is rather bulky and it pisses security and staff off.

I kinda think that I should pick a few themes to look over (to have idea what the characters and universe should look and act like) and then send messages to cosplayers on socials about shooting.

>> No.9370840

Probably bait but you do know Alexander the Great was gay?

>> No.9370869

He was not. At the very most he was bisexual, but definitely not purely gay.

>> No.9371153

Photog self-post usually ID the photographer

>> No.9371448


It's very likely he had sex with both men and women. This was not unusual for his time period and culture at all. Many if not most men from Ancient Greece up through the Roman Empire engaged in de-facto bisexuality, so if Alexander did indeed engage in this behavior no one would have found it odd.

>> No.9372647

I am a cosplay photographer from Germany. I never heard that someone got paid on a con.
What i would like to know how different do Shootings works on a con here and in the US? If you are good and work for free will the cosplayer demand more time? Do they ask for a Card before you can take Pictures of them? Is it more Business like in the USA?

>> No.9372684

It's the same anywhere else really. Photographers range from free to booking paid sessions. There's different models of the business to work with. Some do booked shoots ahead of time for blocks of time of 10 minutes to an hour. Others book by a set number of poses. Some charge extra for using lights vs natural light. Some charge extra for photoshopping. Some just take photos and give out cards and then charge people afterwards to get copies of the photo.

Always good to have a business card on you though, as that's at least the norm now for many cosplayers and photographers.

>> No.9373325


Why germany and russia? I feel like these are fake inquiries

>> No.9373335
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What makes you feel so, brah?

>> No.9373539

80% of male cosplay photographers I know are extreme divas who are only into it for the money and to score with girls. They're always the sleaziest type of guys who only shoot cute girls and then start harassing the fuck out of them to get laid or a girlfriend. Their skills are usually shit compared to their ego too. That's why I only shoot with female photographers who cosplay themselves as well.

>> No.9373881

Here is the German again. Why so suspicious? I am just curious. When I read about Cosplay Photography in the US on 4 Chan I get the feeling it`s more business and less fun.

>> No.9373930

Only for the cosfamous and those pushing their Patreons. The majority are still in it for fun.

>> No.9373951

Just don't be that "cosplay photographer" who is just in it because you think it will get you pussy.

Those guys are always super creepy.

>> No.9373983
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Me and my friend went to a con last year, we just sat outside where all the cosplayers were gathering, drinking from a flask, while he was taking snapshots of legs, tits, and panty shots with some 400mm lens, the jojo panel was nice though

>> No.9374222

Literally no one cares.

I'm very certain no male photographers are breaking down your door begging you for a shoot. Please continue giving your flabby body to bad female photographers who don't know anything in order to score more "real cosplay" points that no one gives a shit about.

Tl;dr: stfu fatty.

>> No.9374363


desu, there aren't that many good female cosplay photographers. Maybe the drive that you mention the male photogs have for hoping to get pussy helps them be better at the skill and try harder?

>> No.9374651

>assblasted sleazy male photographer spotted

>> No.9375720

anna fisher, soriaio-days, bunny tan, lexa one, alexendra lee studios plenty

>> No.9375737

If you're just taking random hall snaps, where do you post them so cosplayers can find themselves? Flickr, instagram, facebook?

>> No.9375849

>Anna Fischer
Overrated, and literally anyone with eyes can see that. Also a legit lesbian; more fitting of the "creep with camera" than most dudes in the scene.

Another "blow out the whole image and they won't be able to tell I don't know what I'm doing" photographer

From the first few images on her site, it looks like she knows her shit.

>Lexa One
Really inconsistent; a lot of her shots are blown out to shit, and others are good.

>Alexandra Lee Studios
SUPER inconsistent, and those photos from the waterfront at Katsu are laughable

If these are the best of the female photographers, then 1 out of 5 isn't the best average.

>> No.9376127

Done photoshoots and cons and only charge if they want to use my photos for prints or their patreon page. There has to be benefits for both the cosplayer and the photographer.

>> No.9376181
File: 72 KB, 822x960, Loki Cosplayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I count myself among the other 20 percent. I do it for the love of the characters. I'm probably also one of the few who actively takes pics of male cosplayers.

>> No.9376345

Flickr, Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook

Hashtags are your friends now, so use well

>> No.9377437

>Alexandra Lee Studios
the care bear armor group photos were so cringe.

>> No.9377467

Samples please?

>> No.9377729

Cosplay photographers that don't charge are a dime a dozen nowadays, but as expected, the quality they produce are pretty basic or just awful. With that said, a lot of those "I dont charge" and "I have been doing this for years" photographers often suffer from the delusion that they are professionals. I have seen some who talk about their "job" as a Cosplay photographer and they usually have mediocre portfolios. It's pretty cringeworthy and funny to see how they insist on these labels.

>> No.9377831

It's funny because I never see the free to shoot ones calling themselves professional, though I have seen others compare themselves to the semi-professional/professional ones that charge or the semi-prof/prof. ones compare themselves to the comic/movie industry photographers who get their shit used for promos.

I see a lot of professional/semi-professional photographers who should probably go to school before thy even charge for shoots or at least learn more on Youtube, instead of scamming coslayers out of their money with shitty and basic shots, slapped with an Instagram filter over it.

>> No.9377972

How do I become a cosplay model lol

>> No.9377990


>have good skin
>know how to use makeup
>have abs if you are male / tits and a flat stomach if you are female
>befriend good photogs
>spam fanservice
>acquaint yourself with cos famous people in your area
>move on to bigger fish

>> No.9378357


You're using the wrong language.

>Cosplay new hype shit
>Meet cosfriends with new hype shit
>Use cosfriends to meet photogs
>Use photogs for as many photoshoots
>Move up the photog food chain
>Act like you aren't trying

Remember to maintain the disposables by reminding them that you're still friends with the occasional selfie.

>> No.9378396


>Remember to maintain the disposables by reminding them that you're still friends with the occasional selfie.

holy fuck, truth bomb.
Icing on the cake is when they don't even share said selfie, but ones with other people at the same time are. lol

>> No.9378461

YO, this is 10000000000000% truth.

I got used quite a few times. I don't let them do it anymore though.

>> No.9378574

Was it AFO?

>> No.9378665

tfw you don't even get the occasional selfie

>> No.9378752

This, but sadly the cancer is spreading.

>> No.9378837

Shiiit, all of them? Fine I guess. I hate social media.

>> No.9379065

How to scout for photoshoot areas?

>> No.9379192

Long time lurker, first time poster. Any advice i can get is good. Ive been shooting for a few years now. I dont charge as i feel my photos aren't up to scratch. I mostly do cons and a

Mainly made a page so cosplayers can find their photos easier.

Need to find out what areas i need to work on to get better.

Tl;dr rate me b.k photography

>> No.9379325

>b.k photography

Is there a bunch of nature photos on your page?
If so, I don't see any cosplay photos.

>> No.9379333

I found it, but there are like 4 BK Photography so it wasn't very easy to find, really.

I'd say if you aren't charging, you have some good photos that people will enjoy.

From what I viewed, my quick constructive criticism would be to not tilt your camera so much for those dutch angles. It screams amateur if you do it all the time, especially. (after viewing more) - STOP TILTING YOUR CAMERA SO MUCH. You do it way way too much.

Try and fill the frame a bit more with the subject if there is pointless empty space and don't fill the frame and then cut off their toes/ankle/legs/ etc.

Keep it up, you have some nice shots in there.

>> No.9380082

Thanks. Yea it just seems natural to tilt a little bit gotta get out of the bad habbit.

>> No.9380112


Tell me more about Anna Fischer's lesbian exploits. I need to know for... reasons.

>> No.9380124

I heard she was asexual?

>> No.9380129
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Sorry to disappoint the drama factory, but I'm pretty sure Anna Fischer's been dating the same guy since they met in collage.

>> No.9380151

are all women this fucking stupid?

>> No.9380682


gr8 b8 m8

>> No.9380870

google maps, yelp

>> No.9381920


fug off anna.