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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9365449 No.9365449 [Reply] [Original]

So this happen! Oh my the shit you find out about cons. Some dumb ass neckbeard wants a baby I guess?? 10$ and I bet someone come out that was under age of consent. Some grade "A" derp with this lot.

>> No.9365450
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>> No.9365451

>CPAC stole the gazebo
>shit, vomit, spray paint, and gummi bears
>reeeee sluts reeeee
>too crowded, fucking ghosters
>great weather

Did I sum up the previous threads accurately?

>> No.9365453

I want the deets on this because idk if it's true or not. Sounds kind of fake but, then again, this is an orgy at a con

>> No.9365454

Sounds about right

>> No.9365456

OP posting.
From what I have heard in the rumor mill "floor 14" weeb orgy happen. I just was kinda curious if 4chan knew any good gossip. Because I can't find this "Tumblr" or any other info. And if it is BS. Still funny for lulz.

>> No.9365477

So I get that orgies happen at every con but I literally can't imagine a nerd orgy without wanting to vomit.
>cystic acne popping on each other in the heat of the moment.
>the noises of fat hairy bellies slapping against each other
>the stink of old unshowered sweat mixing with the new deodorant-less sweat
>the passionate wheezing and gurgles of asthmatics

I just fucking cant

>> No.9365480

Cystic acne doesn't pop, it's too far under the skin.

>> No.9365491

Lol, education via 4chan

>> No.9365494

You forgot the only average girl there being gang fucked by globs of fat.

>> No.9366310

1.) true story?
2.) if yes, has anyone filmed that?

>> No.9366328

Erugh disgusting goes to show all con folks are sluts

>> No.9366352

There was that Craigslist thing for a Yuri on Ice orgy for Magfest but that's the only pseudo proof of a con orgy I've ever seen.

>> No.9366358

>I literally can't imagine a nerd orgy
You gave a pretty vivid description there, almost too detailed.

>> No.9366361

sometimes people make stuff up ;)

>> No.9366370

>without wanting to vomit

>> No.9366379
File: 37 KB, 191x226, 1482722861597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Craigslist thing for a Yuri on Ice orgy for Magfest

>> No.9366411


Con sluts BTFO.

And yes, orgies do happen at cons. I've been to several at Acen over the years.

>> No.9366423

but why

>> No.9366428


Young, stupid, horny. I carry it like a stone in my heart honestly.

>> No.9366431

Can confirm this happened.

I am the guy who poked holes in the condoms.

Good luck catching me.

>> No.9366433

Just you wait buddy
I'm going to be poking holes in your anus with my dick

>> No.9366436

Who cares? You wouldn't be the first. How the fuck do you think I got HIV in the first place?

>> No.9366557

Going back to the ghosting argument I'm sorry but a con shouldnt get paid simply for the virtue of being a con. The con needs to provide a service to justify its price. If it fails to do that then I can't personally condemn ghosting all that much.

If you hopped on the bus early and booked a katsu room and knew you were going in 2017 yeah pay the $50. But if you decided a little late I cant justify the $70 door price. Ota has a $80-$90 reg but for that you get

>Relevant western guests and eastern guests
>A baller game room
>A dance that doesnt feel like it was put together by high schoolers
>A dealers room twice the size of katsu's with an actually variety of products
>Ditto for the artist alley
>panels screened for some level of quality
>multiple concerts from local and international bands

And I could go on but my point is you get something for your money at Otakon. I can't say the same for Katsu. I wish I could but Ican't. And I get the argument for supporting the con. I get they still have to rent the space. I get it. That said paying $70 for bearly any services and conversing with other attendees does absolutely nothing for me except put a hole in my wallet. I also wouldnt cry too much for heightened security least you want youma style wrist bands that will show up in every picture or colossalcon style check points which both suck and just causes congestion. Badge pick up issues are caused my poor planing and minimal staff. Something katsu has down in spades. Also the idea there were 10k ghosts makes me laugh. Thats like Trumps 2 million illegals that voted against him. My point is Katsu should step their game up if they want to convince more people to buy badges. That or charge more reasonable prices.

>> No.9366568

Katsu can lower their prices and people still wouldn't pay, then they'll bitch when Katsu can't afford to rent the Gaylord. Point is Katsu isn't crowded based on the numbers of badge holders they have purchasing badges, so no one has a right to complain about overcrowding if they didn't buy a badge.

>> No.9366590

>tfw you've only found a few pics of your cosplay, but every other pic is of the same bikini wearing chick with a huge sword and painted on abs

Anyone find any albums that aren't completely filled with Jnig wannabes?

>> No.9366602

Katsucon provides a great service called "renting the Gaylord."

For someone who goes to cons to shoot and be shot (I haven't been to a panel or game room in years, and never buy anything from the dealer's room or AA other than wigs that wouldn't arrive in time for the con) that's more valuable to me than what Otakon provides.

>> No.9366624

It is true

>> No.9366641

You missed all the /pol/ bits.

>> No.9366649

You mad, girl?

>> No.9366650

Ah the ' don't bitch if you don't vote' argument. Although I agree, katsu is crowded like every other con now a days simply because our hobby isn't that niche anymore thanks to the internet. People buying badges won't change the crowding use unless that money translated into oh idk paid staff to do actually traffic control.

I dont know how much they pay to rent the gaylord but they are conservatively making 500k. You should see something beyond the venue for that money. Also if all you care about is the venue might I suggest magfest? The only difference is the crowd and the million more things to do.

>> No.9366680

Oh wow, you can't even trust your friends

>> No.9366693

Try again

>> No.9366698

I thought con orgies were a meme.

>> No.9366748

If that is all you go to a con for, you are wasting your money. They are plenty of better places to shoot which cost significantly less than going to Katsucon.

>> No.9366755

At least at MAGfest they were just a meme.

>> No.9366756

That's pretty much the point. Without knowing exact numbers, they can only guess at the numbers of ghosts and try to keep the event moving at a fast pace. If they had exact numbers, then they might try to expand, or even like you said hire people to help control the flow of traffic. Maybe more regulated areas for badge holders like the gazebo area. I saw so many photographers there this year shooting people, charging them, and many of them didn't bother to buy a badge. Fuck those freeloaders.

>> No.9366771

Didn't they try this one year and people flipped their shit? Or am I confusing that with the year the Jewish Youth convention had rented that floor? I feel like that would be a good idea but I'm sure people would lose their minds.
Or they could introduce a cap. And people would REALLY lose their minds.
Also they shouldn't have group photo shoots in the gazebo/on the top floor at all. It blocks all traffic and uses the gazebo for hours in which better cosplayers could be taking pictures which suit their theme better (looking at you, Attack on Titan group)

Maybe I'm in the minority but I didn't think this year was as ungodly awful as other years, and mostly because it was so nice on Saturday and Sunday that people moved their shoots outside. There were times where it was actually relatively calm. Granted, those times were few and far between, but they were still there.

>> No.9366793

Unless your cosplay involved armor or was very elaborate, probably not

>> No.9366794

Orgies do happen at cons. I walked in on one at another Katsucon. I'm a conservative person, so it wasn't a pleasant moment for me.

As for the description...it was eerily quiet. The lights were out, and there appeared to be more fondling and groping than actual sex. There were about 30 people in the suite. That's what I witnessed in the two seconds or so before I fled back to my room to sanitize in the shower.

>> No.9366809

So how do you even find these things? Knowing the kind of people who attend cons I wouldn't want to actually participate, but it'd be funny to fuck with them.

>> No.9366844

I feel you; I can't even find decent shots of the Friday Pokemon photo shoot at the fountains! They're all blurry or garbage so far. Like, there were atleast 2 dozen cameras there, where the fuck are all the closer shots?

>> No.9366852
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Not gonna lie, I kinda like the idea of that if it was just my con group. Random strangers and their unidentified diseases can stay tf out, but I have a lot of hot con friends. Sure would like to get up in the boobarmour girl's titties

>> No.9366856

I heard security broke it up before anything really happened

>> No.9366870

I feel like con orgies only work if in those once in a life time situations where the hot, single girl goes to the orgy but at that point all the dudebros would be using her to fufill their hentai dreams desu

>> No.9366882

>having to fantasise about onetime encounters with hot single girls
>not having hot single friends

>> No.9366886

>but I have a lot of hot con friends. Sure would like to get up in the boobarmour girl's titties
I am maybe the last person, who knows anything about orgies, but an orgy with your best friends?, I doubt that's a good thing...

so, has anyone filmed that then?

>> No.9366891

Eh, everyone in the group is very casual about sex, I don't think it'd be a big deal, just one of those crazy things we did one time. We've openly talked about wanting to fuck each other in a jokey way.

>> No.9366894

ok, well sounds like, it could work, but I still doubt, it's a great idea
also, what's the men/women ratio?

>> No.9366897

Roughly even, possibly a few more women than men. It's very much a girls' party group with men as honorary members.

>> No.9366902

that could work then, as long everyone is only making out with one person...
also, how many people are you in total, and are you meeting each other outside cons too?

>> No.9366908

ITT: the 15 do's and 150 don'ts of planning a successful orgy

>> No.9366913

Did they ever figure out who was the lava lamp girl?

>> No.9366916
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Do go on.

>> No.9366917

Apparently there's a video

>> No.9366919


>> No.9366923

Friend showed me it on her phone. Can't believe she could take the thing.

>> No.9366924

I guess the core group is about ten to twelve people, and we hang out a few times a month.

>> No.9366926

A girl shoved a lava lamp up her ass and someone posted about it wondering who she was.

>> No.9366927

ok but you should all keep in my mind, that the orgy is going to be awkward, and it could destroy your friendship

>> No.9366931

Is it true that it was on facebook and got taken down or something?

>> No.9366934

Or your could stop educating someone on their own relationships that you dont know shit about

>> No.9366946

and you do not have this video in a drop box the hell is wrong with you.

>> No.9366951

pls tell stories anon

>> No.9366954

Because "Wow that's really something, hey can you send me that video?" doesn't sound weird at all.

>> No.9366960

You are at a con where adults play dress up and people shove lava lamps up their ass while furries yiff next door, how much weirder can it get?

>> No.9366969

This desu

>> No.9366970

Rainfurrest weird. $10 says next year someone finds a diaper.

>> No.9366985

>passionate wheezing
my fucking sides, jesus

>> No.9367064

What made it even weirder was that someone in one of my classes did her assigned speech on "one of your interests" on cosplay, and made a passing reference to "that poor lava lamp."

>> No.9367065

I mean it varies from con to con but the majority I mean like 90% of attended buy badges. Tops 10% normally less ghost. Although I'm not about wristbands I am about well staffed cons. The problem is and always has been cons are 'volunteer' events that people work for the love of it. Which is great and all until you get to that 10k-15k range. Then you really do need more people and the best way to get people is to pay them a little. Then they might actually care about their jobs. Unlike Katsu staff I've noticed.

I was at the OW shoot and this staff member would zealously block people from getting by the fountain including myself even though i was acting as a handler, but would blankly stair at people clearly breaking the rules by getting into the stream to shoot pictures. Like what the fuck dude.
I wasn't there for the jews I couldn't say.
I totally agree gatherings shouldn't happens at the gazebo. Most aren't small and it just caused traffic jams as you have a group that won't move fore 45 minutes then another group ganging up to take their place. It's a mess.

>> No.9367135

Someone on my friend's list posted a screenshot of the post so, yes, confirmed

>> No.9367143

Well you gonna pony up that screen shot or nah

>> No.9367153
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>> No.9367239

better res, we can't see shit!

>> No.9367242

this image tells me nothing

>> No.9367269

My dudes just watch hotkinkyjo vids if you want to see a woman annihilating her ass.

>> No.9367290

>Then you really do need more people and the best way to get people is to pay them a little. Then they might actually care about their jobs. Unlike Katsu staff I've noticed.

Does any con really pay their staff? Even Comic Con is mostly ran on volunteers

>> No.9367303

we know how to find porn, this is 4chan, isnt it? the point is we want to see a piece of current events as it pertains to katsucon.

>> No.9367466

They dont but they should. The current model is all volunteer based which is clearly getting strained now

>> No.9367502

Volunteers never get paid. Staff sometimes get paid. The con I staff for sometimes pays under the table if you're actually good at your job. However, the general model is volunteer work but all food/hotel/expenses are covered for your trouble. That's because a LOT of conventions are non-profit and its a tax mess.

>> No.9367543

That's all there is, senpai. Do some research yourself if you're that pressed for it.

>> No.9367596

I heard the Saturday meet up was a literal /pol/ meet.

>> No.9367611

New York Comic Con got rid of volunteers ages ago. They pay them now, just to avoid any work issues that can pop up from overworking volunteers and shit.

>> No.9367612

I hope it was Lisa Lou Who, and it broke in her ass

>> No.9367615

(Op). Lava lamp girl is real! I only heard a rumor! Hahaha

>> No.9367692

Vid? Yes plz k thx

>> No.9367698

ok, sorry

>> No.9367884

Idk about con orgies but in normie orgies, it is typically run like a matriarchy. The women call the shots and the men just feel grateful to be included

>> No.9367888
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>tfw you show up to the seagull meet and it's a big MAGA hat wearing circle jerk >>9367596

>> No.9367903

It's joke.

>> No.9367908

I'm not joking, if I saw that I'd throw a couple malatovs in the middle and fucking bail

>> No.9367924


>> No.9367986
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>can't even spell Molotov

Underage b&

>> No.9368105


>> No.9368106

Guys, can we please not demonize this mystery shitter? Shitting your pants is one of the most traumatic and humiliating experiences you can ever have in your life. The guy probably accidentally shit his sheets and was so embarrassed that he didn't want house cleaning to see his shit sheets that he got rid of the evidence by dumping it in the middle of the hotel so it can't be traced back to him. I don't think he meant to be a troll or vandalize hotel property. He's just a normal guy who accidentally shit his pants. So please let's not make fun of him anymore.

>> No.9368108


>> No.9368111

Is this really the story or are you just assuming?

>> No.9368112

It was a meme for the most part, minus two of them. Should have said something, I'm sure people would have shut up.

>> No.9368116
File: 2.86 MB, 2448x3288, lowest effort shitpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone from the Katsu meetup going to the Otacon meetup? I had a lot of fun with you guys~

>> No.9368120

I'll probably be going, the next con I'm planning on going to is Tekko.

>> No.9368139
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>> No.9368141

>Tfw no one brought up the shitter until now

>> No.9368182


>> No.9368184

I thought I was just drunk and didn't catch the conversation was scrolling up and down like WHERE?

>> No.9368197
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Found the mystery shitter.

>> No.9368293

It's like you aren't even aware that the Molotov cocktail got its name from the Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov during the Winter war, where Finnish forces used them to fight off communist tanks.

>> No.9368304
File: 251 KB, 463x419, ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

I swear I always miss it when funny shit like this gets photographed. This must have been on saturday, I was asleep for like a good hour that day after walking on the con floor. I didn't go back till like 8pm with my buds.

>> No.9368393 [DELETED] 

Estimates for illegals voting range from 30k to 5.4 million with the reasonable estimate being 1.5 million

>> No.9368397


>> No.9368399

>do some research
> a fb post with only first names

>> No.9368417 [DELETED] 

Anon are you... a leftist? :^)

>> No.9368419

Oh shut the fuck up Donnie we know it's you

>> No.9368439

It was Saturday, but the meetup was later at night. Come to Ota, I'm sure some shit will happen.

>> No.9368456

I can google too.

>> No.9368480

14+ people!

>> No.9368492

Yeah not like the halls don't have cameras

>> No.9368498

Just ask around and be yourself.

>> No.9368617

>being this retarded
It'll be okay, Daddy Donald won't know if you turn off Fox News.
Not yet anyway.

>> No.9368629 [DELETED] 

not to derail but...
>illegal aliens are sneaky and what to avoid detection from law enforcement
>illegal aliens willfully go and participate in an election where you need a drivers license or proof of residence.
>1.5 million do this. None of them are caught

ok friend.

>> No.9368640 [DELETED] 

>illegal aliens willfully go and participate in an election where you need a drivers license or proof of residence.
Haven't you heard? Requiring voters to present a valid ID to vote is raciss you bigot!

>> No.9368647

For people that so badly want to see a girl shoving a lava lamp up her ass, you guys are lazy as hell.

>> No.9368652
File: 388 KB, 876x899, 1478450534061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftist wants free shit and refuses to pay for a public service
wew lad

>> No.9368659

The Overwatch shoot was a real traffic snarl as a person who wanted to stand in a stationary location and take photographs of it. I kept getting pushed by the staff on hand (which, coming from running Marvel and assisting some Homestuck, I guess it was about time they had staffers helping) to awkward locations and I sort of circled the area without finding a good spot to take a couple pics from.

The staffers were kinda pushy and brittle about it, too. I donno.

>> No.9368749

>Sounds kind of fake but, then again, this is an orgy at a con
You repeat yourself.

>> No.9368756

Cuddle piles aren't orgies.

>> No.9368759

Divulge us with your awesome powers then.

>> No.9368764 [DELETED] 

I didn't have an ID and I was able to vote. I walked into the pooling place with my voter card and social security, and the person at the desk just said something like "We don't need that, here's your ballots".
It's probably harder for a teenager to buy beer if every poling place was like mine.

>> No.9368775 [DELETED] 

>so embarrassed that he didn't want house cleaning to see his shit sheets
>he got rid of the evidence by dumping it in the middle of the hotel

Yeah, that's the exact opposite of what you do if you don't want to be embarrassed or found out.

While the law differs from state to state, in most places you don't need to show ID to vote. For example, where I live, you only need to show ID if you're challenged as to your identity.

That said,
>>1.5 million do this. None of them are caught

If that many are supposedly doing it, someone's bound to get busted. Then again, if all 1.5 million are California absentee voters, I suppose it's possible, the laws there are intentionally weak about that sort of thing. But that's one of the reasons we have the Electoral College.

>> No.9368779 [DELETED] 

Nobody gives a shit

>> No.9368821 [DELETED] 

>While the law differs from state to state, in most places you don't need to show ID to vote. For example, where I live, you only need to show ID if you're challenged as to your identity.
In my state, you need to have registered once within 4 years (with 2 forms of id) and you are good until then.
Also, the lava lamp thing sounds fairly hoaxy, but I can easily imagine it happening.

>> No.9368825

can you faggots take your political debate elsewhere or at least provide lava ass footage.

>> No.9368826

>go to dance with a Stark cosplayer stag
>wear baller jacket
>don't know how to dance
>don't care
>ask a number of girls (and guys) to dance
>fairly successful
>go with Stark up to couples, ask them to dance
>we alternate between dancing with the girl and dancing with the guy
>guys shit a house
>smoke a huge cigar afterwards in the rain with Naked Snake
>we both start singing Snake Eater while passing the flask of cognac
>remember why I like Katsu

>> No.9368829

What fun would that be?

>> No.9368833

>>go to dance with a Stark cosplayer stag

The symbol of House Stark is a wolf, House Baratheon is a stag.

Unless you're talking about Tony Stark, in which case a stag makes even less sense.

>> No.9368837

I am talking about Tony Stark, and going stag is an old term for going to a dance/whatever alone to pick up girls.

>> No.9368847


Are you literally retarded?

>> No.9368853

>purposely avoiding answering and replying autistically because you dont have the source material
try not to cut yourself on all that edge friend

>> No.9368860

is that

fucking Junkbot

god damn I loved that game

>> No.9368862

>CPAC stole the gazebo

Wait, what?

>> No.9368878
File: 1.04 MB, 200x113, 200w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy shitting the sheets
>lava lamp masturbation
>illegals voting

This thread is a big. fat. mess.

>> No.9368889

Healthy young child goes to /cgl/, gets pumped full of massive dose of massive dose of Lolita and cosplay, doesn't feel good and changes-DRAMA
Many such cases!

>> No.9368895

Calm down. It's not that serious

>> No.9368896

Plus, 'what is Katsucon 21+ group'. That's exactly where the screenshot came from. Not that difficult to figure out, friendo

>> No.9368953

>found the butthurt neckbeard
Orgies happen ALL the time at cons.
Some are as gross as you'd expect and some are straight up Eyes Wide Shut organized.

>> No.9368971

vid is no longer available there and I know one of you cucks saved it.

>> No.9368990
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>not bringing your own condoms

If they get anything its their own damn fault for trusting strangers with their health, for christs sake go to a 7 eleven and buy some trojan or some shit

>> No.9368996
File: 21 KB, 321x322, IMG_0174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Huh, while were on the topic, how do you find these hotel orgies seriously? May be rooming at bailys at atlantic city for a con so i want to know what to look for

>> No.9369005

>when u go to an orgy and they have condoms but not in your size
>sigh and try to find a Spencer's open at 1am to get those "joke" XS condoms

>> No.9369034

came here to say this thank you anon

>> No.9369348

I've been to quite a few private play parties at cons, done a few boudoir shoots in hotel rooms, but I've never seen - or know anyone who's seem - a con orgy.

>May be rooming at bailys at atlantic city for a con

Anime NEXT?

>> No.9369361

I have been in one. Complete shame. It was pretty fun, though.

>> No.9369382

Nu, so how do you find them?

>> No.9369393

may I ask, if that is just an USA-con thing, or does that happen in other countries too?
especially germany/austria, in my case

>> No.9369399


Yeah, animenext

>> No.9369408

>con orgies
>bed shitters
>lava lamp suppositories
Which are you asking about lol

>> No.9369410

A friend of a friend is has pretty "deviant" tastes. They were fucking at the time and it was a thing that was happening. Nothing crazy, a few shitty cheap schoolgirl outfits and one gakuran. Everyone was really drunk and I think one person had a line before we got to it.

>> No.9369411

about the con-orgies

>> No.9369470

Someone needs to send a copy of the Lava Lamp video to CNN and claim it was shot this weekend at CPAC.

>> No.9369488

Could you imagine if somehow CPAC was double booked with Katsu at the same time?

>> No.9369536

Make Anime Great Again

>> No.9369537

CPAC had the Gaylord the rest of the week. I need details, guys. This sounds hilarious.

>> No.9369682

Exceedingly unlikely it's just an American thing.
People like sex
A lot of people together in a environment that has looser restrictions on behavior.
Sex will happen, sometimes a lot of it.

>> No.9369756
File: 278 KB, 720x480, _MG_4033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katsu ran the 17th to the 20th and CPAC ran the 22nd to the 25th. At 3PM on Sunday, the Gaylord kicked everyone out of the gazebo level. At the time, people said it was for a wedding, but now it seems possible that it was for CPAC prep.

>> No.9369870

In another bizarre twist, Breitbart threw a party on a boat ala 1449 a few Otakons ago.

>> No.9369918

If you guys are still freaking out about this exact post, i saw the video. It doesn't actually show anything, just like half the back of someone standing near a window. A clothed someone, doing nothing.

Sorry to burst everyone's bubbles.

>> No.9369984

It was earlier than 3 PM, that security started to boot people from the Gazebo floor

>> No.9370073

we will be the judge of that. post it.

>> No.9370207


>> No.9370245

i didn't save it because it was literally so disappointing it wasn't even worth saving, the screen cap you see is all there is. The only extra is they zoom in with the phone but it's just again.. nothing.

>> No.9370248

to clarify i saw it on that exact facebook post when it was first posted before it was deleted, not recently from someone who saved it

>> No.9370529

>when you're looking for the multiple cosplay videos you know you're in, and come across the worst cosplay vid you've ever seen
Like Jesus fucking Christ phones shoot better videos than this shit

>> No.9370578


I want to kill myself.

>> No.9370618

Kotaku has that effect on everyone.

Stella Chu, on the other hand, is a hero for getting that many people to run around in their underwear in the winter.

>> No.9370620

Overwatch was a mistake.

>> No.9370636
File: 20 KB, 305x238, IMG_9284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking why

>> No.9370680

I hope she gets cancer.
Her and Jnig and Yaya and all these bitches that slut up to get fans and ruined this hobby.

>> No.9370700

This may come as a surprise to you, but sex wasn't invented in the last 5 years.

>> No.9370710

to make the eyes bigger

>> No.9371158

Cosplay Super Star = Vomit

>> No.9371278

>implying that's how it works
>implying this actually looks decent
>implying this hasn't been the bane of cosplay makeup since Michelle Phan's "Sailor Moon" tutorial
So like are you her friend or something? Friends don't let friends do softcore porn

>> No.9371294

They just answered a question, chill

>> No.9371388

thought the Junkrat is the same like the one in this video

>> No.9371458

>Literally didnt see any of these people at katsucon
>every photo is a private hotel.
>stars of the show

>> No.9371559

every photographer listed in that article is a fucking scam artist. Why do none of you cucks hold them accountable?

>> No.9371679

They did a meet up Friday by the gazebo, before they got their friends into a van to the MGM, leaving the rest of the shrubs alone at the con

>> No.9371817

gotta use those wild places funds

>> No.9372377

Music is pretty cringe too

>> No.9372379

Read the article. They were only there for an hour, then staff kicked them out.

>> No.9372514

>leaving the rest of the shrubs alone at the con

pssst... it's "schlubs".

Love, /pol/, your Yiddish language experts.

>> No.9372527

Call out popular women and minorities who are friends with Kotaku for doing shitty work and getting undeserved press?

That's how you get your entire hobby smeared in the mainstream media as "sexist" and "racist". Just watch, they'll even insist that /cgl/ and gulls are all pimply white males.

>> No.9372543

Honestly, nothing makes me angrier out of that whole group than the Genji. He literally made no effort bar themed underwear and the mask. I had NO idea who it was until I picked out the colour scheme. Otherwise it's just a dude getting a free pass cause he's got a good body.
So fucking lazy. (Not to mention Genji is super fucked up under his suit...at least do young Genji or something)

>> No.9372573

How can you be thr stars of the show when you arent at the show? What they got some attention like every ther big cosplay on the gazebo level?

>> No.9372639
File: 276 KB, 500x419, pika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is that Casca cosplayer that draws Jojo smut?

I still want that drawing of Polnareff anally giving birth to the baby version of his stand. I have not forgotten.

>> No.9372681

God this reminds me of to this ALA video where the con was the background and most of the shots were in hotel rooms and the same pool corner.


At least they didn't call it a cosplay music video

>> No.9372688

Kotaku always misrepresents their articles to be fair. It's just BS click bait tactics from a shitty Australian mod/editor

>> No.9372962


Did you expect actual work to be a prerequisite for a cosplay to be considered good in mainstream?

Honey I feel so sorry for you...

>> No.9373071

Sorry you pooped the bed dude, next time find a better way to hide the evidence.

>> No.9373152

to be fair he's pretty hot

I know they're based on specific designs by stella or w/e but its super funny seeing three identically lingere'd Zaryas. She seemed like a sports bra type to me.

>> No.9373551

Can you guys post pics? I watched that shitty video like 3 times and couldn't see them.

>> No.9373566

>hot girl
have you seen weeb girls?

>> No.9374225


You know, I kinda like it. Most Katsucon videos are just the same old sterile shit with slow mo, drive by pans.

The content is also typically the same...boob armor, slutty genderbends, eevees, sailor scout AU, warrior disney princesses,with some choreographed idol group dancing sprinkled in here or there.

Gimme a vid of people having fun at a convention 10/10 times over katsucon serious business videos.

That said, whoever shot this needs to lay off the caffeine and quit being so spastic.

>> No.9374261

Aw I think it's kind of cute actually

>> No.9374269

Anyone register for otakon already?

>> No.9374332

I need to. Gotta get those Anisong Matsuri tickets for SKILL MY HEAAAAAART and JIBUN WOOOOOOOO.

>> No.9374403

>Gimme a vid of people having fun at a convention 10/10 times over katsucon serious business videos.

Let's just video tape the next /cgl/ meetup.

>> No.9374411

Nice try Mr. FBI.

>> No.9374430

It's an FBI cosplay, I swear.

>> No.9374435

I didn't say you could bring friends.

>> No.9374449

That attitude is why you never get invited to con orgies.

>> No.9374653

Honestly that would work well.

Imagine a well-stabilized crowd pan, or walking through the hallways with a high-up perspective would really capture the true essence of what makes up a convention. Not attention whores in shitty boob armor who don't give two-shits about interacting with everyday weebs.

>> No.9375311

You'd need real videographers, not these wannabe hacks

>> No.9375902

Is it gonna be $80+?

>> No.9375909

Yep, that's is their discount price

>> No.9378003

You'll never catch me.

>> No.9378191

Wtf are you trying to say?

>> No.9379014
File: 270 KB, 1920x1080, 1413511176233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. I'm writing an erotica about an orgy at a convention, but it's only exaggerated/dramatized tidbits of my own hotel experiences with my s/o (i e, not orgies, just us). I always thought actual orgies at conventions were urban legends.

Still tough for me to actually picture one, but now I know the myth has some basis in reality.

>> No.9379304

Just watch actual orgies on pornhub (amateur ones, not staged ones), and then imagine them half in cosplay.

>> No.9379316
File: 209 KB, 1050x1275, 83457307c45d9e53d028e568992440a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ehh, not really my thing. I go with erotica to explore the mental/emotional side of sex, which I have difficulty imagining at an actual convention.

The visuals I can do without, I don't imagine it's anything outside of my expectations, which for amateur orgies happening in real life, are admittedly low.

>> No.9379339

>that skeletor miku

wew lad

>> No.9380526

Last year was my first time (bought it off reddit for $35), but is it even worth it for this year? It'll be relatively close (I'm ~30 mins away from DC)

>> No.9380532

Yes, even if only for the street cred for having gone to the first one in DC.

>> No.9380546
File: 228 KB, 358x408, 1459587963912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't going to a con's first time at a venue be a bad thing?

>> No.9381638

Going to their venue of 10+ years was a bad thing so I don't see how this is any different.

>> No.9381851

So don't go basically? Sounds good to me, AX seems better anyways

>> No.9382279


I am hoping for this

>> No.9386606

I enjoyed that. It had sick beats, and one of the most popular waifus of 2016/17 (Rem). Ive seen worse vids, but it was kinda funny seeing some of the ppl flinching at the camera coming close to their faces.

>> No.9393125


I hate 1449 with a passion

What was the gummy bear incident about does anyone know?

>> No.9393132

not even a incident. they were just photoshoot props for someone to lay on top of.

>> No.9393336

Wrong...Otakon is the best con. Has amazing musical guests this year, tons of anime Industry stuff, actual good panels, large dealers room, and so much more. I have been to both AX and Otakon. Both are fantastic, but Otakon just feels more fun. I have attended Otakon for 8 years. Its just more of a con dedicated to the hardcore anime audience than cosplay, which is actually what I like about it.