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9351241 No.9351241 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread saged >>9338433

Itabag FAQ and Beginners Guide v. 2.1
Read the document first before asking basic questions that have been answered time and time again like "is making a bag for ___ ok?" and "where do i get the heart bags??".

Buyf/a/g Guide

>> No.9351245

Some people in the last thread were talking about lack of items for their waifu/husbando and how it kept them from making bags. How many ita baggers commission their stuff/make their own items to combat this? Or do you just prefer to not make the bag for your shining star?

>> No.9351247
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>> No.9351250
File: 341 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_ojy7t6E3re1r5x9yqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have in progress bags to show?

>> No.9351256
File: 2.19 MB, 2880x3840, IMG_4879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a HxH KilluGon bag right now. I'm not sure if I'm going to use this utapri bag as my final base or now but it does work well color wise. I just need about a million more swing charms to fill it lol.

>> No.9351258

I got a pile of merch, more merch coming, and zero bags. Life is suffering.

>> No.9351262
File: 2.86 MB, 1191x1215, .junepeiitabag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this problem making my Junepei bag from Zero Escape. There is so little merch for the game, so I ended up making the 999 watch (for cosplay and the real one is too expensive). Also got really lucky and found a double sided keychain from a con.

I want to make more bags of other characters from ZE, but the lack of merch is making me not want to, as I don't want everyone single bag to just be perlers and stickers.

>> No.9351269

I love the funyarinpa detail. The watch looks great! Good job

>> No.9351305
File: 283 KB, 480x580, IMG_4304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Kakihara itabag is completely DIY, since he has absolutely no merchandise and at first I saw it as a problem. I was contemplating whether or not to do it, since I was worried I wouldn't be able to make it good enough for my standards, but in the end I decided to just go with it and do my best to make it as good as I could. I was so fascinated by itabags and desperately wanted to create my own of this particular character and no one else, so those feelings really powered me to just make it happen despite him having 0 merch. I'm pretty happy with the results and I'm always looking for ways to improve it! But as you can see, I went mostly with pins, since I didn't want my bag to look too diy--

>> No.9351333
File: 2.65 MB, 1915x1280, 52356863649746513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it would be fun to work on a character-exclusive bag for jjba since I haven't seen a whole lot of those, but in hindsight, not the best idea for a beginner bag.
I know most people opt for pins of just straight screenshots/official art, but I found those clear keychains from a thread or two ago work really well, too. Also, embroidering's always an option, but one I hardly ever see, which I find weird because I have the most rudimentary knowledge of embroidering and the little "muda" on the right looks fairly good and took me 30 minutes tops.
I was also planning on making a larger embroidery piece of his "The World" card, but I might have to get rid of the letter keychains all together for the sake of space, and because they don't look too polished up close. Do you guys think the bag would look too bare if I did this? I have a few items coming in soonish but even still I'm scared it wouldn't have that ita bag feel to it.

>> No.9351334

Anybody know what that clear plastic stuff they use is? I kinda want to make my own ita bag for pins

>> No.9351341

That's called clear vynil. You should be able to find it in most online fabric shops as well as amazon, but I'm not sure where to get it irl.

>> No.9351345

Should be able to find it at most IRL fabric shops as well, heck, the fabric section at my local walmart has it.

>> No.9351363
File: 34 KB, 624x448, lord walnut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the best idea for a beginner bag
Maybe not but hey, you gotta work hard for your husband, anon.
That said, the embroidery looks great! If the letter keychains don't look as good up close, maybe replace those with embroidery as well? You could do his emblem, it'd make a cool centerpiece.

>> No.9351370

Thanks so much anon!

As the other anon said, clear vinyl. Most Joanns should have it too. Mine has large rolls of it in different gauges/weights.

>> No.9351376

I was eyeing up his emblem pin originally but oh my god thank you this is a much better idea. Thank you anon!

>> No.9351383

Typically I find it in the "upholstery" section since vinyl is often used as a table cloth. It'll likely be in a long roll with paper to keep it from sticking to itself. Every store is different, but you can find vinyl at Joann's if there's one near you. Like >>9351345 said, even some Walmarts carry it.

>> No.9351390
File: 21 KB, 400x367, GOODS-00138944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gulls, I just saw these bags on amiami but noticed the preorders have closed. They have larger versions of the same bags but those don't have an image, but orders for those are still open.

I'm hoping when these come in there'll be some up for order.

>link to pic related

>link to no image but larger (lavender) bag

>> No.9351409
File: 182 KB, 400x400, the d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean pic related? I have it, it can be a nice detail but it's very small so it won't stand out well in an itabag. Maybe consider adding it to fill a bit of space once you have more merch, it'll match your PB Dio merch nicely.
And no problem! Good luck putting your bag together!

>> No.9351411
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>> No.9351412
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Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

>> No.9351466
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Gulls, I want some opinions.
>inb4 do what you want

I was thinking of using a printed tote and then putting charms on it. I will be making a clear cover as well. Would that look a "proper" itabag?

I feel like the aesthetic of an itabag is a more plain base bag, usually brand name, with charms being the main center of attention. Versus having a printed bag and the charms adding to the overall look.

>pic related

>> No.9351468

Eh this is still really effective though. It really depends on the type of tote

>> No.9351469
File: 16 KB, 209x241, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think plain bags are more popular just to avoid stuff looking cluttered/busy but I'm actually loving this. The colors on the merch don't fade into the background.

Here's another print tote for you for inspo!

>> No.9351471
File: 119 KB, 600x686, COl3kHuUwAEbtF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And pics for ants. Here's a better one.

>> No.9351473

I've seen printed bags before! They're nice - a great way to make a bag with less merch still look as full and busy design wise. It's the same idea as using a printed character towel in the backdrop or the cover of a doujinshi, which I've also seen done.

There is a general "aesthetic" to itabags both western and Japanese, but that's because we leach ideas off from each other the same way any fashion does. In the end there's no right or wrong way to make a bag so long as it's something that you love. As for what a "proper" bag is, desu it's just something that looks like you put a lot of time, money, and work into making. Bags that stray from the usual styles are still just as valid and beloved, and usually people love them even more for being something different and fresh to discover.

>> No.9351474

The issue with printed bags is that it makes the merch indistinguishable at a distance. I couldn't tell from your thumbnail that there was anything on it except the white pin.

If you really want a printed bag maybe lower the opacity of the print to 50% so it's faded. You'll still see the print faintly but you'll also have your merch pop.

>> No.9351475
File: 56 KB, 560x251, The-Ita-Bag-Phenomenon-in-Japan-Todays-Streets-TW-mmmaaaoook-560x251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9351477

Anon thats fine! Itabags can be anything as long as they are dedicated to one certain person/franchise. Making a cover for your tote is a normal thing, I wouldnt worry.
I think the reason people us the plain bag is they can be used on the daily and the merch doesn't blend in.
Your bag is coming along great btw, I went to Show By Rock for the cute girls and stayed for the ridiculous boyband and their friend drama, it was great.

>> No.9351481

Thinking of the weight of that bag and the damage it'd do to your shoulder...

>> No.9351486

This really works though because you stick to one color scheme and source for the art. A lot of handmade stuff gets it from all sorts of different art and unless the color scheme is tight it can look like a mess. Well in a bad way by itabag standards I guess. BTW I show your shrinky dink technique off during my itabag panels and people love it.

>> No.9351495
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SideM heyo

In the middle of overhauling my SEM bag into an UtaPri bag. I probably spent a little too much for the bag but the quality is hard to argue with. Not sure how to tack everything down, I think I might just sew the straps in by the rings because otherwise I'm going to have a ton of safety pins in my bag interior. But since it would be easier to sew it in from the front than the interior maybe I can use some embroidery threads and loop off a star bead on the thread tails? If that makes any sense?

>> No.9351496

I've sewn straps and small figures into my back and it's generally not worth it if you have the option to safety pin it. if you decide to rearrange later (like I did), you'll end up having to take out the thread and redo it as opposed to just moving the pin over. It gets really tedious, especially with how many straps you have. If you still want to add a star bead, I'd recommend getting jump rings to add to the clasps. Cute bag btw!

>> No.9351499

my bag* whoops. Also I wouldn't tie the thread off in the front because it'll get messy looking quickly. It really won't be that difficult to tie it off inside, especially with how big your bag is.

>> No.9351507

Wow! Thanks so much everyone! I feel way more confident with my idea now, glad the general consensus is that it works perfectly fine, if now great.

Thanks for the inspo and tips as well. Definitely don't want the print to drown out the merch. Just have to find that middle ground.

>> No.9351524

Bless you, anon. You and the other ZE itabagger (I think they had a more general 999 focused bag with some big Light charms) bring joy to my life.

>> No.9351549
File: 1.59 MB, 800x1067, a small start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slowly adding items to my reaper bag. I tend to collect merch that isn't just b/w to compensate for how he doesn't really stand out against a black bag, but I might end up just switching the base bag out.

I want to do a big combo bag of my three mains/favorites (I have a smaller bag dedicated to my waifu which I use regularly anyway, so a bigger bag for cons would be ideal) but i have no idea how to present it in a way that won't be heinously clashing (or appear to be a three-way shipping bag). Should I just pick a neutral color - grey or something - and then have the characters in three sections? Or would it be better to just intermingle the merch so it's not so awkwardly divided (particularly since it's unlikely to get symmetrical merch of these three characters?) D.Va, Reaper and Ana are the characters i'd be using, for reference.

>> No.9351558

Both my bag and the jacket I am working on are all handmade save for like two patches, it kind of makes it more fun learning how to use new techniques and thinking of inventive ways to show case a character imo.

>> No.9351572

Those reaper stickers are super cute!! Your bag is coming along super nicely.

Also for wanting to use three characters on one bag could be challenging... You could do the bag into sections of three on all one side, but if it was a tote style you could do two on one side and the third on the last. I personally would just put all the items together but arrange it so the shapes/colors blend as nicely as they can around each other since I personally like it when things are visually smooth or similar in tone/color etc. I haven't seen anyone else do a bag of specifically three characters, honestly.

>> No.9351621

i feel your pain anon

>> No.9351633

3009 yen shipping for 3 straps. ita bagging is literally going to be the death of me
Is it worth it to do larger orders? This was my first time ever using a ss so I did it a small order to see how it would work and now I'm regretting it.
I have my next order planned out already it's 10 items but now I'm not sure if I want to after seeing the shipping costs.

>> No.9351641

Ugh my husbando, there is just not enough merch

>> No.9351650
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Currently putting together my Ryuseitai bag! I'm still on the fence about some of the placements and might get rid of the acrylic charms.

>> No.9351658

i did a group order and i ended up spending triple or quadruple my item cost on shipping alone. definitely not doing one again, i'd rather order by myself.

>> No.9351660

I have a designated tote bag that I dump all my merch in while I'm compiling things and waiting for stuff to arrive, because the base bag is usually one of the last things I end up buying, and I don't want to lose anything. Right now it's chock full of Yuri On Ice fan merch, waiting for the official stuff to come in the mail still.

>> No.9351668

You might have ended up with a shitty expensive SS? I've only solo ordered from ZenMarket before, but I imported a large Wego bag for $13, and the unregistered option was like $9

Last time I took part in a group order it was $20 international shipping 16$ domestic, and I got about 20 straps and a bag.

So I feel like your fees are unusually high.

>> No.9351674
File: 215 KB, 878x1560, IMG_20170210_170532750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on doing a bag for a series that has a bunch of threes, and while I want to give some good advice, I can't really think of any for this case. There aren't really any connections between those 3 characters, which doesn't make things easier. I think grey or white would be your best bet for a bag color. I also think it might look better if you tried to do a neat sort of college thing with all of the merch intermixed instead of separating them? I don't know why, but for some reason it sounds like a good idea to me. Maybe it's becasue you won't have to worry about matching symmetrical merch?

On a different note, I bought a pack of old trading cards for the series I mentioned earlier, half out of curiosity and half hoping I could use some in my bag. I'm gonna open 'em now, so send good vibes if you want.

>> No.9351681

Seconding >>9351668 it sounds like your ss was garbage. Which one did you use? How much of that 3k yen was domestic shipping/service fees? What'd you use for international shipping (EMS, SAL, etc.)?

>> No.9351684

>Yuri on Ice fan merch
Oh man don't remind me. I just dropped nearly $30 on an AU doujinshi that sold out twice in under an hour. I haven't even spent that much on actual merch from the show yet.

>> No.9351690
File: 24 KB, 473x601, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used Fromjapan. I almost used Zenmarket but because i was buying all from one store I figured the 300 yen fee would add up fast and it would get pricey.
I used EMS which was the cheapest option before surface mail at 2k yen

>> No.9351698
File: 104 KB, 585x832, IMG_20170210_200030746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only got 3 straps but they didn't give you an option for SAL or Airmail? There's no way your package could've been too big for those if it was only 3 straps. What the fuck.

And looks like I made a good purchase, because I got some really nice cards out of this. Except the one on the top left, which I bought at the same time and just felt like including. It's the first piece of merch I have for another series I'm bagging, and I was really happy I found something bag-sized with the whole cast on it.

>> No.9351701

Fuck, I meant top right

>> No.9351703

SAL was 700 yen more expensive then EMS for whatever reason.

>> No.9351719

I need that cute reaper.

>> No.9351735
File: 1.45 MB, 1917x2556, IMG_4930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished putting together my last two bags so I decided to take a picture of all my completed bags. When did it get this bad haha

>> No.9351745

Now I'm worried, I'm doing a small strap haul from surugaya and was considering using FJ for the same reasons. My AmiAmi orders of about the same size only cost like 600 yen in unreg SAL, so I was hoping for similar shipping costs.

>> No.9351747

i think i know which doujin you're talking about

>> No.9351748

I think it might have been because I chose the more expensive domestic shipping option with tracking? Maybe try it with the 300yen option instead of the 700

>> No.9351753

That might be it because i never had that happen to me

>> No.9351768

Mafia AU for days, yo.

>> No.9351779

Yea, I was going to do the 300 yen option. Hopefully that's why. Did you order your straps from surugaya by any chance?

>> No.9351803


your felt reaper mask is so cute, did you make that yourself?

maybe try a red base backing inside the heart window, that could make the black charms stand out more

I'm also working on a (mc)reaper bag, but its going slowly. that's what I get for supporting a ship with so much ~discourse~

>> No.9351805
File: 3.98 MB, 5312x2988, 20170210_104949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tidied up my Laura bag a bit and added a bow, and I think it looks heaps better! I'm still thinking about adding a line of badges along the top inside edge, above the chain.

>> No.9351849

That would look great, Anon! Right now it looks a little empty above the chain, but otherwise it looks really nice. I love the bow a lot, it's a nice touch.

>> No.9351905

Surugaya takes foreign cards right? Cause if they do I don't see any reason to use an SS when you could go through a forwarding service for cheaper.

>> No.9351929

Yup Surugaya is fine with foreign cards! I'm always ordering from them using Tenso. They take paypal too actually but I would be leary about using it because once they canceled one of my orders and claimed the payment never went through. Which was complete bs because I could see the transaction on my paypal and it was just waiting for them to grab it. Instead they insisted that I pay via bank transfer from a Japanese bank and wouldn't even let me switch to credit card which led me to suspect whoever was processing orders was a bit xenophobic. So now I only use credit card since they can't really get away with claiming those didn't process.

>> No.9351984

I just wanted to do this one mini haul (my bags are mostly western) so I didn't really feel like setting up a tenso address. If my order is small enough and I get free domestic shipping, I don't mind paying the extra 300-500 yen for an SS. If the difference is going to be more than that I could see setting up a tenso.

>> No.9352038
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you anon I've been wanting a tote like one of those
Pic related is my bag and phone case as of right now there's still some empty space

>> No.9352040

Sorry for sideways pic currently on mobile

>> No.9352052

Are you me anon? This happened to me a while back when the host decided to add a rather large and heavy item that made the shipping cost triple what it should've been. I would've been fine with it if they had paid for a large part of the shipping but they made the rest of the group pay for it which I thought wasn't fair. Now I'm wary about joining larger online group orders. I only do orders with personal friends now or by myself if I have enough items.

>> No.9352058

same what the fuck! i saw their huge item in the group order after everything had arrived and i got so irritated. i wish there was some warning that they were going to order such a big item, just their items took up like half of the GO. i would've avoided it if i knew i was just being used to make their like $100 shipping cost smaller. i'm still salty even though it was a little while ago.

>> No.9352059

Ah are you talking about my suitcase? If so I did pay a good chunk of the shipping and whenever anyone orders large items in my group orders I charge them a higher amount of shipping than the rest of the group. It's just that so many people order stuff and the weight adds up really quickly.

>> No.9352066

My group order was a few months back so I don't think it was you anon. I haven't join any group orders in a while because of it.

>> No.9352070

nah, the GO i was in was a couple months ago as well, so probably not you either.

>> No.9352072

Phew ok! I've run a bunch of group orders since this past summer but that was like the only really big item I've ordered. I've gotten lots of smaller bags and items but never anything much more than my participants. I try my best to keep costs down, I'm doing the GOs to help people after all. I always worry that people are upset at the costs but when you have 15+ people all ordering bags and various bag merch that weight just really piles up.

>> No.9352076

Nah I know what you mean. I host GOs too so I understand that sometimes the cost can be a little unreasonable from our side. It just happened that the host didn't notify the group they were getting a lot of shoes and opted to keep their boxes so that took up quite a bit of space. I'm still salty to this day, but I got over it a long time ago. Made me learn my lesson on what and what not to do regarding GOs

>> No.9352160

I didn't realize what you guys were talking about until I checked twitter just now. I'M SO SAD THAT I MISSED IT. FUCK

I would've framed it and put it on my itabag somehow if I were able to get my hands on it. OTL

>> No.9352165

Are there scans? Holy shit that sounds amazing

>> No.9352264

yo gulls im fucking stupid i havent been even bothering to take some of these charms off their chains as im adding them and wondering why im having a nightmare keeping them from flipping over.

in my defense i had a migraine working on it. not the worst thing to have to fix but god

>> No.9352316

Yeah I asked FJ about shipping a while ago and they said Small Packet SAL could only be used with the 300y option.

>> No.9352342

amazing, anon. itabag goals.
Thanks anons for your suggestions!
When I start accumulating merch I might try doing a variety of layouts and posting them here if I can't settle on one!

It was a trade with roadhog anon, they made it in exchange for one of my hog charms (I love it so much)
I will consider the red base backing, thank you!

this fandom is so terrible for discourse, but I hope you manage to find some cute merch for your ship! Man, I swear I remember seeing some cute mcreaper keychains on tictail but they're gone now (blizzard has been doing a lot of takedowns of online merch though, at least according to other artist friends)

>> No.9352350
File: 966 KB, 988x903, mttita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, 2 hrs later and aside from the velcro pubes still floating in there i think my mtt bag turned out decent

>> No.9352401

AAA thank you, it makes me really happy to hear that..!!

>> No.9352404

Looks like it was worth the struggle! Well done, anon!

>> No.9352412

Yep! My bag is for an older fandom so thats the only place i can find them outside of auctions.
I was going to use Tenso but i got scared that I might have put the adress in wrong somehow and ended up using FJ instead. If i can get someone to double check for me and make sure its right I'll probobly use Tenso next time.
Well now I know. I just wanted to be extra safe since it was my first time ordering from overseas and it looks like i screwed myself in the end.

>> No.9352422
File: 217 KB, 547x457, mafiaAU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got EXTREMELY lucky and just happened to be on Tumblr just after they posted that preorders were up. I wasn't expecting it until the end of the month. I managed to buy an international copy about 5 minutes before they were gone.

They sold out their first batch in 30 minutes and then sold out a second batch (by popular demand) in less than 30 minutes. I just noticed they had a THIRD BATCH that sold out as well.

You can find their doujinshi on Toranora eventually though and ask them for the Eng file for it. They said they MIGHT do a fourth batch and put out a 12 hour warning for it.

Also no scans and they won't sell a pdf. You can find a couple pages here though: http://minatu.tumblr.com/post/157062315702/reblogs-appreciated-12th-winter-victuuri-mafia
But yeah, I'm going to try and put this in a bag like some holy grail and surround it with some cute fanart keychains I've had my eye on.

>> No.9352424

>Small Packet SAL only with 300Y option
Well I'm suddenly glad I'm cheap when I placed my order for a stackload of doujin.

>> No.9352550

Tenso's got a page for showing how to enter your address, so you know for the future.

Well that's just dumb. the more I hear about FJ the happier I am that I've never used them.

*Death by Glamour intensifies*

>> No.9352651 [DELETED] 

Anon, she is going to do a 4th batch! So keep an eye out.

>> No.9352790

i bought 110 badges made from screenshots to cover my bag. it wasnt cheap, but i had to do it for my husbando.

>> No.9352797

I love your bag, I remember when you were first working on it and it turned out great. It really shows what love you have for the character.

>> No.9352800

Your bag looks great anon! This is a dumb question but what did you use to attach your charms to the backing?

>> No.9352815

thank you! its safety pins. i remember someone mentioned curved pins before and i sorely (literally) regret not looking for those

>> No.9352817

I have a ranka lee bag I used screencap buttons for (she has some cool merch, but a lot of it is rubber straps/keychains and I wanted to break up the sameness). I'm probably going to handmake some more stuff for it as well as redoing the inner (atm I have an official pillow cover pinned to the inner, but that's frustrating to manouver....)

I'm also working on a couple overwatch bags and blizzard is kind of notorious for not catering to that kind of merchandise. Since my bags are mostly fanmade, I draw my own stuff for these in addition to bought merch + occasionally art trade with friends, and then add the designs onto my latest acrylic charm/button/whatever order.

>> No.9353024
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x800, itabag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got two packages in today! Now that I'm looking at my last package, the plush are probably going to be too big and the backing towels are a little busy.

I was going to do a strap order and I'm thinking about getting a different towel, not sure which one though (1 or 2)?

>> No.9353029

I like the pink/white towel, all your merch is already so colourful so I think it will give it that busy ita bag vibe.

>> No.9353032

This is so cute! I like 2 better, personally.

>> No.9353033

Love it so far! Agree with towel #2. Also, I'm so loving that you did get the condoms haha

>> No.9353035

2 is cuter, but I think merch will stand out more against 1

>> No.9353322

2 suits the over all theme, but i agree with >>9353035 that the merch will get lost in it, so 1 would be better

>> No.9353325

Shit, well I'm glad I waited until my bag came in today to take measurements of the window. Apparently #2 is a hand towel and is like 5" too big to fit properly anyway. The lettering and faces were really cute too damn. Thanks for the opinions all the same!

>> No.9353416

If you guys still want the doujin, the artist is going to open the 4th (and possibly last) batch at 10PM GMT 7+ (So, 10 AM EST on Feb 12)

>> No.9353443
File: 143 KB, 720x720, EntryImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a knockoff on Taobao or Aliexpress of the Swimmer My Collection bags? They're exactly what I'd like to get but it looks like they're never going to be in stock again.

Bless you both for sideM bags!

>> No.9353546
File: 96 KB, 1040x585, IMG_20170211_015011893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bag is pretty much finished! I really just need to readjust some things and get some fishing wire to tie things down. Having all of my things in the bags flap really requires it.
Sorry for the kinda crappy pic.

Man, this is really impressive. However, I don't really ever want to have this many bags, because I'd never be able to use all of them. I've only just started and I've got plans for 3 other bags, and I'm already worrying a bit about finishing them and just having them sit around afterwards. It doesn't help that I got a really nice handbag for Christmas that I've been trying to use more often.

What do you guys with a lot of bags think about it? Do you try and use all of your bags, or are you ok to just display them?

>> No.9353568

I have my bags hooked up as a display on my walls when they're not in use. One or two feature as part of a character shrine (among figures and other larger merch). For me itabags are already so impractical that I think of them more as portable displays rather than a decorated regular bag.

>> No.9353581

I swap my bags out every so often to get use out of them. My coworkers enjoy seeing them so I'm always happy to take them around. When I'm not using them, they're on display on the wall in my closet.

Also, your bag looks great! Good job. Pretty sure you're the only person who's done a mecha-related bag, as far as I've seen.

>> No.9353688

I have three, and I actually use all three fairly regularly. A small messenger bag, a large purse, and a backpack. Since they're all different types of bags I grab whichever one is right for my needs at that time.

I really want an itabag that I could put my laptop in, but none of the totes are really a good size for it. I would have to use a protective sleeve too, which just wouldn't be safe as my current laptop bag (which is military spec) so I've held off on it.

>> No.9353728

Chiming in with the tweet/shop link if you want to try and snag a copy.

>> No.9353754

Thanks for the heads up! I just checked their twitter and I've been staying awake just to try and snag a copy. This feels like the GIFT plush battle all over again with the way everyone's hyping up on it haha

I tend to keep my weeb side on the down low around normies so I don't bring my bags out very often. Only during cons or special events. I have them on display on my walls most of the time though

>> No.9353924

I'd wish you good luck but the time has past and apparently the 4th batch sold out in 3 mins lol; Hope you snagged yourself one!

>> No.9353934

This anon back again; I did some searching on Taobao and the only thing I could find was this store that claimed to be able to buy the real thing from Japan. This bag in particular has no reviews, but other people seem to have had good experience with them. What do you gulls think?


>> No.9353940

If you buy one, please review it! I would love to get my hands on one, even a decent knock off would be welcome. I'd just wait on a taobao order for a little while, things are still calming down from CNY.

>> No.9353947

just asked my proxy service to see if they can ask about it, I'll keep you posted!

>> No.9353967
File: 297 KB, 1200x901, CrFLS8ZWcAEIDad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, looking forward to it!

>> No.9354000

Hey Dio anon, is this relevant to your interests? http://page4.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/d208137348

>> No.9354012

Also: http://page17.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/v444543496

>> No.9354024

Not the OP but the small pink one is back in stock if anyone was interested.

>> No.9354081

This bag is absurdly cute, but I wish they put the safety pins on the back of the board.

>> No.9354242
File: 26 KB, 618x361, hobbysearch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a heads up for anyone that wants to snag a deal before it's gone.

>> No.9354277

Different anon, but if Tiger and Bunny anon is still around, this looks like it'll interest them

>> No.9354320
File: 337 KB, 500x379, tumblr_inline_nuvqx1JFPt1symel1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually me you're replying to. I got the notification of the sale after I made my order with them.
I really want the set but I signed up for about $30 worth of gifts + cards for White Day so I'm hoping it'll still be around when that's done. Darn these ill timed sales.

>> No.9354538

A bit late since I was sleeping the whole day away but I managed to snag it! I didn't even realize how bad it was until I completed the payment and went back to the item page and saw the OOS status holy fuck. I can't wait until July comes around! There's a lot of high quality merch coming out like Yuuri's nendo, the Gift plushes and now the DJ. _(:3」∠)_

>> No.9354540

Maybe i'm out of the loop but what's so special about this doujin? I'd think that there are a million and one victuuri doujins out by now.

>> No.9354545

nice plot, nice art, in english? idk seems to be something good to me

>> No.9354562

One of the few English djs with decent clean art atyle. Mafia AUs are insanely popular and it flips the perspective where everyone thinks Victor is the boss when it's Yuuri that's controlling everything. The author posted a few previews on their tumblr a while back and everyone went batshit over it

>> No.9354611
File: 173 KB, 540x748, IMG_9632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another d.va anon from the other threads but I'm stil on the search for the perfect basebag. I am finding a lot of cute stuff around on eBay amazon and store envy if anyone wants links eventually too


I've been checking regular amazon a lot lately just to see what pops up bc I love prime and these bags are new. obviously not any kind of offcial anything but I do kinda like the magenta?

>> No.9354613

Whoops am stoned didn't notice those bags don't have a pocket actuallY.

>> No.9354622


>> No.9354664

did you use artsmoo, anon? or is there a better site to buy badges?

>> No.9354677

From the FAQ, www etsy com/shop/cheapestbuttonsnet

From a quick "custom buttons" google search, www custombuttons com and 24hourwristbands com/custom-pin-buttons.
All cheaper than artsmoo if you buy right, and more accommodating of multiple designs

>> No.9354701

hey anon, thanks....sorry to imply that i couldn't have just googled this, but i was really interested in sites that people have made orders from (and their experience), not just what pops up first on google. i'm not looking to order 100+ buttons all at once, was just curious if there was a better cost option than artsmoo.

polite sage.

>> No.9354927

OP here. I actually have never really gotten into doujinshi before but the biggest draw is that it's in English already and I love the AU concept. Everyone likes to paint Yuuri as the typical shy Japanese nerd but the plot of this is that he's secretly the head of the Russian mafia and Victor (who everyone thinks is the head) is actually more like his dog.

The art looks fantastic as well and I loved the preview pages the artist showed. I just really wanted a copy to own for myself.

>> No.9355179
File: 32 KB, 552x538, FB_IMG_1487006528297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9355186

Sorry for being passive-aggressive anon, it was late night and I was tired and grumpy when I replied to you.

As for personal experience, I haven't used any of these, but I also wanted to have buttons made for a bag and found these sites while searching.

I was thinking of going with the etsy, because after going through a load of their reviews all of the ones that had pictures of their buttons looked pretty nice. The owner seems pretty open to custom orders as well, so that could help if you want an amount other than the ones he has listed

>> No.9355308
File: 1.01 MB, 1128x570, buttons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used Cheapest Buttons before. They were fast & friendly, but the color was off on my order. Not enough that I feel bad selling them, but enough that I wouldn't order through them again.

>> No.9355440

It looks like they print from a home printer rather than a nicer printer. This is actually super nice to know AA wise so thank you anon.

>> No.9355468

Damn, that is a pretty big difference. A lot of the buttons I wanted to get were in black & white though, so I might still go through them for those. Thanks anon.

>> No.9355482
File: 254 KB, 1446x2048, 16735644_1814575788867787_719296879_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone who wants to go the full YOI itabagger experience

>> No.9355517
File: 429 KB, 1200x1200, bg-49-15-00003779-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, fellow SideM Ps! I was just wondering if I were to do a bag for Pierre, what colour should I pick from these? It's kinda a toss between mint and ice blue for me at the moment.

>> No.9355519

Where do you even get these style light sticks?

>> No.9355545

This is the level of love I want to be at for Victuuri

>> No.9355562

So I bought this $12 ebay knock off Wego heart bag and it finally came in and it's actually kinda nice.
I got the light blue and it ended up being a kinda neon teal color but the construction is solid

>> No.9355564

Idol concerts, Mikuexpo even had a kickstarter for some that can swap multiple colors to represent each vocaloid.

>> No.9355727

>package has been sitting at the NYC sorting center for over two weeks
>live under an hour away from it
SAL is suffering.

>> No.9355757

wow, that's a big difference...thanks for the photo comparison anon!

no worries anon, i kind of came off like an ass so NBD.

>> No.9355782

>Packaging still has yet to leave Japan and it's been sitting on Posting/Collection status for a week now

I feel your pain Anon

>> No.9355792

I once had a package go into NY at jfk, leave to Jersey, and shipped back into NY where I am.

>> No.9355807

>Two different packages still hasn't left Japan and has been sitting in Posting status for 2 weeks now.
>Has been seeing shitty problems posted about USPS on MFC these past couple of days
>Paranoia went up by 1000%

This was my first time using SAL but fuck it I'm going back to airmail/EMS. This was too much suffering for me to handle apparently

>> No.9355833
File: 534 KB, 750x897, _i9yKBOsZz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAL has been super slow for me too recently. Usually only wait 2 weeks and it gets to me. It's been 2 weeks and JUST left Japan. I thought saving $10 from EMS would be worth it, it's not.

>> No.9355839

My last package was mailed from someone in my state under 2 hours away from me, traveled 4 hours out of state for no fucking reason just to finally arrive at my place a week later. USPS routes makes no sense.

Delivery times suck so much. My unregistered SAL package actually arrived a week ago and both shipped at the same time. I hope your packages arrive quickly!

>> No.9355844
File: 1.99 MB, 321x207, 1418436767549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going through the same thing a couple weeks ago. It sucks, but I keep going with SAL because I'm trying to lessen the pain on my wallet whenever possible.

>> No.9355850

can i ita my laptop? with a bunch of stickers anybody else done this

>> No.9355869

The only reason I chosen SAL is because they didn't offer airmail and I felt EMS would be ridic for just one item. I should have rethink that.

>> No.9355879

I thought about getting stickers for my laptop before but decided not to because it'd be a huge hassle to remove them.

>> No.9355915
File: 442 KB, 1024x768, SAM_8910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moved everything over from my Salus bag to my UtaPri bag. Absolutely love this bag! Now all I need to get my hands on is his Prince Parka...

and thank you to the anons who commented on my bear in the previous thread! I'm bit iffy on the idea of taking commissions for them since sewing on the details of his sweater was a pain and I'm not sure how well I'd fair on more complex character designs.

>> No.9355939
File: 124 KB, 842x596, 1487043019797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the sizes of straps like pic related? I've never bought this style strap before.

Wait, what? I thought SAL was about 2 weeks shipping international from Japan. Is there some delivery issue right now?

>> No.9355942

It says on the bottom the largest dimensions are about 120mm x 70mm

>> No.9355947

SAL almost always takes minimum 3 weeks for me regularly, but I live on the east coast.

Agreed, I'd rather save the shipping difference and put it toward more items.

>> No.9355994

Masato is such a good boy. Cute bag + bear.

>> No.9356000

They're called King Blade in Japan, you can usually find them at idol concerts and what not. Here's a fancy one that changes colors from Movic


>> No.9356071

I love those. I have a set which let you scroll through colours and then choose one. (Regular kingblades only change colour so you have to go through all of them). The bag to carry them around your hip is also great!
Idolm@ster has character penlights though. Any kingblade with big batteries is not allowed at their concerts, so they sell separate ones for all the characters/seiyuus performing. Would be a great addition to an Idolm@ster itabag

>> No.9356152

>order from Surugaya still hasn't arrived at From Japan and it's been 8 days

>> No.9356154

Got an error when I clicked the link. Thanks anyway!

>> No.9356161


Just saw this on my dash and thought I'd share. Osomatsu-san is included as well.

>> No.9356262

What if you use a shopping service ?

>> No.9356264

Some places don't sell to known shopping services (or even let them bid) so I'd think that'd be a toss up.

>> No.9356324

It says it's only on dvds, blu-rays, and CDs, so it shouldn't really affect itabag stuff. Don't scare us like that anon

>> No.9356356

Thank you very much!

Yeesh, I live on the East Coast too. Would you say that it's usually under a month to arrive?

>> No.9356412

that was more just in case you were tossing them in with itabag stuff.

>> No.9356427

Yeah, I just realized you need an Movic account to view it. Sorry about that!

>> No.9356523

I'm planning on doing a Viktor Nikiforov ita bag and I wanted to get the white WEGO heart one and then put the Russian flag on it with some roses and his name in Russian in gold letters but all the official merch of him has teal in it (I guess that's his color like how Yuuri is blue and Christophe is purple etc) Any advice? I was hoping to use mostly official merch

>> No.9356524

But why?

>> No.9356525

You can use gold as an accent color, it's look better than plain teal everywhere.

>> No.9356543

i generally thot that you would get a shell

(like i have its blank right now) please tell me someone has done this

>> No.9356626

I've always thought sticker-covered laptops looked really trashy, but that's because the stickers themselves get worn down and aged pretty quickly. I wonder if there's a good shell style case out there that would let you decorate more itabag-style, with a protective covering for your decorations.

>> No.9356666

the closest i've seen are custom printed cases and keyboard covers. i do think having a protective shell with decorations would make it too bulky (since the appeal of many new laptops are their thin and lightweight designs)

>> No.9356734

You can buy clear plastic shells for laptops, it would work fine >>9356666 I don't think shells wouldake the laptop much more bulky and at the very least they would be shock resistant. The extra .25 inches or whatever isn't going make it unwieldy. The appeal of newer laptops is more that they are light.

If you buy nice vinyl stickers, none of this is a problem. if something is designed to last on a car exterior, it will last on your laptop. I had vinyl stickers all over my laptop in college and by the time I saw any wear my comp was dead anyway.

other ways to ita laptop: custom skins, bedazzling the case, fandom usb inserts, keyboard skins

>> No.9356742

I have a vinyl decal of Baymax on my laptop because it looks clean and nice, but if I was going to go full ita-top I would be at the mercy of whatever materials were used by artist alley booths to find enough interesting stickers of any of my favorite characters, and the quality of either of those could be varying.

>> No.9356762

Apparently they can only get the red bags. I'm not looking for a red, but maybe one of you gulls can snag one.

Those two would be adorable! I'm partial to mint, however.

>> No.9357291


>Having all of my things in the bags flap really requires it.

I have that same bag so I know your pain when it comes to opening it. The velcro on that thing is strong, but too strong.

>> No.9357306

Anyone going to Katsu? I just finished my fourth bag to bring there.

>> No.9357341
File: 86 KB, 500x559, tumblr_lxq32xqHtk1qdc388o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot how much FromJapan gets you with that Charge 2.

>Charge 1: 1200Y
Charge 2: 1837Y (cheapest shipping + surprise fees)

Paypal's exchange rate is off by 4Y so I could've saved more but I guess $27.50 isn't too awful for 1kg stack of doujin and two tiny plastic pieces of merch.

>> No.9357382

I am! I'm hosting an Introduction to Ita Bags panel Friday afternoon and then hosting an ita bag meet on Saturday from noon to three in the atrium.

>> No.9357386

I was searching for a good base for my Sombra bag and this is perfect! Thank you, anon~

>> No.9357408
File: 128 KB, 500x500, GetImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tempted to get pic related so I can pin my Ichimatsu merch on it and place it next to my plushies. Should I go for it? The size is 37 x 33 cm and it barely costs 4€. But I'm not sure whether or not my merch would look good on it... thoughts?

>> No.9357467
File: 35 KB, 225x350, 304024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so cheap, just go for it. If it doesn't look good you can just give it away or something
Sounds like a really cute idea to me tbqh

>> No.9357477

I was wondering why so many people just have 50 of the same damn pin. Is that am actual Ita bag trend, or are people just lazy?

>> No.9357482

read the guide

>> No.9357488

Just bought it on the site, it has free shipping too if it's being sent to one of its stores for pickup. Can't wait to be notified of its arrival~

Will post my results here once I get everything ready.

It's kinda thing/trend but sometimes there just isn't enough official merch around if any at all.

>> No.9357546

It's a thing, and a lot more common in Japanese itabags than in western ones. Importing fees etc make that kind of thing daunting as an overseas fan, but the pins are fun and easy and cheap to collect out of gatchas if you're actually in Japan.

>> No.9357742

Are you also doing the 'Make Your Own Itabag Workshop' on Saturday? I see it on FB.

>> No.9357753

That one's not me. I'm just doing the Introduction panel on Friday. We did talk a bit when we first found out we were both doing workshops/panels. So we're covering different stuff.

>> No.9357764

Fair enough. I plan on going to both regardless. Where is the meetup going to be?

>> No.9357770

For now it's set to be down in the atrium by the fountain. This is actually my first time at Katsu however so I may update the location after arriving on Friday. There's an event up on Facebook for it.

>> No.9357962


Here's another listing for the swimmer totes.

>> No.9358073
File: 41 KB, 1268x269, weebshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys organize your orders?
pic related my spreadsheet

>> No.9358090

Impulse buy/bid and then cry when the invoices come in.

>> No.9358114

Same, though I sell on eBay as well. I should sit down and properly spreadsheet that stuff since I do need to probably make note of it on my taxes.

>> No.9358119

>or are people just lazy?
Some items are extremely rare, so people who obtain multiples want to show off their very HTF collection. Also, it's part of the look. It's "painful" to see so much of the same thing.

Thanks anon, trying desperately to get my hands on one

>Impulse buy/bid and then cry when the invoices come in.
This is me exactly. I shouldn't do it, but I can't stop...

>> No.9358126

Thats how I normally do it but im trying to be better with spreadsheets. Hopefully there will be no more tears for me.

>> No.9358131

I have something similar, but it's a list next to my computer with what I'm waiting on, if it's shipped, if it's in customs, and when it'll be delivered.

>> No.9358135

mah niggah

>> No.9358168

Do you have a business or just sell here and there?

>sell stuff here and there, didn't report it
I doubt I made enough to even bother.

>> No.9358175

That's from the same shop that I linked in >>9353934 so I can only assume that it's an accidental duplicate listing and they can only get the red.

>> No.9358304

I really just take the extras from the sets I buy and sell them off. Really just break even most of the time. Is it worth reporting?

>> No.9358391

You only have to report it as income if you made more than $400 from sales during the year. I wouldn't bother with it.

>> No.9358422

Is that $400 selling altogether or just profit?

>> No.9358449

Not OP but I think in profit. Buying them in the first place would be considered a business expense. Unless you're flipping a whole bunch of them and making decent money off of it, it's really not worth it to report them desu

>> No.9358491

You can deduct business expenses like the other anon said. I'd really only put it down if you made over $400 profit. If that applies to you, you need a Schedule C form iirc.

>> No.9358510

Ah that's fine then I'm definitely not making nearly that much in profit. Thanks for the info guys. I will definitely start keeping track of this stuff in the future though.

>> No.9358623

I probably should. I thought the rule was you only had to file stuff if you made more than what, I think it's around $2000 in a year? Something like that.
And being a broke college student reselling stuff for spending money... yeah. Didn't really apply.

>> No.9358639
File: 188 KB, 550x550, 110495541_o2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend a large ita shoulder (not tote) bag? I'm looking for one around 31x39cm and this bag from zakkamart is the closest one I've found, but I'd prefer one made of fabric since I want to make my own shoulder strap or dye the one that comes with the bag. I like wego's two way shoulder/tote but it's not big enough for what I have planned.

>> No.9359486
File: 83 KB, 960x720, C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I'm planning on putting eyelet lace around the heart of my Wego backpack similar to this picture but I can not for the life of me figure out how to get it glued nicely around the curves of the heart.
Should I cut notches and over lap it or do you gulls have another idea?

>> No.9359499

Try to gently heat it and curve it with an clothing iron. It's what I usually do when I need bias or trims to make smoother curves. Takes a bit of patience and time but should do the trick. Just slowly bend the lace (small sections at a time) to the desired shape and iron (steam helps) over carefully so it retains the curved shape, if that makes sense.

>> No.9359765

Does anyone have that picture of the Yuri on Ice itabag with rings? It lights up and features yuuri and Viktor. I forgot to save it to my inspo folder but I can't stop thinking about it.

>> No.9359786
File: 258 KB, 900x1200, 1484501368143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, anon.

>> No.9359814

Oh wow. I've never used lights for clothing and such, what kind would you get for something like this?

>> No.9359927

fairy lights that are battery operated

>> No.9359968

can i get some advice on how to neatly tuck away straps? there's no jump ring so i have to pin it by the strap no matter what, but not sure how i can hide extra bits.

>> No.9359999
File: 220 KB, 900x600, Tokyo-Disneyland-photologue-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9360008
File: 17 KB, 480x259, FB_IMG_1487347145637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a completed picture from the fb group

>> No.9360032
File: 67 KB, 960x518, 16387355_10211549382751274_2477324798306338992_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture for ants sorry I was on mobile

>> No.9360093

Thank you! Wow the charms that are facing each other look AMAZING.

>> No.9360111

Post a picture? I'm having trouble mentally picturing how it's set up

>> No.9360167

Personally I'm planning on sewing some discreet loops around certain parts of the charms so they stay in place.

>> No.9360277

Does it have a ball chain? In that case I normally add my own jump ring.

>> No.9360323
File: 2.49 MB, 2976x2976, 20170217_143942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veigue/Tyree anon back, my bag and most of my charms came in today. Unfortunately, there's very limited merch for these two and everything... Kind of looks the same. A little disappointed. This is a WIP but I was really unhappy with it until I started trying to throw some fake flowers in (Tytree has a flower theme). I think it spruces up the bag a little, so I'm thinking of going to Michaels tomorrow and just picking up some snowflake charms and more fake flowers to fill the gaps. I really wish there were small charms for either of these two, I don't really like how huge all the pins are...

>> No.9360390
File: 397 KB, 1058x1411, Victuuri led rings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently it was updated again on their twitter with a different layout

>> No.9360418
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 16831706_1557776507580691_866174629_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help! I found this old vinyl tote bag from my childhood. I wanted to use it as an itabag cover. I tried to use nail polish remover to rub off the design but ended up smudging all over the bag. Can this be salvaged?

>> No.9360431

You probably used a colored nail polish remover or one that didn't have enough acetone content. Use 100% acetone and it should remove the smudginess

>> No.9360461

The remover was clear but the pattern was definitly pretty dark.

>> No.9360563 [DELETED] 

try the clear, 1000% acetone again and then try using baby oil to get rid of the excess color or any smudging.

>> No.9360566

Try using the clear, 100% acetone again and then try using baby oil to get rid of the excess color or any smudging.

>> No.9360571

this is amazing anon! I actually made a tiiiiiny little clover figure and now this is giving me inspo to make a clover bag. bless you

>> No.9360629
File: 680 KB, 600x600, Ita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Package arrived today! I messed around with placement a bit, but the tsumtsums are definitely too bulky to fit. I'm probably only going to make three or four buttons and nix the cat themed keychains from my new order.

I'm wondering if the cat towel actually works with the merch or if I should still buy the blue one for more blank space?

>> No.9360644
File: 25 KB, 274x266, 1484663559580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god anon it's so cute!!

>tfw I have a ton of rilakkuma merch and never thought about making an itabag with it all

>> No.9360658

Showed off my ita bag and someone was so confused that i had multiples of the same piece of merchandise and then tried to purchase the extras off of me? lmfao

>> No.9360683

... are those raiakkuma condoms?
because if so that is perfect and amazing and now I need to know if they ever made metal gear condoms. I need to make me a BB/Ocelot bag.

>> No.9360699

Yea, they're honey-themed condoms! Another anon reminded me they existed a few threads back and I had to get them. They're pretty small though, the max length is like 6". Good luck on your fandom condom search!

>> No.9360859

You're actually the third person I've heard this happening to.

>> No.9361133
File: 2.00 MB, 3264x1836, 20170218_184558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up the pillow today and put all of my merch on! This also reminded me that I need more buttons...

>> No.9361169

I don't know if you knew, but hobby search is holding a sale on a lot of Osomatsu-san merch. There is some badges on sale.


>> No.9361227

....my wallet hates you but I love you. Thank you so much, anon! Placed an order now and couldn't resist to get more charms because they're so cute... sigh

>> No.9361241

Different anon for you to hate, but manadrake also has lots of matsu stuff for fairly cheap. A lot of it being in separate stores is a pain though.

>> No.9361336

I'll keep that in mind for the time when I'll order via SS. Or when I'll go to Japan this fall.

>> No.9361461

That reaper reminds me of a barn owl

>> No.9361478

You don't need an SS for mandarake.

>> No.9361506

His mask is (most likely) based off of a barn owl so that makes sense.

>> No.9361515
File: 289 KB, 1126x1200, C4Y9FQSXAAAISDe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I'd share my Souma itabag + stuff i carried to the last con I went to! My friends also had heart-shaped enstars itabags, so it was pretty fun. I wish I had more time to organize the bag better but it was fun

>> No.9361568

>the condoms

Oh god anon, thanks for the laugh

>> No.9361608

> surugaya online shows stock
> go to the store
> what I want isn't in the rack with everything else from the same fandom

well then.

>> No.9361668

the idea of buying multiples of something is so far from western collecting it makes 0 sense to most people (I honestly have a hard time warming up to it and I've been itabagging for a long time)

>> No.9361677

i like the aesthetic, bite me

the point is to look extra as fuck and whats more extra than owning 20 versions of the same button

>> No.9361876

But did you carry the framed photo along as well?

>> No.9362226

Yeah, I had a smaller itabag so i could carry the coin-purses and the framed pic!

>> No.9362947
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>the point is to look extra as fuck and whats more extra than owning 20 versions of the same button
I'm with you on that, anon. Multiples are sooo satisfying, especially when you know if it's rare merch. I'm a western collector and I see the appeal!

>> No.9362948
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>> No.9362949
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>> No.9362950
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>> No.9362951
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>> No.9362952
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>> No.9362957
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>> No.9363030
File: 2.51 MB, 3024x4032, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm inspired by your Zoro bag, anon. I got this bag on a whim at Katsucon and realized I could start an ita bag with it... although it's not the typical style of an ita bag, I figure the fact it already has the character on it is a plus.

>> No.9363144

I need access to those matching Yugi and Yami straps stat and those Kuribohs ones gawd.

>> No.9363220

True art.

>> No.9364220
File: 684 KB, 2048x2048, CB858DA7-5E5D-4C64-9538-A346E23AE428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably my smallest order to date but like I'm not sure I'd ever be able to find a Foia charm again and I wanted these limited edition pins...

...Because I totally have space on my Camus itabag...

>> No.9364534
File: 70 KB, 600x800, 03_007-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I saw these posted, but WEGO has these cute shoulder bag version of their heart backpacks now.

>> No.9364607

I'll actually be starting an itabag of Chris soon. I'll probably use my own creations mixed with stuff other people make of him that I find at cons.

>> No.9364639

>tfw no Chris

>> No.9364864

I will never understand why theres merch for Michele

>> No.9364873

Because he's being boned by the hottie from the Czech Republic?

>> No.9364980

Isn't it determined by popularity/balance? I know that the GPF skaters get a good chunk of merch, so maybe the other skaters are determined by whoever hasn't had recent merch or by whoever is more popular.
I don't know about Chris or Otabek (both seem more popular for shipbait than their actual characterization), but JJ and Phichit are really popular in Japan, so they'll continue to get regular merch.

>> No.9364985

Oh thank god. The backpacks always made me feel like a weird baby.

>> No.9365104
File: 40 KB, 600x800, 02_U61-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so lovely. only wish it was a little bit bigger. it also looks like all of the colors have glitter on the vinyl.

>> No.9365115
File: 315 KB, 960x1280, Forever21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if these have been posted yet but I found them today at Forever21. They're $24.90 and seem to just come in pink and white (at least at the store I went to). There's no inner pocket. I got the pink one because it was convenient, it seems surprisingly sturdy

>> No.9365121

While I am pleased that there isn't that much competition for Michele merch, it's really weird that he does get so much. I even get discounts when I buy his stuff because no one else wants him.

>> No.9365141

It got posted a few threads ago. I wish I knew moon, cause I'd like to let WEGO know they've got a knockoff at a major brand.

>> No.9365142


I found it on their website, it does seem like those are the only colors unfortunately.

>> No.9365296

This gave me a lady boner <3

It's okay anon. I've been slowing down on my impulsive buys just so I can save for the monthly POs. I think the past two months have been the most I've ever spent ever since I started this hobby.

I'm one of those people that's been giving major discounts just to get rid of his merch. Even then no one fucken wants him.

>> No.9365339

At first I kinda liked that we got so much time with each of the lesser characters. But then I realized it was taking away from the rivalry plot that was established so well early on and they might have just been aiming to churn out more of that sweet pretty boy merch money by trying to make us care about as many as possible.

>> No.9365383

From what I've noticed through Twitter, Chris is super popular in Japan, and even Kubo has said he was one of her favorites to storyboard cause of his booty. There's so much potential there, and yet they aren't taking ittttt.

>> No.9365707

I like his character but not enough to make an itabag dedicated to just him. I'm putting him on a bag dedicated to his seiyuu Maeno Tomoaki. I'm being really picky with my choices lol

I agree with you. Though it seems they're now getting a grip of who will be the side characters that make the most money?

>> No.9366035
File: 2.89 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on my otome game themed itabag! I think I need to put some sort of insert for my heart because my acrylic charms are getting lost in the black. Leaning to adding white because I like that aesthetic but does anyone have any suggestions?

Also saving some spots for MM fan merch I can pick up at Sakura Con. ^^ I may end up taking my voltage once game stuff out and making a itabag dedicated to them.

>> No.9367159

So, this is probably just me being neurotic, but does anyone else get a little annoyed when people call plain base bags itabags?

I know it's a silly thing to be cheesed about, but a clear window does not make an itabag, it's the merch and dedication/love of whatever you're making the bag for. I guess the big reason I don't like people saying it is because it makes it sound like an itabag's something you can just buy instead of something you put effort into.

>> No.9367165

Wait, people really call just the bag itself with no decoration an itabag?

>> No.9367168

I know it's me being a neurotic shit but I feel like a lot of bags I've seen recently don't have that love for the character that made the old bags so charming.

>> No.9367174

>don't have that love for the character
...people dropping cash on merch is pretty much love, anon.

>> No.9367186

Yeah, I've mostly been seeing it on twitter. People saying stuff like "I should buy an itabag.", "Where can I find an itabag like x?" and stuff like that.

The one that pissed me off the most though was on intagram when I was looking for inspo. Someone had the heart bag full of regular everyday stuff, and they took a picture of it and tagged it itabag. I'm here for inspo, dangit, I don't want to see your boring crap.

>> No.9367189

> this is turning into a normie hobbie

never thought I'd see the day.

>> No.9367190

It's definitely getting more prominent, but I wouldn't say it's normie yet. I'd guess that one instagrammer just heard someone call the heart bag an itabag and decided to tag it. That or they knew it wasn't one and tagged it in an attempt to fish for likes.

>> No.9367200

are you attaching the straps to the outside of the bag by just pinning through the pleather material? is it a concern that the fabric might tear?

>> No.9367206

(different anon) the vinyl shouldn't rip, but it'll show the puncture holes if you rearrange stuff later.

>> No.9367226

The fabric is thick enough that it isn't a problem, I'm also using thick mounting tape as well though to hold it where I want it.

I'm doing this on a knockoff though, not sure how the material in the actual ones hold up to it.

Also what >>9367206 said. Which if the holes become a problem for future bags I'll just buy a new one since the bag was relatively cheap.

>> No.9367302

>don't have that love for the character that made the old bags so charming.
Do you mean just making a bag because the merch is cute? Otherwise, I agree with >>9367174. Dropping a shit ton of money indicates love on some level.

>> No.9367330

I think there are just a lot of newbies in the hobby right now - intro panels are a pretty new thing for Itabags. Lots of people are still figuring out what they like, how they like to make bags, and building up merchandise from ground zero. Give them time, they'll either grow out of an insanely expensive hobby and sell off their merch, or grow into it and make some beautiful bags.

>> No.9367341

Unfortunately, there's not much companies can do about design knock-offs. Forever 21 has a history of stealing both designs and prints (I vaguely remember them getting in actual trouble over one of Gwen Stefani's brands years ago), so that's just one more reason to not shop there for me (on top of how their clothing quality going down while the prices have gone up).

>> No.9367459

Does anyone else put their merch on something like felt squares so you can switch out characters and designs while using one bag?

>> No.9367468

I recently got interested in bagging but I already had a shitton of dispersed merch/straps/keychains from series that I like. Before that, I've been crocheting small blankets to pull over board where I pin all the danglies related to a series, and I put it up with any figures from that series I own on my shelf so nothing gets damage.

I tend to like all the characters from the things I do like, so collecting one character or even just two at a time instead of a little of everything that becomes available to me upsets my autism. Having place to pin-up spare itabag merch sounds really useful.

>> No.9367496

Yeah it's a time when the hobby's gaining traction but give it a few more months/a year and all the normies will drop out since they dont wanna put the effort or the money to make a really gorgeous itabag.

Not gonna lie, I've been getting a little peeved shifting through instagram and twitter to find inspo but all I see are are bags that have a bunch of random things on there.

I think what the other anon mean is the fanatic love that started the whole itabag trend. Dropping cash is fine, but it was the obsessive HUGE amounts of cash that makes itabag what it was. Recently I've just been seeing a bunch or random shit being thrown on a bag, tagged an itabag and they're done.

>> No.9367521
File: 137 KB, 580x483, itabag1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure it's the same in Japan though? For every hardcore itabagger there's a lazy one who just tosses random stuff on a bag and calls it a day. It's just how things work.

Then you've got the flipside where someone spends ridiculous amounts of money to create itabags they don't care about to show off and toss in a corner in favor of making another for the next big hype anime.(Yes, I'm thinking about someone in particular we all know and despise)

What I'm saying is while I think monetary dedication is a form of showing your love, you can have that same itabag spirit even if you're not drowning in merchandise. I mean for some fandoms it's really hard to find anything at all so someone that has a bag dedicated to a character that only has six charms on it? I'm not going to judge them because they might've spent months and a small fortune just to get those six items.

Even the Japanese recognize that people with small amounts of merch or hesitant looking bags are still itabaggers. It's just us in the West making up all these rules (as we always do).

>> No.9367524

>Even the Japanese recognize that people with small amounts of merch or hesitant looking bags are still itabaggers

Maybe it's just me, but at places like Akiba or Ikebukuro, I only ever see people with full bags - I even see people in full outfits once in a while. The only people with six of five charms are from series with literally nothing to buy.

>> No.9367527

It's probably less common now with shops dedicated to itabags but when the 'guide' was created there was enough of them around to warrant their own little explanation.

>> No.9367757

Would you consider me part of the problem then? I'm the anon with the Otome game theme bag (>>9366035 is me) and my main itabag is a seiyuu inspired one, so they're not dedicated to a single character.

>> No.9367817

Personally I think it's stupid to call it a "problem"

Itabags are a fun hobby about spending a lot of money and collecting a lot of stuff. People do that to different extremes and for different themes, and always have.

It's kind of like saying there's a problem in the figure collecting community because some people buy two or three figures and stick them on a shelf and call it good. Sure, enthusiasts like myself will buy glass cases and go all out with collections - but there will always be people who are only casually invested in collection hobbies. It's part of the scene.

Personally, I think it's elitist and un-fun to shit on 'em.

>> No.9367937

I'd never say having multiple bags of different things is a problem, as long as you actually care about those things. I'm the anon with the giant robot bag from last thread, and I've already got plans for 3 more -- 2 for specific series, one for the husbando.

I'd say the only itabaggers that should be frowned upon are the ones like >>9367521 mentioned, who make bags of things they don't care about to show off and get likes on online, only to dump said bag and repeat the process for the next big FoTS animu. And even then, those people aren't really a problem. If they want to spend a shitload of money for asspats online, it's their choice.

>> No.9368055

Isn't this topic rather similar to the bootleg topic from a few threads ago? Or even to the repetitive/symmetric topic before that? I've always thought it was a matter of preference to each person since everyone has unique tastes, different budgets and all that

>> No.9368088

I'm curious, dies anyone have any experience of putting stickers in their itabags? I'm planning one for a character without a whole lot of official merch and have been considering laminating stickers in place of charms.

>> No.9368117

I think it's a problem if other peoples bag are making people pissed off? Like why is there such an elitist attitude when we're all just putting things on bags?

>> No.9368121

I bought stickers of my husbando, I think I'm going to turn them into charms by sticking them on some sintra board

>> No.9368129

Anon, you either misread something or are putting words in people mouths. No one here's gotten mad at anyone's bags. It was just one anon saying a lot of new bags lacked the love of older ones, and people refuting that.

I've seen someone with these hollow button/badge covers that they put the sticker on backing paper inside. You can also back the sticker on something sturdy and seal it with modgepodge or something and turn it into a charm/pin. Doming with resin also works too for that last bit, and it's personally what I'd do.

>> No.9368130

An ita bag is something specific that is typically created for a specific purpose which is to show off dedication to a character/show/etc. Essentially a personal shrine for whatever waifu/husbando/otp. When you're putting all kinds of stupid shit in it like your Ramones patch, miku button and a skate or die sticker in it I think it's no longer technically an "ita bag" and now just a window bag with random stuff you like in it.

Comparing this discussion to that of the bootleg thing isn't really on the same level. One has to do with the literal definition of this hobby and the other is just a personal purchase preference.

I'm not really sure what you mean by elitist attitude in this case. Like you don't appreciate that some anons are saying they don't like that some people don't have very full bags? I agree that I enjoy super full bags but if someone can't find many items and prefer official made merch, their bag is going to be more skimpy overall. Like another anon said before, some characters just are more rare/don't have many things made and sometimes those 5 straps and a cloth are $400+. If someone just doesn't want to reveal their power level through their bag, then so be it but I personally enjoy doing so. I like having a fuller bag and having more things to look at and maybe talk about with other ita baggers who share my waifu.

>> No.9368132

I'm with >>9368129 about sticking your sticker to something sturdy (any plastic backing) and doming with resin, maybe even adding glitter to the resin if possible. This is obviously hoping that it's a vinyl sticker but doming and adding a strap or pin to the back would be awesome.

>> No.9368158

Im sorry I might have worded it incorrectly, but I didn't mean to say that monetary dedication is the only dedication or even how full a bag is. My main point was looking for inspo on all social platforms and yet seeing what >>9368130 described 70% of the time then of course it can get a bit tiring trying to shift through all of it.

Again, what >>9368130 described as random shit is exactly what I was talking about. Both your Otome and Seiyuu bag has a theme, if a rather broad one and your bag looks perfectly fine the way it is.

>> No.9368168

That's exactly what I meant. It's their money so they can spend it however they want, but having 10 bags of different characters just makes you look like a seasonal basic bitch lol.

>> No.9368237

Eh I have like 13 going on 14 bags and 10 of them are for different characters/themes but I love all of them to bits. None of them are like the new it show though. They're all for older more established series that I've been into for a while. I don't really see anything wrong with having bags for different series. Even if they are for the new recent it show it just shows where your current obsession lies. Some people change obsessions easily. Some stick them out longer.

>> No.9368256

As long as you're not that chick from the FB group you're fine.

>> No.9368284

I'm the group order host from the FB group~

>> No.9368329

How does it feel to be a slut

>> No.9368337

As someone who's not in the FB group, can I ask about this chick? Why's she so awful?

>> No.9368344

Honestly I'm not even sure how to respond to this. I've been into these series for quite some time, I hate dropping lots of money on something I know I won't be invested in months or years down the line. So all my bags are for series and characters I feel very strongly about.
I'm in the FB group so unless it's me they're talking about I honestly have no idea who they're referring too. And honestly if it is me I've never even gotten a hint that I'm disliked.

>> No.9368371
File: 73 KB, 640x480, 16830842_10155078883597360_6174551937330096399_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about Pauline 'Brag'insky with her hoarder home of 20+ bags that she made every week and rooms crammed full of merch.

>> No.9368377

Ooookh ok yeah not me. But meh she doesn't really bother me. She's having fun and if she can afford to spend that much on so many bags then good for her. I'm not going to lie, if I had that much disposable income I'd probably find myself in a similar situation.

>> No.9368382

Normally I'm not so salty but when the group first started all I remember her for is her creating bags for that Osomatsu-san show when it suddenly got big and posting about them multiple times a week. When the hype wore down she switched to another new popular show, repeat, repeat, etc.

She actually made me stop checking the group because I'd have to wade through her spam. She may be better now I dunno but I'm still salty that someone can spend that much money on being e-popular then just toss everything into a corner when she's done getting likes on it.

>> No.9368542

I'm just trying to figure out where this money is coming from. Too tired to check but I think she says she's a model in Japan? Too be fair stuff is cheaper in Japan but at the rate she buys it someone else is clearly paying for her lifestyle.

>> No.9368605

Anyone can be a model in Japan just by being white and average looking (by our standards at least, look at Dakota and her thinning hair/fivehead) so that doesn't say much. That's like saying you're famous in South Korea because you got recruited to be in an idol's MV for 30 seconds as the token white girl love interest.

>> No.9368748

I hate F21 because their sizing is inconsistent and their quality is crap. I also accidentally washed my BF'S phone when trying to alter a pair of PJs I bought from there and that was a whole other mess to fix. I do like their socks though.

Anyway, I don't have an itabag of my own but I really enjoy these threads and seeing the dedication anons have for characters/series. Maybe someday when I have more disposable income I'll make a bag but for now I'll stick with collecting figures.

>> No.9368802

Do what I'm doing and put your figures in a bag to take with you to conventions.

>> No.9368823

>having 10 bags of different characters just makes you look like a seasonal basic bitch lol.

I also have multiple bags, but they're for series/games that I have become strongly attached to. I put lots of time and money into my bags so I guess I just don't understand this mentality. Pretty much what >>9368237 said

>> No.9368963

Don't respond to the obvious shitposter guys.

>> No.9369416
File: 433 KB, 960x1280, 16387355_10211549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if anyone remembers me but I posted on the last thread asking for advice on my first itabag and some people said they wanted to see pictures when I got my stuff so here we are!
I'm still working on a layout. I'm trying to avoid pinning anything until my next order comes it because it's a big one.

>> No.9369418
File: 418 KB, 960x1280, 16387355_10211548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with flash because my lighting is ugly
I'm not sure how I should attach the penguin. Should I hook it on the handle? I want it to be visible and I'm not sure if it would be on there.

>> No.9369445

I like your backing board! The rubber strap looks adorable. For the big penguin, I'd say attach it to the zipper so it doesn't cover your merch like putting it on the handle might. What kind of hanging strap does it have?

>> No.9369459
File: 1.21 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attaching it to the zipper is a great idea I didn't think of that. It's a ball chain.
Actually funny story about the rubber strap. I actually ordered the acrylic charm version of the same strap because I couldn't find the rubber one anywhere. I was pretty bummed about it but accepted it. Then the package came in and they ended up sending me the rubber one instead!

>> No.9369487

That's so lucky, rubber straps are much easier to keep safe/clean. I'd suggest putting a jump ring + phone lariat (check ebay, etsy, etc for suppliers) and attaching it directly to the fabric loop. Ball chains come undone really easily, so it'd be easy to lose the plush.

>> No.9369491

If you like the penguin where it is (I think it's really cute there), you might be able to pin it to the bag by its dress.

>> No.9369523

Seconding what the other anon said. I get nightmares whenever someone says he/she is attaching something they like with a ball chain. I can't remember the number of times it has come undone without me noticing

>> No.9369579
File: 3.06 MB, 2125x2353, 20170226_033350-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Registered Air Mail is supposed to be a step above SAL and I'm on day 20 (7-13 days my ass) waiting on a package with a ton of blind boxes that may or may not be useful
I feel, Anon. Stay strong.

>> No.9369641

I ordered the beginning of February from a couple places using Airmail/SAL and nothing has arrived yet either.

>> No.9369750
