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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9348612 No.9348612 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Patreon.

>> No.9348613
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>> No.9348614
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>> No.9348616
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>> No.9348620


>> No.9348633

Doesn't affect me, so I don't care. OP get a grip.

>> No.9348634

>implying patreon is only used by girls posting sexy cosplay pictures

If you want to use it for that then go the fuck ahead, adult content isn't against the rules (as long as it is still somewhat creative).

>> No.9348643

I actively use patreon to support actual artists (including cosplayers) who share tutorials, tips, tricks, free art raffles, those sorta things. Good shit.

"Cosplay girls" as I call them, very derogatorily mind you, are a waste of the platform. The post is accurate; they only offer fap material to people who can't figure out how to get real women.

But I don't really care what losers do with their bodies or money.

>> No.9348647

Good for them, the cosplayers

>> No.9348713


This. Patreon has an actual purpose for supporting and receiving art; I could see how legit cosplayers could use it to trade education for cash.

But OP is super on the nose about camwhores who borrow each other's costumes and have weekly basement porn shoots. It's a weird illusionary relationship and almost Victorian in the sensibilities but it's still cheap girls who would never cosplay otherwise doing sexwork for robots who then flood our board with accusations of all cosplayers are whores.

>> No.9348720

>manic-pixie con girl
What? Can we just not use made up terms like that? They're not manic pixie anything and they do vary, as much as I hate them. The most popular ones look like bimbo porn stars, not cute little pixie idols.

This rant and all the wording really feels roboty too. No one cares that betas support some sluts.

Regarding the platform itself, Patreon can work well for other things, but I seldom see it in good use. I'd never, ever give someone a dime of my money unless they were a business and I got something directly in exchange. Tiers like "You get a photo teehee", "Thanks for donating! Big e-hugs!" and "You get to feed me for a month" irritate the hell out of me. At least the sluts that understand put out something for their legion? It works, so blame the people that support them instead. There's plenty of dead Patreons because they don't put out anything of use.

>> No.9348793

I find your thoughts very fitting. I guess the "not quite porn", "girl next door" thing really is what motivates most patrons of those cosplay cam girls and can see how as soon as the illusion of "I am not paying a sex worker, I am supporting an artist" is broken, they turn against her.

Actually, I think it's fine both to be a cosplay cam girl and sell your body, as well as be someone who buys said body, as long as you don't have illusions about what you do.
I hate the slut shaming that surrounds that kind of patreons. Let people do with their money and their bodies hat they want to do! As long as they hurt nobody, who cares?

>> No.9348805

I'd say the guys are desperate and the girls are shameless, not the other way around.

>> No.9351997

I prefer the ones that own up to selling sex. Better than all the entitled ones just trying to get their hobby paid for.

>> No.9352010


> I don't really care what losers do with their bodies or money.

>"Cosplay girls" as I call them, very derogatorily mind you, are a waste of the platform.


>> No.9352200



>> No.9352483

He's referring to the manic pixie dream girl movie trope. It has nothing to do with idols.

>> No.9352521

Facts are facts.

>> No.9352525

You can think people are <insert undesirable trait here> and not care what they do. I think people begging for money on Patreon that have no substance are pretty ridiculous, but I don't really care. I think it's an awesome platform for content creators, though <go ElectroBoom>

>> No.9352593
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Why pay a cosplayer for soft core when porn parody is available?

>> No.9352640

Because as stated throughout this thread, neckbeards don't want "real" porn. They want to fantasize about a girl who is beautiful and sexy and wears their favorite video game character's costume, but who is also their shy, clumsy, innocent anime waifu. Breaking that illusion, either by being explicitly pornographic or by allowing other neckbeards to admit to fapping to her, drops her Patreon profits 300%.

>> No.9352658

Because people want cosplays that are actually good. There's obviously enough of a market there for someone to jump on it but nobody really has. Cosplay Deviants is the only thing I can think of and that's not exactly top quality

>> No.9352762

Who cares? It doesn't affect you if someone else wants to pay someone else money for sexy cosplay photoshoots. They both know what they're doing, even if it's not spoken out loud. The morals of it don't affect you.

In an age of adblock and Youtube payment policies pushing 10+ minute videos to make a living, Patreon is a fantastic way to support legit artists. So I'm glad it exists.

>> No.9352779
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this is some pretentious ass tripe m8. it's a simple exchange of goods and services. Money for boners basically.
cosplay hoes just provide whats in demand which is a "real life illusive geek girl".
yeah i know nerd culture is present and prevalent in both sexes but beta fags love to argue that it's not, that apparently a decent looking broad who likes the same autismo as them is a one a billion type deal when theyre a dime a dozen. Those niggas need to go outside more and realize the world is bigger than whats on their greasy computer screen.
the patreon thing is a bubble tho one of these bitches is gonna fuck up for everybody.

>> No.9352816

Can't knock the hustle. The cosplayers that are doing patreons for sexy shit were posting it before for free but now they have easy way to monetize it so people are just next level butt hurt that their free fap material is behind a pay wall.

People act like it's unheard of for people have some level of exhibitionism, if you flip it to the male side it's sending a bunch of dick pics out into the world but the only difference is no one wants to see your limp ass micropenis. Everyone wants to see tits but the Internet has a way of being a fucking prick to girls that put themselves out there. The way I see it patreon being pay to play keeps the mouth breathers out so that the girls can do what they want to do without direct harassment and make some money at the same time.

OP probably is just used to growing up with their daddy telling them how much of a deplorable piece of shit they are every day so they feel like they should spread that love out on the internet to random people instead of breaking the cycle.

>> No.9352864

Okay yes cosplay titty Patreons are annoying but what do you like on Patreon? I have an okay following on youtube (my videos aren't really cgl related though) and I was thinking about making a Patreon just for the hell of it. I'm not sure what I would even post there though. One of my friends made one for his Youtube and he doesn't have anything on there aside from "I'll take your video suggestions more seriously and actually respond to your messages" as perks on it. He gets a little under $100 a month from it because he has some subscribers who just really like him though

>> No.9352874

> I'm not sure what I would even post there though.


>> No.9352877
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>men shameless
>girls desperate

>> No.9352890

I'm pretty sure I'd lose more than half of my already small fanbase if I were to completely sellout to the titty route

>> No.9352898

>actually good
I mean, like not to be a dick but you're paying someone because they like to wear costumes..?

>> No.9352905

It's not my jurisdiction to say what people do with their bodies nor what people do with their wallets. I also don't believe any of those men are stupid enough to believe that their support will buy their way into somebody's pants. They are paying for nothing more then a fantasy. It's not much different then a man paying a dominatrix. If they want to pay for a fantasy, that's their choice. They know it's nothing more then a fantasy. Nobody is getting hurt, there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.9352921

Patreon rewards are a bonus not necessarily the point. There are people that make it all about the rewards but it doesn't have to be, the whole idea is about voluntarily supporting an artist regularly not specifically paying x dollars for y content. Of course creators will promise certain content for the month but that doesn't prevent them from making more or less it's just that having a regular stream of output is more professional. If you want to have some motivation behind it think about how you would spend that money to increase the quality of the content you make regularly and make that the motivation behind your patreon. It's also a way engage with the more devoted parts of your audience so rewards can be related to some kind of input into your content creation process as well as behind the scenes.

>> No.9353278

Oh that's a really good way of thinking about it! I've had people offer to send me money for a better camera or more supplies for videos but I've declined because it felt weird accepting that stuff. I guess Patreon could be a good way to get money to eventually spend on a better camera and more supplies without feeling as weird as having someone straight up send me stuff or Paypal money to me. Thanks anon!

>> No.9353788
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jesus i hate when cosplayers beg for money on patreon. i mean i love cosplay and it's my hobby, why the fuck would you ask strangers for money to support YOUR hobby? jesus, cosplay whores these days. most of them just end up using their money to buy cheap costumes from aliexpress and revarding their donators with slutty pictures. yes, cute "creating art"""" as they say

>> No.9354939

Wish there was a way to get these boudoir set without paying some actual are pretty good

>> No.9354948

I'm not paying anyone but obviously a lot of people are

>> No.9354954

100% agree and I think most people feel that way.

I will give my money to people who are in actual need of money- like a sudden car failure, hospital bills, animal hospital bills, etc. But fucking COSPLAY? Eat my entire ass cosplayers who pull this bullshit.

If anything, open a PO box if you're that popular so you can receive gifts- but having a patreon is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.9355638


Cosplay is suppose to be a hobby. Anytime I see a new cosplayer with a patreon, my respect for them goes down a fuck ton even if they have decent cosplay making skills.

>> No.9355669

You all sound so mad and it's hilarious. Keep crying, or not, cause either way they will get their hobby funded, and you won't.

>> No.9355906

I support 2 people's Patreons neither of which has anything to do with girls, costuming or nudes and the most successful ones I've seen don't rely on these things either. Amanda Palmer uses Patreon. I think the soft core stuff we see in the cosplay area is a bit seedy but no one has to support it if they don't like it either so I'm not sure why people cry about it so much. Suicide Girls site doesn't give all Alt models a bad name, Patreon cosplayers who do sexy photos for pay don't give cosplay in general a bad name so why even fuss about it?

>> No.9356406
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no thanks, i'll get my dignity to myself and pay for my hobby myself

>> No.9356421

Prostituting yourself to cosplay is not the answer to a "hobby for fun". Re-evaluate your life choices, then think about the damage you do to the community.

>> No.9356494


We are the community now

Maybe you are the ones who should leave

>> No.9356500

I don't think pay-for-sexy-photos cosplayers are in the majority at all. They never will be.
I don't mind people doing it though, we all know if you are 'that type' and to just avoid you if we don't like what you do.
Only a few butt hurt people post to protest and cry about it but most of us don't really think it's a very good thing to do either.

>> No.9356504

>they will get their hobby funded, and you won't.

you make it sound like we're jelly or something lmao

we aren't, it's cringey af

>> No.9356535

I think you are missing the point. We don't think it's necessary to get outside funding for our hobby, we are fine to pay for it like any other hobby.

I do not think it's a very good idea to set up the sexy cosplay expectation as the new norm for the hobby because it's just a small niche of deluded greedy girls too poor to pay for their things and beta males who are paying for attention. Neither represent the majority of cosplayers and fans of cosplay.

>> No.9356538

I don't mind cosplayers being on Patreon. It's the ones that do rewards and shit, those are the problem ones, especially when they're so blatant with "leads for the $50 tier, nudes for the $100 tier."

>> No.9356545

I think rewards are ok but if I were one of these girls, I'd ask myself if I really wanted to do anything that I'd be embarrassed for my boss or someone's kid or grandma to see. They can try to delude themselves that people are supporting their cosplay and their projects but most of these guys are just paying for the attention and some fap material.

>> No.9356550

Thank god you're not. Do you even think slutty cosplay photos are a "community"? If you follow drama on those girls, all they care about is themselves and hate one another. It's very selfish.

Hell, even your "fans" don't care about you. They only care about you as long as your moderately okay looking, then go onto the new girl, like Jnig losing to Momoko now. She'll be done sooner than you think.

I think this is what that anon meant when they said it damages the community. It's not about being apart of fandom or making nice costumes. It's about which bitch will have plastic surgery and will put out most for rabid men who don't actually like you. This reflects poorly on the majority of us that do things out of love of community.

>> No.9356553

Most cosplayers don't beg for money.
Most cosplay fans don't pay for lewd or nude photos.
But if this is your focus then you've probably ceased to see the larger picture.

>> No.9356578

your life must be really pathetic

>> No.9356592

>I think rewards are ok but if I were one of these girls, I'd ask myself if I really wanted to do anything that I'd be embarrassed for my boss or someone's kid or grandma to see.

But you arent embarrassed to be dressing up like japanese cartoon schoolgirls?

All cosplay/lolita is looked down upon by normies

>> No.9356601

Notice that ALL the attractive, popular cosplayers have patreon or prints or similar

If you dont then you are too ugly for anyone to care about you

>> No.9356605

Nah, I like regular cosplay and j-fashion and I don't do the schoolgirl thing, even that's too fetish-laden for me. I'd wear any of my stuff in front of your granny and I wouldn't be embarrassed for my boss to see that I cosplay and attend conventions as a hobby.

>> No.9356607

I don't mind that, I just think the ones so obviously chasing the greasy weeb fap dollars are as gross as the greasy weebs fapping to them.

>> No.9356609
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I adore Patreon, but I also use it for what it's meant for. I support webcomic artists & illustrators and in return I get a peek at additional content and behind-the-scenes sketches.

Some artists post porn illustrations/comics, but porn artists never pretend that that their porn is anything but that, and we all know we're paying extra because we're thirsty bitches. It's refreshingly honest.

>> No.9356613

Most normies understand Comic Con and cosplay. They also understand that someone stripping for money is a whore. They'd understand "Hey it's a nice Batgirl costume!" vs. "Some girl in a green wig and black underwear begging for likes and money."

Also Lolita has nothing to do with this. Lolita's don't have patreons really.

>> No.9357320

The big problem is that the more girls get naked on Patreon (and as time goes on they are just going to keep pushing the line to compete with each other) it changes the way people think about cosplay. Patreon used to be cool for creators but now with all the adult content the first thing you think of when you hear Patreon is camgirl, junior porn stars or lewd. That's the label they all have at first and now that's rubbing off on cosplay in general

>> No.9357321

Bahaha Nigri losing to Momokun. Momokun lost any chance at overtaking Nigri when she started doing nudes. Nigri makes money while keeping her dignity.

>> No.9357347

Nigri was at 41k last time i checked before patreon plugged the loophole

Momo was at 16k

>> No.9357466

Suicide Girls are open about being sex workers/fetish models, though, they don't act like they're just regular alt girls doing what alt girls do. What annoys me most about Patreon "lewd" cosplayers is that they pretend to be so confident, body-positive and empowered but will then deny up and down that posing for topless POV groping photoshoots constitutes sex work. They talk about posing butt-ass naked on a cheap motel bed in a character wig as if it's just another form of cosplay instead of admitting it's purely fap fodder. That lumps non-sexy cosplayers and these glorified camgirls together and it pisses me off. Just be upfront about being a sex worker, like Swimsuit Succubus does, and we're cool.

Maybe the normies in my area just suck but I've definitely had to explain over and over again to lots of different people that cosplay is NOT inherently a fetish thing. To them, the girl in the Batgirl costume is also a skank, just a different flavor of skank than the girl in the underwear. I do mostly armor cosplays and still have people asking me if I'm sure it's really not a fetish thing and if I'm not just being naive about other people's intentions.

>> No.9357468

Do people think all alt models are like suicide girls? No. I think it's pretty easy to tell regular cosplayers from the lewd/nudes ones, even for normies not into cosplay.

I wish Patreon would tighten up their guidelines on it but I'm not sure how theyd do that without throttling general adult content for actual artists too. People like Penny Underbust on there really make me cringe.

>> No.9357582

What loophole?

>> No.9357598


If someone hid their pledge total you could go into page info on firefox and it would be there

>> No.9357968

How is Nigri losing? She still makes more money and has more followers than Momokun could ever get.

>> No.9358032

well, I will probably get beaten the fuck out, but the whole problem with those "professional-sexy-cosplay-girls" in my mind is cosplay itself
it's complicated to explain, but let me try it
well imagine your average nerdboy, who never had sex, nor a girlfriend. let us presume, he is a fan of Final Fantasy too. Now he goes to a convention, and sees a cute Rikku cosplayer
his brain currently solves this formulas; cosplays Rikku = must be a Final Fantasy fan too; is a girl = possible girlfriend; also looks great + is a possible final fantasy fan = insta boner; Rikku cosplay = possibility to fuck Rikku in real life = insta jizz

as you can maybe see, cosplay girls are the wetdreamsof your average nerdboy
and since the whole nerdculture is still run by men (yes, I know there are also female nerds), he isn't the only one who, more or less thinks like that, and that's why most of the time, only female cosplayers are getting famous

and yeah, appearently, some smart women (doesn't matter, if "real" nerd girl, or just imposters) started to make money out of this

and even tough, like this anon>>9357466 already said, that cosplay isn't inherently a fetish, it still is it, or can be one too a certain degree

>> No.9358046

Nigri has been showing signs of aging, though. Momoko is riding that "thicc" trend and is fresh meat, but it's doubtful she'll surpass Nigri in any way.

>> No.9358054
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>moomoo being more popular than jnig, yaya, danielle

>> No.9358659
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>Notice that ALL the attractive, popular cosplayers have patreon or prints or similar
are you sure?

>> No.9358663
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This one's for creating animu porn.

>> No.9358667
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I wonder what her rewards are

>> No.9358670
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Noticed that one thing they all got in common? Yeah, tits everywhere

>> No.9358674

What a trainwreck

>> No.9358679
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>> No.9358682

She's pretty. Shame she has resorted to this.

>> No.9358684
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>> No.9358687
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>> No.9358688


>> No.9358689
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>> No.9358691
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>> No.9358693
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Vamplette is gross as shit

>> No.9358694

Holy shit anon, you weren't kidding .

>> No.9358697
File: 1.38 MB, 831x852, 1477782660499.png.abfaec27f52372da1f04b2a787922053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not thicc anymore, she's obese.

>> No.9358700

How long till she develops an eating disorder?

>> No.9358704

My first thought when I saw this was wow, Pixyteri is doing well these days1

>> No.9358707
File: 61 KB, 720x960, 16003129_1104165709693804_5358367557762881052_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Se's always been obese. This is how corsets work. Hell, look at Envyus. she's fat as fuck and uses a corset to trick people. Same with Nanabear.

pic compared to >>9340553

Corsets and editing do wonders.

>> No.9358708

hahahaha no

>> No.9358712

Bad example. She looks just as bad, if not worse.

>> No.9358720
File: 817 KB, 1408x847, 1487145299246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She hasn't always been obese. She's been gaining steadily over the past year or two, like her Patreons are her feeders.

>> No.9358725

speaking of artists. Do you have any cute/Jfashion-ish musician to follow in Patreon?

>> No.9358728

fuken this also about Lolita. Can't get my mom's and brother head to understand that Lolita is a fashion and not a fetish!!!11 fuck

>> No.9358753

This description is almost exactly the japanese idol industry.

>> No.9358754

Your jealousy is showing.

>> No.9358759
File: 61 KB, 252x221, 1475262894657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, her face is disastrous

>> No.9358760


>> No.9358762

Show me one popular attractive cosplayer who doesnt have patreon or sell themself another way

>> No.9358763

But anon, the craft!

>> No.9358869

I'm normally not like "get plastic surgery for your nose" but wow, it ruins everything she does.

>> No.9358872

this is unfortunate

>> No.9358873

Resorted? Have you not looked at her instagram? I'm surprised she didn't jump on the Patreon train sooner

>> No.9358875

Damn, this makes me feel sad she used to look so nice...

>> No.9358891

Thats got to be at least a 80-100lb gain, damn there is no going back without already having some damage done to her body.

>> No.9358913

stfu Jnig wannabee. not all cosplay girls are attention seeking sluts

>> No.9358915
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I think her jaw is somehow fucked too. I assume she has an underbite

>> No.9358985
File: 21 KB, 485x485, IMG_8907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should do a Pillsbury dough boy cosplay.
She's pretty... but holy moly. Tone up girl.

>> No.9358997

I don't understand why people would pay foxy a monthly fee to be the same naked, mildly attractive hoe she's been for the past 6 or 7 years.
I guess if you were only on cosplay deviants for her tits it would be like totally skipping the middle man. But you could find plenty of nudes for free just by googling either of her names.

>> No.9358999

God, all of these hoes lack any kind of tonage in their body.
Kind of tempting to start doing themed underwear shoots when you see your competition.

>> No.9359060
File: 97 KB, 750x937, 16463964_1321500527907887_3037283765152907264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who needs tonage when you have huge boobs?

>> No.9359067

Boo hoo, who cares this much about what people do on Patreon.

>> No.9359074

I give $1 once a month for Deerstalkers. I could became a supporter for another youtuber too, if I find it interesting enough.

Cosplay boobies aren't worth of my money.

>> No.9359089
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>> No.9359385

Yes plz. We need some /fit/ girls to balance out the tittie monsters.

>> No.9359392
File: 22 KB, 315x228, IMG_8911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google: Foxy cosplay
It takes seconds
I'll be sad if you start paying/sending gifts to this hoe money to fap to her, anon.

>> No.9359418

Protip: don't make a Patreon 'just for the hell of it' unless you're going to post shit.

>> No.9359426

>I don't understand why people would pay foxy a monthly fee to be the same naked, mildly attractive hoe she's been for the past 6 or 7 years.
Pancake boobs & her big tittied man face friend fill a niche market.

>> No.9359432
File: 101 KB, 720x960, 1487247028110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see this on chunky girls a lot, what's this side boob crack phenomenon called?

>> No.9359433

In her case I think it's the lack of support. She needs a bra desperately.

>> No.9359449

Its just a result of flabby saggy tits being held up from underneath. Without a corset or bra, her boobs would hang down, push them up and the skin folds like this.

>> No.9359480

Holy shit

>> No.9359483

What the hell is going on in the middle photo?

>> No.9359639

Its called saggy titties getting pushed up too far. kuk

>> No.9359647

>41k a month
Even after patreon takes their cut that's still a lot. I wonder if those rumors about her keeping all the cash in her floorboards are true

>> No.9359669

The corset is too big and therefore doesn't support her tiddies properly. See how it gaps on either side and the front middle isn't even against her chest? The hip area is gaping, too. My bet is this woman is very apple shaped and she went with the smallest waist size she could comfortably fit into, but the corset's BWH difference is too much for her. She needs a less dramatic one with smaller BWH difference.

>> No.9359728
File: 32 KB, 275x234, 1447167735617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to see if this hoe's body is as ugly as her face

>> No.9359730


>harley quinn

very very original

>> No.9359756

It's the basic bitch whore cosplay of the moment.

>> No.9359810

Battle of the hoes

>> No.9361233

Saw a cosplayer with a Patreon talking and bragging about how they soon could live of cosplaying. Currently at $200. But lives at Home, so probably doesn't have any bills. And the person is an adult 20++.

>> No.9361252

>won't do nudes
>won't even do lewds
Bye Felicia

But no seriously, I view it as a good thing to support your hobby, providing YOU'RE ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTING TO YOUR FANS AND PROVIDING CONTENT but I fucking hate the other edge of the sword, like so many people use it as a crutch.

I also have my outright hate for JNig and the fact she make's 26K a month off of this.

I support the cosplayers I TRULY care about, the one's that don't enough notice despite being SUPER talented.
And a couple lewd ones, fuck you I'll admit it.

I've thought about making one but, as a dude, have no idea what to make for the rewards. Because while people will pay $100 a month to get one game night a month to play LoL with some cleavage, who the fuck is going to pay $10 to get my PSN, ya know?

On top of that, I feel like I don't have a lot to offer now, at this point it would be you paying to watch someone go from commissions to making his own stuff, like some kind of documentary.

I'm just ranting now though.

>> No.9361254


>> No.9361259

Patreon is a dead end unless you already have some kind of following because the content you provide with it isn't diverse and is also easy to replicate. You hit the ceiling fast
>I'll do crafting/make-up tutorials!
>I'll set up a Youtube and v-log my con experience!
>I'll make a sexy calendar!
>I'll do lewd bikini stuff!
>I'll do unboxing videos and read fan-mail!
>I'll stream games and play with fans!
>I'll record anime covers!
>I'll make a special snapchat!
>I'll have give-aways!

There's only so much you can do that i feel like patreon isn't meant for this sort of thing.

>> No.9361330
File: 75 KB, 508x625, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more softcore misty porn that gets created the better

>> No.9366393
File: 46 KB, 446x388, 1285953306202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think about the damage you do to the community

>> No.9366403
File: 190 KB, 600x574, 1409807042250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9366412

>$468,000 per year for wearing costumes that you don't even make half the time

Jesus fucking Christ, and to think she blew up early on all because of that one stupid Pikachu outfit. The worst part? She makes nearly half a million just off of Patreon, which doesn't include print sales and other gifts she gets so she probably nets closer to $700k per year.

What has she even been doing with all that money? Now I can see why she ditched that one convention and went to an aquarium. Blowing up that fast in fame to make so much money doing the same old shit can really get to your head.

>> No.9370754 [DELETED] 

Tbh I've thought of having one because I have health issues and can't work and I don't want to beg for money with a go fund me. kinda wanted to give ppl something in return for helping me. Im not saying everyone is the way I am but some of us have other reasons for going the "tittys route"

I'm not very comfortable doing either thing but it's thoughts I've had. I honestly can't hate on ppl who do either thing and the fact that some girls like Danielle B and jnig make as much as they do really doesn't happen that often

>> No.9370757

I'm sitting here wishing I was making that much showing my tits legit I dunno what you guys are bitching about. Hate the game guys not the player.

>> No.9370824

There was a thing about 6 months ago or so that she commented on an instagram post of hers about how none of her sponsorships were publicly disclosed and thus weren't taxed or something

>> No.9370889

What the fuck is this cosplay? Did she just scribble those bats on? Also why the flat-chested Lilith character and not Morrigan the actually busty succubus? I seriously want to know if she gave any reason for this.