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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9354342 No.9354342 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread in autosage
thread rules
1. use the template
2. make four suggestions for other people if you want them for yourself
old thread >>9216360

>> No.9354521
File: 2.82 MB, 4144x1888, eviarjbgvr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP where's yours?

I'm not a looker, sorry lol.
Promise I'll response to at least the next five people tomorrow morning. (Please no Touko suggestions from DR thank you!)

>> No.9354689
File: 230 KB, 1198x533, Cosplay Thing!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that you would make a super good Sucy!

>> No.9354765 [DELETED] 

Sucy would be really cute! Maybe Akane from 999 as well?
Misery looks really interesting! Maybe Anna from Fire Emblem as well, or Zarya from Overwatch?

>> No.9354768
File: 3.70 MB, 4144x1888, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucy would be really cute! Maybe Akane from 999 as well?
Oh, Misery looks really interesting! Maybe Anna from Fire Emblem as well, or Zarya from Overwatch?

>> No.9354950

Thank you!

I like Moeka Kiryu and Feferi because I am also homestuck trash.
Also, I heard that long wavy/curly hair can soften the face, so maybe characters like that? I could see you as a really good Belarus or Hungary from Hetalia.

Reina from Fire Emblem would be great! So would Morgan and Agnes Oblige
I think you would make a very pretty Namine.

>> No.9355428
File: 2.50 MB, 3730x1700, 1486948600746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking hellbent on doing Esidisi. I don't care if I'm not a tan, Aztec god of fitness, I'll do it. But I won't do it if I'm chubby either, heh.

>> No.9355479
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first time doing this, so hopefully its fun
i think you should do ACDC 100% go for your dreams
Morgan would be a good character for you but if you like old school fire emblem Erika from sacred stones might also be an interesting character to choose
i like yukako a lot, i never see people cosplaying her, you should definitely cosplay her
i have never seen Hyperdemension Neptunia before but Plutia's outfit is so cute, that's the one i would pick

>> No.9355576

Suggest for other people who have posted before you.

>> No.9355909

Would make a super cute Sucy, Suzy Q seems like it would be fun tho

>> No.9355955
File: 2.52 MB, 3730x1700, recs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreeing with Sucy, also think you'd make a great Rei from Neon Genesis Evangelion (Also, there's never enough Suzy Q cosplayers and you'd do great as her!)
Making a Grunt cosplay is great if you're still learning how to sew, and you'd do a really good job! Also recommending Gladion
You'd make an adorable Lillie!
You'd make a really good Misery or Feferi
I've never played any of the FE games but I think you'd make a good Reina

(I also cosplay as Johnny, can you tell what my favorite part in Jojo is)

>> No.9356064
File: 1.75 MB, 2331x1062, cosplay suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding the Eirika suggestion! Or Lyn. Both are pretty simple but Lyn's not very modest.
A+ taste friend. I can also see Narancia from jojo part 5.
Don't let your dreams be dreams. Also, I am somehow feeling Rosalind Lutece for you.
ayyyy TMM! Please do Red.
I haven't watched LWA but Sucy's design is super cute for you.

>> No.9356069
File: 659 KB, 1439x656, DEXATI20170131015237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting mine as I was late to the last thread
My first instinct was
Mariko from akb0048 your face suits her and since you seem to like idols
Miyuki from lucky star
Diane from Seven deadly sins
Yuki nagato from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Maxine caufield from life is strange
I agree with Zarya from overwatch

>> No.9356348


All three are great ideas! Seriously you can do no wrong lol. I recommend Galko from Please Tell Me Galko-chan and Kurannosuke from Princess Jellyfish. I

Tracer would look great on you!! All of your choices are great though. I think Hitomi from Escaflowne would suit you well!

Please do Euphemia!!! Stocking would look great too! All of your choices are great. Gurl you could totally pull off Jolene from Jojo.

Edgelord would be fun to cosplay as, I think Ophelia and that nyaaa love live character would be great. I suggest Rena from Higurashi!

(I will reply to the others later)

>> No.9356854

me again

Looking at you again, you could pull off a Free!, Haikyuu!, or a Kuroko no Basuke if you're feeling frisky.

I like the girl with the twin tails, and the girl with the bow and arrow. I think you could easily pull off Miku Hatsune (she has tons of different outfits) and Miyu from Vampire Princess Miyu.

>> No.9357893

I think you would make a super good diana! Also, zarya has the 2 issues for me of me being SUPER NOT buff, and i dont really wanna cut my hair.

>> No.9358198

Has anyone even ever decided to cosplay something because of these threads? I used to post here too, but I realized that everybody seems to do it as an ego boost.

>> No.9358206

Not only that but people tend to suggest obscure characters/stuff THEY like.

I prefer when they like characters that, even if overdone, would still be cool.

>> No.9358222

I do

>> No.9358365

Yup! I've also checked out new series if someone posts a suggestion for a character I'm not familiar with.

>> No.9358474

I posted on this thread because all the things I put as ideas I didnt think I could actually pull off, and I was hoping for alternate ones.

>> No.9358772
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I've never cosplayed before, but I've been to cons and I'm good at making stuff so I'd be willing to do homemade. I have people who can help me anyway if I'm struggling since I have a few friends who are into this.

Definitely Red 100% if it's to be off of that list
Although if you're open to suggestions perhaps you could consider doing Touka Kirishima from Tokyo Ghoul
I'd say Kirigiri, I think that suits your face the most
I think Hanamaru, but at the same time doing a YoI cosplay could be fun since it's FOTM
The archer girl in the middle desu

>> No.9358807

I'm >>9358772 and the reason I'm posting is because I haven't done it before and I'd genuinely like some advice as to who I'd suit lmao

>> No.9359218
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Maybe Zarya, as people have been saying. Or maybe Sailor Jupiter, since you have some height!

Eridan would work so well, damn.
Otacon, maybe?

Def bow and arrow girl whoever she is. Talim from Soul Calibur, too.

Hanayo or Hanamaru would be great !!

>> No.9359277
File: 1.75 MB, 3730x1700, cosplay sugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you cosplay as Foo Fighters from Jojo? I can't really tell. If you haven't, you would look really great as her! Also another recc would be Akane from Psycho Pass.

Mei Hatsune from My Hero Academia.

100% agree on Futaba. Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura works well with you too.

You would make an interesting Isaac from Baccano!

Dio from Jojo's Bizarre Adventures.

>> No.9359421 [DELETED] 

Soldier 76. That way you can hide your ugly fucking face.

>> No.9359530
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Finally managed to convince my friends to cosplay and they decided to go as Junkrat and Roadhog. Now that I finally have a chance to do a group cosplay, my unfortunate opinion of Overwatch is that it's meh. I've been trying to decide whether or not to compromise or just do my own thing. Sooo, suggestions would be grand.

Naw, u cute girl.
Sucy or Pao-Lin Huang from Tiger & Bunny
Eleanor from Tales of Berseria
Officer Jenny
Clorica from Rune Factory 4
Franken Fran
Nono from Diebuster or Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite)
Ada Wong (Resident Evil 2 or 6), Okatsu from Nioh or Ao from Yozakura Quartet
Faust from Guilty Gear, Shinra from Durarara, Gendo from Eva
Juri from Street Fighter
Akane Tendo from Ranma 1/2 or Saki Watanabe from Shin Sekai Yori

>> No.9359778
File: 1.02 MB, 2184x944, Sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been putting off cosplay for waaay too long.

>> No.9359822

>2. make four suggestions for other people if you want them for yourself

>> No.9359857

>Eridan would work so well, damn.
>Otacon, maybe?
Thank you, for yourself I'd say Cammy but I'd conceal tattoos for accuracy but that's honestly down to personal preference
>You would make an interesting Isaac from Baccano!
That would be great, my gf is into cosplay and we could do a couple one
Goddamn you remind me of a character but I'm struggling to put a finger on it. I want to say a girl from Jojo but I'm not sure
>Faust from Guilty Gear, Shinra from Durarara, Gendo from Eva
Gendo a cute!
I'd say Mercy but that's me being a waifufag and you think OW is meh so do something you enjoy more. Although it would look good if you and your friends all did OW.

>> No.9359874

>gendo a cute
I meant Shinra lol typo

>> No.9360299

i don't know any video game or anime characters that have a neckbeard....
(make suggestions to get suggestions)

>> No.9360337

I apologize for not posting any suggestions still new to this.

Crona from Soul Eater

Rinko Iori from Gundam Build FIghters

Mizore Shirayuki from Rosario to Vampire

Loke from Fairy Tail

There is a thing called shaving how rude.

>> No.9362440 [DELETED] 

I didn't! That was my current hairstyle.

Love Sniper Wolf, and Tira from Soul Caliber. Have you done Starfire from Teen Titans? I think that would look great, and so would Yennifer from the Witcher series.

>> No.9362449

e Sniper Wolf, and Tira from Soul Caliber. Have you done Starfire from Teen Titans? I think that would look great, and so would Yennifer from the Witcher series.

I have not! That was my hair color at the time. And thank you! I love Jojo. Your three ideas are great! I think Megumin would be a challenge with her staff, and Akko is super cute. I think you could easily do Vriska from Homestuck, and Ema Skye from Ace Attorney.

aw ty!
Your ideas are great, hmmm I think Mercy would be really awesome- I love her witch skin! You'd look great as Luka Megurine, and Velouria from Fire Emblem Fates.

ur good! Welcome to the cosplay world lol
I like Tetsuo Takahashi, and desu I think you could pull off Rinato Okabe from Steins;Gate, and Midorima from Kuroko no Basket.

>> No.9363637
File: 1.36 MB, 2236x1180, 1486948600746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah i've been looking for one of these threads
Gonna start working on my first costume once i've decided

Crusch Karsten from Re:zero judging by your cosplay ideas
Number 1 is pretty safe with your hair and those glasses otherwise id say leorio from hunter x hunter.
Crossplay markiplier :^)
Tsuyu Asui from Boku no hero academia, shes got boots! (sort of)
Buggy is a solid pick, you have facial resemblance and good beard distribution

>> No.9364004
File: 2.66 MB, 3730x1700, cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd make an adorable Sucy
I'd love to see a Lal cosplay but you have so much to choose from that would suit you
Do you have any other Grunts to accompany you?
Red, I don't know the source material but it would look great
Eridan is very fitting and doesn't look difficult to put together either
Too many to decide..I doubt Tira is done often and she was who I played most so her!
Akko, so smol, so cute
I'd hate to see you go with an Overwatch cosplay when you could do another justice (as much as I like witch Mercy)
Dude, Cody.

>> No.9364007

Forgot to mention, yes I'm aware I have dark circles around my eyes. Hopefully more sleep, a vitamin regimen and more exercise will help.
Kind of limits me but I understand.

>> No.9364106
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Well, trying to lose weight rn. Hope for my best lel. Also, I don't have too much knowledge of Japanese Stuff. Willing to check it out though.

Lal would be cool. So much childhood.
What a day! What a lovely day!
Revy and Wolf pls
Mercy would suit you, I think!

>> No.9364144
File: 1.28 MB, 2189x974, dude looks like a lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came late to the last thread.
You've definitely got a nice face for Mercy! Maybe even Salvatore from Disgaea 5?
Yuffie from Final Fantasy. Her Dirge of Cerberus and FF7 outfits would look super cute on you!
Definitely Revy! Claudia from Silent Hill would look interesting.
Futaba! Leblanc from Final Fantasy X-2 would be rad!

>> No.9364845

You gotta do a Jojo. In the mean time, you could probably do a Jojo that's past the first three. The most recent Jojo? I don't want to spoi lol. I also like Metal Bat.

I like the Overwatch character. I think you could pull off a really good Snake.


You will be an amazing Gio. You could also pull off Jolyne.

>> No.9366537
File: 38 KB, 400x400, hanzo_presskit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think cody would work great but I dont really wanna make a costume that doesnt fit when i get bigger.
As for you I think you Hanzo is a much better pick from the overwatch cast, your beard will go along with it nicely.

Sorry Im not a very big fan of any jojo's past 3 haha, but i will definitely do Joseph at one point in my life.
Yeah metal bat is super cool I think thats who I'll go for first.

>> No.9366577


That's the only expensive thing about the outfit. Come on, do it!

>> No.9366971
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sorry i'll come back and give responses to everyone else once i have more time >///<
omg you would make such a great morgan !!
wb the red head maid from kuroshitsuji?
you seem to have the perfect body type for lucoa~
i think you would make a good c/katherine too!
i thought that hanamaru was rin lmao, you should def do that hanamaru though !!
also seconding futaba
all your ideas are so spot on for you i hope you do all of them lol
since you have a lot of witches you should cos as top speed from magical girl raising project !!

>> No.9367075

You're so cute! I like La Puelle. I recommend Lambadadelta from Umineko.

>> No.9367181

I'm >>9354689
Thought I'd give some thoughts to other people! Also I'm still open for suggestions
I think that you'd make a super good Harime Nui
I think you could make a good Parasoul, from skullgirls!
Going by starwars, if you grew out that goatee you would make an amazing Ewan McGregor Obi-Wan.
I think you'd make a good Strike Commander Morrison!
I think you would make an amazing Professor Elm, from Pokemon RSE
If you end up doing overwatch, I'd suggest you do junker D.Va, to match your friends. Also, I think you'd make a good Abigal from Stardew Valley.

>> No.9367184

Id say you would make a WONDERFUL mockingbird, from Deaman Wonderland. He is a guy, but you said you dont mind that.

>> No.9367292

Funny thing is I have done Kuroko before.
Elm or Birch? you gave conflicting info.

>> No.9367317

Eruka from Soul Eater
Holly Blue Agate from Steven Universe
Maybe Tillith from Brave Frontier?
So many people have said this already but definitely go the Eridan route.
If you're really up to a challenge Elza from Brave Frontier
Please do Kouha Ren

I've definitely considered some suggestions but either they were too hard technique wise (I could never make armour to do Elspeth justice) in the past or from series I'm not comfortable cosplaying from (like Fate/Zero). I'm always up for more!

>> No.9367318
File: 1.01 MB, 2072x944, cosplay2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol dropped pic.

>> No.9367413
File: 1.99 MB, 3730x1700, cosplay suggest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pic's look a little weird since I did a shitty job of adding them to the template. I have an album of the full pics

my arms are a bit bigger since then. Dont have many ideas right now but I would love suggestions. I've very bulky muscularly. my arms are much bigger than in those pics right now.

maybe rukia from bleach or possible megumin from konosuba

You would make a GREAT revy

Nel from bleach maybe?

you defiantly have the look and slim/fit body for a zoro cosplay so I would say go for it.

mayuri from steins gate maybe?

>> No.9367473
File: 3.73 MB, 3021x1349, cosplay022417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah dude, rock Smoker, you could probably pull off Sabo really well too.

Since it looks like you like One Piece.., you could do Sanji as well and use the same suit from Chrollo and just focus on the wig to bring it out

You really love tactical stuff eh? You could probably throw together one of the darker skins of Soldier 76. Just make a visor and get a wig or spray your hair. Weapon might be tough though but you would stick out a lot more over your other kinda generic looking dudes. That aside Snake is always a solid pick.

If I looked like you I would definitely do Anakin. A comfy costume and Star Wars is always fun at cons.

>> No.9367477
File: 51 KB, 469x462, MGS3 hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Snake is a solid pick

>> No.9367551 [DELETED] 
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how do I

>> No.9368328

Sorry! I meant birch. Sorry, I always mix up professor tree. I typed rowan at first, just showing how dumb i am.

>> No.9369169
File: 1.69 MB, 3730x1700, 1486948600746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you could totally do the Prince of Persa. Maybe go for just his sword and simple armour?

I honestly think you could do Nathan Drake from Uncharted. You have pretty similar face, maybe just work up a winter tan and you're there!

Your face shot reminds me of Sera from Dragon Age Inquisition. I could also see you pulling off Catherine from the same-named game.

Knives Chau from Scott Pilgrim?

I know this probably isn't what you're looking for but looking at your far right pic, you could pull off Donna from That 70s show soooooo well.

You could do Bigby Wolf from The Wolf Among Us pretty easily I feel. Not a military guy but hey, that's my two sense

I support Anakin Skywalker if only because you have the exact same face as him.

Alright guys, I really need some cosplay ideas so hit me with them!

>> No.9369221
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>> No.9369295


Hisoka from HxH would be a good pick I think
Saber from Fate Stay Night
Schierke from Berserk
Steve Fox from Tekken my dude
Shinra from DRRR! would be rad if you did it and wanted to wear glasses.
Getting a Tharja from Fire Emblem feel off you
Amitabh from Darker than Black!
Draven from League of Legends

>> No.9369543
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Pidge from Voltron
Black Cat from marvel
Flora from Prof. Layton
you have the smile of a Sailor Venus
Bombshell Batwoman
Takako Chigusa from Battle Royale
Claus from the series of unfortunate events
Scarlet Witch
you have a cute nose. Tauriel would make a good character for you
Andrew Ryan simple cosplay. be sure to have a golf club and a pocket square with the initials AR on it.
be a cute Peter Parker in a spidey suit with a camera
Korben Dallas
you're very handsome. Oscar François de Jarjayes
Nana Osaki from Nana
Mary Poppins!
betty boop!
protag black from pokemon

>> No.9370623

Mugen please! All three are good choices. Josuke from Jojo would look great!

>> No.9371776
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>>9358772 here.
I haven't coloured my hair, nor have a greyed my skin, but here is the start of my Eridan. If anyone's interested, that is.

>> No.9371779
File: 576 KB, 1920x1080, 20170227_222831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for phoneposting and having the image go sideways lol

>> No.9374493

Dude, with a shave and maybe a bald cap if you aren't willing to cut your hair you'd look like One Punch Man.

>> No.9374634
File: 1.21 MB, 1540x715, cosplaytempcom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lili Rochefort from Tekken would definitely suit you.

You'd look great as Poe from the Force Awakens.

I'm thinking Judge Dredd with that jawline and chin.

I could see you pulling off Dante if you're into Devil May Cry. If not Gray from Fairy tail would suit nicely.

You're adorable so Rikka Takanashi.

Comic book Deadpool dude. You're perfect for it.

You remind me of Edward Norton in Fight Club lol. I think you'd pull of Anakin though.

Gray from Bulletstorm. You could be twins.

Stocking would almost be too perfect.

If you're into comics this might not appeal but you'd make a great Barbara Gordon.

If you're open to it, Lucy Liu's character in Kill Bill. If not, the girl in the middle looks very like you.

Peter Parker. You'd be a great spidey. Other than that I think the top left one or Mad Max guy.

Go for Sniper Wolf. It'd be great.

Dude, please do Saitama. Isaac from Dead Space might work for you too.

As for me, I just want to add my only preferences are not too expensive otherwise I'll have to save longer lol and not too revealing as I have spots on my back. I have been considering cosplaying Wolverine as I have the jacket, Young Bruce Wayne (Batman Begins with the ski-mask) and Raiden from MGS/MGR if I can find a way to get the costume.

>> No.9376449

That is definitely something I would love to do, I have wanted to do his casual jumper look for ages.

>> No.9378059

Do it dude. You'd look great.

>> No.9379275
File: 2.46 MB, 3730x1700, 1486948600746 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Louise Belcher or Kitty Pride
Anything from Love Live
Anakin that face you must
Mercy or Edea
Mina Ashido
Revy or Major
Peter Parker or Nux
Suki from Avatar
Anything from the DC Bombshell Series
You make a really cute Agnes, I'd do more of her looks
/VN/ /VN/ /VN/ but also Jolene Joestar

>> No.9379361
File: 2.12 MB, 2611x1190, 1486948600746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd make a fantastic Diantha!

You'd make such a good Bulma from DBZ- no wig needed! Your eyes really pop with that hair color :)

You have a perfect face for Eridan! (I mean that as a compliment, of course!)

You look like you could pull off something amazingly elfish! Or Tonks from Harry Potter.

>> No.9379426
File: 3.02 MB, 3730x1700, hhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls help, got more pics if needed

Do Spike, I've done it and people loved it, specially if you can find someone to go as Faye
pls do Aloy if you can pull of that hairstyle (don't know if its too difficult desu)
Consider Maya Ibuki ((best girl)) from NGE
From your list I like the Grunt; don't see you as Bulma btw

>> No.9379496

I feel that you can pull off Sol Bad Guy!
Sailor Jupiter suites you so well
Both Red ( my fav) and Aloy..you just got the look

>> No.9379698
File: 1.72 MB, 3730x1700, Te Template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again. Names are Left to right starting at the top

>> No.9379895

the gf
i choose you

>> No.9379921

what did (s)he mean by this

>> No.9379977

thanks for the (you) <3

>> No.9380213

Ooh, with your hair in the second pic, it makes me feel like you could pull off a great Sailor Saturn!

>> No.9380771
File: 914 KB, 3730x1700, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a note. Yes I realize I am rather "large"...I am working on losing weight right now.
>Side note; forgot to mention I like; Idols, Magical Girls and also detailed costumes. Anime or Video Game preferred.
Trying to get back into the swing of making stuff again.

I actually think you would make a better Cure Custard~ Cure Sunshine definitely!

Princess Allura from Voltron: Legendary Defenders

Before I even looked at your cosplay ideas I was thinking Raven from Teen Titans.

ChuChu from Show By Rock!!

Yuuko from xxxHOLiC

>> No.9382215

I think that you would make an AMAZING Wicke or Tohru!
I think Cure Whip would be best!
If you wore a wig or dyed your hair, I think that Makoto Suoh from K would be really good for you! But from your list, Crow for sure.

>> No.9383222

i looked at you and immediately thought korra but you're also white as fuck so get ready for backlash if you do

>> No.9383590
File: 3.17 MB, 4144x1888, cosplayhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wicke would look great on you!
I can't tell which character is which, but the pink one would be super cute
Vega or Crow would look killer!
Ooh you'r so cute! Sailor Jupiter would look super on you
OMG Sportacus would be so amazing!
Corvo! Also if your grew out a goatee you could make a dope Hamilton (from the musical)

>> No.9383814
File: 1.41 MB, 3730x3333, buh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive done this like once before and it was pretty great
time for another around
sorry about the lack of pictures. i don't take very many.
Do it, Pillar Men are cool as fuck and Esidisi is woefully underrated.
Red's a pretty good damn fit for you!
Rogue, definitely.
Mugen, no doubt.
Jupiter definitely suits you!
You're practically Vega already my dude!
Cure Whip most definitely.

>> No.9383818
File: 1.55 MB, 3725x1669, buh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screwed up the picture there. whoops

>> No.9384020

but im a man you dummy

>> No.9385387

Wicke <3
Dudley. Lucian from League of Legends

>> No.9385422

Balrog would suit you

>> No.9386245

>W I C K E

>> No.9386760
File: 1.11 MB, 3730x1700, cosplay suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't done one of these in a while, so why not! (i'm especially looking for more dangan ronpa suggestions...)
i can see you making a hella mirror b from the gamecube pokemon games
yuuri from gakkou gurashi! i'd love to see your kanako as well
shinobu from no more heroes. and phoebe from pokemon rse (hopefully pokemon isn't too basic forgive me senpai)
idubbz (jk)
i dunno man you would make a pretty good dante from devil may cry no meme intended
snow white? i'm sorry, i only know really obscure video games :')

>> No.9390254

even better

>> No.9390643
File: 2.50 MB, 3730x1700, 20170314_163410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions are welcome!

>> No.9390664

Psst, you should post suggestions for other people first.

>> No.9390672

shut up

>> No.9390678

Fuck off back to tumblr with that entitled attitude.

>> No.9390724
File: 1.68 MB, 1440x2560, 20170312_220713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, my bad.
Honestly you'd be a really good Balrog, especially considering how tall you are.
You could try Gladio or any of the other guys from FF15, that would probably fit your body type.
NAOTO! you'd be such a good Naoto, plus there's never enough of Best girl from P4
Def sportacus. No one will be able to capture his glory but I think you'd be decent at him.
I've attached another photo of me for reference, I'm
And looking for suggestions :)
Slim/Fit body type because I couldn't attach one in my template

>> No.9393229

yuko nishiwaki from Persona 3
Love me some Galko
Pretty sure people don't want/need/care to see your *covered up* nudes mate you just scream pretentious ass.

>> No.9393294
File: 2.84 MB, 3730x1700, 1486948600746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ginko from mushishi. you look a lot like that robin dude


yoko from guren lagann

yuffie from ff7

takuru from chaos;child

>> No.9395243
File: 408 KB, 1990x990, who can i cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who could i pull off for a cosplay?

>> No.9395251

read the opening post
>make four suggestions for other people if you want them for yourself

>> No.9395395
File: 68 KB, 1340x1438, government-sues-monopoly-it-created-dude-where-s-my-freedom-ci9lRS-clipart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am not too familiar with all the animes out there so i don't know if i would be much help

>> No.9395405

It doesn't have to be just anime since some people like videogame characters or even tv shows.

>> No.9395416

I'll be nice- Vash from trigun.

>> No.9395896

Make ANY suggestion you think someone can do well not just anime related. That's the point of this thread.

>> No.9397080

Sukeroku and Dazai
Dave from Homestuck and Gio from Jojo

>> No.9397082

That one gray haired dude from Persona, definitely do Griffith, Josuke from Jojo

>> No.9397084

Junko and Nanami.

>> No.9397092

Enrico, consider Avdol too. All choices are great. Dutch from Black Lagoon.

>> No.9397137
File: 1.22 MB, 3730x1944, fsadf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to /cgl/ and cosplay in general, thanks to a group of friends taking me to a con and getting me involved. Open to anything at all, really. I don't know if I'd be able to pass with crossplay but the idea seems fun
Definitely Balrog. If you were willing to change your hair maybe Eddy Gordo, or even young Will Smith a-la Fresh Prince. Also John Stewart if you're into DC and don't mind tight suits.
Any Precure, Wicke, definitely Tohru if you can manage the tail. Maybe even Nozomi!
Kitty Pryde! Ignore Rogueposters they have bad taste in X-Men. (you'd make a good Rogue as well I'm just biased)
Heartseeker Varus is perfect, honestly. Vega, too. Maybe Travis Touchdown from NMH?

>> No.9397633

i've actually done both of those chars already, dang... thanks anyway, anon!
shit man, i think that you're gonna make a really good oikawa. you might look better as rei instead of rin, though. just a thought
since you're not familiar with much anime, van from full metal alchemist, or asuma from naruto
nezumi from no.6?
viktor, kaneki from tokyo ghoul (when he has the mask, since you like masks), nagito komaeda, kaworu nagisa. dunno, you seem like a white-haired anime dude kinda guy since all your ideas are white-haired anime dudes

>> No.9398022
File: 2.70 MB, 3730x1885, 1486948600746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loralei from the fire red seems great for you

Long shot but what about supergirl from the TV show?

Courtney from Pokemon Omega Ruby

I have to agree with Peter Parker, you definitely have the look down

>> No.9400179
File: 850 KB, 3730x1700, THANKZ FRIENDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd be a great larxene.

Kuranosuke Koibuchi from Jellyfish Princess... you also look exactly like Kat Von D but prettier to be honest.

Lace Harding from DA:I!

you're so cute omg if thats not what that already is, the girl from me!me!me!

sera from da:i!

oh my god pleaaase cosplay Tomie, from the Junji Ito comics!!!

prince geoffrey

i recognize you from somewhere! definitely go with revy. if you want a video game suggestion, your physique would work well with Eir Stegalkin.

catherine from the catherine series!

simon from gurren lagann!

raoul duke!

i second the bigby wolf, also Reaper from Overwatch?!

sylvia christel from No More Heroes, or uh, junko enoshima from Dangan Ronpa

knives chau from Scott Pilgrim, or GoGo Yubari from Kill Bill!

you could honestly be anyone you wanted!!!

leon from resident evil!

tykki mikk from d-grey man!


you'd be an excellent mugen!

merida from brave, or princess anna, or even ygrette from GoT

kamina from gurren lagann

PLEASE be padme! you'd be excellent!


mako mankanshoku!

draco malfvoy

L4D Ellis!!!

It looks like you already did Alucard?

i'd love to see you as wind waker link, or ezreal!

beast boy from original Teen Titans!

>> No.9400206

The vampire couple from Shiki

>> No.9400354 [DELETED] 
File: 664 KB, 383x359, 1449274440491.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to Sakura Con in Seattle next month.
I have both never gone to a con before or cosplayed before and I want to cosplay at least 1 day. Any easy suggestions for a first timer? Because all of my idea so far seem kinda shit, One of them is a Gray background character from Durarara!!!! and the other is Gurren Lagann made from 2 boxes spray painted red With Gurren and Lagann written on them in sharpie.
Are my ideas as shitty as I think they are? I'm going to have fun but I don't want to be mocked for being shit. My budget is about 100$

>> No.9403809

See you guys in a few months when I'm slim enough to post pics and start cosplaying.

>> No.9405148

Pretty basic but pokemon grunts male and female, Team Skull, Shulk and Fiona from Xenoblade Chronicles would work well

>> No.9405617
File: 847 KB, 3730x1694, Suggest me pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm totally at a loss for ideas, help pls. I'll be losing weight still, so I'll at least be aesthetic enough for most "fit" cosplays!

2B from Nier would be cool to see!
If Homestuck weren't dead I'd suggest Jake English
Try Katsuki Bakugou maybe
Toushirou Hijikata
Rintarou Okabe
Spike from Cowboy Bepop

>> No.9406490
File: 338 KB, 1181x1476, IMG_20170322_184353_268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm already doing Kaneki, the mask jsut came in. Just waiting on a mask.

>> No.9406765
File: 612 KB, 640x904, naki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would be a perfect Nakigitsune from Touken Ranbu. You can easily find good quality cosplays of him on taobao and he wears a mask!

>> No.9411585

Don't let this thread die! I love robbing suggestions

>> No.9411625
File: 1.58 MB, 3730x1700, cosplay suggestion copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to get back into cosplay but it's been a while so all my ideas are dated lol
would appreciate literally anything!! i like cutesy dresses/magical girl stuff but i wanna branch out too hehe

you and your bf could do booker and elizabeth from bioshock infinite! elizabeth's dress would look awesome on you

woah you look so much like tom holland so maybe look into doing a spiderman homecoming cosplay

maybe gamagoori from kill la kill if you can get supa fit!

jughead from riverdale if you don't hate the new series lol

oops you suggested this but i feel like you'd make a good spike from cowboy bebop too lol
maybe ikki from air gear too

>> No.9412244

Saeran Choi from mystic messenger! zen from mystic messenger has gray hair too but it's long and in some kind of ponytail

>> No.9412507
File: 2.72 MB, 3730x1700, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Griffith from berserk or that Jojo character

Dishonored is a great choice you should do that

Hell yeah do Mugen

Naoto would look neat

You have the perfect body for Vega

Torhu Dragon maid yo



>> No.9413868

Nathan Drake from uncharted

One of the Squid Sisters from splatoon?

>> No.9414083
File: 2.37 MB, 3730x1700, 1486948600746 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for some qt boymode characters mostly but I also like qt grills. Or spooky stuff?

I'm gonna try to hit people with fewer replies but if i can't think of anything good I'm skippin ya, sorry.

you'd make a good Young Soldier76 from overwatch, I think? Ash is also always a good choice.

I agree with >>9413868 , you'd be a super cute squid sister. You'd also be a very cute Tomoyo,.

J a s p e r

Shit anon, you're hella cute, get that crossdressing Gerudo Link goin on. (Please, I'm thirsty for some good cosplays of it, I'm sweating thinking about the impending ~lel joke~ cosplays with a bunch of nasty dudes dressed in it) You would also make a good Oikawa, but I think that you'd also look good as Kuroo? You seem to have a good face shape for him.

JFC everyone who cosplays my husbando is the tiniest manlet, I need someone like you to do him justice.

>> No.9414184
File: 1.60 MB, 2031x925, 1484068201269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgy shitlords, you say? Why not Killua from HxH?
Kaze from Fire Emblem Fates
Yuki Nagato from Haruhi Suzumiya
Have you considered Saber from Fate Stay Night? Highly recognisable, big gown and a fair amount of characters for your boyfriend to choose from as well.
Neku from TWEWY
Imaizumi from Yowamushi Pedal
Join the guy above you and do Makishima. Also pls do Rakugo that anime needs more love.
Since I'm doing Yowamushi Pedal suggestions, maybe Midousuji since you're tall and he wears a face mask?

>> No.9415593

back again with even more suggestions
silver from pokemon gen 2 or armin from snk
wedding eli ayase/victorian set eli ayase, devil homura, konpaku youmu (2hu)
kanji tatsumi from persona 4, guts from berserk
haruka kotoura from kotoura-san, homura akemi (for the glasses) from pmmm, and i think you would look best as mio
snek is a 10/10 choice to me so i'm just going to tell you to do bb/naked snake as well
edgy shitlords? kuzuryuu fuyuhiko/ouma kokichi from dangan ronpa, sasuke uchiha (i'm sorry), and seconding killua
yukiko from p4, shiki from twewy (spoilers ver. would look really good if you know about it), mikan tsumiki from sdr2

>> No.9416179
File: 14 KB, 240x240, Yue.(Cardcaptor.Sakura).240.19709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, I love white haired anime boys literally more than life itself but I dislike HxH so much I just can't bring myself to do it.

I think my dream cosplay rn would be Yue but FUCK that noise. His outfit has so many layers and so much complicated nonsense, and the wig... yikes. I don't even really know if I could pull it off with my face. But damn... those edgy white haired anime boys.

>> No.9417429

>but I dislike HxH so much
your taste could not get worse

>> No.9417947
File: 2.30 MB, 3730x1700, Template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and some friends have been on an exercise/dieting kick as of late, and I'm really starting to see the results flow through, so I'm feeling much more confident than I have in recent years. Any suggestions are appreciated.

>> No.9418008

>2. make four suggestions for other people if you want them for yourself

>> No.9418275

Fine, guess I won't be selfish and spread the (you)'s.

You would absolutely kill a Travis Touchdown cosplay.
Have you ever considered just doing Sol Badguy? You've got a strong jawline, and your physique would really help pull the whole shindig off.
I think you'd nail a Talim better than Tira desu. Not saying you couldn't do both, but I feel like it'd use your face a little better.
Look up Holly White from Bravely Default. You could definitely handle that well.
Do you presently have a Jill Valentine cosplay of any sort? And if not, why?
Drebin from MGS4, you'd definitely look good cosplaying him.
As basic bitch as it may sound, you honestly would look great cosplaying Sephiroth, especially with your height.
May be a little bit on the busier end of things, but I can definitely see you nailing Decadus from Drakengard 3.
Gonna second/third/fourth/whatever you doing one of the Squid Sisters. It would look fantastic on you.
You'd make an adorable Maiden in Black from Demon's Souls.
You ever consider some kind of Galko-chan cosplay? A trip to goodwill and a wig will eat up a lot of the difficulty.

>> No.9418390

It's the art style, not the story, but it kills me.I can't deal with anines that look Shitty and the design on HxH is trash. All the main characters look bad. Their clothes aren't designed well, the colors are gross, I just can't deal.

>> No.9418395

*all the main characters except killua look like trash

He's cute. But still very basic in design.

>> No.9418413

Kek, I'd also have to wear like 8 padded bras to cosplay Galko. Don't really see the similarities.

>> No.9418476

Your Dawn looks great, have you ever concidered Lunafreya from Final Fantasy 15?

What about regular clothed Ryuko from Kill la Kill?

>> No.9418537
File: 420 KB, 2611x1190, 1486948600746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruhi Suzumiya
Slaine Troyard from Aldnoah.Zero
Guzma from Pokemon Sun/Moon
Kiyoko Shimizu from Haikyuu
Shinku from Rozen Maiden

>> No.9418592
File: 1009 KB, 500x250, 26e9e1921d9f0468aec111ef1fa62382cd6c3a79_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the main characters look bad.

>> No.9418634

oooh you look edgy

Noiz from DMMD, I like the Amnesia one.

B please, I love D too.

All three are great choices! I recommend Mio from K-on!

yuri would look great! C2 from Code Geass

>> No.9418635

PLEASE get swole enough for Guts
Koichi from Jojo.

>> No.9418639

Esther from Trinity Blood (bf can be abel)

Euphemia from Code Geass (bf can be lelouch or suzaku)

Seconding the vampire couple from Shiki, they're called Chizuru and Seishirou Kirishiki.

>> No.9420123
File: 2.13 MB, 3730x1700, 1486948600746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on Selkie and Iris.

Lucina from FE, or Elizabeth from Bioshock! I think her first outfit would suit you more, but they're both cute imo.

hell yeah idol senpai! You'd be super cute as Hanamaru, but I think you'd look super cute as Kanan or Mari too!!

Dia Kurosawa from Love Live! Sunshine or Widowmaker from Overwatch would be cute!

Your Quiet is so cute! I could see you pulling off a really good Kyubei from Gintama, even though it's not skimpy;;

It's not military, but Gamagoori from Kill La Kill or Baze Malbus from Star Wars Rogue One

Jyn from Star Wars Rogue One. You'd be perfect.

omg those curves. Do Uncle Dante from Devil May Cry 3 or Rohan Kishibe from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable

You'd be so cute as Sougo! Maybe you could try Subaru from Re:Zero?

Finn from Star Wars: The Force Awakens would be simple and easily recognizable!!

You would be perfect as Rohan Kishibe from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure!

>> No.9420490

Zelda from Breath of the Wild

>> No.9426256 [DELETED] 

Slightly different request - there's an annual parade/festival in my city and in the past, I've made some slapdash helmets to wear through the day for shits n giggles. I'm looking for recommendations/ideas for this year! Preferably something more mainstream, since it's a pretty family-friendly and normie-heavy event, so I'd like something recognizable by fellow attendees.
Pic attached are some of the helmets that I've made models of in the past. I've tended towards metal surfaces/textures, but I'm open to work with other colors.

Lillie already seems like a great fit for you! Also: Ty Lee from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Gotta second that Finn recommendation from above, especially if you're down to trim your hair. Maybe Prince Naveen from Disney's Princess and the Frog?

Robbie from Gravity Falls, Zuko from AtLA.

Beatrice from Over the Garden Wall

Reusing the Zuko recommendation for the edginess, but you've got a nice enough face to pull off either of the siblings! - so slot Azula in there, too.

>> No.9426265
File: 951 KB, 1013x657, helms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly different request - there's an annual parade/festival in my city and in the past, I've made some slapdash helmets to wear through the day for shits n giggles. I'm looking for recommendations/ideas for this year! Preferably something more mainstream, since it's a pretty family-friendly and normie-heavy event, so I'd like something recognizable by fellow attendees.
Pic attached are some of the helmets that I've made models of in the past. I've tended towards metal surfaces/textures, but I'm open to work with other colors.

Lillie already seems like a great fit for you! Also: Ty Lee from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Gotta second that Finn recommendation from above, especially if you're down to trim your hair. Maybe Prince Naveen from Disney's Princess and the Frog?

Robbie from Gravity Falls, Zuko from AtLA.

Beatrice from Over the Garden Wall

Reusing the Zuko recommendation for the edginess, but you've got a nice enough face to pull off either of the siblings! - so slot Azula in there, too.

>> No.9426544
File: 3.21 MB, 3360x1552, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi! i dont have very many cosplays and would like to do more

>> No.9426546

kylo ren

>> No.9426547

camilla from fire emblem!

>> No.9426548

Give recommendations to at least a few of the people above you.

>> No.9426549

mccree from overwatch

>> No.9426550

mew mew mint from tokyo mew mew

>> No.9426553

i did in the tiny singular posts below it
sorry i dont go on 4chan often

>> No.9426558

niles from fire emblem

>> No.9426607

>Thread is on its last legs
>Close to getting deleted
>Someone prolongs its death rather than waiting a couple days to make a new one
>9/10 times they don't even offer suggestions.

Get your shit together, god damn.

>> No.9429383
File: 1.50 MB, 3730x2048, 1486948600746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ginger one pls
Morgiana from magi
D va ... sexy ass cosplay
Metal bat
Not into tactical stuff
That blonde from bacanno
Krull pls

Ill answer more when i can , meanwhile help me senpai

>> No.9429424

Litterally any Jojo character, probably one of the pillarmen

>> No.9429435

How are you so light?

>> No.9429517

5k kcal per day and can't get fatter

>tfw forever dyel

>> No.9429538

I just think it's weird I'm 55 lbs heavier, despite only being in somewhat worse shape at the moment and and an inch and a half taller at the absolute most

>> No.9429621

What kind of slut you wanna be? You have muscles so any sports anime dude would get you a lot of attention. Jojo as already suggested would be good.

>> No.9434404
File: 2.63 MB, 3728x1676, hfskldfncsj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start cosplaying again....
Dia Kurosawa (Love live! sunshine), Mew zakuro (Tokyo mew mew)
Elma (Kobayashi san chi no maid dragon)
America (Hetalia), Luciel choi (Mystic messenger)
Jinx (League of legends)
Shinku (Rozen maiden)
Sailor Neptune
Do Chiaki!!!
Kaworu nagisa (Evangelion), Prussia (Hetalia), Niles (Fire emblem), 9S (Nier automata), Viktor Nikiforov (Yuri on ice)
Gendo Ikari!!!!!!! (Evangelion)
Hector (Fire emblem)
Todoko (osomatsu san)
Muhammed Avdol (Jojo's bizarre adventure)
Reigen Arataka (Mob psycho 100)
Joseph joestar, or any fighting game character would work

>> No.9434420


>> No.9434820

Every fucking time without fail.

>> No.9434977
File: 422 KB, 1446x652, CosplaySuggestion1.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry most of them are just repeats of what others have suggested or reaffirmations of what you wanted to do.

Misery would be a fantastic fit.


Robin looks a good choice, but might be tricky to pull off if you're a bit inexperienced.
Kakashi works pretty well since you're tall, a simple design but would look better overall.

I'm not sure who to suggest off the bat, but I think you'd be a good fit for a lot of the Fire-Emblem girls.

The world always needs more Jojo.

Lillie would be adorable, Bottom left picture gives me an idea that you've got a great face for Satsuki Kiryuin from Kill la Kill, would look great in the Uniform Junketsu.

Gremlin D.Va, as overdone as it is by now.

Thanks for any incoming suggestions, be gentle senpai's it is my first time.

>> No.9437021
File: 26 KB, 900x900, glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me some characters where i could wear my perscription glasses with

>> No.9438850
File: 39 KB, 600x801, 10417505_824218997610415_5699052411292540701_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amy Pond! Or Sam Mason
Magneto or Boba Fett (side note your work is amazing)
Lillie would be so adorable! You're so cute
Chris Redfield
The girl from Crimson Peak
Bobby Drake
Toon Link

>> No.9443950

One of the Power Ranger helmets from the new movie would be neat, that'd be fairly recognizable.

>> No.9444055
File: 346 KB, 1828x831, cosplaysuggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Dandy from Space Dandy
Junko from Danganronpa or Hajime from Gatchaman Crowds
Seconding Avdol from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Blacker Baron would be a good choice too.
Rin from Blue Exorcist or Hei from Darker than Black
Mirai Kuriyama from Kyoukai no Kanata or Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura
Diane from Bojack Horseman
Ringabel's (from Bravely Default) wakoku warrior outfit is pretty slutty.
You'd be a cute Sucy from Little Witch Academia. Or Tsuyu from My Hero Academia
Don't worry about not being slim enough, you'd still pull off Junkrat well. If you wanted to do a character with glasses maybe you could do Yosuke from Persona 4 or Barnaby from Tiger and Bunny.

>> No.9445017

Now that someone else mentioned it, you've got a fantastic jaw and chin for the Dandiest guy in space, Space Dandy.

You would look great as Homura, especially that version.

>> No.9445443


You're not 175cm, you're 170 at best.

>> No.9447186

>not liking part 4

>> No.9448148
File: 2.48 MB, 3730x1700, 1486948600746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toko or Homura would look great I think.

Easily a JoJo character but I can't think of any other slutty ish cosplays.

Dva or Fiona would probably work really well.

I had someone really fitting come to mind when I seen this but then I lost it, I think you could easily pull off a decent junkrat if enough time is spent on it.

>> No.9448340

yeah, people are super critical when it comes to junkrat cosplays.
if you cant get the makeup and hair down, youre fucked. so keep that in mind if youre actually considering on doing him

>> No.9448369
File: 2.30 MB, 3730x1947, Template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be constructive.

I think Ezreal is a solid choice, just grab a wig and style it as such, it would work well for you

you look ALOT like Aleksis Kaidonovsky (One of the pilots of Cherno Alpha in Pacific Rim)
Luffy would be a pretty solid choice, plus it would be inexpensive
if you can, go for Corvo, the mask is a bitch though, there's a decent youtube tut online, but only one. you'll need to get creative

get some hair and make-up done right and you could do junkrat