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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 89 KB, 960x720, 16708461_10202658540780315_3918647029634357178_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9352952 No.9352952 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>9347947

>> No.9352953
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>> No.9352956
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>> No.9352958

The red and pink don't go together at all, they're clashing really horribly in this coord.

>> No.9352960
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>> No.9352961
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>> No.9352965
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>> No.9352967
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>> No.9352970
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>> No.9352972
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>> No.9352973

when the fuck is she going to stop with this godawful makeup, black lipstick only works if you're super polished everywhere else in your coord.

>> No.9352975

This is so adorable holy crap

>> No.9352982

I so regret not getting these main pieces, they look lovely in these coords

>> No.9352983

It could've been adorable if it wasn't so sloppy. The peeking undershirt is probably the worst part.

>> No.9352990

I really like the coord itself, but her hair/makeup and dead pose kinda kills it for me.
I didn't even notice the shirt, I wish she had fixed up the dress a bit for the pic, it's kinda wrinkly.

>> No.9353027


It's not a shirt, it's a binder.

>> No.9353030

Regardless, it still looks terrible.

>> No.9353043
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>> No.9353044
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>> No.9353046
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>> No.9353048
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>> No.9353050
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Me rn.

>> No.9353051

I don't think this looks Lolita, it looks like a normie dress, or prove me wrong, id like to know what is she wearing.

>> No.9353054

The post says it's Atelier Boz

>> No.9353055

It looks like Boz from the length and shape.

I really do love how she does her makeup, I think the short hair looks good with this entire look.

>> No.9353068
File: 114 KB, 960x960, 16508950_10154842215850180_5143022515237966952_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her face distracted me of the entire coord

>> No.9353070

Black hole

>> No.9353072

What happened to her hijab?

>> No.9353073


Trump's in charge now. She took it off for her own safety.

>> No.9353076

I stared into the void and the void asked if she could borrow some blotting paper.

>> No.9353084

Binders only look good when they don't turn your chest into a complete boobloaf, and it just looks even worse since it's super visible st the neckline.

>> No.9353090

I considered getting that dress during the release but after seeing that lace on the bottom, Im glad I passed it up

>> No.9353093

Its a boz dress, even if its not lolita the design is pretty unsual by normie standards

>> No.9353103

What's wrong with her face

>> No.9353104

hi Kris

>> No.9353115

Not Kris, sorry to mislead you. I apologize for obviously triggering you by pointing out that it's a binder. :^)

>> No.9353116

I can not stand her hair it does not look good with her face. (No idea if it's a wig or not) but it's damn awful

>> No.9353117
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>> No.9353119
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>> No.9353120

Same anon, agreed. Just correcting that it's a binder.

>> No.9353121

I am very torn on this I want to like orbit a few things seem off

>> No.9353125
File: 132 KB, 618x960, 16602056_10158295430030650_1782471074400418847_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9353126

Not going to lie, I freaking love this.

>> No.9353128

Is this the anon that bought the 4 o'clock jacket? I'm really jelly right now.

>> No.9353135
File: 73 KB, 720x720, 16681976_10212411936402263_1931816228783386215_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9353136

Not kris, sorry that you can't handle other people's opinions <3

>> No.9353145

Lol when did I say that I disagreed? Literally said that I agreed that it looks shitty. Learn to read, anon.

>> No.9353146
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>> No.9353147

Shit, sorry I misread that kek. Muh bad.

>> No.9353154

I wish this had just a bit more poof to show off the shape though

No longer flavor of the moment

>> No.9353159

this looks more holiday like to me, but I still really like it. The boots look weird, though.

>> No.9353163

Looks way more shironuri/EGA than Lolita to me.

>> No.9353165

>all those mismatching reds

>> No.9353168

So cute, everything is nice and balanced. Does anyone have sauce on the large chiffon bow? I'm in love with it.

>> No.9353218

this is awesome

>> No.9353313

in the full body pic why is her neck so thick looking compared to her head (or what we can see of it) wtf

>> No.9353323


>> No.9353336

About >>9352972 - you newbs don't know oldschool, I take it.

>> No.9353339

Granted, this is MUCH better than the usual from this girl.

That makeup, especially around the eyes, really doesn't help her face. Framing her hair around her chin in a shorter haircut would really take the emphasis away from her chin. But at least she's making improvements in the right direction.

>> No.9353342

..... those OTKs really don't go well with floral.....

>> No.9353344

This is actually amazing though. I kind of wish they went for a full masculine look with an aristocrat / ouji look. The hair and makeup are outstanding

>> No.9353358
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>> No.9353405

I can't believe that she bought that gorgeous jacket and then coordinated it like this. No headwear, no accessories, no makeup, clashing bag, ugly cheapass shoes, non-matching tights, weird length skirt, no poof, normie blouse. I know I'm salty, but yuck.

>> No.9353407

>being this mad youre a poorfag

>> No.9353410

This is such a solid sweet coord. The only real nitpick I have is the reds being slightly off, but I know she spray painted her shoes so I understand.

>> No.9353417
File: 123 KB, 720x960, 16729171_10211823682417977_7497831490166671231_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9353457

She's Canadian, idiot.

>> No.9353530

I really like those, thanks for the dump, gulls

>> No.9353547
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>> No.9353551
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>> No.9353553
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>> No.9353557
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>> No.9353560
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>> No.9353569

for some reason I really dislike black with brown. But this coord is lovely.

I like this, but I wish the socks weren't so plain and the whites matched.

>> No.9353574

I like this, but not a fan of the shoes.

>> No.9353583
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>> No.9353585
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>> No.9353605

Doesn't matter if it's old school or not, it just looks shit. I can see she's gone for a kind of street snap thing with the pose but she looks frumpy af

>> No.9353617


No shit

>> No.9353623

oldschool still needs non crap hair and makeup and it also looks like she's not wearing a petti.

>> No.9353632


>> No.9353640

Ugh, I don't have anything against the person but I really hate supermarket or any other store photos

>> No.9353648

Lmao. This looks like a Twilight OC.

>> No.9353676

OTKs and calf boots look so awkwad together tho.

Also not digging the random gold bag nor the weird ruffles on this dress

Now the fact that the reds don't really seem to match up. The blouse is pinkish red, the JSK is like a true red, the ruffles look slightly darker (though it may be the lighting?) and the OTKs are even darker.

>> No.9353769

would be so much better without the ugly ears.

>> No.9353824

Those shoes are ugly as sin and who the fuck puts shoes on their bed?

>> No.9353839
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>> No.9353841
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>> No.9353845
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This one looks like a 90s photo

>> No.9353848
File: 278 KB, 1151x2048, 16601917_10207638347626681_7869098070010896851_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9353866

How she look so smug when she put zero effort into her face and hair?

>> No.9353871

I feel like I'm having deja vu.. hasn't a coord almost identical to this been posted before?

>> No.9353878

No she's right, this is a huge waste of a beautiful piece

>> No.9353886

I get that this is probably going for that JetJ styling type look, but it looks so off to me.

>> No.9353889

I get so jealous when I see pretty coords like this with this print, since I have the """"offwhite"""" skirt, and can't coord it well to save my life.

>> No.9353898


The orange/brown in the print doesn't really go well with the wine red she tried to shoehorn in, imo. That might be why it looks odd. Probably would have worked better with a solid black dress.

>> No.9353944


She always has such perfectly balanced coords albeit a bit plain. I love this. I agree about the hair though.


Derp face


This pleases me greatly


Oh sweetie no.


Not going to lie, I legit get excited for trashy mismatched decora lolita posts. I miss this kind of stuff.

>> No.9354029

I hate everything about this.

>> No.9354033

This is super cute. I love seeing unpopular prints worn in great ways.

>> No.9354035

Love the dress but i feel like the beige looks really bad with it.

>> No.9354049
File: 441 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her instagram is laijlasworld

Couldn't download the better coords from there, but dammn she's great.

>> No.9354051
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>> No.9354056
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And another more recent one. She also recently uploaded her first video with a massive litz lisa collection... so jelly ._.

>> No.9354072

Are you posting pics from someone's (your?) instagram? Do you understand what this thread is?

>> No.9354076

I don't usually accuse selfpost but...this seems like a selfpost

>> No.9354077



The fuck is wrong with you, anon?

>> No.9354080
File: 152 KB, 750x897, IMG_2542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what in the fucking world is this?? This reminds of that thread a week or two ago when some chick was trying to promote herself

>> No.9354082
File: 114 KB, 595x394, 1373728036064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9354094

Deco lolita and actual casual lolita? I feel like I travelled back in time

>> No.9354116

What bodyline dress even is this???

>> No.9354128

Sorry, I just wanted to share my favorite ig account with you guys, I didn't know it would make you so upset, now I know why people avoid this place. :(

>> No.9354130

A fairly old one, it's not in stock anymore and hasn't been for years, I think.

>> No.9354133

Either you're a troll or you're just fucking stupid, but take your self posts to the self post thread, or start one if there isn't one already, but promoting your off-topic instagram in a thread dedicated to coords shared in the CoF group is a hilarious way to catch backlash.

>> No.9354161

Obvious troll, they're desperate ... it's almost sad.

>> No.9354170
File: 238 KB, 1280x1920, 16601967_10210633468886284_5775438493484689952_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9354173
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>> No.9354175
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>> No.9354179
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>> No.9354181
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>> No.9354182

this looks costumey to me.

>> No.9354184
File: 160 KB, 954x960, 16684193_780653648757270_5696387507718670062_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9354186

Why the ridiculous photoshopped setting?

>> No.9354187
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>> No.9354188
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>> No.9354189

Think it was a backdrop at the event she was at.

>> No.9354191
File: 132 KB, 720x960, 16711659_10154322159258499_8528912317271297548_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9354192

It was the photo booth type background at the masquerade event it seems

>> No.9354193

Looks like she have the headpiece behind her head

>> No.9354194
File: 162 KB, 786x1440, 16715873_1856787174533892_1112761312440513111_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9354196

This is so bad.

This is one of my fav dresses but this coord seems pretty sloppy.

>> No.9354207

i think its a jim hensons labyrinth theme. kinda living for it

>> No.9354210

those shoes are fugly

>> No.9354218
File: 14 KB, 236x265, 1484588609474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that completely maxed out shirring. Disgusting.

>> No.9354230
File: 8 KB, 240x320, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an Atelier Boz replica

>> No.9354237

Why does she have a too-small housecoat pinned onto a too-tight dress with button pins? Even the socks are too small. She needs to size up before anything will look ok, no matter what else needs work like hair/makeup.

>> No.9354238

You're creepy anon, but she's cute. Please don't multiple post people on here.
Is.. that a replica or does that dress really stretch that much?

>> No.9354243

Not only is she fat but she's an ita too. How unfortunate

>> No.9354246

The first time I saw peignoirs I thought they were so lovely and dreamy.. but they were almost instantaneously ruined by ita coords like this.
Everything about this is bad, I understand wanting to look cute if you're bigger but this isn't done well at all. The angle isn't doing her any favors either.

>> No.9354250

That beautiful jacket and she styles it like this. Such a waste. I hope she does better next time.

>> No.9354256
File: 276 KB, 500x600, 606142-1981-2016-03-17514221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit late but it's a bow that comes with the dress, it's the big chest bow

>> No.9354264

That really does not do this jacket jstice at all. The dress she's wearing needs to be longer than the jacket, it just doesn't look right as it is. The greens also clash badly, a solid black jsk of some kind would have looked better, and not have her petti dticking out at the bottom.

>> No.9354269

Everything is wrong with this. That peignoir needs to go, and that headbow is to big for the hairstyle she picked. A bow that big needs hair volume to balance it out.

>> No.9354278

this went straight into my inspiration folder

>> No.9354282

Needs more petti poof, and why the random black shoes. Matching your hair doesn't count.

>> No.9354283

Someone send her an iron

>> No.9354285

Lol, it looks so unflattering on her. Coord looks nice lying down rather than on her. Old school doesn't mean half assed.

>> No.9354290

It looks fairly nice. She should've not worn the polka dot socks, and worn a better wig, though.

>> No.9354292

This isn't even lolita though

>> No.9354293

Those are some shitty fillers

>> No.9354295

You can only imagine the strange looks she probably got

>> No.9354297

The socks are relatively the same shade as the dress. The dress looks lighter because of her blouse. But I agree the blouse color doesn't match. And white and ivory together

>> No.9354300

Normie boots with that coord. Whyyyy?

>> No.9354302

>mismatched socks and shoes
>wear every accessory you own
Looks like we've traveled back to 2008

>> No.9354308

The bonnet looks weird and boring, and the sock don't really match the dress. The shoes being a different red doesn't seem to look too bad though.

>> No.9354310

It'd probably look a lot better is she would stop trying to look like a dead body or a doll, it looks bad and it's really cringey

>> No.9354311

yeah, staying on topic is really hard especially when you do not know how forums work. it is better for most people to stick with social media and avoid places where care must be taken to ensure organized discussion

>> No.9354316

The tans look fine, but holy fuck why do people where normie looking shoes with lolita. Those shoes are so ugly.
The dress has more of a bronzy detailing, so why would you wear so much tan with it.
Shoes and bag should've been a matching pink. The bag looks too classic for the dress.

>> No.9354321

Lol the dress isn't even the worst thing about this

>> No.9354344
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>> No.9354345
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>> No.9354346

Bad taste-chan has bad taste.

>> No.9354347
File: 128 KB, 960x960, 16708313_10158197494960405_4011261031864749598_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9354350
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>> No.9354351

I love everything about this. Into the inspo folder you go

>> No.9354356
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>> No.9354358
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>> No.9354361
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>> No.9354365

Thanks for the dump anon. After the last thread, I really appreciate it as a non-fb user.

>> No.9354367

cute, but the skirt needs shape and she really needs headwear.
this is not yet lolita.

>> No.9354370

getting her hair layered and the ends trimmed would really help if she's going to use her natural hair. it looks a bit oily and messy in a bad way

>> No.9354378

I almost choked when the photo fully loaded.
bare shoulders *and* upper arms? not lolita. one or the other has to e covered. elbow length gloves make no sense. the random amazon-tier lace legwear is not working. and what the fuck are the shoes supposed to be matching? collarbone up looks so nice.

the rest made me ill

>> No.9354382

I kind of really want that jsk. it looks badass

>> No.9354386

should have worn a larger wig so she could better arrange the clips. the apron should have been left out because it looks sloppy af it breaks apart the visible red space which I think this coord needs more of

>> No.9354389


>> No.9354392

my queen!
this would have looked way better in natural lighting to highlight the excellent quality of each of these pieces.
I'm so happy to see more EGA experiments these days

>> No.9354395

burn those shoes ohmygolly

>> No.9354398

That's a pretty dramatic response to someone really blandly making a disagreement statement.

>> No.9354401

damn, she's lucky her bust looks nice with lolita. the only issue is with her waist, which I'll get to.

I really think she should have picked an actual peignoir, that is lightweight of organza or chiffon, and one that was closer in length to the op.
Next time, she should:
>wear a wig, short is okay and looks cute on her, but she needs volume. maybe even just adding pigtail clips
>follow through all the way with the hime style by wearing tights, or at least not so casual otks
>wear an actual petti, and perhaps try pairing it with a smooth cincher or other shaper to define her waist.

plus sized girls need to own petticoats. I'm tired of this phenomena. do not post photos until you get your skirt shape on point. the silhouette is crucial to the fashion

>> No.9354407


check out: >>9354230

>> No.9354411


>> No.9354414

that dead animal looks disgusting

>> No.9354423

She spent $400 on that ugly chest piece. What does this girl do that she has so much money, because she must have a great job.

>> No.9354432

That one is less lovely peignoir and more granny's housecoat to me.

>> No.9354437

>her bust looks nice with lolita
are you blind or

>> No.9354447

Did anyone else see her blogpost about this? she was "lol so not mad" about the crit on here and said her face totes isn't greasy af

>> No.9354454

She's a scientist of some sort. Her instagram has lots of pics of her working in a lab.

>> No.9354456

Caps please

>> No.9354480

She looks like a Bogdanoff

>> No.9354482

But like, why those tights? Makes no sense

>> No.9354493

person in the picture, what about the coord is sloppy? If you have any crit that could improve it I'm all ears.

>> No.9354506

no please stop you'll summon them

>> No.9354513
File: 58 KB, 488x523, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted here facebook com / kawaiimilkyswan / posts / 1012800602197730
I'll post caps incase she deletes it

>> No.9354514

Not the same anon above but here are my thoughts:

The bodice of the dress looks very ill-fitting on you. Maybe find a way to pad out the chest area a bit?
The blouse's puffy sleeves really draws attention to your broad shoulders and combined with the lack of boobs your shoulders look very broad and overall very masculine.
I also dislike when people grasp the sides of the skirt because it looks like you're trying to hide a lack of petti but that's definitely a nitpick.
The colours in this coord look very imbalanced. I would definitely like to see you change your footwear to something that matches the red in the dress. If you really want to keep the black shoes, I suggest you incorporate more black into other aspects of the coord. A headdress that's wine and black along with a purse with black accents might balance it out more. And the pattern on the socks looks off when you look at the colour of your wig and the colours on the dress. Maybe white lace tights? Or white tights with a wine design? I also really enjoy seeing greens paired with this dress.
Lots of options there.
Keep trying. The dress is beautiful and there's so much that can be done with it.

>> No.9354515
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>> No.9354516
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>> No.9354535


>> No.9354544

Meh, she doesn't sounds mad, just insecure.

>> No.9354548

Her face always looks like a plastic mask to me

>> No.9354550

She's probably fishing for asspats and compliments, otherwise why would you bother typing up an entire essay about what a bunch of nameless trolls on the internet say about you?

>> No.9354552

I think this is really simple and cute. It looks like all the pieces were kind of cheap, but not in a tacky way. Just in a very simple way. Or maybe I'm just blinded cuz the girl is cute.

>> No.9354561

Literally everything she paired with the op doesn't match.

>gold shoes why

>> No.9354564

but why censor your face in the full body while having a head shot in the collage?¿

>> No.9354567

Unflattering photo of face in the coord shot. Not to hide identity, just to prevent distraction from the outfit.

>> No.9354576

Agreed, it's just sad to see what could have been a really cute accessory turn into absolute trash.

>> No.9354580

lolwut you're a fat white christian, the fuck you mean you were doing 'research' for a Muslim friend?? You were wearing a hijab because your dumbass thought it was trendy, you disrespectful bitch.
#notbothered fuck off

>> No.9354585

You are definitely right, I've been putting off a haircut forever. Layers make me look kind of 80's, but I could really use a trim and a more defined style. Thanks!

>> No.9354586

I imagine it's super boring lab research depending on her coworkers but pays super well so, hobbies like these make up for it.

>> No.9354588

can you give me a quick rundown

>> No.9354591

my dream dress ...no :'(

>> No.9354592

The sheer floaty ones with pretty embroidery are still a very nice addition to some coords, if they fit, go the coord and are nice quality. If you like them, don't give up on them due to some itas using them badly, anon. We can tell the difference.

>> No.9354593

Because they work? I mean it's not 100% sure with a laid out coord, but I think it would be fine.

>> No.9354596

Her head looks like a coconut.

>> No.9354600

It looks terrible. It's like wearing a "vintage" blouse with lolita. It doesn't work.

>> No.9354604

She ruins this dress

>> No.9354606

...There are plenty of great coords with vintage blouses?? Gunne sax blouses comes to mind. There plenty of shitty ones too, granted, but you get the good and the bad. It just takes a good eye and a talent for coording.

You sound like one of those people who only wears brand and avoids taobao/offbrand.

>> No.9354612

Haha, i posted her picture, I would like to read that, whats her blog?

>> No.9354615

>womp womp

nayrt--was respecting your opinion until you invalidated all your points with that gripey generalization of vintage blouses.

>> No.9354616
File: 92 KB, 900x900, 16729132_1371966062860176_5663637909543880205_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat petti

>> No.9354617
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>> No.9354618
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>> No.9354619

I adore everything about this, such a great sweet coord.

>> No.9354624
File: 104 KB, 960x960, 16684298_1904558623124196_1284204921782014856_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why tho

>> No.9354627
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>> No.9354629
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>> No.9354630
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>> No.9354635
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>> No.9354636

I think this would look way better if she would just stand up lol

>> No.9354640
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>> No.9354643 [DELETED] 

She sure did write and essay about it for not being bothered.

>> No.9354645

She sure did write an essay about it for not being bothered.

>> No.9354646
File: 121 KB, 720x960, 16602752_1244524935582982_7566431859651862207_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty sure this is a replica, or isnt it?

>> No.9354649
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>> No.9354653

omg havent lurked enough, lol this is pathetic

>> No.9354656

It might be? Bur her saggy tits make it look more shapeless.
Cunt needs to learn how to wear a bra.

>> No.9354658

lol so true, and wheres the makeup?

>> No.9354665

Not sure about the shoes but otherwise I really like this coord

>> No.9354670



no chill whatsoever, damn sis

>> No.9354685

I don't know, that op comes in larger sizes, doesn't it?
It's not a horrible coord but she desperately needs a bra or some kind, or a more supportive one

>> No.9354698

The way she's going to cringe when she sees this in the family photo album in 20 years.

>> No.9354712

The real question is, did hagrid give her the invitation to hogwarts?

>> No.9354713

>"lolita is totes not a costume! It's a legit fashion!"
>puts on stage make up and giant horns

>> No.9354714

Pretty sure that anon has never seen a binder before lol.

>> No.9354716

anyone know where those socks are from?

>> No.9354717

this is beautiful but the tights are well yea....

>> No.9354719

Ex-professional ballerina here, that is not stage makeup. Horns are really normal now in the fashion too, these horns in particular are really chill and blend in with the hair. It's not like reindeer-kei or some shit.

>> No.9354729

From the COF post
>Tonight I'm going to a costume party
Do you guys just not check the group, or are you not even in it?

>> No.9354732

Good save the queen

>> No.9354734

What group?

>> No.9354741

I find it funny desu
What if she falls down though.

This kinda looks like she's trying super hard to look badass but doesn't quite succeed.

>> No.9354743
File: 283 KB, 1706x2048, FB_IMG_1486972607484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be cute...if it wasn't for the god damn shoes. Why???

>> No.9354748

caps are above m'lady

>> No.9354759

Yeah, i read that, thanks

>> No.9354761

She just keeps fucking the entire coord just because of ugly shoes

>> No.9354904


>> No.9354930

...I thought the point of CoF dumping was because there's a good population of us here who have nothing to do with fb or the group but still have a general interest in seeing what people are up to with their coords.

>> No.9354940

Am I the only one who dislikes this level of extreme poof? Maybe it's because I wear lolita as regular clothes but it just seems like she'd get stuck on doorways and wouldn't be able to do anything in that coord. The rest of the coord looks fine but the poof just makes it look entirely costumey and unwearable.

>> No.9354943

I agree honestly. It's very aesthetically pleasing but pretty impractical. Makes for good photo though.

>> No.9354945

>no eyeliner
>light foundation
>questionable if even using mascara?
>"stage makeup"

That's a big swing and a miss, anon.

>> No.9354946

Holy fuck.

>> No.9354955

Usually when I wear lolita as dailywear I take a picture with two petticoats to give it good poof but take one off afterwards, maybe that's what she did here?

>> No.9354965

She's been in the fashion long enough to not look like a hot mess. But yet she consistently does.
I'm impressed.

>> No.9354982

A lot of us aren't on facebook or have been banned because of the "no concrit" rule a while back

>> No.9354985

I love this so much especially the pink blouse and how well it ties in with the print, bag and shoes!

>> No.9354994

Why does this literal who think I care about their blog post

>> No.9354995

Nah, she looks like she is Hagrid.

>> No.9355004

God this right here is just bad.
Just stop, you are ruining a beautiful dress.

>> No.9355013

the fucking walmart style background though.

>> No.9355020

>not again
You're a fucking coconut.

>> No.9355028

I come here because I can't stand the asspatting in the group. I haven't actually visited CoF in like 6 months.

>> No.9355030

If I wore that hairstyle/wig in a similar color, I'd indeed be a coconut. That's why I don't.

>> No.9355042

But I really wish there was more honest concrit in CoF itself. So much disguised as 'concrit' these days is just opinion, nitpick and mean comments that are often not even about the coord.

Have we forgotten what helpful and truthful but still kind critique is? And that concrit is meant for the receiver's improvement not to just tear them down?
I'm all for saying something about the makeup, camera angle, photo quality and of course anything about the coord itself...but the comments like: 'fix your nose', 'she's an old hag', 'look at her chin', 'too short, too tall' stuff really sucks.

>> No.9355076

close your mouths you dumb cunts

>> No.9355107
File: 203 KB, 750x1000, IMG_2825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9355111

I like the overall coordination of items here.
I think a fancier hairstyle would be more flattering.
The blouse looks a bit tight.
I like the eye makeup.

Fine there you go, a 2 ingredient compliment sandwich.

>> No.9355118

Yes, she has posted the same or otherwise very similar coord.

>> No.9355121

those grandma tits with the bag strap between them

i want to throw up

>> No.9355123

More effort on hair/makeup, less on quirky coordination/accessories would improve her lolita look. But I have a feeling she just wears what she likes to enjoy it.

>> No.9355124

looks like an uninspired homestuck oc cosplay

>> No.9355136

I like the coordinate idea here, the black/white is nice.
I second the need for a better bra.
I don't think the hat/flowers is the best headwear choice.
I like the bag and rosary as accessories.

Nitpick: I think the shoes are a bit too sweet for the dress.

>> No.9355139

The basic coordinate idea is good.
I think she needs a more polished hairstyle and better lolita necklace/earrings.
I like the shoes with this.

>> No.9355147

Maybe everyone is too salty for the old single-ingredient compliment sandwich style of Concrit.
Maybe we need a supersize:

How about
Critique 1
Critique 2
Optional Side of Nitpick:

>> No.9355154

Ok, because of her essay, I showed her photo to my bf and asked him to critique it. (Because he knows the lolita basics but is not a salty chick who nitpicks)
First thing he said was about the shine on her face. Second was the over-done photo shopping. Third was that the bag and bow looked too light for the dress.
So yeah, it's not so unusual, mean or picking on her to say that her face needs blotting and she should cut back on the shoop.

>> No.9355161

Ugh the coord looks perfectly fine until you get to her head and then its just hideously oversized flower crown, ugly facial piercings, unstyled wig, weird ebay parasol and those ugly meme glasses.

>> No.9355170

>'no longer in flavour'
Couldn't even copy + paste correctly.
But the oily comment being deflected with 'but it's cream' don't take away from her looking oily not moisturised.
I enjoy these essays that explain how unbothered she is.

>> No.9355191

>yen be a qt petite girl
Feels bad man

>> No.9355193

It's more old school Jgoth/Lolita rather than EGA in terms of the dress. It's too short a dress for Aristocrat. It's an old Boz nun OP. The makeup is cool without the horns. I'm not sure about the upside down crosses sitting just under the hemline when in comfo of the short boots, but it's not awful. Just needs a bit of a tweak. This isn't an easy OP design to wear well

>> No.9355195


>I imagine it's super boring lab research depending on her coworkers but pays super well so, hobbies like these make up for it.

Most scientists I know are at least somewhat invested in their jobs. It is entirely possible to be both interested in research and in something entirely different.

>> No.9355196

I think the shoe and sock choice fits nicely with the coordinate.
Professional/posed photo should not have such an awkward pose or the petticoat showing.
I don't think the flower crown fits the coordinate very well.
The lighting is nice

Nitpick: I don't like the piercings with this look.

>> No.9355198

This is a good example of useful concrit. Why can't we have this more often? I would really appreciate it if someone gave this concrit to me.

I guess it's because we have girls like the girl in >>9353068 pic who can't take critique well at all?

>> No.9355203

can we stop trying to force people to give free asspats with crit no one cares.

I agree that that was good concrit and best of all no forced compliments to make it all sound meaningless.

>> No.9355206

Does anyone else find it tacky when people share a coord post from their FB fanpages to COF instead of just making a new post?

>> No.9355213

wtf why does her hand in the left photo look so tiny

>> No.9355216

Not really, no. It makes it way easier for me to follow them on other social media if I like what the post of CoF. I also really like commenting on things/being social in general beyond just liking something and moving on though.

>> No.9355223

You'll never get just straight concrit to fly, it never has...that's why the compliment sandwich was adopted, but I don't think saying 2 (forced) nice things for every 1 critique and no room personal opinion is a satisfying method for most people anymore.

I don't mind compliment sandwiches (giving or receiving), because it keeps people civil.

>> No.9355227

Yes, I find it rude. We are participants together on equal footing as peers in CoF so keep the fan page shares for your followers and fans.

>> No.9355233

I think it's weird. I don't care about seeing someone's fan page, and it seems off to me that any average person is trying to become some celebrity and gain followers with it. Most of the people who share from pages are way less than remarkable.

>> No.9355244

anon what does that even mean
literally anyone can make a Facebook Page about themselves, it doesn't mean you're important or even popular, it just means you have a Facebook Page where you post stuff that isn't your personal page.

>so keep the fan page shares for your followers and fans
so by your logic no one should ever share anything from their page to an outside group? because followers/fans have already liked the page so they're already going to see what you post on their timeline, so you're basically just saying for people to keep to themselves and not promote their page at all

>> No.9355267

Promoting your page to your peers just seems pretentious to me. I have a page, I've modeled in fashion shows and I still don't share to CoF from it. People don't have trouble finding my page if they want to follow me.

>> No.9355272

Her head looks photoshopped on.

>> No.9355319

I can see the benefit of it though. If you plan to post your coords to multiple groups (eg. CoF, your comm page, maybe a second comm page if you live in more than one area, which I do), it's much easier to make a page and just post on that one page than upload and write out the description multiple times. It cuts down the effort required to share photos and if people want to see more of your pictures, there's an easy link there. I prefer it more than people who list their IG, Tumblr, personal blogs, etc on their CoF post and just have all those links on one page.
Seems more like efficiency than pretentiousness.

>> No.9355327

>cuts down effort to share photos
yeah posting pics is extremely taxing, super difficult

>> No.9355328

What's amusing about it? it's just dumb

>> No.9355329

Opinions differ, and it's not against the rules. So you can if you want to for any reason but some just won't like it too. There's no question that there's a bit of the eye-roll opinion about it no matter what though. I prefer links to other social media in CoF posts because I like to follow people outside of FB when I can. I just use FB for some group things mainly because I'm tired of the 'promotion' feeling there. I wouldn't follow anyone's 'lolita page'.

>> No.9355333

Cut/paste is hard if you just had your nails done, and your wrists are tired from answering all that page fan mail from your 20 followers anon, sheesh.

>> No.9355335

Who would your main audience be then, if not your peers? Who else would you promote to? Lolitas aren't generally the kind of people to have casual, non-participating fans unless their social media is fully-immersive ("lifestyling"), or if they have some other shtick (like being a talented/popular artist). How is sharing from a page to CoF different/more pretentious than cross-posting across other social media?

>> No.9355343

Because of the amount of ads in FB already. Not to mention you have to start paying FB for your "fans" to see your content once you start getting too many.

>> No.9355348

...sorry, what does that have to do with the conversation though? I don't think sharing from a page should be seen as an advertisement if it's the exact same content that the person would've posted if they were doing it outright. There's a different between a post with a photo that just says "Hey guys go like my page!" and a post with a photo that has a full coordinate rundown plus a description of the occasion/event, etc.

>> No.9355355

I agree with everything else, but what's up with the glasses? I got some silver ones on prescription because I needed glasses for lolita that wasn't my chunky black hipster garbage frames.

>> No.9355361

I love this one
Makes me want to find that jsk

>> No.9355364

I have friends in lolita fashion and I like to make more through meeting people and personal sharing, not be marketed/promoted to or requested to follow someone's hobby page as an audience. I don't follow anyone's lolita fan page unless they have a business so I don't appreciate a promotional approach instead of a 'friends sharing with friends' personal post.

But no one is saying you can't post from your page to CoF so there's no need to keep justifying it. I'll never follow a lolita fan page so I am not your 'target market' anyway.

>> No.9355370

maybe you shouldn't be so obsessed with social media and attention, you'd probably be happier tbqh

>> No.9355373

where 2 cop this blouse?

>> No.9355388

Sorry if I made it seem like I was trying to convince you of something, I really was asking to understand your perspective. I think I get where you're coming from now though!

>> No.9355399

If you put loose setting powder over your moisturizer, it keeps your face from shining.
t. Someone with dry skin

>> No.9355401

Finishing powder is finer and works even better but since Kira-kira chan wasn't asking concrit but being pissy, she will probably just shine on like the special diamond she is.

>> No.9355409

Good to know! I'll look into that
It's okay, she'll need something to distract from being a mediocre fatty-chan

>> No.9355416

ELF under-eye powder is also super-fine and a bit brightening too, so it's a good cheap trick to use! It's tough having dry skin, my face looks like hers when I'm wearing my thick cream too but since I just do that on home days and every night, my skin can tolerate not being slathered in goop for a day out in lolita. But there's no magic potion for a bad attitude, alas.

>> No.9355430

That's the point, your peers aren't your audience and we don't need to be 'promoted to'. Sharing from a page indicates you expect more followers or fans than implying potential friendships. I don't expect lolitas to share from a page unless they have a lolita related business, are a frequent model, a con guest or organize regional meets or events. Things like that. I ignore or block the rest, it's just more spam on my feed.

>> No.9355438

the floof on that poof is through the feckin roof

>> No.9355492

I'm not the anon you were responding to. The point it's pretentious thinking people want to be your fan rather than your friend. It's also pointless to have a page only to add to the obnoxious ads.

>> No.9355493

When does hagrid ever wear a hat or have blonde hair?

>> No.9355505

Honestly, half of the fan page lolitas should feel lucky if they even still get the occasional friend request, most don't even have a blog and their coords, photos and activity posts just aren't that good/interesting. Maybe they all just follow each other and do the 'I'll like yours if you like mine' thing?

>> No.9355518


>> No.9355621

I know this thread is saging but I just wanted to add that a lot of them are very obviously newbies trying to go through the motions they see popular people doing, but as you said usually lack actual quality content or engaged fans so it's mega obvious when you see a shitty page with a ton of likes. Still don't see why people take such issue with sharing from a page though since these people are harmless.

>> No.9355632

Lol, the bodice fits her well and she doesn't have broad shoulders at all. Also, pretty sure that the shoes are navy. Actual con-crit would be to practice smiling and posing and maybe trim the bangs instead of parting them, improve the makeup and add some more interesting jewellery.

>> No.9355996

she only? wears decololi, and red/pink dresses. I'm a fan, but I can see why you think they all look the same. Fine details get lost when you're so distracted by all the accessories.

>> No.9358189

I mean I guess that's just personal opinion rather than ita. I'm kinda sick of seeing the fake ones with every other coord. I mean if it's your actual prescription glasses that is kinda different

>> No.9359840

Probs bad shoop