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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9346683 No.9346683 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread. >>9341641

Wig cap too tight? Petticoat deflating? Share those cgl-related feels here!

>> No.9346708

I kind of wanna make a cosplay, but I really want to just be lazy and just buy one from sketchy Chinese.

Uuuggggghhhh, I shouldn't be allowed to call myself a cosplayer.

>> No.9346733

??? There's not some barometer for being able to call yourself a cosplayer. It's not like it's some sort of prestigious term. If you wanna play-dress up as fantasy characters, then go ahead and call yourself a cosplayer. The people on here saying "you need to do x y z or you're not a real cosplayer" have probably never worn a costume in their life.

>> No.9346738

I only cosplay with bought cosplay because I know myself and that I'd rather spend more time working hours for money than to spend that same time sewing and crafting. It's not a problem unless you try to pass off that bought cosplay as something you made.

>> No.9346747

Just don't enter any competitions or try to pass it off as something you made and you're good.

>> No.9346750

Yeah, but I've always considered myself an artist.

It's really upsetting, in the past few years, making stuff has really become a chore for me. I used to love it more than anything.

>> No.9346863
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Job just started doing massive layoffs because they want to do away with 'premium' services
>entire department gets cut
>4 days after I buy my plane tickets, hotel and train pass to Japan

they at least gave us some notice for our final day but trying to find a job that'll let me have the days off or let me start after I get back is getting really hard

>> No.9346866

Buy one from a sketchy Chinese site. No one is going to hate you unless you enter it in a competition as your own creation or claim that you yourself crafted it.

If anyone does make a deal of it when you mention the costume being bought, don't listen to them. If you look good, you look good.

>> No.9346869

You can still buy a costume. You might find things you can alter or craft to take a bought costume from good to excellent. Some costumes are really hard to sew if you have interest in more complex designs.

>> No.9346872

It's not the end of the world. I understand that's a pain, but you don't want to let that money go to waste. That's not cheap. Worse come to worse, you'll just have to find a job when you get back. You might have to be a little more frugal on your trip. It might be fun, You'll get to seek out entertainment that the regular old person seeks out in Japan.

>> No.9346873
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>usually wear gothic/OTT gothic
>takes a long tome to get ready, so i almost never have an opportunity to wear it
>want to get into cute, simpler sweet or classic so i can wear lolita more often
>don't know where to start
>been wearing black/maroon for so long I don't have any pieces for what I'm going for
>realize i'll have to create and entire new separate wardrobe if i want to do this
>not enough time or money

>> No.9346875

the bitchiness that happens every so often in my comm between the main comm and group of friends comm gives me anxiety and just puts me off being around them all.

I've made a few friends since I joined but the constant bickering is just fucked up and gets me down about being in to the fashion

>> No.9346903

thanks friend you're right; currently planning on cutting way back on the omiyage and doing more hiking and historic site seeing instead

>> No.9346906

I wish I was a Gundam Meister.

>> No.9346939
File: 24 KB, 250x250, lolidiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead con-friend popped up in my timehop today.

Guess I'm gonna be sad tonight.

>> No.9346950

I'm sorry anon. I also have a dead friend and when she pops up in my feed i feel this way too :(

>> No.9346954

>friend invites me to a con
>wants to do cosplays of characters I don't know but later figure out are a couple
>he confesses his feelings for me, repeatedly
>I'm in a relationship
Everything is going to go horribly wrong somehow

>> No.9346959

It already did my friend, get out quick

>> No.9346965
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The one time I want someone on this board to tell me to shut the fuck up because I'm being dramatic about nothing...

>> No.9346973

I finally bought an usakuma pochette. I've wanted one so badly for year but could never justify buying one but I found out today I might have arthrits on top of other health conditions that are pretty disabling so I kind of needed the retail therapy.

>> No.9346977

Sometimes I think about faking my death, so the people around me will finally realize how much they care about me.

But that would be sociopathic.

>> No.9346988

The only thing that stops me from impulse shopping to soothe my personal anxiety is reading about other people buying things. I really hope you enjoy it!

>> No.9347002

That sounds like it went downhill real quick.

>> No.9347104

That feel when you've been conning and being a photographer for almost 2 years, and no lasting friendships have come from it.

I got into cosplay because the people seemed really nice and kind, plus I had no friends and wanted to make some who shared my interests. There are people to begged me to sell my photos as prints, who walk right past me at con without saying a word. Feels bad, man.

>> No.9347122

Sorry to hear that, anon.

I looked through her pictures for a bit tonight, and was saddened to see that one of her last costumes was Link from the upcoming new Zelda. She never got to see the game released.

>> No.9347167

i feel ya anon group hugs

>> No.9347169
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Neither did Christina Grimmie.

>> No.9347185

I don't have enough friends to be ok with losing one

>> No.9347191

If they respect your boundaries and neither of you are weirded out by the whole thing, then go ahead with the friendship. If not, cut your losses. You'll find more friends.

>> No.9347198
File: 424 KB, 731x855, jan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sit in friend's boyfriend's lap for a picture
>twenty seconds pass
>mfw he pops serious wood

>> No.9347211

What did your friend do?

>> No.9347217

What did you expect to happen? Are you retarded?

Guys are like 95% dick nerves.

>> No.9347224

I'm a sweet Lolita and I feel the same way. I own this one gothic op but don't have the room room/money to be buying black shoes and a bag. I also have some old school. I find it's easier to wear and cheaper too some times. :)

>> No.9347227

Fucking slut

>> No.9347244

That makes sense. I'm not weirded out I'm just worried eventually there's going to be some kind of fight. So here's hoping.

>> No.9347284

>tfw male
>tfw serious interest in fashion and makeup
>tfw I can never compliment people on anything without them thinking I'm hitting on them

>> No.9347303

Did you take responsibility?

>> No.9347351

Sweet might be a bit difficult for you to transition into (because of motifs rather than color) but Classic should be easy enough. You can do it!

>> No.9347455
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>get into series or game late
>other fans aren't that interested anymore
>nobody wants to do group cosplays from it because it's not recent enough or they lost interest in it
>merch is hard to come by because everything is sold, even more so of my favourite characters from different things

I bowed out of internet/weebism for a few years because of personal issues and I'm slowly catching up on series and games... So many nice figures gone. So many con shenanigans I could have had while there was hype.

>no friends left
Never mind about the shenanigans. B-but still.

>> No.9347586
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Do it anyway.

One nice thing about cons is that you can tell cute girls they look great without seeming weird.

>> No.9347592
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>meeting up with dad
>Dressed in Lolita
>Looks me up and down
>"Not really my thing but it looks good."
>"I never wanted to attract any attention to myself so I'm glad you aren't afraid and wear what you like"
T-thanks dad

>> No.9347619

I know this feel so hard, anon. My condolences.

>> No.9347698

In my family, my mom was always the gifting coordinator; my dad gave her however much she needed and she made things happen; x-mas, birthdays, that kind of stuff. A few years ago my mom died unexpectedly and my dad is still struggling with being a gift giver now. Sometimes he'll hand me a wad of cash and ask I put together holidays or buy things for people, but it's still hard for him to pull off.

... But lately something funny has happened...

I ordered a dress, it came in the mail and he happened to be around when it arrived. He was intrigued that it was a package from Japan and hung around to see me open it. I was really happy at the condition and how, like in most cases, the brand stock images did not begin to do the print justice. Suddenly my dad was fumbling with his wallet as he said; "Hey, how... How much did that cost? Can, can I give you that much and then we can say this was my birthday present to you?"
So now this is our new reality; on my birthday and x-mas he'll refund me for one Lolita dress as long as he gets the full "why I love this thing so much" explanation. He says he likes how happy and content I am when I get a new piece of Lolita. He doesn't actually like the fashion, but he likes how it makes his daughter.

>> No.9347699

Aw, that's really sweet. Sorry to hear his wife passed away, that's really hard on a dude. I hope he's getting by okay.

>> No.9347726

Is there a story behind that, or are you just amusing? People are generally receptive to focused compliments like "I love how you did your eyeliner" or "amazing dress" or "that x is amazing where did you get it" because you are clearly praising someone's skills or decisions. Compare to an open ended "you look beautiful" that's your standard flirting fare. If you want to compliment someone's makeup, get specific and you'll be fine.

>> No.9347728

*Assuming, damn autocorrect

>> No.9347731

That really warmed my heart anon. He sounds like a truly wonderful person

>> No.9347851

>today and Thursday I work late and Wednesday is my day off, really the only time to work on stuff
>Plenty of time but I'm at the point of stressing out where I'm just...not doing anything

Anyone have any motivation they can throw my way?

>> No.9347874

>was planning on going to four cons this year
>three of them have been cancelled so far
>two of these are well known cons, one is counted as one of the bigger ones in my country
>the fuck is going on

>> No.9347885

Why not just casual gothic? Theres so much normalfag fashion that caters to that. It's not even seen as weird or anything anymore

>> No.9348253

aww, that's sweet anon.

>> No.9348262

>Tfw take a big fat shit at a tea party
>Tfw smells terrible
>Tfw can never contain my laughter when I take a huge shit and it smells bad
>Tfw leave early saying I had to help my parents with something
>Tfw no one knew it was me that took the huge shit

>> No.9348272

They knew

>> No.9348286
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I'm trying to find someone to cosplay as, but whenever I ask my boyfriend or close friends if I'd suit X character they just say yeah and don't really give me any sort of concrit.

My eating disorder is back because I gained five pounds, just fucking kill me already.

>> No.9348305

If you're adults, you're going to make friends that develop feelings for you. Sometimes they'll be really close friends. There will be playful flirting every now and then in good fun but as long as he isn't annoying you with advances I don't see an issue.

Asking to couple cosplay isn't like he's asking for you to sleep with him for a night. Unless there's more to the story, I don't see anything wrong with this. It's just fun. At worst, people will request you two do a huggy photo or something; most people aren't autistic enough to ask for a kiss photo since it's highly likely that a duo aren't actually dating just caus they couple cosplay.

>> No.9348308

Why were you sitting in his lap in the first place? Why did your friend find nothing wrong with you sitting on his lap?

He's a guy, he's most likely going to get a boner from this kind of thing even if he didn't particularly find you attractive. As long as you're not uggo it's good for his wood.

>> No.9348321

Guys this Monster High challenge on Face Off All-Stars is fantastic.

>> No.9348326

>have a stash of vinyl
>need to make boot covers
>have some vinyl that is almost the right shade of red but on the dark side
>meticulous about detail
>broke af
>can't decide if I should spend the money on new material or swallow my perfectionism and use the vinyl
I have

Feels bad what do you seagulls think?

>> No.9348331

You sound like someone who, no matter how the outcome looks, will feel bad about the outfit if you don't go full blown perfectionism. It will get in the way of you having fun, and you'll be out vinyl AND have the haunting thought in the back of your head that you should have gone with the right shade.

So, but different vinyl. You can use your current stash to try finding inspiration for a future project that will need that shade, and won't have to buy for THAT project.

>> No.9348343

Get some marine vinyl.

>> No.9348390

>SO has an model friend
>Seems nice and everything
>SO mentions his friend is a lolita
>Mentions to her that I'm a weeb who's a lolita and that I go to cons
>Suggests we should be friends
>He tells me she just scoffed as a response and said lolita is NOT cosplay

Which is something I agree with. So, I try seeing if I can find her in my comm, maybe then I could show her I'm legit. When I couldn't find her on the local comm page or CoF, I tried finding out what style she wears through my SO, and all I get from him is that she wore a little hat on her head. He also mentioned she started being a cam girl recently.

So, now not only am I praying she's not wearing the fashion while on cam, but I'm also a little salty that I've been dismissed by a mini-hat pleb.

>> No.9348419
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>get invited to lolita sushi tomorrow
>everyloli who's anyloli will be there
>have to decline, because my grandmother wants me to make her nuggets for lunch

>> No.9348421

I just assume. Fuckboys are so rampant that I feel like I'll just get lumped in if I open my mouth.

>> No.9348440
File: 441 KB, 1280x1281, 49eef3369be6e5a1bbcf1c84c342a512a6a9ff1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meet fellow cosplayer at a local con last November.
>Hit it off right away.
>We're both into the same series, we take heaps of photos together.
>Add each other on Facebook, say that we should hang out again sometime in the future.
>Last month I went to ask them if they were free to chill.
>After asking around it turns out they cut off contact from everybody they knew from the cosplay community.
Goddamn it, all I wanted was to make a friend.

>> No.9348443

Sounds like you dodged a bullet desu

>> No.9348446

F-off with that please.

>> No.9348453

If you can anon, rootle around in your belongings to find anything to sell so you can have some spending money, home business it if you can and sell shit on ebay and find family/friend who are chill to send you money if something goes wrong in Japan.
Have fun hiking! Japan seems amazing to just explore and look around and sight see. Cut down the cafe trips to one or two, visit alot of shrines and perhaps forgotten tourist destinations. If your a true weeb, take some printouts of anime locations and try and line them up at the irl locations for some photos.
Have fun and throw a pic up of after you visit for us.

>> No.9348459

I probably don't have arthritis, no acute inflammatory markers which means something else is causing it. This sounds really bad to anyone who hasn't had illnesses that took forever to diagnose, but I was hoping it was arthritis so at least I could start treatment instead of suffering for however long until they figure out what it actually is. (It took nearly a year for my other things to be diagnosed)
At least my Usakuma is coming soon and I can drown myself in online purchases until I feel less like shit.

>> No.9348467

>post a bunch of cosplay edits of my own cosplays
>other, cuter, more popular cosplayer requests i make her one
>ok lol!
>make her one
>post it
>gets a lot more likes than me
>feels bad knowing i can't do much about not having a naturally cute face and looking old

>> No.9348472 [DELETED] 

did you miss the part where it said "boyfriend"

>> No.9348478

>been fighting hoarding habits for years.
>I've been doing massive cleaning.
>Bedroom is almost done being cleaned and will be the cleanest I've EVER had a bedroom.

I cleaned and reorganized all my stuff in the garage this weekend, including my crafting cabinet and my AA/booth supplies. Next I have to tackle my crafting/seeing space in the office, and the shed.

It's been so much work, but I finally feel like I'm finally winning against years of ingrained behavior.

>> No.9348483

A pretty infamous con creeper in my comm is apparently playing games on stream with some big name cosplay/Youtube people and I just...

It's not a jealous/salty thing cause I don't even like their content and I know I shouldn't care, but I feel personally offended that they're hanging out with him, even if it's online. I was also a girl who was personally creeped on by him, and idk if these big-names completely missed the huge shitstorm in my comm about him or if they know and just don't care about his absolutely shitty rep and if the latter's the case, then I just completely lost all respect I could have for everyone involved.

>> No.9348494

That's great anon!

>> No.9348529
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Update for >>9345277

The girl who got slapped with cum left her place in the middle of the night after her ex threw her off the porch. Now she's five states away, living out of her car and job hunting.

Should I have just let her stay at mine? I feel like I done goofed, seagulls.

>> No.9348534
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>tfw cgl is right along with mlp b and x


>> No.9348580


are you surprised though?
when I look around a con I sure don't think "these are mostly smart, ambitious successful people."

>> No.9348583
File: 200 KB, 640x530, pbuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw esfores is to smart to be on the chart

>> No.9348608

who even falls for this bait chart?

>> No.9348611


It's not bait because you know CGL is full of absolute idiots

>> No.9348615

/cgl/ is far from my main board but the idea that /cgl/'s average IQ is sub-70 is absurd; and /lit/ being, on average, recognised geniuses? extremely doubtful

>> No.9348641


>board full of cosplaying/fashion driven women
>not having a sub 70 IQ

>> No.9348729

In 2016, I was working 3 jobs as well as studying, and was able to purchase a reasonably priced second hand brand piece every few months.

I'm now on a paid internship, and would have been able to purchase a few brand pieces quite easily and save up for an overseas trip. But, because I'm being taxed around 400AUD a fortnight, I'm receiving less than when I was working the 3 jobs.

Once I complete this internship, I'll only be working 1 job and studying.
I'll miss having disposable income, but I think it's for the best to move back home in the meantime. I know I won't be able to buy any pieces for my wardrobe, and I hope my lolita friends don't mind me repeating coords for now.

>> No.9348747 [DELETED] 

It's better that she moved away from an ex that was getting abusive. If you live near the ex, it would be inevitable that she'd bump into them sooner or later.

>> No.9348749

It's better that she moved away from an ex that was getting abusive. If you live near the ex, it would be inevitable that she'd bump into them sooner or later.

You COULD help her with job/apartment hunting!

>> No.9348783

This is probably skewed because CGL has a lot of shitposters, and can't stay on topic/have a meaningful discussion (without shitposting).

You all know almost every thread gets derailed or ends in "LOL I TROLL U" "HI X"

>> No.9348816

it's skewed because it's based on data that doesn't exist and is just an attempt by /lit/ to claim that its opinions are canon to reality and that any person who disagrees is wrong. the prime motivator is that /lit/ disagrees with /pol/ but /lit/ is about books and is therefore correct

>> No.9348826
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>My class have had a project since last spring
>Exhibition is under a month away
>It has a story that our works tell, everyone have one piece to make
>Really stressful winter
>No time for sewing or anything else
>Yesterday we got most of our work done
>Only finishing touches needed
>Finally some free time
>One classmate decides to ditch the whole project
>Her story piece is in the middle
>Since my part is one of the easiest, I promised to do her part with some help
>Have more stress than ever
>Don't have any spare time to enjoy anything

I think I'm gonna have grey hair when this whole thing is finished

>> No.9348850



>> No.9348875

>See a dress I wanted a while back
>Its back in stock in my size
>"Yes I can buy it now and it will be here once I get back from holiday."
>Suddenly guilt kicks in.
>I still need to get the currency for the holiday,
>Need to pay for any trips out on holiday,
>Need to pay for valentines meal/gift,
>Customs will charge out the ass cause its over the limit and they won't mark down,
>Need to save for a house ect.
>Partner doesn't save for shit so have to make up for the lack of funds in the long run.
>Know they have some money and try to hint to them that I would like the dress as a valentines gift.
>Nope not interested.

Well guess I won't be getting it unless it comes up 2nd hand in a years time.

>> No.9348903
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I have severe issues making friends at conventions and I need some advice on how to find the right people and stick with them.

>Male, feminine, gay
>Can't stand talking to other guys because they're either too *MANLY* or I'm scared they're gonna be homophobic and kick my ass
>Scared to talk to girls because I know they're always on-guard against male creeps and I don't want to harass them or be seen as a straight guy trying to hit on girls.
>Tried to make friends with girls who have boyfriends (So they know I'm not creeping) but they do weird hetero shit
>Guy openly squeezes his girlfriend's butt while looking at me to 'mark his territory'
>They hug and kiss each other while I'm there like a gay third-wheel and it's really uncomfortable
>Girl thinks I'm after her boyfriend
>Guy starts making sexual hints about a threesome or how he 'Might be bi' to tease his girlfriend
>Ew, I just want some con friends you weirdos.

I feel like I don't really fit in anywhere and I'm at the stage where I wander around cons on my own trying to pick out candidates for good friends and then realize I'm just doing a non-sexual version of creeping and nobody else does this ever. I'm clearly going about this the wrong way.

The thing is, I don't have the same problem making friends outside of cons/cosplay because I don't see them as real friends who I share interests with, so I don't give a shit if they don't like me or accept my hobbies. When it comes to cons though it's like all my natural confidence and fun goes out of the window because it feels like a job interview trying to make friends.

I just want some weeby friends, I don't care about looking cool - I'll take cringey fujoshi if it means we can laugh at Kuro and Haikyuu shit.

>> No.9348912

>tfw guy with no cute girly cosplay bf

>> No.9348929


It would be nice but I'm honestly more interested in just having friends. I don't wanna be wandering around with a S/O, I want a band of merry weeb friends causing chaos.

>> No.9349000

>Have a polite exchange with a seller on an auction site about being dissatisfied with an item.
>Seller holds to their no refund policy, my claim isn't strong enough to fight it; make plans to just re-sell at discounted price later.
>E-mail exchange ends on very neutral, civil terms; think I'm done with it.
>Leave neutral review; she was very nice to me, she packed the item well; just not happy with state of object.
>Log back into auction site some weeks later to buy something; I've been reported to the mods.
>Seller is not satisfied with the neutral review, wants it changed to a positive review.
>Get in exchange with mod; really feel stressed because I don't want to roll over, but at the same time I'm not emotionally invested enough to go on a crusade.
>Also the Mod is being polite and professional, I feel bad for them being thrown into it.
>Like before; it's murky waters with the state of the item not being easy to prove one way or another. Mod just wants me to admit I'm wrong so the case can get closed.
>I don't want this stupid situation to be the hill I die on but I feel like I'm being compelled to agree with something I deeply disagree with.
>Too much time elapses; my feedback is edited. Mod says I can open a claim to have this reversed if I would like and they would be happy to work then just with me and figure something out; cutting it down to a one party issue instead of a two-party issue.
>I just accept it because, again, this was supposively settled weeks ago.
>Relieved it's over, thanked Mod for their time, feel sour about the situation itself, not at the people involved.
> ... Months later now I see stuff I want to buy, but given I got out of the last event untarnished, relatively, I'm hesitant.

>> No.9349012

What's weird is, just after hitting the post button on this, I now feel like a weights been lifted. Somehow I feel like having said this "out loud" I can move on...
And go back to supporting my fellow peeps through buying on auction sites.

>> No.9349069

It's funny how it was the new girlfriend that slapped her yet /cgl/ is calling the boyfriend abusive.
And you wonder why every calls you biased feminazis.

>> No.9349070
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I'm slowly becoming friends with a group of friends and it's very awesome but I think I have a slight crush on one of them? I honestly can't tell, I'm sort of convincing myself that I'm just nervous because he's really cool and into the same exact stuff as me, so him wanting to be friends is intimidating. But then at the same time I'm thinking, "What if we did a couples cosplay together? What if he thinks I'm cute? What if..." It doesn't help that I just got out of a 3+ year relationship with a guy who constantly made fun of me, especially for cosplay stuff, and then I meet this dude who's cuter and is planning on cosplaying some of my favorite characters.

>> No.9349076

Try to hold off on confessing anything to him for a while. Get to know him, get to know the group. The most charming guys are not necessarily the guys you want to date. He might be the 'bard', the guy with the highest charisma score in the group, but that doesn't mean he's your type. If you jump into it too fast and then figure out he's not for you then that can affect the positive group dynamic you've got going on. Nurture your friendships, make your bonds with everyone (and him) stronger and then re-assess the situation.

>> No.9349077

>her ex threw her off the porch

>> No.9349081

What cons do you attend anon? Me and my group of girls could use a cute gay boy js

>> No.9349085

>get some stuff i ordered from Bodyline in
>open package
>JSK has big stain in the middle
>detachable bow is all rusted on the hardware
>lace is shedding

Welp, now I remembered why I sold all of my old Bodyline things. Absolute garbage. Everything is so low quality.

>but print is somehow NOT backwards???

>> No.9349105

Knowing the way most people (especially women) embellish stories to make themselves look better and the person they dislike worse, he probably gentled forced her to get off his property as she was refusing to leave. And she turned it into "OMG he THREW me off his porch and also raped me in the process!

>> No.9349170


I don't want to be an accessory thanks.

>> No.9349199

Lol okay I see why you have no friends, try acting like less of a bitch and maybe people will warm to you.

>> No.9349223

I just bumped into two lolitas in the middle of the big city and spilled a bunch of spaghetti real quick exposing powerlevel. Asked if there was a con or event that I missed out on or didn't know about.

I regret not asking if they 're seagulls or about the local scene (not from around here)

If they happen to be reading this I was the one in the black leggings and magenta hoodie carrying a messenger bag and you two apparently were wearing classic lolita with the shorter woman wearing pink pigtail wig and the taller one a deep red (both looked like arda but not sure)

>> No.9349225

Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything like "confessing" for a while, if at all. That honestly sounds like what it is, I just have this really REALLY bad habit for falling for the "bard" when really all I want is to be friends with everyone.

>> No.9349226
File: 157 KB, 454x408, 738489230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sees lolitas in public
>asks them about a convention

>> No.9349228

Haha, no one sane splits hairs like this.

>> No.9349233

You sound like one of those picky buyers who wants to buy used stuff at discount yet have it be in pristine mint condition and so you nitpick. If your claim was not strong enough, that means your beef with the item was not valid. That does not deserve a neutral review. If the item was as stated, and you bought it that way, it's not fair to leave someone a meh review.

>> No.9349250


>implying lolitas don't wanna use d00ds as an accessory to 1up other lolitas

>> No.9349254

only if they are proper Ouji Accessories.

>> No.9349274
File: 342 KB, 640x600, 1427766149981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not wanting to hang around with a homophobe who treats minorities as accessories = acting like a bitch

Thanks for confirming that I made the right choice in turning you down.

>> No.9349279
File: 41 KB, 450x373, depositphotos_88540750-stock-illustration-spray-painted-detail-in-black[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need black lace trim for a project
>right kind nowhere to be found, only white
>fuck it, I'll just dye it
>buy suitable poly dye, follow instructions
>dyeing solution comes to a boil
>dye-saturated steam and splatter rises
>and then falls
>all over the white stovetop and appliances

Just fucking kill me now, /cgl/.

It's kinda coming off with Oxi Scrub, but I may as well take some fine grit sandpaper to it later...

>> No.9349283

Did you try 90% rubbing alcohol?

>> No.9349291

Well I wasn't trying to make you into an accessory, the only reason I specified gay boy is because of how you described yourself in your OP and also because we've recently made our group all girls due to some drama involving our straight dude friends getting pretty rapey on other group members.
You sound like a touchy cunt though so forget it. Kinda doubtful we even go to the same cons anyway.

I'm not a lolita just a cosplayer

>> No.9349299

I have severe issues because I am a snowflake.

>> No.9349303

Tried that, vinegar, bleach, windex, oil, nothing works except the scrub cream, which I guess does by pure physical abrasion. I don't have paint thinner or petrol to try.

>> No.9349306
File: 114 KB, 762x464, varg-vikernes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being homosexual.

>> No.9349307
File: 285 KB, 480x480, 8081065540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well I wasn't trying to make you into an accessory, the only reason I specified gay boy

You specified 'Cute' gay boy, so clearly there is some importance you place on looks rather than trying to fulfill some kind of arbitrary diversity quota.

You'd be touchy too if people called you a bitch for not playing along with their dogwhistle homophobia.

Or am I supposed to be 'grateful' that the glorious heterosexuals have reached out to me and blessed me with the privilege of being their friends? wow so touched, very moving.......a truly beautiful moment

>> No.9349322

You sound like a Tumblr boi.
in all that...you never did manage to list your interests/hobbies or what common ground you are looking for in friendship.
Maybe try going and doing things you like at the cons and saying hi to the people you find also doing these things? You already know that you have something in common that way/
Or post/comment in the convention FB threads or forum before-hand to begin to break the ice.
But if you are that dismissive of your 'regular' friends, calling them 'not real' I'd think twice to even chat you up.

>> No.9349323

Wow what a faggot.

>> No.9349327

What the fuck you seem obnoxious. Take your tumblr rhetoric elsewhere please.

>> No.9349328


Thanks for your non-trolling reply. You're right, I wasn't really that specific with my interests - I didn't want my post to come across like a personal ad or something. Most of the things I enjoy doing at cons are cosplaying and buying things. I suppose there are panels and speeches and stuff but you can't really just interrupt someone randomly and start talking while they're trying to listen.

The biggest problem is going from that "Hey we're cosplaying the same series!" or "I like your cosplay!" to 'Let's walk around together and be friends'.

>But if you are that dismissive of your 'regular' friends, calling them 'not real' I'd think twice to even chat you up.

It's pretty normal though; not every friend you get is a best friend or a good friend. Think of work colleagues or people you know from high school, the only reason you know them is because you're forced into a position with them.

I'm friendly with my work colleagues, but they're not my real 'friends'. I don't spend my leisure time with them. It's not dismissive, they would say the same about me.

>> No.9349333

Nah, if your friend is flirting with you, you shut that shit down real quick. Because I don't care how high and above cheating yo think you are, but such relationships lead to it. If you wouldn't be okay with your boyfriend having female friends he "playfully flirts with" then you sure as shit better not be doing it yourself.

>> No.9349336

You could try goof off. Test it first. I am worried if your appliances have a polyurethane coating since it is 'poly' dye. It might be permanently stained.

>> No.9349340

I'd stop over obsessing about the 'weird hetero shit' since you wouldn't want anyone bashing you on 'weird homo shit'. I understand one couple making you uncomfortable, but certainly that's not every couple. Sometimes making friends is just realizing normal friends will almost always at least do something that will miff you. You just get over it, that's what friends do. It sounds like you are stressing too much over if the attempt of friendship will fall through, and that's going to make it hard to have any friends. Trust me, no straight guy, outside a straight homophobic person, is going to 'kick your ass' unless you do something silly like hit on them or try and kiss them. Be careful that your fears don't turn into outright judgement of others.

>> No.9349348

I will say that's the risk buying an item used off a seller with a no-refund policy. They usually have a no-refund policy specifically because they have dealt with buyers of your type. You've not mentioned exactly what was wrong with the item to warrant a refund. I'd never expect anything bought off an auction site to be any better condition then what you would buy from, say, Goodwill. The only exception is if they sell it as 'like new' insinuating that the item has perhaps never been worn at all or only worn once or twice.

You gotta' expect used items to be in the condition of an item that's been worn with some consistency. If you are seeking items on par with a new item, auction sites are unlikely your thing.

The reason they likely complained is because the item definitely wasn't 'damaged', it was 'used'. You can't be angry over normal signs of wear expected with a 'used' item. If they put 'like new', that would be a different story. What exactly was wrong with the item?

>> No.9349362
File: 840 KB, 2100x1400, blah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll try that. Good news is, it seems only the stovetop panel with the dials is perma-stained. The white surface with burners cleaned as if it was never there (I didn't try cleaning it earlier). Same with appliances - different coating or finish on them I guess.

Bad news is it wasn't even worth my time and effort, the trim came out blackish brown/gold rather than black and after 5 hand washes in detergent is still leaking dye and staining a ton. It was meant to go on an accent accessory to be worn with potentially light coloured dresses, so in the trash it goes. So much for a hand-made v-day gift.

Pic related, "dyed" trim and ribbon I meant to use it with.

>> No.9349369

Oh no! It dyed everything in your kitchen except the lace!

>> No.9349373


Honestly I don't care how you identify, you sound like a fucking asshole all around.
Also no where in my post did I identify as hetero, you are making assumptions. I'm bi, two of my friends are queer and the other is trans, so really I was trying to reach out to you as a fellow LGTBQ person but as I said before, you seem like a fucking asshole so forget it.

>> No.9349374

Pretty much. I'm unimpressed now to say the least.

>> No.9349384

>I'd stop over obsessing about the 'weird hetero shit' since you wouldn't want anyone bashing you on 'weird homo shit'.

It's not obsessing, this is something that literally happens. Couples doing close, couple-y stuff is always uncomfortable and is a clear sign that they don't want you there; I think everyone gay or straight can relate to this, we've all been a third wheel at some point I'm sure. But saying that I should tolerate it or else fear a homophobic 'bashing' is pretty extreme, especially when it's coupled with a 'You would've deserved it' attitude.

I'm gonna assume you're a girl, if not then maybe try and insert yourself into the scenario: If you were a lesbian and hung out with a couple of guys or even a straight couple where one half is suspicious of your motives just because you're a lesbian while the other half is trying to shoehorn you into some repressed sexual fantasy of theirs you'd consider it weird too.

Imagine a couple of neckbeards say they want you to be their friend because they've always wanted to be seen hanging around with a cute girl, it would be pretty damn creepy. Then you turn them down and they act like you're in the wrong because you should be grateful to be their friends.

I get where you're coming from in your post, I do sincerely see the last sentence as a genuine attempt to reach out to me and it's also a totally sensible, accurate thing to say but as much as people like to claim to be totally not-homophobic, the moment you step outside of what they expect from a gay person you suddenly get met with severe homophobia, people calling you 'faggot' etc as you can see in this thread. It's hard not to be weary of homophobia from so called 'tolerant' heterosexuals when it always seems like this kind of thing is just a disagreement away.

There's nothing wrong with not wanting to be an sexual accessory in a straight relationship. Most straight couples aren't like this, but it's still not a good setup to make friends from.

>> No.9349385
File: 342 KB, 656x358, Screen Shot 2017-01-10 at 1.13.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get better job
>getting paid more than at my old job
>"fuck yea! i can bu stuff online more!"
>browse eBay, LM, and amazon a lot
>start thinking to myself "do i *really* need this?"
>never buy anything because i coinvce myself each time there will be something better to spend my money on online
how do I stop myself from doing this every damn time

>> No.9349386

>Honestly I don't care how you identify

>Me and my group of girls could use a cute gay boy js

>> No.9349387

Underrated post.
Wasn't gonna reply to anyone else but wow Anon that's impressive!

>> No.9349390

jfc anon I was trying to be cute with you, it's how people socialize sometimes.

I'm starting to feel bad because I think you might actually be autistic and unable to pick up on social queues, which would explain why you have no friends.

>> No.9349393

>jfc anon I was trying to be cute with you, it's how people socialize sometimes.

Okay, that's fine and I apologize for going off on you for it. In a place like /cgl/ where everything is constant salt, shallow bitchiness and sarcasm it's REALLY hard to pick up on any kind of cues through text.

>> No.9349407

>buy from seller with no refund policy
>tries to ... have an exchange of words? Get a refund/exchange without specifically asking for refund exchange? Guilt the seller into refunding with a sob story?
Your actions sound like a super passive-agressive jerk.

>> No.9349409

Spill more dye and turn all your ruined crap into art

>> No.9349411

>jfc anon I was trying to be cute with you

>REALLY hard to pick up on any kind of cues through text.
That's what pictures of smug anime girls were invented for, anons!

>> No.9349418

Keep it up that's how you save money friend

>> No.9349433
File: 112 KB, 540x540, 1458181565731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate how I look. I feel like no matter how great my cosplay is, I feel like I always bring it does due to how bad I look. I put in so much effort into my costumes and props but I feel like it's all for nothing.
Recently I put together a splatoon cosplay. I spent a couple months making what is possibly the best minisplatling prop I'm aware of. I then put the costume together trying to play it more to what I look like. Since I'm a bigger guy I went for a tough guy military look.
I put all this effort into it, but looking back at photos I really hate it. Not that the costume is bad, but it's because I'm the one wearing it.
What makes it worse is there was a group photoshoot and I decided to wear an alternate costume which was like a school uniform type of thing. I did this because unlike the military type one I did, this was based on an actual outfit from the source material. I didn't realize it at the time, but now that I've seen pictures of that, it seriously looked god awful on me.
Hell I think I look so bad I'm worried I've shown up on cringe/badcosplay threads on here.

>> No.9349444
File: 24 KB, 625x626, baito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if people actually fall for this shit they really do have a low IQ. Having such a low IQ would make you actually severely mentally disabled. You'd probably be barely able to type. So yeah, if you think everyone on cgl has a mental disability then sure, keep on baiting. It just bores me when people actually fall for this shit.

>> No.9349458

And yet you responded.

>> No.9349465

Every year that goes by, I think more and more about my age when attending cons. I'm 26 currently and my group of friends who always went to cons together are starting to get really busy and unable to attend due to work/s.o/family, and it's made me realize that I don't have much time left to find new people to hang out with at cons before I become that old creepy dude who's too old for the con scene. I've managed to work some friendship through room shares and meeting/talking/drinking with people at the hotel bars, but I don't really do internet friendships all that well so I find myself only contacting them around the time of cons and I always feel weird about it. It's like a 50/50 of me being too nervous to approach people and me too nervous of contacting people I hung out with at a different con that make me think at some point I will be solo for most cons.

>> No.9349472
File: 49 KB, 559x478, handyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After tearing my hair out trying to figure out how to make my costume, I finally just decided to shell out $200 on Regretsy for a pro job.

At... At least I can make my own props.

>> No.9349476

lmao have these people even looked at /ck/? It's 90% shitposting and dudebros asking what they should order from taco bell.

>> No.9349495

>Having such a low IQ would make you actually severely mentally disabled.

Well we are talking about a female dominated board.

>> No.9349510
File: 676 KB, 667x763, relevant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be lolita
>make friends through online comms
>they're all nice but tumblr-tier
>keep complaining about their self-diagnosed disorders and illnesses
>every other conversation turns into an oppression contest
>mfw i had cancer and still suffer pretty severe complications but i don't say anything because fuck that

i just want to talk about dresses

>> No.9349555
File: 2 KB, 125x70, s4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop acting like a faggot.

>> No.9349572

How does one speak intelligently about food?

>> No.9349577

For me, it is the McChicken.

>> No.9349594

>SIL does my hair
>got it from dark brown to light blonde
>aiming for white-blond
>try to tone my own hair
>turn it gray
>SIL is currently recovering from surgery and can't help me fix it for another 3 to 4 weeks
>fuck ok..
>no more fuckin' around! I'm going to take this to a professional!
>book an appointment at small salon in my small town
>positive reviews, from what I can tell
>ask if stylist can get my dull hair back to glory
>no problem!
>stylist give my scalp a rough massage with bleach
>uh ok you're the professional, I guess.... I trust you
>whole face ends up turning red
>whole body turns red
>I have no idea what's going on but I feel like I'm going to pass out
>tell stylist as much and she asks if I'm okay and if I want to keep going
>fuck it, we're this far already
>rinses off the bleach & starts putting toner in my hair
>she quickly rinses my hair and starts mumbling that I can come back anytime to get the rest done for free
>my whole body & face are still blood red and I just nod dazedly, pay, and barely manage to get myself home
>"Go get it done professionally or you'll fuck up your haaaaair~!"
>get home with bright yellow, crispy hair and a blistered, oozing scalp
>not a great day
>feel like a jerk for putting that stylist in an unfortunate situation
>but also half-tempted to go ask for a refund
>still have no idea wtf happened in there

Frustrated as hell.
Wat do?

>> No.9349605

Uh yeah you need to go back there and not only get your money back but talk to the owner about your stylist, who completely fucked up with the black. Take pictures of your scalp and anything else for documentation.
Play your cards right you could end up with not only a refund but a free fix and maybe even some product if they fucked up bad enough.
But definitely document the damage otherwise you won't have shit.

>> No.9349606

hwy you always postin this image

>> No.9349607

Bleach** not black XD

>> No.9349614

>be in love with a lolita
>she has a sugar daddy
>tell her she doesn't need to do that for money
>she asks if I'll pay for her clothes
>she still gets sugar babies but also accepts money from me
>tell her that the point was for her to stop
>she tells me the point is to get more clothes
>feel used and depressed
>part of me feels like I should give in and just ask her to sugar for me too
>at least I'd get something out of it
>i have too much pride to do that and I don't want to do that to her
>cry myself to sleep

>> No.9349615

because it's always relevant

>> No.9349616

she still sugar babies*
sorry, crying.

>> No.9349619

You should drop her anon, it sounds like you have an emotional investment and she is just using you to get free stuff

>> No.9349620

Maybe we have conflicting views of what flirting is.There doesn't have to be any actual intent to hook up with someone you flirt with, and it can be emotionally beneficial to both parties if done correctly. Plus, we all enjoy the occasional crude humor from time to time that may come from a well timed flirtatious joke. Here's a small video that may show the perspective I'm talking about:


>> No.9349623

Of course, for clarification I must add that this obviously isn't for everyone. It's up to you to set up whatever rules and boundaries in your relationship. I personally wouldn't mind my partner just playfully flirting with another, as I'm someone that wouldn't get together with someone I distrust. Flirting isn't showing signs of disloyalty, and I believe it to be healthy in the right doses. Especially if it's done with mostly comical undertones.

But, of course, if that makes you uncomfortable then by all means you can make it a rule in your relationships. I don't know what OP's thoughts regarding it are, I was leaning in with my own insight for her to pull from.

>> No.9349625

there are some really embarrassing photos of me in lolita circling around my comm right now.
I look like garbage in the photo and there's nothing I can do about it.

I looked fine when I left the house but fuck it was windy out and my entire coord was garbage because of it. Like literally from the time I got out of the car to get to the door, so much wind happened and I was in a hurry to find the other girls because it was a public event so I was already sticking out like a sore thumb. I never found an opportunity to find a bathroom and straighten up and I'm not entirely sure I would have wanted to do that in a public bathroom anyway?

but I look fucking atrocious. I fucking failed at lolita.

I'm not saying I'm giving up but god going to meets is fucking hell on earth for me because of shit like this.

>> No.9349642

Your version is all well and good, but the vast majority of people who flirt do it for ulterior motives. If a guy is flirting with you, he wants to fuck you. While flirting with someone else with no ulterior motive may be fine, you don't really know how the other person really feels about it as well.

That video can try all it want to sound smart, but at the end of the day people who flirt do it because they want to be more than friends. If you do it in a relationship, I'm sorry to say but (in my opinion) it just sounds as if your morals are loose and it's a pretty big red flag.

>> No.9349653
File: 389 KB, 634x900, Felix is a dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls get jealous you might steal their man
This is fascinating, why on earth would a woman think you could steal their man?

I also don't think that many people will kick your ass if they are homophobic. I can tell your uncomfortable with hetero peoples display of affections.

Also define weird hetero shit please.

>> No.9349672

not the same poster, but how old are you? after like 25 even coworkers flirt with one another in my area. it doesn't always mean they wanna get in on you. I also make lewd flirty jokes with boys I've no interest in as well, it lightens the mood and just makes you more comfortable

>> No.9349677

Why does Felix have boobs

>> No.9349691
File: 196 KB, 800x594, IMG_0416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really good friends with an internet friend from the other side of the country.
>plan on meeting up and going to a con that we've both been wanting to go together for the past 2 years we've known each other.
>only really talk through steam since I quit all other social media due to trying to avoid toxic people.
>I stop going online on steam cuz toxic people are trying to talk to me through steam as well.
>finally go back on steam after 6 month absence to find that the long-term friend has deleted me off their friend list.

I feel like a really terrible person now and I feel like I've betrayed my friend somehow.

>> No.9349692

OP here my issue is mostly that I want to be a good person who doesn't hurt anyone. We've talked and come to an agreement that nothing is ever going to happen but I still worry I'm going to be too harsh or something and cause a problem.
I get that if he's coming on strong enough to make me act like a dick then HE'S the problem but I still want to do my best and be a good friend.
I guess this isn't as huge of an issue as I made it seem but it's been worrying me for a while.

>> No.9349693

Did you leave without explanation, or did you let them know you were going off Steam? Because if you just stopped talking to them for six months without giving them any context or alternate way to speak with you then you're definitely in the wrong. I've had the same thing happen to me, and let me tell you it really hurts when someone you thought you were friends with just vanishes without a word, it makes you feel as though you probably never meant much to them at all.

>> No.9349696

I'm 24, and I get where you are going asking my age. I'm not some aspie who immediately gets jealous when someone looks at my S.O.

Maybe it's just because I'm a guy, and while you may think your flirting is harmless the vast majority of guys who flirt aren't doing it for harmless reasons.

>> No.9349698
File: 1.68 MB, 500x277, tumblr_n93p9vfwNE1t4tumzo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case anyone remembers email-anon from late December, I have returned!

>now actually communicating with crush, sorta
>more like we smile and wave because our schedules aren't really the best and I don't want to bug him when he's busy
>but we have communicated face to face without me running away!
>he mentions he went to a con two years ago.
>mfw he mentioned he cosplayed to it
>mfw it was one of my main fandoms and something I'm working on a costume for now.
>mfw can't even mention it bc it's the most revealing costume I've done and definitely inappropriate to tell him about.
>mfw he mentions it's his favorite character
>later mentions another series I've cosplayed from
>he then mentions that one is his favorite, too
>didn't even bring up that I cosplayed her and it's the costume I'm most proud of
>as you guys could guess, the spaghetti was real.

But I'm working on being less weird, anons! I'm also trying to get over him since I've definitely thought I was a lesbian for the past nine years and there's a lot of weird self hatred going on there. (inb4 "sexuality's a spectrum, anon", yeah-- tell that to my mother who finally just acknowledged I like women)

However, I'm still a pathetic worm.

>different guy flirting with me.
>incredibly lonely so I'm like fuck it, whatever.
>He's a nice person and 10/10 would be his friend, met him through the cosplay community.
>Kind of enjoying it, he's recommending costumes and I don't have a lot of inspiration right now, so I appreciate it.
>"do you wanna hear my band's demo"
>uh sure? what the fuck is this, a cliche high school romance movie?
>Suddenly see an email from the teacher thing.
>Casually drops all conversation with the other guy

I swear progress has been made, though.

>> No.9349702

Yeah I'm definitely in the wrong here, this isn't the first time I've just suddenly disappeared on people without warning but this one friend is always supportive of me and welcomes me back when I come back from the void. I've had longer periods of silence between us before and I thought that it would be fine if I explained myself after I've gotten back in touch. I do sincerely regret not telling them before I left, I do want to get in touch with them again and apologize but I'm too scared to do so because of guilt.

>> No.9349706

I just recently started talking to an extremely close friend I vanished on for a while (a year...) due to depression. We're both just pretending like the absence never happened and he hasn't even brought it up. Just reach out and see how it goes.

>> No.9349711

Thanks for the encouragement anon, this has eased my anxiety a bit. I'll try my best to get in touch with them again!
I'm really glad you were able to get back in contact with your friend as well!

>> No.9349719

>she is just using you to get free stuff
i mean to be fair anon should've realized that's literally her job description and that not every person making money off of thirsty guys is looking for a savior

>> No.9349720

You fucking beta loser.

>> No.9349728

pretty much this.

I don't like using fotm meme's but he sounds like a top cuck

>> No.9349742

an ex-friend is slowly inching her way back into my life and i'm tempted to try again...i don't really like spending time with her; she is clingy and annoying and immature. but we've known each other for a while and it feels bad to keep pushing her away. to make matters worse she is slowly becoming friends with people in my comm and it makes me feel like my comm is becoming "tainted" or that maybe even if I don't become friends with her again she'll end up ruining my comm's perception of me. idk. she just randomly messaged me today for the first time in forever and i cut the conversation pretty short because i was busy at work and now i don't know if i want to bother continuing it or not. i'm too old for this.

>> No.9349744

I don't know if this will help you but it helps me when I see embarrassing candid photos of myself. I like to look at funny pictures of animals where they look really awkward and weird. Like cats lying at angles that make them look huge and floppy or dogs caught in mid jump with dumb ass looks on their faces. When you look at the pictures you don't think "ugh what an ugly animal!" you think "what a cute animal in an unflattering picture...that almost even makes it cuter!"

Even if the picture is absolute garbage it doesn't mean that you or your coord was garbage. Just an unflattering picture. Not the end of the world and your fellow comm members may even find it endearing. I understand the pressure to look in tip top shape at meets but if it's ruining the meet for you you need to take a step back and reassess. Good luck anon. I'm sure you are adorable!

>> No.9349754

How do I get a Girl to wanna hold my hand and go on nice dates?

>> No.9349756

Not the anon you're responding to but that's actually a really cute way to put a positive spin on things! Thanks for the input!

>> No.9349763


Seems like you still have some hang ups from the past with her? Can you get over them, because with the way you're phrasing and addressing her in these paragraphs, it seems like you still have a lot of issues with her. Another thing to remember is that just because she's in your comm doesn't mean you have 5o really talk to her a ton or pay attention to her. Keeping it polite but distanced sounds like the right thing to do and if you are friends with people in your comm and they become friends with her, it doesn't mean you have to do a big old friend group outing. You could always keep it smaller and more selective or whatever.

>> No.9349768

Yeah I definitely do, and the only way I could get past them is if she changed, but I've known her forever and she has always been this way. I just basically feel bad because I was kind of giving myself a break from her for a few weeks so I was ignoring her a lot and I guess she got the hint and unfriended me and we didn't speak for months. We've never properly talked about it which feels bad but I don't know at this point if I even care to try...Feels like more trouble than it's worth. And I also don't want to just dive back in to a friendship without talking about our past problems, that would be even more trouble.
I don't think she will actually join the comm but it makes me feel bad that the few friends I've managed to make recently are going to be friends with her too. Now if I ever wanted to open up about my past with her to them (as I've been wanting to do, before they met her...Hard not having someone to vent to) it would just be messy. And I just don't respect her as a person so if these girls are friends with her it makes me think a little less of them I guess.

>> No.9349771
File: 156 KB, 1536x2048, 72022494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me? The exact same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago.

At least I have AP chocolate coloured lace now. But I really needed black.

>> No.9349795

>fuck stupid hetero cis sluts

whatever faglord

>> No.9349815

Did you have an allergic reaction? If so she really shouldn't have just had you leave and go home. At least find out exactly what was in that

>> No.9349853

You shouldn't feel pressured into being friends with somebody you don't actually like, anon. At the end of the day, you don't owe her anything. Be civil, but you're not obliged to hang out with her.

>> No.9349877

Learn from the experience and arrive a little early from now on so you have time to compose yourself. I wouldn't judge you for it happening once or twice but I do judge people who are always mussed and constantly in a hurry/rushed/late as the excuse for it. It happens to everyone occasionally but there are girls who are always excusing their appearance this way and that gets old.

Plus if you are meeting people for the first time, it can leave a bad first impression.

>> No.9349972
File: 2.81 MB, 1014x560, 1486650684613.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9349990

That's gross, Anon; I'd try and ruin their reputation anonymously.

>> No.9349991

I thought this was going to be a cheating story

>> No.9350035

I'm not going to immediately defend myself and say there's no way I wasn't being picky. The issue was I complained, we had a very mature conversation, I conceded that I did not have the resources to prove my point (buying an identical item) and we agreed on letting it be. I threw zero shade in the review and although I was complaining, I never pushed the seller.

It's an object that has blank areas where there should be shading; so the issue is it's still a functional object (wearable) but I felt the description did not convey that aspect clearly enough. That's why I backed off after the seller said they felt it wasn't a strong case and I agreed to drop it. My review was just; "everything went great but the description and the item didn't line-up well". Now the review reads; "everything went great". Again, this isn't the hill I wanted to die on, so I am not going to fight it, it just bugs me that the mod that was brought in after it was agreed matters were settled. I don't have any issues with interfacing with staff of a website, but I got in trouble for not getting back to the mod soon enough, because I didn't know the case was still open.

Maybe you're right and I need to re-adjust my thinking. Although I would like to state there was no sob story. Just an inquiry and an acceptance of their response.
Thank you for calling me a jerk, 'cause I think part of my emotional weirdness around this is I felt isolated in this situation; getting outside feedback really helps people keep perspective and not get lost in their own navels.

>> No.9350052

> bought my very first lolita piece, it's a gorgeous classic IW skirt
> arrived in the mail last night
> cant stop staring at it and feeling the lace and twirling around in the mirror


>> No.9350059

Welcome to the Family

>> No.9350063
File: 590 KB, 723x404, IMG_2198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9350067

Toe-knee, Toe-knee. How many times I gotta tell ya, eh? We don't accept no outsiders til they prove their worth.

Little lady... she shows some promise, but let's see if she can back them words.

>> No.9350079


Thanks. Got the list of products that were used and will be bringing it to a doctor/allergist.
Also I now have oozing blisters all over my scalp.

I went in to get the product list, and the owner of the salon came to look at the blisters. Owner was very adamant about not giving me a refund & was very unprofessional.
I settled for half (I would have demanded all of it, but I really didn't want to wholly punish the clueless girl who did it, as it wasn't completely her fault.. it was a bad situation that she clearly had no idea how to handle).
The owner can suck my nuts, tho.

Now I'm just paranoid about my scalp healing & eventually finding someone else to repair my goddamn hair.

Anyhow, thanks for the support and advice, anons.
One day, maybe I won't hate my hair.

>> No.9350091

I was early... they planned the meet after the event had started so there were people around already.

>> No.9350099
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>> No.9350124

I'm super passionate about toned-down cutesy fashion like Amavel, for example. I can't help but feel like because I am, and because I'm pretty familiar with other Japanese fashion styles as well (though I don't wear them) that people will see me as a weaboo. I study Japanese in my spare time as well; both self-taught and through tutoring (which doesn't help, I know) but I still feel like normies and especially other people familiar with jfash but who don't wear it alike will side-eye me. I don't /think/ the fashion looks frumpy or bad on me, but I can't really shake the feeling that people think I'm "trying to be Japanese". I would still love dressing cutely even if the brands weren't from Asia.

>> No.9350125

Thanks, I took good pictures at home... I looked fine until I left my house. This is the second time I've looked embarrassing at a meet. Last time it was because I was walking around as much and it's like it'd be a constant upkeep. I just feel like I'm not meant to be fancy or elegant, so it's disappointing.

>> No.9350136

A local cosplay photographer makes reaction pics/gifs of themself and posts them all the damn time, and I find it so fucking cringe-worthy and vain. Most of their other posts are fine, and I've liked working with them the few times we've done shoots at cons and don't want to miss when they mention future opportunities, but damn if I don't consider unfollowing them every time I see one of their unfunny pictures.

>> No.9350144

I'd rather burn the last of my lolita wardrobe than sell it.

>> No.9350146

Ever consider he may not be a "creep" and you may just be a bitch?

>> No.9350147

Saving this for future need.

I love you, anon.

>> No.9350148

There were at least 20 some shares, maybe even more from girls that he creeped on and a huge manifesto of evidence and screenshots just from one girl about him on Google Drive. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

>> No.9350163

>owner was a know asshole and only gave a partial refund
Man id threaten to sue them honestly, what an asshole. But I'm kind of aggressive that way.

>> No.9350174

People will always find a reason to judge you, anon. Do whatever makes you happy, life is too short to give a shit about what people might think about your fashion sense.

>> No.9350195
File: 991 KB, 478x243, 52d0f9fdac97a47222680eb8d1c38f05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have friend I been close with since high school
>We started cosplaying together and got to watch each other improve
>It's so great
>Been in love with her for so long
>Always helped her with her boyfriend problems
>She's been single for almost two years now
>She's becoming more platonic with me, holding my hand and hugging me
>My feelings grow more but I never act on it and too beta to confess
>She told me she goes both ways
>Con coming up and we are doing a cosplay of a couple
>Asks me if we can do kissing photos

>> No.9350197

How cute! Will you confess to her?

>> No.9350204

I do! But I don't know how to say it or go about it. I feel like I'll just stumble on my words and be an embarrassing mess.

>> No.9350211

It's okay, as long as you get the message across. Ask to talk to her in private one day and tell her you like her, ask her out on a date or something, maybe try to force yourself to break through your shyness and hold her hand while you're at it. You don't have to be extravagant about it, just be straightforward and tell her how you feel. You can do it, anon!

>> No.9350213
File: 16 KB, 306x306, makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually decided to wear makeup today. I'm not doing anything. The weather is completely horrid with 60 mph gusts. No particular reason. I feel pretty though. I should really do this more often.

>> No.9350218

Oh anon that is so sweet, you have to tell her how you feel. Maybe don't say you've been in love with her for so long (bc you don't want to come on too strong, save that for later), but just say you're into her and would love to have a real date sometime. Then report back to us :) :)

>> No.9350240




>> No.9350250

Same. I meant to go do stuff, but I feel all down now for no real reason, but putting my face on helped

>> No.9350255

Oh, oh! As advice, don't prep a speech or make or dramatic. Just like, try to be casual but serious and brief. "You know, I've kinda had feelings for you as more than a friend." or even, if you're too shy to be that forward, "you ever think of like, dating me?"

The second one can even be brought up with s tone of laughter and as a semi-joke to gauge her reaction. If timed correctly (and you probably can find openings due to couple cosplaying and kissing) it won't come off as heavy.

>> No.9350257
File: 41 KB, 299x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao anon your post made me smile

But for real >>9350195 you should def confess and please PLEASE update us

>> No.9350262
File: 47 KB, 960x465, 007d5c06-3e75-4c6c-9ae9-f4b3f59defc0..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your crush will never ask you if it's okay to kiss
>Your crush would never even couple cosplay with you

Why even fucking live.

>> No.9350269
File: 1.31 MB, 400x222, 12473.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your kind words Anons!! I was so scared but you guys gave me a boost of confidence! I think I can do this and I will take all of your advice so I can get it right. I will keep you guys updated and hope I can get lucky and have her, it'll be a dream come true

I have hope for you!

>> No.9350292

>Tfw you cum on the brand you're about to sell

I wash it after OFC but to know there's people wearing MY cummies fills me with PRIDE!!

>> No.9350297

Her letting you know she's bi and the fact she wants to do kissing couple shots/cosplays is 100% her hinting that she's into you, you guys are gonna be such a cute couple!!!!! Best of luck!!! <3

>> No.9350299


Lmao queer

>> No.9350301

Best of luck, anon!! We believe in you!

>> No.9350311


>> No.9350313

I hope you walk in on her getting dicked by a guy she met at the con

>> No.9350325

No problem Anon! Cheering for you!

>> No.9350361
File: 498 KB, 495x371, tumblr_m37g8zKmit1qk3mbxo4_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recently get back into lolita, buy a few pieces with that sweet tax return cash
>Been really happy, trying on my old pieces, my new stuff should be here tomorrow, most excited I've been for anything in a while
>Bf sees how happy I am, offers to buy me a piece for Valentines day

Good one, anon.

>> No.9350402
File: 109 KB, 1021x306, androphobia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> thought I was a lesbian for the past nine years and there's a lot of weird self hatred going on there
Spectrums can have more than one dimension, anon.

>Suddenly see an email from the teacher thing.
>Casually drops all conversation with the other guy
What's this part about?

>> No.9350407

Now that I have a lolita coord for every day of the month Im really feeling the want to take a break and focus on building up other fashion wardrobes. I bought some otome dresses so thats exciting.

I dress so super feminine though and im starting to want a super casual style of street clothing but I dont know what to do. I hate normie clothes still and I cant stand wearing pants. I want something fun.

Is wearing tights underneath shorts a thing?

>> No.9350424

>Is wearing tights underneath shorts a thing?
Of course it depends on the general style but I've seen it done frequently.

>> No.9350436

Made a cosplayer/photographer friend last year at a con when we both discovered we were into the same series. We decided that we would cosplay together this year as a cute pair cosplay. I offered to do all of the drafting for the weirder parts of clothing, and we could work on the pieces together, since she isn't as seasoned at sewing as I am. I thought this was fine, since there's easy sewing on these outfits as well (skirts, bloomers, lots of ruffles, etc). There are a lot of other, small, labour intensive pieces and props as well, most of which can't be applied until we have drafts of our clothes. Now that the drafts are basically done, she doesn't seem enthusiastic? I was discussing how to make things, or my ideas for some of the materials and she didn't really seem to care, or be interested. However, when discussing getting photos together, it was suddenly a topic she was way more interested and enthusiastic in. Like, she had tons of pictures for photo ideas, and different props to bring (that wouldn't be the costume's actual props), but nothing about any ideas on how to make anything or where to source materials. When discussing some stuff with her, she even said something along the lines of, "well can we even get this done in time? this seems like too much..." and the con is like, 4 months out still. I'm starting to think she just wants me to do all this work by myself so she can just reap the benefits and have a cosplay at the end of it. feelsbadman.

>> No.9350475

>Did you have an allergic reaction?
Forgot to answer this.. yeah, turns out I was experiencing anaphylaxis, aka a crazy severe allergic reaction. And I had no idea. I have an appointment with an allergy I set up after I went to the doctor and he was like "holy shit, go get this checked out to see what caused it".

I'm actually still steaming about it, but I stayed calm and cool while she made herself look like a ravaging bitch.
I actually most likely have a good case against her, but I'm not the type to sue. I just wanted at least some of my money back.

However, I do have a low-key plan for long-term revenge.
I did mention in my OP that my SIL is a hairdresser, yes? Well, she has connections in tons of salons in and out of town. She asked how my appointment went and I casually told her about what happened. She was appalled and furious on my behalf.
This is just the beginning phase, though. The pieces will eventually fall into place. It'll be much better than outright suing her.

>> No.9350496


I remember I had a terrible hair salon experience once.

>Sit down
>She starts cutting my hair
>"SORRY MY DEAR, what is it that you wanted again? French crop?"
>"No..you never asked me"
>Describe what I want
>She starts making small talk
>"How are you my dear?"
>"Yeah not bad thanks, how're you? Busy day?"
>"To be honest I'm really hung over from last night. Nah not that busy"
>"O-Oh...that's good, easy day then?"
>"NO I'm sick of cutting hair, I just want to go home"

All throughout this she stabbed me in the head multiple times with the scissors by accident and stopped to check her phone every few minutes. It was wild.

>> No.9350509
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>> No.9350557

it's so much harder to find suitable toned down/casual gothic pieces than it is to find toned down/casual classic or sweet

>> No.9350558

every other thread is "I have [insert pitiful amount of money here], how do i survive for a week" honestly

>> No.9350562

Been having endless issues with someone I commissioned for a cosplay and it's definitely motivating me to start working on my own stuff next year

>> No.9350566

You should give her clear guidelines on what to do/how you're planning on doing the smaller parts but don't do any work. Like say "hey I'm going out on Saturday to get some materials, are you free?" and if she says she's busy and would want you to get her stuff, say you aren't sure how much exactly she would want/would feel better if she got it herself on her own time then. At the end of it, you'll have a complete costume and the rest will be up to her. Don't baby her any more than that.

>> No.9350574

>had messy break up in September
>ex talked shit about me and burned a lot of bridge
>only friends left are ones who weren't in my close circle and are long distance
>went into sad girl slob mode for winter hibernation
>literally gained like 25 pounds and look disgusting
>decided for New years resolution I was going to get over it

I've cut nearly 12 lbs and am going strong. I have a pretty nice goal weight for some Spring cons and cute cos to try and work on that my ex never let me do for being too revealing (seriously, Tharja isn't even that slutty?)

Just super done being sad over myself and really just looking forward to getting hotter to spam my fb feed with and kick any worms who come back to the curb.

>> No.9350590

Yes, it's just my mother thinks of things in a rather black and white manner. And while ultimately I don't care what she thinks, it is nice to know she's trying.

Ah, my bad-- I had originally posted a tl;dr recap of my previous encounters with the crush, which highlighted he was my former teacher since he's in one of the grad programs. It sounds more creepy than it is. He's only two years older than me and well aware I am fond of him outside of our original dynamic.

>> No.9350594

I recently joined a semi-big cosplay group due to having a mutual friend who has lots of connections. Everyone there seems way cooler than me, and I'm also such an autist when I meet strangers, so I laughed/smiled and didn't talk that much outside of introducing myself.

We've all hung out a couple of times and they're all nice. Especially this one dude, who I think is just like in general a really extroverted and kind dude, but he always makes small talk with me because I kind of shy myself away from the group. As far as I can tell, he's not flirtatious, just trying to make conversation with me with jokey comments about me being on my phone or being so quiet a lot. I feel like a total bitch for coming off so cold, but how do I get him to stop?

>> No.9350668
File: 125 KB, 494x400, trexmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to be in cosplay strip show
>too fat

>> No.9350669

Uhg I hate it when extroverts do this.
They have good intentions usually but it just makes it more awkward for the person they are trying to force out of their shell.
I don't have any good advice for you unfortunately, even though this used to happen to me all the time. I've always either just continued to be awkward or told them to fuck off point blank but it doesn't sound like you want to do that so idk.

>> No.9350686
File: 23 KB, 500x492, 23abcb1440d8f26ade0d999b02dee254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was looking through some old photos of cons and saw pics of an old friend who i was only really able to meet up with him at Anime North, and a few weeks ago he was found to be a pedo.

>tfw he was the only one who hung out with me at cons and now im considering not going to AN anymore

>> No.9350705

You can strip for me, tubby

>> No.9350709


Empowerment is good. Keep up the good work Anon, I believe in you. As for the friend stuff, people make mistakes and get manipulated. I can't tell you that you'd be wrong in doing some rejections, but if you truely enjoy the people who come back and it isn't just because you look good and they want to be your bugattis, they may actually want to be your friend.

But seriously, keep the drive going, you got this.

>> No.9350716

Lot of thick girls to cosplay

and admirers, even if you'll get a lot of haters too

>> No.9350750

That's not good. The hair dye caused the reaction. It's why we are suppose to technically patch test on the elbow 48 hours before doing a client's hair. If you've not had it redone, I seriously would consider patch testing before doing any more color. It may have just been that one brand. It may not have been bleach, I wonder if it was a high lift dye since bleach is so unlikely to cause a full body reaction.

Personally, if that happened to my client, I'd instantly rinse their hair out and call 911 unless they really protested in which case I'd get someone to drive them to the E.R.

>> No.9350758

I'll also add this to what I said. You may not be American, but here we got state boards. If you are American... technically, not patch testing is against state board. Continuing a service seeing the obvious signs of an allergic reaction to dye (which is turning bright red all over and feeling pain like you are going to pass out) is highly against state board. We are suppose to stop the service and rinse out the product immediately whether the client wants to continue or not, there's no asking if they want to continue if we see the signs of an allergic reaction. If it was America, her license could be revoked for doing that.

I've only once had a client experience a reaction to bleach, and you bet I had that rinsed out the minute I realized what was happening. That's so against the rules, continuing when you had obvious signs of a reaction. I'm truthfully shocked.

>> No.9350765
File: 33 KB, 225x350, IMG_5772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to a con in the summer and I'm contemplating cosplaying pic related. I already have an almost identical suit that fits me well, so all I'd need is the wig and some lenses, and I'm making a taobao order soon anyway.

My only reservation is that she is very small and petite. Canonically she is 4'10 and super thin. I'm 5'2 and 105 lbs (around average). She's absolutely flat chested so I'd have to bind as I'm a D. I don't look petite and I'm just fairly average, so I don't want to end up looking like a cringy weeb trying too hard to pass off as loli.

On the other hand, she's my favourite character pretty much ever, from one of my favourite shows. I'm just so picky and such a perfectionist.

>> No.9350789

You're gonna have to post pictures. For science.

>> No.9350793
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, hifumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay a REAL best girl instead. She's far closer to what you describe yourself to be anyways.

>> No.9350800

A D isn't that big, it's big enough not to come off as flat chested easily. I have the same reservation about doing Etna's character.
You'll be fine.

>> No.9350814

What are even bra sizes?

>> No.9350832
File: 75 KB, 540x729, GmeqLFS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pinky paradise is having sale on contacts i need for cosplay
>doesnt ship to the usa anymore


>> No.9350861

Thanks for the encouragement, anon. I decided to use one of my backup emails and contact the big-name guy anonymously about it with photoevidence. Hopefully he sees it, and if it's disregarded then I know who to not support.

>> No.9350863
File: 88 KB, 310x464, 9b3759a4-7e6c-4953-ba0d-0e744282f2d7..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to cons as a form of escapism to forget that I only ever fall for those out of my league
>I'm attractive, fit, and confident but all the good guys are always of course taken before I even get a chance
>get hit on my boys while at cons
>never interested in any of them and they just remind me that I can never get the attention of the ones I actually like
>mfw my only form of escapism just reminds me harder of my sorrows
>"just lower your standards or you'll be a lonely virgin forever, anon!"

wish I could control who I like or don't like. it isn't worth it getting into a relationship with one sided passion just to put a bandaid over loneliness (but in the end it would make me feel even more lonely). inb4
>lol female virgin over 18 XDDDDD

>> No.9350864

Christ. Why are you such a vindictive psycho?

>> No.9350873 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 263x263, 1411907754730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female virgin past 16
Clearly you are not nearly as attractive, fit or confident as you like to tell yourself.

>> No.9350876

Because someone should be aware that the person who's trying to befriend him is someone who hasn't changed his ways for years despite multiple call outs and uses fake names to get around con blacklists and is also notorious for namedropping as a way to get access to people?

>> No.9350877
File: 505 KB, 975x729, 1382575047938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to where you came from and take your terrible taste with you.

>> No.9350882 [DELETED] 

Rage at me all you want there's a good reason you never "even get a chance". fatty-chan. It's hard to tell what you're more full of. Yourself, or calories.

>> No.9350886
File: 352 KB, 533x526, 1356407877189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, different poster. Regardless, you should really go be a faggot in a different location.

>> No.9350891 [DELETED] 

What exactly have I done that's being a faggot.

>> No.9350892

Have you read your posts at all? Your bullshit virginal rage isn't welcome here, go back to your containment board.

>> No.9350893 [DELETED] 

What rage has there been in any of my posts.

If anything you and her are the ones raging, and she in particular is the one who's post can be most accurately described as "bullshit virginal rage".

>> No.9350941

>calls an anon fat and a liar for no damn reason
>what rage
I hope you're just trolling and not genuinely this dumb

>> No.9350955 [DELETED] 

It takes no rage to call the sky blue, or fire hot, it's just simple observation of fact.

Getting laid as a woman is easy. REALLY easy. Short of being physically deformed ala Sloth from The Goonies, there's pretty much nothing standing in a womans way besides her own choice (so basically, there's nothing in her way). Even fat ugly women can do it with ease, often with guys better looking than herself. And she claims to be fit, attractive and confidant, if that were true she should be swimming in great hot guys hitting on her everywhere she goes.

Yet she still cries about being a virgin, how she can't get what she wants and all the good guys are taken before she gets a chance. Sorry honey but the reason other girls all got those good guys first is because they are actually good looking, unlike you who just thinks she's good looking. You're never going to get some impossibly perfect billionaire supermodel even if you were as much of a catch as you delude yourself into thinking. You don't even deserve one, nor any sympathy.

>> No.9350963
File: 1008 KB, 479x270, calm the fuck down.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9350970
File: 34 KB, 633x758, 1436674817275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no time machine to go to cons before social media was a thing

>> No.9350973

>people rave about the quality of the clothes
>I don't really see it

Am I missing something here?

>> No.9350976

Calling me mad over and over again doesn't invalidate anything I've said. If anything your refusal to even try refuting it only admits I'm right and that you're the angry one.

>> No.9350978

I'm not sure she was actually complaining about being a virgin, though. She just hasn't found the person she wants to lose her virginity to yet. You appear to be pressuring her to lose her virginity to someone she doesn't care about or something, anon. What are you, a cuck? Female (and male) chastity is a good thing. Complaining that you've not yet found someone you think you can settle down with does not make you ugly.

>> No.9350981

>chastity is a good thing
when will christian morality just fucking die?

>> No.9350984 [DELETED] 

Well the fact that she preemptively posted 2 whole defenses over being called a virgin would sure lead me to believe it bothers her. Hell she didn't even need to mention the word "virgin" at all, it wasn't related to anything else she said about meeting guys. Clearly she's pretty obsessed with it.

And you honestly think she's complaining she can't meet a guy because she wants to immediately "settle down" after a single meeting? With someone from a fucking anime con? Get real.

And I don't give a shit if she dies a virgin or becomes the biggest slut in the history of the world. I'm just telling her the ugly truth that the reason she isn't getting showered with attention from 11/10 guys everywhere she goes isn't because she's just unlucky and all those guys are taken before they meet her, it's because she's not as desirable as she thinks.

>> No.9350985

It doesn't have to be tied to religion, anon, not everyone is a degenerate like you.

>> No.9350986
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It just wants attention, leave it alone.

Give it time. I'm in my early twenties myself and still KHV. I don't yearn for male companionship... or female companionship, as it were, but I do wish I had some motherfucking friends. I want a merry band of weebs to go on adventures with. Going to cons and seeing all these groups of friends and couples makes me want to sudoku.

If I were a sugoi senpai, I would definitely hold your hand or something! Don't give up, anon.

>> No.9350991

I have no friends and I never had a real friend in my life.

I know people do the whole ~omg I have no friends Im sooooo lonely woe is me~ bs whilst having a large friend group, and I do have people that I know generally, but I wouldnt consider them friends. Ive always been unpopular and jumping from one group to another in hs, no one wanted me, I just kind of clung onto whoever. The last friend group I had ended when I started uni, we never really liked eachother or had anything in common (they all thought goth/lolita was really weird too, so they didnt like going out places with me, amongst other reasons) so nobody keept in contact.
Now im in uni, I felt like a massive stroke of luck because theres another goth girl in my class, and we get on soso well, but shes really flakey, like we will go out and talk for hours after and then she wont come in for a week and ignore my texts.
My local comm is having a tea party soon and I really want to go, but I dont know anyone (obviously the point of going is to meet new people, but I feel uncomfortable not vaugely knowing at least one person) and Im worried that if the seating is random ill be put with a bunch of newbies (Ive worn lolita for years, but never been to a meetup) or with people completly different from me. If we seat ourselves, thats just going to being awkward. Im just making excuses not to go at this point, but deep down inside I do want to go and I think I will.

>> No.9350996

Why are you so bitter about it? Grow up

>> No.9351025

>Tfw a friend who always accompanies me to Animazement is deciding on not going this year

not sure what to feel right now.

>> No.9351084

You don't go with anyone else?

>> No.9351112


Who cares if you sit by noobies you're socially retarded and a loser so you're on par if not worse off than them.

Maybe you'll make a friend you could help?

>> No.9351117

No, just him unfortunately

>> No.9351121

They're not big, like I said just every average girl my height.

I love Hifumi! But the reason I wanna go for Aoba is because of the suit and easiness of the cosplay. But Hifumi really is best girl, esp her chest mole.

I hope so, but just to be sure because I'm neurotic, I'm going to bind tightly and maybe lose a bit more weight which I was planning on anyway.

>> No.9351123

Wow, I cried myself to sleep and came to this.

Um, original poster here;
I never said it was hard to get laid. Do you lack reading comprehension? My post specifically states I'm approached by dudes I have zero interest in. If j wanted to, I could easily go on Skype right now and hit up someone I know is into me for a might if v-card loosing.

That isn't the point I'm making though. I would gain nothing from the interaction; in fact, it would just make me feel lonelier and pathetic that I had passionless sex with someone I didn't even want to fuck just to try filling an emotional void. It's like if someone tells you "just hire a hooker!!!" when the real problem with being a permavirgin isn't getting your genitals hot, but finding comfort that you can mutually love someone
You're lucky I empathize with you, somewhat.

>> No.9351127

Religion has nothing to do with just not spreading your legs to fuck goats. If you're not interested in someone, there's no reason. to fuck them.

>> No.9351134

>assuming it's always because of Jesus

There are a lot of non-religious reasons it's a trait that, while uncommon, is an overall positive. Studies have shown the longer someone puts off becoming sexually active, the more likely each partner over the course of their life will have been a long-term monogamous experience. People who don't rush into having sex ASAP have lower rates, by the time they hit old age, of having a chronic STD.

It's something you should never pressure people into, but if someone is naturally-inclined to not be very sexually active that's actually improving their long-term chances of having better quality life experiences.

>> No.9351135

I was a virgin until 22 and it was a great experience. People move at their own pace, some younger some older. Don't lower your standards and keep looking. I'm rooting for you, Anon!

>> No.9351137


Some d00ds don't even have that choice. Hitting a person up on Skype isn't like hiring a hooker at all, are you retarded?

Plus maybe you should stop expecting some 8/10 prince charming to sweep you off your feet and keep your ass around forever.

Life sucks get over it ~ : ^ )

>> No.9351143

You'll find someone, eventually. I did and I was happier for having waited. I am non-religious, but I always had a sense that I wanted to be careful about who I handed off that v-card to. I watched my friends in high school go through some horribleness.

I handed my card off in my mid-20s and it was to someone I only knew well for maybe two months. We knew each other through other people and attended the same group events. He asked me out and we took it slow, relatively; we started dating in summer and could see each other maybe every other day. The trick I think was that we basically spent two solid months bonding before we did it and we've now been together 8 years.

>> No.9351209

Try talking to some people, cons are a social event anyway. Really sucks he doesn't wanna go though. Is there a reason why?

>> No.9351215
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>find out crush is cosplaying from the same series as I am at the same con
>it's even a character that everyone and their grandma ships with the one I'm cosplaying
>they're wearing the cosplay on the day that I'm not going to be at the con
Life is not kind.

>> No.9351230

Well thats... blunt

>> No.9351235

You can do it, anon, and you're gonna look amazing at Katsu!

By giving her money for clothes and telling her to stop contacting sugar daddies, didn't you essentially ask to become her sugar daddy?

>> No.9351264

What are your height and weight.

>> No.9351270

He said that he's not really interested in anime anymore

And I told him I go not because of anime, but the atmosphere, the pictures, the merchant and panels, and to hang out with the friendo all weekend

>> No.9351272

Edgiest post ever.

>> No.9351276

I would talk to people, but i'm so incredibly shy and constantly worry about picking up on social cues

>> No.9351277

To be 105 at 5'2". I assume not that large a band size.

>> No.9351290

Did your ever figure out how to dye 100% poly true black?

>> No.9351291

I can't stop eating food. Like 2000-3000 calories a day of carbs and sugar. I went to the gym three times this week to try and make up for it- but I actually feel like I can't stop eating all the time. This morning I ate yogurt (I never eat breakfast), then I ate a fuck ton of baked ziti and a french toast bagel with cinnamon cream cheese after work, and now after an hour I am super hungry again.

I have worked SO hard to lose weight- and now I'm going to fucking gain it all back. I don't know why this is happening.

>> No.9351314

wheres the update cuckmaster3000

>> No.9351317

5'3" at 109 lb.

Thanks for the inspiration. I'm in my mid 20's and honestly getting increasingly pessimistic over my prospects of ever finding mutual love. It takes me forever to even find someone I'm even remotely interested in, and it's always just my luck that they're of course taken and I'm not a homewrecker. The kind of guys I'm into are the ones that only take relationships seriously so it isn't as if I can even just hold my ground hoping their relationship ends in a few months to put in my best efforts.

>> No.9351320

>I don't know why this is happening.
Because you're a weak minded food addict.

Food addiction works the same as any drug addiction. You need to stimulate your brain by eating (especially carbs and sugar) to release chemicals into your brain that make you feel good. If you don't eat, your brain and body go into withdrawal.

There's no magical solution here, all you need to do is to STOP FUCKING EATING and stick to it for a week, a month, a year, and so on.

You don't need 2000-3000 cal. If you're (presumably) a girl who doesn't do heavy physical work then you're fine with 1500, 1300 even. You should be hitting the gym, sure, but it's all for nothing if you don't STOP FUCKING EATING.

Buy yourself a huge bag of baby carrots for snacking and stop being such a damn weakling.

>> No.9351323

Chill dawg, it's been like one day. I doubt whatever con she's going to will even happen until a few months desu. Might be better to leave email addresses behind for an update.

>> No.9351331

Seconding this anon >>9351320
If you need to snack, stop eating carbs. The yogurt isn't so bad, but seriously, get some baby carrots, celery, veggie straws, etc.

Also, every time you feel the urge to snack, get yourself some water to drink FIRST. "Fill up" on water or tea, then snack. You could also look into the "eat a small meal every 2 hours" diet, that's supposed to help a lot with metabolism and energy, and might be good for you if you feel compelled to eat frequently.

>> No.9351351

I'm sick of these degenerate spinster shitposters on 4chan.

>> No.9351387

You need to make over your personality. Start doing things that scare the fuck out of you regularly. Have experiences, good ones and bad ones. Form opinions and stick to them, start telling people exactly what you think and don't worry about how they will react.
This will make you a more interesting person to be around.

>> No.9351392
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>> No.9351397

Either what these anons said

Or you need to start going 6-7 days a week instead of 3 to make up the calories. It really is that simple anon.

And cut out simple carbs and sugar ffs

>> No.9351425

honestly just kill yourselves

>> No.9351427

Shut up roastie

>> No.9351436


You can have sex easily, you just need to be attractive enough. You can interpret 'attractive' how you want, it varies depending on the company you keep.

Who cares though? There's way more to life than having sex, try getting a hobby or something. Maybe try focusing your energy on your cosplay instead.

>Maybe more lonely guys should date each other and solve the problem.

Please don't encourage this, I'm gay and don't want the pool polluted by faux-homo woman hating channers.

>> No.9351439

If you've worked hard and lost weight, go back to doing what you did then. Exercise is good for you so keep it up but what you eat (or don't) matters most.

>> No.9351456

I don't have a hard time finding people to sleep with, it's just that I feel manipulative when I do. I have to act like I care and appeal to their emotions. Whereas a girl can just whip out her titties and pretty much entice any guy she invites over with a wink.

I'm just envious is all

>> No.9351462

>Tfw you really like this Girl in your comm
>Tfw you're a guy so it's not OK to feel this way
>Feel like a creep and punish myself

I wish she'd just ask if she could give me duck suck then I wouldn't worry, what do I do gulls?

>> No.9351652

Animazement anon here

>mention to friend that we've been going to continue since 2014

>can tell he's getting annoyed by me wanting him to go

>realize hell probably not go

>probably won't go to cons after this because the thought of going to a con by myself is terrifying

I know I know, grow up, but yea

>> No.9351654

Meant con, not continue

>> No.9351744


Too bad I don't care what you think.

>> No.9352473

Have fun becoming a human petri dish

>> No.9355848

Who cares what a prostitute thinks

>> No.9355858

You aound like a heterophobe. Imagine if someone said gay couples made them uncomfortable, you'd be jailed in Canada

>> No.9355864

Holy shit you are a faggot and she is a literal whore