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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 56 KB, 400x300, tumblr_oknoqttf2V1ujjt1yo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9340135 No.9340135 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>9314318
>"What is Menhera?"

>"What is Gurokawa?"

Please try to ignore/do not respond to obvious bait (like "that" one anon that is reposting bad coords for drama and calls everyone fat).

>> No.9340193
File: 176 KB, 1080x1349, 14498886_346920728984399_8803446440010448896_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of Shojo Kenjiyoku's 2016 stock is gone (minus tigh highst), shouldn't be long until the first new releases.

>> No.9340230

I don't actually dress in menhera myself, but I've been following the threads for a while. I was wondering if you guys would be open to seeing menhera accessories (jewelry, printed tights, maybe keychains/charms) at cons or if this fashion was more geared towards specific brands.

>> No.9340239

Every single western example I've seen has missed the mark but you're welcome to show what you got for critique

>> No.9340813
File: 102 KB, 400x600, coolhairdonotcare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't ever attend conventions. Most seem receptive to check out new sellers/brands.

>> No.9340987

Has anyone tried using sock glue with printed thigh highs? I'm worried about it staining light colored ones or making the print run

>> No.9341154

Depends on the sock glue, the one I use doesn't but I have seen people having issues with stains (not print related but the material) sp it might be the best to test it somewhere.

>> No.9341311

Which glue do you use?

>> No.9341651

"It Stays!" which looks like a roll-on deo but made to apply to your body to make various clothing pieces, including ones made from nylon, stay.

>> No.9341783

what are some words to use on aliexpress to find cute stuff?
I tried bother menhera and gurokawa with no luck

>> No.9341800

Creepy cute kiiiind of works. It's really hit or miss. Mostly miss. I wouldn't bother with AE for this style.

>> No.9341995

You'd probably have more luck selling on etsy.

>> No.9343747
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>> No.9343824

Is there a list of menhera stores?

>> No.9343910

...ever heard of looking at the links in an OP before making questions?

>> No.9343989

To be fair, there wasn't a stores link in the OP, my bad, I forgot to add it

>> No.9344995
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>> No.9345390
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I'll be buying 3 of the 4 designs. Take my money. I'll be posting some other stuff I'll be buying soon.

>> No.9345392
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>> No.9345394
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>> No.9345397
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All for now, still deciding on the rest.

>> No.9345403
File: 29 KB, 500x500, angeldevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really interested in this set of 2 sweaters, but I'm afraid it might be massive on me since the sizing is XL so I'm not sure. They don't seem to have measurements listed. I also can't tell if the angel shirt is light lilac or blue, anyone with a better monitor care to tell me?

>> No.9345418

Keep in mind this is going with Asian sizing and the model is small but she doesn't look like she's drowning in it. Oversized stuff fits the look.

>> No.9345426

Thank you for the reassurance. I get nervous because a S in American unisex sizing is extremely baggy on me while a M is over-sized so I was pretty leery about it. I'll give it a chance maybe.

>> No.9345932

I'm looking into crafting and designing menhera accessories and clothing. I really love menhera style! Any suggestions for things you'd like to see, or pitfalls to avoid?

(I currently make punk, v-kei, and lolita things right now and do pretty well, for background)

>> No.9345958

Don't put those little "kawaii" faces on things, imo they cheapen the look. Also avoid words. Look into the color schemes people usually wear and try to go with those

>> No.9345965

Maybe avoid non-Japanese words but simple kanji like 夢(dream), 絶望(despair) or 鬱病(melancholy/depression) (I think I've got those correct) can be quite effective.

>> No.9345994

This is really cute but it looks longer than bigger, if that makes sense. Also it looks white on my monitor.

>> No.9347091
File: 54 KB, 400x460, lotsofhearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming it doesn't go out of stock by next week, I think I'll get it. I'm down with some extra length. Better too big then too small or too short.

>> No.9347919
File: 108 KB, 1200x800, C3-DyhgVYAIJyM8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next LF release is shedules for somewhere later this month, probably around the end. So far it seems like it will be half yume and half gurokawa just judging by the shooting room (full of Carebears) and monster animal prints.

>> No.9347920
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>> No.9347928
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I guess the seifuku collar tee dress is the bondage unicorn print that was teased a month ago.

>> No.9347929
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Just comparing to this.

>> No.9348180
File: 99 KB, 750x517, IMG_9623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CheeryCheezy is having a sale on some of her older stuff

>> No.9348318

Her stuff is so mediocre

>> No.9348324

I agree

>> No.9348332

Make it better then?

>> No.9348337

hi cherry

>> No.9348342

Nope, not even close but tired of salty people throwing around with insults while not even giving a reason for while, more so that ugly as fuck burando pieces get praised into heaven (like LF's fugly catgirl).

>> No.9348344

*why, not while

>> No.9348441

yo CC here, I don't post anymore but I do always lurk. Would you mind sending me some con crit? It never bothers me as I'm always looking to improve. Thank you!

>> No.9348546

I like CC's stuff a lot. I also like LF's catgirl...

>> No.9348566
File: 50 KB, 400x533, lacechoker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mention liking LF's catgirl print because I've certainly mentioned it more then once. There's also someone in the Lucky Bag thread who was stoked about receiving it. However, I really like CC's stuff; I own quite a bit.

I admit I rarely post her stuff outside haul images for the reason you mention. Almost every time it gets posted, somebody rags on it. However, all the American artists seem to get ragged on I've noticed. CC, Omocat (which obviously entails something else), ZombieUnicorn... I don't think I can remember an American creator that hasn't been insulted upon being posted.

>> No.9348570
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>> No.9348574
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>> No.9348575
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>> No.9348597

I believe zombie unicorn is Polish.

I think some people don't like the fashion being more accessible(bringing in more moons)

>> No.9348598

Noobs* autocorrect

>> No.9348618

It looks like you used to draw in a more western style before changing it to fit this aesthetic. You could work on anatomy a bit because right now the faces are the only thing making up for it, but even then that's just from the tumblr's first time drawing anime eyes. It overall looks very generic.

>> No.9348636
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>> No.9348642

Anyone know where I can get the top she's wearing or similar?

>> No.9348786

That's just them being elitist then.

>> No.9348787

Thank you for the concrit I will definitely work on those things! The one thing I'm not sure about is the western style? I've never had that in my style before so that's the one part of your critique I'm not understanding fully , thanks!

>> No.9348795

I've never understood the term 'western' art considering we got everything from Mike Parobeck and Alphonse Mucha to Jim Jinkins and Aaron McGruder.

>> No.9348835

Random related question (I guess this also fits into larme too considering the popularity of chokers there too) has anyone tried making their own / recreating ones brands put out?
Some of them seem so simple yet so pricey that I think I want to try doing so, someone I follow/know has done it with nice results but they're much craftier than I am.
I guess this also can apply to any brand accessories not just the chokers.
Really curious if anyone else has done and succeeded or failed at replicating things for themselves rather than paying a gouged price for a simple accessory.

>> No.9348861

Don't play dumb

>> No.9348886

Get your weeb glasses off. Her stuff is miles ahead of a lot of "burando" stuff, and really well priced.

>> No.9348925
File: 14 KB, 350x350, c75dedd874e642b69308f91361e9fa78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not her but have you ever looked at the anatomy of most Menhera artists? And the rather popular artists like Kuua don't draw in a very japanese style to begin with when their art isn't just sketches. Don't forget that the whole background of the art is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wabi-sabi and thus shouldn't even be perfect.

>> No.9348931

Menhera-chan isn't in a very japanese style either being based on Powerpuff Girls according to Ezaki.

>> No.9348935

Sorry I don't like your waifu's art

>> No.9348937
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>> No.9349071
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Now I'm curious, which japanese menhera artists do all you anons like the most? Personally I really enjoy xoxomeltykiss. Not sure what their artist name is since their social media has different usernames?

>> No.9349106
File: 281 KB, 900x1200, CqR54htUAAEvE97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She usually goes by るぴ.

I really like the art of Dogeza-chan (most known for her "Nocturnal girl Compendium" shirts) and Tsurushima (pic related) for how detailed they draw compared to most artists who stick to either sketches or very clean art.

>> No.9349139

Not necessarily menhera but I really want more nurse related stuff

>> No.9349165

Are animal ears accepted if its placed right in the outfit?? I've been wondering about that

>> No.9349172
File: 77 KB, 396x600, 4626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't seem to be rare at least in the fuzzy kind, probably because it is kind of similar looking to the popular pom poms in some pictures.

>> No.9349213

In case somebody wants some cheaper gurokawa stuff, don't forget that Sexpot is still having a sale http://sexpot.jp/category/130/

>> No.9349282
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I'm not playing dumb. I'm saying it's a dumb term that means nothing. It's not like every artist in Japan draws shōjo style art either.

>> No.9349302
File: 136 KB, 620x620, sugarless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Sugarless. I also like Ezaki's art which makes sense if the Powerpuff thing is true. I always liked Hanna-Barbera's cartoons. I really like the style of Yummy! Michizuki has awesome monster drawings, but I guess that's more creepy then anything, same goes for QTMilk (Hypermilk/Milkblush?). I like CC's art although that's not surprising considering it reminds me a lot of the characters designed by Peach-Pit like those in DearS. The only other artist I can think of is one who goes by HoshiCandy on Etsy. That's about all. I'm fond of others I see, but I've not seen enough of their work for them to come to mind.

>> No.9349358
File: 125 KB, 675x1200, CyuNi0KUUAAHMLG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before Ezaki made Menhera-chan, he was known in the west mostly for his PPG fanart, he is an hardcore PPG otaku since childhood (pic related).

>> No.9349365

That put a huge smile on my face.

>> No.9349860

Omocat's stuff actually passes for Japanese art

>> No.9350023

It's one of the punk bunny hoodies by Mari's Rock, those start at 200bucks for no real quality reason. You can find similar searching "パンク パーカー うさ耳"

>> No.9350053

I don't wonder about people moving away from Harajuku for wearing their alt fashion, poor Kuma-chan (the LF staff girl) looks so confused first.

>> No.9350116

That's actually super cool. That's really awesome. I don't want to know how much it costs though.

>> No.9350127

Nothing, they are exclusive to travel business.

>> No.9350132

Hey CC ! I just wanted to say I love your drawings. I personally think they look more "anime" than a lot of other western artists. Of course con crit is always good though so no harm there.

I have a weird question/complaint. But I wish in your shirt listings you would put in the info what method you use to make your shirts. Like screenprinted vs. DTG digital printing, I notice a lot of other shirt listings will put this info. I've never bought one of your shirts because of this because I'm a bit snobby with shirt printing quality. I dont want to spend a bunch of money on shirts (especially from artsmoo tbqh), to just have them fade color extremely fast from washing.

>> No.9350154 [DELETED] 

Not here, but she had the company for the old shirts listed and it was Blue Cotton which is DTG. I've had some of her shirts since September-ish and I haven't had any fading. I've washed them about once a week. I don't put them in the dryer though. Anything with super complicated shading or super fine detail is never 'screen printed' because they wouldn't be able to do it without blurring.


>> No.9350158

Not her, but she had the company for the old shirts listed and it was Blue Cotton which is DTG. I've had some of her shirts since September-ish and I haven't had any fading. I've washed them about once a week. I don't put them in the dryer though. Anything with super complicated shading or super fine detail is never 'screen printed' because they wouldn't be able to do it without blurring. I've got one shirt that was through Society6. So far it has held up in the wash, but I've only had it since December, and I've honestly only worn it a couple times so I can't really speak for it yet. I hope that helps!


>> No.9350168

Ok thanks anon! There are some DTG companies I dont mind, but then others not so much.... Thats good to hear though that they havent faded. I never put my nice shirts in the drier so no worries there, I do everything I can to make sure the print holds up.

Oh yeah she runs a society6 now too? I totally forgot. Society6 is OK but I personally prefer Neatoshops printing. Its really fantastic quality for DTG

>> No.9350170

Thank you anon. I'll state that on my tops from now on. I use blue cotton and they actually use screen printing on the shirts I order. I have many of my shirts from the original designs last year that I have washed /dried multiple times. They held up very well and I wear them frequently. If you need pictures to show I can post some.

>> No.9350172
File: 17 KB, 236x420, blackpillbunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll add since we on on the topic of shirt quality. I've owned 2 Omocat shirts roughly the same length of time. They haven't shown any signs of cracking, but I've put them through the wash equally as much. (It's cold here, I don't have a lot of sweaters in rotation unfortunately.) I regret to say they have faded significantly, especially the Moon Girl shirt. It's gone from chalk white to a significantly faded color. The Nurse Bunny shirt hasn't faded as badly, but it's not as bright as it use to be. So, her shirts seem to have held up better then Omocat's as far as those printed through Blue Cotton. I'd still recommend them, but I figured I'd mention it.

>> No.9350179 [DELETED] 

I feel like one that used less colors may have used screen printing because the ink has a significantly differently texture. It's thicker? It's the medicine girl shirt with the pills. It's just a different feel then the Melty Medicine sweatshirts so maybe they use different techniques based on what works best?

I just looked it up and they do have both DTG and traditional screenprinting set-up in their facilities.

>> No.9350182 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 500x376, blouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did have a society6 shop. I have a hoodie that was printed through their shop. I think she took everything off both shops since she's working on having more ready to ship items in her shop. I don't know if her ready to ship shirts are printed through Society6, Blue Cotton, or a different company. Maybe send her an ask about it if you got a tumblr? No problem. Also, I use the cheap detergent in cold water. So, that's also something to consider. I use like... Gain, or Sun, or whatever the dollar tree is stocking, so they've not faded even though I'm using some cheap detergent. I'm sure you undoubtedly use better detergent then I do.

>> No.9350183
File: 57 KB, 640x480, C4NzDyYUkAA4q-h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the Harness Apple is included in the next release as it's the only hoodie with text on the hood border.

>> No.9350186
File: 80 KB, 500x376, blouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deleted because I just realized that was you posting. I use really cheap detergent with cold water, like the stuff at the dollar tree. (Sun, Gain, whatever they have that's color safe.) Figured I'd mention the cheap detergent thing since many undoubtedly use better detergent then I do, yet the shirts have held up very well even with my poor choice of washing machine liquid.
Yeah, there is.

Does anyone have a favorite detergent that they use for their shirts? Good info maybe to know.

>> No.9350191

I'm really excited about the preview I saw with the bat cat. I love bat cats.

>> No.9350201

Saging because screen printing is not completely on topic. Go with what CC says. Blue Cotton uses both traditional screen printing set-ups and DTG printers so I was completely wrong. I just jumped to the conclusion perhaps they did DTG since they do run small scale printing. They do both.


>> No.9350248

I use the home brand of the german drugstore DM which probably won't be useful for anybody here but it cleans well at 30°C, smells fresh and keeps everything vibrant.

I wear mostly black clothes with prints so I needed quite a while to find something that keep the fading subtle and the general conclusion was that 1. color detegerent doesn't make a difference, 2. nor does black and 3. powder detegerent is the worst for prints as it contains bleach for making the clothes clean, meaning prints will fade faster. The "sticky feeling" printed shirts of japanese rbands shouldn't be thrown in the washing machine at all even if the tag says it is possible, I made that mistake with some older LF shirt - the print ripped holes out of itself due to the stickyness.

>> No.9350528

The new LF collection will go online at 7pm but again "preorder" with only being avaiable at their Harajuku store first.

>> No.9350636
File: 328 KB, 500x504, IMG_8759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to Las Vegas soon. I was wondering if there were any kind of jfash/menhera/general cool kawaii you guys could suggest me to check out.
I like most of the fashions here on the board so any kind of suggestion is welcome.

>> No.9350640

*cool kawaii stores
My bad

>> No.9350667

I live in Vegas, there really wont be anything that fits menhara, but we do have some really good antique stores with large selections of vintage clothing. Got a few cute things that could be cult partyish.
Sometimes you can find cute accesories in our China town

>> No.9350928
File: 114 KB, 640x640, 1_000000001210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only bought the cat bat dress. Wasn't really impressed with the new release. Was hoping for that unicorn shirt or whatever that was previewed, guess that will come out next time.

>> No.9351188

Well, the theme is "#ときめき症候群" so it is basicly labels about someone "madly" in love, I guess some just didn't fit for that theme.

>> No.9351238

Aw, the design is adorable. I hope they make it in a version at some point that doesn't have the collar. It looks great! I just don't prefer things with collars for myself.

>> No.9352175

Print re-releases are really rare for Listen Flavor unless for pieces that sold out within few weeks, can't see that happen for this one.

Either way, the designer announced a surprise for the end of the month, I expect another artist collab (obviously not Menhera-chan because there's still so much in stock of the last one).

>> No.9352222

Does this ever look good on white people?

>> No.9352374

It's hard for unisex tees to look bad on anybody, unless you have yellowfever of course.

>> No.9352398
File: 1.90 MB, 1530x1530, 1486809574-1968x1969.png.1.28027+0.0+0.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new print was added to the Menhera-chan suzuri.

>> No.9352893

Nah, because the white people who are into it are fat.

>> No.9352894

There does seem to be a regular in these threads stricken with a bad case of yellow fever.

>> No.9352895

You can only speak for yourself.

>> No.9352910
File: 87 KB, 346x600, kirin5646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's the same reason why people stopped western artists

>> No.9353006
File: 44 KB, 400x300, makeup4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just shouldn't be about race. There's cute Asian girls, there's cute white girls, there's cute girls of every other ethnicity. There's nothing wrong with liking something that originates in another culture, but to start separating things based on something like race is really silly and sad. I just don't get why people have to be that way. When I say, 'yellow fever', it's a very nice way of putting it that they are racist.

>> No.9353012

Could you please post several photos of women from different races wearing this fashion to substantiate your claims?

>> No.9353018
File: 65 KB, 400x533, niceshirtdetail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because you are only seeking to pick a fight.

There are those who do post their pictures, but a lot of the people wearing the fashion undoubtedly don't post pictures of themselves on the internet.

>> No.9353025
File: 79 KB, 337x600, 1485925821730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus, from my understanding, a lot of people can't really post because to do so would make them a target. There's quite a few out there picking on people for the fashion because it's 'romanticism' or 'stupid edgy fashion'. Not too many people want to deal with angry people cussing them out on the internet because of what they chose to wear.

>> No.9353034
File: 97 KB, 456x810, 4535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that in most cases people wouldn't be able to tell the person's race to begin with due to the face-censoring phone cases or stickers, pic very related. At some point /cgl/ even had threads solely delicated to guessing where the person is from while the face is covered.

>> No.9353037

That's also true. There's a lot that do have the face censored or cropped off altogether.

>> No.9353139

Like this outfit is cute but if a white girl wore it everyone would be saying how the shoes are black and so "don't match" and that the socks look cheap(being plain white).
People here definitely have some kind of prejudice that if a Japanese girl does it, it's always perfect but if a white girl does it she has to go above and beyond and have the most on point outfit possible or it's awful.

This fashion even has comfiness as one of its traits.

>> No.9353142

...that girl is white, that's the whole point.

>> No.9353151 [DELETED] 

Sauce on these tops?

>> No.9353156

It's a white girl, and the shoes match her hair, so there's not a huge color imbalance.

>> No.9353169

Point taken but I wasn't saying I thought it looked unbalanced. I was saying people here(with yellow fever) would say that.

>> No.9353172
File: 90 KB, 400x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the problem isn't race, but how white girls are more likely to have curves (or be plain chubby). The whole point of oversize is to emphasise how small the wearer is, but if you're big to begin with it just looks stupid.
The girl in your pic looks good because she's slim.

>> No.9353174
File: 111 KB, 960x539, C4S_QupUYAA9vu9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case anyone is in Harajuku at that day, you get discounts and freebies on Yu's bday.

>> No.9353176

Honestly I think it's just because a lot of white people wearing this are chubby or overweight. Like lolita, people are gonna nitpick more when you aren't smaller.

>> No.9353177
File: 80 KB, 400x498, 4636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirin which is featured in >>9353025 and >>9352910 is plussize tho and looks just fine, it only looks bad if you don't know how to dress in the firstplace.

>> No.9353181
File: 214 KB, 500x750, 436346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuua isn't the slimmest without MySpace angle and pigeon legs either.

>> No.9353185

I think those two wear clothes to fit their body shape. Plus they know how to angle their pictures to hide their size.
Isn't Kuua really short? That explains why her thighs are thick, but you can tell she's a healthy size.
Honestly, I think the chest is a huge problem in white people because it ruins the oversized look of tshirts.

>> No.9353186
File: 58 KB, 480x480, 43634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh most japanese girls wearing Menhera range from chubby to plus-size, the oversize clothing hides it very well in carefully angled mirror selfies.

>> No.9353187
File: 82 KB, 480x480, item_197653_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9353202

Maybe it just comes down to them knowing how to dress themselves and make the style more than a bunch of brand stuff mashed together.

>> No.9353214
File: 88 KB, 1080x601, C3mN7f7UYAA5zOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's quite a lot bad japanese examples in the Twitter hashtags tho (pic related) but why should anyone post them here.

>> No.9353225
File: 135 KB, 960x965, CvsRVwWUMAAmn2M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most common in the JP hashtags is people throwing everything they can find together even without the items belonging to the same style.

>> No.9353227
File: 173 KB, 797x1200, C4NTR5ZVcAALJMH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And attentionwhoring pseudo-gravure shoots of some people.

>> No.9353245
File: 438 KB, 518x782, 42545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ans the obligatory "I tag my totally unrelated coords as everything in the hopes to get more likes, don't forget to #follow4follow".

>> No.9353254 [DELETED] 

When I post pictures in this thread, I admit I usually only pick the best of the best to post.

>> No.9353257

Yeah like this is exactly what a lot of white people posting in these threads do. It's funny to see Japanese girls doing it too. I always assumed people were cherry picking what to post here though.

>> No.9353265

I get a little sad when I read posts like this because I'm very small. In fact, I'm bone. I can't be the only skinny white girl wearing the fashion. That's preposterous. I don't have a social media presence though so you'd never 'see' me wearing the fashion.
This is true. Anyone can look good if they know how to dress themselves. I feel like this whole discussion relates to some bad outfits that got posted. I think many are judging their opinion off those bad outfits, hence the constant mention in OP about that one person posting bad outfits to start drama.

>> No.9353277

I cherry pick because if I see one thing I think the person will get torn apart for, I'm not going to post them, whether that be a messy room or the fact they are incorporating items into a different style altogether. I'm not just going to post their picture for them to get viciously attacked. I'm very careful about what pictures I choose to post.

>> No.9353948

Anyone know if Listen Flavor's kneesocks are wearable for people with thicker legs?

>> No.9353972

Wearable yess but considering how much the print stretches even at pictures of some of their shop customers, it probably wouldn't look good.

>> No.9353990

You might not be able to 'hike' them up as far as some people if that makes any sense.
This person is right as far as pulling them up above the knee with thicker legs. You may want to go for a lighter design if you are worried since lighter designs are less noticeable stretched then darker designs most the time.

They aren't made with sock material. They are more like stocking material.

>> No.9354030

Ahh I'm glad I asked first, I'm kind of unsure now. I mean they are a bit pricey..
I want to buy the menhera-chan seifuku socks, do you think that would work just fine?

>> No.9354034

I have thick legs and I can wear them fine. But thick legs are ugly anyway, so I look like shit and so will you. I'd suggest losing weight first.

>> No.9354126

where could I find a dress like this?

>> No.9354273

Looks more like an apro, the blouse is a Milk one.

>> No.9354376
File: 261 KB, 884x800, biggerimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how thick we are talking. You could give them a try, but they are about 36 USD which is really pricey for socks. They don't offer printed designs obviously, but www.welovecolors.com offers thigh highs and tights in solid pastel colors like lilac and light pink to match outfits. In the tights, they offer plus sizes as well.

When people say 'thick', I never know if they mean curvy or plus size because there's a difference.

>> No.9354496
File: 70 KB, 400x142, sweatshirtchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone be able to help translate the words on the left? It's the size chart for T-shirt Trinity.

>> No.9354895

I'm definitely losing weight! Thanks for the encouragement!

English isn't my native language so it's a bit hard to explain. It's more that my thighs are big. I could post a picture. Thanks for the link!

>> No.9355128

Well, if you really like them, you could buy them if you are making other purchases anyways just to see. If they don't fit, you'll know not to buy them. All those socks are as good as new with a hand wash and hung up to dry. You could try them out and worse come to worse resell them possibly?

>> No.9355287

Fine, the gingham apron-skirt. Been searching low and high for something like this (in any color) but can't find any other than crappy maid outfits...

>> No.9355506 [DELETED] 

I found the apron dress is from a brand called Romantic Standard? I'm still looking to see if I can find one similar that doesn't have 10,000 ruffles and frills.

>> No.9355509

I found the apron dress is from a brand called Romantic Standard? I'm still looking to see if I can find one similar that doesn't have 10,000 ruffles and frills.

>> No.9356090
File: 133 KB, 600x900, art5317_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of non-asians, ankoRock only uses western models since the 2017 releases.

>> No.9356092

Romantic Standard isn't a brand but a secondhand shop.

>> No.9356104
File: 180 KB, 600x900, art5325_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9356159

Here you go, in order.

サイズ -Size
コード- is either Cord or Code
身丈 - Length
身巾 - Width
肩巾 - Shoulder width
袖丈 - Sleeve Length

>> No.9356160

Mon Lily/ Swankiss have versions of these that I can remember but the style is actually really popular right now and a lot of brands are putting out versions of this heart apron dress.

>> No.9356165

I'm looking to start making some accessories for menhera myself, so if anyone's interested and has some on hand, I'd love to see some accessory inspo, menhera related clip art/ art with lots of menhera symbols , etc. It seems there is a fine line between menhera and just plain medical or just plain kawaii style so id love to gather some menhera inspo imagery to gather some ideas from and I'm sure the imagery will be a nice addition to the thread as general inspo anyways.

>> No.9356184
File: 62 KB, 600x450, CLtM3N3UAAACYIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the best sources for accessory inspos would be

But the basic formula seems to be "generic kawaii motif/mold+opposite of kawaii inside (negative texts, death symbols, etc)" or the other way around.

>> No.9356208

Yeah I'm buying a few things! I might just have to check if LF's socks work for me, if not, I'll indeed not buy them next time! Thanks for the tips on cleaning and reselling them, I'll definitely keep that in mind.

>> No.9356456

Also themes relating to "magical girls suffering" is pretty popular to add to that.

>> No.9356460

Thank you so much!
Thank you for the clarification. That would very much explain why all I find is an address to Romantic Standard on Google maps every time I try searching it in quotations.
You'll have to tell us about your haul. I love seeing what other people end up buying. As soon as my SS purchases my things, I'll post a picture in the mail thread.

>> No.9356484
File: 93 KB, 600x800, Cutegirlspinksyringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it is the difference between a red syringe necklace versus a red syringe necklace with a black bow, sparkly heart, and beaded accents on the chain. Thinking about it, the majority of my items do have a strong medical theme. I guess that contrasts with items that focus on cuteness paired with negativity that is purely 'mental'. (Not just 'metal illness', but plain mental negativity: sadness, loneliness, mental pain like that caused by a headache or heartbreak, and so forth.)

I know bondage accessories are somewhat popular. I've never been sure if the bondage accessories tie in with sexuality or perversion often being portrayed somewhat negatively, or if it is in reference to bondage's double meaning. I've never been sure because I'm only aware of bondage meaning suffering as an English word. As in to say, "To be kept in bondage by hunger," means the person was in a state of suffering from malnutrition. I don't speak Japanese.

>> No.9356491
File: 106 KB, 500x500, ballgag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9356732
File: 101 KB, 800x800, C4nhhHNUcAAuiGQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyper Core released some more Gurokawa pieces recently.

>> No.9356971
File: 104 KB, 1080x1080, menhera30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9356976
File: 101 KB, 750x750, acces09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9357015

As far as I got it, the bondage themes are because it is "pain and suffering".

>> No.9357064
File: 39 KB, 400x600, glitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works for me.
I just thought about this addition. You can make accessories based off the themes present in a graphic t-shirt. I'm looking for a yellow star and yellow moon right now to turn into something for a shirt I bought which features a star and moon.

Some of Menhera-chan's merchandise has strawberries or, in LF's case, cherries present so you can use those motifs. If a shirt has a hexagram or cross present, you can make an accessory with that. Those are just some examples. A shirt about 'not getting out of bed' might look cute with a sheep necklace for a more loose example.

>> No.9357134
File: 164 KB, 480x480, EveshirtartistNuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a picture of the shirt once it arrives in a couple weeks. I thought I would share since it fits the thread. The second link is to the artist's website.

>> No.9357812
File: 57 KB, 750x563, C4Nlh8sUoAAdvoR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claire's Japan got another Menhera collection, they even carry syringe necklaces now.

>> No.9357987

Thank you!!

>> No.9358945
File: 51 KB, 640x480, C4xdixlUkAAiUFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was right, it's another collab and a Sanrio one at that.

>> No.9359431
File: 53 KB, 338x600, medicpinklavender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took this from the fairykei/yumekawaii thread.

>How long have you been wearing menhera/yamikawaii/gurokawa?
>Who or what are your inspirations?
>What is your favorite thing about the style Least favorite?
>Any trends you hope catch on or die out?

>> No.9359448
File: 100 KB, 599x795, tumblr_nye7a3XyQU1ujjt1yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long have you been wearing menhera/yamikawaii/gurokawa?
If I count the time when Junko Mizuno was still fresh and "the big "thing", /long/.

>Who or what are your inspirations?
There's quite a few artists I like but no style inspiration, it depends a lot on the individual print or coord.

>What is your favorite thing about the style Least favorite?
The new popularity of loose socks, I really like the coords where they are worn over fishnets with platforms. My last favorite part is the dominance of syringes and pills when it comes to accessories related to sickness.

>Any trends you hope catch on or die out?
More interesting cuts for the tops. I really liked the shape which the "Medication" hoodie of LF had, it was still the typical oversized top but not too generic.

>> No.9359457

New zenkimi MV

>> No.9360214

And here comes the regular Menhera drama again.

>> No.9360247
File: 12 KB, 295x243, 63464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one get this from Ezaki's Menhera=/=Mental Illness quote.

>> No.9360447
File: 370 KB, 600x472, art5313_4_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upclose print.

>> No.9360452

oh shit I didn't realise cherry drew that makeup image for a shirt ugh why I gotta be broke tho
That nurse is too cute as well

>> No.9360478
File: 169 KB, 800x1200, angeldevilscene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ignore them, don't reblog their comments, don't respond to them. No need to justify anything to bullies. Just ignore them entirely.

On topic, this themed shoot posted on the blog was really cool. I hope to see more of these sorts of shoots in future

>> No.9360480
File: 63 KB, 1080x1080, cherrysocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The socks are to match these designs too. Looks like she'll have them in stock rather than as pre-orders as she has some socks already.

>> No.9360534
File: 428 KB, 493x740, pqrxjcsppkfnrdacxfhyqgjlkjpjrnyfhmblgwrn-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's quite a lot more than what was posted but we didn't want to flood Tumblr with themed cosplay.

>> No.9360553

That makes sense, I'll take a look at it then thanks.It'd be cool for more menhera themed shoots in general, nice to see more than just paintings for art.

>> No.9361090
File: 171 KB, 1200x1200, C48dGWeUYAAVYuG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idol is slowly releasing the new variants of their usual hoodies.

>> No.9361195
File: 46 KB, 400x267, toomuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really excited about my hoodie coming in the mail. I'd been eyeing it since last year.

In other news, while I like oversize, this is almost too much. I'm reminded of that terrible hip-hop trend where everyone wore super baggy shirts down to their knees.

>> No.9361220

what is this "regular menhera drama"
somebody mentioned it to me recently but said she didn't want to talk about the controversy... this is controversial??

>> No.9361281

People making up bullshit, which is usual either one of these:
1. you are stealing japanese culture
2. you make mental illness a fetish
3. only mentally ill are allowed to wear this
4. everyone wearing this is pedophile just because
5. making up rumors about various jp artists and brands without evidence

So basicly the usual stuff SJW on Tumblr do.

>> No.9361287

This time the cause was this person

>> No.9361297

We apparently upset people with our fashion choices. I see it occasionally on fymenhera's page. As far as the real world, I've never had anybody say anything but good things.

>> No.9361300
File: 77 KB, 400x533, bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't expecting it to be on a shirt, much less a sweater, so I was really happy when I saw it.
I like the strawberry and nurse tights the most.

>> No.9361397
File: 702 KB, 960x1280, plasters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a detail on the "makeup girl" socks that's missing from the above picture which is these cute subtle plasters

>> No.9361447

I think this kind of oversize would fit better as roomwear.

>> No.9361448

>tfw you like yamikawaii but also have a chronic illness that your classmates & coworkers know about so wearing it just feels tacky or morbid

>> No.9361630

It reminds me a lot of the magical girl tights she released, they were really sparkly and cute except for the two subtle band-aids. I was excited to see the black and purple color combination.
Anything goes for room wear.
I have a congenital illness, but I guess nobody knows about it. I don't think you should feel weird about wearing the fashion despite that. As far as morbid, I think one would have to be a little morbid to wear it. It'll only look tacky if you make it tacky hence >>9353214 and >>9353225 so I think you'd be alright.

>> No.9362409
File: 211 KB, 640x640, 664a712bcf1484408d2036e0e87dfa1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the washi tape enthusiasts

>> No.9363682
File: 54 KB, 799x1200, C4yoMPeUoAA5sSr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long have you been wearing menhera/yamikawaii/gurokawa?
Since the new year but not as much as I'd like to yet, the cold weather made it hard with so few pieces
>Who or what are your inspirations?
Art, mostly things reblogged on tumblr my fymenhera as I'm still pretty new to this. Also my own feelings, sounds kind of weird to say it like that but I feel like I can picture my own struggles onto things in my clothing.
>What is your favorite thing about the style
The mixture of cute and "dark things" but without it being all eyeballs, bats and spiders(although there are still some eyeballs lol). If I'm looking at trends then the popularity of plain dark hair
Least favorite?
How it's hard to style when it's cold lol
>Any trends you hope catch on or die out?
I hate heart-shaped lips. I'd love even more magical girl themes but not meaning they should be more full on, I like subtlety.

>> No.9364148
File: 54 KB, 1199x618, C5LqvuwVYAAnUe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both just got affiliated with buyee, meaning you can easy buy stuff international which is nice as artist brands such as Sugarless are on there.

>> No.9366145
File: 309 KB, 923x1280, 79b153e7-e483-44c1-9554-2bf34540e72a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fyeah menhera gets around 100likes on most posts. Do these people talk anywhere? Is there a common I've missed?

>> No.9366152

>Do these people talk anywhere? Is there a common I've missed?
At least not visible but people talk to each other via Tumblr's messaging system. People on here tried to make chat groups and forums before but they always would quickly die down after a while.

>> No.9366267

where are the tights from?

>> No.9366279

Yummy! which only restocks like once a year, usually only avaiable via Listen Flavor.

>> No.9366539

Why would you ever use Buyee.

>> No.9366629

Because a lot of shops, like Booth now too, banned every SS but it from buying?

>> No.9366648
File: 923 KB, 904x648, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried .-.

>> No.9366655

Is buyee better than using a SS who charges 14% (no added fees)? My SS isn't banned anywhere because I'm her only customer so nobody knows she is one. But she's really slow.

>> No.9367023
File: 208 KB, 675x1200, C3Ka3mfUkAA2YLK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9367035

Buyee is the sister site of Tenso and it's service fee is 5%, only 150yen for purchases with a value under 3000yen but they only offer shipping via EMS which is why noobs give it bad reviews for the high costs for light parcels.

>> No.9367072

EMS also has really high fees to get into Europe

>> No.9367095

get rid of the arm warmers or something you look like a 2001 emo kid

>> No.9367126

They happen to be in stock right now.

>> No.9367133 [DELETED] 

Are you wearing yamikawaii?

I don't mind the arm-warmers, but I'm not digging that silly body harness thing. You look like Leeloo. I think the shirt would look find just on its own not tucked in. I think the waist chain and Sailor Moon like headpiece is out of place. I've looked at those acrylic pieces on Etsy before. I like the bat cyclops thing.You should consider wearing your hair all the way down as opposed to worn back.

>> No.9367136

Are you wearing yamikawaii?

I don't mind the arm-warmers, but I'm not digging that silly body harness thing. You look like Leeloo. I think the shirt would look fine just on its own not tucked in. I think the waist chain and Sailor Moon like headpiece is out of place. I've looked at those acrylic pieces on Etsy before. I like the bat cyclops thing.You should consider wearing your hair all the way down as opposed to worn back.

>> No.9367141
File: 73 KB, 400x533, stickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those the conpeitou hairpins? They're huge. I had ordered a couple. I wasn't sure how large they would be

>> No.9367158
File: 47 KB, 680x383, CtwfYWYVYAARtKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they are but they are not *that* huge when worn.

>> No.9367626

I was attempting menhera, though I didn't do a good job of it. Yumekawaii also uses igari make-up right?

The harness is part of one of those weird strappy skirts, but I agree. It's covering up most of the cute art on the shirt anyways. Do you have any suggestions for places to good bottoms? I'm seeing a lot of accessory and top recommendations in the thread, but not bottoms.

I'll also remove the chain/circlet.

I didn't style my hair because I had to sit in the artist alley for 10 hours that day and it frizzes like mad .-. but I think in the future I can straighten it.

>> No.9367630

One of the reason bottom recommendations aren't common is they're generally just really simple and plain. Like a plain pleated skirt, little shorts. The little tutu's are also fine, especially if they help the wearer balance their shape with the baggy top. Generally it shouldn't take away from the top. It's awkward because a lot of western girls are too tall to wear tops that fully hide our bottoms.

>> No.9367633

I forgot to say that part of the baggy look is things looking "comfy and cozy" so loose clothing is generally preferred so having the suspenders pull the top in so tight detracts from that.

>> No.9367715

Seconded, I've had a lot of luck with that brand

>> No.9368053 [DELETED] 

I wear an extremely simple pleated skirt. I bought a couple awhile back. I love the black one, but the pink is an awful color. I personally like super fluffy tulle and chiffon skirts as well.
Yeah, I'm bummed I can't see the art on the shirt.
I only have three tops that are long enough to wear alone. Two are from LF, and one is from Killstar. I wear my skirts only a couple of inches above the knee because it seems to help balance the baggier top.
I'm glad they look a bit bigger then the designs I see on Etsy.

>> No.9368057

I wear an extremely simple pleated skirt. I bought a couple awhile back. I love the black one, but the pink is an awful color. I personally like super fluffy tulle and chiffon skirts as well.
Yeah, I'm bummed I can't see the art on the shirt.
I only have three tops that are long enough to wear alone. Two are from LF, and one is from Killstar. I wear my skirts right above the knee. I just like how it looks with the baggier tops.
I'm glad they look a bit bigger then the designs I see on Etsy.

>> No.9370456
File: 92 KB, 480x852, C5giP-IUoAEIN5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not sure if he is wearing a wizard hat.

>> No.9371884
File: 153 KB, 1200x900, C5rN0-pVMAAniTw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently, the reason why the bondage unicorn wasn't released was because Yu wasn't happy with the outcome and redid the print? Now it's no longer bondage as the mouth harness got turned into a bandaid.

>> No.9372690

Fymenhera posted a link to a an eBay seller with some cute syringe tights from seventy three and the seller has stuff from other taobao stores. Is it a reseller or copies/replicas?

>> No.9372733 [DELETED] 

I'd say it is a re-seller of the actual item. The tights from Seventy-Three did not cost sixteen USD. It's likely a re-seller taking advantage of people who don't know how to use taobao in the same way many Amazon and Ebay sellers resell from taobao.

>> No.9372736

Ah, both the designs I liked got released as sailor style tops. I look silly in sailor collars. I guess next time.
I assume they are simply jacking up the price.

>> No.9372766

Honestly if that's the case I can treat it like aliexpress, great for one off purchases. Also more likely to not be charged tonnes of customs that way.

>> No.9372771

once again, I hate being tall....

>> No.9372794

You can ship in SAL, AIR and SEA for Buyee, but they recommend EMS.

>> No.9372810
File: 152 KB, 750x1645, TB2n5.8eZtnpuFjSZFvXXbcTpXa_!!2505562691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what this shirt says

>> No.9372822

According to my google translate app it says "a girl in a sailor suit". I definitely recommend getting a translation app if you want to quickly find out what clothing says

>> No.9372824
File: 223 KB, 850x1133, TB203C_b0BopuFjSZPcXXc9EpXa_!!2033728264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this one

>> No.9372833

Wait does this app translate things from pictures?

>> No.9372838

Yep, it has a camera function so you can basically translate anything you want, I guess unless the font deviated too much from the standard?

>> No.9372911

I need this... for reasons. Reasons that may be dirty.
It's just "google translate app", then?

>> No.9372992

Can confirm. It sas "seirafuku no shoujo" aka "seifuku girl".

>> No.9373075

With my low level Japanese I can tell you it's some list about the use of a yandere cat(or something akin to that)

>> No.9373085

>As far as the real world, I've never had anybody say anything but good things.
This. Any kind of j-fash gets me either compliments or weird looks and nothing more/less.

>> No.9373089

The worst thing that happened to me when I wore a menhera sweater was someone said, "Oh, that sweater is.... /interesting/" in a way that indicated they were super creeped out/disapproved, but meh. If that's the worst, I can't complain.

>> No.9373093

Rules for using a Yandere cat
1) I'll kill a master who doesn't (take me in?)
2) If you don't like me, please let me eat (you?)
3) Only love me

Written in a cutesy style. Sort of embarrassing IMO.

>> No.9373121

I just shy away from purchases with a large amount of Japanese text. Some of my items have small single words or short phrases, but I'm fairly certain it doesn't say anything too bizarre.

>> No.9373127

My landlord says he doesn't know how he feels about it. He says it's cute, but spiky. There's was a random drunk in a taxi cab who called my clothing 'party goth'. Middle age men love the plain striped socks in all colors particularly. They go out of their way to comment on the striped socks making their day. That is all I have to further report.

>> No.9373131

My neighbourhood is very Japanese so I always check if the text would be embarrassing

I saw a white guy wearing a shirt that said "Overseas niggas" or something like that in Japanese. Wonder if he knew.

>> No.9373133
File: 34 KB, 600x450, nursemenhera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a friend ask if my nurse Menhera-chan was ebola-chan which made me feel kind of unhappy briefly but really it didn't matter. Still a cute top.

>> No.9373984

It won't translate things with a non standard font. I've tried. It can translate the pixel text in the star on my Menherachan hoodie, but it cannot translate the unique font style above it.
Looking at the two images a second time, I can actually see why they'd make that assumption. Of course, they failed to notice the lack of ebola.

>> No.9374069
File: 741 KB, 1058x578, predatorrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried predatorrat socks? How do they fit? Are they like cherrycheezys smaller size?

>> No.9374603

They are quite stretchy, more so as most of Predatorrat's customers are on the "thick legs" side.

>> No.9374971
File: 1.22 MB, 1500x1000, order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anon, I finally ordered my stuff! I couldn't find a good picture of the Monomi badge, but hey it's there! I hope this small order will help me build up my wardrobe a bit.

>> No.9374987

Cute selection, I really love the listen flavor/menhera-chan collab items.

>> No.9374989

Thank you! My calves are little but my thighs are surprisingly wide near the top(surprising for my overall size) so I worry about this.

>> No.9375005

New Tsurezure video/song

>> No.9375078

Hakuchum Tokyo is open with a restock again.

>> No.9375231

I'm liking how the socks work with both of the tops. I'd say that's a nice package coming. You'll love the hoodie, it's super comfy and surprisingly warm. Lately, I've been buying a lot of plainer leg wear.

>> No.9376255
File: 126 KB, 772x772, C5_I498UYAEB8KP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New LF is out but only the unicorn print is related, everything else is fairy and tattoo style? stuff.

>> No.9376301

Pretty much, shame I hate unicorns.

>> No.9376302

Another part should be coming out soon anyways, at least I haven't seen the cat ear? icecream print, that was previewed months ago, yet.

>> No.9376734
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>> No.9376740
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>> No.9376742
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>> No.9376745
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>> No.9376746

>I haven't seen the cat ear?
as in a singular cat ear or do you mean like a pair of accessories?

>> No.9377610
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>> No.9377612
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Two, pic related (center).

>> No.9377925
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>> No.9377932

>tfw cherrycheezy beat you to making resin pills
I'd feel bad intruding on her market so I'll just make them for myself I guess

>> No.9377940

I'm an idiot who can't find it can someone link me?
thx in advance 4 the spoonfeeding

>> No.9378009
File: 82 KB, 1080x810, tumblr_olwvcpjjQY1va5j3oo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are cute in design but those colors are so fucking ugly

>> No.9378030


>> No.9378061

I feel like they'd be improved so quickly if the colours were just more pastel/soft.

>> No.9378070

She explicitly said she's moving away from accessories and concentrating on the t-shirt/legware/badges, stuff with her art on basically. Please make cute accessories. You can hunt down her blog post if you want to be sure.

>> No.9378104

Yeah as >>9378070 said I don't make that stuff anymore haha. I'm honestly surprised the market for menhera style jewelry is still so small. Definitely go for it if you want to anon.

>> No.9378174

Where do I find oral syringes in bulk that aren't butt ugly? I want to make my own syringe jewelry since I'm not happy with any ones that I've found. Also are there tutorials on these specifically? Like what to fill the syringe with and how to seal them (can't figure out how you're supposed to seal the plunger in place without an ugly ring of hot glue)

>> No.9378264
File: 111 KB, 904x1200, C4YdsaVVcAAcBA_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people just lock it with a kind of nail, fill it with resin and remove the nail again after it is hard. Others simply use eyelet screws and attach charms.

>> No.9378399

can't see shit anon.
it's ice cream with cat ears? is that what I'm looking at?

>> No.9378730
File: 158 KB, 600x800, IMG_3243 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this shirt made a while ago. Color errors aside, I'm pretty happy with it.

>> No.9378825

>it's ice cream with cat ears? is that what I'm looking at?
It is.

>> No.9378844

Hi there /cgl/, I'm usually a lurker but I'd like some guidance. I've recently become interested in Menhera/yamikawaii and while I think I get the "guidelines" and aesthetic quite nicely, I'm still a little lost and would love some advice.

What do you think _really_ makes an outfit menhera? Anything that you could say to a real noob to avoid being cringey af? Thank you a bunch.

>> No.9378879

Don't try to be too edgy. Cover tattoos, if your hairstyle is inapropiate, wear a wig or wait until it grows out. Don't go overboard with your makeup, no Instagram hookers shit or tumblr tier stuff

>> No.9378898

Thank you for your answer! I'm a little curious, why do I have to cover up my tattoos? (I have a big one in my thigh, so it's fairly easy to cover) And I have boyish-short hair in pastel blue, does that count as inappropiate?

>> No.9378925

I don't personally think tattoos need to be covered, I think it depends what look you're going for and how they work. People always get a bit funny around tattoos in jfashion so I imagine you'll get people who hate it regardless of how it looks.
If you're on the yami side of menhera I doubt it can go wrong unless it colour clashes(like dyed hair).

>> No.9378929
File: 87 KB, 400x231, tumblr_oha3u1bpVT1ujjt1yo1_r1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As always when new to a fashion, stick to what's more obvious and then work your way into doing "different" things when you understand more. If you try to go too special off the bat you're going to get it wrong and look bad.

>> No.9378930

Thank you! I think my huge tat will go mostly covered since it will probably colour clash anyways. :)

>> No.9378932

>>9378929 Yeah, nice advice. Thank you a lot! ^_^

>> No.9378934

Are you sure you aren't in the wrong thread? this shit ain't lolita and piercings as well as tattoos are common as fuck even while not matching the outfit, just look at Kuua.

>> No.9378938
File: 251 KB, 1200x1200, C5S5YALUoAElC10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like seriously, her friends even have fullbody tats.

>> No.9378943

Welp now this lil' anon is now confused and relieved at the same time. I guess I'll just stick to doing tf I want and not worrying too much... lol

>> No.9378945
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>> No.9378948

Daaaaaaaaaaamn. Now that's goals.

>> No.9378962
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>> No.9378969
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>> No.9378982
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>> No.9379018

Thank you! I really love those Menherachan items as well.

Ahh that's good to hear! Thanks Anon! I might post pictures when it all arrives.

Does anyone have any recommendations for coats that fit menhera? Also, shoes?

>> No.9379022

First and final level are the best, always

>> No.9379030

I love this contrast of the tattoos with the cute pastel seifuku!

>> No.9379034

Maybe we should do a J-fash + tattoos thread?

>> No.9379035

I think you'll be fine. I admit that short cropped hair isn't very common, but you cannot magically grow long hair overnight.

I'd say your tattoo is fine. I wear my piercing. I have several picture with girls who have more metal then me. As far as makeup, wear what looks best on you because that's how you'll look your best. Generally thick makeup is a no-go, but I think if someone looks good with thick liner or a cat eye, or with a bold lip, I think they should wear what they feel good in.

>> No.9379046

Unless you wanna look like a gendershit, get a wig

>> No.9379054
File: 69 KB, 600x800, C5mM0IPU0AEvPWr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9379064

Ignore this anon. Piercings are okay if they're simple silver ones (don't try to color coordinate) unless you have a really excessive amount but stay away from the heavy makeup. You'll just look bad

>> No.9379068

This would be so much cuter without the hat and tattoos, and with a light pink or white harness. The harness especially, it throws off the balance of the whole thing

>> No.9379076

Disagree, the black harness brings in the black tattoos. She also has quite dark makeup to balance it all. If you only want uwu fluffy take it to the fairy kei thread.

>> No.9379083

She needs more black, the tattoos and makeup aren't enough. Some black hair accessories instead of the hat or even black hair would make this work a lot better

>> No.9379086

Disagree, she sort of half assed the edgy element. She either needs to go full dark or full pastel, or learn to successfully mix the two because this isn't working

>> No.9379088

She got a black undercut tho.

>> No.9379092

The only thing that doesn't work is the necklace.

>> No.9379096
File: 62 KB, 599x800, C5VkwC9VMAES5wC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9379099

Barely visible and not enough the make a difference. I can forgive the tattoos and makeup, but that hat needs to go and the contrast of the harness against the shirt is distracting

>> No.9379109

It's a Brokendoll shop staff picture, there would be no point to promote an product if it is barely visible.

>> No.9379138

I don't mean a thousand layers of contouring or super heavy eye shadow. There's some really light makeup looks featured in this style that have barely any eye or lip color.

That would look horrible on me because I'm super pale with really light eyes and lips. I'll look really drowned out. I have to wear thicker eyeliner and a bit of lip color. I usually wear those lip balm stain type things. I'll wear pink with pastel outfits and red with my black outfits. It's definitely more makeup then you usually see in pictures.

I agree this isn't the place for the full arsenal, but if someone looks pale and featureless, they aren't going to look good even if the makeup is 'correct'.

>> No.9379181

Wish more people made menhera stuff with weed motifs

>> No.9379197

If you want that kind of motifs just go for the Bootleg style (don't ask me why they call it that) that brands such as Fleb, Homeless Party and Bedroom Tokyo do.

>> No.9379252

I'd like to create a design, but unfortunately I'm better at drawing animals and creatures then people. It's hard to make a design that doesn't look tacky with that motif. I've thought about doing a picture with Charlotte's Web as a theme since people who suffer from seizures often fall down obviously, meaning bandages would be appropriate. The other idea was doing something with an eye patch to refer to the federal government program where they still have one or two recipients getting weed for glaucoma. It's hard to make something like that and have it look tasteful. Well, as tasteful as you can get.

>> No.9379963

Any good makeup tutorials online? I never find any really good ones

>> No.9379980

Makeup tutorials for what? The default makeup is byojaku and that's just plush under the eyes in combination with whatever kind of eyeliner the person prefers, there's plenty of those on fy.

>> No.9380052

Honestly byojaku is so simple it's just trial and error to get it working for your eye shape/skin tone. Since its just blush/eyeshadow over foundation it's easy to wash off and try again.

As someone with hooded eyes I'm just grateful for a makeup that focuses under the eyes.

>> No.9380247
File: 27 KB, 400x669, 16807539_1645343709106619_3337669275455902385_n_400w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New fag here. Out of curiosity where would this fall under? I know there was a lineup of some Menhera styles that CC had done and I was curious if the last one was actually a thing?

>> No.9380248
File: 83 KB, 300x181, whats_your_style_by_cherrycheezy-d9tswcx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last one is what I'm referencing to the most. Would it fall under another fashion other than menhera?? And if not what kind of shops would you recommend?

>> No.9380271
File: 30 KB, 400x286, death-sleeping-mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It obviously exists as quite a few brands have a "lack of sleep" for the theme as staying in bed a lot is obviously associated with the whole sickness thing. Without the fitting accessories, I guess it falls under either Larme or Cult Party depending on the layering.

>> No.9380346

Like >>9380271 said it's all about how you style it and what accessories you use with it. That dress could easily go in several different style directions.It'd need a hooded jacket and trainers, anything else might take it too close to larme. OTKs with medical/injured things on them would be an easy way to bring the theme together too.

>> No.9380581

My coats aren't really 'menhera'. I also need to buy some coats that match my pastel outfits. I wear a big faux fur black jacket styled like a simple zip-up hoodie (I got it at Belk's years ago), or a long maroon puffer jacket that comes down past the thigh. That one is nice because I can wear skirts and socks in winter without getting too cold.

You could add stuff to your jackets like pins or something to the zipper pull.

>> No.9380584

Did you miss the cpk thread? That ain't close to menhera
...not like we have cpk threads anymore anyways

>> No.9380585

Why does some retard edge-chan pop up with this shit every thread? All that pot hurting your brain? It's a Japanese fashion and weed is very illegal there despite the fact that weed leaf air fresheners are popular. Also the cultural connotation of weed is far more recreational than medical, so I don't think it has a place in menhera. Go back to wearing your dolls kill tumblrcore shit

>> No.9380615

^ this

>> No.9380631
File: 35 KB, 496x660, B0YDrjYCUAAasDx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very related, if BBW model damaid_911 can fit it - so can you.

>> No.9380686

Oh damn, very stretchy. Also one of my favourite thigh highs in the picture. I really want some white based ones.

>> No.9380689
File: 56 KB, 426x639, but weed is not j fash accoriding to cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all. It can be edgy if it's becoming more an more legal in more and more places. If anything it's becoming normal.

Also do please explain this being up for sale on ClosetChild not too long ago...

Hand guns are also illegal in japan - does that mean they can't be a motif in jfash somewhere? No of course not.

Also weed legalization only happened because of the medical side of it. Do your research next time.

>> No.9380690

*can't be

polite sage. Good thing this thread is near death.

>> No.9380693
File: 111 KB, 500x626, tumblr_nypdr6q5kZ1ujjt1yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally mostly take makeup inspiration from Kuua.

>> No.9380804

I was wondering about that as well. It seems like it could easily fall under Larme or Cult Party. The accessories are defiantly the make or break for this look. Thanks!
>new fag
I haven't been around enough to have seen any of them

>> No.9380805

I can't even get this messages right fuck me

>> No.9380809

Have fun smelling like a dead skunk
Weed doesn't belong in menhera because the connotations are mainly recreational, not medical. Menhera isn't about throwing everything edgy into one outfit. It's about mental health and medical motifs, sometimes going as far as suicide. Guns are okay because suicide or yandere. Weed has no place because the main connotation is recreational use

>> No.9380810

Stop trying to shoehorn weed into everything you filthy hippy. You're one of those obnoxious stoners who has to tell everyone that they smoke

>> No.9380811

Weed really does make you dumber, wow

>> No.9380880

I bet half the people who were menhera are wearing tumblrcore shit. Meanwhile you think you are soooo unique. Let's face it, menhera is a pretty edgy fashion in general.

>> No.9380983

>because the connotations are mainly recreational, not medical
Only in certain areas. I would say mostly in places where it's NOT legal.

Also hand guns are illegal in Japan but they do get put on shirts. But weed was said to not be okay because it's illegal. So guns can be illegal but they fit the theme, so they get a pass, is what you're saying. You won't even acknowledge the law for this one. Interesting.

>You're one of those obnoxious stoners who has to tell everyone that they smoke
Wild assumptions. I wasn't even the OP that started this topic. I just hate all the "OMG SHUT UP ABOUT THE MARIJUANAS ITS IRREGAL IN THE GLORIOUS NIPPON"
Seriously. There's always one for the other.
I've found quite a few gulls that are okay with the topic, actually. But of course, its just like the tumblr shit used to be. Literally everything got replied to with "goback2tumblrs" just like weed always gets this sort of response from at least one person who just HAS to state their opinion on it because they dislike it so suddenly it can't be part of the fashion even though I posted fucking evidence of it being included in some type of jfash.
No one is saying you have to wear it. Just because someone wears it doesn't mean it includes you because you also wear it. People can wear different things that fall under the same category.

Uh, it can kill your short term memory but considering how long I've been smoking and that I still have my long term memory intact tells me it doesn't make you dumb per se, rather it just has a side effect of short term memory loss. Not only that but you can actually recover from it. Also you can play memory games and not have the issue because your brain is different in that you can learn and unlearn things. It can also slow your reaction time, but not nearly as much as something like alcohol would. And alcohol is way worse with far more side effects and can actually poison you. Marijuana won't.

>> No.9380984

Someone mentioned awhile back in a thread that it was kind of akin to emo/scene stuff sometimes and I think that person was right.

>> No.9380990

I agree with the part about marijuana in Japan. Drugs aren't normalized over there like it is here in America.
It's normal in America. In Japan, I understand it is highly illegal. It's why that guy involved in Baby (I think?) lost all his prospects when he got caught smoking, and he's a resident. If you are a foreigner, you'll pretty much get kicked out of Japan if you get caught. Unless it changed which I'm not aware of.
I think it'd be way to hard to create something that doesn't have a club culture vibe. Drug usage including marijuana definitely has a 'mental health' aspect in my culture, but it'd be hard to illustrate that. You'd have to illustrate it as a vice or related to a disease in some way.

>> No.9381000

I think people are mentioning it is illegal saying a design with such a motif is unlikely to ever come from Japan since smoking is not common there like it is in other countries. As you mentioned, it pops up from time to time. Candye Syrup did do a drug themed print.

It's just doubtful you'll ever see the motif take off.

>> No.9381082

>It's just doubtful you'll ever see the motif take off.
That's fine. I wasn't trying to say it could. I'm saying it can be used..