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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 823 KB, 599x601, queranruffles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9322733 No.9322733 [Reply] [Original]

Do you wear jfash to work? If so, where do you work? What style do you wear? How do your coworkers react? How do your supervisors react? What pieces or styles do you find work best for your work? Self posts, ootd, or floordinates welcome.

Also, please don't spend this thread arguing about whether or not jfash is appropriate or professional. Some people have jobs that have a more liberal dress code. This thread is for sharing those outfits.

>> No.9322774

Yes. I work in an office.
My style for work is typically himekaji bordering on otona kawaii but I obviously am most conscious about picking an appropriate length.
I pair almost everything with a cardigan of some sort as an option and the shoes used in himekaji are typically passable on their own (esp pumps).
My coworkers don't care much but sometimes they'll mention if something is particularly cute.

>> No.9322777

>tfw going into the medical field
Maybe some day in private practice...

>> No.9322785
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I work in a law office with an extremely lax dress code. On days I'm not expecting other attorneys, I'll dress in toned down classic coords or otome leaning coords. Most of my coords are JSKs with cardigans, although sometimes I swap those out for blazers. I usually skip head wear, but sometimes I'll wear small bows or berets. My absolute favorite pieces are a no name lacy Meta skirt and IW's Constance JSK in brown.

>> No.9322814

>tfw lifestyle lolita who works from home

>> No.9322818

I wear menhara to work :3

>> No.9322821

this site is 18+

>> No.9322831

>tfw pathology labslave
The labcoat covers everything and isn't very kawaii, but I can wear brand blouses and (otome) dresses/skirts to work with no problem. I love not having to interact with patients!

Although if I'm going to do something especially gross I won't wear anything I don't want to ruin for obvious reasons.

>> No.9322842

I work in an office with no dress code but I don't ever wear jfash. Don't you guys ever worry that it could negatively impact your performance based on how people perceive you?

I know I get treated differently in meetings if I wear a blazer vs if I don't.

>> No.9322848
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I work as an IT assistant in a computer lab on a college campus. Our only dress code guidelines are don't look filthy, no sandals, no shorts, and no hats. On occasion I'll wear classic lolita, and my coworkers just shrug it off as me being me. My supervisor thinks it's cute, and her supervisor thought it looked like "square dancing" clothes, so I'm in the clear as long.

The students are the best part though, especially the regulars who come in every day. They get so excitable and ask all sorts of questions, and nobody thinks it's weird or has been rude.

I wore pic related to a con and I'm thinking of wearing it to work as well. I don't know if I can get away with the wig tho... That might freak my coworkers out since my hair is way darker than the wig. Plus I don't have bangs.

>> No.9322849

*I'm in the clear as long as I don't make it too costumey


>> No.9322855

My boss, a lawyer, regularly comes to work in sweat pants. I am easily one of the most competent people in the office and my boss knows it. I'm not worried.

>> No.9322866

I do 40% of the work on a 4-person team and all the leads are aware of it. Most people wear casual clothing at my office anyway, so I can wear whatever the fuck I want and it's not gonna affect perception.

>> No.9322871

Although my coworkers are just as competent as myself, I'm similar to >>9322855 in that my work ethic and my results speaks louder than my wardrobe/what age I "seem". So I'm not worried about what I'm wearing as long as I'm producing good product.

>> No.9322876

>>9322831 here. Half the people I work with wear sweatpants (and in one case, anime t-shirts) to work and fortunately my performance is rated on the actual work I do rather than how I portray myself. Outside the lab I'm judged on my publications, which don't come with a picture and sometimes not even with my full first name, so again it's purely my contribution that matters. I realise it's not the same everywhere and if I had a job where I'd have to interact with clients or really anyone outside my little nerd circle, I probably wouldn't wear Jfash to work either.
I wore a JM blazer to work one day because I was feeling fancy and the sweatpants people started panicking because they thought some industry bigwigs would be visiting and nobody told them about it. That was pretty funny.

>> No.9322940

I saw your post on CoF! The wig looks pretty natural to me, but if its radically different from your natural hair color I'd ditch it. Otherwise you could swap your sweater for a blazer, but otherwise that seems funky but not too out there.

>> No.9323035
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I wouldn't say it's radically different, so I might be able get away with it. The wig has a red undertone to it which is what threw my cousin off when I showed her. Left is my hair, right is the wig.

>> No.9323078

I wear otome to work, and occasionally will get some side-eye from my coworkers, but all of my supervisors like how I dress. Honestly, as long as my performance is good, I can't imagine I'll be held back from advancing. I do work in a lab environment without patient or client contact, however. I would use your best judgement when deciding how to best express yourself without coming off as unprofessional.

>> No.9323122

I hardly consider the majority of my apparel 'appropriate' for work. I did once wear a low-key outfit to my recent temporary job. Management had put out a memo that everybody was to wear sweaters since the AC was going to be cranked up in preparation for Black Friday. I wore a black pleated skirt, tiny spiked collar, black stockings, and my 'moon girl' shirt. Surprisingly, it got more compliments then my usual work attire.

I keep a few pairs of black comfy 'dress' pants coupled with some simple black fancy tops around to wear for work. I had a lot more freedom when I did hair for a living, but I don't do hair for a living anymore. Interviews are a different story. I do dress in my usual attire for interviews, but I live in a college town so it is better to stand out among the slew of professionally dressed assortment of 20-some year old college people. Plus, the only jobs here are either retail or restaurant work often with a 'new-age', eccentric flair to catch all the yoga-addicted tourists. I don't think I'd wear it to an interview at... a bank.

>> No.9323133

I think it depends on your working enviroment. As most these people mentioned, their co-workers are wearing sweatpants and t-shirts. I don't think it is really important to those working 'behind the scenes' in the science or tech industry. I guess it is a benefit of going into STEM.

I don't know what you do for a living, but wearing blazers might be of importance to your career. There's a lot of careers that do mandate professional attire. I wouldn't stop wearing blazers if you feel it would affect your opportunity at your job. There's a difference between a computer programmer and a human resource officer.

>> No.9323169

I work in a medical office away from all patient interaction in billing. I wear a lot of toned down gyaru like Dreamv and himekaji styles. Sure my job gets boring sometimes but I don't have to deal with people so I can pretty much wear whatever I want.

>> No.9323238

My workplace is totally cool with it. I've worn lolita to work quite a few times and they're pretty used to it. I usually wear a lot of pinks, pastels and tons of accessories daily. If I wear jeans to work my coworkers think something is wrong. Guess I set an expectation now -_-

>> No.9323387

I work in retail, but at a locally-owned store that sells local artisan goods. I'm in a laid back, liberal city, and since our store is meant to reflect that vibe, I wear otome, casual lolita, visual kei, mori kei, cult party kei, and casual kawaii clothes all the time without any issues. It helps that my manager is a fashion design major who is educated on J-fashion, so she lets me do whatever. It attracts more customers too which definitely helps sales. I guess I got lucky lol!

>> No.9323549

My workplace is pretty lax when it comes to dress code. Their only requirements are to wear a white shirt with black bottoms and black shoes, not to have unnatural hair colors, and not to look sloppy. I've gotten away with wearing "lolita" (as in wearing a very toned down coord without a petticoat) at work several times, and my coworkers and customers seem to love it.

>> No.9323556

>Do you wear jfash to work? If so, where do you work?
I have a part-time retail job for a normie brand that sells lots of novelty bags and cute accessories.

>What style do you wear?
otome and casual lolita

>How do your coworkers react? How do your supervisors react?
I've been labeled as the "quirky" one, so I can get away with it. Our customers don't react much either, so it's fine.

>What pieces or styles do you find work best for your work?
You have to water any coord that you wear down enough for normies to be able to digest it.
Wearing a lolita blouse under a normie dress, wearing a sweater over a jsk or a lolita skirt, or wearing a cute turtleneck instead of a blouse under an otome dress have worked well for me.

>> No.9323590

I would love to find a way to wear my lolita in a more otome watered down way, even the casual stuff feels so sugary though. I want to wear more cute stuff but don't want to come off too try hard so I tend to dress more relaxed, cool, and effortless. I feel like I'd be putting people off by it, I'm in a small creative studio and I think it'd be distracting, it doesn't really reflect my personality in that setting. Our office is so chill I barely wear makeup, just some cover up and blush. I'll probly dress cuter in the spring, but wearing anything so girly would make me feel too weird.

>> No.9323632

I work in the school system. I wear brand blouses with my black suit and use a Milk bag as my work bag. In winter I wear cardigans under my work blazer, I try to keep it toned down because I worry about being associated with alternative fashion at my job. I've already had a student ask me if I'm into gyaru out of the blue.

>> No.9323706


It depends on your career path as well. Legal/finance/business careers, especially if you're intent on climbing the corporate ladder, you're definitely looking forward to a lifetime of three-piece suits and tailored clothing.

Dealing with mom-and-pop businesses though? You'll want to dress down to be able to relate to them better, carrying a Prada handbag is going to scare them off. Your aspirations are to run a daycare centre? Business suits are going to look really out of place. Want to own your own hair salon? Who the heck choses a hair salon based on whether the owner wears a business suit? Lots of career paths don't involve wearing officewear. We get this question every time someone brings up "jfashion at work" threads. It's like people forget there's other types of jobs out there.

>> No.9323735
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>Do you wear jfash to work? If so, where do you work?
Yes. I do graphic design and marketing for a jewelry-store as a part-time job. The actual employees have to wear black suits and pencil skirts.

>What style do you wear?
Larme. Pic related is pretty much the kind of outfits I wear. The short skirts, leopard-prints, see-through fabrics, and chokers are for free-time.

>How do your coworkers react? How do your supervisors react?
They are fine with it, probably since I don't interact with customers. Probably also because creative workers are seen as more quirky?

>What pieces or styles do you find work best for your work?
For my current job anything classic-looking will do. Pencil skirts, pearls and subtle lace-fabrics are great.

>> No.9323748

I'd drop the wig, it will be too costumey to normies. Just style your own hair somewhat similarly, if you're able to. I assume that if you usually wear your own hair when coming to work in lolita it's not too flat or short. If it is wear a beret or something.

>> No.9323798

I hate how "work" always gets equated to "office", although that is hardly just a lolita problem.

>> No.9323804

At my current job, I could wear whatever I want and my colleagues would probably love it if I wore OTT to work, but since it involves dealing with humans without proper control of their bodies, I always end up in pants and band shirts.

The job I aspire to have some years down the road would be in the academic sector. People generally are a bit eccentric in that field, so as long as I stuck to toned down classic lolita or otome, I'd even be one of the better dressed people of the department.

>> No.9323805

Depending on your hospital jfash inspired outfits may be fine. Most of my work blouses/tops are axes femme and ETC, I've seen the bosses come in tunic tops and jeans and one of my colleagues looks like a Desigual store half the time so style is very varied at work. I'd never go full lolita but I suspect plain coloured otome is just fine. I don't bother wearing skirts because they generally don't have pockets.

>> No.9323811

I work in communications at a big, fancy (read: boring af) bank, and I wear Jfashion to work at least 3/5 days of the week. I've been told I am "the most well dressed millennial" in the building by a number of managers and officers.

Frankly--at least in the midwest where I live--older people see most Jfashion as classic and put together, while still being youthful. I've only been here 2 years and I've been promoted twice. I sincerely doubt jfashion is "holding me back."

For perspective I wear otome-kei with a bit of a Himekaji flair (Himekaji is my weekend wear haha). On an average day I'll wear a 45-50 cm skirt, blazer or cardigan (on Fridays), simple blouse, tights, oxford heels and a beret, small clip or headband. Accessories include brooches, simple necklaces and earrings. It looks just as professional as everyone else in the office, while still having some character.

Just don't be an idiot. Observe your surroundings and try easing into your style of choice. Even if you can't go full on into whatever it is you like, chances are you can still use the same colors, themes or cuts as your jfashion wardrobe while still looking professional.

>> No.9323827
File: 649 KB, 1024x768, 20e23a43-54f0-41ec-811e-c953251928da..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have your chest cavity literally ripped open for heart surgery by a qt3.14 lolita doctor who accidentally drops her wristcuff inside of you before stitching you up

Why even fucking live desu

>> No.9323902

Why would this be seen as quirky though? Larme is probably the most normalfag Jfashion there is, I don't even count it as a big deal to wear in the work place.

>> No.9323929

Diff anon, but most of Larme is either a) lowkey fashionized fetishwear b) very childish c) not a cut that's appropriate for most work places (off the shoulder, cutaway, etc) or d) pulls themes from cheap wine moms (leopard print, fur/pom poms, etc)

normie =/= work appropriate

>mfw when elsewhere we've got people worried about wearing brand blazers like... fuck I hope none of you are actually in a professional environment or deal with customers

>> No.9323935

I'm also in the lab, but I don't wear much in the way of frill. How are you allowed to wear skirts?

I wish I could wear more jfash to work. Even if I move up in the field and get an office, I'd still have to adhere to lab dress code to walk through. Most days I show up in normie comfy cute like solid color sweater, ponte pants, and boots. (Scrubs are disgusting and only worn if I didn't do my laundry.)

Everything is hidden by the lab coat anyway.

>> No.9323969

What would be some education-workplace appropriate J-fashions? I just recently started looking into J-fashion and all the different types are overwhelming.

>> No.9323981
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Otome-kei is essentially quirky 60s teacher kei. It's modest and toned down-would work nicely in most education feilds. (I work in a museum so I know what teachers wear-that's the way to go I would think)

>> No.9323983
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>> No.9323986
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>> No.9323987
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>> No.9323989

I'm doing art for games, nobody cares what I wear to work and even in my normal clothes, I'd say I'm the best dressed there (not because I'm very fashionable, but because I am the only one who cares about her looks at all)...just to give you an idea how professional we have to look. I don't really wear lolita to work though, because I find it pretty uncomfortable for long work days and stuff like buttons on cuffs, bracelets, etc get in my way whenever I do 2D work. Quite a few girls that I meet at work events wear jfash, though, and nobody even bats an eye. I'm not into other jfashs beside lolita, so I'm pretty normie looking most of the time...I want to change that in the future, though, and incorporate more cute stuff in my outfits. For now, I use cute brand handbags and brooches, I might start wearing headbows or cuter shoes. Ah but people always compliment my hair, as I try out a lot of braid hairstyles that I see in jfash magazines, so I guess this is my way of still looking cute at work.

>> No.9323991
File: 103 KB, 700x402, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modest dress
>comfy shoes
>tbqh it's the Teacher Uniform

>> No.9323993

I mostly meant quirky compared to other employees in the store, since they have to wear black suits only. Larme is a very normie fashion in many cases, I do agree.

>> No.9323996

Thanks so much! Time to go hunting online for coord ideas and outfits!

>> No.9324010

Not that anon, but I find the coords of Fannie Rosie (>>9323981) and queran_ruffles really inspiring mature outfits that I think would be appropriate for the education field. Both of them are on tumblr and IG (obviously their OTT looks aren't great but they have lots of coords from casual to dressy).

>> No.9324022

FYI I think anon mis-tagged. This >>9323983 is Fanny Rosie

>> No.9324024

Derp, I sure did. Other anon is correct, >>9323983
is in fact Fanny Rosie.

>> No.9324033

Anyway, you are totally right: she used to post a lot of her work coords when she was a translator in Canada so GREAT workplace inspo.

note to newbie anon: Fanny Rosie wears a lot more than otome/lolita these days and has since changed jobs and moved. I'd look at her older stuff for workplace coord ideas

>> No.9324041

Pay for my malpractice and it can be arranged.

>> No.9324539

i think the OP pic even is from queran_ruffles

>> No.9326099

Moar pics plz.

>> No.9326387
File: 294 KB, 1000x1332, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>I wear otome and toned-down himekaji to work, so I've got a huge work-appropriate inspo folder

>> No.9326388
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>> No.9326389
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>> No.9326390
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>> No.9326391
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>> No.9326392
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>> No.9326393
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more himekaji-ish looks

>> No.9326400
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Emiiichan (himekaji/liz lisa gen) also posts her work outfits if you like that look

>> No.9326401
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>> No.9326402
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>> No.9326404

hmu if you want more pics of a specific style

>> No.9326423
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>Do you wear jfash to work?

>If so, where do you work?
I work at a popular gaming publisher as a community manager.

>What style do you wear?
Both gothic and sweet Lolita.

>How do your coworkers react?
Mostly positive - but we all tease each other about random shit since the majority of us are pretty chill and respect each other at the end of the day.

>How do your supervisors react?
Don't care, they kind of let me do what I want as long as my work gets done (and with quality). The only time I think they would worry / bat an eye is if I came into work looking like a hot mess. The VP at the moment actually loves my style, she is kind of an alternative person in general though.

>What pieces or styles do you find work best for your work?
Weirdly enough, my sweet pieces seem to be better received at work then my gothic pieces. People find my sweet pieces more "normal", and generally ask / tease me about my gothic pieces. Normally I just wear leggings and a gaming t-shirt with a hoodie.

>Pic related
I'm not the best at coording, but I try to keep things simple since I am sitting for the majority of the day anyway. As I mentioned, Merry Making Party, Baked Sweets Parade, and Princess Cat have been better received then my most recent coord of Thorn Castle - this could have to do with the veil, however.

>> No.9326427

Are there any Taobao otome and himekaji shops/brands that I can look at while I make my next order?

>> No.9326439

I don't shop much on taobao but I've heard bonbon21 & cicishop have himekaji stuff

>> No.9326491

Cute! Your coords look super wearable. When all I see online is OTT outfits its sometimes hard to picture what "everyday outfits" look like.

>> No.9326557

You're living the life I want to have soon.

>> No.9326893
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Aw shucks, thanks you two. I was kind of nervous of self posting and I appreciate it.

>> No.9327540

Hey, do you have any more of the more otome style ideas?

>> No.9327551

This sounds like it was written by me. As at uni, people are often shocked to see me in lolita though I don't wear the jeans and t-shirt uniform at work. But no one wants blood and tissue ending up on good brand so...

>come into lab on free day to help friend out with testing
>notice food is on my black JM dress
>tfw when 'rice' is a maggot

>> No.9327553
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>> No.9327555
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>> No.9327556
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>> No.9327557
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>> No.9327559
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>> No.9327561 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9327563
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>> No.9327569
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>> No.9327571
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>> No.9327574
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>> No.9327575
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>> No.9327576

Thank you so much!

>> No.9327587
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Sorry some are for ants, I store my inspo on my phone

>> No.9327591

Wow! Hot, sorry needed to be said.

>> No.9327898

Thanks anon! I've been trying to up my lolita game, it's nice to hear it's working haha

>> No.9328216

the cutest IT assistant in the worrrllllddd

>> No.9328220

You (or someone else) have any larme-ish stuff?

>> No.9328230

I'm honestly having trouble determining if you're a guy. If you are, you definitely look very passable.

>> No.9328238

The middle one is the best by a large margin, wow.

>> No.9328246

Shows how much you know, they might work in a bar or something.

>> No.9328303

hmmm....I had some work-friendly scans saved as links, if I get a chance today I'll post them.

(can't garuntee how "trendy" they will be since I never wound up wearing larme)

>> No.9328304

I would love to see! I don't care if it's not "on trend", I just like the general aesthetic.

>> No.9328352

I work in salon wholesale retail and our dress code is pant's have to be black, nothing too short or too low-cut, and shoes have to be close toed and dark colored. After reading that I asked my manager if it would be ok to wear lolita and showed her a few pictures. She went off about not wanting to stunt my creativity and letting me be who I am. So I can pretty much wear whatever I want to work.

>> No.9328387

Definitely a girl lol. If I was a guy who switched between normie clothes and fancy dresses at work, I think they might get a bit weirded out haha

It might be easier if I was a guy because at least then I wouldn't have to worry about dresses having enough room for my cowtits

>> No.9328822
File: 43 KB, 236x524, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here's a few Larme scans with professional friendly outfits

>> No.9328824
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>> No.9328825
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quick thought: I would probably caution you with the ankle socks + skirt socks in western workplaces as it can be a little childish. I've done it before, but it's iffy. sheer black, white or nude tights might be a better work replacement in most of these outfits

>> No.9328826
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skirt in*

>> No.9328827

Why would you think they were a guy? Because they work IT? I'm laughing because why would you be looking for a dude?

>> No.9328828
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>> No.9328832
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>> No.9328836
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>> No.9328838
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>> No.9328843
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>> No.9328844
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>> No.9328847
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>realizes some of this shit is really cute and meeting day friendly

huh, maybe I should look into larme again

>> No.9329064

There's something about that anon's face that made me think "wait, is that actually a guy".
Well regardless, you look great in that.

>> No.9329238

Thank you so much, you're a blessing!
My work doesn't really care what I wear most of the time (as long as I'm clean), so ankle socks are okay, but it's a good reminder for when I'm meeting with clients.
My small frame and face doesn't really help me look adult even when I wear "grown up clothes", so I figured I could just go full out J-fash anyway.

>> No.9329334

Pharmacy student here.
We have to dress nicely for lab and since a simple skirt and nice sweater is considered business casual here I can wear anything in my wardrobe. (not sure if business casual standards are different elsewhere or appropriate length skirts and nice tops are considered the norm.) On casual days I'll wear my fun shirts from eBay and I usually get a compliment or two.

When I worked in a teaching lab (chemistry and biology labs for the community college) I had to wear pants and closed-toe shoes. I was able to wear nice tops and dress up when I wasn't working with chemicals but on those days I had to resort to old jeans and a tee.

>> No.9329343

Is there a bigger version of this page? Also requesting more larme.

>> No.9329346

Those coords look like what any girl would wear at my uni

>> No.9329354
File: 246 KB, 736x994, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my fave page, so I already went back and found a better one. Will post more larme after work.

>> No.9329356

>how to spot people who suck at fashion

>> No.9329367

Gothic lolita please?

>> No.9329379
File: 24 KB, 292x387, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

challenge mode!!! I'm not sure I can deliver on that one, but I'll do my best.

Off the top of my head, your best bet would be pairing gothic blouses & accessories with simple pencil/mermaid skirts in most offices. I've done that at my job and it's gone over well.

I'll see if I can find more toned-down true goffick for those with more lenient jobs

>> No.9329385

Teacher for a classical academy (k-5th grade) here. I dress otome and at times modest himekaji. I would say it actually helps me, especially if it is literature themed. Parents and students love it and I've been complimented by the CEO of the district. It really depends on your field and environment.

>> No.9329443

Another pharmacy student here!
Our schools have very similar dress codes, I know once we enter the professional program we have to dress up. I plan to find out if toned-down classic lolita is okay, I'll do without a petticoat if I have to lol.

>> No.9329448

I realize gothic lolita and western gothic aren't the same, but the Gothic Charm School (she's got a website and a tumblr) has worn "corporate goth" and has a couple articles about what sorts of outfits and accessories work well in a professional setting.

>> No.9329560

How fun! I plan on wearing all my fun stuff while I can because I'm sure egg print shirts and knee highs with little bears on them won't be considered very professional outside of school haha. Depending on where you end up I'm sure lolita dresses sans pettis would be fine. It's hard to find female pharmacists wearing dresses behind the counter but I'm sure as long as they're an appropriate length it's not breaking dress code or anything.

>> No.9329901
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 081rClPz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I can kinda see where you're coming from actually. The wig does a good job hiding the real shape of my head and I don't think the distance and lighting help either lol. I think it's a lot easier to tell from my selfie.

>> No.9331604

Anyone have inspo with brand jackets/blazers? I'd love to add some more jackets to my wardrobe.

>> No.9331703

This is basically how I dress daily working at a huge corporate bank (non-customer facing) sitting at a desk all day and doing real estate tax stuff. I would never wear a veil or hat, as I believe that goes against dress code (unless I can make the case that I'm wearing it for religious purposes lol). Also I usually forego the petti just so it's a little less costumey.

It's definitely pretty different than what most people here wear, and I know that I do get noticed for it. I worry sometimes about if/how it might affect my reputation, but technically as long as I don't violate our business casual (emphasis on casual) dress code I'm good.
Most people like it, but there was one incident where some lady mentioned it to my grandboss in a not so nice way I guess, so I try to stay away from her.

>> No.9332399
File: 151 KB, 1440x1080, IMG_20161116_210048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chemistry post-grad
>job in industry requires the usual GLP get up of closed toed shoes, goggles + lab coat
but also
>cotton for every piece of clothing because some volatile substances will literally melt and burn nylon into your skin

Jeans and t-shirt every weekday but Friday, so I at least have three days to wear my outfits.

>> No.9332729

>Do you wear jfash to work?

>If so, where do you work?
Online retail

>What style do you wear?
Lolita (currently mostly sweet, sometimes gothic or classic, I'm all over the place)

>How do your coworkers react? How do your supervisors react?
No one cares. On days when we make an effort we will tell each other how cute we look today.

>What pieces or styles do you find work best for your work?
Anything but A-line dresses, I sit at my desk 90% of the time and I just cannot sit nicely in them.

We have no direct customer contact and can wear what we want, so technically I can wear Lolita every day. My problem is that I'm bad at waking up in the morning and my workplace is 10 minutes by foot so I often just roll out of bed approx 30 min before I leave the house and throw something on. It only takes me maybe 10 minutes for a basic daily coord but often I don't even have those 10 minutes to spare or can't be arsed. But then again, my non-Lolita stuff is axes femme or OZZ or non-Lolita BPN/PN so i guess I'm still wearing jfash. Sometimes I will make an effort to wear Lolita every day of the week, sometimes I go all week without wearing it. Also our office is quite cramped at times due to too many boxes so I hesitate to wear my more expensive pieces and brand tights/socks for fear of snagging, and too much poof will literally make me not being able to move around properly because there's no space (praying for more office space when we move out of our current location).

>> No.9332738

Wear cute T-shirts, don't let your kawaii soul wither anon

>> No.9333513

I feel the same way about wanting to be comfortable working long hours. I'm a web developer and I'm glad my company has a casual dress code. I sometimes incorporate very toned down brand pieces in everyday wear.

I did wear a JetJ piece (simple cut with a print) casually to work once because I was going to my bf's company holiday party afterwards. I got compliments, which is cool, but I don't think I'd want to wear something like that every day.

>> No.9334039

idk if anon is in europe, I can't imagine a situation where wearing menhera in a US bar would ever be a good idea. bars are messy, showing off T&A helps toward sales/tips, etc.

>> No.9334059

I'm in the US and live in a large city. Alt fashion is all the rage where I live.

>> No.9335921

Where is this amazing city because I want out of my uggs and north face one

>> No.9337185

>step one: leave new england
>step two: find a major city
there. enjoy your hipsters.

>> No.9337230

San Francisco, LA, Seattle? Come to the west coast.

>> No.9337237

If u come to Seattle I'll personally egg you on the street when your wearing your nicest fit/coord.

>> No.9337245

Not from Seattle, but I hate to break to you, there are already plenty of lolita wearing people who live among you.

>> No.9337247

My dress code is business casual so I usually wear toned down skirts and sweaters or a solid tshirt and cardigan. Besides the managers, I'm easily one of the most put together employees. We also don't interact directly with pur clients as I make assistive devices are working properly for the Deaf. Half of them think I'm a machine anyways.

>> No.9337248

*Make sure assistive devices are working properly.

>> No.9343063

New England seems rather dead.