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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9324325 No.9324325 [Reply] [Original]

Who else just emerged from the crucible that is Fanime con priority housing?

>> No.9324331

>tfw you booked four rooms at a main hotel and only needed two

>> No.9324499
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why must you remind me of Fanime 2016

>> No.9324690

didn't even bother this year. daytripping and only going to cosplay meetups so i didn't even bother with prereg. fanime's become such a bullshit con in the last 5 years.

>> No.9324705

Took me a minute to register as soon as it opened and then I realized I didnt book the right days so I had to go through 50 minutes of timeout hell to correct it.

>> No.9324710

Got fairmont thank god, last year we got the double tree due to a mix up. Wasn't terrible but I have always preferred the fairmont.
RIP anyone who didn't get housing today though, it's pretty much sold out.

>> No.9324712

>bullshit con
How so anon? I think it's only gotten better since they finally completed the construction, messy housing system aside.

>> No.9324734

Got Fairmont and hope it stays that way.

>> No.9324737

- masq is horrendously bad and poorly managed
- shitty or irrelevant guests for the most part, very few japanese guests
- awful management of AA, seem to be edging out crafters in favor of more print artists
- lackluster bands for musicfest
- horrible communication from the con chairs/heads....lack of early information about prereg/housing changes in the last few years

literally the only things the con still has going for it these days are the meetups and the B&W ball, and the karaoke room (and the cosplay wrestling federation panel, which is great but i can watch it on YT after the con). the AA is still one of the best i've ever been to, but last year's was so print heavy (and lacked variety in series, desu) that i was really disappointed.

note that the downward spiral has really happened in the last couple of years.

>> No.9324738

Took me about 55 minutes to get through cause I didn't select the right dates at the beginning like a dumbass, but I got the room I wanted
I did the exact same thing last year too
Why do they make that part so small?

>> No.9324747

didn't help that they had set the default dates to checking in on Saturday. They changed it for the next wave but almost everyone in the 7 am block ended up with the wrong days. I'm just glad the rooms weren't sold out by the time I got off hold to have it changed.

>> No.9324748

Reservation isn't available until Friday for me... I hope something will still be there.

>> No.9324788

just out of curiosity, are they doing batches of room openings for each time block at each hotel? because i just took a peek at the housing site and the hilton, marriott, westin are all sold out of everything according to that. fairmont is almost gone too.

unless they're adding a certain # of rooms each time a new reservation time block starts....but i'm guessing they're not.

>> No.9324803

well damn lemme take a room off ur hands then

>> No.9325098

a lot of of people were asking that last year too and I'm pretty sure the consensus was no. I have no idea how many people are in each block but it looks like anyone who hasn't already gotten their hotel is gonna be stuck with the airport ones.

>> No.9325356

yeah that's what i thought also. not unsurprising, to be honest.

>> No.9325408

The location will always keep it afloat. It's a big space and a fun town

>> No.9325449

oh i know.....it's just sad how the con organization/management has declined in the last 5 years.

>> No.9325477

I don't know about you guys but

>Had typed up name, confirm id, card number, address, and also hotel and dates preset on website at 9:30am as well as the international/domestic phone number saved as contacts
>10am priority window
>Page already set at the confirmation ID inquiry page
>click enter and copy and pasted all details
>its 10:02am

I got Hyatt King with sofa bed for day 0-4. I wanted double bed but I'll take it. They did have double bed for day 1-4 but I guess I just really didn't want to deal with Day 1 badge so I'm okay with sleeping on the sofa bed for 4 days.

I got a friend to reserve a place at the Fairmont, just in case.

Do waitlists really work? How does it work if there isn't an opening for you? Are you screwed?

>> No.9325495

All I know is I get on the wait list right after booking and I always end up with a Hilton room for the last 3 years.

Either way you're lucky a lot of people got squat.

>> No.9325546

Literally forgot it was yesterday, now there is nothing near the center. Life is suffering :_:

>> No.9325722

I completely disagree but I guess stay home if you feel so bitter you can't enjoy yourself, I'll be having the best weekend of my year *hairflip*

>> No.9325725

I've always gotten a room through wait listing, you have to get on asap though and I'd have a back up anyway

>> No.9326082

You could always just travel 3mi to the center. Some people are seriously throwing fits about having to drive a short distance to the center. Hell, get a bus pass for $10 for 4 days. Fucking damn.

>> No.9326095

If you're a cosplayer this shit sucks. I was booked at the Fairmont and had a photoshoot at 10am Saturday in the Fairmont. Then I get the fucking call that Fanime fucked up and now I was at the Holiday Inn and had to get ready, drive in my costume and figure out where the fuck to park the run in heels to the Fairmont.

That being said they did give fair warning about the registration and hotels this year and anyone who tried for 2016 should know this and have expected it. Some of my friends are bitching on Facebook that they had to book late today who have been going for years and should know better. They complain about not being close enough for cosplay but one guy only ever cosplays Dick Gumshoe and Pokemon hoodies

>> No.9326098

I travel from Atherton to Menlo Park every year for the past 10 years. Don't tell me about how much it sucks. You have options other than the hotels in super-duper close proximity. There is a LOT of parking options as well and public transit.

>> No.9326101

It only sucked because it wasn't supposed to be that way Fanime fucked up my plans. I would have had the photoshoot much later

>> No.9326105

You couldnt have rescheduled the photoshoot months in advance?

>> No.9326108

I guess you don't know what happened? Fanime completely forgot to give the Fairmont the list of guests that registered with the room block. The Fairmont thought those rooms were still open and sold them. One day before day zero everyone who had booked with the Fairmont was called and told they were now at satellite hotels, free of charge, but still.

>> No.9326180

Not going to Fanime for the first time in like 6 years. Sad I'll miss out on seeing friends, but happy to spend the money going to some other con that's better organized.

>> No.9326183

fucking this.
if you've been going for several years, you really have no excuse.

>> No.9326186

did you miss the shitshow of a badge pickup it had last year even though they had it "fixed" the year before? nevermind the years before the fix.

>> No.9326190

eh....everyone always bitches about badge pick up and yeah, i was part of the lines a few years ago that lasted for 6-7 hours...but honestly it never really ruined the con for me. And things have seriously improved since those days. Not perfect but still way better.

>> No.9326194

Your first mistake is not just going to Clockwork Alchemy to get it. Also the fact that they actually fixed the system for 2-3 years then suddenly reverted is pretty bad

>> No.9326200

missing most of a day is shit no matter what way you slice it and once it's fixed it should STAY FIXED. from accounts it's because they didn't want to pay for the better printing system last year so back to the shit system.

2013 though hahahahaha fuck that year's pickup

>> No.9326214

did that last year and never looking back desu

>> No.9326509

>(and the cosplay wrestling federation panel, which is great but i can watch it on YT after the con

Just sneak in. You know watching on YT does not do it justice

>> No.9328459

okay so i just put myself on the waitlist since everything's gone. i've never had to do this before for fanime, and put my 3 choices as fairmont, hilton, and marriott (king rooms).

how fucked am i?

>> No.9328795

Have a back up ready.
A lot of people have had luck with the waitlist, but personally, it's only come through for me once, and it wasn't til a week before the con.

>> No.9329185

As of right now, a double queen bed at the Doubletree (4.3miles away) is open from 05/25-05/29! Would this be an option for you?

>> No.9329732

yup, backup plan is just to drive. it would be a pain in the ass since i live an hour away, but not undoable.

nope. i did see that the doubletree had some rooms open, thanks anon.

>> No.9332337

Is there usually a /cgl/ meet up at Fanime? is it any good?

>> No.9332360

Yeah, it's the best.

>> No.9332398


As someone who worked Fanime for years, this is totally correct (except for May'n a few years back)

All the admins are constantly circle-jerking and abuse their power while doing almost nothing to expand or enhance the event. They want to keep a "grassroots' feel, but also want to be more corporate like AX, and now it's in a shitty inbetween that doesn't really cater to anyone in particular.

Most heads are useless and the turnover on OG staff has only increased over the years.

The saving grace would be knowing people who show up and the great area for a convention to be at.

>> No.9333022

>didn't preorder my ticket last year
>got to instantly walk to the front
>not sure if I should pre reg or not

Not a fan of line con and I'd pay the markup to not stand in that shit

>> No.9333057


>> No.9333075

if you like to drink

>> No.9334409

location makes the con for sure

clockwork dude what are you doing

>> No.9334714

I wanna go to a meetup at Fanime, it'd be my first.
But the con is still a few months out so I imagine it's way too early to start talking about the meetup. Do any seagulls have any stories of past meetups? How many people showed up, what you guys did, how fun it was, etcetera...

>> No.9334892

>mfw book a room 4 months ago so you wouldn't deal with all this bullshit

Feel great.

>> No.9334999

Also wondering this

What is the general mood of the meet ups? Does everyone talk shit to each other like on here or do they put in big girl panties and play nice?

>> No.9335001
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Who else has their line up planned?

Also >>9334892 one day when I make more money I will do this, but the Fanime con discounts are too good to pass up when you are s poorfag

>> No.9335065

i went to the 2013 one....was pretty chill. people brought food and we all just hung out and chatted. was pretty low-key.

>> No.9336905
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>suffering from ALA post con depression
>considering going to fanime
>check out fanime hotel blocks

K then, no Fanime this year

>> No.9336938

just go to one of the farther hotels and uber/lyft from whatever party to your hotel

>> No.9337727

EVERYTHING is full anon, even the hotels by the airport.

>> No.9337750

>with fanime 2016 over, head home
>wait three month, check hotel
>there's opening for next year
>book it

And with that I am ready for anything and everything. You can join and my meme bros.

>> No.9337791

Book outside the block. The farther hotels have similar pricing to block pricing. They're not even that far for some of them and are a 20 minute walk or a few minutes by ride share

>> No.9338005

wew lads it hype

Last year was my first con, I was Tony from hotline miami on meetup day if anyone remembers. Had fun got schwastey fell into an uber and woke up at home. Good times.

>> No.9338495

same except I was on Molly and coke

i fucking love Fanime con

>> No.9338806

Yo bro hook a nigga up

>> No.9338870

I literally can tho

>> No.9339049

you will see me at the meetup good man

>> No.9339163

>got great place to stay
>20 minutes drive - don't care
>dont plan on staying and drinking during con anyway because that's edgy just turned 21 behavior
>going to be saving tons of money because didn't book in the blocks

>> No.9339713

dope looking forward to it, I'll be sure to bring the goodies

>> No.9339717

I guess if you aren't doing after hour shit then what you're doing is worth it but honestly booking in the blocks gets you a hella discount and you are either within walking distance or can shuttle

>> No.9339730

>2013 badge line
>in line for 7+ hours beginning in the late morning
>smoke an entire pack of cigarettes between me and a friend
>guy a few people up passes out from heat stroke at one point
>finally make it inside
>every room has a new line
>finally get to the front at around 6pm
>takes about 5 seconds to check in a get badge
Didn't ruin the con but when I hear people bitching about an hour in line, all I can say is...you weren't there for line con (not YOU anon but the noobs who complain)

>> No.9339740

Anon, I have a car. I am doing after hour shit. Im just not a whiny little entitled child like most people and choose to book outside of the blocks because thats the smart thing to do instead of crying over not getting my priority.

You can always take any sort of public transportation regardless of where you are staying. People would rather complain though about being drunk and wanting to walk right into the Hilton or Marriot because convenience. Which is so stupid.

>> No.9339753

I've gotten a center hotel every year because I don't fuck around with reg. I agree the people bitching are pretty retarded because getting into priority housing is not hard.
Public transit is fine but stops running after a certain point, taxis and Uber are okay but can add up cost wise, and anon I also have a car but at 3am on any given night there's no way in fuck I can safely operate a vehicle.

>> No.9340258
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>having fun with your friends is edgy

>> No.9341153

Is this con generally considered to be a party con?

>> No.9341807

Im saying if you make going to a convention to get drunk as being the whole reason you are going, is edgy. You can have fun without bragging like a 12 year old that you had a sip of champagne during Christmas. Its the drunk assholes during the nights that make Fanime during the evening pretty unbearable. Especially the guys who roam around hitting on anything that jiggles.

>> No.9341810

it used to be but now its quieter. hotels got more strict

>> No.9341853

you should take ecstasy

>> No.9342370

lmao it is totally still a party con dood

Agreed ecstasy >alcohol at Fanime every time

>> No.9346655

saw a few double rooms open at the doubletree the other night...

anyone heard on watlists yet?

>> No.9347027

Did you see them on Fanime housing or on the double tree website?

>> No.9347108

Reserved a room at the Hotel de Anza, any stories or experiences?

>> No.9347197

fanime housing site.

>> No.9349125

I got off the fairmont waiting list recently but I was in the first wave of people wait listing

>> No.9349201

that's my first choice waitlist hotel....my fingers are crossed SO HARD.

>> No.9349202

Mine too, I prefer it over the Marriott and Hilton.

>> No.9349207

if you don't mind me asking, anon....what date did you get on the wait list? (just trying to judge how far back in the line i might be)

>> No.9349215

I was in the 1pm wave in the first day of housing. I booked a room at the fairmont with one bed (all that was left on site at that point) and got on the wait list for a two bed room.
Idk if having a room there already bumped by priority or something

>> No.9350704

actually a pretty nice hotel. not too far. maybe 15 min walk

>> No.9353328

Anyone every tried speed dating at this con? I hear it's a lottery system.

>> No.9356041
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>Fanime completely forgot to give the Fairmont the list of guests that registered with the room block. The Fairmont thought those rooms were still open and sold them.

Holy shit.

>> No.9356918

Yeah it's the stuff nightmares are made of

>> No.9357072 [DELETED] 

Either way oh man I am living and so alive for this

>> No.9357790

I still get nightmares about volunteering at fanime2016 ;w;

>> No.9357817

Kek what happened

>> No.9358058


I LIVE 5 MINS AWAY! Sucks to be you guys!

>> No.9358350

staff treated me like shit. People in line were trying to comfort me saying "You're doing a fine job"

>> No.9358415

were you sucking dicks in line?

>> No.9359612
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>Never attended Fanime before (have always been busy Memorial weekend, but not this year)
>Live a two-hour drive away
>Considering going to Fanime for Sunday-Monday

The website says that day-of tickets will be sold ...day-of. In terms of standing in line and ticket price (Sun+Mon vs the full weekend), is it worth it to do the four-hour round trip of driving each day? Is the con alive on Monday at all?

>> No.9361508

not sure what you consider "alive" anon....sunday events include the masq and the b&w ball though. monday usually has a good # of people still around, though i really just use it as a casual costume day to get my AA and dealer's room shopping done.

>> No.9361514

jesus fuck no

>> No.9361705

No dude come during the weekend or don't come at all. Monday there are still people around but the con is closing up, not worth the drive for just Monday.

>> No.9361712

buying a weekend badge is better because they price single days really high to get you to just buy a weekend instead of going one day. sunday/monday would not be that good, and in fact fanime itself isn't really that good unless you know people there. if you're going by yourself it'll suck because it's such a hangout con. masquerade is a waste of time.

where are you from and how many conventions have you gone to?

>> No.9362854

>live two hours away

Bitch just pay me $70 and I'll let you stay in my room for the weekend.

>but im a guy
Its full of beta
>but im a grill
Its full of beta

>> No.9365330

So for some reason I'm having an issue trying to make my own thread for this. Keep getting an "Upload failed" message on cgl when submitting a thread. Not sure what's setting it off.

Anyways, I uploaded one of the last few digital copies of "Fanboy Bebop" by studio Sokodei to mega. Same people who made Redeath and Nescalfowne. The creators of the vid stripped it from the web, and don't show it at cons anymore (since about 2004).

It's a fun little bit of convention history. Premiered at Fanime 2001, with a huge Anti-AX them throughout. Re-edit and fandub of Cowboy Bebop about a group of jaded friends going to Anime Expo once again.

Thought cgl might enjoy.


1-3 is the original video, 2-3 is deleted scenes, and 3-3 is the original Fanime 2001 trailer.