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File: 80 KB, 640x640, itabag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9317386 No.9317386 [Reply] [Original]

Last one auto-saged >>9291716

Itabag FAQ and Beginners Guide v. 2.1
Read the document first before asking basic questions that have been answered time and time again like "is making a bag for ___ ok?" and "where do i get the heart bags??".

Buyf/a/g Guide

>> No.9317387
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Incoming dump

>> No.9317388
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>> No.9317391
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>> No.9317394
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>> No.9317395
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>> No.9317397
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>> No.9317403
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>> No.9317405
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>> No.9317407
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>> No.9317408
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>> No.9317410
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>> No.9317411
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>> No.9317414
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>> No.9317419
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>> No.9317421
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>> No.9317423
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>> No.9317424
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>> No.9317426
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>> No.9317428
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End dump. Sorry for all of the LL bags, I'm an idol fag.

>> No.9317434
File: 101 KB, 480x640, nendoroid sleeping bags hanging2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to get one of these so I can have my nendo on her bag, but I'm scared of someone trying to unclip her and stealing her while I'm at a con or something.
Is there any good way to secure it? Both the front zipper and the clasp that attaches it to the bag, ideally.

>> No.9317473

Man, being from a slow board, I'm still not used to how quickly y'all leave threads.

I'd be worried about it getting damaged/stolen as well. It there not enough room in your bag to put a nendo in with the rest of your merch?

>> No.9317491

>It there not enough room in your bag to put a nendo in with the rest of your merch?
There is, but I need to figure out a good way to secure her so she doesn't fall over or slide into a corner

>> No.9317496

I love this bag, I think it's the first MM bag I've seen completed? And it looks wonderful, that's a lot of really nice fan merch! The LED centerpiece ties it together super nice, too.

This custom base bag is a fun idea!

>> No.9317503

What about command strips? If there's any sticky residue left on the figure, I would think it would come off with rubbing alcohol.

>> No.9317512

I would put a safety pin on the inside below the zipper itself. That way it can act as a stopper so the pouch wouldn't unzip unless you took the pin out. To attach it to the bag, add an extra lock carabiner but clip it in the opposite direction. People would have to put more effort into trying into unclip it at that point and by then you'll notice if someone is trying to yank her or not.

>> No.9317521

I've heard about sewing in figs with fishing line before, but I personally wouldn't do it unless I had a backing board.

>> No.9317525
File: 9 KB, 207x145, 14608061_1209276099144671_844804358_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rock Lee itabag

>> No.9317531

I'll look into it, thanks!

I was thinking of something like this, too

I do have a backing board, but.. I don't know, I don't like the fishing line thing much. Even though it's clear, I can always see it anyway.

>> No.9318052
File: 126 KB, 540x540, tumblr_ojp75mFH3f1qiyroko1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First Precure itabag I've seen, gud shit.

adding to the rare Aikatsu itabags.

>> No.9318216

I love those Diamond Honey bags so much! I hope other brands decide to hop on the itabag trend.

>> No.9318427

>that perfect color scheme

>> No.9318622

I've always wanted to get this bag since it's just so cute and I think I'm finally going to make the jump in the pink color. Black/darker colors is more fitting for my husbando but I think the pink will make his stuff pop more since he's very darkly dressed.

>> No.9318775
File: 275 KB, 600x800, 01_001-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't planning on getting a new bag so soon after my last one, but the wego sale (46% off currently) was too good to pass up! Does anyone have any inspiration for this kind of bag?

>> No.9318780

These bags are really popular since they have a huge window but I admit I haven't seen people get as crazy with embellishments with this one. There's some examples in the old thread and on IG with this style though if you just mean organizations of straps/etc.

>> No.9318782
File: 281 KB, 640x764, IMG_4052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this one was posted a few threads ago, but it's one of my favoroted using this bag!

>> No.9318784
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>none of the wego totes you want are on sale

>> No.9318789
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dont have all my merch on yet but I'm very pleased with this bag! Everything is so easy to see inside, the only problem is some of my keychains love to flip the wrong way

>> No.9318790

VCDS has a special set sale right now for the Mise tote bag if you're not too picky about tote bags

>> No.9318793

Sorry, dropped the link

>> No.9318795

You have suberb taste anon, Kinjou is perfect waifu tier. As a fellow Pedalbro your bag makes me happy beyond belief.

>> No.9318800

Thanks anon, but I was specifically looking at their roomy totes because I've got some chunky merch.

>> No.9318801

Is the wego/salus group order anon around? I was looking for their facebook post and can't seem to find it.

>> No.9318802

I've been making nothing but small bags the entire time I've been in this hobby, and I'd really like to make a BIG tote or messenger bag now. Something that I can really carry all my crap in at a con.

Does anyone have a recommendation for which company does the best large bags? Like, which ones keep their shape better, have more inside pockets, last the longest under the wear and tear of that much merchandise.

I really love my small Salus bag because the canvas and sewing is all so high quality, but the plastic has begun to crack and split. I'm wary of sinking so much time into designing for a bag that's just going to break in a year, and then I have to rebuy and repin everything. So, I'd love to hear any recs or experiences!

>> No.9318824

I'm here! I was actually just getting ready to place orders~ Nothing is placed yet though!

>> No.9318828

K-kinjou bag! It looks so wonderful! I literally have at least 50 tabs open of Kinjou merch to make my own bag with haha

>> No.9318830

>but the plastic has begun to crack and split
damn really? :c I purchased the tote bag because I needed a large bag for the incoming merch but if that's going to happen...

>> No.9318832
File: 405 KB, 1178x1280, daisoitabag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found today at the Eastridge Mall Daiso in San Jose, California! I know some people were saying a couple threads ago that they had not found them at US Daisos yet. Eastridge had pink, blue, and purple!

>> No.9318833

Not that anon, but is there any way I could get in on this group order if I'm not in the facebook group? I haven't joined because I don't have a bag finished yet, that and I"m not much of a facebook person honestly.

>> No.9318834

I've never participated in a group order so before I email you, do you have an idea of what the individual shipping cost might be? I was looking at two wego bags on sale on gocart for reference.

>> No.9318836

With the current size of the group order international shipping will probably be around $15 but I've had it go up to $20 before.

>> No.9318840

I found them in all the San Francisco/Colma locations. Little disappointed in the size of the window but I guess you can put pins and badges around the window

>> No.9318846

They're available at Australian Daiso stores too.

>> No.9318847

how easy are the words to remove? i bought the pink one but aren't sure if i should attempt.

>> No.9318850

Ok! I've sent you an email, hope that's ok.

It's very easy, just nail polish remover (acetone) and a cloth should do it. I think there's info on it in the guide.

>> No.9318854

Make sure it's a clear nail polish remover. Some anons found that colored nail polish remover stains it that color

>> No.9318901

Sorry for sounding new, but have you ever ended up with a smudged mess? I tried it with those daiso bags, but I can't get the letters to come off completely, it just ends up being a giant see thru black glob that isn't coming off any further

>> No.9318967


>> No.9318994
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I just tried it since you asked and it came off fine with Safeway brand remover and a paper towel. Some parts took another swipe maybe you need something with a higher acetone content?

>> No.9319207

This makes me incredibly happy, more love for Kinjou!

>> No.9319210
File: 37 KB, 500x600, 12860810B_b_996_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long shot but is any EU anon doing a wego group order anytime soon? Or even more improbable, looking to sell one of these, in this color?
I have a bunch of my husband's merch coming in the mail and really need a new bag, this one just has a color I really like.

>> No.9319235

Reminder that if you use a Wego bag you are weak and natural selection is coming for you

>> No.9319257

Did not know there was elitism in the ita bag community.

>> No.9319264

Surprise, bitch.

On a related/ish note, I've never done a ita bag before, but found a clear Liz Lisa purse that is clear and its calling to me. Approximately how expensive would a 37x30 Sailor Moon ita bag run? (I'm thinking usagi, chibusa or luna & artemis would look cute in this bag)

I love the idea of having a cute ita bag but don't want to derail wardrobe building completely for it...

>> No.9319274


>> No.9319275
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First I've heard of it.

But really, I think people are just getting a little tired of seeing Wego heart bags because of how prolific the knock offs are. It's fun and exciting to see something different and new.

>> No.9319279

Eh, I think they're perfect for itabagging. I don't like the big clear rectangle bags, they just feel so.. plain.

>> No.9319281

Tbh, I don't understand the knock offs that people buy for money reasons ( I understand if they think the zipper of the originals is too fragile, tho.) When I heard they were expensive, I expected something in the 60+ range...

>> No.9319282

Sometimes people would rather put more of their money towards the merch compare to the base bag.

>> No.9319299

$25 Bag + Shopping Service + International Shipping, can easily get you to a $50 bag, more if it gets caught in customs. Compared to the $13 aliexpress prices for the knock off, that's a pretty considerable price difference. Though, I'm more likely to think people default to knock offs so they don't have to deal with the importing learning curve. Personally I've only ever purchased japanese bags through the group orders because I just don't want to figure it all out.

>> No.9319311

I think it's harder to do them OTT though. There's also not that much room for merch, and they tend to end up all looking similar even when merch from different series is used. It's just kind of cookie cutter at this point.

>> No.9319313

That's fair.

>> No.9319329

I agree. While I don't hate the bags themselves or when people use them, at this point it is the "generic" itabag look. They just sort of always end up samey and at this point a little passé since I don't feel people feel they can go far enough with their decorations.

>> No.9319332 [DELETED] 

There are so many WEGO different kinds of bags that I would like you to explain your statement. Unless you're talking about seeing the heart bags that another anon pointed out.

>> No.9319387

The only reason I personally would rather look for a knock off is because I can justify a $11 heart bag that i'm just going to put studs through and maybe paint over/use a sticker like I plan to do.

Like you mentioned, one bag that's usually $16-$30ish + ss + shipping ($10-15 unless it's a group order, then $15-20) and I can't justify putting holes in something like that. I have ordered japanese bags before though and don't plan to wreck those.

I agree with >>9319311 about the look of heart bags, especially since they're so common at this point as well as other backpack style wego bags.

>> No.9319423

This is so cute!! This is exactly the kind of inspo I was looking for - thanks for sharing!

>> No.9319544
File: 575 KB, 1601x2048, holyfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been ruined.

Amico delivered the first bits of my order in this week and holy fuck, I've never had official merch before, I had no idea it was this nice. How the hell did they sell this button for four dollars. It's thick as fuck and the lineart is shiny. I'm not over it. This order getting in was supposed to sate me until my bag comes out later this month but now those y!auctions postings are looking even more tempting and I have a convention I need to have money for.

In any case, don't make the mistake I just made. If your character gets polyca badges, order 3. I only got the one and I regret it.

>> No.9319565

Does anyone know if the rubber strap near the bottom of her in her school uniform is from a set and if so which one? it's super cute but she's not my girl

>> No.9319583

Here you go:

>> No.9319611
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sorry if this has been posted already, but it seems like a good alt for people that like the utapri bags but don't want to pay 50+ for them

>> No.9319648

Thank you so much anon, I looked everywhere this morning for a bag and finally ordered one, but I think I'll order a few of these too because they look perfect!

>> No.9319675

Speaking as someone who's gotten both an original WEGO heart bag and one of the eBay knockoffs (my picture is the one in the FAQ google doc in the OP), it is worth it to get the legit one. The knockoff has a better zipper (though the normal window bags have perfectly fine zippers, so WEGO is improving), but everything else is certainly of lower quality.
The PU leather feels kind of tacky, the lining is cheap cotton, and the large inner pocket is nonexistent. It does its job, but I wouldn't really recommend it if you have the cash for the legit one.

Also trying to be elitist in the itabag community is dumb.

>Personally I've only ever purchased japanese bags through the group orders because I just don't want to figure it all out.
It aint that hard senpai. Try doing it yourself and you'll get used to it. You'll be better off in the long run if you're gonna build bags based off Japanese IPs.

>> No.9319715
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Not that anon, but I haven't seen the other wego backpacks nearly as often as the hearts. Heck, I've seen regular totes more than them. Granted, I haven't been doing this for too long yet.

Unrelated, but I'm dealing with pic related and suffering. I just want my actual bag to get here already

>> No.9319716
File: 2.16 MB, 4128x2322, 20170114_182925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted at the Long Beach,CA Daiso! They have purple, pink, and blue. The blue ones have star-shaped cutouts!

>> No.9319719

Sorry for the sideways pic, I'm on mobile.

>> No.9319734

i wish i had a daiso

>> No.9319744
File: 487 KB, 1280x1123, itabagroughdraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first attempt at an itabag, definitely looking for tips. I'm using the daiso pink bag as a base for now (mostly to give myself proof of concept before buying a nicer bag) I feel like I limited myself a bit by including the Dangan Ronpa printed cloth even though it has Saionji on it, it was hard to work around, I think maybe it would be easier in a bigger bag

>> No.9319827 [DELETED] 

>The knockoff has a better zipper
Maybe I'm just lucky, but my legit WEGO's have better zippers than the knock offs (and I have 5 real 3 knock offs, so more than enough to compare).

Otherwise, I completely agree that the legit ones are WAY better and all the points you made I can also confirm with my own experience.

The knock offs become tacky/sticky over time due to the pleather braking down. My WEGO have been used and abused more and don't have this tackiness. Not to mention the lining of the knock off frays very easily and it has a horrible chemical smell. However, I'm very sensitive to scents, so it may only be strong to me.

>> No.9319830

>The knockoff has a better zipper
Maybe I'm just lucky, but my legit WEGO's have better zippers than the knock offs (and I have 5 real 3 knock offs, so more than enough to compare).

Otherwise, I completely agree that the legit ones are WAY better and all the points you made I can also confirm with my own experience.

The knock offs become tacky/sticky over time due to the pleather braking down. My WEGO have been used and abused more than my knock offs and don't have this tackiness. Not to mention the lining of the knock off frays very easily and it has a horrible chemical smell. However, I'm very sensitive to scents, so it may only be strong to me.

Buy WEGO, it's awesome

>> No.9319864

would anyone be interested in a ss for those daiso bags? based in the usa.

>> No.9320032
File: 696 KB, 1000x562, Yuriangels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're offering, I'd be up to order one. I'm USA and I've been wanting the pink heart one for a Yuri's Angel cosplay.
How much are you asking? I lost track of where someone said how much they were selling for.

>> No.9320090

Looks like $3.00 >>9319716

>> No.9320108

>The knock offs become tacky/sticky over time due to the pleather braking down

I intend to buy a legit wego in a couple months when I go to Japan, so by then I'll have a way to compare but I have a knockoff I bought months ago just to test the waters into itabagging and I'm not sure where you've gotten yours from.

I've been using mine for months very frequently through shit weather, took it with me when travelling, worn and thrown it about and have 0 of the stickyness you've mentioned. No chemical smells either. I've dented it accidentally and even that bit isn't peeling or anything and with care, I can barely see the damage. This thing is sturdy af. The one thing I'll agree on is that the lining is kinda weak, my pocket got ripped at the seam on one side but the fraying on it is not very bad.

For 15$, I really don't regret it. I had no clue I'd be getting hooked on this hobby and really wasn't willing to spend 50$+ on my first bag, when most of the money could go into buying merch for it.

>> No.9320113

I'd be interested! I'd probably like one of each if they're $3, they're really cute.

>> No.9320131

All of my knock offs have the chemical smell and are all getting tacky. I bought all of them from ebay, from the same seller. I forgot to mention it's mostly the grab handle and the straps that are tacky. Main body isn't, so I'm sure it's the wear that's making it like that.

I've seen other knock offs from aliexpress, which actually are manufactured differently as I've seen that they do not have the inner pocket/divider to place the merch on, the colors are a little different in shade compared to the ebay ones, and the lining is brown, rather than corresponding to the outside color. I probably just got really unlucky and received a defective batch or something, as I ordered all of mine at the same time.

Otherwise, I also started itabagging on the $15 ebay ones, but I couldn't take the smell, so I bought WEGO and haven't gone back. I don't see an issue with anyone buying the knock offs. It's just in my experience, they've sucked.

>> No.9320190
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>> No.9320192
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>> No.9320195
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>> No.9320198
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>> No.9320200
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>> No.9320207
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>> No.9320209
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>> No.9320217
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>> No.9320219
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>> No.9320220
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>> No.9320221
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>> No.9320225
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>> No.9320226
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>> No.9320230
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>> No.9320233
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>> No.9320234
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>> No.9320247

There are at least four different manufacturers of the knock off Wego bags (noticeable differences from photos alone, such as window shape, pocket height, lining color). Some of them are better than others, and it sounds like you've ordered multiple times from one of the shittier ones. I got my room mate a knock off heart bag from Aliexpress as a gift when I started itabagging hard core so that they could join in on the fun, and it's putting up with the stress of being their daily bag really well.

>> No.9320252

Okay guys, discussion question time:

What, in your opinion, makes the most aesthetically pleasing bag?

There are no universal truths here because this is an art, but what are the things that you personally think the best and prettiest itabags out there, the things you try to emulate in your own style?

>> No.9320254
File: 259 KB, 900x1200, C2MRnVNVQAE9kmk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they've incorporated fairy lights it seems

>> No.9320265
File: 166 KB, 1018x599, untitled_by_yomi_joker-d8dqi0v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In b4 "itabags don't need to look pleasing!"

>Consistent color scheme
>Some degree of repetition not in just the same/similar images but it visuals in general
>Visual breaks
A wall of cluttered images should have at least one place for the eyes to rest

I love this Myotismon bag because I feel like it shouldn't work but the handcrafted nature of all the little bits come together in a really fun collage. The color is pretty consistent except for some of the orange/purple bits. And the big gold bat creates a nice visual break that almost frames the other items.

>> No.9320275

Like >>9320247 said, you probably got one from the shittier manufacturers. Mine was bought off ebay too, I suppose I was lucky since mine really has no issues with deterioration so far, after all these months of abuse. I was really impressed.
Either way, I intend to buy from wego since I want to support the real deal, I'm just waiting to go there in person to avoid paying more than the bag itself just in shipping+ss fees+customs. Which is the reason I turned to knockoffs in the first place.

>> No.9320283

This is the only bag I've seen with hand ade stuff that doesn't look mediocre as fuck.

>> No.9320300

This looks pretty cute so far, anon. I guess my only suggestion would be to not be afraid of the cloth and do your get to get items closer to it. I've seen some use character cloths and get close enough to completely surround the actual image of the character. Truly though, it's up to you and the style of bag you're looking for. Everyone has differing opinions.

>> No.9320301

I personally find bags like these two aesthetically pleasing while manageable as well. I think the inclusion of things outside of the clear part bring it together nicely and I like the extras like the rosettes.

I also really enjoy bags with a central image like this one with repeating merch. Imo they're a lot more impressive because it takes a lot more effort and planning than just randomly pinning shit.

>> No.9320302

I love this as a start so far. The rings was a super cute idea. The felts are cute, and I actually really adore the fairy lights. Might pick some up for a bag, myself.

It's fun watching the YOI bags finally coming together~

>> No.9320303

I am, I'm the international anon from the last thread but haven't been around to reply ifor the orders before. Anywhere I can contact you to work out shipping to Canada?

>> No.9320323

I have a question about these: Are the different colors a different size, or does each color/design have three different sizes?

For example, is the purple bag the largest size or do the purple, pink and blue essentially have a small, medium and large for each color?

>> No.9320332

Very Interested

>> No.9320346
File: 3.24 MB, 4032x2268, 20161202_162753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my Vesperia itabag last month. For my first bag I think it turned out pretty good. I got everything off taobao and I probably spent less than $60 on it all(I have links if anyone needs them)

>> No.9320350
File: 665 KB, 500x293, my_heart_bobs_burgers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rings on this bag! It's so precious!

>> No.9320365

Most of those look legit as fuck, I'd love links if any of those sellers also sell Symphonia merch!

>> No.9320375

Here you go!! Glad to always help out a fellow Tales of fan. I'm actually getting ready to work on either a Lloyd or Zelos bag next


Here are a few bags that I found that will work:

>> No.9320384
File: 218 KB, 900x1200, 0075216D-4A5C-4168-A7F4-243DACE5293D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At my store each color had different sizes, but the blue ones only had star cutouts. The smaller ones on the top row are pouches.

While we're on the topic of the Daiso bags and fan/handmade stuff, here's my humble bag. I took apart my old one to make it, but this base was much more fun to use.

>> No.9320390

I have some kinjou merch that I was planning on putting onto ebay, but I can message you if you're interested.

>> No.9320417

Thanks for letting me know. Also I love your bag, the base goes really well with the merch!

>> No.9320420

Please! E-mail is in the name field!

>> No.9320452


If anyone wants a cheap $2 acrylic fanart charm, eBay has them now.

>> No.9320454

This is probably the most elegant bag I've ever seen. It never ceases to wow me.

>> No.9320455
File: 254 KB, 1000x739, Believe it or not this isn't actually my ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much! I've posted mine here before, but Zelos & Lloyd are EXACTLY the characters I'm after. Right now it's all official second hand merch, but I'm not adverse to padding with other stuff too.I

(Well, and Kratos, but his merch is too damn expensive.)

>> No.9320458
File: 153 KB, 256x299, eJwVzEEOhCAMQNG7cABKOkXU2yAgkqiQtrOazN3Hyd-9xf-YN59mNYfqkBUgN0mdsxXtHGuxtfd6ljia2NQviKoxHVe5VQCn6eXD7Bw5Qk8B3UMBMRC5sDyRxxm2TfbG_10ubMddzfcH4ZMlTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got this one coming in my Taobao order! I'm actually really excited for all of these~

>> No.9320460
File: 1.03 MB, 793x927, bbsfirstorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larger img because I'm an idiot.

>> No.9320463
File: 33 KB, 500x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also found these from the same seller.

>> No.9320464

Aw I love that young Victor one. I need to see if I can find any nice fanarts for Yurio if I can get anon to grab me a Daiso bag.

>> No.9320469

Disregard this link. There's another for cheaper for anyone who just wants one as bag filler.

>> No.9320470


idk man, given what the store sells in general my guess is that it's either stolen artwork or factory leftovers from someone's orders.

>> No.9320472

They look like a Taobao reseller to me with the weird mesh of fandom stuff.

>> No.9320483

This bag gives me life!! This is exactly how I want mine to look like. But yeah Kratos merch is really hard to find and expensive, I'm having the same issue with finding stuff for Raven

>> No.9320488


Found a new secondhand auction seller. Everything seems to be labeled "sexy guy" or "sexy girl" but so far I've seen Dangan Ronpa, Uta Prince, Tiger & Bunny, Kuroko no Basket. All of them have 0 bids, probably because no one can find them.

>> No.9320489

I have a total of one strap and one badge for Kratos, which I treasure dearly, and hold on to in hopes of stumbling upon more later. Good luck with Raven!! We're in this for the long haul.

>> No.9320568
File: 702 KB, 589x471, 1480283102589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Some sort of repetition. I personally like merch multiples, but stuff like having all of your straps or buttons together also works.
- Any sort of thought given to layout/composition. I know some people like the "throw merch everywhere" look, but if just ain't my thing. Pic related is one of my favorite examples.
- Non-merch embelishments. I never really realized how much I liked these until I saw >>9320225 but I think they show the bagger really put some extra thought and creativity into their bag.

>> No.9320627
File: 471 KB, 1080x1080, 1481246781078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this one out of my saved folder for you!

>> No.9320636

I cry. Bless you anon everything about this bag is perfection

>> No.9320641
File: 67 KB, 960x720, 1480461876889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Symmetry is key for me. I love seeing bags dedicated to two characters using the same type of merch for both of them.

>> No.9320709

Hey I know them ! I got a Kiriko figure there a while ago

>> No.9320748

this is gorgeous

>> No.9320770
File: 89 KB, 600x600, getter 1 src.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a question for anyone with bagmaking experience here. Would it be practical to use a lighter fabric for a tote/shoulder bag if I used some sturdy interfacing and liner fabric? Because I can't find canvas and such in the color I want.

Hell, I've having trouble finding the color I want period. All of the orangish-reds I see are really dull and burnt when I'm looking for something close to this pic.

>> No.9320782

Does anybody happen to know what base bag they used?

>> No.9320792
File: 106 KB, 596x574, T2LuENXwFXXXXXXXXX-816903408_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think when it first got posted someone identified it as a burando bag but really it's just a generic heart bag they heavily DIY'd.

>> No.9320883

Asking for face value only- they're $4 each + about 10% sales tax (I'm in california). There's low stock but they may be getting more in on Tuesday. Shoot me an email if you're interested!

>> No.9320887

oh my goooooooddd this is amazing and the 12 year old me would absolutely die im glad i wasnt the only one with a crush

>> No.9320896

I e-mailed you, anon.

>> No.9320922

sent a reply!

>> No.9320958

the lights!

>> No.9321027

I'm working on a Disney princess bag. I have lots of official merch, but I also want some cute fan made stuff. But it's hard to find because people don't tag their stuff "Disney" and such. Anyone know some good artists?

>> No.9321129

Sent a reply, too!

>> No.9321206
File: 699 KB, 546x533, a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would it be possible to remove the glitter from the taobao wego heart bags? I'm guessing not, it looks like the glitter is embedded in the plastic itself.

>> No.9321231
File: 670 KB, 814x627, cf9d6313e8c27346d090760c6ee6be66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jump Festa exclusives oh gods why me.
If anyone happens to see Asahi or Nishinoya while they're looking around I'd be grateful for a heads up.
As far I can tell it's embedded in.

>> No.9321252

Emailed! Thanks again for offering to do this!

>> No.9321270
File: 1004 KB, 2000x586, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly, choosing a base bag that somehow is related to the characters, like by its color or shape. Secondly, symmetry and not leaving big gaps of the base bag visible. Also items or details that aren't actual merch but personal to the characters, like the rings in >>9320254.
I love it when a bag is done based on two characters and the merch mirrors each other like >>9320641 said.

These three are some of my favorite bags. I'm not into Enstars at all, but these just look great

>> No.9321289

Doesn't Disney crack down really hard on fanmade merch? That's probably why you're having issues.
You'd be better just getting your own button-making supplies and asking artists if you can use their work.

>> No.9321327

also sent you an email, thanks so much!

>> No.9321368

Well, they do, but it does exist.

>> No.9321372

I'd try Taobao.

>> No.9321603

I think what anon is saying is that there's a lot of Disney fan stuff but it can be hard to find since people don't tag it well because lawyers

>> No.9321612

yes, exactly

>> No.9321621
File: 56 KB, 400x267, thumb-1045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to collect things for my Phantom Renegade (Medabots) themed bag. Since the anime is old as balls there's barely any merch avaliable, would it work if I made some merch myself?

>> No.9321628

You can definitely make your own stuff, there's no limit to what you can do honestly it just depends if you want to. A lot of people make their own buttons from screencaps or some commission artists. Usually they have a button maker, but single buttons can be ordered from artsmoo. You can make your own felt dolls etc like other anons do. Like I said, it just depends on what you want to do since the show is so old and I imagine some merch is hard to come by.

>> No.9321637

>>9321628 that's very helpful, I'm sure I can make it work by just making a lot myself. Thank you!

>> No.9321712

There's a link in the faq to an etsy where the guy says he can do multiple designs per button order.
There's also this tutorial for making your own keychains http://kaiami.net/post/45380899291/tutorial-plastic-keychains

I'd totally be down to make a handmade merch section for the FAQ when I'm not busy if the owner thinks it's a good idea/

>> No.9321717

Another thing you could do is decorate it with items associated to the character? Make it more diverse

>> No.9321755

I agree with this anon, using items associated with the character, like gold items shaped like in your image could work. I'm not sure how important those are to the character/anime though.

This is a good thought in terms of making your own shrinky dinks/shrink plastic charms etc. Pretty much the sky is the limit.

>> No.9321760

YoI has inspired me to make some more aesthetic bags. Just placed my order for my base bags, now to look for some embellish and charms.

>> No.9321875

I probably missed this answer in previous threads but how do you turn stickers into charms?

>> No.9321880

A few people have suggested lamenting them but I don't remember the other suggestions from two threads ago. Try checking the archive.

>> No.9321890

Some people in the older threads suggested resin doming vinyl stickers, someone else suggested putting stickers in a style of clear plastic ID holder thing and carefully heat sealing the open end.

>> No.9321914
File: 94 KB, 700x433, 348-500163img01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any example of Ace Attorney itabags? I am planning to make a Edgeworth one, and I just want some inspiration. There's next to no merch.

>> No.9321963
File: 411 KB, 747x594, edgeworth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any AA itabags, but storenvy has tons of official and fanmade merch. I didn't even check ebay, I'm sure you'll find more there too.

Etsy had a prosecutor's badge which would be cute as an embellishment! You could add white ruffles on the bag as well.

>> No.9321994

This is perfect! Thank you so much. I love the ruffle idea. I'm so going to do that.

>> No.9322015
File: 155 KB, 1024x609, IMG_2082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if places like Vograce does single acrylic charm orders? I'd love some charms just for myself. I'm thinking about starting a new ita bag for Guts, but Berserk has very little merch.

>> No.9322030

The first and last two pics in the storenvy section look like official merch that's getting resold though, which makes me think that that anon didn't look very hard for stuff.

御剣 怜侍 一 is his name in the japanese versions, I"d take that and search yahoo auctions with it.

>> No.9322038

For something where you only have one or two. You might be better off just making them yourself with shrink film. You'd just have to make sure to seal it with resin or varnish.

>> No.9322040
File: 2.43 MB, 1920x2560, 1469813266472 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Athena one was posted in one of the itabag threads a while ago and I like it a lot! I seem to remember seeing one or two bags in the itabag tumblr tag as well.

>> No.9322046

Same anon, have a pastebin full of YJA links

Keep in mind a lot of these are dupes and I wasn't considering prices when I gathered them.

>> No.9322070

Thanks so much anons! That Athena bag is wonderful. And thank you for all the auction links

>> No.9322079

> that feel when you jump into a ship several years too late.

jfc, why didn't I get into TF2 before.

Anyway, how difficult do you guys thing it would be to sew a window into a base bag? I want to do something like the wego bags, but with a cross instead - it looks like it wouldn't be too hard, but maybe I'm missing something?

>> No.9322080

>liking worst boy
Get better taste, anon.

>> No.9322117

It depends on the bag's fabric. If you know how to hem you should be ok. Were you going to do a medic bag?

I'm pretty sure all of the rubber straps are official merch being resold, but they weren't insane prices ($8-9 each) if they don't want to go through y!auctions. That being said, mandarake will probably have loads of stuff too.

>> No.9322144
File: 539 KB, 1200x857, 1460566468071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your loss.

>> No.9322146

Color scheme is a huge factor for me. There's been rubber straps thatve come out that'd be great for my Shirou/Archer bag, but they had jarring bright red outlines that clashed with how relatively dark red/black/ivory the rest of my merch was, so I passed on them. Shit like that just irks me too much.
Same thing goes with art style sometimes. Got a cute little fanmade button for a Josuke bag and it just looked so wrong next to all the official merch I had that had Josuke in David Pro's anime style.

>> No.9322160

any kpop ones?

>> No.9322177

I hate bumping my own questions, But I'd love to get an answer to this.

>> No.9322184

This is a good question but I'm sorry I can't really answer your first question. I want to say it should work, since each bag usually looks presentable as long as it has things in it to make it look full/stand up.

Also you could always try to dye the fabric yourself if you were you get any type of white canvas. It's just a thought.

>> No.9322185

There's a lot of kpop ones on IG. Some anons a thread or so back discussing whether it was creepy or not to have bags featuring the faces of artists.

>> No.9322190

Thanks, but I wasn't worried about how it would look as much as if it would handle frequent use well/be durable enough. I really should've clarified that.

And I know dyeing's an option but I'd really prefer to avoid it if possible cause I've got 0 experience with it and it seems like a really messy and finicky process.

>> No.9322192

I was into the fandom way back in 2009 and honestly there were some really neat things but there weren't charms or anything like you might expect, at least nothing I can think of. There were class patches though that I believe you can still find on etsy.

>> No.9322200
File: 64 KB, 185x280, Screenshot_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you make this I will love you forever. I was debating making one myself, but there is next to nothing in regards to tf2 merchandise. I think the cross window would look amazing on a white backpack with a red insert for all your charms.

>> No.9322201

edgeworth is god tier taste

>> No.9322268
File: 387 KB, 765x373, rilakkuma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put in two orders to start my rilakkuma bag. I already have some plush charms and pins too.

>> No.9322296
File: 704 KB, 1467x437, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have luck with the Cosmile stuff?

>> No.9322316

Aren't they just a taobao reseller? Just browsing thru some of their stuff and I can tell that they're ridiculously marked up

>> No.9322344
File: 217 KB, 1005x1005, ZI104501-C-3-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have this bag? I'm considering it because the aesthetics seem to match the character I want to make an ita bag for, but the vinyl seems dark? Is it as dark as pictured? I'm thinking of getting it in either black or purple.

>> No.9322360

Well, I definitely didn't need 3 blue Daiso bags but I saw them in my local store today and just grabbed all of them...

>> No.9322392

will you try to remove the text on them? I got a pink one today, but the nail polish remover I have still left some black. I saw other anons here got rid of everything on their bags with the remover, so to anyone else with the bag: should I just buy stronger remover, or has anything else you have tried worked? just want to check before I buy anything else

>> No.9322401

I've been keeping my eye out for Apollo merch. No luck. My man has nothing. Seeing this one single charm made my night.

>> No.9322404
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_3528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junpei anon coming in with ita bag progress. His birthday was yesterday so I finally picked this back up and bought another charm (not pictured) and the fur, stars, and baseballs. Still making the arm band... still working on getting Junpei some pants and shoes.
I'm thinking about getting multiples of the same charms because I'm not completely satisfied with the amount of ones I have. I love clusterfucky bags.

>> No.9322412

Not a lot of Mink fans so seeing this makes me really happy. After my current WIP I'm gonna work on a Mink bag.

>> No.9322423

Yeah they resell because I found the artist listing for that first charm set on Taobao and they're like $2 each at max.

>> No.9322468

You better stick one of the condoms in there anon.

>> No.9322481

I have one but am refixing it for an event this Sunday, it's mainly Edgeworth Wright. I plan to stick the other characters on a different bag.

Literally ran out of space with all the new stuff that came out! And am still waiting on a bunch of new merch from animate coming out in Feb/march

>> No.9322506

There's no pictures of the interior, damn. I'm gonna assume this thing has a snap fastener. Does anyone own it? Any reviews on how sturdy it is?

>> No.9322509

I put my stickers directly onto crafting paper and then glue that to another paper backing for a double outline around the sticker. Then I glue a tack on the back. Makes it look less "sticker-ish"

>> No.9322513
File: 10 KB, 263x191, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you use 100% acetone? Also, use baby oil after the acetone to wipe away any cloudiness

Your bag is amazing!!! Is it bad I don't mind Junpei w/o pants? Clusterfuck bags are my aesthetic. I know other anons like symmetry and organization, but I'm all for just throwing shit on there!

>> No.9322592
File: 125 KB, 760x435, rilakkuma-condoms_4504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I completely forgot about them, the wrapper designs are actually cute. I'm going to get a pack.

>> No.9322609

Looking forward to this bag! Koji is one of my childhood husbandos, haha. Phantom Renegade was my friend's.

>> No.9322626

I've ordered some of those Yuri on Ice charms from Taobao, not a single one is priced above $3USD.

Links, if you want them!

>> No.9322745

thanks, this reminded me to check and the cvs brand I have isn't 100% acetone, that's probably the issue. I'll go out and make sure to get the right type.

>> No.9322820

ahhh the lights are actually a cute idea!!

>> No.9322852
File: 29 KB, 322x400, GOODS-00135604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, I just saw these listed on amiami!


>> No.9322854
File: 17 KB, 400x400, GOODS-00135597_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are new as well, seems like it'd be great for carrying larger plushies and maybe they could be used for smaller bags?


>> No.9322897
File: 24 KB, 600x480, 1467936383965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checking to see if you're still around. I sent an email Monday morning and never heard back. Wanted to make sure it didn't get lost in the email abyss.

>> No.9322907

A bit too expensive but good for people who dont want to go through the agro of getting a bag off Rakuten/Wego/-insert overpriced shipping site here-
This meanwhile I love for the silliness but handy as heck for my small plushies.

>> No.9322918

These are a little more expensive than I would have expected but I know a lot of people prefer to buy from AmiAmi. Like you said, it's less hassle since you just pay the price with direct shipping, even if they marked up the actual item.

>> No.9322950

Thank you! And yes, I'm all for throwing stuff on the bag as well but I did kind of aim to make the "IORI" the centerpiece.

>> No.9322996

has anyone found measurements for these bags? i don't see them anywhere and google isn't yielding any results

>> No.9323118

I'm not seeing any either, but they look pretty small. If that's a water bottle pocket on the side the have to be mini backpack sized.

>> No.9323136
File: 217 KB, 728x1040, mycolle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I found the black version of the bag on rakuten. I think the measurements are in this pic.

>> No.9323137

>mfw I had to stare at the image for over 2 minutes to realize the tan thing in the back wasn't part of the bag

>> No.9323171
File: 10 KB, 153x240, 39335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ganbare anon, I love Apollo too and it sucks how he's kind of been left by the wayside especially with the recent anime/games.

>> No.9323172
File: 137 KB, 534x819, spdau003_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>31cm x 27cm x 10cm
That helped a lot, thank you!

>> No.9323192

good fucking taste

>> No.9323424
File: 8 KB, 183x276, pink globalization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this heads up. I grabbed one of these for a simple Hello Kitty bag I'm planning

>> No.9323631

So cute! I'm starting my rilakkuma bag too and my first haul should arrive this week

>> No.9323631,1 [INTERNAL] 

I've checked the FAQ document but it doesn't say if WEGO accepts international credit cards. Would someone experienced with buying from WEGO please let me know if they do or don't?

>> No.9323739

I was just thinking if someone had ever seen a Mink itabag. Cinnamon husband deserves more love.
You can even get creative with non-merch decorations like beads and feathers!

>> No.9323743
File: 210 KB, 550x512, 03012957522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandarake has one of those Utapri-bags for sale, if anyone is looking for this particular one; grab it while you can. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1056895228&ref=list

>> No.9323788

Oh wow thanks for sharing! I just grabbed it up, that price was just too good to ignore! Hopefully it hasn't sold in store.

>> No.9323960
File: 141 KB, 970x640, IMG_5670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of my starter items came in... still waiting on the bag. :/

>> No.9324071

What's the minimum pricing on ordering on FromJapan? I want to know since Wego is having a sale and I'm hella tempted but Buyee took a chunk out of my ass and I ended up paying double the price needed for the bag. Is that the same w/ FromJapan?

>> No.9324076

What do you mean by minimum pricing?

>> No.9324237

Cute items! I'm always looking for more acrylic rilakkuma charms, do you remember where you snagged yours?

>> No.9324417

Is it worth buying a single bag off wego through an SS? I've never used one but I'm considering buying through JaponicaMarket since I've read a few people say it was slightly cheaper than other SS and the bag I want is on sale.
I'm a bit worried about how much to expect in shipping+extra charges for a 13$ bag, anyone who has bought through them who can give me a rough idea of how much to expect?
Thanks in advance

>> No.9324431

with his expression and the perfect fit it looks sort of like he's just woken up to find he is in a glass-topped coffin

>> No.9324473

Just Zenmarket or Tenso it. FJ has some pretty shitty hidden fees imo.

Zenmarket has a one fee per item of 300 yen but free consolidation and no handling fees. If you use Tenso as a forwarding service and not their buying service (which is Buyee btw), they charge a handling fee based on weight. You'll have to place the order yourself but it's hella easy on Wego since they have an English page.

Also, Wego has free domestic shipping on orders over 3000 yen so you might wanna get two bags or more if you do wanna get a Wego bag.

>> No.9324475

from AmiAmi :) they have a bunch.

>> No.9324505

Meh, Zenmarket is good for a few items but when you're ordering 10+ items from the same shop the 300y fees stack up high. Dunno about Tenso but with FJ you only pay it once as long as the order is from the same seller/shop.

>> No.9324556

Thanks for the link! I never think to look on amiami for rilakkuma merch for some reason. I hope you post your progress when your bag arrives!

>> No.9324664
File: 42 KB, 400x533, f03222-05_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the Wego bags the only ones shaped like hearts? They look so off.

>> No.9324666

I think so, but it wouldn't be difficult to sew your own if you're able. I personally don't mind the shape since it'd be covered up with stuff completely anyway like in op's pic

>> No.9324689
File: 22 KB, 362x500, 41u4WgDlJcL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy wego bag to make a bag for a certain series
>later find out that series had its own totes made (pic related)

I'm so fucking conflicted. On one hand, I could use the wego bag for other things. On the other, the tote will cost like $40+ altogether with shipping and forwarding, and then I'll still have to make/get a clear cover for it.

What would you guys do?

>> No.9324693

honestly... I would make/buy a clear cover for the official bag. Or you could save your money, make an ita bag with what you have right now, and hope you can get the official tote sometime later and transfer your stuff over to it. It is a hard decision for you anon!

>> No.9324696

Which Wego bag is it?

I'd say maybe start out with the Wego bag, and then order the other bag later on, assuming it will be available at a later date?

>> No.9324707

Does anyone sell the star window bags besides AmiAmi?

>> No.9324797

Daiso's fuzzy bags, the blue one has a star window.

>> No.9324860
File: 51 KB, 600x800, 02_U61-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one.

>assuming it will be available at a later date
And that's my problem. Amiami seems to be getting a rerelease, and their preorders are closed. And Every time I've seen something labeled that it just turns into a 'sold out'. Everywhere else I could order it directly doesn't seem to be getting it back, so that leaves getting it from somewhere else using an SS.

In addition I don't have any merch for it yet and my wallet's been hurting from other bags' things.

>> No.9324893

Hokay so some of the WEGO bags are stupid cheap now. What's the best shopping service for just an order from the ZOZO store?

>> No.9324897

I personally use Buyee just for convenience

>> No.9325069

Has anyone heard from Daiso anon at all? They never replied to my email and it's been about three days..

Just in case they got busy, is anyone else still offering to pick up bags for less unfortunate gulls? I don't know how long Daiso usually has this stuff in stock but I'd like to get one if anyone's offering.

>> No.9325426

I'm getting kinda worried, 'cause my Salus order was shipped to my tenso address on 6th of January and it still hasn't arrived there. Has anyone here ordered from Salus and how long did the shipping take?

>> No.9325459

I'm kind of confused, you emailed daiso Japan about getting one bag from them? If they sell items online, they're typically in a case pack so I can't imagine them just offering one.

>> No.9325461

Disregard >>9325459, I'm still waking up and noticed you meant the anon offering and not the actual store. I think someone was offering on the buy/sell facebook group for those.

>> No.9325498

Haha, it's alright anon I know how it is in the morning. I'll check the FB then!

>> No.9325717

God damnit, I bought one of these bags and totally didn't notice the colored plastic. FML

>> No.9325736

im not sure how much they are on etsy but i got some for christmas on aliexpress

>> No.9325790

I'd say if you really really want it, go for it.

You don't wanna regret it later on.

>> No.9325870

So some of the WEGO bags that were on sale for 46% off are now fucking 61% off. If you aven't gotten one you want on sale already, I'd nab it now before it's out of stock.

Fuck, I'm tempted to get another.

>> No.9325946

bummer that heart window bag isn't

>> No.9325954

Does anyone know where to get binan koukou badges from taobao? I need them for En-chan.

>> No.9325959

Crap, the black bag is sold out. Maybe it's for the best, my wallet is going to suffer when it'll be time to pay the shipping fees for all the stuff I bought this month

>> No.9325967

No, I haven't heard back from Daiso anon either- in days. I sent an e-mail a day or two ago asking if they were still doing this with no response. Pretty sure they aren't doing it anymore.

>> No.9325973

Just saw this today, thanks a ton anon. I've never ordered from WEGO before and I'm thinking of using Buyee. Would anyone know about how much shipping + fees will add up for 3 bags?

Nada for me too, I don;t think anon is doing it anymore.

>> No.9325979

Well that sucks. I couldn't find anyone selling them on the FB group either.

>> No.9326001

Use tenso, it'll cost less since you won't have to pay all the service fees that come with proxy purchasing.

>> No.9326008

Does anybody know if Wego will reply to emails in English? I need to return my bag that's with my FS atm but my Japnese isn't good enough to write to them.

>> No.9326026

Anyone who's bought a bag from Wego before: how do they ship their backpacks? do they send them flat, or stuff them with packaging paper to give them shape and send them in a box? I'm trying to estimate shipping weight and tenso fees.

Additionally, how well do you think their canvas would take to dye?

>> No.9326027

I've never gotten direct packages from Wego, but all the bags I've received from them in my hosted group orders are shipped flat, no packing paper.

>> No.9326162

Thanks for the heads up! At $15 I could still look at my empty wallet and say "Not today", at $10 with the color I want still in stock, it's just too good to pass up.

>> No.9326277

>Order two keychains from Pixiv Booth for my itabag in the beginning of November
>Apparently fuck up something with the address because the order never arrives at Tenso
>Give up on it, it was only 1000 yen anyway, it's never going to reach me
>Fast forward to now, over two months later: the order arrives at Tenso despite the fact that I fucked up the address

Japan Post is truly the miracle of universe

>> No.9326353

how would you attach the chain to the outside of the bag like pic related?

>> No.9326363

The maker of that bag has either used a safety pin, iron wire or some sort of metal clamps, so that they attach from inside the bag. Any of those seem like a pretty solid idea, or you can also sew the chain on the bag with needle and strong thread. If it was my bag, I would attach the chain with something metal and also sew it on, just to be sure that it doesn't fall off.

It could also be possible to rip the bag's seams open from where you want to attach the chain, and re-sew the seams so that the chain is sandwiched in between. Seems like a lot of hassle, tho.

>> No.9326418

Hey gulls, maybe I'm just an idiot but my wego order won't go through because they want "half-width" numbers. I've tried conversion sights, typing with japanese and english keyboards, and it's just not working. How are we supposed to type "half width"?

>> No.9326435

I just put in normal numbers. Ususally when the website specifies type of numbers they say byte numbers, mean our numerals and not the kanji.

>> No.9326594

Can I get some opinions?

I'm making a bag for a character with basically no official merch, and I have a Wego heart bag which is basically almost filled.

There's some stuff I wasn't able to put in the bag because its too big and wouldn't fit.

I really like the Utapri styled bags, but I'm worried I won't be able to fill the full bag, and that it will look at little silly with a bunch of fan made merch?

I also like that I'm able to put fabric in the Wego bag and change the background, something that I won't be able to do with a tote unless I order a custom one.

Should I just stick with my Wego bag? Or should I go bigger?

>> No.9326726

>I also like that I'm able to put fabric in the Wego bag and change the background, something that I won't be able to do with a tote unless I order a custom one.

Except there are a crapton of window totes out there that you can use a backing board for? How hard have you been looking for bags?

>> No.9326743
File: 430 KB, 1528x1528, IMG_5695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww yes. Very happy with how this came out. :) the little plush on the outside is a screen wiper.

>> No.9326763

This is so cute Anon!

>> No.9326771


>> No.9326813

Oh hey it's my bag! Thanks for taking a pic anon! I forgot to snap a pic myself before taking the inside apart to fit the new charms I bought at the con. I'm also waiting for a few preordered fan charms in the mail before I can actually assemble everything again.

Thanks everyone! I'm so glad you guys like my bag so much! <3

Hey there! It's like >>9326363 said. I attached some bent safety pins on the inside and hooked the chain on a metal ring onto them.

>> No.9326820

>I really like the Utapri styled bags
>Utapri styled
>not a window tote

>> No.9326956
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Sorry anon, I got the impression that you were just looking for an upgrade, period, not between the two. My mistake.

Anyway, I can't say for myself what I'd do, but I do know if you're worried about stuff looking handmade you can always get buttons made. it's hard for those to look tacky.

How badly do you want to display the things that didn't fit? is there some merch you're less fond of that you could swap out in the wego bag for it? Could you possibly put the too big stuff outside the window and secure it in some way?

Also, you could put a backing in the utapri bag without ruining it. I made a crappy illustration to show how, but it might be moot if you like the actual tote fabric. Sorry for the crap handwriting.

>> No.9326986

Can a kind anon reassure me I understand how Tenso works? I signed up for an account, they e-mailed me my Japan address. So now, I literally just shop .jp websites with the Japan address? And Tenso will e-mail me/charge me when it arrives there at the warehouse? Then ship it to me?

It's really that easy?

>> No.9327008

You need to submit a document that proves your identity. You also need to give them your card info so you can use that japanese address as you billing address as well.

You pay for whatever you buy and shipping to the warehouse yourself when buying from a site. You get charged for international shipping when it arrives and you choose to ship it

>> No.9327040
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got all my merch in yesterday I'm so happy~
I'm going to bring/wear this bag for con next week in my Miku cosplay, I...kinda wanna bring my body pillow for funsies but idk it's kinda big, so we'll see

>> No.9327045

They do indeed make single charm orders, but you really should see if you can add your charms to someone else's larger order. That way your single charms will be muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch cheaper and the shipping charge won't suck as bad.

>> No.9327056

Super cute!

>> No.9327062

Shipping is usually $16 if you're in the US with each charm usually being ~$1.50/ea depending on size/material. Maybe you can do a batch and sell them on the itabag sales group?

>> No.9327081
File: 3.06 MB, 2368x4208, IMG_20170120_164436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my bag in to start my Eli itabag. It's super sparse looking to me but I do have a couple of keychains coming in soon. It's my first bag I'm doing and I really want to start my Soldier:76 one too.

>> No.9327178 [DELETED] 

I love the colour of the bag you chose, it goes really well with the character!

>> No.9327180

I have the exact same plan for my Maki strap of the same series anon- Gonna put her right in the middle! Only difference is i'll be using only straps, no badges.
I was so surprised when it arrived in the mail, way bigger than I thought it was gonna be.

>> No.9327188

I love the colour of the bag you chose, it goes really well with the character!

>> No.9327216

I'm absolutely loving how you arranged your charms with the cards (?).

Clean your floor, gull. Looking really cute so far, though!

>> No.9327383

Anyone have anymore inspo of these bags? Did my rounds on IG and Tumblr just wanna know if anyone has a fav arrangement.

>> No.9327402

Those bag seem to be less inspired? Its either large keychains or layers. The heart bag can either be super simple with lots of decoration or having a centrepiece with items set around it.

>> No.9327424
File: 2.35 MB, 1192x1194, jgyuj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my best to dig for you, large window anon.

Not that anon but this is where it's all a matter of opinion. I think the large window bags can look pretty nice with proper layering and potential embellishments within the mix of straps/badges

I think it might be hard for some people to get inspiration to use that type of bag to it's full potential if they choose to use the design at all. Heart bags have a bit of an easier time since they have a concealed area where lights can be added or things can be neatly attached to the outside of the bag. Again, this is if you choose to use the bag in that way though.

Both can look super nice but in their own ways.

>> No.9327475
File: 966 KB, 1080x1276, BHn1DR3gV2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually prefer the large window over the heart bags. I'm really tired of seeing heart bags in general, plus the large window makes for more merch! But everyone has their opinions, no right or wrong in this hobby, which is makes it so refreshing.

>> No.9327477
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>> No.9327479
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>> No.9327480
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>> No.9327484
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>> No.9327485
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>> No.9327487
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>> No.9327488
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>> No.9327491
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>> No.9327493
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>> No.9327495
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>> No.9327497
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>> No.9327498
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>> No.9327499
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>> No.9327500
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>> No.9327501
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>> No.9327503
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>> No.9327504
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>> No.9327508
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>> No.9327509
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>> No.9327510
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>> No.9327512
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>> No.9327514
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>end dump

>> No.9327515
File: 43 KB, 720x720, moefist me bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the original anon, but wow, thanks so much for the dump! I just bought this bag and wasn't certain how to fill it out well, partially because I wanted a full showcase and partially because I was getting a little tired of heart bags too.

>> No.9327520

Is there a name or search term to use for those little rubber straps of a character's outfit? I've seen those in other fandoms as well but I have no idea how to get them.

>> No.9327564

less inspired anon here
Whoever this was thanks for the dump! Nice to see a wide variety. Im actually getting one of these bags so provides a good insiight into what others do with the bags.

What seems to be popular is having wither large Plush keychains and badges/keychains set around or almost exclusively badges.

Love the mix of fandoms! Nice to see more casual bags about.

>> No.9327585

Always check myfigurecollection, you're guaranteed to find whatever it's called on y!j auctions, mandarake, etc. Limit your search to Rubber Strap for classifications and then sift through the results.

The osumatsu one is labelled "パーカー型ラバーマスコット" (parka type rubber strap). Not sure if that translates over exactly to other fandoms though.

>> No.9327593

I really like this one! The extra star embellishments add a lot, I think, and it has a nice variety of merch

The signed stuff in this one is so cool!! I would love to be able to put a VA signature in an itabag, that's such a good idea! now I'm going to have to keep my eye out for which signings are at which conventions.....

>> No.9327679

does anyone know a place to get custom heart-shaped buttons made? preferably in like 1-5 button quantities. i've seen them in artist alleys and such and I'd love decorate my bag with a few

>> No.9327698

I believe someone had a link in the AA thread, that would be the best place to ask as well. I'm sure it's either in the current thread or the one before it.

>> No.9327721

It was from the last AA thread, don't ask again. They got annoyed when someone couldn't find it on their own in the first place. The supplier has 1 button per design moq which is good for itabag needs.

>> No.9327737

>the bag is yellow

>> No.9327779

I'm one of the anons who asked for inspo and WOW! Thanks so much for all the inspiration!!
This one in particular I like a lot.

>> No.9327824
File: 46 KB, 1024x576, 4ba06a1fc9b16538c8f399c851212fb9c6f092da_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad the pics could help! Can't wait to see more itabags from everyone!

>> No.9327864

thank you, I don't like the heart bags

>> No.9327889

Are the fur bunny ear bags gonne from wego's website or am I just blind? I decided to just cave in and order a couple bags and can't seem to find them anymore, I was nearly sure they were there just yesterday when I was browsing

>> No.9327891

Nevermind, I'm blind/they weren't showing up under 'backpacks'. Completely sold out

>> No.9328041

You can find them other places like https://aitaikuji.com/wego-furry-bunny-ita-bag-clear-flap-backpack and I believe on rakuten.

>> No.9328113
File: 585 KB, 745x745, itabag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the bag's brand? I'm not familiar with it and can't find any similar ones from the google doc's list of brands. I'd appreciate any help.

>> No.9328388

I wanted to order something else from them and take advantage of the sales, tho. But thank you anyhow!

>> No.9328450

This looks custom/handmade to me. It reminds me of those rectangular salus backpacks but it looks waaaay too small to actually be one.

>> No.9328495

As a Saionji lover, I am in love with your bag! I think you definitely could use some more merch. Don't be afraid to cover up the cloth. You'll still be able to see it between the merch. If you don't mind using fan merch (since she doesn't have that much merch), I saw a very cute Saionji merch on Etsy the other day.

>> No.9328658

New thread >>9328647