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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 85 KB, 526x526, USA50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9313443 No.9313443 [Reply] [Original]

Just a thread for posting and sharing and discussing cringe groups

>> No.9313446

USA50 had started posting member videos. Hibiki still shows what's in her nose.

>> No.9313664

The logo is horrible....

>> No.9314340

It's not a group, but this girl keeps appearing in the " New Translated Video " on nico nico and she's on a top level of cringy. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFHc-vIV10Q

>> No.9314366

You should have probably made an odottemita general thread so this thread could last awhile longer

>> No.9314495

I don't want to mix this mess in with odottemita and dance. They've shown they have no intent of putting out actual content, just clickbaity stuff to keep telling us what super great idols they're gonna be someday. How would they even do a group dance cover with none of the members in the same state?

>> No.9314531

It would be ok if it were a Kidz Bop comp. lol

>> No.9314564

They're all spread apart. Plus only one in the East unit which is Hibiki/Hoshi

>> No.9314565

I gave up on USA50 long ago
well not even gave up considering i never had hope for it in the first place seeing the name

>> No.9314569

this is one of the worst things i've ever seen

>> No.9314573

>How would they even do a group dance cover with none of the members in the same state?
Probably by editing together a hot mess like this:

>> No.9314578

ugh groups like that usually never look good enough to enjoy
the closest I've seen to looking decently made being done that way is Oishii Project

>> No.9314580

Yeah but no one in that group can edit or record videos worth shit. Not even the "manager", so I don't think they'd even be able to do something rough like that.

>> No.9314582

It just shows how much gets missed when you don't practice as a group. Everyone has their own timing and even if the individual's dance is clean, it doesn't line up with the group. You can't fix issues like that if you can't practice as a group.

>> No.9314585

That's some pretty bad editing

>> No.9314589

that plus different video qualities, drastically different backgrounds, and different distances from the camera- it's just too much to try and match when everyone is separated like that

>> No.9314598

went to watch more of their videos and i regret it. Why does that one girl continue to wear fishnets like it's a tasteful fashion? And I see maybe two potential decent dancers and one of them doesn't even come into the video until a minute so in, wonder how they felt after seeing the finished videos.


>> No.9314604

I like how they could've synced the seperate videos to make the dancing look more in time but they just didn't. lmao.

also, the amount of unchecked dance boob flapping around in that makes me so uncomfortable. Buy a sportsbra.

>> No.9314608

Someone looked like they could barely stand up straight. They looked bent over the whole time

>> No.9314716
File: 54 KB, 304x225, IMG_2249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does idol dances
>still this fat

>> No.9315019

Eh, you can dance all you want but still be fat if you eat like shit. It's possible to lose weight through learning weeb dances, but only if you treat it like serious exercise and make the appropriate lifestyle changes to go with it. Lots of people don't, they just want to be cute on youtube.

>> No.9315156

who the heck is USA50?

>> No.9315409
File: 143 KB, 894x582, 13521830_193582074376758_8595480127316970924_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I gather, they started off trying to actually become an official unit of AKB48 in America. The manager of USA50 even tried contacting AKB management to "hopefully be able to receive licensing and official status or endorsement from AKB48."

Now they're trying to "set up a national organization that will create and manage new original idol groups in different states and cities" in the U.S., inspired by AKB48.

I eagerly await the debut of this train wreck.

>> No.9315413

Why bully?

>> No.9315471


>> No.9315489

bully you say?

>> No.9315521
File: 92 KB, 640x480, 1477745099373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm yes.... Quite bully indeed.

>> No.9315541
File: 5 KB, 190x296, oh no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no. Someone pulled the bully card. What ever shall we do?

>> No.9315568

this seems like a selfpost, i can't imagine anyone caring enough to make a thread about this haha

>> No.9315598

There was literally a whole thread dedicated to cringe? Just because USA50, the cringiest of cringe, was mentioned it's self post?

>> No.9315610

Pretty sure it's a thread dedicated to cringe. If you heard of the group USA50 and what they plan to do, you'd understand the cringyness level of the wannabe AKB group

>> No.9315611

wasn't talking about the cringe aspect

>> No.9315616

I looked it up and it's boring, they no content out yet but unrealistic goals. While there's true cringe groups out there like Flusay Girls with videos that could kill.

>> No.9315617

It's a general cringethread with USA50 mentioned. Get over it.

>> No.9315621

lul sure

>> No.9315625

>And other cringe group discussion

It's like you guys can't read.

>> No.9316458

"Chibi march" haunts my dreams...

>> No.9316493

I think she was kicked out or something.

>> No.9316517

Flusay Girls is by far the worst net idol group. Not only is their music shit, but they've been making this shit music for over 6 years with very little improvement.

Compare their first original song, Nyan Nyan Matte Matte (June 2010), to their latest, No More Salvation 2.1 (November 2016).

>> No.9316527

Was she? Can anyone confirm cause wow.

>> No.9316531

I'm more or less surprised that none of them have improved enough to not need so much autotune.

>> No.9316626

Looks like a few days ago, they posted the candidates that "passed" the 3rd round and Hibiki wasn't there. I'm dying to know whether there were any standards to passing the candidates or if they just got bored and dropped out, because I can't imagine the manager actually failing anyone when she was so desperate for people.

>> No.9316649

I still have nightmares

>> No.9316713

I could've sworn she was in that group but going back now she isn't. Other than Hibiki, only one person ain't there.

>> No.9316716

That post has been edited a few times. Hibiki either was kicked out or she left on her own because she along with Jade are gone.

>> No.9317119
File: 65 KB, 546x320, Screenshot 2017-01-12 at 9.21.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

edit history screenshot. wonder what happened hm

>> No.9317172

That makes so much more sense because I remember seeing it posted when six people had passed, and didn't think to check edit history. I thought I was just retarded and couldn't count when I went back to check.

>> No.9317830

I'm not in this scene and have never heard of this group before but holy shit both those videos are so bad...

>> No.9318921

You ain't seen/heard nothing yet, friend.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9sWL6yDJds (Skip to 1:40 for uncomfortable mouth zooms)

And this is FG's manager. She's 27.

>> No.9318963

have i died and gone to hell?

>> No.9318968

>And this is FG's manager. She's 27.

Wait what!? Here I am thinking she's 24 at the most and is on some teen mom shit. So not only is she delusional, but she's 27 and with a child and living at home. Somehow that's worse than being delusional, 24, with child, and at home.

>> No.9318971


>> No.9318972

Some other cringe worthy group :


>> No.9318983

The third one isn't so bad. The one in the blue seems to be throwing them off but the girls in the purple and pink have good timing and precision. I'm sure if it was just the two of them it wouldn't be that bad.

>> No.9319426
File: 164 KB, 320x480, Screenshot_2017-01-14-13-55-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she even try?

>> No.9319464

Well, shit. This is my university.

>> No.9319480

...Is their group name pronounced 'FloozyGirls'?

>> No.9319546

I think it's said how it's spelled. "Flu say"

>> No.9319552


>> No.9319568

the random lace (?) hanging down from beneath her sweater dress in the last video is making me supremely uncomfortable

>> No.9319581
File: 528 KB, 526x402, nanami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's pronounced "Flu-say." The name is an unfortunate combination of the creators of the group's names, Flugel and Lindsay.

I worry about her daughter. How is she going to turn out with a mother who's being too busy dancing in school girl uniforms and managing an online group of weeby wanna-be-idol teenagers to get a job?

>> No.9319618

i didn't think the second group was that bad. At least not as bad as most of the other groups in this thread.

>> No.9319748

Furi Furi isn't necessarily the worst group, but they are consistently bad/mediocre with no improvement.
They dance the same basic dances that everyone's done before (Yo-kai Watch, First Kiss, Hapi Hapi Morningu, etc.) with no energy and are never in sync with each other.
Their live performances are pitiful. Notice how hardly anyone's paying attention to them in the beginning, the quiet pity applause after each song and how many people leave in the first 6 minutes of the video.

>> No.9319949

Honestly, if anything happens to her it's going to be her child isn't in her care anymore. I'm sure her parents know and are probably fed up. I'm not saying she's not a good parent but she lives at home and still has wannabe idol dreams at 27. She's not making money (or if she is then not much), she's not improving laughable composition skill so she could make money, and she does shit like in that picture which is horribly unsightly. She's going down a stupid path.

>> No.9320729


>> No.9320764


>> No.9320816


>> No.9320828


Lmao at when she receives a reindeer plush in a shoebox at 1:24

>> No.9320910

I want to know who's voting.

>> No.9320917

When I see Nanami, I get to urge to punch my screen. I wonder what would happen in real life.

>> No.9320961

First time hearing about Nanami. Spice anyone?

>> No.9320972

27 years old unemployed with a kid. Wastes time prancing around in tiny school girl uniforms and with her "net idol" group Flusay Girls instead of providing for her kid. Shitty composing skills and lyrics. Just a delusional weeb.

>> No.9320977

That wasn't the face I was expecting, she looks 30

>> No.9320991

Whoever's handing Holly the shoe box has hairy arms. I'm guessing it's her dad.

On a slightly related note...
Astrid's and Calla's segments are cringey enough, but then I notice the camera is being held by someone and I cringe even harder imagining that maybe some poor family member had to be subjected to that IRL.

>> No.9321102

Honestly, the only "good"/"cute" one in that whole clip was Astrid. Other than the last girl, she's the only cute one in that whole group. The rest were ............. yeah.

>> No.9321143

The girl in the purple and the girl in the grey at least look like they have some potential, but most of the girls look like they can't even remember the dance or never learned it properly, especially pink.

These videos are pretty hard to watch, but everyone looks like they're having a lot of fun.

Yikes, I really wanted to like this since they at least tried to make the backgrounds coherent, but the song is so awful, they're all singing off key, and everyone looks so awkward on camera.

Yikes, the manager looks like she's following a mirrored dance tutorial in her videos.

>> No.9321321

the first one, is that a guy?

>> No.9321605

The only part that I didn't cringe at was the rabbit puppet honestly. That part was actually kind of cute.

I can see what this group is going for and it's really unfortunate that they aren't all in the same place to practice/work as a team. They've made a good attempt at least, and hopefully they're having fun. I wish they'd all standardize their backgrounds somehow though. Something as simple as filming in front of a white wall or green screen would be great.


Holy shit that Chibi March video is nightmare fuel. And so is the Remix song... Are they TRYING to be scary?

Why the unnecessary intro/outro for the Yokai Watch dance cover? Completely unrelated and just awkward...

Oh my GOD the toddler watching Beethoven? WHY? I didn't realize until after reading the comments that he was her son (and not younger brother, which I thought), but either way, unless the song is about a kid.. why would you include him?

>> No.9321615

God, this whole thread is a cringe goldmine. This video though... a special dose of cringe. It's all so scripted and awkward... I wish they'd at least practice their lines and try to act natural instead of like anime characters.

>> No.9321750

If you thought that was bad...
But honestly, these kinds of videos are the only thing I "dislike" about Platinum Happy (and even then it's still entertaining in a way).
Their songs are decently mixed, no one's a particularly bad singer... I give them a 10/10 compared to shit like >>9318921

Anyone remember Sakura Station or LolliPOP Project? Those were the only groups I can remember that were as bad, if not worse, than Flusay Girls but they deleted their channels.

>> No.9321811

Ew. Can none of the afford to film outside for outside themed videos? As far as Sakura Station and LolliPOP, Sakura stuff is gone but lollipop's pages are there just dead (videos private). But does anyone know what happened to Sakura Station? That was crazy because the leader said something about everyone sucking or something?

>> No.9321931

I don't understand why Crystal Rose has teams.

>> No.9321965

why they feel the need to have trainees when the actual members themselves aren't good themselves is mind-boggling

>> No.9321967

One of two reasons. To make themselves look better or to distract from themselves.

>> No.9322189

would have been better if they didn't sing

>> No.9322229

Oh no... So much cringe. So. much.
I guess I'll have to listen to their music though

>> No.9323564
File: 39 KB, 480x480, nanamiflusay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Kitty eared cutie coming at ya!
Please vote for Nanami (or your other favourite member) in the #flusaygirls member ranking on our website www.flusaygirls.com click the member ranking tab and vote! Whoever reaches number 1 will be the centre in our next single! Ganbatte!!"

>> No.9323567
File: 40 KB, 540x540, yaimaflusay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9323573
File: 76 KB, 720x720, jujuonthatflusay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9323576
File: 46 KB, 640x640, liilianflusay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9323580
File: 34 KB, 480x551, hollyheartflusay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last of this dump of photoshopped horrors.

>> No.9323596

Jeeeesus. AnimeCam has some cute filters for sure, but this is fucking overkill.

>> No.9323612

is this one actually asian or no? theres so much filter i can't tell.

>> No.9323622

At 2:00 she claims she's "half-Cuban and also Japanese"

>> No.9323893

Crystal Rose has auditions going on for a third generation :


For those wondering what are those picture above, it's for the new 2017 ranking of FG :


Ice Qream has a new cover :


Honey Hime made a dance tutorial for their song Honey Hype :


Amaitsuki has a new generation also. Sadly I can't link the announcement from their page.

>> No.9323970

Why does it seem like Ice Qream (and basically every other group) never sings in their own voices?

>> No.9324005

Because their real voices aren't ~kawaii~ enough

>> No.9324012

this one is cute at least

>> No.9324037

gotta have the kawaii japanese idol voice

>> No.9324281

Lol not it's not.

>> No.9324395

I meant the girl

>> No.9324399

Trust me, this chick has changed alot since then and is probably the most talented out of the whole group.

>> No.9324407

she's a way better dancer than the rest, but she needs to give up on the singing and stick to dance covers.

>> No.9324622


Despite all the idols with amazing voices, they chose the annoying ones.

>> No.9324630

Considering Nanami autotunes all their voices, I don't even know what she sounds like. Is there anything besides Flusay Girls (or any mix besides Nanami's) that she sings in?

>> No.9324635

I'd rather hear Yaima sing on her own. She may not be good but she doesn't need nearly as much work as those others.

>> No.9324681

USA50 just updated their site and it's blinding - https://sites.google.com/view/usa50project/

>> No.9324721

It's so fucking white. But at least it's better than that train wreck they had before.

>> No.9324850

Yaima is a good dancer (can't vouch for her singing since I can't find anything not butchered with autotune) but aside from that, the rest of FG is completely devoid of any talent or personality, so why bother holding a popularity contest?

>Hi~hi! I'm Kira, the 'Killer Sparkle' idol!
>I have autism (but you wouldn't tell by just watching me.)

>> No.9324871
File: 25 KB, 488x472, 1d0416739c31389a56dafaf0a2e8cf79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "Usa50"
> "Killer Sparkle" uguu so randum girl from Canada doh

>> No.9324872

autism would explain why someone from canada auditioned for a group with USA in the name

>> No.9324875

Did she seriously just say she's a 5 year old? wtf?

>> No.9324905

At least, mixing is nicely done and not FG autune level... I have to give them that.

>> No.9326015

The girl in fishnets will be turning 27 next month.
>February 24, 1990

The older the aidoru, the cringier.

>> No.9326076


>> No.9326120

That just hurt.

>> No.9326184

There's a wiki for this shit?
>Fans are referred to as “peppers”

>> No.9326634

the fuck is the girl doing in the bigging

>> No.9326717

What the hell was that.

>> No.9327124
File: 176 KB, 800x800, juju_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the leader said something about everyone sucking or something?
Well, it's true that Sakura Station did suck, but the former leader of SS (Juju) is still an active member of Flusay Girls...

>> No.9327131

1st girl the fuck was she doing-
2nd girl actually had a decent voice since she wasn't trying to be all "kawaii" with it
3rd girl had the most video time? didn't seem too fair.
4th girl was actually pretty good, she danced as well so woop for more effort.

>> No.9327137

This is so hard to watch.

>> No.9327219
File: 38 KB, 352x521, IMG_2835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff just baffles me. It's like...they have all these little details and rankings and member profiles but they all are frumpy or have that invisible nerdy girl who cares enough to not look like a slob but doesn't care how she looks otherwise look. I expected them to be dressed all seifuku or weeb gear. Or for actual cute girls to be attracted to this retardeness. It creeps me out for some reason.

I find solace in thinking that a real life Muse would be made up of nerdy out of shape weirdos anyways.

>> No.9327765

The angle made me feel very uncomfortable.

>> No.9327773

These weebs think they can just do a Love Live! song/dance cover and become the next top aidoru!! (some of these net idols genuinely believe they can become actual idols in Japan) with no actual skill, talent or effort.

I guess I can see the appeal in being an online "idol" to teenage weebs, but what about these grown ass women >>9326015 >>9318921

>> No.9327886

yo her puppet skills tho

>> No.9327980

I remember a few groups that were created by girls who left the idol groups they just entered, before actually getting to sing anything to start their own, never actually releasing anything. And the names were pretty generic.

From Ice Qream's video I liked the voices of the girl with glasses and the girl with the tattoo choker, but wtf happened at 1:57.
Overall, they need to work on their corporal expression, some of them look like they were forced to be in the video, other look scared.

Also, I thought Crystal Rose was done.

>> No.9327994

Lol nope. Their wiki says a new single is coming out this year. The one thing Crystal Rose does somewhat right is that they don't waste time doing covers and focuses on original songs.

But let's be real - why do any of these groups think they can be successful in Japan when they don't even bother to sing or SPEAK in Japanese and don't do anything worth noticing? They should give up if they aren't going to actually do something worth while.

>> No.9328028

W-w-w-which university anon? It really looks familiar to me.

>> No.9330929

>I remember a few groups that were created by girls who left their idol groups to start their own, never actually releasing anything
Sounds like you're talking about MilkyWays, formed by a former member of Platinum Happy but all they ever did was release these cringy introductory videos and then nothing else.

Hoshiko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Suc2Mg128fY
Yuzuki: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs_ETFcBUG8
Chinatsu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3KJjS7zMTw

>> No.9331135

I remember them too.

Also a girl from flusay who tried to start a duo, and a few girls from crystal rose, I think most of their videos are gone.

>> No.9331287

>hobbies include fashion
Ok girl...

>> No.9332165

Didn't know people interested in fashion had to wear fashionable stuff all the time. Or at all. But here what she was wearing was a bad choice.

>> No.9333203

hot off the presses

>> No.9333206

just when i thought it wasn't going to get worse the singing starts-

and what the heck is up with the big jar of peanut butter????

>> No.9333210

it really bothers me when dancers don't wear shoes or at least socks unless the dance/location actually calls for it (like the beach, or a love live dancer set cosplay)

>> No.9333435

Ew. Any more examples of bad singers?

>> No.9333786

I don't know her or anyone else's reasons but I know that sometimes when I dance, depending on the floor, wearing certain shoes or socks makes it harder to move.

>> No.9333787

Seeing as this is split screen, she probably did it to keep kerself from crossing the screen so that her hands weren't cut off.

>> No.9335267

!אני באמת כושי. העברית שלי לא כל כך טוב

>> No.9335444

if your hebrew isnt good why are you writing in it?

>> No.9335869

I feel like the dance cover culture is slowly disappearing. Most of the girls that danced a few years ago vanished, or they privated all of their videos. Even the cringe queens.
The german girl in this thread doesn't attempt even the easiest vocaloid dances.
I kind of miss seing danjo covers, or danceroid's first kiss. Everything is love live now and it bores me. I rarely encounter good groups, and when I do, I just hope they'd dance something else.
Maybe it's the new copyright system on youtube that killed any potential good dancers by taking down their channels.

Bumping out of context is a thing?

>> No.9335877

I agree. I'm getting sick of seeing Love Live videos all the time. But aside from Japanese Pop and Vocaloid (which is dwindling in terms of dance), it's always LL. There's a load of groups to learn dances from.

>> No.9335954

I know Hello!Project covers lessened when they stopped releasing dance shots publicly. And AKB stuff is usually flagged pretty quickly.

>> No.9336257

IMO that just makes people who do Hello! Project dances look lazy. It's fairly easy to find dance shots online or to see their lives (like Mushidashi de) online where they do the dance. They just don't take time to look or, like people used to do with k-pop, find videos where they clip the dances together.

>> No.9338320

any new cringe?

>> No.9340513

>There's a wiki for this shit?
Yep. It was created by wannabe aidorus like Hoshi Teruko and the founders of failing/failed net idol groups so they can promote themselves.

Also, I've just noticed something about one of Flusay Girls' songs...
No More Salvation is just a really shitty version of Tommy February6's Runaway. I don't know whether it's intended to be a "cover" or "remix" of TF6's Runaway (if so, it's never stated anywhere) or if it's a just shameless ripoff, but regardless it sounds like shit.

>> No.9340770

TRANSFER UNIT. THEY DIDN'T EVEN START UP YET why do they think they need to have a transfer unit???

>> No.9340786

Her fucking hand, I really want this to be a joke

>> No.9340905

Crystal Rose has a Q&A forum open. Anyone want to join me and raid the forum?

>> No.9340926

Damn. This made me sad.

>> No.9341051

Holy shit. I was expecting something like just a bit similar nothing too much. But oh my god.

>> No.9341529

the first video is private, guessing it wasn't always like that

>> No.9341537

looks like they deleted everything regarding no more salvation lol someone's watching this thread

>> No.9341606

Curious about their defense is. If they even give one.

>> No.9341653
File: 135 KB, 1058x676, no more salvation for flusay girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I discovered Flusay Girls' dirty little secret. They've removed nearly every video of No More Salvation from their Youtube and even removed it from their Bandcamp. I really wish I would have saved it!

They could've claimed it was just a remixed cover, or heavily inspired by the song they ripped off.

Flusay Girls confirmed for worst net idol group- not only are they talentless, they're plagiarists as well.
Oh, and hello, lurking Flusay member. I may not have been able to save the full song, but I did download the several demos of the song you forgot to delete from Soundcloud :)

>> No.9342226

They should just admit their wrongdoing. I blame Namami. She's the one who made it so she obviously knew what she was doing. Further goes to prove she's scum.

>> No.9342860

Do any of these western idol aspiring groups realize that the real key to success is a talented producer to compose the music, decide on theme/gimmick, organize choreography, promotion, marketing, schedule performances and basically run the group while the performers just focus on singing and dancing practice?

>> No.9342917


>> No.9343173

Ahaha yeah... if you're under a contract with a company. It's entirely possible to run a group on your own (because people have using their own funds what a shock) but they don't put any real effort into it. They try to do everything themselves without any real background knowledge or putting money out which makes them cheap. I'm surprised Crystal Rose's UK unit even uses a dance room. This key to success you speak of is what is somehow engrained as what you need to be successful which isn't true. The word you're looking for is a manager - which none of them have. And not all groups have a theme/gimmick. It also doesn't help that they do not at all cater to their target audience: the Japanese.

>> No.9343381
File: 112 KB, 300x300, 1483344289955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made my day

>> No.9343402

the second group is really great IMO

>> No.9343482

You can't say that here! They'll find a reason for why it's bad. You can't say a group is good here.

>> No.9344748 [DELETED] 

I can't stand the first girl's voice. The second girl, third and fourth weren't bad voice wise

>> No.9344753

I can't stand that first girls voice. The rest are not bad voice wise though

>> No.9345314

horrible cringe:

>> No.9345358

I think someone else might be thinking the same as I am. I can't laugh at her, but I pity her for a delicate reason. I might be wrong, though. For a few minutes I thought this was some kind of parody, and now I just feel bad.

>> No.9346835

seeing the quality i thought this would be years old.
This is from Jan of this year.

>> No.9346877

Is she recording a video playing on her computer? Why not just... upload that video?
Also this shit reminded me of Bubblegum Pinku

>> No.9347725

i can't even hear what she's dancing to. and seeing it's caled "nyan nyan rock version" not sure if i want to

>> No.9347833

It's from an anime. I looked it up myself because it sounded familiar. Someone remixed it (obviously).

>> No.9348091
File: 73 KB, 177x269, 1485890271377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Usa50 like gay pride for cosplay or something.

>> No.9348100
File: 49 KB, 536x486, fucking really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those tits man

>> No.9348242

I found a confession blog on tumblr that relates to foreign idols and net idols called anidolsconfessions after digging around the somewhat dead usa50 tag.

>> No.9348269

I would love to know of these groups that don't do Vocaloid dances (even if it is original choreo). I'm in a dance club at uni and we struggle to find JPop with formations like Kpop does (the draw of our club).
We have done Perfume, C-ute, Fairies, Girl's Generation, Tempura Kidz, Kyary, Daichi Miura, Flower...always teetering on picking E-Girls, and I always shill for 1,2,3 by Morning Musume but it never gets picked lol.

Does cgl know of any other impressive looking dances by decently well-known groups?

>> No.9348275

the problem is that it sounds like your group is too afraid to venture out of kpop. The jpop groups you have done so far are amazing picks but in reality, your group needs to start boarding their horizons. I only say this because ive witnessed my uni group lose more members than gaining because they would focus 75% of their showcases on kpop. The kpop gimmick can only work for so long.

Keep recommending One, Two, Thee but here is a list of recommendations:

>> No.9348280

I'm calling this a self post because the one confession on said blog is from today, which is the 7th. But I'll bite because we need another place to send confessions with Sutekina and Confessor gone.

>> No.9348287
File: 741 KB, 371x202, 1415943315142.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will work forever when it's one of the few colleges that offers a degree in Korean. There are a ton of koreaboos here, in fact there are two other exclusive kpop clubs.

Thanks, I love the first one and will keep these saved for next semester! But it makes me remember - they don't like dances with microphones. I think it'd be cute to hold fake ones but whatever...it honestly does annoy me, I'm a fourth-year and every year they're like "WE NEED JAPANESE SONG SUGGESTIONS" but find problems with all idol-like dances I put out. Like River, there. Never made it.

>> No.9348327

Maybe look into GEM or Passpo ? GEM has nice dance and are a more mature group I would say, with a lot of members and nice formation. Passpo has some awesome songs too. Cheeky Parade are nice too, from the groups you didn't do dance already.

>> No.9348338

look up Faries. Bling Bling my Love seems like something a kpop fan would like.

>> No.9348700


when you look at the first one this seems like an improvement. Won't fully know until the full comes out but the dances look better. The some solos need work.

>> No.9348827

Even the girl in pink shows some improvement.

>> No.9348832
File: 35 KB, 500x281, petit_bellpepper_is_a_cleaver_reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of a certain 765

>> No.9348989

not great, but at least there's improvement there. Disappointed in how they sung kanashiki heaven though, more impressive if you switch harmonies like the original girls do.

>> No.9349148

Yeah but knowing how Juju's voice isn't particularly strong it was best. But it would've been better to see the alternating.

>> No.9349158

Wow that first girl sounds exactly like me when I get carried away and try to sing. The difference between us is that I am aware my voice is shit and only expose others to it when we're all very, very drunk.

>> No.9349161

my exact thoughts

>> No.9349219

would have been alright if she actually hit the right lower notes, most times it sounds off

>> No.9353815

a friend of mine noticed how BerriTeam Victory got way over 1,300 likes in a week anyone else think that's fishy? They're at 1,900 now. They haven't even released any videos

>> No.9353820

Was wrong about crystal rose uk

They're still shit. How has no one even corrected the pink girl. She's horrible. Juju get out of that group. Naomi get out of that group. If Ash is good, just kick the other three out.

>> No.9353836


>> No.9353840
File: 175 KB, 320x480, Screenshot_2017-02-12-09-24-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was February 4th

>> No.9353844
File: 138 KB, 320x480, Screenshot_2017-02-12-09-24-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was 4 hours ago

>> No.9353846

I just looked it up and it's reeeally fishy. They have no videos. No subscribers. Nothing but a performance date and some high quality photos.

Either that have a looot of friends or something is off

>> No.9353850
File: 71 KB, 320x480, Screenshot_2017-02-12-09-24-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is their current count. I think they're buying likes

>> No.9353853
File: 10 KB, 527x330, Screenshot 2017-02-12 at 9.29.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this type of growth makes no sense without something going viral

>> No.9353856

And I doubt they've gone viral.

At first I suspected they were using an old page which already had likes but this seems like they're just buying them.

>> No.9353883

The remind me of Project Passion, they did the same thing without actually uploading anything, but member profiles.

>> No.9353910

They announced they would be at a con. Could that be it?

>> No.9353930

nah, couldn't be

>> No.9353965

Looks like all the wannabes like them (Hibiki, Tony, Angel, Nicole..)

>> No.9353987

Far as I know, none of them are Wannabe's except Hibiki which speaking of is apparently solo now

>> No.9353989

>Treating a number of facebook likes as achievement instead of a number of released performances.

I think it's fine for kids to play pretend, but yikes, don't put that stuff in public.

>> No.9353993

Thanks for calling me a wannabe! It literally has 0 effect on me. ^+^ And I liked the page because I'm interested in them. You know, that human trait that any normal person has. You obviously have some interest in me and Tony and Nicole are to even know who we are. But thanks. ^+^

>> No.9354087

Hoshi/Hibiki, quit embarrassing yourself. The only reason any of us are aware of who you are is because of your hilariously awful, cringe-worthy performances and your delusion in thinking you could actually make it as an idol in Japan despite being hopelessly untalented. Even USA50 kicked you out and their standards were low enough already.

>> No.9354097

The fact that you thought this was Hibiki is funny because it's not. It's Angel.

>> No.9354102
File: 364 KB, 1440x1850, 20170212_152952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, well, well. Looks like the BerriTeam leader (im assuming) has beef with Amina? Looks like things are starting to come to light

>> No.9354105
File: 1.01 MB, 1440x2097, 20170212_153017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9354106

She's just managing I think but god if anyone is cringy let it be Amina.

>> No.9354108

At least amina didnt have to buy likes. Ngl would perfer amina over this girl and her group.

>> No.9354114

It sounds like she is trying to one up Amina in the most cringiest way possible by trying to produce a better idol group? Trying to shut down cringe with more cringe will make it even cringier. Plus her buying likes for the group is making her more cringy at this point.

>> No.9354115

On that front yeah but I'd rather have three realistically bad girls than one wannabe loser who thinks she's talented and anyone but her is a weeb. IMO Amina isn't even news worthy. She's a bikini model but is flat as a pancake and her wig is shit.

>> No.9354122
File: 212 KB, 1440x698, gettingfishier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow speaking of...

>> No.9354129

I always imagine that girls like Amina will only end up in the AV industry

>> No.9354132

Hey teya

>> No.9354140

Why do you think I'm teya? I don't even like Amina or Teya.

>> No.9354145
File: 5 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9354146
File: 422 KB, 1242x1581, IMG_3457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is old but she's already on the way to it from the looks of her "modeling DVD"

>> No.9354148

You're right it's a lot of salt because for a black girl to try and be an idol and "represent others" she sure is just as shitty as the next.

>> No.9354157

Why do black girls keep talking shit about each other?
Anyway, If berriteam isn't worth the likes they have bought, I won't be surprised if they get humilliated. They should learn a lesson or two about honesty and humbleness.

>> No.9354160

Only teya would be so dedicated to ragging on and making it more about amina to hide her just as ugly attitude and make herself seem more superior.

Literally this and Teya is just salty about not as successful as Amina. Despite Amina's ugly attitude, we cant deny the fact that she actually worked her way to where she is even if she already hit her peak.

>> No.9354163

Or it could just be someone who really does not like Amina??????????????? Or does everyone like her except for Teya. I can tell you with confidence Teya doesn't even know this thread exists. She nor Amina give a shit about stuff like this. Yeah Amina worked her way to the top but if you go after someone you can be sure that they'll go after you. The only way for black girls to stop talking shit about each other is for them to stop acting like every little thing is a drama but none of the girls in the kawaii community know how to do that.

>> No.9354165

Shit, now I think you are Teya.

>> No.9354167

I'm literally not Teya. I live in a totally different state than Teya. You guys find any reason to say "you're this person aren't you". If you don't believe it go ask Teya.

>> No.9354183
File: 207 KB, 1242x1017, IMG_3462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's use critical thinking. If I was Teya don't you think I would've defended the odd spike in likes? I probably would've also defended the other members. Hell this is MY comment

>> No.9354267
File: 23 KB, 490x198, likes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparing their follower counts on other social media (0 YouTube subscribers, 22 Twitter followers, and 18 Instagram followers) to their almost 3,000 Facebook likes, they're absolutely buying those likes. They're trying to surpass Amina in popularity.

>> No.9354294

That's been posted already. And they have over 3,000.

>> No.9354296

random but you can see her hair cap in the photo, yikes.

>> No.9354319

Tbh i never noticed until someone pointed it out

>> No.9354396

Then you're an idiot because I noticed the first time I looked.

>> No.9354410
File: 213 KB, 1242x1762, IMG_3475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah neither can we.

>> No.9354415

Her eyes are way to far apart lol

>> No.9354446

lol what makes this worse is they're playing this off like they can't believe it

>> No.9354453

Like the issue with flusay, I wonder if the girls know they're buying likes and possibly contributing or if they're being told and believing that they're really getting popular. I say flusay girls because I wonder if any of the members knew the song was blatantly copied or if they legitimately thought it was a copy.

>> No.9354693

This is sad.

>> No.9354695

shes cosplaying a hammerhead

>> No.9354706
File: 56 KB, 416x435, IMG_5157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this bitch just said "porch monkey".
Absolutely professional. Stay classy.

>> No.9354929

And why is that?

>> No.9355005

I find it hard to believe that they think they are getting so many likes so fast without something that might explain it, like a cosplay photo with a massive cleavage. They haven't shown their mad dancing skills to be that popular so fast.

>> No.9355008
File: 54 KB, 275x275, 1455981893329.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please keep delivering those cringy videos!

>> No.9355016

what a little sl*t

>> No.9355092

Never underestimate the stupidity of the human race.

>> No.9355339

Not that anon but holy shit her channel is amazing

>> No.9355341

She's 19 years old and she speaks Japanese and Korean

>> No.9355391

Alice is the one who posted that it's BerriTeam's new goal to surpass Amina in Facebook likes >>9354267 so she's probably aware that the likes are bought. Not sure about the other two members.

>> No.9355427

That's a bit of a stretch but I see where you're going with it.

>> No.9355461


This video really made me feel sorry for her, I feel like she is stuffing her life down the toilet.

>> No.9355924

They don't even look so great ? Like, their costume are not that nice, only black and white clothes with color bows, their photos are okay, but that's it ? they don't have any valuable content on their page... I feel bad for the other groups that are trying their best in an honest way.

>> No.9355941

Replying like this on CGL just makes you seem cringy, even if no one knows who you are. If you aren't bothered then move along and ignore it.

>> No.9355969

Holy shit... someone help this poor girl.

>> No.9355972

If anyone else has a right to reply on this thread, why can't I? I mean I browse CGL at least once a day and have for a while. But if you have something to say to me, you or anyone else for that matter, message me on and say it to my face. "Cringy" sure kid.

>> No.9355973

Honest mediocrity beats dishonest shit posting any day.

>> No.9355975

Sorry wrong person, meant for >>9355924

>> No.9355993
File: 66 KB, 625x808, itried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know you from Adam. Oh well, Have fun being a cringe farm.

>> No.9356002

I don't see how that's a stretch. It's fairly reasonable, honestly.

>> No.9356016

That was a public status. Why wouldn't the other members know? Everyone in the community knows getting likes that fast is not easy, even asking your whole family and contacts doesn't add up. Even the most succesful dance or weeb groups really worked hard to get their following, or had someone "famous" to ask their followers to follow said group or project. Who do they have? Exactly, nobody.

They can play dumb, but you can't. You know what's going on. We all do.

>> No.9356027

I didn't see the comment on the post Teya made which is why I was agreeing with that anon. But it is entirely possible they saw what Alice said and ignored it. Or ignored Teya's post in general.

>They can play dumb, but you can't. You know what's going on. We all do.
What? Do you have me confused for someone else?

>> No.9356168

Yeah have fun trying to act like you're something better senpai.

>> No.9356209
File: 15 KB, 192x275, 1450325531503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's either a troll or really retarded

>> No.9356213

>impressed she sounds reasonably fluent
>japanese accent while speaking english- oh, was she raised in japan?
>that point at one minute in where she drops back to her normal american accent

>> No.9356530

I'm actually impressed by her language skill, it's unfortunate that she's gone off the end

>> No.9356536

If we can revisit weird things, Stellure has over 1k Instagram followers (16 posts) and 115 subscribers on their empty YouTube.

>> No.9356615

I'm in my third year of learning and in my classes we're taught that Japanese people don't say "name desu" but instead use "name to imasu / to moushimasu" although with it being a video there might be different unspoken rules idk. "country-jin" may also be weird (as opposed to "country kara kimasu"). She probably only has read a book or looked at an online page by the cardinal sin of using "watashi wa" in a video about herself. I know technically not all native Japanese speak the same but still it's 101 stuff.

I couldn't watch past that so if she spoke more later forgive me lol

>> No.9356644

"to moushimasu" is more of what you use when first introducing yourself or if you're in a mega formal setting from what I've learned. They do use desu but more of a "we're already but still here's my name" thing if that makes sense. As far as "country-Jin", she's not wrong. You can be American but from Japan or Japanese from Canada and stuff. Her nationality is America so she's not wrong based on her sentence.

>> No.9356656

I took it that she *was* introducing herself for the first time since she was "introducing" her knowing another language to the audience

>> No.9356683

I think Stellure's fanbase is genuine. People are actively commenting on Stellure's posts, talking about how much they enjoyed their livestreams and how hyped they are for their upcoming debut. I think they're probably Love Live! fans who are excited to see teenagers like themselves being like a real life μ's.

Despite "gaining" 7,000+ likes on Facebook in less than a week, BerriTeam receives no more than 30 likes on their posts and no comments.

>> No.9356819
File: 781 KB, 1242x1753, You_Doodle_2017-02-14T22_19_05Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9356987

with instagram it's a lot easier to garner followers. Correctly using hashtags and updating frequently can give even a shitty page hella followers.

>> No.9356991

they deleted it haha

>> No.9358613

Literally follow and unfollow pewdiepie's insta over and over and you can get hundreds

>> No.9360825


Why is this girl wasting her time in Flusay Girls???

>> No.9360849
File: 152 KB, 732x1029, IMG_4322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The legs jesus https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3B6i-RtcBFk

>this shoop

>> No.9360988

Wow, her dancing did improved a lot. Is she also a good singer?

I haven't seen anyone without a filter these days, and I haven't stumbled upon a non-whitening filter.

>> No.9361021

I think you failed to see the entire jawline

>> No.9361034

she's decent from what i heard, but her dancing is a lot better

>> No.9361035

I wonder how tall she is-

>> No.9361038

...I did. Wow.

>> No.9362179

So BerriTeam has a lot of videos on their channel now. Some from way in 2011.

>> No.9362504

at least 5'6ish? with out the heels. i have some of those boards at the beginning of the video and i'm 5 foot. their at least 6 feet tall

>> No.9362541

Most of their videos don't even have that many views. The video with the most views (1,464) is the worst.

>> No.9362648

Yeah only 8 have over 500, but their most is over two thousand.

>> No.9362694

Were they just BerriTeam before? I was really confused about where all the old videos came from, but it seems that their "debut" is just the same group with a slightly different name.

>> No.9362705

They're a "revival" of BerriTeam from what I saw somewhere. Even the girl in the middle of their current picture was from the first group.

>> No.9365472

I swear to god i think i go to college with his chick

>> No.9365524

>People actually think telling people of failure will not be a failure.

>> No.9365525

>To be fair she does have a secret potential. She just needs to know how to use it for good.

>> No.9365526

>Bullshit it is because they all look like the poster girls of fucking equality nothing more.

>> No.9365570

poster girls of equality??

>> No.9365599

You know they bought their likes, right?

>> No.9365620
File: 2.00 MB, 388x268, baby hold me closer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poster girls of equality??
Yeh that is all i'm saying.
>This is why I have given up with social media.

>> No.9365633


>> No.9365640


>> No.9365671

Why do literally none of them have a decent supportive bra? My boobs hurt just looking at that.

>> No.9365711

Late reply but her Japanese is utter shit.

>> No.9366144

Don't really get what you're trying to say here mate

>> No.9366168


>> No.9366491

No one does

>> No.9366492

The boy though. The other two can go away. I was watching him case he's the best.

>> No.9366569

I liked the boy and the blonde girl, thought she needs a little more definition. The other girl was fine, but at times she had trouble with her sync and energy. She needs more practice and stamina. I think them sticking together would improve the overall performance, they have potential, obviously the boy was the best because he made his performance look effortless.

>> No.9366806

new amaitsuki

>> No.9366884
File: 396 KB, 2048x1365, 16819296_1349954891691889_6764851377162408242_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty cool, can't really judge the dance and I wish it was better mixed because we can't really hear them sing, but the video is edited in a cool way at least. Camerawork is meh but they worked okay with it I think.
Sorta unrelated to the video but I wish some of them did a better effort on make-up and hair. Especially Ume, Mikan and that girl in between them, although the picture does not do them any favors either.

>> No.9367296

Lol look at this shit
Facebook video

>> No.9367371

She is not the worst dancer, but not excellent either. She is super stiff in some parts, and comes across as awkward and uncomfortable in others, maybe she should try a song that is not sexy-ish (I don't think °C-ute suits her), because her stiffness was highlighted with that choice. But anyway, final comment on them buying likes: That dance is definitely not worth 9k Likes, If the other members are on the same or lower level as her, I'd say they are standing in thin ice if they want to prove their worth on April 8th, but again they have some time to train and practice hard.

>> No.9367381

at times it looks like she's just flailing about when it's supposed to be a hard-hitting dance

>> No.9367535

You'd think they'd take skilled dancers in the first place though. I know not everyone is great but if you're going to show off "skill", at least have some.

It didn't feel like she knew what she was doing. Some parts yeah but other parts were just wtf.

>> No.9369511

The moment I saw "二十歳" in the video title I was like "I will bet actual money she says it wrong" and I was right.

>> No.9369705

No you were wrong. First she says 19 then she says she will be 20. You can say nijuusai or hatachi. She said the former. At least find an accurate reason to correct her.

>> No.9370422


they aren't necessarily bad? but yet still cringy somehow

>> No.9371537

as happy as i am with jpop dance getting more popular at western conventions, I'm getting pretty annoyed at so many terrible love live groups..

>> No.9372414

Already discussed either here or the thread directly before this one.

>> No.9372883


>> No.9373118

pixyteri is proof that this is not true.

>> No.9373173


Which part isn't true?

>> No.9373178

I fucked up linking to your comment, shit

>> No.9373319

Nobody is gonna touch on it again.

>> No.9375860
File: 1.09 MB, 1620x2880, You_Doodle_2017-03-03T03_06_04Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of brought likes, their numbers stopped growing about a week ago and I saw someone posted this while catching up.

>> No.9375862
File: 970 KB, 1242x2208, You_Doodle_2017-03-03T03_06_34Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thirty minutes later it was gone.

>> No.9376550

How insane she can be? She seems dangerous now, I wish someone contacted her parents, I wouldn't be surprised if she hurts someone in the near future. I think her "boyfriend" might be someone who just uses her to get nudes. Poor girl.


That was gold.

>> No.9377186

She really needs help... she's seriously scary. I really hope it's some troll shit but.

>> No.9378279

At first Stellure said they would be debuting with an original song and music video on March 4th, but now they're saying they're not prepared yet and that they're scouting for someone to compose original music.

So many of these amateur idol groups get way too ambitious and have unrealistic goals... USA50 thinks they can be the American AKB48 and make Japanese idol culture popular in America. Then there are those idol wannabes who create a new idol group every other week, try to start fundraisers to launch their debuts, and then the group dies before releasing any content (Rebel Symphony, Shining Royalty / Shining Academy, etc...)

I really think idol anime like Love Live! has made these people think being an "idol" is so easy and fun or whatever.

>> No.9378427

I really got curious as to why Stellar thought that they suddenly wouldn't be ready. If they were practicing as much as they let on, they should be more than ready. They surely seem to have enough time to make covers and costumes.

I think idol anime and idol culture is misleading. There's barely any idol group that really shows what it's like to be an idol. They think it's just auditioning then being friends and releasing stuff when there needs to be actual work involved. Even the current groups are mediocre at best. The most "professional" in terms of actual content is probably crystal rose. They're mostly silent but when they release something it's their own, not a plagerized song or a cover.