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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1440, 20160730-_7300548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9297417 No.9297417 [Reply] [Original]

New larp thread because the previous one reached image limit (and nearly auto sage too)

Now with 256,48% more armour fanwanking

>> No.9297420
File: 68 KB, 532x800, 6755613_1_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so as I sadi, here are some cool german black (plus black and white) armour

>> No.9297421
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>> No.9297422
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>> No.9297425
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>> No.9297427
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>> No.9297429

Updated LARP Equipment list -

LARP equipment list

Medieval Depot - https://www.medievaldepot.com/collections/armor
Museum Replicas - http://www.museumreplicas.com/
Dark Knight Armory - http://www.darkknightarmoury.com/
Kult of Athena - http://www.kultofathena.com/
Get Dressed For Battle - http://www.gdfb.co.uk/
Wulflund Armory - https://www.wulflund.com/
Epic Armoury - http://www.epicarmoury.com/
Mytholon - http://www.mytholon.com/en/
Windlass - http://windlass.com/
Lord of Battles - http://www.lordofbattles.com/
Deepeeka - http://www.deepeeka.in/
Palnatoke - http://www.palnatoke.com/
Wyvern - http://www.wyvern.de/crafts/
Calimacil - http://www.calimacil.com/
Purpleheart Armoury - http://www.woodenswords.com/

Still looking for people to post links to games, plus should I start collecting the links to various how to guides that people have posted? I need to figure out a way to compress this otherwise it's going to be a fucking mess.

>> No.9297432
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>> No.9297433
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That shit is sexy as fuck.

>> No.9297437
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Countering with italian, for real this time.

Hard to found some in black, most of those I found, especialy in France, are bling to the max, due to be royal armor.

>> No.9297443
File: 192 KB, 600x1200, 15th-cumberland_armour_1580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another english in the name of cultural diversity

>> No.9297444

I know. One day, after I win the lottery I will steal it or something. Because staging a heist for that is still cheaper than ordering a copy of it.

>Museum Replicas - http://www.museumreplicas.com/
>sells hooded shirts
>sells cold steel stuff
Yet another shop that one should avoid like the plague

>Get Dressed For Battle - http://www.gdfb.co.uk/
>sells "halberd with shaft"
>it's a "bardiche"
>if bardiches were made by cutting up old cauldrons and the smitsh were took turns to shit on it
I mean, it's not unexpected, nor surprising but still...

It still making me sad how most of these shops selling stuff of so low quality.
And yet another reason why I don't really approve lists like this because someone who is new to this can dump a shitload of money at these sites and end up with semi-polished turds

>> No.9297445
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>Hard to found some in black, most of those I found, especialy in France, are bling to the max, due to be royal armor.
well that's because black armours were only really popular in germany for even the higher classes. Elsewhere it was mostly for the common soldiers and stuff like that

(that, and a lot of museums put way too much effort into scrubbing every motherfucking armor to be chrome and shiny eternal, allegedly screaming "WITNESS ME!" during the process)

>> No.9297449
File: 27 KB, 265x353, FilipsDenSchoone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He likes Germans


>> No.9297454

Anon... I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but that armour too is heavily influenced by the german ones.
Although it's true that those tassets make it more of an english but still...

>> No.9297456

W-well... I... Uh....
(I know you might be right, but somehow the Spanish versions I've seen so far make it look so much more classy. Also those collars, I don't know where they originated, but I love 'em.)

>> No.9297461
File: 634 KB, 1224x1836, tumblr_n5bk0mJYs21ql6bc6o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is, at the period you want to post armour from there aren't really much difference between the styles.
But Spain never really did have a separate stlye from the others.
Even with the peascod armours the difference between the german and the english ones (and most of the spanish are closer to the english ones) That while german ones have a narrower waist optically, english ones went for a more round ass-tassets
(also the collars are part of the clothing not the armor, and I can show you classy paintings of german armour too)

on pic, german stuff, narrow waist

>> No.9297464
File: 108 KB, 695x342, met-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and english with round ass-tassets
(I call it ass-tassets not because it's on your ass but because it makes you look like you have a huge ass)

>> No.9297469

So most of the European armour did pretty much (in design atleast) come from Germany?

Also if you have 'em, post some pics of expensive dress + armour, if you'd like.. Those things tickle my fancy.

>> No.9297471
File: 31 KB, 339x436, 1304016471935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, not just from germany. The main styles were German and Italian though during the middle-late medieval times and early renaissance. English were a thing too but mostly in later times.
And all of these styles washed into each other and things changed from city to city and from blacksmith to blacksmith.
So more of a guidelines and fashion stuff.

>> No.9297473

Hey guys, my chainmail is far too oversized on the sleeves. Now I want to start working on taking out a good part of it and make it a nice fit. Yet all I can find online are full guides to making chainmail from scratch.

Yeah, makes sense that every blacksmith had his own take on it. I mean it was all mouth-to-mouth information rather than a big data-base online or what have you.

>> No.9297475
File: 281 KB, 600x910, csm_Georg_Pachmann_001_d6c695b758[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9297476

>Yeah, makes sense that every blacksmith had his own take on it. I mean it was all mouth-to-mouth information rather than a big data-base online or what have you.
even more so when you considere that most of the stuff was trade secret. There were whole cities that main export was armour and the craftsmen competed with each other in the city and with the other such cities.
You simply just don't told the the other guys how you do your stuff.
BUT you have to make stuff that is popular to your costumers. And local fashion will decide that. Which changes in itself and when you have other countries influence.

Also on pic Charles V, ruler of the Spanish Empire AND the Holy Roman Empire, and a ew other stuff too

>> No.9297477
File: 98 KB, 640x768, Elderly_Karl_V[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit forgot image

>> No.9297478
File: 111 KB, 850x1122, Peter_Paul_Rubens_-_Charles_V_in_Armour_-_WGA20378[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still him, with armour so german it will gas the jews

>> No.9297479
File: 334 KB, 900x1229, Kaiser_Ferdinand_II._1614[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ferdinand II, HRE

>> No.9297511
File: 3.35 MB, 3936x3248, not german armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my side, it's rather that most of the armor showed in the Invalides museum would make Trump a model of humility, while still being combat ready.

still, have another black and gold not german armor

>> No.9297550

I'd argue english armour was distinctively english in the fine details as far back as the 1320's, and fully-formed as a branch by the 1360's.

>> No.9297675
File: 136 KB, 1300x951, mau-rakau-martial-art-kaitaia-nz-aug-maori-chief-teach-young-men-street-aug-s-ancient-maori-teaches-32998796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah but a lot of those arts were, I don't want to say lost, but definitely misplaced with the introduction of firearms.

Except they were not, and continued as cultural tradition, usually as sport or ritual. But none of that matters in this instance.... The subject is a living, active culture (granted, a fictional culture of orcs) who are actively fighting. They would have martial arts.

> I can't find many references to how they trained to fight or what techniques they used to fight
> I've been looking hard

You obviously haven't been looking very hard. Its been steadily gaining traction for years. Look up Limalama, which is the modern revival of traditional Samoan martial arts, Mau rākau which is Maori, and Kapu Kuʻialua which is Hawaiian. I've been doing a little of both, as the concept of power generation for throws and takedowns actually makes use of my thickness. Its pretty brutal, and as much as I hate to say it, the new Moanna movie is really helping spark interest because The Rock studies it.

Yeah, that is true, but it should also be noted that it is because the older arts are superceded by the change of fighting styles and technology. For example, sidesword > rapier > smallsword > modern fencing. The longsword fell out of relevance, and thus out of knowledge.

Why are you mixing retailers and producers?

>> No.9297698

Did people actually fight in such a e s t h e t i c armours?

Also, I wanna order something from Calimacil because of their free shipping offer. Any suggestions?

>> No.9297702
File: 81 KB, 467x600, 467px-Counts_of_Nassau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very rarely with that much decoration. All the ones pictured are parade armour, made for show, thus the excellent condition. Combat armour tended to be somewhat more subdued, though the rich still showed off.

>> No.9297716

tournaments are an exception though, I mean such decorated armors sometimes were used in tournaments. Although the first and the third isn't THAT much decorated. This one >>9297461 might even seen some actions. Like, from moderate distance while surrounded by bodyguards

>> No.9297730

>Tournament armour
Granted, but yeah, not for typical fighting.

>> No.9297753
File: 364 KB, 467x700, Medieval_armour_Vienna_museum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the parade armor I've seen are way more... decorative than those. Althought I'm used to see armor of kings in our museum, thus the bling is really outrageous.

Enough gold and shit engraved to make trump look like a humble man, like in pic related.

For the George Clifford one,
found here : http://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/23939
They say this was good enought for "field and tournament use", but they can be full of shit. Must be, It would look ok for field use at that period, but using that for tournament would be such a waste...

>> No.9297758

Well, it does look like it at least was used in tournament, never understimate the capacity of rich people to throw their money through their window as show-off.

>> No.9297765

George Clifford was differetn. He was the champion of the Queen so it was his job to show of.
Also he had a few not that much blinged armour for battlefield use

>> No.9297771

Where can I read more about tournaments and such?

>> No.9297861

Google medieval tournaments you retard

>> No.9297884


Maybe a rating system is appropriate but to be honest the list is simply a point of reference and I make no claim about what kind of quality goods they have.

>> No.9297917


Hahaha limalima is literally something that guy made up based off traditional Samoan dances and inspiration from eastern martial arts rather than something that was passed down. I'm Samoan and your telling me I don't know my own culture? You need to go and fuck yourself.

Having said that the most accurate recordings of combat I've found in Samoa tend to be from outside observers and most of that happened during the 17 and 1800's when rifles were introduced. I found a biography of a Samoan lady that was present during a period of civil war but most of the combat she describes is rifle and siege warfare. Plus an account by a missionary describing the battle and subsequent massacre of a village by another village.

I've found bits and pieces but nothing that actually describes how they fight hand to hand. Stuff like when the Samoans drove the Tongans from the islands, we know they fought them off but we don't know the actual details of how and where they fought the battles. One chief used to make his defeated enemies carry him around in his canoe which I find hilarious.

I've also found video clips which show a little bit of the old school traditional weapons dance before they jazzed it up with the fire stuff but I'm not convinced that it was the practical day to day fighting style.

That's the problem with an oral tradition, shit gets lost.

As for the Maori stuff, a lot of their stuff was able to be passed down because they still had people using it to kill other people right up until the beginning of the last century. I know people who have trained in taiaha and I've wanted to have a go but it's not something that is being pushed mainstream. I can't talk about the Hawaiian stuff as I don't know anything about them but I would have to ask where they are getting this information about the fighting style seeing the difficulty I'm having finding information passed down in a traditional oral culture.

>> No.9297932

Onäno talofa, brother. Namefagging for the first time for this.

Limalama has basis and I will back clownfag on this. Traditional martial arts and traditional dances are passed down the same way, and if you knew shit about Samoa, you'd know that most of our dances have bits and pieces of fighting in in them, like how Māori haka steps are entirely wrestling holds. Limalama uses more Mau and Kapu than Asian stuff, in effort to keep it "pure" island craft.

Quit being a fia iloa. You come off like an Americanized wannabe with shitty tribal tattoos. Clownfag's info is solid.

>> No.9297944


Hahaha talofa uso! The problem I have with Limalama is that it's not based on an actual fighting technique but as you say based on our siva which have tradition behind them and contain hints of combat movements but there's nothing concrete that you can point at and say, well that is how you defend against a strike to the head, this is how to sweep the leg, this is how you cut the head etc. Limalama is it's own thing, something that is cool, but it's not a traditional Samoan martial art. I would say it's a modern interpretation of the traditional Samoan martial art.

It has been my personal experience that when Samoans fight they generally use whatever is nearest to hand, a machete, an electric cord, once my nana hit some guy with a piece of fence post. I think the traditional Samoan martial art is doing whatever works.

Plus I'll get my pe'a when I can afford a proper matai name. Or I'll get a tattoo when I fuck a guy in prison. Whichever comes first I guess.

>> No.9297951

Like Gropey said, its a revival. Interpreting and bringing it back is part of the struggle. Where is home for you aiga? Im US Navy in Florida right now.

>> No.9297973

I would add to that that get dressed for battle gambeson are made from moving blanket rather than wool or linen.
Royal armory too.
In fact, who make real gambeson, without being totally overpriced ?

>> No.9297981
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Two questions, one because of those posts in last thread

How do you as a Polearmer/Zweihander-er(?) beat a shieldman? Drachenfest's combat rules, you can have a dagger in your belt or whatsoever. Large strap shield.

What's the difference between a Gambeson and an Arming Doublet or whatever that thing they wear under armour in the 16+ century is called?

>> No.9297984


I'm New Zealand born and raised uso, afakasi, Samoan on my mums side. OTARA REPRESENT! Hahahaha

But seriously though I've looked through a lot of the available public material and there is very little showing how Samoans used to fight traditionally. We know they used mainly carved weapons, I'm not sure what techniques they used to carve, shape and harden them but they upgraded once the traders arrived to metal weapons and rifles and most of our knowledge comes from that period. They also gained and developed firearm combat techniques, as can be seen by the Siege of Apia, and I suspect they were trained by both the Germans, British and Americans in the basics what was then modern military tactics.

So we know they fought against each other but the practicalities, training techniques, strategy and tactics they used aren't recorded. It's frustrating because I know they must have had a distinctive fighting style because there are a shit load of different weapon types but I have no idea how it worked on a practical level.

I want to learn to train and fight in the Fa'a Samoa way but I just can't find the information I need. I probably need to do an academic study of it but fuck knows when I'll have the time.

>> No.9298001

Mamo! My mum is expatriot Kiwi, and my da is Dutch/Samoan from the US.

>> No.9298011
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Well, >>9297932 caught on, but like anything, you gotta take it with some salt, bro.

>Im US Navy in Florida
Shipshape seaman! You in Pensacola? Which dead president?

BTW, merry Christmas to getting your ratings back!

Older GDFB used polyfil, but the newer ones have switched to cotton. Just always ask first.

What style/period/culture of gamby do you want?

>How do you as a Polearmer/Zweihander-er(?) beat a shieldman?
Aggression and control of the range. Force them to keep the shield close to their body, and out at your range, and pick off the exposed bits. If they close on you and negate your range, you're dead. To be very frank, the fact that shields are immortal in most games makes them dominate the meta.

>What's the difference between a Gambeson and an Arming Doublet or whatever that thing they wear under armour in the 16+ century is called?
Arming doublets pop up in the 14thC, and the difference is the amount of padding. Arming garments have less padding, and are tighter fitting to be worn exclusively as padding to the armour over it. Gambesons, jacks, etc, are much thicker and heavier, and act as armour on their own, but can still have armour over them.

>> No.9298039


Knowing us Samoans we are probably related!


Let's agree to disagree.

>> No.9298145

Also learn to use the butt of your weapon, enemy steps in and you're now using a fighting stick rather than a real pole arm.
It's not a completely fair match, I'll give you that, but it's a lot better. And with some good old unbridled aggression you can jumpscare your opponent (most of the time) by just stepping even further.

Also just keep kyting on his legs.

>> No.9298201

that's a sure way to find shit tier information

dunno, Ospray might have a book on it which isn't a bad start but don't stop there. Otherwise I can't recall any specific book right now, the information is mostly spread through in other books.

>Hahaha limalima is literally something that guy made up based off traditional Samoan dances and inspiration from eastern martial arts rather than something that was passed down.
Heh. Excately the same thing happened in Hungary with Baranta

>How do you as a Polearmer/Zweihander-er(?) beat a shieldman? Drachenfest's combat rules, you can have a dagger in your belt or whatsoever. Large strap shield.
The proper term is bidenhander, but I'm just an autist about that (it's the same that hauberk is more correct than chainmail)
Anyway if Drachenest rules? hitting the legs when they are open, otherwise hitting the shield and pushing the guy away every time he tries to come close.
That is, if it's one of those really huge shield. Otherwise more than just the legs will be open.
Alternatively you can pull down the shield with a hook part and stab behind it. It's not a proper stab so kind of okayis with drachenfest rules.
Anyway most of the time you have to position the shaft in a way that if the other dude comes close then you are blocking his weapon with it. And after that happens you just push them away or to the the ground, may or may not stabby time with dagger depending on situation

>What's the difference between a Gambeson and an Arming Doublet or whatever that thing they wear under armour in the 16+ century is called?
most important difference is the doublet has way less padding, and more fashionable. There are other stuff, like it IS a clothing instead of outright armor or armor accessory, like you attach the hose to it and stuff like that.

>It's not a completely fair match
True, I mean, shield user will take a bunch of hits before he can even try to make one

>> No.9298301

Don't know about drachenfest rules, but as the 6"4' behemoth I am, that can use a not!zweilhander as a heavy bastard sword, I'd be going for exposed bits, or intentionally doing heavy strikes to the shield, both keeping them away, and making their arms ring, increasing the chance they drop the shield.

>> No.9298473

>and making their arms ring, increasing the chance they drop the shield.
with a full foam/latex shield that not gonna happen

>> No.9298586

I'm not going to argue about it, because somehow it will develop into an argument about "Muy full contact". Just let it be known that just messing around with a plastic rod reinforced foam boffer lead to one of my friends having a welt across their back from the whip like action it made.

>> No.9298616
File: 932 KB, 1847x2401, --3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help

Does anybody have any PDF's of art (manuscripts/woodcuttings) depicting armor from the 15th to 16th centuries, like this?

>> No.9298633

Try searching manuscript miniatures, it's an excellent resource

>> No.9298643
File: 853 KB, 1500x2219, asdgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just let it be known that just messing around with a plastic rod reinforced foam boffer lead to one of my friends having a welt across their back from the whip like action it made.
did he had a 5 cm thick foam padding at his back at the time? Because that's how a lot of shields looks like on Drachenfest.

Look at the Mair codex

>> No.9298884

Holy shit, how did I not know about this, this is dope.

That reminds me... Long shot, anyone have any pictures of skeletons playing fiddles? It can be pretty much any stringed instrument honestly, I already have about 50 medieval pictures in my collection and I'll take whatever at this point.

>> No.9299122

What are people's opinions on Dystopia Rising?

>> No.9299182


I've tried agressive half-swording + bodyslam against the shield(not too hard) when a big shield gets into my dead zone. It certainly scares away some folks, especially if you trap his sword arm behind his shield. and I can also aim for a slit throat. But its a tactic that will probably get you kicked out in most rulesets.

>> No.9299242

Yo, I have a question about Dziobak Larp Studios. Does anyone have any experience with their events? They're partnering with a local to me group for a few things and I wanted to know about any positive or negative things I should be on the look out for.

I like it. I'm shit at combat and mostly go for the social game and shenanigans so I can't comment or compare on the combat system. I enjoy hanging out and doing things at their end of the world and avoiding being lured into the woods to be murdered in the night like some idiots.

>> No.9299488

At what periods and places people used plain metal greaves?
I think of buying myself a pair but I don't know if it'll fit my characters

>> No.9299559

I got some Amazon gift cards so I've been looking at gambesons on Amazon. It looks like the biggest seller there is Medieval Gears, anybody know whether their stuff is good quality or not? I know cotton is the preferred material since it breathes better, and they list "heavy duty cotton with 3 layers of wool felt lining" as their material, which looks like a good sign to me.

>> No.9299604

Virtually everybody did since they were able to make solid metal plates out of anything. It typically depends on shield size, with the Romans sometimes wearing them with segmentata. It depends on how much the shins are exposed by your shield really.

>> No.9299611

Some of the costumes are lazy, others are interestingly distressed. I think at the main/first chapter of the game some weird detective/political/religious plot just got kicked off by someone murdering the player character whose been serving as town crier.

>> No.9299628

sometimes when you get woken up around 2:30 am on x-mas eve by some creepy fuck in a tattered suit and wearing a Burger King mask beckoning you to follow him alone out in the woods toward a secret only people in your faith would know, you trust them even though you know it's going to end badly because you've avoided dying for a long time so why not eat a death for shenanigans and plot so it spirals your character into a brief paranoid madness as he claws his way out of the morgue after the undead infection pulls another trip out of you after arguing with a voice in the dark while you are mortally challenged.

mother fuckers stolen cred from my corpse after the deed, and I don't know it yet but they preserved my head in a jar and when I finish my conspiracy web I will find my murderer and use all the good will and recognition I've garnered to make them pay.

I realized far too late that the intention behind the murder of a town crier was to make a public fuss of it.

>> No.9300171 [DELETED] 


>> No.9300172

anon are you drunk?

>> No.9300428
File: 10 KB, 181x279, eku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's agree to disagree.
I will, if you do a little more research without dismissing it out of hand. The eastern martial arts in question that Lima use is actually the martial arts of the Japanese Aborigines of Okinawa, who's weapons are very similar to Samoan, and who's genetic stock and cultural practices are very similar to the Island peoples. Boat oars, stone paddles, short spears... You might be very surprised to find the similarities, and why they were used as part of the research. Just give it a shot mate.

Several. Do you have gmail/google drive?

Between them and Larsdatter, you can document ANYTHING.

Since the copper age. It just depends on the style. Whats your period?

Post it here, we'll tell you, based on manufacturer, materials, design, etc.

>> No.9300587

>Local game has big tournament going on
>winner gets gold, magical artifacts, and a noble title
>fights are determined by first blood
>a few rounds in a guy managed to successfully argue that he should be able to use his called abilities
>Because to do otherwise would 'discriminate against those less able' and 'ruin integrity and immersion' of our game where you can 'be all you can't be'
>Said guy had stacked up on the Riposte ability, where you can negate a hit and make an attack of your own land automatically
>he'd just walk up, get hit and call out Riposte
>People tried to counter it, but the guy had stacked up a ridiculous amount of them
>Tournament ends, said guy is the winner
>GMs so salty they insist 'the magical artifact has read your spirit and refuses to work for you, instead going with (dumb bitch that plot favors)'
>but they still can't stop the shiteating grin on Riposte guy's face

As cheesy as it was, it was nice seeing the high-level characters get their shit pushed in by someone they considered to be 'that guy.'

>> No.9300594

>Riposte ability
>negate a hit and make an attack of your own land automatically
>walk up, get hit and call out Riposte

What is the point of live action roleplaying, if you take the life action parts out?

>> No.9300608

But GM, the system is an abstraction of my character's abilities. Player A over there is fighting with a sword she magically conjured out of thin air, but she can't do that in real life, obviously. When I call riposte, I'm simulating my character's ability to riposte, not my own. After all, I'm not playing myself, I'm playing my character :^)

>> No.9300617

Secondary representation. The player is physically able to learn to riposet and parry, which is not a supernatural skill.

>> No.9300635

But anon, not everyone has the time to learn how to do that! Some of us just come on the weekend to have fun, not be bogged down by reality! Who cares if you're actually good with a weapon-in our system, it only matters if your character is! That way, we can fight the systematic oppression of genetics!

>> No.9300645

This saddens me, because though you jest, this is something that happens in real life.

Hold me

>> No.9300650


>> No.9300653

You're not cute enough anyways.

>> No.9300742

>Want to get into Dystopia Rising so I can make a post-apocalyptic costume
>actually kind of wary of joining the DR game in the area, not actually interested in playing with the same group of people who focus on the same five-six people, no matter the game

....I think I just want an excuse to design a post-apocalyptic costume.

>> No.9300999

>You can limitlessly stack up an ability.

I havn't ran for three months so now I can sprint for five days straight.

>> No.9301017

Whats the ideal system for a high fantasy larp? For sake of this argument, lets assume magic is in the system. How do you balance someone being a melee based character with someone who can cast spells?

Having some kind of melee ability is hard to manage I find. Especially if you want to avoid damage calls. Bonus health or armor can only go so far.

>> No.9301019

Generally you'd probably have some mages on your "side" as well. Plus a mage can't cast if they're dead. Many systems balance spells to either have a mana cost/be used up or require channeling, whereas melee characters can keep going.

>> No.9301041

But what do you give a fighter? If you want to avoid abilities like riposte or dodge
Proficiencies are retarded
Bonus damage only works for damage calling systems

>> No.9301059

Nice try, Australian satan, but we already discussed that Romani, Hungarians and Africans are not fantasy classes.

By making humans just as squishy as they are in real life, and ditching any HP system. Being stabbed with a sword is being stabbed with a sword. Fighters can wear armour to negate damage, and carry weapons that are more dangerous.

>> No.9301072

Pick one
> Make magic utility spells only
> Make all spells work only on touch
> Make all casting times at least one minute
> Give all spells a chance to suffer a 'perils of the warp'-equivalent
> Have NPC inquisitors attack magic-users on sight

>> No.9301075

And most importantly:
> Remove all spells that do anything a craftsman could do
I've found myself to be useless too many times because some doucheweed could cast repair or healing thirty times a day.

>> No.9301082

I do like systems without Hp. But that doesn't answer how to integrate mages with fighters
Why wouldnt everyone be a mage and just wear armor with a sword?

Magic lite systems are also great
Utility only works well
I love the idea of perils of the warp, but how do you implement it into the game without having to have plot member around every time you cast?

Agree 100% with this. Current game blacksmiths are basically useless because repair armor spell is so fucking cheap and smiths take so long to fix shit

>> No.9301091

>Why wouldnt everyone be a mage and just wear armor with a sword?

In most settings/games

*mages are not trained for the use of armour. Yes, its a conditioned and learned skill

*cannot cast in armour for reasons

*fairly physically weak academic types.

Mages are glass cannons, fighters are tanks.

>> No.9301097

>put points into first aid, but still kind of squishy
>tend to hang back in fights
>sometimes we need to capture folks alive
>read: kill them, then stabilize with first aid
>the people who have the points to go toe to toe usually have first aid as well
>they just tap the person's shoulder to fulfill the "interaction" requirement
>Bugs me because I built a full "fake" first aid kit that I never get to use
>whenever I try they just tell me "don't worry about it, no one really cares about this bit of interaction anyway."

Fuck Amerilarps.

>> No.9301152

>I love the idea of perils of the warp, but how do you implement it into the game without having to have plot member around every time you cast?
Give each mage a pouch containing <amount of mana they have +1> marbles/counters/whatever, one of which is red. Each time before casting a spell, the player draws a marble. If it's the red one, something goes wrong and a gm needs to be called. If not, it it removed from the bag.

I just randomly came up with this, so I'm sure it's far from ideal, but I'm sure something is this vein could work quite well.

>> No.9301186

Okay so restricting armor is your solution.

Thats fucking brutal.
Although, a lot of the first aid role play that I do is done on other newbs like me. We kind of just do our thing. The "vets" just use their vast array of magic/potions/whatever because they are all lazy as fuck

Thats a great solution!
Though I'd have it as a bag full scrolls or something similar.
That way the player can just read whats on the paper and do that (negative/positive/random/no effects)
I dont like the idea of having to stop combat to find a GM to tell us whats going on

>> No.9301300

These are the ones currently up for consideration:

Anybody got that article from last year about how all larps are obligated to have dodge/parry calls and make people slow down so players on crutches can catch them, and if you don't do it you're ableist?

>> No.9301391

Anyone else get frustrated at people who cant do combat insisting on fucking combat roles?
Had this chick with crutches who wanted to fight and it was awful
Gets in the way, complains about being in pain, and had people tripping over her shit (Had a walker at one point)
Worse, she was friends with the GM so all quests that happened happened really close to the cabins so she didnt have to walk far

If I couldn't walk, I wouldn't insist on being in peoples combat. Fuck, I had a busted ankle last year and a blacksmith/shop keep for 2 games for that exact reason.

>> No.9301434


Polyester-wool filled crap using an old GDFB pic.


Never heard of the brand, also using an old GDFB pic


Polyester-wool filled crap using an old GDFB pic.

>Anybody got that article from last year about how all larps are obligated to have dodge/parry calls and make people slow down so players on crutches can catch them, and if you don't do it you're ableist?

>Anyone else get frustrated at people who cant do combat insisting on fucking combat roles?
Had this chick with crutches who wanted to fight and it was awful
Gets in the way, complains about being in pain, and had people tripping over her shit (Had a walker at one point)

That is retarded and a safety hazard, and a halmark of a game that needs to end.

>> No.9301491
File: 1.92 MB, 1384x2242, 20161228_033712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a game i will be a teutonic soldier, (the tabard is coming, also i will get a nice bag/purse for my main belt, tips for the trousers? I dont want to wear the black sports pants, and i also want something for my head.. No helmet.. Money issues at the moment. Help!

>> No.9301498

13th century* no fantasy.

>> No.9301506
File: 1.27 MB, 627x932, 13thC under clothes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing your... Everything.

No trousers. Braise and chauses.

>something for my head

Do you have a shirt and tunic yet?

>> No.9301526
File: 784 KB, 571x711, KnightsOfThePot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Gropey's contest of the bucket Knights

With a very limited kitchen,
Merry Christmas Larp Thread

>> No.9301530

So far, as the only entrant to complete the rules and post here as well as emailing, you are going to win by default.

>> No.9301535

I am far from done, and i ready have a tunic yes, the game is in april so i have a lot of time to gather everything i need

>> No.9301536

+ didnt know the word for chausses. I want to make them but ive not seen a good pattern or tutorial online

>> No.9301553
File: 227 KB, 1053x745, 12 through 13th century clothing basics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. Have fun.

>> No.9301593

Thank you!

>> No.9301615

I expect most sites to reuse art from other places, so that part doesn't both me too much. How can you tell 1 and 3 are polyester-wool filled? Familiarity with the product from past experience?

>> No.9301642

Very important if you're gonna maske causes or tights or whatever, if you want them to stretch and fit better, you will need to cut them on the bias. It makes everything a bit of a bitch, but it adds stretch for tautness and proper fit.

>> No.9301681
File: 388 KB, 1200x1600, masterwork plate of India.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I expect most sites to reuse art from other places
If they are selling a branded product, yes. Kult Of Athena sells a GDFB brand gambeson, and uses a stock GDFB product pic. This is shady Indian bullshit using another brand's stock picture, with a shitty watermark on it. Warning flag number 1 here. They show you an awesome pic, and send you crap, and make it cost so much to return it, that you're fucked. pretty standard.

>so that part doesn't both me too much.
caveat emptor. You will learn from your mistake if you waste the money.

>How can you tell 1 and 3 are polyester-wool filled? Familiarity with the product from past experience?
Both, from people buying who don't know better.

Here are some better produced, identical products, made by an eastern European company using organic (usually cotton/wool blend), from a trustworthy websites, for cheaper than amazon.



>> No.9301762

What sort of characters can I play with Chainmail?
What sort of characters can I play with Chestplate?

I know it sounds stupid, but I have a chainmail and recently got into later periods and such so I'm considering selling it and buying a chestplate. What do?

>> No.9301776

You have a chainmail what? Chainmail bracelet?

>> No.9301795

Looking at my bascinet and wondering, just how much damage could I do if I headbutted/slammed somebody, without armor, in the face multiple times?

>> No.9301797

Hauberk? Like, long sleeves, thigh length thing.

>> No.9302021

Well, my reason for using Amazon is because that's what I have gift cards for, so sadly that doesn't help me much. Otherwise those would have been my go-to. But thanks all the same!

>> No.9302056

Has anyone here tried using worbla for armor? I'm thinking of making a helmet

>> No.9302107

Never made any, but from what I've heard, it's not durable enough to stand up to any larp combat rougher than minimum-effort tapfighting. But if you're not planning to go into battle with it, it can make some very good-looking designs.

>> No.9302275
File: 176 KB, 533x800, 31ff5ed94e72ef6b3d8b6f1ec8b8a667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on using a long gambeson as main garment?

Any recommendation on where to buy good quality gambesons in Europe?

>> No.9302289

Any body for any of those.
Generally the more rich the character, the more armor.
Wearing chain under your plate looks great though.

A lot. Having taken one by accident that broke my nose, you could give some nice compound fractures

Its a bad idea. >>9302107 is right. Itll break under any kind of contact. Great for cosplay not for larp

Looks great! Especially as a foot solider

>> No.9302354

>A lot. Having taken one by accident that broke my nose, you could give some nice compound fractures
Damn. Wish I could slip it own easily instead of fumbling around with this shitty arming cap I've got, I could use it as a weapon in a break in.

>> No.9302372

Is cotton/wool blend a better padding than this polycrap ? by what order of magnitude ?

>> No.9302419

Could someone please post battle mage inspiration pictures, or examples of them done by larps.

>> No.9302435

Polyester is plastic. It doesn't shed heat, it compresses way more and thus doesn't work as padding, and god forbid it catches fire.

>> No.9302642

>*mages are not trained for the use of armour. Yes, its a conditioned and learned skill
So is fighting with a sword. If you don't need a skill to use a weapon, needing a skill to use armor is just plain retarded
The proper answer is, armor CAN be worn by mages just like anyone else BUT they cannot cast some or all magic while in it, because of various reasons (armor interferes with magic, you cannot do some spiritual bullshit motions, etc)

Then there is the peer pressure thing if your players aren't clinically retarded, but that's a long shot in the US

>Mages are glass cannons, fighters are tanks.
This also is a retarded class like idea. especially if you use a system where mages have little to no fighting magic.

>If it's the red one, something goes wrong and a gm needs to be called.
Mage is out there in Bumblefuck 3.6 sneaking in the bushes, next to the enemy patrol. He wants to take them out with a spell. Draws a marble. Now he has either give away his position to call a GM which may or may not cannot even found in the close vicinity or sneak away and spend a fuckton of time to find a GM which isn't directly playing in game, but an out of game nuisance which isn't fun at all.

>> No.9302655

Since we are talking about gambesons;

Let's say I am enough of a masochist to want to make a quilted linen gambeson to wear under a hauberk for reenactment display and fighting.

Roughly how many layers should I be looking at? What's the right balance of protection and flexibility.

I'll be using this as the guide, but with way less layers since it's meant to be worn under armour.


>> No.9302680


>> No.9302858

What kind of fighting?
If its larp, >>9302680 is correct, one is fine. You don't have to worry too much, lighter is better.
If you're doing some actual steel weapon fighting, then a couple more layers for actual protection is good.

>> No.9302873


Are we talking about quite the same thing? A single layer of linen is a tunic or shirt rather than a gambeson made from quilting many layers together- there's no stuffed padding.

It's steel fighting; I was thinking perhaps 9 or 10 layers. Once it's done I'll need to adjust the hauberk, it was bought second hand and I'm a fair bit slimmer than it's first owner. Hopefully it should be made to fit quite snugly and shave off a good bit of weight.

I could take the quick and slightly cheaper route of buying a cotton-stuffed gambeson, but part of me likes the idea of a custom made-to-fit gambeson and the other part likes the idea of having a good example of a quilted gambeson to hand when talking to public since everyone and their dog has a stuffed gambeson.

>> No.9302911
File: 296 KB, 1600x1200, 1210120608a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would being headbutted with a metal helmet hurt badly.

This is the single stupidest thing I have ever read on larpthread. Have you ever been full-on head butted even once? It will break your nose, can fracture eyesockets and can cause a concussion. Metal, and repeated strikes are obvious.

If you mean as your base layer of armour, yes. It is the historic standard for thousands of years.

If you mean as daily wear clothing, I wouldn't suggest it, as it will not be terribly comfortable in all conditions and is bulky.

Everything >>9302435 said is correct.

Armour interferes with magical energy. Problem solved, suck it.

>'s say I am enough of a masochist to want to make a quilted linen gambeson to wear under a hauberk for reenactment display and fighting.

Why is that masochistic? Thats what you're supposed to do, and a properly made one is just fine in the summer.

>Roughly how many layers should I be looking at? What's the right balance of protection and flexibility.

What materials, what style, what period, what purpose. You're asking "what kind of shoes should I wear" but not telling us what kind of clothing you have.

>I could take the quick and slightly cheaper route of buying a cotton-stuffed gambeson, but part of me likes the idea of a custom made-to-fit gambeson and the other part likes the idea of having a good example of a quilted gambeson to hand when talking to public since everyone and their dog has a stuffed gambes

You're also confusing the utility of design: Layered gambesons are more for stand alone armour, and are much stiffer/heavier. Stuffed is better for padding, and is more flexible and compressing.

My Jack is layered (pic related), my helm is stuffed tubes, for example

>> No.9302929

Masochistic in the sense that a quilted gambeson is an awful lot of stitching.

Ok for the detailed breakdown;

One gambeson for the purpose of being a talking point on an armoury display and offering enough real protection when worn under riveted maille for blunt steel fighting to be comfortable without being too bulky as this would compromise the goal of well-fitted armour being worn on top.

The potrayal is an Anglo-French landed knight c.1150-1216, as I have enough variety of accoutrements to tailor things for a specific dateline within that range.

The design is more or less tunic-shaped with long sleeves and a hem 2" above the knee, possibly with a greater number of layers on the torso/skirt compared to the arms to allow greater mobility should it end up being on the thicker end of things. The hem might also feature lacing points to secure the skirt of the hauberk.

The material will primarily be sturdy linen, stitched with waxed linen thread and possibly faced with a finer linen.

By this period we know that some type of textile under-garment was worn under maille at least some of the time, however details are sketchy beyond the existence of such garments. It is my understanding that in this early period of padding under maille that quilted linen rather than stuffed gambesons were the most likely type of construction even though as you say stuffing is strictly speaking better suited for this purpose. This is my primary interest in going for a quilted gambeson, both to inform the public with an example of the more likely construction and to satisfy my own sense of historical accuracy.

So, with that in mind, roughly how many layers am I looking at? The vast majority of people I fight are pretty good at controlling their blows and I tend to be fight unarmoured so I don't need a vast amount of padding to keep me safe.

>> No.9302944

I mean one layer of padding genius. I do fighting, my gambeson has one layer of padding because I've got full steel/plastic armor over it. Obviously if you're JUST wearing a gambeson, you need a lot more layers of cotton padding.

>> No.9302946

>Masochistic in the sense that a quilted gambeson is an awful lot of stitching.

Not really, in the grand scheme of things. Ever hem 16thC German?

>So, with that in mind, roughly how many layers am I looking at?
Is it batting or cloth? How thick? I use 6 layers of 1/16" cotton/wool sheet batting in a canvas weight linen shell.

>> No.9302949

You have no friends and are a shame to your family.

>> No.9302963

>Not really, in the grand scheme of things. Ever hem 16thC German?

Can't say I have, my tastes run a good bit earlier than that. What about 16thC German takes a monstrous amount of hemming? Is it the endless layers of slashing?

>Is it batting or cloth? How thick? I use 6 layers of 1/16" cotton/wool sheet batting in a canvas weight linen shell.

Cloth, thickness is one of the things I'd appreciate some guidance on. One of my friends does some good quilted arming caps but this is a good deal more ambitious than anything either of us has done before. The guide I linked suggested 7 layers of canvas weight linen on the arms and 28 on the torso but it does seem to be a good deal thicker than I was aiming for.

>> No.9303060

It's a fookin corrazzina m8. The leather on it is legit, but I can't wear that much steel without my legs hurting.

>> No.9303091

Do some squats you pussy

>> No.9303118

How much does your Corrazina weigh dude?! A full breast and back corrazina, in 14g mild steel (which is overkill for ACL/HMB, btw), with solid brass rivets, only weighs around 10 pounds.

Do you legitimately have a medical issue, or is >>9303091 right?

>> No.9303121

It's a full cuirass with faulds. I think it's like twenty pounds, but feels like more because you can't really belt it. My feet are bad as well and I need to wear braces to walk around. I've been thinking of maybe getting a really thick jupon instead of solid protection.

>> No.9303198

>My feet are bad as well and I need to wear braces to walk around

Dude, it may be time to cash your chips.

>> No.9303203

Fuck that noise I'll go until I break, and then I'll just get new robotic legs.

>> No.9303212

Dude, a 20 pound full corrazina is obscene. What is it made out of, lead?

>> No.9303227
File: 1.88 MB, 2400x3200, vegetable war vet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I hate contest without contestant, here is my part. Without anybody to help, I was limited for the pict and the armor.

>> No.9303231

We just had a discussion about people who are physically unable to do the "live action" part of "live action role playing". Why not move on to a role that won't hurt your crippled limbs? Don't you feel bad for slowing down the game for others?

>> No.9303232

Awesome! Did you email it too?

>> No.9303262

Nope. Didn't found your email.
The thread with your full instruction should have disappeared.

Btw, found some nice second hand gothic gauntlets. well articulated, But a bit small, I could use it without any gloves, but it would be very painfull on impact, because it lack any padding. I'm looking for a padded and modestly sized gloves to use inside. Maybe soccer gloves.... What is usually used ? just leather ?

>> No.9303273

>Nope. Didn't found your email.
The thread with your full instruction should have disappeared.

screwloosecircus at gmail dot com

>What is usually used ? just leather ?
A thin layer of felted wool, or quilted liner. I suggest getting commercially padded fencing gloves too. http://www.woodenswords.com/product_p/glove.p.htm

pic of the gaunts?

>> No.9303277

Plastic barrel. It's used and I got it for cheap.

>> No.9303280
File: 14 KB, 275x183, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people so anti towards white people playing asian-themed characters? (Or any culture that isn't Euro, pretty much.)

I could probably enjoyed it since I think it's the only single culture that has all what I want to play as, in regards of archetypes and weapons (Perhaps except using a proper shield), but it gets so much negativity it might just screw my game.

>> No.9303285
File: 177 KB, 600x450, 1342213924636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I refuse to believe that it weighs 20 fucking pounds. My old 14 gauge brest and back with paundrons and maille skirt didn't weight 20 pounds.

In a short answer: Weebs.

In a long answer: They tend to be cringy as fuck.

Its a damn shame too, I have some friends that would love to run a L5R-meets-Miazaki game. I'd paint myself read, make a kilt of faux tiger skin, and swill some sake.

>> No.9303290

You said something once about playing an Oni right? Sounds pretty cool.

And I guess I get you. Started as a weeb myself, but I give myself enough credit not to go MUH KATANA CUTS THROUGH EURO STILL or 'nothing personnel kiddo' kinda stuff, IDK.

>> No.9303303

Yup, Oni was the idea. Red body paint, faux tiger skin, and being loud and big.

I would let someone borrow my kendogi and run around in my tiger skin kilt

>> No.9303324

I can see what I've got. Can you be a little more specific? Like, do you just want casters who are kitted out for battle? Or are you looking for more mage-knight types, dudes who have magical-looking weapons and the like?

>> No.9303516
File: 921 KB, 2448x2448, IMG_6577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here is it.

>> No.9303517
File: 1.19 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_6576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other side.

>> No.9303563

Wish I could pull off the Large Ham trope, but I don't look like it at all.

>> No.9303951

mages kitted out for battle.

>> No.9303960

Thats fairly decent looking

I know right? I am delicious.

>> No.9304042

They are. Just too small to use proper leather gloves inside.

If I can't, maybe I will stick them to larp. I dunno if I can manage to exchange them with bigger ones.
It's a fucking size 7.

>> No.9304066
File: 2.05 MB, 2400x3200, IMG_20161230_220449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished repairing this sword. same size as a hema longsword. Weight : 700g, Lead on the grip and pommel, fo r balance.
I'm wondering what should I use to wrap the grip.

I have leather, but would cutting little parts to wrap them arround be better than just gluing a rectangle directly into the grip ?

>> No.9304220

Die blume en Kampf is a good tournament reference

>> No.9304688
File: 114 KB, 1202x802, 1481295878847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I might not actually have any. Almost all of my people in battle kit are clearly warriors, and all my mage-looking people are unarmored.

>> No.9305387

I want to make a gambeson mage robe.
Is this a bad idea?

>> No.9305428

that sounds like an incredible idea.
stylish and functional
post pictures here when it's made

>> No.9305732

I mean it doesn't even really have to have armor, But the mage should look at the very least practical. Almost like the skyrim mages where its the robes and nothing else. Nothing extravagant. no wizard hats, etc etc. I just want to see an actual rendition of a realistic mage. So that i have something i can build off when designing this garb.

>> No.9305744
File: 671 KB, 1280x1707, 1481296970950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, hmm. Let me take a look then. I think I have a few I can give you, even if they're not obviously mages I can probably find a few who look close enough that they could be.

I assume pic related is something you would not consider practical for a battle mage, with the vision-impairing cowl and all.

>> No.9305756
File: 794 KB, 1000x1047, 1482407335113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy definitely looks warlike, but also lightly kitted enough that I could see him being a magic-user.

>> No.9305762
File: 176 KB, 720x1080, 1481312164725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likewise, some nice robe-type garb here along with plenty of pouches to hold spell packets, arcane foci, and other magical knick-knacks.

Also, keep in mind a lot of my images will be ones that have been posted in these threads before, since this is my main source of sexy larp costuming.

>> No.9305767
File: 278 KB, 600x858, 1481288618706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I particularly like this one, but then I'm biased in favor of masks.

>> No.9305772
File: 114 KB, 756x960, 13227077_10208411073650943_5984674254051964911_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll finish it off with a self-picture of my own mage character.

>> No.9306171
File: 3.84 MB, 2592x3872, IMGP0225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your problem with the gauntlets? I have a kind of similar right hand one and had no problems putting padding between the hand and the gauntlet. That said, I sewn the glove part to the gauntlet, instead of the leather ring thingy at the end of the fingers you used.

both could work, but if you shrink the leather while it's on with hot water for example you might doesn't even need glue.

I will start with a self post and then what I can find in my folder as long as no work arrives to my desk

>> No.9306174
File: 1.95 MB, 2000x1333, DF2016-IT-0254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9306175
File: 2.42 MB, 2000x1333, DF2016-IT-0546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9306177
File: 3.20 MB, 2000x3000, DF2016-IT-0552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is more of a cleric/whatever but still good

>> No.9306181
File: 2.37 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_0558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9306186
File: 134 KB, 774x1032, 1452761772473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I have the feeling that you actually want mages from Witcher.

Anyway this one is based on skyrim I think

>> No.9306215

Anyone know o any places in Georgia that does LARP? I've never done it, but I have the costume and such and would like to try.

>> No.9306282

We do the armour interferes with magic thing.

Now we have a lot of muscle wizards with gambesons and leather lamelars or cuir boili armor.

>> No.9306387

We really need to make an edit of this with cost and time estimates of each costume.

>> No.9306415

two girls at the right side is close little above zero effort that's for sure

>> No.9306448
File: 593 KB, 2000x1333, effort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was my point

I don't know what the material costs exactly can be around Europe and how effective these guys are at making, but a wild guess would be something like this.

>> No.9306453

She looks more religious than mage like, but its still a great kit.
I like this one, but his hands look oddly small for some reason?
pretty accurate looking. Dont forget hauling costs for the wall.

>> No.9306478

>Dont forget hauling costs for the wall.

Shipping is always free within Deutschland

>> No.9306506

Middle-right guy, is he really 900 Euro?
Like I get the staff probably costsnplenty but the rest is mainly EVA?

>> No.9306521
File: 1.77 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_0572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like this one, but his hands look oddly small for some reason?
bad viewpoint and light isn't that good far the picture either but here is another one of the same guy.

it's not a town wall, it's the wall and the gate of the chaos camp at Drachenfest. I'm not sure about the manpower and the cost estimates but those are kind of old stuff. They store it in a barn that's next to the playing area which they rent from the village for all year when there isn't a game (which is once per year)

going from right to left then

horn hoe
probably bought the "skirt" and corset, and the hornse are more expensive then five euros most of the time. Don't forget the boots either

wing witch
payed probably for the wings too or maybe she made it herself, but not sure. Also boots

goat guy
horns looks home made that's fuckton of time that's true although probably the whole kit is 100 hours tops IF the spear is from the shop. The kit is nowhere near 900 euro, not even with the spear which MIGHT be a costume made from a shop, or a very specific one. Anyway, IF he made stomach neck and arm thingies himself then the total cost probably won't be more than 400 (spear is half of that worst case) But probably cheaper. If those things from the shop then it can go up 600 and then he isn't very good at money thing

bird bitch
IF the mask and headweare is home made then she is way under 400, Maybe under 100 too, but it's possible she went over 100 if the boots are expensive ones. If the head thingy is from the shop or costume order then the whole thing is somewhere around 200 at best


>> No.9306530


chaos chump
Staff is custom made and probably somewhere around 150 euro. The plackard armor I can see is shop one but hand painted. cost is around 50-70 euro probably depending on where you buy. Doesn't have padding underneath. The cape, robe plus painting is home made probably this puts him somewhere around another 70-100 as paint can be expensive and the cape looks like has at least two layers one of them is thick. Left hand looks home made, if he knows what he is doing then 10-20 euro at best.
workhours seems okay

blue bloke
Not sure if hammer custom made or stock repainted, but again, it's at least mid 100 range.
Has a sword too which seems like a new wyvern one as it was taken in 2016 this is possible, also because of the thin crossguard and the shape of the pommel. That's another 100 roughly, could be more or less depending on which variant he bought.
Leg armor is probably around 60-70 IF he has from the shop padding with it. Drop in another 10-15 for paint as it seems hand painted.
gloves are probably around 30-40 or more as it seems finer one but not sure from this pic.
the robe thingy with everything (belt, upper left thing) if home made couldn't be more than 50 euro if he knows what he is doing
BUT he has some kind of padding underneath it and I'm pretty sure there is armor too. so we can't know for sure.
workhours for the mentioned things can't be more 20 hours but we don't know what's underneath it.

Also take into account when I said home made I meant if the guys make it themselves. If they paid someone who can made it (which I accounted for in the case of weapons) then it can hugely varies depending of what kind of painter/seamstress they get.

>> No.9306541

I'll add that in to a new edit tomorrow.

>> No.9306643

this are just rough estimations, I can be totally wrong, or can't see some stuff, or maybe not good with time and money management (or really good) or maybe they used better more expensive materials that I cannot see from just that pic.

Also correcting myself on chaos chump, the plackart he has on his stomach can be get for as cheap as euro and he probably has that version.

>> No.9306644

>as cheap as euro
30 euro. I wanted to write 30 euro

>> No.9306713

I'm not super good at making estimates either, and I have very low knowledge about material and time costs for making props.

But I assumed most, and if not all, of their gear to have been hand made or heavily modified since I haven't seen any of their stuff in stores.

>> No.9306843

Should probably be a little more specific. Are there any major cities around you? There tend to be a lot of larps around those.

>> No.9307218

well, if it's armor then chanes are good that it's from a store. The plackard is obviously a store one at I'm 95% sure that it's a mytholon one hence I corrected myself for the 30 euro price (plus painting).

The leg armour on the blue bloke is PROBABLY a jost greaves which would take it into 30 euro but people usually buy some kind of padding for that which is 10 euro at the cheapest but can go into 30 just for lower leg. Plus painting. Hence I said 60-70 euro roughly.

But as I said if they are good or bad with managing time and money the numbers can vastly differ so I would say give or take 30% on the sum amount on price. And in extreme cases they might got some thing for free from a friend who no longer larping or as a present, or just bought it second hand cheaper.
For home made stuff the price is usually just the material cost which for the goat guys horn is nearly nothing, just some wires, papier mache and a little paint but if he already has a little leftover paint he can do it with that as it doesn't need a whole bottle or flask or tube or whatever kind he uses.
That's why I usually mentioned paint separately as there are just too many variables for that.

Also let's not forget that numerous times people make some stuff and give it to someone else to paint it who are better painters. Sometimes they pay for it. Sometimes that other person is a girlfriend/boyfriend/friend/whatever who will do it for free or for a small favor.


tl;dr: the numbers I mentioned are just ballpark figures.

>> No.9307520
File: 124 KB, 960x638, 1473618564313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are parlour larps?

i've never been to one but was invited. i'd like to give it a try but i really enjoy the live action part of larping.

>> No.9307604

by parlour larps you mean chamber larps? Or a specific kind of chamber larps?
In either case they are okay/good/awesome if the organizers are good and shit if they aren't
Like in any other larp.

>> No.9307612


>chamber larp
had to google that. sounds like what the person was telling me about though

>okay/good/awesome if the organizers are good and shit if they aren't
fair enough! i often overlook that staffers/organizers have an effect on the quality of the game

>> No.9307627

they have the most effect.

BUT! rest assured chamber larps are usually pre written and can be played again and again with different players, the same story. So it's usually more fleshed out and polished, makes it more likely to be fun for the target audience.

>> No.9307657

Parlour larps also get called Pub Larps in the UK, as they are more often than not run in the private back rooms of pubs.
The stereotypical pub larp is a Vampire/other WoD games, where it's more akin to a cross between proper larp and tabletop. Dice being used for combats etc.

>> No.9307803

As all the other lads said it's really important how the group/STs are. You're scaling the LARP down, so every persons role is far more important, not only that, most of the time it's a little more low-budget than the big fantasy LARPs and far more story focussed.

So if you want a game most likely focussed on intrigue and inter-player action, go for it. But I could be talking out of my ass, because chamber LARPs have such a massive array between them it's hard to judge.
I'd say if the fellows who invited you are real top-notch, the LARP is going to be great. If they're kinda mediocore LARPers, expect it to be mediocore.

>> No.9308135
File: 310 KB, 850x567, 1344943237323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which period/culture/specific fantasy group would give me the most variety in terms of fighting roles?
As in, being lightly armoured, heavily armoured, using a shield, polearm, bow, crossbow, dual-wielding (Yeah yeah,I know, I know.), and anything else.
I know it is unlikely to find one thay has all of those but 'most' would bw great as well

>> No.9308344

I'd argue the 16th century. It had all of that (depending on your definition of lightly armored, gambeson?)
Had plate, chain, gambesons (as in just the padding, with maybe a helmet), shields, polearms, long bows, crossbows, and dual-wielding is retarded but is seen in some random art pieces.

>> No.9308355

Gambeson is light armour, yes. Who used chainmail in the 16thC?

>> No.9308388

No one...

>> No.9308463
File: 980 KB, 506x1000, 1243697136606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maille was still in regular use in Europe during the 16th and even 17th centuries, with some even used in the 18thC. In the Middle East and Asia, they held on well until the 20thC.

Please spend at least five seconds on google before assuming something retarded.

>> No.9308468

Was it used on its own, without chestplates and such as well? (If you have photos of such armour sets that'd be even better. As in, of people wearing them.)

>> No.9308478
File: 97 KB, 356x534, 16th Irish 337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to make sure you realize that the 16thC is the 1500s, and the 17thC is the 1600s, yeah?

Full length shirts were incredibly common on the battlefields of the 16thC, and while losing popularity in the 17thC, were still especially common in the Americas, as a cheap and effective armour vs. native weaponry. The Irish, Scottish, more northernly Scandinavians, Polish and East Euro nations, tended to have more maille, and later.

>If you have photos of such armour sets that'd be even better

If you mean "reenactors in maille shirts", yes. If you mean "displays in a museum" no, because displaying just a shirt is not visually interesting, and they would commonly layer it like the pic I posted here >>9308463

>> No.9308491
File: 367 KB, 750x1288, AN00061208_001_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bishop mantles very really common in germany for example. That's a big circle of chainmail with a hole for your head, covers your shoulders and upper torso most of the time, simetimes even upper arms and goes down to your stomach, milage may vary. Sometimes people put that on to simple clothings, grabbed a helmet and called it a day while went shooting with firearms the other motherfuckers, or stab them with a really long pointy stick

>> No.9308493
File: 137 KB, 526x870, Hans%2520Burgkmair%252C%2520%257E1516.%2520Doppels%25C3%25B6ldner%2520Maximilians.%2520%25201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep in mind that the irish/scottish/etc were generally counted as backwards in terms of the stuff they used.
Full hauberks weren't "incredibly common" on the battlefields if we talking about whole Europe, not just cherry picking. Parts of chainmail were. Like the bishop mantle I mentioned or chainmail arms sewn to doublets and worn with plate, etc.
full hauberk and plate is 15th and just a very little bit early 16th

>> No.9308500

I do, but thank you for clarifying!
Did people even use armour in 17thC? Was there a point in doing so, considering guns became more common?

And yeah, reenactors (of 16thC, not crusaders/vikings/etc) in chainmail so I'd know what battle kits of that period involving maille look like

Now what is that cool hat he's wearing?

>> No.9308502

that's a helmet. Either a modified skullcap, or a proto burgonet, depending on who you ask

Also, yes people in 17th still used armour, although it wasn't that widespread, and mostly the cavalry did as far as I know but I'm not an expert on that.

>> No.9308590

The Gallowglass would like a word with you.

There's actually a great variety of armor from the 17th century. Pikemen in many places would have still been wearing a breastplate with tassets and a helmet, and cavalry like cuirassiers, demi-lancers, and dragoons all wore significant amounts of plate.

>> No.9308605

Didn't the Swedes still deploy full plate lads in the 17th century? Or is that a mount and blade meme?

>> No.9308609

well there are sources that that even in 1848 a few people from Austria brought full plate to battles but those are just a few nobles who wanted to show off (and may or may not died)

>> No.9308616

Heck if it weren't for rules and reg I might just deploy myself in full-plate, just for the DEUS VULT level of it all.

Sucks I'd be dead in a heartbeat though.

>> No.9308617

people have to suffer for beauty

>> No.9308641
File: 118 KB, 580x348, comfycouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyyy my M&B bro

>> No.9308643
File: 200 KB, 802x569, Paladins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How you doin', my knigghta?

>> No.9308645

Pillagin' and feastin', giving people nothing but cold steel. You?

>> No.9308646

Drinking from skulls and hoarding butter. Livin' the good life all in all.

>> No.9308649

>With Fire and Sword
Muh nigga

In all seriousness though I'm pretty sure plate harnesses lived a long and full life in northern and eastern europe.

Sign un in one of those fiddly post-Soviet national militaries. Goddamn anything goes with those guys

>> No.9308653

Inb4 Polish winged hussars live again against Russian invaders.

>> No.9308895

any good tutorials for making shields?

>> No.9308898

What kind of shields (f.e. region, boffer or nah, etc. etc. )

>> No.9308900

I was actually thinking of an eastern style pavise (of the small kind), but I reckon that might be too challenging for a noob like me.
I want to make it with foam/latex

>> No.9308921

So a really rounded out towershield. Seems doable I guess.

Let me see, I think I have an easy explanation with 2/3 pics laying around here somewhere. Otherwise it really just boils down to getting a wooden plate and working the edges with foam,.

>> No.9308924
File: 55 KB, 600x600, handpavise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found an image btw.

>> No.9309009

Hey guys, I'm coming back to a LARP and remembered my character had lost an eye last event. (This coming to a fella actually poking me real nasty in the eye, and our medecin players acting on it quickly.)

So after walking around last event with a bloody rag around my eye I was thinking that I needed a new eye-path. But just a small black cloth on a string has such a high pirate feeling I'm not sure I should use it.

What with all your experience etc. I thought you guys might know a good alternative.

>> No.9309061

What fab late-medieval and later hats are the besides the Landsknecht hat, Cavalier and Tricorn?
Is there some sort of list somewhere?

>> No.9309098
File: 5 KB, 236x176, NobleSportingABigCock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The glorious straw sun-hat. Ageless, perfect, and above all cheap as fuck.

Besides that I gotta say Chaperons for any self-respecting Flemish merchant, and those stupid high little cone hats whose name is lost on me right now.

>> No.9309193

Robot eye is always cool

>> No.9309203

Oh, duh.
It's a post-apocalyptic medieval fantasy setting.
Was thinking of just making a brown leather one now, with an emblasoned sun on it. Only thing is I'm terrible with leather, and not even sure what kind to use.

>> No.9309220

Post-apoc fantasy?

Leather is always nice and clean. Read some stuff about proper tooling if you want to etch on it.

Standard veg-tan leather is fine for what you're doing.

>> No.9309228

Wouldn't I need something a bit thicker and harsher, or will just pulling rope through it be enough to keep it sort of in-form?

Also, yeah man, post-apoc fantasy is the shit. It's a combination of fighting for food and survival in magical radioactive waste, all the while blaming foreigners/non-humans for the fall of the world.

Good shit.

>> No.9309229

Do any of you know stuff about taking care of LARP latex items?

I bought a shield last Drachenfest (August). Havn't used it since more than a fight or two, but I havn't sprayed with silicone as well. Is it too late to start taking care of it? Did I dun goofd? Or is it savable? (It doesn't look ruined, but it feels harder)

>> No.9309232

Aslong as there's no latex rot or it's not completly dried up I'd say keep on spraying it with latex and just give it some love.

Worst case scenario you'd have to re-latex it, although I'm not sure if that's even necessary for shields?

>> No.9309236
File: 135 KB, 333x500, 1243654618317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Spanish and Swiss still loved them some maille shirts, especially for their shield men.

>Did people even use armour in 17thC?
Yes, the 1600's was mostly pike, sword, polearms and guns, so you still had the bulk of men in helms and body harness (typically a curriass and faulds, sometimes with pauldrons), which would taper off into lighter armour, and eventually became the domain of heavy horsemen as they entered the 18thC, and guns became the primary weapon.

Pic related.

Tricorns are not medieval or even Renaissance, which is technically what you're requesting.

Look up muffin caps, phrygian caps, slouch caps, coifs, four posts etc.

>> No.9309239
File: 196 KB, 768x1024, 1336778908825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9309250
File: 190 KB, 745x1071, 2efceb4242affdc1b800f72a703d7f56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds cool. Whats the game called?

And Rope is fine, or leather cord, you can actually do it with a leather band and just have it tight fitted. If you're worried about it falling off you can use a 3 point patch. such as pic

>> No.9309257

Terra X, it's Netherlands based. And yeah, might go for a three-point patch because I'll be doing a bit of fighting. Going to go for a lazy bit of IC-approved rope because I'll be able to make in-game repairs AND I hate working with leather.

>> No.9309364

Just post pictures once you're done

Would love to see more people post their outfits/projects

>> No.9309638

ABS or other plastic that can be worked with heat. Heat up the middle line, form that whatever thingy.
Get holes for the handles after that, put up handles (basically just leather straps)
Glue one layer of foam on the outside flat surfaces.
Glue one layer of foam on the edges.
Cover in some kind of textil, preferably some kind of canvas, and may or may not paint it.

what is this landsknecht hat you are mentioning?

I would add to >>9309232 that you should store it somewhere dry and AWAY from sunlight. UV light basically eats latex

>> No.9309730
File: 58 KB, 461x614, 1342083083249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is this landsknecht hat you are mentioning?

He probably means a slouch-and-brim style tellerbarret. He obviously doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.9309746

>He probably means a slouch-and-brim style tellerbarret
which one?

>> No.9309767

I have friend who have been to terra x, its a medieval fantasy and basically the whole world is fucked up. You have a order who are strictly religious and want to rule everything, food is difficult to find and danger everywhere.

>> No.9309771
File: 93 KB, 900x874, TheTrueReasonWasFriendship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ay, my Dutch brother.

Also, he totally got that wrong; which is easy to comprehend from a sub-human's perspective. We don't want to rule everything, quite the opposite, each full-blooded man is free to go and stand as he pleases.
It's just that we desire their aid in ridding the world of the abominable plague that is sub-humans and much worse... race traitors and mudbloods. As they are the bastard spawn that heralded Teoc. (the end of the world)

And even then we don't hate them, or truely wish them harm as we wouldn't wish harm on any creature. It's merely that the world cannot return to it's old perfect state aslong as one of them lives to soil it's splendour.

>> No.9309817

Oh sorry, made a mistake haha, im going to "de dwaler" this year. My first games n stuff event. Excited!

>> No.9309823

Oh nice man! Games 'n stuff is really fun, and has some top-notch players. Got a group you'll be joining on Dwaler?

>> No.9309832

Like the two guys in the back here >>9297981
for example?

>> No.9309846

>Games 'n stuff is really fun
That contradicts everything I've heard about them so far, to be honest. Care to elaborate a bit on what makes them fun to you?

>> No.9309853

A decent "what you see is what you get" mentality, works pretty well for my immersion that I don't have to imagine half the things happening but it's rather down-to-earth fantasy. The player base is decent, with it's good and it's bad sides. It holds some great players, only problem is that they all know each other from other events etc. etc. and so it can feel a little clique-y from times to times. But when I started out not knowing any of them it's not like I was treat less by them, it's just that a lot of the player base already knows the player base well.
If you send in background info there's a pretty decent chance of getting a whole lot of personal plot, heck I recall a friend of mine actually ended up dragging half the event in her tow when she stole a baby. (Hadn't noticed a bit of it, untill about 20 angry players were telling me she stole a baby and we were to blame.)

But in the end LARPs are a really weird thing to rate, because I can be having a great time, while all your pals can hate it. I like the amount of plot I get, and the down-to-earthness of it all, but that just might not be your thing.
To clarify by the way; I only played Terra X and Quon, so maybe Dwaler is wholly different but I don't think so.

>> No.9309928

The teutonic order

>> No.9309947

those are tellerberets and two different variant if I see it correctly

>> No.9309949

Yah I know a few people in there, was invited to actually tag along sometime not to long ago.
Some of it's members are fervent Fantasy nazi-players on Terra X too. Good stuff.

>> No.9310071

Slouch-and-brim, as pictured rather than the mortarboard or gathered.

>> No.9310076
File: 147 KB, 1600x898, LolLimewire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsure wether I should paint something cool on it or not, but for the surprisingly few minutes work that went into it I'm quite pleased.

>> No.9310114

Amazonfag here again. After more searching, I've come to the conclusion that there's only one gambeson on all of Amazon that isn't wool-poly filled crap, and it's this one: https://www.amazon.com/GDFB-Strap-Closure-Chest-Gambeson/dp/B005DX4WC6/

Unfortunately, it's white, and I've been trying to get a black one for color-coordination reasons--my garb is built almost entirely around a yellow/black color scheme. Would a white gambeson throw that off too terribly? I'm this close to sucking up the extra expense and getting a black one from KoA anyway.

>> No.9310296

You could just dye it black. I dyed a white gambeson blue to suit House colours. The only thing that didn't dye was the threading.

>> No.9310403

Try it out!
Sometimes the light underneath highlights and brings out the costume, making it pop.
If it looks shitty, >>9310296 has it. Dye

>> No.9310404

What does the rest of your garb look like?
From just the hat and patch, you look like a dirty peasant, so I'd say don't paint anything.
But if you're part of a house/church or just a wealthy merc, brand away.

>> No.9310405

White and natural is fine. Think of it as practical armour instead of garb.

>> No.9310406

A whole lot of painted plate armour, and I'm part of a "I swear we're not crusading" holy army. So yeah, branding might be in place. I'm just scared it gets to be a little too much (that and I'm afraid I'll fuck up the painting haha.)

>> No.9310408

Use a stencil? Print off the logo, cut it out, tape/weak adhesive it down paint away
I have shakey ass hands, its the only way m painting looks half decent

>> No.9310413

Think I'll do that yeah, worked for my armour, so should work for the eye-patch as wel. I'll post results when I'm done, if only for the sake of throwing some more costume progress into these threads.
'Cause I'd love to see some more (and not as subpar as mine) projects pass by on here.

>> No.9310490
File: 49 KB, 347x294, c414b6302fe0a78148f7743396817e0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I feel bad about using a long one handed sword? (~100cm, I'm ~182cm tall)

It feels cheap, like it is cheating, but I don't feel bad about it.

>> No.9310498

Its not really cheating?
An arming sword is usually about 90 -95 cm
A long sword (which can be one handed) is around 110

Its a reasonable 1 handed sword, if a bit on the long side of the spectrum. As long as your character would make sense wielding it (not a fragile mage type), I'd say its fine

>> No.9310541


>> No.9310560
File: 1.57 MB, 517x1280, makeyourownshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this gambeson and the leather parts for a ren faire.
Took heavy inspiration from the witcher for the design.

I plan on making more stuff in the future, already completed another gambeson.

>> No.9310562

Well, on further looking, it seems that one is in fact poly-filled as well, so I guess I'm shit out of luck in that regard. But if the opportunity presents itself in the future, I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.9310835

Kudos man that looks really good! Don't hear of many people still making their own gambi's, not really sure why though. I can't really see how thick it is though, is it just a looker or also armour on it's own?

>> No.9310861


How well do the arms/shoulders move on these, if at all? They looks almost fixed to the chest which would make it hard to lift your arms.

Not a larper, I'm drawing some art featuring a character wearing similar.

>> No.9310869
File: 68 KB, 481x338, RickHarnpushup 70lbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good enough for combat. You can make any movement that is needed to kill another motherfucker, rise your head above your head etc.

Shoulders usually attached at one point to the breastplate/gorget and strapped to your real shoulder or upper arm so usually they can move pretty well.

also for some reference pics you might want to look here

>> No.9311059
File: 34 KB, 310x550, Second Gambeson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant for it to just be a looker, but it ended up a bit thicker than indented. How thick should a gambeson be for armour on it's own?
This one I dyed and sewed as well, it's supposed to be more practical. It's not too thick because it's more of an arming doublet than a stand alone gambeson.
I found a gambeson pattern recently that's based on a traditional style, and I'd like to try to make it some time.

>> No.9311119

>How thick should a gambeson be for armour on it's own?

Thick. The thinnest part of my jack is 1/4" compressed. It should almost be stiff.

>> No.9311174

Hello to everyone, Russian LARPer here.
Long story short, I have problems with health and can't attend on games normally. LARP community in my city is in past tense and I can't cooperate with anyone whose contact I still have. I can't prepare for non-combat roles alone (Which are the only roles I can take) and don't know any place to ask people for help.
I've created a thread on /tg/ to ask for advice, and Gropey proposed to ask Russians from this general.
Is there anyone from Central region attending on big game whose group I can join as a non-combat member?

>> No.9311228

There are two russian larper that I know of and still in contact with the russian larping community (as far as I know)
On is goes by the name Great Queen Lina, quick search and you will find her.
The other is a guy doing a youtube channel

I would say try to contact them if you find nobody else.

>> No.9311693

Thread is archived. I have to reply here.
>Have you ever tried to organize your own group with a mostly non-combat faction?
No, but I've met an old member of LARP community in past December and had a nice talk with him. He has a much more contacts than me, and he couldn't find people even for PnP party in my city, let alone LARP group.
As far as I know, there're even no organised groups in my region for this season. The only nearby group preparing right now that has people I know is mostly consists from people from bordering region (Again on Tolkien game and again as combat faction).
So I think if I want to participate somewhere in this year, I have to join a group from other city.

>> No.9311699

OH! btw, you abd your lady win the contest! Yay you guys! Check your email, and send me a mailing adress for your prize!

>> No.9311770

well, starting your own group isn't something that is easy. I just mention it because most people think that you need some kind of otherworldly skillset, but in reality you just need a fuckton of time, sometimes years.
It's not easy, and not always the best option but it's there.

The traveling to other cities thing you mentioned is also doable although I don't know your options for that, plus your health might not allow longer travels.

>> No.9312454

Kit Harrington?>>9310562

>> No.9312457

Sorry about second link. My thumb slipped.

>> No.9313075
File: 880 KB, 1317x887, 1472090956948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are your fav weapon manufacturers and why?

Personally I dig Calimacil (Some great designs and the warranty) and Goldhammer (dat balance tho)

>> No.9313102

Idk didnt try a lot of makers, one thing is sure.. And that is that hammerkunst is the worst lmao

>> No.9313133

Pretty sure most people here would put their vote of confidence in Calimacil just thanks to quality/variety.

Tbh the best I've seen is a group/maker that I've only ever seen called Action Props. They've evidently stopped making things for the LARP market, which is a shame because they made the only rapier that I've ever seen get into my heavily corseted amerilarp.

>> No.9313256

This is 100% what you want. I've had two experiences with DR, one in New Jersey where they're all pretty childish, one of the worst role playing experiences I've ever had. The other one was meh, but I ended up with a costume I really liked.

>> No.9313262

Calimacil is hit or miss with me, I find some of their designs really tacky or just plain ugly.
My own favorite brand really just comes down to hand made weapons by a buddy of mine. (Arguably) Cheaper and far better because he makes what you want him to, down to the last detail if necessary.

Hammerkunst is shit on everything except their small weapons. F.e. their Walter club or their daggers are a Godsent with their price quality relation. Gotta see 'em more as props than real weapons though.

>> No.9313299
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Always hated the Calimacil.
They are quite hard, new and unused especially, and paired to weight and poor balance, make blows harder to control. As larpers here seem to complain easily for strong hit, I prefer not use them but find it fun to play against.
Also at least they are durable.
All the contrary of the Epic Armory, that weight nothing, are fragile, and tend to make people spam attack that look like shit but are fast.

I mainly use relics of a old Belgian seller, GV, that seem to have metal inside the grip, guard and pommel. It's hidden inside foam and silicone, but some admins don't like this.
I also have a french guy, Alannes that make swords, but as his stuff look's nice, is balanced and fairly priced, his stand is emptied fast.

>> No.9313512

Honestly, it may just be because of the cost to quality, but I do like epic armoury.

>> No.9313842

same here.
Calimacil for everyday and loaner stuff as they are really durable, but if I want to a nice weapon with good balance then it's Goldhammer

Also the new wyvern weapons are good too, although I already damaged mine. The upside is that their costumer support is good and they sent me a new one.

>> No.9313854

Where do you lot go to purchase clothing used in various religious rites?
I'm looking for shit that is period faithful, but I worry about it being rugged enough to survive the field without turning to scrap.
>I'm trying to convince myself to not purchase a leathern tabard for it, but I'm failing.

>> No.9313904

>clothing used in various religious rites?
>I'm looking for shit that is period faithful,

Which period, and which religious rites? We can't help without actual information.

>> No.9313907

Have you tried to going past some of the charities run by churches, or small pawn/second hand shops from Middle-Eastern people? You can get some sweet ass second-hand religious clothing from them. Buddy of mine got about 4 full Fransiscaner (?)monk kits.

>> No.9313910

17/1800's Jesuit monk.
I'm looking for the whole kit, to be used in cool/cold weather, outdoors mostly.
I've seen a few items, but most do not durable enough for the rigors I expect, or accurate to the time. I also wonder about how proper overcoats, furs and the like would be.
I pop tags like a baller, but I haven't been to church charities and such. That is definitely an option to explore.
>I need a big honking wooden cross to hang from my belt
>and likely to threaten people with

>> No.9314101
File: 58 KB, 694x925, Wings-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a promo-shoot at the end of the month for a Dieselpunk larp I hope to run in 2018. Although it is a bit like herding cats.

>> No.9314177

Also try taking up contact with monk orders, or even worse, your local church. With the lowering of Christian numbers in the west there's a whole lot of churches closing. Buying from them is even a good thing, since the money goes to supporting the still religious people out there. (And a whole lot of help for those less fortunate.)

I just drooled a little, that is a sick get-up mate.

>> No.9314385

Dat Bren Gun.
Have you got a group page set up for this. I have Red Army kit that I could dieldpunk up if it fits the setting.

>> No.9314642
File: 66 KB, 512x774, moro armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was discussion about people not liking white guys in weeb armor, so I figure this is relavent

I'd like to try my hand at making some plated mail based on the one in my pic. Now, I'm pretty much as white as they come, and as far as I know, there's no examples of plated mail in Europe. The armor in my pic for example is from the Philippines.

Would it be seen as weeb-ish, or are they far enough removed that I could pass it off as generic medieval armor?

>> No.9314826
File: 62 KB, 555x800, jesuit-priest-17th-century.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17/1800's Jesuit monk.
So... A black linen or wool cassock and cape or hood? Any Catholic church supply would have it. Pic related, 17thC Jesuit monk, but wearing a biretta


>big honking wooden cross to hang from my belt
You mean a simple, small wooden rosary. You're a Jesuit monk

>threaten people
You're a Jesuit monk


Awesome dude.

That Moro armour is directly based off Portuguese corsellet and a burgeonet

>> No.9314927

don't worry, nobody will know, that would take research or education

>So... A black linen or wool cassock and cape or hood? Any Catholic church supply would have it. Pic related, 17thC Jesuit monk, but wearing a biretta
technically speaking jesuits doesn't have a uniform. They never had a rule on what one should wear. (later there was some kind of fucker around this but nothing that really sticks)
They are a VERY practical organization and always on the opinion of "wear whatever the fuck works best for your mission"

>> No.9315165

>Eastern Europe doesn't exist

Not trying to be mean, but literally the first image on the Wikipedia page for plated maille is a set of Russian armor.
Also, plated maille was used literally everywhere outside of Western and Central Europe. Pretty sure no one's gonna scream cultural appropriation if you wear the single most common form of armor in history.

>> No.9315210
File: 39 KB, 564x422, jesuit monks 2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're talking the monastic order here. Jesuits pretty much universally wear black, as far as the history and modern organization is concerned.

Traditionally, you have your Benedictine's wear black and white, Cistercians in undyed, Carmelites in brown, Jesuits in black, Hieronymites in grey-blue...

Pfft. Slavs.

>> No.9315232

>We're talking the monastic order here.
that's what I'm talking about too, there never had any monastic rule about clothing, they wore mostly black at the start because that was the standard talar (or how it is said in english) for everyone else, french theological students to be more specific . But if they went on a mission for example to china, they wore local cloths. If they went to India they wore local cloths again.
Saint Ignatius only said that they should follow other honest priests on food, cloths and other externalities, but he also said that it isn't the cloths that makes someone a monk, so he doesn't really cared about it.
Only after the second Vatican Synod (? fuck these words) they went back to the idea that they should wear the same cloths as the... diocese priests? (that's what google translate told me) but even after that the idea of flexibility started soon. There is still no "uniform" for Jesuits, they still get their cloths to what fits the best their mission

>> No.9315257
File: 769 KB, 1280x720, stannis-inquisition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the other people said, and also, if anybody insists on giving you shit about it, just tell them you were inspired by Stannis' armor.

>> No.9315266
File: 41 KB, 330x220, jesuit beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as what we call a cassock

>But if they went on a mission for example to china, they wore local cloths

Those are missionaries, not aesthetic sworn monks.

>Saint Ignatius only said that they should follow other honest priests on food, cloths and other externalities, but he also said that it isn't the cloths that makes someone a monk, so he doesn't really cared about

Welcome to Catholicism! It ain't holy, if it ain't bedazzled!

>Only after the second Vatican Synod (? fuck these words)
>they went back to the idea that they should wear the same cloths as the... diocese priests?
Same words, you're cool.

>they went back to the idea that they should wear the same cloths as the... diocese priests?
>There is still no "uniform" for Jesuits, they still get their cloths to what fits the best their mission
Again, we're talking MONKS /not/ MISSIONARIES. Not all missionaries are monks, and only take half-vows.

I grew up with three monasteries and four convents near me. The Jesuits are the biggest game in New Orleans.

>> No.9315275

>Those are missionaries, not aesthetic sworn monks.
jesuits are monks AND preists, they have to take both of the... oaths? and stuff.
And their monastic order is a missionary and teaching order. Which means technically they are all missionaries BUT they aren't on a mission all the time.
Anyway, same order, same monks.

>> No.9315290

Fransciscan monks confirmed for best monks, begone Jesuits. :^)

>> No.9315295

and yet, the jesuits the only monk order who got a pope.
Who is the second most trollish pope so far (but he has hopefully a few more years to became the first)

>> No.9315301
File: 47 KB, 608x342, AL_pope_clown_nose_sr_131108_16x9_608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but not a Jesuit missionaries are monks or priests, as they are one of the only missionary orders to take laymen.

I am firmly with Hungarian >>9315295. As far as the Catholic church has seen in centuries, he's the most explosively progressive pope by far.

>> No.9315307

A pope doesn't make the rest of the order better though. Jesuits are certainly toptier but the humbleness and sobriety instilled by Fransciscans is just 11/10.

>> No.9315326

John II was way more progressive. But as I said Francis is still alive so ha can do more stuff (may or may not he calls for a Synod too)

>Yes, but not a Jesuit missionaries are monks or priests, as they are one of the only missionary orders to take laymen.
are you talking about the third-order/rate/tier members (seriously, I don't know the proper fucking term) because those are totally different than the actual monks

>> No.9315341

>are you talking about the third-order/rate/tier members (seriously, I don't know the proper fucking term) because those are totally different the actual monks

The term is laymen or more PC, lay clergy, but they are the main arm of the Jesuit mission, typically with one monk to every 3-4 laymen.

>> No.9315362

well, those aren't monks so obviously doesn't count for monk fashion.
And the jesuit monks ARE priests too, that's one of the must have to be a jesuit.

>> No.9315366

Never argued that. Thats not uncommon for a lot of orders.

>> No.9315595
File: 141 KB, 564x846, russian_heresy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are 40K LARPs a thing? Do any of you have photos/videos of them?

>> No.9315663
File: 60 KB, 550x550, mosquito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this pic and was wondering if anyone knew what kind of helmet it is, or if it was ever actually used

I've never seen anything that looks like it, but I'm no expert

>> No.9315908

there is at least one in the UK, and I think sweden has a NOTwarhammer40k game called voidship concordia (I tried out it's demo game and I approve)

>> No.9316051
File: 343 KB, 600x900, 1363317576386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple, mostly in Germany and the UK. A few shitty ones in the US. I got some pics of larpers and cosplayers though.

I've seen the illustrations, but never once have I seen an original or repro of the thing. It looks like a shitty design with too much leverage that would either spin the helm, or tweak your neck.

>> No.9316060
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>> No.9316252

Yup, there's two that I know of in the UK. No Rest for the Wicked, that I play, is a Rogue Trader inspired game, and Death Unto Darkness which I believe is a Dark Heresy kind of game.

>> No.9316403

Went to one in Russia last year. It was both weird and fun, even with all its flaws. Shame there won't be others in foreseeable future.

>> No.9316957

Must be some Blood Angels offshoot, judging by how pretty he is.

>> No.9317036

Just look up the Weisskunig and Threuedank and Maximilian's Triumpfzug.

>> No.9317440

So I just came across this little write-up and it hit really close to home as an American LARPer. I'm sure this is old news by now, but is anybody familiar with this blogger? He seems pretty insightful from what little I've seen.

>> No.9317709

So I'm going to Drachenfest this year and at first I thought of going as some light-armoured fast character, maybe a fencer or a halberdier since I can't carry things like a Hauberk or so because of luggage weight limit.

And then, oh then, I ran into this masterpiece by Arthammer:
https://www.youtube.com/embed/UbYh5VH9pQM (TL;DW it's a powerfist that sorta works like a small shield)

Is there any way, concept-wise and design-wise to incorporate this into a not Spicemurine-based character without being a tryhard? What do?

>> No.9317721
File: 90 KB, 750x543, ec99b6c10e4a95ecccf900213dc065ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldnt classify a user of that powerfist as "light armoured fast character", if that is what you are asking.

As for a high fantasy design of the concept, first thing to come to my mind is the Uruk-Hai wrist shield. I dont know of anything closer to it to be honest, but it fits in more with a light armor character concept.

>> No.9317732

Thanks for the extra point of view mate! (And sorry for the slow reply to a fast answer)

I play as a veteran mercenary and I kill/hurt/maim stuff etc for money, so I guess I deserve the right to wield one.

>> No.9317976

make it into a steampunk thing.
Then again steampunk things also get the label of tryhard so there is that.

>> No.9318012

meanwhile, autosage.

new thread here

