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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9271523 No.9271523 [Reply] [Original]

A little over a month until the con. Cosplay contest form opens up on Thursday. Who is going as what? What are you looking forward to? What are you hoping for but don't have too high expectations set?

>> No.9271954

I'm hoping they'll have better vendors this years in the dealers hall as what they had last year was just people selling left over, picked over stock from other cons and it sucked balls. The artist stuff was pretty good, I ended up buying a few things but really that room they have them and the dealers in is just too tiny to have enough variety.

>> No.9271971

I have no expectations anon. Why walk in being disappointed when you already know you'll be disappointed?

>> No.9271988

Who wants to take bets on how fast that Five Guy's runs out of bacon and buns again. Someone really should warn them we're coming.

>> No.9271990

I really want to know what they were thinking with the venue change. You can absolutely ghost the con with incredible ease now, and given how bad dealer's/panels/game room were last year, you probably should.

>> No.9271997

I don't know if this is true or not but from what I understand they got outbid at the old venue? Some other organization wanted the old Hilton hotel for New Years and Ikkicon couldn't afford it. I heard that from a friend who's volunteered with them for several years so again, not 100% on the truth but it sounds possible.

>> No.9272003

Haha. You're a bit off but you can believe what you want. Let's just say that they will never be returning to Hilton.

>> No.9272008

Well if you're gonna be smug about I think you should enlighten us.

>> No.9272019

I would enlighten but I know who reads cgl. Anon has to stay anon.

>> No.9272028

Every damn time.
>I know the dirt on this cosplayer
>I know the REAL reason Akon had to move
>I know why San Japan is falling apart
>I know why Ikkicon had to change hotels ;)
You know if you're worried you're gonna get caught for whatever reason maybe it would be better if you didn't say anything in the first place. It's always annoying having some little shit coming into threads making big claims and then pussing out at the last minute because NOW they're worried they'll get recognized.

>> No.9272391

And that's what everyone said the last time they left the Hilton... And then returned a year later.

>> No.9272403

Hey Leslie

>> No.9272417

Who the fuck is Leslie?

>> No.9272437

It is because they played chicken with the hotel sales department. They won the game after a year. The second time they tried the same tactics. Ikkicon permanently lost the game.

>> No.9272470

It's okay, they just want their .15 seconds of fame when we all know they have jack shit information on anything. Otherwise they'd have no problem sharing the dirt after mentioning it once.

>> No.9272485

Haha. I'm not that crazy lady.

>> No.9272981

Anyone else feeling like the fashion events are going to be underwhelming?

>> No.9272986

I enjoyed them last year! How do you feel they'll be underwhelming?

>> No.9273367

I don't know, I haven't felt much hype. Yet another Baby tea party and fashion show? Over it. I thought last year was lackluster- everything was late, too.

>> No.9273405

Last year was alright, I guess, but not enough to bring me back. It was all pretty standard. I enjoyed the lolita panels I saw, the fashion show was a typical con fashion show, and the tea party was nice but pretty boring overall. I'd be more interested in skipping Ikki to try another con's jfash stuff.

>> No.9273420

I know this isn't the right place but considering location, anyone know if the rumor of Anime Matsuri being under new owners holds water?

>> No.9273523

there's been a texas thread for awhile

>> No.9275776

What was the theme last year? I heard from people that the tea party was not very good. All I'd seen about the fashion events on here is that other comms had to step in to help. I had planned to go this year but I'm wondering if I ought not, now.

>> No.9276102

iirc the tea party theme was Moon Rabbit.

>> No.9276376

Who did you even talk to? It was actually pretty great last year, the staffers were nice and the food was delicious. The guests spent a lot of time talking to the tables too. The con let them spend as much time going around as they wanted.

The only down side was that the gift bags were just a pop up book and not something I could actually wear. The fashion show was late but it went okay outside of terrible music and just being too slow. The outfits were nice. You should still have fun.

>> No.9277088

Curios but what other con does more than "the standard" and how? Like bigger more extravagant fashion show like AM?

>> No.9277117

What you heard is pretty much wrong since last years staff was pretty much a group of friends from all over Texas and NOLA who ran the event. They can't be "stepping in" if they volunteered to help in the first place.

I had fun at the event last year. It was ikkicon's first time ever inviting a brand guest, or having lolita events. I understand the kinks. To be honest I never thought Ikki would ever have lolita due to past problems. There are friends I have in the ATX comm who were so salty over their past experience they never want to come back.

>> No.9277382

NOLA didn't run anything, they just worked the booth. The ones in charge were ATX ans that Sarah Herbert girl who's long gone. I heard nobody liked working with her so if there were big problems they probably came from her.

>> No.9277388

Like another anon said, the theme was Moon Rabbit. I don't know much about the behind the scenes aspects of the events. It was okay for a first year tea party. The food was good, and it was nice to talk to the guests, but the gift bags were pretty pointless unless you like collecting misc brand stuff, and I found myself rather bored for the most part. It wasn't a disaster or anything, but I've been to livelier, more active tea parties, and I didn't think Ikki's was worth the price tag for the amount of enjoyment I got. That being said, I wouldn't write it off forever. If I hear good things about it in the next year or so, I'll happily give it another chance.

This, I honestly couldn't say, as I've never seen a con fashion show that was anything to write home about.

>> No.9277401

I'm just relaying what was posted. My understanding was that NOLA stepped in (whatever your interpretation of the word) and helped things run smoothly. No one said anything about big problems, and I know the ATX girls don't like that girl Sarah, so it's coming off a bit defensive. I was just expressing skepticism, as I do have better options that weekend and had not yet decided what to do, and was wondering what people were anticipating for this year.

>> No.9277448

Ok I follow. I didn't mean to come off as defensive, I was just saying what I knew of the situation from last year too. I had fun last year but I also spent a lot of it drinking, but that is per the norm when it comes to Ikkicon. Ikkicon as a convention is nothing special, I just actually had fun at their Lolita activities so I wouldn't completely disregard it this year if last year's was anything to go by. I've just heard a lot of negative or mixed things about Sarah so I thought whatever bad went down also might have been because of her involvement. But overall desu I think it all depends on if you want to pop by to go to a local ish con or not. Ikkicon isn't anything special but the right company can make it fun.

>> No.9279103

Calling it: A shit ton of people are going to be pissed off when the Renaissance enforces its own rule about hotel room stuffing.

>> No.9279141

People always are, but it's their own fault.

>> No.9279373

I got an email from the hotel confirming that they are enforcing 4 to a room. Here comes the impending hurricane shitstorm.

>> No.9279377
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>> No.9279379

They are using wristbands too. Every cheap shit is fucked.

>> No.9279453

It's like hotels want to lose money because of shit like this. Has anyone found a way past it yet?

>> No.9279472

Good fucking luck. At San Japan, Anime Matsuri 2012 and AnimeFest 2012 they were assholes on enforcement assigning people at stairwells.

>> No.9279492

Anyone have any clue what type and color the wristbands will be? Am willing to buy in bulk from wholesale to give out free.

>> No.9279502

Many people are pissed about the wristbands because theyre ugly as fuck in cosplay. If you had photoshoots planned then you better pray someone knows how to shoop.

>> No.9279566

I'm personally enjoying watching everyone's worlds end as they threat not to go all and never return because of wristbands. I'll see you guys in a few weeks and next year.

>> No.9279568

This really is the worst con in Texas. Maybe even in the US, but Florida might have some competition for that.

>> No.9279569

Well I mean it sucks hardcore for individuals with 6 people rooms. They have to decide who to kick out now, and have to scrape up extra cash for the room.

>> No.9279571

No, that award goes to Oni-con.

>> No.9279577

That's why you be a responsible adult and save money for hotel rooms?? Literally none would be complaining if they took the initiative to save money to afford their rooms instead of packing 6-10 people to lower costs. If you can't afford a room, don't get one.

Also, when you book a hotel room, they only allow 4 per room anyway and if you want to add more than 4, get a suite. It's not hard.

I will say this does ruin my plans for a party I was planning to have but I can manage.

>> No.9279627

Apparently if youre on a budget youre not allowed to have fun. More at 11.

>> No.9279632 [DELETED] 

Oh you can define try have fun on a budget. It's just people don't know how to budget correctly and it's showing.

>> No.9279638

You can have fun while on a budget if you can even budget in the first place. I have no empathy for those who complain about convention and hotel expenses when they spend their money on non-essentials instead of saving. Even a $1 a day starting a year before the convention can go a long way. It's seriously not hard to adult.

>> No.9279641

>having a budget
>packing 8+ people in a tiny hotel room

These aren't the same thing. Being on a budget means prioritizing things (like fun) with forethought and intent. Being on a budget should allow you to set aside enough to stay with a sane number (as defined by the hotel) of people over a reasonable period of time. Ya know, like mature people.

I think you meant no fun while being broke. Then yes, no fun. Spending your last $30 to party when rent is due in a week is the way to stay poor for life. Don't want to be a broke ass? Work more and get on an actual budget (as defined above). Much different than paying overdraft charges for gas station transactions while claiming 'I'm on a budget'. Fucking excuses excuses...

>> No.9279654

I personally don't do con rooms with more than 5-6 people, depending on the con. It's more about personal issues than anything, really. Its the weebs with mommy and daddy's money packing 10 bodies into a two bed that's fucking it up for the rest of us.

For me, the wristband thing is retarded because i don't want to wear it in cosplay, and if you somehow wiggle it off for a shoot and rip it in the process, you're boned.

>> No.9279723

Right? It's not some huge guarded secret that hotels have a 4 person maximum occupancy to standard rooms. Sorry ya'll did so much damage last year they decided to hard core in force an existing rule.

>> No.9279783

If people learned how to actually budget and realize cons aren't a necessity if they aren't making any money out of it...stop going to cons. I have watched people spend their rent money on figures and cry over gofundme to avoid being evicted when they do this shit month after month.

Yes, it sucks people can't get away with having more than 4 people in the room now. Yes, hotels charge a lot. But it's in the fine print. The fact that they are enforcing it is due to >>9279723. Maybe if people stopped fucking with the hotels when they attend a convention we wouldn't keep losing convention hotel spaces or jacked room prices or things like this. These companies have a reputation to uphold and when business conventions come in from out of state do you seriously believe they have people punching holes in the wall or stealing light bulbs from the elevators? They know who they want coming back each year for a fair price and who they don't want coming back but know that group will pay more than enough to get a spot in the hotel's calendar.

tl;dr stop bitching if you don't prioritize financial responsibility.

>> No.9279813

Fiscal responsibility? Pff. They don't teach that shit in school.

>> No.9279827

Trust me, I know.

>> No.9279829

You don't need a school to learn how to put a dollar in a savings account???

Plus, if you want to be an adult, you need to teach yourself the value of the dollar through consequences of spending it on non-essentials. If you are serious about attending conventions, learn to save and make sacrifices. Otherwise, none will sympathize you if you spend hundreds on merchandise yet can't afford a hotel room, convention badge, transportation, etc. You don't need conventions to live and there are no excuses for at least not $1 in your savings account every other day toward your next convention. It's not hard with some self-disciple and sacrifices. Grow up.

>> No.9279837

fire escape stairs maybe. first time roomfagging cons usually miss them

>> No.9279839

was it ikkicon where some motherfucker threw a glass jug off the top floor into the atrium?
if so that hotel is shitty and gay and i hope they move the con next year

>> No.9279842

Tbh that sounds like akon but it could have been ikki

>> No.9279844

i'm from the dfw area and it was a few hours away, so not akon. It was the first year this con was in its new hotel, and its kind of a shitty location with no other walking distance hotels.

>> No.9279845

Same. I get that the wristbands will be ugly with cosplay, but the number of people I know screaming that they can't even wear their costumes now and having a public hissy fit over it has been hysterical.

>> No.9279847
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>you don't need conventions to live
>t.prematurely old faggot

>> No.9279968

Maybe? I know someone threw something out the window at Anime fest years ago when it was still at reunion tower.

>> No.9279978

nah, it was just this last year that it happened. they threw it over the railing. I'm a little upset i can't remember the name of the con

>> No.9280501

it was ikkicon some people also poured beer all over registration as they were packing up for the night

>> No.9280813

>all these grannies bitching about kids not budgeting when the con just announced the 4 Per Room Rule a few weeks before the con, throwing off everyone's plans.

It isn't like this has been a know rule they had to account for, the con/hotel introduced it after everyone already made their bookings and room arrangements.

>> No.9280814

To say Ikkicon staff didn't know this would be happening would be horse shit. They knew about it for months. They waited for the hotel to make the announcement instead of warning people.

>> No.9280942

>It's not like this has been a known rule

Except that when you book your room online it has maximum of 4 people. It has always been a rule, they've just chosen to enforce it.

>> No.9280971

Every hotel has a maximum of 4 people. That's why typically unless you book a suite it won't let you reserve a room for more than 4 people. It IS a known rule, y'all just choose to ignore it.

>> No.9280994

It was drunk people who thought they were "sharing". And it was shots... I think... I am almost sure it wasn't beer.

>> No.9281003


That may not be true. Most cons have no control over how the hotel runs the rooms. They only rent the space for the convention and work out price point discounts for the con-goers rooms. but it really depends on the relationship between the hotel and the con.

>> No.9281031

Any lolitas get their email for the fashion show? Waiting impatiently to see if I got in but haven't heard from them yet.

>> No.9281038

What are you talking about? Hotels have a maximum occupancy per room, it's almost always 4 adults for a standard room. That has nothing to do with an event.

>> No.9281041

I mean with the enforcement of that rule. Like the rule is technically anyways, but no one really cared until good things got ruined.

>> No.9281114

Someone did throw a glass bottle from the top floor in the atrium at Ikkicon last year very late Friday night.

And that is exactly Akon you're describing and yes the first year it was at the Anatole someone did throw a glass pitcher from that front atrium down to the floor on Saturday night (was there and can confirm).

It was a garbage bag full of vinegar and water and they chucked it from the 25th floor into that huge fountain near the bar. It created a tidal wave of stinky water that poured down the waterfall to the floor below and spilled over by the hotel registration desk. Again, was there, can confirm.

>> No.9281240

>you don't need conventions to live
7 year con goer reporting. Yes you do.

>> No.9281286
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That's probably the saddest thing I've heard all day. I've been going to conventions for 10 years and by my 5th year of going I realized I don't need to go to every convention to keep living. I can only imagine what your priorities must be like..

>> No.9281569

15+ years of conventions, and I can safely say, there will be a point where you will say "I'm getting too old for this...."

>> No.9283225

11-year congoer here and there's always a time you look in the mirror and tell yourself this is the year you'll do something better with your life, and skip the con. Two hours later, you're booking the room and wondering which brand of tequila they want.

>> No.9284756

Is the schedule up? (If not when does it usually go up?)

>> No.9284766

>If not when does it usually go up?
The week of.

>> No.9284854

more like the day before :^)

>> No.9284869

Man I forget what year it was but they didn't post the schedule until Friday morning and handing out the one day only paper schedules at the con.

>> No.9287718

So basically the way all cons used to handle schedules? When I started attending cons there was nothing released before, you showed up Friday and that's the first time you saw anything.

>> No.9287800

You must have been going to cons for a long time, Ikki is the only one I can remember doing that. Everyone else usually at least had something up online the week of.

>> No.9287999

10+ years, and the first several that's how everything was run. Schedules before the event were unheard of.

I can't remember an Ikkicon in recent history that didn't release before the show. They've been using guidebook for the last 2-3 years at least.

>> No.9288287

Only kind of related but how do convention center restaurants not know when shit's about to go down.

>> No.9288295

The dennys across the street from the hilton at akon was always out of everything by saturday night. Youd think they would of caught on.

>> No.9288470

What >>9288295 said and many many years ago the entire food court in the mall ran out of food at the old location for AKon. The entire fucking food court, let that sink in.
And the first year San Japan was at the Marriott Rivercenter the Denny's across the street ran out of most item by Saturday.
No one warns the food places ever.

>> No.9288668

Not like they would listen anyways.

>> No.9288675

Ive heard people comain about there not being reasonably priced food within walking distance of ikkicon since the move, and i havent been since year before last. Any info?

>> No.9288693

People are being lazy fucks. Within a 5 minute walk is Zoe's Kitchen, Poke-E-Joe's BBQ, Corner Bakery, Tino's and Five Guys which all cost less than $10 to eat at. If you walk 7 minutes there's a Trader Joe's which you can stock up on munchies. 10 minutes away is a Target. If you drive less than 5 minutes from the hotel there's a H-E-B, Subway, Chick-Fil-A, McDonalds and Taco Bell.

Holy fuck are people that stupid and inept to do 5 seconds of Google research?

>> No.9288701
File: 42 KB, 512x375, evgsua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didnt have to reply if you were going to be an aggressive douche about a simple question, but thanks anyways, i will keep that in mind. I have never been to the area so this would be my first year.

>> No.9288728

Not to argue what other anon told you but the Five Guys, Zoe's kitchen and the funky sushi bar are really the only close things if you're in cosplay and walking is a pain in the ass. Everything else is far, more than the 5 minutes they're saying.

>> No.9288895

Going across a small parking lot then crossing one street is too far? No wonder that these people complain that's there nothing to eat because they expect to be served by their mothers. Next they'll complain that having to go down a flight of stairs in the con is too streneous.

>> No.9288955

Yes Anon, have you not noticed that everyone attending this con is a retarded 12 year old? They can't figure out how to feed themselves and throw big fucking temper tantrums when the hotels enforce their room policies. Glad to be skipping this one, personally.

>> No.9293529

A lot of people I know are dropping out. I hope a lot less people show up to this con.

>> No.9296169

and i hope they don't shut everything down at 11PM like last year.
that was some shit, I'll tell you hwhut

>> No.9296237

I dont remember that happening but I was drunk most of those evenings in room parties; why was it shut down?

>> No.9296896

bumping in hope of an answer.

>> No.9297124

I'm sorry man, but with the acoustics of that hotel, I hope they do shut it down at midnight so I can fucking sleep.

>> No.9297239

Were you sleeping right by your room's door or something? I admit there was a dull murmur in the rooms but it wasn't as bad as say, a room in the atrium at Akon or something.

>> No.9297558

The rooms were terrible, definitely one of the loudest hotel stays I can ever remember. I could hear people clear as day just quietly talking in the waiting area on my floor.

>> No.9297559


I've gone for the past three years and never had a problem. They've been stocking up from what I've seen. The denny's at A-kon was out of half the menu by Friday afternoon though.

I hate Denny's and I keep going.

>> No.9298003

Yeah, it's awful. We had a king (back of the room) and a pullout bed. The pullout bed had a lump in the middle of the bar and was right by the window facing the atrium. The hotel is such a piece of shit, I can't stand it.

>> No.9298083

anon from texas thread. is anyone interested in a line or discord for ikki?

>> No.9298845

Someone threw a glass pitcher out of a 4th story doorway into the inner courtyard

>> No.9298876

Is anyone else still working on last minute cosplays? I feel like shit because I just couldn't get the time and am hoping I can still finish in time.

>> No.9298924

A One Piece cosplayer also dropped a fucking metal pipe off the balcony too.

>> No.9298936

Any seagulls tabling at Ikki? Didn't sign up in time for a table but hoping to snag an unclaimed one early during the con.

>> No.9299078

I did, this is my first time in a few years going back since it's fallen on bad weekends for me + the weather was shit that one year. Most of my friends said last year wasn't very good for sales so I'm not expecting much. Good luck snagging a table though!!

>> No.9301661

Thanks! I'm not expecting much either. I'm just trying to unload my merch that I had leftover from my last con. I'll also be sharing a table with a friend (if we do get one) so hopefully we'll break even.

>> No.9301733

For those selling at Ikki please tell me you guys have some new or interesting stuff; I'm so tired of seeing nothing but shitty pins, badly made acrylic chinese keychains and the same few bunches of handmade crap that didn't sell at the last 4 cons.

>> No.9301975

You have to be more specific anon, what series/types of things are you looking for? Or are you a lolita wanting accessories?

>> No.9302208

Lolita wanting accessories, although this may not be the best con for that.

>> No.9302432

Anyone know what dealers will be there? Ikkicon's webpage still just says to be announced...

>> No.9302453

>tfw don't care about 95 of the shit being discussed
Feels great being impervious to drama, desu wa.

If you see me I will get you drunk, I have a ton of booze. See you faggots there.

>> No.9302706

True ikkicon fashion.

>> No.9302768

Can someone explain to me how the fuck Austin, of ALL FUCKING PLACES, has no goddamn food trucks at conventions? I'm about to corner the breakfast market by charging 100% markup on Chick-fil-A biscuits in the morning. Even one goddamn truck would make this impossible.

>> No.9302818

How much yall want to bet that someone will bring in fireworks into the hotel and pop them? Ikki stupidity wont fail.

>> No.9302819

The con doesn't work with the city in arranging it. They don't contact out or ask or try to arrange anything because they don't care. They really only care about money and if it costs them anything then they won't even pretend to try and look. It's pretty obvious with upper staff and how this con works out.

>> No.9302821

Not what I mean, they don't even bother showing up of their own volition. They would literally sell completely the fuck out of food, especially with all the babbies crying about how there's no food around, yet they don't show up. Not one fucking spic taco pickup. Nothing.

I'm gonna make a killing on saturday.

>> No.9302836

They probably don't care to drive to that part of town. Austin is a big city, and a supposed couple thousand con kids isn't going to give them as much money as being a block off 6th over a weekend holiday. Unless they get asked or invited to come, they'll make more money elsewhere. Ikki is a decently sized convention but it's nothing compared to parties off 6th

>> No.9302843

Makes sense. I perceive the Arboretum as pretty well 'inside' austin, but they'd see it as 'way the fuck up north'.

>> No.9302913

Dude you're crying more than anyone else about there being no food, why do you actually care? You have the ability to get your own food right? Then enjoy and quit flipping out.

>> No.9302966

I don't even eat truck food. I'm just pissed that FUCKING HOUSTON is beating us at the food truck game. You go to AM, there's twenty of the fucking things outside. In the CITY OF FOOD TRUCKS? NOTHING.

>> No.9302969

Well I'll admit it would be really nice to have the trucks (especially with some of the awesome ones Austin has) but I think expecting Ikkicon to bother getting them to come is expecting too much. They cant even update their website. Sad but it seems to be the way it is.

>> No.9302973

That's because Austin food scene isn't as exceptional as Austin thinks.

>> No.9303056

The wristbands are disgusting.

>> No.9303059

>wristbands being any more of a visual nuisance than the badges
I wear six+ of the damn things.

>> No.9303061

Badges are easier to take off.

>> No.9303165

Ikki pre-badge pickup late like always. Ikki never changes.

>> No.9303171


You clearly have no idea what you are talking about

1. The Austin scene is different than other cities. There are a lot of ordinances that keep the trucks from being able to park in a lot of places so almost all of them are static in food parks.

2. The arboretum is private property that is not going to allow outside vendors to come and compete with the food related business paying to be there

3. A lot of hotels will not allow trucks on their property because they bend their own food and they do not want competition

Whether a food truck is at a con or not is almost never related to the con failing to book them. Larger conventions in areas with little food can get away with it because the demand for food is so high the hotel won't loose cash to trucks, they could never fill the demand by themselves. Ikkicon is in a private shopping area with a lot of food.

>> No.9303173

What all happens at a lolita tea party? This will be my very first one ever!

Am I going to be looked down on for wearing a full set?

>> No.9303263

I think a lot of the staff is from plano?

>> No.9303265

is programming not released for this one? at the official teas i've gone to, there's a fashion show, a meal, games/activities, and idle time to take pictures or do Q and A. of course not in that order

you won't be looked down upon if you look good in the full set. most people who bash sets are just salty because they can't afford all of it. i'm being serious. have fun!

>> No.9303270

Well I noticed the fashion show is on the first(?) day of the con and theres also a Q&A but also not on the same day as the tea Im only going on sunday for the tea.

If programming is available for the tea party itself I dont know where to find it!

I hope I look as good as I can manage, im just intimidated by how OTT all the pictures I see are. Im going to be wearing the Secret Air Mail set because thats about all I have from Baby, im just hoping im not too under dressed.

>> No.9303284

The fashion show is on saterday in main events.

>> No.9303301

I work here and god I dread you nerds tomorrow.

>> No.9303319

You work at the hotel? You poor bastard.

>> No.9303326

In the restaurant no less, last year we got slammed and was not prepared for it. So bad this year we had to simplify the menu hahah

>> No.9303334

>Whether a food truck is at a con or not is almost never related to the con failing to book them.

Not saying the con booking them but outreaching in order to get it to work. A-kon and the Anatole had to work with Dallas to get the food trucks. But it makes sense given the location for Ikkicon and Austin being weird in general. People DO know there's a target nearby right?

>> No.9303360

No, AKon worked with the Anatole. The city wouldn't have anything to do with food trucks. A lot of the trucks in "dallas" are probably run out of suburbs and not Dallas proper.

>> No.9303362

Was last year the first year we were at this hotel? From what I understand hotels typically underestimate conventions and their buying power. Like afest didn't have this issue when they moved because they moved to the hotel that Akon was at.

>> No.9303382

Yeah I ate at that restaurant last year, it took an hour and a half for the turkey wrap. All the servers seemed shell-shocked, I felt bad for them.

>> No.9303420

I believe so. This is my first year working it but I've been hearing horror stories about it for months.

Yikes. This year should be a lot quicker (hopefully) with the smaller menu.
Everything is reasonably priced for you guys, so stop in for a burger or something~

>> No.9303437

>Everything is reasonably priced for you guys, so stop in for a burger or something~
Bless you kinda restaurant guy, hopefully we'll see you tomorrow.

>> No.9303488

I don't think the Ikki tea party was really OTT last year, it doesn't exactly draw the big coords or attention-seekers so don't worry about that.

>> No.9303495

I will be going back for that burger, last year it was awesome, drinks were awesome as well. And tip your fucking servers if you eat at the hotel bar, because they deserve it for putting up with this shit.

>> No.9303658

Aw no, I don't mean to break your heart but the burger we're serving this weekend isn't the same knotty burger from last year you're probably talking about. It's still tasty though.

>> No.9303710

anyone wanna hook up?

>> No.9303753

Only if you give me a weekend badge
this line is taking fucking forever and if you bought a weekend pass early then fuck you, wait with the other scrubs who buy theirs at the event

>> No.9303955
File: 373 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_20161230_170104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sides to mission control; stable orbit achieved

>> No.9304018

Booze anon here.

Listen and look for pink guy.

>> No.9304155 [DELETED] 

>sitting down waiting for panels
>Someone throws a paper ball off a balcony up above
>Unwrap it
>See this

>> No.9304156
File: 3.05 MB, 2992x4000, IMG_20161230_213643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sitting down waiting for panels
>Someone throws a paper ball off a balcony up above
>Unwrap it
>See this

>> No.9304157

Someone go see if there's anything going on there.

>> No.9304168

Restaurant anon here, yall crazy

>> No.9304176

Booze anon again
I am getting back into. Line with NY niggas for the p9rn

a so fucking drunk I Kant stands right.

>> No.9304184

Fuck i took a selfie with you and didnt realize

>> No.9304216

Nah I'm the drunk dude in the vest

>> No.9304223

Holy shit booze anon again
They gave me a free pizza
This is the best day ever

>> No.9304236

Also I tore my pants in line for the porn panel
All in all 10/10 opening night

>> No.9304246

I can officially say watched Boku no Pico in a room of 40 smelly weeaboos .

>> No.9304255

Oh that was you! You're welcome for the pizza anon!

>> No.9304683
File: 2.66 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20161231_124247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came to ikkicon expecting Akon leftovers but this artist's posters were great. She said there's a lot of competition to get into Akon.

How the hell did this get rejected over some of the crappy deviantart shit at Akon?

>> No.9304775

>blue Hestia bag ripped
>Didn't have more than 5 pounds of stuff in it
>Take it to registration
>They won't replace it
>Mad but w/e
>Get in line for panel
>Guy behind me has a blue Hestia bag ripped in the same spot
>We stop the first person we see with a Hestia bag and ask if hers ripped
>She says no but get friend's did and it was a Hestia bag as well

Fuck this

>> No.9304778
File: 235 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20161231_171254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its smaller than even last year's attendance it looks like.
any anons concur?

>> No.9304853

>noticeably less attendees than last year
>overall quality of cosplay has improved
>maid cafe ran by cringy, noticeably older people
>artist alley was extremely underwhelming
Do they not screen to see if people are good artists?? (actual question)
>dealers room about the same as last year

I didn't expect much, but I was still disappointed.

>> No.9304856

I just saw that the tea party still hasn't sold out. How hilarious, and fitting for such a shit convention.

>> No.9304869

For the artists, no it's a first come first serve so anyone who wants a booth as long as they can pay up before tables sell out. Was there something you were looking for?

>> No.9304872

Greg Ares is Christ born again. Prove me wrong.

>> No.9304874

just saw him in the shit buying room

>> No.9304875


>> No.9304879

I want to do drugs with him. He would totally do it. He's always looking for some new stories.

>> No.9304888

Good for me since I don't have money until the day of, so I won't complain

Also ikkicons website is a fucking joke, do they sell single day tickets or not? All I can find out about are all days or Saturday, I just want to know the price for Sunday dammit!

>> No.9305058

There are more people here than last year.

>> No.9305206

Hey booze anon, did you come into the restaurant with pink guy and gang?

>> No.9305215 [DELETED] 

There were definitely less people this year.

>> No.9305298

Because alst year A-kon was FCFS then juried. As long as you're following the admittance rules and you got in fast enough, you were in. That artist probably didn't apply fast enough. I applied within the first few seconds and still ended up waitlisted.

>> No.9305399

It's $30 anon but same it took a while for me to find it too.

>> No.9305423

Did anyone sit through the cosplay show? Was it as terrible as usual?

>> No.9305471

I enjoyed it. Not a big fan of the Half time show but I have never really enjoyed those anyways.

>> No.9305482
File: 51 KB, 698x289, 1312261659582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booze anon here again, couldn't phonepost for most of the weekend, I am now at home.
Was great to see those of you that sought me out, Friday was a goddamn blast. Saturday was cool too but later on the heat started getting real and I started hearing about myself so I laid low and ditched the booze for a while. Even got to meet the artist formerly known as Jello Shot Jesus. Sorry to that one guy that spotted me in the bar, I wanted to get you later but the cops were looking for alcohol by that point. Thank you to atrium food stand girl, that pizza lasted me until I needed something to nibble on this morning and I really appreciate it, I tend to go hungry a lot especially in the morning.

Panels were weak
Rave was weak
The 18+ panels were too tame and the fetish panel did not return
One(1) Girls und Panzer scale in the entire dealers room
Zero(0) Symphogear merchandise
Everything else was good though, 7/10 overall

See you guys next year, likely with a revised booze scheme. Don't worry, If you can find me, I can always get you drunk, even if I'm not booze anon anymore.


>> No.9305496

Did anyone go to that Lolita after dark panel? Wtf was it? I didn't get to go but kept staring at the schedule wondering what in gods name a Lolita after dark panel could even be about

>> No.9305560
File: 843 KB, 3000x1688, Ikki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for comin man, working through this was incredibly tiring but a lot of fun as well. If you come back next year stop by and we'll hook you up with another pizza.

>> No.9305687

i stayed until the half time show. there were some great cosplays and skits, but also some shitty and unimpressive ones

>> No.9305778

How was the fashion show?

>> No.9305833

Saw some love note panties during the half time show... made the whole thing worth it.

>> No.9305865

I enjoyed the lolita tea party but dear lord one woman on the staff was dressed so ridiculously bad I just can not comprehend how she dressed herself and decided "This is good for a tea party"

Nothing matched, nothing fit, just.... nothing. I wish I had a picture of her but good lord I just had to rant.

Even the most ita people in the tea party werent dressed half as bad as this chick.

>> No.9305866

Hotel and food staff did great job overall. Learned a lot from last con it seems.

>> No.9305906

What was she wearing?

>> No.9305907


>> No.9305922

What the fuck was with the line Friday morning to pick up badges? I got there at 10am and it took 3 hours to get through and I heard from other it was just as bad the night before. This is ridiculous even for Ikkicon.

>> No.9305943


And they are changing rules for next year. No more who can type the fastest. It's completely juried only. They are opening signups for 2 hours then choose based on whatever criteria.

>> No.9305974

It was just a mismatch of a black skirt with some pastel print (dont remember the print) and non matching UTK white and pastel socks with some weird and not fitting greyish shirt thing? I really dont remember anymore but good god it was weird and it just didnt help that she was landwhale size

>> No.9305977

Not coming back next year. No good panels. Table top run by dragon's lair sucks. They intentionally do not do yugioh and a bunch of players I met were upset about this. Table top was also small AF. Like the room itself was way to cramped. Console was smallish, but there were awesome people in there, just not enough games to make it great. Next time put the arcade cabinets in the console room and not the fucking dearlers room, you know, so people can play more games in a game room. Dealers was okish at best, better than last year.

Where it really broke down for me this year was the fact the bar, the fucking hotel bar decided that on night one, charge 3 bucks for domestic beer, night two, why not charge 6 bucks per beer instead. Why not take the amazing burger from last year and make it to where you cannot order it and instead get a patty that tastes like a brick. They did not let you get the regular menu or regular drink menu from last year. Half the appeal of the hotel was how amazing the restaurant and bar was and they shat on that this year. The schedule on the website in the gaming section said coming soon the night before the con. The entire fucking panel list, and amount of activities to do seems to shrink every year. For like 60 bucks for a badge for the weekend, I rather go to afest or matsuri. I am done with ikkicon. Super sad to see it go as I have been going since 2. Just way down hill, way, way, way down hill. I am normally the first to defend it, but last year was passable, this year was a dumpster fire.

>> No.9305980

Oh and I didn't mind the wrist bands, it meant idiots could clog up the elevators or room stuff. However, the staff monitoring the elevators were loud and behaved like ass hats. Speaking of staff, the staff in table top, I assume people from dragons lair attempted to kick my friend out because they did not have a badge. Now they had a wristband for a 1 day pass for Saturday. They told them this, and the table top staff from DL decided that they were lying, and I had to find a fucking staff member to explain. How do you not communicate that? Like shouldn't everyone who is checking passes know that one day passes were wristbands? There was so much stupidity and a lack of communication this year between staff.

At least pink guy was chill as fuck.

>> No.9305992

I think I know who you are talking about? Which is unfortunate because she's very sweet and usually her coords are A+ but what a shame. Unless it's someone else, in that case no idea. Do you remember what color hair/wig she had?

>> No.9305997

She had darker hair I think. I didnt look at her more than like twice. She was sitting at the staff table in the left front.

I hope she does dress better usually because damn I was embarrassed for her having to look like that infront of Tachibana

>> No.9306014

Agreed about the maid cafe. Most of the maids were chubby/ugly, too.

Also, Texas has a lot of ugly and conceited lolitas. Like, damn, guys.

>> No.9306016

i saw her, she looked terrible!! she seemed a little obnoxious too, kind of nice but really ita. the rest of the staff was so pretty, where did she even come from

don't forget the minnie mouse ears
her petticoat was sticking out the whole time too and her hair looked messy

>> No.9306039

You weren't by chance wearing a formal Gengar cosplay on Sat night were you?

>> No.9306055

To be fair, texas has a lot of ugly and conceited cosplayers in general.

>> No.9306064

No, but I roomed with him.

>> No.9306108

Anybody have photos of that Rick and Morty group that was running around Saturday night?

>> No.9306128

Are you fucking kidding? There was a noticeable drop in attendance. It was much easier to walk through the atrium. At the Baby fashion show, it was less than half full in the room compared to last year being packed.

>> No.9306130

Took the stairs all weekend, never got wristband checked. Amazing.

>> No.9306163

it was just like any of the con horror story/embarrassing moments/normie reaction threads

>> No.9306172

doing god's work anon

>> No.9306255

Cosplay contest photos when

>> No.9306265

wasnt this the con where that guy who claimed he was the model for the Fox character from RBWY? And didnt he get arrested for sex trafficking?

>> No.9306281

That was last year, but yes

>> No.9306322

Tea party did sell out.

>> No.9306363

Tell him thanks again for helping my friend with her heels. He was chill as fuck that night.

>> No.9306385

Yeah, at the very last second. I've never seen that before as a con. Second year in a row everything was disorganized and ran like shit, I can't believe people still attend this con for the lolita programming.

>> No.9306391

I was the girl that bought the very last ticket apparently, it was so awkward I probably just shouldve stayed home.

I felt awful that they had to squeeze an extra chair in to an already full table.

>> No.9306414

When you are reviewing a convention, don't say "the con had no content but I had a good time because my friends were there so it was a good con." Please actively shame the convention. Fuck these guys for taking your money because you won't hang out anywhere else.

>> No.9306467

Do y'all go to ikkicon expecting it to be better each year, or are expected to go to it to maintain your weeb status?

>> No.9306519

over 10 years and still crap. nothing will change.

>> No.9306523

I go because my friends go and we use it as an excuse to get drunk together in stupid costumes and Ikkicon never fails us on that.

>> No.9306526

It's the only one my whole crew shows up to because it's local. One of them literally only went for the pit, but that wasn't even there this year. Super bummed about it overall.

>> No.9306584

I went to see how much it got better/worse since I last went which was tent con. Overall, it's gone from a con that didn't know how to handle big crowds to a chill con where you can actually move around.

>> No.9306615

I miss when Ikkicon used to have an actually respectable dealers hall and artist alley. Now it's so tiny and jammed together you can go through the whole thing in under twenty minutes. It's pathetic.

>> No.9306647

I wonder what fantasy dream land you've been in.

>> No.9306723

The dealers hall and artist alley set up back at the Hilton was much bigger, had more artists and dealers and was divided better.

>> No.9306745

I know that. I'm talking about being respective. It's been crap in general even when it was at the Hilton.

>> No.9306863

I actually could find rare animes and out of print mangas and art books back at the Hilton when we had more vendors, now we have so few and they all have the same stupid plushies or the same top 5 most popular and cringy weeb shit that every table there has. There's no variety at this point.

>> No.9306906

Turnout shifted a little but i doubt it was a drop.
Just less people there sat night cause of nye

>> No.9306941

Are people blind? It was a fairly big drop in attendance. Many dropped out after they announced the wristband policy.

>> No.9306956

mte, anon. there is no denying the huge drop in attendance this year.

>wristband policy
what a shame because i managed to slip by it multiple times by claiming i "had to take it off for a photoshoot" or using the stairs/accessible elevator in the corner. they didn't do a very good job of enforcing it.

>> No.9306982

I heard the con staff were super annoyed at the hotel because of the wrist ban policy.

>> No.9306993

i only noticed this saturday night? they did a good job of keeping the elevators from being cramped during the convention but otherwise it was a worthless policy.

>> No.9306998
File: 103 KB, 697x960, 15871530_1116744865102071_4439885763363990456_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're out there, this Josie, you're beautiful and I wish I'd seen you in person to compliment your costume!

>> No.9307101 [DELETED] 

I give Ikkicon 2-3 more years before it has to shut down

>> No.9307282

I don't know why I bother going anymore for lolita shit. Even ATX comm members are embarrassed to say they're attending these events. These girls are so unorganized and self absorbed.

>> No.9307336

Hah, yeah I remember her too. Glad I had my glue gun with me.

>> No.9307355

ATX doesn't even exist anymore, half the ones I saw there were from Houston because of baby. And a few from the other communities.

>> No.9307385

ATX don't go to ikki bcuz they hate ikki. The con owner was a douche to our community back in 2009ish and pretty much burned the bridge. I commend the girls who are working the programming and dealing with the shittness of an anime con but I and a lot of others personally won't come back.

>> No.9307405

That's not really true, I saw a bunch of ATX girls there. And the girls running it do it for the attention, they're a bunch of shady bitches, not much to commend. Otherwise why even bother at this point?

>> No.9307430

Okay so I know half of the staff from meets and I don't know a single one of them who do it for attention, which ones are you referring to?

>> No.9307475

What exactly happened, anon? Were the events just boring or were they poorly put together?

>> No.9307552
File: 70 KB, 500x558, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and dealing with the shittness of an anime con
Why don't you bitches just get together and start a Texas lolita con? So you don't have to be at anime cons and deal with that crowd and anime cons don't have to devote time and money to you (which is such a small portion of their attendees). You could even call it Lolicon, it'd be great.

>> No.9307559

No one wants to deal with Houston.

>> No.9307575

Do you even go to Atx? Are you new? Atx has 400+ member and only 20 ppl from the comm went to ikki. I don't really understand your beef but there are even worse people who could have organized the event. like why are you trying to stir shit when there isn't any??

>> No.9307576

That anon can't name names, they just can't fathom why people would possibly bother hosting an event if not for the attention. The ATX people on staff busted their asses at a very busy time of year to try and put on the best event they could, but received very little help from the convention itself. Requests for very basic things (a room with chairs for the meetup) were ignored and they had a lot of last minute chaos control to do. None of them work at Ikki because they are fans of this event in particular, it's just the only convention in town with the means to invite Japanese guests. (And so I'd run by the same convention head.)

Believe me, the minute another event starts having the means and space for half decent fashion programming, they will be there.

>> No.9307608

>they just can't fathom why people would possibly bother hosting an event if not for the attention

Is it that hard to think that people host events because they want people to be able to enjoy the events? I know people who staff and host events just because they want the con to have something, not because they're in it for fame. Some girls are but to be honest you're really looking at Houston for that, but the ones I know who work up at my part just do it because they want people to enjoy getting to go to events like these. Some people are actually that nice.

>> No.9307611

>so I'd
Thwarted by autocorrect. This should say "AO (Anime overload) is"

>> No.9307722 [DELETED] 

What were everyone's favorite panels to attend?

>> No.9307727

If someone wanted to run an event at ikki for fashion it would be surprising if it was denied. The issue comes up when money gets involved though...

>> No.9307868
File: 509 KB, 1136x1280, tumblr_oj4fefPD6F1s8lbh3o5_1280[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this you guys?

>> No.9308090

That was three of us, yeah! Thank you!

>> No.9308175
File: 67 KB, 734x760, 1481779138866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, Trump anon here. The con was shit, but I had a blast Trump posting Saturday night. Thanks to everyone who made the con fun! You guys are great!

>> No.9308411


My wristband managed to come off so I was able to sneak my friends up who didn't have a hotel room to hang out. One even stayed the night with us. It wasn't that hard to take off.

>> No.9309915

You guys looked great, love the little details with the props

>> No.9309995 [DELETED] 

can we please rally to get glitter princess entertainment banned from hosting events? there basically just long poorly planned sales pitches

>> No.9309997

Im so tired of them myself.

>> No.9310061
File: 54 KB, 960x720, FB_IMG_1483645518004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Happy 2010!

>> No.9310323

"Tinker Fairy"
holy shit

>> No.9310324

I sure did not scroll up fast enough because how do you forget this many names? "Sophia", "Ice Harvester"? Are they trying to avoid copyright or something?

>> No.9310351

I know the girl that runs the company and while she has good intentions, she doesnt have the right skills to run events. I agree that they need to step up their game before they do con events. Imagine paying real money for that.

>> No.9310364

Is that the group of girls that do Disney princess sing along bullshit? The main girl can't even sing.

>> No.9310374

Yes, that is them.

>> No.9310376

No way. They would have to get real jobs.

Ikkicon was crap this year. I'm not going back. Too far of a drive for the same anime con as everything else. (eh staff, eh guests, eh panels)

>> No.9310715 [DELETED] 

Dude don't lie shes a fucking cunt. all she does is bitch about how everyone hates her in the princess community. maybe because your makeup and costumes are garbage, you overcharge, and act like a five year old

the main girl is a joke. she has a youtube channel with her "singing" videos

>> No.9311625 [DELETED] 

I agree completely dude. And for someone who wants to be an IRL princess she shouldnt post her "risque/boudoir" photos on her personal fb thats connected to the glitter princess page.

>> No.9312017 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 2048x1365, whatthefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"pay me $200 to entertain your children for an hour"

>> No.9312023

Didnt say she wasnt crazy, just that she had good intentions but no idea how to functionally execute them.

>> No.9312030 [DELETED] 

i guess her 'good intentions' are overshadowed by her trying to start shit daily

>> No.9312037

True. I mean, she is really sweet in person. She just comes off as a giant cunt online. Not excusing her actions here, just putting my personal experience out there.

>> No.9312046

Yea, it's a copyright issue. Iirc, so long as you don't copy the names, Disney will "overlook" it since it gives them more unofficial publicity.

>> No.9312220 [DELETED] 

why do you haunt me like this

>> No.9312396 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 640x960, puresex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just cant handle this pure raw sex, anon

>> No.9312399

Ewww ewe eeww

>> No.9312422 [DELETED] 
File: 1.63 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-12-28-21-19-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your slave leia and raise you:

>> No.9312423 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 750x1042, received_1617168078297065-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your slave leia and raise you:

>> No.9312475 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 720x960, why does she do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As well as:

>> No.9312746 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 720x960, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i accept your challenge and raise you this. girl just needs to make like her hairline and recede

>> No.9313097 [DELETED] 
File: 1.00 MB, 1426x1925, 1482761256963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was in the christmas cosplays thread this year:

>> No.9313311

How was the cosplay contest. Winners?

>> No.9313390

Contest was ok, skits sucked except for maybe the Undertale one
Shiva Symmetra won best in show and after that I forgot everyone else

>> No.9314322
File: 84 KB, 1080x1350, FB_IMG_1484000332087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else totally sick of this "LOOK AT ME I'M SOMBRA" bitch in the official group?

>> No.9314368

FUCK I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE. She seriously needs to stop.

>> No.9314400

yknow shes the same chick that won best in show as symetra right? Shes been spamming that as well

>> No.9314406

you sure its the same one? i thought there were two Sombras but I might be mistaken

>> No.9314419

Absolutely sure. her page Hane cosplay. She did the christmas sombra and the shiva symmetra

>> No.9314424
File: 30 KB, 524x350, 15826308_1810948825832140_2905825352636069837_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also post stuff like this to people to join her patreon

"When Sombra is not hacking or blackmailing Katya Volskaya she likes to wear Christmas lights as socks.

Let's start 2017 with energy!! "

>> No.9314469

ughh, thats not even a cute pic

>> No.9314554

It's weird because she was in line before me for judging and seemed really nervous. Some guy was with her, whispering that she was great and her costume was amazing and that she was going to wow the judges. Tbh it wasn't that pretty of a costume. Lots of rough, raw edges, lumpy finish, etc.

>> No.9314588

Most of the jewels on the armor pieces had overspray from the pieces being spray painted after they were glued on as well. I also noticed areas with obvious glue gun glue around them. While that costume is really impressive and pretty, the craftsmanship was awful up-close and it probably shouldn't have gotten more than a judges award. That being said I only saw it myself in the hall outside the cosplay show afterwards so maybe her on-stage performance was really really good?

>> No.9314601 [DELETED] 

Nah she just walked on stage. Everyone was pretty lackluster this year, save for a couple. Not to mentiom the Yuri on Ice faggots that kissed in front of God and rhe whole con

>> No.9315047
File: 77 KB, 1000x1500, FB_IMG_1484061771586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bset in Show

>> No.9315051
File: 48 KB, 1000x1500, FB_IMG_1484061782496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Best, Auto correct is really dropping the ball

Best Youth

>> No.9315053
File: 93 KB, 1000x1500, FB_IMG_1484061760445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Novice

>> No.9315055
File: 109 KB, 1200x1500, FB_IMG_1484061768540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Masters

>> No.9315057
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Journeyman Runner Up

>> No.9315061

Sorry, she was runner up for Novice

This is the winner for Novice.

>> No.9315062
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Fucking mobile. I am dropping so many balls on this, sorry guys.

>> No.9315064
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Best Journeyman

>> No.9315066
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Best Walk on Performance

>> No.9315067
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Judges Award

>> No.9315068
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Judges Award

>> No.9315069
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Judges Award? Not sure. I know she won something. Doing this from memory.

>> No.9315071
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Best Skit

This one was pretty nicely done for a 'silent' skit.

>> No.9315073
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Masters Runner Up

>> No.9315084
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I don't remember what they won, A think a judges award maybe?

>> No.9315088
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Last ones. I'm starting to think I fucked up somewhere along the way. Don't remember watching they won either. Sorry guys.

>> No.9315114

there was a best craftsmanship and a best something else but fuck if I can remember who those were

>> No.9315121

Fuck the judges, Trump rally best skit.

>> No.9315146

I'll be the asshole to say it, but he literally only won something because he is disabled.

>> No.9315158

Ngl, the judges probably sat down after he left and we're like 'alright who's giving their judges award to this guy?' Because nobody wants to be the jerk who didn't give the kid in the wheelchair a prize.

>> No.9315237

Cat, if you are reading this, please close your mouth. It looks really awkward and it took away from your performance. Idk if you were lip syncing or what but you're cute when you just smile instead.

>> No.9315346

I know the girl that did that yoi walk on and shes a fucking trainwreck herself, stealing shit from people she rooms with and just overall a shitty human being. She keeps whoring her walkon video out as if anyone cares. Her craftsmanship was horrible and she was wearing fucking heels for a male cosplay.

Maybe im salty because i am an actual figure skater and im tired of the weebs in this fandom fucking things up, but jesus christ she is a mess.

>> No.9315350

I only heard about thus, wasnt this some furry shit where they ripped a baby doll open or something?

>> No.9315405

They were doing a stylistic re-enactment of Undertale so yes.

>> No.9315473

Yeah they both came backstage afterwards and shouted "Who wants free fanservice!"

>> No.9315477

Im incredibly sorry for the retardation that can come out of my fandom.

>> No.9315480

Who is the Victor? Asking for reasons.

>> No.9315484

Im not sure who it was, i only know the yuuri.

>> No.9315486

This happens for every fandom. You get retards who ruins it. Still not at Homestuck level retards yet.

>> No.9315488
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Her craftsmanship is shit and someone seriously needs to teach her how to properly apply makeup.

>> No.9315490

Im unsure if anything can possibly top homestuck or su levels of retard.

>> No.9315491
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Not to mention she thinks Funimation is promoting her by posting a pic of her on their page when irl they are just posting all Funi licensed cosplay pics and not promoting anyone.

>> No.9315493

She overdraws her eyes and no matter how hard i tried i just couldnt stop looking at it.

She is VERY full of herself, so i am not surprised.

>> No.9315498

I almost feel sorry for her but then I see statuses like that and change my mind.

>> No.9315508

Lmao good luck to her. Con staff will get a good laugh out of it.

>> No.9315515

Am con staff. We will definitely laugh at her.

>> No.9315518

>"but muh entertainment skills!!!!!!"

>> No.9315579

She didnt make that cosplay, its bought. She cant sew for shit.

>> No.9315600

It looked like shit up close. The crystals were vinyl triangles, the sequined bits were just sheets of premade fabric, it was all lumpy as hell.

>> No.9315629

I remember seeing it up close, it was pretty nasty. Why can't anyone find a decent way to do the crystals? I saw someone in the yoi thread make them out of tin foil.

>> No.9315774

She definitely made it. The Yuuri, anyway.

>> No.9315776

I doubt that, but okay.

>> No.9315778

She entered it into the cosplay contest. She also has progress photos on her facebook and Instagram but okay. How else would it be so shitty and she be so proud?

>> No.9315836

It is a literal piece of shit, i will give you that one. I dont believe it unless i see the bitch do it myself, shes said she made fursuits when she had no part in making them, so im skeptical.

>> No.9315852

Different anon, but she was sitting extremely slanted during the show rehearsals, whining about how she had made the pants too small and they'd rip if she sat with everyone else normally. So I'm gonna assume she did make it, though very shittely.

>> No.9315856

Best craftsmanship
Runner up in Masters
Judges Award
Judges award
Judges award

>> No.9315861

(The only one that I may have goofed on is the idol master girl but I'm fairly certain the rest are correct)

>> No.9315912

i was won of the winners she's a girl

>> No.9316177

Thank you anon! I wanted to post the pictures but evidently my memory isn't the best.

>> No.9316200

Holy shit you're fucking salty. No one gives two fucks if you're a figure skater, let's see your cosplay if you think you're so much better.

>> No.9316219

When did i say i was a cosplayer? I just lurk the boards.

>> No.9316221

Are you myka because you sound bratty

>> No.9316253

She definitely made it herself, but also posted about how the crotch actually ripped out while she was onstage. So yeah, horrible construction

>> No.9317272

Goodness. that looks awkward.

>> No.9317631

lol is that Myka? I didn't know that was her. Girl things she's way better than she is and keeps trying to join my cosplay group

>> No.9317731

Yes, that is Myka. She isn't worth this thread, or anyone's time.

>> No.9318685

Does anyone know her tumblr or twitter?

>> No.9321267

>bitching about your crotch ripping out
Motherfucker my shorts split stem to stern while waiting for hentaifest and I still didn't get out of line until my roommate told me to go change. What a crybaby.