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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 515 KB, 2010x1500, 1483635575007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9312433 No.9312433[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread autosaging.


>> No.9312437
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>> No.9312441
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>> No.9312443
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>> No.9312444
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>> No.9312445
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>> No.9312447


>> No.9312450 [DELETED] 

Why do these threads always feature a picture of Voldie in the OP? I don't even visit /cgl/ regularly any more, but every time I come here it's always her in the OP even though she's chubby and has awful coords.

I guess the whispers about her being the new /cgl/ mod were true after all.
>INB4 she deletes my post

>> No.9312458

Other than the shoes and hand bag, the overall coord isn't bad imo

>> No.9312467

isn't this that girl posting about ddlg shit?

>> No.9312469

Yep. I bet her 'Daddy' approved of her coordinate.

>> No.9312471 [DELETED] 

This could have been a nice coord but that repulsive carcass draped around her hide spoiled it.

>> No.9312474
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>> No.9312476

Why is she still trying to wear that dress. goddamn.

>> No.9312478

I'm fine with lolitas using fur for their coords. This is in good taste.

>> No.9312479

> that repulsive carcass draped around her hide spoiled it.
that's my favourite part

>> No.9312496

Maybe it's vintage?

>> No.9312501

oh man.. its sad when someone wears something that doesnt fit and its that clear

>> No.9312512

Or maybe faux?

>> No.9312516

There are a ton of faux fur mufflers like that in stores right now, usually in pastel colours or black though.

>> No.9312517

Found the preachy vegan

>> No.9312523

Pretty sure it's faux, idiot.

>> No.9312541

Anon why would you make us look at this each time we visit the thread?

>> No.9312545
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>> No.9312569

90% chance it's fake fur, you dolt. Also enjoy your cowskin shoes, belts, jackets, etc.

>> No.9312571

it was ok until i looked down and saw sneakers

>> No.9312582

Oh shut the fuck up

>> No.9312585

Why do you do this every time OP? Just have it be another person, then you can dump a photo of voldie later in the thread. It always stirs shit and derails the whole thread.

>> No.9312587

I'm actually fine with this response assuming the same anon would also spit chips at a picture of a lolita with feathers on their accessories, wearing leather or eating meat. All industries that produce animal products are almost always responsible for cruelty. Condemning one while accepting another is stupid. Condemning them all and sticking to your principles - can't really argue with that. Fair enough.

>> No.9312589
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Commencing dump

>> No.9312590
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>> No.9312591
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>> No.9312597
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>> No.9312598
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>> No.9312601
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>> No.9312603
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>> No.9312606
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>> No.9312609
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>> No.9312610

the fuck are you even talking about...

>> No.9312611 [DELETED] 

I can promise you that is not faux. If that looks like faux fur to you then you need to get your eyes examined. Look at the fibers, it's obvious.

>> No.9312612
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>> No.9312613
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>> No.9312614

>not knowing voldie

>> No.9312616 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 3262x2175, Oikeutta_eläimille_-_Fur_farming_in_Finland_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animal abuse
>good taste

Kys you wasteful sack of shit.

>> No.9312617
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>> No.9312618 [DELETED] 
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Found the animal abuser.

>> No.9312620
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>> No.9312621

is her blouse from forever 21? it looks like a blouse i got from f21 years ago for normie wear.

>yellow blouse
>lavender bag
>black and white socks with no pastel color
>pink shoes
is it that hard to pick one pastel color and stick to it?

>"this is cute!"
>scrolls down

I love simple coords like this. I hope we get to see coords like this more often.

would've looked better without the wings and wig imo.

still trying to show off that she owns Lotta in sax, I guess.

I'm honestly shocked that the zipper hasn't burst open yet.

>those shoes

this is really cute!

>> No.9312622
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>> No.9312625 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 1200x794, CxdjnX4XAAAZj2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what every single one of you repulsive cunts pay for every time you buy, wear or support fur.
What the hell went wrong in your upbringing that this became acceptable in anyway within your small minds? And for what, a fucking shrug? Any of you faggots that support this shit ought to be banned from keeping animals and sterilised lest you pass your nasty, narcissistic, materialistic, dumbass genes on to some poor, undeserving child.

>> No.9312626
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>> No.9312628
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>> No.9312629
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>> No.9312632
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>> No.9312633
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>> No.9312635
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>> No.9312637
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>> No.9312638
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>> No.9312639
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>> No.9312640 [DELETED] 

I don't wear any of that shit either you putrid whore.

>> No.9312641


>> No.9312643
File: 97 KB, 960x870, 15894530_10207877622611056_5735871918512153515_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops dropped pic

>> No.9312644
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>> No.9312645

The ears are always the softest

>> No.9312646
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>> No.9312648
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>> No.9312649
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>> No.9312650

You realize if someone is actually wearing real fur then they know damn well where it came from, correct? I'm just saying your posting is a bit misguided. No, I don't wear fur, only fake.

>> No.9312651

Cute, I love the muted tones in the first pic. The browns really suit her.

>> No.9312653
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>> No.9312655

Lol fuck off, kiddo. There are very convincing faux furs out there. I hope you never eat meat or dairy with that attitude

>> No.9312656
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>> No.9312658
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and end dump

>> No.9312660 [DELETED] 

Sure there are plenty of convincing faux fur alternatives, but this isn't one of them. There's a world of difference between faux and legit if you know what to look for, and I am promising you that is real.

>I hope you never eat meat or dairy with that attitude
I've got some bad news for you...

>> No.9312662 [DELETED] 

That's good that you don't support such a rotten, anachronistic attitude, but I don't believe that everybody that does wear fur are honest with themselves about exactly how it was acquired. They make up these fantasies to themselves about humane conditions and quick deaths. They have no idea what it's really like, so I'm going to shame the fuck out of them. I just wish I knew the origin of that photo so I could speak to the girl in it personally.

>> No.9312664
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>> No.9312666

Idek if this is extreme bait or not but go tell her yourself

We aren't the chick wearing fur, you're literally achieving nothing having a fucking tantrum in this thread. If you're so mad go tell her what's for, the post is obviously in COF

Stop derailing and posting fucking animal gore

>> No.9312667 [DELETED] 

Oh I've already tried to track her down, no luck yet.
If anybody knows who she is feel free to hit me up.

>> No.9312668

Oh jeez. I'm not going to respond to every single comment but >>9312443 is me and it is indeed faux. It's vintage, I thrifted it.

>> No.9312669 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure whether you're trolling here but I don't believe you for one second.
If that is indeed you post a picture of that shrug right now, a close-up and prove it to me. If you can do that then I will be willing to admit that I was wrong for the first time on fur ID.

>> No.9312671

thats one fucked up fringe and one fucked up coord

>> No.9312672

Are you fucking retarded? Vintage means it's real. Just thrifted.

>> No.9312674 [DELETED] 

>omg r u retardead

>it is indeed faux
>it's vintage

Reading comprehension. Learn it.

>> No.9312676

this length looked really nice on her, such nice legs
>my gay is showing

>> No.9312677

Go away, no one wants you here.

Now to stay on topic:
I can see what she was trying to do and everything technically is matched with something else but the black boots and bag are sucking the colours out of the dress.

Are personal favourites.

>> No.9312679
File: 166 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_4487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for fuck's sake. I'm going to wear my calfskin boots while eating an extra steak tonight just for you, preachy vegan anon. Please stop derailing because you're helping nothing.

ngl I thought for a second that this was himezawa. Anyway I see what she was going for but pegnoirs never seem to work with lolita do they? If she dropped it this would be so much better.

>> No.9312680

Jesus Christ you're fucking annoying. This is why people dislike vegans because of childish behavior like this.

>> No.9312685

mormon garbage

>> No.9312686

>vintage means it's real
Not necessarily, no. Stop now before you embarrass yourself further.

>> No.9312688 [DELETED] 

Kek it's no skin off my back fatass. Enjoy your heart disease.

No, you don't like vegans because of your raging cognitive dissonance and you don't like the fact that people like me are willing to stand up and tell that you're full of your own shit.
You convince yourself everyday that you're a good person that loves animals. You probably have pets, a cat or a dog, meanwhile you pay other people directly to exploit, abuse and execute animals specifically for you. You're a hypocrite of the highest order.

>> No.9312689

Quite frankly I don't care if you believe me. You're just going to argue even if I do "prove" it to you, I know how this board is.

>> No.9312690

I wonder if this is that lolita that was in that animal rights video awhile back. Someone posted it to BtB

>> No.9312691 [DELETED] 

You're not even talking to me. That's somebody trying to defend fur dumb-dumb.
>stop now before you embarrass yourself further
How ironic...

>> No.9312692

Vendetta and posting gore on a blue board is against the rules.

>> No.9312693

Maybe it's HWC with a habit of picking up different bait handles now.

>> No.9312694

Ah I skimmed the post too fast. Whatever. You/her can still fuck of because you're ruining the thread

>> No.9312695

Oh I won't be surprised if it's her. She's just the right amount of insane for this. Remember when someone insulted her trashy tattoos?

>> No.9312696

I honestly don't even know what you're talking about. But vintage fur does not mean it's real, I don't care who said it, it needed correcting.

>> No.9312697
File: 58 KB, 540x472, IMG_3572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fully expecting OP pic to derail thread
>instead some vegan spurgs the fuck out over a fur shawl

>> No.9312698

Ignore HWC

Report HWC

Do not reply to HWC

>> No.9312699 [DELETED] 

Speaking to you from an amicable position here, I don't mean to offend you but I simply do not believe that is faux, and if you're not willing provide proof of otherwise then it only further cements in my mind that you KNOW that it's real and don't want to drop yourself in the shit.
In the event that it is real and you did indeed thrift it, which you probably did, you should understand that just because you didn't buy it from the industry directly it doesn't mean you're not supporting it. By wearing this stuff in public you're further popularising and normalising the fur industry as okay when we both know it's not.

It doesn't even have to be destroyed, you can donate fur items directly to places like the Humane Society where they recycle them for use with small mammals that are either orphaned or in poor health that require warmth.


I'm nobody of the sort and not even a lolita.
>caring about animal rights
Now that's just tragic. I do have to wonder precisely what it is that has happened to contemporary Western woman that have made you like thus. You really don't care about anybody or anything but yourselves do you. You have no ethics, no morals, no values and no standards. The only thing that matters in your life is your appearances and your clothes. I despair that we share the same sex.

That's good, but I never said that vintage = real fur. Go back and engage your reading comprehension.

>> No.9312700

No, this is too angry and emotional to be her. This is classic vegan autism.

>> No.9312706

she looks like my ex boyfriend LMAO

>> No.9312707

That photo filter is so busy it's annoying

>> No.9312710

your pic looks like one of the coats on my closet.
Also, enjoy wearing your paper trash bags, you activist shit.

>> No.9312715

Are you one of those people that believe they were animals in another life so you're trying to defend them now because you've seen all that sad world of suffering and also discovered that you neighbor is wearing your past life brother as a scarf? If so, all your comments would make much more sense.

>> No.9312719

What is even going on here, my eyes hurt

>> No.9312730
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>> No.9312734
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How do bones go with this coord??

>> No.9312757

I missed a this-is-why-the-world-treats-vegans-like-they're-insane rampage? Awwww.

>> No.9312764

Honestly Anon it sounds like you know it's a real fur but are making up excuses to avoid having to admit it. I'm not vegan but fur is absolutely disgusting and you should feel bad for wearing it.

>> No.9312768

Not anon you're replying to but if it's vintage what difference does it make? The animal is already dead, the clothing is already made, wearing it or not makes zero difference.

I'd kind of get it if you're talking about buying it brand new from a company which produced it, thus supporting fur with your money. But buying something made years ago from a thrift store? Chill out.

>sage for off topic

>> No.9312769

I love this except for the hair accessories. The colors work but the accessories themselves are oddly/sloppily placed. Having the red bow right on top of the pink might look better, or just one accessory that incorporates both colors. Also...That cat.

>> No.9312770

This is my fav from her in a while. She had some misses lately imo at least as far as my taste is concerned but this is cute and clean and perf.

She was doomed from the start picking this dress. The shoes go nicely at least but the blouse and collar combo are pfffft
Not to mention the cheap hair flower.

>> No.9312785

Are you fucking blind

>> No.9312789

>calling this shit OTT sweet

>> No.9312790

Those clips look like french fries dipped in honey or some sort of glaze.

>> No.9312797

It absolutely matters because this is a very small cog in a machine called normalisation and popularisation.
In human psychological behaviour the more that a concept or an object becomes prevalent or visible, the more or is accepted by the society in large - that is a fact.
It's horrific because fur was completely taboo not even that long ago on account of the blood and flour bombing campaigns that went on in the 80's, 90's and 00's, but all of a sudden with the advent of the information age fur is being normalised once more by celebrities and media, and do your want to know why they're getting away with it? Because people like me speak up about it, and then people like you laugh and sneer. Young people see photos like Kim Kardashian, see people like the lolita in the fur bolero, decide it's pretty and go and make a similar purchase. If you see it happen all the time and I used to be one of those people until I wised the fuck up.

This is why unless it's attrached to the animal it came from, fur should never be accepted. If anybody in this thread has pets that they claim to love, they should reject it too.

>> No.9312799


obvious trap

>> No.9312810 [DELETED] 

Maybe people wouldn't be so quick to brush off your concerns if you didn't feel the need to personally attack everyone who doesn't understand your point of view or entirely agree lmao.

Like because I'm not assmad about a chick wearing some fur she found, I personally am the reason people decided skinning animals was cool and I don't love my pets, lol k.

You win more flies with honey than vinegar, just by the by.

>> No.9312827 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 1898x498, adsasda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not going to continue arguing with you because a mod has edited my post which expanded on the issue further, and I am absolutely fucking floored.
Since when were the mods here given license to actively edit, skew and distort people's posts? Because that is some skeevy, fucked up, Reddit-tier level of moderation. No wonder this board has gone to the fucking dumps and lost every inch of creativity that once made it interesting.

>> No.9312831

where is the edit

>> No.9312832
File: 340 KB, 1875x1041, dasdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fucking try scumbags, I capped the edit before you changed it back.

They just fucking changed it back inevitably immediately after the posted. What the hell happened to this place?

>> No.9312856

The mods and janitors here are literally the worst.

>> No.9312865

Geez, I don't even agree with you and that shit is messed up.

>> No.9312866

have they done stuff like this before?? what the actual fuck

>> No.9312871

Where do i find sneakers like that for normie wear?