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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9305227 No.9305227 [Reply] [Original]

Do you go to the /cgl/ meetups at the cons you go to?

Why or why not?

Have any good stories from meeting with other seagulls?

>> No.9305229

I went outside once. It was awful.

>> No.9305262


Are there more of these pictures? Surely this cannot be us.

>> No.9305270
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AX 2016 /cgl/ meetup

This is us

>> No.9305272
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>> No.9305273
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>> No.9305277

I've only started going recently. They're very hit/miss and I've never been to a meetup where there wasn't at least one problematic person or some kind of drama. However, I did meet really cool people and later on, they became good friends of mine and now we have a circle of friends that grow with each con/year.

I don't have any particularly good stories I'd want to share to be honest. However, just saying, room parties can be super fun but crazy, and room parties always beat cgl meets.

>> No.9305279

i went to one and made a friend who is a pretty talented cosplayer. did not click with most others enough to befriend them, but a couple peeps were pretty cool.

only 2 people were in full cosplay. since /cgl/ meetups happen at night (and since 4chan is full of armchair experts) hardly anyone showed in serious cosplay getup.

>> No.9305280

from my experience /cgl/ meetups at AX are absolute cancer. mainly shitty crossboarding thirsty betas looking for a /cgl/ gf. Avoid.

>> No.9305286

the camera just loves hatsune mike.

>> No.9305297

From my personal experience, people don't usually wear cosplay to the meets around here because typically the meets are to gather the seagulls to then go to a room party that one of the seagulls hosts.

Don't mix expensive cosplay with alcohol!

>> No.9305315

>photo looks like it was taken on a flip phone from 2002
If /cgl/ wasn't so aggressively hostile towards photographers maybe you could find someone with even an entry level dslr to take your pictures.

>> No.9305322

I think they feel more like random gatherings of strangers these days because that's what they essentially are. A long time ago, I'd say like early 2010s, when tripfagging was in its heyday, they were a little more fun and led to parties and stuff because they were more of a gathering of friends who just didn't see each other physically outside of cons. That was because most trips, and honestly any anons who wanted to get involved, actually talked to each other outside of the con. There were tinychats, Facebook groups etc where people interacted and formed bonds, so it wasn't awkward when they'd meet for gatherings. Nowadays, a lot of old trips and seagulls already talk to each other and keep to themselves at cons, which leaves randos for the gatherings.

I can't attest to the quality of them these days, but if they're feeling awkward or weird, maybe try getting to know the seagulls going into the gathering than just showing up. Definitely helps to break the ice

>> No.9307075

who were the more notable trips of that time?

>> No.9307697
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>tfw you're in this picture but had already taken off your wig for the day

>> No.9307701

The irony in my case is that everytime I try to find a /cgl/ meetup at a con I usually wind up at a completely different one and make new friends there. The first time I tried to find one was at ANEXT 2012 I think, I wandered into a different meet then made friends I still talk to this day.

Each other time like at NYCC it usually never goes well. The NYCC cgl meets never really happen from what I hear or it's a really low amount of people who go.

>> No.9307703

I always think about it because I could use some con friends.

Then I see this thread and remember why I don't have any con friends.

>> No.9307707

Trust me on the most part you're probably better off without a large group of con friends. Keep that shit small because the more you have then the more potential chance you'll get wrapped up in stupid drama. After the shit I've had to endure from 'con friends' for 4 years I'm probably going on my last year of going to cons because I'm just so done with this shit.

>> No.9307708

I sincerely miss those times.

>> No.9307729

This was my experience at a very large meetup recently. Lots of sad guys looking to get laid and a few hypersexed female autists. It seemed like it was actually a good formula for them, though.

>> No.9307747

Depends on the region. So cal meet ups is a lot of old trip fags having fun and generally drinking. Its a bit stranger these days though since some of the old trips have moved on and a lot of new anons have been coming. I'm all for new blood though so hopefully things go well. Last ALA meet was pretty fun, I'm looking forward to the next one in a few weeks.

On the east coast they were a lot smaller. Katsucon was a TINY meet up, smallest I'd ever been to. Lots of guys from /sp/ who were clearly just trying to get laid. Also met some nice people to though. In the end its a crapshoot that depends on the con and the density of seagulls in that area.

>> No.9307806

>So cal meet ups is a lot of old trip fags having fun and generally drinking. Its a bit stranger these days though since some of the old trips have moved on and a lot of new anons have been coming

This is true. Apart from a couple old tripfags putting together the meetups and drink times, most other tripfags have moved on. I wonder if some of the new gulls will pick up the mantle.

>> No.9307817

>this cannot be us
you are aware this is a site filled with mediocre lolitas & cosplayers who like to complain about other people just to make themselves feel better... right?

you can't possibly think there are that many /cgl/ perfect cosplayers running around. it takes a ton of skill and experience to be at a skill level /cgl/ would "approve" of. most cons are filled with people who are trying but still learning (ie, what we've got on this board too im sure)

>> No.9307818

Yeah we made a separate group way beforehand. So my ax meetup looked way diffrent than that autistic mess.

>> No.9307857

Were you that "grils only" meetup?

>> No.9307862
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They're fun desu, at least the Canadian ones are. The UK ones are pretty non-existant nowadays. Repostan pic because it was great fun.

The one in 2013 was decent, though I didn't hang around too long, just to meet some familiar faces.

>> No.9307887

No lol, what ended up happening?

>> No.9307898

I went to the ones at sakuracon 2015 and 2016. I thought it was alright the people who talked to me were nice. I never got to stay for very long though because I went with friends both years and to leave early for different reasons.

>> No.9307900

Someone in the AX threads on the days leading up to AX was saying that they didn't want to go to the /cgl/ meet because it'd be nothing but guys and crossboarders so they wanted to do a separate girls only /cgl/ meet

No clue if it actually happened.

>> No.9307916

for chats, there is the Discord, and there was the CAH group

for trips, thread-specific trips could make a comeback. it is when they circlejerk all over the board that they become obnoxious.

>> No.9307925

Wanted to go but feel a bit self conscious..
1. I buy my cosplay so I'd feel left out with everyone else having made theirs
2. I'm a dude so.. I get the impression others will only see me as yet another thirsty mofo looking to have a /cgl/ cosplaying gf
3. I'm not very sociable so I couldnt carry a conversation, I'll basically just be there third wheeling it

>> No.9307937

Am I wrong in thinking that these meets are only a thong for west coast cons? Not saying they don't happen at east coast ones, but if it's only 3 people showing up I wouldn't count that as a gathering.

>> No.9307941

I keep thinking West Coast is overall better for cons with social shit. East Coast feels very restricted and everyone wants to stay in their bubble. I could be wrong though.

>> No.9307942

ConnectiCon's seagull community was lit this year.

Wirt anon brought us all together. That motherfucker.

>> No.9307950

I met a few cgl people at awa and they had a decent meet up, around a dozen people.

>> No.9307977

Canadian Meet-ups are lots of fun (I've got my pin, but those shirts are sweet)

Most of the ones I've been to have been just guys with maybe a girl or two
I assume thats just them being afraid of weird dudes trying to creep. But I've always had fun

>> No.9308064

I think bought cosplay is fine as long as you're open about it. Most people would only see you negatively if you pretended you made it. For conversations it helps to be caught up on at least a couple of recent shows to talk about.

>> No.9308068


>> No.9308075

Shut the fuck up J-kid and if you bring that goddamned camera back I'm gonna punt that shit

>> No.9308091

Really the tinychat regulars helped establish the community. Mr Freeman comes to mind and a lot of people who dip in and out. Tinychat rooms were one of the greatest online hangouts out there for cgl stuff but then the room got too well known, the regulars that actually TALKED left leaving behind the bland streamers or the people who would go on camera and fuck off somewhere else. Add to that shit posters coming in and ruining the experience really chased people away.

>> No.9308102

Tangentially related but I remember that the 2015 AX meet was largely just ugly-ass pinoys and cross-boarders trying to flag down a mythical slutty seagull.

The actual seagulls went to a tripfag's panel around the same time.
If anyone has the pictures, they're glorious, like r9k catfished itself.

>> No.9308121
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Found it in the archives

>> No.9308127

It did happen and it was just a small boring gathering. Though later on the chick who hosted it was exposed for being a sperg who had nudes floating around and everyone just kinda stopped talking.

>> No.9308146

>that creeping neckbeard in the farback

>> No.9308149

>cgl tinychat

i'd like to see that be a thing again. video chatting websites are just so appealing to my inner 13 year old weeb

with the state of the board right now though, i doubt enough people would be willing to come off anon

>> No.9308291

>most of those guys are there to get laid
The 'seagull are sluts' meme is hilarious

>> No.9308593

This is exactly why I've never gone to one and never will.

>> No.9308672

I sure there's a discord (Every board seems to be making one) but the lack of video is sorta lame

>> No.9308682

Tried to catch up with you guys during Dragoncon this year but could never seem to be anywhere near where the spot was chosen. That, or everyone would get together right as we headed off to a panel or out to play music in the Marriott or whatever.
Was genuinely disappointed.

>> No.9308706

There was a discord made like two years ago but like half of the people were from /fa/. Would be nice if one was made now.

>> No.9308708

Considering how much gulls talk up their cosplay game, you literally all look like shit

then again, i'm assuming anyone decent here doesn't go to the meetups

>> No.9308712
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I've only been one one canada cgl meet up but it was quite fun. We all just hung out and drank at a bar but everyone was really nice. You can tell that all the name/trip fags stick together but they still seemed to be open to new comers.

>> No.9308727


>> No.9308728


>since /cgl/ meetups happen at night (and since 4chan is full of armchair experts) hardly anyone showed in serious cosplay getup.

I'm pretty sure if anyone had decent cosplay they wouldn't want to risk ruining it during a night partying with booze around

>> No.9308736


>unironically using the word problematic


>> No.9308737
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Remember the pink shirt guy saga?

>> No.9308745

ahaego guy is my favorite.

>> No.9308759
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I went to the last two AWA meets at cheesecake factory and really enjoyed both. If I'm remembering correctly the first one kinda had more boys than girls but the second one was pretty evenly distributed. Both were full of people who were fun to talk to though nobody seemed really thirsty to me but that may be because I went with my boyfriend both times.

>> No.9308776

>not picking the qt Lolita trap

>> No.9308789

Most meetups are cancer now because of /v/ crossboarding. Seag meetups are the recommended way to find a chubby sperg girl

>> No.9308798

Ah, I tried to make it to this the past three years I've been to AWA but I always end up at either a photoshoot or working at a booth all day. Next year hopefully.

>> No.9308831

I dunno man. It's fun shooting the shit with fellow cosplayers regardless of board orgin while watching 5 guys hit on the only girl that shows up. Or that underaged girl trying to get free drinks.

But that's really the only thing that changed for me and the last 5 Otakons. What used to be 50/50 is moreso 85/15. Still had a pretty good time, gonna miss that Water Street Tavern tho.

>> No.9308927

>tfw your favorite cof poster is there
Mana-sama get me to Canada

>> No.9308939

>tfw meeting favorite CoF lolitas in person for the first time at seagull meetups

It's rare but what a nice feel

>> No.9308942

Eh, that word had a real usage once upon a time. Stop discrediting shit because "muh boogeyman"

>> No.9308944
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No, because I don't go to meetups at AX

>> No.9308963


Words don't lose their value totally when they are misused. We still know what memes really are, even if to most people a "meme" is just a picture with words on it.

>> No.9308968

No, there are people that know where the term meme originated. They're basically just ideologies.

>> No.9308979


And 4chan's use of the word "meme" doesn't discount the academic applications of the original meaning, just like "problematic" can still be used in the right context without discarding anon's whole post

Words change meaning, as memes are wont to do, but they can keep their older meanings at the same time

>> No.9309012

I can guarantee you that very few of the people in most of these pictures actually cosplay. They're just latching onto any kind of social group they can find.

>> No.9309025


Not only do you all look disgusting, your cosplays are entry-tier garbage. Why do you people bother to still draw breath?

>> No.9309033

I was always under the impression that they were ideas that get passed around, so they are ideologies?

>> No.9309037

I don't know how it is for other people, but I usually can't stop myself from breathing for too long and I tend to do it without thinking.

>> No.9309095

OK, this one actually looks like people had fun.

>> No.9309114
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Sorry for having fun without you anon

>> No.9309238

Neither did I. I just stalked the thread last year.

>> No.9309980
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My fucking nigga

>> No.9310087

damn w2c toronto seagull shirt

>> No.9310105

why are these such sausage fests

i thought this was a female board

>> No.9310106

say what you want about their cosplay; im sure they all had more fun than you.

>> No.9310108

because thirsty crossboarding cunts like you come along to orbit and ruin it

>> No.9311008

>That terrible johnny joestar cosplay
>propping himself up with his legs
get one thing right at least you fat fuck

>> No.9313377

girls already have their own meetups

>> No.9313381

I'm sure it's bc dudes get drift about that "4chan meetup" and go hoping that they can score an edgy bitch gf, not bc they actually browse /cgl/. Most of those dudes aren't even in cosplay and are probably those greasy game tourney bros who take a moment from the gamecube to see if they can get their dicks in.

>> No.9313384

It works tho

>> No.9313405

Depends on the con. One of the reasons /cgl/ meets tend to be fun and big at west coast cons is the lingering trip culture from around 2011 or so. In the days of a ton of trips on the board, most of them were from or went to west coast cons. You want a blast from the past? Go to ALA and find the /cgl/ meet. You'll find a good chunk of people there used to frequent the board during its hay day, but now dont ever go on it and just use the /cgl/ meet as a chance to see old friends and have a party.

From my little experience of east coast cons the meets do tend to be smaller, and unlike a west coast meet where a lot of people already know each other, east coast ones are mostly people meeting for the first time.

East coast and west coast con culture is pretty different. West coast is much more one big party.

>> No.9313415

partly >>9310108 and>>9313381

/cgl/ does have a few men who only or primarily browse this board though, such as myself, and I have met other guys who mostly just browse /cgl/ and related boards, but yea, I have also definitely met the types those other mentioned too.

>> No.9313579
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This just made me so nostalgic. That was such a great meet. Props to Rocky for wrangling us from restaurant to restaurant, through a mexican convenience store, and finally back to the con to wait for pizza delivery.

Because this is /cgl/ people are quick to judge, but allow me to give you some context. This picture was taken around 11 pm, maybe later, at the con. I know two of us had been in the costume contest and we both took off our costumes to enjoy the meet, because as most of you know the costumes you enter into a contest aren't always the ones you want to walk around in for twelve hours. Also both of us had placed in the show, though back then Megacon's cosplay standards were lower. Finally Megacon is a mixed genre con, and at those meets we always get a lot of crossboarders, which I welcome because I'm usually on /a/ myself.

I'm still friends with a handful of people I met there years later. I'm so happy I met you all. Maybe I'll finally get back to hosting. I miss those late night werewolf games.

Here's a candid shot from 2013.

>> No.9313581

got proof?

>> No.9314937
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Went to a meet at sakura con after 30min everyone went they separate ways. Some of the guys that came later had normie aura coming of them. There was a dude in touhou cosplay 10/10. Also couple girls that were lesbians also 10/10. Many others didn't even cosplay hope to see them in cosplay maybe this year. Also girl in kancolle I though she was pretty chubby in snapchat but damn is she cute in real life haha. And not sure if yellowchan will every join a meet up but if she sees this come join us this year.
>tfw didn't make a single friend because they all already have they own close friend circle...

>> No.9314938
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I think only 20-30 were made

>> No.9314955
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>tfw would not fit in because to autistic

>> No.9314983

Don't worry, a handful of the people in this picture are legit autistic

>> No.9314993

I haven't done a straight up meetup, but I post my cosplay in the related convention thread and enjoy having people walk up to me during the day. There's a lot more out there than you would think, especially the lurkers, that would pass up the meetup because too many people, but will talk to you one on one.

>> No.9315001

most anons IRL are disgusting, ugly weebs. Which is hilarious as they always hate on good looking people.
Some of us look decent (I do) but these photos are why I dont go to meetups.

>> No.9315003

all ugly and young. why CGL meetups are lame. even shitty homestuck in there

>> No.9315005

>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.9315008

You can't be more autistic than J-Kid at least

>> No.9315056

ah right, the meetup that ended up in the gym for some reason

>> No.9315072

Ay lmao
>Everyone one is ugly (not me Im beautiful)
Sure thing fatty-chan

>> No.9315206

these always look so sad and depressing.

>> No.9315263

I didn't even notice the fucking homestuck until now. What the shit are they wearing.

>> No.9315305

BASED wirt anon.

>Connecticon 2016
>anon posts in Connecticon thread: "if you can find me, i'll give you a dollar, but you have to say 'Where's my dollar, bitch?'"
>only clue given is this anon is dressed as Wirt from OtGW
>seagulls go on the hunt
>anons post in thread: "Wrong Wirt omg," "Found Wirt and got dollar, this is legit!", "How do I know which Wirt?!"
>Wirt cosplayers getting pissed at being asked for dollars and being called bitch
>Wirt-anon upgrades to passing out gifts for seagulls who catch the right Wirt
>posts location clues
>anons continue accosting random weirded-out Wirts the rest of the day

>> No.9318078
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>mfw I'm in these pictures and I get to read all this made up drama
Honestly the meet wasn't all that bad. The people are generally nice, and though it's a little awkward at first everyone is happy to talk and get to know anyone. I'll be sure to bring drinks early next time and make sure the meets are more fun from the get go.

>> No.9318086

Were there really that many Wirts?

>> No.9318087

at least 4, and boy did they hate us.

>> No.9318308

Went to a /cgl/ meetup at Anime Boston a few years ago. None of my friends were going that year and since I still wanted to enjoy the con I figured it couldn't hurt to meet up with folks.

Only a small group of people showed up and only like 1 person was in costume (I wasn't either, to be fair). I thought I'd be old but most of the seagulls were older than me. People were friendly and seemed to have a good time. We grabbed food and met up a couple times later.

Only weird thing was afterwards I got the feeling one of the much older guys, who I thought was chill and friendly especially since he already had a girlfriend, was trying to get me to join a threesome or something. Something was off.

Probably won't go to another AB meetup cuz it doesn't seem like there are many seagulls here, but maybe elsewhere.

>> No.9318368

The ladies-only meetup at AX was pretty small but it was still fun. I think we should do more in the future. While meetups can get a little awkward, I still find it worth it to go. I usually befriend at least one new person after I get over my shyness
That was a damn tongue twister
Thank you

>> No.9318440

>tfw french
>tfw you will never go to a /cgl/ meetup

>> No.9318447


>> No.9318560
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AWA meetups have generally been a good time. Pretty even mix, next year will be our fifth year meeting at cheesecake!

>> No.9318566
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>> No.9318694

Why are there so many shitty tripfags lately? Winter break is over, go to school.

>> No.9318699

>all these awkward mixed asians and men
Yuck. I'd only attend a /cgl/ meet if it was female only. I want to believe this actually doesn't represent this board.

>> No.9318720

Why are the cosplays always bad? As much shit as half of this board talks and most of you can't even put a decent cosplay together

>> No.9318760

pretty sure these trips have been here longer than you have.

>> No.9318761

The next time you feel bad about being posted to an ita thread or bad cosplay thread, just remember it was some asian manlet in a shiny Tohou cosplay.

>> No.9318770


kind of want to show up so ill be the only cute one in a decent costume and look better in comparison

>> No.9318774
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>> No.9318776
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Because like most other 4chan boards, /cgl/ talks a big game but in reality they're hilariously incompetent.

>> No.9318905

What if you're a crossboarder who nevertheless tries to put together decent cosplay, and has no aspirations other than spending a few hours talking to other people who use the same autistic hellhole of a website that he does before everyone fades back into anonymity again?

>> No.9318912

fancy godtier nepeta, duh

>> No.9318978
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I had fun at the meetup. We all chilled at the bar afterwards and everyone was cool.

That it did. Then they boys washroom.

>> No.9318985

I don't go to them because my enemies are most likely there.

But then again, they don't want these hands, so I might go just to dare them to do something.

>> No.9318986

I've always enjoyed them.

>> No.9319010

Someone will still take a picture with you in it and you'll still be labeled as a crossboarder/thirsty if it's posted here

>> No.9319021
File: 279 KB, 303x348, lolita waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

angel tier

>> No.9319025

The one on the right, right?

>> No.9319276

Most of the decent ones I know change out first. Meet ups tend to be late at night and are the prelude to parties. Most people don't want to wear uncomfortable cosplay to parties or risk spilling anything on them. If you're looking for a display of seagull skills, check the self post thread

Fucking lol. Meishi and Enver are some of our oldest, most helpful trips. Please chill.

>> No.9319350

Hotline Miami /cgl/ meetup at Momocon 2015 and the general /cgl/ on there was pretty damn good

>> No.9319375

I'm not talking about the ones wearing regular clothes. I'm talking about the ones IN cosplay. Plus, those pictures are from during the day.

>> No.9319410

Best meet up desu

>> No.9319524

Is the lolita on the far left that really pretty, well known guy from cof?

>> No.9319528

no but he gets asked that all the time

>> No.9319535

Post your shit faggot.

Only because everything isn't photoshopped to hell those are bad cosplays?

>> No.9319537

They should twin.

>> No.9319555

I bet you're the type to make LOLZ TRIGGERED BRO??? jokes and then complain later than the goddang S jay Ws have "ruined the meaning of the word"

>> No.9319956

>Brought his waifu pillow
Don't even care if its Ironic or not I still laugh everytime

>> No.9319970

They're bad cosplays because they're bad cosplays. If you didn't know they were seagulls you wouldn't be defending that shit because they're the type of shit you'd find in a bad cosplay thread.

>> No.9320000

post yours, we'll have a good laugh at your dollar store wig and hot glued hems

seriously, these meetups look pretty awful. You would think going there you could meet other decent cosplayers but i mean... just look at this thread. Yikes.

>> No.9320315


Jeez you guys are harsh.


Here, I'm one of the guys in the pic (the guy wearing the turban thing), I thought the other folks had some pretty decent cosplays too..

I don't do solid photoshoots so excuse the low quality pics, because it's just a fun hobby to me and I enjoy meeting like minded fans, but I think you guys are judging a bit too harshly from a low quality image..

>> No.9320406

How was momocon this year? Didn't have a chance to go.

>> No.9320410

I will say that not everyone in the photo looks bad (your cosplay is pretty decent even if i'm not familiar with the source material) but the majority do. And that's not just at that meetup but the others posted as well.

I was only pointing it out because this board is notorious for ripping people to shreds and yet this is the 'quality' most people produce. I'm not saying everyone has to have professional quality work but at least admit when you know your cosplay isn't the greatest.

>> No.9320423

You guys kept linking back to that picture so it was a bit confusing..

I really enjoyed it, it's up there with Dragoncon as my favorite con because of how strong the panels fit for me. It's really set itself apart from AWA/Dragoncon with the convention center.

A lot of youtubers I like actually come to it (Totalbiscuit, Projared, Nostalgia Critic) and they all had great panels too. The twitch panel was also neat and a few others were also neat.

Some people don't like it as much because it's family friendly and w\e, but I'm not a drinking/party kinda guy so it doesn't bother me.

>> No.9322274

Agree with all of this, except that momocon can still get wild with the room parties at night.

Though yeah, during the day they're much stricter than normal about the family friendly atmosphere.

>> No.9322276

I honestly also think that some who come to the meetups are from other boards, and only come here for the con thread.

There's usually a few really good ones that turn out.

>> No.9327645

Tried to go to a /cgl/ meet last year, it got cancelled due to torrential rain. Went to a /vp/ meet though.

>Only one there who isn't underagedB&
>Someone brings homemade cookies
>We hang round playing pogeymans
>Later find a creeper pic of me on /fa/ because someone liked my tshirt

>> No.9327804
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i really would want to try a meetup but i feel like i would just make it awkward for everyone because im so shy and would just wait for someone to talk to me rather than just trying to bump into someone's conversation.
i'm not autistic but i just get really anxious that people will think i'm shitty but i really want to try to get over it by doing little things like this.
i'm just hoping that people will look at my cosplay and talk to me about the show it's from, that could be an easy way to start talking and then once someone keeps going it's easy for me to reciprocate.

what usually happens at meet ups?
is there anything i should bring besides my id if everyone wants to hit up a bar?

>> No.9329594

>Tfw south-eastern french
>Tfw will never meet a seagull to teach me how to sew/make cosplay cause i cant do shit by myself
>will probably never meet another someone from the whole 4chan anyway

>> No.9329703

This did happen at the cheesecake factory and only turbo lameos actually like the cheesecake factory

>> No.9329719
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>tfw no weebs friends to drink whiskey and watch chinese cartoons with

>> No.9329740
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>> No.9329744

tfw only one person doesn't look like a sperg

>> No.9329747

I did a /vp/ meet ages ago

Someone turned up with a buttplug tail, why was I not surprised?

>> No.9329756

So if you wear a buttplug tail and have a surprise fart, does it launch out like a nerf gun? Or does it sound like a whistle?

>> No.9329781

is this a /fa/ meetup? looks pretty cute, not gonna lie

>> No.9332321

>fucking sausage fest
is this board 90% male??

>> No.9332324

you met in a gym lmao

>> No.9332581

Sakuracon 2015 was super dope. Lots of fun people telling stories and sharing snacks. There was one autist who wouldn't stop interrupting people, but he was pretty much ignored.

Didn't make it to the 2016 meetup, but I heard it was awful.

>> No.9332975

grils never willingly go to /cgl/ meetups.

>> No.9332994

>meet up with seagulls
>all they do is spout memes and shittalk people's costumes who are walking by
>never meet up with /cgl/ again

>> No.9333036

I don't mind meeting seagulls at a con but I doubt I would do a meetup again

>> No.9333101

No, we met near a bar and then some fucktard decided it would be funny if everyone shoved themselves into the hotel gym.

>> No.9335935

> See >>9305270
>Feel better about myself

No matter how "fun" you had, if you're the first who shit on people by being nitpicky and then you look like this.
Other people have fun too, but I don't see them screeching online about other people's costume while they claim to be *best cosplayer uwu look at my burando*
Fly the fuck down, you look worse than homestucks with patchy body paint

>> No.9336665

>tfw an ex spread nasty rumors about me to a bunch of seagulls
I don't want to go to meetups now

>> No.9336678

Always wanted to drop by and check out the seagull meetup at otakuthon. Never got the chance because I end up too busy staffing or too tired to care for anything.
How are they usually?

>> No.9336692

Go anyways and prove those rumors wrong by showing what a fun and nice person you are!

>> No.9336697
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as naive as this might sound but i wanna do a /cgl/ meet up for the next con im going to. it looks like the potential to be a ton of fun. i feel like the risk is worth the smidgen of hope that it wont be a clusterfuck

>> No.9336700

aww fuck the thumbnail for that reaction image looked less creepy oopsies

>> No.9336915

I guess it's sad, but i've thought about finding if theres a /cgl/ meet at my next con, despite not being a cosplayer, just because it'd be nice to meet some filthy nerds from 4chan that don't fit into the Facebook generation.

>> No.9337382

90 percent of the old school trips still go to cons but since we have all become irl friends we dont have to rely on meetups to find each other. I have hosted the west coast meetups in the past, but since I am always busy at night hosting and bartending room parties I haven't done the meetup lately. The newer gull meetups have be pretty dude heavy, I need Freeman or somebody to filter through the creepers and the crossboarders so the cool ones can meet the old school crew.

>> No.9337560

How come just about every person I've ever met from /cgl/ is insanely sub par when it comes to costume making yet they spend their time on here talking shit lmao

>> No.9337579

>guinness dude
looks pretty chill
would bro/10

>> No.9338196

>tfw every animazement its eiher an /m/ or /o/ meet i get in
>Never been in an actual /cgl/ meet at a con.
Honestly a 4chan meet there wouldent be too bad lots of /o/, /m/, and /cgl/ fags are around Raleigh just never show up.

>> No.9338241

>The newer gull meetups have be pretty dude heavy
I've noticed this, either /cgl/ has had an influx of guys over the past couple years or girls shy away from the meetups. Probably both.

>> No.9338242

I've organised the three Dutch /cgl/ meets we've had last year and been to two of them. I was expecting a sausagefest at the first meet but it turned out to be the opposite. We talked, laughed and just kinda went our own way after an hour or so. No cringe, no drama just the regulars seeing each other for the first time since we have non-stop Dutch threads going on.
The second meet I heard was fun and saved after someone else took "look for X in the hotel bar" role. I kinda wished I could had been there, meets are always better when there's alcohol involved.
The third meet was just four of us getting together for sushi as we live in the same city. Nothing special, just some serious con and cosplay talk which was nice.

I'm definitely going to arrange some more Dutch /cgl/ meets this year. Things have been cool so far and truth be told I am curious about how the still unknown regulars are IRL.

>> No.9338393

He hosted the room party two years in a row.
Can confirm that he is a chill dude.

>> No.9338412

This was at AnimIe North yeah?
kept walking past this meetup but was way too anxious to actually meet up with you guys. Maybe this year I'll actually go

>> No.9338445
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Yeah that's AN

>> No.9343074

There's probably very few if any gulls in Manisnowba so I doubt such a thing would even exist here.

>> No.9343586

Lol bitter much?
That is a dumb ducking idea though, hopefully you ditched him.

>> No.9343648

I usually go to AWA and the meet but last year I didn't go. Always fun talking to Flan about gun shit. I wish we would party more at night. Anyone going to Seishun-con?

>> No.9343666

One time at MCM London I saw the /cgl/ meetup and it was really awkward and bad. I never asked to go or anything, just rolled up on it by chance.

There was a Moss (IT Crowd) cosplayer looking bitter and a couple of lolita types who were being bitchy about weebs in bad cosplays while one of them smoked.

I thought I'd maybe caught them at a bad time but ended up coming across them a bit later in the day as well, some other lanky rubbish Grimmjaw cosplayer was with them and they were still bitching about Free Huggers and how bad everyone's cosplay was.

Came on /cgl/ that night to see the Moss cosplayer going on about how it was amazing 'A good 10-12 people showed up' and they all went for drinks and an orgy in a hotel room.

I really really doubt it.

>> No.9343668

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?

>> No.9343673

What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?

>> No.9343684

I'm doing Seishun on saturday

>> No.9343800

/cgl/ meetup at fanime '16 was tight, I met a brother/sister JoJo duo and a guy playing Kira, we roamed around getting drunk

It was super comfy because I had just moved to Cali and broken up with my GF so I was nofriends. First time I enjoyed myself in a long time.

>> No.9343807

Are you going to Fannie this year anon? I'm thinking of going to the cgl meet up, didn't make it last year

>> No.9343812

hell yeah

>> No.9343815

Dope fampai, I'll more than likely roll through

>> No.9344026

>brother/sister JoJo duo
Dressed as who?

>> No.9344031

What do you mean?

Every single male in this >>9307862 picture is an autist, half of them are cuckolds too

>> No.9344034

are you still smaller than 5 ft?

>> No.9344048


What the fuck, how long has this one been going on for, why haven't I heard of it?

>> No.9344049

brown guy on the bottom right fucked the girl who looks like a rape victim in the middle

>> No.9344072

I think we're doing a meet-up of sorts for Naka Kon

>> No.9344427

She got culturally enriched then.

>> No.9344827
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>dat #5
still a qt tho

>> No.9344982

>buncha beta metrosexual cucks
>cgl whales still find this hot

>> No.9344996

Seriously. They all look 12

>> No.9345586

let's see, the dude was joseph, I forgot who the girl was.

>> No.9345610


Less competition for the last cookie, duh.

>> No.9347467

>their ankles are sticking out

I don't know much about fashion, but that bit looks absurd.

>> No.9347470
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>I don't know much about fashion,
Heh, obviously .

>> No.9347471

the two on the right look fine

>> No.9347473

ankles sticking out is meme fashion and will go away soon. it's just a childish rebellion against people who don't pay attention to clothing sizes and so buy pants that drape horribly over their shoes. it's an attempt to distance oneself from the unkempt masses even if it compromises aesthetic

>> No.9347483

Surely you aren't surprised? There are far, far more under-achieving shit-spewing geeky gamer weeblings on here than practicing cosplayers or lolitas of ANY skill or experience. How often do you EVER see a fully coordinated lolita in any cgl con meet thread? How 'bout never.

Most of the people posting the loudest in the lolita threads here have never donned a petti or been to a meet, they don't even own a dress, they just lurk the online comms and groups, read about stuff, look at photos of coords and then come here to discuss and share their 'opinions'.

I'm no big Facebook fan but at least since we post photos there, it partially weeds out a great deal of the people who don't even dress in the fashion.

>> No.9347638


Actually, seagulls have said that their comms tend to have their own Lolita-oriented programming at cons. And given that cgl meets tend to skew more towards the cosplay/weeby side, most lolitas tend to ditch the cgl meet in favor of more the Lolita-specific meet, or they'll attend the cgl meet in casual clothes and save their Lolita coords for the Lolita meet.

Though I don't doubt that some of the girls giving terrible advice are probably talking out their ass indeed. The comm thread at least seems to have real lolitas in them, as does the draw threads.

>> No.9348766

To be a cuckold you have to have a girlfriend, so they're already doing better than most of 4chan.

>> No.9348770

Holy shit, how new are you?

>> No.9348771

>no one posted the one meetup I was in


>> No.9348794

Tbf most people here won't go to a cgl meet up. Usually you have friends to see at cons instead.

>> No.9348804

I'm 99% that every reasonable seagull would just turn around and leave if the meet looked like this

>> No.9348808

probably what happened if you think about it
would definently explain the shit-tier fest

>> No.9349017

You guys are alright. Don't go to the Katsucon seagull meetup next week.

>> No.9349221
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I only went to one, the Otakuthon 2015 meetup. It was fun, met some cool people. There were two drunk dudes trying to get people to do as many pushups as they could though, that was odd.

>> No.9349251

You are probably right about any lolitas just attending in casual clothes.

These days, unless I see a photo of someone in Lolita and wearing it well, I always take their post with a big grain of salt. I remember the way Tiferet and a few others used to talk and post on EGL and then I finally saw her photo one day...and she's one who actually wears the fashion, kek. My 'lolitas r lovelies and at least the ones who aren't, still dress well' dreams were baked right out of my tender noodle and I became salinified.

>> No.9351316

The one guy in the fatigues was in the army so he was probably blowing off excess testosterone.
I guess.

>> No.9352024

Why not?

>> No.9352073
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there are rumors that HWNDU is moving to LA after it was shutdown in NYC.

anyone planning on coming?

>> No.9352452

That HWNDU stuff is such a religious cult in all but name. Good luck on shitposting the fuck out of it if it happens.

>> No.9353170

>Didn't make it to the 2016 meetup, but I heard it was awful.
I got within about 20 feet of it and decided it'd be best if I stayed there. The /cgl/ meet for me was getting some beers with a couple other anons late Thursday night. Never saw either of them again for the rest of the con and don't expect to see them this year since one moved to LA and the other came down from Alaska.

>> No.9353224

I fucking love that nidai cosplayer, they're always in character at cons shouting their words and offering toilet paper to anyone 10/10

Explain anon

>> No.9353228

Is there any point in going to these if youre a random anon who has never interacted with anyone off of cgl?

>> No.9353256

>canada meets always look like a fuckton of fun
>tfw I live wicked far away
s-someday, I promise

This, at the AB meets I've gone to, very few people wear costumes, the meets are generally small, and a disproportionate amount of older guys show up

>go to school
those two have been out of school for a while, anon

>> No.9353331
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>tfw my wig was slipping up all of this meet because I didn't have it properly secured like a dumbass so it's slipping up and looks dumb in this picture

>> No.9353332

Did not get a chance to go to the cgl meetup but I've gotten a chance to meet other lurkers at cons thru coincidence (I.e recognized someone's cosplays) and I've never had a bad experience there. I think I might try to go to the Sakura con cgl meet up this year if there is one? I just moved to the west coast so I don't know anyone and it be a chance to make friends maybe.

>> No.9358653

Went to MAGfest 2017, there was a thread up here my mate showed me (I'm not on this board often). We all hit each other up for parties, and I met some cool dudes from here at a Canadian Party (drank Canadian beer, they gave out Ketchup favored chips, I think one of the dudes was Canadian). Since it was a vidya con we played some of our favorite vidya tracks, I DJ'ed some Silva Gunner, and there was aboot 15-20 people at the party. Pretty hot. Added the dude on Facebook.
Good time, I highly recommend meetups from this one (1) experience I had.

>> No.9358897

Can someone say the general boy/girl ratio at seagull meet ups? I feel it's mostly going to be thirsty boys who lurk here

>> No.9359508
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I'm hoping yall niggas actually attempt to show up.

Last year I found a few anons while hanging around and others started a game of cat and mouse

>> No.9360149

Doubt anyone will knows, but does anyone remember moonpidgeon?

>> No.9360153

*will know

>> No.9365612

I do

>> No.9365624

Meetups are great! Yeah you might have one or two awkward people and a couple of guys that are there just to try and score, but for the most part (even the majority of the guys) are there to just have a good time and meet new people.

I feel like its a holdover from the old con culture of meeting up with strangers at cons, which now is so hard to do since people are so closed off.

>> No.9367219

Avoid, avoid, avoid.

Last time I went to a "/cgl/" meet up, it was all dudes who were cross borders and who browsed /cgl/ "when there was a con nearby". I was the only actual cosplayer there, and while the group managed to pick up some small talk about video games, it was hardly /cgl/ related. There was only one dude there who was actually cool and legit seemed interested in cosplaying in the future, so I hope I run into him again since he was genuine. Everyone else though openly admitted to only being there to possibly hit up girls, since there were no actual girls there.

However on the flip side of things, if you ever run into someone who you are sure/pretty sure is from /cgl/ while in passing at a con, go for it and try to talk to them/make friendly talk. I meet someone from here two years ago while walking around in a con, and she's been a really cool and chill friendo since then. I feel like chatting people up one on one vs a group setting makes for better connections and having a friendly vibe going.

>> No.9367243

Make sure you show up in j-fashion or cosplay if you do troll it.

>> No.9367294

I think this is a California problem. There are a ton of cosplayers in older trips group, but none of them go to meetups anymore, so any new cosplayers interested just see a bunch of cross-boarders awkwardly standing around and dip.