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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9302659 No.9302659 [Reply] [Original]

At what age is a female cosplayer too old to cosplay cute anime girls, such as moe aidorus? I have just turned 23 and I'm afraid I won't be able to realize all my cosplay dreams in time.

>> No.9302660


>> No.9302661

35 if you're asian

>> No.9302665

Depends on your face shape.

Even when I was 15, I couldn't pass as a cute anime girl. My friend is 29 and she still gets ID'd so she does pass for it.

>> No.9302669

Really just depends on your face. I have baby features and can still pass for 14 or 15 despite almost being 23. I have another friend who's 19 or 20 and can legitimately pass for a 10 year old.
But I've also seen horse-faced teenagers who can't pass for anything under 20.

>> No.9302675


>> No.9303038

There's no age limit in who you can cosplay. Make the costumes you want to make and be who you like.
For the record though, 23 isn't "too old" for anything, you still have so much time ahead of you.

>> No.9303054

Stages of cosplay;
>You are Usso
>You are Amuro
>You are Kou
>You are Ramba Ral
>You are Degwin Zabi
It never has to end, you see.
Making ramen in a coffee pot and making six handles of liquor disappear in three days probably should though.

>> No.9303068

>I have another friend who's 19 or 20 and can legitimately pass for a 10 year old.
Sure, that's totally true.

>> No.9303127

Cosplay what you want, as long as you put effort into your outfit who cares? There's a big difference between putting together a good costume and being an older cos-player and simply looking like crap. Just because you're older, doesn't mean you can't keep doing what you love.

>I'm a dude that can't grow much facial hair and got carded when I was 25 to buy a lottery ticket.

>> No.9303128

No really. She's super short and has really chubby cheeks.

>> No.9303129



>> No.9303130

I don't doubt that. I was at a con once and saw someone who was seriously like 4ft tall wearing a US Navy uniform. I asked if she was cosplaying, she was actually in the Navy. I thought she was like 12 but she was 19.

>> No.9303143

You can get people who genuinely look like a child. It's quite alarming.

>> No.9303184

I would believe it. I'm 23, and last year a waiter brought me a kids menu when I went out to eat with my boyfriend because he mistook me for a kid. Some day I'll be a real grown-up...

>> No.9303196

Anon, I also 23 and share the same fear, but I agree with >>9302669. People still think I'm underaged, I still have to be ID'd each time I bought a Super Lotto ticket. Just follow our dreams anon!

>> No.9303200

*your not our, sorry for the typo

>> No.9303201

who wants to bet that most of the people in this thread aren't as young-looking as they think they are

>> No.9303223

It's not even a matter of "they think", you know by the reactions you get from strangers.

>> No.9303228

I've had people tell me I look young, just last week I went to get a job application and the lady told me I had to be 18 to work there. I told her I was 24, but she just gave me a weird look.

I get where you're coming from though. I always here middle aged ladies at work who very clearly look their age bragging that people still think they're teenagers. It's kind of cringey to hear people talk like that.

I never brag or talk about how young I look off-line. It's not really a positive point, and I wish I looked older so that I could appear mature or even crossplay better.

>> No.9303551
File: 91 KB, 960x960, Megumichanx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, she's 23 years old and even her loli chara cosplays look good. It mainly depends on your facial features, though.

Cosplayer in OP's pic looks like she's in her thirties and I personally think her cosplays still have some appeal, even though her face wouldn't pass for a highschool girl.

>> No.9303559

It's cosplay not trying to pass as real lolis for you sick child fuckers.

>> No.9303560

It's kinda hard to cosplay young characters if you look your age (21+). And unfortunately anime still has mostly teenage casts.

>> No.9303571

What do you do when you get to your late 30s and beyond? Do you have to move on to a different fashion?

>> No.9303574
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>> No.9303575

shit, I was replying to

>> No.9303588

Your options get really limited so yeah, might as well move on. It's better than being a cringefest and clinging to characters who don't suit you, imo.
There are some older characters, but much less.

>> No.9303589

** and that's only from the cosplay perspective. I personally think you can coord lolita to look good when you get older, but you're mostly limited to classic or toned-down sweet..

>> No.9303604

I have several friends who like to talk about how young they supposedly look because they still get carded sometimes despite being in their early twenties. It's getting annoying. No honey you don't look 14, cashiers are required by law to ask for identification of anyone who's younger than 25. You look 24. Deal with it.

>> No.9303613

Body fitness is more important than age.

>> No.9303620
File: 24 KB, 639x480, c9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking older people can't look good in gothic and have to wear grandma's couch exclusively

>> No.9303622

Why do so many people have this idea that when you're old you're done with cosplay and jfash? Are you all young and plan on quitting when you get older or old and grouchy that you "can't wear what you want anymore"?

Like others have said just do what you want as long as you do your best with makeup and put effort in you'll look fine. Cute or not these have always been weird hobbies.

>> No.9303635

My ex-gf was 28 and still doing it when we broke up, and at that time she was still causing arguments about whether she was "jailbait' when she'd get posted on /a/ or /jp/. Good makeup and photography can do a lot.

As far as I know she's 32 now and still successfully cosplaying teenagers, I make a point of not checking her page though so I haven't seen much of what's up with her.

>> No.9303636

so much shoop lmao

>> No.9303642

>Why do so many people have this idea that when you're old you're done with cosplay and jfash?

Most people who have this mentality are either attention whores who are afraid they won't be cute/hot enough to make up for their lack of skill, or young adults who think that grown ups do nothing fun, ever, and all work in cubicles while wearing ill-fitting suits.

>> No.9303757

Honestly depends on how good your genes are. If you are Tomia, you last, but if you age like Lorde (the singer, since I couldn't think of a specific cosplayer), it's might become tough call around 30. But fear not! Even if your genes can't help you, you can save yourself with facial injections and be the youthful cosplayer you wanna be, if you really feel bummed about it. And the best part is, if you're 30 you will actually have the money for plastic surgery like that. So don't worry anon.

>> No.9304426

costuming and roleplay
not costuming, roleplay, and looking the appropriate age of the character for sick child fuckers like you... that would be.... cosageplay no thanks. gtfo pedos. no one cares when you think we should stop cosplaying because we all think you should stop breathing.

>> No.9304461

Unfortunately the anime community (whether Japan or abroad) is full of pedophiles. Hence why 16 year old cosplayers get popular fast, and idols have to retire in their mid 20s. It's disgusting.

Meanwhile normies hate pedos, yet doesn't know the anime community is an easy nest to find them.

>> No.9304477

The age when you start to think "I am too old for this shit". May it be at the age of sixteen, or the age of sixty.

>> No.9304483

>no one cares when you think we should stop cosplaying because we all think you should stop breathing.

So hostile, who hurt you?

>> No.9304485

anyone who thinks there is an expiration on cosplaying deserves hostility

>> No.9304489

Except if they're ugly or poor, right? :^)

>> No.9304503

I don't follow what you're saying.
Poor and fat people don't deserve hostility for thinking others are too old?
Or poor and fat people do have a cosplay expiration date?

>> No.9304504

>16 year being attractive to pedos
Fucking normies, how do they work?

>> No.9304506

>child fuckers like you

woah. i agree that people shouldn't stop cosplaying just because they're getting old but you sound unnecessarily bitter

>> No.9304509

Well thats what I think of people too obsessed with the cosplayer looking young.
y u so into kids?
I know I'm not the only one.

>> No.9304512

>In a cross-cultural study, more neotenized (i.e., youthful looking) female faces were found to be most attractive to men while less neotenized female faces were found to be less attractive to men, regardless of the females' actual age.[123] One of these desired traits was a small jaw.[124] In a study of Italian women who have won beauty competitions, it was found that their faces had more "babyish" (pedomorphic) traits than those of the "normal" women used as a reference.[125]
From wikipedia on physical attractiveness. Young is attractive for most.

>> No.9304513

>only people I find attractive may cosplay
see how stupid that is?

>> No.9304515

So it comes down to 'Should fat and ugly people cosplay?'

>> No.9304539

No. Cosplaying is about a character that the cosplayer likes, cosplay does not revolve around what gets you hard or what most men find attractive.
Only jnigs of the world care about that but that don't want your dick either, just your money.
This question is brought up all the time and if your a real nerd you don't care, it's about the character s you love. If youre judging anyone based on thirst in your pants you just a ho.

>> No.9304540

>c-cosplay is for everyone I swear!
>i-it doesn't matter if you're fat or ugly or if you're too old!
>countless cringe threads on /cgl/ making fun of fat and ugly cosplayers
>/cgl/ strangely accepting of older cosplayers because it's the one thing they know they can never ever escape
Really makes you think.

>> No.9304553

Not that different from the modeling industry being so accepting towards plus-size models nowadays, yet still discriminate against short and older models. Except with cosplay age is accepted, and fatness isn't, rather than the other way around. If I had to choose between accepting older people or fat people, I'd personally go for older people, since fat people could just lose weight, but you can't return the hands of time.

>> No.9304577
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If all else fails, you can always be Sophie.

>> No.9304585

Is making fun of them isn't making those people stop cosplaying. /Cgl/ also make fun of old people that look like shit. Why do you think gulls are so paranoid about being considered old in their 20's?

>> No.9304611

Sorry that cosplay is a hobby where looks are very important.
I mean you can keep cosplaying whoever while looking like a leather handbag but it doesn't look good for the character at all.

>> No.9304680

Younger face = innocence and a LOT of guys prefer the concept of an innocent woman.

>> No.9304701

I saw a Rin cosplayer who must've been about 70 pounds and 4ft 2? I literally thought "Aww someone helped their nine-year-old cosplay" because the craftsmanship is really good but upon talking to her and seeing her drivers lisence she ended up being 18 fucking years old that shit is a nightmare

I am not fucking around here, she could have been 7, it was like the movie 'orphan' bad.

>> No.9304714

but anon I'm black.

>> No.9304755

If we are talking about Asian men yes, but I always felt like Western men liked sassy women. Then again, western characters are way different from Japanese characters in the same way.

Who cares? Love Live characters are Japanese, yet plenty of White cosplayers that pull it off..

>> No.9304762

Age has nothing to do with it.
It's entirely looks. You can be 18 and have a terrible time with things if you look older than you are or if you have unfortunate genetics and/or overweight.

>> No.9305314 [DELETED] 
File: 667 KB, 2576x1932, IMG_7689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do it anon! I used to be the same and refrained from cosplaying younger/cute characters. I have not cosplayed anything in 5 years now since I kind of grew out of the convention scene but threw together a Lain cosplay last week. I'm 31 now.

>> No.9305318
File: 667 KB, 1932x2576, 1483264253173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do it anon! I used to be the same and refrained from cosplaying younger/cute characters because I was afraid I could not pull them off. I have not cosplayed anything in 5 years now since I kind of grew out of the convention scene but threw together a Lain cosplay last week and had plenty of fun. I think these "younger" designs help a lot with looking younger, too because they give off a certain vibe? I'm 31 now and I'm pretty sure no one would have guessed it. Sorry for the shitty picture quality, I kind of only took a few on my phone...

>> No.9305345
File: 1.49 MB, 237x336, 6ed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet plenty of White cosplayers that pull it off..

>> No.9305413

Even then, younger = more fertile as well, so subconsciously it's something that generally appeals to them

Also, whilst they are Japanese, I don't think you can clearly define anime characters as any specific race. Considering Eli is part Russian yet has pretty much the same face shape. Anya from Cinderella Girls is completely Russian, but has the same face shape as the rest of the girls. Kuroshitsuji; they're all English/western (with some exceptions). The only time they show someone that's Asian, they change the eye shapes to being more slanted. Celty from Drrr! is Irish, yet her face shape and features are the same as everyone else's.

Anime/manga doesn't really show different races via face shapes and features.

>> No.9305418

For face.
For body its weird because you need to reach your 20s before you get any of the "mature" body shapes, while teenagers looks like twigs before that, regardless of tits & ass.

>> No.9305421
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At 23 you basically have one foot in the grave. I guess you could cosplay like Cologne or some other elderly character (she's cute in a way), but your time would be better spent writing your will and searching for a retirement home.

>> No.9305457
File: 59 KB, 392x720, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always felt like Western men liked sassy women
I think it's more men seeing sassy women as more open and promiscuous and therefore easier lays. I think for marriage or long term relationships what they really prefer is a woman with little or "not too much" experience.

If the costume looks good, you look good.

>> No.9305464

You look really good at 31! I honestly wouldn't have guessed it.

>> No.9305466

is this a shooped picture of PT

>> No.9305487

>for marriage or long term relationships what they really prefer is a woman with little or "not too much" experience

This. All over online you get guys talking about used vaginas that "flap" from "too much" sex.

Which is far from the actual truth but nevertheless.

>> No.9305950

w2c bear kigu? I saw one on etsy but it's a bit pricey imo
you also do look good for your age!

>> No.9305957

>I have another friend who's 19 or 20 and can legitimately pass for a 10 year old.
instagram/line/email/anything. pls.

>> No.9305958

My vagina is like that and I've never had sex. Luckily, I'm asexual and no one will ever have to see my disgusting body.

>> No.9305970


>> No.9305989

You can simply altera premade one, just exchange the "face", buttons and add some lining to the hood.

>> No.9306036

she just looks like a normal 23 year old.
I think people feel like once you get into you're 20's youre too old for cosplay simply because of this misconception that once you hit 25 or so you suddenly develop wrinkles and everything sags or something.
late teens through early 20's don't usually look much different. Even late 20's should be fine for most people to cosplay teenagers

>> No.9306208

When they post about it, it just reeks of little boys who have never actually seen one outside of porn.

>> No.9306331

im sorry but this doesn't look good bc her skin is way too dark. isn't cosplay about accuracy? sailor mars is white af just saying
there are many black/super tanned anime characters to cosplay tho

>> No.9306338

No there aren't...

>> No.9306339

I'm 25 and I cosplay Idols from animu. No one can tell my age when they seem irl or in photos. Most people think I'm 19 (doesn't help the fact I'm immature af). So I mean it's really up to you.

>> No.9306368

>sailor mars is Japanese af just saying
Fixed that for you white piggu

>> No.9306406

I meant more as in loose morals cause quarrels than loose lips sink ships.

>> No.9306491

IMO as long as your face shape/body shape are the same its fine. moe aidorus are usually very slim, petite/short and have chubby/youthful faces. so basically, if you look like that then it doesn't matter. but there are plenty of chubby 5'6" teenagers with horsefaces who slab on makeup and don't pass.

its weird that we associate certain traits (being lithe, heart-shaped faces and big cheeks) with youthfulness... when in reality there are a lot of ugly kids lol.

but yeah i've met 25 year olds who - even with wrinkles - have the perfect face for cosplaying younger girls. and i've met 20 year olds with no wrinkles who have old faces.

>> No.9306540

If your age starts to show, it's probably a good idea not to try and cosplay young characters. I'm also pretty biased against adults trying to cosplay kids because it just ends up looking silly unless they happen to actually be that small.

>> No.9306560

I would have the perfect baby face if wasn't for my nose. Even still, it's the reactions for from strangers.

My mom's Asian again case Manger came out, she was confused when I answered the door. She thought I was in my teens and too young to take care of my mom.

A nurse thought I was under 16 and told me her 16 year old daugter looks older.

My nieces friends thought I was a kid. A kid on a public bus was asking what school I go to and thought I was coming back from middle school. Had people think Id is fake and hiring managers think I'm lying about being over 18.

Plenty of more stories but you get the idea. Im 29 and don't get it but I just go off of what others say. I personally don't think I look young.

>> No.9306577


It's not what I think, it's the reactions I get from people at work.

I'd like to look comfortably in my early twenties forever. It's not flattering to get told you look like a high schooler all the time.

>> No.9306582

Nah, she has creepy guys on her ass all the time

>> No.9307181

Underrated post.

>> No.9307190

nice blog posts, literally who cares

>> No.9307206

People are just telling like it is becuase people assume we lie or are delusional. Just explaining it's not in our heads but the comments we get from others.

>> No.9307233

4 ft 2 in? You saw an actual dwarf, anon.

>> No.9307236

>pic related

Pic related to what? She looks 23 at minimum even with the massive amounts of shoop. She probably looks old af without shoop.

>> No.9307263

How are men retarded enough to think it's from sex, rather than a genetic thing? Not every woman has huge buns to stuff their flaps in, and form a camel toe for all too tights pants along with it.

>> No.9307798

It's hard to say. I mean, my 10 year niece and her 5 year old sister have wrinkles under the eyes and dark circles. I have seen teens with forhead wrinkles, eye wrinkles and nasolabial folds.

I think it's rare to have perfect flawles skin. Even a lot of young japanese girls don't fit that kawaii baby look but they still cosplay anyway.

I wear jfashion more than cosplay but girls into this stuff are bombarded with photos of girls trying to look young as possible. These types of girls get their photos posted all over the Internet and is seen as ideal. It also gives these people lots of attention. A lot of people don't cosplay or wear jfashion for themselves anymore. Looking young and baby faced gets you lots of attention easily.

There is a lot of pressure to look young to avoid negative attention. Like a mature faced girl wearing fairy kei or supre pastel sweet lolita will face backlash. Same with a mature faced girl cosplaying a kawaii type character.

Hope I made some sense, doped up on anxity.meds.

>> No.9307847

Because as far as men are concerned, everything is about them

>> No.9307973
File: 54 KB, 480x700, kig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always a way, even if you're 60.

>> No.9309805

These things would almost be cute if only there was a way to avoid the terrifying wrinkles/bagginess over the gloves, leggings and neck-sock

>> No.9309978

I enjoyed this

>> No.9310004

It would almost be cute if it wasn't the stuff of nightmares.

>> No.9312047
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Just cosplay older looking characters