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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 28 KB, 284x420, angelicprettyxmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9303266 No.9303266 [Reply] [Original]

Old one has hit the post limit

Whos wardrobe posts are you looking forward to?
Are you doing a wardrobe post?
Have you gotten a New Years lucky pack?

>> No.9303330

My local comm fb group had a thread about wardrobes, and overwhelmingly people said that they didn't like the idea of wardrobe posts and thought it wasn't anyone's business what they owned.

I wouldn't have expected that from a lolita comm, but I don't mind because I have a pretty small wardrobe.

>> No.9303342

That's so weird. Even with wardrobe posts that are small I love seeing them! It's fun to see other people's styles! I personally haven't done one in the past 2 years and probably won't do one this year just because my kid + a full time job keep me from the time and energy needed to do it. Even though I only have about 40 main pieces. I don't know how girls with larger wardrobes manage to do it even without kids and a less time consuming job. Do you take photos slowly over the fall so by winter/January you have your whole wardrobe post ready?

>> No.9303344

>Even though I only have about 40 main pieces
>even though

Now I havent been into this fashion as long as most on here, but what do you consider a large wardrobe and what do you consider small?

Because that seems large to me!

>> No.9303347

You clearly haven't been around long enough to see the wardrobe size threads then have you?
Most people think over 50 is large, but have variations on what would be considered a medium or small wardrobe based on whether you wear it daily, for events only, and also what exactly your wardrobe consists of.

>> No.9303481
File: 124 KB, 400x621, JSK-S-BK-C_400w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haenuli's new print is up for pre-order, along with her artbooks and prints, and a t-shirt

I expect to see an influx of ita coords made with it in the coming months

>> No.9303491

that neckline is a trainwreck waiting to happen

>> No.9303507

I want this for a gothic dress, but not lolita.

>> No.9303523

It's supposed to be fun, sheesh. People like sharing their wardrobes to show and to see how far they've come sincetbe precious year. It's a tradition that I love to see, and I want it to prevail. Sounds like you've got sour grapes in the comm.

>> No.9303527

I really like it, but not for this price.

>> No.9303529

The other cut is pretty nice imo.

The bodice looks like one of those pentagram dresses from killstar. I like it alot, but for lolita it dosent work. I would buy as a top or bodysuit on its own tho

>> No.9303530
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dropped pic

>> No.9303534
File: 52 KB, 900x698, FB_IMG_1483101425972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other jsk isn't fugly. I just wish we could have had decent hair accessories for it.

>> No.9303539
File: 121 KB, 400x584, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the hat, but i feels a little out of place. So does the bonnet, i dont why shes chosen to release quite classic acessories for such a gothic dress, especially with that taobao-teir pentagram cut. The other headband thing matches more, buts it a pretty basic accessory to buy new from an indie brand.

>> No.9303554

Does anyone have a picture of the girl who did a Hagrid HP themed coord? I was watching harry potter last night with the bf and telling him about it and I can't seem to find pictures of that Coors anywhere

>> No.9303611

The print itself is ugly tough

>> No.9303616

Does anybody also have the pic of the umbridge coord too?

>> No.9303617

My comm is the same apparently.
>I just want to figure out who I can twin with next year at the big twin meet
>not plan to rob anyone

>> No.9303648

I think this would be a trainwreck for most blouses. What kind of blouse would you even use with this?

>> No.9303651

A high neck one. Boleros will look nice too, they'll cover the shoulders and leave the neck area visible.

>> No.9303653

This one? >>9300250

>> No.9303656

They sound like they are really fun.

>> No.9303669

Iffy on the illustrations being made for a dress

Semi-related but would anyone else buy a sweet print with her little duck persona on it? I find it so endearing

>> No.9303706

>Iffy on the illustrations being made for a dress

Why's that?

>> No.9303722


you don't want the illustrations on a dress but you'd want a doodle on a dress.

>> No.9303742

I want to put some imai kira illustrations near my desk but cant find anty on sale and the only one i can find is postcard sized and i don't like it
Would it be ok to print them? I feel like it would be art theft but i saw several girls doing that and nobody said anything.

>> No.9303761

As long as you don't sell them and keep them yourself and not give them to anyone else, you should be fine. Someone made the mistake of trying to sell them poster sized a year back and got in legal issues.

>> No.9303790

It looks like the pentagram ribbon can be tucked in - otherwise just wear a high collar blouse

>> No.9303791

Really? But I feel like it would be art theft.
Has Kira Imai ever said something on the matter? I wish I could.contact her asking for permission but i can't write in moonrunes.

>> No.9303815

I'm a sweet lolita and this jsk has me wanting to do gothic. I fucking love the pentagram and it could easily be worn with a high neck blouse.

Agreed that I don't want to pay that much for it though. Only the black x white colorway is good, and will no doubt be the most popular and will always stay a high price.. Sigh...

>> No.9303826

Just print them out anon, its not like they are readily available for sale, so youre taking away from her profits or anything. I have loads of old glb ads that ive scanned in and printed out on my walls.

>> No.9303828

I meant not taking from her profits, sorry.

>> No.9303865

I want to like it but the rib cage doesn't line up on the bodice...

>> No.9303867

If you want to buy some, Lolita Desu usually has a bunch in stock.

>> No.9304211

I don't dislike the print at all, but I agree the other cut is fucking ugly. On the other hand, I'm not sure if I like it enough to actually buy it.

>> No.9304214
File: 74 KB, 900x873, IMG_1355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only color way in which the print looks decent, blue and purple look so tacky. Also, the model's not even wearing a blouse
>send help

>> No.9304218

what blouse wouldn't mess up the star straps?
I can understand wanting to show them off clearly for advertisment

>> No.9304221

I forgot wardrobe post month is coming up. I won't be looking at any, and not planning on doing one because it's to much work.

>> No.9304234
File: 37 KB, 400x389, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking maybe a blouse with an open neckline like in the image would work. Would leave the neckline open so it doesn't clash with the straps.
But it might still look weird one you get to where sleeves would start.

>> No.9304267

Maybe something off-the-shoulder?

>> No.9304280
File: 76 KB, 900x873, 15781474_1386815024683573_3112712519700170330_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come no one posted the other stock picture?

>> No.9304285

This really inspired me to create a gothic coord, I haven't done so in years! The dress is really pricey though...does anyone know if Haenuli lines the dresses and has little perks like pockets? The bodice and straps are cool in all, but that price...

>> No.9304295

Her prices are standard for Korean indie, not really outrageous or anything

>> No.9304313

It's outrageous for indie prices.

>> No.9304317


gulls, please

>> No.9304319

For INDIE prices. Please read. I'm not going to buy indie if I can use the same money for AP.

>> No.9304320

what do you not understand about "her prices are standard for korean indie"

in any case, $265 is chump change.

>> No.9304323

the color just blends in, what's the point of it being there?

>> No.9304324

Why did you quote my post when I didn't even say "outrageous"? It's just kinda high for a printed bodice and ribbon, and I'd like to at least see it lined and have pockets to be paying brand tier pricepoints.

>> No.9304367

You're so new it hurts.

>> No.9304374


gull, please.

happy now, nonny?

>> No.9304376

Just pick a lighter color that'll make it stand out. Or >>9303651 wear a bolero.

>> No.9304380


Are you constipated or just autistic?
>throwing this much of a tantrum over a word

>> No.9304381

>throwing this much of a tantrum over a single word
>"why did you quote my post when i didn't even say 'outrageous'?"

i was just trying to help quell your autism, but it's obvious it didn't work

>> No.9304385

pucker up buttercup

What's with the shitposting and bait?

>> No.9304386

what's with you replying to the bait

>> No.9304388

$265 is not "really pricey" in any sense of the word for a Korean indie brand. Get out.

>> No.9304389

So then don't do that type of blouse then? You guys act like it is impossible to coord this, but there is more then one type of blouse out there. Just use one with a square neckline if you want to show that part off. The straps for the pentagram are ribbon and you can take them off it you feel like it too.

Have you ever thought about the fact that there is "indie" brands that are not shitty taobao quality? Go for your brand whore aesthetics if you wish but if you think this is pricey then you can't afford AP.

>> No.9304390

>somebody disagreed with me and pointed out my inconsistency

>> No.9304391

Sorry senpai, often can't tell when someone is faking being retarded.

>> No.9304393

Do you plan to even buy the dresses or...? How do you not know Haenuli's history of having alignment and construction issues? See here lambs, if I'm buying it for that price I want to know if it's lined and has pockets. Hence me asking. Apologies that I said "really pricey." Happy?

>> No.9304400

no, because i don't like haenuli, but if you're familiar with haenuli then you should know that this price range is common for them so why even bother asking or complaining

"oh boy, i really like this new AP release but it's $350. how pricey! does it come with a tiny robot to tie my waist ties for me?"

>> No.9304404

Oh so you're a poorfag, likely non-lolita, shitting around in a thread. I bet you're the same idiot with that stupid PT 'troll' account from the Amibo thread. Kek.

>> No.9304405

>poorfag non-lolita
>yfw my 40-something main piece wardrobe is mostly AP

stop projecting

>> No.9304406

*Amino. whoopsie daisy, better fix that inb4 more sperg

>> No.9304410

What a coincidence, I have mostly AP too. Which is why I want to know if Haenuli lines. With pockets. Like AP.

>> No.9304411

Holy shit, just stop responding. It's obvious how mad you are, and you're shitting up the thread just as much.

>> No.9304412

>contributing to the shitposting and thinking you're somehow better

>> No.9304413

Every single one of her pieces are priced around this much, are you fucking new?

>> No.9304414
File: 237 KB, 640x531, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9304415

oh jesus, are you that haenuli hate anon? Her construction/bodice issues are a year past, get over it.

>> No.9304416

No. But maybe that's who I've seen in the past say those things.

>> No.9304425

>thinking $265 is pricey
>calling someone else a poorfag
uh huh

>> No.9304429

Yeah pricey, for indie. I bought from Lief and I don't recall theirs being priced as much. But, as I've said, would be ok with the price with certain conditions. Mhm. Yep. That's all really. Anything else, anon? Or are you going to disappear again to post in the 'butterface cosplayers' thread?

>> No.9304430

are you okay anon

who hurt you

>> No.9304431

Just stop replying.

>> No.9304435
File: 117 KB, 800x450, areyouokay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9304438

Lol you're so mad. Stop.

>> No.9304439



>> No.9304444


>> No.9304460

Haenuli even mentions in the sizing guide that the bodice length has changed. Their older stuff is wack but I have not seen any complaints about recent releases.

I'm not sure what is the obsession with lining and pockets since most brands don't even do that? They are lined if you care so much but I don't see pockets. Even Ap only sometimes has pockets so chill.

>> No.9304467

Oh, good to know. Thank you!

>> No.9304521

I wish brands had art books similar to movies/games.

>early sketches of prints and dress designs of their most popular releases
>what their inspiration was
>designer teams opinions and expectations at dress release
>thoughts on it today

If there already is one, then please point me towards it!

>> No.9304525

That would be so amazing!

>> No.9304558

How much would the red special set of heavenly cross sell for? I want to know how much I should expect if I don't get it.

>> No.9304587

Found that one girl on amino that constantly says kek any time someone calls her out.

>> No.9304626
File: 82 KB, 457x410, 1427897025416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking kek is that much of an uncommon word to use on 4chan that you can identify bitches w/' it

>> No.9304634

Iirc, you can use a shopping service to buy from her webshop too.

>> No.9304645

>Whos wardrobe posts are you looking forward to?
No one really. I barely look at them to be honest.
>Are you doing a wardrobe post?
Nah my closet is too small i feel. And i really only have 2 main peices{though i have 4 really but im selling two of them}.
>Have you gotten a New Years lucky pack?
I didn't like any that came out, so i didn't grab any. :/

>> No.9304646

fug i like this, but the ribcage makes it so cheesy and hottopic-esq ;~;

>> No.9304692

I didn't say I was going to wear it, you mongs. I'm not worried about how to coord it, but thanks?

>> No.9304693

quads confirm.

>> No.9304694
File: 304 KB, 383x584, 1442354330057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask a question
>get an answer
>get salty and call people names for no apparent reason

>> No.9304698

Those were not answers to the question I asked. But it's not exactly surprising that the other people posting here are too stupid to know what a rhetorical question is.

>> No.9304704

what's the point of posting a rhetorical question on an imageboard where we discuss shit

keep it to yourself if you don't want an answer

>> No.9304900

Are the lolita shops in Harajuku open today (January 1st)?

>> No.9305024

>keep it to yourself if you don't want an answer
No, this is the place where people come to be catty.

>> No.9305025

Who small wardrobe here?
I only have 8 main pieces including a cutsew OP.
It's all (secondhand) brand though but it frustrates me a bit sometimes.

>> No.9305027

On this board specifically, it's definitely a small group of people. They're all cringey as fuck, too.

On other boards, it's not used as much anymore. Most other boards get new memes faster.

>> No.9305031

Also who else tends to count how many dresses,blouses,socks,... other lolitas have?
I have a tendency to do it and I feel kinda creepy.

>> No.9305032

ah, yes anon, you definitely know exactly how many gulls are active as well as the number of them that throw around the term "kek." seriously, people who think that they can pick out a random person based on some tiny nuance as inconsequential as that are a certain kind of stupid.

>> No.9305033

>On other boards, it's not used as much anymore
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about lol

>> No.9305083

>not used as much anymore
don't lie, anon

>> No.9305089

With memes like 'kek' and '(you)'... no, there's no way to tell. Unless they are posting a really specific phrase or word that just isn't commonly used, you can't identify them. 'Kek' and '(you)' are just way too common.

>> No.9305104

found the anon who consistently responds to the bait laid by "kek" and (you) anons

memes aside, you sound like a presumptuous idiot

>> No.9305105

>Whos wardrobe posts are you looking forward to?
Violetnoir (tights and flatlays/presentation), obsixwi (picture quality of black) and the other lolita with a largely black wardrobe (Canadian?), ghostintheforest, go_slow_ly (older pieces), wish Aeryn/Aerynsys was doing one, also any gothic/egl/aristo type of wardrobe

>Are you doing a wardrobe post?
No, started but the picture quality was poor

>> No.9305167

personally I think anything over 30 main pieces is a large wardrobe

If you can wear a different main piece every day for a month you have a pretty big clothing collection

>> No.9305170
File: 53 KB, 426x640, 140222GAC680_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know anything about the quality of the closetchild chiffon petti? I'm just looking for something really casual and comfortable really, that offers decent poof

>> No.9305171
File: 335 KB, 600x600, 1d8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on boards like /pol/ and /tv/ cuck is a meme. Most boards have their own thing. I don't see people using kek that much other than this board...

>> No.9305173

I said it's a group of people doing it, not just one.

>> No.9305174

seconding obsixwi. her photos and coords are beautiful

>> No.9305175

stop samefagging to try and defend your inaccurate points

>> No.9305177

That's not that small unless you wear stuff all the time. My wardrobe had about 7-9 pieces for many years (I would buy and sell pieces) because I rarely wore lolita.

>> No.9305180

I love how the best NYE lucky packs all sell out in a matter of minutes.

>> No.9305183


>> No.9305324

I actually really dislike this piece, I was expecting something a lot less hot topic, something more sophisticated than just slapping the illustrations all over the dress

>> No.9305356


First wardrobe post this year is up. I've wanted to see hers since she always has enviable pieces so I suppose it's a good wardrobe to kick off this year's posts. Keen to see every one else's

>> No.9305372

That was so pleasant to scroll through. Laughed out loud at the Meta SS nod hat at the end, though. But yeah, she's got 3 of my dream dresses and an awesome variety.

>> No.9305398
File: 21 KB, 600x302, 1480645507346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everything in lolita so expensive?
Like, everything.
I mean, I do have brand stuff, quite a bit even because I fucking love Baby,man. But I still think some things are ridiculously expensive.
Like AP's jewelry.
It's plastic. Why does a plastic ring/bangle cost so much? It's litterally plastic. I got the Jewelry Jelly bracelet as a gift, I love it but honestly it looks like a little girl's bracelet that would cost about 5 bucks.

>> No.9305401

It's like asking why a hermes bag is so expensive...you pay for the brand dude

>> No.9305406

You think this is bad? Try getting into luxury western fashion.... $300 for a plastic bangle instead of $50.

>> No.9305407

Heh, I still think it's dumb honestly, I love the brands,really, but I think it's still overpriced for what it is, even normie brands.

>> No.9305410

I have 8 main peices as well, it was around 12 at one point but I sold quite a bit last year and my wardrobe had a really high turnover. This year I plan to wear lolita more often so Im going to try and keep alot more of the dresses buy

>> No.9305411

Is this copypasta? If not, it should be

>> No.9305427

You're paying for the brains (aka designs and the brand) behind the price tag. Materials aside, cheaper alternatives are most likely either looking not quite right due to inexperienced designer, or downright rip off of well known brands for the same reason.

>> No.9305454

I am wondering as well....put in a request but it was only a maybe.

>> No.9305513

So, I recently discovered Y! Japan Auctions because I used to be too much of a baby to try to use it. How is everything so cheap? Am I missing something? Why doesn't everyone buy cheap brand from here?

>> No.9305517

It's cheap but once you add SS fees and shipping it can get expensive. I had 50$ of fees once from Buyee. Speaking of, which SS has the cheapest fees? Do they all charge to combine packages?

>> No.9305524

My SS charges 15% but she's an angel so I'm not mad

>> No.9305528

ZenMarket charge 300 yen for every item regardless of value. Their one downside is that they're limited because some sellers don't deal with shopping services. In those cases I use Japonica Market instead.

>> No.9305529

Does peppermint fox ever restock? I really wanted lichen house...

>> No.9305534

Not that anon but is haenuli lined? I've bought a ton of dresses but only two offbrand and neither was haenuli

>> No.9305535

I only have 12 main pieces should I bother with a wardrobe post/video?

>> No.9305536

Yes! I love to see all wardrobe posts, and it's nice for yourself too to see how your wardrobe changes over the years

>> No.9305550
File: 1.10 MB, 1079x1088, 1479698133713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who super anxious lolita here?
I get invited to a nice meet and i think "oh nice" then i freak out
>what will i wear?
>Oh no, i'll wear the same thing at the con the next month i can't wear that
>wait what if that one girl who hates me and monopolize the conversation with the only girls i know comes?
>how much will the train and the food costs?
>wait i also have to go see two of my friends this month, can i afford it?
>i don't know that place well at all, what if i get lost? i'll look like an idiot
>m-maybe i shouldn't go after all...

>> No.9305573

You kind of sound like you're a kid and need your parents to take you there

>> No.9305576

>what will i wear?
Me every time.
I've backed out of a lot of meets in the past because of this issue. Generally under the guise of being sick though.

>> No.9305580

Not that anon but good job reaching for straws lol.

Now, TO that anon: There's nothing wrong with that. Many lolitas with anxiety feel the same way you do. And it's also good that you're thinking about the other monetary issues you might have later that month than just saying 'fuck it' and going.

However, if it's getting really major, you should definitely seek therapy and possible medication, if you haven't.

>> No.9305586

God, i did that about twice. I find it so stupid to back out of it just because i have limited options (7 main pieces) and wear lolita quite a bit but don"t have much funds to buy more because muh chronic fatigue means no work.

Thanks it's honestly reassuring to know.
I am actually getting therapy for this, and trying my best to feel better to get some work and more burando.

>> No.9305594

Why go to meet-ups so often then? That money could be used expanding your wardrobe. If you wear every main piece twice a year to a meet, you can go to 14 meets in one year. That's actually a lot.

>> No.9305611

It's not about limited options, I've likely worn 1/5 of my wardrobe to actual meets, I just never feel comfortable in my clothes.

>> No.9305616

I am super anxious like this a lot of the time.
I'm petrified with fear imagining myself getting lost or having car trouble while I'm dressed to go to a meet.

>> No.9305624

did you not look at the picture? it looks horrible. Doesn't look like it could give anything any sort of decent shape. You should look at me likes tea for a soft casual petticoat.

>> No.9305642

I go to meet ups maybe three times a year m8
Comm isnt really something where I live we just all kinda hang out with our friends

>> No.9305649

So, I'm in the market for new rhs. Since bodyline doesn't carry their cross strap version anymore, I'm looking at lolita lola, antaina, or angelic imprint. Which would you gulls recommend?

>> No.9305661

none they're cheap fakes

>> No.9305676

I just had to pay $110 in fees and shipping for five items with FromJapan, shit's fucked if your items are heavy.

>> No.9305682

Do it nicely and say in the intro text that you have a small wardrobe so people know what to expect.

I do this but force myself to go anyway, it helps that I don't freak out about repeating coords (esp. since I know that I'm unlikely to get CoF-worthy pics at a meetup since none of the girls take good photos, istg I have one coord I've worn to four meets and still have no nice photos of).

>If you wear every main piece twice a year to a meet, you can go to 14 meets in one year. That's actually a lot.
Do people have the option of going to so many? Every comm I've ever been in has had one a month.

Lolita Lola are a LOT nicer than Angelic Imprint and An*Tai*Na, you can tell that just from the pics.

>> No.9305686

Real rhs are not that expensive for what you get

>> No.9305792
File: 57 KB, 846x1024, halloween-cosplay-accessories-kawaii-bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about making a snow bunny coord for an upcoming meeting including bunny ears with a bow on the side and fluffy accessories.
But ears in lolita are a big no no and I wonder if i'll look like a cheap/cringy ita or look ridiculous to the other girls.
Maybe I should buy that beret with bunny ears in the back instead?

>> No.9305793
File: 181 KB, 497x497, product-mediumsquare-589089-224796-1447389301-1b2405e09a9e3d81158a9b746dcc11d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said beret. But beige won't match my coord though

>> No.9305804

Animal ears are usually looked down upon when they're worn without giving the rest of the coord any thought. It's debatable and some people think that things like this look awful regardless of whether they match or not but imo as long as the ears and the entirety of your coord look good then you're fine.
That said, that pair of ears looks a bit cheap. You may not be willing to drop brand prices on an accessory you won't wear often but AP have released quite a few bunny ear hair accessories that look much better than these.

>> No.9305808
File: 51 KB, 441x480, A-B-Cute_1-6_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. I honestly want the AP ones but never saw them on sale and i doubt to be willing to drop so much for something i would only wear once. But I don't want to look cheap or costumey so the ears i posted are out of the question off course.
Maybe attaching those small ears to a beret would be a better alternative? (Top ones)

>> No.9305811

These are cute! Assuming they'll look good with what you had in mind, they could work.

>> No.9305834

I have only 2 dresses from Haenuli and both are lined, I am rather sure most if not all are lined

>> No.9305932

Ugh, tell me about it. I love Lolita but I also have a huge obsession with designers. To me, well designed dresses and accessories are like pieces of art, which is why I don't mind paying that much, if it makes me happy, I think it's worth it. However I must add I'm not wealthy at all so I only have a few brand and designer pieces, nevertheless they are very dear to me.

>> No.9305936

Is Buyee reliable? I'm ordering something small like OTKS and I'm expecting to pay $30 in shipping and fees at least. This reasonable?

>> No.9305955

>snowbunny coord

So you're gonna bring your black boyfriend and have him fuck your ass?

>> No.9305962

I would recommend zenmarket over buyee, but if you're just getting 1 item the fees shouldn't be so high.
The shipping cost depends on method and weight, but for something like socks it'll probably be like 1.5k total depending on your location.

>> No.9306033

Ears that stick up are fine if they match the coord, but the ones in your pic are cheap and costumey. It's been really common for people to wear the little facisnator ones that stick up the side (I think they're from a Taobao brand because the Chinese lolitas use that headdress with everything) and the beret is fine, too.

>> No.9306035

My first wardrobe post was like 10 pieces and people were still very nice about it. In small wardrobes, I really like to see cohesion and that the person has a certain style. It's much more enjoyable than someone who has things that are popular but no opinions.

>> No.9306083

Falls under fair use anon, just print them out.

>> No.9306088

They're reliable (enough) but overpriced. I use them as a last ditch option when I don't have much time left on an auction. They charge ridiculous usage and shipping rates on top of a consolidation charge per item if you order more than one item.
Just hope everything works out once it's shipped. I once had an item go missing for a month in shipping, and when I tried to get USPS to help find it, they told me to contact the shipper aka Buyee. They refused to help, basically telling me I should check with my local office even though I showed them screenshots. Luckily it showed up eventually but with holes all in the box and soaked/covered in water.

>> No.9306410
File: 1.00 MB, 400x195, Eye-roll-Tina.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh lolibrary is down again.
Why is it down so much anyway?

>> No.9306412

It has for several days now, it's really frustrating.
Do they lack funding to keep the site up and running or something?

>> No.9306440

It's a really poorly timed maintenance. They should be back by tomorrow.

>> No.9306449

what is the best way to wash a headbow with metal wireing, that also smells like a cat pissed on it during a hell orgy? Whats the best way to cleanse a dress from the same issue? How do I go back in time and never bid on the heartache of a dress set?

>> No.9306527

This time they announced the site would be down.

>> No.9306580

I recently got a bow with a similar issue. I was too scared to ask the previous owner about what happened to it. First, I washed it in the machine. It didn't help that much. I soaked it in water and detergent all day. Twice. Then I got some vinegar and did the same soak. Then washed it again. The smell finally came out and it smells super clean. I did have second thoughts about wearing but it's only a bow.

Idk about a dress... did the person say it stank? If not, I'd return it.

>> No.9306594

A method I used for getting the smell of catpiss out of a plushie was to get a seal-able container with baking soda (like arm and hammer) coating the bottom. Get some kind of grate, or a layer of maybe quilt batting/stuffing would work if you dont have something that would fit, and place your headbow on that. It takes a while, like a week or two, but it worked miracles for it. Dont know how much you would need for the dress, but if >>9306580
wet methods don't work you might try that.

>> No.9306596

Definitely apple cider vinegar. Was it an auction or something? Usually your ss will warn you when they get it.

>> No.9306613

If it's actually cat piss you need to use enzyme cleaner, but that might not be a viable option depending on what the material etc is.

>> No.9306630

Shit, where's this beret from? I need it.

>> No.9306650

>>wait what if that one girl who hates me and monopolize the conversation with the only girls i know comes?

I don't know the back story of this but handle with grace and dignity. I'm sure you're not the only one who realizes the conversation is being monopolized. You could even let your friend know ahead of time your worry and that you're looking forward to seeing her.

>> No.9306673
File: 51 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_nsf43fqlKV1qgl6qf_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking here since there isn't a price check thread atm.

Someone is selling the Rozalia Princess op in black for $400 on LM, I'm really interested in it BUT... it has a visible modification, previous owner added a rose corsage on the front.

Earlier, unmodified, listings on LM were sold for slightly over $300, but they were the gauze ops and idk if it's a price difference between those.

I'm considering PMing the seller and see if I can lower the price, but what would be a decent price for a visibly modified dress? And how do I do it without sounding like a insufferable cunt?

>> No.9306680

Does anybody know what the deal with lolibrary is? It's so inconvenient that it's constantly down,

>> No.9306682

anon it's a small operation that's probably only run by a couple of people who have to pay for it by themselves

in any case, it's maintenance this time.

>> No.9306684

Anon... The one you're talking about on LM IS a gauze OP; there wasn't a non-gauze version released. You can see the intentional hem fraying if you really look at the photos.

To be honest the price is too high. If you keep an eye out for it on Japanese secondhand sites then you'll find it cheaper, but it probably not a huge amount cheaper. I'd say if you really want it then make them a $300 offer, since that's the western selling rate right now. The worst that can happen is they say no. If you politely explain about the modification and offer lower, then you won't look like a cunt.

>> No.9306690

Found it on ebay anon. Type bunny beret and you'll find it!

>> No.9306691

Ah, I thought the chest looked different but I was wrong. Poor observation on my part, soz.

But if 300 is what it usually goes second hand, isn't it more logical to ask for a lower price? I want it, but I don't want to pay normal price for something that is modified, no matter how nice the modification is.

>> No.9306697

You're right; $300 is a fair offer for a non-modified piece considering the western value. I'd offer lower, but I'm not totally sure how much lower. If it helps you, I used to have this OP and it's just very thin linen, so I don't think $300 is even worth it for a non-modified piece, but it all depends on how much you want it.

>> No.9306754
File: 670 KB, 960x1239, 28f95914-2449-438d-a1cd-1944b0933860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have sauce on these dresses? They look cute as fuck, but as typical of tumblr, no one ever posts sources
>Why do I even go on there still

>> No.9306756

Yes they did, but it's an established fact that no one on this board cares to do any work before they start bitching.

>> No.9306764

I guess it's from Broken Doll, Evil Sister

>> No.9306814

Is it unreasonable to ask for a non-refundable deposit via gift payment if someone asks for a payment plan? I don't want to seem sketchy but I've had two cases of people changing their minds after asking for a payment plan, then had to deal with paypal claims though I've stated deposits are non-refundable.

>> No.9306831

That's not unreasonable.

>> No.9306849

Thanks anon! Damn! Looks like I kissed the reserve! Hope I can snag it somewhere along the line!

>> No.9306857

It's up to you, but as a buyer I'd never agree to paying anything via gift.

>> No.9306888

If you have a lot of good feedback I wouldn't have an issue especially if I asked for a payment plan over a longer time.

>paypal claims
This shit makes me hate selling

>> No.9306926

It's not unreasonable, it's stressing the non-refundable part of it. But if you wanted the other future payments in gift, though, that would be.

>> No.9306938
File: 98 KB, 640x575, IMG_2832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Alice Cooper knows about Haenuli now

This is weird

>> No.9306958

I doubt he "knows" about her, he just looked at a clickbaity article with pics.

>> No.9307099

I don't think Alice Cooper himself operates that account. They usually pay someone to keep it active, etc.

>> No.9307105

You would be surprised how many celebrities manage their own accounts.

>> No.9307109

It's a payment plan. If you go to Sears and put shit on layaway, same deal, non-refundable deposit that FORCES you to either take the loss or finish the sale.
That's the only way I'd do a payment plan unless you have some other form of blackmail you can use against the person. Few and far between.

>> No.9307126

you know how like if you're tall you can get an underskirt

If your arms are too long for sleeves, there should be like underskirts for arms

I dunno

im drunk

>> No.9307128


So you know if your legs are too long for OTKs...

>> No.9307136

but if your arms are toooo long they don't really help, I'm talkin like, girls who are so tall their thighs start to show, whatever the arm equivalent of that would be

this is probably a bad idea

>> No.9307141

This is why I don't buy from western second hand sites. Many people don't respect their clothes.

>> No.9307144

You can get those big poofy removable sleeves from Meta, they sell them seperate. I don't know how you'd get the sleeves to stay up under the sleeves of your blouse, (maybe arm garters? lol) but that might work. Would look best if the blouse looks like it's supposed to be 3/4 sleeves though.

>> No.9307150

Buy a blouse and then remove the arms. Find some similar material and either replace them or add an extension and cover it with ruffles or lace.

>> No.9307153

I am aware of what a nonrefundable deposit is. I'm just giving my opinion, and you asked for opinions friendo.

What if the seller drops communication after I pay deposit via gift? Or I get the item and it's not as described/is badly damaged (like the moldy orange peel incident)? I can't get all my money back, and that's what I as a buyer need to think about.

>> No.9307154


Never had this tested, all two of my layaways both finished on time, knock on wood.

I've done my payment plans by invoicing them as services, not goods (and this being before paypal's partial payment invoicing thing). The first, non-refundable deposit is always marked as something along the lines of "Service for holding x dress for x time for buyer ( non refundable)". As soon as that amount is paid, I take down the listing and mark it as service delivered on paypal.

The way I see it, the buyer didn't pay me anything towards the dress, they paid me to sit on the dress and not sell it to someone else while the buyer gets their shit together to buy the dress. So since the listing was taken down, I've delivered on the service. If they decide afterwards to flake on the dress, I've still delivered on the service not to sell to anyone else for x time.

I'd like to think paypal would side on me on this, especially with the clear wording on the invoice, but really it's never been tested. It doesn't protect against cc chargebacks either, but that's a whole other story anyway. Just posting an alternative since so many girls seem to have a kneejerk objection to gift payments.

>> No.9307173

No, not really.

>> No.9307180

1 Not the op here arit?
2 Read feedback and make a judgement call, check the bad seller lists and do a little homework on who you're dealing with if you are so so scared.
3 If you pay by gift and shit goes down, save all conversations and proof and take it all to paypal. If they won't help you, then at least you didn't pay out the full amount.

If you're putting down 10% of a 250.00 dress, it's honestly that as big of a loss as you're making it out to be.

Be worried if the 'Non-refundable' down payment is half the cost of the dress. Most people ask for 10%-25% or for half if it's a pay by installments (Paypal has a feature built into the invoice you can use/request for this)

>> No.9307219

There was a 9gag post about haenuli.
I really wonder where they got the depression thing though.

>> No.9307223

1. Excuse me for not being able to tell people apart on an anonymous chinese basket weaving board.

2. OP was asking for opinions, I gave mine. Which is; I find any sellers asking for gift payments sketchy and won't buy from them.

3. I hate losing money, even if it's only $5. I mean I could have bought something with that. Not worth it in my opinion.

>> No.9307269

Gift payments are not non-refundable

>> No.9307304
File: 160 KB, 645x484, DSCN9516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to fix this kind of damage?

>> No.9307320

Why is lolibrary still down? Did they say when will the maintenance end?

>> No.9307325

you just answered your own damn question about why it's still down

how do you gulls not understand that lolibrary is run by people who likely have their own shit to deal with on the side

>> No.9307340

Atelier Pierrot has lucky bags with fully shirred items and free overseas shipping

>> No.9307343

I guess hellolace was run by no-lifers then?

>> No.9307352

maybe, or just run by a bigger staff

i just find it wild that people are being so rude and impatient regarding a service that's offered to them out of courtesy.

>> No.9307360

Because we don't remember hellolace ever being down and lolibrary is down most of the time. It's not normal how often it's down, and people have offered them help and money to fix it. Hopefully it will be fixed after this maintenance.

>> No.9307390

Sooo how long will the maintenance last? Does anyone knows?

>> No.9307391

until february

rip your wardrobe post

>> No.9307394

seriously? Holy fuck

>> No.9307396

i was kidding, i have no clue. probably a couple of days

you're a goober

>> No.9307402


Hellolace stopped updating fairly early on and therefore wasn't used much, though. So it had a fairly light load all the time up until it went down and got bought over by malware peddlers.

>> No.9307407
File: 12 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_n9gom6NuJ61s5d56z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-Anon geez!

>> No.9307429

Any idea why ap sf is down? Forget to pay the hosting fees? :/

>> No.9307456

Perhaps this would work? Never used it myself but it looks like it might save that dress.


>> No.9307468

Thank you for that, but it sounds like it would come off easily in the rain (I live in Scotland unfortunately)

>> No.9307473


You can find some of the short version on the Chinese second hand market. A lot of people are selling theirs.

>> No.9307504

Every fat girl in my comm ordered this, so I decided not to get it. Definitely going to be Angel of Music pt ii.

>> No.9307553

Debatable, but I personally find this tacky because it gives off a really cheap feel in most cases. The beret you picked is way better because it looks like an actual head accessory you'd wear outside of a Halloween party. It's styled and made of nice materials.

>> No.9308466

Instead of someone shouting Secrets! someone could post when the lolibrary is up again.

>> No.9308473
File: 65 KB, 400x533, Lace Cross JSK - BKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could wait to find the Moitie JSK that it's a knockoff of.

>> No.9308474

What do you gulls think is the minimum wardrobe size someone should reach before it would be worthwhile to post their collection? Is a 5 or 6 dress wardrobe post pointless?

>> No.9308489

I have 6 dresses, I'm making a wardrobe post.

>> No.9308494

>moitie is the only one who could have thought of a white lace cross on a black dress

Anon, pls

>> No.9308496

Forget the blouse and just wear bolero.

>> No.9308497

Not that anon but what's the name of this dress? It's lovely

>> No.9308499
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>> No.9308508

I like seeing small wardrobes best, I think. When there's lots and lots of paces it all starts blending together.

Honestly, years ago there was one girl who posted basically one dress, two blouses and some accessories and no joke her posts are my favourite to see every year because you can see her wardrobe and style grow. As long as you have nice photos, and arn't a wanker about it, small wardrobes are great and I don't think there should be any minimum size as long as it's actually lolita (not necessarily brand, but not like "Here's my one offbrand blouse and basic handmade skirt with zero accessories")

>> No.9308509

Meant to also say that you should do it for you as well because it's really a great feeling to see where you wardrobe came from.

>> No.9308527

This. Lolibrary is still down to this day.

>> No.9308557

Respect clothes? They're clothes! they're meant for daily use and to be tossed and replaced (or sold in case of lolita clothes since they hold on to some value even after wear). I use my lolita clothes daily and after the good money I paid, I intend to wear them until they break and fall off.

>> No.9308564
File: 31 KB, 113x115, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9308568

ok but the context was that anons were given items that smell like pee, which led another anon to say that people don't take good care of their shit if they ship it out like that.

nobody asked for your special snowflake rant, lifestyle-chan. does all of your stuff smell like pee?

>> No.9308583

Lol, if you respect our clothes they will last you longer and you get more bang out of your buck, silly.
Plus, none likes it when the stuff they bought comes in reeking like pee.

Frickin this.

>> No.9308597

Even your normal clothes should be respected. I bet you live in a dump.

>> No.9308601

Oops. Excuse my retardation, even left my email in the name field.

>> No.9308602

Lolibrary was up aaand now it's down again.
What the fuck are they doing?

>> No.9308603

It's back up! Chill and cheer up anon

>> No.9308606

My secondhand fail experiences have all been with US sellers. Apparently it's perfectly acceptable here to mark something "like new" when in reality it has disgusting sweat stains or a collar riddled with tiny, pockmark-like bumps (I still have no idea). In both cases I specifically messaged the sellers to ask if there were any signs of wear, and they both gave me "nope looks perfect never worn :)))" Have some fucking standards, people.

You sound completely ridiculous. If you really care about the "good money" you paid for your clothes, you wouldn't want to run them into the grave earlier, would you? It's not even that hard to just not treat your clothes like shit anyway.

>> No.9308832

What's up with neck ties in general?
Just why?

>> No.9308965

They seem to serve a purpose in classic?

>> No.9309038

I'm a forgiving person in the context that if you'd disclose the minor damage, and mark it down appropriately, I would probably buy it, but I agree that Americans seem not to get this.
It's like, I'm sorry, but unless something has literally become a super-rare "collector's item" then it WILL lose value through ware and tear. The fact people play games is just nuts and it's also nuts with like how on lacemarket you have to choose your battles or else they'll be the ones that live too many bad reviews for you as a buyer.

>> No.9309258

I always reveal exact condition in my listings but for some reason no one will buy something with a small spot or scratch even if you mark it down to a fraction of what you paid for it in the same condition from Japanese sites

>> No.9309273

You mean the ones that are used as an extra detail with square necklines and typically tied crossed around the neck? It's just an aesthetic thing. They're pretty cute imo but I don't think they're very comfortable.

>> No.9309370

Exactly. And this is exclusively a problem with western sellers from what I've seen. A lot of my secondhand came from Japanese sellers, and all of it was as described or in even better condition.

It could be that the item itself is less in demand. Or maybe needs a more flattering photo, idk. I've always been able to sell items quickly with problems fully disclosed.

Either way, good on you for being honest.

>> No.9309494
File: 299 KB, 445x450, 1446083795592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had to many issues with sellers except I got a dress "nwt" yesterday. It had dirt/food stains on it? Should wash out no problem as it is in black and otherwise the dress is flawless. Just looks like it was thrown on to eat lunch for 15 minuets and taken off. Bitch I know you go on here and you know you wore that shit and didn't wash it. Why not hand wash? Why lie about not wearing it? I would of been less pissed and I would of still bought it buct fuck is it so bad to ask for a little honestly? And why keep the tags attached to wear out you fucking weirdo.

>> No.9309512
File: 197 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this jpop group perform the other day and omg, I felt completely smitten with the dresses they wore. It is embroidered with sparkly gold. Oh and the burgundy sash.

Does anyone else feel the same? ;_;

>> No.9309745

Yes those. They mess with any blouse or necklace I want to wear. I don't understand them. They baffle and frustrate me on JSK especially.

>> No.9309749

You can always just tuck them into the bodice, or look for blouses that have detachable neck ties.

>> No.9310014
File: 59 KB, 502x250, glpbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the brand of the black OP?

>> No.9310047

Does Tenso remove tags?

>> No.9310050

The Japanese have a culture of shame with an emphasis on showing respect even to objects. There is an old Japanese belief that even objects have a soul and this carries into their society as respecting your god damn possessions. This is why in Japan they have lots of retro game stores and vintage clothing stores with decades old things still in good condition.

Laugh at it all you want but I know that from a site like closetchild they're going to mark it down even if there's microscopic material fraying and post a pic of the wear and tear. If you buy from Americans then maybe it smells of pee maybe the clothes were used to wrap a big shit because they live in a broken down trailer. You just don't know with western second hand.

>> No.9310067

Too bad they don't car about smoke though. I hate it when my order arrives and reeks of cold ashes.

>> No.9310069


>> No.9310084


Does anyone know a forwarding service that does remove tags on request?

>> No.9310161

Cries of "but the burando!" aside, it's a niche fashion, Anon. Why are Walmart size xxxxxxxxl jeans so cheap? Because they're popular and can be mass-produced by the company knowing they'll sell all or most of them. Lolita is more well-known than it used to be, but even then compared to bland t-shirts sold to the masses in any department store it's very niche, and very unpopular. If AP spent the money to produce 500,000 dresses they would never sell them all, simply because in the grand scheme of things demand is not that high.

Additionally, quality is higher for many brand pieces than your average 20$ Target dress.

For some, this is as much a collector's hobby as it is a fashion. Part of the thrill for many people is being able to track down that one elusive piece they pine so heavily for - and as any collector can tell you, people will pay big bucks for a rare collector's piece, no matter how low the intrinsic value is.

>> No.9310212

>pricey for indie

I'm fucking dead holy shit, please keep talking anon

>> No.9310383

Smoking isn't really that common and they do care about smoke. They have signs in the city that forbid smoking on sidewalks and they have closed off smoking rooms near stations and in some cafes. They also have strict policies for renting rooms so they're very meticulous. They're so strict that land lords don't accept foreigners without a guarantor because foreigners are slobs in comparison, even so you'll usually lose your key deposit so they can clean up after you leave. One of the biggest complaints is foreigners being messy at cooking with fats and fumes that mess up the apartment. They even make anti body odor pills. So it's very unlikely that clean freak culture is going to casually deposit ashes over a $600 dress. From personal experience I can confirm that the stores are clean and smoke free, considering how small the spaces are it would be an extreme fire hazard to have an open flame in a store. When it comes to used goods collector stores the aisles are so narrow and everyone is packed in maybe several stories high if a fire did break out it would be like a mini 9/11. Buying something smelling like cigarettes is something I've never experienced personally in any way so I'm going to doubt this.

>> No.9310425

I went to one of his shows in lolita once (just wore a smaller petticoat then usual so I wouldn't bother people) and I'd say about 70% of the people there were dressed up for the show, so I'd guess he's probably pretty aware of gothic inclined alternative fashions.

>> No.9310428 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 800x800, cooler than cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any cute girls ITT?

>> No.9310430

I was just wondering if there was a purpose for them. Other than tangling up my necklace every 15 minutes.

>> No.9310450
File: 86 KB, 280x373, br_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody got experience with washing velvet? I'm wondering if I can just take it to a dry cleaner or if I'll need to do it myself. Pic related.

>> No.9310459

maybe, are you rich

>> No.9310462
File: 2.90 MB, 3000x4000, the almighty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9310465

Anon, that's recent though. Smoking is still a huge problem and it's only more recently that they've made smoking areas with doors even inside restaurants/train stations. But try walking in a game center, it reeks.
Also anon is not worried about ashes, that Japanese people are good about. It's the smell that gets stuck in clothing and can cause permanent damage (have you ever been to a smokers home?).

>> No.9310471

I can't believe someone seriously just posted a bunch of stock photos for their wardrobe post. I don't care if there's a warning if you're doing that keep it to yourself. EVERYONE knows what the stock photos are already.

>> No.9310493

But anon! They're ////laaaaazyyyy////

>> No.9310497

There's plenty of good offbrand options. Have you tried taobao or even bodyline? I've never bought taobao dresses but they're like 80% of the quality for 50% of the price.

>> No.9310614

Are people still posting wardrobe posts on EGL? out if the loop and not sure if we've moved to other platforms

>> No.9310617

We have a thread discussing it. >>9308189

>> No.9310635


If the front cross style gets in your way, you can try tying them like a halter neck. Still looks good on most OPs. Also try a longer necklace with nothing that will snag where the neck ties are, chose one that's long enough not to have a clasp so it won't tangle at the back either, and place the necklace under the neck tie bow behind your neck when you wear it instead of just putting it over you head and letting it fall however.

Purpose? The purpose of all lolita is to be pretty while giving a finger to the idea that clothes should be utilitarian first instead of making you happy. Why do you think girls like so much poof in their skirts.

>> No.9310673

>I've never bought taobao dresses but they're like 80% of the quality for 50% of the price

Why are you talking if you've never even bought Taobao? Taobao dresses are cheaper because the overwhelming majority of them have far fewer details in both construction and prints compared to brand dresses, and they usually cut corners with inferior quality ribbon and lace.

>> No.9310713

There were never ashes on the clothes, but rather that smell of cold ashes that lingers when you smoke while wearing them. A japanese co-worker once told me that smoking is surprisingly really common and I've heard jvloggers talk about it too.
For some reason only mercari and fril sellers have that problem.

>> No.9310716

You sound like such a weeb. Have you even bought from private sellers? I have bought at least 200 items from Yahoo Auctions over the years and Japanese sellers can be extremely shady and lie about damages. Even some secondhand stores like to mislead too. Tokyo Alice for one has a tendency not to photograph/mention damages.

>> No.9310717


As someone who has, 80% seems pretty close. The dresses won't fall apart on you and the seams are usually finished in pretty much the same way anyway. The inferior quality ribbon and lace vary widely, but a lot of the taobao brands have enough brains not to use the really terrible shite stuff, so it's just good enough to not be bad, at least.

I mean, no one's saying that taobao beats burando or is on par with it here. 20% below burando sounds about right for clothes where the ribbons and lace aren't quite as good.

>> No.9310720


Ah, this is meant for >>9310673.

Deepest apologies, anon. Do agree Japanese people seem really slow to embrace the whole anti-smoking thing. Just a note that Fril and mercari were originally intended for indiviual sellers, so the people who are selling through these platforms may just be individuals who know their smoke-scented dresses will be turned down by a reseller like closet child, so they put it up on these platforms for a lot less. But hey, cheap dresses.

>> No.9310770

Yeah I know, we have a really similiar flee market app like them. I don't care so much, a simple wash usually takes care of it and I probably got it for dirt-cheap anway. I was just really surprised how often it happens, I thought japanese people lived so healthy.

>> No.9310777

Depends, what kind of dirt is it? Are you selling or keeping?

>> No.9310936

Did Bonbon Malefique overprice her stuff or does Moitie normally go for that much secondhand?

>> No.9310943


Yuropoors tend to overprice to compensate for customs fees.

>> No.9310954
File: 89 KB, 259x335, 708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the murican who can't afford Moitié secondhand

>> No.9310956

Bought a Baby JSK that was listed as "perfect condition" it arrived with a fucking lot of tea stains and some dirt stains on the bottom.
When my SS got it they only showed me one stain saying it was "kinda stained".
Shady fuckers

>> No.9310964

Most European lolita's don't pay customs unless they're stupid newfags

>> No.9310980

I beg to differ.
I'm a European lolita since 8 years and I can't escape to customs even when marking down packages sometimes.
Fuck these customs jews.

>> No.9310990

Does anyone own a MM tweed dress that can tell me if they contain any% wool fiber? Can't find the info on lolibrary. Even just a photo of the garment tags would be fine if you can't read JP. Thanks!

>> No.9310991
File: 62 KB, 345x437, IMG_1410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dress is hideous, how come it's sold out already?

>> No.9310996

>most european

You do realize that europe has many countries and every one has different custom policies? I know how to trick my customs, but I know my dutch and belgian neighbors have different problems.

>> No.9311006 [DELETED] 

And in each EU country you can look up which price you should mark your parcel to avoid customs.

>> No.9311009

That's why I said most. In most EU countries you can easily look up how to avoid them, and mostly it works.

It's actually easy in Belgium and the Netherlands. Worst case scenario they open your parcel and find out you have more items than it says on the form, but they wouldn't normally open it.

>> No.9311010

Are you really a lolita? I can understand throwing your 10 dollar Wal-Mart t-shirt on the floor if you're a pig, but a 300+ lolita piece?

Well-tailored clothing is an art form and should be treated as such. We're all collectors here to some degree and we just so happen to collect clothing. Treating it properly so you get your money's worth and so it maintains the value should be something you do for nearly anything, anon.

>> No.9311013

Its a re-release of a popular print...

>> No.9311032

That's what it normally goes for

>> No.9311055

Compared to the Japanese sellers and others on lace market, it's overpriced. Especially for American buyers when shipping is so much cheaper from Japan vs anywhere in Europe.

>> No.9311063

How new are you?

>> No.9311065

I didn't even get to be available to the regular public, the reservation was sold out during a member-only event. Now I'm crying tears of salt becase I didn't get a chance to buy it.

>> No.9311071

>Smoking isn't really that common
Have you ever been to japan?

>> No.9311074

You obviously didn't look at her prices because she included international shipping

>> No.9311084

Yeah, because she doesn't just include that in her price.
That's what I mean anon. Compared to others her prices are too high even with shipping included.

>> No.9311110

Still ugly.
Not new, I guess I just haven't been keeping up with IW lately.

>> No.9311584

Keeping. It's just sweat— I'm sweaty enough that I like to wash things often to ward off stains. Normally I just spot clean JSKs around the pits, but I don't own any other velvet pieces and don't know what to do with this one.

>> No.9311592

yeah you're new, lurk more

>> No.9311808

>Annette was released 2010

>> No.9311815

Lol, no. Especially her main pieces. Church Gate is ridiculous in particular.

>> No.9311836

Ah alright. There is someone who wants to sell theirs to me, cause I'm looking for it for a while. Now I was afraid she was you and wanted to remove a stain before she sells it to me.

Anyway. I'm not an expert on velvet, but I have Holy Lantern which has velvet on it and I washed it on a soft cycle in a clothing bag one. Came out just fine.

>> No.9311864

Living in Belgium here, and I got pounded in the ass by customs several times despite doing everything I could to avoid getting them.
Customs are hell ESPECIALLY in belgium/netherlands

>> No.9311866

Sucks for you but I live in the Netherlands and it's really easy

>> No.9311872


Oh dear, I wish there was a safe method for avoiding customs in germany. I had marked down packages from Tenshi get hit.
You're mostly fine if it's only two or three items, but everthing above is likley to get hit. No matter if marked as gift or marked down. Only option left is showing them edited recipts, luckly they don't seem to check if those are right.

>> No.9311883

That's a terrible recommendation for velvet. Depending on the adhesive used, you could permanently damage flocking/velvet. Really, just take it to the dry cleaner and ask for advice if you don't want to have it dry cleaned. They can help you determine if it's safe to even use wet methods of cleaning. Definitely do not throw it in the wash and hope for the best with velvet. You will always be disappointed.

>> No.9311889

Oh gosh anon there is a safe way. Just show them the paypal receipt for the shipping invoice.

>> No.9312004

I'm Dutch too and agree it can be easy.
All they have to do is mark it down really.
But if you mark it down, and your package gets lost, stolen or damaged you are so screwed cause you won't get a full refund.
So on some items I prefer to just fully declare them and not take any risks.

>> No.9312054

Not that anon, but how is that a safe method? The shipping price is right there on the package, they always check that when I pick up packages and even add that to my invoice if they think the overall price is too low. Marking down never works, either, and they have a cute girl who is into jfash at my customs office now who knows her shit. I'm fucked.

>> No.9312060

I get that but you wouldn't try to sell your dress for 70 euro more because that's what you paid to customs would you?

That's not normal tough. I've never had to pay customs and I've lived in the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Sweden. You are really unlucky.

>> No.9312086

That's simply some bad luck.

>> No.9312087

No, if I decide to sell I basically always make a loss cause I don't add whatever customs fees I was charged on top of the price.
Shipping is expensive and that alone make people less likely to buy from you, add a huge ass mark-up on top of that to cover your losses from the customs fee and not a single person will bite.
Plus I don't think the buyer should pay my customs fee, it's not their fault I got charged.
Better to sell at a loss than to not sell at all I guess.
Btw, I get charged by customs very often.
And I've been shopping internationally since 2000 (not just j fash obviously).
I did notice less and less parcel pass without some sort of inspection the last 5 years or so.
Before that it was less frequent.
It sucks, but you know you will likely get charged when you order something outside of the EU.
I've made peace with it, that's just the way it is now, I'll still buy the stuff I want anyway.

>> No.9312117

Has anyone ordered the Love Theme blouse from Fanplusfriend?

>> No.9312301

Ugh crying forever. I was waiting for this to come out, can't believe I missed it

>> No.9312304

They're just clothes, though. What's the point of collecting them and locking them in a closet if you can wear them and feel pretty? I don't understand this "let's respect it", it's clothes!! And also lolita is not "well-tailored", it's just a niche fashion that fools some people into believing its super special, but it's far from being a "work of art". Maybe it was more of that at the beginning but today's designs are just easily designed and easily ditched for the next one.

>> No.9312911

Does anyone know what happened to the Astro Regimen JSKs? I was hoping they'd go up for sale, but apparently they've disappeared forever.

>> No.9313046

They went on sale and sold out completely

>> No.9313051

t. Fast fashion loser

>> No.9313667

I mean if you can't understand treating expensive clothing properly, no one is going to be able to explain it to you

>> No.9313753

Rolex is just a watch, just wear it like a normal watch for every day and throw it away after I scratch it up! I'm so entitled to my own property, who cares about respecting it?