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File: 107 KB, 500x666, tumblr_lpazxpH4Gq1qc7o3po1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9288182 No.9288182 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a sweet lolita with an OTT gothic dream dress? Are you a classic lolita with a secret love for Sugary Carnival? A lolita with an all-black wardrobe plus one sax x white Alice coord? Post pics.

>> No.9288183
File: 85 KB, 280x373, SugarHeartsPochette-pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My biggest weakness is AP OTT-sweet era novelty bags, even though my wardrobe never goes sweeter than maturely-styled Innocent World. I secretly want to do a fairy kei coord with this one day.

>> No.9288185

Also this bag, even though I look shit in mint, and have ever owned or even wanted dresses in that colour. It just looks so edible.

>> No.9288186
File: 44 KB, 250x333, MeltyChocolateBag-mint_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic.

>> No.9288193
File: 23 KB, 360x420, mermaid print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a mostly classic slightly gothic leaning lolita. I am trash for mermaid prints like pic related. I will never ever wear them but I want them so badly.

>> No.9288195
File: 440 KB, 800x600, 14511280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Usakumyas, I love them all and they match almost nothing I wear. The giant backpack ones are my favorite, I'd feel so silly walking around with one but it's so cute I can't help but want it. Maybe one day I'll cave and buy a small one to clip on my purse or something.

>> No.9288210

Classic lolita with a secret love for Sugary Carnival right here. I got into lolita when it was first released and was still going for insane scalper prices and I loved it then (my wardrobe was mostly sweet for my first couple years in the fashion).

Cut to now. I only own a few items that could work with sweet and a handful of simple sweet main pieces. SC skirt in lavender popped up on LM for under $100 and I bought it - it'll be here in a couple days and I'm both excited and a bit mad at myself. I'm currently getting together a quick taobao order that includes stuff to actually make a coord out of my new piece.

>> No.9288215

Did you see that auction listing some anon posted in the lolita general a couple of threads ago with Sugary Carnival skirt for $60? I think it was pink or sax.

>> No.9288235

I did! I've always loved the lavender colorway specifically. I considered getting the skirt you mentioned but decided against it since it wasn't my preferred color.

I've never worn any crazy OTT pastel prints (except once when I was 16 and bought a Happy Garden JSK as an impulse buy). I'm both excited and nervous.

>> No.9288250

I'm mostly a country / sweet lolita, but I really love the ornate accessories made for gothic. Particularly things with skulls or black roses.

One day I will probably cave in and buy some, and then have to find a dress to match.

>> No.9288660

I mostly wear pastel AP barf, but then pic related is my dream dress. I just love military motifs so much.

>> No.9288662
File: 283 KB, 500x600, elegantarmydoll_op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.9288702

Same. Classic lolita so it wouldn't go with anything I own and I'd feel so silly walking around with a stuffed animal that I'd probably never wear it out of the house, but hnnng muh old school BABY!

I also have a soft spot for super gothy goth but I don't think it would suit me at all.

>> No.9288710

Classic/otome wardrobe that's strictly in dark jewel tones + ivory, and there are meta prints (goldfish, matryoshka, that newest rabbit one) and sailor dresses I absolutely adore but would never actually wear.

I've had enough misfit items in my wardrobe that it took the better part of this year for me to finally get everything sorted but who knows how long this'll last.

>> No.9288714

Matryoshka doll is one of my only sweet items. I love it to death. As a classic lolita it's really not that loud of a print so you may be able to wear it without feeling too out of your comfort zone.

>> No.9288717
File: 147 KB, 850x850, Le Miroir Little Parrot Skirt 1-850x850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this skirt and hardly anything to really wear with it as I wear classic/gothic and I'm not a fan of the lace they used on the bottom - honestly I'll probably just wear this in a normie way or as a weird sweet challenge one day. I do appreciate the example coord though, so maybe it isn't too off base with me. Bought it because parrots are love, parrots are life. Please Taobao, continue with the bird prints, I cannot resist.

>> No.9288720
File: 30 KB, 360x480, IMG_5845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuma-chan ribbon c'est Bon Bell Journée JSK In pink. I got it as a gift and haven't worn it out of the house yet. My closet is all black, red, blue and purple so this pink sweet dress really stands out amongst the sea of goth.

>> No.9288724
File: 14 KB, 236x314, 343606-10818-2015-04-18421512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear more mature/neutral/chocolate sweet and casual classic, but my first and forever dream dress is Milky Chan. One day my sweet, one day.

>> No.9288736
File: 23 KB, 451x640, max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my mind I'm primarily a gothic-classic lolita who wears a lot of textures, jewel tones and cat/book/music prints and in summer switches to sweet strawberry prints; in reality my wardrobe is not as cohesive and I wear more sweet than I acknowledge.
My dirty secret is Qi lolita in the style of Qutie Frash and I still want to OTT sweet with pic related, a split twintail wig and a fuckload of accessories.

Just do it

>> No.9288893
File: 38 KB, 480x640, usakumya_rucksack_sax_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this little bastard in sax, but I don't own any sax and probably never will, and I'd never carry a plushie around outside. The intense shade of blue in his eyes looks weird with most sax pieces anyway IMHO, but I can't help wanting it.

>tfw sax was also a limited edition colour and costs much more than the other usakumyas so I can't even justify just buying it to keep in my room

>> No.9288900

My whole wardrobe can be worn with red, brown, ivory or black. I have red, ivory, brown and black dresses. Everything matches so nicely.
Then there Sweetie Violet in navy. I had to buy a whole new coord just for this one dress. The only thing that might fit would be black, but navy-black? Meh. Now I own pink stuff..

>> No.9288912

military lolita is best lolita

>> No.9288969

>A lolita with an all-black wardrobe plus one sax x white Alice coord?

Shit. You've got me.

>> No.9288975

My wardrobe is entirely AatP with the exception of Twinkle Mermaid and one old school Meta skirt. I didn't do this intentionally, I just went through my wardrobe one day and realized it.

>> No.9288977
File: 450 KB, 500x398, nHh1Zuq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All black wardrobe with mostly more casual-leaning and non-print dresses but hime shit like the Romantic Rose Letter OP get me going, damn, I just want to be a princess.

>> No.9289349

You could remove or replace that page, I bet. I love bird prints too.

>> No.9289353

*lace, fuck, self sage

>> No.9289391

Elaborate/OTT classic stuff. So gorgeous, so incredibly impractical for me. Even when I dress up for an event anything fancier than the more low-key JetJ or VM stuff would look super out of place.

>> No.9289440

I feel you anon. I usually only wear fairy kei and late 00s pastel vomit sweet lolita, but the super OTT Romantic Rose Letter OP in lavender is my absolute dream dress. It's so gorgeous and extravagant!

>> No.9289448
File: 45 KB, 480x640, d6abca403e0da02e3829c0f3eb08faed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wardrobe is 99% Moitie but I love this dress for some reason...I would happily wear BTSSB Cute Meowing Friend too.

I want a gothic cat print so bad.

>> No.9289479
File: 24 KB, 350x467, gab-rose-m-t1_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a gothic wardrobe but Mary Magdalene's light color coats will always be my secret pleasure.

>> No.9289583
File: 666 KB, 500x600, apdinerdollsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wear mint or pink and have absolutely nothing in those colors in my wardrobe but I think this skirt is the cutest thing in this colorway.

>> No.9289713

similar case, I'm a gothic/ classical lolita but I just bought milky chan in black because I thought black would be edgy enough to fit my wardrobe (spoiler alert: its still sweet as fuck)

>> No.9289761
File: 18 KB, 360x420, 2f84f550f37d1924f61d6345c54a5f6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite coat, but my closet is mostly classic-sweet or just sweet. I just can't do military.

>> No.9289766
File: 114 KB, 567x850, krad_lanrete_medusa_jsk_ii_-_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wardrobe is all solid classic and otome until you get to this monstrosity. I love it but I don't think I'll ever find an event to wear it to, being a lone lolita in the middle of nowhere. I also have a coord for it, but it's about as costumey and OTT as you can get, which is very unlike me.

I also have a qi lolita dress, but at least it's toned down and pretty with minimalist embroidery.

>> No.9289823
File: 13 KB, 236x314, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wardrobe is 100% gothic with nothing by angelic pretty, but this dress makes me reconsider my life choices sometimes. The print reminds of 50's greeting card illustrations its so cute, but I would never wear it.

>> No.9289867

Ohh, same anon! I also don't wear aprons or salopettes but I love the bodice, it fits the theme so well.

Travel to an event for it? At least the silhouette and bodice are quite subtle.

>> No.9289928

I own the black/red version. I hate plushies with lolita with a passion, it just adds fuel to the whole "ageplay" discussion, but I adore usakumyas. So mine is just sitting in my apartment, being decorative.

>> No.9290125

i want a sphynx cat print so bad, but i cant imagine one being well executed. so sad

>> No.9294503

I have this guy, the famous whitexpink, and the paris blackxwhitepinkeyes. Usually I'm not a fan of plushies like >>9289928 but Usakumyas are my jam. I think it is because they are so iconic.

>> No.9294575

My wardrobe is already a mess, I just buy dresses I fall in love with with no care as to what "fits"

Everything I enjoy is my style and I dont mind paying extra to get more tights/hair access/purses etc that I can coord them with.

But I still try to have something cohesive I guess, I havent really branched out into buying colored blouses (as in I only have white and black) and I have a lot of tights and socks for every dress.

Eventually I want to branch out though and start doing something more interesting than another white blouse, I need reds and navy and creams!

>> No.9294617

I discount dresses from my wishlist for this reason because I know they will sit in the closet like collectors' items rather than clothes if I don't feel they suit me or I haven't enough things in a similar style to coord with them well. I also banned myself from all MM classic and some even though I fucking ADORE their dresses because most of them would make me look like a child wearing their mother's clothes. Also, they mostly look nice with more OTT blouses and I'm cheap. I am not tall enough to pull off the more refined, elegant, period-looking dresses. I love things like Antoinette Fleur and Morgane OP but they will be floor length on me. Also I'm dark and I've heard people say they don't like black people in classic because they don't fit the English Rose sort of look... I'd rather not disappoint myself so put stock/worn pictures of those dresses in a folder and contend with just looking at them.

>> No.9294623

Of you don't want to make a massive financial commitment, offbrand or Taobao blouses are an option. I was scared of experimenting too, but everyone always asks where my navy and red blouse are from; they're from a department store and secondhand Forever 21 respectively. Dear Celine is quite reasonably priced.

>> No.9294628

I always have to get off brand and taobao blouses anyway because my bust is just large enough and my shoulders just broad enough to make brand blouses a nightmare, but thanks!

I havent gotten anything from Dear Celine but have seen quite a few items I liked from them.

>> No.9294726

Fuck people who say they don't like darker skinned lolitas wearing classic - if you like the style you should rock it. Also the warm tones like cream, brown, rich florals etc probably look great with your skin tone.

Yours sincerely,
A lolita that does look like an 'English Rose' but can't wear cream because she looks washed out as shit

>> No.9294733
File: 411 KB, 599x386, 1456685334085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've heard people say they don't like black people in classic
black girl here-who said this??
also you should wear it anyway, because we can look fantastic in any style/substyle.

>> No.9294737

I'm exactly the same.

>> No.9294750
File: 129 KB, 900x873, 229924_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear pastel barf almost exclusively nowadays, but I own this, and I love it.

>> No.9296559
File: 45 KB, 480x640, purpletrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dress was everything, but it didn't fit in at all with my plans at the time; the rest of my wardrobe is mints, pinks, sax, and navy blues. But, I got it anyway and decided to build a mini-capsule wardrobe around the color scheme. Now I have four other dresses that go with it and I'm happy to have something to wear with black.

>> No.9296562

what is coord? coordinating with other cosplayers to have matching style?

>> No.9296567

Fuckin get out, mate.

>> No.9296570


>> No.9296620


What is the name of the dress up front?

>> No.9296859

Are you me? I have mostly gothic and classic pieces but the occasional sweet piece always sneaks in in the black colorway. I don't even feel edgy I just feel weak lol

>> No.9297227
File: 10 KB, 208x243, cl night carnival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wardrobe is kind of a mess
>prefer gothic
>start out trying to build a gothic closet
>can't commit to one style

my measurements and height make it tough for me to be choosy, but my few rules have been nothing brown and absolutely nothing pink...then I saw pic related and broke that rule so effing hard. it's the only exception as I do not like pink on me.
I've been leaning classic for most of 2016 and am currently trying to procure more gobelin. I may end up with a mostly classic and old school wardrobe by the time I'm 30.

>> No.9297235
File: 114 KB, 645x484, 433175-10520-2015-08-06113243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear 2010-2012 pastel vomit AP, but I have a mighty need for this skirt.

>> No.9297294

this is such an innocent question but it is really rage inducing.
Coord=coordinated outfit.

>> No.9297313

Anon are you me, I have such a mixed wardrobe I don't have a main style anymore. Blouses are a pain because I always seem to lack just that one perfect design. I am scared of buying coloured blouses because the shade may not match the dress, or only match one dress etc. Do you have any tips on finding coord items and accessories for your main pieces?

>> No.9298025


>> No.9298817

Not that anon, but I try to get "sets" of items in the same colour so that I always have something that matches for colour balance. When I say a set, I usually mean hair accessory, blouse/cutsew, outerwear, legwear, bag and shoes. I have the full set of those items in black, off white, cream and tan (cream blouse, outer, hair accessory, legwear and tan bag/shoes) and am extending it to other colours based on availability and ability to coord with my wardrobe. I tend to get high collar blouses as they work with more dress styles and lolita substyles than peter pan ones, bags are usually more generic shapes (e.g. satchel or boston bag rather than plush bag) and shoes are often heeled brogues, lace up boots or low heeled mary janes because again, more versatile between styles.
Hair accessories and legwear are generally cheaper than blouses, shoes, and bags so you can switch up an outfit more easily with variations in those.
As for which colours I choose - the criteria is that it has to match at least 2 main pieces or be chosen because I'm not really wearing an item with neutrals.

>> No.9299040

Thank you so much, these are really helpful! I almost have complete sets in black and white/cream, hopefully this will make adding colour sets a little easier.

>> No.9299043

Get it, anon; you'll love it. It's a super flattering piece and is very easy to coord, but the one downside is that the print is surprisingly low quality on it compared to their other pieces.

>> No.9299048
File: 103 KB, 700x700, 20160706逕サ蜒・w-14279-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never wanted to wear anything bright pink until I found this Putumayo skirt on WW. I just like it a lot for some reason, possibly because the pattern stands out and isn't washed out pastels that blend into each other?
Not sure if I'll get it, but I like it anyway.

>> No.9299318

This would be super cute in a mid-00s style casual lolita outfit.

I do something similar, but I have less items in a set. Like, for white, until I started wearing shiro coords I didn't need white shoes, outerwear or hair accessories - just legwear, blouses and maybe a bag. Conversely, I don't really use brown legwear or blouses, but I have a "set" of a brown jacket, brown cardigan, brown shoes, brown boots, brown bag, brown headbow and brown headdress. Depends on the function the colours fill in your wardrobe.

If you do very varied coords with a lot of colours maybe you need bigger sets but I nearly always match my legwear to my blouse, so.

>> No.9299662

Yeah the original post was in response to someone who had a lot of varied items in their wardrobe, so...

>> No.9299728

Jelly desu. That's been a wishlist item for me for a while. Love at first browse.

>> No.9301451
File: 123 KB, 1305x1305, img73202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h.NAOTO cage dresses. I wear gothic but I feel like h.NAOTO's unqiue, punky, distressed look only really matches other h.NAOTO. I keep nearly buying this but have no idea how to coord it without buying a bunch of new stuff.

>> No.9305163
File: 165 KB, 750x1125, 6da174b389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm toned down sweet, but i just love love love revenant's concerto

>> No.9305452
File: 1.54 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170101_111446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear Otome. Help me.

>> No.9305504

At this point you might just have to accept that you should get into sweet lolita. :^)

Toned down gothic sounds like an excellent complement to your wardrobe.

>> No.9309801

Even though my whole wardrobe for a while now has been classic and is by far the style that suits me the best, I do have a secret longing for all the crazy sweet food prints out there. Alas, donuts and bordeaux based color schemes do not seem to go hand in hand.

>> No.9309821
File: 54 KB, 270x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black girls can't look like an 'english rose'
>my history loving jimmies

holy hell...I'm unfortunately not shocked by assholes being racist, but they are going to pretend black people were just magically invented in this century?

there are plenty of historical examples of black and other non-white women wearing beautiful, MM style clothes. pictured: movie about dido belle elizabeth, 18th century english aristocrat

>> No.9309825

*dido elizabeth belle, sorry it's early

>> No.9309835

this is beautiful, thank you for adding to my wish list

>> No.9309856
File: 327 KB, 1280x922, FreeWomanofColorwiththeirchildrenandservants[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, Dido Elizabeth Belle's case is much more of an extreme exception than the norm for Georgian England, and (as far as I can tell) she was never formally given a title because she was illegitimate. Black people existed in Europe during the 18th and 19th century, but there weren't that many of them that were both affluent and whose paintings/photographs are readily available today.

That being said, it shouldn't stop anyone from wearing lolita. There probably are as many examples of primary sources depicting Asian women wearing 18th and 19th century European fashion, but that hasn't stopped any Japanese or Chinese lolitas.

>> No.9311160

The idea there were no black people in European history or that black girls can't look pretty and lovely in MM is bullshit, but an "English rose" doesn't refer to any pretty girl in England. It's about a specific type of complexion and hair colour (pale, very pink cheeks, softly waving blonde or light brown hair is how I usually see it described in books from the 20s and 30s).

>> No.9311167

Day dream carnival. I have nothing even remotely close to it but somehow I want it. The problem is I look shitty in light colors.

>> No.9311537
File: 19 KB, 250x333, 21c15cd0fbca4885c632a345639702cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the first dresses that made me want to get into the fashion. I missed out on it and found out too late when they re-released it. I rarely wear prints and I wear mostly dusty pinks, but my want has always been there, I'm always just a little late when I see it for sale.

>> No.9311600

Only Westerners talk about "ageplay". I think it says more about us than it does anyone else.

Shit like Dreamy Baby Room sold just fine in Japan because they didn't automatically fetishize baby rooms in their heads. Usakumya is just a plush bag and that's it.

>> No.9311846
File: 48 KB, 360x420, IMG_2839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear gothic and darker classic.

I love all meta's kimono prints, really. But I'm sure I would look like an idiot in them.

>> No.9311904

That's pretty dark anon, it's not like they're saturated colours. >.>

>> No.9311929

I see it more as ignorance rather then racist. But back in those days it still wasn't normal to their standards. You don't see hundreds of images where there's elegant black women in equally elegant gowns. People of the multiple types of black nationalities where not seen in any more then a servent in western styles worlds. This is something that thankfully we have all moved on from and applologised for our ancestors blatant superiority complex. Yet sjws was people to grovel at their feet and treat them like kings and queens now because "muh ancestors where slaves". Projecting much?

>> No.9312162
File: 320 KB, 686x720, FILE0649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is that black beauty in your pic OP?

>> No.9312167

Already answered, read the thread.

>> No.9312172

>So new can't even read thread or know a Moitie dress.

Summer must have come early this year.

>> No.9312217

I appreciate you trying to talk me into getting it, anon, but it really does not fit my wardrobe at all, I don't own anything in stark white, true red, or that shade of blue. I don't mind admiring it from afar tho

>> No.9312492

Is that stark white? My bad, thought it was gold.

>> No.9312708

95% gothic. Utterly weak to AP's insane princess OPs. Often settle somewhere in the middle to look like a sort of undead Marie Antoinette.

>> No.9312724

I love this dress so much. I had it in pink but traded it for black because it suits me more. Love.

>> No.9312840

Now I want to see your outfits.

>> No.9312841

yes I guess you must be me cause the only sweet prints I've owned were in black

>> No.9312874
File: 142 KB, 500x375, 4178429389_d4164385a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have a soft spot for Sugary Carnival black JSK. I wanted it so much back in the day and it was my dream dress, but it's not anymore and I'd never actually wear it. Yet I still want to buy it for the me back then.

>> No.9312942
File: 30 KB, 600x600, DFKYHfO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this exact feel

>> No.9313140
File: 19 KB, 250x333, SugaryCarnivalOPblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see I'm not the only classic lolita who has a love for Sugary Carnival. I bought the OP a while back but its just been hanging in my closet and I'm too afraid to wear it. I mostly have a black and wine colored wardrobe so I don't have anything to coord with it anyways. But I might try to make a taobao order this month try and find some stuff to coord with it. Make it a little toned down so I'll feel comfortable wearing it out.

>> No.9314156

Reply? I think this would be cute with a sheer gothic blouse, or maybe lace, black patent shoes and black tights. I love these dresses and almost buy them too but my wardrobe is fully jewel toned classic so I have nothing at all for coording this.

>> No.9314170

**really, not reply. Self sage fuck me

>> No.9314173
File: 52 KB, 232x313, FP-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this with the Fruits Parlor OP in mint.

>> No.9314178

I'm sure I could come out with a passable coord for it, but since it's so pricey I'd rather make a really nice coord than a meh one or I feel like I'm not doing it justice. I have a couple of gothic prints that I feel the same way about.

>> No.9318092

>always wear either non-print classic or boring granny floral
>originally thought pic related was too sweet for me
>see someone wearing it at a meet
>drool openly
>tfw I just bought it

>> No.9318098
File: 76 KB, 280x373, pk_119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me, dropped the pic

>> No.9320257

Oh anon I am the same... and god damn, it's up on LM atm and I'm sososos tempted to buy.

>> No.9325650

Um... anon, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Japan is infamous for its sexualization of children. They are not the best example to cite in this context.

I agree with you that equating plushies with ageplay is ridiculous, though.

Dreamy Baby Room on the other hand...

>> No.9325712

This is pretty tame for AP. I can see it working in a classic wardrobe with muted florals and patterns.

>> No.9325758

Honestly, I always got images of the 'classical motherhood dream' when it came to prints with baby themes. I always thought it just borrowed from the fact a lot of women do think about having children coupled with the fact it was enforced once upon a time. I don't know if 'ageplay' is as prevalent in other countries as it is in America or English language site... or as advertised to the public, for a better word.
While what you say is certainly true about Japan, I don't think it applies to Dreamy Baby Room.