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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 148 KB, 700x972, 14333798_15574008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9286696 No.9286696 [Reply] [Original]

I just saw this and I thought it was pretty cute. What are your thoughts? Have you found any cute coords incorporating hijab?

>> No.9286704

sorry but hijab and lolita do not work together because it ruins the silhouette and takes away from the overall look.
i am against the hijab but that's another can of worms

>> No.9286726

Hijab is supposed to = modesty. Lolita is not a very modest fashion in terms of standing out (not talking about skin exposure). The two ideas seem kind of incompatible.

>> No.9286731

I think it can be cute

>> No.9286746

Probably bait, but taking it anyway.

It looks bad, especially when the color of it doesn't even match the coord and the extra hardcore girls wear the silly out of place long sleeved shirts and sweatpants underneath everything.

It's also stupid and makes no sense because the entire reason why females are supposed to wear the hijab in Islam is modesty. I'm talking modesty in the actual definition of the word (as in, it doesn't grab attention, not the way people incorrectly use it to mean "anything not revealing"). Obviously, lolita is one of the least modest fashions there is. So, by wearing lolita with a hijab, you are negating the entire reason for wearing a hijab in the first place and there's no legit reason for you to do so and take away from an otherwise lovely coord. Basically, what I'm saying is that if you're going against the fundemental principles of Islam enough to wear lolita in the first place, then why the fuck are you bothering with the hijab? It reminds me of a less extreme version of those hardcore Catholic girls who exclusively do anal and oral because somehow they think they still count as virgins as long as their hymen is intact.

>> No.9286826

I think it looks ugly. Doesn't work. I also think it's bullshit that you can't say that without being labeled an islamobobe.

>> No.9286966

This. Like, no I'm not being Islamaphobic because I think your headscarf should be left out of lolita when there's no valid reason for you to wear it. I'd say the exact same thing to a girl wearing a rosary with some OTT sweet coord.

>> No.9287171
File: 181 KB, 1140x641, Latest-Hijab-Style-DesignTrends-Tutorial-For-Girls-2015-2016-with-Pictures-1140x641[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably an unpopular opinion, but eh, I'll post it anyway.

Misako's dress is hideous. Girl in hijab looks better than Misako to be honest. I'd actually nitpick the blouse rather than her head covering, it still looks like an office blouse to me, too plain for the rest of her dress. At least her head scarf is a matching brown with some fringe decoration.

As for girls wearing hijab in general: meh, let them. It's usually young girls trying to experiment with fashion, self identity and religion all at once anyway, let them keep trying to do whatever. Don't get me wrong, I laughed just as hard as everyone else at the dumbass who thought wearing jeans with a lolita dress was a good idea, but I don't think we've seen enough experimentation yet to completely rule out that headscarves will never work. There's a lot of ways to wrap the scarf, but so far we've mostly only seen sweet lolita with normal style head scarf. So let them keep experimenting with it, one of them might figure out something better eventually.

As for the modesty aspect, I get what it means, but with lolita always being associated with "the book", Halloween costumes, ageplay, and other weird sex shit from Westerners, well, anyone in the camp that thinks it's a modest, non-sexy look is welcome in my book. Hurray for people who actually notice that lolita is pretty covered up and not some kind of hooker fashion.

>> No.9287193

>Hurray for people who actually notice that lolita is pretty covered up and not some kind of hooker fashion.
This, but it still rubs me the wrong way when people call it "modest" because it's the complete opposite of what that word actually means. Especially, in the context of religious girls turning to it because their religion calls for modest clothing, since usually the religion means the word in its actual definition, not just "covered up".

>> No.9287198

I don't know how people can keep throwing around these ideas that a hijab is only worn for "not standing out" modesty when Tehran has an active fashion scene with plenty of flashy outfits. The Qur'an encourages modest dress, but pretty much anyone who isn't conservative doesn't use that definition and instead uses the "covered up" definition. Many people also have to wear it because of family and community pressures, not because they necessarily subscribe to traditional beliefs.

>> No.9287202
File: 19 KB, 236x418, 49c3363fdb532d90eed5e38aff9001a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of how it looks, I think a hijab can work in Lolita so long as it's not a neglected part of the coord and goes with the overall aesthetic. Something more decorative or intricate like what posted could potentially look nice.

But still, wearing a hijab in Lolita is kind of an odd concept. As a style, Lolita negates a lot of traditional ideologies that people from all walks of life have. It seems a bit odd to be traditional enough to wear a hijab but still wear a very untraditional and outlandish fashion like Lolita.

But hey, different things mean different things to other people, and different people have different values. I'm not going to say someone can't do something just because it might not make sense to me, because it probably makes sense to them.

I don't really think it hurts anyone. I think it's a lot better overall than people who try to make Lolita into a fetish thing or a "living doll" thing or whatever.

>> No.9287204

If she wore a more voluminous/layered headscarf, it would look better with the headbow. Right now the bow is eating her head because it's so wide. She should also stop filling in her brows like that. It looks terrible. Hijab lolita isn't inherently bad. It does bring out a lot of shitposting and trolls because people can't resist taking bait on something related to religion and politics.

>> No.9287205

I hate it, it always looks like shit.

>> No.9287208

I don't think the concept of the hijab works with lolita, but a lot of people wear it as a symbol of their religion rather than abiding by the religions actual tenets IMO. Just as many Christians would wear a cross but not neccesarily be modest at all. It's a bit weird but whatever, you do you.
I used to get irrationally angry about this, but then I realised there are much better things to do with my life than be mad about what someone wants to wear.

>> No.9287210
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>> No.9287214


Haha I know. Maybe because I'm neither Christian nor Muslim, but I've observed that religions and cultures often don't fit together properly. Other anon is right, there's a pretty hopping Muslim fashion scene out there, with fancy hijab that don't look like flat scarves. Some of the designers have said that it's to show that Islam isn't all about being drab and boring and having no fun, Muslim girls can dress up and have fun without deferring to the West's standards of everything.

Personally I just roll with humans are humans, and that girls generally like to be pretty. That's why I mention that most hijab lolitas seem to be experimenting with their self identity and religion as well as lolita. I'm not going to crush their soul by telling them everything they do is completely wrong. Let them figure that modesty thing out themselves.

>> No.9287217

Are there even Muslims in Japan?

>> No.9287219

>Lolita is not a very modest fashion in terms of standing out
Niether us a hijab in most countries, let alone modern muslim ones.

>> No.9287223


>> No.9287234

>I don't know how people can keep throwing around these ideas that a hijab is only worn for "not standing out" modesty when Tehran has an active fashion scene with plenty of flashy outfits. The Qur'an encourages modest dress, but pretty much anyone who isn't conservative doesn't use that definition and instead uses the "covered up" definition.
I'm well aware of how flashy those ladies get, but just because a large portion of Muslim women don't get that flashy clothing isn't within what the Qu'ran dictates in its call for modesty, doesn't make it any less silly of them. It just means they pick and choose just as hard as Christians, and/or equally don't know what their religion is acully asking of them. And since they're already picking and choosing, they should choose not to fuck up their coords with their hijabs.
>Many people also have to wear it because of family and community pressures, not because they necessarily subscribe to traditional beliefs.
Virtually no Muslim family that's hardcore enough to pressure their daughters to wear hijabs would be okay with them wearing lolita.

>> No.9287236

So obviously way more than there are lolitas.

>> No.9287238

So that's pretty much a no then. lol.
Is Japan just trying to look worldly or something?

>> No.9287255

Misako looks frumpy and gross here, and putting red into that coord was a poor choice.

>> No.9287258

Modesty has different meanings in different cultures. Apples to oranges. When I was in Japan nobody cared how much leg you showed but bare shoulders was odd. In the US, no one cares either way.
You'd benefit from an Anthropology 101 course.

>> No.9287272

I think the picture would be cuter if she removed the silly bow on top of her head. I think hijab looks best combined with lolita if it is the only thing worn on the head.

>most American Islamic folk are not as 'conservative' as people may think.

>> No.9287276

I think a hijab would look really cool in gothic, if done well

>> No.9287322 [DELETED] 

Japan shouldn't have Lolita fashion shows too and if you did see the recordings of the show you would know that muslim fashion is getting very popular with non-muslims due to train harassment reasons

>> No.9287324

Not that anon, but the Qu'ran means modesty in the actual definition, not the made up "not slutty" definition. So, garishness isn't accepted as far as that text is concerned.

>most American Islamic folk are not as 'conservative' as people may think.
Yeah, but if they aren't that conservative, then why do they have to force hijabs in lolita?

>> No.9287327

If there is a huge customer base there will be fashion shows, just like there are some for popular j-fashion while the actual % of wearers is even lower than the one of muslims. Plus, if you would have looked into interviews regarding the show you would know that the demand is also fueled by women that like how it's modest and is unattractive to train gropers.

>> No.9287337

It just looks terrible. Any coord with a hijab would look better without.

>> No.9287376

The anon you quoted is accurate about technical incompatibility. Modesty in the sense of not drawing the gaze is supposed to be the function of the hijab. But most modern hijabis wear adorned scarves, striking clothing and makeup etc to the point covering their ears,neck and hair seems redundant. But it doesn't ruin the lolita aesthetic, petti's still on point.

>> No.9287386

I think if she ditched the headbow and went with an accessory like a pink or white pin that matched with the theme then I'd like it more. The headbow feels really out of place and reminds me of helicopter bows.

If anything she should ease up on her eyebrows. They're really strong and kind of unflattering imo.

>> No.9287397

im just glad the 'fad' for it is over

did that soccermom-chan with the fivehead ever give any explanation for why she suddenly dumped hers once it wasn't giving her the efame she so desperately craved? she was probably one of the worst offenders when it came to using it for attention

>> No.9287424 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 313x326, 5878043+_6dabea63f29fc778dfba85a4c45913c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT the future of Swedish lolita.

>> No.9287469
File: 61 KB, 360x604, IMG_1092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's dumb, especially since wearing hijab with lolita takes away the meaning of the first and ruins the look of the latter. Wear one or the other and do it properly instead of half-assing both.

>> No.9287489

I think considering it's a religious item, and religion is personal anyway, that anyone should be allowed to incorporate religious regalia into their clothing even EGL. As long as they do it well. In OP's pic I think she looks cute except for the bow. She matched the color and aside from the bow it looks fine. I think a subtler accessory would help.

>> No.9287686

It's hideous.
Muslim garb is ment to be hideous to repel rapist muslim men.
Don't try to be fashionable on the street if you're a muslim girl. It's just not compatible.

>> No.9287815

>Don't try to be fashionable on the street if you're a muslim girl. It's just not compatible.
Christians shouldn't do that then either, or wearing fashionable crosses.

>> No.9287821

Dumb question (maybe?)
But it fits the thread.

I always wonder why hijabi girl who wear lolita or cosplay just don't wear a wig? Like they wear the hijab to cover their hair so men won't get 'sexually attracted' by it, a wig also fully covers their natural hair, so why not just wear a fucking wig?

Also a bit OT, but I think hijab and lolita goes still better than those ratty girls trying to pull off GYARU with a hijab like no? Seriously no? Gyaru means rebellion so pull off that scarf or just don't try gyaru

>> No.9287823

nice bait but still, lolita garb is, essentially, also intended to repel men so by that logic, let's all don the hijab!

>> No.9287846

Thing that gets me about all this is I've seen Southeast Asian lolitas wear hijabs (no accessorizing; just matching the main color) and they look fine. But the "examples" that get all the reblogs seem to be the girls who are trying to make a point of "look at me being different". Modesty can be interpreted in different ways and one way to be modest is to not call attention to something; wearing a lovely coord and not trying to draw attention to your head covering could be seen as a sign of modesty regarding faith and conviction; meaning someone is confident enough in their belief that they can practice it without needing to make people look at it.

>> No.9287849

Wondered about that too. I assume its because the hijab is not only used to cover their hair but also to express their religion, and they want to wear lolita while still keeping their religious symbol. Either that or the 'no hair' rule is so general that it doesn't distinguish between natural hair and wigs.

>> No.9287850

This is why many Christian women don't wear fashionable clothing. What you seen the FLDS women? Or the Mennonites? Or the Quakers? How about Orthodox Jewish women?
Sounds like someone needs to get out of suburbia; your privilege is showing.

>> No.9287852

You maybe should get out of your stonecave.

>> No.9287853

Depending on how devout a family is, or a community, showing your hair is equal to announcing that you are available for prostitution. It can be seen as the same as saying you are a literal whore; that the two acts are almost one in the same. Meaning; you could be a 30-year old virgin but your family will feel the shame of if you were actively bragging about nightly gang-bangs.

>> No.9287854

>many Christian women don't wear fashionable clothing
Do you never leave the house?

>> No.9287857

And that's why this idiology calles islam needs to end.

>> No.9287871

Alright. So even if it's a wig, hair = whore so it'd be the same as being seen with your natural hair? Or would there be more liniency if any idiot can clearly tell you're wearing a wig? Like thick twintail wigs, styles that are impossible to accomplish with real hair or even party city wigs?

>> No.9287873

I travel cross-country, actually. That's why I mention all of this. There are towns with a population of 20k in the US where their only hospital is Catholic run with nuns as nurses. I'm an atheist but the country is covered in a patchwork of faiths that vary between extremely traditional to incredibly liberal.

In more urban environments you see less of this kind of variety of Christian sects, but that doesn't mean that they aren't a sizable amount of the population overall to consider.

Part of building bridges between cultures is realizing there aren't as many differences between us as you might like to assume; Religious faiths stemming from the Monotheist line all value modesty in their women and by extent are very concerned if people on the street know and see that their women are moral, God-fearing people. Right now Muslim women are being focused on as the hijab has survived longer then other forms of head covering that use to be expected of women and instead of "othering" them I'm trying to make the point that the underline motivation is actually pretty universal.

That being said; hijabs + Lolita is definitely a very interesting combination theologically as the two concepts are hugely conflicting; which as you guys pointed out already exists with many modern moderate Christians who have dropped their dress codes.

>> No.9287876

Orthodox Jewish women were originally expected to cover their hair, but many on the east coast of the US currently wear natural-color wigs. They argue that the issue at hand is not what hair looks like, but what it symbolizes. They say that their real hair is sexual, because it is literally a part of their body, but that wigs do not could because it is a fake accessory worn on the head.

I do not understand this logic, but this is how it was explained to me by a woman in a wig store.

>> No.9287880

You can be a Muslim female without wearing a hijab, just like Christians don't follow everything their religion tells them to do.

>> No.9287893

Islam in itself is a disgusting religion. They truly believe that they are being merciful by killing gay people because that's the only way to save them from their "sins". I don't have to respect any religion that wants to throw me off of a fucking building. Hijabs look hideous in lolita. They don't fucking mix well. Do these women really even believe in all this bullshit anyways?

>> No.9287904

The Koran is also saying that women are of less worth then men and in that way it's ok to treat them like shit.

I live in a first world country, but I get spit at by muslim men, cat called by them, called a whore even when wearing normal clothes.

I know muslim women who live here for ages and still couldn't get a grasp of learning the language because they husbands forbid them to learn it or just to talk to any native people.

Yes, this goes not 'for all' but with muslim it goes for a majority.

>> No.9287940

>insults people's ability to speak a second language
>is esl as fuck
honey... I've got some news

>> No.9287943

Sorry, but English is NOT my first language also I'm NOT insulating, I actually feel sorry for these women who are not allowed to integrate even if they'd want to.

>> No.9287945


>> No.9287946

I'm going to take the bait and say it's cute, and I like the fact that people from a different religion than me find lolita accessible.

>inb4 tumblr
sorry, I enjoy seeing people in Lolita and don't have a such a sandy vag that I get pissy about girls following the rules of their religion while still putting effort into their appearance

>> No.9287951

Except it's violating the spirit of the law for hijab-wearers to even wear lolita in the first place.

>> No.9287952

Idk, the Muslims I know don't seem to have a problem with it. Are you muslim?

>> No.9287958

I love that you guys consistently fall for these bait threads and make yourselves look bad in the process

>> No.9287963

I don't see how this is making us look bad? We're having an actual conversation and using facts to get our point across, as opposed to turning into a /pol/-style shit slinging fest where you can't tell if this is Stormfront or Tumblr, like one would expect.

>> No.9288030

idc.. the headscarf is something like the bikinitop of the east. When asked "but why?" you always get these irrational reasons like "my religion", "my sense of modesty" or "personal feelings".

If you want to cover your hear in egl, be my guest, extra kudo's for making it look elegant.

>> No.9288073

The only thing that bothers me about hijabs in lolita in that they look so unblanced next to head bows and poofy dresses. I know there are many ways to 'style' headscarfs and make them a bit bigger, which would look miles better imo, but ive never seen one of these girls even try to do that.

>> No.9288083
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>> No.9288088
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>> No.9288091
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>> No.9288093

I think part of the problem is there aren't many hijabi lolitas, and we're all looking at a couple of people for examples of what could be done.

I bet if you took a random subset of lolitas of the same size they wouldn't look jaw-dropping either. it's relying on a few people to produce a great lolita to hold up as an example, which is always going to be dissapointing.

>> No.9288098

>Clothing should not be worn for the sole purpose of gaining reputation or increasing one's status in society.
Uh oh!
What happened to that creepy-eyed housewife with the fivehead who suddenly started wearing hijab out of nowhere, anyway?

>> No.9288108

That's because depending on which variant Islam they're following, some of them have to have the hijab tight against their head and essentially look like a thumb so voluminous headscarves like >>9288083 and >>9288088 aren't allowed. That's what my Muslim neighbours told me anyway. According to them the women who wear their hijab with volume or in interesting styles/fabrics/patterns are doing it completely wrong and might as well not be wearing one.

>> No.9288110
File: 49 KB, 330x512, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats true, its a very small group and none of them really go out of the box. every muslim lolita ive seen wears their hijab in the way were its flat on their head and looser towards the bottom, i would love to see something more like pic related, it would balance out coords so much better

>> No.9288120

There's also culture to consider. I know that different styles of tying (I guess? don't know what to call it), come from different cultures. That one might not be associated with the culture the lolitas you've seen are from.

>I'm not an expert or anything, so don't quote me

>> No.9288124

because its part of the same humility before god stuff that has the jews wearing those doily hats

>> No.9288128

She stopped when it wasn't giving her enough CoF likes.

>> No.9288131

>Virtually no Muslim family that's hardcore enough to pressure their daughters to wear hijabs would be okay with them wearing lolita.
it's like you've never heard of parent's cutting deals of compliance in one area of the kids life for freedom in another

>> No.9288269

>The clothing must hang loose so that the shape/form of the body is not apparent
So sack dresses?

>> No.9289027

Anon... the name of the fashion is lolita. You really think someone so hardcore that they make their daughter cover her hair to not be a whore, is gonna just be totally fine with her wearing a fashion that's named something essentially synonymous with "child slut"? Highly doubtful. Almost every girl who wears a hijab with lolita most likely does so by choice.

>> No.9289052

I don't care if they want to wear hijab or not. As long as they match the hijab with the coord and choose the right head accessories it's none of my business. Personally I think it's cute when done right.

>> No.9289061

Agreed. I think it's kind of cool seeing lolitas from different cultures, especially if they put some effort into coording it. It's none of my business why they do it, so who cares?

>> No.9289065

Floor-length ones only. Showing the shape of the legs is also a big no-no. I think that's why that one girl wears baggy jeans under her dresses. That would still be too revealing for my local Muslim community, but I guess in her case as long as it's not skin tight it's okay.
It looks really dumb though tbqh

>> No.9289071

Better than a mantilla or madonna crown.

>> No.9289085

Those are both fugly but at least they don't make you look like a swaddled thumb.

>> No.9289196

Muslim fag here, that dress is actually not haram.

>> No.9289200

Should work better with those tea-lenght classic dresses.

>> No.9289245

When talking about head scarfs, one style of hijab that's considered slutty is the "camel hump" method where you have a huge lump sticking out from the back. It's considered as bad as daisy duke shorts.

>> No.9289268

I have an Asian family friend who wore niqab when she was in her 20s (out of choice) but stopped because it garnered so much attention that she realised it was more "modest" in that sense to wear an ordinary hijab.

They have a lot of visitors from nearby countries with Muslim populations like Indonesia and Malaysia.

A lot of Orthodox Jewish women wear wigs as a way to get around their religious rules about covering their hair, but Muslims don't seem to for whatever reason.

This desu. Also the online community has a terrible habit of assuming that all Muslim lolitas wear the hijab, when the reality is that the ones that don't just fly under the radar. I know of five or six Muslim lolitas that don't wear hijab, but I would never have known most of them were Muslim if we weren't friends or friends of friends IRL.

The super-voluminous headscarves popular in the UK and among some other countries are a kind of teenage rebellion thing, yeah. I wouldn't say anyone thinks they're slutty or remotely equivalent to daisy dukes, but religious conservatives and old guys like to complain they're too showy.

>> No.9289293

They also are pretentious and costumey. At least a headscarf has some theoretical personal value to the wearer.

>> No.9289481

Ugh why does this shit keep coming up. I hate it. I hate her. Most people in Lolita who wear hijab are doing it for attention. I wonder if this cunt keeps self posting this shit just to get efamous.

>> No.9289518

>shows face
Absolutely haram

>> No.9289580

Is she a cunt?

>> No.9289615

There are many women who do not view the hijab as 'forced', they take pride in their hijab. They may find it strange that we look at a simple head covering and think, "Oh, how conservative. They've obviously been forced to wear this garment because, given the choice, they wouldn't."

>> No.9289625

Sage for slightly off topic, I'm not saying Islam isn't a conservative religion. They can't drink, can't have premarital sex, have to avoid certain foods, alcohol, and cigarettes, and that's not all. American Islam is definitely far removed from from the idea of Islam that's commonplace in the Middle East. They go to college, they watch the same movies I watch, and they can wear lolita, pants, and other modern fashion so long as it's not skin tight or super revealing. I've even met many with no issues toward modern music which is a huge no-no in most of the Middle East.

>> No.9289626

Sooo many westerner's in this thread lol

My only problem with the outfit in >>9286696 is that the bow on her head looks stupid on the hijab. I also might have put the hijab under the shirt rather than over it, but that's just me.

The fact she chose a fabric that somewhat matches her coord means she is putting effort into both her expression of religion and fashion. So no problem there. Like the fact I wont wear any coords with crosses on them.

>> No.9289889

I hate it when non Muslim lolitas lose their shit over hijab lolitas by fawning over them. "OMG hijab lolita soooo brave! U go gurl smash western imperialism!" whereas they'd get pissed off if someone from the white Christian patriarchy told them that women should cover themselves up. Like, please. Your white guilt is showing.

>> No.9289891

I think the "swaddled thumb" style might look better if they just draped another layer over it to form a sort of visor to frame the face. Kind of like a nun's habit.

>> No.9289894
File: 494 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n07gv1xVrS1sxfttyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hijab look isn't too bad I think I have seen way worse lolita coords with hijab (like that muslim girl that wears pastel looks).

I think hijabs would work the best in gothic, as it wouldn't look too out of place to wear a black headscarf in gothic lolita. It would be kinda cool actually, like a black hood.

>> No.9289932
File: 155 KB, 290x406, EmperorsRoyalGuardCSWE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have Muslim lolita in our community
>family is completely against it
>she buys her lolita in secret and keeps it at her friends house
>summer teaparty rolls around and she decides to go WITHOUT hija
>wow anon, you're so brave! You're soo pretty

>father arrives out of nowhere and ALLAH AKBAR

>Doesn't blow up and just beats the shit out of her instead
>drags her to the car while she begs us not to call police.

>> No.9289939

It looks terrible and I find it dumb everytime i see it (especially those with a headbow on top, you look like an Easter egg)
but apparently saying it looks bad is "racist" and "mean uwuwu".

>> No.9289941

Agreed. Honestly, I don't think as many people would care about the hijabs if it weren't for the white guilt SJW on tumblr/fb/whatever.

Oh wow, what happened next? Is she still into lolita?

>> No.9289948

>apples to oranges


>> No.9289958

>Be Let Your Hijab

>> No.9290022

Don't Dead Open Inside?

>> No.9290024

I hope you called the police.

>> No.9290025


Sent back to Pakistan and married her cousin.

>> No.9290026

Holy fuck

>> No.9290061


Should've called the police

>> No.9290085

I'm not lolita, and I only wear hijab situationally. I don't think it looks horrendous but I'm also used to seeing it outside of lolita so it doesn't come off as "awkward" to me, though I can agree that I think hair looks better with lolita.

How many Anons here saying it's against the concept of modesty in Islam are actually Muslim themselves? Just out of curiosity because I encounter way too many people who like to speak for us based on nothing but knowledge retrieved from infographics and a cursory Google search.

The Muslim concept of modesty isn't a monolith, it has different interpretations depending on the sect of Islam and more superficial factors like culture and upbringing. The veil itself technically isn't a requirement in the Quran, because the only "veil" talked about was something not worn for religious purposes, and worn by both genders. In historical context, "Hijab" as a concept is about devout women covering themselves so they'll be seen as people and not confused with the prostitutes at the time.

Whether or not lolita is immodest really depends on the person's own interpretation. The concept of modesty in hijab is largely about the "male gaze", and lolita isn't really about having any sort of superficial appeal to men, so for many Muslims dressing in lolita doesn't really conflict with their interpretation of modesty.

>Like they wear the hijab to cover their hair so men won't get 'sexually attracted' by it,
This is a common misunderstanding. Hijab isn't about preventing men from being sexually attracted to hair. Hair is considered an "ornament" which hijab is supposed to conceal. Wearing a wig would still be considered an "ornament" in that sense.

The Quran's been distorted by patriarchal culture. The Quran actually is way better than the bible at promoting the idea that women are people and deserve rights, although it does sort of make us look like we're incapable of surviving on out own, lol.

>> No.9290091

Actually, most of the Middle East is pretty modern. Few countries require covering beyond hijab, and outside of villages and conflict areas (obviously), many major cities in the middle east embrace modern things and even produce their own. Several countries unfortunately require a certain degree of coverage by law, but out of the Middle East alone, the only one super strict is, as you might expect, KSA.

>father arrives out of nowhere and ALLAH AKBAR
This line alone makes me question your story, unless that's not really what he said.

>> No.9290094

>father arrives out of nowhere and ALLAH AKBAR
I don't think that anon meant to say that he actually said that, though I still wonder how true that story is.

>> No.9290103

>How many Anons here saying it's against the concept of modesty in Islam are actually Muslim themselves?
None of them, this isn't really a thread where people can say "I'm a Muslim lolita and I think X", because (even counting girls who don't wear hijab) there are so few Muslim lolitas that it'd be really easy to figure out who they are and even harder to prove it wasn't a random anon pretending to be someone else.

>> No.9290669

I think it's very cute and the hijab really fits the coord

lolita is modest enough in that it doesn't show much curves wich is more important.
if the problem would be about standing out, muslims wouldn't be wearing hijab in non-muslim countries

>> No.9290671

>this is not hijab
have you ever been to Cairo? Almost everyone walks around like this. It's fascinating to see how nicely they combine the hijab with their clothes.

>> No.9290673


>> No.9290686

Thanks for sharing, it was an interesting read

>I only wear hijab situationally
Can I ask what situations you'd wear hijab? Like very crowded places?

>> No.9290757


>this doesn't happen with white party girls and their fathers all the time

>it totally can't happen with crazy over-religious parents from a third world shithole!

>> No.9290765

>comparing party girls to lolitas at a tea party

>> No.9290770

>implying something this over-the-top would happen in this catty, tiny community w/o someone hearing about it

come on, anon

>> No.9290779


To an over religious Muslim father you might as well suck 50 cocks

>> No.9290914

I'm thinking of the villages and mountainous reason alongside the countries with strictly enforced dress codes. I'm aware there are extremely progressive cities, and that many countries are very lax on tourists and people who do not adhere to the faith of Islam.

In America, this fear of extreme conservatism and blue burkas is a little weird because that simply doesn't happen here in most cases. It's not "normal". There's undoubtedly some super conservative Muslims, but there's also a Christian church that handles (now non-venomous by law) snakes.

>> No.9291000

And everyone clapped

>> No.9291603

That is so sad!

>> No.9291611

islam is disgusting but stay deluded

>> No.9291737
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>> No.9291742
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>> No.9291756


She's seriously going to get raped and beaten to death. Probably at the judgment call of the governing council too.

You should have called the police.

>> No.9293262

That's actually legit cute.

>> No.9293270

And clever!

>> No.9293556

>They may find it strange that we look at a simple head covering and think, "Oh, how conservative. They've obviously been forced to wear this garment because, given the choice, they wouldn't."
That would be because they know jack shit about their religion and the whole point of the hijab.

>> No.9293560

I feel bad laughing

Also that cosplay is atrocious

>> No.9294487

Don't like it. I think it does not fit Lolita at all. And I'm pretty sure most girls who wear hijab with Lolita are doing it for attention.

>> No.9294508

Pretty sure that's a high schooler dressed up for halloween, not a cosplay.

>> No.9294519

We had something similar too, but ours went a bit differently.

>le muslim lolita, always wearing hijab
>goes on about how her family forces her to wear hijab
>always tells about how she cant tell her family she has a gf
>makes us feel sorry for her

>summer meeting in a park in a different city
>we sit on the grass
>two middle-aged middle-eastern looking women, sans hijab, walk past..
>one of them stops.. "Hijab-chan, is that you?"
>other woman: "wow, I never saw you in a hijab"
>Hijab-chan: "Moms! I thought you were shopping in [different city]!"
>us: "wait wat"

>apparently her moms were really cool and bought us icecream
>we all laughed afterwards that her special-wounded-snowflake image didn't hold up

>> No.9295210

>hijab lolita is a lesbian
>her mom happens to be lesbian too

>this totally happened

>> No.9295224

It will always look bad no matter how many times this thread is created.

>> No.9295259

>It will always be a matter of opinion (like most aesthetic things) no matter how many times this thread is created.
corrected that for you

>> No.9295263

this. I think it's cute, other people don't. other people are just in here to troll. lather, rinse, repeat.

>> No.9295283

Depends: If they pair it with that insane super-slutty-whore-layers on all the makeup and fake eyelashes in the world-trashy makeup with no regards to aesthetics that most of them seems to favor (Great modesty there. Bravo), then o

>> No.9295738

>totally happened in Europe


>> No.9295746
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>then who was o?

>> No.9295772
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bruh i know that feel
i fucking hate hijabs. i hate everything they stand for and i hate how they're constantly being praised by everyone. oh wow that reductive piece of shit rag wrapped around your head is sooooo beautiful. its not.

>> No.9295783

some muslim guy i know told me that back in iran that the girls that wear the big voluminous or flashy headscarves were the "whores" or the more sexually active women.

>> No.9295796

That lolita's name? ديکتاتوري به دموکراسي

>> No.9296150

I really hope this is made up because if it isn't I just feel so sorry for that poor girl.

>> No.9296172

>So many westerners
It's an American website, bud. And Islam has no place in Japan anyway.

>> No.9296214

That's how the people in my neighbourhood feel as well. They called it a "camel bump" and said it's kind of a sign of a woman being sexually promiscuous/easy and not wife material. Same goes for women who wear makeup, pants or tight clothing. It's kind of a weird conversation to have, but I guess the Muslims in my neighbourhood are more conservative and feel comfortable saying shit like that. I keep being reminded of it whenever I see a picture of a lolita with a hijab, hoping she's from a more progressive community and isn't considered the local STD-riddled whorebag.

>> No.9296216

"The Quran's been distorted by patriarchal culture. The Quran actually is way better than the bible at promoting the idea that women are people and deserve rights, although it does sort of make us look like we're incapable of surviving on out own, lol."

You either
>don't read quran actually and just want to defend it because muh feels and "actuly bibbl s traaash bcuuz rsns"
>OR you're practising kitman/tawriya actively like is expectable from a typical muslim who truly and blindly follows quran and hadiths to "make a world better place".

So yeah, not reaaaally... Islam is in it's core sexist, racist and violent as fuck. Majority of active modern-day terrorism is by islamic organizations, slavery still exists in a lot of muslim countries and muslim men's behaviour on the streets is undeniably tied to their religious nature. And this is supposed to be kept under covers because a small percentage of muslims "isn't like that :(" and saying things how they are is "offensive"? Nah. Islam in its unreformed forms is what keeps muslims from going forward. And pretending there's nothing wrong with the texts is excusing all this bs.

Headscarves can look good in lolita if they go with the rest of the coord colourwise. Combined with a bow it looks dumb ass fuck. Western muslim girls (like yourself) who are allowed to wear fashion they want and only a tiny headscarf are so lucky they don't even realise.

>> No.9296248
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>she's still wearing those nasty lace-up boots she throws on with every coord
For crying out loud-

Listen, even if you're going to wear a hijab with lolita for the love of allah BUY YOURSELF SOME DIFFERENT SHOES.

It is ita af to wear the same shoes with every dress, especially when they're noticibly tall like boots.

>> No.9296257

Getting OT here but given most of Japan's cuisine falls under the haram caregory and that they aren't as culturally sensitive enough to offer kosher options of traditionally haram foods it's not a surprise that the muslim population is 0.0005%.

>> No.9296272

>there are anons who thought this story is real
When did /cgl/ get so newfag? Is it because of the Secret Santa? Goddamn.

Blatant shitposting.

>> No.9296425

Agreed. Aren't those the Bodyline ones as well? Those aren't even comfortable.
Still much better than wearing pants under their dresses, though. That looks truly awful.

>> No.9296436

Tell me about it

>> No.9296547

So what exactly is 'haram' then? There seems to be a lot of conflicting rules and ideals about what your women are allowed to wear.
OT but there also seems to be a massive disconnect between the ideals of muslims and the ideals of those that rabidly defend them but w/e

>> No.9296553

how stupid are you this obviously didn't fucking happen good GOD

>> No.9296557


>> No.9296661

"Slutty" lolita is a big fucking no.
Doesn't matter if it's the coord or the makeup. >>9295283

>> No.9297252


Someone's hijab is too tight it seems.

>> No.9297263

Ooops, I adore tall boots with lolita and want to wear them with ever dress. Atleast I want a pair in every color to keep it fresh?

>> No.9297275

I'm from Europe myself so no

>> No.9297276

>Islam is in it's core sexist, racist and violent as fuck.
>implying the bible isn't

>> No.9297277

So you're admitting both are?

>> No.9297300

What if you just don't like many shoes?
Most of my coords are very similar style, and all the same colour scheme so I can mix and match easily, and I've only found one pair of shoes I like thus far that goes well with any of them.
They aren't high boots, just a plain pair of mary janes.

>> No.9297413

That might slightly apply to a village in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia but it's not true at all in most muslim-majority countries.

>> No.9297424

>implying modern day Christians are running around stoning every gay person they see

>> No.9297448

Hijabs are basically body shaming via religion and since I'm finally inspired by the body positivity moment to stop supporting the wearing of it.
It's male oppression of females.

>> No.9297466

How exactly is the Bible racist?

>> No.9297628

>hijabs in lolita are only for attention
>lolita is supposed to be about modesty, as in REAL modesty and hijabs draw so much attention they ruin the point

What. So these frilly flamboyant costumes just blend right into the scenery but a headscarf that might as well be a hat makes you stick out like a sore thumb so much that wearing one is attentionwhoring?

>There seems to be a lot of conflicting rules and ideals about what your women are allowed to wear.
There's actually no global consensus on head-wear among Muslims. Different regions/countries/communities have different standards and interpretations.

>> No.9297684

Reading comprehension, anon. Everyone ITT agrees that lolita stands out and can be attention-grabbing, and a large portion of the Muslim world considers hijab to be something that needs to be modest and not flashy. Did you turn the two around just to make us look stupid in your mind and feel better about yourself?

>> No.9297847

I think it's stupid Muslims make women cover their hair in the first place. Why don't the men do it too?

Islam has some really fucked up ideas about women in general.

>> No.9297854

So why the fuck isn't men's hair considered an "ornament"? They don't wear a hijab? Why? It's only women that must be modest?

>> No.9298029

This was super interesting to read. Thanks for a reasonable argument among so many half-assed replies.

I went to Catholic high school, and I once had a religion teacher tell us that the reason the Bible seems so backwards is actually because a bunch of the dudes who picked and chose what goes in it were hella biased and also they wanted as many people as possible to join their religion, so they put some of the more "radical" stuff (which would've been standard nowadays) out of it.

Like, there were many female figures like Deborah and Ruth were originally supposed to have books in the Bible, but the dudebros who put it together were like "nah take it out, nobody wants to read about women."

Is there something similar with the Quran?

>> No.9298192

Um... What kind of Bible were you reading? Ruth does have her own book...

>> No.9298211

most of the southern african countries where its illegal to be gay are majority christian bruv

>> No.9298226

That's weird i've never seen any. Maybe because of the crosses?

>> No.9298288

Like I pointed out earlier. The hijab is best seen as the bikinitop of eastern societies. Rational reasoning does not explain it.

>Why don't the men do it too?
Because the men have other parts of their body they should cover.
On a sidenote, the matriarchal Touareg (a nomadic people living in the Sahara) have women rarely cover their heads, yet men covers theirs and most of their faces.

>Is there something similar with the Quran?

As the Quran is quite a compact (compared to their other holy texts, the Old Testament, the Psalms and the Gospel) book, it is notable that quite a few women are mentioned in it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_the_Quran

>> No.9298291
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Because Gothic implies 'historical' and 'european'. There aren't many parts of Europe with historical muslim communities. And most of these parts were somewhere behind the Iron Curtain for most of modern history until the advent of Instagram.

Caucasian dresses come to mind, when thinking of gothic and hijab.

>> No.9298651

Woops. Mistake on my part.

>> No.9298660

>what is Spain

>> No.9298824


>> No.9298831

>Spanish Moors

google is your friend

>> No.9298975

Because it's about men's feelings, women's opinions don't matter and gay men don't exist.

>> No.9300771
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>> No.9300781

Ita means a coord is so shitty it hurts to look at. Are the boots hurting you?

>> No.9300790

Cgl is always newfag.a lot of people don't stay here long. Every day there is someone calling someone a newfag.

Just like in Christianity there are a lot of splits/different types of Islam

>> No.9300796

Where did I fucking imply or say that hmmm? That's just another shitty opt out and excuse of you assy muslim folk who aren't ready to face the fact that most monotheist religions _including their own_ is S H I T E.

>> No.9300828

they were made in different times after all

stop living under a rock

>implying I'm muslim

>> No.9300831

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.9300832

>(a nomadic people living in the Sahara)
It would make more sence if they'd all be covering their faces because sand
>tfw almost as much sand as /cgl/

>> No.9302258

Muslims have shown that they shouldn't even be permitted near large crowds.

>> No.9302271

You sound like a psychopath.