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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9275944 No.9275944 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread

> Cosplay Masterpost: http://pastebin.com/ekZP1fhg
- Tutorials and links that can help with Homestuck cosplays. Refer to it if you need help. Any contributions welcome.

> Crunchy Cosplay List: http://i.imgur.com/QRRWqRn.jpg
- A list of suggested Homestuck cosplayers to follow and check out, as they have great cosplays and some also have good tutorials on their blogs.

> To discuss: Christmas cosplay plans? Do people still hold sweaterstucks and skatestucks?

>> No.9275948
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The tag has been super barren as of late since fall cons aren't exactly as frequent. I had been expecting to see some more cute halloween cosplays pop up, but only a couple ever ended up on my dash...

>> No.9275950
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>> No.9275952
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>> No.9275956
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>> No.9275968
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>> No.9275975
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>> No.9275986
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>> No.9275994

>Christmas cosplay plans? Do people still hold sweaterstucks and skatestucks?

We usually do a sweaterstuck event, but I'm not sure I'll have the time this year. We have DTAC next weekend, and while I have a meet set up for the kids at 4:13, I'm in Artist Alley all day, so they'll have to look after themselves.
Might just arrange a dinner for after the con?

You've reminded me that I never posted the Torontostuck halloween meet photos. Thank you.

>> No.9275998 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9276001
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>> No.9276003
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>> No.9276007
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>> No.9276308


Pet peeve but I really hate when people photoshop themselves gray and leave their nails gray too instead of putting some yellow on them. It makes it super obvious it's shopped.

>> No.9276311

You planning on sharing those? Or are they all barely cosplaying like last time.

Still haven't seen much for update cosplays either.

You don't really see many cosplay photos in greenhouses. This one looks abandoned but an actual cared for one would be cute for a jade cosplay?

>> No.9276396

Unless people actually want to see them, I'm going to keep the pictures to tumblr and facebook. They're kids, I don't think they should be expected to perfect cosplayers 100% of the time.

>> No.9277634

I really like the way this Calliope did her teeth

>> No.9277639

There was a Chicagostuck ice skating meetup in January last year (this year? Holidays always muddle my internal calendar), and I'd be genuinely surprised if there was no attempt for another one this year. It's easy enough to get downtown, and Millennium Park has a rink right there. Of course, the majority of the crowd tends to be on the younger side. I've heard stories of actual Christmasstuck meets in previous years, but I doubt anything like that has happened since 2013 or 2014. There is a convention coming up in a couple weeks; I'm sure there will be some holiday variations of basic troll and kid cosplays.

>> No.9277919

Are we doing the list this year? Or has activity on tumblr just plain been too low?

Also, new list with instanames.

>> No.9277926

I'd be game to help organize this if Crunchy isn't feelin it?

>> No.9278427

or we could just add insta names to the old list in addition to tumblrz and open it up to allow insta only cosplayers on it

>> No.9278941

Nah, list revamping is a yearly thing. Everyone needs to be looked and checked if they're still in fandom.
Instagram only cosplayers can be included, but man, most just don't stack up to those on the current list who ARE active. Some of them also have tumblr, so I think it'd just be good to include multiple social media locations for people on the list.

>> No.9280188
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We have a meet planned, but interest seems low so we'll see. If nothing else we'll still have some ice skating meets.

Meanwhile, have my favourite ugly christmas sweater.

>> No.9281060

yeah thats what i meant sorry want too clear

>> No.9283376


Since people seem interested, I'll do a year end count. However, I won't be doing any commentary this year, out of fairness and avoiding bias.

>> No.9285236

Personally I like reading the commentary but I understand if you want to skip (it seems like a lot of work too).

>> No.9286228
File: 847 KB, 1125x2418, list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name has been brought up, actually.

Last year we had a good number of new names, any you want me to look into again? Any names not on here you want me to take a look at? Any instagram cosplayers, aside from those we talked about a bit back?

My suggestion is that we list based on name, and then include handles for both IG and Tumblr.

Names from last round:

Imploder (was added)
Kidbunni (was added)
Purpledragoncaptor (consensus to keep an eye on)
Hidemyerror (consensus to keep an eye on)
Sperocor (consensus to keep an eye on)
Neokalugovaya (was added)
Pasteleys (was added)
Sioxanne (was added)

Names brought up re: Instagram cosplayers


>> No.9286286

Of those names, Insta anon ended up following at least rogueteenbabe, page.of.heat, and thesmolzee after doing all of the reviews. Twerkquius was mentioned at least a couple times, and people really liked Xagave's horns.

>> No.9286301

Insta anon here.
The first round I mentioned were all ones I already followed. If you guys want the pictures, I've still got them.

>> No.9286359

I'm mostly interested in knowing if there's anyone I should discount immediately. Again, I'll only crunch numbers and hunt photos this year.

>> No.9286805

Elsterbae_cosplay, Rainbowfacekat, Nyara910 (changed their handle?), Derpkind and Crystalmethequins are all ones i can recall not receiving good feedback. Halopatrol looked nice, but only had one cosplay. Lots on the list had only bathroom selfies, so I figure you'll do a lot of weeding out of those.

>> No.9288137
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Hiveswap looks like it really is happening, guys.

>> No.9288333

I don't recall rainbowfacekat getting bad feedback back, and derpkind just has a face that makes insta anon uncomfortable, but they still had decent cosplay.

>> No.9288457

Nyara910 changed their handle on tumblr and insta to 2strife last time I checked.

>> No.9289227

its about damn time
i wont be getting it however, im only waiting for the epilogue to be out

>> No.9289961
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Starting from the top. I'll drop both tumblr handle and IG handle when applicable.


>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
I know someone posted a Rockabilly Roxy in the past thread, but it's not in either of her tags.
I did spot a Dualscar cosplan, though.

>> No.9289970
File: 1.93 MB, 667x1001, tumblr_oejhb2nV8u1r35os0o3_r1_1280[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to clarify, I will be counting *new cosplay content*. As in, even if the cosplay itself is not new, if there's a shoot that's new I will count it. Selfies are counted provided that the cosplay or version is new for the year. Current listnames I will go only by tumblr, but for additions I will check both instagram and tumblr.


>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Karkat Vantas (with Kidbunni as Dave)
Fancytier Karkat (with Saccharinesylph as fance dreamer Nepeta)

Gothichamlet seemingly only did rewears this year.

>> No.9289973


>Homestuck cosplays of 2016

Have this convo from JJs instagram:

I'm sorry if youve ever said this before but, will you be cosplaying homestuck ever again at comic cons? Or is it something more of a memory?
@rogue.ofmeow I keep saying I'm done... but then I have solid HS cosplans at both AUSA (Terezi with @kidbunni) and Katsucon (big ole fantrolls group). So uh. As you can see I'm doing a great job of putting it behind me.

>> No.9289981
File: 74 KB, 400x600, tumblr_o6xm84raHG1qj8sx1o3_400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Roxy Lalonde (selfies only)
Kanaya Maryam (with Scribblesafterdark as Rose)

>> No.9289983


No cosplays. Haven't posted anything in eight months. Explicitly stated she isn't very interested in cosplay anymore.

>> No.9289987

How many of you beautiful people will be coming to MAGfest in January?

>> No.9289989
File: 95 KB, 500x750, tumblr_o93e8kdXNu1s62miyo1_r2_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Dave Strider (caledscratch, booncase,) (with Hhhhammy as Karkat)
John Egbert (pogo hammer, fear no anvil)
Alpha Bro (I will call this sword the Clownslayer)
God Tier Dave

>> No.9289994
File: 110 KB, 1080x1080, 14515849_320626751630906_1198712195353935872_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing on tumblr, IG has some more content but also says that they're on semi-hiatus.

God Tier Dirk
Black dress Rose
Karkat Vantas

>> No.9290000
File: 76 KB, 540x360, tumblr_ofeqfgnArU1vbmhsgo1_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neokalugovaya/ n/a

>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Roxy Lalonde (with Shi-no-kage333 as Dirk)
God Tier Aradia
Kidswap Jane (?)
Bloodswap Aradia (?)

Honestly? I'd probably recommend just following Umbrellakindstuff since that's the group she and Sioxanne is part of and most of Neokalugovayas stuff is on that page. Their bloodswaps are p solid and I'm surprised I didn't see them until now.

>> No.9290002
File: 610 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_of1fsdz0N31rjx7a5o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Bloodswap Terezi
God Tier Terezi
Dragon kigu Latula

>> No.9290005
File: 608 KB, 1165x1920, tumblr_o5k37xo6381s992yno2_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caledbuttscratch changed URL.


>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Dreamer Aradia

Also seemingly planning to do fantrolls.

>> No.9290010

Do you guys still have any infamously bad cosplayers, or have that all improved/moved on? I'm feeling nostalgic, and HSG used to be my favourite threads because you fuckers always had some kind of drama.

>> No.9290011
File: 652 KB, 1280x768, tumblr_o7rkcqtkbJ1qgg53uo2_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imploder/ n/a

>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Bleachers-print outfit Sollux
God Tier John
Supposedly also did Gemstuck Karkat but there are no photos whatsoever.

>> No.9290012


>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Militarystuck Feferi
Dynastystuck Roxy

There are also explicit cosplay plans for knit dress Roxy, black dress Rose, K.O.'d Sollux. Apparently there's also a Lalonde bingo.

>> No.9290015
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>> No.9290018
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>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Jane Crocker
Aradia Megido
Vriska Serket
God Tier Aranea
Casual Dave

There are also selfies with a new Dirk wig on their IG.

>> No.9290023
File: 45 KB, 500x333, tumblr_oc4sipwYcl1u5rlfko1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute null for Periodicallypapaya (same on IG) as far as HScos goes.

Hidemyerror's cosplay tumblr is Princlet, though they're far more active on their original URL, even as far as cosplay goes.

>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Purple dress Rose
God Tier John
Rose Lalonde (with Sperocor, Smacharoney and Imaginmatrix as the other beta kids)
Troll Caliborn (counting this once since majority of photos were uploaded after last list was finished)

>> No.9290031
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Null for Purpledragoncaptor as well.

God Tier Caliborn
Troll Dirk
Troll Calliope
John Egbert
God Tier Jake

Props to Specoror for doing more shoots this year.

I'll look into the other names later, please tell me which ones from the old list of tumblr URLs you're still interested in, and if you want me to go over any URLs not on the list!

>> No.9290314

Missed you in the crunchyposting, but sure. Though these days it tends to be more bitterness about the popularity of mediocre cosplayers than laughing about downright trainwrecks. Names that come to mind are Captain Crunch Cosplay, Meepingkarkat, and Karkatinq.

>> No.9290316

Oh, and last thread a instacosplayer by name of Daddytbh was brought up, I almost forgot.

>> No.9290408

*meepingkankri because of their awful eyebrows and freckles

>> No.9290560
File: 206 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_o2idan0E0N1qgg53uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a single selfie with a gemstuck Aradia

>> No.9290562

also his Instagram is implodecosplay

>> No.9291394


I feel like their freckles would be so much better if they just didn't put so many all over the place. In terms of comparing them to other people's freckles they don't make them disgustingly unrealistic a la pepperoni freckles, it's just that they cover their entire face with them for every character. There's no saving the eyebrows though.

>> No.9291771

If there's cosplans, keep her on.

I feel as if I can't be unbiased about these two, but it does itch me that there's two new outfits and nothing from Gothichamlet.

See Yaexrae


Eight months of radio silence? Ditch.


Maybe we should have a main social media recommended? Then switch their rec'd to IG.

Keep, add Umbrellakindstuff.

Doesn't hurt to keep with how low output has been this year. On the other hand, when was their last cosplay?

I'm iffy. Pyropi and Yaexrae have much more to back them up. Keep, hesitantly.

Probably keep since the stuff he does is p solid.


Keep. Their new Dirk wig looks so ridiculous, though.

Add, if they've any plans. Are there photos of their Mindfang?

It pains me that Specoror is just not very good, because he's definitely ambitious and seemingly tries far more than a lot of other folks in fandom. His yellow diamond is... an experience.

And needless to say, don't add purpledragoncaptor

>> No.9294091

Seconding pretty much all of this.

I'd stay list the main social media first, then maybe the secondary ones afterwards? Especially since some people post more selfies on instagram, in case people are interested in only polished shoots rather than seeing personality.

>> No.9298049

I know we're likely all pretty busy this week with holidays, but I'll see if I can do a little tag dump later tonight. Hopefully there's some cute holiday themed outfits in the tag.

>> No.9298386

Thanks, anon!

Happy Holidays, MSPA General

>> No.9298522
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no worries!

a little later than I expected, but here it is.

>> No.9298525
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>> No.9298531
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>> No.9298536
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>> No.9298537
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to illustrate the disaster that is meepingkankri, here's a post from the tag.

>> No.9298538
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>> No.9298543
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>> No.9298546
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>> No.9298547
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>> No.9298551
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>> No.9298552
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>> No.9298554
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>> No.9298555
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>> No.9298557
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>> No.9298558
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>> No.9298559
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>> No.9298560
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>> No.9298569

Really like this GHBs makeup. Nice and sharp.

The volume on this Aradia's wig is great.

Those horns, holy shit.

I like everything about this. Nice and clean. this is paired with Baddy's Dirk, right?

The Eridan is the only one who looks composed nicely. Why didn't someone tell that Fef her horns were crooked.
A lot of this groups symbols aren't centered? The skill is there, it's just everything looks like it was thrown on for this photo. A lot of very simple fixes.
I just get the feeling Eridan was sitting there ready to go like an hour before the shoot, make up done and all dressed, while their friends fucked around and pulled on their outfits. Look how annoyed they are. This photo summarizes most homestuck group cosplays.

>> No.9298645

Thank you, anon.

The freckles almost look like they were going for a stone texture. oof

>> No.9298654

Thanks for dump anon! Also that first John has a cute face, dang.

Better pics? looks super clean

Pics of Jake?

Does these people have insta?

The aesthetic in and of itself is not entirely terrible, but they use it for e v e r y s i n g l e c h a r a c t e r.
Plus those brows are so obviously painted on it doesn't look even remotely real.

The epitome of a utterly "meh" Homestuck cosplay. Nothing really offensively wrong, but boy has this been done and done better. Hope she sticks at it and improves, though.

>I just get the feeling Eridan was sitting there ready to go like an hour before the shoot, make up done and all dressed, while their friends fucked around and pulled on their outfits.
lmao, yeah, probably.

>> No.9298741
File: 504 KB, 425x535, blind bumblebee prince.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not seeing much for full body pics, but heres where i got the first pic:

Jake's tumblr isnt very active, and doesnt have any recent pictures of their jake cosplay on it. And though their description says their instagram is the same as their tumblr, it doesnt exist when you check it on instagram.

A bit of digging in the solluxcaptorcosplay tag got me lampyridaeee on the sollux, and tavros is Xagave.

that tag search also turned up this cute holiday Sollux, who's blind.bumblebee.prince on intsa.

>> No.9298743


I like the double ears I don't think I've seen that done before.

>> No.9298771

those brows always make me cry they're so bad

>> No.9298893

you know now that I think about it, I haven't either, which is odd considering it is my headcanon (as well as a lot of other people's)

>> No.9299085
File: 180 KB, 533x800, tumblr_o2ic21oXDa1rf9s96o2_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No new cosplays

Same criticism still applies, but I will take a look at their friend Merfaed. Both of them are more active on IG.

Still a cute Jake, still not a lot of tumblr content. IG is more active but they seem to have moved on to sports anime. I like pic related.

Primary media is IG, so I'll look them up on that list instead.

Last cosplay post was mid-2015.

Doesn't exist.

>> No.9299092
File: 76 KB, 720x1080, tumblr_ob90csN7UG1s3aexzo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did do a really neat Porrim this year, but has an avg. output of two costumes/year and no consistent Homestuck.

See above.

Is a pretty decent aesthetic blog.

Throw other tumblrs my way, and I'll look into IG next.

>> No.9302996

a lot of the suggested instagram people are reasonably active on tumblr as well. from the quick peeks i took anyway.

>> No.9303623
File: 164 KB, 682x1024, tumblr_ocdr746hvb1qjcq3ho1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>HSCOS 2016
Altfash Rose Lalonde
Karkat Vantas
Meulin Leijon
Meenah Peixes
God Tier Karkat (seemingly no photoshoots)
Dirk Strider (seemingly no photoshoots)
Nepeta Leijon
God Tier Jade Harley
Kanaya Maryam
Roxy Lalonde of some non-canon outfit variety

I'll post some photos and let you guys be the judges this year.

>> No.9303627
File: 380 KB, 1024x682, tumblr_obmdgyaq0f1qjcq3ho2_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merfaed is also their IG, they've 13k followers and upload a few times a week. Almost exclusively cosplay, mainly Homestuck, some stuff on their IG that's not on their tumblr, but you still get the bulk by following their tumblr unlike some people who only rarely crosspost.

>> No.9303630
File: 259 KB, 682x1024, tumblr_o93b4email1qjcq3ho2_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9303878

Looks good! Meenah is pretty much everything we used to complain about with meenahs here (croptop, purposely visible panties), but still pretty clean. bit of loose armsocks, but otherwise looks alright.
Their tumblr also has a navigation option that works well enough too. So, thats a yes from me.

>> No.9305476
File: 576 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_ofeq65foFk1vbmhsgo2_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umbrellakindstuff is a russian cosplay group featuring Sioxanne, Neokalugovaya, and others.
They've pretty much all the characters so I'll just count the sets they've done.
They also reblog their members' individual cosplays.

Bloodswap (Alternia trolls)
Kidswap (Alpha)
Kidswap (Beta)
Alpha Kids
Beta Kids (This and alpha are both tagged as being from late 2015 but were posted during 2016)

Couldn't find an IG.


>> No.9305478
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>> No.9305494
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>> No.9305500
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>> No.9309559

Tav looks nice but the kids are kinda ehhh. Nothing real special?

>> No.9310834

The group looks like they shop their gray fairly often to make everyone match. And the yellowing of the eyes is so saturated it just takes away from the cosplay. They can definitely make the outfits and they obviously know HOW to grey up cleanly, but I don't like the heavy use of photoshop on them in so many of their photos. It's not CCC levels, but. Still unpleasant.

>> No.9310871
File: 167 KB, 1080x1007, 15337339_1270077386418105_850103121710415872_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onto IG. I'll be a bit more liberal in counting the cosplays as far as time/wear/photos goes and focus on describing their feed in general instead. With that said, I'm not counting one-off wears. IG is so focused on quantity so if you have 100+ posts in a year with five-six different cosplays, and a single photo of a one-off make up test...


Cosplays of 2016:
Holidaystuck Aradia
Porrim Maryam
Dead Aradia
Genderbend Tavros (stabbed)
Jadesprite (selfies only)
Meenah Peixes
Kanaya Maryam
Meulin Leijon (selfies only)
Gamzee Makara (test)
Jade Harley (selfies only)
Dead Kanaya
Jane Crocker (selfies only)
Genderbend Signless
Grimdark Rose (selfies only)
Kankri Vantas (selfies only)

Russian cosplayer who post both selfies and finished photoshoots. Not much WIPs, mostly cosplay related with some personal selfies and life updates sprinkled in for flavour. About two posts a week. Occasionally parttakes in SFSs. Only cosplays Homestuck.

>> No.9310872
File: 139 KB, 1080x1080, 14272276_1766419606953731_18644246_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfagging is hard

>> No.9310874
File: 141 KB, 1080x1080, 13398532_230156934037631_2000883029_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, she doesn't seem to have a tumblr.

>> No.9314866

i KNOW i've seen this picture around before, but i can't seem to place where.
Photos seem to be pretty nice, their kanaya wig really needs some work though.

>> No.9315189
File: 113 KB, 1080x1080, 14718531_1257273430960222_4832023445644509184_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for being slow, life is real and it is happening.

"Canon divergent" means outfit/styling changes (not interpretations) that aren't neccessarily part of a defined AU. In this case, Twerquius' Cronus has a denim jacket and some styling choices (piercings in earfins etc.), and the canon divergent Dirk is an entirely different outfit.


>Cosplays of 2016
Fuschia Equius
Equius Zahakk
Cronus Ampora (canon divergent)
Genderbend Kanaya
Dirk Strider (canon divergent)
Fancy dreamer Equius
Bro Strider
Rufioh Nitram
Humanstick Meenah (selfies only)
Jade Dualscar
Jake English (selfies only)
Troll OC (selfies only)

Lots of selfies and convention floor photos along with somewhat more proper photos. A good number of WIPs and follower interaction, SFSs, etc

Posts pretty much every day/multiple times a day. Has non-Homestuck content, currently into sports anime it seems? Still has Homestuck in their plans.

>> No.9315192
File: 162 KB, 1080x1080, 14677313_317361781980625_1849565436241248256_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9315195
File: 134 KB, 1080x1080, 13385824_967867436663418_1430808025_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their tumblr is twerk-quius, but it's mainly a reblog tumblr and there's not nearly as much content as there is on their IG.

There's also plenty of humorous photos.

>> No.9315204
File: 81 KB, 750x750, 12940779_1013241855428718_397360626_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Cosplays of 2016
Dirk Strider (canon divergent, only selfies)
Karkat Vantas
Fancy Dreamer Dave
Troll Dave
Gamzee Makara (slightly canon divergent)
AR (canon divergent, only selfies)
Pajamastuck Karkat
Onesie Karkat
Kidswap Dave
God Tier Karkat
God Tier Troll Dave
More canon divergent Dirk

>> No.9315207
File: 135 KB, 1080x1080, 14592084_1164195873663915_6735646328115691520_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mainly (high end) selfies, often with friends, but also more legitimate photos. Posts non-cosplay selfies every now and then, but no WIPs (aside from make up tests). Occasionally SFS.

Mainly cosplays Homestuck, posts roughly every other day.

>> No.9315211
File: 258 KB, 1280x874, tumblr_odcmccoSrT1ru1v52o2_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tumblr is Kiyye. They're active, and post their finished photosets there frequently, but no WIPs either.

Also a correction is that they apprently did God Tier Kankri as well, but it's really only the outfit that differs.

>> No.9315216
File: 159 KB, 1080x1080, 13744231_1791363041143950_2011480387_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I also missed their Kankri (selfies only) so have a bonus Davepetasprite.

>> No.9315284
File: 34 KB, 640x640, 15099483_335401066842983_805509807715909632_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Cosplays of 2016

Kanaya Maryam (canon divergent, only selfies)
Terezi Pyrope (canon divergent, only selfies)
Vriska Serket (canon divergent, only selfies)
Cyberpunkstuck Vriska
Fancytier Kanaya
God tier Kankri (only selfies)
Nepeta Leijon (seemingly a test as it's lacking pieces, only selfies)
Callie Ohpeee (canon divergent, only selfies)
Green dress Kanaya (only selfies)
Troll Rose (only selfies)
God Tier Vriska (without glasses for some reason?)
Porrim Maryam (canon divergent, only selfies)

>> No.9315293
File: 88 KB, 612x612, 12677396_536655019850344_323699757_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Warning for lots of their exotic pets (bugs of various kinds), especially in their earlier photos.
They've plenty of Homestuck cosplans,

Cosplays are almost entirely selfies, but they do have some proper photos, especially as of late. Aside from that there's a lot of cosplay-related posts such as WIPs and plans. Posts multiple times a day.

>> No.9315303
File: 196 KB, 1100x1280, tumblr_oazjjaSHZe1uyd0wxo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tumblr is elsterbae, and it's mainly a reblog account. Some cosplay posted, but no WIPs or links to cosplay content on there.

Re: Drama

I didn't see anything explicit, but they do post when they're mentioned and voted for in contests, asking their followers to vote for them. They also posted when their name was mentioned in the bad make up thread here a while ago, and in general link when they're mentioned somewhere, often in a way that might come off as asking for asspats. It doesn't seem like they reply to comments much or interact with their followers, bar a few instagram games every so often or answering direct questions, so that might also contribute to that. They also mention on their tumblr that they didn't sew their Fancytier Kanaya dress, but that their "tailor" did, and refer questions therewards, without leaving a link. But they seem to do all wig work, horns etc. themselves.

Anyway, pic related is probably more representative of the majority of their IG content than the other two I shared before.

>> No.9315310
File: 87 KB, 640x640, 13269412_1276058552423170_1382303194_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Cosplays of 2016
Fuschia Horuss
Black dress Rose
Horuss Zahakk (canon divergent)
Sollux Captor (canon divergent)
Mutant Darkleer
Horuss Zahakk (canon divergent)
Gamzee Makara (canon divergent, only selfies)
Roxy Lalonde (only selfies)
Jade Equius (only selfies)

>> No.9315313
File: 51 KB, 640x640, 13388753_138650723219111_299622443_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Roughly 90% of the cosplay photos that aren't selfies are also posted by Twerkquius. Aside from that, it's maybe a half split between cosplay content (WIPs, cosplay selfies, cosplay photos) and other stuff.

They had seven posts in November, none in December, and two in October. They did post today, though.

>> No.9315317
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 14156116_645597202254710_1725287753_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tumblr is 100dicrous and has one post, almost a year ago.

>> No.9315359
File: 133 KB, 1080x1349, 15403577_182923452175522_6078569159925432320_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, the initial assessments on these users, which is more based on quality and interaction, can be found here:


>Cosplays of 2016
Nepeta Leijon
Violet Nepeta
God Tier Karkat (only selfies)
Kankri Vantas (only selfies)
Karkat Vantas (only selfies)
Humanstuck Sollux (only selfies)
Sollux Captor (canon divergent, only selfies)
Dead Sollux (only selfies)
Karkat dressed as Dave (only selfies)
The Signless (only selfies)

>> No.9315374
File: 49 KB, 750x750, 15258807_1804719819803931_8615919457673412608_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guesstimate a 70/30 split between Homestuck and other fandoms. Posts pretty much once a day. No wips, and pretty much everything is cosplay related.

>> No.9315381
File: 90 KB, 640x480, 14052317_1162377227168883_185156431_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They left their tumblr a year ago, explicitly, and stated no intentions of going back.

>> No.9315478
File: 123 KB, 750x937, 14701341_1217368448306846_2291779521055031296_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Homestuck cosplay of 2016
Erisolsprite (only selfies)
Psiioniic (only selfies)
Fuschia Psiioniic (only selfies)
Porrim Maryam (only selfies)
HI Condescension (only selfies)
Jade Eridan (only selfies)
Eridan Ampora (only selfies)
The Disciple (only selfies)

>> No.9315483
File: 140 KB, 1080x1350, 13744226_1149966091742090_2131321987_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Post as good as every day, though their Homestuck content has definitely slowed these past few months, in favour of anime cosplay.
Only selfies, no wips, no personal posts, no SFSs. Not a lot of follower interaction either.

>> No.9316020

I'm following her and I think she does some p good stuff. Seems like a super sweet person too, though she's evidently going through some shit.

Definitely quantity over quality as far as photos goes, they're not nearly as well composed and shot as some other people here, but they exist and they're generally at least interesting.

This person is reaaaally tumblr in aesthetic, and I'm super over their overly pretty styling for everything, but all their selfies are clean, so.

Keep off. Idec about drama, I'm just not here for a billion mediocre selfies with sameface OTT make up. Especially not when the person doesn't sew their own cosplays.

Wouldn't add either.

Anyone who follow them know if they've any Homestuck planned?

>> No.9316062
File: 174 KB, 1080x1350, 13385632_1764302563790221_1630049133_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tumblr is also Anniepop45, but they haven't posted since July, and there's no cosplay tag.

>> No.9316115
File: 189 KB, 1080x1349, 13736866_1196070750443829_583186746_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Homestuck cosplay of 2016
Meenah Peixes
God Tier Horuss
Fefetasprite (no make up, only selfies)
God Tier Cronus (only selfies)
God Tier Feferi
Fuchsia Nepeta (only selfies)

As far as I can tell, only GT Cronus, fuchsia Nepeta and Meenah were actually made/worn in 2016, though I may be mistaken.

>> No.9316123
File: 49 KB, 480x343, 13725487_588427311330115_787379570_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To clarify, the photos that aren't selfies rarely go beyond pic related as far as planning and composition goes.
They post roughly every other day, mainly cosplay/convention related though only about 1/5 of that is Homestuck (judging by their wrapup, which also features Fefetasprite which I missed).
A number of WIPs and out of cosplay selfies, OOTD, personal posts and random fanart/photos of cats/whatnot. So actual Homestuck cosplay content isn't a lot.They post roughly every other day.

>> No.9316127
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If they've a tumblr, I can't find it.

>> No.9316143
File: 116 KB, 1080x1349, 14733618_1781098218810627_7721622316488065024_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Cosplays of 2016
Teal Sollux (only selfies)
Humanstuck Terezi
Beforus Terezi (only selfies)
Rust Sollux
Purple Terezi (?)
Sollux Captor (only selfies)
The Psiioniic
Troll OC
God Tier Troll OC (only selfies)
FLARP-outfit Terezi

>> No.9316150
File: 66 KB, 750x500, 13649193_627603387417652_1972059720_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posts roughly two-three times a week, cosplay content is mainly selfies and WIPs, with some photos taken with friends here and there. Pretty even split between Homestuck and non-Homestuck. Occasional personal post and fanart.

>> No.9316155
File: 102 KB, 750x880, 13188036_233992953632743_1029702375_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tumblr is Delinked, they seem to view the platforms as pretty much equal and post most of their stuff cross platform. It's also a reblog-blog.

>> No.9316164
File: 51 KB, 1080x1080, 14280492_1811261869108208_1901979394_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Cosplays of 2016
Eridan Ampora
Tanktop Dirk (only selfies)
Seifuku Dirk (only selfies)
Dave Strider (only selfies)
Dirk Strider (only selfies)
Gamzee Makara (only selfies)
God Tier John (only selfies)
Fandesign AR (only selfies)
God Tier Dirk
Kanaya Maryam (only selfies)
Jake English (only selfies)
The Dolorosa (only selfies)
Cronus Ampora (only selfies)
Vriska Serket
Roxy Lalonde (only selfies)
Kidswap Roxy (only selfies)

>> No.9316171
File: 69 KB, 1080x723, 14566628_1360828210608470_7221496924174548992_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posts every other day, almost exclusively selfies but there are proper photos too. Regardless of which the approach seems to post a bunch of things that are from the same session for a few days and then switch.

There's some WIPs from earlier this year, but not a lot posted currently. Either they go back and clean the feed every so often or the do virtually no follower interaction/SFS, etc. Same as with Anniepop45.

Cosplays mainly Homestuck with some anime and cartoons sprinkled in.

>> No.9316175
File: 62 KB, 1080x810, 14550091_871246699674232_2095492441816694784_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tumblr is Fennperrox, which is mostly a reblog tumblr but has some cosplays posted (mainly finished shoots and barely any of the selfies).

>> No.9316195
File: 86 KB, 1080x1080, 13774810_303729393312222_1532756979_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Kurloz Makara
Karkat in Dave's shirt (only selfies)
Cronus Ampora (only selfies)
Kankri Vantas (only selfies)
Cronus Ampora (canon divergent) (only selfies)
Karkat Vantas (canon divergent/unfinished) (only selfies)
Sollux Captor (only selfies)
Gamzee Makara (only selfies)
The Summoner (canon divergent) (only selfies)
Horuss Zahakk (canon divergent) (only selfies)
Aranea Serket (canon divergent) (only selfies)
Eridan Ampora (unfinished) (only selfies)
The Sufferer (canon divergent/unfinished) (only selfies)

>> No.9316197
File: 87 KB, 1080x810, 14262797_301362203564540_453650248_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The vast majority of their cosplay content is bathroom selfies. Mainly Homestuck up until a few months ago where it took a backseat to anime/cartoons. Posts once a day, exclusively cosplay related.

Can't seem to find any WIPs that aren't make up tests.

A correction: their Karkat exist in proper photo form, as does their Sufferer (in one photo, which is why I missed it).

>> No.9316199
File: 88 KB, 750x750, 13167228_112697882479514_1159974846_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If they have a tumblr, I can't find it.

>> No.9316204
File: 116 KB, 640x800, 15624351_754191518090522_6931343394811674624_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eleven down, twenty-two to go.


>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Eridan Ampora
The Psiioniic
Mituna Captor
God Tier Sollux
Sollux Captor
Tavros Nitram

Bonus >>9290011 Imploder that I missed when I did them.

>> No.9316206
File: 50 KB, 480x471, 13108742_229496734082712_486834680_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Photos that aren't selfies are mostly con-photos and messing around with friends. Posts infrequently and in bursts of a few photos at once. So nine photos in December, but posted at only three different dates. No 100% personal posts, no real WIPs, a handful of photos of their friends.

>> No.9316209
File: 89 KB, 750x536, 15538199_1857841451125521_5358860639731187712_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tumblr is Xagave, and they're far more active there as far as posting WIPs and finished photoshoots goes. Also a reblog-blog, but with heavy focus on Homestuck fanart.

>> No.9316223
File: 236 KB, 1080x1349, 15403523_428590010864081_5665675335077724160_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Homestuck cosplay of 2016
Steamstuck Vriska/Mindfang (?)
Feferi Peixes (canon divergent/promstuck?)
Trizza Thetis
God Tier Vriska
Roboarm Vriska
Feferi Peixes (canon divergent)
Fairy Vriska
Eridan Ampora
(Vriska) (only selfies)
Aranea Serket
Feferi Peixes
Kanaya Maryam (VERY canon divergent)

>> No.9316256
File: 216 KB, 1080x1349, 14553144_950254788437219_1093449577790439424_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posts in bursts of three or more to keep the aesthetic, but only post every three days or so. As far as cosplay goes it's a pretty even mix of selfies and more legit photos, but I'd also say about 1/3 is out of cosplay/personal posts. A lot of follower interaction, not a lot of WIP.

>> No.9316260
File: 477 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_o7ke3w3XH71s2vn5ho3_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tumblr is Azaraampora, they post some but not all of their cosplay there. Mainly a reblog blog, it seems.

>> No.9316451

Would wool felt be good for Nepeta's jacket? Is it okay to go with a less strong colour? Still green, but not like the greenest you see on Google?
And it is a coat, right? Not really a jacket?

>> No.9316482


Crunchy, I really gotta say. Insta anon gave a much better spread of photos that represented the cosplayers so far, but summaries are mostly pretty concise and on point. Thank you for doing this once again.

Their cosplays are nice, but selfies aren't really enough.

I like their god tier cronus but I don't think they're worth putting on if they're not really cosplaying homestuck much anymore. But that could probably be said for some of the higher up list members right now too.

Wish they'd posted pictures of their fantroll's dreamer being worn past the wip. It looked pretty nice and I always love seeing dreamers that aren't too over the top.

definitely not worth keeping if all they have are selfies from that bathroom. Their cosplays don't look half bad, but the bathroom selfies are most of their pictures.

Saw a god tier dave and a god tier mituna cosplay when I looked, though only selfies on instagram. The better photos are definitely in their tumblr cosplay tag.

this wig look so gross. Their earfins are very tumblr, but their vriska is really nice.

>> No.9316511
File: 82 KB, 750x937, 15259160_1182238195196871_1439184622528233472_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, I'm not at the top of my game (also, instagram just isn't my favourite platform, and crunching someone's instagram is just so much more material to begin with). Sorry for not providing any commentary, but again, I've more presence in the fandom than I did when I first did this like, three years ago. I try and pick photos I feel are more representative of their feed as a whole, and not just high points.

I also generally elect to ignore cosplays that only pop up in one photo over the course of the year, since IG is so much more quantity. But feel free to correct me and provide additional photos.

Re: selfies. IG has a format that definitely favours selfies (small, square photos = close up of someone's face works better than full body photos), and the more I look through these the more I feel like excluding people because they only post selfies isn't quite right. The people who do this, such as Anniepop45, often make a point out of good light and a above-average quality camera. Problem is, of course, that craftmanship takes second place. I'm not sure how I feel, but there's very obviously a difference between selfie and selfie.



>Homestuck cosplay of 2016
Blind Sollux (only selfies)
Maidstuck Sollux (only selfies)
Mituna Captor
Kankri Vantas (only selfies)
Militarystuck Psiioniic
Decapitated Dirk (only selfies)
Sollux Captor (only selfies)
Humanstuck Mituna (only selfies)
Dave Strider (only selfies)
Alpha Dave (only selfies)
God Tier Mituna (only selfies)
God Tier Sollux (only selfies)

>> No.9316524
File: 45 KB, 750x750, 14063163_299309803780764_94582679_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posts about once a day, but also posts a bunch of photos from the same session in bursts. Mostly Homestuck selfies, but some non-Homestuck cosplay and occasional non-cosplay selfies. Seems to be pretty into musical.ly.

>> No.9316538
File: 72 KB, 1080x1080, 13744274_1135043633234600_2000380678_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


URL is Frecklesandstitches but they're definitely more active on IG. Tumblr features some cosplay gifs, but the vast chunk of their stuff is on their IG and they don't crosspost everything.

>> No.9317199
File: 94 KB, 750x750, 12918462_1034213359984370_122598340_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Homestuck cosplay of 2016
Fantroll OC (only selfies)
Equius Zahakk (only selfies)
Karkat Vantas (only selfies)
John Egbert (only selfies)
Mituna Captor (only selfies)
Eridan Ampora (without paint, only selfies)
God Tier Dave (only selfies)

>> No.9317204
File: 147 KB, 1080x1194, 15043823_1763411507256071_5403962061241712640_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posting is irregular but picks up around convention time - most of their content is just hanging out with friends and semi-personal stuff. They post no photoshoots on their IG, no real WIPs either. There's quite a bit of out of cosplay selfies, as well as OC art.

>> No.9317209
File: 107 KB, 1080x1259, 13736096_665169940314188_443869754_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tumblr is Krazorspoon but they rarely post at all anymore (there's one month since last post, and then a few months inbetween the following).

>> No.9317222
File: 101 KB, 1080x1080, 14240489_124243881363163_420023788_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aurcosplay has changed URL to Briefglimpses, and seems to have changed direction entirely towards aesthetic posts. Their latest posted Homestuck cosplay was over five months ago. If they have a tumblr I can't find it.


>Homestuck cosplay of 2016
Kanaya Maryam (canon divergent) (only selfies)
Rose Lalonde (canon divergent) (only selfies)
Midnight Crew Aradia (without horns, only selfies)
Aradia Megido (only selfies)
Jade Harley (canon divergent)
Roxy Lalonde (canon divergent) (only selfies)
Jane Crocker (canon divergent) (only selfies)
Militarystuck Meenah
God Tier Rose (only selfies)

>> No.9317230
File: 174 KB, 1080x1080, 13652173_1755468114733092_217227004_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mixes cosplay with personal posts, selfies, and their art. No photoshoots, but a con photo here and there. Roughly 50/50 cosplay and other stuff.

More follower interaction than past names mentioned (or others are just more prone to deleting old posts), such as tags, "who should I cosplay next?", challenges, etc.
Has Homestuck cosplay planned, used to post at least once a day but seems to have shifted to a more sparse and sporadic schedule.

>> No.9317234
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Tumblr is Space-age-babe, they crosspost some cosplay but not all. It's mainly a reblog blog with some art and fanart.

>> No.9317240
File: 48 KB, 750x937, 15877351_1724395764555625_1113091571336609792_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Humanstuck Cronus (only selfies)
Troll Dirk
Cronus Ampora
Dirk Strider
Headless Dirk
Karkat Vantas (only selfies)
John Egbert (only selfies)
David Bowie Cronus (only selfies)
Cronus Ampora (canon divergent)
Potterstuck Dirk
God Tier Cronus
Kanaya Maryam (canon divergent) (only selfies)
Halloweenstuck Karkat

>> No.9317390
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Posts every other day or so. Mainly cosplay, but with the occasional personal post/out of cosplay selfie. WIPs sprinkled throughout, some fanart and follower interaction (SFS, "finish the heart" things). Roughly even split between selfies and proper photoshoots.

>> No.9317406
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Tumblr is Bloggylongway, which is a cosplay exclusive blog, mostly everything seems crossposted, as well as tutorials and photos of other cosplayers. Hard to say if tumblr or IG is primary.

>> No.9317420
File: 372 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_oiu0hxF1il1uu0j6oo2_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nyara910 changed handle to Rgbsprite, and hasn't posted any cosplay on their IG (redacted: what I thought was a selfie was a Trickster Dave test).

Their cosplays on tumblr:

Trickster Dave
God Tier John
Dave (canon divergent)
Dirk Strider (canon divergent)
Jade Harley

The rest of what they've posted since before seems to have been purged/on a different URL. All things posted are selfies.

>> No.9317430


Eerie_entity changed their handle to Neverland.nymph. They've only been posting content to the new one for the past two months and I don't think they've been reposting a lot of old stuff (speaking of, I forgot to mention that >>9317240 Baddylongway repost a fair number of photos from old photoshoots).

>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Karkat Vantas
Vriska Serket
Nepeta Leijon
Rose Lalonde (canon divergent)
Kanaya Maryam (canon divergent)
Gamzee Makara (canon divergent)
Kankri Vantas
Porrim Maryam (canon divergent)
Headless Dirk

All selfies.

>> No.9317431
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No WIPs, no convention photos, occasional videos and aesthetic photos. Some follower interaction through answering thiscrush messages.

>> No.9317436
File: 88 KB, 1080x1080, 14488208_1625616851065690_5348432042524672000_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Post frequency evens out to once a day but they post in bursts rather than on schedule, and they also post fillers (blank images) to keep their feed looking the way they want it.

>> No.9317463

Question for you guys- I want to crossplay as Vriska but I have an Adam's apple, as all males do, and a very deep voice. Should I do it at all? I've crossdressed many times for <PERSONAL REASONS> but I've always been scared of face up, due to not thinking I'm girly enough.

Is it really just a matter of fuck what people say, have fun? Or should I care enough.

>> No.9317478

Fellow guy crossplayer here; fucking do it. It's the only way to build confidence and experience contouring and hiding facial hair. There are tricks to hide your adams apple and such as well.

>> No.9317522

I've done some searching but most of them say just wear a fucking scarf. That seems lazy? Or is that really the best idea..??

>> No.9317551

There's a technique to hide your adams apple by sort of doing a half swallow and holding it there. Learn how to do that while having a natural expression will help a lot for photos. It's hard and needs a lot of practice, you will usually have a strained or retarded looking face if you aren't used to it. You can also adjust your neck (ie looking down a little) to kind of hide it as well.

You can also be lazy and cosplay someone with some neck piece.

>> No.9317554

Hmn. Alright, thank you very much! I'm going to give it a go!

>> No.9317594
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I believe in you, anon. Just the fact that you're even posting something like that tells me you're on the right path.

But let's be real here, the Homestuck fandom doesn't care if they can see your adams apple or not.

>"finished with my vriska test!"

>> No.9317630

Of the Insta names Crunchy Anon has done so far, I think both Xagave and Baddylongway are definite adds. I think capricious_clown is certainly a "to watch" at least. Same with angry.fishboy.

>> No.9317634

ugh isn't this the kid that's always causing some drama or other? Hard pass.

>> No.9317637

We shouldn't even be mentioning daddytbh, other than to warn others to stay away. Decent Strider cosplays, does a good Kankri, but unfortunately has a tendency to start up drama for entertainment.

>> No.9317639

>decent strider cosplays
>a good kankri
hsg you have really gone to shit. just let the fandom die if your standards are going to be this desperately lax

>> No.9317720

definitely agree. While Xagave seems to use instagram more as a fun photo collection, their tumblr fits what used to be the standard for the list. Cosplay tutorials, very organized tagging, and nearly 100% homestuck content.

>> No.9317726

Baddylongway takes crit very well, and has been nothing but personable on here. Their shoots are nice, cosplays clean. Agreeing on adding them.

>> No.9317793

That's probably true, the Adam's apple thing. Thank you! I will do my absolute best!!

>> No.9317946

They've been souring up the IG community for a while now, yeah.

You're right. Honestly I'm not sure they weren't trying to troll, so I guess that makes for even more fuel to their fire.

I think Capricious is worth following. Super sweet person, and pretty good as far as IG goes

>> No.9319831

I enjoy following her too, but since she doesn't seem to have tutorials/we haven't seen how well she handles crit idk if she's quite list material yet. Some of the Insta people I suggested I wouldn't necessarily consider list-worthy simple because the criteria differ slightly

>> No.9321297
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>Homestuck cosplay of 2016
Vriska Serket
Eridan Ampora
God Tier Aradia
Feferi Peixes (only selfies, canon divergent)
Rose Lalonde (only selfies, canon divergent)
John Egbert (only selfies)
Meenah Peixes (only selfies)
God Tier John
God Tier jake
Fancy Dreamer Kanaya (only selfies, WIP)
God Tier Jade
Eridan Ampora (canon divergent)
Fefetasprite (only selfies)
Promstuck Eridan
Dave Strider (canon divergent)
Dead Aradia Megido

>> No.9321317
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Photos vary between con photos and photoshoots. Maybe a 70/30 split of selfies and proper photos. 70/30 is also a rough estimate of Homestuck and other fandoms. Mostly all of it is cosplay related, though. No WIPs as far as I can tell. I'd say they post something like every other day.

Also they turned 13 in 2016, so there's that.

>> No.9321322
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I missed a Callie Ohpeee costest, as well as their Roxy Lalonde, so those also exist.

>> No.9321897

definitely quantity over quality. the john you posted is a prime example. but i really like their Eridan. impressive for 13, but still needs more quality in their work to be list material. Keep an eye on them for sure, because if thats where they're starting they'll hopefully do amazing things with more time and experience.

>> No.9321944

Didn't this kid just draw on everything then cause a shit fest when people called them out on it for saying it was a full cosplay

>> No.9321947

From what I've seen their 'cosplays' aren't even ok

>> No.9322145

Elliot is a full fledged drama machine and only gets more and more followers with each drama he starts up. He has even confirmed that he does shit like this on purpose for fun. Let's call him a drama whore, agree to avoid him and leave it at that.

>> No.9322539
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And, for the record, if Skyvlis has a tumblr I couldn't find it.

The.mildly.inspiring was brought up, but a lot of what they do is closet cosplays and I feel as if a bit too many of their cosplays are "guess the character/AU" for you guys to be interested. If anyone still want me to look closer into their feed, just tell me and I will.

Page.of.heart has only been posting since June, so their output for 2016 is only for the last 6mo.

>Homestuck cosplay of 2016
Trickster Jake
Headless Dirk
Gemstuck Jake
Genderbend Roxy (only selfies)
Genderbend Rose (only selfies)
Genderbend Jane (only selfies)
Dirk Strider (canon divergent, only selfies)
Jake English (only selfies)
Crockertier Genderbend Jane (only selfies)
Dreamer Dirk
Promstuck Jake (only selfies)
Genderbend Jade (canon divergent, only selfies)
Genderbend Porrim (WIP, only selfies)
Skull mask Jake (only selfies)
Bro Strider (only selfies)
Grandpa Harley (only selfies)
Alpha Bro (only selfies)
Dreamer Dave (only selfies)
Fawn Jake (only selfies)
Grimdark Genderbend Rose (only selfies)

There are also three troll cosplay make up tests uploaded in January, though very clearly WIPs with no horns (same as for Porrim).

>> No.9322548
File: 107 KB, 1080x1080, 14448221_1114362335306742_777278854535315456_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posts in bursts of three to keep aesthetic, at least once a day. So if you're an avid spacer-hater there's that. 90% selfies, mostly following the style of pic related. Also fond of musical.lys. No WIPs or con-goofing.

>> No.9322553
File: 94 KB, 1080x1350, 15534878_1818837531723922_7849085577054912512_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No tumblr as far as I can tell.

>> No.9322568
File: 119 KB, 1080x1080, 13737015_213249655742668_1966194693_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
God Tier Roxy
Mom Lalonde
Dreamer Roxy
Knit dress Roxy
Borderlandstuck Roxy (only selfies)
Militarystuck Roxy (only selfies)
God Tier John
Jane Crocker (canon divergent)
Pokémon trainer Roxy
Martini dress (fan design) Roxy (only selfies)
Snapchat upd8 Roxy (only selfies)

There's also some fancy dreamer WIPs.

>> No.9322587
File: 122 KB, 750x937, 14359559_187154968382861_1737461557_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posts maybe 70/30 cosplay stuff and personal posts and original/fanart. Mostly Homestuck, but a handful of Pokémon/Steven Universe/nonfandom. Lots of WIPs, and a decent amount of follower interaction through SFS, tags, etc. Seems to average on about 20 posts/mo.

>> No.9322604
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Tumblr is Rogue-teen-babe, and most stuff seems to be crossposted. There is a cosplay blog too but it's not as updated. Some reblogs, but they're not super active.

>> No.9322611
File: 109 KB, 1080x1080, 15535084_344327252615702_8816264387653271552_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Genderbend Terezi
Genderbend FLARP Terezi
Genderbend God Tier Aradia
Genderbend Vriska (only selfies)

>> No.9322623
File: 116 KB, 1080x1080, 15624432_342166052816699_3641069082213613568_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very uneven pace of posting, but usually posts in bursts with longer gaps inbetween. About 1/4th is Homestuck, the rest is other fandoms. Posts some WIPs and progress photos, and both selfies and proper shoots.

>> No.9322632
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Tumblr is Allofthemeadows, but it's mostly/entirely a reblog blog. There's a reference to their cosplay, but the tag linked is only of other peoples' cosplays.

>> No.9323360

is it too late to fug my grey alien waifu or is homestuck cosplay still popular

>> No.9323366

>cosplayers who go so far they paint every inch of their feet grey

how do they do it without dying of ticklishness?

>> No.9323399 [DELETED] 

I've died from the adorableness. Looking through that instagram, I have never saw someone more cute.

>> No.9323471

http://gateofthegoldenbull.tumblr.com/ is their tumblr. Mostly NOT homestuck nowdays.

>> No.9324924

been trying to fug a vriska for too long now but im too awkward and short, i think hiveswap might bring back some hype for more cosplayers to get back into the water so it might not be too late after all

>> No.9325006
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>> No.9325212
File: 98 KB, 750x750, 15625341_1389146081103743_4570519920831365120_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Homestuck cosplay of 2016
The Condescension
Roxy Lalonde (only selfies)
Genderbend Cronus
The Signless
Betty Crocker/HIC

A'ight, thanks!


>> No.9325719

gee, thanks for making my post new meme :^)
i dont think thats something hussie would say tho because hes pretty tall

>> No.9328426
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Wow, sorry guys, life just keeps on happening ):

Anyway, they post a few times a week, the majority of which is cosplay selfies, with some musical.lys, the occasional photo and WIP. They do SFSs, and seem kinda prone to bandwagoning. The majority of their cosplay is not Homestuck.

A correction: I did find this non-selfie photo of their Roxy.

>> No.9328433
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If they have a tumblr, there are no links to it and the URL is entirely different.

>> No.9328441
File: 128 KB, 1080x1080, 12530935_514133568787072_614465443_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Homestuck cosplay of 2016
God Tier John
LMFAO-stuck Meulin (only selfies)
Karkat Vantas
Rose Lalonde (canon divergent, only selfies)

There are a few others posted, but those are all explicitly throwbacks.

>> No.9328463
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Latest Homestuck post was about three months ago, though they have stated their interest in Hiveswap. Posts a little less than once a day, plenty of selfies with a handful of proper photos mixed in. Some SFSs, and follower interaction by way of con schedules etc.

>> No.9328484
File: 104 KB, 1080x1080, 12940765_1146296478736824_64857034_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tumblr URL is the same, and is cosplay focused, but doesn't seem to be up to date. There are some more, and more hi-res photos of stuff that's up on their IG, though. So worth to check out if you're only here for the Homestuck.

>> No.9328965


A follower told me I was being posted here and I'm?????
I'm a fucking great cosplayer lmao shut the hell up you fags you don't know shit about cosplay

>> No.9328970

Really hope this is just a troll.

>> No.9328976
File: 923 KB, 1004x916, Screen Shot 2016-11-09 at 3.43.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-s this real? Am I reading this right?

>> No.9328989

Knowing them, I doubt it

>> No.9329024

It's not you fucking losers lol
I bet none of you are half as good as I am with nowhere as many followers if you resort to calling me a drama whore. I'm a more successful cosplayer than any of you lowlives.

>> No.9329073

Thanks for reviving shit tier, kid.

>> No.9329076

John and Karkat are both older cosplays, both at least 2013. Jaspersprite is an older cosplay (the group it was for has been posted countless times here), it's Erisolsprite that was their Katsu cosplay last year with pearlgirl. Pretty sure Rose also isn't from this past year.

Lots of rewears with new photos, not a lot of new homestuck content. I've been following a long time and have been considering unfollowing, just because they don't really cosplay much homestuck anymore.

>> No.9329081


Sorry you got posted :^)

>> No.9329102

You better be fucking sorry.

>> No.9329116

Oooh, what are you gonna do?

Your septum piercing and drawn on disease freckles look ugly as shit in the one picture of you I can see here, go back to your Instagram fame sweetie

>> No.9329151

looks like troll to me desu.

>> No.9329166
File: 7 KB, 100x100, IMG_2061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can only dream of being this good at shitposting. troll or not i wouldn't be surprised if it was actually elliot
toss 'em into shit tier where he belongs lads

>> No.9329217

Okay but if you are indeed Elliot, you shouldn't even be on here kiddo. Iirc you're like 16/17

>> No.9329257

Try fourteen, as far as I've heard. But I guess that's a bit too young for people to put any weight into what you're saying, or feel comfortable jerking off to you slobbering all over your lips?
To your credit, you don't seem to be whining on IG about this yet.

Seriously, though, you've made a name based on obsessively starting drama, with the occasional cosplay thrown in. It can't be a surprise to you that there are people who dislike you(r cosplay).

>> No.9329301

Kek sorry no one likes you, kid.

>> No.9329604
File: 343 KB, 1206x1609, tumblr_ocqqv1Oj4o1ugybqqo1_r4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Halopatrol has two cosplays; fancy dreamer and God Tier Callie Ohpeee. Both have both selfies and proper photos, and there's plenty of WIPs, but the output is definitely on the low side. URL is Halopatrol, which features some photos and a guide on their fabric selection for FD Callie, so if you want to look into that it's there, but I figure output is probably a bit too low for you guys, with no new Homestuck planned.

>> No.9329638
File: 113 KB, 1080x1350, 12556076_175829139450580_1351201941_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think many of you will enjoy Derpkinds feed, they did three Homestuck cosplays in 2016 (punk Vriska, Meenah, and Jake, I think all but Meenah were rewears) none of which had proper photos. The vast majority of their feed is other fandoms/selfies/personal posts, and they post multiple times a day (usually two or three, not rarely four, five, even more). If you want me to go in depth, tell me and I will.


>Homestuck cosplay of 2016
The Disciple (only selfies)
Nepeta Leijon (only selfies)
Nepeta Leijon (canon divergent, only selfies)
Humanstuck Nepeta (only selfies)

There are WIP-photos for Davepetasprite from July.

Posts rarely and irregularly (something like 30-ish posts for the entirity of 2016). Their posts are mainly selfies and con/WIP/other cosplay related things and they recently came back from hiatus.

>> No.9329646
File: 94 KB, 1080x1080, 13561935_1791713234405990_1633310061_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Their tumblr is Crimsondoe, but it's pretty exclusively a reblog tumblr. The cosplay I did find was sparingly posted and not particularly frequent.

With all this said, the moving wings are still really cool, and I am curious as to where other anon found some of the photos, because I didn't see them on their feed.

>> No.9329661
File: 142 KB, 1080x1080, 13694740_549940308528569_1696074091_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Crystalmethequins' latest Homestuck photo was in July and was captioned as the "last time [they'd] be wearing Dualscar for a while", along with the rather unfavourable response they got from here I won't look further into them.

___lynxx_ (that's three underscores plus one, for anyone who had a hard time making it out)

>Homestuck cosplay of 2016
Dualscar (canon divergent, only selfies)
Summoner (only selfies)
Kurloz Makara (canon divergent, only selfies)¨
Headless Dirk (only selfies)
Bro Strider (only selfies)
Dave Strider (only selfies)
Signless (only selfies)
Diamonds Droog (only selfies)
Spades Slick (only selfies)
Vriska Serket (only selfies, canon divergent/WIP)
Alpha Dave (only selfies, canon divergent)
Heinousstuck Dave
Genderbend Mindfang (only selfies, no horns)
Christmasstuck Droog (only selfies)

>> No.9329672
File: 144 KB, 1080x1080, 14597227_1819776401623783_7012948172867633152_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posts in bursts, but it evens out to roughly every other day. There's also Homestuck cosplay WIP (notably a Bec Noir) for the future. Speaking of WIPs, there's a few. Mostly it's just selfies, though. No photoshoots or anything.

>> No.9329679
File: 133 KB, 1080x1080, 13627904_948801991891840_2050236787_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No tumblr as far as I can tell.

>> No.9329802
File: 87 KB, 1080x1210, 1530808_674757899329992_1447876084_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thesmolzee is the last one on the list, I might have a few names I think deserve to be mentioned, but I appreciate it if any of you have any names to add!

>Homestuck cosplays of 2016
Gamzee Makara
Karkat Vantas (only selfies)
Mituna Captor (only selfies)
Kurloz Makara
Sober Gamzee (only selfies)
Promstuck Gamzee

>> No.9329828
File: 212 KB, 1080x1269, 14280461_1685596851760644_1899190222_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posts a lot of WIPs, finished photos are mostly selfies but with a few handfuls of more proper, full body photos. Posts a few times a week, occasionally personal posts/out of cosplay selfies, as well as some fanart.

>> No.9329838
File: 104 KB, 1080x1349, 12407174_623101684512264_1252923689_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tumblr URL is Smolzee, there's some crossposting but not a lot, and the WIPs are all on IG. But there's some posts (notably from earlier in the year) that's only on their tumblr.

Also I just realized I left off my name again, agh. Damn you, cache.

>> No.9329993

what was the point of you typing a fuckton of question marks?
are you a tumblrina?

>> No.9330426


A fine sacrifice for the shitty beard gods.

>> No.9330437

It's not like you lose anything from following these two.

Even discounting the shitty beard, the quality of work just isn't there... the ambition is cool, but there's just no skill to pull it off. Same with their Heinous Dave. Also they're really obnoxious in their captions.

Eh, sure.

Eh, probably not, then.

Quality is borderline. Depends on cosplans if you ask me.

Same here. Cosplans?

Yes. They also have a account for wips only so that's cool.

I feel as if we need a clearer stance on higher end selfies.

Page depends on their intentions to finish their troll cosplays.

I'd follow them.


>> No.9330797

They cleaned up their instagram perhaps? I know multiple cosplayers go through and delete photos they don't like anymore. I'm pretty sure I stuck strictly to instagram, but if there was a tumblr link in their profile, I might have checked that out too.

>> No.9330815


I can't help but see their horns as oddly-colored dildos.

>> No.9330849
File: 223 KB, 450x600, 1448651973494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant unsee.

>> No.9330852

how many times in hsg will we come across things that are Ribbed For No Ones Pleasure...

>> No.9333494

I like their makaras well enough. The rest is pretty ok. I think it's just those awful psionic horns that stood out as bad. Sure, put them on.

>> No.9333824

This is the way the kidlets talk now. Abbreviations, begs for reassurances, and the mental disorders are the new cruise control for cool.

>TFW your feeds are always full of
>senpai i highkey wish I wasn't so ugly and bad at cosplay it makes me disassociate real bad and im just ???????? pls send me love and comment on my recent posts so I can see them

>> No.9334632

Insta anon here. I've been browsing a the tag a little more frequently and came across at least 3 more people I think you guys might like. Would anyone be opposed to me doing little collages for them the same as I did for the others?

>> No.9334741

I'd be the opposite of opposed to that. I'd be downright enthused.

>> No.9335031

please go on, i do like the reviews on here, you cant really get good cosplay reviews anywhere else this organized and equally platformed

>> No.9335685

Please do!

>> No.9336847


alright! I've got 4 to work on, will post when the collages are done.

>> No.9337759
File: 983 KB, 800x724, foxandthings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


UK cosplayer, 17.
A wide variety of cosplays, but headbands and untrimmed wigs are definitely a thing. Knows how to pose herself, and someone takes backyard photoshoots for her fairly regularly.

There were way nicer pictures of her Kanaya, but that was the only one that really showed the whole outfit and chainsaw.
Not really a fan of her Aradia skirt though.

Posts at least a couple times each week and chitchats with followers in the comments- apparently she's 5ft5? Looks way taller in photos.

>> No.9337770
File: 844 KB, 800x617, shiftinghide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Swedish, obviously a Captor fan.

Likes AUs and bloodswaps, puts a lot of little details into things- their grimdark sollux's horns, that steampunk looking outfit in general.
Kudos for wearing those sclera lenses. i know those can a hassle to get used to, but they throw them on just about every time they put on a Captor.

Will talk with followers, but recently has been cosplaying more anime.

>> No.9337780
File: 961 KB, 800x728, pink cuttlefish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


21, Poland. Cosplays frequently with Steamshade (posting next).

Maryams, Bloodswaps and Genderbends. Nice clean makeup, variety of selfies and quality shoots with excellent locations. There are are few sacrifices to the shitty beard gods, however.

Friendly, posts a couple times each week. Posts are mixed- cosplay and regular life.

Their Dolorosa is easily one of the best I've seen.

>> No.9337794
File: 977 KB, 800x753, steamshade_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


21, Poland, tattoo artist (and homestuck fanartist).

Wide variety of cosplays, almost always very good quality. Multiple nice shoots, makeup always looks good. Same as Cuttlefish, there are a couple sharpie beards, but the rest is still well done.
Propwork is also nice- Male!Mindfang's arm and Dualscar's Ahabs both look sharp.

Their GHB is really good, but there's only selfies posted. Actually, there are more pictures of it on Cuttlefish's account than there are on Steamshade's.
I like their Dammek, and I think they fit Makaras and Amporas very well.

Friendly, posts in bursts every couple weeks. Account is a mix of cosplay, tattoos, and fanart.

>> No.9338895


That Aranea wig, oh boy

>> No.9340331

i wouldnt be surprised if someone in the HS universe used ones horns to pleasure themselves

>> No.9340398

there's a really old, really fucked up fic on the kinkmeme where that definitely happens...

>> No.9340587


>> No.9340766

I'm a little concerned about linking it because this is still a worksafe board. I mean, sure, they let fuckboys get away with discussing orgies in con threads, but this is literally 5sweeps karkat w noncon and torture... 2011 was a desperate time for homestuck fic ok?

half the people on here know my tumblr anyway- send me a message there and I'll link you it.

>> No.9340838


Hmmm is that the one with the OCs?

>> No.9340954

Sure is.

>> No.9341302

It's times like these glad I wasn't around in 2011 jfc

>> No.9343078

Can we get a tag dump? Or is everyone too busy prepping for Katsu?

>> No.9345660
File: 366 KB, 493x740, IMG_3852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really great Davesprite cosplay imho. Love it.

>> No.9345852

Honestly this bait has gotten so old...

>> No.9345866

It's Davesprite.

>> No.9345874


>> No.9346874

Dump coming up. Give me some time to dig.

>> No.9349593

it's been a couple days anon. If life got in the way, I don't mind doing one?

>> No.9349638

No no I got it, sorry about the delay

tho if someone wants to do an insta dig be my guest

>> No.9349656
File: 326 KB, 1028x999, tumblr_oj5vz5WwjN1s5fsqro2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright commencing dump. I only went back to the beginning of January and had to sift through a lot of shitty selfies, some of which I including just because they stood out a little.

>> No.9349657
File: 499 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_oj9kitqSKZ1w2rvyxo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9349659
File: 106 KB, 640x960, tumblr_ojdn5rLKwQ1vcrm82o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9349661
File: 114 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_ojfr7wlnIi1rz5cmao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9349662

And with that it looks like we hit the image limit, so I'll hold onto the rest until we get a new thread. I'm afraid I'll fuck it up tho so I'd prefer someone else to make it.

>> No.9349793 [DELETED] 

I can do that.

New Thread
>> 9349791

>> No.9349794

I can do that.

New Thread