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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9284895 No.9284895[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

your friendly neighborhood hosiewife here

reporting in for shitposting


shitpost memes

that sort of thing

>> No.9284898

What are you doing for Christmas?

>> No.9284900

hopefully getting railed into my mattress so hard until I merge with it and husband, me and my mattress become one single being

maybe having some cocoa too

>> No.9284902

Why are you always so lewd?

>> No.9284903

Will I ever get a GF

>> No.9284905
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hormones + husband I am extremely attracted to =constantly lewd thoughts

my sources say no

>> No.9284909

What's so attractive about him?

>> No.9284916

Why do you get your own thread?

>> No.9284917

oh fampai

buckle your seatbelt I'm about to unleash how he makes my heart go dokidoki

since I assume you are talking physical we're gonna go with that and I can rave about what about his personality is attractive if you want

firstly and the most absolutely endearing thing about him is his smile

he has dimples and as soon as they start to poke through somehow I forget whatever is going on in that moment because DIMPLES

they sometimes come through when he's pouting but not nearly as prominent as when he is smiling so they have a positive association

it's probably why I love them so much

secondly I'm gonna have to say this little freckle he has under the corner of his eye

it's so out of place because he doesn't really have any more on his face tho there are some on his body and neck n such things

so it's like an angel decided to float down and kiss right underneath his eye

I often make a point of giving it a kiss

thirdly his hands

he used to be kinda chubby so they weren't like this always

but now that he is slim they are quite slender and the length of his fingers are accentuated

he has good piano hands and I'm always fascinated by watching him fiddle with shit

then we move on to how I have to stand on my tippy toes to kiss him

somehow the long reach and having to put forth effort makes it much more satisfying I think


>> No.9284924

You are normally such a bratty bitch, but you put such loving phrasing into writing about your husband. Why can't you take some of that compassion and lower down how edgy your posts on here get?

>> No.9284926
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>unironically taking my shitposting b8 posts seriously


>> No.9284935

because you don't report and sage. Also can't wait for that one anon to come post non stop porn...

>> No.9284938

Sage is my favorite spice

>> No.9284963

that anon also broke the law so I reported you for encouraging them

see how this works?

salt is my personal favorite seasoning

thanks for being such a great supply of it

>> No.9284964

How do I get a rich husband who will let me stay at home and shitpost all day?

>> No.9284968

1. meet some dude at a cafe
2. develop massive crush on dude
3. talk with dude frequently
4. master patience
5. wait till dude is available
6. proceed to be a great friend to dude while he is recovering from unfortunate events
7. have autism and not realize dude likes you too
8. dude will then confess he has feelings for you
9. dude will then waifu you and enable your severe avoidance of people

then the shitposting comes after that

>> No.9284970

Put out a Craigslist ad saying you're looking for a daddy.

>> No.9284971

I can't verify this method but I can verify


worked for me

>> No.9284974

You forgot the part where you were underage and he was married.

>> No.9284976
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>Tfw no lolita GF
>Tfw almost every lolita is dating someone
>Tfw every lolita that isn't dating someone is a lesbian

What do I do?

>> No.9284979

buy MRC and put it on a fishhook

wait maybe ten minuets

surely then you will get a lolita GF

you forgot the part where he made no advances on me until he was divorced and I was legal

>> No.9284986

>falls in love with a teen
>waits till she's legal
>divorces the old dried up hag
>marries new hotness

This hubby is pretty bold.

>> No.9284990

yeah but he was pretty respectful of the situation

my panties would have hit the floor the week I met him desu

husband is a true gentleman

>> No.9284991
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>> No.9284993

hi friend

I see you haven't gotten laid since last thread

>> No.9284994
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>> No.9284996
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>> No.9284997
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>> No.9284998

That's still pretty bold. A grown, married man speaking frequently with a teenage girl?

>> No.9284999
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>> No.9285000
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>> No.9285001

I mean when you put it like that it sound strange

I don't think I was the reason behind the divorce tho he's said he's loved me since we met

other stuff went down

one major reason I don't think I was the real cause is cause like I said he didn't make a move on me until later after the divorce and I was legal

>> No.9285002
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>> No.9285004
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>> No.9285006
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>> No.9285007
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>> No.9285011
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>> No.9285012
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>> No.9285014
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>> No.9285019
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>> No.9285021
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>> No.9285022
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>> No.9285023
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>> No.9285026
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>> No.9285027
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>> No.9285028

Some of these aren't bad

>> No.9285030
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>> No.9285031
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>> No.9285032

The janitors here really are utter shit

>> No.9285033
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>> No.9285034

Ikr? At least it's kind of on topic?

>> No.9285037


>> No.9285039

>tfw cgl loves me this much

desu tsundere isn't all that cute and you can stop pretending to hate me

>> No.9285042

What do you want for Christmas?

>> No.9285045

a nice evening of getting to see Christmas lights with husband

>> No.9285046

A dead baby

>> No.9285048

what are you going to do with a dead baby?

>> No.9285067

Pls be in Europe

>> No.9285071

Are you Japanese or something? How were you in Japan underage? Sorry I don't know the lore.

>> No.9285075
