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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9280870 No.9280870 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is saging and nobody is talking about Holiday Matsuri yet. How does everyone feel about the new hotel? Do you like the change from the Carribe? What are each of you looking forward to with how big the space is?

Hopefully finishing up on those Christmas cosplays or realizing, "Oh shit, Holmat's next week. I haven't done shit." Which is exactly me right now, I haven't started any of the cosplays I wanted to do and probably won't finish any of them in time.

Are there any panels you're excited to see? I'm definitely going to check out the Hamilton Sing Along panel on friday.

How many years have you gone to Holmat and what do you remember best from the previous years?

>> No.9280877 [DELETED] 

Now that trump is president do you think less Cubans will be out and about? Their farts always smell extra rank and the women act like fucking animals so I'd rather avoid going to Florida cons unless there is a decrease in their numbers

>> No.9280879 [DELETED] 

I hope so, once I went to a con and one Cuban chick was clapping her ass cheeks by twerking. Like actual loud clapping noises. Smelled like fish tacos and bean paste in the room for the rest of the con.

>> No.9280881

I wanted to go to Holmat but looks like it's not gonna be happening this year. Maybe next.

Is 24 way too old to go to a con for the first time?

>> No.9280891

Are they doing any lolita events this year? If not, why not lol

>> No.9280993

Pretty hyped. Was hoping it'd be colder than usual because I'm definitely gonna die from all the heat in one of the Christmas-themed cosplays I'm doing.

>> No.9281280

Same with me anon, I'm going to be dressed up for most of the con and the mid-high 70's predicted for the week kinda sucks. Good time if you wanna check out the pool though.

>> No.9281285

I'm sorry, anon. If you get the chance to even go for a day, I would recommend it as a first time at a con. I may be bias though because I discovered cons seven years ago and grew up with them and recommend anyone to at least try it. If you're at least on this board, I think you would enjoy it. Though cons in general tend to bring in a younger crowd which can probably weird you out, I never had a problem with meeting up with people around our ages.

>> No.9281303

No lolita events this year.

>> No.9281808

Anyone going to Paradise City Comic Con ?

>> No.9282292

Standard Broder con, not a big fan of Supercon or Animate so I'll pass.

>> No.9282975

I'm going to Holiday Matsuri for the first time. But the groups are dead.

Where do people go to talk about this fucking con? I want to tell people I'm heading over there!

>> No.9282979

I noticed the lack of excitement for this year as well. idk anon. I decided not to go, I have somewhere else to be this year.

>> No.9283220

I don't think anyone is actually going with the 80 dollar tickets for such a small con. Hopefully he takes a huge loss and stops running conventions.

>> No.9283359

I wanted to go because I like shopping at certain booths but I'm not about to pay a ton of money just to spend more money. I'll just wait for the next convention they're at.

>> No.9283437

Anyone here near West Palm?

>> No.9283473

I noticed a lot more people are active in the Facebook group than anywhere else. Are you in the official Holiday Matsuri group? If not, that's probably why you aren't seeing people talk about the con anon.

>> No.9283478
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Megacon just posted their tickets for next year. Anyone actually going to this piece of shit con The price of a saturday ticket alone is a weekend ticket at most conventions.

>> No.9283501

Yeah, I'm in the group and the event page.

Honestly, I just want people to book me as their photographer. I hate having to spam.

>> No.9283532

Thats insane. 100 bucks to spend a weekend in a sea of people and maybe get to stand in the same post code as Shatner or Stan Lee.

>> No.9283534

That's D*C prices.
Now, I'd say D*C was worth it, but Megacon?

>> No.9283535
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literally who is going to this piece of shit con?? normies who want to stare at the weird people in costumes?? like what the fuck

>> No.9283537

Not even though, if you know far enough in advance DCon is only 80, which I think is fair at $20 a day.

>> No.9285129

I'll drive you there Anon. You have to promise to not comment on my selection of iTunes otw there though

>> No.9285202

Does Holiday Matsuri have a better variety of merch than Animate or Paradise?

All the stuff that I see is either Love Live or a couple of other shows.

>> No.9285207

Same shit every other FL con has.

>> No.9285840

The vendors for most of these cons are the same really

>> No.9285920

It was pretty dead imo, Sat and Sun and didnt give a dime to Broder so feels good

>> No.9286739

This will be my first year at Holmat. Literally everyone I know says it's the best Florida con out there so I really don't want to be disappointed. The hotel looks really nice, my only concern is the lack of interesting panels. Everything is either Love Live! or a pajama party/trivia thing.

>> No.9286832

The artist alley/merchants are pretty small, but it's overall a chill con. The holiday theme makes it fun too.

Don't hype it up too much or you might not enjoy it in the end lol.

>> No.9286912

Any Parties going on?

>> No.9287206

Yeah, but if you're a sociable type even a "Oh, nice costume, I'm into that too!" there's a lot to do.

Also, requisite concert annmouncement: Sunday Morning at 10:30 in special events!

It's the holidays, so I'm going to be giving away a bunch of stuff and of course, the part of the show where I throw Magic The Gathering Cards into the audience

>> No.9288322

Can anyone post cosplays that they saw at Paradise? Good or bad doesn't matter lol

>> No.9288487

"Now that Paradise City Comic Con is over... it's time to start gearing up for SUPERCON in July... and if you can't wait that long to get your geek on, we will have a surprise announcement for you in the next few days that should make a lot of our Miami fans happy... and also the dates for ANIMATE FLORIDA 2017!"

Broder just posted that in the Animate Miami group.

>> No.9288669
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>mfw this shares memorial weekend with momocon
>mfw momocon is half the price and twice as good

>> No.9288907

Anybody else seeing EMCP comment on like every girls post on the HM group asking for shoots? It's kinda cringy.

>> No.9288930


A simple google search turns up nothing but people claiming that he creeps them out. Persistence about wanting to shoot with them. I even saw a meme where getting back photos requires a date with him. WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.9289554

Any jjba cosplayers attending? I'm going as a lesser but very drunk doppio because I didn't have time to make those sick pleather pants. Feels bad Todd

>> No.9290390

how do i get in without paying

>> No.9290584

Half of the con is free at Holmat. That's more then other cons like Mega that require badges at the entrances now.

>> No.9290640 [DELETED] 

@kimyona.chloe on insta is going I'm sure she's gunna suck and fuck like 12 guys she the Florida whore

>> No.9290642 [DELETED] 

Lol @frailu is going to those girls are the biggest shit talkers ever FYI

>> No.9290643

Hol mat might be better this year I hear lots are going ?

>> No.9290799 [DELETED] 

>pre regs get actual badges while at the door 3 days get crappy paper wristbands but there is literally no difference in perks

Fucking thankd

>> No.9290806

>pre regs get actual badges while at the door 3 days get shitty paper wristbands and there is no difference in perks or anything

Fucking thanks

>> No.9290831

What color are the wristbands?

>> No.9290841


>> No.9290917

got pics?

>> No.9291416

I woukd fuck her. Hook me up, bro

>> No.9291540

Holy fuck she UGLY

>> No.9291554

Jesus Christ, why does she look like she's ready to accept a cock?

>> No.9291572

Anyone got photos of today's wristband? Or the 3-day pre-paid parking slip? Those are just printed on colored pieces of paper.

>> No.9291846

Is there a meetup going to be happening?
The 3-day are light green with ANIME MATSURI 2016 printed in black with the font impact.

>> No.9292165

Where the room parties at?

>> No.9292290

If anyone feels like being nice, could y'all listen out for anyone bragging about swiping a 3DS? Someone went into my friends bag and stole hers. It's one of the new galaxy ones with Pokemon Sun in the slot. This is her second DS and it's a bit ridiculous that someone would reach into a strangers bag and just swipe something.

>> No.9292325

So I'm hearing bad shit about the game room at HolMat. Anyone got pictures?

>> No.9292327

Surely it's not as underwhelming as the one at AFO.

>> No.9292660

Anyone know why dick in a box guy got arrested?

>> No.9292677

any dealers or artist at holmat have an opinion on the con (hotel)?
what happened to the boba place in the dealers den

>> No.9292922

Who won what in the cosplay super show?

>> No.9292941
File: 393 KB, 540x960, 15592471_10154855124217351_1062411121_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This LoL cosplay won best craftsmanship. You can see more detailed pics on her insta

>> No.9292946

I'm only going to meet-up with a friend and even she told me that it's bad and I shouldn't expect too much. Oh well, I'll be on vacation anyway

>> No.9292979
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that was quick

>> No.9292983
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>LoL cosplay wins at an anime con

>> No.9292986

Get over yourself.

>> No.9292990

God she's fucking perfect.
Absolute waifu tier.

Anybody got picture dumps?

>> No.9293004

She deserves it! Her craftsmanship is amazing.

>> No.9293013

nah, all got busted or there just shit

>> No.9293135

How were the burlesque shows? I wasn't able to catch them.

>> No.9293137

The Black Butler one was as cringe as you'd think a fucking mess.
Only good part was the aerialist girl. She knew her shit.

>> No.9293148
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>Black Butler burlesque

>> No.9293151

After reflecting on the con, here are my pros and cons.

-Theme is always fun.
-Great staff and volunteers
-Events like murder mystery and dub that hentai (Turtle Power)
-Very fun atmosphere
-Many people having a good time
-Most stuff is on time

-How fast you apply for a panel matters more than how good it is
-certain areas could use a little more polish
- dealer room could have had more vendors
-Reg too slow

Hey Rhythm Bastard aniki. Always good to see you.

>> No.9293164

The fucking Tumblrtale fags are literally a cancer taking over cons.
They had the room before the "Fanservice in Anime" on saturday and left it a complete mess with shit unplugged.
So the two girls running the Fanservice panel had less time cause they had to hook everything back up.

>> No.9293174

Chibi's got shut down because the hotel was apparently unaware of the fact that they were food vendors, but I think it's because they were doing such good business and their stuff was cheaper than what you could get at the hotel and Marriott got salty. We were across from them and it sucked to see them leave. The vendor hall manager tried to work something out but they ended up having to go. It was really unfortunate.

I left at like 9 and the gates to the parking garage were up? Additional Pro: The Cosplay Medics setup was fantastic, but I do agree on more vendor booths.

Also, if anybody got any good pictures of the Overwatch meet/shoot could you post them? I was too busy yelling into a megaphone while juggling a frag launcher to take any.

>> No.9293192

I was there for that. I felt for those girls and the audio tech that helped them. Kudos to them for the speedy recovery.

The fanservice panel was great and I stayed for the hentai panel after which was hilarious. Nice work.

>> No.9293456

Does Hottest Men in Anime count? I really enjoyed that one.

>> No.9293563

That hentai dubbing panel was great, probably my favorite. I just wish it was a little shorter/paced better, because it lost a lot of energy as it went on. And that they chose fewer unfunny whores that just wanted to moan into a microphone.

>> No.9293591

I parked for free.

I got there Saturday at around 2pm and the guest parking garage was full. So the hotel staff told me to park at the lot and left the gates wide open until 2am. But yeah the parking fees were bullshit. The Holiday Inn nearby was nice as shit. Definitely recommend it next year; it's cheaper than the Marriot.

I was there for the fanservice panel as well. I expected some SJW rant but was pleasantly surprised. Didn't stay for the hentail dub though.

I would go again to matsuri, but fuck driving there from Miami. Would rather just take a grayhound or the Brightline once its operational.

>> No.9293736

I went to the hentai fun last year at holmats and found it terrible. The hentai panel after the fan service panel was a hentai terminology. It was much better. Kinda poked fun at the culture of while sharing some fun information. They also gave out dojin hentai to anyone who asked a question.

>> No.9293793

Cowabunga, dudes.

>> No.9293938


>> No.9293981

Game room wasn't too bad. The worst part was the piss poor hardware for the Rock Band 4 area. I also don't understand why they thought it was necessary to have a DJ playing music throughout the entire room when at least 45% of the room was for rhythm/music games.

>> No.9293989

because muh fightan gaems

>> No.9294041
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Anyway, posting pics, apologies for the quality, had to use my cellphone. First up, bomb-ass Lucio

>> No.9294042
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The sun shines on fellow tripper Hanari

>> No.9294044
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TFW when you try and be serious but your friends are bein goofs up in the back.

>> No.9294045

Overwatch was a mistake

>> No.9294046
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Borderlands group shot.

>> No.9294050
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>> No.9294051

Did you play RB4 with everyone? We may have met. It was frustrating to explain the calibration glitch to random people hopping in for a song or two wondering why they weren't hitting notes.

>> No.9294055
File: 1.43 MB, 2118x1335, 20161217_152824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got more pics, but I don't want to spam, so this is the last one from me: Suicide Squad.

I also participated in the Iron Cardboard Robot Cosplay Challenge if anyone's interested to see that.

>> No.9294062

I didn't play too much because of aforementioned calibration issues.

I didn't take note of what version of RB4 we were playing, since now you have firmware updates on top of patches and all that so chances are it was out of date.

If you played with a guy in a black field cap, that might have been me.

>> No.9294517

>I also participated in the Iron Cardboard Robot Cosplay Challenge if anyone's interested to see that.
I was curious about that panel but I missed it. Sure, let's see it

>> No.9294525

Who won the costume contest?

>> No.9294576


>> No.9294701

Definitely. I was involved in another panel so I had to miss it but I honestly love any event hosted by Propeller Anime.

>> No.9294805
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#1- Something from Gundam Wing (not familiar with the show)

>> No.9294806
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Basically, everyone had about 75 minutes to make a costume out of cardboard boxes, tape and tinfoil. We were required to use bows as part of the costume.

#2- Something that actually has wings

>> No.9294809
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#3- Trash Meme Bot

>> No.9294814
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#4- My Team's Entry- Zenyatta from Overwatch

>> No.9294815
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#5- Winner of Best Adhered To Kayfabe Award Winner- Team Skull Bot

>> No.9294819
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#6, and Champion- FR0S-T

>> No.9294858

This was the skit that won and qualified for the International Cosplay League's Japan Weekend Madrid Competition. Not sure if this also won the overall performance award?

Also, reminder that performance is only judged on skit quality, not costume quality. Overall it's pretty cute I think, even if the dancing is awkward.


>> No.9294861

I just cleaned out my bag and realized you gave me your card. We definitely played together.

>> No.9295845

I had this problem at Anime Iwai too, actually. I went to the game room really late at night. Nobody was there except me and a couple of friends,and we were just playing the rhythm games, but they had some really loud AMV videos playing (?) So I asked the person watching over the game room if we could either make our game louder or lower the AMV's and they basically told us to deal with it.
This is amazing

>> No.9295948

Anyone get to the jjba photo shoot on Saturday? I was doppio without the sick pleather pants because of time constraints but hit me up if you have quality photos of me or anyone

>> No.9296629

A dude posted a lot of it in one of the JoJo threads on /a/a. I'll see if I can dig it up.

>> No.9296641
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Only one I could find in that thread with a Doppio, and it's just the back of their head.

>> No.9296643
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Found this pretty good The World though.

>> No.9296826

God the snow bunnies look ugly as fuck this year.

>> No.9296916

@frailu doesn't talk shit. She's just around a bunch of cunts that do. I've talked to her a few times and problems start because of @kimyona.chloe
She's a whore with problems.

>> No.9296945

Does anyone have any shots from the Fire Emblem meet up? My friend was there but hasn't really been able to find anything from it.

>> No.9297043

The back of my head looks so good. Thank you for the shots though anon!

>> No.9297069

I can't wait to see the shit show that ensues when they all stop being friends.

>> No.9297515

Omg that's so true. @kimyona.chloe uses her friends because the fame gets to her head. I feel so bad for @frailu

>> No.9297521

Forreal kimyona.chloe is an insane influncer. Frailu is pretty cool. I met her at holmat. That's just my opinion.

>> No.9297650

She's pretty af though. I saw her in that elf cosplay she was in. Awesome legs.

>> No.9298051

I had a great time, it was my first Holiday Matsuri. Got fucked up all weekend, and was able to be around the con and just enjoy it.

The JoJo meet on Saturday was a mess. Apparently the usual JoJo photoshoot guy doesn't do cons anymore, or was taking a break? I understanding moving once because of lighting, but the location should have been better assessed ahead of time.

Every other meet I was at was good, and all the people there were very nice. Lots of good Overwatch cosplays. Theme was fun, adding the con to my yearly lineup.

>> No.9298053

I met her in the elevator and she was really nice ? Then again Sunday elevator meetups don't really count. I'm not a Floridafag tho, so I wouldn't know about any drama.

>> No.9298073

Yeah, JoJo photoshoots kind of went haywire after we had a problem with a drunk guy harassing the cosplayers during the shoot at Metrocon last year. They were originally going to do it in the usual second-floor wall space, but some new security guy called them out and said they couldn't be there because it was blocking space (even though EVERY photoshoot is there?) and made everyone move outside.

There was a lot of tension and awkwardness during the shoot from that, it kind of fell apart as it was going, and the guy who runs it said the stress from organizing it at the big cons was too much for him.

>> No.9298104 [DELETED] 

Yeah. Florida drama isn't worth time. And if you mean @kimyona.chloe having legs... Twigs I've seen more meat on a bone

>> No.9300358

I don't understand the "drama" that is supposedly at the cons here in FL. I manage just fine. Maybe the deeper you get into the cosplay scene, the worse it gets, but just avoid the shitty ones and have fun.

>> No.9300393

Fatty detected

I had a good time out there. I'm not a Florida community person, so I don't know about drama. But everyone was nice. ::Kanye Shrug::

DESU, it seems like the only ones to avoid are the ones who sit online and type rumors anonymously. They're the ones who don't even have the balls to say something to the face of the person they don't like. Real coward shit.

>> No.9300417

I don't really think that sort of drama really exists anymore. Everyone who had drama several years back is getting old and ugly and nobody cares about them.

>> No.9300497

I lived a happy and drama free life until I started trying to make new friends and involve myself in more cosplay groups. Never again.

>> No.9300511

I am active in the cosplay community in FL and have never had any issues. Maybe you just happen to have a small stroke of bad luck? I wouldn't let others stop you from doing what you want.

>> No.9300556

I was hoping I'd find a picture of this somewhere. God bless, and it was nice meeting you!

Anybody have any plans for cons next year? I'm skipping out on Mega to head up to Animazement. This year wasn't entirely phenomenal so, I might not go back to Mega for a while.

>> No.9300584

We might also drop our Mega table and head to Animazement as well. I have no confidence left in Megacon as a vendor anymore. Animazement is just so much better.

>> No.9300614

They didn't become old and ugly. Most are between the age of 25-35 now. They just grew up.

>> No.9302434

It was nice meeting you too! This might not be so hard to edit out the leg in Photoshop...

Anyway, I don't have any plans for cons in Florida. Still trying to book shows, but nothing yet.

>> No.9306257

I do not live in FL but have attended a few of the cons. Honestly, outside of drama w/ maybe one person (which has very little to do w/ cosplay and cons), my cons have been drama free and I made some of the best friends from FL cons. I want to keep attending two cons a year. Many cosplayers are fantastic, people are nice, and I seem to share a lot of similar fandom interests with them. I would rather not live in FL, but I do not mind traveling down every once in a while.

I'll admit there are some weird issues with the cons like how HolMat has a small dealers/artist (but likely will get bigger over time), MetroCon not giving out lanyards to badges, HolMat only giving badges if you pre-reg and not even register all three days.

>> No.9306760

So what cons up next?

>> No.9306797

Swampcon is coming up on the 14th-15th of this month, I live in Orlando so I'm not sure if the drive up there is worth it but a con is a con. Anyone have any prior experience with it?

>> No.9306860


Anyone going on the Fan 2 Sea cruise?

>> No.9306944

It's a small college con but its free. When I went it was chill to hang out and do shoots for a few hours.

>> No.9307146

Orlando anime day should be announced within the month.