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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 26 KB, 640x646, IMG_5694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9280179 No.9280179 [Reply] [Original]

Last one hit autosage. >>9274470

>> No.9280183
File: 105 KB, 637x759, IMG_5691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god she's on amino now posting her sob story about people making fun of her. Because obviously we didn't like her for her size. Lying out your ass about being a model for brand totally isn't what made people make fun of you.

>> No.9280184
File: 90 KB, 609x883, IMG_5692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9280185
File: 155 KB, 626x893, IMG_5693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least she lost some weight, but she still doesn't fit the brand like it's designed to fit someone.

>> No.9280187

I can't wait for Last Week Lolita News to cover all the sweet, sweet drama in the last thread.

>> No.9280189

>wearing brand I was told I'd never fit
Bad news: It still doesn't fit.

>> No.9280192

I want to reach in there and pull up those damn sleeves.

>> No.9280193

Really? I want to slap her for thinking that that was appropriate to walk out of the house in. And burn that stretched out blouse.

>> No.9280204

I can see her clavicles and she doesn't look unreasonably huge. She needs to find brand dresses with her measurements, which obviously exist, but unfortunately she can't stuff herself into the smaller ones like that and expect it to look good.

>> No.9280206

Has she been posting videos regularly or am I out of the loop?

>> No.9280210
File: 991 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-12-07-10-10-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she think this is lolita? I don't know why she posted this in the lolita amino

>> No.9280212
File: 848 KB, 1079x1048, Screenshot_2016-12-07-10-14-06-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump of bad handmade shit

>> No.9280213
File: 695 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2016-12-07-10-16-04-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9280214
File: 1.18 MB, 1080x1073, Screenshot_2016-12-07-10-16-14-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9280215
File: 1.26 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-12-07-10-25-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a miniskirt but can I wear it with lolita ?

>> No.9280228

don't diss deco anon, deco anon is great. they used to make fairly good phone cases for seagulls for something like shipping only, for practice iirc. I miss deco anon

>> No.9280231

that thing is fugly

>> No.9280233

whats even sadder is she wasnt even talking about her dress. shes talking about the shitty costume veil thats leftover from halloween at claires.

>> No.9280235

>deco anon is great
Second that.
But if only she had stopped before glueing those pink faux pearl, the case looked plenty better before.

>> No.9280240

>i took this picture as a test run before i went to Papa John's

the specificity of this is unintentionally hilarious

>> No.9280243

Itas always wear lolita (or "lolita" in her case because she clearly doesn't know what lolita is) to the worst places

>> No.9280251
File: 2.01 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-12-07-11-08-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is offering to make makeup tutorials when she can barely do her own makeup
>dat false eyelash peeling up

>> No.9280259
File: 222 KB, 1080x1269, girl u ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone tell me wtf she is going on about

>> No.9280261

i like how she made this post as if it's relevant to anyone but her

bitch who are you just change your name no one cares

>> No.9280278
File: 1.40 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-12-07-11-31-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was a hijab upon first glance but then realized it was a just her hair/wig being so dark it was hard to make out the details

>> No.9280282

Everyone thinks they are a MUA when they can buy expensive makeup.

>> No.9280288

She always breaks down the makeup she uses (always more expensive stuff) and it's like
No one cares!
This is a lolita community, not a makeup community
On top of that, her makeup almost never suits lolita and is too glam

>> No.9280295

Because some of the mods are Gulls, I'm 89% sure they don't delete all the trash like this when they see it, and let it linger just long enough for someone to post them I stg

>> No.9280297
File: 629 KB, 1080x992, Screenshot_2016-12-07-10-33-15-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw this is the same girl as >>9280215
She has a weeb name too but I can't show that because it would be "singling out"
A couple months ago she also asked about lolita fashion "for older gentlemen" and seems to think a suit + fancy cane = lolita for men

>> No.9280305

Not even that it's doesn't even look all that great. People usually do makeup tutorials for dramatic looks, but hers are usually everyday normie looks lmao the whole blog thing every time she puts some product on her face is way too much

>> No.9280309

She doesn't even know how to apply lipstick evenly without clumping. Her eyelashes look like garbage and her skin texture hasn't been smoothed out. She's got a long way to go if she wants to educate people on makeup. Buying expensive brand makeup doesn't mean you know what you're doing and doesn't make you a MUA.

>> No.9280315

>mfw i just finished a pair of actual wristcuffs and this post gave me a confidence boost

i'm new to sewing but at least i'm not this

>> No.9280346

>the visible pores on her nose...

how can someone post this thinking it doesn't look gross, please learn how to use filters

>> No.9280351

Mosquito net-kei?

>> No.9280354

mod here- we have to keep it there. so long as things are "technically" lolita related we have to keep them there. Its the same reason we dont take down lolita themed art.

just go to Adult EGL, its better and becoming more active. no cringy shitposts.

>> No.9280355
File: 128 KB, 1024x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, this is so ugly.

>> No.9280359
File: 83 KB, 510x441, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're related

>> No.9280368

>tfw i left my all lolita stuff except one coord behind during winter break and don't have 3 coord shots
i-i'll just wait until january to join

>> No.9280380 [DELETED] 

Spoonfeed me. Also didn't she mean classic, not classical?
Also what brands is she talking about that are classic and inexpensive? Classic brands are still pricy and sometimes even more expensive

>> No.9280384
File: 107 KB, 1080x565, 20161207_130905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoonfeed me. Also didn't she mean classic, not classical?
Also what brands is she talking about that are classic and inexpensive? Classic brands are still pricy and sometimes even more expensive

>> No.9280387


I mean bodyline has some "good" half decent stuff but if she can't even figure that out there's not a whole lot of hope for her.

>> No.9280414

Amen. I wanted to give her concrit on her makeup breakdowns. Wearing Mac and Too Faced doesn't mean you're good at applying it.... Plus her eyebrows are so wispy and need to be filled in.

>> No.9280424

This post just screams me me ME. No one cares.

>> No.9280437

Good on her for losing weight but yeah, that's still clearly way too small for her...

>> No.9280443

Her constant selfies are starting to get on my nerves and I'm glad to see I'm not alone in thinking her makeup really isn't that great.

>> No.9280445

Japanese people call it classical. She could have just been misinformed and thought everyone called it that.

>> No.9280462

Oh my god, me too.

Most newer shirred AP would probably fit her, same with Meta.

>> No.9280487
File: 160 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Casual lolita"

>> No.9280492


that's a purse... an ugly purse

>> No.9280504


>> No.9280530

>those sneakers
>that raccoon tail bag charm

Redneck kei

>> No.9280540

>Plus her eyebrows are so wispy and need to be filled in.
I like the shape of her brows personally, they're one of the only things I like about her looks. I think natural-looking brows go well in lolita (not with huge black falsies like she's doing though).

>> No.9280564

For lolita maybe, but it doesn't fit well for the overall glam look that she usually goes for, so it makes her look kind of off

>> No.9280566

>moon coord

>> No.9280598

Dear lord, that girl. I've seen her on other platforms before, and its always bad cosplay and lolita, muh racism, muh do whatever I want attitude.

>> No.9280606

went to look for this. that girl looks like she's 11. give the kid a break anon

>> No.9280611

>keep pushing and thriving. As they say a coal cannot become a diamond without pressure.

She's referring to when she stuffs her sausage body into her brand, and how tight it is on her.

>> No.9280622
File: 141 KB, 569x694, 1481119807072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9280626

Looks like something that only looks bad up close but otherwise looks good.

>> No.9280663

She posted some blm shit last I remember. She's not that good at her gig.

>> No.9280669

because of the exposure i thought the bag charm was striped tights and that she was pulling her dress up to show them off...

>> No.9280678

No wonder they don't post here anymore.

>> No.9280691

>please learn how to use filters
So she can be shamed for shoop? Does everyone need full cake face on to make you bitches happy?

>> No.9280696

I made this, and I wanna take advice. Should I not post lolita related things that aren't clothing on LA? Are they just ugly drawings or do you mean the coords?

>> No.9280703

nobody will berate you for it on lolita amino because it's technically lolita related, etc etc, but most of us just scroll past those kinds of posts because we want to talk about clothes

also lolita amino just gets spammed with a lot of shitty lolita art in general, so even though yours is kinda cute i'd say it's a little bit frowned upon

>> No.9280713

Yo if you're underage you should get out of here, just a heads up.

>> No.9280722

underage plz leave

>> No.9280726
File: 123 KB, 562x740, IMG_4446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worse part is that this obviously doesn't fit because it's supposed to have straps.

>> No.9280733

Her edit of 'ok thanks' just makes me think of that one French girl who used to post on CoF all the time and never smiled and was homely as hell. It just makes me laugh bc like every time someone gave the French girl concrit she would just be like "ok thanks". I am not sure if she had some sort of issue or what.

>> No.9280735

If I see one more HL x AB headdress combo I'm going to scream. This coording is so tired.

>> No.9280746

thanks for the advice! I'm just dropping in bc I was told I got posted

>> No.9280750

this is kinda cool

>> No.9280819

I like it, it's overplayed but that's because it looks good. It's like complaining about seeing too many full sets.

>> No.9280830

Sorry you got posted

>> No.9280833

Did she mutilate the jsk or just slide the straps down?

>> No.9280834

Well this is gonna go badly I can see. That lace looks like shit and the fabric choice is just not Lolita at all. Then done to that pattern, she waisted her money and should have just bought bodyline.

>> No.9280836
File: 112 KB, 640x634, IMG_5697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic like a dumb ass.

>> No.9280838

Hope someone has the guts to tell her that lace isn't good

>> No.9280854

You can just KNOW that this will be worn at a familial christmas party.

>> No.9280876


I think someone did

>> No.9280914

you dont have any photos of yourself from the past? or are you just embarrassed of your older coords?

>> No.9280917

her face is the moon emoji

>> No.9280966

wanna be my gf? :)

>> No.9280968

I honestly don't even think your drawings are bad. I don't personally have an issue with your post and don't see a reason myself for why it was posted. It isn't cringe or anything. I wouldn't personally wear it, but I an see someone else doing so.

>> No.9280969

Different cuts, note the lacing, its a high waisted skirt ver

>> No.9280972

It's kind of a shame, she's got a cute face and she some potential for great coords. She just needs clothes that fit properly.
And not to abuse my dream dress.

What is this supposed to even be.....? This looks like no other sort of fashion I've ever seen. Just those tumblr ~i can fashion~ type outfits people post everywhere.
And wtf is a "Moon" coord? There aren't even moons.

Why is it that none of these handmade dresses have any sort of understanding of basic colour coordination? I get how construction and quality of materials can confound some newbies, but why are colours so hard for these people?

>> No.9280977
File: 122 KB, 480x480, IMG_4450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh honey no. This cut didn't come in a skirt. That's the solid cut you are thinking. The ruffled front only came in a JSK. Rosy nights masquerade only came with one skirt cut and two JSK cuts.

>> No.9280978
File: 60 KB, 480x480, 5bb51bd7cb501ae66fe1d0e320e7c003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon but that isn't the high waisted skirt, it's definitely the JSK II. Pic related is the skirt.

Not only does the skirt not have the chiffon in the middle, but the waist is corseted and wouldn't fit the bust of the girl in >>9280185.

>> No.9280981

Didn't realise >>9280977 had already posted. Whoops.

>> No.9280987

She said she's going to hold off on the project to get a better understanding of how to sew. Took a lot of people to tell her don't use that lace before she got the point though. The excuse of "they where out of the good lace" I highly doubt that.

>> No.9281012

Lmao i don't understand why people would still buy the cheap shit even if they were out of the good shit??

>> No.9281024

Because they don't know how to sew and be taken seriously.

>> No.9281032

Someone in my comm made a dress out of that exact same poinsettia fabric.

>> No.9281037

Don't make statements like that without either sharing images or at least saying if it looked bad.

>> No.9281133

Oh damn that made that image a whole lot more depressing

>> No.9281135

I don't know what's sadder the fact that >>9280969 thought it was a skirt or the fact that the girl made it look like a skirt.

>> No.9281139

lmao. I always smiled seeing her posts.

>> No.9281164

>"I sewed one side of a piece of lace to another and called it a wristcuff"

"Asian name"?? That sounds like some "Click here to learn your ghetto hoe name" quiz from facebook. Also- literally who?? I hate when girls make once screen print shirt and suddenly are OMG I HAVE A BRAND NOW~~

>> No.9281167

That seems less lolita and more Amish

>> No.9281170
File: 958 KB, 500x280, doesnt-work-that-way.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tired of all these kids thinking they can start a brand just because they know how to thread a fucking needle.

>> No.9281172

Yeah I never really took photos of my coords previously. I technically could get three if I dug up an old photo of a shitty coord i did when I was 17. I'll just wait until January.

>> No.9281183
File: 47 KB, 548x258, IMG_5707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called it. She's making it for a family thing.

>> No.9281193

Someone did tell her that the lace she was using was bad and she basically ignored it

>> No.9281209
File: 172 KB, 750x1022, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will she stop with these shoes

>> No.9281212
File: 829 KB, 480x270, gaga-finger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That selfie pose is not cute.

>> No.9281213
File: 24 KB, 600x480, 1467936383965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this doesn't look like I was self posting or something but I just really love lurking the amino cringe topics.

The concrit is really appreciated, honestly. This was I think the third case I'd ever made and I had no idea what I was doing and did it by sight. I think one of you commented on my amino post about leaving off the pink pearls as well and that's something I'll definitely try whenever I find a spare moment to get back into this. I started college so my free time is nonexistent other than checking here every morning while I gave coffee.
Either way the concrit is much appreciated and I have gotten a little better since then since I found a better method of making patterns to use instead of looking at a print out and hoping for the best.

>> No.9281229

She's trying for the fame of the holo shoes girl maybe? Dunno honestly.

>> No.9281234

>tfw i thought they were the same girl

>> No.9281236

>fame of the holo shoe girl
bitch where, she has less than 400 ig followers

>> No.9281271

Every one knows of the holo shoe girl. Just because she doesn't have that many followers doesn't mean she's not known in the Lolita community as holo shoe girl.

>> No.9281276

She's known to people who keep up with CoF, not the community at large. She lurks here too, don't inflate her ego anon.

>> No.9281287

That's not famous, it's just how to be universally annoyed by and tolerated for shilling your tacky fucking shoes in every shot.

>> No.9281289

imo holographic anything is not okay in lolita and should stay confined to tumblr (same with galaxy prints)

>> No.9281291

it's a shame because they would be quite nice for fairy kei or yumikawaii... why are they trying so hard to shill to lolitas?

>> No.9281292

You know who their target audience is and it's tumblr lol(itas) who think individuality is the most important thing in lolita

>> No.9281295


>> No.9281296

It's tacky

>> No.9281301

I love holo things but I keep my love of holo out of Lolita.

>> No.9281387

No one will ever make cgl happy, that's the point of cgl

>> No.9281389


>> No.9281431

I miss her. She started improving.

>> No.9281577

I'm so tired of this word.

>> No.9281581


Duh, but I still want to piss you off more. It's so easy to make you cunts rage.

>> No.9281642
File: 237 KB, 640x531, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9281655

I wonder if she's still into lolita. Something about her was really endearing.

>> No.9281669

it's garish, gaudy, inelegant, and tryhard trend shilling

>> No.9281718

It's almost like cgl isn't a hivemind and different anons have different things they like to nitpick, and you simply cannot appease everyone.

It's really not even a cgl or 4chan specific thing to get conflicting criticisms from different people,

>> No.9281742

my dinner room's table has that fabric over it right now.

>> No.9281748

oh, anon, that is SUCH a /cgl/ thing to say.


>> No.9281806

>I'll reply with a meme

>> No.9281816

They don't know what else to do.

Other boards handle it way better. By leaps and fucking bounds.

>> No.9282106
File: 176 KB, 750x1207, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The snowflake trans it's who was on the old Online Comm Thread is on Alt Fashion Amino, and still hasn't posted anything other than her "artisan" clothes

>> No.9282113
File: 199 KB, 750x1260, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic, I'm on mobile

>> No.9282126

I thought those were swimming trunks from the thumbnail.

>> No.9282134
File: 1.40 MB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an unfortunate body shape and arm hair situation

>> No.9282151

i'll be your gf anon.
but im a boy >.<

>> No.9282218

The I'm not age play age player . This snowflake is a goldmine of cringe.

>> No.9282341

That blouse is 9 dollars from amazon. I know, I used it for a cosplay.

>> No.9282349

What did happen to her? The posts were constant and she took crit well was getting much better. Did she improve so much we can't recognize her now?

>> No.9282352

Holy fuck iron your shit. That blouse looks cheap and is wrinkly AF. The shorts look pretty pathetic. But she does look like she may have a decent face structure that would look pretty good in Lolita.

>> No.9282764

Wow, this is possibly the worst attempt at ouji I've seen. I don't know how she fucked up this much

>> No.9282767
File: 1.38 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-12-09-08-07-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is someone going to tell this old man that wearing a suit + jabot ≠ ouji?

>> No.9282777

I suspect it is the delusional granddaughter behind this account of him, as that is who dressed him up in first place.

>> No.9282778


branding??? lmfao

>> No.9282797

he's old, let him live

>> No.9282801

Does it hit too close to home?

>> No.9282802

Is she really in Hong Kong? That background looks Dutch af

>> No.9282812

you can manually set location, so she probably doesn't live there

the background is too European and there are stray white people about

>> No.9282899

shes only 16. Still learning her sewing machine and really doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut. She's a post child for Tumblr (he/him pronouns please) makes me gag how fake these type of people are. Also posts a shit ton of baby chew toys and bottles. But then turns around saying that she's not into age play.

>> No.9282929
File: 150 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God this is terrible

>> No.9282936

It looks inside out or something.

>> No.9282965

It is, that's the seams pressed along the sides, and the middle is pinned for button placement/fit.

>> No.9282966

Doesn't excuse the fact that the fabric looks like pure shit.

>> No.9282977

Is this that Russian girl?

>> No.9282980

well that's no excuse

>> No.9283188

the art is terrible

>> No.9283233

Yes, if someone has an issue with something it must be because it effects them directly. I couldn't possibly be tired of seeing the same shit over and over again.

sage for responding to obvious fucking bait.

>> No.9283250

and that its obviously not going to fit when shes done; arm holes/shoulder span is so wrong lmfao

>> No.9283335

how do you guys feel about the positive btb thing that amino is doing?

>> No.9283386

Saw that earlier today. Don't like it. People need to grow the fuck up. Probably the same crowd who supported LACE

>> No.9283389

Yeah. This was the reply I was expecting.

>> No.9283418

Btb isn't that bad when you learn to put on adult panties and laugh a little. Not my fault some people are soo paper skinned that their fee fees get hurt.

>> No.9283462

Question about Amino in general:

I'm an idiot and signed up with my Facebook a couple months ago.
Now I'm trying to clean up my name under a Google search (I'm working with kids and can't have the term "lolita" associated with my name), but my real, full name is in the url to my lolita amino page.

>deleted all content
>disconnected from Facebook
>changed my name on facebook AND amino
>left amino community

it STILL comes up as the first search result on google. Help me, gulls.

>> No.9283464

Dunno exactly what to do but maybe just delete your amino and make a new one not connected to your Facebook.

>> No.9283487

Apparently you can't delete an amino. You can uninstall the app, but you can't actually delete your account

>> No.9283493

Looking into whether or not a ban would get rid of my profile.
I don't particularly care for amino, so I don't mind being banned.
If it gets rid of my profile, I might just ask a mod to ban me

>> No.9283589

Mod here, we've done this challenge before, but we realized that it's no fun without a little salt. So this time we're letting people post some drama, but not anything crazy.

>> No.9283782

Slid them down. You can kind of see them against the blouse.

>> No.9283795
File: 325 KB, 540x405, astro spock coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me it's just cgl#2.

its not all bad it's just... it's like cgl's way of getting to the normies. it's lame.

>> No.9283796

where exactly are you gonna draw the line?

I don't actually participate on amino cause the app is slightly off putting.

>> No.9284116

We figured having some shit talking is fine, but not anything excessive like
>this little cunt needs to stfu with her Barbie memes

Shit talk all you want, but I suggest make it passive aggressive and with no crazy cursing. We are on a app for 13+ and if it gets too crazy then big boss cunt at Amino will prob disable our comm if it gets out of hand, this is why at first I wanted it to be filled with salt since BTB is dying as it is, but we need to keep in line like the Sunday school church this app is

>> No.9284152
File: 453 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9284170

They actually have a button in the back to adjust them. She probably unbuttoned them and tucked them into the front of the dress.

>> No.9284188

>tfw this is my secret
Glad to see someone saved it

>> No.9284382

>omg it's ok i think

>> No.9284538


>> No.9284574

Modern lolita is tacky as shit. Well, at least AP and often Baby are.

>> No.9284741 [DELETED] 

Hi Grace :)))))))))

>> No.9284851
File: 208 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is horrific.

>> No.9285055

Apparently she's only 12 and doesn't have any "fancy" lolita dresses.
What's the minimum age for amino? Nevermind I should probably get my grumpy adult ass over to the 18+ group instead.

>> No.9285059

That little cunt DOES need to stfu with her barbie memes though. I'm so tired of them.

>> No.9285068
File: 494 KB, 636x768, IMG_1087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how #NOTBOTHERED I am guys!

>> No.9285069
File: 162 KB, 634x721, IMG_1088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally #NOTBOTHERED!!!!

>> No.9285070
File: 151 KB, 595x646, IMG_5756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2 mins in the terms of services of the app and you would see it's 13 anon. Report her to the amino mods because she's too young to be on the site.

>> No.9285102

So does she lurk or did someone tip her off?

>> No.9285155
File: 16 KB, 175x267, IMG_5763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg this person can't be serious about these images. They look like shit my 6 year old niece draws me when I'm visiting my brother. Glitter clue splotchy all over the place and everything.

>> No.9285167

Was about to post this, thanks anon. I would like a ban on lolita art. A separate amino for it would be great, I'm just tired of it shitting up my feed

>> No.9285188

Y'all all better start posting some salty shit on those BTB secrets or else it's not gonna be as fun to fuck with her. Apparently she's over 25 from what I hear

>> No.9285189

Well if it where not specials posting their art it would be fine. But LA is nothing but people who probably would drink bleach if you told them it would make them look Japanese.

>> No.9285203

I don't mind artwork when it's well done, but like much of LA it's mostly talentless itas posting so most of what we get to see is shit.
There's one girl in my regional chat who's apparently going to art school and keeps posting "designs" that literally look like what happens when you give my 10-year-old cousin a piece of paper and a crayon and park her in front of a Disney princess movie. It's just... bad. SO bad.

>> No.9285210
File: 962 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161202-091748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's 13, and amino doesn't care about the age rule anymore. it's explained on the leader amino, but LA enforces this rule regardless.

The kid has said shes 13 several times, so unless you have proof of her saying shes 12 she cant be banned. If you have any, screenshot it and send it to a mod.

>> No.9285211
File: 356 KB, 493x768, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9285219
File: 749 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't be bothered to report her this instant but here's a screenshot of her admitting she's only 12.

>> No.9285270

Could you provide a translation?

>> No.9285278

Why yall care so much lmao mad you can't afford anything but maybelline or

>> No.9285280

Sorry you were posted

>> No.9285283

We care because that's some top quality cringe material right there, friendo. Pointing and laughing at cringey edgelords is a staple of /cgl/

>> No.9285289

upset stomach


>> No.9285291

>that makeup breakdown
>omg so expensive
Hah. Uh, ok.

>> No.9285297

not our fault her nose pores were offensive. its nothing to be proud of

>> No.9285311

She's talking about meetups and why the Dutch FB group may not let her join or something like that.
>3 reasons
>I am 12
>I have no posh lolita dresses
>my mother would also have to come because I live in Belgium (which is a different country)
>now I can solve 2 of those but are any of you going
Not very interesting but basically yeah, she's twelve.

>> No.9285340

Nah wasn't me who was posted but I am genuinely curious why you couldn't find something that was actually worth cringing at. I mean, its Amino.. there's a lot worse posted than someone's breakdown of expensive cosmetics. This is literally Instagram shit.

>> No.9285351

It's cringy because no one cares what mid tier cosmetic brands she wears especially when she still looks like shit

>> No.9285357

Are you for real right now?

She posted bad makeup shots and a makeup rundown in the lolita amino and whined about being posted here. That's cringey, but even more cringey since this is an adult in her mid 20s we're talking about. LA isn't a makeup comm,

>> No.9285363
File: 282 KB, 750x1290, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're on the topic of older people who are acting like little fuckwad children, has anyone joined the community that the 30 year old ita Neko slave with a "part-time kid" made? I want updates on that comm

>> No.9285373

I tried but couldn't get in and couldn't figure out how to search for usernames to contact her for an invite.

>> No.9285394
File: 1.11 MB, 750x1290, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here anon. Make sure you search it like that because amino is caps sensitive

>> No.9285413

Thanks! Just in case I won't send it right away. I don't feel like making a secondary profile to message her with but I don't mind dressing ita for a few pics to convince her to let me in.

>> No.9285420

It's not so much the makeup breakdown, it's her over the top reaction to the fact that a handful of anons said they didn't care for her makeup breakdowns. It would have been extremely easy to just ignore and not acknowledge people mentioning her ITT but instead she chose to react like a butthurt child who needs to show everyone that she totally doesn't care though!!!!1 That's the funny/cringy part.

>> No.9285783

>let's make an amino for non-lolita crap and call it lolita because muh individuality

>> No.9285869

She's offered to help with tips in makeup as if she was a professional MUA. Nah honey you ain't a professional because you bought 20 dollar eyeliner. She doesn't know how to level her tones, even her skin, apply blush without streaks, blend eyeshadow in proper demension or even how to face block herself. Then coming up and making a post about how we are not bothering her. THAT IS CRINGE! I'm sorry you or your friend got posted but you are becoming just as much as cringe.

>> No.9286170

It's a lolita amino and she mostly posts pictures of her face instead of her coord, and then lists off all the makeup she's using and writes a long ass paragraph about her makeup
On top of that it isn't really applied well

>> No.9286176


Maybe we should do a few posts outside of hers as the "secrets" things where we only post faces of misako and say things like "my outfit today" and start listing just makeup that could be what misako uses. Like " this whole look was achieved by the naked II pallet and the lipstick is Lolita by Kat von D"

>> No.9286179

Oh yes, I'm doing this. Thanks for the great idea

>> No.9286302
File: 109 KB, 750x1082, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude why is the candy colored cunt posting Decora on the Lolita Amino? Is she that stupid?

>> No.9286404

Just post a comment telling her she must have posted to the wrong group by mistake. It's the best response you can give because if she did it on purpose she has to justify exactly WHY she thought decora was lolita.

>> No.9286405

I really want to use this app at its fullest, but posting blog-length text on mobile is a bitch and a half.

Has anyone tried using an iOS/Android emulator for this app? Which ones?

I'm currently looking into KoPlayer and Bluestacks, but I'm kind of paranoid about getting malware after past usage of video game emulators.

>> No.9286409

I used the Nox App Player for PokemonGo and had no issue with it so that would be my recommendation to try using Amino with. I didn't much care for Bluestacks, personally.

>> No.9286411

Ahh, thanks for delivering! I'll give that a try.

Man, I really wish that Amino had a desktop version of itself. I'd like to try to get that lj experience again.

/polite sage

>> No.9286413

I dunno, I said earlier that I think the pink pearls are something that only look weird from an up close shot. Obviously I don't have the case in person to determine that, but I can imagine that if you were seeing it from a normal angle, the pink beads would blend into a solid backdrop for the print design and match really well if someone had the matching pink Holy Lantern.

Just my personal input.. I don't see it as something cringeworthy for this thread, honestly.

>> No.9286420

Google takes a while to update, sometimes. How long has it been since you've deleted?

>> No.9286422
File: 48 KB, 564x352, 1481386441375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9286434

Something tells me that she's the only one in the server, so asking her for entry would be a one way ticket to "let me have personal one on one discussion with you, meow~"

>> No.9286435

If you're a citizen of the EU you can always ask google to delete you from the internet. Idk if it works like that for other countries tho

>> No.9286444

I told one of the mods, and apparently she didn't even know Decora was a entire fashion all together and she thought Decora was a type of Lolita Style? For someone who spams the alt amino, how tf did she not know what Decora was?

>> No.9286445

thank you for being willing to go under cover

>> No.9286458

No problem, gull. I'm curious myself to see what comes out of the depths of that group. If I get a response when I send a message next week I'll let ya'll know.

>> No.9286464

She has the cutest face though. Remember, weight can be lost. A corset can give shape. But a cute face is something you're born with. And everybody ain't cute.

>> No.9286486

Please tell me you're quoting her or something because there ain't nothing cute about that face.

>> No.9286502

Anon please, poor girl has a manface. Losing weight would just make that schnoz stand out even more.

>> No.9286523

Agreed 100%. I'd love to get more into proper blogging with this app but typing out longer texts on my phone is a nightmare!

>> No.9286560

In one of the latest updates the app can allow drafts now. So you can take your time for typing

>> No.9286634

It's been a couple weeks. The problem is that the page never gets deleted, even if I leave the community.
My full name is in the URL so changing my name on lolita amino doesn't change the URL.

I'm in the US and to my knowledgr, google only deletes specific info like credit card numbers or social securities.

I did message the mods and they tried helping me out by removing my profile from the search within LA, but it didn't seem to work for google

>> No.9286690
File: 64 KB, 1074x315, 20161212_163248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they're for your own personal use, why do you put them in the lolita amino? Also a girl in the comments mentioned she should put this in the makeup amino
The photos on the post also didn't even show her coord. It's not about lolita anymore if we can't even see what you're wearing
I also really think that "glam" makeup (winged eyeliner, dramatic eyes, highly arched brows, countour, matte lips, etc) and lolita should be kept far away from each other

>> No.9287252 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking walnut literally posted pictures of pet play gear and categorized it as "sweet lolita"

>> No.9287289
File: 118 KB, 750x931, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this person seriously post pet play gear in LA?

>> No.9287411

I mean, her coord sucks, but I don't see what's wrong with running to Papa John's to pick up dinner in lolita. Unless you're a meet/conlita, AKA a normie.

>> No.9287459

no it's sweet lolita style, gosh

>> No.9287586

Is this the crazy libfem "part time kids" lady?

>> No.9287606

Is that pet play gear or your basic nekomimi set? I don't think it looks like pet play gear, anon.

>> No.9287615

It's likely a fetish thing. The collar has a heart charm that says "Princess", that's (for some reason) rather common in the tumblr fetish scene.

>> No.9287848
File: 27 KB, 531x247, 5f77484a-1c90-473a-a68e-337d679ef948..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy here:
Ew. No. Gross.

>> No.9287855
File: 76 KB, 480x640, dfd674f9-789e-420a-ab92-29c4bf875a75..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't jump to pet play immediately, that's kinda the mindset people have when looking at lolita and jumping to ageplay. There are even brand cat ear accessories.

Sure, there's a difference between accessories and outfits, but I think it's a bit unfair to assume right away they're posting fet gear. I wear cat bell chokers all the time but I'm not into BEING a cat. Don't wear ears, though.

>> No.9287929

I think we're in the same comm. I felt my heart breaking a little when she shut down a girl's helpful suggestion to see what kind of cheap lolita lace they have on taobao. You know she's overpaying for her western raschel lace and proud of it.

>> No.9287970
File: 211 KB, 720x960, poinsetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The construction is... Alright... But there's no trim on it at all.

I wasn't going to post it because she didn't post any progress pics or anything without her in it, but since people are curious here it is.

>> No.9288062

Well that's actually better than expected. But I still think it's ugly
A lot of girls tried to steer her in the right direction but she was so goddamn stubborn

>> No.9288068

I love how guys think that they are better at determining wether or not a girl is ugly. Especially when so many girls on here aren't str8. Also yeah, she is disgusting.

>> No.9288115

Could be worse, but ugh it is so busy and that lace top isn't helping.

>> No.9288328


>> No.9288468

This would've looked like old-school meta if she'd just used some lace trim.

>> No.9288594

>I wear cat bell chokers all the time

Yeah, this is where were going to have to stop you. That shit ain't cute.

>> No.9288607


Wow, the dress is actually the best thing in this coord.

>> No.9288629


I wear chokers, ears, tails and more. But I'm also into petplay soooo...

>> No.9288639

they remind me of that membrane shit from 'Stranger Things'

>> No.9288667
File: 637 KB, 1177x593, IMG_5844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why post it to a group about Lolita fashion if it's not Lolita?

>> No.9288778

Yeah, no.

>> No.9288943

that's fucking disgusting. please leave
For attention obviously

>> No.9288981

>Guy here:
newfag pls go

>> No.9289130

I'm glad that a random 11-year-old made this amazing love story come true

>> No.9289343

I literally laughed out loud at this. I know it wasn't intentionally funny, but thank you.

>> No.9289531


Hey now, I don't wear them with Lolita and I don't mention it at meets. Why is my fetish an issue if it is kept seperate?

>> No.9289550

I love it too, anon.

>> No.9289558

Guess what? Your comm isn't interested in hearing that shit, and neither are we. Now shut the fuck up about it and take it to fetlife.

>> No.9289576

I just checked some of the secrets that were posted on Imgur for the LA BTB thing, and they are shit. Why can't we have more gulls post their drama for it? There's got to be something more interesting than calling bedsheet Chan "a nice girl who made a mistake" make it spicier, gulls. I need my salt

>> No.9289578

make some of your own then

>> No.9289735

They said a little bit of salt. Not the whole fucking shaker of salt.

>> No.9289829

I submitted one. Probably too salty for the group so I'm going to submit it to BTBs just for the laughs.

>> No.9290342
File: 150 KB, 750x1176, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We tried to fuckin tell her. She didn't listen, now she's stuck with a shitty skirt that doesn't fit her

Milanoo-Chan is selling the skirt she's Been spamming the feed with. lil' twat should've listened when we told her to not buy from eBay and shit

>> No.9290347

she bought from My-Lolita-Dress, spammed the feed with this stupid skirt, didnt message Linda when she said she had a glitch (like we said she should), and is now trying to make profit on a 34in skirt (that fits her perfectly. she says)

>> No.9290350

who the fuck thought bedsheet was a nice girl with a bad mistake? she was a cunt who then stalked someone.

>> No.9290351

desu they probably thought the same thing but toned it down because who knows how much salt is allowed in the LA BTB

amino is a hugbox

>34 in
>fits perfectly
oh god

>> No.9290352

Is it actually surface spell or a milanoo knock off?

I always heard Surface Spell is a nice taobao brand.

I at least assu

>> No.9290353

Damn thing posted early!

>I at least assume thats what she meant by "surfacepell"

>> No.9290360

its legit surface spell, mld is a taobao reseller

>> No.9290370

She bought it from my-Lolita-dress which is a taobao reseller. >>9290342 is just trying to confuse you and make it more juicy then it actually is.

>> No.9290451
File: 184 KB, 586x577, 1472046868445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw men who obviously don't wear lolita join the lolita amino

>> No.9290456
File: 20 KB, 152x254, 92437070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9290504

decololita is a substyle.

>> No.9290519


Decora is a different thing by itself though.

It's like that newb asking why we don't have steampunk lolita threads more often, or the other one saying shironuri is just makeup. Do people not understand that steampunk, angura, decora, mori, gyaru, larme, menhera, etc, are all seperate, distinct subcultures that have their own thing going on? They aren't "lolita" just because someone's only exposure to them is through lolita, it's an indication of newbness if people can't tell them apart and mash them all under the "lolita" umbrella.

>> No.9290527

Sorry, I should have clarified, I was more replying to this
>she thought Decora was a type of Lolita Style?

>> No.9290537


Did you read this part?

>didn't even know Decora was a entire fashion all together

>> No.9290541

Yes, but the question seemed to imply that anon didn't know it was both its own fashion and a substyle. My mistake.

>> No.9290576

It's not a substyle though. OTT sweet maybe took some inspiration of it but what do you really expect when a cutesy pastel outfit goes over the top. Old school decora clashes with lolita anyways.

>> No.9290590
File: 107 KB, 375x500, Decololi-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you live in a box?
Decololi is an older substyle, but it's a substyle. People still post it on cof.

>> No.9290595

There is soo much wrong with this image that I don't like but those white shoes bug me the most.

>> No.9290607

seriously, do you just block them all? I'm thinking about it.
Sorry 400 lbs ginger bearded starwars nerd, i don't think you'll ever have anything of value to add to the comm.

>> No.9290613
File: 127 KB, 960x960, decololi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is old school decora lolita. Shoes didn't have to match back then.
This is a recent cof post. Decololi is a substyle that certainly exists currently, and always has

>> No.9290615

I'm blocking them all on sight, idgaf

>> No.9290617

You can stop pushing this argument anon. We get it. Other anon didn't know there's decora Lolita. You made your point. I just don't like the shoes. They are a bad style. Color is another story but their over all style is ugly.

>> No.9290629


Jeebus, were you the one who was doing the spamming?

Decololita was named a substyle in an era when everything became a substyle left, right and center. Including some styles we'd now argue is more a theme than a substyle (sailor, country). The anon who said sweet lolita took cues from decora/fairy kei and spun off decololita is much more accurate.

In actuality decololita is closer to steampunk lolita in being a crossover style than an actual, 100% lolita style of its own. Now, while steampunk lolita may be lolita, steampunk sure as hell isn't. So while decololita may be some form of lolita, decora itself certainly isn't.

For instance, are you able to back up your examples with actual burando decololita? Or is it all street snaps of girls wearing sweet with decora influences?

Best part, though, is that original anon clearly said DECORA and not decololita, and you're still trying to put forth that she didn't know it's a substyle as well as a separate fashion. Sounds more like you're the one who just found out it's a completely different style yourself and trying to make like you know some shit.

>> No.9290658

You're into a niche fashion that most normal people associate with costumes or age play, maybe you should look in the mirror a little.

>> No.9290668

Yes, because normal people totally think "ageplay" the second they see a gothic lolita. Heck, I didn't know what ageplay was before I came to /cgl/

>> No.9290706

spamming? No, sorry. I just lurk. I only saw someone (I thought) saying that decololi wasn't a substyle of lolita, and I wanted to correct them. Sorry, I haven't been on cgl for almost a year.

There are plenty of street snaps of 2008(ish?) decololita, I'm not saying it's recent, and main brand decololita would murder your bank, but it has long since been established that brand and trends don't align. AP doesn't do EGA does not mean that EGA doesn't exist.

and no, the other anon clearly implied that they had no idea that decololi was a substyle. Stop trying to be salty.

>> No.9290720

If you block someone, can they still see your posts? From what I found on google it seems they can.
I don't want creepy dudes to see my blogs. At least the FB comms are lolita-only.

>> No.9290721
File: 134 KB, 750x1292, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To get off the subject of a debate that has been finished, can we pls talk about how someone doesn't know how a wristcuff is worn?

>> No.9290723

On amino, no. You can block people but they can still see your posts, they just can't comment or message you

>> No.9290724

I told my normie sister about makeup-chan and she agreed with me that she shouldn't be shitting up the group with her nonsense.
Maybe we should start parodying her and saying stuff like
Jsk: urban decay
Blouse: too faced

>> No.9290727

They should make it more like tumblr's or fb's block system so they can't even see you. I blocked some girls who were making annoying posts but they still show up in my feed, sadly

>> No.9290730

this woman is too old to be wearing this shit. ugh.

>> No.9290739
File: 19 KB, 240x320, Lipstick-red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a selfie in a totally normie outfit but claim it's lolita because you're wearing pic related

>> No.9290740

I'd guess she's about early 20s, decololi isn't my thing but she looks fine, what's your problem?

>> No.9290751


.......I wanted to leave this topic alone, because decora lolita certainly exists (I'm not the one saying it didn't), but....

AP's non-lolita salopettes are a nod towards fairy kei. Dolly Dot is a nod towards larme. Party Princess cutsew (and the A-line rose dresses around that time) are a nod towards gyaru. Fantasic Dolly is a nod towards retro. AP is very, very on-trend. Plus, decora lolita is specifically a subset of sweet. This will be reflected in the photos you dredge up from 2008 as well, all of them will be exclusively sweet, mostly featuring AP. So I don't know what brand you'd expect if not AP.

Aside from that, carry on.

>> No.9290769

Not Lily here; she sent pics of her wearing it to a private group chat we have and it DOES fit her. I don't approve of her selling the "glitch" mistake for profit instead of messaging Linda, but she didn't buy it from Milanoo and it does fit her properly. Don't be an ass anon.

>> No.9290773

Not Lily here; she sent pics of her wearing it to a private group chat we have and it DOES fit her. I don't approve of her selling the glitch mistake for profit instead of messaging Linda, but she didn't but it from Milanoo and it does fit her properly. Don't be an ass anon.

>> No.9290774

Sorry, I tried to post that comment first on mobile and it kept saying it couldn't post so I tried on my computer ending up in a double post lol.

>> No.9290797

Do you really think I didn't have a clue some people like you try to push it as a substyle? Outfits you posted are rather decora with a lolita dress but even then what makes it not OTT sweet lolita? Not every fucking look inspired about something needs it own substyle. It's also dead, there is no point pushing it as a substyle. But apparently you think Alice, cyber etc. are substyles too.

>> No.9290803

Are floordinates okay for Adult EGL? Every time I take a photo of myself it looks ugly and unflattering

>> No.9290804

Lol well whoops, thought she stupidly spent more cash on Milanoo like she did the first time. She obviously has her ears sewed shut so I thought she bought it off Milanoo and wasted another $50

>> No.9290810

Make secrets more often, I liked and saved this one too.

>> No.9290812

Yes. Manikin is also okay. They have been posted before and I posted mine as a outfit on my bed.

>> No.9290817

I did one with misako's face and wrote "my coordinate" with a break down of more costly makeup that could be used for the image. I submitted a cropped image for secrets this week if they feel it's too salty.

>> No.9290818

yeah, i just block all of them. even if it doesn't keep them from seeing posts it's my own personal "fuck you."

amino is a haven for underaged girls and it skeeves me out

>> No.9290820
File: 128 KB, 600x799, IMG_5849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped the pic.

>> No.9290821


>> No.9290883

Just in case you are ESL, it's spelled "mannequin".

>> No.9290887

Maybe there's someone out there putting coords on anatomical models?

>> No.9291069

I don't understand the point in pointing this type of stuff out. Other then to sound like a stuck up British English professor.

>> No.9291204
File: 107 KB, 540x204, Screenshot_2016-12-16-21-33-49-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God help me.

>> No.9291389

Or maybe to help the person correct their mistakes so they won't keep making them in the future? I'm ESL and I'm always grateful for people who help me correct my mistakes instead of ignoring them and letting me make a fool of myself time and time again.

>> No.9291661
File: 192 KB, 750x1287, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a listed community on amino. This community is featured on the Amino communities page.

>> No.9291948

Spell check and punctuation would be nice. That was painful.

>> No.9292118

He followed me too, so I blocked. Blech.

>> No.9293413

Tried to join the 18+ egl animo but my phone had a derp so when I tried to tap in the box to start typing, I caught the "send request" button instead. I'm sorry for my incompetents.

>> No.9293478

Too bad she has shit tastes

>> No.9293495

I mean yea, I agree with you. I've been pulling her slowly into the light.