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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 360 KB, 790x790, 668894921000589382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9261510 No.9261510 [Reply] [Original]

Motorcycle edition
Old thread
Aliexpress a great alternative to ebay, and small order alternative to Taobao.

>Makeup, sex toys, food, and things that go in/on you aren't guaranteed to comply with safety standards
>You won't be able to claim compensation on Aliexpress if products harm you, use your discretion.
>Electronics? Visit >>>/g/ and search for /csg/ and ask your questions there
>Large Order? Check out the Taobao thread
>Ask questions and buy at your own risk. Stay savvy!

>> No.9261511
File: 367 KB, 790x790, 1018865015-635516454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also: if anyone was wondering where to buy this

>> No.9261907

How long do customs usually hold onto packages? A couple shirts and skirts have been there for four days now. I guess technically three since today's Sunday.

>> No.9261915


>> No.9261916

chinese or your local? it's probably either in queue to leave the customs warehouse or somewhere in processing

>> No.9261929
File: 833 KB, 350x497, tumblr_n47d7f7uFv1rt5pgzo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you wake up to a notification saying the last of your 11/11 items have shipped

>> No.9262108

What country? I bought a skirt/blouse/shoes from a girl in Canada once and US customs held it for a good 5 days

>> No.9262114

Send your luck my way. I've already had to extend the time on one of my items.

>> No.9262351


They're currently held in Chinese customs in Guangzhou. The shirts got accepted though, not the skirts yet. But now I'm more relieved. They were Akira shirts, and I thought they may keep it bc it's a bootleg and I heard they usually don't let bootleg stuff pass. But if that got accepted I'm sure the skirts will soon too.

>> No.9262451

you'll prob be fine anon, now wish me luck with my only slightly knockoff purse :v I think it's in customs as well according to my gtranslated tracking, really hoping it gets through.

good luck anon! mine shipped out very quickly this time - the last item came through like 2 days ago and one item has already left China. quite impressed for it being the busiest time of the year.

fyi, everyone with numbers from Paktrac (ROxxxxxxxxx[your country code]) should be able to track them through track.aliexpress.com, I got pissed at the codes cause they didn't register on 17track nor the link that was given for them but they're working fine for me now using the links in the 'track order' popup

>> No.9262453
File: 326 KB, 636x502, Screen Shot 2016-11-21 at 1.11.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intestine dress anyone

>> No.9262615

>buy perfect phone case for my lesser used Samsung model
>get tracking number, it doesn't work
>1 month later, buyer protection down to 5 days
>contact seller
>"Must be lost in mail, sorry. Please open dispute to refund."
>check and see if they're still selling it to get replacement
>they've removed listing entirely
>file dispute
>checking for other sellers
>no one has it


>> No.9262619

And just to add salt in the wound..

>get excited seeing part of my phone's model name on listings
>click them
>Galaxy CORE Prime
>mine is GRAND Prime
>phones look identical

>> No.9262624

Maybe they were a scammer? A lot of those have been appearing on Amazon lately.
>shop listed as being in one country but actually ships from China
>Lists a bunch of decent things for half-off or more compared to other vendors
>Gives the buyer a fake tracking number that either never updates or isn't actually real

>> No.9262635

I thought that they might be but they sell nothing but phone cases and it looks like the listing for the one I bought is the only one out of my phone category that's gone. I'm thinking what happened is that they mistook Grand Core cases for Grand Prime and took down the listing but not before I bought since I can't find that case in my model at all but Grand Core has several. It looks like the same phone in photos but the Core is smaller.

It's a shame though because I see other cases I could get from them but I won't since their tracking number didn't work from day one. However, they did freely offer me a refund when all I did was message them to ask for help with the tracking number.

>> No.9262677
File: 168 KB, 800x800, 9634059667702121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you have no friends to share your motorcycle poncho with
Anyways I found these cute paw bottle openers if anyone is interested

>> No.9262682

Small items sometimes they list a fake tracking number, but I still receive the items. As long as they give you a refund I think it should be fine

>> No.9262684

Yeah, I opened a dispute with a screencap of them requesting me to do so for a refund so I should be alright. Now I just have to spend a few hours debating over a phone case.. again. I'm never this peculiar over anything but phone cases.

>> No.9263382
File: 165 KB, 750x684, HTB1ZMSHLXXXXXalaXXXq6xXFXXXc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pocket mirror


>> No.9263393
File: 636 KB, 550x660, Screen Shot 2016-11-21 at 9.39.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if I could find something like this on aliexpress? Tried using terms like sheer dot shirt, didn't find much. Or is there a name for this style in general so I can find it elsewhere?

>> No.9263458
File: 45 KB, 600x600, HTB1U3jLKXXXXXXpXVXXq6xXFXXXS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior mirror.

>> No.9263488
File: 371 KB, 700x700, 698916264-1309669196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you find regretsy tier stuff on AE

>> No.9263594
File: 85 KB, 778x426, Harness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just received these in the mail. I am totally blown away by how nice they are and how adjustable they are. The slidey adjustable bits mean that the same item will fit my 110cm bust or my roommates 87cm bust with no problems.

>> No.9263647

I just ordered these a few days ago, glad to hear they're good!

>> No.9263760

could i get link anon?

>> No.9263771



The shop in general has every style, size and type or possible elastic harness you might want to put on your body or limbs.

>> No.9263818
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x960, 1406230386662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the original anon but thank you!

>> No.9264422

Anyone have any links to cute and cheap spiral notebooks, paper, or 3 ring binders? I cannot find anything bigger than the size of a journal, and i need the standard 8.5x11 size

>> No.9264436

The U.S uses a weird paper size so you might have trouble finding specifically 8.5x11 size but searching A4 notebook finds a bunch of stuff. A4 is slightly larger than U.S letter paper though.

>> No.9264509

sOMEONE post some good longsleeves

>> No.9264673
File: 640 KB, 622x606, Screen Shot 2016-11-22 at 11.33.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wasn't on ali (or it might be) but I feel we should know about it


>> No.9264675
File: 322 KB, 580x312, Screen Shot 2016-11-22 at 11.34.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9264768

Will go great with

>> No.9264807

Anyone with experience with these sellers?





>> No.9264810

Is that anzu?

>> No.9264900

too bad they'll make your already floppy tits look even uglier

>> No.9264901

Just to add to the collection

>> No.9264921

You can cut links to stop after the 'html' part and they'll work fine.

>> No.9265021

I ordered a load of bits and pieces from the SunnyWay store that anon recommended last thread (https://www.aliexpress.com/store/408276)), and its all nice stuff and as pictured. I ordered it on 11/11 and it arrived yesterday, which is the quickest ali order ive ever had (I live in the UK). Definitely recommend!

>> No.9265025

thats a liz lisa shirt (i have the original), so maybe searching for stores that just sell liz lisa replicas might help? you'll get similar styles at the very least

>> No.9265033

You can't just say that and not post a link! I want it!!!

>> No.9265051


>> No.9265053

Long sleeve what? Like just the sleeves?

>> No.9265067

I bought some glitter and it's been held in customs for 8 days now. Will it ever leave??

>> No.9265091

They probably made the mistake of opening it for inspection.

>> No.9265154

>my package went through Chicago customs
>only to be routed to Sandston

fucking Sandston. It's a goner.

>> No.9265175
File: 31 KB, 540x405, 1665afa9564cb0d0e9551f7a8e6d91e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when something you ordered form 11/11 has arrived already
I live on the east coast of America, I was expecting it to take a least 3 weeks
Never gonna figure out how the shipping works, because it was actually one of the last items to ship

>> No.9265216

>tfw East Coast and nothing has arrived
Even stuff I ordered back in October is still missing.

>> No.9265220

My September stuff hasn't arrived yet...

Though unless a pen or a pair of tights are too large for my mailbox one of my 11/11 packages is waiting at the post office. Because sorcery or w/e.

>> No.9265231

International mail works in mysterious ways.

>> No.9265272

Waited two months for a tiny acrylic pin, itabag base bag came in like a week. It's always weird

>> No.9265326
File: 390 KB, 800x800, -684899479-634123937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hunt for trap clothing never ends!
So far I ordered panties stockings and nightgowns. Searching for inspiration.
Didn't find stuff I could wear daily, a few ideas would be great.

>> No.9265394
File: 83 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-11-23-17-11-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw shit. My shoes got grabbed by customs. Anyone familiar with this sort of thing? Will they release them or are they gone for good?

>> No.9265406

im astounded how many people actually ordered it. hell, the reviews dont even look too bad

>> No.9265424
File: 129 KB, 1073x1021, Screenshot_20161123-234052~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tracking said the same her a few days ago.
Just wait

>> No.9265430

Are you sure that means they confiscated it? it could just mean they are looking through it. were your shoes nike replicas or any other high risk items?

>> No.9265432
File: 30 KB, 260x260, warm-women-shoes-high-top-floral-women-casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's reassuring!

I don't know if it means confiscated or not, it's the first time I've ever had this message. My shoes were just pic related.

>> No.9265434

don't worry anon, because a "new" few laws, everything "must" be examinated by chinese customs so make sure there are no counterfeit items. But it doesn't take so much and it's almost 0% probabilities they confiscate any counterfeit
(my engrish hurts)

>> No.9265435
File: 51 KB, 620x536, SNF0624F1_M_1758607a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only the tiny little shitty items you care the least about have tracking
I want to be able to track my big order, dammit

>> No.9265436

I ordered fakes lel

>> No.9265437

Thanks for letting me know!

>> No.9265442
File: 200 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-11-23-17-58-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese customs is currently holding the majority of my 11/11 orders at Guangzhou (iirc that district has a lot of factories, especially clothing) , and of course they're holding the items I wanted the most (pic related is tracking on a skirt I was really excited about)

>> No.9265445

Most of my stuff is either stuck in some place autocorrect doesn't like or in a "transferring country", including the one package that had supposedly already arrived in my country.

>> No.9265468

What is it about Guangzhou that cracks down harder than anything else? All my orders that didn't go through there have already left the country while others have been trapped in Guangzhou for a week at most now.

>> No.9265494

Yeah one of my items is being held in customs since yesterday in Guangzhou, while my other items not in Guangzhou have arrived or are on the way. Maybe Guangzhou deals with alot of counterfeit items or something?

>> No.9265531


Comes in white or silver, I added a shitty vaporwave sticker from Redbubble for extra aesthetic.

>> No.9265621

My best guess is that lots of clothing factories (like Guangzhou has) = lots of counterfeits. Either that or the thing the other anon said further up thread about Chinese customs cracking down recently
Goddamit China I just want my cute suspender skirts for winter

>> No.9265799
File: 848 KB, 1040x353, Nigga removal cosplay soap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /cgl/ been wanting to clear my skin tone a little (im male and dont use make up) looking at these in ali both are cheap

any recomendations betwen these two ?
or a better (stronger effect) brand i can get?

>> No.9265926

Don't buy soap off Ali, especially whitening soap.

>> No.9265944

I found the Mother load


>> No.9265958

>check "lolita dresses"
>first 10 results already have two Milanoo pictures
>please, anon

>> No.9265966

i've tried to use kojie for a like two months straight, and i didn't see much of a difference.

>> No.9265969

My chest is 36" and the smallest size of a jacket is 44" and intended for 165-170cm height. I'm 180cm. Aliexpress pls

>> No.9265970

Did you not read the OP? Don't fucking buy skincare stuff
I've been using it for 7 months and I definitely see a difference in the discoloration acne left

>> No.9265973

Is it supposed to be oversized because it sounds like it's supposed to be oversized.

>> No.9265974


From the pics of it being worn it looks like it should be at most about a 4" difference

It basically looks like it should fit how a 40" chest jacket I own does

>> No.9265979

Idk, that sounds pretty weird. My chest is ~100 cm but I also have trouble fitting into many western clothes so it seems weird that a Chinese jacket would have those measurements.

>> No.9265984
File: 8 KB, 604x204, sizes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only thing I can think of is that they're just completely wrong measurements

I contacted the seller and they told me Size L for my measurements so..

>> No.9265991

I know everyone says not to cook with stuff from ali (like cookie cutters) but what about storing food? Sorry if this is a newbie question, I'm just starting to learn how to cook and I want cute containers to keep food in.

>> No.9265993

I've bought bento boxes and stuff from Ali before. Just check the reviews.

>> No.9265997

>picks up package at store because it wouldn't fit into mailbox
>arrives home
>two more slips in mailbox because too large packages

>> No.9266149

Anyone have bad stories for stuff they've bought from AE? The only one I've had was a wefting needle I bought over a year ago that never arrived

>> No.9266171
File: 253 KB, 750x750, HTB1e6fiNFXXXXcpXpXXq6xXFXXX4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save her

>> No.9266289
File: 82 KB, 600x600, TB20OcRab2B11BjSsplXXcMDVXa_!!2209546633.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9266469

Last night I had a nightmare that I accidentally confirmed an item as received before it got here, and it got lost in the mail so I couldn't get a refund. I woke up and had to check my phone to see if it was real.

>> No.9266494

One girl from my comm did that, and inmediately opened a dispute... And she got the money back. Obviously that bitch received the item 1 week later and kept the money
>sage for rant

>> No.9266514 [DELETED] 

Any recommendations for a Chiaki Nanami hoodie?

>> No.9266519
File: 128 KB, 500x647, Chiaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have recommendations for a Chiaki Nanami hoodie?

>> No.9266543

Looks like a super cute dress for a neuroscientist to me

>> No.9266545

For sheer, try keyterms such as transparent or glass.
I have a top like this from Kmart, would love to order more. I'll post if I find anything myself.

>> No.9266551

These look awesome but I don't know how you wear these. Are these for cosplay, sex things, or do you wear them casually somehow?

>> No.9266555


If you can find Palmer's Dark Spot corrector at one of your local pharmacies, I completely recommend it.


>> No.9266568

You could probably layer them over a blouse

>> No.9266616
File: 1.14 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-11-24-21-31-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that the guy on the motorcycle is wearing fucking crocs, which are not only unfashionable (but apparently still acceptable in Japan) but your feet would just get wet if you were really riding your motorcycle with your girlfriend in the rain like the stock photo suggests.
Here's another bizarre stock photo/product for you

>> No.9266628
File: 39 KB, 400x225, Sackboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were you looking for to find this?

>> No.9266635

I want a Rough ER train on a dress

>> No.9266673

Most Ali photos layer them under a shirt like some kind of bra. Not that they will support anything or anything, they mainly seem to be mildly suggestive decoration.

>> No.9266780
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, 2925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hope the actually sent it.
I had a seller who messaged me yesterday that they were very sorry, but my ordered item was out of stock.
That was after they sent me a shipping notification last week. I can't even ask for a refund yet, because 10 days have to pass after shipment.

>> No.9266787

Has anyone had good luck with the resin molds?

>> No.9266802
File: 7 KB, 160x213, 202c63254b2f2bc1d148fd6a42df4f3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woke up remembering it was Black Friday
>Remember that I already ordered kawaii shit on 11.11
>remember that I checked the shipping process of a dress a day ago and they still didn't ship it
>whatever, it'll cancel itself out
>check Aliexpress this morning
>mfw the dress is still on my list
>the seller shipped that thing on the last minute

>> No.9266814
File: 515 KB, 1031x2955, FFSaliexpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I'm really new to online shopping)

>> No.9266825

It's like a muppet gimp mask.

>> No.9266828
File: 28 KB, 200x348, 200px-Fatan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. you picked a crap seller
2. you don't contact a seller months later and go "Hey, I know I got a refund but it broke more so I want more refund."
3. they refunded you once already, they shouldn't have to refund you again even if the product is crap, especially not 2 months later
4. who knows what the ID is for and they probably have no intentions of refunding you
5. stop ordering online, you obviously have no idea what you're doing or how to shop good

>> No.9266838

Not being a moron while buying electronics from China should solve your problem.

>> No.9266839

oh yeah thanks 4chan great help.
he did actualy refund me before.
what am I supposed to do with that fucking ID?!
and NO I will not just order something there again just like I have been doing the last 6 times I have been doing. that all went right. this is a first time it broke, ok I expect that. but what do I do?

>> No.9266842


>> No.9266843

chill the fuck out, that's what. what are you, 14?

>> No.9266849

The ID is a transaction record, or at least that's what your screencap says. Therefore you can log in to your paypal, go to activity, look for the refund from the seller; When you click on it, it will expand the transaction showing more details and the Transaction number is near the bottom of this. It's literally just a receipt, you don't need to do anything with it, unless you didn't get the refund, in which case you might want to look into opening a dispute.

>> No.9266850

I always have to laugh when I see idiots ordering from aliexpress.

>"the cheap shit i bought broke after 2 months!"
>"i'm an amerifat, why doesn't size L fit me???"
>"omg, the quality on the $2 shirt i bought is sooo bad"

>> No.9266858

Which ones in particular babe?

>> No.9266876

>he did actually refund me before
And if you weren't a total autist you would know that once you get a refund, that's it. Case closed. You don't get to contact a seller TWO MONTHS LATER and demand more money.

>> No.9266885

Foremostly, the ID they provided sounds like what they would have put in the paypal refund notice. Look for it in your Paypal history.

Secondly.. I'll explain what the other anons haven't. There is 0.0000001% likely hood you get refunds after you give a feedback (i.e 1 to 5 stars). Once you give the feedback, there is no warranty, or liability left on the sale person. They don't have to kiss your ass after you've done it - they got their 5 stars from you.

Anyway, yeah, accept this and learn from it. What they did is technically fair on the grounds of Aliexpress, and general international trade. I recommend you buy electronics with a warranty. That means, at your local brick and mortar. Less hassle.

>> No.9266886

Had a long shift and it's 1AM, kill me.

Also, yeah, the ID does nothing. It's just them saying "I refunded you already, here is the evidence, find this code amongst your Paypal transaction history".

>> No.9266962

I order a gorillion molds from Aliexpress, and none of them have let me down. Really anything silicone should be fine. Maybe not to eat out of, but luckily I'm just using them for crafts.

>> No.9267103
File: 109 KB, 533x800, il_570xN.576346712_obmj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan on wearing them kinda like image related. With a fairly plain dress/outfit as the interesting bit.

>> No.9267108
File: 2.64 MB, 1920x2560, 16-11-25-13-03-19-424_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some things I've ordered recently. Ones with stars have already come and I'd be happy to do reviews for those or link to anything on here.
Haven't seen any black Friday deals for things in my wishlist. Anyone have luck with sales today?

>> No.9267120

ooh, would you mind linking and reviewing the wig (and shaun the sheep bag when it comes in?)

>> No.9267192

Shaun bag
As for the wig, it was my first time using a lacefront and I have to say, it was absolutely phenomenal. The fibers are really nice, not too shiny, but still silky and tangle resistant. Thick towards the front, thinner in the back. Lots of people thought it was somehow my real hair even after feeling it. The lace is strong and can take a lot of fibers sewn in if you want sideburns/ widow's peak or what have you. I've actually bought 2 lacefronts from that seller now and haven't been disappointed yet.

>> No.9267615

Anyone seen a bulk package of tabi? Like an 8 pair back or something? Any cute ones? Links please?
Kinda OT
My cute little Irish grandma was stationed in Okinawa for 10 years with my jerk grandfather so she never talks about it much and just this thanksgiving told me she loved how comfy tabi were while she was there and whishes she still had some.
Is that not the cutest thing ever?

>> No.9267672

If you don't care about buying single pairs, Sock Dreams sometimes has Rani with cute designs

>> No.9267674

Goddamnit autocorrect. Here's a pair on sock dreams I saw https://www.sockdreams.com/manekineko-tabi-socks.html

>> No.9267691

I thoguht these were vibrators until I read your post and actually looked at the image

>> No.9267863
File: 201 KB, 610x285, ffhhe5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy we can pay with paypal now.

>> No.9267869

thank god
I screwed up my Ali account because it still has my old debit card which i had to cancel due to fraud and every time I wanna buy some random 99¢ item I have to type in all my information

>> No.9267900

awesome! I'm very hyped to hear this.

>> No.9267917

Holy shit thank you AliExpress.

>> No.9267926

I went to buy something and no sign of paypal. Is there a link to the article?

>> No.9267928
File: 3.59 MB, 1152x1496, Skirt Order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered this skirt on 11.11, got it on the 23rd. Great quality, color is vibrant and picture is clear (not fuzzy or low quality). It feels a bit cheap (probably due to it not being made of cotton), but doesn't look like it at all. Was a bit iffy on buying it due to the zipper, but the zipper looks fine and doesn't look out of place. Got a free hair scrunchie (not sure if it's called that or not) as well.


>> No.9267943

I'm so tempted by that skirt every time I see it, but it's not my usual style at all and I have no idea how I'd wear it. Looks really nice though!

>> No.9267967

Apparently it's only select stores. Lame.

>> No.9267969

could you link and review the psycho helmet tshirt? it's so cute

>> No.9267977

>tfw some of your orders from 11/11 have already arrived
Bless the sellers

>> No.9267980
File: 274 KB, 746x746, 20928195291753310915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was in my recommendations. Most of the bizarre shit I find is in there. Sometimes when I see a product I find bizarre I think maybe it's just a cultural disconnect (like those sauna cubes, apparently they are popular in some parts of the world) but then other times you get really fucking bizarre things like that horrifying knit mask

>> No.9267992

Damn, that's the skirt I was going to buy too!

>> No.9267997

Boo, I bought this on 11.11 too but mine is still in Guangzhou.

>> No.9268071

if you don't mind,do you know the wig cap size?

>> No.9268087

Could you share the eye lashes anon?

>> No.9268124

I bought one of those cherry dress shirts that everyone loves (except with stars because fuck plants) and it arrived yesterday with real tracking and everything.

>> No.9268342
File: 435 KB, 800x800, 1174993017-1428200139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call this one "I love having my vulva and pubes constantly be pinched by a metal thong"

>> No.9268357
File: 6 KB, 174x164, MillenniumPuzzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was a millenium puzzle because the thumbnail
>welcome to the shadow realm

>> No.9268358

>enter to the shadow realm

>> No.9268375

Are minions popular in China or something? Whenever I look on TB or AE for cute character goods (like sanrio or san-x characters) it's just minions minions minions
I hate those yellow fuckers

>> No.9268415

>select stores

Well. Fucking. Fuck.

>> No.9268426
File: 573 KB, 750x698, xmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the PERFECT christmas dress!

>> No.9268549

Yup! It's shockingly nice quality and came super quickly

>> No.9268552

I don't know the exact size but my head is 23" and it fits well, if that helps at all
They're nice and thick as well as soft but they don't come with glue. Not sure if that's important but it's something to keep in mind

>> No.9268624

Girl:"Please, don't acturry buy this."

>> No.9268626

JetJ? lol

>> No.9268760

10/10 would wear to Southern Christmas Ball.

>> No.9268811

I'd do it if it was cheaper, it's the perfect dress for university parties.

>> No.9268830

I had time to pick up a few of my 11/11 packages from the post office today, including a shirt and a dress/sweater thing (with the tiniest pockets I've ever seen). The postal service had apparently misplaced a day's worth of packages too, but those will probably show up on Monday or Tuesday.

>> No.9269239

Anyone got any good keywords when searching for J-fashion stuff? I've tried the most obvious ones already but I was wondering if there were any less obvious keywords that are useful when searching for cute stuff.

>> No.9269411

>tfw you don't speak any chinese but you buy from AE so often that you've memorized the simplified characters for guangzhou because you always see it on your tracking
they're 广州 btw. if you see that on your tracking information that's what it means.
I've been meaning to make some spreadsheet type stuff like the taobao thread has with keywords because depspite Ali being in English, the keywords sometimes aren't intuitive. Words to try are harajuku, lolita (brings up a lot of himekaji type stuff/other stuff that isn't lolita and milanoo tier stuff but still worth a try), korean/korea (brings up a lot of clothes with that minimal k-fashion look. you know what i mean), mori, japanese/japan, princess, sailor, kawaii, punk, preppy, cartoon, and 3d print (for all over print),

>> No.9269426

Nice, that's really helpful. Thank you anon!

>> No.9269618
File: 375 KB, 800x800, 21242277932091478939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kitten pizza galaxy christmas sweatshirt

all the important AliExpress memes rolled into one

>> No.9269726

What are the pointy things in the bottom right?

>> No.9269972

different anon but fake nails it looks like.

>> No.9270003

Works for me since week 1
Guess it depends on the person

>> No.9270250
File: 1.01 MB, 1528x1248, 20161128_144038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11/11 order update: things with pink dots have arrived and I can review them/take photos if anyone is interested

>> No.9270374


>> No.9270627

So we can pay with Paypal only on select stores and only through November 30th? You didn't deliver at all, Aliexpress....

>> No.9270654

Thank you for the link anon. :)

>> No.9270718

link to the grey grid skirt in the second row?

>> No.9270862

could i get a link to the pink pleated skirt anon?

>> No.9270879

I'm really happy with it, I can post photos if anyone wants because it came in the mail today
My main complaint is the straps are a little too short for it to sit at my natural waist (i do have a long torso, hips, and legs though). The pockets are uneven sizes but that's not noticeable unless you put your hands in since they're the hidden kind

>> No.9270891

Can I have a link to the brown suspended skirt please?

>> No.9270908

Yeah, they're fake nails. Extremely long and annoying but they look cool as fuck in real life

>> No.9270928

Looking forward to the review
Would appreciate a link for the green shirt fempai

>> No.9270980

I would love to see a picture of that skirt. Preferably how long it is and how tall you are.

>> No.9271134
File: 58 KB, 504x360, Christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did an order of stocking stuffers for Christmas/stuff for me.The plaid skirt is from Bodyline, not Ali though. I'm super hype to get my stuff in.

>> No.9271174

Would love a review of the bandage socks and green rose top when you get them!

>> No.9271200
File: 739 KB, 990x522, aliex1111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of the gifts I bought on 11.11 have started coming in, I was pleasantly surprised. Stars are items that have arrived. I already need to order more stuff for the holidays but I'm having trouble finding things my friends will like...
I'm curious about the stocking stuffers you've got there, what is that Sylveon thing?

>> No.9271227

man, what the fuck are these called? i think i have a new fetish.

>> No.9271272

post pics when the pokemon plush comes in?

>> No.9271300
File: 1.02 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_1935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a pouch! I actually just got it in today. I got it for my boyfriend's daughter's 3DS. She loves Sylveon and never covers her 3DS when she takes it places... Its very soft and actually lined inside.

Will do!

>> No.9271321
File: 574 KB, 501x499, dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this dress in today.


Would anybody care for a review?

>> No.9271328

review of suspender skirt please? i like your haul, anon.

>> No.9271336

please link of the sylveon pouch <3

>> No.9271346

link to the eyebrow things please

>> No.9271438

Could I please get a link for the beret you bought for yourself?

>> No.9271457

>Crocs match with poncho

>> No.9271482


>> No.9271483



The beret came in too, today. It's really nice quality! Way nicer than I was expecting.

>> No.9271506

Which of them both did you get? I'm interested in the non-wool one.
I may get that puch; it looks cute.
Every review is welcome.

>> No.9271521
File: 1.60 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20161129_153314_430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mirror is a little dirty and my room isn't the cleanest but this came in the mail today. Great quality and came a lot sooner than expected. Theres no pattern on the back though. Lots of really cute designs and a bunch of different auctions. Look up 'polka dot sleepwear' if you're curious

>> No.9271524

Chest harnesses usually, google on my friend.

>> No.9271539

I diddn't give feedback! for that exact purpose!
I'm "threatening" him with it, but it seems his english is JUST. TO. FUCKING. BAD.

>> No.9271542

Anon, I was super shocked, you look exactly as me and we use the same pajama

>> No.9271547

Got a pair of pantyhose today and they took forever to ship and are tiny as shit. The crotch barely reaches the middle of my thighs and I'm not even 169 cm tall...

>> No.9271553

Are you sure you don't have a Tyler Durden spit personality?

>> No.9271555

Does anyone here have experience buying sized rings on aliexpress? I've bought rings before but theyve always been the kind that you can fit to yourself by pinching/pulling them. I'm now looking at one where you have to actually choose your ring size, but the store doesnt have its own size chart. Different countries have different ring measurements, what sizing system do you think they'd be using?

>> No.9271561

Links for the tights and mixed drinks shirt please?

>> No.9271562
File: 2.30 MB, 1155x901, review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bought this with the intention of using it as a skirt extender. It's true to size, and the bodice seems to be pretty stretchy and very slightly sheer. As long as you're not stretching it to the max and/or fair skinned you could probably wear it without anything underneath (save for a bra). The skirt lining is made of the same material as the bodice, which is very nicely soft; the lining ends 5-6 inches above the skirt hem. The straps are adjustable (I moved them for maximum length). At 5'8", the hem lands just above my knees. I think the lace is made of cotton; it's not at all itchy and feels soft and durable.

I hope that was thorough enough, I've never actually written a review before.

>> No.9271593

I got the 95% wool one. The ribbon is more silky which I prefer, and the hat is less floppy/more structured which I also prefer. Kek.

>> No.9271691
File: 853 KB, 720x1280, Fjsksk7283647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find jewelry like this on ali ?

>> No.9271693

Why do sellers even bother with tracking when it clearly doesn't work? The last thing I ever see is "successful pick up by china post", even when the packages finally do deliver the tracking lists that.

>> No.9271741
File: 1.76 MB, 1600x1200, 1479113016884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got a few items in. I got the leather skirt and the leggings to the far right in and they are recommended purchases especially the skirt.
The leggings are a thin but slightly elastic material but look really nice not really leather at all but looks leather hard to explain. Had to cancel the nude color slip due the store being overwhelmed by orders. I got all the dresses and the dresses are all polysester and incredibly thin but alright when worn in layers just not good by themselves think tshirt with an elastic band great for diy imo. I also had the gold earrings with the large pearls come in and for 25 cents they are a nice deal the jump rings are large though so some modification is recommended.

Beyond that I knew what I was getting into and quite like what I've received so far.

>> No.9271744

The skirt has very nice lining I forgot to mention and has a built in pany thing that is super loose may cut it off imo. I forgot to ad that I got the computer mouse in and its a recommended purchase for a cheapo mouse. Bought it for some graphic design for the convenience of the extra buttons. Does alright for pc gaming. It looks really good but the sensor is meh imo. Don't buy it for more that $8 imo.

>> No.9271781

search "punk" under the jewelry category

>> No.9272189

Fair enough. Well, now you have the power. I would first take it up to Aliexpress customer service. If they find that their policies cannot help you, then just give him a 1 star and go. That's all that can be done. Online purchases can suck like that, sorry.

>> No.9272193

It's gorgeous anon. I'm impressed with the length, a lot of dresses around your height are annoyingly short. (A short dress is nice but sometimes you want something a lil longer you know?) Thanks for posting!

They only bother because if they didn't supply it to customers they would get complaints. It's just piece of mind to know it's even been sent, even if the tracking system sucks. Also if it's stuck in their country I believe they're liable to refund you, rather than it being stuck in your own country's customs. Then they just say it's not their problem and leave you with nothing.

>> No.9272203
File: 2.97 MB, 1940x1448, hmmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some stuff recently. Most of it was stuff people ordered last thread but there's a bit of other stuff in there. Nothing's in yet, though. Also ignore the red shoes, sailor dress and white socks as they're from bodyline.

Also, can anyone here vouch for https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1332454?spm=2114.10010108.0.0.kuYW3X being consistent with their pics? A few items I want have no reviews/orders so I'm hesitant despite their ranking.

Could you post a link to the As Above So Below tank please? Also the long sleeved crop, and the skirt (with a pic of the skirt maybe? I'm worried it might look too deflated irl)

>> No.9272263

was this supposed to be ironic? because im lmao

>> No.9272362
File: 536 KB, 507x672, smskirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinks crop
As above so below tank - it has very little stretch, as a warning
black crop - I really like this, it's very soft and the mesh back looks nice
sailor moon skirt - It's kind of short, and it's not very fluffy, but it seems like it'd be a cute skirt. It's not for me (and doesn't fit me) or I would have tried it on for you.

>> No.9272452

>tfw have that cute straw hat but it doesn't fit my head

>> No.9272530

Aay lmao shirt?

>> No.9272797

Link to the drinks top?

>> No.9272864

can i have the one punch man shirt and the glasses?

>> No.9273495

I've had that skirt for a while and it doesn't fade after washing either. I did have to replace the zip after about two months as it wore out quickly.

>> No.9273681

I've bought a few and they have fit perfectly so far
I'm in the U.S., not sure if there is another system for it but whatever they use on Ali matches what I'd get over here

>> No.9273818

Do any of the taobao brands sell on Aliexpress? Want to find some lolita clothes, don't want to fool with taobao.

>> No.9273879

seconding this

>> No.9273885
File: 76 KB, 640x640, Zodiac-Necklace-Signs-12-Constellation-Necklace-Horoscope-Astrology-Disc-Pendant-Necklaces-For-Women-Men-Birthday-Gift.jpg_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any shops with some good horoscope-themed items for us astrology fags?

>> No.9273908
File: 583 KB, 735x805, aliwishlist_nov16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itty bitty babby order edition
everything but the cardigans has come in, I can review anything if y'all like

>> No.9273925

How's the red dress on the lower left?

>> No.9273939

Could you link that yoga blanket?

>> No.9273966

Really curious about the two dresses, especially the top left, and the skirts.

>> No.9274086

Really cute for the price. It has lots of shirring in the back but don't get it if you've got a chest bigger than 94 cm or so I'd say.

Cute, but the material is pretty cheap. I expected something a little thicker for the ~$30 I paid. It might just be because I've never bought a dress in this style before but it looks a little too childlike on me as well...
It's late here, I can post pictures tomorrow if you like.

>> No.9274087

Almost forgot the skirts. They turned out a lot better than I thought. The material is a good weight and it's lined. My only beef is a couple minor construction issues that aren't really noticeable. Mostly the edge stitching on the waistband. Also the elastic width feels a little too big for the casing, but it's not bad. I'll def be getting one in brown too.

>> No.9274089

i dare someone to buy 50 of these and suck them all


>> No.9274105

Is that... Bodyline's sailor dress? Can I have a link to that to compare to BL's site? Also links for the blouses on the right please!

>> No.9274117

>Also ignore the red shoes, sailor dress and white socks as they're from bodyline.
reading comprehension anon

>> No.9274153
File: 133 KB, 276x1649, cart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else do I need friends

>> No.9274196

Could you link the blouses? Theyre super cute.

>> No.9274254
File: 111 KB, 800x800, High-Quality-Embroidery-Jacket-Women-Reversible-Coat-Flower-Phoenix-Bird-printed-Bomber-Jacket-Coat-Pilots-Outerwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for pic related to arrive
>it's been bouncing around nearby cities for days
>goes to local office
>sits there a day
>doesn't arrive yesterday like I thought
>this morning's tracking says it was delivered yesterday at my mailbox

I really hope this is just Ali's tracking service going crazy like when it thought a package I got the other today had just left Beijing.

>> No.9274255

Gimme de link of dem shirts already

>> No.9274831

ayy lmao shirt

opm shirt



>> No.9274836

please do post a picture of top right dress + a link if you can! also include your height perhaps? im wondering how short it is.

>> No.9274859

I don't know if you're still around but do you think they would these work on a flat chest or would they twist weirdly? I've wanted one for a long time but I'm worried about fit.

>tfw all mens goth clothing is just black tees, black ripped jeans, and shitty 'costume satin' vampire faux aristo shit.

>> No.9274895

The star one looks like it would lie flat on a flat chest, but the other one looks made to fit breasts so parts of it would probably just hang strangely

>> No.9274933

Yes, the way they're made is that they're 100% elastic with some adjustable slidey bits. So apart from the really bra like ones I'm pretty sure they'd fit a guy well.

>> No.9275152
File: 33 KB, 351x111, AP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9275435
File: 914 KB, 1600x1200, haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

potential cart

>> No.9275610

Too good to be true?

>> No.9275673

I hope that's not the case, considering I just ordered an underskirt from them. They have good reviews, the name just gave me a giggle

>> No.9275714

Is there a way to hide your country's flag and the few letters that appear in your name when you order something?

>> No.9276066

Idk where to post this, but I'm this anon >>9266802

And that dress I've spoken about has the status of not being found going on a week now. It holds that status on any tracking website I go on. I trusted the store because it was fairly popular, and people took pictures of their dresses (I learned not to trust even those off of another website.) I'm not really in a rush to get it, but I ordered it on 11.11, no progress for a week, extended my order shipment limit to another week plus a few days, tried to cancel it, and reopened it a week before Black Friday. Following my first post, they sent out the dress a few minutes or seconds before Black Friday, and now it's classified as being under Singapore Post (even though my item was not found). This my first time buying on Aliexpress and out of China, who should I contact.
The seller or Singapore Post?

I know I said I'm not in an immediate hurry, but I plan on relocating in a month/year (One friend got an order he bought in 2915 summer sometime last month, and still did not receive everything!), so I'm getting pretty worried...

Is this common with Singapore Post? All of my China Post mail are on their way (I pressume) as one recently left a Chinese based Customs, and one got stuck on 'Successful Pickup By China Post'.

Sorry if this is long, I don't know exactly how to explain my situation.

>> No.9276070

link red dress?

>> No.9276287


>> No.9276318

link for the purple hoodie please!

>> No.9276353
File: 2.86 MB, 2400x912, aliexpresssmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All but 7 items have arrived.

>> No.9276475

nah girls in my comm have ordered from them before and had no problems, plus the reviews are all pretty good too

>> No.9276477

you mean the ones that show up in the reviews? just...dont leave a review?

>> No.9276514

I do not have a recommendation for the hoodie onl but I bought the cosplay a while back:
The hoodie of it looks really good.

>> No.9276518
File: 475 KB, 905x1610, 15271542_709716539177838_1601322673_o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the anon who wanted a review from this dress on my 11-11 order. It arrived yesterday.
I'm 1.75m and ordered a size L. The dress looks just like the stockphoto and is also fully linned. Besides the waist being a bit too high for my natural waist it fits great, It is not too short either. I was afraid the bust would be too wide for me and I would have to alter it. It is a bit big, but not noticable while wearing, so I'm just going to leave it. Also i forgot if you wanted to know anything else about the dress, sorry anon.

>> No.9276524

Link and review (if they arrived) for the body, shorts, panties and fur scrunchies? Also is that faux fur?

>> No.9276609

link to both thigh highs on the second row please

>> No.9276646

The local postal service lost one of my packages somewhere between not being able to fit it into my mailbox and leaving it at the local mail pick up centre...

>> No.9276700

Hey gulls, I found these /cgl/ stickers

>> No.9276901

Thanks anon!

>> No.9276945



>> No.9276950


I'm about to go to work, so I will do the review when I get home in 8 hours. The scarf and hair ties are all faux fur.

>> No.9276966

Link to tanks tops in upper left + review?

>> No.9276978

Ive bought it last 11.11 and the seem came apart on the second or third time wearing it ;/

>> No.9277085

You bought that?

Post proof.

>> No.9277111

omg why i need to post proof lol

>> No.9277193

please could i get a link to the top right leggings?

>> No.9277277
File: 185 KB, 900x1122, check these dubs (that&#039;s what i call my boobs).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this and thought of you, /cgl/.
also have a cute t-shirt too

>> No.9277282

I just need to see owner pics, it's so weird

>> No.9277405

Thank you so much anon

>> No.9277407

Thank you anon

>> No.9277504



>> No.9277551
File: 3.50 MB, 1200x1800, alireview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Korean-Artificial-Rabbit-Fur-Ball-Elastic-Hair-Rope-Rings-Ties-Bands-Ponytail-Holders-Girls-Hairband-Headband/32608785890.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.0.r8kYAx

I prefer this hair tie to #2, since it is bigger. They're both pretty soft but are obviously fake fur when you touch them. Both this and #2 came the fastest out of everything I ordered.

2. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Cute-Trendy-Warm-Soft-Polyester-Rabbit-Fur-Elastic-Hair-Rope-Band-Hair-Accessory-Rubber-Band-Girls/32577200789.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.0.aT0UJU

What is good about these is they are much less awkward to wear on your wrist than #1.

3. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2016-New-Fashion-Summer-Women-s-Sexy-Black-Red-PU-High-Waist-Shorts-Vintage-Slim-Slit/32591353301.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.0.aT0UJU

I got these in a size XL, and I am 5 ft 3 in and 143 lbs. I mean, they zip up, but I don't think I will wear them a lot because they are tight and unflattering. They have a faux-leather shininess to them, and their texture feels like the baby of some wet-look leggings and a very thin piece of memory foam. I like their style and would recommend them to someone thinner.

4. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Julissa-Mo-Sexy-Knitted-Bodysuit-Slim-Halter-Off-Shoulder-Lace-Up-Hollow-Out-Overalls-Club-Wear/32720497297.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.0.Wz8Nir

I hope this is the bodysuit you wanted since there are two on my collage thing and the other one hasn't come yet. I got this one in a size M. It has the texture of a giant fancy ribbed sock. It's pretty comfy. The only annoying thing is zipping it up in the back since the zipper goes to the top of the neck. No crotch snaps.

>> No.9277554


And last, the underwear:

5. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Sexy-G-String-Women-Lace-Transprent-Low-Waist-Thongs-Underwear-Briefs-S-M-L-XL-XXL/32502007882.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.0.Wz8Nir

I got these in a size XL and they fit well. I'd post a non-worn pic of them but they're dirty and hiding somewhere in my hamper. The picture of them on Ali is pretty true to the product, though.

>> No.9277560
File: 1.58 MB, 1200x1800, alireviewrgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah shit the colors are all fucked up on that one.

>> No.9277655

Thanks! I actually meant the other one, I thought this one was just a shirt, but its very cute. It suits you, good taste anon!

>> No.9277658

They show up where it says past orders or whatever. I'm the only person who bought one listing and didn't leave a review, and my info was still listed.

>> No.9277665


Thanks! I will review the other one for you if it comes relatively soon.

>> No.9277680
File: 46 KB, 716x716, 14ddd41fa721184574980a0c4829a93b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone find something like this??

>> No.9277696
File: 55 KB, 800x800, HTB1h.FEKpXXXXbDaXXXq6xXFXXXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nailed it.


>> No.9277730

Messaged a seller to tell them they'd sent me the wrong top and asked them to send me the correct one/give me a refund. I sent them a picture of the one they'd sent me so they could see it isn't correct

>"it seems beautiful, you don't want it?"

Not the point, reeeee

>> No.9277736

calm down it'll be there
my first 11/11 item appeared in my post office today after a week and a half of no tracking information whatsoever
check aliexpress' built-in tracking feature and your local post office's tracking system, unless it's a tracking number that only has numbers in it in which case there's no point

>> No.9277779
File: 822 KB, 500x280, 380a6e08267215a837fd93ac426853f17e03d8fe_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have a staircase to flow down while wearing this

>> No.9277917


>> No.9278183

I have a staircase you could flow down

>> No.9278196
File: 972 KB, 1145x473, alililili.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather buy cute stuff than food for myself

>> No.9278199

I do the same thing. Bonus for being able to fit clothes better.
I like you taste in jewelry. Can I have links to the the heart hoops and heart dangles on the second row and the heart/magical girl wand(?) and long heart dangles on the top row? Thanks!

>> No.9278255

Are there shops who sell neat pants for 180 tall women?

>> No.9278274
File: 88 KB, 800x800, 20pcs-Eye-Makeup-Brushes-Set-Eyeshadow-Blending-Brush-Powder-Foundation-Eyeshadading-Eyebrow-Lip-Eyeliner-Brush-Cosmetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That set of twenty eye brushes for roughly five dollars arrived and I'm extremely pleased with the quality! Based on a number of reviews I expected them to be scratchy as hell but they turned out to be surprisingly soft and pliable, better than some older MAC brushes I have even. There was a few stray bristles but once I trimmed them, and then washed them they were good to go. I tried a relatively ornate smoky eye look with plenty of definition in order to give them a spin, and I'm definitely pleased with the results. I'll look into picking up a Real Techniques dupe set next.

>> No.9278294

Link to the mushroom+flower light?

>> No.9278413

post a review + link when you get the card captor light? If it's the right size it could be cute to display behind figures.

>> No.9278440

Say purple/whatever colour it is doesn't match your wardrobe/skintone so you feel it's a waste of a purchase.

>> No.9278536

Would you mind linking to the dresses next to the bear pillow? Thanks!

>> No.9278595

You have such a cute taste, anon! Can I have a link to the striped shirts?

>> No.9278643

Please link to the heart earrings with the ribbons!

>> No.9278762

please link the pink coat with the white bunny hood!

>> No.9278764



The body suit you wanted actually came today. I didn't realize that it was completely translucent on top, so I put on a shitty bra to cover stuff. It has both a back zipper and crotch snaps. The black material is ok, but the "lace" is incredibly cheap feeling, like a Halloween costume.

>> No.9278765
File: 246 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 12-6-16 at 12.01 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dropped pic

>> No.9278767 [DELETED] 

wow you are really fat

>> No.9278768 [DELETED] 

no she's not anon, lighten up

>> No.9278769 [DELETED] 

>no she's not

clearly you are blind

>> No.9278772 [DELETED] 

Anon is a dick for saying it, but she is fat.

>> No.9278779 [DELETED] 


How is that fat?

>> No.9278782 [DELETED] 

how is it not? and how fat are you that you don't think she's fat at all?


>> No.9278789 [DELETED] 

its over 50kg

>> No.9278792 [DELETED] 

You do know people have different views on what fat is, right? To thinner girls, they may see average girls as fat.

>> No.9278795 [DELETED] 

>only use AE buy gym stringers, gym shorts, fleshlights, and butt plugs for cheap
>seeing this thread

Girls are fucking weird

>> No.9278796



>> No.9278800 [DELETED] 

Get your test levels checked you fucking beta cuck

>> No.9278811 [DELETED] 

you new here?

>> No.9278817
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1907899_10152450225060846_4861381090104478358_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close enough i guess

>> No.9278829







let me know if I missed/ got something wrong

>> No.9278832 [DELETED] 


Well, yeah, according to the BMI scale, I am overweight. I don't know why you would really wanna leave this reply, though, since I obviously just posted this picture to leave a product review for someone who asked for it.

>> No.9278833 [DELETED] 

>on this board

>> No.9278844 [DELETED] 
File: 2.96 MB, 1894x2766, tmp_28787-20161206_022425-1842137037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


High test.
I would destroy you.

This board made me sick.

>> No.9278845 [DELETED] 

fucking bait posts get funnier all the time

>> No.9278851

Seconding this but for 186 tall girls. Kill me desu

>> No.9278854

Thanks for the link and for leaving pics anon, I wish more people would do it because you can't always trust the ones provided in the listing!
And to all anons calling her overweight, she might be but I dont see how's that relevant. She posted a pic (actually various) to help others see better some products. How is that not a good thing?

>> No.9278857 [DELETED] 
File: 2.96 MB, 4032x3024, tmp_28787-20161203_0058401704201927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am big and strong.
You are small and weak.

You cant post pictures because ur a cuck and have low test.

Kneel before your god.

>> No.9278858 [DELETED] 

pics of the 5lb dumbbells you use senpai pls

>> No.9278861

tfw 159cm man
tfw fit all girls clothes

>> No.9278869 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1440x2560, tmp_28787-Screenshot_20161206-024659-582079287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btfo. Cuck.

>> No.9278870 [DELETED] 

is that supposed to be impressive?
you're as strong as the average 8th grader dude

>> No.9278873 [DELETED] 
File: 388 KB, 907x727, 1478984852277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown nipples

>> No.9278875 [DELETED] 
File: 1.44 MB, 1440x2560, tmp_28787-20161012_1507261690750265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average 8th grader
>3pl8 dl for reps

Sick bro. Still no pics from you. Not suprised desu cause we both know i'll embarrass you again

>> No.9278876 [DELETED] 

3pl is literally nothing

>> No.9278879 [DELETED] 

Sour grapes. I am way out of your league.

>> No.9278881 [DELETED] 

yeah way below it lmao

>> No.9278882 [DELETED] 

why are your nips so small omg

>> No.9278884 [DELETED] 

Post. Pics. Or. Ur. Dyel. Body. Cuck.

>> No.9278887 [DELETED] 

don't worry im not some insecure skeletal like you so I don't care what strangers think

>> No.9278888 [DELETED] 

Nice one. Lol. Idiot. No pics ofc. Kys.

Cause I dont have high estrogen? Fucking idiot. Lmao

>> No.9278889 [DELETED] 

>I dont have high estrogen
one might think you did with that lack of chest hair though

>> No.9278891 [DELETED] 


No u wont post a pic cause you look like garbage and i'll laugh at ur ugly ass.



>> No.9278892


Thanks, anon, I was just trying to post a product review, and now that I have really thought about and looked at the product (and its post-11/11) increased price) I kinda don't wanna recommend it. That fabric was so bad and I don't think I will ever wear it because it was actually itchy and just looks so cheap. It was seriously a disappointment since it was one of the things I was really looking forward too.

I also just got the gloves from the original pic i posted and the product listing did not reveal that the fur didn't wrap around all the way to the bottom of the gloves (for those considering them).

>> No.9278893 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 481x777, tmp_28787-zyzz-pitbull-stringer-bad-to-the-bone1852175331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally brain dead.

>> No.9278894 [DELETED] 

posting pictures of someone actually big doesn't make you less of a skele

>> No.9278897 [DELETED] 

>no chest hair
According to you he is high estrogen.

Wearing ur lolita too right. Its restricting blood from reaching ur brain buddy

>> No.9278898 [DELETED] 

uh are you retarded. that was my first post in this thread

>> No.9278909 [DELETED] 


>> No.9278911 [DELETED] 

>buying sex toys on AE

love yourself more pls, buy the real stuff from proper shops.

>> No.9278916 [DELETED] 

I have no complaints. The flesh light is all torn up after fucking it rough for a year though. Its intended for small asian dick and my huge dick ripped it in half.

>> No.9278918 [DELETED] 

you know they're supposed to rip right?

>> No.9278920 [DELETED] 

Ur thinking of an egg
Those rip.

I have s sleeve. My dick is too big and strong like me. Quit hating cuck.

>> No.9278921 [DELETED] 

no like literally if a dick is more than 4 in it will rip any fleshlight

>> No.9278927 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up before I rip you


>> No.9278928

could i have a link to the gloves please?

>> No.9278936 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 426x882, 13884602_10153777551360980_274419216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Constant use of 'cuck'
Anon you sure do have cucking on the brain. Is there something bothering you? Did your last girlfriend leave you for another man? Is that why you started lifting? You seem a little insecure.

>> No.9278975 [DELETED] 

>taking anything that /fit/RPer is saying seriously
come the fuck on

>> No.9279056 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 1000x490, the-slender-man-film-is-coming-to-make-you-shit-yourselves-body-image-1462531101-size_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9279059 [DELETED] 
File: 3.06 MB, 4032x3024, 20161206_074843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do u even forearm bro?

>> No.9279120 [DELETED] 

You get forearms just from fapping. Nothing special about that.

>> No.9279158 [DELETED] 

Lmao cuck.

Post a pic of you. Oh wait. I look way better than you so you can't lmao cuck.


>> No.9279161 [DELETED] 
File: 1018 KB, 500x388, 23123142343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets see those baby chicken legs, buddy

>> No.9279223


I'm still on /cgl/, right?
Did I take a wrong turn somewhere?

>> No.9279254 [DELETED] 

Big enough to triangle choke ur cuck fiend neck into submission.

No pics yet

>> No.9279424

this guy is just reposting pictures from /r/cringe

>> No.9279604


>> No.9279612

>tfw I got my mushroom case for the grand prime in
>ordered a purple core prime case for bf

I'll dump some links for my shitty anecdote

>https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Sailor-Moon-Style-Transparent-Hard-Back-Cover-for-Samsung-Galaxy-A3-A5-A7-8-J5-J7/32636120554.html my awesome sailor moon case atm grand prime
>https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Sannysis-2016-New-Women-s-Fashion-Reserved-various-Plastic-Protective-Back-Case-Cover-Skin-For-Samsung/32611378008.html? core prime purple case
>https://www.aliexpress.com/item/222T-Mushrooms-In-Yellow-Hard-Case-Cover-for-Galaxy-A3-A5-7-8-J5-7-Note/32667744119.html?spm=2114.13010308.0.0.YVMCgV also got this, mushrooms, grand prime
>https://www.aliexpress.com/item/A3-A5-A7-2016-Fashion-Soft-TPU-Gradient-Color-Back-Cover-Case-For-Samsung-Galaxy-S3/32649494846.html?spm=2114.13010308.0.0.YVMCgV grand prime
>https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Cover-For-Samsung-Galaxy-Core-Prime-Grand-Prime-ACE-2-3-4-4G-E5-E7-Alpha/32688390797.html? moomin for grand prime and core prime

>> No.9279618

Linked earlier, but here it is again. The tanks look pretty nice imo, not very stretchy though, if that matters to you. A little hard to get into.
Gloves arrived today! I'll mention that they're a little small, but I won't have a problem because I have reasonably small hands.

>> No.9279625

lmao God I hope so

sorry bb, i'm 171cm and I'm always despairing about tights.

would you mind linking your brushset and the real techniques dupe set?

>> No.9279629 [DELETED] 

You should probably lose 20lbs before you post pics of yourself anywhere...

>> No.9279643
File: 57 KB, 616x387, usalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not op
You bitches need to lighten the fuck up

>> No.9279647

If you aren't OP maybe you should take your bitchfit and put in your pocket for some time it's actually warranted?

>> No.9279651

Putting someone down isn't going to make your parents love you.

>> No.9279656

Can you fuck off to tumblr? What is this asspat mentality you have going on that you defend someone from a true statement? Girl is fat.

>> No.9279670

Warning you about those boots: they're pretty comfy and not too bad at first but the ankle stitching is shoddy at best. They're most definitely fashion-only boots, if you actually wear them in the snow 2-3 times they'll break.

>> No.9279754

Do you have the link for the tiny gold and silver heart shaped hoops? I tried finding the exact sized ones but only find giant ones or earrings with heart shape placards/stones.

>> No.9279843


Thanks, yeah I just got them and they are pretty comfy but they do seem flimsy. At least they are somewhat warm.

>> No.9279853


>> No.9279996

I don't think she's fat, but seagulls gotta gull as usual.

Honestly, I don't mean to tumblr on you guys, but comments like that are really flippiant but can really fuck with people's heads, like try to reel it in

>> No.9279999

You seem to be fun to be around with.

>> No.9280001

Last night she said she was overweight, looks like it got deleted though.

>> No.9280029

Thank you!

>> No.9280109

just wanna say shes not fat at all and i don't see whats wrong with yall

>> No.9280145

Please could you link and review the fluffy gloves? Thanks in advance

>> No.9280164

I've explained this in pretty much every ali thread. Every package gets looked over by customs, the read the declaration, and then randomly decide that it's either suspicious, (too big for marked down value, form wrong etc.) in which case they actually open it, or it just gets sent on it's way.

When tracking says your stuff is in customs, it means for the preliminary inspection that every package goes through.

>Used to work at a company that did collectors items shipped abroad. The people I was selling to were a thousand times worse than you guys are about post.

>> No.9280344

She said herself she was fat but it got deleted. Just go look in the archives.

>> No.9280534
File: 11 KB, 444x444, classyaff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know where i can find tacky ass pastel shoes similar to 1980's fashion?

>> No.9280829

thats no reason to be a asshate and call sombody who is relatively fit fat
jesus i'm scared to ever post myself here now

>> No.9280852

Honestly, only foolish people post themselves on 4chan. Did you forget where you are?

>> No.9281218

well, you should be if your perception is that skewed. Anon is on the fatter side, if you don't think so then you're either fat and in denial or trying too nice not to hurt people's feelings over something they should feel bad about anyway.

>> No.9284313

link and review boob window sweater?

>> No.9284449
File: 817 KB, 2401x2295, IMG_20161210_230828~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah well I might post it here I got my kanji bomber today. Light is making the colour a lil bit washed out. It's a bit greener irl.

>> No.9287135

link to the boob window sweater?