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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9275778 No.9275778 [Reply] [Original]

How old is too old to cosplay?

I'll be 29 in February, and i've noticed i'm at least 10 years older than anyone else in the meet-ups. Stuff like that gets to your confidence.

>> No.9275783

I know that feel. A bit, I've been feeling that way since I was 21. Am 26 now, and doesn't feel it as much anymore.

It does feel like you are too old, but a lot of people don't care. I know many cosplayers your age that are friends with people under 20. It may be yourself that's the biggest block, most people willl accept you.

>> No.9275789

17 is pushing it, so at 29 why are you still into cosplay? Why don't you have a spouse and family to focus on now? You should really focus on your career and start a family.

>> No.9275802

Why do you assume because someone still has time for their hobby they don't have a spouse, or career, or home or family?

Jesus, life does not stop when you turn 30. I can afford supplies I could only dream about when I was in my 20s because, WOW, now that I've been working in a specialized field for nearly a decade I make enough to have disposable income. I can afford to travel to cons out of state. I can afford to book rooms for just me and my spouse, eat at good restaurants instead of cup noodles...cons only got better as I got older.

If you aren't having fun cosplaying anymore then stop. If you still enjoy it keep doing it. It's a hobby, it doesn't have an age restriction.

>> No.9275808

>taking obvious bait
Anon, you should have smelled it with "17". 4chan is 18+ so this board wouldn't exist if people abandoned the hobby as soon as they become a legal adult.

>> No.9275815
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it's never "too old" anon, you think there are zero people who are interested in older cosplayers? Obviously that doesn't mean you should stop caring about your appearance,

>> No.9275826
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I wish more people my age (30) did the cosplay thing too.

Another bonus: Cosplaying middle-aged characters and actually looking age appropriate.

Pic related

>> No.9275830

25 should be the limit with girls and cosplay&anime, just like with guys and videogames&comics

If you're older than that you should have other priorities and hobbies

>> No.9275835

There's no such thing as too old, there will always be older characters that suit older cosplayers better than younger ones. No one's going to get mad if you still want to cosplay 16 year old characters at 29 but unless you look very young, you will look a bit odd, however, you can pull off the older characters that younger cosplayers look odd in because they look too young.

>> No.9275838

You're never too old for hobbies. I think you are too old to hang out with teenagers, though.

>> No.9275845

I feel like there's no age restriction. If you're starting to look aged, use that to your advantage and cosplay older characters that younger people can't quite pull off.

>> No.9275848
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>How old is too old to cosplay?

>> No.9275886

Never. Just find older cosplayers. I'm 27 and my con crew is people 26+ and about 1/3 of them cosplay.

Older people tend to be more financially stable and have disposable income they can use on cosplay and cons.

>> No.9275925

>disposable income they can use on cosplay and cons.
One thing I've loved about getting older while still going to cons is being able to afford high quality materials, travel to international cons, stay at nice hotels and go out to nice restaurants instead of cons being a penny pinching affair like when I was in my teens.

>> No.9276487

depends on who you are associating with as well. like as long as you are keeping your friends within your realistic age group and acting your age at cons, being over 25 isnt a problem. Its people who are within an older age group and act like creeps that give the rest of the older cosplayers a bad rep.

>> No.9276539

MCB and Yaya Han are both in their mid 30s and are still cosplaying.....age literally has nothing do with it.

>> No.9276546


>> No.9276553

What hobby are you guys going to do when you turn 26? Legitimate question.

>> No.9276560

Yet all of the most successful cosplayers are in their mid thirties or older....

>> No.9276564

Because they do it for a living, it's their job so they get a pass for it.

You can play videogames well into your forties as long as you work in game development, you can read more comicbooks than your kids as long as you work for Marvel/DC/Image, you can watch all the anime and dress up however you want as long as you're pulling Nigri-tier money out of it.

>> No.9276567

Their hobbies are probably going to be drinking wine and paying their mortgages.

>> No.9276568
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so everyone who has family can't have hobbies? please be a troll lmao
why are you even here

>> No.9276570

who gives a fuck

do what makes you happy
I can guarantee you i'm not just gonna drop my hobby as soon as i hit 25 for no reason

>> No.9276571

i really wish there were more +30 people in cosplay community. many people still thinks it's something only teenagers are interested in

>> No.9276577

Actually no....MCB makes the majority of her money from softcore pornography and Yaya Han makes most of her cash from selling accessories and props and patterns. Both are over 35 and cosplay as a hobby, not a job.

>> No.9276580

You *do* understand that the mojority of the cosplay community is 30+, right?

>> No.9276585

And you don't think their cosplaying also serves as advertisement/PR for their "legitimate" businesses? That's pretty naive of you.

>> No.9276641

I'm 25 and go to meets, sadly enough I'm the oldest at the meet in my town but in other towns there are older cosplayers who don't run around like weebs.

>> No.9276644

It's not that I don't think that; I am absolutely certain that it's simply not true.

>> No.9276667

80% of cosplayers in my country are under 30

>> No.9276690

Are you into anime/Japanese media cosplay? Asian media cosplay skews very young, western media cosplay (Star Wars, video games, super heroes, anything requiring complex builds like Warhammer, historically accurate fashion costuming, intricate screen accurate live action costumes, etc) has lots of 30+ year olds. Teenagers and young 20-somethings just don't have the budget, tools, and/or experience and skills to make a lot of that stuff.

>> No.9276704

lol "in my country"......what country are you from?

>> No.9276719

I think it's OK as long as you work to make your cosplays, because that's what we in the biz consider "transferable skills".

>> No.9276733

If you don't see the synergy between both ventures then you're hopelessly naive, blinded by fanboyism

>> No.9276735

Show me where in the front page where MCB has any cosplay photos, or even mentions cosplay.

>> No.9276744

What do you mean when you say "Nigri-tier money"?

>> No.9276746

>front page
Nice meme, galleries and about me immediately mention cosplay. And there's nothing wrong with that, girl's working it and found a way to make money off of it, good for her.

>> No.9276748

Literally it doesn't say anything about cosplay at the front page at all. It shows a slideshow of two photos. One is her topless, and one is of her in lingerie. Cosplay is not shown or mentioned.

>> No.9276750

Meets skew younger because adults are less interested in going to a random cosplay meetup in a park. When I was 20-21 living in a new city I was super pumped to meet other cosplayers and fans and make new friends!!!!! and now that I'm 26 and have more of a community of people I cosplay with, meets are exhausting and full of kids. Doesn't mean I don't still go to conventions.

>> No.9276757

And one(1) click later you can see her take on Sue Storm.
I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish here.

>> No.9276794

What are you talking about?!?!?

>> No.9276796

I visited that website and I can confirm that the only photos in the slideshow are of lingerie and of her topless. There is nothing in the home page that even remotely suggests cosplay. You're an idiot.

>> No.9276908

They(>>9276794, >>9276796) are implying that she isn't profiting from cosplay, that she cosplays for the love of the craft or whatever. They're whiteknights, pay them no mind.


>> No.9276922

Do you know what happens when you try and grab something that is on a high shelf? You have to reach.....

And that is exactly what you are doing. Marie has been cosplaying as a hobby aside from her modeling career. She modeled for Martin Perrault, Kaos Kittens, acted as a main character in Heroes of the North, and did softcore porn for the Action Girls series WAY before she got noticed for cosplay.

>> No.9276924

That's *really* digging deep there, bud.

>> No.9276930

How much dough do you think she's raking in per year?

>> No.9276935

idk....it doesn't matter. We aren't talking about income levels here, we are talking about cosplay. Two different things.

>> No.9276937

How much dough is *who* raking in per year?

>> No.9276946

For professional cosplayers that make their income through cosplay it's the same damn thing, which is the point.
They get to cosplay forever since they managed to make it their jobs.

>> No.9276955

lol you're delusional. Name three "professional cosplayers" who make a living entirely from cosplaying. Give names and state income in dollars, euros, or pounds per year. Good luck!

>> No.9276956

Okay so how much exactly does this Nigri person "rake in" per year?

>> No.9276960

I don't think any age is too old if you choose the right characters. It might be hard to pull off a Madoka costume at 30, but there's plenty of characters that aren't high school girls. There's even high school girls who look mature. I'd just be wary of what you are cosplaying.

>> No.9276964

After taxes and expenses are considered, she makes a reasonable amount on par with many professional jobs such as nursing or grade-school teaching. She's not a millionaire or anything though. She does make a reasonable amount doing what she loves though.

>> No.9276968

You posted some letters and words but didn't state any numbers....

>> No.9276969

Where's one anon when you need them... I'm referring to anon with a play by play of Nigri's income. You missed the prior discussion a week or two ago about her income.

>> No.9276972

The jobs you listed pay (on average) below the poverty line. I'd rather just work at Starbucks or Burger King.....

>> No.9276974

Okay, so what is her income? You talk an awful lot about it without actually stating it.....smells like bullshit.

>> No.9276977


she was making 30K a month on patreon before she hid the total

>> No.9276979

Well, I don't feel like looking up the numbers. If one anon wants to post later, they can. I chose those careers to illustrate it's not like she's making Victoria Secret paychecks. She makes a living, simply that. Most would consider nursing or teaching a good living compared to the work in a fast food joint. Traveling doing cosplay is more preferable then the morning cleaning of deep fryers and hauling boxes from a freezer. Depends how you look at it.

>> No.9276980

um....proof of this claim?

>> No.9276981

Thank you anon. She also makes paid appearances and such. However, like I said, consider she has to pay taxes and expenses... so her income is nothing more then a living.

>> No.9276982

That honestly sounds like a number you just pulled out of your ass.

>> No.9276985

Guess you are out of luck because she did indeed hide the totals. I guess she got tired of people talking about her income.

>> No.9276986

Oh, conveniently you don't feel like looking up the numbers. You know, in case doing so would make you realize you're wrong, and therefore, foolish. Must be nice to just ignore all evidence that clashes with your personal, fabricated opinion.

>> No.9276987

I'm not out of luck. I asked a question and you didn't provide an answer. That's your problem, not mine.

>> No.9276991

you "guess"? That reads to me like you don't "know"

>> No.9276993

$24,489 on patreon per month, $2,500 on YouTube per month for 2.5 million monthly views on average... plus she was found to be doing paid sponsorship. Some of the conventions she's appeared out are confirmed to pay up to 20,000 for appearances. (But prob. not for Nigri.) and Reelio once offered around 8,000 for a mention. Now, I question the authenticity of sites such as Hollywood insider type sites... but if you really wanted to know, there's the numbers I found. It looks like she's definitely getting about 30,000 per month on average.

>> No.9276994

>all these salty christmas cakes

>> No.9276998

Wow Marie-Claude Bourbonnais makes a lot more than I had expected from ads on youtube!

>> No.9277001

Name three conventions that pay for appearances that aren't Comic-Con or MCM.

>> No.9277003

You can make pretty good extra cash off YouTube if you can get the viewers.

>> No.9277004
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How much is Saint-Amour making then?

>> No.9277005

Well that's anybody, though. This conversation was about cosplayers.....wasn't it?

>> No.9277006

From cosplaying or from latex fetish modeling?

>> No.9277007

Why are you purposefully ignoring the influence cosplay has on these girls' careers? The notoriety and expose they get specifically because they dabbed in cosplay

>> No.9277009

Read the whole thread first before replying. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.9277012

It depends. You can make money either per impression or per click. Impression means anybody watching the video who views an ad results in payment, click means anybody who clicks and interacts with the ad makes money. Sage for somewhat off topic.

>> No.9277013


90% of anime cons. Even comic cons where guests make most of their money with autograph / photo costs, they still get a nominal fee to show up.

>> No.9277014

I love how I had asked a couple questions and people freaked out without actually answering them.

>> No.9277016


Her 14 year old fans probably dont have much in the way of income

>> No.9277017

hmmmmm you didn't actually *name* any cons there......you just made a sweeping suggestion. Or a blanket statement, whichever you prefer.

>> No.9277019

hmmm I have been to over 30 cons and never seen Marie-Claude bourbonnais or this Nigri fellow......if your "90%" statement is correct (which it is not) I would have seen them 27 times.

>> No.9277023

I don't think you read their post correctly...

>> No.9277025

I can't tell who's posting anymore, autistic whiteknights or insecure womenchild

>> No.9277026

They weren't saying 90% of cons choose Marie-Claude Bourbonnais or Jessica Nigri as guests...

>> No.9277028

How was I supposed to have read it? Nobody has answered any of my questions so far........it's like nobody can read on this board except me.

>> No.9277030

What were they saying, then?

>> No.9277031
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>> No.9277033
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>> No.9277036

I asked one question. I have not gotten an answer. Does nobody know the answer to my question?

>> No.9277037

90% of cons have to pay for appearances of guests whether it be a model, artist, voice actor, or even a billboard lawyer. There are definitely conventions that don't have the money to pay for guest appearances, these are the conventions that have no guest appearances. (Most conventions won't be shelling out 20,000 dollars though, no. A couple to several hundred is more realistic for most.)

>> No.9277038

oh, that "90%" comment again. Okay since I have been to a few dozen cons, why have none of them been paying for guest appearances?

And you *still* have yet to name any cons that pay for appearances.

>> No.9277041


also should point out she was making $23,530 per month with 1655 patron, she now has 2791 patrons so yeah easily over 30K

>> No.9277042

So... you assume people travel the country, even internationally, to sign a bunch of weeb's shit and entertain for free? They love the community so damn much that they travel around and pay money out of their pocket just to sign autographs, talk about their projects, and maybe sell some merch if they are lucky.

>> No.9277045

Who is "she"? Nigri or Marie?

I didn't "assume" anything. I asked a couple questions and I didn't get an answer to either of them. I suppose that nobody on this board knows what is going on.

>> No.9277046

You may be thinking of panels too... some guest appearances hold panels, but a lot of panels are volunteer run and therefore fee.

>> No.9277047


>> No.9277052
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>> No.9277058

Fingerpainting is awesome!

>> No.9277068

Nobody has answered my questions. I suppose nobody knows the answer. Or perhaps there*isn't* an answer. I will give it another ten minutes and then I am going to bed.

>> No.9277087

Well that's it, then. I suppose there is no such thing as a "professional cosplayer"

>> No.9277126
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>> No.9277175

>Who is "she"? Nigri or Marie?


>> No.9277184
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We already had that discussion here, and there is no such thing as too old for cosplay.

>> No.9277194
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>> No.9277356

>no such thing as a professional cosplayer

>> No.9277986

This is an interesting question because I think it illustrates the difference between a "new" hobby and a "young" hobby.

Our parents dealt with it a generation before us, growing up in the arcades playing Galaga. Video games were a new hobby then, and as in general older folk don't jump inot new hobbies, so young people were the ones to participate in it. As those young people grew into adults, they started to experience resistance from the older generation who went "okay, you did this when you were a kid, it's time to move on". But since it was a hobby they grew up doing, many of them continued playing video games as adults, and now a considerable portion of the video-game-playing demographic is older.

But, those same people are now our older generation, and we are the younger generation that grew up as anime conventions and cosplaying started to catch on. And now we're the ones experiencing resistance as the older generation says "okay it's time to grow up now, that's for kids". So I think, as the generation before us did with video games, if we just continue to enjoy the hobby we grew up with, we'll change the demographic of who cosplays and make it more socially acceptable to do as an adult.

Basically, just because something is new to the current generation, doesn't mean it's ONLY for them. As time goes on and enthusiasts grow up, the demographics of who enjoys a certain hobby is bound to change, and trying to put an age restriction on it probably won't change that.

>> No.9278007

>implying I don't already do that aside from cosplay

>> No.9278026
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>> No.9278202
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>am 31
>usually the mama bear cosplayer
>help with last minute fixes, ironing, wig styling etc.
We're here, but usually helping others get their shit together. Speaking for myself, I get worn out much easier.

>on /cgl/
>not knowing JNig
okay, I'll bite.

>Jessica Nigri
Between patreon and youtube and other endorsements, she's rolling in $$$. Just from her patreon alone (to make cosplay content), she's been making well over $23k/month.

I'm not sure how accurate this is, but here's a "net worth" page on her
I won't lie, I'm pretty jelly that mediocre fap-tier stuff sells when well constructed elaborate things go by with little notice.

She's not the only one to make a sort of career out of cosplay. Kamui sells books on rigging worbla bikinis and Firefly Path is making custom costumes now for celebrities/weddings/masquerades.

Are you part of con staff or are *you* now pulling shit out of *your* ass? C'mon, fampai!
Answer me
Answer me
Answer me

Underrated post - Seriously, there is no reason to "outgrow" a hobby. But it does feel awkward when you are surrounded by people 10+ years younger than you. Just because you reach a certain age doesn't mean NO FUN ALLOWED.

>> No.9278291

This. We were raised by the last generation that was put pressure on by society that to grow up meant to forcibly outgrow a hobby. This has really changed with people socially accepting that they don't need to necessarily quit all their hobbies and interests cold turkey just because they've reached a certain point in age.

Mobile games, video games, cons, cosplay, enjoying cartoons are all things that I've noticed have expanded because older generations who let go of their old interests have realized that it's okay to enjoy something. It doesn't mean that you have to lose all reason and regress.

I feel like I am part of the biggest demographic of cosplayers who are going to be aging together and still enjoying what they do and aren't going to be throwing their arms up about old cosplayers because a fair amount of us will be in the same boat. Secondly, that same group tends to be much more financially stable and it's easy to not see them shitting up the cons in closet cosplays because mom and dad wouldn't let them buy or make their costume.

>> No.9278368
File: 83 KB, 640x799, 13397712_636947266454375_1969105270_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say for total income but I figure it requires being famous enough that people will pay $40 to get a pic with you in what's essentially rave gear.

>> No.9278382

You're never too o-o-old for rock-n-ro-o-oll
If you're too young to die

>> No.9278678

>tfw have to wait 40+ years to cosplay best grill

>> No.9278682

holy shit it took me a while to realize that was nigri
when's the last time she did a cosplay that wasn't:
a gijinka
a genderbend
a worbla tit armor?
or has that ever happened even

>> No.9278688
File: 63 KB, 537x416, aa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry that 4chan has come to react to all forms of sarcasm or joking as "bait", anon.

I thought it was funny.

>> No.9278711
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Who wants a family? Children are disgusting.

>> No.9278712
File: 316 KB, 1024x1933, mcm_expo_may_2015___jessica_nigri_as_murloc_by_cosmicnut-d8uo7on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually a Murloc gijinka I was half-kidding about the rave gear part. It just stood out to me because when I saw her there were 2 or three other cosplay guests in the photo area that had hardcore ballgowns and worlda armor but it was Nigri in this outfit that had the huge line.

>> No.9278713
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Not to mention she didn't even make it. A cosplayer named Lisa Lou Who gave it to her.

>> No.9278732

Where did the sleeves go

>> No.9278741

OMFG Candy Candy, this cosplay wins points just for obscurity.

>> No.9279164

That's what I had stated before, and everyone here told me I was wrong. So I guess you're wrong too.

>> No.9279493

he's talking about how basketball americans abuse the welfare system

>> No.9279501


>> No.9279588

You're never to old to do what you like doing.

>> No.9279596
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>in the same income bracket

>> No.9279601


Nursing and teaching aren't anywhere in the same category.

A nurse can start at like 60 grand at like 22 years old. A teacher has to work like 20 years and get into administration to approach that unless you're talking some high end university.

>> No.9286199

However I assume the anon meant "care work" in nursing homes
Which is in fact paid like dirt
Or possibly if anon is murican, one of the lower nurse qualification levels

>> No.9286265

Honestly I can't wait to cosplay an age-accurate Old Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle like that one old lady. I'm also a lolita and fully planning to be tottering around in vintage IW coords at 80. Having a wide range of ages into our hobbies will only enrich them and make the hobby more interesting for everyone - provided you aren't a dense asshole to someone for no reason other than their age.

>> No.9290179

Not sure if trolling.

>> No.9290188

I agree. I really don't like ageism (discrimination based on age) towards older or younger people. I realize that sometimes people demonstrate annoying personality traits which might be considered 'typical' for their age, but not everyone is like that, so there's no point in judging someone based on their age.

>> No.9290277

I hate this too. The most obvious joke now gets half a dozen replies calling it bait, as though it was meant to be taken seriously by anyone.

>> No.9290278

I was 27 when I got back into fan stuff after a long break (basically a job that consumed all of my life for five years) and didn't have this realization until I went to a couple fan meets and everyone was 19-20. I felt like a huge creep. After that I specifically check ages of other fans before I engage with them online and I don't go to meets anymore, but I found other ways to enjoy the community. I also make sure to encourage people who are older, and if I see a kid complaining about "old people in fandom" I bully the shit out of them, I have no sympathy because they're a dumb child.

So basically, you're never too old, beat up everyone who says otherwise.

>> No.9290609

You're not too old and if it makes you happy go for it. But to the 40 year olds cosplaying teenagers, I will probably cackle once you're out of sight because peter pan complex just gets me