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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 452 KB, 623x804, snowflake1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9265946 No.9265946 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is full

Poor snowflake got their feefees hurt and wants to protect the rest of the fakeboi/~genderless~ from the mean old "30-40 year old cis white men" on 4chan.

>> No.9265948
File: 58 KB, 613x519, snowflake2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throwing in some highlights from the comments.

>name on facebook is becca
>"no, call me felix"

>> No.9265949
File: 71 KB, 621x683, snowflake3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is bible thumping mean girls?
>bible thumping

Nice try.

>> No.9265950
File: 17 KB, 584x206, snowflake4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently cgl is JUST about making fun of lolitas. Definitely nothing else.

>> No.9265954
File: 27 KB, 599x258, snowflake5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how dare you make valid points in my hugbox post?????
>i'm just going to ignore all of it so i can still be outraged?????

That's all for now. There are more interesting comments in that fairy kei and decora facebook group thread, but I'm too full of cringe right now from reading through it.

>> No.9265962

Thanks for taking one for the team by wading through all that cringe to post this.

>> No.9265967
File: 57 KB, 640x270, IMG_2852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bullshit needs to stop.
>I'm a boy
>I'm a feminine boy
>Really I'm just an ugly girl who says she's a boy for attention because no one will make me feel special otherwise.

>> No.9265968

Is this yet another biological woman that is a transman that however dresses as a girl?

>> No.9265978

I suffer for your enjoyment. These people drive me nuts so I felt like sharing.

Something like that.

>> No.9266002

>Jafashion commumities are amoung the highest toxicity and cattiness
I always wonder how these people have been able to avoid normal human behavior.

>> No.9266027

More girl than woman, she seems really young. But yeah, another ~kewt boi~ who covers themselves in everything associated with femininity and then throws a shitfit when people assume their gender matches their biological sex.

>> No.9266033

I don't know about the rest of you guys but I am definitely a 35 year old straight, overweight guy that jacks it to muh animoo waifus all day in my mom's basement while I munch on cheetos and piss in Mountain Dew bottles after I'm finished with the soda :^)

>> No.9266039

>pretends to be a man
>wehh men r so gross like??!!?!?!
bitch which is it

It's very very rare that someone on /cgl/ says someone should be raped. Assuming bullshit until proven otherwise.

>> No.9266044
File: 16 KB, 200x303, d63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ppl were like?? saying i should be raped??

>> No.9266054

And what was she doing lurking /cgl/ with us ~30 year olds hetero cis men~ anyway? Huuuuuhhh?

>> No.9266055

HE, anon! They're all very legit totally manly men who just happen to dress like girls and think adult men are icky.

>> No.9266057

You don't get it anon, she's not a Man, she's a ~boi~
Just like in her yaoi mangos.

>> No.9266069

These fakeboy are as bad as those sissies that try to sneak their way on the board.
>I swear I am a woman! I wear latex underwear and lipstick just like a real girl!
>I swear I am a boy! I wear glittery make up and short shorts like a real man!

>> No.9266081

So is 'he' going to kill herself once 'he' turns 30?

>> No.9266094

>mfw I can't read any yaoi without the "but omg rape is so bad tho why cant we as a society realize this its 2000+16" in the comments when it's a fucking manga with rape as a tag and in the title

I avoid all comment sections now

>> No.9266139


Seriously, my workplace probably has that level of cattiness on a good day.

But here's to hoping our bitchiest coworker gets out after this year! Woo!

>> No.9266145

What are they, 12? They're just looking for a way to be special and "Not like all the other girls!!"

>> No.9266180
File: 910 KB, 1800x1308, 1305868770357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dress as a fluffy girl
>Have girl hobbies
>"I identity as a guy"

This is why Donald Trump won.

>> No.9266183

Most dudes on 4chan call themselves feminists?????

>> No.9266190

Eh, I'd say in my experience the cattiness level is the same throughout jfash hobbies and western stuff like workplace culture, book clubs, what have you. But most of the other things I've listed don't have the strong online community aspect thatbjfash does, so there's a longer shelf life on drama in jfash.

>> No.9266192 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 215x193, Your_Mother_Was_Born_Lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love how obnoxiously contrarian this is. Like you can tell she purposely keeps her real name on Facebook JUST so she can show off at any given opportunity by correcting someone for ASSUMING that she identifies with her given name. Like, how much of a bigot do you have to be to assume someone actually goes by the name they have on their Facebook? God, it's almost 20 fucking 17 and scumbags who don't properly recognize namefluid druids (I don't identity with the human species).

I really love my vagina but it'd be awesome if it was an armadillo

>> No.9266193
File: 7 KB, 215x193, Your_Mother_Was_Born_Lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love how obnoxiously contrarian this is. Like you can tell she purposely keeps her real name on Facebook JUST so she can show off at any given opportunity by correcting someone for ASSUMING that she identifies with her given name. Like, how much of a bigot do you have to be to assume someone actually goes by the name they have on their Facebook? God, it's almost 20 fucking 17 and scumbags who don't properly recognize namefluid druids (I don't identity with the human species) like me exist.

I really love my vagina but it'd be awesome if it was an armadillo.

>> No.9266195

tfw degenerate ~genderspecial~
>don't mention it or anything to anyone
>still wear lolita
>just talk to counselors and use hormones to deal with dysphoria

>> No.9266209
File: 645 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More fakebois

>> No.9266210
File: 562 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9266212

/cgl/ is mostly girls though.

>> No.9266216

hello yes i am a boy and im triggered by you saying im a girl

>> No.9266217

I identify as a macaron. Fuck off.

>> No.9266220

It's okay that you are transgender. What you are is completely different then this gender-fluid girl claiming to be boy dressing like girl nonsense. Once upon a time there was something called androgyny which was about not really looking either or, but that word seems to have kicked the bucket.

>> No.9266222

Everyone on the internet is a guy. /cgl/ is just memeing you, anon.

>> No.9266225
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, IMG_4307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you anon.

I was born with a vagina but honestly I just want to be a dude who crossdresses. I'll never tell anyone though, it's easier this way.

>> No.9266226

When you 'crossdress', I assume the purpose of crossdressing is people in general think you are a girl even if you are/relate to boy. Crossdressing in any circumstance and getting mad when people call one a girl is kind of silly.

>> No.9266231

Oh definitely agree with you on that point anon. If you are dressed in traditionally female clothes getting called/mistaken as female should really be expected at that point.

>> No.9266232

I personally don't get butthurt when people think I'm a girl. In fact, I expect it.

I think the infantilization in the "trans" community is interesting as they refuse to call themselves men, and only "boys" and similar terminology. I think it is not being transgender as much as it is desiring the prepubescent freedoms and lifestyle, and reverting to boyhood rather than moving to manhood.

>> No.9266237

We'll can you blame them seeing as most missed out on this male childhood?
Anyway, all of the "legit" (as in obviously transitioning as opposed to just dressing like a guy) trans* people I know do not call themselves boys. I've noticed that every "transboy" I've met is a teenage weaboo. Not sure what the connection of those is.

>> No.9266239

>I think the infantilization in the "trans" community is interesting as they refuse to call themselves men, and only "boys" and similar terminology. I think it is not being transgender as much as it is desiring the prepubescent freedoms and lifestyle, and reverting to boyhood rather than moving to manhood.
exactly this, plus most of them struggle with the stigmatization of female sexuality and want to opt out of the female condition. each fakeboi (not transmen) is evidence of the failure of modern feminism to empower the female experience.

basically, for these kids puberty is gross, sex is scary, and adult gender roles are frustrating. there are ways to address these feelings without transtrending but that's just the easiest option they see at the moment.

>> No.9266243

That's a really interesting theory actually and given the age group that most of these people fall into it seems fairly inline with typical distressers seen at that age.

I would wonder if especially, the dfab teens/young adults, have a desire for male secondary sex characteristics or just desire to regress from their developed secondary female sex characteristics.

>> No.9266244
File: 2.92 MB, 2048x2048, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ehh not sure what board to put this on really, but regarding the other recent art commission posts in FB sales groups, what do you gulls think of these?

50$ full-resolution digital commission that also comes with a print release. I can do any print, body type, race, etc.

I do lots of commissions but I wanted to offer a special Lolita deal. Should I post it to the sales groups or is this kind of thing frowned upon?

>> No.9266248

>I've noticed that every "transboy" I've met is a teenage weaboo. Not sure what the connection of those is.
Japanese women do not have the same opportunities as Japanese men, so stories about men are easier to fantasize about because men are freer. But real men are gross, so enter bishounen: stand-ins for women who have the agency women lack but are otherwise completely feminine.

Western weeaboos latch onto these pseudo-women for similar reasons. Male privilege plus femininity minus the gross oozing cunt? Sounds ideal. And since they do not have real experience with dicks they can easily imagine them as somehow better.

It's pretty telling that a lot of fakebois think vaginal sex is icky but anal sex is beautiful. Internalized misogyny at its worst.

>cap this and share it to your friends, transtrending fuckers
>feminists use 4chan, too

>> No.9266251

These are very nice and I think a lot of people would be interested. I don't know if the sales thread is the right thread for them but I also can't think of a better alternative at the moment either.

>> No.9266252

these are pretty cute, and if other people are posting art commissions in sales groups i guess it's no problem

though i feel like lolita sales groups are for clothes and stuff, it's not like art posts are really in the way

>> No.9266258

>have a desire for male secondary sex characteristics

>or just desire to regress from their developed secondary female sex characteristics.

plus, LGBT groups are allowed to be victims in a way women are not. the LGBT struggle feels more "real" so they can use it to express what they actually experience--sexism--with less skepticism.

>> No.9266261

I always find it highly amusing when people have a total misconception of the demographic that actually uses /cgl/.

>> No.9266284
File: 252 KB, 418x1170, cc2b5829-de1b-4b13-9770-92417bada201..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you're tough shit, huh? I'm a 40 year old fat white dude that owns a closet of onaholes (my favorite is my Puni Ana DX Hard because bit feels like a real lolita pussy!) and uses them while watching mai waifus and browsing lolitas posted here on /cgl/.

You pee in empty mountain dew bottles? What a waste. I pee and jizz in half drunken bottles to refill it and get TWICE the Dew per bottle. You munch on Cheetoes? Muh diet consists exclusively of tendies, cheetoes, and Cheeto casserole (my mom's recipe, she mashes cheetoes, mayonnaise, butter, bacon, and tendies in a bowl for me).

I've been on 4chan since Mootiekins was an underage fag and W.T. Snacks was too busy posting CP to ban CP threads (lol shit was SO CASH desu).

>> No.9266286

It's not even like it's just a recent thing that's happened, I think it's just more visible because trans issues have been more of a thing these last few years. Even 10 years ago, young girls were pretending to be guys on MySpace. It's an easy way to draw attention and feel attractive.

>> No.9266395
File: 1.78 MB, 498x249, silentrage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is perfectly fine, your gender identity isn't the be all and end all and shouldn't be your defining factor, not mentioning something isn't the same as being ashamed of it and I'm sure your lolita community (on or offline) appreciates your separation of the fashion from other aspects.

>this gender-fluid girl claiming to be boy dressing like girl nonsense
You've summed up my thoughts here, in >>9265948 where she corrects the girl in agreement with her saying her name is 'Felix'... If you are a biological female dressed in a fashion typically associated with women and have done nothing to appear more masculine, why be so offended? You can correct this misgendering but how can you be surprised by people's confusion or reluctance to believe what you're trying to sell.

This really annoys me, /cgl praises good cross dressers and brolitas and is full of lesbians, why do people always think they aren't shit just because criticism is anonymous?

>> No.9266406

Pls don't assume the gender of this board. Thanks....

>> No.9266407

>Like you can tell she purposely keeps her real name on Facebook JUST so she can show off at any given opportunity by correcting someone for ASSUMING that she identifies with her given name.
Looking tru her wall, it's actually FB that forced her to use her real name.

>> No.9266418

do you have a tumblr?

>> No.9266421 [DELETED] 

No, please fuck off

>> No.9266422

ummm his real name is felix????????

>> No.9266444

damn anon, they probably just wanted to follow you for your art.

>> No.9266448

Holy overreaction.

>> No.9266449

I'm betting you that >>9266421 isn't the artist replying

>> No.9266457

let's predict which lolita is going to jump on the amino bandwagon next

my vote is caught between peachie and batty

>> No.9266486

How does Facebook force you to use your real name? It forces you to use a realistic name but doesn't have to be real. I have a throwaway Facebook with the name Pika Chu and they don't give a shit.

>> No.9266487 [DELETED] 

they're both shit and cancer so either way amino gets a little bit worse

>> No.9266492
File: 160 KB, 1920x1080, areyouokaylor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all efamous lolitas (and e-celebs in general) are cancer besides just a couple. that's what makes it so fun. amino is an absolute dumpster fire already, so everything is just for grins at this point

>> No.9266509

But facebook has a cooldown on how often you can change your name, so maybe this person changes their name like they change their underwear.
Or maybe they keep their gender shenanigans secret from their family.

>> No.9266511

That has no sense, like, there's a bunch of weebs with names like "darkness hound kazuki" and shit like that, with google search animu pictures and such. That girl is just being an attention whore.

>> No.9266539

Go away to tumblr

>> No.9266542
File: 804 KB, 1307x734, whoosh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why even reply to joke posts

>> No.9266565
File: 32 KB, 602x223, 47467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, happens on FB all the time once you got reported for something, may it be spam or something else.

Pic related.

>> No.9266570
File: 65 KB, 900x900, angry_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a throwaway Facebook with the name Pika Chu and they don't give a shit.

Meanwhile, it took me a month to get my account back, because Facebook didn't believe my real name was real.

Sage for salt towards Facebook.

>> No.9266604

you just go wild when batty gets brought up, huh? is she your speshul interest?

>> No.9266605

Somebody photoshop a mad blunt on this

>> No.9266617
File: 203 KB, 400x225, 844410243_145269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9266654

She literally is batty and roleplays as HWC on /cgl/.

>> No.9266656

i meant in her hand but thats ok too i guess

>> No.9266660

I admire your dedication and appreciate your use of blingee so I can feel like it's 2006

>> No.9266665

Like did you just assume my gender?????? I'm feeling so offended right know

>> No.9266669

I'm an actual trans guy, and nonbinaries piss me off. They get all the brownie points for being ~~not normal~~~ and then act offended when I tell them they should pick a side. like, ho, I know I don't pass, and I don't freak the fuck out when people misgender me. I often get called transphobic. A whole community sicced on me when I called fiction kin the most retarded thing I've ever seen. Right after someone said they identify with MY character.

tumblr special snowflakes trigger the fuck out of me. I'm cool with trans people though, my best friend is a guy undergoing HRT

>> No.9266702 [DELETED] 

T-teach me your ways, o' great Wizard-chan

>> No.9266703

T-teach me your ways, o' great Wizard-chan
>but seriously, that picture and effort in your post 10/10

>> No.9266705

Don't you dare delete your post, young one. I know you wanted to add more to your post and deleted to repost.

The first step in becoming a wizard is to indulge in your shitpost mistakes, make duplicate posts if you have to

>> No.9266706


>> No.9266710

I don't think I'm ready to handle that level of shitposting </3

>> No.9266715

Actually the terms and conditions upon signing up actually require a real legal name. (If you signed up for facebook say... 5 years ago, this wasn't in the terms and conditions) If they find out you are using a fake name, they'll ask you to change it or suspend the account.

>> No.9266718

gr8 blog post there, you sound autistic as shit

>> No.9266724

I'm not surprised to hear it. Many transgender have spent years trying to gain acceptance as 'male' or 'female' only to suddenly have people throwing some third gender/non-binary label into the mix. Earth is not Sidonia.

>> No.9266751

This. CGL is extremely bitchy, but I never see rape threats

>> No.9266764

I salute you for hunting this down. This is awful

this is the bullshit that makes me hate the internet, fucking false feminst shit

>> No.9266766

i am stealing this because in all seriousness you described WHY this viscerally bothers me. This is why the fakeboi thing pisses me off. Sobbing because you quantified what my gut was telling me, and this is a legit issue.

>> No.9266779

steal it and meme it, my friend

>> No.9266785

just watching who sucks up to her on posts is giving me cramps from rolling my eyes.

>> No.9266957

If you're really trans wouldn't girls like this piss you off? Someone pretending to have the problems you have and using it for attention?

My comm had a girl who "really was a boy but one that is feminine so she could still wear sweet lolita and not transition". People called bullshit because it just doesn't work that way. And to no one's surprise she is no longer trans.

>> No.9266976

Pretty sure those anons were making fun of her derpy looking face but okay.

>> No.9266996

I could not agree more. Put so eloquently!

In fact, someone I know has had the same experience when she was a teenage girl/young adult. Now that she is mature and a woman in her 30s, she reflected on it and admitted that it was partly due to a desire to run away from the pressure of being a woman and femininity ideals. Not to mention the rejection of a woman's sexual experience. She still has strong issues with hyper femininity and traditional gender expression/roles. She is in fact a self-proclaimed feminist. I remember once doing here and makeup and hair at her request. Ten minutes in and she started to have a proper meltdown. She was truly upset, it was heart braking and unsettling at the same time.

Feminism liberated us but it came at a price. It wanted to reject traditions so much that it actually created a whole new set of issues.

>> No.9267007
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/cgl/ is full of cattyness and salt
>they actually think we're men

>> No.9267013

They do.

>> No.9267083

I remember going through this when I was ~14, but back then being a tomboy was snowflakey enough for me. Then I discovered lolita and when from awkward boychild to awkward pile of frills.

I sympathise with this, except for me its sexuality more than femininity in clothes/hair/makeup. I feel really uncomfortable with anyone other than my boyfriend seeing me in a sexual way.

sage for blogpost

>> No.9267202

I have an acquaintance that seemed to be a pretty average girl for most of the time I knew her. Then she was sexually assaulted, and a lot of her friends didn't believe her. Now he uses male pronouns and binds his chest. He's said he isn't sure of his gender, but he definitely hate his breasts. It's none of my business, so I respect his pronoun preferences and all that, but I do wonder if it's a reaction to that experience. I've heard of girls who were molested who start to hate their breasts, because it reminds them of the experience.

I wonder how many young girls and women identify as non-binary or trans because they are uncomfortable with some aspect of how women are treated. I do know genuine trans men that take hormones and have always felt that way, so I'm not trying to say that's the cause of being transgender. I also don't feel like I'm qualified to make that judgment, so I always respect a person's pronoun preferences. I feel bad for the people going through this. I wish they had better support systems. That's what being "trans" seems to offer, a community that will support them. I hope that it helps them cope in the short term, at least. And that they can move on at some point, if they aren't actually trans.

>> No.9267218

Facebook used to not be so rigorous about names but if anyone reports your name, your account WILL get suspended and you'll be forced to change name/provide legal documentation
>had to do this a couple years ago with my fake FB name - I photoshopped a state ID lol

>> No.9267245

>conforming to outdated gender stereotypes like that

WOW, shitlord. You're lucky I can still type through this panic attack im having

>> No.9267277
File: 146 KB, 512x512, 13174172_1563746577251347_2437422480596483624_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please take note of their totally not a care bear mascot

>> No.9267330 [DELETED] 

The worst is when they are like "Other societies have done it in history!!" and I'm like "BRING BACK SACRIFICES LIVE LIKE IT'S THE NINTH CENTURY BURN THE WITCH

>> No.9267633
File: 584 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More cringe

>> No.9267848
File: 113 KB, 640x644, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much shit taste. Also sorry for the sideways picture mobile sucks.

>> No.9267861

Holy fuck that's like blatant stealing. Take away the ears and it's 100% a Care Bear.

>> No.9267872

>teenage girls living out their trap yaoi fantasies IRL and involving us in it
pig disgusting

>> No.9267876

They're all woman who don't like the shitty reality of being female and try and identify out of it to avoid shitty treatment
Trust me, I've been there

>> No.9267901

they tumblr-ified one of my favorite bears
and then turned her into a bunny?? why

>spooky flashbacks to the sexy carebear tumblr photoshoot

>> No.9267909

Please share photos

>> No.9267920

She wears replicas after all, what more could you expect?

>> No.9267960
File: 1.00 MB, 900x656, call me fuckin angry bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9267978

did you... take a photo of a screen...?

>> No.9267983

i hate the faux niceness that putting a name to a face brings

you just know that most of these girls (rightfully) think it's absolute shit

>> No.9268003

Is there a pic of her in Lolita? I'd love to see the creator of that trainwreck

>> No.9268009

>fucking track suit jacket under the dress
what the fuck is she smoking

>> No.9268076

plastic wrapped bears to crotch... ok

>> No.9268112

No my phone just sucks and when I censor shit it turns sideways

>> No.9268125

I think it's just a really ugly blouse, sadly.

>> No.9268143

related: i've noticed that every "non-binary" (re:girl) I know was a hot topic goth/weeaboo who tried to play up the "i'm not like other girls" angle, got older and the dudes got sick of it, and now is trying the "i'm agender/gender non-binary/whatever" even though they present predominantly as female.

>> No.9268460
File: 368 KB, 1674x1333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the Lolita 101 Amino can't even come up with their own original challenges in a pitiful attempt to keep itself afloat

Lolita 101 just shat out this challenge

>> No.9268621

Are you retarded?

>> No.9268655

ugh. Just ugh.

>> No.9268696

Him, anon, he's totally a #brolita and don't say he fooled you!

>> No.9268709

it's not like LA was the only person to ever think of it. I've seen it on other sites before. calm yourself.

>> No.9268711

someone should report this and call it out.

>> No.9268757
File: 320 KB, 1440x2115, 20161127_072524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Endless source of cringe.

>> No.9268767

Usually phones only turn images sideways if they were taken using the phone's camera.

>> No.9268834

What was her coord?

>> No.9268852
File: 43 KB, 750x265, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but they stole this challenge from a comment on LA word for word. LA was doing a suggestion challenge and this was a comment they got. Idk why they're askin for 3 coords from Lolita 101 anyway, it's all just full of Poorfags and banned members from LA

>> No.9268912

thats a dude, my man.

>> No.9268945

In can't even understand the grammatical syntax of half this post. It feels like I'm reading a transcript of a rambling old cat lady on the street.

>> No.9268951

>fan, reader and good friend
>referring to your good friend as a "fan" first, friend third

>> No.9268995

I'm going to piggyback off this great post because it made me think of something.

So there's been this manga going around based on the author's own life and it's called "the private report on my lesbian experience" or something like that.
So one of the pages has some gender confusion as topic, and I noticed that page going around a lot with tons of "omg this is so me" and the like. And it annoyed me but I couldn't quite place why.
But your post made me realize why. It's because it feels like all of these girls saying they now use 'they" pronouns all feel like they don't have any gender dysphoria but rather can't see themselves fit in the traditional ideas of femininity. It really comes across as them being confused why they don't feel 'feminine' rather then wanting to be not female.

What makes me really sad is that almost no discussion is possible because you have to believe everything as face value. People are identifying with whatever labels they've given themselves more and more these days and it can be rather annoying since if you'll question even the smallest thing it'll be seen as an attack on their very being.

Sorry for the wall of text, I genuinely find this an interesting topic and it's nice being able to discuss this without it being too much of an extreme from either side.

That's kind of a sad story, but I wouldn't be surprised if the sexual assault was what kickstarted it. I hear a lot of people who've been sexually assaulted will be repulsed by anything that has to do with sexuality, including their boobs or genitals. So it wouldn't be that weird if this repulsion turned into not wanting to be female at all, as they'll associate it with the assault.

>> No.9269001
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>> No.9269006

Maybe its a fan to cool down with?

>> No.9269036


>transtrenders who insist on being called the opposite gender that they present themselves as can't understand why it makes actual transpeople who face actual discrimination angry and makes them all look bad


>> No.9269054

A friend of mine just told me that the Brazilian comm is now boiling while trying to find who made that secret about the horrific print on BtB. They do believe it's a Brazilian gull. Sillies.

>> No.9269075

That guy posted that thing on LU and they still think it's a local problem?

>> No.9269118

I'm in my early 30s now but I faced a similar struggle. The pressure of not matching up to what the media portrayed a female as being, and finally rejecting being female and becoming a tomboy down to the point of wearing boy's clothes. But I grew out of it when I grew into myself. I just wonder if the current teenage generations will be able to grow out of it and accept themselves for all that they are, or are they going to end up with identity disorders.

>> No.9269126
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>> No.9269142

>I just wonder if the current teenage generations will be able to grow out of it and accept themselves for all that they are, or are they going to end up with identity disorders.

I really wonder about this too, from what I see with the people that basically say the're gender queer or whatever, they really fuel each other. There's nobody really telling them that they might have other issues that don't mean they are a demi-boy.

So now they end up playing oppression Olympics, with everyone seemingly trying to one-up each other in how sad they are and alienating anyone outside of that bubble.

So when they do realize they might actually just be a girl, I fear that most of them will think they've already gone too far to go back.

>> No.9269143

>People are identifying with whatever labels they've given themselves more and more these days and it can be rather annoying since if you'll question even the smallest thing it'll be seen as an attack on their very being.
This is just like what happens when a lolita-at-heart is told that the fashion involves, you know, wearing the clothes. They've identified with lolita like forevers so how dare you tell them they're not lolita if they don't own any lolita clothing? You bully bigot hater!!

>> No.9269244

I fear you've just predicted the future of our hobby, anon.

>> No.9269287

don't be too paranoid, "at heart" types have always been around, and so have prople who miscategorize the fashion. the standard set by brands and followed by comms at major events will not change.

>> No.9269312

They discontinue the work on that mess so why is the comm trying to make drama?

>> No.9269317
File: 143 KB, 638x819, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stupid little girl needs to stop.

>> No.9269320

Did they? I wouldn't know. Hope he puts some effort on the next print and make something good out of it.

What bothers me the most is that no one told her that that print was a mess. She needed the online comm to discover that through a secret.

Living and learning. Hopefully, that will make him grow.

>> No.9269324
File: 860 KB, 346x281, 23987c5cb2573643c0643eae23522bfd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a boy
>by the way I'm a boy
>remember last time, when I told you I'm a boy? Yeah? Just checking
>lol don't mind me, just reminding you that I'm a boy

Jesus fuck.

>> No.9269329

Someone's insecure in their masculinity.

>> No.9269335
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>> No.9269347

As bad as it was, I feel sorry for him.
Hope he actually asks for people's opinion and that they are willingly to give them before bashing into his work.

>> No.9269457

I came here to post this shit, it's too much.

>> No.9269465
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I think I'll pass

>> No.9270179
File: 537 KB, 720x959, Capture+_2016-11-28-12-40-54-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reaching a little bit too hard for lor's attention

>> No.9270189 [DELETED] 
File: 358 KB, 572x436, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really accept ANYONE in on the french Jfash group lately.
From her profile i think she's a 13yo girl.
(her post was basically saying with a terrible typo in french "hello i am laura thanks for accepting me")

>> No.9270201

How intolerant of you, anon.

Haters like you need to be driven out of our community. After all, lolita is about safety and inclusion first and foremost.

>> No.9270255

>when people complain about being petite but busty

>> No.9270262

Yeah, but the sissies are jacking off from it.
The fake bois are just snowflakes and insecure

>> No.9270265

Go for it anon.
Your art isn't shit, it's clean and cute

Though be prepared for a lot of underaged poorfags whining that it's too expensive

>> No.9270267

but it does kind of suck

having the waist measurements of an S but the bust measurement of an M makes sizing a bitch. it's not only fatty-chans that have issues with clothes

>> No.9270273

I know, but when you complain, but then just say 'I'm a C cup" that's shit.

>> No.9270275

I have an estranged friend who's "non-binary" I've known her since jr.high
She was very Tumblr even before Tumblr was a thing minus the tard rage and sjw

By that I mean she was a girl who was never comfortable with anything feminine, and basically tried to be the opposite of everything she didn't like.

Also was a yaoi obsessed weeb.

So I was really not surprised when I looked at "Elliot's" Facebook.
At first I was supportive(even though we don't keep in touch) but now it's obviously the non-binary special snowflake fake boi bullshit it's always been.

Like "I've just never cared about being feminine or if someone thought I was a dude"
Yeah that's fucking normal. Most people don't give that much of a shit or are obsessed with putting gender in a labeled box

>> No.9270277

complaining in general is shit. not trying to bait or anything but lots of fatty-chans complain all the time about how burando isn't tailored to them. i don't see how it's any different when a skinny girl does it. it's just as annoying either way.

>> No.9270278

>busty is a c cup

>> No.9270279

Well it's something you can live with but then again is this a contest about who has the most hard situation? It's annoying when I can easily fit into brand but my boobs make the fit awkward or blouses often being tight around the bust. Oh, I forgot I only have C cup and there is a fatty who has a 2m bust so I'm not allowed to complain.

>> No.9270280

She wasn't complaining, she was asking for advice on how to wear lolita being petite with MASSIVE C CUP BREASTS

>> No.9270285

C cup breasts are not large, m'dear. They're well below average size.

>> No.9270287 [DELETED] 

>well below average size

You just going by one or two countries averages there? My tits are bigger than a C, but for most of the world it's average, not "well below"

>> No.9270288

>asking for advice is wrong

i'm a c cup with a 23 in waist and blouses that fit all of my other measurements do the buckle thing at my tits. it's big on somebody who's petite (a.k.a not a hambeast)

like i said before, fit issues are a thing with people who aren't fatty-chans or bust monsters and asking how to avoid certain issues shouldn't be looked down upon

just sounds like salty fatty-chans and titty-chans to me

>> No.9270290

I didn't say it was wrong, it's clear you are projecting buddy. Calm your tiny titties there.

It was a B cup, 20 years ago. Now it's more around D/DD for every country I am aware of.

>> No.9270296

okiedokie fatty-chan

>> No.9270297 [DELETED] 

Anon, I don't know where you are from that you are unaware of so many countries, but I am concerned for you.

>> No.9270299 [DELETED] 

>the whole of Europe and the USA are the only places that exist on earth


>> No.9270302

asking for advice without be specific about your measurements (i.e. cm/in) is the issue.

>> No.9270306

Anon, it's obvious that if a garment that fits all of your measurements except one, you're going to have fit issues at that point.
This is not a difficult concept to grasp. You buy something to fit the largest measurement, and have it taken in.

>> No.9270308 [DELETED] 

"Women from Africa or living in Asian countries are on the opposite end of the spectrum - the majority with A or B cup sized breasts.

Australia falls in the middle with C cup sized breasts on average, along with France, Italy and the United Kingdom.

Europe is divided, with the average sizes varying greatly across different countries."

>> No.9270311

it's not that it's a difficult concept, it's just inconvenient

the same way fatty-chans complain about how inconvenient it is that some burando isn't big enough to fit them. i know how to handle it, i was makin a point.

>> No.9270314 [DELETED] 

>the fatter your country is on average the bigger the tits are on average

>the USA's average female pant size is fucking 16
>their tits are larger on average

Yeah, I wonder why? Can't seem to figure it out

>> No.9270315

>lives in sweden
>C-cup is always sold out everywhere
>because that's what the average is

>> No.9270316

If you weren't so damn defensive about this then people wouldn't have an issue. We get it. Your boobs are too big. Whoop de do.

>> No.9270318

are you okay fatty-chan

>> No.9270319 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 880x721, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the USA's average female pant size is fucking 16

I didn't believe you so I googled it

holy shit I threw up in my mouth

>> No.9270323 [DELETED] 

You're the only one with an issue. I hear diabetics get grouchy if their blood sugar is low, why don't you go check your insulin levels?

>> No.9270330

Then you only go to shit stores that doesn't restock, or you just have bad normie taste.
/fellow c-cup Swede

>> No.9270336 [DELETED] 

desu c cups are the best on a healthy frame anyway, any larger and the amount they sag(because of gravity) is unpleasant

I find most c cups can still remain fairly perky without being too small

>> No.9270342

I liked this better when I read that last word as "noboodles" instead of "nobodies"

>> No.9270373

Talk about projecting. This is embarrassing.

>> No.9271129
File: 1.48 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-11-29-07-25-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far up her ass can these girls crawl?

>> No.9271131

Pretty far. I'm just wairinf for rainedragon to use amino to "update" everyone on what's going on in the Lolita world. At least this will give the weebs of LA a little more education. Too bad it's just going to bring the "wahhhhh why is it soo expensive"

>> No.9271132

Waiting* sorry just woke up and drinking my coffee

>> No.9271137

It's so obviously a screenshot though, you can tell straight away when it's a photo of a screen. My question is answered, yes you are retarded.

>> No.9271139

10/10 image

>> No.9271194

I hope more experienced lolitas take over LA so the ita weebs either git gud or move their ita selves over to Lolita 101 or whatever the snowflake alternative is called.

>> No.9271225

Legit though, this is probably why there's such an overlap between lolita/jfash and nonbinary/trans/genderfluid young people. Mainstream Western women's fashion is highly sexualised and for clothes to be feminine they must be sexy, and the two options to opt out of it if you're uncomfortable with that is to go for either a highly feminine yet desexualised fashion like lolita or fairy kei (which gets viewed through a western lens as child-like because adult women are supposed to be subtly sexual all the time), or wear loose, boyish clothes that, again, don't put focus on your body sexually.

A lot of people list the reason they like lolita as the fact it's girly without being revealing. It's not surprising that there's overlap on the surface between jfash and people with masculine presentation.

Don't want to act judgemental about it as I probably fall into this category myself as I dress like a tomboy out of lolita and have spent a lot of my life wishing I was a guy (not because I'm super repressed and hate my vagina, because I'm a lesbian and my life would be 1000x easier if I was living that straight life), but it's definitely present in the community.

>> No.9271287


Please don't clog up the sales groups with art posts even if it is nice and other people are doing it. We are all there for the clothes.

>> No.9271288


You sound like a tumblr special snowflake. I tinink you mistook this for your blog.

>> No.9271297

>local paparazzi pays attention to her
Yea sure they do

>> No.9271312

Honestly, threads like these are so fucking annoying because I'm certain that 99-100% of you ranting about genderspecials suck on their assholes IRL or on whatever accounts are linked to your real identities. Never in the decade I've been in Lolita have I seen someone say anything about this nonsense off of anon, and I've known like 15 girls in my comms who feel the way you guys do. Literally every single one of them then turns a switch the second they're in different company and act like the biggest gender special advocate tumblr has ever seen.

I have absolutely no problem telling a fakeboi they're not really trans and are doing the LGBT community a disservice. Yeah, it makes me look like a dick, but at least I'm not a coward like the rest of you.

>> No.9271316

Someone clearly has no idea how cupsize works. If you're thin and actually a C, you're boobs aren't gonna be that big. It's not until like 36C that Cs are big, and no thin girl will have a band size that big unless she's really tall. Any thin girl wearing a 36C was most likely sistersized and is actually a 30DDD or something. All being a 'C' means is that your boobs are 3 inches larger around than your ribcage. The vast majority of women are incorrectly sized for the sake of selling off supply.

>> No.9271334

>c cup
>below average

What fucking country do you live in where the average girl walks around with cow udders swinging below their knees?

>> No.9271339

I'm sitting here feeling like I'm walking around with big bites for boobs conspired to this statement. I may have a small B but I am pretty proud of them and fill out plenty of tops. You live in a weird place if a c cup is below average. Your people eat too many hormones.

>> No.9271356

It's almost like people don't want be labeled as an asshole around people they have to interact with.

Also don't pretend that being a dick makes you brave. It just makes you a dick.

>> No.9271358

that isn't authentic is it? pretty sure she would never have MM sit like a sack on her

the only problem I (and I believe OP too) have with this is that C cup can be anywhere from 28C to 42C and those are two very different extremes. also C is still the average or very close to it in the Western world last I checked

>> No.9271365

exactly. brand goes by in/cm not cup size.

I wear 32E. my full bust is 37in. if I go buy shit, I check the measurements.

>> No.9271367

>Literally every single one of them then turns a switch the second they're in different company

That's literally how social interaction works.

>> No.9271371

Discussing our boobs is derailing the online thread. If you wanna discuss boob problems when wearing lolita, here's a new thread. >>9271366

>> No.9271382 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 876x661, bra-sister-size-us-uk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, let me break down how cupsizing works because I probably should have been more clear in my initial post to avoid confusion.

The way your bra size is supposed to be measured is by measuring your underbust and then your bust. The letter size is entirely proportional to the band size. Pretty much no mainstream retailer does this, though, because they're trying to get rid of stock and don't want to have to keep a gajillion different sizes, so they give your what's called a "sister size". As a result, it has entirely skewed the way most people see bra sizes. For instance, most people think D and they think massive. This is only true the higher the band sizes get, though. A D cup can be smaller than your fist or bigger than your head, depending on band size.

This is all the letters actually mean
A= one inch difference between your bust and underbust
B= two inches
C= three inches
D= four inches
DD= five
And so on

"Sister sizes" are sizes that aren't your real size, but the cup is just as big. For example, my actual cusize is 28G, but if I go to a place like Victoria's Secret, I get sister sized at 32DD or 34D. Now let's say you have a girl who is 30C, a sister size for that would be 34A... which most would agree is quite small. It isn't until 36C, that C sized bras actually get big. Do you guys get it now? It's not that I'm saying "lol Cs are small", I'm saying that if a thin girl is actually a C, not just sister sized as one, her fits aren't a cup size away from sagging like y'all think. Hell, my tits can afford another couple sizes before gravity gets the best of them, and as I established before, I'm m much bigger than a C.

>> No.9271386

So... talking shit anonymously on the internet somehow makes you less if a dick than if you said this stuff off anon? Solid logic there, anon.

>> No.9271395


Yes. Online conversations in most cases are easier to ignore - it's about the other person being able to leave the interaction without making it akward for everyone.

>> No.9271402
File: 73 KB, 500x349, IMG_4404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9271417

There are several countries where the average adult is overweight, so take your pick.

>> No.9271421

Yes, actually.

>> No.9271427

Sounds like the exact cop out excuse you'd expect from people who don't want to simply accept the fact they're pussies

>> No.9271433

or you're unfortunate like me and have a huge fucking rib cage like some petite barrel chested lady circus freak

>> No.9271440

Please stop sucking Lor's cock like nose this is disgusting to watch.
I'm blocking anyone that pulls this bullshit.
Stop being so damn fame thirsty lolitas. It's embarrassing.

>> No.9271450

You must be fun at parties.

>> No.9271468

>insult people to their faces or u are a pussy

Okay buddy.

>> No.9271501

You've basically summed it all up. Around here it's either club wear, professional wear, or jeans with tees. There's nothing really feminine that isn't short, tight, or flashing cleavage. It's led to me wearing a lot of boyish clothes (butch lesbian as well) and it's sort of trapped me in that masculine presentation stage where now even though I have feminine clothes like skirts and stuff from China/Japan that aren't as revealing, I feel like a crossdresser wearing them rather than normal because of how masculine I went to fit into my boyish clothes. I tell you, a pixie cut is hell to grow out and I haven't found a realistic wig to wear to classes yet even though I don't think twice about wearing them with lolita/Jfashion.

>> No.9271535

This is a really great post and I think this is why I enjoy lolita fashion so much coming from someone who dresses pretty plainly - jeans and tshirts. This sounds cheesy as fuck but I feel like lolita fashion helps me feel feminine without doing what you said, dressing in sexy/sexualized clothing. I'm not necessarily uncomfortable with my body per se either, but the typical style of "feminine and sexy" fashion that women are expected to wear isn't really my thing. I think that's also what I really enjoy about retro/vintage fashion as well - some things do veer into sexy territory like pinup stuff but it's a bit different, and for the most part there's plenty of non-revealing retro style clothing. I can explore my femininity and feel comfortable in it without being so overtly sexual.

This post rings so true to me too. I'm not trans or NB or whatever but I remember in high school I felt "awkward" and felt maybe that was the path for me because I didn't identity with the type of femininity that is expected. Similar, but I have a friend who is a butch lesbian and she told me that for a long time she forced herself to identify as NB because she felt like she had to be a super feminine woman, or a trans man, or throw in the towel - no inbetween. I would never say this non-anonymously but I definitely feel like there's a number of trans men or NB folks who feel like if they don't present themselves a certain way they HAVE to be trans, or are doing it as a reaction to the female condition (like you said). That said, I personally don't think there's anything wrong with exploring your gender identity or presentation. I'm not deluded enough to think there's pressure to be trans either, but I think, especially when you're younger, there's a tendency to think black and white, either be X or die. I suppose that's where NB comes in.

>> No.9271610

She's so UGLY. Can't people see that? Her skin, augh. When she smiles it physically hurts my face... girl, you need to take care of your SKIN.

>> No.9271694

I don't think these lolitas at heart will take kindly to education- it'll make them feel oppressed by the constraints of brand lolita

>> No.9271696

Who else is getting really tired of the barbie memes? It was funny maybe the first few times but now it's just annoying.

>> No.9271706

I'm so tired of the terrible Barbie posts in Lolita Humor holy shit

>> No.9271709

Only ugly girls like her.

>> No.9272202
File: 951 KB, 243x280, spkyrll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me I'm not the only one shaking my head at those women in LSC who want to make a classic lolita dress out of tacky Pokémon fabric

>> No.9272225

god, they're giving lor exactly what she wants. at least jessie-kate is actually chatting with people and making an effort.

>> No.9272227

Its because they are a girl dressing in girl clothes

>> No.9272255

you mean there's people that have worse under eye bags then lor?

>> No.9272330
File: 56 KB, 640x420, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9272342

That group is ita gold mine

>> No.9272390

I'll never understand why these girls can't admire things from afar until they do their research. If you love it so much put in the effort to learn on your own. Not to mention second hand can be cheap and bought without a SS plus Bodyline is dirt cheap right now.

>> No.9272402

Would you believe it was made as a less ita alternative to Pintucks and Lace?
Even though the group has sane people who said Pokémon fabric isn't appropriate for lolita and pointed her tacky ass towards fairy-kei, we can't stop itas from adding their own two cents. Like the one who spammed a bunch of Mary Magdalene dresses as examples of dresses that would look good with Pikachu, Togepi and the Pokémon logo barfed all over them.

Sometimes I wish we had an up/down-vote system. But even then the itas would probably be in the majority.

>> No.9272408

I can ignore those types of people honestly. It's how you learn in the fashion. It's when they continuously think it's a good idea after being in the fashion for an extended amount of years that really make this shit hilarious.

>> No.9272487
File: 134 KB, 640x747, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9272498

Why is this newsworthy? Who is she?

>> No.9272500

>not recognizing replicas

>> No.9272527
File: 62 KB, 512x498, d215ab51-8d18-4845-b4c0-8a0f48c377aa..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far up her nose*

>> No.9272536
File: 107 KB, 818x1064, e700f69c-4caf-4b64-86a2-281c3483b1f0..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is almost the entire reason Moot even made 4chan, ya fucking newfag. That and he was a huge fucking week that wanted to copy 2chan, but the anonymity was always a big deal for him. Without wearing the mask of an identity, being anon allows us to unfiltered our discussions and be more ourselves.


>> No.9272563

I don't really mind itas being itas because most of us have been there at some point, but what gets my goat is when someone who clearly has no clue about the fashion is trying to school others. When you're new and clueless please just sit back for a while and observe instead of contradicting people who have been doing this a lot longer than you have. This goes for lolita and practically everything else, honestly. All you're doing is showing others how clueless you are AND potentionally leading other newbies astray.

>> No.9272566

Oh look. Mods bumping her self promotion shit to the front page at 19 likes.
It sucks that LA is becoming Lor's personal fan amino.

>> No.9272568
File: 1.08 MB, 1407x1694, Screenshot_20161130-134342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

>> No.9272628


Lolita guests are cringey as fuck. How desperate for e-fame do you have to be to white yourself out for free entry to a con?

>> No.9272629
File: 390 KB, 1455x1332, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol is it's self promotion tho? She's saying she's gonna be at a con like everyone else posts about. Just because she's on the front page for a good 3 hours while the mods are busy doesn't mean they're kissing ass, it means she's getting featured at 15 likes just like other people do. It's mainly the newbies who are making a big ass circle jerk for her.

>> No.9272653

>, I personally don't think there's anything wrong with exploring your gender identity or presentation

I don't think it's particularly bad, but the culture surrounding the exploration unfortunately ends up being "you are X or Y for sure, fuck everyone who tries to say otherwise" instead of "it's okay to be confused"

The thing is, unlike some other things, proclaiming your genderqueer for most of your teen years and young adult years, going into therapy and maybe even treatment (after all, everyone said you're totally trans because you don't feel feminine!) is going to fuck you up once you realize you might not actually be trans or something similar.

Basically the stakes are so much higher compared to being confused about other things.

>> No.9272670

I just avoid those people desu

>> No.9272673

I'd rather be around someone who is openly a dick than two faced girls like most people here. Whenever people here bring up logical points that I happen to say off anon everyone turns on me but then in private it turns out they don't care. It's annoying.

>> No.9272889

You realize there is a difference between being two faced and being civil and polite, right? There are plenty of people I don't like who I just don't spend time with. I'm not about to start arguments over things they say. I owe them nothing since we aren't friends. Civility is all that's necessary.

>> No.9272924

Why does ghost in the forest look like she rubbed her face with dirt and walked out? Is she really that bad at makeup or is she just soo ugly you can't help but look like a street orphan in the 1890s

>> No.9272959

The thing is, none of the mods promo'd this. These kinda of posts make their way to the front page because of the post traffic (views, likes, comments)

don't like Lor much either but chill tf out.

>> No.9272968

While I appreciate the effort, watching the brand only fb group for the past month or so has made me wonder how many people were truly bothered by the plethora of taobao updates. The brand group seems to be struggling what with only one girl bearing the brunt of the load and often updates being at the same time or even behind lolita updates

>> No.9272978
File: 137 KB, 640x983, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's elitist to ask you to have three outfits in a fashion comm???

>> No.9272979

Where was this cap posted?


>> No.9272984

It doesn't say brand just three main pieces for the Lolita fashion. And what's elitist about wanting to make sure the people entering the group actually participate in the fashion. It keeps the group relevant with like interests and the ability to actually communicate with one another. Or else we would be LA and have every weeb and pedo creep entering asking "omg I just ordered my first Lolita dress" and show us some Milanoo monstrosity.

>> No.9272995

It was posted on tumbr by chiremika.

>> No.9273000

Oh fucking boy

>16 years old
>autistic (probably self diagnosed)

Sorry fucko you arent even old enough to complain about the adult amino

>> No.9273009

Oh lord, that bitch is always complaining about something. I personally love the idea of having this community. Lolita Amino is great for making friends and finding ita trash, and it's a quick way to get followers but on that Amino you can actually have a serious discussion without some newfag being offended

>> No.9273015

>Don't follow if you're a cgl(re)/ddlg/kink blog please

Well looking at this person's tumblr forced me to look up babycore and child regression and now I'm horrified that cg/l seems to be care-giver-little.... can we really not escape being related to this fetish shit at all by name ?

>> No.9273020

This was clearly written by someone who hasn't seen the secondhand market

>> No.9273022

i love how itas and people who don't wear lolita think that all brand main pieces are $300+

if your broke ass can't afford three $50 wunderwelt/lacemarket pieces, you can't sit with us.

>> No.9273028

Clearly someone who hasn't seen bodyline. I mean you can make an acceptable full outfit on 100 dollars with bodyline. Can't guarantee you won't be posted in an ita thread but at least you're buying Lolita beginner items.

>> No.9273076


MM actually sits like shit on someone who doesn't have the bust to fill it out, their sizing is very oddly specific. So yeah, it could be the real deal since she's pretty flat, BUT

In all honesty if someone is going to say "oh I bought this dress secondhand so ~maybe~ it's MM" instead of bloody looking at the tag and confirming whether it is or not, it probably isn't.

>> No.9273087

I mean, just look at Anna Tsuchiya.

>> No.9273103

Michael Jackson?

>> No.9273112
File: 109 KB, 620x765, IMG_5617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay these two who responded to this trans trending special snowflake are making me laugh. Keep em coming.

>> No.9273123

These are good but casual reminder that harassing people for 4chan street cred is tacky

>> No.9273127

I don't know of they are from here or not but it's still amusing to me that people will educate this snowflake. And maybe they will learn before making a brazen assumption on a public site.

>> No.9273152

>politely educating/questioning somebody

>> No.9273180

Neither of those is harassment. Go back to tumblr.

>> No.9273239

RD made it to amino lmao

>> No.9273241
File: 104 KB, 1080x764, 20161201_074129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should message saying "it's all relative". After all, if it can shill for a 200 dollar piece of resin, lolita should be no different.

>> No.9273243

oh boy, our chire friend is responding to asks!

>inb4 doesn't respond to mine because i was 100% civil and it wouldn't benefit their effort to demonize the lolita community

>> No.9273248
File: 15 KB, 729x253, tumblrinaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefagging but another one bites the dust. i like how he interpreted an "18+ community" as not being allowed to wear lolita because he's a minor.

no, honey. we just want to talk to people who aren't fetuses. also i predicted correctly--he only chose the (justifiably) blunt asks to respond to. what a victim. kids are so soft nowadays.

>> No.9273254

Right? I;ve been active in the fashion for 2 years and I don't think I own more than one dress worth more than $300

>> No.9273256
File: 113 KB, 750x821, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says the fashion isn't cheap
>Mentions nothing about brand other than the cheap prices at Bodyline
>"I can't afford brand so I'm not a Lolita hUH?!"
>"fuck u I'm CREATIVE"

>> No.9273259


>> No.9273271
File: 7 KB, 549x131, iamnfhaviangananxietytattakclea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beating a dead horse but holy shit

>> No.9273273

Point out the yards of fabric and notions needed will cost $30 at least.

Does she think the peasants of 1700's france inspired the fashion?

>> No.9273278


>> No.9273283


Becca stop

>> No.9273287

its old news anon. it was discussed in the last thread. She actually would be good for LA because then all the cringy weebs can learn a bit. too bad they all think shes like a top tier lolita when shes had quite a few outfits recently that really miss the mark. Just another thing for her to not be social at meets with because she glued to her phone.

>> No.9273288

Becca is dead, she has been dead for quite a long time. Anon-senpai.

>> No.9273290


>> No.9273293
File: 95 KB, 540x540, tumblr_ohibsoMW201uisr8io1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup this is artisan.

it's okay anon. My ask got ignored because I was civil and pointed out the flaw in their statement. But that still didn't change that she/he/walrus thinks bodyline is brand and expensive.

>> No.9273299

So she answered both of my questions but neither of yours. Neat.

>> No.9273305

She only answered the ones that she felt was attacking her. Guess she thinks your salty and her responses where well thought out. Those of us probably got the response >>9273271 posted. At least she realized shes made a poor assumption. But she still assumed that lolita fashion doesn't accept hand made lolita. She just needs to learn more about the fashion to realize how foolish her idea of the fashion is.

>> No.9273318

$200 bjds look like shit. They are typically replicas or sculpted fugly in the first place. $200 dolls/lolita may be relatively affordable for a normie, but you get what you pay both. At least with Lolita there is a chance you will get a semi-decent dress, but it won't get you anything but a doll better off under a lawnmower

>> No.9273329

Don't call her a peasant anon that's elitist AND classist, you monster!

>> No.9273331

I was attempting to stop people before things got legitimately mean

>> No.9273498


desu, it's possible to get decent looking yellowed/old doll for about $200 if one shops around but then again most tumblr weebs are too retarded to do some basic things like sanding, so they'd rather have a new recast (and then turn it into and elfgutz monstrosity).

>> No.9273505

1) this isn't lolcow--we're not about to hunt down her family and steal her prized artisan bloomers
2) that's not your job. that's the job of the mods and the janitors. the internet is a mean place. /cgl/ isn't a safe space.

>> No.9273506

The Internet is a safe space for assholes.

>> No.9273509

Excuse me, I identify as an asshole and people are total meanieheads to me all the time on the internet.

>> No.9273511

>The internet is a safer space for people with thicker skin.

>> No.9273515

>my lame attempt to moralfag was botched and now my feefees are in a tizzy


>> No.9273632

Most new from brand main pieces aren't $300 either. Normal AP pieces are in the 20,000-30,000 JPY range, other brands go up to 35,000-ish on an average dress. With shipping and fees it might be about $300 but the raw cost of a lot of new brand is more like $200-250.

>> No.9273640

Just wanna interject to point out that there are gorgeous tinies from "high-end" BJD companies that are $200 or less. Yeah, $200 for an SD or even an MSD sounds cheap, but for smaller dolls, it's not unrealistic.

>> No.9273644

I don't know where noobs get this idea of the $300 dress... I remember I used to think it was $300, but I haven't ever spent over $120 on a dress and I own mostly brand, plus a few prints.

>> No.9273645

Nigga, for $300 you can go on taobao and buy yourself some cheap coords and quit your bitching.

>> No.9273677

I replied to her post because it was public in the #lolita fashion tag and she had replies enabled for everyone (the default is only allowing followers). I only saw it here afterward.
You should calm down and stop preaching out of your anus, or take a break from the internet if it's too scary for you :^(

>> No.9273775

Same. I saw her in the tag and I thought the statement was far too ignorant to let it go. She's young and needs to learn this stuff quickly or else she will become an ita. She may claim to not be into the ageplay thing but she's got baby bottles and age play stuff all over her blog.

>> No.9274152

Is she also too poor to afford an iron?

>> No.9274160

Probably. Because bodyline is brand yo. If she can't shell out 40 dollars for bodyline then she sure as fuck can't afford a 20 dollar iron. That's precious printed fabric you can buy at Joanns slipping through your fingers. Gotta live the artesian trans male autistic life.

>> No.9274235

Does anyone know if Innocent World still makes S sized stuff? I have lurking around their English website for a while but I only seem to find M and L stuff.

>> No.9274270

The general thread might be a better place for this but either way, their blouses come in size S.

>> No.9274350

If the guests are this ugly, I can't imagine what the people attending must look like

>> No.9274491

Ops, though I had posted there. But thanks for your kindness!

>> No.9277077
File: 45 KB, 640x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita tags are so educational.

>> No.9277177

I mean Ghost in the Forest's face is nothing to write home about, but the coords are always inspiring imo

>> No.9277711
File: 68 KB, 540x640, rori af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy.

>> No.9277725

From the amount of brand I would assume /cgl/ is mostly women, not girls.

>> No.9278039

Oh thank goodness I was not the only one to think this

>> No.9278261
File: 150 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9278298

Yep, same here!

>> No.9278302

I don't know about their (??? pronouns?) personality, but that "coord" makes me mad

>> No.9278307

I did something similar when I was a little younger. Didn't like being attracted to girls so I thought I was meant to e a guy. Literally using gender to escape my own stigma and judgement.

>> No.9278353

poor boho kei is lolita now?

>> No.9278356
File: 1.70 MB, 1440x1882, 2016-12-05 17.24.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barbie chan is getting *even more* annoying now. For those of you unaware, barbie chan has been posting stupid "humor" memes that are just bad jokes with barbie movie screenshots constantly for a long for time now. I just want all the ita asspatters to stop encouraging her so she'll shut the fuck up.

>> No.9278406

My advice: Scrap the whole outfit

I don't get the joke?

>> No.9278410

I think it's something about bodyline shoe sizes being bullshit? I don't speak fluent tard so I'm not completely sure.

>> No.9279038

this is what I was thinking. Their shoe sizing is pretty unpredictable but I always order a half size to a full size up and never have that big of an issue.

>> No.9279040

this is a whole new level if ITA

>> No.9279078
File: 1.16 MB, 1538x1356, crazy obsessed fan .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl has gone full out sperg on people for not liking MM. Why are her fans all like this?

>> No.9279110
File: 105 KB, 300x400, 271-0102_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always read MM as Mary Magdalene and it ruffles my jimmies something fierce that this annoying ageplay warbler has the same initials. It's always such a disappointment to realize they're talking about her instead of pic related.

>> No.9279119

I did that at first too, got really confused.

>> No.9279131

yeah when I first saw people refer to her as MM I said to myself " what the hell did a brand do to you?"

>> No.9279277
File: 128 KB, 750x554, IMG_1884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soccer mom chan thinks she looks younger than her actual age.

>> No.9279301

She so haggard though?

>> No.9279473

She can do all of that but her shitty makeup age her 10 years.

>> No.9279682

this desu

>> No.9280456

Does no one remember how cgl shat on this girl so much for her coording abilities and claims that she had never been through an Ita stage when it was clear she was still in one?

>> No.9280548

why are so many people in fairy kei FtMs? more than any fashion I've seen. it's really frustrating when I'm looking for examples of males in the fashion too.

>> No.9280840

How new are you? Complaining about her appearance is like complaining about Mr Yan being a perv. Old news. We all know it. Chill.

>> No.9280888

special snowflakes gravitate towards tumblr fashion, and western fairy kei is basically a tumblrites wet dream