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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9255920 No.9255920 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on handmade lolita? IMO it's mostly shit, but anytime I see someone who makes it look good, I'm real impressed

>> No.9256155

I like to make stuff myself when I have the time and love seeing good handmade clothes, but unfortunately most of what people post is shit. There are two girls in my comm who have been sewing lolita for more than five years but still get the silhouette wrong and can't figure out basic shit like matching the zipper to the color of the fabric. It's depressing.
Adding to that, several of the people I used to follow for good handmade lolita have become completely inactive online.

>> No.9256188

Handmade is a huge part of lolita. Several brands have released patterns, you can usually find patterns in lolita magazines, but people don't usually post their handmade stuff

>> No.9256242
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I'd love to see what other gulls have worked on but these threads always end up hatefests. That's why no one posts anything they've made

>> No.9256269

/cgl/ threads end up hatefests
FB/animo/whatever groups are hugboxes filled with ita garbage
we can't win

>> No.9256359
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Still really proud of this piece. Making a matching one in a brown color
Generally though, handmade lolita looks like absolute garbage.

>> No.9256362

your replicas look like absolute garbage. :)

>> No.9256370
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sage for samefag, but can someone recommend some lace stores on taobao other than laces.taobao for this skirt? I'm looking to replace the nasty lace that I put on it.

>> No.9256374 [DELETED] 
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image didn't upload correctly

>> No.9256385

> :)
> no idea what looks like garbage and what doesn't

>> No.9256415

Actually, that does look like shit. If you don't take criticism and are a brand whore, gtfo of this thread.

I usually buy it on street stores, I find it better since I can do my quality check as I buy. But I have a ton of sewing and cloth street stores around my area, so that may not work for you.

>> No.9256416

I've realized I just look pretty awful in lolita, so I kinda gave up. I think a lot of people other think how complicated lolita designs are in reality they're really basic pattern shapes. I also think a lot of people can't tell quality cotton because a) they've never touched brand, b) think polyester is 1970s level and d) only know commercial knits

>> No.9256425

I feel like handmade is pointless. Most of the appeal of Lolita fashion comes from the beautiful designs of the brands, created for pretty girls with a suitable figure for the fashion. I love getting excited about brand and supporting the companies. Handmade usually looks cheap and frumpy.

>> No.9256429

I have to agree, it does look bad. Print looks mediocre, the pinkish color is just ew, and the gold looks very cheap and does not fit with the skirt color. Construction doesn't look too bad though.

>> No.9256430

I agree, besides the fact that there's some really nice handmade lolita out there. Unfortunately it is few and far between.

I wish that more handmade lolitas would take concrit without getting their bloomers in a bunch because their creation is their baby. It doesn't just take technical skill--it takes an eye for detail and knowledge of lolita's nuances. Unfortunately many people lack these in combination.

>> No.9256433

Advice to improve my next project?
Isn't me.

>> No.9256434

Meant to tag you not >>9256385
Sage for my dumbass

>> No.9256436

>>9256429 already gave you the breakdown. What's really getting me is the cheapy gold trim and the random hearts all over the pinkchocolate.jpg print. Is it long enough for lolita? Can't really gauge from the photo. Just invest in more tasteful materials next time.

>> No.9256442

Thank you for the concrit. It's the same fabric used in the Anna house chocolate fabric, and it wasn't as good as I thought it was but I would say it's comparable to Chess Story. It is not long enough for lolita. It was based around some of AP's miniskirts for casual wear. I'll definitely replace the gold trim though.

>> No.9256446

You're a good sport. Hope you post pic with better trim later.

Also pretty sure there's a TB storefront that's literally just called "Laces." They have nice embroidered lace on the cheap.

>> No.9256465

Can you guys post some good handmade lolita? Almost all I have seen look awful

>> No.9256512

I like it! But I've only ever made one skirt for casual wear. I'm slowly hoarding supplies until I can find enough to make something halfway decent. I don't want to compromise on quality just to get anything done.

>> No.9256519
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I stumbled across this the other day. According to the poster, she altered patterns from GosuRori Vol. 10.

>> No.9256523

I think the reason there aren't a lot of good seamstresses doing handmade lolita is because good seamstresses know that it takes time, money and effort to produce a good quality dress. At that point if you can fit Japanese brand, it's usually easier and cheaper to just buy burando.

Personally I only make really simple lolita pieces that are quick and not too expensive to make, like if I decide I need a simple black skirt and don't feel like paying brand price + shipping + customs for something I can whip up in a couple of afternoons. But when it comes to challenging myself on a more interesting sewing project I find myself gravitating to non-lolita clothes and Ren Fair costumes instead. With those, there's little chance that I'll see something cheaper and better-looking pop up on a second hand site like a day after I finished it.

I wish handmade was bigger in lolita, but fact is that with the easy availability of Japanese brands and the cheapness of Taobao, putting real effort into sewing your own lolita isn't really worth it money and time-wise. It's still fun, but more as a side thing than as a way to fill up a wardrobe.

>> No.9256553

My wardrobe is a mix of brand, offbrand, and handmade. I've been posted as an example of good handmade multiple times here. I've also been posted because some people didn't like a few of my more, shall we say, unique pieces. I've noticed that the closer I can get my pieces to look like burando (and I definitely have the skill and knowledge of lolita to pull this off), the more asspats I get here and on social media. But what's the point of only ever perfectly imitating burando? How dull. I'll continue to mix it up no matter how much hate I get.

I like making some of my own pieces because I am tall and chubby. I fit into shirred brand, but it's not always flattering. If I make my own dresses, I'm assured of a nice fit. It's nice to have cute prints, but I feel much more pretty and confident wearing dresses made for my size and body type.

>> No.9256554

Thing is that a lot, if not the majority, of handmade lolitas are really fat and started making their own clothes for that reason. It's a lot harder to look good if you're fat, especially if your clothes are made by someone who doesn't really know what they're doing. It sucks but whenever someone says "handmade lolita" I picture an obese woman in a frumpy ill-fitting dress made out of old children's bed sheets.

>> No.9256575
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I like this girl's handmade.

>> No.9256577
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This one's too.

>> No.9256580
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>> No.9256582

You could also check it here >>9236422

>> No.9256583
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>Tfw have several yards of high quality vintage lace
>Tfw too terrified to use it and fuck it up
Maybe one day I'll be skilled and confident enough to use it... Right?

>> No.9256585
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>> No.9256652

Always happens with art materials. Just use it and if it doesn't come out great buy more.

>> No.9256677


>> No.9256710


You actually just need to go back to the lolita handbook and re-read the section on good lace. Then you can go to ebay, ali, taobao, cheeptrims, rakuten, wherever you like and search for the right kind of lace by name.

Venise and embroidered tulle lace are generally good, bobbin lace like torchon, guipure, etc are also acceptable but can be tricky to work into the design without looking clumsy.

>> No.9256717

My grandma gave me a bunch of lace before she passed away but I'm too paranoid that I'll mess up and 1) never be able to find it again and 2) bring dishonour on my ancestors and have grams haunt me forever.

>> No.9257070


>> No.9257161

her bodices are on par with yumi king and she often uses satin ribbon in place of straps. Her stuff is made to look good on camera but shes far from a great handmaker.

>> No.9257210

Looks to be bad lighting, the dusty/vintage pink kinda looks gross in that pic but can imagine in a better lit room. Looks like you took it in a 24hr gas station. Also the shade of gold rickrack you used I don't feel goes with it - it's very saturated and vibrant, if I could give you the roll of more muted gold rickrack I've got I would.

The lace/pearl on the print idea is gorgeous!
Over the years I'd go on ebay and bid on auctions for cotton lace (mostly on ribbons for gifting though) and would almost always win it for less than 50c, with shipping. Looking at the pic carefully you can tell if it's chemical lace, or something woven out of cotton etc. Maybe try that? Otherwise like the other anon, I'd buy it in person.

>> No.9257238
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i like Rosa Nitida's work and her EGL style

dress, jacket, collar, wristcuffs handmade

>> No.9257242
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handmade EGA coat

>> No.9257246
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handmade EGA skirt, vest, hat

>> No.9257249
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handmade classic dress with handmade blouse

>> No.9257251
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handmade dress and headdress

>> No.9257254
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and her handmade prom dress

Moitie-style EGL and EGA are maybe easier to make look good than print-focused sweet. it also seems like she focused on nailing the basic silhouette and how it fits on her rather than adding trim and lace and such.

>> No.9257353

What do gulls think about commissioning tailors/seamstresses for lolita? I think it's an overlooked option especially for fatty chans, they'd look far better in a custom made garment than trying to squeeze themselves into brand.

And yes former fatty chan who made some mistakes here.

>> No.9257357

she stole the show, beautiful

>> No.9257361

I would personally love to do sewing commissions for any size. But I know I'm never going to get paid what my time and experience is worth, which to me is at least $20 an hour, so I don't bother.

>> No.9257489

I started making my own pieces for the same reason. I'm still losing weight (150 now, was 200), so I'm reluctant to wear any of my brand for fear of tearing it. I find a lot of pleasure in sourcing good quality lace and fabric, and then watching a cute outfit come together.
Where a lot of people go wrong is not buying enough fabric. If I'm making a full on dress I will buy at least 6 metres of fabric, plus 3 metres of lining material, PLUS 10 metres of lace on top of that. On average a project will cost about £20 not including threads and notions, and not enough people appreciate how expensive sewing your own stuff is.

Tl;dr: iawtc

>> No.9257631

This girl's handmade is always a mess. Why does she keeps getting posted on these threads?

>> No.9257660

Could you please elaborate? I can't sew a thing, so I find them pretty nice. Maybe someone who can actually sew see something that I can't (?)

>> No.9257675


>> No.9257736


Apparently it's very, very expensive in most places of the world -- I regularly suggest local tailors for funny-shaped bodies (fatty chans, those with bigger/smaller boobs than normal), but most of them prefer some other solution. Might just be the cities/countries they live in, locally at least I can still get a custom dress for less than brand if I source my materials from taobao, which is apparently impossible in some other countries?

At least there's always those indie brands who are willing to do custom sizes such as Lady Sloth, Glittertale, Soufflesong, Anna House. It can't be perfect because there's no way to try on the dress and have it altered to fit better in person, but it's still better than stuffing themselves into burando, really.

>> No.9257741

I wouldn't categorize her stuff as a mess, but it is sloppy in places. Her gathers are never even, and stitching on her hems is bad. She also uses noticeably cheap materials, like raschel lace. It's clear she favors quantity over quality. She benefits from being cute and skinny; the fitting issues in the bodice pattern she clearly uses for nearly every single dress she uses would be much more pronounced on a bigger girl. I suspect but obviously can't prove that the insides of her garments are a mess.

>> No.9257748

Did you mean £200? Most of what I make costs me at least $24 for enough fabric for a basic skirt, not even counting lace, elastic, thread, or lining, and double that if I want to make a full JSK or more.

Anyway I'm in the same boat. There's no way brand will fit me, but as I work my way down in weight, I'm studying it a lot and trying to make things that will flatter me. I'm too nervous to post what I've made online yet, maybe after a little more practice.

>> No.9257758

that's got to be a typo. they probably meant £200. I can't even buy that much cosplay material for that price.

>> No.9257765

It bothers me that her stuff are all from the same pattern, just lace and ruffles in different places. The bodices are always just rectangles with darts. She also uses cardboard to keep her hats on shape so I don't really see her as a good crafter.

>> No.9257783

I've never approached a tailor/seamstress for a custom made dress but just taking in the bodice of an existing dress cost me €50. And that was a relatively cheap tailor. I think I'm in one of those areas where getting clothes custom made is pretty expensive...

>> No.9257987

look at the pink coord of hers posted. the bodice is long, sagging, slipping away. look at her blog, walmart satin ribbon instead of sewing proper straps (which should be a part of the bodice pattern and not actually rectangular shaped), along with what other anon said about poor overall technical skill.

>> No.9257991

Tailoring is a dying trade and like any other art is often not respected. i cant count on both hands the amount of times someones asked if i could hem pants for free, as if work doesnt deserve pay in returns!

>> No.9258021

Thanks for the explanation! I'll start noticing it better now!

>> No.9258579

>That moment when £20 buys you a shit ton of stuff in your country...

I'm not the original anon tho.

>> No.9258588

Oh I agree! I wasn't crying about the €50 since IMO it was worth it and dude needs to eat, but just saying that getting a dress made from scratch at those rates is probably going to be pricey and more expensive than buying brand. Unfortunately the sentiment in my comm is brand > offbrand even if you don't fit into it properly, so no chance of anyone spending several hundreds on a locally custom made dress without a fancy label. Maybe if it were cheaper than buying burando, but that's not possible with our area's high costs of living.

>> No.9258720

Whew la I'm just the world's cheapest tailor. Yeah, it was a typo, I posted from my phone! Meant to say £200! Fabric, man. I make corsets too, which bumps up the prices exponentially 'cause I buy stuff in bulk.

>> No.9258722

Sorry, was meant to reply to my own post above. Fuckin phoneeee

>> No.9259255

What do you guys recommend for patterns?

>> No.9259269
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regular bodice with small mods is the absolute best you can get. lolita is far more simple than people make it out to be.

>> No.9259272 [DELETED] 

wow what an original idea

how did you come up with it?

>> No.9259277
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>> No.9259279
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All these are from a mexican handmade store

>> No.9259280
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I thought they had more photos but they erased them.

>> No.9259284
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>> No.9259285
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>> No.9259287

Sauce? I'd love to buy all of these, they're so beautiful.

>> No.9259295
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I couldn't type it, sorry.

>> No.9259345

I enjoy making it, but I rarely do because you're so limited by fabric choices. I only need so many solid filler pieces and tartans and I have them already. I buy brand almost exclusively for the prints.

>> No.9259494

What fabrics do you gulls tend to use for main pieces?

>> No.9259525

She's stopped doing the sating ribbon straps, and a lot of brands use the rectangle strap technique

>> No.9259588
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Also most of her seams are wonky and uneven. She's admitted to not even be able to sew zippers so she just uses shirring on her rectangle bodices. Even all the ribbons she makes are painfully badly done, including the ones she uses on all her headresses. Those are made with just such bad quality materials, they are sad to look at.
Why she keeps being mentioned in the handmakers threads is beyond me.

>> No.9259594

I hate that she paired this print with black.

>> No.9259596

I hate her wigs, but what I hate the most is this dress with those boots.

>> No.9259597

The bodice seems plain.

>> No.9259632

I have a navy fabric (somewhere, I'm too lazy to find it) and I'm thinking of making a dress out of it. What could be good secondary colour for it (for cuffs etc)?

>> No.9259635

selfpost, maybe?

>> No.9259636

I absolutely love this. I just feel that if she lost the lace gloves and maybe went with a jet bead bracelet or wrist cuffs this would look better. The gloves give it a "I listen to evanescence" goth vibe.

>> No.9259666


White or ivory is a pretty safe colour with navy. I personally like the combo accented with gold trim or ribbon.

You should probably say what you intend to make with it, though. If it were a jsk then I'd say black trim and lace would end up looking more cohesive and easier to coord with a different-coloured blouse.

>> No.9259669

I second this. White or ivory are your best choice.

>> No.9259686

>>9259269 << what this anon says.

Also, for the basic silhouette you just want a pattern for a rectangle skirt, there are quite a few tutorials online:
are a couple that I quite like. To turn them into a dress, simply omit the elastic waistband part and attach the skirt to a bodice you've made - there are plenty of tutorials on how to construct a basic bodice block for your own measurements online, if you're very new to pattern making.

http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=egl&keyword=Sewing+%26+DIY&filter=all ^ the EGL sewing tutorial list, it's a bit hit & miss but it's grand for inspiration and the basics. Helped me out a LOT in the 'old days' haha

>> No.9259728
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If you're similar in size to the average Japanese girl and the thought of altering patterns is a bit too intimidating at this point, you can try a volume of Otome no Sewing. They're in Japanese, but even if you don't read moonrunes the photos and illustrations are easy to follow.

>> No.9259826

shes used ribbon straps as recently as august, and since then covering them in ruffled tulle lace doesnt hide the fact that she cant pattern a bodice kek

>> No.9260472

She keeps saying she's been sewing for so long and she's basically an expert with fabrics and materials, but she still can't pattern, find some nice roses to put on her headresses or even sew for that matter.

>> No.9260560

Topkek. She's really quite bad, I liked the little hats she made so I had a go myself with scrap fabric and it's really awful, I'm not sure what she does to even make them lie flat. Sticking with buckram next time I go into millinery again like. Genuinely most - if not all - women I know have been sewing their entire lives. I've been sewing since childhood, making little purses and repairing my school uniform. Doesn't make me an ~expert~, I've only been taking tailoring seriously since about 2009.
But what rustles my jimmies the most about her is that she refuses to advance, still making those god awful bodices and shitty cardboard hats.

>> No.9260596

>thinks she is an expert
>can't put in zippers or pattern
is this like a definition of cognitive dissonance? Time spent doing something =/= being good at something (see: ita for 10 years, etc)

>> No.9260651

Where are you from anon? Where I'm from sewing is a dying art and if you've ever made a semi-wearable garment people will consider you a sewing god. Many women here try their hand at sewing when costume season rolls around but those projects are always very simple and fall apart after one wear.
>in local haberdashery with friend, buying some buttons
>woman is asking cashier for help on how to replace zipper in her son's jacket
>cashier tells her that she'll need to sew it instead of using tape and glue like the woman was planning to do
>woman gets angry and storms out
>I look at my friend and make a face
>friend actually sides with the woman because it's apparently really unreasonable to expect someone to have needle and thread in their home and the cashier was just shilling her wares
>same friend keeps bragging to everyone about me being a professional fashion designer when the most complicated thing I've ever made was an unlined JSK with darts (and that one looked wonky)
Maybe ribbon-strap-chan has friends like mine who keep blowing smoke up her butt and shes started to believe them?

>> No.9260677

it makes me sad to read this. I bet that woman thinks darning socks means cursing mildly at them.

>> No.9260686

Darning? What's darning? If something has a hole in it you just toss it in the trash, duh.

>> No.9261067

Damn, that reminds me of this:
>Go to tailor to get gown fitted
>Terrified of fucking up vintage silk and zipper so I leave it to the professionals
>Waiting in line behind middle aged woman and son
>She's there with his boy scout uniform
>Paying 50 bucks to get the badges stitched on
>Badges are iron on and very easy to reinforce with stitching
>Woman must be pushing fifty but had no idea how to sew

>> No.9261207

50 bucks? damn maybe i should take up sewing for the less fortunate

>> No.9261585

Yeah I was tempted to tell her to meet me in the parking lot and I'd do it for 30

>> No.9261592

that conjures images of lolitas in the JoAnne's parking lot ala Home Depot, displaying their wares in the trunks of their cars and competing with each other for that burando coin

>> No.9261615

I'm from the UK, specifically Wales. I can't speak for the whole of the UK but we have a fairly large "make do & mend" influence even this long after the war. Mum taught me to sew and crochet, Nain taught me to knit. Not many people make their own clothes from scratch, but it's gaining popularity again recently, what with shows like "The Great British Sewing Bee". But we are an extremely small nation, who historically made our money via textiles, specifically the wool trade. It's unfortunate that it's a dying skill, however I'm hopeful that the generation of my future children will pick up their sewing manuals and hit the machines again.
Fun little story though - I volunteer on weekends at a charity shop, and this chav and her daughter come in. The mother addresses me straightaway in an aggressive tone: "hey, u got any fabric???". Turns out she wanted to teach her daughter to sew. Couldn't help them but I think I sold some pillowcases for he to practice with.
Wales is one hell of a drug.

Sorry for the blog post!

>> No.9262760

Anyone have pics of the new otome no sewing?

>> No.9263836
File: 59 KB, 384x499, OnS10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This eBay listing has several pictures of it: www.ebay.com/itm/Handmade-Lolita-Fashion-Otome-no-Sewing-Book-10-Japanese-Cosplay-Clothes-Mag-New-/182357179084?hash=item2a7555bacc

The last instructions page in the listing looks to me to be a coat with a 2-piece sleeve, which would be exciting

>> No.9263845

Check the Lolita Updates thread with it. They have all the pics.

>> No.9264532

Has anyone already shared this?

>> No.9265102
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>> No.9269374

>The gloves give it a "I listen to evanescence" goth vibe.
more like an "I listen to Mana-sama" vibe.

dude loves himself some lace gloves.

>> No.9269512
File: 208 KB, 1035x798, tumblr_nhhapbYiE71qlijqyo4_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not as much of a lolita as she is a costumer, but Angela Clayton's a real good seamstress. Plus she's started to do tutorials on her youtube channel which is cool

>> No.9269520
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>> No.9270564

She used to have some real sloppy craftsmanship when she first started out, but ever since she transitioned fully into historical costume stuff from cosplay she's improved massively. I'm mostly impressed by her work ethic; girl churns out project after project like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.9272475

I love the plaid dress!
I need more plaid things in my life...

>> No.9272596
File: 357 KB, 540x780, 1465352677514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any full scans of Otome no Sewing?

>> No.9272846

>girl churns out project after project like there's no tomorrow.

yeah I need a month of rest after a large project before my creative mojo comes back.

>> No.9274290

Yeah, in my past experience if I tried to churn out too many projects at once, something would always seem a bit off.

>> No.9279291

Do you gulls have any online resources for fabric? I've found some cute stuff on Etsy but it's all quilting cotton.

>> No.9279410

cute Etsy fabric suppliers:

BebeFabricStudio << some of the more delicate designs (like the mini hearts) look really nice, be sure to always use a lining tho




and for lace:

happy shopping anon, hope this helps

(sorry, it wouldn't let me post links properly)

>> No.9279672

Thank you so much anon! I should have specified I was looking for otome more than lolita but a lot of those links helped me out!