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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9254762 No.9254762 [Reply] [Original]

it's that time again

your favorite funposting housewife was summoned

ask me questions and I answer

I know they're all gonna be about my sex life but I'll entertain you all

>> No.9254773

How do you feel about all the anons who get so triggered by your presence to the point of accusing anyone of being you?

>> No.9254774

Is your husband done traveling? Aside from these lame threads you've been getting more and more quiet.

>> No.9254777

fucking hilarious and exactly what I was going for

yeah he's home

will be for the most part for the rest of the year

I'm happy and thoroughly sexed

don't worry I'm planning more shitposting for you guys

>> No.9254780

What kind of music do you listen to?

>> No.9254781

all different kinds

I know someone who makes me playlists of different stuff

>> No.9254788

What does your husband think about your lolita spending habits? How often does he let you buy new releases/stuff second hand?

>> No.9254790

Nice trips
It's amusing to see how anons here react to the kind of shitposting that you commonly see in other boards
Do you browse any other other boards aside from this one?

>> No.9254791

he's encouraged me a few times to buy multiple cuts and colorways whenever I complain about not being able to narrow it down

there's not really a limit he's set because while I have shit taste I'm actually really picky about things I buy

as soon as there is an image of a release I want I start whining to him if I can't choose and will go back and ask a million times about which one/two I should get

as for second hand I buy as things I like come up

>> No.9254793

here and /x/ are the only boards I've consistently gone to over my long shitposting career

sometimes /vp/ but I quickly get tired of talking to autistic 12 year olds that probably smell like farts and cum

/cgl/ is my forever home when I wanna shitpost because the best reactions are here

>> No.9254796

I agree, /vp/ is awful but it gets borderline unbearable during the new game and leaks season, the newfaggotry and underage are too obvious.
What's your favorite pokemon?

>> No.9254798

have you ever been employed?

>> No.9254801
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1 and only truest mon for life

I dunno if you can tell but I like paranormal stuff

yeah when I was a teen I worked part time then when I was 20-21 I had my own business selling my shit art

>> No.9254806

Excellent taste
How do you feel about his nerf?

>> No.9254807

Have you ever wondered if the husbando is insecure and is with you because your anxiety makes you clingy/makes him feel useful?

not trying to be (super) rude; co-dependence interests me.

>> No.9254814

I will still love and cherish gengar through anything and be an Autist and play every game where I can get one with a gender named Chess

we have to support the gengars through this difficult time

I think it's more that I am very shut off to most people and then warm and fuzzy to him and it makes him feel special and also warm and fuzzy

I haven't ever sensed much insecurity in him about himself

everyone has it to an extent but to go beyond that it gets easier to pick up on if you're close to someone

>> No.9254816

gengar* kek

>> No.9254819

also I should say

most guys that I have seen like that "big and strong" feeling they get from helping a cute girl and being thanked for it

I don't think it goes beyond that as far as him liking helping me with any anxiety issues I may have

we are pretty close tho

several people we know have commented about it

if there's the obnoxious couple who's always with eachother and if not they're always messaging eachother that's us

>> No.9254822
File: 451 KB, 700x594, IMG_4540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish his shiny weren't so shit though. What was gamefreak thinking?

>> No.9254824

I won't lie

I was pretty amused by mega gengars shiny

I was expecting the same color palet as the normal one and we got a fucking sheet ghost colored shiny

the regular shiny is terrible tho

I have a shiny gastly sitting in my box waiting to be evolved but he never will be because shiny haunter/gengar is a waste of a shiny

>> No.9254825

I'd do the same desu
I only have the shiny gengar from last year's halloween event I think, haven't really bothered to hunt one myself
A shame too really, ghosts usually have 10/10 shinies
I wish they'd just change the shiny we have for one like its mega, nobody would miss it

>> No.9254827

>nobody would miss it

>> No.9254828

>missing literally a slightly less saturated shiny
Anon pls

>> No.9254829

Do you ever wish you married someone more age appropriate?

>> No.9254830

diff anon, but what do you mean by this?

>> No.9254831

m-maybe if we shitpost loudly enough about it they will change it

clearly you've never seen a shiny he far


I married him because I love him to bits

his age has never bothered me

>> No.9254832

I'll miss it like I missed the sludge wave gengar and levitate ;_; At least mimikyu softens the blow in my heart.

>> No.9254835

Her husband is 14 years older than her.

>> No.9254836

Oh man, ick. I didn't know that. I was once with a dude 5 years my senior and even that felt like too much of an age gap

>> No.9254839



it's common where I'm from for there to be an age gap

it's not like he tried to fuck me when I was underage

I don't think it's appropriate to scoff at adults about their relationship just because there is a difference in age

>> No.9254842

You sound touchy as hell.

>> No.9254843

Are you from clapistan?

>> No.9254844

>touchy as hell
>for saying people don't really have any right to criticize a relationship between two adults others know nothing about just because of an age difference

I feel like I'm having a stroke trying to understand what you just said

>> No.9254845

My parents were 25 years apart, age gaps are amusing to me 'cause I'm used to huge differences.
>mom probably married him for the sweet integration benefits tho

I know I've said it before, but it's amusing to see whenever anons get riled up the second

someone starts posting like this combined with fatty hate

I laugh my ass off every time

>> No.9254846

ick is pretty tame? some people aren't into older men. anon didn't really criticize her lol

>> No.9254848

Eh, saying a relationship is gross purely because of one factor is a pretty clear criticism. If you don't like age gaps, don't date older people. Some people don't care. Easy.

>> No.9254849

>25 years apart

Anon who said ick, just a knee-jerk reaction. My parents were both barely 21 when they had me so yeah someone who was 14 years older than me would be nearly as old as my dad and that'd be fucking weird for me.

>> No.9254850

desu that's fine for you to not care for it but when there's no real basis for disliking it in our case you come off as close minded

basically you don't know either of us and yet our relationship evokes the feeling of "ick" in you without any real reason

I fail to see how that impacts my situation tho

it's really common where I'm from

>> No.9254853

>without any real reason
>he's nearly old enough to be your father

that's the reason

>> No.9254854

His 37 year old dick destroys her 23 year old vagina nightly. How does that make you feel?

>> No.9254856

I do not know a single person who is a father or ready to be a father at 14

sure there are cases but it's REALLY uncommon where I am and even in the US that is frowned upon


that's too lewd

>> No.9254862

>hwc is an /x/phile too

what kind of spooky stuff do you go there for? i'm just a paranormal/fringe enthusiast in general but i think the occult is neat. i want to go on a haunted tour in Holy Lantern sometime. it'd be appropriate.

>> No.9254864

I occasionally do massive imagedumps of abandoned buildings/places

I lurk ufo/alien threads because of my love for space and inability to control myself with it

anything about paranormal creatures except vampires/succubi because that literally always turns into role play

stuff about ghosts I like too

>> No.9254872

Stop selfposting, no one cares about your imaginary life.

>> No.9254874

clearly people do if they keep responding



you don't know what that means

>> No.9254876

Aww, is this Baby's first HWC thread?

>> No.9254880

Selfposting isn't just pictures. But anyway, it's embarrassing how hard you are samefagging.

They do this all the time, but it's likely you. Why do you spend every waking hour on here? I feel sorry for you. You clearly have no friends and nothing to occupy you.

>> No.9254881

>thinking it's only hwc here


This is exactly what I meant in >>9254845

>> No.9254882

I've been gone a lot recently

dunno how making a thread once every few days is spending every waking hour here

recently besides these threads I've only come if people talk about me

you really need to calm your hate boner

you look like a delusional fuckwit when you come in bitching about how it's just me posting when it's an entire thread full of people asking me shit

>> No.9254883

inb4 you get accused of being me by the paranoid retard who can't seem to understand people

>> No.9254885

Take your meds Paranoia-chan.