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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9235968 No.9235968 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread saged >>9202278

Itabag FAQ and Beginners Guide v. 2.1
Read the document first before asking basic questions that have been answered time and time again like "is making a bag for ___ ok?" and "where do i get the heart bags??".

Buyf/a/g Guide

>> No.9235970
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>> No.9235973
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>> No.9235980
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>> No.9235982
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>> No.9236444

Well, that was fast.

>> No.9236684

> have denim jacket I've been waiting to customize for years
> have ten Fallout patches, paint, and and a huge bag of studs
I'm gonna finally goong to jump the gun and make the trickiest fandom jacket I can. Should I paint a custom back patch or just leave it free? Maybe "patrolling the mojave almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter" for a good laugh.

>> No.9236885
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Mini kotori strap haul for my bag!

>> No.9237019

You can place a backpatch there if you'd like or really anywhere and that design sound good to me. If you're really unsure you could leave the back free until you have an idea. If you're unsure about patch arrangements on vests and jackets, I'd recommend looking at battle jackets made by metal heads/punks since those can be creative. The only reason I say this is because Sailor Moon fandom jackets have fell flat from what I've seen because no one wants to consider outside inspiration. :s

>> No.9237215
File: 180 KB, 1200x675, frogmanitabag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not surprised, yknow people always gotta be first!!11!

>> No.9237382

This is a super cute Choro bag, anon! Is the bag handmade?

>> No.9237879
File: 19 KB, 356x521, CrWh0v7UsAAmDxs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man I found it on twitter so Im not entirely sure its handmade but it looks like it!

>> No.9237910

RH anon here, I'm tired of waiting on a bag so I decided that later tonight I'm going to sew my own. I'm going to LACC tomorrow and would at least like to show off some of my stuff... Hope so see some other ita baggers there, even if it's just a comic book convention!

>> No.9238484
File: 158 KB, 1200x900, Cv8jfEWVMAEpCZN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fulfilled my quest! I made the bag and vinyl cover last night and put my handful of Roadhog items on it. I'm very proud despite my bag being very empty lol

I admit I would have preferred a brighter background for the charms but I was getting impatient and just used fabric/materials I already had.

>> No.9238488
File: 1.55 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i purchased one of the star window backpacks someone posted a while ago! the lining isnt too great, it feels really cheap, but its alot similar in shape to the wego heart bags and its a little bit smaller too. kacchan button for comparison.

>> No.9238491
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I wish manufacturers did this more often. Several items of the same character in one set.

>> No.9238533

I don't want to seem like a shill, but I have a junkenstein's monster charm preorder up right now if you're interested. I'm really excited to see ow itabags start popping up!!

>> No.9238828
File: 2.03 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my bag in the mail and filled it with my Erwin gear!

>> No.9238832

Sauce on the Jester Junkrat heart pin?

>> No.9238859
File: 2.54 MB, 1279x1297, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my towel and pass case in the mail today. Super WIP because I havent received all my keychains, I think my other set is coming in November. I also cant find my safety pins so messing around with the pins and towel was difficult. When I do find them I want to properly pin the towel in place so it doest fuss about. I want to attach the pass case to the zipper pull with one of those keychain ball chain thingies.

>> No.9238893

that is so adorable!

>> No.9239064
File: 2.63 MB, 3024x3024, 20161029_214432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress so far on my bag, just slowly doing it in between WoW grinding loving how it's turning out.

I fucked up some of the buttons but oh well. This is more exciting than my Neko Atsume bag.

>> No.9239073

I have been collecting charms of my favorite character, Yoshi and I just heard about itabags recently. I figure it would put my collection to good use.

My questions are: Is it faux pas to include game cartridges?

Which shade of green should I choose? I'm leaning towards a lighter green.

>> No.9239074

mega cute anon!

I don't think there's a limit to what kind of merch you can put on an itabag; while charms, buttons, plushies, figs etc are the most common it's cool to see what other character items people use.

>> No.9239124

Quere on twitter/tumblr!

NO SHILL, PLEASE LINK!! I'm always grateful for more items to add to my bag! :)

>> No.9239132

Anon, oh my gosh this is the cutest thing!! I can't wait for you to get all your stuff in, it's so amazing.

>> No.9239135

The more creative, the better imo. Some characters don't have much merch/items so I don't see why anything would/should be excluded if it still has a pic of the character on it or at least references them.

In the previous thread an anon made a Magic ita bag with the cards themselves. Ita bags are great because there are endless possibilities with very little to hold you back.

>> No.9239204
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Ok, I hope this is alright. I set up a 25% off coupon for /cgl/ (SEAGULL25). It's available over at lokiroki at tictail.

Good luck with your bag!! I really like the hook keychain, do you remember where you got it?

>> No.9239213

Oh, I love this so far! I can't wait to see it when you get some more Migi merch in!

>> No.9239218
File: 39 KB, 500x804, tumblr_ofuptiNCS11uicvilo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the topic of shilling to RH anon... I posted my junker charms a couple threads ago. i'm gonna open my online store shortly but I only had one roadie charm left after my convention season so I thought I would offer it to you first!
email me if you're interested - happy to give you a discount also (or possibly trade for a cute felt charm like you did for your bag...?)

>> No.9239230
File: 9 KB, 199x192, kirbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you all so much ! Kirby is so adorable I feel like its nearly impossible to have the bag not be semi cute haha.

>> No.9239282

not that anon but those are cute as fuck

>> No.9239298


Need sauce on the roadie hooking the junkie!

>> No.9239299


Boo for not shipping to the uk!

>> No.9239330
File: 406 KB, 744x725, baggu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current bags, KotoUmi is finished but the Snowphilia bros bag needs more stuff, and the green one is for Kotohogi but he has little to no merch (does he even have official merch except for one badge?)
Thought about making a bag for Nero Saber too!

>> No.9239336

>want to make a bag for an MM character
>tfw by the time I have enough money the fad and charms will be gone

I can dream

>> No.9239376

This is just my opinion but I feel like it would be nice to have more merch variation for the Umi/Kotori bag. or even a split colour backing to put the stuff on since it seems a bit ...lacking? Im not sure how to describe it.

>> No.9239425

I got a request from a friend to do it and the cheapest option is $13.50. I could put the option up but $20 for a charm doesn't sound worth it to me.

>> No.9239455

There's a thread on the facebook group where everyone posts MM charm orders as soon as they find them. It's slowing down, but they're still cropping up.

>> No.9239473

Same. I just bookmark MM merch and dream about committing to a new itabag.

While playing the game I was really hyped about making one, but after finishing all routes idk if I should still do it. Most MM merch being sold rn are pre-orders so it's making me consider whether my fave character will still have an impact on me by the time charms become available.

Like for example, I was really set on making a Spark/Pokemon Go itabag but now I don't even play that anymore bc of MM. I don't want to start a bag if I end up losing interest in that too.

>> No.9239663
File: 3.68 MB, 2120x2554, 20161014_182719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bag! I just finished my Erwin bag like a week ago. It's great to see more fans!

>> No.9239673

bless you on your tastes

>> No.9239684

AH, those are so cute!! I'll definitely place an order now! And yes, the hook charm I actually got from aliexpress!


>> No.9239694

That hook looks awesome!! I was expecting it to be more expensive, thanks for the link. Thanks also for the order!

>> No.9239695

I sent you an email and hope to hear back from you! :)

I definitely love the charms you posted a few threads back and have been eagerly waiting for them! I feel so blessed there was one Hog left over.

>> No.9239699

You're very welcome!! And I know there are some listed on ebay that are a little different (a leather-looking wrap around the handle) that can go for like $11 + shipping but I'm pretty satisfied with my own hook.

>> No.9239854
File: 280 KB, 1100x1128, its almost as shitty as junta's cycling abilities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T2-anon from previous thread reporting in with (shitty insignificant) bag progress.
So my base bag arrived. I bought clear plastic from the fabric store and sewed it onto the bag. Next I'm going to attach all my straps into a sturdy fabric and stuff the fabric under the plastic.
I have a shit-ton of straps and other things coming in the mail and I'm excited to start putting this wonderful clusterfuck together.

Also, apparently merch for the third season is already starting to pop up (pic related). I'm now wondering if I should save some space for all the new merch that's going to be released, since T2 is actually going to become relevant in the anime.

>> No.9239900

Where did you buy most of yours?

>> No.9239918

I couldn't help but snort audibly at that file name.
Looks good anon! Really looking forward to see it with all the merch.
I need to check for new season's merch, wasn't aware there was much besides a few items with Watanabe's artwork.

>> No.9239945
File: 448 KB, 1536x2048, migibag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I ended up with. I might play with the charms more because some of them are rather big, but I am happy with it for now - just in time for Halloween as well!

>> No.9240059

Very nice!

>> No.9240063

Oh my god, this is awesome! Absolutely perfect for Halloween.

>> No.9240386

anon please be aware that unless you finish the entire game your feelings might change, don't do what i did. i ordered everything for a yoosung bag, continued the game, and am now reselling all yoosung merch for jumin crap lol

>> No.9240446

Thanks Anons! Dunno why I fell in love with this little guy, but I did. Maybe it was his slow but sure character development.

>> No.9240710

Went to London MCM comic con this weekend. Supposedly ENGLAND'S LARGEST POP CULTURE CONVENTION~~
I saw THREE itabags.
London I am so disappointed in you WHERE IS YOUR HUSBANDO/WAIFU DEDICATION?!?!

>> No.9240753
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Everybody is so nice to each other in these threads I love it

So I just bought an itabag on a whim and I haven't been this happy in a LONG time! I'm still deciding how I want to put everything together but I'm having a dilema, some of the charms I have are Double sided and I love both of the sides and can't decided which side i want on the front...
Am I doomed to order the same charms again and have the opposite side face foreward?
(Not too upset tho, since I love supporting artists and love their art in the first place)

I was also wondering how often you guys change/rearrange your bags? Is it everytime you get new merch, or do you switch out the character for another one etc etc?

Also dying a little inside buying over 120+ worth of more merch and not sure if I'll be able to squeeze everything in

>> No.9240754

I went to LACC this past weekend and was surprisingly disappointed to not see any? I realize I only went for one day but it was Saturday, usually the busiest day...

Where was everyone's bags?

>> No.9240759

Some people buy multiple charms if they happen to love each side equally. I've been guilty of this before lol. Also some people rearrange their bags every time they get a new item or sometimes only when they get multiple items, it really depends.

Also that's a lot of merch to fit but no worries, anon, I believe in you!

>> No.9240774
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Happy Birthday Cecil!

>how often you guys change/rearrange your bags? Is it everytime you get new merch, or do you switch out the character for another one etc etc?

I change things around as I get new merch. With my attached bag, if I get something new that matches an item on the left photo, I'll move it to the other side. I've also got another bag in limbo right now since I got a bunch of buttons recently and it's giving me so much trouble trying to arrange everything (even though I've got a new base bag coming in jan/feb that i'll be moving him onto, which means more rearranging...)

>> No.9240807

I went in May and I saw none besides mine so that's an improvement. Hoping one day we get enough people for an itabag meet

>> No.9240808

I just use a proxy service, http://auction.j-subculture.com I'm not sure if it's good compared to all the others, but it was the first I figured out and its relatively easy to use. Some charms are like 200 yen, and with shipping its like 300 total. Not bad.

>> No.9241538
File: 149 KB, 640x640, A_merrymatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt know where to post this but I'm sure some seagulls would be interested.
Theres a christmas-matsu sweater/shirt design up for a limited time.
Might be good to wear with an matsu itabag

>> No.9241729

Love all your merch anon! Makes me want to watch OPM

>> No.9242166

Considers making matsu christmas ita bag with this as the base bag...

>> No.9242275
File: 309 KB, 611x774, bag3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of itabag related. Got this in the mail today...

>> No.9242305

How often do you guys get new stuff for ita bags? Are you guys going all in at once, or just building up over time?
Also, why is it that a 8$ strap doesn't sound TOO bad until you're regularly buying 3 at a time x_x

>> No.9242309

Honestly it depends on my money flow. If freelance is doing well then I go all in on importing a bunch of stuff all in one big order, but if I'm not making a heck of a lot then I'll buy one or two items at a time per paycheck and build up slowly. Both ways are fun. Slow building means I'm constantly getting little treasures in the mail, but giant orders mean I get to plop down with a huge box of merchandise like a glutton and unwrap and wonder overy everything all at once.

And for price -
When you buy one strap, you're like, $8? what's that? The cost of a burger and fries? I can go without fast food and buy something fun instead. And then later you look at your bag with 30 $8 straps and you're like..... damn, that's a lot of fries.

>> No.9242422

For the most part, I buy as I go. The absolute closest I've done is buy three buttons at once but then again, my husbando isn't very popular so finding stuff at cons or online for him is difficult period. Because he is so unpopular there isn't any official merch, so I've commissioned artists for buttons and the charms are spread very thin IF anyone makes one for him at all...

It's fun to slowly find things and definitely exciting. Even if my husband was the main, I still prefer to buy over time. It's easier on the wallet/bills/other expenses plush the ita train keeps on chuggin for longer.

>> No.9242479

I finished all but two routes, but I have finished Seven's and the secret endings. There's no way I'll love any other character more then I love the one I do now. Which is Unknown for that matter.

>> No.9242495

generally when I decide on a bag, i'll buy a bunch in one go just so i can get a feel for it, then i relax a bit and just stalk auctions/stores to pick up pieces here and now for a good price (or if any rare/retired merch comes up)
Not many conventions in my country which is a shame, since at least one of the bags i'm working on (reaper from OW) is bound to have a lot of con merch. And it's usually just not worth spending $8 on shipping to get one $2 button.

>> No.9242512

These are all really cute, anon! How are things with the Salus backpack? I've been thinking of getting one but I'm afraid of stuff (especially charms) falling out the sides because they're so open. Did you do anything to reinforce pins?

>> No.9242532

i went to mcm! i saw 2 jyushi itabags there, and they were extremely adorable!

i think itabags are a lot less popular here because of shipping costs, & our anime scene is a lot smaller compared to everywhere else lol. maybe one day it'll be bigger, anon...

>> No.9242729
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_3458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's not an ita bag but when my dad was out for lunch today he saw an itasha and he snapped a pic for me. I was super excited, I've never seen one locally before.

>> No.9242811

Anyone know how often salus restock? I'm looking at the A4 tote specifically

>> No.9243063

Can someone post some ygo itabags for inspiration, please?

>> No.9243069

Nice! I only see itashas at cons so it's cool your dad saw one out and about.

>> No.9243113
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>> No.9243114
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>> No.9243160

Both of these are super cute... Ngl I have a preference for the Bakura bag lol

>> No.9243310
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>> No.9243311
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>> No.9243313
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The Daiso bags are a lot bigger than I originally thought, but I have a feeling they come in various sizes like most of their bags.

>> No.9243324

Some info directly from the website itself, measurements are listed. I'm sad they don't sell items online like they do sometimes in the US. :(


>> No.9243351
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>> No.9243359
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The warranty on my bike is about to expire so I'm planning to turn it into an itachari with a bag to match. Can any of the ready made bags stand up to modding into a bike rack bag or am I better off modding something more heavy duty into an itabag? The modifications involve screwing a couple screws on.

>> No.9243367

Crap, I meant a couple hooks on.

>> No.9243607
File: 219 KB, 1024x768, 22497266641_0fd2a7db98_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have more examples of bags with figurines inside? I know there have been a couple posted in previous threads but I can only find pics with the figures hanging outside and I'm too scared to lose/damage them.
Pic related is the closest to what I'm thinking of, though the teddy bear doesnt seem particularly volumous. Bag recommendations would also be appreciated and I'm willing to make my own bag.

>> No.9243642
File: 38 KB, 480x480, 12750017_614951508669207_2018993531_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of people put large toys/figures in the wego heart bags, at least that's the most I've seen. Some do put figures in other types of bags as well but it doesn't seem as common to do so, which I can understand, since you don't want it to accidentally fall out in some way or another because of the open top.

IMO if you're worried about the figure being damaged or lost, I would recommend putting them inside of a most enclosed bag with more room (such as the heart bag or at least something where they won't be pressed right up against the vinyl). There are also the small heart shaped bags that are specifically for plush/figures but i'm unsure as to how willing you are to get one considering they tend to be a little pricey.

Link to small heart purse.

>> No.9243643
File: 66 KB, 960x720, dgm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would definitely suggest the two new Wego totes for plush. Since the clear part is a separate pocket from the bag there's a good amount of room in their for larger objects like plush or figures. Here's the links for the two sizes. http://gocart.jp/ap/item/i/A0GC00006EL5 http://gocart.jp/ap/item/i/A0GC00006EL4
Also here's a picture of a bag of mine using the larger one with several plush items in it. They fit perfectly and aren't squished at all.

>> No.9243664
File: 94 KB, 835x469, 49504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't offer you any help anon, but

>tfw I'm making a Yowapeda bag and didn't think of an itachari + matching bag
It would literally be perfect. Damn you anon for making me think this. It would be a suicide for my wallet but a damn glorious one.

>> No.9243743
File: 46 KB, 400x404, goods-00090975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody here have this bag, or pictures of it? I'm debating getting one, and would like to know how it looks with merch in it.

>> No.9243747

the bag in that pic looks so clumsy.

>> No.9243749
File: 41 KB, 480x360, hisoka1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a blue one! Merch does tend to slide a bit in it since you can't really pin anything down. I actually have a few pieces taped down lol. It doesn't super bother me though since it's not my main phone case (I added a clear case to it so I could switch phone cases)

>> No.9243750

I have a wego (knockoff) heart bag but I dont quite like how it looks with volumous items inside. On the other hand, the heart shaped bag looks fantastic for what I want! It's just a bit too small in height for my figure tho but the idea of it is fantastic, I'll look around for larger options! Or since I have access to industrial sewing machines, I might have a go at building a bag with a similar structure.
Thank you so much!

I hadn't seen those yet, your bag looks so lovely! My figure is a bit too bulky for it still, I think (he's posing with his arm stretched forward, which would make it really odd) but I love the look of yours and will keep the links for future reference, it would be great for other characters I have in mind.
Thank you so much as well!

>> No.9243752
File: 107 KB, 540x462, tumblr_offiqoSf2t1v65qmxo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't my bag but here is an example of someone else's.

>> No.9243754

It's not meant to be used as a good example, just an example of what others put in their bag and to show spacing. Lots of normies who want to get in on the trend have bags that look like this. :s

>> No.9243875

I just saw somewhere that someone made a "tutorial" for how to put charms/items on ita bags and they were saying to super glue adhesive back pins to items...

I know it's not my business, but I want to remind everyone to avoid this method if you plan to potentially resell the items later or may have financial emergencies often.

>> No.9243912
File: 1.29 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_4421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visiting Japan in a couple weeks with gf and some friends, decided to slap together a Dio bag to match an outfit I have planned for when we haunt the Jojo bars. I'll be on the lookout for some actual official merch while we're there!

Excuse any shitty photo quality, I'm on mobile.

>> No.9243916

This bag is already amazing omg. I love your deco-ed badges. I've been wanting to do that with some of mine with the badge covers. Also the giant 'WRYY!!' ia amazing, you have to keep that.

>> No.9243921


on the other hand, if you don't care about that, back pins are god send for making sure charms don't flop around.

>> No.9243952
File: 1.07 MB, 963x1336, iwaoiitabag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for not-decent photo bc I was in a car when I took it, but I recently finished up my second draft for my IwaOi itabag. Still wanna move stuff around and try to put more stuff on it though.

>> No.9243981

i love the variety of merch anon! very cool!

>> No.9243988

The plan I have is to put a wheel cover and then do a huge decal on the body. It's a folding bike so I'm worried that it's gonna get beat up after I put all that work into it.

>> No.9243991
File: 2.04 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a question... How am I supposed to attach these boards? I wanted to use the All Might one for a Deku/All Might OFA themed bag, and I'm not sure how to have the board in the bag without it going everywhere...

>> No.9244054

Idk about the super glue but using adhesive back pins would be great for this.

>> No.9244061
File: 94 KB, 1000x818, IMG_6949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) How big are the boards and 2.) have you considered sticky Velcro-like strips? It might have difficulty sticking to the fabric but it'd be easier than having it flop around.

>> No.9244235


I have a heart window bag that I made a craft foam board for, and I used Sticky Tac to attach a clear file to it, perhaps that's an idea?

If there's a cover or something to protect your art boards, you could also use these things called Glue Dots, which are used in scrapbooking (so they stand up to mixed medias!) https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000WWK5L0/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1478244367&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=glue+dots+mini&dpPl=1&dpID=51yHSj7CLkL&ref=plSrch

>> No.9244363

Whos your husbando?

>> No.9244373

>dat Kira merch
>dat hand
>heart shaped buttons
jelly as fuck

>> No.9244377


what a beautiful idea

>> No.9244428

snk is bad

>> No.9244430

this bag is fantastic.... also bestboy... like im cryin

>> No.9244795

Does anyone know of good shops in Japan to get stuff like secondhand or cheap charms and badges? I found a lot of stuff last year in various shops, but there were small selections across various stores, mostly in stores that primarily carried figures.

We're going to be all around Tokyo for about 10 days soon and I'm just wondering if there were shops more geared toward stuff like badges and straps rather than figures, or shops with more variety in series and goods?

>> No.9244816

These are so clean and aesthetically pleasing. I love them!!

>> No.9244901

Thank you!!
I thought that i could make a small tutorial how to mod the blue bag to better fit itabag needs

I also bought the KotoUmi bag to a small local con and got a few compliments and one person agreed that KotoUmi is the best lovelive ship lol

>> No.9244906

Mandarake or Book Off Super Bazaar or a lot of stores in Akiba. Nakano Broadway if you can get there is good for older series and some new.

>> No.9244924

This is amazing..! great taste in series anon

>> No.9245133

My charms tend to flip over. Can anyone tell me how to make them stay better? I just pin them with safety pins.

>> No.9245314

What type of bag do you have them in? I have a bag covering that's a little closer to the base bag, so I personally haven't had this issue.

Maybe like mentioned a few posts up, you could use a pin with adhesive backing so you can just stick it on. I've also never done this myself, so I'm unsure if there would be any sticky residue if the pin was removed.

>> No.9245421
File: 49 KB, 234x276, Screen Shot 2016-11-05 at 12.17.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh! Do you have a source on the owner of that bag? Would love to befriend them!

>> No.9245835

>2 acrylic badges totaling to $55 before proxy fees on Y!AJ
>Is husbando worth it?
>Wallet is crying tears of blood

This hobby is suffering guys.

>> No.9246087
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this pouch in the mail from amiami and despite the measurements provided on the website, I forgot how big it was going to be exactly considering it was described as a "pen pouch". I'm glad for the size though and the cover feels nice and sturdy.

>> No.9246110
File: 234 KB, 900x1200, CscIAm3UIAAelYf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sousuke itabag by @valerieflames on twitter

>> No.9246124

that is makoto how dare you try me like this anon

>> No.9246168
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>> No.9246171
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>> No.9246174
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sailor jupiter itabag!!!

>> No.9246175
File: 223 KB, 900x1200, Ct64SnKUIAAW1BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dempagumi inc itabag

>> No.9246177
File: 192 KB, 1200x900, Cs-DXybVUAAt0C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moppy itabag? Apparently it's a Universal Studios Japan character like Duffy

>> No.9246187
File: 194 KB, 900x1200, Cr8s_rgVYAAtQiW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babymetal itabag

>> No.9246189

Can anyone PLEASE tell me how to get one of those fuzzy Daiso bags?? I am desperate

>> No.9246191
File: 284 KB, 1200x1200, CsCGayXUMAAPdRw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ranma 1/2 itabag

>> No.9246195
File: 252 KB, 1200x899, Cr1BEzXVUAASYNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keroppi itabag

maybe ask in the fb group, there's probably someone in california willing to ship it to you if you pay for it

>> No.9246197
File: 247 KB, 1200x900, Cq2gb4_UAAAAdQR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

precure itabag

>> No.9246201
File: 177 KB, 882x1200, CqThBrSVMAAuTeB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was probably already posted but Bakugou itabag by @pastaLoner on twitter

>> No.9246210

any confirmation if california really got them in?

i haven't seen them at all in the 3 huge stores i've been to. if they get them in though, i'm glad to help gulls get them at face value.

>> No.9246213
File: 108 KB, 696x696, CuqB1RLUAAATvLr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kirby itabag for that one kirby anon

>> No.9246238

I'm in California and they're not in any stores in my surrounding area, otherwise I would have offered a group order myself. :(

We've determined they may be Japan only.

>> No.9246244

Ugh :( thank you for offering anon. I wish there was an easier way to get them.

>> No.9246252

You're welcome. I know they're also not listed on the Daiso USA site, only Daiso Japan. If we ever get them, it'll be months from now.

>> No.9246464

found a few fuzzy daiso bags on mercari guys go get em

>> No.9246599

what keywords did you use anon? I been searching many terms but I can't seem to find them.

>> No.9246826
File: 654 KB, 2000x1500, got7 ita bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a GOT7 ita bag right now and already have some charms but I'm not sure what color bag I should use...

>> No.9246839

Any pastel is gonna be adorable, but I'm leaning toward pink or yellow.

>> No.9246922

I just tried searching everything I could think of but I didn't find even one listing, even if just marked as "sold". Insight to keywords you used, anon?

I saw some of the fuzzy animal bags Daiso has here, but nothing on the ita bags. :(

>> No.9246946

hey guys, im so sorry i just saw this :( ill help yall out real quick!
i use simply 痛バッグ and it shoots me to a good amount of stuff. this term is more of a pain, but you could also use ダイソー and see one on the first page (last time i checked) or dig a bit for others.

>> No.9247323

Seconding anon's pastel suggestion.

Laughing really hard at those "tsum tsum"s though, they look so hilariously bizarre. That is a bunch of seriously cute merch there though, I am jelly, wish my fandom got such cute stuff!

>> No.9247644

Hey anons, are we allowed to self promo our own stores here? I make charms and buttons of many characters on this thread so I'm wondering.

>> No.9247697

I have the animate base bag. I'm replacing it with the A3 bag from Salus soon though

>> No.9247709
File: 19 KB, 713x90, tenso please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it anyway anon. You can't put a pricetag on love.
A similar thing happened to me when my favourite characters' merch were limited+exclusive in the new year 2014/2015 (they were bundled with one specific item sold in one specific store in Ikebukuro). When the merch hit Mandarake couple days from that the two keychains I wanted were 5000 yen. I bought them as fast as I could. Nowadays they go for 500 yen, so the pricedrop has been massive, but I would still do it all over again because I got them when they were just released.
Do it for the love of your husbando, anon. Let your wallet cry.

In other news: waiting for orders to arrive at Tenso is suffering

>> No.9247732

people have done it in the past, but usually towards anons looking for a certain series... I'm not sure what other anons think of it? I personally don't care

>> No.9247889

For people heading out to Japan, Animate in Akiba now has a really good range of itabag supplies, from badge making supplies and plastic "frames" to put stickers in, to a good range of bags in different colours and shapes.
Ikebukuro seems to have a girls trading session in one of the parks that might be of interest as well.
I would be happy to pick up supplies for people whilst I'm here but I wouldn't even know how to organise it.

>> No.9248899
File: 222 KB, 800x800, HTB12PxsKpXXXXbPXXXXq6xXFXXX6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this bag of aliexpress to see if I can strip the fruit design off and use it as a cheap base bag option.

I'll post a review when it comes in etc if anyone's interested!

>> No.9248920

I'd love a review! I'm thinking about making one for a blue-esque husbando and this looks like a good base!

Good luck to stripping off the paint!

>> No.9248934

sorry if this has been asked and answered before but what is this bag?

>> No.9248949

yes please !

>> No.9248956

Are there any bags similar to that size? I want one roughly that size, but I don't really need the cellphone bit.

>> No.9248957

imo it's fine, as long as it pertains to specific anons, not just 'hurhur a lot of people make matsu bags so heres all my matsu merch'

>> No.9249168

Speaking of Matsu, Hobby Search bargain sale started again and as usual there's a ton of Osomatsu stuff. If anyone's still working on a bag of them it's worth checking out.

>> No.9249257

I personally enjoy small bags because I never have much to stuff in a full purse but as far as I know these are the only bags of this size unless you opt to make your own.

I believe that's a salus brand bag.

>> No.9249259

I agree with this. It's nice to mention to others if they're having a hard time finding items for their bag as a suggestion but making purely posts as self promo without invitation sort of makes me think it's unnecessary. It would also be OT.

>> No.9249336

Definitely a Salus bag.

Seconding the other opinions - if someone is specifically looking for a character and mentions that it's hard to find merch or they're looking for more merch, then it's OK. Otherwise it's a little spammy.

(On that note, I am always looking for more Fire Emblem: Fates Zero/Niles merch)

>> No.9249415
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>> No.9249420
File: 3.41 MB, 4128x2322, 20161108_130402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9249480

Oh, cute! I love all the matching merchandise!
How do you have the charm on the outside strap attached?

>> No.9249518
File: 1.27 MB, 1797x1069, 2016-11-08 20.52.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what, gulls, my bag came today and I'll devote it to my forever waifu.
>tfw Berubaramerch is so rare, esp stuff that fits the pocket

>> No.9249529

bless you anon, one of my eternal waifus too.
i never gunned for one since merch is pretty tough.

>> No.9249540

Thanks, may our waifu forever shine her shoujo beams on us.
And I get you. I have shittons of books and two figures of Oscar but only this blind box charm series fits inside the bag (of things I've got my hands on).
I think I might need to draw stuff myself or print pictures. I was planning to place a cut pic of Oscar on the right half of the heart and print roses behind her and on the left side. I'd pin the charms on the roses. But dunno, I'll keep you posted!

>> No.9249542

Please post your bag once it's finished anon, I fucking love Oscar

>> No.9249550

Thanks! I've taken a lot of pride in this one since it's my first Komahina bag!

I super glued ahesive pins to the backs!
Using string is too much of a headache and I prefer pins anyway personally

>> No.9249610
File: 838 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mz72hsfFXw1rwv2mgo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shall do, anon!

>> No.9249630

So I've been reluctant to put my stuff in my WEGO heart bag, how sturdy is the backing? I want to pin or sew my stuff on it, but I want to keep my bag in the best condition possible. Will pinning my stuff leave small holes?

I've made a backing to slip in so I wouldn't have to pin anything on the actual bag, but it's becoming frustrating to slip in without anything moving drastically, I'm about to give up and just pin the things on, but I don't want to regret it later after putting a bunch of wholes in!

>> No.9249636
File: 366 KB, 965x960, ankira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting on a bit more merch, but my Ankira bag is looking a lot more fuller. The towel I bought wasn't as big as I was hoping though, but surrounding it with keychains helps it look okay.

>> No.9249639

This is a weird reply but all I can think of is literally gluing/somehow attaching magnets to everything and just going from there.

>> No.9249645

I'm a big fan of backing boards in wego bags. You don't have to put pin holes in your back, AND you can have nice contrasting color as the be background. What kind of problems are you having with your backing board? Can you take a picture to show?

>> No.9249668
File: 3.22 MB, 4032x3024, 20161108_152627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone working on a Tourabu bag? Here's a preview of the huge pile of merch I have lying around to sell.

>> No.9249756

Not the anon you replied to, but similiar story!

There was a wallscroll featuring my husbando exclusive to Animate with buying every DVD of a certain anime, and the moment it hit auctions I battled someone up to 30k yen for it and won

It goes for about 10k now but it was worth it, because I really loved this particular husbando at the time and I'd do it all over again

>> No.9249806
File: 122 KB, 1333x666, 10683722_10204161489130797_1367992303995530968_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume that you could also do a handmade cutout/printout of Oscar and add a lot of roses to fill up empty space! Also, you could do silhouettes

>> No.9249902
File: 432 KB, 2048x1411, punch me right in the otp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK I finished setting up my bag! The bag around itself looks a little empty tho compared to the rest is there anything I can add around it?

I was thinking ribbons but don't want to make holes...

I.... I don't think I have the heart to glue anything permanently without lasting damage, but I never thought of magnets- I will think of ways I can incorporate that somehow, thank you!

My backing was basically juuust the right size to be a tight squeeze when trying to slip it in, But after you push it in enough, it fits really well/snug!

My backing was basically just a thin yellow piece of foam, so it's a little hard to get them to stick after using sturdy tape, we'll see how it holds up after wiggling it around

>> No.9249924

>someone please just take all my kotetsu merch

>> No.9249943
File: 265 KB, 1000x666, ranka itabag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my bag today so I started putting stuff on it!
I'm not really happy with how sparkly the clear part is so I might end up replacing that when I have the time.
I still have some merch coming - including a couple plushies i hope will help with the outside bag looking so bare - but i'm so excited to be working on my first itabag!!

>> No.9249985

Aaah This looks so cute! All the smiles make me smile haha

Can I ask how you plan on removing the sparkle/glitter? Isn't it in the middle part of two clear plastic pieces?

>> No.9249998

thank you!! she's so bright and cute haha
I was planning on just replacing the plastic cover as a whole with clear pvc or something

>> No.9250076

If you really want to sell these, post them in the facebook group.

facebook com / groups / itabagsales

>> No.9250162

kirby anon!

>> No.9250246
File: 234 KB, 500x350, starry eye moon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super cute anon!

>> No.9250817

I'm currently using double sided tape on my charms and it's working just fine to keep them in place. I have stuffing on the inside of my bag to give it shape and to keep the charms pressed against the plastic.

I did notice there is tape residue on the back of some of the charms, but it's just tape residue, so a little wd-40 should get it off if I ever plan on taking them off the bag.

>> No.9250913
File: 2.12 MB, 1296x880, yuki fone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commissioned a deco / ita phone case from NicoDecoDesign on Etsy. Highly recommended if you are intersted in deco anything. She doesn't change extra for drizzle, glitter and some items and will gladly use any figures, charms or cards you send.

>> No.9250939

Wow, anon, the case is really cute! I'll have to consider getting something similar for my waifu but now I have to consider which charms to get doubles of...

>> No.9251422

Oh man this is perfect! First Macross Frontier bag I've seen! To me it's absolutely perfect and super cute, also A+ taste on waifu's

>> No.9251429

Aside from cons, what are acceptable places to bring your ita bag? I went to Little Tokyo in LA today but wasn't sure if bringing my bag would be too weeby...

How often do you gulls take out your bag in general?

Also when showing friends or peers are you guys ever nervous about showing them? Do they ever give you like "wow this is a bit much" regarding your character obsession? I'm always afraid yo take my bag out for these reasons...

>> No.9251436


Anon, I've spent at least $300 in my bags so you bet your ass I carry them everywhere. As far as I'm concerned unless you're runinning around acting like a retard or wearing an awful weeb get up (since some ita outfits can look nice), people don't get to police what you wear.

>> No.9251441

I regularly switch between all my medium sized ita bags for my regular everyday bag. The only bags I reserve for cons are the really big A4 Salus bags. They're too big for everyday use.

>> No.9251455

Is the key a keychain? It's super cute and such a good addition to the bag.

>> No.9251503

How didyou get this bag?? I love these swimmer all canvas bags but Im struggling to find a good shopping service.

>> No.9251544

I have a white heart Wego that full and I take it to lunch/dinner with weeby friends.

Its fun and people will compliment it if they know what the bag is from.

>> No.9251613
File: 536 KB, 705x640, HTB1t5E9JFXXXXXAaXXXq6xXFXXXt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if I should do a combined Isabelle and Digby from Animal Crossing itabag or just pick one of them.

I'd like some opinions on which character and which bag color if that's cool! I'm leaning toward green or white right now.

>> No.9251677

I wished the green bag was darker because I can totally see you using the grass patten as a background in the bag.

>> No.9251750
File: 923 KB, 1000x695, itabag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be cute! I could always mess with hue/saturation to get the greens similar to make it work with the bag color.

I'd love any suggestions since it's my first itabag. I was thinking of picking up the isabelle and digby amiibos as well but I'm not sure how well larger figures would work.

>> No.9251801

Thank you so much anon!! I love her so much so I'm glad I could do her a nice bag

Kinda! It has a keychain attached but it's actually a pen? Haha

>> No.9251873
File: 327 KB, 828x647, itabag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some advice please?

I've started planning a Reaper bag and I'm unsure on what color bag to go with.
From seeing some other bags, it sometimes seems like some merch gets lost on the dark background.
I planned on putting some dark red fabric or something inside to be the background, but I'm unsure on how it would look.

I'll be ordering my bag before the end of the month, and didn't want to go with black and regret it.
But the red seems a little bright. And it might just be the lighting in the picture, but it looks a tad orange to me?
I've also considered white, but I'm worried about it getting dirty or something, or it being to "bright" for a Reaper bag.

>> No.9251900
File: 1.41 MB, 2061x1200, mp100 bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfposting; I hadn't meant to make an itabag but I kept adding MP100 things to a bag I already had until it turned into this. I think I now need a new base altogether though.

>> No.9251926
File: 17 KB, 296x394, 14910323_654013888113943_8580051027009201908_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The newer wego heart "red" bags are pretty orange. The older ones were straight up red. Personally I'd go with the black bag and a red insert, there was a poster on the Facebook group that did it for a Persona 5 bag and it looks pretty slick.

Welcome to the expensive adventure! What base bags are you looking at?

>> No.9251930

I'm making an Overwatch one and I was going to get black but had the same worries. I ended up going blue so at least it's bright! I would have preferred a circle shape bag to match the OW logo ;~;

>> No.9251968

Thank you!! The red does look really nice against the black.

A circle shape would be great!
I've also thought about making my own bag and doing the outline of Reaper's mask, but I'm not very good at sewing and I think the shape would look a little funky, hahah.

>> No.9252045
File: 1.45 MB, 1536x1315, CwX1ySJWEAEAIF0.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my hanyo bag! i got my base bag custom-made by Ita Bags UK

>> No.9252127

I agree with >>9251926 in that a different background would look nice for reaper, especially since he wears so much black. Remember to post pics, anon!

>> No.9252129

Such a beautiful bag, omg.

>> No.9252287

w-where did you get that orange pana??? I have a mighty need

>> No.9252323
File: 405 KB, 1280x1024, tumblr_ofm21rAjty1s42px1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9252851

Any tips for putting stickers in your bag?

My order from Redbubble just came in and I'd like to put them in my bag, but I don't want to ruin them.

>> No.9252866

You can stick to a wooden shape, mod podge it and cover it with a thin coat of resin to make a pin if that's your thing.

>> No.9252959

I've been resin doming my stickers! i discovered you don't really have to seal them with modge podge because they're vinyl!

>> No.9253157
File: 3.64 MB, 1481x2560, 16-11-06-20-53-17-171_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my Sonic bag!

>> No.9253178
File: 23 KB, 500x500, g-3fju000fpj-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Rakuten there is a store called toysanta that has rubber mascot straps of isabella and digby.


>> No.9253247

Awesome! I already had digby and was looking for a place to get a cheap isabelle. Thanks a lot!

>> No.9253273

My itabag got loads of compliments at the anime convention staff meeting, and I'm feeling super happy about it!

>> No.9253285
File: 613 KB, 500x331, 1474695561975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god im so jelly right now

>> No.9253585

I have the A4 salus bag I take everywhere with me as an everyday bag for my wallet, keys, contact case...all the important stuff
I tend to dress "eccentric" anyway so it's not like I originally cared what anyone would think but truthfully strangers aren't going to care past maybe a confused glance

Don't sweat it, anon, most people won't even know what it is anyway

>> No.9253587

Just superglue some adhesive pins on them
It's better than tape

>> No.9253649
File: 2.09 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20161104_203730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can vouch for them, I bought a Gabranth rubber strap here for my itabag and I didn't have any problems. Pic related

>> No.9253690 [DELETED] 
File: 1.03 MB, 2448x2448, File_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha thank you, I'm excited to be on this journey! I just picked this up yesterday to use as a new base. Plenty of room for the charms and buttons I already have, plus space to add more!

>> No.9253694
File: 101 KB, 720x720, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god my pic was right side up when I saved it.

>> No.9253894

What shipping method do you normally pick/how much did it cost you?

I'm new to rakuten, but I'm usually wary about importing just keychains from Japan because the shipping price doubles the overall cost.

>> No.9254000


To be honest, that was my first time ever buying from rakuten (but my only other options were paying 25 bucks to an Ebay scalper, or buying on Y!Japan auctions and going through a shopping service, which meant extra fees)

It shipped on October 22nd and arrived here on November 5th, so it tooks 2 weeks to arrive which is the average for SAL.

The strap itself was 730 yen, plus 280 for shipping, so 1010 total, which seemed pretty reasonable. The shipping rates weren't mentioned on the site, I had to contact the shop to know them, but they answered quickly. Here's the different options they offered me :

"Thank you for your inquiries.
200g, including the shipping package.

Place article is sent from: Okayama Destination: France
Article to be sent: Package (parcel) Weight: 195 grams

JP Post EMS 2200JPY

Small packet (Airmail) :No security, No Tracking 420JPY

Economy Airmail (SAL) :No security, No Tracking 280JPY

Small packet (Airmail) with tracking services 830JPY

Economy Airmail (SAL) with tracking services 690JPY"

Also thank you, whoever mentioned Suruga-ya in an earlier thread, now I have 3 more of this strap and some trading cards on the way without having to pay scalping prices (not to mention all the doujins in my wishlist...)

>> No.9254124


Not the anon you’re replying to, but the inner OCD collector in me would cry if I did this.

Not saying superglue method is a bad method, but if you're thinking of selling these items later on for whatever reason, there's these removable stickies you can find in the scrapbooking or glue sections of a craft store. These don't leave residue, stick well on just about any surface and are easily removable if you need to take them off. They're called Glue Dots and a lot of scrapbookers like to use these.


>> No.9254367
File: 94 KB, 720x500, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9254507

Completely understandable, Anon! I don't plan on selling any of this merch so my thinking is a little different lol

But I'll invest in some of these anyway
Thanks for the link!

>> No.9254656
File: 3.61 MB, 2100x1200, pokerpairbag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bag came so time to set it up. I was thinking of adding accents like playing cards and butterflies to the outside. Is there a good adhesive that won't permanently ruin the heart bags?

>> No.9254663
File: 95 KB, 396x234, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A DGM bag!! I've thought about making a Lavi/Allen one or a Lavi one in general since it was baby's first otp and anime
Maybe one day.... ;_;

The OCD Collector in me thanks you for the glue rec, this is exactly what I've been looking for thank you!!

>> No.9254936
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quite surprised that someone made on of him/the series! Your bag is super cute! I was working on mine about a week ago (this is my first bag) and I lost the Tails plush that was suppose to dangle on the side so I'm thinking about how to rearrange and what material to use or to use another bag. Since this anniversary, it seems to be a bit earlier finding official merch.

>> No.9255608

Im pretty interested in the shishiou koedarize laying semi on top anon!

>> No.9255757
File: 189 KB, 1024x818, SDIN5qps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for it anon! I've come across plenty of cheap Lavi items during my merch search, though Allen might be a bit more spending for obvious reasons.

>> No.9255800
File: 799 KB, 1478x1012, Meta Knight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been gathering stuff together for my first bag for a while and I was kind of worried about it being a bit of a weird choice but I saw that apparently there's someone making a kirby bag? So woooo for that!

Basically. I have most of what I want, but I really really want to get my hands on the stuff I've put on the left part of this image. If /anyone/ has seen any of these about i'd be so grateful for a wee link!! Thank you! ^^

>> No.9255882
File: 58 KB, 640x480, puripuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't updated this in while, but planning to get more merch soon. I'm possibly going to free the nendo co-des considering how cramped they look. Adding ribbons/bows/candy decorations is something I'm going to do before I use it again for sure.

>> No.9255896

I'm not affiliated with this artist, but Unagicake on tumblr is take acrylic charm commissions. Might be of interest to those who want charms of rarer characters?

>> No.9257190

I have an artist friend on instagram who does keychain commissions too. I'm not sure if they have any open slots though.

>> No.9257202

Meta Knight will make be so cute for a bag, anon! Please share pics when you finish!!

I did a very quick search on yahoo jp and found a few things on your list

triple deluxe keychain 8bit
kirby cafe button
also there is a kirby cafe keychain with the same design

There are a few shopping services that will do bids for you for yahoo auctions.

Good luck with the bag!

>> No.9257267

I am SO excited to see this finished! Best ship

>> No.9257508
File: 93 KB, 600x450, malsheena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a good method for securing trading figures in a bag? I'm thinking of putting together a general Toku-themed bag, but I'm not sure how to go about putting these guys in there. They're like pic related.

>> No.9257524

Typically I'd say clear fishing line/thread is the way to go, but with the shape of this figure specifically I'm not totally sure... Maybe some kind of hard clear container? I guess it really depends on if you're opposed to sewing items to your bag or not.

I know some anons pay a lot for their bags and don't want to cause any type if damage, even if it's just adding a pin.

Maybe use glue dots as >>9254124 suggested if you don't want to use the fishing line.

>> No.9257529

I was actually thinking of maybe adding an additional piece of thin cardboard covered in fabric so as not to damage the bag with buttons and the like, but glue dots sound really good, too! Thanks for the advice, anon!

>> No.9257551
File: 14 KB, 144x147, chocolate_kiss___page_28__final__by_luo_qin-d55aagd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you hear normies saying things like "this purse cost me $200" but you've got more than that invested your itabag and it's ten times cuter and doesn't look boring like those ugly designer purses

>> No.9257752
File: 156 KB, 1024x768, DGKa40Ut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I'm so late for this review! I was waiting for my merch to arrive so I could make a full review on it.
It arrived fairly quickly, 2 weeks or so. Also it used to be $6. I don't know if the bowlfish is removable or something, but the bag itself is so much worth it.
It's on the small side, so it's a good starter bag. I'm already going to switch to another bag since it can't carry a lot of merch and going to use this one for a Marine Bio bag. Sorry for the lack of merch+rough look, i'm waiting for 2-3 more orders to arrive and I have yet to correctly arrange everything ;_;


>> No.9257753

On a side note, if anyone's selling Souma's small sized omanjuu please let me know ;_; I can't find it anywhere below $25-30.

>> No.9257805

Ah man now I'm upset I didn't buy one before they got marked up for 11/11. Here's to hoping they'll go back down in a couple weeks...

>> No.9258445

Super cute bag, anon! I like the look of it and it seems sturdy.

>that price jump
I wish I had got one earlier instead of waiting for a review but oh well. Thanks for the review!

>> No.9258766

Guys! Any tips on incorporating art prints (small-ish size) into your ita bags?

>> No.9258862
File: 14 KB, 500x500, display_sleeves_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For practical reasons, I'd suggest a plastic sleeve + a backing board of some kind (plastic, cardboard) to keep the print from getting damaged. Plus you can add your fasteners to the plastic sleeve. I'd fasten in more than one spot, minimum top and bottom. Even on small things like trading cards I've got problems with stuff falling behind them if I don't.

>> No.9258913
File: 400 KB, 250x300, wow!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!

>> No.9258960

I scan mine (with artist permission) and turn them in to buttons!

>> No.9259165
File: 59 KB, 794x458, itabagstuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started my reaper itabag (feat. awesome felt charm by rh anon) and got a cute set of charms for my ranka bag that i'll probably use for the outside of the bag.
I was wondering if anyone had any success safely affixing a larger (like 9inch) figure to their bag? Is it not worth it? I'm getting a figure in two color variations (bid on both auctions to be safe, lol) and was thinking about using one of them.

>> No.9259320

The towel is so cute!

The Migi with popcorn is my fave.

My two favorite little creatures~~

>that 3 piece Teruki pin

>> No.9259360

This is a good question and I know there have been a lot of suggestions of varying input before but has anyone actually done this?

Not that anon but I'm also looking to put a larger figure on my bag.

>> No.9259534
File: 13 KB, 297x239, pc_detail_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ita sweater anyone?

>> No.9259589

This truly is the future.

>> No.9259590

If it has a fabric liner inside, just sew it on. Just loop the thread around the middle or the limbs+neck and then tie it off in the back behind the liner. When you want to remove it, just cut the thread.

>> No.9259705

I recall seeing one Kageyama bag where they strapped the figure in a backpack and let it hang from the bag. That's an alternative to stuffing it in there and creating an odd bulge.

>> No.9259822
File: 16 KB, 316x251, pc_detail_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit
If it was cuter, I'd get one in a heart beat.

>> No.9260009
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x2448, 1479511191169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Other) Reaper anon here!!

I finally ordered my bag!! I'm so excited.

I picked up some fabric today to put behind everything, but I'm not sure which looks better.

It might change once my bag and some merch gets here, but I'd love to hear everyone else's opinions!

>> No.9260050

The dark red matches your merch better, but the bright red pops nicer. At that point it's kind of an aesthetic thing, I'd wait until your bag comes in and then make your decision on how it looks in the bag.

>> No.9260127

I agree, just wait since it'll be easier to make a decision.

I want it but also... idk if i can to risk looking that uncute with only white or black options + square. They do have a hoodie which I like but I would like it to look less... idk how it is. Needs a different window shape or at least more color variety.

>> No.9260285

haha i'm the reaper anon that posted earlier up thread and i have that exact same print in poster size!
I kinda prefer the dark red.

>> No.9260307

Pastels with a heart or star shape and I'd be sold.

>> No.9260417

This is something I'd love to own. I'd even agree to plain black if the window was a star or something like that.

>> No.9260432
File: 1.05 MB, 2964x1906, IMG_7124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roadhog anon here, just wanted to post a small update to my bag!! Hog charm with star was traded with another anon on here (>>9259165).

My bag is starting to look full and I'm very happy. There's still more to come but I don't think I'll need a new bag just yet.

>> No.9260495

Hey I'm the anon you ordered a halloween charm from, I just wanted to let you know that the preorder charms should be arriving at my place soon (hopefully within the week), and I'll ship them out shortly after! Didn't realize the charm company I use would already have a rush of christmas stock orders. I can't wait to see it in your bag!

>> No.9260608

oh my gosh do you remember where you got the AC style charm from? I need that in my life

>> No.9260639

considering how much money I've thrown at my bags, I take them out whenever I can. I've gotten a few compliments from people who don't know the meaning behind the bags but just find them cute in general.
I can understand the embarrassment of taking them around but I have a few friends with itabags who just have them sitting at home growing dust and I don't understand why they bothered in the first place unless they just wanted to jump on the fad then realised it wasn't for them.

>> No.9260805

ahhhhh thanks a bunch anon!!! Hopefully i'll be buying the kirby cafe things in a few days time! I honestly can't thank you enough!!

As soon as the bag itself arrives and I start getting more of the stuff for it in I'll be sure to post a photo! Once again thank you! ^^

>> No.9260836
File: 56 KB, 640x691, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to brag a little because I FINALLY got my hands on a utapri shining store bag! Even from broccolis official Amazon they are this much money! I feel so blessed to have gotten one for only $75 oh man. Anyway has anybody else made any big purchases they want to brag about?

>> No.9260934
File: 673 KB, 996x1040, acnl print.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up vectoring an animal crossing background to make a pattern. Would it be better to get an 8x8" fleece print or do a cardstock print for a backing?

Kirbyanon's cloth backdrop looks so cute I'm kind of leaning toward a fleece print.

>> No.9260942

If you like the fleece look, have it printed in fleece and attach it on top of some cardstock for support.

>> No.9260963

That looks super cute anon. I would try printing the animal crossing grass pattern and use that- then change it seasonally.

>> No.9261016

You found the holy grail, anon.

>> No.9261176

Oh, awesome! Speaking of which I need to email you about an address change as I'll be moving soon. I'll contact you through your store. :)

I got the AC style charm from http://czadrich.tumblr.com/post/152128740266/czadrich-overwatch-villager-keychains-up-for ! Please be aware it's shipping from East Asia, so it may take a little while to get to you.

>> No.9261319

Thanks, that sounds really cute! I'm going to wait to print off the grass pattern until I can match it to my bag's color. It's still in the mail, but it's a weird cool mint green.

That's a great idea, I'll give it a shot, thanks!

>> No.9261671
File: 3.33 MB, 1592x1258, love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally I got my loot shipped in September (thanks SAL) and managed to finish my Tyki itabag! Well, it's not exactly finished but ready to use. I still have a few small items preordered and a plushie my man T2 anon ordered for me with their loot, but I'm pretty happy with it already! The base bag was from ebay and I used some soft foam and fabric for the backing. The small butterfly pins I made out of shrink plastic just to fill some space. I didn't find a place for the omanjuu, but wanted to include it also since it's adorable.

I also think I found a pretty good way to attach the charms to the backing, so that they're not flailing around. I put some hot glue on the backing, allowed it to cool down until it wasn't hot anymore, but still sticky and then sticked the charm onto it. It peeled off really easily, but holds well!

>> No.9262016

I love it!!!!! the nendos look cute but I understand it might not be very easy to keep them in an ita bag
I'd love to see it when you have more items on the bag, congrats on the choice btw!

>> No.9262079

You lucky mother fucker how? How? What shopping service?

>> No.9262102

I'm thinking of getting a wego heart bag. I'm just wondering, for the white bag does it have glitter on it?

>> No.9262107

That looks amazing!

>> No.9262424
File: 243 KB, 600x800, 03_002-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsure if others had seen, but Wego currently has two different sizes of bags available that are much more roomy!


>> No.9262427

Sorry, I meant available for preorder.

>> No.9262516

Yeah I fucking did.

This little dude I know who is like, half shopping service half normal retail seller? Anyway he found it at a swap or second hand store or something (brand new in bag) and HOOKED ME THE FUCK UP so yeah I feel pretty blessed. Other then the September pre-orders I'm not sure where to get them for any cheaper then $100 these days but even that's not SO bad for the perfect bag.

>> No.9262670

God damnit Wego. I want every new bag they put out lol. Guess I'll be running a new group order after the holidays.

>> No.9262702

I'm already interested, anon, and patiently await for the end of the season.

>> No.9262973

I really wish these came in primary or pastel colors.

If you were to buy a pastel sweater, how would you add the panel? I am thinking of just sewing up a plastic sheet to the zipper then sew the zipper on to the sweater but I am not too sure if that would work since I have no experience in sewing.

>> No.9263159

Monster factory anon here, and I'm really starting to consider doing a general polygon series themed bag instead of just monster factory. There's so much more from them that I love (between Car Boys, Coolgames Inc, and now Touch the Skyrim) that I feel it'd be easier to get merch for all of them instead of just monster factory. The only problem now is deciding what bag to use. I've got a small salus bag that I got a while back that was supposed to be for Hanayo, but it's much mintier than I thought, so I'm thinking of repurposing it. Even then, I'm not sure if the mint would be okay for that either.

>> No.9263337
File: 2.00 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished redoing my One Piece girls bag on a new bag~ I still ended up having to leave off a few badges though as the Wego backpack was smaller than I expected it to be. I really like the bag though.

>> No.9263341

Whoops posted sideways. Should have saved it to my computer and posted from there instead of direct from phone.

>> No.9263667

I really love this bag! Especially all the symmetry. The nendos are adorable even if they are a bit cramped, I think you should leave them in, they set the bag apart from other itabags.

This is so good too damn

>> No.9264149

Super cute! the badges go together so well!

>> No.9264486
File: 774 KB, 800x628, migi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Migi anon if you're still here, I ran across this and thought of you!

99 cents + shipping, I've bought from them before they're reputable.

> http://www.ebay.com/itm/japan-anime-manga-Parasyte-key-chain-set-Y1-306-/222321437121?hash=item33c363e9c1:g:CXwAAOSwImRYMlaz

>> No.9264739
File: 188 KB, 750x677, IMG_1087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UtaPri keeps releasing more mercy and my wallet is crying again.

> the latest
> no regrets

>> No.9264826

Do itabags really only work out if it's all anime goods, or can it be other motifs? I want to make an itabag that's either Goji or Jet Jaguar themed, but I afraid the appeal of anime it's bags would be gone.

>> No.9264835

I'm a little confused by your question for some reason (I apologize, it's after midnight here).

I'm going to attempt to answer: ita bags in this thread and the previous had featured bags that show devotion to things other than anime. An ita bag is for your waifu/obsession and does no require it to be anime as long as you're devoted.

It's a pain bag, it doesn't matter too much what's in it as long as it's something you really love.

>> No.9264836

HOLY MOLY. Im not even in the UtaPri fandom but this made me so giddy! Don't have any regrets anon! This is definitely worth!

>> No.9264840

Utapuri has the nicest merch I s2g I wish I liked it more....

>> No.9264843
File: 500 KB, 1139x587, hurry the fuck up post office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pray for my impatient ass, anons, these lil dudes just shipped from Tenso & my Taobao SS (along with some stuff for my friends). Huge thanks to the anon last thread that linked me a bunch of stuff from Surugaya.
I also ordered two keychains from Pixiv Booth but they never arrived at Tenso. I probably wrote the address wrong. Rip 1000 yen.

>> No.9264850

I just reread my post and autocorrect really butchered the end and I didn't even notice. Thank you for answering my question, it really helped.

>> No.9264869

I hope you didn't pay much for that Valentines Kotori or at least are aware that it's a bootleg. The official is a keychain.

>> No.9264872

Glad I could help. If there's every an question about if ____ is okay to make a bag of, remember there is a Shrek ita bag someone made that's out there in the world.

>> No.9265100

IKR??? It's so cute! I'm just like why is all the merch is adorable and I joined the group order to get the backpack. So like I totally have room and not like I ordered the third bag because I ran out of room on the second one. I have problems...

UtaPri is one of those odd series where the anime verges on 'bad' but the games and music are really good but if you can't play them because it's in Japanese, you're just screwed. I really wish they would translate the game into English because it would open it up to the international audiences better?

>> No.9265111

Oh gosh, I need them. Rilakkuma Masato...

I wish they would get translated too, I really wanna play them, partially for comparison because man, season 1 was tough to get through.

>> No.9265782

I had something come unpinned from my bag for the first time today, and was IMMEDIATELY thankful that base bags have clear windows and nothing was lost. It was my favorite charm that a friend bought for me and I wouldn't be able to replace it

>> No.9265803

Sounds logical though my sewing skills are as good as yours. The other method is to buy the white and buy fabric dye.

>> No.9265815

This could be a good idea as long as the plastic window is removed before hand. Now I'm tempted...

>> No.9265830

No prob anon Glad you got a hold on such cute mrch! (those stands on the right are so cute!)

>> No.9265977

Oh my god dude what a blessing! I wish I could have had a proper ita bag sooner. Something similar happened to me when I lost an Oreimo limited Valentine pin my little sister got me. It ment a lot to and I haven't even found one for sale in the three years since I lost it. Totally sucks.

>> No.9266001

A girl at an itabag panel said to never pay more than $12 for a keychain or you're being price gouged. What if it's from a discontinued/rare set?

>> No.9266034

There's always special circumstances in which it makes sense to pay more for a rare item. This is the case for most collectors of anything as long as it's a genuine item.

Also the opinion of one person running a panel isn't always agreed upon or the general concensus. The FAQ is a fair guide but "ideally" just pay what you're comfortable with. If it's a rare item but how much it is doesn't sit with you then just skip it, etc. I say ideally with quotations because lots of us don't necessarily budget and impulse buy on occasion (I'm one of them for sure). Don't go broke over this stuff if you can help it.

>> No.9266185
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a Hijikata from Hakuouki bag and like I'm having issues including my bear in it. I would put it on the outside but totally afraid of losing it because there is no way I could get the outfit again and my area is way to wet to have him on the outside anyways? (I live in the northwest so yeah...) Anyone got any advice?

>> No.9266282

Oh man that's ridiculous. I regularly pay $25 for badges on YJA considering they're for popular characters, are from blind bags, and is a rarer badge in the sets to begin with. Yeah the prices are pretty much scalped but you're rarely going to find them cheaper.

>> No.9266446

Sometimes the really good/cute merch can only be found at special exhibited events in Japan only. I may not have the money for a plane ticket to fly myself out there, but I'm willing to pay a pretty penny for those limited edition badges. I think the general consensus is just to not go broke/go into debt and pay with whatever you feel is comfortable like >>9266034 said.

LOL I'm also one of those impulse buyers, but I'm the type of person that if I really want something, I'll do whatever I can to get it. No regrets. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I feel ya! My husbando is the most popular character of the series, so I regularly see a lot of his merch going for $25+ without any fees. This hobby is suffering.

>> No.9266549
File: 303 KB, 430x758, makichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have outfit inspo? I'm looking for something a little bit more subdued than the usual collage shirts, but still recognizable as fandom fashion.

>> No.9266867
File: 277 KB, 1200x993, knb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knb now has their own ver of the utapri bags

>> No.9266934

Fuckin hella $$$ dude but they look so great

>> No.9266935

>knock off of the best ita bag of all time
Eh how does it look irl? Any pics yet?

>> No.9266941

They're not knockoffs, they're made by the same company that makes the utapri bags.

>> No.9267040


>> No.9267101

here you go slist.amiami.com/top/search/list?s_keywords=System+Tote+Bag&submit=Search&pagemax=40

>> No.9267514

Thought these were good but then

>> No.9268132

new thread >>9268131

>> No.9270773
File: 142 KB, 650x732, Boy-font-b-men-b-font-women-s-jogging-font-b-sweat-b-font-pants-3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured I would ask here because the itabag people seem to know their stuff about custom printing etc.

I've seen some people use art cow to make their favorite characters on clothing and stuff. For christmas I wanted to make my boyfriend something on a pair of joggers.
I went to art cow, and not only was it a little bit more than i was willing to spend on sweats, but they seem to be women's fit only? Unless any guys here can vouch they can be unisex?

Or do you guys have any other suggestions for custom print apparel? I feel like I'm not a fan of how slow art cow's shipping is either.