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9193192 No.9193192 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>9155101

Petite Dollies intro to Larme and style guide: http://blog.petitedollies.com/2016/04/about-larme-magazine.html

Brands/Models List (WIP):

Partial Scans List:

Video about Larme Magazine (annoying narrator alert):

>> No.9193261


what is this bullshit

>> No.9193271

A gimmick to get people to click? I don't consider a lot of those things as "boy style" personally. Maybe "tough" is a better way to describe them but (faux) leather outers and sneakers, etc are even used in super girly styles like himekaji sometimes. It's not an indication of boy style.

>> No.9193299

I feel kind of bad for this girl. She tries so hard for recognition but she doesn't fully "get" Larme so no one pays attention to her or her blog.

>> No.9193319

The two most annoying things about it are
1. Her saying things like t-shirts and pants are a new addition to larme, when they have been around for a while
2. That ugly ass panda hat

>> No.9193333

Perhaps a dumb question but would Larme be considered a Harajuku fashion or Shibuya fashion? Or none of the above?

>> No.9193336

Neither. It's a magazine.

>> No.9193432

It's both and neither. Most brand stores are spread over both, but like >>9193336 said, it's a style defined by a magazine as opposed to what people are wearing in a certain neighborhood.

>> No.9193525

Agreed with the others. I've been criticized for this in the past (this was before a lot of the trends starting popping up in western stores) but I said that I don't see Larme as an alternative fashion. It's certainly not a street fashion. Rather, it's more of a super trendy fashion. You read Larme if you want a girly take on current fashion styles, and also if you want to be in the cutting edge of what's coming next. Chances are you'll be seeing trends in Larme and in Japan as a whole far before you see them anywhere else.

That's also why it's imperative to have a good sense of style outside of Larme which is difficult for some girls, but that's another discussion entirely.

>> No.9193541

Larme boystyle has had a few spreads in the magazines, but what even is the point of this blog post... listing 'essentials' that are already in larme, and in people's wardrobes, so that you can coordinate them to look like the most basic bitch possible?

>> No.9193579
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Well said anon

>> No.9193581

Her other articles are pretty good, this isn't her best work.

>> No.9193704

I really like the top on the right there. Anyone know where it's from?

>> No.9194710
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Anon from the previous thread
I usually use Zenmarket because the pricing is very straightforward and they're pretty helpful. Would like to find someone decent for fril/mercari though.

Also, am I the only person who doesn't 'get' Ank Rouge? Some of their items are cute, but most of it just looks overdesigned in a frustrating 'YOU WERE SO CLOSE' way. I actually wouldn't mind a nice sailor collar coat but this is some sort of preschool Risaesque abomination.

>> No.9194736
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I guess I understand what you mean, but I don't mind Ank Rouge personally. I don't buy a lot from them but the brand and the pieces it produces dont bother me or anything.

>> No.9194740

Haha I think I came across super indignated, soz. I'm just frustrated because I would wear the hell out of their stuff as the quality is really nice for the price point if only the designs were slightly less fussy. I'm 25 so I'm conscious that many of their pieces would probably look a bit ridiculous on me.

>> No.9194750
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I've found a lot of their stuff that I like, but that coat reminds me more of their himekaji stuff with the teddy bear motif. It would work well in Popteen, which has been taking a lot of inspiration from Larme lately, but they add a lighter and younger spin on it.

I prefer their separates. Their dresses and coats look very childish in part due to the cuts.

>> No.9194766
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I'm the same age so I feel you a bit but sometimes I don't mind not "dressing my age" haha. I see what turned you off about that piece in particular.
For sure - while a lot of their pieces are useable in larme, it seems they still hang on to some of their initial himekaji roots and still caters to a slightly younger audience (like Popteen's demographic) compared to brands like lilLilly or Eat Me. I think maybe it's more on par with Honey Cinnamon?

>> No.9194784

If that wasn't an asian girl I would have assumed she was wearing a bath robe.

>> No.9194808
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Lmao. It's not the best angle for this outfit I guess. I kind of feel a lot of larme kei looks kind of border on that kind of look sometimes. I can't personally appreciate that part of the aesthetic but I'm also not super into the lingerie side either.

>> No.9194868

You should probably just go back to lolita

>> No.9194877

I use FromJapan and you can buy almost anything with them. I've ordered stuff from Mercari from them before with no problems.

>> No.9194883

Not even the anon you replied to and I have no idea what prompted this

>> No.9194907

Bait harder next time.

>> No.9194919
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>> No.9195671

I think it's just the general "hey can you guys stop making up shit to say about how this is worn"

>> No.9195720

Can I post baby's first attempts at Larme here? I haven't bought anything yet, but I'm trying to think in terms of assembling a wardrobe as opposed to just buying shit because it's pretty. I tried to match up some basics with pants I like.

>> No.9195731

Making stuff up about what? Other than maybe >>9194784 this has all just been a nice discussion.

We've had people post stuff here and if you're open to crit then people will be pretty nice about it.

I will warn you though, "closet Larme," that is, just trying to pull stuff you already own out just to "try Larme" usually doesn't work very well. Larme can be pretty normie yes, but you still toe the line of looking too basic if you just pull crap out of your dressers and throw it on.

>> No.9195769
File: 708 KB, 2000x2000, gray pants coords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crit is what I'm looking for. I haven't started buying things yet, but when I do, I'd like to have a solid idea of how to put a functional wardrobe together and I'm just starting out with this style. These are different styles I think could work with some basic pants. I'd love tips to improve.

>> No.9195783

IMO these look more or less okay but another important component of larme kei is a polished look so make sure the pieces are pressed/ironed properly and they don't look cheapy and that they fit well on you(r body) in particular.
I think maybe the bottom right stuff could use a little more refinement.

>> No.9195788

Where to cop the shoes on either the right or left? Especially left

>> No.9195804
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Actually...If you're just starting out and are dead set on using these pants, I would be sure to go back and carefully comb through the issues of the magazine and look for how pants with similar cuts are paired with particular tops and also how the magazine pairs this kind of grey (regardless of what type of garment).
If you don't have your own copies and are not willing to purchase them, then be sure to google for scans. The magazine is obviously the best guide for the larme aesthetic.

>> No.9195828
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I really like the pants! I don't necessarily like them with, well, any of the coordinates you've paired them with. The sale image already gives you a good guide. Pale blue looks lovely paired with white and makes for a very soft, dreamy look. I would suggest pairing those pants with white/light colored sweaters for the fall.

>> No.9195836


Thanks anon! I was thinking more about the style of the pants than the color. Black would probably be a better for a wardrobe stable.

I do have one of the newer copies of Larme coming (23). I wasn't sure if it was worth purchasing older copies. If I did, I was thinking of trying to get more of the fall/winter issues, because I love giant sweaters and looks like the one you posted.

>> No.9195839
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For the second coordinate I do like the shoes. The socks are ok... But they won't go well with those shoes at all. I would suggest lace socks with none of that ruffle stuff on top.

The top is too tight imo. The bodycon look is really not big in Larme. It's all about the balance between sexy and modesty. You can still do off the shoulder, but I would go with a looser top or one with a thicker fabric so it won't look so skintight.

>> No.9195851
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The third coordinate is just not doing it for me. It looks like a basic secretary outfit with a beret. I would ditch the blouse and the shoes completely.

That's not to say that there's isn't room for nice blouses and such in Larme, but they need to be NICE blouses. I'm thinking verybrain here. They have a very mature and polished style. Check out verybrain and hpfrance for inspo, but I really don't recommend it for a beginner. I'd start out with something more stereotypically Larme.

Here's sort of the look I'd go for if I were making this coordinate.

>> No.9195855
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Fourth coordinate: I do like those socks although I'm not sure what's going on with Elphaba's legs there.

The blouse has a lot going on for me. Red is a hard color to coordinate in Larme because it's so bold in comparison to most other colors used in the magazine. I find that a plainer piece that really highlights the color makes a great statement piece in an outfit.

>> No.9195866
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I just realized I got my numbering wrong and am counting the pants as a "coordinate." Just ignore that, I'm tired.

Anyway last one. I do like your choice for the slip dress: the drawstring underbust will help you create a better shape so you won't look like you're wearing a shapeless nightgown. The blouse you've chosen looks a bit cheap and I'm not sure how nice that ruffle is going to look with the slip. The lace look can definitely work with this, but I would probsbly have gone with a solid top to make it easier. And again those socks don't go with those shoes.

I tried to find a good picture to match the image in my head but I can't so I give up.

>> No.9195872

And if you're just trying to get "the look" and aren't out to make a collection, then I wouldn't get back issues past 2014. I love my past issues but some of it isn't really current. A lot of it still is, don't get me wrong, but you'll have plenty of material just looking back at the last couple of years.

Also happy fourth anniversary, Larme.

>> No.9195876

It's nice to buy the issue bc it should help support the magazine but for older stuff, you can definitely find scans with just a sample of what that issue had to offer to help make a decision to purchase. Since the magazine is reasonably popular now, it shouldn't be hard to find.
(Ex. Larme 019 scans)

>> No.9195973
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anyone have inspo for larme looks which are casual enough to wear on a daily basis? Bonus points for cute t-shirts or practical pants looks.

>> No.9195992
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>> No.9196000
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Here's one anon.

>> No.9196001
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>> No.9196002
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where to cop tshirts like pic related?

>> No.9196004
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>> No.9196005
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>> No.9196006
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>> No.9196007
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>> No.9196044

Unfortunately, good luck with getting anyone to recognize this as larme kei without knowing the direct reference. Definitely need to up the hair and make up game for this kind of stuff and at that rate, might as well do that for almost ANY casual combo.

>> No.9196063

That's exactly what I'm looking for though. I love the larme aesthetic but it's too much to walk around looking like you walked out of a magazine 24/7... so these kinds of super toned down casual looks are what I'm trying to plan my own daily wear wardrobe around.

>> No.9196071

That's cool. But at the same time, I guess it's not something I can personally relate to. If I'm doing something and want it to be larme, I want it to *be larme*. Otherwise I'm just wearing a cute shirt with shorts. But if that's what makes you happy, that's great!
I'm looking for examples from 024 to contribute for you but I don't think there's anything really on that level of casual

>> No.9196078
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I hope it rotates properly but here's a similar style top but just styled much differently from 024.

>> No.9196089

Do you have anything with tulle skirts or non-tacky animal print from 024?

Perhaps you could wear more stereotypically Larme accessories, such as those heart hair pins or velvet chokers?

>> No.9196113
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I'll try. I hope my tackiness filter is up to par lol.

>> No.9196114
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>> No.9196116
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This is more like chiffon but I thought it was interesting.

>> No.9196119
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One Spo bustier used in one of those multi item coordinate spreads

>> No.9196123
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Why rotate ???

This dress was in a different multi item coordinate spread

>> No.9196129
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Gymnasium Vintage?

Anyway, that's about it. There's a couple animal print pant looks that I personally think looks a little like cheapy pajama pants but I guess that might be the lingerie theme thing again. And also a few looks with the eHyphen coat. I'll post them if you want but they're not really my personal taste.

>> No.9196292
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024 is pretty light in the clothing and coordinates this time. I was a little disappointed by that. I really wish I could read Japnese though because it looks like they have some nice interviews this time around. And the long piece on "Marionettes" seems to be talking about Larme's history. I might try to scrape my way through it with google translate and my weak Japanese knowledge.

>> No.9196333

Thanks anon!

>> No.9196645

Wow anon, thanks for the run down! Secretary with beret is not the look I'm going for. I definitely appreciate all the help. I get the feeling I'm missing out on finer details and some time with the magazine will help with that. Pics are great.

Thanks for the advice about scans. I do love being able to sample things before I purchase. And yeah, I want to buy the newer ones, in part because I want to support the company.

Thanks for the pic anon! I knew I'd seen that top, but it looks like I got the look wrong.

>> No.9196675

This anon >>9194808 was talking about his/her personal preerences, not dictating what is/isn't Larme??

>> No.9196775
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Yeah sorry >>9194808 was me. I didn't mean it to be a criticism of others or to be laying down rules at all. I was actually trying to commiserate with the "it looks like a bath robe" comment bc I see where it's coming from even though that was kind of rudely worded. I posted the picture in the first place bc even though it's not my thing personally, I know it's something other people might be into and I respect that.
For the record, I've never done lolita anyway and I'm the last person who likes rules for these genres.

>> No.9197550
File: 75 KB, 750x1125, 00213440-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its interesting because, I'm starting to see more larme-ish things in f21 for fall, I mean alot more things than usual. Like lots of sheer/lace tops and skirts. Also layering dresses over turtlenecks or tshirts; alhough the layering could be because 90s fashion is trendy right now. Pic related is an f21 new arrival. Also chokers have been big trend this year, but have been a thing in larme for awhile now.

>> No.9197646
File: 87 KB, 750x1125, 00235092-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this, I was in F21 last night and their girly section has some pieces I think could be transformed into a good coord. I believe they're calling the new items "Dark Romance". I'm thinking about this dress for an outfit, it's prettier in person and I love it.

>> No.9197690

Forgive me if this is a stupid observation, but doesn't it kind of make sense that places like f21 and h&m are getting larme like items? Not to say I'm not happy about it, but larme is about current trends , so a lot of items popular in larme are just trendy in Japan, and thus eventually end up coming over to the west.

>> No.9197717
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I'm with you, don't worry. I think anon was just being a salty bitch for some reason.

I'm actually really surprised to see the layer look in Western stores. It's very common in Japan but has been considered a faux pas in the West. I know I've seen plenty of fashion don'ts lists with it included. Funny how things change.

The name reminds me of Ank Rouge's new line.

It does make sense, yes. However, it wasn't too long ago that shopping for Larme in Western stores was near impossible. I remember a ton of discussion about it. It's only really been in the past 6 months that it's really flourished in Western mainstream stores. I think it started with off the shoulders tops becoming more popular and then branching off from there.

Another big factor, I believe, is that Larme has gotten more popular in Japan itself, leading to Larme styles shoots in other popular magazines and even non-Larme brands to put out similar items. All of that combined has help to bring out the recent style explosion in the West.

It's a good time to get into Larme. It was much harder before if you couldn't get/fit brand.

>> No.9197736

Well I mean if you just look at any mainstream trend forecasts, they're all full of larme trends (and staples). Here's some of the relevant stuff they're saying:
-Statement choker necklaces (something something "they're still going strong")
-Lingerie themes
-Bomber jackets
-Leather (I mean I didn't realize leather in the fall counted as a trend but people keep calling it one)
-Rosy pink
-Off-the-shoulder tops and dresses
So yeah, it's kind of a perfect storm

>> No.9197739

i agree and i've been seeing PJ and lingerie stuff in normie fashion all year so it's not something new

>> No.9197778

Our local F21 has never really carried any larme staples or anything close to it honestly, my boyfriend is staff there says our store always gets shit pieces. I was just surprised to finally see something fitting. We normally get sporty and instagram baddie junk

>> No.9197828
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Larme is what generic "gyaru" was several years ago. I'm not talking about the substyles of gyaru that had more alternative looks like amekaji, himegyaru, manba, b-gal. I'm talking just generic gyaru.

gyaru used to be
-follow whatever is on trend in japan, according to specific magazines (egg, ranzuki, popteen/popsister, kikilala)
-follow makeup and hair trends (tan skin, top and bottom lashes, circle lenses, bleached hair"

larme currently is
-follow what is on trend in japan, according to specific magazines (larme, sometimes popteen)
-follow makeup and hair trends (pale skin, dark hair, natural looking circle lens usually in hazel or green, dark pink lip stain, natural looking false eyelashes)

wayyy to much of the discussion on cgl revolves around larme as a stricter fashion like the substyles of gyaru, lolita, or fairy kei. but larme is mostly decided in the hair and makeup, the rest just follows the trends as decided by the magazines and brand names.

in Universal Doll's post on Larme magazine (http://universal-doll.com/2014/08/larme-magazine-introduction/)) she quotes the publisher of the magazine saying this

>"Larme” will have it’s own concept instead. The center of that concept is ‘this is what’s the cutest right now, that’s the reason it’ll stand out.”

right there, the concept is "what's the cutest right now", and that's what larme is. just like how the magazine looked way different a couple years ago, in two or three more years the style could look completely different again.

You'll see a lot of stores like forever 21 carry Larme like items because like >>9197736 and >>9197550 said, these are just the new fall trends. Dreamy 90s fashion, lace/slip dresses and black/pink are all the rage right now, and the current shops are reflecting that.

>> No.9198610


Don't be so damn horrible. She's trying at least guys? If its so bad, help her. Tell her.

Everyone is so quick to defend Sara Mari and her long rodent face but its fine to bitch about others.

Tell her then.

>> No.9198614
File: 36 KB, 1080x819, 1474109364275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems Dakota is getting into Larme too...

>> No.9198618

She's more than likely just wearing EAT ME because she and Tsubasa work(ed) together and have a relationship.

Those shoes are...a mess though, christ. It's sad that she still can't style herself.

>> No.9198629

??? Why single out my post as 'damn horrible' rather than the person who originally linked it and called it bullshit? My points are both legitimate criticisms and not me trying to be horrible at all or even say her blog is a shitshow or 'so bad'. Just pointing out two big things I found wrong with it. Ill give you that it would be more beneficial to tell her that than cgl. I was just relieved to see that someone else thought that her blogs/outfits seemed off and wanted to discuss what exactly it is. And what does Saramari have to do with this? Not a knock to this girl but Saramari is a more well known so of course she'll have more whiteknights. sorry, this post just really caught me off guard....

This is a great post and confirmed things I suspected but didn't have any sources to back up. Thank you! I think something like this should be added to the Google doc maybe?

>> No.9198638


Then stop bitching and tell her? Give the girl a hand. She isn't even harming anybody. Most girls on that FB group don't even have that great of Larme outfits either. Half Id say but the rest are awful.

This forum is turning into Lolcow.

>> No.9198639


Then again that dress is currently on sale...

Im surprised Dakota isn't getting into Larme. Its recent, trendy, doesnt she want fame again? It would be hard to overtake Risa though. A doll on a doll... tricky.

>> No.9198645

I never said she was harming anyone or deplorable or awful or anything. I get your point but you seem super defensive over a not very bitchy comment. Next time she posts something I'll give her concrit. Honestly I don't like to give concrit on the group because I'm not confident enough in my own coording skills, so it helps to come here and see if what I think is wrong is valid/legitimate; I don't want to give shitty advice.

Also, this is not a forum...and it is and has been pretty common here to discuss peoples contributions to their communities, for both the good and bad.

>> No.9198693

The difference is no one is dissing this girl's looks, only her sense of style.

You're a bigger cunt than the rest of us by focusing on things someone can't change (well, without surgery anyway).

>> No.9198720

Image boards are forums unless you have a definition for the difference in them.

>> No.9198753

I have a few pieces from Crayme's past seasons and I find that their buttons/clasps are sown on pretty flimsily, I just spent a good chunk of time reinforcing the ones that came loose. Can't say this for their current/newest collection though since they have raised their prices compared to their older stuff so maybe their quality has improved.

>> No.9198776

Not that anon but 2bh if someone isn't asking for concrit (and I doubt she was -I don't follow her closely and have left the fb group), I'm not going to give it unsolicited. But that doesn't mean I can't disagree with some of the core elements of her post. Just bc I don't agree with someone about something doesn't mean I have to aggressively challenge them about it esp if they're not asking for feedback.

>> No.9199574

Now that my wardrobe has grown I hope the fb group has another challenge thing soon, especially for halloween. The last one was so long ago and the theme was kind of hard to fit with larme...

>> No.9199683
File: 2.13 MB, 1077x1635, Screenshot_2016-08-17-15-40-36~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, that's Dakota Rose? What is going on with her face/head?? Is she still doing crazy shoops?
Kooter has been wearing/styled in Larme for years, but then again she works in Japanese fashion mags like CUTiE and Popteen so it it makes sense that she's ahead of most women in the west with trends.

>> No.9200514

Does anyone know if Bubbles usually restocks their sold out stuff? I wanted their new pajama style velvet pants in purple but now it looks like that color is sold out.

>> No.9200570

Not sure if you're looking at their official shop or at places they sell through, but they do have a "rearrival" section on their official site which basically means restock. So it may show up again.

>> No.9201153
File: 458 KB, 500x666, 13468ead-a064-4122-acdd-d59ec94266a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halloween larme sounds like a very dangerous contest idea haha. Even stuff released by the brands themselves for Halloween is questionable. I'd definitely be curious to see what people come up with, but I don't have high expectations.

>> No.9201161

I think it would be fun, at the very least. Wouldn't even have to be full Larme, maybe just inspired. There's not enough fun stuff in the Larme community atm. I think we can give people a little leeway for Halloween.

>> No.9201191

I didn't mean to sound stuck up or anything, sorry! I just think it's hard to incorporate halloween themes into larme without looking a) not really halloweeny at all like that honey mi honey pic I posted or b) so halloweeny that it's tacky (there's a page from the recent larme issue like this). In general I think that themes are harder to pull off in larme than in something like lolita.

>> No.9201239
File: 275 KB, 860x1147, 1443630381110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Even stuff released by the brands themselves for Halloween is questionable

Halloween themed Larme is cute and has been done by the magazine before. It's entirely possible. But like Halloween gyaru, it'll be iffy when done in the Western community.

>> No.9201257
File: 77 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1474171972229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is pretty cute. I like the darker makeup. But besides the makeup it kind of just looks like a maid inspired outfit, and I think the makeup mgiht be hard to pull off.

Pic related is not my fav though

>> No.9201260

wtf is "teenage lust halloween"
The left doesn't look so bad, but the right looks too much like those sexy costumes in the cheap halloween stores.

>> No.9201291
File: 581 KB, 1188x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay but

>> No.9201370

I'm just imagining the models turning up to the set expecting the usual larme stuff, and being told "ok now put this monster costume on"

>> No.9201634

Can someone post some coords with glasses? I'm buying new one for myself and wanted a frame that would fit the style

>> No.9201691
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>> No.9201697
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>> No.9201700
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>> No.9201702
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>> No.9201724
File: 457 KB, 1160x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you only want full coords? A lot of issues of larme have a nice ALOOK section, pic related

>> No.9201783

No, these would be very helpful too!

>> No.9201785
File: 497 KB, 1162x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's kind of a lot of them. These are just the ones from 015, 017, 019 and 020

>> No.9201787
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>> No.9201788
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>> No.9201790
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>> No.9201794
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>> No.9201795
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>> No.9201796
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>> No.9201797
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>> No.9201798

I want a pair of tortoiseshell glasses so badly. They look so cute and ladylike in larme.

>> No.9201801
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>> No.9201803
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>> No.9201806
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>> No.9201807
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>> No.9201808
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>> No.9201812
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>> No.9201814
File: 470 KB, 1191x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonuses from 019 that aren't specifically part of an ALOOK feature

>> No.9201817
File: 360 KB, 1152x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9201820
File: 537 KB, 1155x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/dump but this is just a small selection

I think it just goes to show there's quite a variety and as long as your hair and make up are good, you can work in just about any pair.

>> No.9201939

These were very helpful, thanks everyone. I will probably decide on a pair tomorrow.

>> No.9202264

Wow, larme make up looks gorgeous with glasses. They really go together - so cute!

>> No.9202898

omg thank you. i too was in need of some glasses inspo.

>> No.9203546
File: 1.19 MB, 1046x525, main_2016a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with Risa's makeup in this Bonbon shoot?

>> No.9203557

hungover melted mess is the new kawaii. seriously shit like spider lashes come into style so why not this
>what is editorial

>> No.9203560

grunge, dude

>> No.9203612

okay but why

>> No.9203618

Are you a fucking toddler? But whhhhhhy

It's just a makeup look. "Dark" themes are very in right now with the brands, as is the whole Courtney Love aesthetic. That's seriously all it is.

>> No.9204353

What did you pick?

>> No.9204402
File: 247 KB, 1079x902, Screenshot_2016-07-31-02-30-13~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hungover makeup
This was on trend a just over a year ago

>> No.9205466
File: 796 KB, 1280x1779, fafd9816-b0df-445c-b6bb-b583f8fa831f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is larme taking a gothic turn?

>> No.9205520
File: 179 KB, 540x758, tumblr_odzb0j5HOi1t3o48co1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope so, this was one of my favourite sections for a while

>> No.9205523
File: 958 KB, 1280x1667, 3ba4d366-617f-43c3-a20a-9569dd87062b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9205644

I love the bow in the top photo.

>> No.9205658

I don't think so, but it's an interesting twist.

>> No.9205792

Hope so too, that would save me a lot of trouble with my wardrobe.

>> No.9206757
File: 113 KB, 960x960, 14355573_10154023016268037_6996822643652108125_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this on Macy's facebook page and it reminded me a bit of those black and white dresses Risa has worn before.

>> No.9206846

Black lace dress with a white collar isn't exactly new and it doesn't even remotely surprise me that Macy's would carry this. One of the good things about the style is that you can take really mundane pieces and coordinate them in a way that makes it "more fashion". For me, that's why the styling plays so much into larme kei and what separates it from western fashion.

>> No.9207135

Doubt it. It's not really new either. There have been a number of "grunge" type looks in the past issues, usually featuring Monaca Nishi. When they do these model style sections they tend to stick to the model's own personal style and that's definitely the direction Monaca tends to go in. So if you're into that look her up, as well as the brand Fallin'.

>> No.9207315

Not original poster but I think the styling of the image is slightly larme at least. Pearl bracelet, floofy soft hair, light eyemakeup....
On the other hand I'm not really a fan of the dress itself lol.The lace looks kinda ugly to me (and it's already fraying or something at the bottom) and the collar just looks like a men's dress shirt.
Overall posted this and tagged it as larme I'd only be mildly bothered.

>> No.9207379
File: 47 KB, 564x719, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My thoughts exactly. That lace is atrocious. The pattern is much too large and like you mentioned, the fraying in the stock photo is not a good sign. The lace that is used by most Larme brands (ignore e hyphen's own recent atrocities) tends to be lighter, softer, and with smaller, more delicate patterns.

The black dress with white collar is a solid look though, but I'd urge you to look for something that looks less cheap. I'd shy away from the lace dresses because honestly it seems like most lace used by western retailers is just shit. A more solid style with maybe some lace detail on the collar might look nice.

I really liked this pop boutique dress but sadly it's long since sold out. Still, food for thought.

>> No.9207465
File: 42 KB, 383x382, IMG_2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know which brand pic related is from? It was featured in a more recent issue of Larme, but I don't have access to my back issues for a while and can't remember the brand.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.9207497
File: 322 KB, 1248x1600, SCAN0849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from One Spo.

>> No.9207507

Thank you so much!!

>> No.9208286
File: 41 KB, 600x800, 523379-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh you haven't really missed out on much anon. Pop boutique is atrocious quality. The material they use for the dresses is extremely lightweight so the dresses just don't hang right when you actually try them on.
Also the new Mon Lily collection is kind of cool and I wish I didn't look so frumpy in their stuff because otherwise I would be rocking this weird sexy larme schoolmarm look

>> No.9208473
File: 1005 KB, 1200x1650, amidoingthisright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I be able to get some feedback on this idea for a coord? The choker has a moon on it and the socks are like a wool mesh. I'm worried that there's too much black going on in the outfit. I also wonder if solid black tights or over the knee black socks might be a better solution for legwear.

>> No.9208526

Looks okay to me, albeit a little boring but that's not really a problem necessarily. Are the socks crew length?
If anything, I would try experimenting with different socks (black versus white) and lengths and materials. You can usually visually tell what looks best with where the length of the skirt hits on your body.
I'm not the biggest fan of the shoes and would personally try for something a bit chunkier and less preppy but they aren't necessarily wrong.

>> No.9208536

source on sweater?

>> No.9208590

I'm not too crazy about the choker, it's a little cheap/90s kid working. Something a little more mature would be nice. I also think fishnet tights might be an interesting way to add texture. I agree with >>9208526 that it's a little boring but it's a good base to experiment with. What kind of hair style were you thinking?

Seconding this, suuuper cute and perfect.

>> No.9208810

The socks are crew length. The more I look at them I wonder if it might just look off, if people don't notice the lace pattern. You're definitely right when it comes to comparing legwear to the skirt length. I'll look into chunky shoes, as I don't really own any right now. I'm trying to play it safe right now until I get the basics down.

>> No.9208818


The sweater is from Forever21. I picked it up in store, but I found it on the site for you both. The cropped version that I have it only left in L or XL in gray or white in L. The regular cut is left in white in L.




I can get what you're saying about the 90's vibe. I was thinking about taking the charm off and just keeping the choker. It felt a little cheap looking with the charm.
I am trying to keep it safe until I feel like I have the basics down. Fishnets might be cool. It kind of seems like grunge is in with the Cortney Love inspired collection that was released. As long as you don't end up looking like a pastel goth.
I have shoulder length hair with straight bangs. I was thinking that I might wear it down and pull back the top layer so it's held by a bow. But having low pigtails is usually my go to

>> No.9208986

don't get that dress, anon. i tried it on and the fabric is so fucking weird it creates static electricity so your hair gets fucked up and you end up shocking yourself.

>> No.9209701
File: 63 KB, 640x640, Ct4zcH9VUAA-xOJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9209791

Is there commentary that goes with this image or?

>> No.9209795

>Petite Dollies intro to Larme and style guide: http://blog.petitedollies.com/2016/04/about-larme-magazine.html

I'm sorry, this just looks frumpy and stupid, like an eleven year old's version of freshman chic. These styles evoke nothing but sympathetic cringe from me

>> No.9209877

gr8 b8 m8
everyone just ignore this

Maybe anon's pointing out that dear my love is putting out some larme-inspired things (while that's normally mon lily's job)? I'm not too sure. And I personally think only bottom right looks like something you would see in larme nowadays, the rest are just generic girly/cutesy Jfashion.

>> No.9209887

My boyfriend bought it for me, it's a perfect fit and I haven't had any problems. That's weird that it made static for you?!

>> No.9209907

It might be a climate thing. If the other anon comes from a really dry region, it's a lot easier to get static electricity.

>> No.9209928

I'm very new to this style, I used to do decora but it's kinda dying. What are the must needed staples(brand/offbrand) for this style? I'm also a huge sucker for the pink/black combos.

>> No.9210000
File: 495 KB, 1212x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There aren't MUST items for larme kei but there are repeat themes or elements like lingerie/garter add ons to pencil skirts etc. But that's not to say that an outfit without lingerie elements doesn't fit the bill.
If you're new, I would suggest you take a look at (scans of) the magazine, esp spreads like pic related which show you how a selection of items can be worn multiple ways to help you start out.

>> No.9210020

Larme doesn't really have 'staple' pieces because it's all about putting a girly/elegant/dreamy/whatever twist on recent trends. This is evident in how the styles presented in older magazines differ to current ones. For example you don't really see pom pom earrings anymore, but people often still recognise them as larme. That said, certain garments are very common, and if I was going to but together a capsule wardrobe it'd be something like:
>fitted lace top
>peter pan collar blouse
>ruched chiffon off-shoulder top
>lacy camisole to wear over the above
>fluffy cardigan
>sheer socks
>Pencil skirt with a peplum
>high waisted A-line skirt
>mary jane heels

But in the end, these pieces could all be very different depending on your personal prefereces and style. My favourite larme outfits are ones where the pieces have cute girly details like hearts, frills, lace, etc. Seconding other anon's suggestion for you to look at the magazines to see how items are coordinated together.

>> No.9210256

I honestly can kind of see what you mean. But that's part of why I love it. Larme reminds me of those offbeat fashions you see in high school and college tv shows/movies like Clueless or the new Scream Queens (putting aside how terrible that show is). It's the type of stuff I thought was so cool when I was younger but soon realized that no one ever wore it. Right now I am totally indulging my younger self and I am fine with that. To me it's still trendy and fashionable. It just might not be up your alley.

Yeah... I don't know why it was posted either. It really veers way too sweet for Larme. It's meant more for himekaji right?

I say this not to be mean, but to prepare you. I think you'll find going from decora to Larme difficult, especially since you're coming to us from the angle of "staples." It's similar to how Lolitas approach this style. Most jfashion styles come from a premise that is largely static, so starting with "the basics" and building off them is a good way to go. But Larme to me is pretty much the opposite. It's most similar to mainstream fashion, so it's constantly changing based on trends. Sure there are things that read more Larme than others, but the main goal is to keep up to date on trends. How fashionable are you outside of Japanese fashions? I'm not saying you have to be a "fashionista", but if you have a basic idea of how trends work in western fashion I feel like you'll have an easier time with Larme. Otherwise you'll have to learn the mindset. Definitely look at scans if you can't get the magazine now. Search Larme on tumblr and focus on scans from the latest issues (I would suggest 18 as the farthest back to go for now. So 18-24). While the old issues are fun to look at, some of it is dated. Looking at newer issues will give you an idea what has better lasting power.

The pink/black trend is not going anywhere anytime soon so starting there if that's what you like is a good bet.

>> No.9210553
File: 143 KB, 600x918, 16s-ta-20_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting coord inspo for denim jumpers, the color doesn't really matter. My mom just bought one for me that looks similar to this one in pic related.

>> No.9210753
File: 138 KB, 1000x1334, Cc5Ch6K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one for you: denim bump-er

>> No.9210765
File: 35 KB, 599x842, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see any in the issues that I have with the same silhouette that you posted (flare skirt). Most of the denim overalls seem to have a fitted skirt like >>9210753.

>> No.9210769
File: 53 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Versus the flare skirt like on this one from Ank Rouge which is styled more in a himekaji way.

>> No.9210793
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>> No.9210819
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>> No.9210834

Newbie anon
That helped a lot actually thank you! I'd consider myself pretty fashionable? I follow mainly that kind of "art hoe vibe" but I'm a pretty trendy person I'd like to think?
I know it's gonna be hard going from Decora to Larme, the lack of accessories is a VERY foreign concept. Larme definitely poses a new kind of coord challenge for me and I really like having to think outside of my "norm".

>> No.9211254
File: 40 KB, 600x450, 1454193469322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any of you gulls help me out? I'm looking for what I thought was a cgl larme thread where there was a discussion on Risa's darker style of larme, how outside modelling for the magazine she tended towards a more gothic look, along with a picture dump from various anons.

I've since sperged my way through every archive I could find, but no luck. Can anyone either point me towards it, or share more photos like pic related where Risa (or others) are in darker larme coords, not necessarily for/from the magazine itself?

>> No.9211356
File: 20 KB, 431x575, 0925ef1cbf9c55204434d3f702b70438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there's the Bonbon photoshoot your pic came from, there's also the black & monochrome outfits in Risa's stylebook, I also really recommend Fallin' and just Monaca Nishi in general (pic related)

>> No.9211358
File: 90 KB, 564x769, 08b19d9a03a750bc237368cea7775d9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic from Katie too. I might dump more when I get back from class.

>> No.9211529


Thanks for these. I hope this doesn't sound terrible, but I don't like looking at Monaca's stuff so much because her face reminds me of mine and I hate my own face. Obviously she's a model and I'm not, but yeah. Shame because I do quite like her style. Anything sheer and black is my jam, the Katie picture is great too.

>> No.9211630

If you look like Monaca then I'm jealous.

But in seriousness I feel you on this. I have a ton of issues with my face that makeup can't entirely fix, and since the whole face and hair thing is such a big part of Larme I often feel like I can't share my outfits because the rear of me isn't up to par. It doesn't help when I see popular girls getting shit on for not having kawaii faces.

Worst part is that I can't even pinpoint what I don't like about it so even if I could afford plastic surgery or something I don't think it would help me.

>> No.9211633

*rest of me

Autocorrect is being cheeky today

>> No.9212089 [DELETED] 
File: 1.68 MB, 1200x1800, letstrythisagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same anon looking for feedback again. The pink sweater ended up being too big for me so I brought it back. I could only find this rust colored one in my size. The button up skirt is a dark blue if the color in the photo is bad. I thought plain black tights would suit the coord, but I wasn't sure about shoes.

>> No.9212114


Same anon here, can I get more feedback? The sweater didn't fit as well as I thought it did, so I exchanged it for the last one in my size. Sorry for the bad lighting, it's late here. The skirt is a dark blue and the sweater is a rust red. I thought it would look nice with black tights, but I couldn't decide on shoes.

>> No.9212117
File: 1.68 MB, 1200x1800, letstrythisagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped the photo

>> No.9212128

neither of the ones in that photo that's for sure

>> No.9212150

I have to agree. I don't think white really goes with it, and the black ones seem a bit off for some reason. Do the tights look okay worn? Socks may be better.

>> No.9212187


Okay, thanks for the feedback. I think I might be stumped for shoes for right now. What I have left for dress up shoes would be the black oxford heels in the previous photo or flat oxfords in black and in tan. I think the tights look okay worn, but I can keep trying more legwear combos.

>> No.9213838

/r/ing some halloween larme inspo

>> No.9213884
File: 449 KB, 595x800, tumblr_odz74afk9D1uo1fdoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have much, but I'll post what I got.

>> No.9213887
File: 231 KB, 737x751, tumblr_oe13doM8o31rrep1ro5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9213900
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>> No.9213901
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>> No.9213903
File: 100 KB, 500x676, tumblr_o6yelee9lX1rrep1ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vintage movie star

>> No.9213907
File: 35 KB, 408x546, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dorothy from Wizard of Oz? Gingham does show up a lot

>> No.9213920
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>> No.9213922
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>> No.9213924
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>> No.9213926
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>> No.9213927
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>> No.9213928
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>> No.9213929
File: 504 KB, 1189x1600, SCAN1517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some stuff from emiichan's blog

>> No.9213930
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>> No.9213931
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>> No.9213932
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>> No.9213934
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>> No.9213936
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>> No.9213937
File: 658 KB, 1280x1815, d250937d-a118-4bdc-8b68-7d60ddb40326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one

>> No.9213953

Anon(s?) you are so based, many thanks for this dump. This has given me many ideas for both coords and makeup.

I was planning on doing a cliched maid/nurse/animal/etc. outfit, but I think doing a character or vintage movie or music star would be more interesting. Any particular characters or vintage celebs that you think would fit well with Larme style? Aside from the ones from this series which are all pretty good >>9213903

>> No.9213958

Thanks anon for posting! The make-up steps are surprisingly easy to understand, compared to most Japanese mags. But the horrendous lace on the cheap looking costumes really bother me

>> No.9213965
File: 172 KB, 239x600, VioletBaudelaire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome.
Hmm...have you seen or read "A Series of Unfortunate Events"? Violet might fit pretty well, and a TV series is coming to Netflix soon. Other than that, I guess you could always larme-ify a Disney character, like they do with disneybound? I thought about doing a Larme Cinderella, but the top I was going to use ended up being too large.

>> No.9214041

I think that most 50's-60's actresses with easily recognizable outfits would be pretty easy: Faye Dunaway, Grace Kelly, Julie Andrews, etc. If you want something a bit more challenging, you could also try earlier Hollywood actresses like Vivian Leigh or Bette Davis.

Slightly OT but I'd be interested in seeing someone do an outfit based on Linda Lovelace's transparent lace dress.

>> No.9214102

My reading comprehension skills might be terrible, but where can I get that dress? I've been fucking DYING for a simple velvet dress exactly like that and I can't get one from a western brand because I'm 5'0" and the length just always ends up wrong. Please please help this moron out.

>> No.9214119

Im loving the new darker color pallette and slightly more edgy styles in the newest larme magazine
Though i feel its edging away from true larme fashion

>> No.9214241

I agree, the whole edgy looks defeats the entire idea of "sweet/girly"

>> No.9214247

I think it's just a trend, especially since it's getting closer to Halloween/winter.

>> No.9214249

> true larme fashion

there is no such thing as true larme fashion, just like there is no such thing as true gyaru fashion

>> No.9214276

It can still be girly even if it's a little darker or more grunge. The looks are definitely different from say "western" grunge or goth looks. I can see the Larme influence. theyre interpreting the trend in a Larme way, like they did with "milky neon" back when. But it's just a current trend, I don't see it dominating all of Larme fashion. There were still "traditional" Larme looks in the current issue. The biggest thing is that the new issue is pretty light on the outfits and clothing in general...

Yeah that line made me chuckle a little

>> No.9214771
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>> No.9214776

Fuck I want that skirt so badly but every time it ends up on sale it goes for over 20000 yen
Have any other brands done something similar? I love how unfussy Katie's styles are, it's quite hard to find an equivalent of that

>> No.9214783

I tried reading the small text then realised this is one of those multiple item mix & match features, so the info for every main piece will be shown on the first spread only. unless we have the whole section scanned I think you need to find out which issue this is, then ask around and see if someone can take a pic for you. Also bear in mind the dress is probably sold out / way past its season anyway. But I'm pretty sure you can find smiliar velvet dresses by JP brands without too much hassle since it's preeetty generic design. Good luck!

>> No.9214853
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Ank Rouge!

>> No.9215024
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>> No.9215148
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lol wtf are you doing rosemarie seoir

>> No.9215187

this feels very "Make America Larme Again"

>> No.9215325

The white top is like a buzzfeed article, whereas black is the Facebook quote

>> No.9215538

Buzzfeed's way too liberal for that. This is Deplorable Kei

>> No.9215572

I'm going to go to a tourist trap gift shop and buy up all their cheeky tees and add lace detailing to them and make an etsy shop

>> No.9215687

throws up

but literally tho

>> No.9215819

>tfw admin wants to nuke the fb group because of 'ghost members'
Why tho

>> No.9215828

I have the same question. Why is the admin so iffy about ghost members?! It's just more work to delete members, and then having to add each member again that wants to re-join. Plus it's the first group I've ever seen with this type of rule.

>> No.9215829


>> No.9215865

she's not a good admin in my opinion, you don't delete a group because there's a lot of people inactive.

>> No.9215870

And she didn't even ask the group's creator.... fuckin brutal

I see where she's coming from though, it's ideal to have a closed group with mostly active members, it would probably have the best quality of discussion with minimal creepers and spammers. It might be too much work to create and maintain though.

>> No.9215873

I think most of the ghost members mostly are people who just want to lurk? amirite? it wouldn't be a problem as long as they don't share the pics outside of the group... usually some are found here... but that's the nature 4chan

lol whoever posts stuff from the group to here... probably wouldn't ever stop so...

what'ya do?

>> No.9215890

Yeah seems like she's trying to look out for us members, but going about it in the wrong way.

Yeah, unfortunately there's just no way to stop people posting photos from the group to here. Just like with tumblr and instagram and blogs. In fact I feel kind of bad just discussing this issue here because clearly the admin in question doesn't like us discussing the group here? But also idk where else to rant.

>> No.9215902

>In fact I feel kind of bad just discussing this issue here because clearly the admin in question doesn't like us discussing the group here? But also idk where else to rant.

You shouldn't, imo.

People either think 4chan, and specifically /cgl/, is full of horrible people posting horrible things all day long is because they've never been here, or they are one of the people shitposting. Either way you can completely discount their opinions.

I'm sick of this weird, silent agreement in j-fashion communities that we all pretend we never, ever post on /cgl/ when in fact 90% of us do, and we all know that really the place is pretty tame and not a big deal.

>> No.9216101

>it's ideal to have a closed group with mostly active members

...and deleting potential posters isn't going to encourage this. The majority of "ghost followers" are interested in the fashion but are either in the middle of collecting a wardrobe or gaining the confidence to post, once they are gone the group with be a literal ghost town.

>> No.9216171

I agree.

And at the end of the day, it are just some individuals posting pics from the group here. It's gonna be tough to find out who.

>> No.9216541

I posted a dump from the group once before I realized the admins werent happy about it. Once I realized their stance on it (no matter how dumb I personally think it is lol) I stopped. There hasnt really been much posted from/about the group here recently anyway I noticed, aside from the present topic. I think if they made a statement in the rules about keeping content within the group it would be at least more effective than purging ghost members...idk why she thinks only inactive/ghost members would be the ones posting on 4chan anyway. Her "like this post if you don't want to be purged" method doesn't make sense either, if someone wanted to stay in the group for malicious reasons they could just like the post lol...

Anyone have any larme plans for Halloween?

>> No.9217404
File: 42 KB, 513x655, 6811429-1-black[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some nice shoes going on asos atm, pic related.

>> No.9217729

I have to write an article on Japanese Fashion and I want to focus on an introduction to Larme, but google has fuck all results bar that google drive file and a few badly written blogs, where's the best place to find more information on larme kei?

>> No.9217749

If the stuff at the beginning of the thread plus the universal doll post isn't enough for you then you're screwed sorry.

You could check the cgl archives and look back at old Larme threads, but if you're looking for an academic paper on Larme you are flat out of luck.

>> No.9217789

The magazine itself.

>> No.9218582

Can I get some dark/gothic larme inspo?? Any thoughts on how to do it right?

>> No.9218589

The video in the first post but then yes, the magazine itself. It is not a street fashion, it was literally invented and named by the magazine founder as a style to be featured exclusively in her magazine. A substyle of something described as sweet girly style. There is a video interview with the magazine main editor but it's in Japanese and the subtitles are pretty badly done but you can search it on YouTube. There's not a whole lot of source material besides the magazine itself.

>> No.9218609
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>> No.9218610
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>> No.9218612
File: 71 KB, 339x480, blogger-image--674335057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess do all the normal larme clothing cuts and textures but in black. You could play up your make-up with darker plum and grey tones

>> No.9218615
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>> No.9218618
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>> No.9218632

Badly written?

There is plenty of blogs who are talking about it correctly. Being mind bloggers can only do it in their spare time mostly. Be grateful there is even anything out there at all. Im sick of "Larme snobs" at this point.

>> No.9218654

M8 I'm really sorry but your level of english is not good enough to judge what is and what isn't badly written. You've written four sentences and the only one that doesn't have a grade school level mistake is the two word one.

>> No.9219071

She wrote five sentences. Three of them are acceptable English. Apparently your maths is worse than her grammar.

t. language teacher

>> No.9219229
File: 53 KB, 531x800, 73239e59b4bed5d859bce08d2c818f25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only two, surely?

>there is
>being mind

Anyway - I know we shouldn't discuss the fb group here but I love the outfit someone new posted the other day! Now keenly searching for more sheer black top inspo. I might have seen it all...so I'd love to see some of your own coords if you have similar items, gulls

>> No.9219232


Im British you fucking idiot most of us talk like that and I was quickly just jotting down a response to you?


What is going on with this thread as of late? If its not full of the Larme fashion police its someone who's got a problem with grammar?

>> No.9219234


Btw that outfit is tacky as hell. Its the type of old rags floating around on Bonbon21 for cheap.

Your taste is as shitty as your attitude anon.

>> No.9219248

She said it in a rude way but I took her meaning as 'the blogs aren't written well enough to cite as source material for my paper', which truthfully most jfashion blogs aren't but they are not meant for that anyway.

>> No.9219255

>your taste is as shitty as your attitude
>my attitude

Not a fan of the rest of the outfit, but I do like the top.

Yes, I took it this way too.

>> No.9219266

>comparing bobon21 with Rosemarie seoir

Fucking kek

>> No.9219270
File: 424 KB, 564x751, 7c581c0b-cd11-4781-af50-b0c05ba04544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I've got, I like the casual/room wear esque styling though. I have a top like this in white and its much harder to coordinate than I thought it would be. It looks too cluttered on top of most blouses and tooo skimpy under most camis.

>> No.9219272

Anon isn't going to find those kind of sources though. Pick something normie for your school project anon don't be a fucking weeb.

>> No.9219283
File: 22 KB, 236x354, b9d0fa042cc700f1a3b25d9622d511f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really cute and I'd not seen it before, thanks! I can imagine it's hard to coord, but when it's done right, I love looking at the results. I was a fan of this look on Tokyo Fashion, which someone posted already, but here's a closeup all the same.

>> No.9219284

Mistook a full stop for a comma, point still stands that anon is probably just an esl blogger who took personal offense to anon's comment.

Lol no you're not.

>> No.9219290

I agree. 2 minutes of research shows that this style so far begins and ends with the magazine. Everything else is a secondary source except the blogs of the few people actually wearing it. She would have done better to choose a more established street style.

As for the snobbery here, it makes me laugh because likely the magazine editor wouldn't even consider anyone here to really be following this style unless they wear clothes advertised. That's the whole purpose of Larme magazine and this highly commercialized style. To sell specific products, not to make a style to just wear any brand to copy the look.

>> No.9219301
File: 89 KB, 1000x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a random "real girl" from wear.jp in a sheer Katie top.

>> No.9219311
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Same top

>> No.9219337
File: 84 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anon really wants to write about Japanese street fashion then they should do it from a more general standpoint or choose something like Lolita, which has been written about before in academia. And I know I might be jumping to the school paper conclusion, but I'm trying to think of any other case where critical sources would be important. If this is an article for some sort of publication then, barring academic publications, sources shouldn't be as big of an issue. Especially if anon presents herself as an insider on the style. Article anon, how well versed are you on Larme in general? If you've been following these threads for a while then imo you should be able to write a good introduction to the style easily. If not then maybe you should just lurk more.

I also agree with you on this style being highly commercialized. I've gotten some flack for saying this before, but the magazine is designed to sell you things, and that thing is the brand clothes. I mean sure you can dress in a style that imitates the magazine pretty easily with offbrand, but that was definitely not the intent behind the magazine. It's basically a really pretty catalogue with some articles and tutorials, like just about any other fashion magazine. I certainly don't begrudge anyone for wearing offbrand and I pad my own brand wardrobe with a lot of offbrand, but when people get sanctimonious about it and start going on about how "wearing brand is easy mode" and stuff I can't help but scratch my head. Why are they into this style again...?

Like I know Japanese brands can be hard to get and don't fit everyone, but when the magazine does feature western brands they tend to be higher quality than the stuff you can get at forever 21. Again I do get stuff at high street stores still but I don't kid myself thinking I'll look like Risa or something.

>> No.9219375

I mean I don't doubt that commercialism plays a bigger role than the creator might admit, but given what little is publicized of her words in English, it does very much sound like it is mostly about imitating the aesthetic.
>Larme’s creator states that she clearly wants Larme to stand out fashion wise from gyaru and akamoji styles. She wants people to call a look “Larme-kei” or to say “That girl is very Larme” or a designer or photographer to say “this could really fit into Larme”.
(From the universal doll article)

>> No.9219938

This seems a little cynical to me, as if the creator doesn't actually care about the aesthetic, and just wants to peddle goods. I'm not saying the spreads in the magazine aren't essentially adverts, because as you say that's what a fashion magazine is.

Keeping in mind what >>9219375 says, I think it's fair to make the assumption that she does have a specific "Look" or idea in her mind of what is and isn't larme. If a brand suddenly did a 180 and started producing completely different stuff, I don't think they'd still include them in the magazine. As it is now, only certain items from brands are featured.

That and it seems like the models seem to have a lot of say in what they wear, idk about in Japan but in the West I don't think that's standard.

Idk, if the idea was just to sell shit I don't think the magazine would be like it is.

>> No.9219940

>it seems like the models seem to have a lot of say in what they wear
What makes you think this?

>> No.9219967

Not that anon but I think they're a bit wrong in how they stated that. I think what's more accurate is that Larme builds off the personal style of the models they use. Risa usually has her cool style, with lots of pink and black and lingerie accents. Monaca is usually in darker, more edgy clothing (goth, grunge). This reflects their personal styles, as you can see on their social accounts. Unless anon has a source, I don't think that necessarily means they choose what they wear. I think it's more accurate to say that Larme is building off their personal brand and chooses pieces that reflect that. It's also important to note that many of the popular models have their own brands or are associated with top brands.

Less established models (like the akb girls) seem to go with whatever the editors want.

>> No.9219970

This is normal in jfashion though? Def not larme related.

>> No.9219975

I think Larme style is still tightly connected to the brands featured in the magazine but has the potential to get bigger and become something beyond it. A little like CPK originated with a shop? I haven't seen any street snap people identifying their overall style as Larme yet, so it's still largely an editorial and model-worn style. It will be interesting to watch. Also to see how far it gets in the west. Gyaru never actually got very far beyond a few blogs, a few girls and some online forums due to gal brand sizes being small and lack of enough people in any one region to sustain real life gal-cir.

>> No.9219985

I live in a small European country and there used to be several gyaru circles active

>> No.9219988

Larme is more similar to regular fashion than to street style jfashions so it is Interesting to take the models' styles Ito account

>> No.9219996

That is cool to hear, how many were in them? How long did they last?

On topic:
I think this is interesting too, the model posts to their insta and blog are basically another kind of advertisement and some are probably paid promotions. Japan does advertising different than the US and there also is not a big gap between editorial content and advertisement and there few disclosure rules.

>> No.9220009
File: 402 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of Risa's clothes are c/o. Who wouldn't want to give her stuff? She lists the brands in nearly every outfit post. I've even bought stuff just because Risa wore it. Fucking marketing.

>> No.9220112

The calendar segments and Risa Loves XXX just off the top of my head heavily imply that they're a look into what the models specifically like and are wearing at the moment.

Part of the appeal of the magazine is that it features certain models, and their genuine styles. Maybe they don't get to choose for everything, but the magazine definitely presents certain segments as if they do.

>> No.9220168

Is this a chicken or the egg argument?
Honestly is it the models personal styles that are driving the magazine content or is it actually what's popular in the magazine that's driving what the models wear bc it's popular (or they're trying to make it popular) bc it helps sell more content?
Personally I'm more inclined to believe that while the models might enjoy the style on a personal level, the magazine has more influence than you think.
And I'm not sure we can count Monaca in this bc she produces her own brand that's often featured in Larme (which clearly fits the current aesthetic) so i don't see why she would go outside of that.

>> No.9220290

I guess it could be settled by scouring over the models' social media and seeing if they consistently wore the same kinds of things prior to working for the magazine. and if their respective brands were also producing those kinds of things, for the ones that have brands of their own.

I would have thought they were chosen to work for the mag based on their popularity within the target demographic and their styles in the first place though.

Anyway, I worded it poorly in my original comment; I don't think they have full control over what they do, but I would imagine for models like Risa she's given some kind of brief and then allowed to go off and style herself, and then that's overlooked and changed as the editor or whoever deems necessary. This is speculation of course, but if it weren't the case why would they bother employing models whose entire popularity and appeal is based on what they, themselves choose to wear and post on social media?

It's also worth adding that they get paid the same regardless of how well the magazine or the things it's advertising does.

>> No.9220400
File: 808 KB, 601x604, ccd67a8971fe4f06855269863e99f1ef[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I threw this together, I really don't have much choice with the shoes since my foot is huge so forgive me.

>> No.9220431

I have naturally curly hair and I need advice please save me

>> No.9220449

This is pretty cute, as are you. I think I'd go with either crew length socks or solid tights, not thigh highs. I like the idea of the top but not how it fits on you, it'd be cuter if the sleeves were a little more poofy. I think a red lip would look really nice with this as well, and bring your makeup out a little more. You could also go heavier on the eyes imo, at least for pictures.

Not sure on the hair but I'm in the exact same camp as you - super curly and no bangs. Definitely don't like the accessory though, somehow it looks immature. Maybe an updo? There's a lot of nice details around your neck area and the hair is kind of eclipsing it.

Do you have asos in your country? They have so many fantastic shoes for larme that are in Western feet friendly sizes.

>> No.9220457

A lot of Japanese models have this persona/image that they create to go with their style and target demographic, it's part of their job. Models in normie Japanese magazines do it too, they mainly model for the same few magazines (sometimes only for one), post pictures of their personal style on social media and take pictures in their favourite shops. If they become very popular they can become tv personality's or tarento.

>> No.9220495

I feel like a nice bag would break up the middle of the outfit. It and you are definitely cute! I love the necklaces, too. I agree that the thigh highs don't work here at all - with the length of the dress, they're showing just the wrong amount of skin so that it doesn't look deliberate, for me. If they were a bit shorter (or sheer?) I think it would look better. All in all, though, I like it!

>> No.9220531

are you the other person who called bobon21 replica quality? What's wrong with them, they seem so popular in street snaps?

>> No.9220943

Has anyone else had trouble ordering from Ailand-store.jp lately? I made an order back in January and everything went fine, but now it won't accept my cards and won't let me check out. I keep getting this error when I try to add a payment option. (入力内容の修正が必要です)

I want to use a coupon on some shoes this weekend. Can someone help a gull out?

>> No.9220978

The text says "make sure the information you inputted is correct" so maybe something changed from last time? Likely a credit card number or password or something else the system would be able to automatically detect. Or its possible it's just a reminder and not an error message I guess. Like "look to make sure everything is right before you proceed".

>> No.9221020

Thank you for the translation. That makes more sense than what Google Translate said. I double checked and everything looks fine. I think my issue may be that my Tenso address isn't my billing address and I can't add my real address because they only accept domestic Japanese addresses.

>> No.9221104

Ailand hasn't been accepting tenso addresses

>> No.9221151

Curious guys

What do you all make of that honey blood brand floating about? The owner is making cheap replicas of ehyphen world galllery bon bons items...

>> No.9221223

So, advice from someone who's new (so take with extra salt?). I like that there's a texture to the black dress. The necklaces work for Larme, but together they're too busy. I'd pick one. The top is close. For leg wear, I'd try sheer white knee highs and see how they work, but you make have to experiment. Your hair is really pretty and I'll try and find some cute updos in the magazines I do have. I'd just play around with it though. My biggest critique with the makeup is your brows looks a little heavy. If that's what they look like, it's not something that's ruining the look. But if you did use powder, I'd go lighter with it, less defined. Lisa Eldridge did a good tutorial covering differences in makeup trends. I don't know about that hair accessory. Overall, it's cute and if I saw you I'd be wondering if you were wearing Larme. If you had heavier blush, I'd definitely think you were.

>> No.9221244


You have lovely hair anon.

I think some pig tails with ribbons would look lovely or a pony with a ribbon.

Get rid of the choker but stick to the black bow necklace.

The dress is okay but I would put a ruffle white blouse underneath it.

Try tights instead of thigh highs. Also the shoes have the go. Try mary janes with a thinner strap. Those shoes look too glompy in my opinion. Also the bracelet and hair piece must go.

Try making the outfit more simpler? Less accessories but maybe keep the hair piece just for a twist. Could work.

>> No.9221350

I haven't seen any replicas. Their stuff seems really nice if a bit on the pricier side.

>> No.9221365

I think that was just some personal sewing projects she was selling off. She never claimed they were official so ehh I'm ok with it honestly. Her brand itself is cute but I'm not sure I'm interested enough in anything to buy.

>> No.9221557
File: 1.69 MB, 2250x3035, Larme023Hair1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Larme 023. Have fun anon!

>> No.9221559
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>> No.9221561
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>> No.9221565
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>> No.9221567
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>> No.9221570
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>> No.9221572
File: 2.57 MB, 2673x3503, Larme023Hair7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9221574

I've been told this style would look good on me and I have a good face for it, and I LOVE the way it looks but I hate feeling "sexy"

what do

>> No.9221575
File: 2.12 MB, 2436x3311, Larme023Hair8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End dump.

>> No.9221600

Not all of it is sexy. Look through this thread and the ones in the archives and just choose non/less sexy outfits if you want to wear it

>> No.9221633

Damn. Thanks for the reply. Ugh. I thought they finally were allowing them since before January, they didn't.

>> No.9221957

They've been intermittently allowing it. I made an order in the middle of the year and it was allowed but I read that others had trouble just a couple weeks after, continuing through now.
Try other retailers like 109net or fashionwalker or just use a shopping service.

>> No.9221978

Get some of the magazines and study up.

>> No.9222378

Do you have a link? All I can find is a Scottish musical group and a fandom Storenvy

>> No.9222407
File: 411 KB, 969x545, Risaxleatherskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half of the larme looks that would be considered 'sexy' or 'risque' in japan are actually very harmless in the west
if you're still concerned, here are some options:
-wear white tshirt under a lacey/sheer or revealing tank top or dress
-wear a big comfy sweater with a fitted skirt
-were a cute lacey/frilly turtleneck
- pay attention to materials. in this picture, the outfit on the left wouldnt be as sexy if it wasnt a leather skirt
all of these can be larmy but not overtly sexy

>> No.9222628

It looks alright, it's basically e hyphen bonbon crossed with 50s pinup but 1) seems pretty expensive and 2) the descriptions are of that unbearable princessy purple prose variety

>> No.9222630
File: 347 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_o9lybe0JH41rrep1ro2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's quite a bit of larme that isn't sexy at all.

>> No.9222632
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>> No.9222633
File: 983 KB, 1895x2716, 1471923866284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out larme 20 and the different themes they feature. Petite Dollies also wrote about showing skin in larme.

>> No.9223269

Does anyone have any pictures of creeper shoes used in a larme outfit? I just found mine from high school that I thought I got rid of. I think I vaguely remember seeing creepers in the larme magazine.

>> No.9223916

new thread

>> No.9228958
File: 105 KB, 450x600, IMG_0552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone's know where I could find this skirt or something like it? I love it so much, so feminine and pretty.