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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9192614 No.9192614 [Reply] [Original]

I went to the harajuku meet in little tokyo this past weekend it was so unprofessional. creepy neckbeards and the host was horrible

>> No.9192616

Pics or it didnt happen

>> No.9192657

Was THAT what was taking over Kinokuniya on Saturday? Holy crap you guys looked god awful save for the one chick with the black/red coord.

And oh my god, the fat chick in the belly shirt. Could none of you have taken her aside and told her she looked like a tube of cookie dough bursting out of a can? The little Japanese lady doing a signing looked horrified. She and her assistant kept pointing and snapping pictures with an expression like they were watching a seven car pile up.

What is going on with the LA squad? Police yourselves better, you guys seriously need to pick up your game. Understand you are in public and have some self respect, for fucks' sakes.

>> No.9192705

Was this the one hosted by the photographer guy? He's major trouble, stay away. No wonder the meet wasn't good.

>> No.9192726
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>the one chick with the black/red coord.

>> No.9192733

Damn. Sorry to hear OP. I hope you have pics though.

I've noticed that Harajuku/J Fashion walks tend to attract a horde of itas - save for the local gal circle and one or two well dressed lolitas who are a part of the lolita comm, but never attend regular meets. I think it's funny how a lot of people who go dress in currently outdated looks like decora (and usually poorly coordinated) or don't even dress in Jfashion - usually something hot topic looking with a cosplay wig.

I always get invited to those events, but never go because of work, and thankfully so: they never seem to be worth going to.

>> No.9192792

What photography guy..there's several in LA who are trouble..

>> No.9192823

Awesome coord! There was a lot of cringe going down, you were about the only one who didn't look embarrassing. And bless your soul for not screaming every other word. I feel so bad for the people who work at that store.

>> No.9194457

And usually people who go tho these events are just trying to be e-famous or just plain fucking weird.
Lolita's hardly ever go to these meet ups.

>> No.9194752

Never been to LA, but always assumed that was the better dressed area of the country.

I look forward to Harajuku walks. I am slowly leaving lolita, but really like Natural Kei. If I am going to spend as much on Pink house as brand per dress (250+), I am going to wear it to a fashion walk. I honestly wish there were more of them. Wearing lolita just doesn't make me happy anymore. Fashion walks or meetups are fine. Just bring your A game when you do.

>> No.9194872

>Could none of you have taken her aside and told her she looked like a tube of cookie dough bursting out of a can?
Is that something you could do? How would you actually say that to someone in real life directly to their face? Like how would you phrase it?

>> No.9194952

"I don't think that shirt fits," "I don't think that look is very flattering to your body type." "The cut on that shirt is kinda unflattering." If you want to be kinder, "Have you considered other fashion styles?" "I think you'd look great with layers!" "Have you thought about trying dresses? I think it would look great with your feminine shape!"

If you want to critique but are worried about egos, try critiquing the fashion and complimenting the wearer. "The cut on that shirt is so weird! You know, I think you would rock something that emphasised your curves!"

>> No.9194955

All of your top row are passive-aggressive and rude apart from the last one and could easily make a fat girl angry. Those aren't tactful ways to approach a stranger.

>> No.9194990

This is the Facebook event page (edited to avoid spam filter)


>> No.9194995

Right? I'd be afraid the fatty would punch me or something. Last thing you want is a fatty punching you btw. My mom is like 300+lbs and she used to punch me when I was a kid. Shit hurt.

>> No.9194998
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>have you thought about...
This shit would be so awkward to say in real life, like what do you do after? Walk away? Start showing them what to wear on your phone?

If someone did that I'd fucking walk away from them and be like "yo, listen to what that bitch over there just said to me"

>> No.9195033

It's attracted low quality people because they literally hold one every month and it has been hotter than balls. Most everyone is busy attending actual meets put on by the comms instead of this weird ass photographer.

>> No.9195092

Which photographer?

>> No.9195752

Holy crap, have none of you ever had a friend tell you you look terrible in something or have you never told someone they don't look good? Were you never in a dance team or even go out to a school dance in a group?

I guess this explains why sweet lolitas often look absolutely hillarious. Go out and learn to talk to people, and make real friends who can tell you when you look terrible.

>> No.9195908

That's the point - "real friends" can tell you when you look terrible, but you shouldn't walk up to a stranger on the street and do it. Most lolitas and jfashion wearers are already used to ignoring the opinions of strangers in the street, since so many people will catcall and insult even good jfash. Close friends can drop truth bombs on you, but it's not socially normal to say things like this to strangers, even if what you're saying is true.

I admit that it can be a problem in the community, but there's not much you can do. We have an issue with a girl in our comm, for example. She's been in lolita a few years and has developed a thick skin to be able to cope with strangers hating on her outfits, but she now assumes anyone giving her crit online is a troll or a hater. I wish one of her close friends would tell her that the reason she frequently gets crit for [unusual thing to see in lolita] isn't because none of the community is open-minded enough to accept it, it's because she is really, really bad at coordinating [unusual thing] with her look. It's true that there are people who bitch online even when girls manage to pull [thing] off, but she would get 1/10th of the comments she does about it if she styled herself better.

sage for blogpost, just explaining how even if you told her she'd probably just ignore you and you'd look rude.

>> No.9195934

How exactly do you get into the "actual comms"? Someone mentioned a gal circle? I've been trying to find a solid jpop and/or jfashion fan community in LA since I moved here 3 years ago but community after community all I keep finding is one drama-infested clique after another. This might be related to the fact that I've only managed to find communities through conventions so far. I miss norcal and the lack of drama I had in my circles there.

>> No.9195946

Facebook groups are the best. Especially the big Lolita group EGL LA.

>> No.9195998

You don't, not at least towards a perfect stranger

>> No.9196062

>Were you never in a dance team
I was in ballet when I was like 5 lol. What kind of question is this??

And no, I don't go shopping with my friends because we have different tastes. Before the one moved, she was really into BoHo shit and the other one is either too depressed to get dressed or wears boystyle type stuff.
Then I have a gay friend that I go shopping with sometimes but he's a bit of a tumblrina and just says I look amazing/adorable all the time.

The last time someone told me I looked terrible was in high school and it was because I was wearing some fucking hot topic trash so she was right but she looked just as bad with her fucking pink camo and confederate flag shirt.

>> No.9196073

>just explaining how even if you told her she'd probably just ignore you and you'd look rude.
that's my main problem with the "community" on this board. People act like if they say something here, people will listen and do whatever they say. It's like everyone lives in fantasy land.

>> No.9196081

Those questions were mostly rhetorical.

>> No.9196343

pics pls

My bff and I tell each other when we look like shit all the time but like >>9195908 said, he's a good friend. He's not a stranger. Giving a stranger unsolicited critique on their appearance is pretty dang rude, even if they need it. If she actually asked people what she could do to make her outfit better that would be one thing, but someone who dresses that badly for her size is probably not open to criticism anyway. More likely than not they'll interpret it as body shaming and you being a jelly fatphobic h8er.

>> No.9196587

sweet lolitas aren't the only ones who look terrible most of the time.

>> No.9196629

Coord pic?

>> No.9196704

>entire thread going on about how shitty everyone looks
>2 images
>both reaction images

Holy shit, posts photos or bitch somewhere else

>> No.9198739

You expected much from a weekly gang of trash kids?

>> No.9198744
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>> No.9198768

well that's a nip slip waiting to happen.

>> No.9199854

This is supposed to be the good one?

>> No.9202186

Since they started it about a year ago it's constantly "crashed" by the same annoying ass cosplayers

This one in particular happened to be a trainwreck