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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9194650 No.9194650[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do girls always hate each other? every time i look at cosplay community there's always a hatebase on other cosplayers, it's always because other cosplayer is more confident/happy so ppl bandwagon on hatin her guts.

>> No.9194657

sorry u got posted

required shitposting aside, cattiness just seems to come with this territory. it's all about what other people have that we don't, or what we have that others don't. if somebody has your dream dress, you compensate by complaining about how shit they look in it. enjoy your stay.

>> No.9194659

Same reason guys getting no girls say "girls only want douchebags"; jealousy.

Mention any cute cosplay girl doing well and some bitch on cgl will come to talk shit no matter how nice the cosplayer is.

>> No.9194662

Only time I ever hear girl cosplayers shitting on a guy cosplayer is because hes creepy.
>Why do girls always hate each other?
Girls just cant be friends man

>> No.9194680

This pretty much. It's all jealousy and gossip.

>> No.9194741

either you're a dude who can't get laid, or you're a chick who has a shit personality and can't understand why girls don't like her. I feel sorry for you either way

>> No.9194744

It's not that I hate other women, it's that I hate everything and I have to let everyone know.

>> No.9194748

>Why do girls always hate each other?
Guys shitpost about girls just as equally.
They're allowed to call them bitches and criticize their looks and women are all supposed to sit back and take it bc "hurr women all gotta be desirable per da male opinionz~*!*~"

Have you even seen the hatebase on JNig, for instance? Basically it's a bunch of butthurt men turning on her because she's blatantly accepting their money for little content in return, and she's also aging and getting "faker" (ie. implants and more makeup a la Yaya), so now less are even finding her attractive.

I really wish the "guys aren't actually mean" myth would fucking end.

>> No.9194780

I can't help myself. Fuckin' itas.

>> No.9194806

>They're allowed to call them bitches and criticize their looks
>women are all supposed to sit back and take it bc "hurr women all gotta be desirable per da male opinionz~*!*~"
Literally who says this? There are no laws that say men are allowed to insult women and it is illegal for them to say anything in retaliation.

Women criticize each other's looks all the time. Women criticize men's looks all the time. Men even criticize other men's looks. "Criticizing people's looks" isn't an issue of men being mean to women, it's the age old truth that most people are tend to be shitty to people who look physically unappealing.

No one has to "sit back and take anything". Do you mean that the people who insult you will still be mean to you if you stand up to them? Because that's just how any conflict works, no one magically changes their shitty opinion or gains new respect for you because you didn't like being insulted.

If you are too insecure to stand up for yourself or accept that not everyone in the world will be nice to you that is your own fucking problem, not society's.

>cosplayer who banked on dressing sexy for a male audience
>said audience likes her less when she becomes less sexy or produces less sexy content
Were they supposed to like her for her personality? If your body is the only asset you advertise and the thing you use to build your fanbase, obviously if she stops "delivering" said audience will react badly because that's the only thing they were there for. This is the fanbase she attracted, I don't feel particularly bad for her.

>I really wish the "guys aren't actually mean" myth would fucking end.
Did this ever exist? Maybe you've been spending too much time on 4chan and not enough in the real world.

>> No.9194835
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>> No.9194911

>literally who says this?
By every guy who calls a woman fat or ugly for the character and hides their statements behind the "it's just my opinion" excuse. Or worse, acts like it's objective.

>Do you mean people will still be mean even if you stand up to them?
On cgl? Do you know what happens to girls who defend themselves on cgl? It's the dumbest thing anyone can do.

The Jnig point was to illustrate that guys can definitely be just as catty, vindictive, and immature if they feel they have a reason to be. Or sometimes for no reason at all. That shouldn't have gone over your head as much as it did, but here we are.

Also stop conflating online communities with the "real world" anyway, most gossip and cattiness goes down strictly on the internet due to the impersonal consequences and anonymous culture. Because you're right, irl most people are pussies regardless of gender.

>> No.9194931

>not objective
Nice try fatty-chan.

>> No.9194947

Yeah, attraction is not objective. Sorry anachan.

>> No.9195018

Some people are attracted to fatties though. Your weight is a fact, not an opinion.

>> No.9195021

>ITT: internalized misogyny

>> No.9195031
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>> No.9195162

>Your weight is a fact, not an opinion.
Oh, that's what you meant. You autistically read too much into what >>9194911 said, took it literally, and didn't comprehend that it was referencing annoying folks who nitpick girl cosplayers who weigh 130 pounds as "fat" when they don't compare to the unrealistic matchstick physiques of most aniboo characters.

Haha, okay, whew. Almost didn't process your level of stupidity.