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9171345 No.9171345 [Reply] [Original]

So, I've seen quite a few specials over the years try to argue that certain things they don't approve of make you "less lolita" (swearing, not being super nice, having sex, smoking weed or drinking, being what they consider unattractive, etc) but I have never once seen someone say that you're more or less lolita based on how much you own, except in reference to replica and Bodyline wardrobes. I know that this is partially because telling themselves that they're "more lolita" because they're a ~pure maiden~ is part of how bitter poorfags and people with low self-esteem cope, but I do find it interesting that no one ever says owning 5 pieces makes you less lolita than the girl who owns 50. What do you think, is someone "less" of a lolita to you based on what they own/wear or how they act?

For me, I consider someone more/less lolita depending on their wardrobe, knowledge, and how often they wear it. Calling someone less lolita because they swear/fuck/smoke/drink/etc in their private life is a clear sign of a newfag since it means you're clearly unaware of the "rotten girl" version of lifestyling coined by Takemoto.

>> No.9171347
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It's not a competition man. Wear it or not.

>> No.9171353


>> No.9171359

Momoko wasn't a drunken whore, though.

>> No.9171389

That we know of.

Plus, she had extreme Special Snowflake Syndrome, which is worse.

>> No.9171399

BtSSB got her wet, anon. She was far from a pure maiden.

>> No.9171400

But she scammed her dad and probably had an shopping addiction on top of a quite snobby attitude towards other people. While it's not as visibly bad as getting drunk in public etc. it's quite the same thing and refers to the darker side of lolita, how the fashion attracts girls with the darker side which creates kinda creepy feeling. The film wouldn't have been as funny, cute and would have definitely given a bad image to lolitas if Momoko had a alcohol problem or smoked in chain. And that probably wouldn't be good for Baby or popular among lolitas. While scamming and being shoppaholic isn't so visibly bad it's not that different from from other bad habits.

>> No.9171660

Yeah, I definitely would say it's worse to have a shopping addiction so bad that you resort to scamming your loving depressed father than to be a drunk slut.

>> No.9171662

I didn't feel like a real lolita until I had two full coords. Now I have like 7 and I'm definitely a lolita.

>> No.9171747

that part of the books creeps out a little i get its meant to a joke but ugh

>> No.9174479

I can't help but look down at people obviously clueless about Takemoto either. Like... you're acting like you're such a superior Lolita because your way of lifestyling is so pure and perfect... but you've never even heard of his take on lifestyling, let alone read any of his essays? Automatically makes you an inferior Lolita.

>> No.9174488

Does anyone find it strange how a man who didn't wear lolita wrote rules and essays on how girls should behave in lolita? Whether you agree with his studies or not, it's a bit weird, right?

>> No.9174493

IRL I've never heard anyone say you are less of a lolita for doing those things, and online I think they are trolling. Takemoto smokes weed too or at least he used to. I have met a few lolita's who consider you less of a lolita, or no lolita at all, if you don't normally wear it.

>> No.9174502

To be honest I don't consider someone a lolita if they only wear it to anime cons. If someone wants to smoke and drink and get covered in tattoos and sleep around that doesn't make them less lolita. Just trashy.

>> No.9174506

I don't consider someone a lolita if they only wear it to con's or meet-ups. Especially if they wear normie clothes the rest of the time (use common sense and don't come at me with ''I can't wear lolita at work/the gym/etc). You are a normie who sometimes wears lolita. I don't dislike them or anything I just think you have to wear lolita to be a lolita.

You sound like you haven't read any of his essays or interviews. He talks about the clothes he bought and wears.

>> No.9174513

And he's ita as fuck. So? All these opinions and he can't even dress himself worth shit.

>> No.9174517

At least he wears it and he has contributed to the lolita community a lot with his writing. That makes him more lolita than people who can make perfect coords but only wear it to meet-ups.

>> No.9174542

obviously he how you're supposed to dress, otherwise how do his characters know how to coord

>> No.9174546

You're really ignoring the influence he has had in the community. I'm not fond of him from an aesthetic point of view, but his writings were a massive influence on the fashion during the old school days and let's not forget about Kamikaze Girls.

>> No.9174548

This. The man can't dress himself for shit, but he can dress up women pretty well for the most part.

>> No.9174556

I really like that there are two opposite ways to do lolita lifestyling, it's like an angel/devil contrast. It's also good yuri fuel.

>> No.9174585

I think the yuri feel is because of the influence of Rose of Versailles. Cross-dressing too.

>> No.9174759

And because most of us are degenerate lesbians and bisexuals.

>> No.9176797

I could sound like a bitch but i think the same. At least pick for "normie" clothing jfashions that look frilly and cute or elegant if you cannot wear lolita (himekaji, larme, CPK, mori, otome, fairy, etc), most of these could be done with unexpensive items, also thirfted and also work or school appropriate. Otome, for example has some looks that look awesome for workplaces if you don't have an uniform/strict dress code. I try very hard to incorporate frilly and cute items for my everyday clothing, even my pj and home clothing. It's not that difficult. Wearing super normie clothing only and wearing lolita at cons sounds like a cosplay not a real fashion.

>> No.9176860

Not to be a "hey you guys are talking about me because I fit this category" person, and I totally agree that if you only wear it to cons you probably don't treat it like a fashion.
But how does wearing other jfashions make you somewhat more of a lolita when casual lolita exists?

>> No.9176866

Also I forgot -- when I don't wear lolita I just wear other jfash stuff like menhera and fairy kei. But neither of those really have anything to do with lolita..

>> No.9176963


Not that anon, but I think the jfashion part reflects how, in jfashion threads on here, girls often say it's difficult to find mainstream substitutes for whatever style it is. It seems that most jfashions still strive to be cute and somewhat dressed up (eg it may have a lot of frills or ribbon or whatever), while mainstream fashion tends to strive for simple and/or lazy (aka comfortable, or easy to wear).

For instance, say your workplace requires you wear pants. It's your choice then whether you choose t-shirts with 2edgy4u sayings printed on them and jeans, or gyaru/larme tops and pants. The second option looks like less of a sudden personality change when you don a frilly fancy dress for a meetup on the weekend.

I sort of picture the jfashions paired up, for eg fairy kei and pastel sweet lolita for someone who consistently likes pastels, mori and classic for someone who likes earth tones, otome for those who like cutesy prints, etc.

Though I guess I can see your point, for eg if someone is into florals, it's easy enough to find floral designs in both mainstream fashion and lolita, so in that case I don't think it's a drastic personality change to only do mainstream florals and lolita floral dresses.

Casual lolita isn't always an option, especially if you have to go/be somewhere narrow and cramped, since the poof/skirt tends to be the biggest obstacle to moving around. Sometimes just the skirt without any poof can get in the way of things.

>> No.9176999

Eh, she was a lonely teen in a new town. Lots of teenagers are self-centered, carving out an identity, and that's just biology. She got somewhat better when she became friends with Ichigo.

It makes me wonder what would have happened when she grew up though. I would have liked her to get that job at Baby, but I could also see her falling out of lolita because I knew too many people who went in the fashion hard and quickly stopped.

>> No.9177024

I like your ideas for pairing the fashions like that but still. None of that helps someone be a lolita. The only thing that can make someone a lolita is if they wear lolita. How much wearing that takes is the part up for debate. And yeah, you can't always wear lolita. But I bet more often than not, you could get away with casual stuff. To me, stuff like fairy kei can often get in the way as well.

Let's be real here, it's a fashion. Sometimes higher end fashion is going to get in the way more than say, your "normal" clothes.

>> No.9177105


The idea isn't that alt jfashions are "more lolita" than others, it's more of an indicator of what your real personality outside of lolita is really like, and by extension, how much of your "lolita personality" is fake or made up, if that makes sense.

Hence all the matching up examples: if, out of lolita, you're someone who has a ton of plushies and wears a lot of pastels anyway, then your lolita personality isn't very far from that, you aren't pretending to like pastels for a girl's weekend out.

As opposed to someone who, even given the chance, uses the excuse "I have to wear pants at work" to choose t-shirts and jeans instead of something cute, or even t-shirts with cute graphics on them. It feels like when they don a pretty, fancy dress, they also put on a different personality, one that likes frills and cute things over simple and lazy. This is the part that feels costumey, it's as if this person is roleplaying a lolita for a weekend, because lolita feels like something their normal, everyday self would never even touch, given they can't even be arsed to pick cuter t-shirts for themselves.

At least, that's the way I read the comment from the other anon who originally suggested it.

>> No.9177115

It's because you can tell they love how lolita looks, they wear it because they love the fashion and they have their own taste, so they incorporate lolita in their daily lives as much as they can. If someone only wears lolita to con's and meet-ups, and wears sweatpants or jeans the rest of the time, I just.. I don't understand them.

>> No.9177402

I do. Some people just don't like dressing up all the time. I have a friend who wants to wear lolita just to see the other dresses so I keep recommending ouji to her because she is not a dress up kind of person and is very masculine and not fem.
Most of the time she wears sweatpants and doesn't even match her clothes but that's because she suffers from depression and doesn't leave the house other than to go to work. At work she's forced to dress professionally though.

I don't know. I think it's a weird standard to have and I really feel it only needs to apply to conlitas. If 80% of the time you don't dress up because you don't do anything anyway, does that make you less of a lolita? I mean some people might say that just makes you less of a person...

>> No.9177404

What about people like me that enjoy more than one lolita style as well as other styles. Am I pretending to like pastels in lolita because my normie clothes are actually more goth?
People can't have varied tastes?

>> No.9177432

Yes, I think if you don't like to dress up 80% of the time, lolita is like special occasion wear and not your normal clothing style

It means you have several clothing styles

>> No.9177437

Doesn't Novala Takemoto smoke weed?

>> No.9177440

I can kind of understand this, but not every workplace is the same. I really can't wear anything nice to work because I work in a place that requires steel-toes and safety glasses. Occasionally a paint suit and hard hat. I'd rather not ruin my nice clothes and/or risk cutting myself (need to wear jeans for the thicker material). Working 5 days a week means I am stuck wearing ugly clothes most of the time.

>> No.9177441

I don't know any dates by heart but that didn't get out until a long time after the film came out. And baby dropped him when he got arrested. Only recently they started associating with him again.

>> No.9177445

I'm not that anon but people are not calling you less of a lolita because of what you wear to work. It's more about people who wear sweatpants and don't do their hair even on their days off, and only wear lolita when they go to a con or meet-up.

Like I'm sorry if you're too depressed to wear lolita normally but identifying as a lolita does not make you one.

>> No.9177446

That's beyond your control, though. I think anon was talking about people who have the opportunity to dress at least sort of cute but still choose to wear jeans and boring t-shirts because they can't actually be arsed to dress nicely outside of cons/meet ups/whatever.

>> No.9177454

Yeah it makes sense when put into words. But it's hard to judge people when you don't know their situation, you know? After you get to know them, then I guess judge away. I just hope that other lolita's don't do the same to me before they've even gotten to know me. I also know a girl in my comm who is definitely a collector, but due to work stress, roommate stress, and friend stress, she often doesn't wear it. I don't think her less of a lolita for it. She still enjoys making the coords and participating in the community. It's hard when other things in your life pull you away from doing things that make you happy, but sometimes you have to prioritize to keep your stress down (let's face it, getting dressed up can be stressful if things don't turn out how you want them to).

>> No.9177465

It is hard to decide on a case to case basis and I don't care enough to judge people like that. But if lolita is your main clothing style, it doesn't take special effort to dress up and it's not stressful, you are just putting on your clothes. When you first start it may take a lot of time to make a good coord but after wearing it for a while, you already know how to coord and you get used to wearing it, so you don't have to plan or think about it more than you feel like. Someone who only wears it to con's or meet-ups will usually plan their coord more than a month in advance, some even several months. So to them it takes a lot of time and effort to wear it. I'm not against those people or anything, I just don't know why they insist on being called a lolita 365 days a year when they only wear it 10 days a year (I don't know anyone who goes to a meet-up or con more than once a month).

>> No.9177474

It doesn't really take a lot of effort, just a lot of time. I also always try to do something different with my hair so styling takes a lot of time and can turn out poorly so that's really the stress I'm referring to. Some girls also are more into makeup so that also can add. The coord portion itself is easy. Not in reference to myself, but that raises the question if you only make floordinates, are you a lolita?

>> No.9177480

If you only make floordinates you're not a lolita to me, because it's a clothing style. If you don't wear the clothing style, why call yourself a lolita?

>> No.9177498

I'm kind of in the same spot. I love fashion in general, and I /do/ dress up all the time, but I wear "normie" clothes most days. crisp, clean, quality normie clothes (pencil skirts, blouses, etc) but definitely not lolita or even j fashion. now I do incorporate jfashion pieces a lot, but I don't adhere to some strict style every day. does that make me "less" of a lolita? sure. but does that mean I'm not a lolita at all? I don't think so. I still wear full coords to get milk or go to the movies by myself. you'll just have to pry my Ralph Lauren sweaters from my cold dead hands.

>bonus: I work in a bank, and anything other than a suit causes quite a stir. it's just not worth it for the lolita street cred

>> No.9177516

It doesn't make you less of a lolita, it's not feasible to wear it daily or to most jobs.

I can't wrap my head around this idea that if you don't wear it as frequently as other people want then you're not a real lolita.

>> No.9177523

I don't get why people keep replying to the idea of conlita's with BUT MUH JERB!!
Nobody is saying you should wear full lolita coordinates to your job, the gym, hiking in the mountains etc. because of course that's not feasible. All we're saying is that girls who only wear lolita to tea parties and cons and otherwise dress like slobs in their free time feel less like actual lolitas to us, and more like normies who play pretty princess dress up on occasion.

>> No.9177526

It really doesn't take that much time, until few minutes matter. My hair works easily with lolita, of course it's not always perfect. It can be frizzy and flat but that would be the case without lolita. Also making braids takes almost no time and double buns takes me max. 20 minutes and I have difficult hair to work with. If you are more into make up wouldn't you do it regardless of what you are wearing? Of course if you don't usually make effort in your looks it's time consuming but atleast I'm not really ready quicker if I don't wear lolita unless I'm just brushing my hair and throwing on some sweatpants.

>> No.9177537

You can't just say it doesn't take much time. Yes, maybe it doesn't take much time for you. But not everyone is you anon.

>> No.9177564

Just for an example, here is why I don't wear lolita MOST of the time. I still wear it like 1-2 times a week, and of course I wear it to meet ups and con's. (The part that really bothers me about this argument is that if you only wear it to meets you're still not lolita enough? like what?)

When I'm not at work I --
>do my laundry
>cook food
>clean my house
>sit around on the internet
>walk to get coffee on the corner by my house
>walk to the grocery store and carry home like 30lbs worth of food

none of those things are something I'd even wear a casual coord for. I could tear or get something on my dress/skirt/socks etc.
It's mind boggling to me to wear lolita for most lifestyles. Being a lifestyler as a lolita is this whole other thing. That means your own personal life doesn't have that much going on therefor you can just wear fancy clothes all the time without them causing a fuss or being in the way or making you look over dressed.
Not to mention, I don't wear make up all the time but if I'm gonna wear lolita, you better believe I'm at least gonna put on some eyeliner but I am not putting on anything to walk to the store.

>> No.9177565

holy shit cgl, who fucking cares?

>> No.9177566


>implying I have a life outside my job
you're cute.

but really, that post was mostly in response to the person who says they have multiple styles. I /do/ wear lolita outside of cons, but I also wear other non-jfashion styles in my free time because I LIKE them. I get that it makes other Lolita's feel iffy when someone only ever wears a style to a con. but some people in the thread were starting to imply that if you wear anything other than lolita when you aren't under duress somehow makes you not apart of the culture? which is ridiculous.

>> No.9177570

Nobody is saying that. It's been explained several times this is about people who wear sweatpants/jeans+tshirt in their free time, and wear lolita to con's and meets 5-12 times a year, versus people who wear lolita as their clothing style (not at job or when doing sports etc)
Yet people keep replying like they have to defend themselves when this is not even about them

>> No.9177578

Because, I know this doesn't apply to me and as someone who wears it fairly often, I don't feel the need to say "well, you don't wear it that often, only to meet ups actually, so you're not a real lolita like me"

it's fucking stupid.

>> No.9177580

This. I think if someone only wears it to meets it's fine. We need to get that logic the fuck out of here.

If they only wear it to a con like once or twice a year, sure, they're not a lolita.
They wear it to meets and they go pretty often? They're a fucking lolita.

>> No.9177587

I think it's stupid to call yourself a lolita every day if you only wear it 1 day a month. And the conlita's I know wear it less than that. I don't see why they insist on being a lolita so much, why can't they just be happy with being a conlita

>> No.9177590

>they go pretty often
These are the key words tough. The girls I'm talking about don't go often. They need 2 monthsf to plan what to wear

>> No.9177597

why do you have such a problem with people using a general term? seriously who is going to walk around like "hello yes I am a ~conlita~?" chill, dude.

>> No.9177600

Someone mentioned the number 12 which would mean they go to a meet, once a month all year.

I think what you're talking about is the people who want to wear the fashion but it takes them awhile to build up a coord because of money/shipping reasons. Those people are thought to be less lolita when in actuality they are trying to wear different pieces and are putting thought into their outfits.

So now you're only a lolita when you're in it? To me that seems like a costume where you're like a gyaru one day and then the next day you're a lolita. That's ridiculous.

I think if you wear lolita more than twice a year for cons you can be a lolita. Or even if you have a wardrobe.
Like what if you just collect the dresses? Not a lolita but a lolita collector?

Why is this even something that needs to be debated?

>> No.9177602

Hey what if you wear lolita often and to meets but then you don't wear it to cons? Can you still hang with the conlitas or??

>> No.9177605

This is just an excuse really. I just can't understand that if you treat it as a daily wear how will it take that much more time than doing the same stuff as usually? Like I said if you don't put any effort on your looks usually then yes it will take more time but if you do something to your face or hair just do the same damn thing and put on lolita instead of normie clothes. You don't even have to put on make up. If you have hair that needs a lot of care you are going to do that anyway, right? If course I take more time when getting ready to meet ups etc. but the point is you don't have to be all perfect to wear it daily. And the fact is you get quicker in it if you practise.

>> No.9177607

no, you see. "lolita" and "conlita" are two seperate species of human, who must never interact (so sayeth The Holy Mana)

>> No.9177608

Eh did you read what this thread is for?

>> No.9177620

This is one of the most teenaged posts I've read on cgl in a long time.

>> No.9177628

its about what makes you more or less lolita, not lolita or <insert made up term so that everyone is certain you aren't a lolita at all>

>> No.9177646

No, I'm a perfectionist. Of course it has to be perfect. Like I said in an earlier post, I like to try to do a different style every time. Yeah, if I did literally the same thing every time, it'd take less time. But where's the fun in that. Besides I was referring to a comm member who didn't have the time in my original post, not myself.

>> No.9177681

Right? good lord. Summer is pretty much over and the kiddies are back in school for certain yet we still get these posts... it's almost like summer doesn't actually matter and people shitpost regardless.

>> No.9177685

>This is just an excuse really
You know what, no. If you don't take a decent amount of time to look good in lolita you're probably ita as fuck. Takes me like an hour and a half usually because I make sure I look good. You sound like you're throwing shit on in 20 minutes and rushing through your make up and hair..

>> No.9177746

If you're used to wearing lolita it just doesn't take that long unless you are going for OTT. If you wear make-up and do your hair every day you should be able to do it within 10 minutes unless you are going for something elaborate.

>> No.9177753

God bless the drunken sluts who fund their own lifestyle

>> No.9177756

>you're throwing shit on in 20 minutes and rushing through your make up and hair..
Not the anon you're replying to but this is exactly what I do! Only it doesn't take me 20 minutes to put clothes on. And I know that what I'm throwing on isn't shit, because I have worn my clothes before in several ways and I know what works and what doesn't beforehand. I don't need to spend 20 minutes thinking about it, picking which necklace to wear, if I'm going to carry a teddybear or put a boat on my head etc... I do the same make-up routine every day so that doesn't take long either. If I get bored with my style I use the weekends to experiment.

>> No.9177757

You need an hour and a half to do your hair and makeup just so you don't look bad? Were you born deformed?

>> No.9177793

We already went over why people can't dress up every day, do we need to again?

>> No.9177812

Let's see you do it in 10 minutes. Link your make up tut on youtube.

>> No.9177815

So you just wear the same shit all the time?

>> No.9177845

I have to wear sweatpants to work, and I'm not going to waste money that I could spend on lolita for work clothes. So I just buy the cheapest I can get which of course isn't kawaii.
Work 10-12 hour days. On the weekends usually exhausted so do things around the house like cleaning, laundry, get groceries.
I have roughly a hundred lolita dresses but wear it maybe once a month to meet ups or out shopping.
Am I a bad lolita or not a lolita then?

>> No.9177869

Yeah according to cgl you're just a collector.

>> No.9178223

I understand if you don't want or can't somehow bother but stop making damn excuses how it takes sooo long and what not. Just say it's not your thing but stop saying it's so hard when it really isn't. Work is a whole different thing tho.

>> No.9178276

Why does america (II'm assuming that's where the majority are from on this thread) seem so casual? Where I live in england and the place I lived before almost everyone I see is dressed up, unless you're in a really rough area.

Also what about larme kei? What style of lolita would you match that to?

>> No.9178365

It's a cultural thing. I'm from the Netherlands and when I went to the US I was shocked that a lot of people don't wear make-up and sometimes even wear PJs and look like they haven't done anything with their hair when they go to the supermarket. In Spain it's also less common to wear make-up than in the north of Europe from what I've noticed, but I've never seen so many people in sweatpants and PJs than in the US.

>> No.9178416

Stop saying it isn't when it does take time. What don't you understand about people are different and what comes naturally to you, doesn't necessarily for others?

>> No.9178420

If you dress up as lolita a few times a year to go to a con it takes ages, if lolita is your clothing style it doesn't

>> No.9178423

Another Dutchfag who visited the US of A! 'sup
I agree on this. Like I live in a pretty shitty neighbourhood in NL and sometimes see people in sweatpants and sneakers in the grocery store, but they are a tiny minority and generally look like they've given up on life in general. But then in cities like San Francisco, Las Vegas and Los Angeles people would proudly walk around in muffin-top baring pajama bottoms and flip flops (with gross feet oh god) and I stopped counting how many women I saw who went braless under a flimsy tank top. And this was in stores like Whole Foods (which afaik is on the pricier side for a grocery store) and Nordstrom.

I don't think the Netherlands is considered a classy or fashionable country by any stretch of the imagination but compared to downtown LA we're practically Paris or Milan. I felt overdressed just walking around in a sundress.

>> No.9178463

My regular clothing style already takes me 30min-1hr to put on because if I'm not in sweatpants I want to look my best, lolita will take even longer because there's inherently more things to put on/worry about in lolita than in normie fashion.

imo as long as you have two passable coords you put together yourself and are active in the community or up-to-date on news, you're considered a lolita, which honestly doesn't mean much. I personally have much more respect for someone who wears the fashion infrequently but very well, over someone who wears it every day but rarely produces a coord better than passable.

>> No.9178498

Except people can like more than one thing? Just because I wear an entirely black, minamilist outfit one day doesn't mean I can't wear something frilly and cute and pastel another day. How does liking multiple things equate to lying? If I enjoy playing the piano some days and then spend another day hiking in the woods, did I just pretend to like playing piano? It makes zero sense.

I'm also of the viewpoint that to be considered a lolita you have to wear it outside of cons/meetups as well, when you feel like it or have time, but to say if you want to be a lolita your entire life has to be dedicated to it is bullshit.

>> No.9178504

Not that anon but I literally can. It's never something that's taken me over 15 minutes. Maybe if your hair is hard to tame or if you're doing it in an elaborate do, I can understand it taking longer, but makeup? Unless you're shironuri, it takes barely any time.

>> No.9178506

OP's probably in middle school or a troll.

>> No.9178520

Sounds like it. The amount of petty 'You're not a proper lolita!' levels going on here is ridiculous.

>> No.9178529

You people just want to feel attacked. I didn't say you can't like multiple clothing styles or you have to wear it to work. I just don't consider people who don't treat lolita as a clothing style (eg wear it outside of con's) to be lolita's. If you have a 100 dresses but don't wear them, you are a collector and that's fine too, whatever pleases you.

>> No.9178564

lolita is a fashion style

you wear lolita

you do not be a lolita

it is not something you are

it is something you wear

>> No.9178565

Even if you don't wear something outside of meets/ cons very often, that doesn't invalidate as a clothing style over a costume, by your supposed 'rules' and ideas. Much like you wouldn't necessarily wear a formal suit all the time, or a fancy frock in any style, but that doesn't make it a clothing style to someone. Sheesh. I don't wear it super regularly, but I stay in the loop of things even though aristocrat more than lolita is my primary style, but I still wear the style. Just fairly infrequently, due to work. It's not a costume, I use elements such as blouses, coats, etc in other styles I wear, so there's loads of overlap, and I don't go for OTT styling when I do go to a meet once in a while.

>> No.9178570

This. I take minimum 30 minutes for work, no makeup. 30-60 minutes for himekaji. 60-120 minutes for lolita and gyaru depending.
Other anon keeps assuming they are responding to a single anon.

>> No.9178607

So lolita isn't a costume, just special occasion clothing for costume events. Got it.

>> No.9178650

confirmed troll. nobody's this retarded

>> No.9178708

Again you are acting like I'm attacking you when I'm talking about people who don't wear it outside con's and teaparty's
The people acting like their life is too hard to wear lolita sound like those tumblrinas who identify as a lolita but don't wear it

>> No.9178721

Okay but you or the other anon haven't proved shit to me. You're literally just shit talking how great you are at something. Why should I believe you?

>> No.9178727
File: 214 KB, 393x391, lolguana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

under rated post mate.

>> No.9178744

>If you dress up as lolita a few times a year to go to a con it takes age
No. Here is my routine and I do it like once or twice a week like I said.

>dry hair (swear this takes like 15-30 minutes because my hair is so thick and long)
>straighten hair to make flatter if I'm gonna use a wig (nother 15 mins)
>make up (20 mins cause I decide on what look I want, I can't wear the same shit all the time I do slight variations always) also sometimes I go for false lashes and sometimes I don't so that takes more time if I decide to
>put on dress (if it's just an OP, it takes no time, if it's a JSK with other stuff? A bit longer)
>putting on shoes is this whole thing too because of complicated buckles and shit

And yes I sometimes just wear wigs casually. I just like changing things up as much as I can. I guess that's why it takes so long but I don't see how in hell I could get all that done in under 20 mins.

Also if you wear the same thing all the time it's more like a costume because it's almost like you're trying to become a character or something.

>> No.9178745

Damn I knew I should've moved to the NL when I had the chance... uggh.

>> No.9178758

Yeah right I'm going to make a video of myself and post it here just to please you. How about you make a video to show me how you can take such an absurd long time to do make-up?

>> No.9178759


>> No.9178764

I posted my process above.
How about you just post your routine?

>> No.9178796

Don't shit talk our martyr Takemoto.

Back in the day when lolita was more of a subculture and less of a fashion choic, he help made romanticized lolita for the lifestylers. Most people back then tried to incorporate lolita into their lifes and the best way to do so was to read his works and essays.

>desu one I feel that modern lolitas are missing out on are the written works of this fashion

>> No.9178797

Because we expect fashion to be hella cheap and get offended when clothes cost more than a few bucks.
Not to mention that for a large part of the population dressing nice (or even personal hygiene) would flag you as "gay"

>> No.9178844

larme is already creeping it's way into lolita. Look at some of the new AP items...

>> No.9178951

Not all convention goers wear costumes / displays. Many go in normal clothing. Convention themes can have overlapping interests for a number of lolitas, they're big events, so there's an inclination to dress up a bit more fancies. I don't get what's hard to understand about this idea.

>> No.9178957

Oh and no, I'm not acting like I think you're attacking me. I don't. However, I'm trying to rationalise with you on a point. I'm not the only person here saying the same.

>> No.9179289

Lolita can be a lifestyle too

>> No.9179307

Because some jfashion styles share similar looks to lolita if you cannot wear casual lolita. I'm debating if i have to wear himekaji and otome instead of casual lolita, because also casual lolita requires a petticoat, i cannot stand to wear one for doing groceries or just a walk. Or maybe i have to wear lolita pieces more confortably with no petti, just not calling lolita.
I use the blouses, accessories, bags and also skirts/dresses also for non lolita coordinates, i don't have super fancy items because i don't like the idea of having stuff that i would use one time and later gather dust or sell it.
I noticed this a lot, i live in Europe and i see people dressed bad with cheap shit (at least not PJ hopefully) or dressed decently, sometimes dressy.

>> No.9179346

Where in England do you live? I've lived in 4 UK cities and most people dress like shit unless you're in a rich area or right in the city centre where a lot of people are going to shop, and even then it's maybe 30-70% of the people you see that are dressed up for work or shopping, not "almost everyone". Maybe we have different ideas of dressed up, but I think England is pretty casual.

Amen to that. I like more than one aesthetic, and it doesn't mean I'm not really into lolita because I also enjoy wearing deconstructed and geometric pieces during the week. Besides which, although a lot of other fashions might be feminine, they don't all have that special spark lolita does - gyaru, himekaji and larme in particular are "girly yet sexy", and I don't really enjoy dressing "sexy" unless I'm looking to pull. I find most work-appropriate jfashions boring, and don't see why the fact I like to wear OTT ruffly dresses at the weekend means I have to want to wear toned-down ruffly florals during the week.

>> No.9179367

I do my makeup in 3-5 minutes. But like the other anon, doing the exact same look daily means that it should come second nature. You're not faffing around trying to figure out what to do next

>> No.9179371

I can't agree with this because lolita is it's own style. You can't wear stuff that's similar and go, oh well it's like lolita so that makes me MORE lolita.
If you have to obey a bunch of rules in order for something be lolita, then you can't just use other things to make yourself more lolita. What is this fucking logic.

>> No.9179372

But that also means you do the same thing every time. You guys sound like you're putting on the same face like say, soccor mom would.

>> No.9179395

Even doing the exact same look daily, 3-5 minutes sounds low. Of course I can put on a bit of eyeliner, mascara and lipstick in a couple of minutes, but I have bad skin and heavy dark circles and doing a full face with primer, colour corrector, foundation, concealer, powder, blusher, (highlighter, bronzer) takes me 10-15 minutes by itself before I even get onto eyes and lips. Plus you've got to factor in the time to take all this shit off again in the evening, making sure you properly remove your make-up and cleanse and moisturise your skin, and clean and maintain make-up brushes etc.

I estimate that applying and removing full-face make-up adds up to at least 25 minutes a day, which is about three hours of my life a week I'll never get back. I can understand why some people don't want the commitment.

>> No.9179447

I feel you on having bad skin. I have acanthosis nigricans, 3 kinds of eczema, have had nasty hormonal acne since I was 9 and have almost black hyperpigmentation from blemishes I got a decade ago, remnants of hard bumps that were in my kiddy passport photo. Still, I use a mattifying moisturiser as primer, mix a bb and cc cream for the right shade and coverage, take 30secs to double up on dark patches, a bit of powder if it's a hot day/there will be meetup photos as I have oily skin, black eyeliner, white eyeliner, mascara and I'm done in 3-5 minutes.

Contouring is an extra that hasn't got to anything to do with correcting bad skin, it's shading in features/bone structure that isn'tt really there.

I might go up to 7 minutes if I decide to go overboard and play with eyeshadow. Maybe it's because I'm always late and makeup is the last thing I do before leaving the house that I've trained myself to hurry the fuck up.

Makeup removal should also take no more than 5 minutes with hot water, a good cleanser and a microfiber cloth. Finishing up with toner makes absolutely sure every last bit of makeup is off. Moisturiser doesn't even take 30 seconds to apply.

>> No.9179449

No wonder you have bad skin.

>> No.9179454

I actually wear lolita for the majority of those things, but when it comes to cleaning I'll only wear it for "clean" cleaning like vacuuming or mirrors where I'm very unlikely to get stuff on my dress. I am quite happy to wear my frills to the local farmers' market and cart my stuff home, but it's the sort of coord that would probably get ripped apart on here because I generally have very little poof, no make up, hair chucked up in a ponytail and tend to go with basic bitch plain tights and oxfords.

>> No.9179733

I also have eczema, fairly severely. I'd love to be able to cover it up, especially when in lolita, but I can't. I'm allergic to the stuff even meant for people with sensitive skin, annoyingly. A bit of eyeliner and eyeshadow are the limit of what I can tolerate. Yes, people might bitch that my coord is weakened by not enough makeup, but I cannot risk the resulting flare up. It's simply not worth it, when I'm already on antibiotics for my skin quite a lot.

>> No.9179751


>> No.9179853

I don't think make up is that important. Most important is that you are comfy and healthy. A year ago I was still fanatic about false lashes but I just stopped to give fucks. I use just the amount of make up I'm comfortable with. I think this is one of the reasons people think lolita is so hard to wear: you have to look perfect and have visible make up, big hair... When that's not true. But still you hear it's not enough.

>> No.9179915

Let's say I own 50+ metal cds. I only listened to two of them so far this year. I also have a wig of dirty looking long hair.
Am I a metalhead?

>> No.9179919

Same here. Cooking is the big one for me. I cook all my food from scratch and I don't live with a partner or parents that can cook for me. A lot of recipes involves onions, garlic, spices, oil or other things which have odours that would permeate a dress even if you were wearing an apron. I'm not going to risk dresses on cooking odours, but I'm not going to change my entire diet for the sake of clothes either. I actually used to wear lolita around my apartment a lot, but I'd always end up straight-up not eating all evening because I couldn't cook and didn't want to change. Laundry, cleaning and shopping ditto - I go to a supermarket in a really shitty area and there's no way I'd dress up.

If I had a place that was completely my own it might be different, because I could maintain a higher standard of cleanliness and be less worried about stuff like doing laundry (don't want to squat down and have my dress hem trail on the dirty kitchen floor), but I live with dirty-ass housemates who don't keep the place as clean as I like.

>> No.9179923

>do my laundry
>cook food
>clean my house
>sit around on the internet
>walk to get coffee on the corner by my house
>walk to the grocery store and carry home like 30lbs worth of food
The only one of these I wouldn't wear nice clothes with are laundry and cooking, and I just wear an apron with those to protect my dress. Why can't you wear a nice outfit to get coffee or sit around browsing the internet? Do you spill coffee on yourself often or something?

>> No.9179927

Like >>9179919 said, an apron won't protect your brand from cooking odours, so unless all your cooking involves making cakes or salads or sandwiches or something, it's not much use.

Speaking of which, what kind of apron do anons who cook use? The ones designed for lolita are mostly aesthetic and don't have a waterproof backing that would really protect your dress from spills and spatters. Normal aprons only cover a fraction of your dress. How do you deal?

>> No.9179939

I cook in the evening and just get my dress of when I start. But honestly, my other clothes don't have any smell usually so I doubt it would stick to lolita unless you cook with the same dress everytime. The only super bad things I can think of are hot oil splashing from pan, tomato or spilling some kind of sauce. But these go for normie clothes I don't want to destroy also.

>> No.9179941


I agree with this 100%. I wear gothic because I love the look of big spooky poofy dresses dripping with lace. It can be difficult to translate that into more 'normie' looks especially since most times i go i out its to go to art classes, but i try my best because dressing up feels more 'me'. I feel like im letting myself down just wearing a t-shirt and jeans all the time, when I do I at least chose a fancy blouse and cardi or tee with a nice design. I incorporate brand accessories and bags too. I dont wear tight fitting things mostly a-line and flowy dresses/skirts, wear a shitty deflated bodyline petti under most of my dress, wear a shit ton of 'lolita' accessories, fancy shoes, always some kind of head piece etc. Its all the little things that make lolita look like just another outfit i wear. Its less of an 'ultra exclusive jfashion' and just my style. People arnt surprised to see me in lolita beacuase it looks just like a normal outfit for me and I like it way. I think it would be so weird if i was wearing a gothic coord and say, a friend came round and my room was pink and my wardrobe was full of tank tops and sweatpants and zero accessories. I dont judge people for wearing stuff like that at all, i do to the gym but not everyday! I like having an image to myself and i just cant wrap my head these people who treat lolita like a princess costume they wear once to a con. I bet their scared of seeing people they know when wearing lolita too.

>> No.9179942

Other clothes tend to be machine washable though, most lolita isn't. I often notice that my normie clothes stink of onion/garlic/oil when I take them off in the evening after I've been cooking. The smell comes out in the wash, but with lolita clothes that are a pain in the ass to wash and need more gentle treatment I wouldn't want to deal with it.

>> No.9179948

I live in east london (lower-middle class area) and a loooot guys/girls wear tracksuits p much daily. Athough,I feel like recently the girls in my area are becoming more fashion conscious and wearing alot of trendy hipster type stuff. Also, a surprising amount of guys i know wear suits/ smart casual daily without a real 'reason' with no qualms.

Anyway, I personally would say larme defiantly matches sweet. Not pastel vomit shit, but think more of ap's recent releases (milky swan anyone?)

>> No.9179950

That depends on a wardrobe really. I have a lots of machine washable brand dresses that I have been getting kebab sauce on and just toss them into wash. I agree the ironing is pain. I don't wear my most delicate pieces to eat kebab tho. But I guess this is just a matter of taste in the dresses and how careless are you really. I'm so clumsy when I cook and always end up getting like chili in my eye so I guess it's for the best to keep the dresses out of that process.

>> No.9179952

then.. just get changed before you start cooking??

>> No.9179956

That's only something to worry about if you're wearing a popular AP print or something. I have a lot of simple, secondhand lolita dresses that I use for daily wear. They are machine washable (actually, most of my printed dresses are too) and because they were secondhand I didn't spend more money on it than I would have on normie clothes (unless you get all of your normie clothes at primark).

>> No.9179962

I think that's really the thing that makes lolita seem hard to wear daily. If you only own delicate dresses hard to clean of course it's going to seem difficult. And to be honest I haven't ruined a single dress during the time I have been wearing this shit daily even though I was scared when I started out. Now I'm like whatever just gonna wash this and don't of course wear dresses that I would feel super bad to stain daily.

>> No.9179968

Depends on the style of non-print. I have a lot of nonprint stuff with cluny lace, which shrinks like a motherfucker in the wash. My wardrobe is mostly either old delicate pieces or prints, since that's what my taste is.

>> No.9179974

I can't wear lolita to work and I cook when I get back from work (or sometimes twice in one evening), so if I did that I'd only have a two-hour window in to get changed back before I had to go to bed.

>> No.9179981

This thread is so pointless. People will always come up with new excuses why they ''can't'' wear lolita. It remains a mystery why they get so offended when someone says you're not a lolita if you don't wear lolita regularly.

>> No.9179987

You sound really ~speshul~.

>> No.9179996

that makes sense, sorry i thought you meant that wear lolita out and then come home and cook i misread what you wrote

>> No.9179999

>change to cook food
Hahaha get the fuck out of here. Read this out loud and hear how silly this shit sounds please.

>> No.9180003

Because I don't want to get fully dressed for a short walk?

>> No.9180008

is this bait

>> No.9180011

if your normal clothes are lolita you are a lolita.. if your normal clothes are sweatpants but you wear lolita to a teaparty or a con sometimes then you are not a lolita. you may love lolita but you can not BE a lolita if you don´t wear it. It´s not the same as cosplay when you are a cosplayer even if you are not currently wearing your costume.

>> No.9180015

Y'all motherfuckers should be ashamed at how retarded this thread is. I know you guys are really new, but you can stop taking lolita so seriously.

>> No.9180033

This whole thread has been bait. I'm not lolita cause I don't walk to get coffee at a fucking coffee cart and then back home in fucking lolita even though I wear it elsewhere twice a week. But suddenly I'm more lolita if I wear fairy kei periodically.

>> No.9180036

Yeah but if you wear mori sometimes too you're suddenly more lolita than just sweatpants according to this thread.

>> No.9180037

Im sorry but maybe you misunderstand what I mean? If someones come home, from say, a meetup and wants to cook but is concerned about their clothes getting messy its not some crazy out of this world concept to just wear something else. And if your at home, its not like your going put the clothes back on after, unless you have people round or something. Makes sense to me

>> No.9180042

if i call my casual hobo goth clothes dark mori am i more rorita desu

>> No.9180053

>comparing actual subculture with substance to what is now a shallow alternative fashion

>> No.9180066

Yet they still wear it to a tea or con. They are still lolitas. Honestly it makes more sense to use how they treat the clothes as the factor, not how often. Costume or fashion? It's apparent by their personal style.

>> No.9180068

But what if I have 10 coords and I've been to a con and two teaparties this year. I can't wear lolita because I have to wear a tracksuit at work, when I'm cooking I spill tomato sauce on my clothes (that's why all my normie clothes are perpetually stained) and I can't wear it when I go to my grandmother because she has a cat, I can't wear it when I go to school because it takes 2 hours to do my hair and put on make-up (that's why normies never do that right?), and when I go to the mall because I feel threatened when strangers look at me unless I'm surrounded by other lolita's. Am I not a lolita? Actually I'm a realer lolita than you because I only wear it when it looks perfect. If you don't bother planning your coord for months and don't spend 2 hours or more getting ready, you should just wear sweatpants otherwise you're ita.

>> No.9180069

Is being a metalhead a costume to you?

>> No.9180072


>> No.9180073

I really shouldn't take months to plan a coord... what

>> No.9180074

Lmao thanks for the summary of this dumb thread

>> No.9180076

>tfw all this bitching about makeup/hair/how often you wear your dresses
>tfw I just have a cute bob that i think looks good with everything and wear 0 makeup every day.

Yall are insane, and it sounds like a lot of you have never had a job or outside responsibilities before if you really expect a person to be 24/7 in lolita coords.

Im happy I dont let insane lolitas dictate how I should live my life in order to feel like "one of them"

>> No.9180083

It's not about your work or whatever. It's about stupid excuses. Just admit you are not willing to wear it often and stop saying it takes million hours to put on make up and do your hair. No one here really mentioned you should wear it to work and swimming and to go running but why wouldn't you wear it in you freetime or when you can is the real question here. Because we would all benefit if the fashion was treated more as a dailywear and not an OTT con costume.

>> No.9180091

I do wear it often though, 90% of my clothing is lolita so I dont have a lot of a choice most days even if I dont really want to get a full coord on lol.

I love it as daily wear, but I definitely dont think im not a lolita if im lazy one day and I throw on a non lolita dress for the day. Like any fashion you dont have to wear it all the time to be apart of it, you can enjoy different fashions and still be apart of them all.

You dont suddenly become not a lolita just because you went grocery shopping in pants to save time.

>> No.9180094

You wear it often yet you come into this thread to defend conlita's. Ok.

>> No.9180104

For me to treat clothing like daily wear is just that, Its not important to wear it more than something else, its normal clothing that I dont have an obligation to wear, I wear it because I want to and I can choose what to wear. Now I personally got rid of most of my less dressy clothes in favor of wearing lolita, so I go to play card games in lolita, I go to school in lolita, I go most everywhere in lolita. But plenty of times its not worth it, like if im leaving the house to get food and I am not going anywhere else that day, or I have some other chore that is the only plan I have that day, or im going to an amusement park (sometimes I wear lolita but it feels like such a bad idea when it comes to the fear of snagging on something or little kids doing something)

How am I defending conlitas? Like I dont even get that.

>> No.9180110

You are responding to comments that are critizising people who only wear lolita on special occassions (con's and teaparty's) and have an excuse not to wear it at any other time. So if you don't feel attacked by that why do you respond

>> No.9180111

The anon you are replying to is either a troll or a massive faggot. I would like to respectfully submit that they and this worthless thread are not worth engaging.

>> No.9180116

Anon just shut up. You're literally the only one who keeps thinking it's an excuse not to wear it. You can wear what you want and look terrible with your hair and makeup for all we care. Some of us actually want to look nice when we wear it, not like a slob with a pretty dress.

>> No.9180471

It really depends on your taste. In my experience, non[print chiffon and polyester pieces with chemical lace, embroidered net lace or polka dot tulle lace all wash well, especially if you use garment bags and put them on a hanger to dry. Cotton can be tricky but it's okay if it's a solid. But cluny lace is a pain in the ass to wash, velveteen and cotton prints are often not machine-washable. I know that I could own more machine-washable dresses but they're really not to my taste - I actually recently made my wardrobe more cohesive by getting rid of all the pieces with sheer lace, but now I'm left with pieces with no lace and pieces washing will shrink. The absolute worst thing to wash is something like oldschool redxwhite or blackxwhite pieces with cotton lace, where the colour can so easily bleed onto and fuck up the lace.

>> No.9180551

Not that anon but I've been in this thread from the beginning, doing exactly that. And like I said in many previous comments, I wear lolita quite a bit. More than to just cons and meets. I wear it to my friends parties or bars for outings.

But the logic in this thread is mind boggling, which is why I'd rather say a conlita is a lolita than try to do some fucking mental gymnastics about how if you wear mori when you don't wear classic, you get a get out of lolita jail free card. You don't, those are two different fucking styles.

Lolita is lolita and it's a fashion and if you're a lifestyler, then yeah, you need to argue how much you wear it. But you can be a lolita and not a lifestyler. For fuck's sake.

>> No.9180553
File: 100 KB, 320x676, 1435960353380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because some of us here don't need to feel MORE lolita than other lolitas? It's a fucking childish mentality.

>> No.9180563

Lolita is full of snowflakes. It's best to ignore them until they get bored and move to a new hobby.

>> No.9180567
File: 222 KB, 500x667, 1470854727116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go get coffee in something like pic related
>guy inside coffee cart looks alarmed that I'm even walking up
>old lady on the street starts flipping her shit
>walk up to order window
>Hi, I'd like an iced white chocolate mocha with a shot of honey please
>old lady on the sidewalk near by is still gawking at how cute the outfit is
>uhh, this is just what I wanted to wear today
>could I also get one of those banana muffins?

could you imagine doing that every fucking day of your life. I'd murder someone.

>> No.9180571

I have a cooking jacket + apron for my skirt, and I use the oven for a lot of my cooking as we have a fancy combo steam oven so am only stir-frying veges really.

>> No.9180576

>Go to regular coffee shop in middle of town
>full of hipsters who don't give a shit what I wear
>coffee guy knows me and makes my order
>drink coffee and now idgaf because I've had my coffee.

>> No.9180577

you mean like one of those chef jackets? Are you even wearing lolita at that point?

>> No.9180580

>going where hipsters go
Where is that exactly? Supposedly I live in the birthplace of hipsters but I rarely see them in coffee shops.

I went into a Peet's coffee one time and some people flipped shit over my lavender coord.

>> No.9180601

>could you imagine
Don't need to, honestly. In my experience people are usually just genuinely curious but the ones who flip out or become pushy/nosy do make things uncomfortable. It sucks but it's a part of wearing such an outlandish fashion style regularly, unfortunately.

>> No.9180610

It's just like...an old tracksuit jacket? I didn't think it was a weird thing as my family has always been "cover your clothes (and hair if it's out) when you cook" because my mother worked in a hospital kitchen for so long it became second nature. I'm wearing lolita underneath....

>> No.9180613

>Peet's coffee

any place that sells coffee that's in nation wide grocery stores is probably a bad place to start

>> No.9180617

Step one is don't go to a coffee chain. Step two is to look for the sort of environment hipsters like - this cafe is all concrete floors/high tables with uncomfortable artistic barstools and dangling light fixtures, the background music is all from their record collection and you can get up and change the record if you want to as the record player is on the bench by the muffins.

>> No.9180618

>I'm wearing lolita underneath....
You could just.. not wear it to cook though because if you take it off, it doesn't mean you're suddenly not a lolita?

>> No.9180637

I mean I'm okay with that stuff sometimes. The little old ladies aren't as bad as I made them out to be but the ones by my house are fucking whack, so I'm not completely exaggerating.
Most people are happy to see me etc, but I do get tired of being asked where my clothing is from. I've mentioned it before on this board, that even if I wear a fucking neko hat I got from a con like a decade ago, to the grocery store (which I've done) middle aged cashiers will ask me all about it and where I got it and man are they disappointed when they get the same response every time.

I don't care for real coffee I guess. It's why /ck/ hates me. Also I couldn't imagine wearing a fucking petti at some hole in the wall place that has activated almond muffins and cream cheese and salmon flakes toast and it costs like 8.50 for a coffee that is actually like 6oz. Those places are usually tiny and way over priced where I live. Plus I can put cream cheese and salmon on toast at home...

And in the original story I wrote is based off the cart by my house. I live in a city but I don't live downtown. When I'm downtown in lolita, no gives a shit and the ones who do are happy about it. In fact I've gotten like zero negative responses wearing lolita out and about, but that doesn't mean it's any less annoying. It's like being famous all of a sudden. People sneak pictures sometimes.
Part of me enjoys it and part of me hates it.

>> No.9180640

I'm going to be putting the jacket and apron on regardless of what I'm wearing though?
Like, if I come home and decide to cook in my work clothes the jacket and apron go on for cooking unless I'm microwaving leftovers which isn't cooking. So it's the same whether or not I wear lolita...

>> No.9180646

No I get it. I'm saying that needing wear lolita in a situation like that is silly. I always change out of my work clothes to "normie" clothes for cooking. In fact regardless of what I did or where I went, I go home and change. Even if it wasn't strenuous. But maybe that's just me.

>> No.9180647

While I don't think you're wrong not to frequent whatever coffee places you like, don't act surprised when you don't find hipsters there (and personally, I think you can find some great local coffee places that serves mixed coffee drinks and various other starbucks-y stuff but it might take some time)

>sage for hipster trash

>> No.9180651

Well see, the coffee cart that I go to by my house? They do exactly that. And they aren't a brand name place. It's just one guy and like sometimes there is a girl who I know goes to the high school across the street. They make dutch bros type drinks too. It's why I go there, but it's a fucking cart, you can't go in and sit down. It would be stupid as fuck to wear lolita to go up to that thing and then walk back home.

However, I did go up to it once and then get on a bus after but I wasn't wearing lolita, I was wearing menhera. The high schooler didn't really think anything of it. Probably cause she's in high school.

>> No.9180658

I don't consider a girl who has been in the fashion for 3 months to be any less of a lolita than a girl who has been doing it for years. Less experienced, but not less of a lolita. If you have at least one halfway decent coord and you've worn it, you're in. Makes no difference to me how often you wear it or when, just as long as you love the fashion and participate in it in some way.

>> No.9180660

only 179 posts before someone could be sane about something.

>> No.9180829

Oh yeah, I get that. Like I'm not gonna come home every day from work and throw on the frills, but some days I will just wear my dresses around the house just because I want to so I'm not going to get changed a second time just to cook. I also don't necessarily feel like getting changed every time I come home if I've literally popped out to get coffee or to see a friend for an hour or two.

>> No.9181280

lolita is a clothing style so if you don't wear it you're not a lolita to me. if you treat it as something for special occassions you're a conlita.

>> No.9181499
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>> No.9182039

No, pretty sure you can only be a conlita when you wear it to a con.
Meet ups aren't cons.

>> No.9182046

This should go without saying, but a some people are shy and have to work up the courage to even attend meets, let alone wear Lolita out and about on their own. Especially in large cities. The thought of getting negative attention by your lonesome can be terrifying.

>> No.9182049

I wore it by myself at home for a year before going anywhere in it. I wore it lots tho, so still technically a lolita, according to this thread.

>> No.9182085

As far a marijuana in Japan... marijuana is highly illegal in Japan. Their laws are extremely strict. I'm assuming it is very taboo over there.

I understand disliking those who smoke cigarettes. I'm a smoker, but I understand smoke smells and usually people aren't willing to go well out of the way to light up a cigarette. People can also smell it on your breath and clothes if they get close for a photo. Also, some clothes doesn't get washed a lot and if you smoke, that clothes will smell rather quickly of a toxic campfire.

>> No.9182221

How do you make those buns? I've wasted so much time trying to figure out the tutorials I've watched. They just look really dumb and tiny despite me having long hair. I'm thinking of making two donuts to use as padding

>> No.9182231

did you mean to reply to this thread?

>> No.9182241

Nvm. I saw the weed part in OP's post and glazed over it the first time. I just didn't see anyone else talking about it.

Got confused cause you didn't even reply directly to the OP so I had no idea what you were even referring to.

As far as the legality, thing, I'm not sure why that would apply to people outside of Japan wearing the fashion? Or what the legality of things there matters for anywhere else?
Codeine is illegal there too. Is someone less lolita for taking cough medicine?

>> No.9182292
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I suck and can't do them with donuts but I hope this helps. First I tie my hair in to two ponytails in the height I want my buns to be. This is the most difficult part to me as my hair is fucked up and it's not even and refuses to go to any remotely decent shape. After that I secure it a bit with hairspray. Then I tease the hair a bit because it's uneven and I have quite thin hair. You don't probably have to do it if you have enough hair. Then I take the end of the ponytail and start to twist it until it forms a nice bun when you start to take it near the bottom of the ponytail. When I pin it to place it usually loosens just a bit so it looks good. It also stays quite well in place. If you tease the hair I recommend to use a lots of (detangle?)spray and tangle teaser. I personally use Pet Head's Dog's Best Friend because it smells good and gets the job done very well.

>> No.9182547

Underrated post.

>> No.9182549

Then I want a new word to describe lolita's who only wear it to con's and meets. They don't treat it as their clothing style, and meet ups are almost the same as cosplay meets, only difference is people wear lolita instead of cosplay.

>> No.9182950

Thank you. I wear lolita frequently and hate how long it takes to curl or straighten my hair. Hopefully I can get this style down

>> No.9182973

>Then I want a new word
Go ahead and think for yourself and see if something catches on.
Good luck!

>> No.9183019

At what point do they stop being a Lolita? I mean if a goth doesn't smear black lipstick all over their face to grab some late night food do they lose their "goth" cred despite their music collection?

>> No.9183079

If you want to compare it to a goth, imagine a goth who never listens to her music collection and never wears anything goth, only when she goes to a festival a few times a year. No one who knows her in her daily life would see her as a goth.

On one hand you have someone who has lolita as her clothing style (that does not mean she has to wear it 24/7), and on the other hand you have someone who has a totally different clothing style but dresses up as a lolita for special occassions (like meet ups and/or cons).

>> No.9183103

You are right there, I should've better fleshed out my response. Rather my concern is the elitist tend to skew "labels" to fit their very narrow view of things. I agree that one should try to wear their wardrobe as much as possible but one should be weary of the "lifers" and diehards who think deviating one iota even for a moment is a cardinal sin.

>> No.9183193
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Part-Timer was a thing at one point, but it's past a lot of people's time now.

>> No.9183210

Also... there are a lot more rational reasons why people don't wear lolita as their daily style.

- Cumbersome, takes a lot of time and planning to put together a coordinate compared to throwing on something comfortable and casual while schlepping around town after/before work.
- Worrisome. Don't want to spill shit on my brand or worry about what other people are doing near me and if their actions could damage my brand.
- You work. You work a lot. You can't wear lolita to work.
- You don't make meets as often as you'd like.
- Your days off are spent running errands doing chores.
- Don't want to be bothered with any "little bo peep where's your sheep" bullshit while I'm buying groceries on my day off, thank you.

I love lolita and would wear it daily but jfc, If it weren't for cons and the occasional rare meetup I could make it to, I'd be a fully certified brand hoarder.

>> No.9183220

Why are meet ups constantly being referred to as special occasions?
Maybe for you guys, but for me they happen all the time. I wouldn't consider a regular meet up as a special occasion, just like, maybe bigger events like ILD.

>> No.9183223

Yes and I'm sorry but in that case it doesn't sound like lolita is your clothing style

>> No.9183245

These reasons have all been argued already in this thread.

This looks like it was made by a part-timer who thinks lifestylers all act like the girl from princess portal. But I really like the term part-timer

My comm has about 8-10 meet-ups a year. If your comm has a lot of meets and you're able to go every week then surely you can wear lolita regardless if there's a meet that weekend or not. I say special occasion because apparently some people need an occasion to wear it and don't just wear it on their own. Maybe it's not the right word, English isn't my first language. I just copied it from someone else.

>> No.9183248

And? It's not like being able to wear it more often than another makes you more qualified to say that you wear the fashion.

Since when has this been some sort of pissing contest? Is it because brand is easy to come by now, all those old elite prints are now cheap on the 2nd hand market, so now owning brand isn't a status so much as how often someone wears it?

>> No.9183256

And nothing?? I couldn't care less if you only wear it 5 hours a year and call yourself a lolita the whole year. You do you. I just don't think of them as lolita's, and that's what this thread is about.

>> No.9183284
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Uh, what the fuck is the discussion in this thread? When the fashion started in Japan, many many many lolitas had what you might call a double life- many of them wouldn't even leave their house wearing lolita, they would change once they got to Harajuku. That's why you see so many lolitas with suitcases in old street snaps, they are keeping their "normal" clothes in there. Most of the people in KERA and GLB streetsnaps are more dressed up than normal for the occasion of getting snapped.

There is no litmus test on how often you wear lolita fashion or why. Not everyone is going to have a job that will let them wear lolita/lolitaesque clothing in it. Not everyone is going to have a wardrobe sustainable enough to wear it frequently (if all you have are a couple printed JSK sets, your coordinate options are limited, also dresses need to be dry cleaned and that can be pricey). Not everyone lives in an area with an active community either.

If you have good coordinates, and are semi-active in online communities you're a lolita. end of story, point black, no more to it than that.

All this handwringing over "lolitas who only wear it to cons and meets!!!!!" is....stupid. lolita has always been this way, just people are more OTT with their coordinates so convention lolita is more of a showy thing. Back in the hey-dey of egl, people would post meetup coordinates daily. sure, you'll get a sprinkling of "this is what i wore to the mall!" or "this is what i wore to see a movie!" but a majority of the coordinates were worn out to meetups.

You can't compare lolita to goth because it just doesn't have the same roots and ties to fashion that lolita does. Goth is also a lot more socially accepted in western cultures- most everyone knows of goth or someone who is goth, and you can piece together a moderately passable goth outfit at any mall in America.

>> No.9183285

You can wear lolita casually, anon. It's not that cumbersome as you say. Just choose a less OTT blouse or cutsew, a lolita skirt, some simple tights or socks, casual mary janes and a bag with a bow, minimal accessory, basic makeup and you are ready. For me putting a blouse and a skirt with accessories it's like putting leggings with a tee. Maybe because i accessorize and put basic makeup and some coordination even with a t-shirt and leggings. I wear what i love also for errands. It's like wearing normie outfits if you care enough to wear them coordinated. But if you are used to wear a random tee + pants, shoes that doesn't match with no makeup/basic skincare (in case of no makeup)...now i understand why it's too stressing for you. Just treat lolita like any clothing and it would be easy. No one would scream to me "little bo peep" with a solid lolita skirt, a simple cutsew with very basic accessories. Choose toned down colors like black, red, muted pastels,creams or florals/polkadots instead of bright blue or pastel pink.

>> No.9183293
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And to continue my point, I haven't seen any of what you guys are talking about here. You're all asshurt over these alleged lolitas who only wear outfits to conventions or meetups, but then their daily life is boring and monochromatic, composed of absolutely nothing but business pantsuits or 24/7 sweatpants.

It would be nigh impossible for someone who is active enough in lolita to keep tabs on cons/meetups but not be involved in online communities, or have some other aspect of their life that has japanese street fashion/anime/east asian culture influence. If this kind of person does exist, they probably wouldn't exist in online communities and therefore, none of you would know about them.

Most lolitas, be them gothic, sweet or classic have atleast some commitment to the fashion no matter how often they wear it, be it interest in general cute and/or gothic aesthetic, interest in anime, japanese or korean music and dramas, interest in other street fashions, interest in manga or history or /something/.

And even if this supposed meetup/convention only lolita exists, who cares? It doesn't contribute anything negative to the fashion.

>> No.9183298

"lifestyle" lolitas are weeaboos. Taking one thing you like and making it your life while accusing anyone who doesn't obsess over that special interest of being "fake" is brony behavior. Please act normal.

>> No.9183301


Bless for the mention of the suitcases. Gyaru used to (and probably still) do that as well.

I don't even bother arguing with the "are you even lolita"-chans because I know I have better coords than the vast majority of them.

>> No.9183308

>alleged lolitas who only wear outfits to conventions or meetups, but then their daily life is boring and monochromatic, composed of absolutely nothing but business pantsuits or 24/7 sweatpants.
You just described the majority of my comm. Also we don't live in 90s Japan.

>> No.9183319

I understand if they were teenagers or having a strict family, your friends or partner dislike lolita and don't want to go out with you dressed not normie but if these people are free to dress as they want during their free time outside home (or inside if you want and don't do activities like chores) why they just settle with boring sweats and boring normie items? This isn't Japan that would fire you if you wear lolita. And if you don't want to wear lolita, just don't be a lolita and wear other jfashion styles.

>> No.9183322

Normies associate lolita with being a little slut.

>> No.9183331

If there's a look that works for you and doesn't take a lot of time, why not go back to it? People have an issue with the soccer mom lolita only because her make-up doesn't suit lolita, not because it's the same every time.

>> No.9183352
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No, we don't live in 90s Japan, but considering that is where the fashion originated, I really don't think it matters if someone is just an "occasion" lolita. Most lolitas were just "occasion" lolitas in the country it originates from, and that matters a lot more than the opinions of some salty anons on a message board.

If someone doesn't want to wear lolita or doesn't like lolita, then they just aren't going to be a lolita. No one is going to waste hundreds of dollars to piece together decent meetup and convention coordinates while simultaneously hating the fashion. It's just not always practical for daily wear, not everyone wants to waste time on wearing it daily too. Stop whining about "WAAHHH BORING NORMIE". You sound like an upset edgy scene kid whining about the preps. People can enjoy being in normal clothes AND sweatpants AND lolita fashion. These aren't mutually exclusive concepts.

Your average outsider cannot differentiate genuine lolita fashion with milanoo crap. To them, we're all just inspired by Melanie Martinez, or Lady Gaga. The normies don't care whos a real lolita and who isn't, so who are we trying to impress? The dignity of the fashion isn't going to be ruined because of some people who only wear lolita to cons and meetups. The fashion never had any in the first place.

>> No.9183360
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> (or inside if you want and don't do activities like chores)

I just need to address this specific point for some reason. Why the fuck would someone get dressed up in lolita at home just because? There is nothing really wrong with doing that I guess, but why? Why would I sit around at home, doing nothing (except drink tea and read biographies of marie antoinette I guess?) in a dress that costs hundreds of dollars and can be costly to get cleaned.

Real life isn't Kamikaze Girls. Momoko is a fictional character, not someone who we should emulate or be expected to strive to become. She isn't normal. It's not a sustainable lifestyle for anyone.

>> No.9183383

I admit, I did this but only to photograph new coords worn. After I felt like I got enough good images, I'd just sit around and do whatevr, usually play videogames... don't know how lolita that is but...

>> No.9183423
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This is baffling to me. Maybe it's just how I was raised, but when I am home and not going out again, I'm in comfort clothes. I do like to invest in cute pajamas and lounge wear, but I can't imagine just being at home in a coordinate to just relax. Lolita isn't super uncomfortable or anything but its not exactly made for relaxation.

There is nothing wrong with it, more power to you if you can enjoy the fashion all the time like that.

Pic related, I wish more cute room wear like this was available in the states, but until then, I'll continue to be a filthy normie in my victorias secret PINK pants when I'm home alone.

>> No.9183424
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>Why the fuck would someone get dressed up in lolita at home just because?

That anon is ridiculous but so are you. I don't wear just for people to see me in it. I like wearing lolita so I do it. I'm not going to instantly rip everything off the second someone won't see me in it and if I want to wear it but don't want to go anywhere I will. I'm not emulating anyone, it's called actually liking something enough to do it on my own.

>doing nothing

Sewing, knitting, reading other books, talking to/skyping people you can't visit, browsing sale comms/auctions/cgl/cof, playing video games, messing around with a collection, cleaning out you closet, woodcarving, drawing, eating food that isn't messy and not being a pig about it, cooking/baking things that aren't messy with proper protection, and I could go on and on. Going out is much more dangerous than all the hobbies above combined. Unless you like to make pottery, paint, or workout a lot most indoor hobbies are perfectly fine.

>in a dress that costs hundreds of dollars and can be costly to get cleaned

Do you only buy the newest dresses and refuse to buy secondhand for anything but the most sought after pieces? I mean 350 can be standard for a new dress but phrasing it that way makes it sound like you mean at least 500 for every dress. I'll admit I prefer old school, innocent world, and buy casual so I get my stuff much cheaper than most but that's even less that what I listed and if you have super expensive taste that's on you. Besides iphones are $600 and most normies I know get a new one every time they come out and treat them like shit. Do you never use your phone because it could get broken or stolen? Never drive a car because someone could scratch it or crash into it? Clothes were meant to be worn. If you're into it almost solely as a collector's hobby and only wear it to show it off that's fine, but don't get your panties in a twist over people wearing their own damn clothes.

>> No.9183427

Most of my dresses are pretty comfy though? Like it's not an issue.

>> No.9183435

Good for you? Most of mine aren't, not really anyway. Different strokes for different folks.

You don't have to be in lolita to do any of those things. You don't have to be dressed up at all to enjoy any of those hobbies. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with it, but this is the lifestyle debate all over again. You aren't a superior lolita because you can knit and bake pretty pastries wearing the newest angelic pretty OP. This isn't just a lolita thing- most people don't get dressed up when they're just lounging around at home, and I consider lolita as a form of "dressing up".

>That anon is ridiculous but so are you

I'm not denying anyones lolita cred. More power to you if you can wear the fashion at home and live your life like you're princess skye. I'm just listing reasons as to why most people aren't going to to those things and why they shouldn't be some requirement to being an Ultimate True Pure Lolita. You like wearing lolita 24/7? Cool. You like wearing lolita when you're at home even if no one sees you? Thats fantastic. You only wear lolita to conventions or meetups? Fine.

>> No.9183462

Anon, do you only go for OTT show coords? Because I wear lower key lolita on my own fairly often, just because I like the way the clothes look and feel. I was drunk, looking for comfy lounging clothes, and went straight for an AP skirt and a soufflesong blouse. I fell asleep in a full coordinate, twice. Just because you have weird standards doesn't mean the rest of us do.

>> No.9183470
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>You aren't a superior lolita because you can knit and bake pretty pastries wearing the newest angelic pretty OP. This isn't just a lolita thing- most people don't get dressed up when they're just lounging around at home, and I consider lolita as a form of "dressing up".

>You don't have to be dressed up at all to enjoy any of those hobbies.
>You aren't a superior lolita because you can knit and bake pretty pastries wearing the newest angelic pretty OP.

Where the fuck did I say that? You're just pulling things out your ass to be offended by. Idgaf how much of a "lifestyler" I am or what you do anymore than I care about your bowel movements are. That was my first post in this thread. Idc if 50% of all western lolitas used it for baby erp (other than the fact that ddlg is disgusting) so long as it didn't become completely associated with that to normies so I could wear it without consatntly being mistaken for a baby prostitute. I don't bother with a comm because wearing the same style isn't enough to hang out and I don't "need protection." I don't go to conventions because I don't like anime. Hell I don't even bother posting coords on cof.

Clothes are clothes. I like them so I wear them. I like seifuku and maid outfits too (cute way not fetish way) so I wear them too when I want to. When I want to be comfy I either literally just a shirt/nightgown and put on pants/panties if other people are around. I walk around with my legs spread as wide as possible at home no matter what I'm wearing and don't bother with make up even in lolita if I'm alone.

>> No.9183475
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>This isn't just a lolita thing- most people don't get dressed up when they're just lounging around at home, and I consider lolita as a form of "dressing up".

Yeah believe me I know. Even at the "fancy" stores where everything costs 250 for the same made in china shit I see people with stained shirts and headsized tits past someone's belly button with no bra.

>You like wearing lolita 24/7? Cool. You like wearing lolita when you're at home even if no one sees you? Thats fantastic. You only wear lolita to conventions or meetups? Fine.

I never once disagreed. You said it was ridiculous and super dangerous and expensive and the only possible reason anyone could ever do it is because they want to be a twu~ lolita. Here for example
>I'm not denying anyones lolita cred.
>live your life like you're princess skye.

You're still trying to imply the only reason anyone would ever wear lolita in their house is to be like someone else or be superior. It's fucking clothes not strapping 500 pound weights to your chest or competing in beauty pageants 24/7.

>> No.9183492 [DELETED] 
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How on earth did I do that? Here's a fluffy lolita to make up for it.

>> No.9183495
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How on earth did I do that? Here's a fluffy coord to make up for it.

>> No.9183828

My daily lolita dresses don't cost more than decent normie clothes

>> No.9183860

This desu

>> No.9183862

Lifestyle lolita is from Japan too.

>> No.9183992

So are lifestylers the new cancer of cgl?

>> No.9184000

cgl is the cancer of lolita

>> No.9184021

Can't say I disagree. We've got the nitpicky OTT lolitas who wouldn't go outside looking anything less than filtered and sanitized on one end. We've got super special true lifestyle lolitas who probably wear sneakers with their faded, grease-stained jsks on the other. What a mess.

>> No.9184057

Because wanting to look nice in Lolita is now a bad thing. Good job cgl.

>> No.9184065
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>> No.9184074

Cause slappin some stuff on 10 mins is no biggie and those anons always look spectacular, right? That's why they're posting here of all places, right?

>> No.9184112


What is reading comprehension?

>> No.9184142

We've been over it like 20 times in this very thread.

Sage cause this shit is old.

>> No.9184202

Yeah, we have. Faggots on both on the spectrum and they infest cgl like pubic lice.