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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 160 KB, 3002x4829, San_Japan_-_Revised_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9171708 No.9171708 [Reply] [Original]

Con's over now. What'd you like? What'd you dislike? Lets get the ball rolling

>> No.9171755

I didnt really enjoy any of it lol

>> No.9171924

Big as I can ever remember it. Kinda cool to watch it expand. Wasn't expecting my panel to be that popular. Heard the usual bitching about cosplay and I thought the super-crackdown about dress code was both unannounced and biased, but they don't really affect me so I don't really care.

I was disappointed at the lack of Harambe in the artists alley.

>> No.9171954
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First time coming to this con in 5 years . . . holy Christ did this con get big. Parking was a nightmare if you didn't get there early, I definitely ended up parking a mile away on Saturday. As a local I almost wannabe hipster about it and be like "I remember when this con wasn't mainstream" but that's fucking retarded and I'm glad it's gotten bigger even if it takes me half an hour to find a parking space.

>> No.9171960

Same? Something about it was very lackluster. I just kinda bumbled around until I went home.

>> No.9171973

It was pretty bad IMO, but a lot of it was due to the construction going on so I'll give them that.

I think the layout was bad, but again that was probably due to the construction. Artist Alley was cramped and much better the last couple of years with the open space. It just seemed too tight knit and everything was kind of just blending in together. I know this was the first year they used the jury system for Artist Alley so there weren't that many booths that had terrible art, but I also didn't see anything too original like the previous years such as glass etched items, console clocks, etc... Another thing is that because Artist Alley area was so cramped, it was hard to see the booths because there would be people standing infront of it...I'm not sure if the layout hurt their business at all, but I waited about a minute or so to see if people would move and if they didn't i'd just walk over to the next booth...so there were some artist booths that I skipped out on. Hopefully they give the Artist Alley more space next year, or whenever the construction is done.

Dealer's room wasn't too bad but I saw some bootleg sellers there all weekend so I guess San Japan was okay with it.

I also felt there weren't as many cosplays this year but it could just be me. Also didn't see too many skimpy ones, surprisingly! But I did hear about the dress code thingy being enforced heavily so that could be why. It doesn't really bother me though, but just something I noticed.

Don't care too much for panels or guests, so idk how those went.

tl;dr wasn't terrible but the last couple San Japans were better

>> No.9171977

I went on Friday and Saturday and easily found parking at the River Center Mall. I went at noon both times though and it was only $20 for 12-24 hours.

>> No.9171986

Overheard one artist today claiming they only made ten sales all weekend, so if that's true sales must have been really hurt.

>> No.9171987

that's quite sad especially since there weren't really any terrible artists there

>> No.9171988

My group joked around about how it was just WalkCon2016 because the only thing there was to do was walk around. All of the panels were shit, and the few that sounded decent ended up getting canceled because of some panelist protest. The DJs at the raves (oops I mean the "electronic dances") sucked major ass too.

>> No.9171993

honestly if the closest parking you could find was a mile away, I wouldn't have gone to San Japan this year. Def not worth it this year.

>> No.9172000


Oh I'm curious about this panelist protest. Was that really a thing?

>> No.9172004

Rumor I saw on fbook. saw a couple posts saying panelists were protesting being treated like shit by not showing up to host their panels, which explains why so many were cancelled.

>> No.9172014

how was the maid cafe?

>> No.9172034
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not really

>> No.9172043

is it creep that I'm absolutely in love with a random con goer in the background of a picture that I took? I just took random picture at the convention and looked through the pictures today and saw her in the background..she's not cosplaying or anything either. I feel like a creep but she's so cute. AM I A CREEP?

>> No.9172064

Post it, show the world.

>> No.9172076


Yeah, show her. Or at the very least what'd she look like?

>> No.9172089

wont post pics because its on my fb and i don't want friends that lurk to know its me but she has cat ears or dog ears, cant tell for sure. body is a little hard to see because some hambeast is blocking half her body from what i can see it looks like normal clothes so I assume she isn't cosplaying

>> No.9172095

if she's wearing cat ears she's probably too young for you.

>> No.9172100

what if they are dog ears?

>> No.9172115


>> No.9172126

When's Third Strike?

>> No.9172140

Even younger.

>> No.9172174

did anyone go to the fashion shows? i haven't seen any photos.

>> No.9172175

>foot job guy

>> No.9172178

IW fashion show was 13 min so most people missed it

Super awkward Q&A with Mint Neko, fashion show was cool but the models moved too fast so most people with cellphone pics got bad pics

>> No.9172181

Next year. No question.

>> No.9172199

yikes. what a bummer. i was hoping to see IW but couldn't get out of aa. any cute models at least?

>> No.9172207

I had some super good sets today. Almost 15 years of Third Strike, and I got my first Judgement today.

>> No.9172211

I felt like it was slow, but I still did pretty damn well. Significantly better than last year.

>> No.9172452

A minute after 2:59

>> No.9172565

Yeah the fashion show was really cheap. Shame on them for doing IW such a disservice.

>> No.9172581

What do you mean by cheap? I'm just curious, since it's an anime convention fashion show, what you expected.

>> No.9172587
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How accurate is this pic?

>> No.9172597

what is that in the bottom right corner?

>> No.9172609

The Q&A was extremely awkward and it looked like the designer was frustrated but it was obviously because interpreter did not have good Japanese. I feel bad because Mint is usually very sweet.

>> No.9172636

How was the Tea Party? If it hadn't been later on Sunday I would have gone.

>> No.9172642
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I thought it was fun. Drove down to San Antonio for it with some friends and we didn't really go to any panels but people watching and the "dance party" was fun

>> No.9172655

I honestly have no clue.

>> No.9172674

Innocent World is an elegant brand and I expected the show to reflect that. Instead it was the bare minimum and I was disappointed.

>> No.9172710

If you were expecting Baby-tier runway action that's obviously not what Innocent World was going to go for but I agree it felt *very* low-effort.

Being an "anime convention fashion show" isn't an excuse, lots of cons manage to put on great productions with a bit more coordination.

>> No.9172724
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Late Night Gaming dude here. I spent most of the con being sick in bed and didn't get to see much, but I got to play Sound Voltex, and I'm still good at Dance Maniax despite being old, so. Bought a Hisako statue and a gunpla for my son.

They're definitely not okay with that. I saw people bringing it up in the FB group and staff saw and were looking into it.

There was entirely too much dabbing. ENTIRELY TOO MUCH.

>> No.9172727

I'm going through the feedback thread on the FB group. A lot of these complaints seem to be
>"a thing was happening"
>"did you tell anyone about it?"

>> No.9172735

I only saw two or three of those, and they were all in relation to rude volunteers. I didn't personally have a bad experience with any of them, but if I did my first thought wouldn't be to seek out a "Ranger" (whatever the fuck that is) to report them.

>> No.9172753
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Rangers = volunteers. They were in the bright orange shirts. Safety was in the purple shirts.

There were definitely a lack of volunteers this year. Even one of mine flaked out on me.

>> No.9172754

I'm pissed that people are defending the Old Spice Guy. I'm glad he got banned since h ewould always see him constant talking pictures/harassing underage girls and being a constant creep. Im pretty sure he didnt get banned for being shirtless. He is a serious pedo and I hope he gets perma-banned.

>> No.9172759

Yeah, he was walking around for Friday and most of Saturday, I can't imagine him getting kicked out was a dress code violation.

>> No.9172767

I bet they used dress code as the excuse to his ban, when in reality they just wanted him out because he's an asshole and kind of a creep. He's also blowing it way out of proportion. It's really petty. Just accept it and move on.

>> No.9172769


I know that nigga. He's a total spaz and not terribly smart, but he's harmless.

>> No.9172779

absolutely amazing, blew any other tea party ive ever been to in texas out of the water

>> No.9172780

You must not have seen him alone. People are totally different when they aren't with people. I've seen him multiple times following underage cosplayers, taking creep/unconsented shots, and being a creep in general.

The worst thing is, none is pointing out who actually banned him. Was it just a staff/volunteer, A head of department, or the con head himself? None is giving out a full story of what happened so there's no reason for putting this out of proportion when there is zero context besides "wahhh I got my badge taken away waaah"

>> No.9172785
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>> No.9172791

I don't know what the other anon is talking about. Tea party was shit. The decor was really embarrassingly bad, the food was mediocre at best, the theme was weird and seemed to change last minute, the designer didn't look happy to be there, the music was too loud at times. No good.

>> No.9172799
File: 276 KB, 385x734, oldspice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name is Chris Bonnett, in case you would like to contribute testimony.

I'm sure he's loving all the attention, positive and negative.

>> No.9172805

I think the tea party at A-Kon this year was still better, because each table had their own plates of food to choose from instead of a buffet style that only allowed tables to go up one at a time in a specific order. The last few tables basically had to parse through the unwanted leftovers and only after some girls at the first tables walked away with multiple plates. Also, A-Kon had way more/better quality one on one time with the guest of honor.

>> No.9172806

you look like youve lost weight

>> No.9172816

Aww, what's wrong hun? Salty because no one gave you attention for your Fatty Quinn cosplay?

>> No.9172822

only if your a dude

>> No.9172827

I've seen him at other cons ive stafged at and there's been instances where he has been reported to us for creeping around underage but none did anything because everyone has a perfect little angel image of him.

Even if anon gave a testemony, the amount of people defending him right now would possibly not even make a difference. Like anon said, the full story needs to be told from both parties and not just one side crying about it without giving other context besides sob stories.

>> No.9172830

unless you suspect who that person really is your reply reeks of newfag tryhard

nah girls can be some of the worst creeps there are

>> No.9172833 [DELETED] 

sorry should've clarified, only if your a dude or les/bi girl

>> No.9172839

sorry should've clarified, only if your a dude or les/bi girl

>> No.9172850

And yours reeks of samefag.

>> No.9172859


sorry dude this is only my second post this thread

>> No.9172910

I thought there was a great variety of cosplays this year. No one was particularly negative, to my experience.

Last year's was better though. There wasn't anything this time around that matched the pure positivity of the War Boys and Shia Lebeoffing last year. Oh, and the rave was better last year too.

That's my take.

>> No.9172924

i liked most of the food, the cheeses were weird but i just don't eat much cheese so maybe it was too high class for me

the chocolate sauce was nice but way too much for what you could put sauce on. shrimp was delicious, teas were too basic (tazo is boring and generic), rest of it was pretty okay.

decor was very boring. seems like they copied a-kon laying everything out at the seats. no mingling with the guest at all, just photos, that wasn't fun. felt like a lot of the two hours was spent just eating and chatting with the table.

>> No.9172930

Last year was so great because they didn't have D*con competing with them imho. I think that hurt SJ's attendance a lot.

>> No.9173028

>the theme was weird and seemed to change last minute
Wonder what was up with that. I get the feeling that San Antonio is full of sweet lolitas. I mean really? fucking teddy bears?

>> No.9173045

SATX IS full of sweet lolitas and the IW designer loves teddy bears, so it made sense to me.

>> No.9173048

This, fujiwara fucking loves teddies.

>> No.9173060

i've never seen the facebook group feedback thread this negative before holy shit. cant say i disagree

>> No.9173068

Gameroom was too far. The escalators that would cut damn near half the walk in half, were blocked off for some reason. Con felt so spaced out compared to last 2 years.

>> No.9173081

I wish they didn't change it last minute. I would have prepared better.

>> No.9173110

They had to because the fashion team changed last second when people backed out less than a month before the con.

>> No.9173137

Okay she likes teddy bears, so they decide to buy two tacky Costco bears and some tiny ones to sprinkle in the middle of each table? The theme could have been executed MUCH better. It was lazy and clearly thrown together last minute

>> No.9173139

messy as fuck!

same. Innocent World is one of the biggest brands in lolita. They deserved a nicer fashion show!

>> No.9173143

They didn't have to, they could have stuck with the original, better theme. It was weird to those of us attending who don't know what's going on behind the scenes, and more than that, why change last minute and then do it so badly?

>> No.9173147

Their show was sad :(

>> No.9173185


>> No.9173193


>their body movements
>her jacket

I'm cringing so fucking hard, why do people even go to these things any more

>> No.9173201
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>> No.9173217

What was the original theme??

>> No.9173238

That must have been the Friday rave, which I missed.

The Saturday rave had much better energy than this.

>> No.9173257


It was slow Friday, Saturday was meh, but I did really well on Sunday. That was the only day I had times where I felt swamped. I didn't do amazing, but I did the same as A-kon and A-fest so I can't complain. If anything, I have a better sense of what my average will be at a con. It was my first SJ, but I'd definitely go back.

The AA felt cramped only in the sense that they need more space between the rows and tables. There was plenty of walkway space for patrons, but there was NO space between tables on the side and very little space between my table and the table behind me. That's what felt cramped. I think overall there's just too many artists, still.

>> No.9173264


So I was a panelist and I wasn't treated like shit at all? My friends went to one panel where the panelists were late, but all the ones I ran we had 30 minutes to setup and the only hiccup was that the projector had problems recognizing my Mac, but everything worked on my end. We got it fixed (again 30 minute setup time helped so much) and things went smoothly. In some ways I was happy to have 18+ panels midday which meant I wasn't up at midnight, but in other ways I felt like we would have had a larger audience had it been after hours.

I'm curious what this shit treatment was because everyone I worked with for room staff was awesome and chill.

>> No.9173324

There was no original theme. The missing staff did nothing.

>> No.9173368

san japan got a videography company this year and they had a couple guys at each fashion show, hopefully it will be posted.

>> No.9173375
File: 267 KB, 655x236, tkZyGf0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the description said saturday and that is mushiyoshi minoshima on the stage

>> No.9173382

What do you expect? Dave and his crewnies dropped the ball heavily this year. It's becoming more and more apparent that Dave is only in it for the money and doesn't give two fucks about the con or his fans. I doubt we'll see any japanese guests next year either.

>> No.9173387
File: 44 KB, 500x375, 2wLFR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you're crazy. It's becoming more and more apparent that you have definitely never spoken to Dave.

>> No.9173388


No wonder it was changed...

>> No.9173398

Yes there was. Antique Oddities

>> No.9173405

found the staff member

>> No.9173409

You got me. That's how I have actually spoken to Dave and know that is not the case.

>> No.9173415

Keep being delusional.

>> No.9173427

>Dave hasn't made a post since the con ended
It's beautiful.

>> No.9173448

I don't understand, does he usually make posts once the con ends and this is a sign it didn't go well or?

>> No.9173471

He's usually up in arms about how well the con went. This year he's dead silent.

>> No.9173487

He finally posted the (dropped) attendance earlier today. It's normally the first thing he does after the closing ceremonies. He (as well as basically every other staff member) also hasn't been responding to basically any of the posts in the feedback thread. I'm guessing this year sucked balls.

>> No.9173499

He will be here to defend the con in a day or two, probably blaming a staff member or ex staff members for all the negative feedback.

>> No.9173508

>Next year request thread
>Literal whos and idol shit
Every fucking time.

>> No.9173515

>He finally posted the (dropped) attendance earlier today.
Might you still know the attendance? I'm curious how well it did this year compared to last what with the con being during school now.

>> No.9173526
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>> No.9173537

Hah, nice, thank you.

>> No.9173549

>2016 attendance was 16,346
>2015 attendance was18,411

Kek, all those people saying it being on Labor Day wouldn't hurt attendance.

>> No.9173555

I'd bet money it drops even more next year after this years shit show.

>> No.9173558

For sure.
Im already thinking I'll probably only go one day next year because there really wasnt a point in being there all three days.

>> No.9173561

That would have been a lot more interesting than fucking teddy bears. The decor could have been really unique and creative, not two valentines bears thrown in chairs

>> No.9173566

Why are you so mad about some teddy bears
if you're gonna be this buttblasted maybe you should actually volunteer instead of sitting around bitching? just a thought.

>> No.9173570

I'm thinking about going on Saturday but even then I'm not sure if I want to, both because of the lack of content and extremely rude staff this year.

>> No.9173571

I thought the theme of the tea party was ok. I wish the teddy bears had been decorated with cute outfits or that the room overall was more inline with the party. Especially seeing what >>9173139 posted I'm shocked how last minute everything was...

>> No.9173575

Teaparty was nice but the buffet style was a bit messy. The plates were very tiny so after getting one they informed us all we could go back up for additional plates since 1 plate could only hold about 3 crackers and maybe 1 small cake but thats not the coordinators fault. They did have fresh shrimp cooked on site though which was a good touch.

>> No.9173594

Woah you super hate teddy bears, huh? Why are you so mad?

>> No.9173619

No tea party is worth $50 a ticket.

>> No.9173620

The teddy bear theme would've been much better if it wasn't last minute.

>> No.9173630

how was the cosplay show?

>> No.9173641

Where are all the cosplay photos? Tumblr has gotten shit all that isn't Steven Universe, Undertale, Homestuck, or the usual yaoi sports, and IG hasn't seemed much better.

>> No.9173647

>volunteers were shit
>panels were shit
>con staff banning the wrong people
>having the con on labor day weekend
>It'll be on labor day weekend for the next few years
It's over. San Japan is dead.

>> No.9173650

You can also check the Facebook page. People dump albums there.

>> No.9173654

Looks like 8-bit was its peak. Time to watch it fade into obscurity. Money's on 2020 being the last year since they have contracts up until then

>> No.9173657

Now that San Japan is dying what's the new best con in Texas?

>> No.9173668

A-Kon had a recent staff overall this past year and was really enjoyable overall. Still some kinks to work out, but it might be back to topping San Japan. I have little hope for OtakuFair, which is starting next year and going to be run by the people who did Mizuumi.

>> No.9173678

If they couldn't do a simple teddy bear theme, what on earth makes you think they would do the previous theme any better

>> No.9173714

It isn't dying, stop being so dramatic. I don't think a single person expected their numbers to grow after so major a date change and being opposite Dragoncon. Also it was the first year with a dramatically differebt space/layout, that always takes some tweaking for any con. A-Kon, for instance, was a wreck their first year at the Anatole. Now they understand how to run a con there. It will be no different with San Japan. The samefag who likes to go on about Dave being a money grubbing Mussolini is here every thread (you can tell because the wording never changes), Dave Henkin is no different that your run of the mill spergy con-runner, the con isn't running into the ground just because a few people say it is, no I'm not on staff so don't even bother implying so, and yeah I'm kind of mad because it's the same old story every year after this con. Just give it a rest, dudes.

>> No.9173724

Very good from my perspective. Some people in the other thread were complaining about a lack of balance in the awards between armor and textiles, but on FB the cosplay head was asking for armor focused guests for next year so I think she probably wasnt pleased with that aspect either. But as a contestant, we were lined up efficiently, they kept asking us if we needed water, the custom audio aspect was pretty awesome and I felt like the judging was pretty fair (although possibly skewed towards sewing). The way SJ runs its judging panels does mean that you only get to talk to one of the judges during pre-judging, but before the show when we were all in line, the judges came by as a group and looked us all over again. I really can't complain, desu. I've participated in some pretty clusterfucky contests. SJ is pretty solid. Not perfect, but solid.

>> No.9173741

>it's the same old story every year after this con. Just give it a rest, dudes.

Wouldn't that be implying the con always runs like a cluster fuck every year and never unfucked itself?

>> No.9173757

>they kept asking us if we needed water
Another contestant here and I'd like to second this. Early on when we were first lined up and they kept asking if we would like water I blew it off but as the time went on I was actually really glad they continued to check on us cause I definitely needed something after awhile as it was pretty hot back there.

>> No.9173764

as someone who got a good spot to spectate it was pretty neat, i loved the custom audio aspect too and got a laff out of the wrestling music being played as house music.

the only mess about it was the ticket/sticker situation but talking to staff cleared that up real quick

>> No.9173984

They also asked a few times if anything on our costume lit up and dimmed the lights for anyone who had light up pieces. That was pretty cool.

>> No.9173998

There is so much vendetta and samefag in this thread it's not even interesting, there are maybe 3 people out of that 16k shitting it up. Can we post some photos it's a fucking imageboard and like Anon said, social media is useless now for finding photos.

>> No.9174010

The previous theme was put in place by a team that had months to plan but ducked out a few weeks before the con.

>> No.9174047

Why did so many guests, panelists, and volunteers no show or cancel last minute?

More like there is maybe 3 people constantly defending the con despite all the shit they pull year after year. All the guests are bland and the cheapest available, con costs more every year and provides less, leaving any negative feedback only makes the staff mad at you, Dave has deleted negative feedback from social media for a decade. The con has always been ran worse than ikkicon but gets a free pass year after year. When people, dozens, leave negative experiences what happens? Blame one ex staffer and imply everyone with a less than stellar experience is said ex staffer that hasnt even been seen in years.

Must be great to be 1 out of 3 that have never had a problem with the con, staff, chairman or programming in 9 years.

>> No.9174137

>run like Ikkicon
I wouldn't go that far anon. San Japan has never been tent con shitty.

>> No.9174190

Since people keep saying the Labor Day weekend was one of the negative factors, did D*con have a drop in attendance as well?
I'd look it up myself but I have no idea where that kind of info is.

>> No.9174204

Dragon*con demographic is much older. I'm willing to bet the drop in attendance at SJ was mostly in the teens / 20 somethings. You know, the people who just started school and can't afford to skip classes.

>> No.9174206

D*con has been labor day weekend for almost 15 years now.

>> No.9174243

Did people just get lost or forget about the Innocent World Q&A? I went and there were only like 10 people there. It was nice that it meant we all got a chance to ask a question, but I still felt bad for Fujiwara having hardly anyone show up.

I agree, A-kon's tea party was much better. The set-up with food already on the tables and the fancy center pieces was a lot nicer than San Japan's with just a few bears in the center and having to go buffet style even to get our own tea. The whole thing just felt like such a bare bones tea party with no quality time with the guest. It was just eat/chat, raffle, photos, and leave (I was also side-eyeing the designer's first choice for best coord a little bit, like the girl was just wearing a Lotta fullset? At least choose someone who obviously put thought into their coord). The food was pretty good though and the gift of IW socks and headbow was nice.

>> No.9174261

The Old Spice Guy got his ban revoked.

>> No.9174271

I think the demographic that SJ took the hugest hit with due to D*Con was higher tier cosplayers. A LOT of my most talented cosplay friends chose D*Con over San Japan because they didn't want to miss out on things like the parade and huge meet ups. Like for instance, people are talking about how the judges at the cosplay show were biased against prop and armor makers this year? I guarantee you that armor focused judges were hard to come by due to D*Con.
But was this really more than a drop in the bucket in terms of overall attendance being impacted? Meh. Probably only a couple hundred out of the 2000 they lost, so the higher ups probably won't consider it a factor.

>> No.9174329

He should've never been banned in the first place.

>> No.9174691


I'll take dabbing any day over last year's Shia Lebouf constant "JUST DO IT" crap.

At least dabbing is silent

>> No.9174727

He wasn't. Staff posted that no one got a permanent ban and he just got his badge revoked the last day for breaking the rules too many times.

>> No.9174737

Which is a slap on the wrist... waiting until the last day to say ok get out you've done it too much. And then he turns it into a big thing.

>> No.9174741

Exactly. He's an asshole though, so can't say I'm surprised he used the opportunity to get all the attention he could.

>> No.9174745

What an overdramatic baby.

>> No.9174888

Last year's attendance was 14,992. This year was 16,332. The con actually grew despite the change to Labor Day weekend.
That being said it did feel off this year. Friday was way quieter than usual. But Saturday was a lot of people.
I've heard that Dave wants it back to summer ASAP. Apparently it was moved to Labor Day because the hotels don't like the con much. Not "business" enough. So moving it was the only way to keep the hotels happy for now.

>> No.9174894
File: 25 KB, 278x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregard the numbers I quoted. I fucked up.
I do stand behind the rest tho.
I wonder if it'll go to four days with the Labor Day holiday tho

>> No.9174895

Last year's attendance was over 18,000. Not sure where you're getting your number. The con shrunk when they insisted it wouldn't. No way around it.

>> No.9174907

Still no posts from dave. This year must have gone even worse than i thought lol

>> No.9174915

JS Joust.
Basically push and shove everyone: the game.

>> No.9174921

Dave has responded to a few comments on different things here and there like he usually does, so I don't know what you mean by what you're saying.

>> No.9174930

it was pretty fun to play

>> No.9174940

Not to sound like I'm blaming staff members that left, but it's his first year without Jay and I'm sure it's been really overwhelming for him.

He's never had to really do all this on his own before.

>> No.9174969

He's escaping what a failure this year was by posting on Twitter.

>> No.9174978

Normally he makes separate posts going on and on about the success of the con

It's pretty clear Jay basically ran the show for him and he has no idea what he's doing. Maybe next year will be better, but I'm not counting on it.

>> No.9174990

Read the thread next time, the numbers were already posted and it shrank by more than 2,000 people >>9173549
Which is made even worse when it was projected to grow despite the Labor Day weekend move.

>> No.9175015

If this year turns into more years, I can see Dave resigning before SJ 15.

>> No.9175128

>Implying Jay has any clue how to run anything

School started, that's why attendance was down.

>> No.9175154

This year was a shit show, completely disregarding attendance. Dave did not do a good job.

>> No.9175161


Jay wasn't some sacred being that made it work. He caused more problems than people realize.

>> No.9175171

Not saying he was, but he still did a better job than Dave did.

>> No.9175274



A-fest was on Labor Day for years and only within the last 2 managed to break 10k. You'd think they'd have gotten better numbers faster because it's Dallas, but Fridays of cons held during the school year will get less people. SJ would be better off maximizing the holiday weekend and trying to turn it into a 4 day show. Monday would be shit, but people will stay through Sunday all the way if it's a 4 day con.

>> No.9175295

But you have to calculate the cost of renting the venues an extra day, having enough staff for an extra day... Just holding programming later on Sunday seemed to hold a good number of people if the hotel being slammed on Monday for checkout is any indication.

>> No.9175306

If their attendance for this year is accurate, assuming the average attendee spent $55 on tickets (probably high-balling as I'm factoring in pre-reg but not really people only getting one day passes) then SJ barely (if at all) broke even this year. Dave had posted on twitter awhile back that the budget for this year was just under a million.

>> No.9175343

>the budget for this year was just under a million
Holy fuck I knew it was expensive to run a con but still.

>> No.9175379

The HBG is damn expensive to book, and they had event space in two hotels as well. Then you factor in food and housing for all the volunteers, staff and guests, as well as AV in panel rooms as well as in the large theater, travel expenses for out of state/country guests, fees for permits, insurance and other legal hooplah, printing for posters, badges and t-shirts, wi-fi hotspots, clear comm radios, prize support for the panels and contests, catering, publicity, web hosting, graphic design... Just to name the things I'm remembering off the top of my head. As someone who has done a lot of work in large event production (for the corporate world, not anime cons), I am not surprised in the slightest at how expensive SJ is to run... And it's why I laugh and roll my eyes so much at the one anon who is convinced Dave is only in this for the money. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY makes serious cash off this kind of convention unless they're an embezzler. Especially not an anime con. The main reason corporations have conventions is because they weigh the advantages of pleasing their staff with a few days of fun events and fancy food as well as considerable professional development against the monetary cost it incurs. Basically, they do it to make their employees feel valued, knowing that it means they'll perform better at their jobs and eventually recoup the cost of the fancy convention. And at anime cons, they don't even have that.

>> No.9175783

Yeah, but if you compare the $55/person estimate to last year's numbers, they made over a million in tickets alone.

>> No.9175849
File: 25 KB, 800x600, 1469392288767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gr8 b8 m8 9/11

>> No.9175896

You wouldn't know bait if it slapped your ass.

>> No.9175941

Loved the huge variety in the gaming room.
>Who do I have to blow to keep some of the rhythm games in San Antonio?

>> No.9176033

Not everyone pays on site prices or buys the three day badge. Some prereg for the early bird, some buy single day or two day passes. Gold pass might offset that some but not a lot, and there needs to be some kind of liquid cash fund do deal with emergencies like "the caterer didn't show up and I have 200 staff to feed right the hell now."

Bottom line: if someone is profiting from an anime con, they're misappropriating money somewhere. If money was being misappropriated, they wouldn't have two hotels, a convention center, and a bunch of industry/international guests.

>> No.9176079

I know that, which is why I used $55 as the number for THIS YEAR as onsite prices were $65.

>> No.9176157

What JoJo's character is this?

>> No.9176162

I was there for Afest and no one was there Monday. It doesn't even make sense to have a four day con on Labor Day weekend because kids are still going to be in school that monday. They just need to avoid LDW altogether.

>> No.9176163

God I'm so fucking sick of all of the sjws nowadays. This would have never happened 5 years ago. Thw dude would have just gotten kicked out for being a creep and that's that. Fucking sjws ruin everything man.

>> No.9176282

Labor day monday is a holiday for most kids dude.

>> No.9176305

I'm also guessing that most kids don't want to pay the extra money for a hotel room, unlike most adults.

My main issue with this con is that they gave too much space for AA & the dealer's room, it could've easily fit into one room (less space for people to move, but it's sometimes nicer for it to feel "crowded"). Registration could've been in the open table area in the con before entering the main doors. I didn't like the Guidebook push notifications for guests that I didn't care for, use twitter for panel updates and such.

>> No.9176307

Hotels give the space for free if the con can get so many rooms filled. Convention center, when has the con ever used the full center?
You're also forgetting the hotel kickbacks for filling the rooms of overflow hotels that arent used for space. What was the charge for the tea party or maid cafe? Dont forget the artist alley and dealers tables pay for the con center anyway.

Nobody gets paid much if they do get anything at all. They put 20 volunteers into a room with 2 beds. Every cost is cut last minute. Every penny saved goes on Dave's pockets, how hard is that to understand? Dave isnt working, not ebaying old shit he swiped from best buy. He has to make money from the con or he wouldnt bother with it.

Look, Ive been around since the start. If thinga keep going this way, I may take a year or two off, or whenever they have programming that actually interests me, I will return. Its a bit ridiculous year after year, the same problems, same arguments, same defending the con. Sure its not the worst in the state, but far from the best. Just peep at the ACCC attendance numbers for last year. SJ could easily be up there, double or tripple the attendance numbers, but have failed to climb that peak they have hit.

Again, not saying Dave is evil, just inept and has made some poor decisions. The con is making the right money for Dave to pay everything and live off a year. He doesnt want it to grow beyond that. Thats just the way it goes.

>> No.9176310

>My main issue with this con is that they gave too much space for AA & the dealer's room, it could've easily fit into one room (less space for people to move, but it's sometimes nicer for it to feel "crowded").
Oh fuck no. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck no. That's one of my absolute biggest complaints with cons, is aisles that are too crowded and then cosplayers stopping to take pics every minute in the aisles makes it worse so it's impossible to shop or see anything. So no fuck you the space this year was great. That's the ONE thing I thought SJ did well this time.

>> No.9176316

That is my biggest gripe with TX comicon and most the smaller cons in the state.

>> No.9176323
File: 896 KB, 1280x1920, 1029874937594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a pic of the best of show cosplay winner since some were wondering about that. I appreciate the amount of work this took but that embroidery is really kinda sloppy.

>> No.9176326

Yeah same here, it can make even a big expensive con seem like its cramped and like they went cheap because they got the smallest venue possible. You do not want to seem like you couldn't afford a room big enough for everyone, Ikkicon is guilty of this every year and it's so fucking awful.

>> No.9176346

Who is she even a character of?

>> No.9176365

Claire Fraser from Outlander

>> No.9176371
File: 161 KB, 900x506, outlander-season-1-jamie-claire-sam-heughan-caitriona-balfe-starz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a reference image, I had to look it up since I didnt know either

>> No.9176374

I could easily get that kind of dress at a fashion store and it would look better than that shit.

>> No.9176381

The embroidery was a bit sloppy but you can't find old ballgowns like that at any old store, I'm not sure what you're on.

>> No.9176426

I didn't know what Outlander was but I didn't expect a British tv show.

>> No.9176523

>Just peep at the ACCC attendance numbers for last year. SJ could easily be up there, double or tripple the attendance numbers

Uh, yeah, that would put San Japan at #2 in the country as ACCC has over 60,000 showing up. Not even A-Kon or Otakon has that many people showing up which both have been going for 28 / 20 years.

Would you like to spout off anything else out of your ass who has no idea the difference between the pull that a comic con to the general public gets in versus an anime con to a specific crowd?

Before you spout some more bullshit between turnstile numbers over warm body counts this anon have been to PAX and ACCC too. There was definitely triple the attendance at those shows over SJ which caters to a broader general crowd.

>> No.9176656
File: 10 KB, 429x286, zionzhjkueuzirjym2gs.w215.h143.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i cant find any good pictures of my cosplay and there's no word from the photo shoot i went to

>> No.9176662

The tea party was $50 a ticket.

>> No.9176673

>Dave is hoarding all the money
>but he doesn't want the con to grow

>> No.9176682

So? If about 50 people bought tickets then they received $2500 for the party which, as anyone in event planning knows, doesn't get you very far.

>> No.9176697

Considering they served finger foods, tazo tea, and threw bears on the tables as decor, it's not an expensive party to throw.

>> No.9176702

Actually 2.5k probably barely covered overpriced hotel catering.

>> No.9176760

What doesnt make sense? Dave is pocketing some cash to live off, doesnt want to invest any money to further expand the con. Not such a difficult concept is it?

More this
Than that. The food all in all cost about $20. Maybe spent $50 on the bears.

Yeah yeah. All Im saying is they must be doing something right to blow san japan away. Same city, same venue more or less, just ran drastically different.

One of the few things anime cons did better than comic cons was the cosplay contest. Now if you don't own a textile factory in your garage, it's pointless to enter. Looks like the cons are intentionally against armor and large bulky costumes in general these days. Too many complaints over the years.

>> No.9176765

I cant find pics of my costume either but I'm too afraid to ask here so oh well.

>> No.9176766

>San Japan will be on Labor Day weekend till 2020
Yep, they're fucked. It was nice having a con to go to every year.

>> No.9176772

>Than that. The food all in all cost about $20. Maybe spent $50 on the bears.
Anon you are either so woefully ignorant on what it costs for food like what was served that you shouldn't be speaking or you are a vendetta chan that's pissed about some part of the con or other. Those shrimp alone, being prepared fresh by the hotel would have been very expensive, easily 10-20$ a person. A shit lunch platter catered by the Hyatt costs even at wholesale price, at least $15 a head, speaking from experience here.
I'm not trying to defend the con in anyway as I have my own beefs with it but ffs don't make yourself look like such an idiot.

>> No.9176789

I've been digging through IG and Tumblr a lot lately. I can try hunting for you, if you want.
I finally found one picture of me where nothing's out of place and I don't look stupid. Yay.

>> No.9176804


Seconding this. I'm not a fan of the con, but even I have to support the cost. Anything catered by a hotel is far from cheap. They don't allow outside food vendors so they know if you want food you must use the hotel. They hike prices up exponentially. That's just how the business is.

I know anons love to bitch, but unless you have actual experience in event planning you really have no idea the costs to run something like a con.

Hotels and venues will do what they can to bleed you dry if they can get away with it.

>> No.9176811

>Maybe spent $50 on the bears
Oh boy

>> No.9176813

Sounds like someone is salty because they spent $50 on their tea party ticket and are trying to justify it.

>> No.9176836
File: 236 KB, 445x445, xX383B5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. $600 on bears. Sure showed me.

>> No.9176839

I don't think it was a wise expenditure, but hey now you know where $600 of the budget went.

>> No.9176842

That anon got Innocent World socks and headbow for the ticket price so don't know what they need to justify.

>> No.9176844

I bet Dave has already returned them to costco for the money too.

>> No.9176846

>being this salty STILL because someone called you on your shit knowledge about what stuff actually costs

That being said $600 on teddybears is ridiculous.

>> No.9176847

they were probably given to the guest

>> No.9176848

So you must not have attended or even seen a single picture or else you would have seen those bears were nowhere near that size.

>> No.9176967

>Yeah yeah. All Im saying is they must be doing something right to blow san japan away.

Do you mean having billboards around the city, constant movie ads in Santikos movie theaters, radio ads blaring ads on KISSFM leading up to the con, promoting at every comic book movie, ads up all around the city, going to cons around the US to promote then all along bringing in current popular TV/Movie/Video Game pop culture stars that the general public would care to meet?

I guess San Japan should be spends hundreds of thousand on advertising instead of putting a convention together by your logic.

>> No.9177079

I really enjoyed how unprofessional everyone associated with Innocent world was. Translator = Slutty clothes every day. Promoter = loooooooool nice try
Popcorn.gif for real

>> No.9177210

>I guess San Japan should be spends hundreds of thousand on advertising instead of putting a convention together by your logic.

No, this is my logic: san japan would have to put together a con before they could advertise it.


Kek. No way. Do you even jew bro?

Except they werent those bears that cost $600.
There is absolutely no reaaon to defend the con year after year.

>> No.9177224
File: 44 KB, 361x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on which promoter you're talking about, but going after the translator's clothing? After she was more clothed than a great majority of con-goers?

>> No.9177334

They were all StudioGX staff, too, according to their badges. I was really surprised.

>> No.9177341

Yeah, what the fuck does StuidoGX have to do with Lolita or any JFash??

>> No.9177357

Why did a western character win at San Japan again?

>> No.9177457

Because western characters have been allowed to compete for several years now. Only anime con that still has the Japanese in origin only rule is AFest I think.

>> No.9177643

British TV show cosplayer won in an anime convention.


>> No.9177653

This is nothing new? Non-Japanese stuff has won several different times before both at San Japan, AKon and Ikkicon. Don't know why people are acting like this is something new.

>> No.9177821

and you can add Anime Overload to that list, Beetlejuice won this year. I feel like it's pretty common in shows other than A-Fest

>> No.9177893

Because they gotta have their Jimmy's rustled by something.

>> No.9177896

Then they should get them rustled by something that hasn't actually happened before for years instead of acting like newfags.

>> No.9178057

staff shouldn't dress like con-goers, period, Especially when they are paid to be there to rep a fashion brand and not the con.

>> No.9178117

According to you, how exactly do con-goers dress? Because last I checked, everyone is wearing very very different shit.

>> No.9178369

The fact that it looks like she just threw on the dress and won the award makes me uncomfortable. She could have taken more time to style a wig similar to
>>9176371 instead of her boring flat hair. Also, her makeup wasn't that good either. I just wish there was more effort put into her overall appearance than just the dress itself

>> No.9178412

The judges' sewing bias is probably the reason for that.
Or there weren't really good sewing-heavy entries this year.

>> No.9179095

I hate how douchey Dave is. You can really see it to its full effect on his twitter. he's always so salty about everything.

>> No.9179160

>understanding how to run a con at the anatole
Did we even attend the same convention

>> No.9179392

>Finally managed to find pictures of my cosplay posted.
>Low key cringing at them

I'm sure I didn't look too horrible but I'm so awkward at posing and stuff and you can really tell.

>> No.9179424

Practice a few poses in the mirror next time beforehand. If you can just get 2-4 you think look good you can re-use the hell out of them.

>> No.9179437

Yeah, was my first cosplay so I wasn't super prepared for taking any photos. Next time I'll find poses the character does (or at least fitting ones) and practice.

>> No.9179512

I like how the bitch who hosted the disney panel basically used it to promote her shitty party princess "business" girl your ugly as sin, cant sing, and your costumes all look like walmart halloween quality. plz stop

>> No.9179533

Who was it? I think i know her and I'm curious.

>> No.9179647
File: 55 KB, 640x960, princ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she does glitterprincessentertainment. check out her facebook page if you want to see her prices and costumes

>> No.9179673

Fuck, i do know her. On behalf of the disney fandom, I am terribly sorry.

>> No.9180712 [DELETED] 

She is the absolute worst. Not just because of her shitty over priced princess parties, but he yellow buckteeth and bad attitude.
>constantly bitches about how people shouldn't shame her for posting nudes
>never actually has the balls to post nudes

>> No.9184477

Any pics of the translator by any chance? I like slutty girls

>> No.9184565

Bumpin thread cuz with another topic vuz it seems to be dyin.
Hyatt had a contest to see who has the cleanest room upon checkout with an actual cash prize. Damn weebs are so bad they had to instigate the wristband and now this.

>> No.9184571

I think all Hyatts that have anime conventions do this now (I remember that Anime Midwest did it, but it's a much smaller con)

>> No.9184572

Thats just awful.

>> No.9184660

Heyyy the cosplay contest is up. Let the salt begin.

>> No.9184674

Any bad room stories? I've been at the Hyatt for the past 4 SJs and I never heard of anything significant enough to warrant this.

>> No.9184685

i got one. Was taking the stairs up one year (this a year before the wristband debacle) because the elevators were crowded. I was walking past a room and there were 4 people going into a room already packed with like 10.
Last dude that walks in is already drunk as fuck and proceeds to vomit right in the doorway. Room also looked trashed beyond hell and it didnt even look like they were having a party, they were just crashing there.

>> No.9184729

I met deacon rap and he was staying at the room across from me. He tried entering our room without our permission when we were having a room party. His excuse is because we were hall way buddies and hall way buddies always invite each other to hotel room parties. He is a cringe fuck, stay away from him

>> No.9184816 [DELETED] 

Nope, I know her too. She always acted like she was the boss of any Disney princess related event or performance at a con. That's why anything with her actually being in charge dies out within a year. I'm honestly surprised she still has a business after all this time.

Oh and not to mention her being so desperate to get a boyfriend she started dating some fat fuck 2 days after sending one of my friends nudes.

>> No.9185624

not really since I'm lame, but I thought they offered a free room for next year as the prize usually (I honestly don't mind that since I'm not horrible...)

>> No.9185853

Award winners. No godzilla, disappointing.

>> No.9185858

There's too many Japanese ones in the Masters division to guess at which one is our vendettachan.

>> No.9185867

From the main contest awards Best in Show is the only impressive one. The Devil Mercy is awesome too, I wish she had the wings were on for the awards. But everything else is meh.
The Hall Contest entries had some nice entries though, like the Junkrat was quirky in a good way and interesting as far as knock off Overwatch cosplay goes. The Sailor Moon couple looked good, at least from far away.

>> No.9186270

They're all quite shitty.

>> No.9186280

You mean the legend of Zelda couple? I saw it up close. The sewing was great but the armor was absolute shit.

>> No.9186281 [DELETED] 

Her boyfriend is nasty as fuck looking. Perfect match for her. That being said, you sill have the nudes?

>> No.9186376

The dragon age pair were cute.

>> No.9186392

Oh god not her.
She needs to fix her teeth so badly.

>> No.9186398

Uh I think by the Sailor Moon couple they mean the Sailor Moon couple. Like literally Sailor Moon and Endymion.

>> No.9186400

Oh yea, I totally agree with you about the Zelda couple. I meant the Serenity and Endymion tho.

>> No.9186403
File: 163 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute shit? It looked fine to me.

>> No.9186647


Sorry, I completely forgot about them.

>> No.9186656
File: 103 KB, 720x960, t2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wonders why she never gets cast to be a face character at disney
>Shows up to auditions looking like this

>> No.9186778 [DELETED] 

>deleted my post
Oh so now mods care about people dropping info about other people?

>> No.9187087 [DELETED] 

>deleting nothing bad
>doing it for free
Pick three.

>> No.9187232

what is slutty? crop top and shorts? like what all girls wear even outside of con? lol

>> No.9188584

She doesn't even look that bad. I've seen girls at SJ with way worse teeth that are constantly hit on by thirsty beta losers. She does sound like a dumb bitch though.

>> No.9191132
File: 215 KB, 481x355, 1401244090395.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been to this board in forever, what happened to posting pics of cosplay at the convention instead of complaining about how it ought to be run?

>> No.9191145

Not sure about other anons, but I personally don't take many pictures at the con. I just never think about it.

>> No.9191170

>when you lost rack of the time and managed to miss the con
God DAMN it, now ill have to wait until next year to wear my SS uniform.

>> No.9191606

Most photographers dont like having their pics taken by the con and used without permission or credit, so they wont post them here, as when the con gets caught doing it, the weebs get pissed at the people with legitimate complaints of the con chair cropping out watermarks of their work.

Bitch about that guy all you want, but no one is to blame but the con and their rabid white knights.

The photographers that charge wont be posting anything online. No point in paying to go to the con, work taking pics just for the con to steal the pics, treated like a creep, and everyone take sides with the con chair.

No point in keeping quiet about a shitty con. Benefit of the doubt wont last 10 years.

>> No.9191972

the fuck did i just read

>> No.9191997

Uh.. this may come as a shock to you, but not every photo is taken with the idea of profit in mind. Most con threads post hall photos or "I was cosplaying [this], does anyone have a picture of me?"

>> No.9192059

Nigga wut

>> No.9192138

anyone else know Valerie Ruiz? we're facebook friends and i'm just checking to make sure i'm not the only one who thinks she's a miserable c*nt

>> No.9192169

Can I have some of whatever you're smoking? That shit must be good.

>> No.9192218

Oh my god I'm not the only one. She unadded me (for unknown reason, but more than likely for being a bit more popular than her since she made a vague post then deleted me) but a mutual friend and her constantly post the shittiest things together. I remember when she actually used to be nice and sweet when we were friends. Glad I didn't fight for that toxic.

>> No.9192587

Literally all she posts about it wanting to get laid, then complains that only fuckboys are interested in her. I love her dead serious "i will stab this fucking bitch" type posts because she's like an obese ratchet 5 foot tall lard who wouldn't have the balls to swat a fly in person.

>> No.9192590

I called her out this morning and just saw i've also been blocked. we should form a club.

>> No.9193351

Sounds a lot like Lady Kai Cosplay or Lauren Lucina Cerna except she actually has a boyfriend but constantly complains about everything under the sun, including relationships and fuckboys.

>> No.9193424

Lady Kai is worse than Valerie. She inserts herself into memes and post nothing but self-pity status. She isn't even that great of a cosplayer yet her ego is so gigantic due to her "let meme girl xDddDd" shitposting.

>> No.9193651


How quickly you all forgot.

The con chair was caught removing watermarks to use pics for promotional material. When he was called out he sent the intermet goons at him. When more people spoke up, Dave finally gave in. Most photgraphers don't want to bother with that hassle and would rather prefer traffic on their site.

That is what started all the drama in the last few years. They were accusing anyone speaking out of bad prwctices of being that photographer or some exstaffer.

>> No.9193652

That's not the point, you retard. Professional photographers are not the only ones that can take a photo at a convention.

>> No.9193653

And amateurs hoping to make a name for themselves want their work stolen and watermarks removed?

>> No.9193657

You can find all the dark and blurry pics on the SJ Facebook page anon.

>> No.9193706

No idiot, literally what anon means about that not being the point is that we're not fucking talking about anything to do with Jeremy salty mc butthole the awful cosplay videographer or anything that could have been remotely construted as having to do with that situation. Literally- LIT ER ALLY- all we are asking is why no one- and not professional photographers, literally just fellow seagull con goers- has posted their con photos in THIS cgl thread. That is why it was a complete and utter non-sequitur when the response to that was "no one posts their pictures because Evil Evil Dave McJew Henkin will steal your photos if you post them in a fucking cgl thread and that is why no one posts photos here" was just a mind numbing, out of left field what the hell are you bringing that up for response. Thinly veiled attempt to bring up old buried drama for your jollies. THINLY.
God, stupidity that rage inducing hasn't reared its ugly head to me in a while,

>> No.9193714

>hurrdurr no one can take good pictures but professional photographers
I'm not asking for print quality, just some fucking snaps of things you guys liked

What is with the petty salt today

>> No.9193866

Dave did nothing wrong. Also, Jeremy isn't even worth mentioning. 2k subs? Please.

>> No.9193927

Shut the fuck up Jerry. No one gives a shit about your shitty videos or San Japan vendetta. Anon was asking for other anons to share their cell phone pics, only you would twist that into a way to talk about yourself.

>> No.9194261


Dave same fagging hard.

Thats the response you give anytime Dave is caught screwing somebody over. Then wonder why the con is shit and cant keep any staff and volunteers no show.

>why are all the panels canceled?
>why isn't there anyone to help withbthis event?
>why arent there any photos?

You got the right answers, just don't like the answers.

>> No.9194333



Please stop, no one cares about shitty cosplay movies and the douches that make them. Look at how many people had no idea what this guy was off about. Don't act like it wasn't just a way to remind everyone about himself. Even if Dave is terrible this is just as bad, if not worse. Seeking attention on /cgl/

>> No.9194392
File: 56 KB, 500x321, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally created drama out of nowhere that nobody cares about, so now everyone who calls you out is Dave?
This is some next level bullshit. This whole exchange is giving me cancer.

>> No.9194394
File: 43 KB, 640x274, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Dave even uses this site. Nice try though.

>> No.9194474

Nigga WUT

>> No.9195082

Paranoid delusional schizophrenia is a helluva disease apparently.

>> No.9196558
File: 237 KB, 960x960, 1473887821052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You asked why there arent photos. I answered why. You dont like the answer so you accuse me of being the cosplay video guy Dave screwd over.

See most professionals want money to put up with this kind of crap. The ones doing it for a hobby dont want to bother because of that kind of crap Dave pulls and the attitude of the convention attendees. So you have to pay a pro photographer now or settle for potato pics.

Even if they did post pics here all you would do is talk shit about the women more attractive than yourselves. Factor in a shit con and shit seagulls and nobody wants to bother.

>> No.9196731

I never accused you of being anything, do you see me calling you Jeremy anywhere in the post you just quoted?
I'm just saying you straight up don't make any sense.

>> No.9198138

Oh look. More forced drama.

>> No.9198642

You can say that, but doesnt change the facts even if you ignore them.

You should not be here if you are incapable of any type of reading comprehension. Sure, you ate not Dave, but you always jump in to defend him and the stupid shit he pulls and the shitty con he runs.

Talking bad about cosplayers over looks, a o k
Talking bad about the way the con is ran or people are treated by the con, NOT OK LIKE OMG I CANT EVEN

>> No.9200703

Is there video out there of the cosplay chess?

>> No.9201844

No one was fucking defending Dave. Asking for pictures isn't showing support of Dave.