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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9160453 No.9160453 [Reply] [Original]

Old one died!
Rules: Make at least 4 suggestions before posting your own picture! If you don't make suggestions for others, no one will suggest for you.

>> No.9160595
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I really want to participate in this, but I am not willing to be the first to post.

>> No.9160596

be a man and do it; at least you won't have to post suggestions for others

>> No.9160601
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I'll step up and firstpost.

I'm currently working on Diantha from PKMN(from the last thread, thanks anon!!). Looking for some simpler cosplays but anything is fine really.

>> No.9160604
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huzzah someone posted
i imagine you're cute in a ponytail, go for a pokego trainer!!1 it's noice and simple too. the emblem character feels like it would fit you really well too. good lucky on diantha o/

>> No.9160634
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How about the playable female character from Animal Crossing or Sabrina from Pokemon?

I think you'd be a really cute Chitanda Eru and Asuna! I like the Asuna you posted a lot.

I will give more suggestions once more sheets are posted.

>> No.9161148
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You can pull of fem Hanzo

>> No.9161397

>>9160601 Back for suggestions! I'll drop by again later.

Aw! Maybe Rise Kujikawa from Persona 4 or Alisa Reinford from Trails of Cold Steel?
Lara Croft, maybe? You could probably pull off her face really well.
Squall Leonhart?

>> No.9161655


You would make a lovely Hinoka or Felicia from Fates or Weiss.


You would be a cute Umaru or anyone from School Live!


You would be an awesome Rinkah from Fire Emblem Fates, any girl from Iron Fortress, and many characters from Skullgirl


Xander from Fire Emblem perhaps? Or any of the guys from Uncharted. Perhaps Professor Willow for a laugh?

>> No.9161667
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I'm absolutely trash at making something like this, but here I go! I'm a bit tired of playing baby-faced characters so I'm trying to expand a bit but I don't know who.

>> No.9161688
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I'd love to get some suggestions since I haven seen a whole lot of anime.

>> No.9162393

>Make at least 4 suggestions before posting your own picture! If you don't make suggestions for others, no one will suggest for you

>> No.9162456

You'd be a good maka from soul eater
You would defiantly make a good female hanzo Faye Valintine from cowboy bebop and revy from black lagoon also came to my mind

>> No.9162778
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Trying again with an updated version because why not
Also I kinda want to challenge myself, even if the outcome isnt that great.

Seconding umaru
You could make a reeeaally great Casca from Berserk
Soma from God eater
Jolyne from Jojos bizarre adventure

>> No.9162971

just did. sorry.

>> No.9164596
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Kinda feel awkward about posting my face, but I'd like some help. Video Game>Anime, but both are okay. Also, wigs are fine.
Agnes would work, Lisa Lisa from Jojo's bizarre adventure, Rose from Street Fighter.
Umaru, Yuuko from Nichijou, May from Guilty Gear, May from Pokemon
Lisa Lisa and Rosa would work for you too, Filia from Skullgirls, Sabrina from Pokemon.
Frederick from Fire Emblem Awakening, Professor Layton, Linebeck from Zelda Phantom Hourglass.
Sumia from Fire Emblem Awakening, Maya from Borderlands 2, Mia Fey from Ace Attorney.
Detective Gumshoe from Ace Attorney, Groose from Zelda Skyword Sword, Vaike from Fire Emblem.
Mccree,(Genji works too), Uzu Sangeyama from Kill la Kill, Young Joseph from Jojo's Bizarre adventure.

>> No.9164741

Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone. (>>9160634 here). I'll give you guys some more.

I like the Bigby Wolf cosplay. How about one of the male characters from Silent Hill? Like James Sunderland or Henry Townshend?

Mina Ashido from My Hero Academia, Meiko from Prison School

Genji would be awesome! I think you'd make a good Bakugou too. Maybe Sonic or Genos from One Punch Man.

I think you'd make a good Marshall from Pokemon, but also Miguel from Tekken or most guys from Cromartie High School.

>> No.9166420

Incursio and Noctis would be good! Seconding the OPM suggestions, you'd be great as Genos.
Mccree? Ike from Fire Emblem, or a second on Vaike?

>> No.9166821
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definitely the fourth one in my opinion.
the one in the pink dress would be cute.
asuka for sure and i'm not just saying that because it's the most lewd outfit lol
If you spike up your hair you'd make a baller ass John Constantine.
Red dress
There's this guy from naruto that has a dog. I can see you pulling him off.
Bakugou just cuz i wanna see dem grenade hands.
Brock from pokeman. Just gotta straighten your hair then spike it up. I recommend suavecito, it's a pretty good hair product.

I'm new to this so im sorry if my choices are too generic.

>> No.9167041

Nick is literally you

>> No.9167242

funny thing about that, i live in LA

>> No.9167281
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I like the thief Agnes idea.
I say go with Dark Souls, Giant Dad or otherwise. Those are always fun. Solaire would be easy for you since you have some experience.
Ganondorf, man. Do it.
Well, you look quite a bit like Nick Ramos, but I don't know if he's recognizable beyond "a mechanic guy." If you're looking for a zombie game, why not try Luis from RE4? You'd need a wig, but he's a fun guy.

>> No.9167291

Luis seems fun as hell, i'd love to be him if i had a buddy to be Leon. You'd naturally pull off Venom and Carth really well. I'd say if you're doing venom go full demon mode with the full horn and blood soaked face and clothes.

>> No.9167298
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--switched ion out to abel for the sake of a couple cosplay-- but im lookin for more cutesy boys now that ive finished off viscount and tzk!!

inb4 its been done a million times but yuna from ff, also maybe elizabeth or margaret from persona??

it might be a little too complex, but you would look so nice as one of the mermaid girls from adekan!

perfect gantz cosplay! also, you could check out some of the fem characters from terraformars!

still rufio tho. also kurono from gantz?

all of your suggestions are pretty much perfect imo.

>> No.9167304

Duuude Booker would be great. inb4 2anime but what about Kaji from NGE?

Detailed pretty boys, maybe Forrest from FEFates(or even Marth)?

>> No.9167313
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Margaret from p4!
Definitely thirding/whatever the Umaru suggestion. I also think you'd make a cute Ruby if you like Aquours~
Matoko Kusanagi
Seconding Xander!
Benny from Fates!
Booker and Hanzo are A+
Not super detailed but Endrance is another pretty boy. Or Elk, if you want more cute than handsome.

Added updated pictures and some new ideas to mine!

I'm rethinking Phi just because I'm kind of self-conscious of her booty shorts in particular (but weirdly Ophelia's lack of pants doesn't bother me) & I think I'd suit Akane more.

>> No.9167339

I think i just have a generic universal face and a big nose is why. Tsuzuka would be my choice for you. The gothic look just struck a chord with me ever since i saw the Crow
Kaji's doable, i'm just concerned i'll look a little generic but i'm not as familiar with anime as everyone else at the con would probably be so who knows.
Either phi or Rosalind, you've got a good look where you can rock both professional and sexy.

>> No.9169083

won't be long b4 bee-chan is back lmfao

>> No.9170959

Bump, since I've already suggested most people in the thread.

>> No.9171172

Default Marian Hawke would look so good on you
If you're interested, d.va from overwatch would be super cute
I really need you to do wonder woman please
This might be a stupid suggestion comma but I think you would be a great Booker DeWitt
You would be a really cute Disney princess. Maybe Merida from Brave?
I can't get a good indication of your features but perhaps one of the Robin's?
You should give fenris from Dragon Age 2 a try dude
Totally seconding ganondorf.
that would be a really interesting choice
You would make a great ardeth bay from the mummy
I feel like I have so many Dragon Age suggestions on here but you should definitely give iron bull a go
Honestly I couldn't think of anything that was better than Viscount Druitt. you are an absolute perfect human being for going with that
Yay for Dragon Age. You would make a great Leliana

I really like these threads. I just wish I could post without being bullied. That's expected though in cgl I guess??

>> No.9171285

Generally not in suggestion threads

>> No.9171823

I used to post a fair bit and every time I did, I would get harassed. I suppose seeing the same person would get annoying though.

>> No.9171833

if you just post once in a while, it'll be fine. it's just the people who post in almost every single suggestion thread-- what's the point when you're not even going to use the suggestions you've been given?

>> No.9172022

not that anon but I don't see the issue? It's moving the thread along and maybe they weren't getting suggestions?

>> No.9172078
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Max Caulfield would be adorbs

Viscount Druitt pls

Please do Persian night club owner Chris Redfield.

Cant really argue with Nick ma man

Finn from Starwars

>> No.9172114

I'm not stating an issue with this anon, I'm just pointing out that in the past, when people were harassed in suggestion threads, it was usually because of that.

>> No.9172450

Oh okay sorry about that then.

>> No.9172487
File: 1.13 MB, 4144x1888, Thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suppose is should post, Only have 1 idea, anything else would be great.

Just for reference, Im pretty much lanky & Tall, Blonde-Brown hair and a "Generic" face

>> No.9172498

You gotta give suggestions dude it's the rules

>> No.9173024

Ooh, I just finished Life is Strange a little while ago! I'll definitely have to add Max to my list. Thanks for the suggestion!

As for you, I feel like you'd make a terrific Duncan from DA:O.

Thanks for the suggestion! I've wanted to try chainmail for a while so DA:I Leliana might be fun. Post your pic so we can give suggestions! I think as long as you're actively giving others suggestions (which you are) there's no reason for harassment.

>> No.9173057

You should post! I see nothing wrong with posting in multiple threads. I think like >>9171833 said, it's usually that people get kind of irritated when you don't use any of the suggestions at all. I've posted in the past three threads in a row and haven't gotten any flak for it.

>> No.9173069

Just gonna pick from what people have on their charts since almost everything I could suggest from is hella outdated to the point where no one ever seems to cosplay from it, lol.

I feel like Morgan would be a good fit for you. Reina comes in a close second, but your comments mention keeping cost in mind and I feel Reina might end up costing twice as much.

Also A+ for Diantha. She's so under-cosplayed.

Oh man this is difficult. You have such a cute face and you're perfect for all three, but go for Kotori purely because that looks fun to make.

>All this good taste
Your Gantz suit looks great as is. Asuka would be a good way to show off the muscle you've got, but I really want to see a great female Hanzo, and you'd pull it off really well.

You say you're inexperienced with sewing, so I wouldn't go with Shang until you've got more practice. Gene would be the best bet.

You certainly have talent for armour, but I feel Genji would still be above your current level. In terms of looks, you'd be a good Noctis, but if you prefer something with more armor definitely go for Incursio.

I see very few people who have the perfect face and body for Hanzo. Go for him. Nick is a close second.

Gurl with your skill and dedication, Shiro all the way.

Another difficult choice. Phi would fit you really well but since you say you're self-conscious about her shorts, go for Chiaki. Feeling self-conscious while cosplaying is no fun, so just save her for when you're not as iffy about it.

I don't know the names of any of those characters, but the girl from OPM seems very over cosplayed right now. The RWBY girl would help expand past baby-faced characters but I feel like she'd be really boring to make due to her simple design. The redhead (I assume she's from Fire Emblem?) seems much closer to your skill level and you have a good face for her.

>> No.9174689
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You could definitely pull off Natsuki or Ebisu from Dorohedoro. Also, seconding the Kusanagi suggestion.

Dutch from Black Lagoon would be awesome.

I think Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena is a solid option, but Kotori also suits you well.

Daizaemon Kaze from Gantz would be perfect imo.

Adam Jensen from Deus Ex or Geralt from the Witcher would look sweet.

The White Hawk armor set from Dragon's Dogma should be challenging enough, but not Lagiacrus armor challenging. As others mentioned, Genji would be a great choice as well.

>> No.9176074
File: 3.18 MB, 4144x1888, Cosplay Suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you could be a pretty good Shigeo Kageyama from Mob Psycho.

If you grow your beard a little longer and get a wig you could pull of Rollo from Vikings.

Did you ever think about cosplaying Sandor (The Hound) Clegane from Game of Thrones? I think you got what it takes.

Viscount Druitt would be pretty good but if you want a detailed pretty boy you should definitely consider Judeau from Berserk. You sure have a fitting face.

Mathilda form Leon the Professional would be really cool but i don't know how you would take care of the hair.

>> No.9176634
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help meeee. I'm drawing a huge blank to come up with characters that suit me!

I think you could look really good as Shang! Be fancy!

Please do Trinity blood! It's always so fun to see well done Trinity blood outfits and if you can do it you should!

Be Celty from Durarara! You're thin enough that a catsuit would look cool! :D ORRR you'd be really cute as Anemone from Eureka Seven!

haha just grow you're beard and be Gendo!

>> No.9178662

It's >>9160634 again back to give more suggestions! I also wanted to say thanks to people who made suggestions for me.

I think Chikara Ennoshita would be a good choice for you. Maybe Akira from Tsuritama?

I think you'd do a good Rosalind from Bioshock. What about Mercy from Overwatch?

Ahhh, you should do more Adekan stuff! Or maybe one of Sazikou's drawings? There are some boys.

Go for Hanzo! Also, you look like Nick.

>> No.9178738

damn bro i looked up diazaemon kaze and i just need to get hyuuge first lol.
i'm actually beyond down for ardeth bay but i don't want to do fake facial hair since it looks uncanny so he'll have to wait.
thanks for the suggestions! i'm settled with nick since i'm not fuck huge enough to be hanzo yet but im definitely saving him for further down the line

>> No.9178793

Thanks for the suggestion, I'm strongly considering Kageyama for an upcoming con.

If you haven't done armor before, it might be a bit difficult (and expensive) to do some of the Soulsborne characters, but everyone has to start somewhere so it could be a good way to get some experience. Mozgus would definitely be awesome though, I have yet to see one at a con and he wouldn't be as hard or expensive as some of the others.

Thanks, I have a huge plush aflac duck so I'll keep Akira in mind.

>> No.9178968
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Hi cgl, any suggestions? Thanks.

>> No.9178974

try harder le epic troll!!!!

>> No.9178975

Go for hanzo bro, free lays

>> No.9178986
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>> No.9179310

yo honestly as much as i'd love to i don't really have the confidence in my body to pull off a half shirtless costume. I only posted my back for a reason lol

>> No.9179836
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Series listed is what I prefer, but I acknowledge many. I just don't want to start a cosplay from a series im not interested in.

That Robin would be excellent. Maybe Alicia from Valkyria as well?

Sakamoto-san or Tanaka (Tanaka-kun is Always Listless) Maybe? Thirteen would also fit nice.

Id like to see you do the king of Stormwind, And it would also be cool to se you do that exo suit.

You might make a cute Kotori Iida, Or an elf, Like Merrill.

Holy shit you go do that Hanzo right now man.

Zevran from Dragon age perhaps? Coffeebro Godot would also be fun to see.

>> No.9179837

**Sorry, Typonote. Shitty english sometimes. By "Something light" I don't mean lightly dressed. More like, Not something complicated to sew or whatnot.