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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 206 KB, 716x960, 2zjkxfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9160240 No.9160240 [Reply] [Original]

I would. My mom doesn't seem to understand how much furry means to me and won't take me to furry cons.

>> No.9160241

your mom secretly wishes she had an abortion

>> No.9160242

>global rule #3
>no furries outside of /b/

please leave this earth

>> No.9160244

Yet she wants to go on cruiseships and such,last con she went to she said she didn't pay money to go see dumbshit

>> No.9160247

I never saw said rule.

>> No.9160281

Cringe, the experience

>> No.9160286

every fur suit has that same Disney character dog face.

>> No.9160424
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I'd go out of pure curiosity if someone else paid for my badge/hotel/travel expenses.

>> No.9160431

I'd go if furries didn't smell like rancid ass, make cringy weeb noises and use over played out memes as their means to start a conversation. For me it would be a Disney cheracter reject con. A place to watch others stroke their egos because they where not able to make the cut for the goofy actor. 1 shot for every person in a fur suit wearing Tripp pants and 2 shots for every fur suiter in a furry cosplay.

>> No.9160452

Yep! They're cute.

>> No.9160457

Ignorance is not an excuse to break rules.

>> No.9160533
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Oh, totally. Fursuiting takes some serious dedication and even a mediocre suit takes a fair bit of skill, so if nothing else there'll always be a ton of skilled crafters at a furcon.

I know a lot of people take issue with the disney aesthetic of a lot of fursuits, but fact is that fursuits are more diverse than ever in terms of style and aesthetic.

Not to mention dance-offs in suits is pretty awesome.

>> No.9160534

I like the craftsmanship of fur suits and can appreciate the time and effort that goes into building a good one. Some of my friends are also pretty much closet furries and my best friend has already asked if I'd go to Furpocalypse with her. I think it would be really weird but I'm not opposed to it.

>> No.9160558

As a furfag myself, I can agree that we're horrible and smelly. Yet I still do it.

>> No.9160561

Why has no one mentioned Babyfur Diaper Hell Con?

>> No.9160573

I love those!!!

>> No.9160684

Yeah, some of the really good fursuits require a ton of time, effort and skill which I can respect. I make plushies and sculpt animals so personally making a fursuit actually sounds like an interesting challenge to me. Not sure if I'd wear it to go to a con though.

I think it would be cool though to make fantasy suits of creatures or monsters for LARPing however.

>> No.9160686

Ask and ye shall recieve. Click at your own risk nsfw

>> No.9160692
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I'm melting

>> No.9160706
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I read through this once already after the con happened but I can't resist reliving the train wreck.

>mfw I'd go to a furry con if it was cheap just to see this shit in action

>> No.9160709

Went to one earlier this month (Megaplex) for the first time. I was too embarrassed to let anyone know I was going and I went by myself mostly to see what their artist alley was like. Holy shit it was so much nicer than trying to sell to anime kids. Even the teenage furries were surprisingly less annoying and autistic. Also it was only $30 for the day, they have me a really nice commemorative glass, and the AA table was free you just had to wait for an opening. I got several commissions from it too so I'm still making money from networking there. The costumes have always intrigued me and as a crafter I think they're pretty damn neat when they're done nicely. Also I stuck around to watch the dance competition and that shit was intense and awesome. All in all I had a great time and I genuinely like their community from what I saw as an outsider.

>> No.9160714

Also parking was free and I heard the hotel had a lot of nice perks like free food and in some cases free alcohol. You didn't have to pay extra to go to raves. There was an ice cream social and a pool party, several cringey panels but a few legit ones about costuming and character performance, a dance competition in suit, a dance competition out of suit, a shit ton of stuff to do that all seemed fun and everyone was really friendly and welcoming. The artists I was next to were normal and talkative and polite. I don't even care about their reputation I had such an enjoyable time. Even though my whole reason for going was to sell shit I got sucked into their fucking happy attitudes and furries are now a-okay with me.

>> No.9160724

you have to be over 18 to be on 4chan, even the work safe boards.
If you're over 18 and mad that mommy won't take you to a con, grow the fuck up.

>> No.9160727
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>mfw I'm scrolling through the images
>mfw I get to the gaping ass

>> No.9160737

I didn't plan on seeing the clean intestine of a man today

>> No.9160741

As a resin and plastics crafter I'd like to try and tap into the furry market. What should I work on? Charms of paws in custom colors?

>> No.9160746

Paws and snoots.

>> No.9160747

Not a furry, but I'd be interested to see what it would be like

>> No.9160759
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i really hate the neon-raver-cartoon-mascot style of 99% of fursuits. they're cringey and just make me think of the weird porn drawn by adult children who jerk it to kids cartoon characters.

however, stuff like pic related, is amazing. the realistic "fursuits" are awesome and worthy of respect. (i saw a REALLY high quality crow/raven one on tumblr recently that i can't find now on google search, it looked like an actual bird-human hybrid and was probably the coolest "fursuit" ive ever seen)

>> No.9160767

S-so what happened at Oklacon?

>> No.9160778

this. I don't like furries, but its only the sperg neon rave style furries who's "original oc!!11!! donut steel!!!" that act like total asshat man children. ive found that people who make and like realistic pursuits are much nicer people and put more care int their outward appearance. plus their craftsmanship is awesome!

>> No.9160789

Only if i could remain completely anonymous.
Such os the life of a closet fur

>> No.9160792
File: 165 KB, 540x655, tumblr_o9io7tTdWJ1tap98to1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(i saw a REALLY high quality crow/raven one on tumblr recently that i can't find now on google search, it looked like an actual bird-human hybrid and was probably the coolest "fursuit" ive ever seen)

I got ya senpai

>> No.9160795
File: 253 KB, 540x810, tumblr_o9io7tTdWJ1tap98to2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's cute, didn't know it'd replace that word with "senpai."

>> No.9160799
File: 97 KB, 1000x915, Tirilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's the one. fantastic work.

here's another cool one. i always like the ones that are realistic and look like characters in a medieval/victorian story. mascots and sparklefurs are fucking lame.

>> No.9160806

Don't you think a fursuiter is more original than say 1000 deadpools at a comic/anime con?

>> No.9160810


Heck yes.

>> No.9160813

not if its a shitty mascot/sparklefur. then it's exactly as boring and generic as con deadpools.

>> No.9160816

I think every group has people who smell bad. One time at a FLGS that sells dungeons and dragons stuff and such,i remember one dude who smelled really bad.

>> No.9160829

ahahahahah christ. now I want to go to a furry con to drink and document all this cringe and mental retardation. Thanks OP

>> No.9160834

Are you going to do it and upload the pics? Would that violate GR3?

>> No.9160842

One thing i have found funny is that over the internet,many seem to know about furries. But seems many irl don't know about it.

>> No.9160845

just upload them to an imgur. and post them in a thread about furries. like this one. it will spread eventually.

>> No.9160848

Like if it was any different on regular conventions.

>> No.9160851

this is greatest response I've ever seen

>> No.9160873

Going to my first furry con this October to sell some tails, can't wait. I've had a great experience with most furries. Some are very stereotypical, but they are all really nice for the most part.
I mean, as far as cringe goes, its no different than anime fans/weaboos

God forbid we actually have original costumes on /cgl/ and not something copied directly from whatever is popular.

>> No.9160879


Yup. Weeaboos can be bad as well. I know one weeaboo who dresses as naruto and shouts like they're powering up and speaks really bad japanese.

>> No.9160916

pax is the only con ive gone to where i dont see horribly cringey shit from the congoers. gamers are pretty cool actually

>> No.9160928

Prepare for a tale, anon.

>furry convention at a state park because why the fuck not, it's furries in nature on a campground
>three newbies come to the event which is par the course for any con
>they get drunk and have a lewd threesome out in public on state park property
>cue the event leaders acting shocked that such a thing could happen at a furry con in nature!
>state park terminates their agreement with the con and refuses to let them back
>con decides to try a completely different and BIGGER state park because why the fuck not, surely no one is going to yiff out in nature again!
>sane attendee tells the state park don't let these dumbasses into your park
>new state park tells con to fuck off because they're a liability
>parks all band together and outright ban the con from any state park in that state
>leaders act like giant crybabies and cancel the con indefinitely because if they can't be one with nature then there's no point in going on

>> No.9160932

Let us know how it goes! I'd love to sell generic 'pet' shit like collars and bells and stuff at a furrycon because it seems like they'd buy a ton.

>> No.9160945

Might have to tell my best friend to take a raincheck on Furpocalypse...

>> No.9160947

Believe it or not,there are some furries who hate those who give the thing a bad name. I have met many furs who are very chill and are not like that csi episode. One thing i wish is furry would become mainstream and cons multifandom cons would carry furry stuff. Cause furry is a fandom and it shouldn't be left out at other cons.

>> No.9160949

Weebs can be cringey. I met some weebs who run around the con and shout japanese stuff.

>> No.9160952

holy shit 10/10

>> No.9160956
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Well so much for not drinking today...

>> No.9160957
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You've got to be joking, right? The only way I could see furries being included in a convention is a costuming convention. Whether you think it's a "fandom" or not, expecting fandom conventions like, I dunno, that Sherlock or Supernatural con or even an anime con to have furry stuff just because "muh fandom should be included too!" is just stupid.

It's already weird enough when you go to anime cons and there's always that one booth selling ears and tails and collars. Like really, how much more shit do you need?

>> No.9160959

Dat samefag.

>> No.9160960
File: 2 KB, 494x69, you got problems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-do I want to?

>> No.9160963

Yes. You won't regret it until you hit the nudes.

>> No.9160967
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To be fair, well made cartoonys take just as much effort in terms of balancing the proportions and getting the colours clean.

In my experience, the furry community is much more pleasant, far less pretentios and elitistic, and less drama-prone than the cosplay community. Yes, there are nutcases, but in general there's a much higher respect for both suit creators, visual artists, and suiters. Maybe because there's generally more money involved. The young teens who are furries are either super dedicated, or just stick to online forums. People are much better about keeping NSFW stuff where it's only found by those who're looking for it, unlike cosplayers who will defend their right to walk around in a thong and nipple pasties until the end of time, or weebs lugging around body pillows, or shippy photoshoots in the corridors.

With that said, there are far more casual anime fans going to anime cons, than casual furries going to furcons. So the average furcon will probably be more nerdy and spergy than the average anime con.

>> No.9160970

>Believe it or not,there are some furries who hate those who give the thing a bad name.

Everyone hates furries at cons, I can't think of a single good experience with furries. Not to mention they don't know basic con shit either like not stopping in the walk zones or they'll just "photobomb becuz funni"!

>> No.9160973


Cause i feel my mom doesn't understand how much furry means to me. I'm over 18. Why can't she see how much furry means to me?

>> No.9160977

I don't believe that. When i go fursuit,girls go up to hug me and many people comment on my costume.

>> No.9160980
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>they go to the store and buy pampers

well time to call it a day and break out the beer

>> No.9160982

I had a furry bother me while I was staffing a busy Saturday registration line at an anime con by grabbing my novelty bag from behind and tugging on it and squeaking at me. I thought someone was trying to rob me and had to literally bite my tongue to keep from being rude to them so yeah, most furries at costume/anime cons need to learn manners. In all my years I've never had the weebest of weeb grab my stuff or me without at least saying something first, much less just snatching at it when my back was turned.

>> No.9160984

I'm sure they do anon... I am sure they do...

>> No.9160985


Yup. Furry haters should tell me about their dinner with waifu. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/dinner-with-waifu-otaku-dates

>> No.9160988

Bullshit. I'm not even a suiter but in general I hear far more good stuff about them than bad stuff, at least once you count away the general "die furfag die" shit.

>> No.9160990

tf. gotta be trolling or mentally disabled.

>> No.9160995

What deluded planet do you live on anon?

>> No.9160997
File: 812 KB, 844x562, 1453594530165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe those underaged girls who think a fursuit is "Ka-why-ee!!!" but otherwise unless they're other furries no one wants to touch your stinky suit.

>mfw the local pervert/borderline pedo uses mascot suits to get teen girls up against him then brags about it online saying how popular he is with the ladies

>> No.9161000

I''m not trolling. I was diagnosed with aspergers.

>> No.9161004

most furries I see at cons have some kids hug them because "look at the doggy mommy!" while the parents look awkwardly at them.

>> No.9161015

protip then man. Find something better to be focused on.

Ive met folks with aspergers. their biggest strength is the ability to be obsessed with something and just go at it with determination.

Get over furry shit. It will lead you to be a useless adult that will do jack shit with their life. at least with the level of obsession youre already showing.

Find something useful to obsess over and become good at. A skill like working with electronics. Crafting things to sell. Learning languages and becoming a translator. Something actually useful.

Otherwise youre going to be a fucking joke. Online and offline. For the rest of your life.

>> No.9161019
File: 606 KB, 1445x1131, furshits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> People are much better about keeping NSFW stuff where it's only found by those who're looking for it
>unlike cosplayers who will defend their right to walk around in a thong and nipple pasties until the end of time
>or shippy photoshoots in the corridors.

Let me just direct you to pic related.

>> No.9161024

I hate when they touch you or try to hug you. Please go away. The not talking part creeps me out the most though

>> No.9161027
File: 2.29 MB, 4608x2592, DSC02183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% agree
With how many anime that feature neko girls with cat/fox/wolf ears/tails, its not that far distance between furry and anime fans.
I can't think of a single time a furry has caused trouble.

>> No.9161032

see >>9160982 also I can confirm we had two furries at our local anime con and one got removed by the police for sexual harassing the other literally because they were the only other fursuiter there.

>> No.9161036

No one likes furries because at cons they
1. fail to understand proper manners
2. creepy as fuck
3. never understand simple con stuff like stopping in the hallways or going where they aren't invited
4. Have to tell EVERYONE they are normal and furries aren't "weird"
5. generally take up a fuck load of space at cons/vendor halls

Yeah I am sure there are exceptions to the rule but they are few and FAR between. Some weird weebo is not even close to the same level of furries

cat ears or tail =/= furry, don't try that shit you know the difference full well

>> No.9161037

Fuck off of this board each one of you filthy fucking animals

>> No.9161038

it always creeps me out how many furries I see hanging around obvious underage people

>> No.9161046

>cat ears or tail =/= furry,
This. If wearing cat ears and a tail made you a furry then there would be hoards of them at furry conventions.

>> No.9161050

I've seen some really cool suits but those were always either Japanese alt fashion/street art or European fantasy or LARP monster costumes. For some reason American furries are always those creepy brightly colored Disney mascot rejects.

>> No.9161055

>I can't think of a single time a furry has caused trouble.

I have been to a lot of cons(20+? lost count), I can probably could the amount of non weird furries on one hand

>> No.9161056

I just looked through that and man, what a shitfest. Not going to defend that one and I've no idea what happened there. Babyfurs have always been a minority, and I've never heard of anything like this before. Again, there's always nutcases, but that's something extra.

Do you also consider Zootopia fan characters not to be fursonas? Nekoshit is also furry, just a different kind of furry.

>> No.9161061

I think this is one of those things where the dividing line is simply whether or not you consider yourself a furry. Most people like anthro animal characters, but most people are not furries.

>> No.9161065

Yeah, you backpedal hard bro. This isn't an isolated case. See >>9160928 and >>9161019
wasn't all babyfurs, just regular fursuiters using the con as a fetish/hook-up con like pretty much all cons. This one was even family friendly so that just makes your case look worse.

>> No.9161068

>Do you also consider Zootopia fan characters not to be fursonas?

What the fuck does this even mean?

>Nekoshit is also furry, just a different kind of furry.
No it isn't, stop with that shit. Even furries will say "just putting cat ears or a tail on is not being a furry".

You know full well you are trying to blur lines and split hairs.

>> No.9161069

>using the con as a fetish/hook-up con

Are you implying weebs don't do this shit too? We have cringe threads for a reason.

>> No.9161075

Not even close to the same thing

>> No.9161079
File: 82 KB, 400x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If wearing cat ears and a tail made you a furry then there would be hoards of them at furry conventions.
Oh, wait...

As mentioned upthread, the fursuit community is diversifying. But if you're not into the colourful Disney-look stuff then I understand being turned off from it.

>> No.9161088

Excluding the fact half those cringe threads are probably shit that never happened, you can go to most ant non furrycon board and ask about furries and I can tell you the general response will probably be negative

>> No.9161090

Last time I checked I didn't see weebs having a "pile" in the hallway or wearing full body bondage gear and gimp masks.
There are fanservice photoshoots but that's nothing more than young female weebs posing together and kissing for photos, not whatever the hell it is that's going on at furry cons.

>> No.9161091

Plus all the dakimakuras, naked anime figured and boob mousepads that get sold en mass at anime cons.

>> No.9161094

>implying it's not all men in Tripp pants and unwashed fox tails
Furry cons are sasuage fests.

>> No.9161096
File: 145 KB, 1200x800, CnVYxhgVYAAhvIi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think anon meant the weebs that run around with cat ears in hordes every anime convention.

>> No.9161102
File: 100 KB, 1680x956, 1399207588364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>furries STILL don't get why they aren't liked at cons

>> No.9161109

>has not seen any of our frequent convention cosplay sex threads

>> No.9161110

Wow I understand all of the hate furries get now, I never want to see or hear about a furcon ever.

>> No.9161112


>> No.9161117

>implying those aren't all "Is it possible to get laid at cons?"desperation with bait "Yeah I got mad pussy bro!" replies

>> No.9161121

Oh you mean the troll threads? People actually believe them? I thought everyone knew most of the posts are fake much like the cringe threads

>> No.9161123
File: 124 KB, 540x411, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Partly what >>9161069 and >>9161091 said, but I still think that what I described is the experience most people attending furcons will have. I still think that generally, the furry community is more pleasant to interact with than the cosplay community, and I stand by what I said about there being more respect for the craft, as well as for artists in general.

Again, I'd never heard of Rainfurrest, probably since I'm not american and don't actively seek out cons over there. If it was an accurate representation of your average furcon I imagine the response from the twitter feed presented would be less along the lines of "holy shit guys what the fuck". Also, no furcons in general then because I can't imagine any hotel or conference center ever wanting to deal with that.

What kinda furries have you been talking to? Yes, it is. Being a furry is being interested in the humanisation of animals, and japans kink for girls with cat ears is just that. Just because you chose not to involve yourself with the community, or just find it aesthetically pleasing doesn't mean it's not also a furry thing.

It's like everyone forgot yaoi paddles, dakimakuras, teenagers shoving their tongues down each other's throats at photoshoots, weebs walking around with chained collars as their OTP, slutted up anything (especially if it involves corsets or bunny suits which are both common kinks), people taking panty shots, latex cosplays, etc. etc. etc.

I'm not saying furries are perfect when it comes to the sexual part (even if yes, I still think that for the most part we're good at keeping the explicit stuff out of direct view in public), but stop pretending that anime cons are. Just because the fetishes more prominent there are generally more common and thus less noted doesn't mean it's a fetish-free environment. Liking looking at someone dressed as movieverse Mystique doesn't make it less exhibitionistic, so maybe stop acting all high and mighty about it.

>> No.9161125

Clearly >>9161109 didn't get the memo.

>> No.9161131

For some reason there are always a lot of those sparkly neon cartoon fur things at my local Ren Faire. Children all flock to them because obviously they're soft brightly colored stuffed animals yet they still think it's hilarious to hump on each other and enact various sexual positions right out in the open. I wish the organization would kick them out but muh discriminashun~

>> No.9161134

>all this denial

Dude, furries consistently have a bad rep at ANY con, not just anime cons, for a reason. Anime cons and people at them generally know when to cut the shit out or at least respect peoples surroundings most of the time.

Obviously there are some exceptions but the overall community is light years beyond what furries are known for and how shit they are. I can tell you after working with vendors at some cons furries are some of the worst people

>> No.9161141

You clearly are new.

>> No.9161143

I really wish more people would make suits like this and like winfoxie

>> No.9161144

>Anime cons and people at them generally know when to cut the shit out or at least respect peoples surroundings most of the time.
I think its because their face is visible. People can recognize them. They can be photographed doing these horrible things and it can be shown to their parents/ makes it easier for security to catch them in the future at other cons. But the furries, its the anonymity that makes them feel like they can do shitty things, and if people learn that a certain suit is an asshole, that person can just get another suit so they can go unrecognized.

>> No.9161152

>They can be photographed doing these horrible things and it can be shown to their parents/ makes it easier for security to catch them in the future at other cons.

lmao what? You understand how hard it is to recognize someone in cosplay not to mention if they change it?

Unless you catch someone on video stating their name and address with their ID and badge it's damn near impossible to track anyone at a con, or do what you just said. People don't realize how unorganized cons actually are, and proving something is next to impossible because "he said she said" doesn't fly.

>> No.9161160

>lmao what? You understand how hard it is to recognize someone in cosplay not to mention if they change it?
It's easy. I have worked security at a large con before and we had a book of past offenders and troublemakers.You assume the shits doing the awful stuff are good at cosplay and 'disguising' themselves. They're not. They're usually the absolute worst so yes it's very easy to recognize them.

And yes assholes have been caught at the con I was working from phone pics people had taken. It's not as hard to find these people as you think especially when theyre not shy. At all.

>> No.9161163

Guess I haven't been to many large cons(AX my largest) or seen some of the really bad shit people have done. Worst I've seen is someone in my group get walked out because they were too drunk. Then again, thinking back I guess that's probably a minor offense and not even worth noting for con staff.

>> No.9161169

Yeah, it's actually very easy. There's a creep that goes to a few cons in my area and people can easily identify him based on the fact that he wears the same damn cosplay to pretty much everything/people have taken photos of him and circulated them around. If you're a creep or an asshole at a con, people will know about it.

Furry cons seem to almost condone the most bizarre/gross behavior (from what I've seen anyway). Furries wouldn't have such a bad rep if the good stories outweighed the awful ones.

>> No.9161172

>Worst I've seen is someone in my group get walked out because they were too drunk

That's cute. Shit that gets you banned from cons is generally more than "normal shit that happens to people". Shit that gets you banned is assault, stalking, stealing stuff, breaking things, etc. Being "too drunk" isn't worth noting unless you are doing something like mentioned prior or puking up shit everywhere.

>> No.9161175

The ones that I actually helped on and that I recall the most was a guy dressed in an overcoat like you see as a joke in some animes and he would expose himself but he was wearing a flesh-tone body suit so it was ok by con standards. Creepy but ok. Hours later around 9pm he's still doing it. I was at a different area of the con when word began to spread that the dipshit was now actually naked under the trench coat. Girls were bringing security pictures and two videos of him in action and that was more than enough proof for us to go find him and sure enough he was completely naked except for the coat and his shoes. One of the staff had to run to catch him but kek, he got turned over to the police.
These people that do these things are not serious cosplayers so they tend to do easy, lazy things like this guy because they don't really care about cosplay- they're they to be an asshole and get drunk. Anyone who spends alot of time on their costumes and is good at it isn't going to risk being banned from the con for life or jailtime for stupid shit.

>> No.9161184

Okay yeah that's definitely something that I can see someone getting banned for. Like I said the worst I've seen is someone get walked out for being to drunk and he complied with con staff the whole time once he realized he was being a dumbass. Doubt that classifies as something bannable though.

Guess I haven't seen as much shit at cons as I thought

>> No.9161194

It really comes down to the con and how it is staffed. I doubt anyone would get banned for what you stated, maybe kicked out till they sober up but that's about it.

>> No.9161197

>These people that do these things are not serious cosplayers so they tend to do easy, lazy things like this guy because they don't really care about cosplay- they're they to be an asshole and get drunk.
The same can be said about fursuiters too, the ones that are into it for that kind of crap usually have the worst looking suits.

>> No.9161208
File: 337 KB, 1280x1059, 1461987448.slendiferous_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. fail to understand proper manners
>2. creepy as fuck
>3. never understand simple con stuff like stopping in the hallways or going where they aren't invited
>4. Have to tell EVERYONE they are normal and furries aren't "weird"
>5. generally take up a fuck load of space at cons/vendor halls
Except thats not a furry thing or whatever, that happens at every con whether its a furry doing it or not.
>cat ears or tail =/= furry
My point is its not that far off. Furries and anime go together fairly well because of the neko culture or whatever. You can sell cat ears and tells to furries AND anime fans.


Why is there so much hate? It just annoys me because there is so much hate because, what, some are cringey? seriously? And its anime fans calling them cringey? That cringe in of it self.
If your gonna hate on a group, hate on one that actually deserves it.

>> No.9161211

>hate on one that actually deserves it.
aka furries

>> No.9161216

But why? They aren't worse than any other group of people at a con. The only people at a con that I can think of that are almost always annoying are deadpool cosplayers, but even they aren't too terrible.

>> No.9161220

There's so much hate because the vast majority of furries have proven, time and time again, that their incapable of interacting with people like normal human beings. I would be cool with them if most of them didn't run around squeaking and pulling on people.

I really do enjoy well-made fursuits but being around furries for more than five minutes makes my skin crawl

>> No.9161221

>Except thats not a furry thing or whatever, that happens at every con whether its a furry doing it or not.

Except that is a trait that furries are KNOWN to commonly do, like the majority of them do that. There can be 10k people at a con and have some creeps, but they are a minority. Furries are constantly associated with those things because they ACT that way constantly.

>My point is its not that far off. Furries and anime go together fairly well because of the neko culture or whatever.

lol no, cat ears do not make you a furry the same way gluing gears onto something does not make you "steampunk".

You're trying to do exactly what I said in point 4 by downplaying what is to try and normalize it to the majority that DOES NOT WANT TO ASSOCIATE WITH YOUR COMMUNITY.

>> No.9161224

>vast majority of furries
Not even the same anon but reading /cgl/, the same can be said about the vast majority of cosplayers.

>> No.9161226

Mostly because in my experience they tend to take over the con and they're people like OP who whine and want everything to be catered to them and they have little to no boundaries.
I can count on both hands the number of times I've been minding my own business and a fursuiter decided to be 'friendly' and get up in my face and try to mime at me while squeaking like a defective chew toy trying to get me to play along and treat them like they're an actual dog wanting belly rubs or hugs.

They're like the most obnoxious in character cosplayer but with the added quality of never knowing if the person in the suit is some weeb-tier furry or a creep with a hardon.

>> No.9161229

Answer me this, at a con for furries or the like how many times do you see anime cosplayers show up? I'm not talking about your """neko ears and tails""" but like legit anime cosplayers? Probably slim to none right? That's because people generally don't want to force their way into a community that doesn't associate with them. There is a reason for that.

>> No.9161231

>Except that is a trait that furries are KNOWN to commonly do
same with anime fans, same with comic book fans, same with D&D fans, same with LARP fans. If you are going to hate all furries because of the social awkwardness stereotype, then you gotta hate a lot of other groups too.
I just don't understand how you can hate furries for being annoying, but not those other groups when they are equally as annoying.

>lol no, cat ears do not make you a furry
I... never said they do.. I said, you can sell cat ears to furries and anime fans, so they can collide just fine, unlike, say, comic and anime fans. You can't really sell very many comic related things to anime fans. Things like, say, lolita and anime can go well together too since many anime fans and lolita fans like similar things. Thats my point. Its not as if they are completely separate with nothing are similarity.

>> No.9161232

Not really, no. Out of all the cons that I've been to, I've only seen one really and truly cringeworthy incident and it was a group of teenagers. All of the adults that I've met have been pleasant people. I can't say the same for furries.

>> No.9161233

>they tend to take over the con
You mean like how Narutards, Homestucks, SAOfags and every other popular thing of the time does yearly at every con.

>> No.9161234

good job leaving out
>but they are a minority

The furry community has those traits as the MAJORITY

>> No.9161235

The cringe threads here prove otherwise, there are more cosplay and weeb related horror stories on the web than there are furry ones.

>> No.9161236

Narutards and SAO fags at least fit the theme of an anime con. Furries outside maybe 1 or 2 exceptions, have 0 relation to most cons that they force themselves to fit into

>> No.9161237

>The cringe threads here prove otherwise

You know half those posts are "shit that didn't happen" right? If most of those stories did happen people would have talked to staff to kick them out.

>> No.9161238

People dressesd in normalfag clothes don't fit either.

>> No.9161240

It's not just 'ugh they're so annoying!'. They literally invade your personal space, touch you without permission, and they don't even talk which makes it that much more awkward. Not to mention they're in giant suits that hide their faces. I think the fact that they're hidden/anonymous is what makes them act out like that because I can't understand it otherwise.

Maybe on /cgl/ (which is...you know...geared towards cosplay). I can go on pretty much any social media site and find a good chunk of horror stories about furries.

>> No.9161241

>there are more cosplay and weeb related horror stories on the web than there are furry ones.
Bruv, you must be joking. You're honestly using /cgl/ aka COSPLAY and Gothic Lolita cringe threads and their lack of furry stories as your statement point? Much less saying /cgl/ is all of the web.
You know why there aren't any furry horror stories here? We don't post furry shit. We have every general under the sun on /cgl/ but we've NEVER had a fursuit general and that's for a reason.

>> No.9161243

...and the furry stories must be totally true because they are on the internet and little photo evidence, ok.

>> No.9161245

and those normalfags generally stick to themselves or are just going for panels/etc. People never fucking complain about "wow see that guy who DIDN'T cosplay?!"

>> No.9161246

>anime con
>wearing a costume isn't mandatory

You must be bait.

>> No.9161249

You are obviously new because convention horror stories aren't always about cosplayers.

>> No.9161250

>little photo evidence
There was an entire imgur dedicated to DOZENS of horror stories at ONE convention. If that isn't proof then I don't know what is. Get your head out of your arse.

>> No.9161251

Furry stories are known outside /cgl/ and across the web for being shit. Attempting to use cgl cringe threads as the whole internet is fucking dumb. cgl is a fucking rain drop in the con community

>> No.9161256

>The furry community has those traits as the MAJORITY
being very involved in the community and meeting countless furries at cons, I disagree.

I've had far more non-furries glomp me at a con than furries.

>> No.9161258

This is one of the stupidest posts in the thread. Yes there are a fair amount of horror stories but those are the MINORITY, general furry cons and stuff like bronycon have a MAJORITY of horror stories.

>> No.9161259

And the annual con orgy of Youmacon, which we had plenty of threads about, is totally tame.

>> No.9161261
File: 111 KB, 1200x800, I posted it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look mom I'm pretending on the internet

>> No.9161288

I'm kinda curious what a furry con is like, though honestly I also want an excuse to wear my Halloween moth costume I made again and blend in.

I can appreciate the efforts in making realistic suits and cartoonish suits. The ones who don't say anything kinda irks me. Theres a local furry who only squeaks and nothing else, and it's.. interesting to say the least.

>> No.9161296

As someone who went to brony con, I can tell you that that was too much for me. I can't even imagine what a full on furry con is like. I still have horrible memories from that

>> No.9161298

Details, please

>> No.9161307

What do you want to know, I went to the whole con and some parties so I have a lot of stories. All of which are cringe inducing

>> No.9161310

Whatever you want to share. I need a good laugh

>> No.9161311

>Click video expecting distilled autism
>Doge 1 minute in can dance better than me


>> No.9161328

>go with a friend as a joke (had some hotel nights that were going to expire and tickets were cheap, also it was when S2? was airing and thought it would be funny)
>Go to the con each of us kinda drunk but whatever the smell was bad enough
>both in some /co/ and /a/ cosplay
>go to a panel called Fanfiction Writing 101 +18
>assume it will just be people READING shitty fanfic
>only seats are between 2 stereotypical neckbears in front row drunk so whatever
>Proceeds to start and tell everyone how they came up writing fanfic
>Tell about how they took fillies(kid ponies) and wrote them into discovering "things"
>Friend and I horrified but since in front row too weirded out to move
>they proceed to tell people how they used traites from their friends and family to make these characteristics
>Friend proceeds to flip the fuck out as I do
>immediately kicked out but we were leaving anyways
>just in shock the whole way to the hotel
>never returned

The amount of shit and furfag stuff that community was in made me drop anything and everything related to them. I still got more

>> No.9161419

Oh no. I've never been into MLP but I can just imagine how bad Bronycon is

>> No.9161426 [DELETED] 

Fucking this. I never really cared about Bronies that much and the Bronies doc was kinda sweet. But then

>New season
>Baby Flurry Heart is born
>Aww how cute
>I want to see fanart of her like and awesome full grown alicorn like Celestia
>Don't use Safe Search at home
>Holy shit
>Baby character already has a fuckton of slutty adult fanart
>Including incest stuff with her father

I know some Bronies that are cool but this shit needs to die.

>> No.9161427
File: 511 KB, 1100x860, Flurry_Heart_ID_S6E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. I never really cared about Bronies that much and the Bronies doc was kinda sweet. But then

>New season
>Baby Flurry Heart is born
>Aww how cute
>I want to see fanart of her like and awesome full grown alicorn like Celestia
>Don't use Safe Search at home
>Holy shit
>Baby character already has a fuckton of slutty adult fanart
>Including incest stuff with her father

I know some Bronies that are cool but this shit needs to die.

>> No.9161430

I remember back when I watched the show (s2) that I saw hasbro released Flurry Heart's toy (I think it was a different name, but it was a baby alicorn princess).

>Tell /mlp/
>Get fussed at because the toys don't mean anything they'd never do that etc
>Stopped watching the show when S2 ended
>Hear they did it anyway

Don't know if /mlp/ likes it or not, though.

>> No.9161432

The fact they used family and friends to incorporate how they "discovered growing up" was so sickening I wanted to fucking die. They literally were talking about how the put <agegroup> into ponies because if it is an anime then whatever.

Seriously I guess there might be furries that aren't fucking sick but I have yet to see one.

I can tell the "hotel story" if you guys want.

>> No.9161440


I use to be an avid poster on mlp:g before we got kicked out of /co./

MLP is basically the scab of furry communities, it can be picked at and if you pick it even a little you go too deep. The furry community around it is so much shit you do not even want to know.

>> No.9161452
File: 67 KB, 500x562, ou29w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do

>> No.9161487


Yup. I have met many anime fans who will glomp someone and are very cringey,as for the diaper thing,i saw someone dressed as a adult baby one time for halloween and the person wasn't a furry. I think Uncle Kage needs to do more pr for the furry fandom.

>> No.9161492

Hey ya'll, i'm a fursuiter so if you have any questions at all, please ask! Also, you know that All The Single Furries video? Yeah, even we hate that.

>> No.9161504

I definitely would go to a furry con if possible. I am a furry artist and I would love to be able to meet some of the other fur artists I know irl.

I have met many other furries within my province and they are for the most part really nice people. Sometimes you get the cringe 15 year old or the creepy dude but that's basically any community I've been in.

>> No.9161513


Same here as well. All the furries where i live are chill people. Sure there are jerks,but you will get that in every group.

>> No.9161546

Sometimes I wonder how some of these cringe stories would sound if the fursuiters were women...

>> No.9161561

Yup. At a anime con i saw some cosplayers dressed up very scantily clad and should be told to cover up.

>> No.9161563


I know some girls who fursuit. Like the girl in op's pic

>> No.9161564

I would assume it'd be no different.

>> No.9161573

Lmao at all the people saying furries are creepier because they're "anonymous" and you can't see their faces. You guys understand that their suits are unique and recognizable and everything they do in public isn't anonymous? They are walking around in giant identifiers. If Telephone groped someone she wouldn't get away with it because "no one knows who she is her face was covered".

>> No.9161579

Furries deliberately post warnings about other murrsuits and tell people to stay away. They even get banned from conventions should anything happen.

>> No.9161585

Maybe recognizable within the furry community but I can guarantee you I wouldn't be able to tell one from the other unless they went out of their way to make something incredibly stylized or they modeled their suit after a specific character

>> No.9161586
File: 839 KB, 1200x800, qts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, the only fursuits I can stand are the "kemono" style ones because I find them much more aeshetically pleasing. K-Line is known for making these really nice ones that have the anime aeshetic to them.

>> No.9161587

These should not be allowed outside much less at a con. Jesus Christ those are the shameful people in the community not the poor teenagers wearing pink husky masks.

>> No.9161589

I don't know dude. If a giant green lion humped me I think it would be easier to pick him out of a line up than it would be to find a Deadpool or a fat Naruto out of a sea of Deadpools and fat Narutos.

>> No.9161591

These look so much less cringy than the Disney rejects. Isn't the creator from Japan?

>> No.9161594

MFF last year has been the only con I have ever gone to and I was nervous at first ( have terrible anxiety and was asked to go so my friend didn't want to go alone ) but it turned into one of the most fun moments of my life

Everyone was super nice and respectful. I've never had so many random conversations with strangers, compliments, etc.
Sure there were a few bad eggs here and there but staff was pretty quick to stifle any troubles.
The staff actually was amazing in general, they helped with our overly intoxicated roommate and a pretty nasty cut my friend got on his hand.

The suits were super cute, I accidentally stopped the fursuit parade 3 times cause they kept trying to hug me and it as pretty hilarious.
Hotel staff was very cool and seemed to have fun with the festivities
Dance contest was cool

IDK I see why people would be weirded out but I thought it was amazing~

>> No.9161598

>You guys understand that their suits are unique and recognizable and everything they do in public isn't anonymous?
And they can get another suit and be anonymous again, not like an actual person at an anime con who can't change their face.

>kek all these furfag defenders

>> No.9161601
File: 24 KB, 236x354, more qts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, therefore the suits are much smaller and it's more difficult to get a good and cute one there. I've seen some tutorials on how this bunny was made (it's in another thread as well)

>> No.9161602


sage but that is one cute ass tubby cat

>> No.9161605
File: 868 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160827_232221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my pic.

These things easily cost thousands of dollars no one is going to drop that much to wear it once just to fondle some ass.

>> No.9161606


why are the nips better at everything jesus

>> No.9161607

>not like an actual person at an anime con who can't change their face
No one ever cosplays characters with helmets, masks, zentai suits, or mascot heads. Right. My bad. Everyone knows who everyone else is at an anime con you're right.

>> No.9161608
File: 284 KB, 767x1280, pwskestrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dah fuck most of those a Phoenix Wolf Suits and I love them.
Those things are NOT cheap, so I agree.
This guy sold at auction around....$5000? And that's not even a custom

>> No.9161609

I was thinking the same thing when I saw these things on twitter. I'm not even a furry and I'm impressed.

>> No.9161611

This is the stupidest post I have seen. You know no one gives a shit about this right?

>> No.9161613

I love Sniper. I know they're one of those Angel dragons but they look like a giant adorable Birb. Still think that's a retarded amount of money for a Technicolor carpet though.

>> No.9161618

Isn't it a kestrel? Or did they change species?
I dunno it is a person sized stupidly expensive adorable bird plushie

>> No.9161628

Okay one sec

>> No.9161634

It's a "Dutch Angel Dragon". One of their traits is that they base their appearance off a specific theme or item for whatever reason (idk furries ) and Sniper's is based off a kestral.

>> No.9161635

you sound underage and should be banned.

>> No.9161637

oh well fuck i'm dumb, thanks for clearing that up

>> No.9161638
File: 10 KB, 448x352, 1416526114845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not to mention they're in giant suits that hide their faces
you just hit the nail on the head, that is exactly what creeps me out about fursuits and mascots, and why I never wanted to go to disneyland even when I was little. 30 years I've been trying to figure out what gives me the willies about it, and you nailed it. thank you. it's that plus the fact that the facial features are so exaggerated and cartoony. there is a specific kind of unreality about it that is off-putting to me.

come to think of it, it might actually be why I don't like clowns or mimes either - the makeup hides/distorts their features enough that it almost might as well be a mask. it doesn't scare me per se, but it makes me a bit uneasy.

I mean, if that's what they want to do, have at it I guess. god knows I have had odder hobbies. but to answer OP's question, I doubt I'll be spending any more time at furcons than I will at clown conventions (do they have those? they must, somewhere).

that being said, fursuits like this
don't make me as uneasy. maybe it's because they look so much more like real animals. they're actually really pretty. the cat reminds me of one of those victorian postcards.

>> No.9161641
File: 60 KB, 600x800, tumblr_nqq84hdsmo1rjunbqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And they can get another suit and be anonymous again, not like an actual person at an anime con who can't change their face.

Yes anon, it is much easier to buy a new $1000 fursuit than to buy a new $10 masked cosplay.

Thats really nice.

I think there are more men in the furry fandom, but, for sure, there are more female fursuiters. At least 80% of the fursuiters I have met are female.

>> No.9161648

I'm gonna become /fit/ eventually and I'm gonna make a dudebro fursuit and just fuck around at cons

>> No.9161651
File: 477 KB, 500x634, tumblr_nbaof9YMFy1rjunbqo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9161654

>not recognizing obvious bait
Oh, anon...

>> No.9161660

Nah, not a fetish musclesuit or anything like that
I'm gonna draw the character as having shaved arms to show off gains, and I want dudebro t-shirts saying shit like "SHOW ME YOUR TITTIES"

>> No.9161668

Missed a golden opportunity to say "SHOW ME YOUR KITTIES"

>> No.9161671
File: 367 KB, 700x1147, cheetah-men-game-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure why this made me think of Cheetahmen.

>> No.9161674
File: 3.06 MB, 4608x2592, DSC01426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so stupid that it hurts. I was wondering where I have seen that yellow fursuiter at before, then I look back at my post >>9161641 and, oh, yea, thats where I recognize them, its the same person that I uploaded a picture of and met at a con.
Found another picture. Any of you actually know this person?

>> No.9161676

I'm not a kid dude. I'm autistic

>> No.9161679

Holy shit you gave me the best idea
This is why you're my favorite board
I never decided on what animal it'll be but I might as well make it a cheetah

>> No.9161680

Murrsuiters must be crazy or something. You can pass out in fursuit from heatstroke. You could die doing that in suit. I only suit for charity and after 3 hours i just want to get out of suit.

>> No.9161683

You're quite welcome
I look forward to seeing this suit and I demand pitcures

>> No.9161690

I hate sparklefurs, but these ones are really neat. I wish id see unique fursuits like these at con's and not that other garbage.

>> No.9161691

We can tell.

>> No.9161694

It'll take a while
Fursuits are hard to make and I wanna take my time.
Plus fursuits are forbidden here, it's a miracle this thread existed for over 3 posts

>> No.9161699

These made me go "maybe I should try fur suiting" before recoiling at my self. For real though, these are cute. Its the resin eyes that really makes these, western fursuits would look so much better without felt eyes.

>> No.9161707

>These made me go "maybe I should try fur suiting" before recoiling at my self.
I did too.

>> No.9161712

What kind of eyes would you consider the ones you replied to?

>> No.9161715

One on right is resin eyes, the left one might be fine see through mesh painted, like some mascot suits use

>> No.9161717

Yeah, the resin gives such a good dimension. It looks so good.

>> No.9161741
File: 117 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but agreed. I love the realistic look to them.

>> No.9161748
File: 188 KB, 900x900, aaaadrake__first_pull_by_sharpe19-d6hc8u8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kemono suits do not use resin eyes. They're painted mesh with plastic film over them. Resin-eyed heads always have huge tear ducts because you can't see through resin.

Pic related is an unfinished blank w/ resin eyes.

I collect good fursuit pics so imma dump.

>> No.9161750
File: 87 KB, 500x805, aaaa1363398649.madewithrealcrystumes_1353460861.quillenheim_quill_at_mff2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maker is crystumes.

>> No.9161751
File: 132 KB, 800x481, aaaaGolden collared macaw mask! not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crystumes again

>> No.9161752
File: 160 KB, 900x741, aaaaospreymaskweb_by_nambroth-d8ybdnj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maker is Nabroth. The latest trend for realistic fursuit makers is birds, as you can see.

>> No.9161753


You're doing god's work anon, thanks for dumping

>> No.9161755

Where are the mods? I thought furry was only on /b/?

>> No.9161757
File: 196 KB, 854x1280, aaaaGarrodor by Qarrezel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maker is Qarrezel/clockwork creature who also did >>9160799

>> No.9161760
File: 102 KB, 1280x375, aaaaartslave-gila-monster-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maker is artslave.
forgot to add about this but there are surprisingly few bear suits (/bears in the community) despite that there easy to get right proportionally... shame t b h

>> No.9161763
File: 2.77 MB, 1599x2022, aaaatankard_crocodile_tail_and_gloves_by_crystumes-d9ctn5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'nother good reptile suit (crystumes) just because there are so few well executed ones.

almost all fursuit makers, and literally every GOOD fursuit maker is female. ???

>> No.9161769

you gotta report if you want it gone

>> No.9161770
File: 271 KB, 896x892, boar_by_magpieb0nes-daapakq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maker is magpiebones. Very high quality but mostly does the use-your-own eyes thing which is hit and miss, look up her gallery.

>> No.9161771 [DELETED] 

*reported* I think the mods are asleep or because it's the weekend. I reported.

>> No.9161772

huh, these are legit the only cool cartoony fursuits i've seen.

>> No.9161775

>'nother good reptile suit
Both of those are horrible anon. The green one looks like a reject 60's Star Trek monster with those glossy scales set onto what looks like felt, and the white crocodile thing's eyes don't even line up, one is much higher than the other. The way the scales are painted onto the fabric is amateurish at best as well, if you're gonna do that you need to be more thorough and not just dot the paint on randomly.

>> No.9161777
File: 955 KB, 400x282, 8636572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to go to a furry convention. I'd shower you all with my hot and high caliber love.

>> No.9161778
File: 630 KB, 600x1301, tigerstanding2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maker is stuffed panda studios, which is the best cartoony/sparkledog maker imo, mainly because of the airbrushing game. also did this >>9160759 , def check out their youtube channel.

major respect for fursuit makers, but also fursuit buyers. everything i've posted, even the heads, at least costs 2,000+. end of dump unless you guys want more.

>not appreciating master costumery

>> No.9161781

it's good relative to other reptile suits. keep in mind all of these people are lit. extremely autistic

>> No.9161782

Any good rabbit makers? I'm planning on making my own but I need to see some good suits to use an example.

I've seen some fucking awful rabbits.

>> No.9161783

I'm still drooling over the suits anon. If you have more, I'm still lookin'.

>> No.9161785
File: 77 KB, 567x850, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotcha senpai

>> No.9161786

>it's good relative to other reptile suits
Wow that's sad then, those people either need more practice or they need a second set of eyes to look at their stuff and tell them what to work on.

>> No.9161788
File: 28 KB, 236x354, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9161790
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x1710, bunnywipwatermark2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The aforementioned stuffed panda studios has this.

>> No.9161791


But I'm a boy

>> No.9161793
File: 301 KB, 500x775, jackalope_wip_by_artsquish-d4ssnio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both magpiebones and stuffed panda studios have done jackalopes that i can remember. pic related is a wip of the prior's.

>> No.9161795


that is pretty awesome. I'll have to check out stuffed panda before I make my suit. I'm very new to the suit game and am only making a rabbit for myself. I only need a partial though because I'll be wearing clothes that go with my fursona.

>> No.9161796

I know it sounds like a no duh sort of thing, but I think the "seeing through overly large tear ducts" route they went with really works for rabbits and will let you have better eyes.

>> No.9161797

Keep in mind they are not a lot of material options for scales. There are a lot of cast latex/rubber ones that cant really be painted and have ugly seams, painted fabric like artslave's, or a combination of hard resin and fur like crystumes. Has to cover the neck/ jaw seams

>> No.9161799


Yeah, the eyes are one of my big concerns. I don't want to look like bugs bunny, as many of the rabbit cosplays seem to. Head shape is super big too but I have real rabbits in my house for reference.

>> No.9161800

Odd placement for horns...

>> No.9161805


Yeah, I know. A rabbit is no place for horns.

>> No.9161806
File: 68 KB, 564x898, aaaa0527a840e496f4f750cb6632c435add5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon. don't know maker for this one srry

>> No.9161810


Dayum, I'd ride that stallion.

>> No.9161811
File: 217 KB, 824x970, finished_jackalope_by_artsquish-d511rjl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's supposed to be a jackalope. ignore the dumb hair.

>> No.9161812

Here's the wip for you. One thing that you can see by side by siding them is that the fur eats detail and you want to exaggerate the basic form with the foam.

>> No.9161814

Weird placement for a jackalope, c'mon anons

>> No.9161815
File: 188 KB, 600x601, prefurring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image like idiot

>> No.9161818


thank you. Is that sculpty foam? I was a little worried about using that for a base because I've seen a lot of horrible foam fursuit heads. But this looks great.

>> No.9161825

>cosplay board
>can't talk about animal costumes
honestly I can understand for other boards but having an animal costume ("furry") thread seems fairly in context for a cosplay board.

>> No.9161826

it's typically upholstery foam and thin parts are craft foam. "kloofsuits" on youtube has tutorials for foam heads, "mordrude's monsters" has tutorials for resin-cast

>> No.9161829
File: 2.59 MB, 1710x1800, 1454723895.fleecerot_pokeybodygroup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maker is fleecerot, who did this >>9161079
pretty much only person doing this style

>> No.9161830


Righto, thank you. I'm also trying to avoid looking like the 90% of other suiters who are sparkledogs.

Which may be difficult, considering my colors. Orange fur with white belly/neck fur. Blue hair. Orange bandanna, blue hawaiian shirt, ripped jeans. You may guess what my 2 favorite colors are.

>> No.9161831
File: 2.49 MB, 1500x1646, 1451778995.fleecerot_jawsigroup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more fleecerot

>> No.9161834


I am so done with sharks. Sharks with tits are great but we don't need a fucking million of them. It's all Mayhem's fault too.

>> No.9161835
File: 702 KB, 3084x992, aaaahoshi_the_akita_inu_mask_by_stuffedpanda_cosplay-d7h0eug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are fucked unless you're an airbrushing genius a la pic related.

>> No.9161836


Well, since I'm wearing a shirt and pants the white won't show too much. I'm not good at airbrushing but I have lots of professional artist friends who would let me hire them. I made a tusken raider mask recently and hired a friend to cast resin pieces for me. So airbrushing is no biggie.

>> No.9161839
File: 448 KB, 1280x1168, 1405826314.shagpoke_jazfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

??? this is one of the only shark suits i've ever seen. Haven't been watching the community for a while though, who is mayhem?

pic related is shagpoke studios. not a fursuit but lmao. if you want a tail/handpaws order from them.

>> No.9161841

hey I am 100% okay with mayhem for making something that isn't mammals popular.

>> No.9161843
File: 35 KB, 399x600, 1407159793.arooki_larp_argonier_drachenfest_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maker is arooki. shitty latex reptiles i was talking about

>> No.9161844


Not suits, but fursonas in general. I don't know if you've heard of him, but there's a semi-well-known furry techno artist called Renard Queenston who makes different styles of techno under different characters. One character was a shark girl named Mayhem, and people went ape and made sharktits fursonas all the time. I believe it was back in '11 or so.


Yeah, I guess. Sharks have sexy teeth too. But damn, iguanas and gators are much better non-mammals.

>> No.9161849
File: 410 KB, 1280x1280, 1470370564.sharpe19_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maker is beetlecat

>> No.9161853


I'd suck his jet engine if you know what I mean

>> No.9161856

maker is beastcub, known for her quadsuits. don't order from her though she's known to use shit materials

>> No.9161858
File: 235 KB, 1024x860, baby_mammoth_quadsuit_by_lilleahwest-d4g4qyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot image

>> No.9161861


Shit materials? I mean, that looks pretty damn good.

>> No.9161862
File: 199 KB, 772x1034, aaaademon_bat_by_forgess-d9dzxm6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know the maker on this one. End of dump, don't really have any other good ones.

>> No.9161865
File: 440 KB, 800x640, 1327008454.beetlecat_snowleopardcompolation1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beetlecat is amazing

>> No.9161868

this is her best one and an extremely generous photograph. it's also the unseen materials like using paperclay for head understructures, etc.... she talks about it on some panels

>> No.9161869

Damn that bat sculpt is one of the best I have seen.

>iguanas and gators are much better non-mammals
I mean I think the same about gators but lets be real there are quite a few gator fursonas.

>> No.9161870


Yeah, but I hardly ever see good gator porn. Half the time it's fucking Redrusker pictures.

>> No.9161873
File: 56 KB, 374x530, waterbear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How popular would a tardigrade fursuit be?

>> No.9161874


>> No.9161880

please do this but you will definitely get groped if you go to a furry con

>> No.9161883


Why would anyone grope a tardigrade?

I am planning on it for my next project. It'll be a quadruped thing of course.

>> No.9161886

chub/inflation fetishists. also i think it would look better/be easier to make as an anthro suit.

>> No.9161891


My tardigrade fursona is feral and also he can use the rinnegan and has all the materia because he killed Sephiroth

>> No.9161892

but why the hell do the sharks have ears??? that's my issue with them. give them nonsensical rainbow hair all you want but the ears on all of them are so stupid idgi

wow this is my favorite

>> No.9161900

I did report, it's been up for days, I guess the rules don't apply to /cgl/ anymore.

>> No.9161902

How is this thread still up? Why aren't people reporting it?

>> No.9161903

i'd imagine it's to balance out the silhouette but again, these are lit. autistic people w/ no design knowledge going into their fursonas

>> No.9161906


It's to make sharks look more human-like or because everyone else is doing it.

>> No.9161907

It's one thread and it does apply heavily to costume making (the main focus of this board) so I don't really see the big deal about it personally. Especially for people looking to make animal cosplays.

>> No.9161908

Regardless of costume making, anthromorphic animal characters aren't allowed outside of /b/ according to the rules.

>> No.9161910

Autism is a curse, isn't dear?

>> No.9161911
File: 282 KB, 1280x788, aaaa1460262109.crystumes_final_photos_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>openly admitting to never having this much skill

true kek

>> No.9161915

Of course you don't see the big deal, you're a furry. It's disgusting to see all the furries come out of the woodwork, I guess /cgl/ has an infestation.

>> No.9161917


god bless amerigga :DDD

>> No.9161918

refer to >>9161911
are you mad because people aren't buying prints of your shitty animu cosplay? it shows.

>> No.9161919


i guess you have an infestation of being gay lol

>> No.9161920

You're right, I don't have that any ammount if skill in making fursuits, and I'm damn glad I don't. I make J-fashion, not furry stuff that belongs on /b/. Why is nobody following the rules of 4chan?

>> No.9161923

t. fat ita girl

>> No.9161924


Why aren't you following the rules of not being gay

>> No.9161925

I'm a skinny man actually. You really think pinning childish insults on me justifies break global rule #3?

>> No.9161926

: > ) ok dear.

>> No.9161928

I'm just gonna fuck outta this thread, me complaining won't make the mods enforce rules, it'll just get me banned.

>> No.9161930


No but I'll break your neck *pulls out nunchucks, his eyes glowing red with rinnegans in them*

Your move, buddy.

>> No.9161932
File: 21 KB, 225x300, aaaa17857_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9161945

This one looks really retarded compared to the rest.

>> No.9161954
File: 87 KB, 640x480, 1448860480597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.9161958

>announcing your report
Rip in pieces, anon.

>> No.9162039
File: 212 KB, 540x810, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Furries wouldn't have such a bad rep if the good stories outweighed the awful ones.
I think part of the problem is that we have a generation of internet folks that have already decided that furries are the worst thing to come out of humanity. The difference in attitude between only slightly younger and older con goers is STAGGERING, even if their actual experience with furries is comparable.

>nyone who spends alot of time on their costumes and is good at it isn't going to risk being banned from the con for life or jailtime for stupid shit.

Fursuit cosplays are actually pretty common. Even if there's a bigger focus on creating your own character, you'll often see animal characters from anime/games/comics. Renamon, Lucario, that rabbit from Summer Wars, Okami, etc, are all relatively common subjects of fursuits.

Bronies are on a whole different level, really. Most furries are very passionate about not getting involved with that, hence why they have their own cons.
On top of that most bronies don't self-identify as furries either

>> No.9162058

Because some of us like fun? That shitty feels thread has been up for a week without being deleted, this is at least some new and interesting cringe

>> No.9162060
File: 70 KB, 852x478, lincoln-steampunk-2016-SaS_9506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought our stupid little town steampunk festival would have gotten away from them.

No. They were there...

>> No.9162067

I wouldn't go to a convention just for furry fandom, but I've made an Undertale mascot suit and I can now appreciate the work that goes into making a fursuit. If I see one around I'll chat them up and ask about construction, the character etc. Haven't met a cringelord furry yet so in my opinion they're nice people.

>> No.9162141

Is it just like cute dressing up? because some are cute like >>9161785 and the more realistic ones are awsome or is like 'I am actually a dog inside desu'? I do like the realistic ones but not enough to ever wear one, it must be so stuffy ugh.
I do really dislike the bright cartoon neon things though, they're creepy

>> No.9162148
File: 685 KB, 545x620, gravetheargonian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe people are getting so legit mad over this? Like it's just fucking fursuits, they're just costumes.
When did people suddenly start actually caring about "DA RULES"?

People were pissed when they couldn't make vendetta threads anymore but as soon as people wanna talk about a different kind of con with legitimate costumes it's fucking crime of crimes.
It's like they're sharing hardcore furry porn or even fursuit ref images, it's appreciating and sharing tips on COSTUMES.

Anyways, I missed the reptile convo but I like +3 defense's stuff
They made this argonian head with a movable jaw and its pretty rad~

>> No.9162152

I'm intrigued by the use of neck vision instead of mouth vision, and honestly I think a fair few of her suits look really nice in action. The horse suit here in particular;

>> No.9162154

Not the other suiter anon but I'm a suiter too and I guess the answer is...yes and no?

A MAJORITY of people I know are literally just wearing an animal suit and having fun dressing up. It's fun to just be a stupid fun character you've made and most people like it.
A lot of suiters have a rule of "don't break the magic" so they ACT like that animal, especially around kids so as to not ruin their fun but I rarely meet people who are REALLY like that.

There are a few scattered here and there but I always look at it like the people in cosplay who are "fiction kin"? and think they ARE that character?

>> No.9162200

But if you had those skills, you'd make mad cash.
I'm not even a furry, and I know that.

>> No.9162208

Yeah but at least deadpools aren't trying to make a lifestyle out of their fetish.

>> No.9162212

>some are cringey


>> No.9162231

Maybe, i guess i've always been a little bit of a furfag but... i guess i'm too ashamed about it to go a meet up or con.

Maybe i should finally give it a go.

>> No.9162245

Because they don't have a government-mandated hugbox culture like the west.

>> No.9162247

That wolf's head is really impressive.

>> No.9162295
File: 132 KB, 422x750, tumblr_o0zmcsAXCy1uai7t6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fursuit thread made it to 300+ posts with relatively little drama and a fair amount of actual costuming discussion

/cgl/ I....I'm so proud of you.

>> No.9162367
File: 145 KB, 1920x1080, 1470395134658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have a cosplay I usually do that skates close to fursuit levels
>friends always make fun of me for it saying I'm getting close to furry levels with it
>especially now since I considered adding a tail and feet to it
>mfw that realization

>> No.9162385

Maybe some day we can legitimately talk about fursuits as costumes with no drama...or at least very minimal

>> No.9162422

One thing i find ironic is how furry is judged on it's rule 34,when other fandoms make rule 34. Like at one anime con i saw a vendor selling hentai in plain site in the con and having it on display. And one time i found rule 34 of LOTR,without even looking for it. I wish fursuiters would get more respect. Cause it seems original characters aren't noticed as much as characters from movies and such.

>> No.9162487

Aside from things furries have adopted, there isn;t much in the way of furry films, furry series, etc.

About the best they produce is comics, and most of those are one shots and with the advent of the patron model, they are often locked behind paywalls. So theres not many big furry webcomics about any more.

Plus they can get really arsey over who 'owns' particular characters. Best thing the furries can do is have a big "open" database of characters anyone can use in comics, etc. Maybe even get people together to do some animations...

Something like that would make them a lot more respectable.

>> No.9162567


I think there are furry book publishers like sofawolf press.

>> No.9162580
File: 45 KB, 777x346, l7e7ymk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9162796

Like >>9161032 because the furries in question were one woman and one barely legal teen girl.

>> No.9162801

You're forgetting how easy it is to do something in your fursuit and then just fuck off and change out of it. No one would know who you were.

>> No.9162812

JFC this like the crazy Cosplay.com skyscraper fetishist if she got into fursuits instead of making skyscraper personas.

>> No.9162825

That's the biggest thing I don't like about furries. They shoehorn themselves into everything. Anime con? Fursuit. Japanese culture con? Fursuit. Steampunk event? Fursuit.

>> No.9162830

who's the girl?

>> No.9162872

She sadly doesn't post very often.

>> No.9162943
File: 3.97 MB, 640x480, Mr Engineer gets traumatized.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, here's a gif of that for (you)

>> No.9163199

I'm not sure if anyone ntoices this. but seems people online know what furries are,but many irl don't even know what furries are. I'm like,do you even internet?

>> No.9163712
File: 437 KB, 778x458, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism OP, you already said that. Normal people don't want to know about fetishes.

>mfw people use "I'm a furry!" as a way to introduce themselves to new people

>> No.9163862

>but many irl don't even know what furries are.
most people irl don't even know what anime or cosplay is.

>> No.9163919

That's why when they go out to parks and junk all the normies want pictures of their kids next to them. Sometimes they even think they're working and were hired to walk around and entertain or promote something. If they knew anything about them as a "culture" they probably would call the cops. To be fair though a lot of them do only suit for fun and don't hump each other like sexually crazed psychos at every opportunity.

>> No.9163964

I really love the realistic costumes, and if i was going to have a fursuit pursuit it'd be one of those.

I've heard they have some kind of cooling system (which is why a lot of them are so bulky i think?) but i think wearing one at a con would legitimately kill me, getting too hot makes me physically ill and cons can get like that even with a light outfit... wearing an inch of polyester, foam and padding... yikes.

>> No.9164009
File: 121 KB, 900x975, ra,unisex_tshirt,x3104,322e3f_696a94a5d4,front-c,650,630,900,975-bg,f8f8f8.u3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've noticed that as well. Like someone at a con thought i'm a highschool mascot,and i'm like, do you even? I graduated highschool a long time ago. I have even noticed when i wear furry shirts in public,many seem to turn their heads and such,and seems many don't seem to notice it as furry characters.

>> No.9164029

I've noticed the furry fandom appears to be mostly male, is it really that gender skewed or do most of the girls hang out in different places to the guys because of creeps and weirdoes.

I'd guess a con would give a more accurate gender ratio than a website.

>> No.9164036

Why are furries so fucking annoying with their shit?
Always wanting to excuse their sick obsession with animals
Always the "oh but I'm not like Those furries tho" bullshit
>Accept meeeee
Fuck off nobody loves you that's why you have to make a man size sparkle dog to cuddle up because not even your mother wants to touch you.

>> No.9164039


Yeah. But i have been noticing some girls who are getting into the furry stuff. Like one time i wore a furry shirt and a girl,a real girl noticed the shirt and starting talking to me.

>> No.9164043

You sound like an underage autist
Please stop samefaging

>> No.9164044

One girl doesn't mean shit Anon.

>> No.9164045


Why are weebs so funny annoying with their shit?
Always wanting to excuse their sick obsession with anime characters they call their waifu.
Alway the "oh but i'm not like those weebs tho" bullshit

Fuck off nobody loves you that's why you have to have a body pillow to cuddle up because not even your mother wants to touch you.


>> No.9164048

At least weebs don't try to fuck dogs once they're too into the fandom

>> No.9164052

Just let go of it OP find something better to be obsessed with.
Being an aspie is bad enough.

>> No.9164053

That stuff may happen with some furries,but any furs don't like those who abuse animals. Seems you haven't done your research. If you did any research you would know that the majority of furs don't fuck dogs.

>> No.9164056


No U. There are many professionals in the fandom,like doctors,lawers,and such.

>> No.9164063

But some do and that's horrible and it shouldn't happen at all
Why can't you see how WRONG that is you massive fucking autist
Anime retards at least are shut ins for most of their lives but you freaks go out to parade the pestilence of your community
Doesn't it makes you sick?

>> No.9164067

I also like yiff art as well. I'm not gonna change

>> No.9164068

Don't try to make yourself look better with other's accomplishes, we know you're still a useless furry.

>> No.9164069


>> No.9164071 [DELETED] 

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.9164103

Isn't fursuiting can be considered cosplay in that they you're playing a character?

>> No.9164139

Some have fans inside to circulate air, most have strategic ventilation in the head, and a good deal of suiters also wear cooling vests or special clothing underneath to combat dying of heat stroke while dressed up like a giant purple panda bear.

I've only been to one con but almost every artist/crafter there was female. I know there's a pretty good chunk of suiters that are girls. It's pretty much dominated by homosexual men online though and they are the main face of the fandom to a lot of people.

>> No.9164153


There are actually straight couples in the fandom. believe it or not. I saw some boy and girl couples holding hands at cons. A shame many view the fandom as all gay,when there are straight people as well. And there is furry female and straight furry art. Secondly, studies have shown that really only 21% of Furries actually are gay, and 32% are straight, while 45% are “Other”.

>> No.9164189

I've actually got a story about something like this.

>back in the cosplay meets at anime shop days
>decide to host an after event at a fun park
>cosplay laser tag and games, awesome!
>get a message from the resident fursuiter
>asks if he can bring his fursuit, I tell him I'll ask the park
>park rep says costumes are fine but no masks
>tell the fursuiter that and the entire group that
>day of the event comes
>furry shows up in his full costumey dog suit
>maybe nothing will happen??
>next thing I know someone is running into laser tag to get me
>"You need to go speak with the manager before they call the cops!"
>run out there panicked, see 30-somethin fursuiter with his head off arguing with the manager
>freak out because the manager is threatening to toss us all out and I'm only 18 and never hosted an event before
>manager is yelling about how fursuiter was taking pics with the kiddies and it's a liability
>fursuiter is yelling back that the manager is calling him a child predator
>manager says fursuiter needs to go or we're all getting tossed out with cop escort
>fursuiter's friend is trying to calm him down while he yells and swears
>finally storms out in his full suit and slams the door on the way out

>> No.9164238

I have a feeling that the "other" comes from the fandom prison gay effect. You know, when you want to date people "like" you but it's mostly guys or girls?

I've noticed some yaoi and even EGL groups being mostly bisexual girls who happen to be dating each other..

I guess nerds just want to be with someone who understand them and their weirdness.

>> No.9164285


I wonder how many gay people at anime cons are prison gay,as opposed to gay.

>> No.9164320

may i offer an improvement?

Why are weebs so funny annoying with their shit?
Always wanting to excuse their sick obsession with little girls they call their waifu.
Alway the "oh but i'm not like those weebs tho" bullshit

Fuck off nobody loves you that's why you have to have an onahole to fuck because not even fatty dumblers would to touch you.

>> No.9164322

I've always called it "nerd gay"
usually straight people end up dating normies since girls don't want weeb boys and weeb boys don't have the charisma to date anyways so when there's an abundance of likeminded people who just might experiment when drunk in a more openminded environment well.... you know what happens.

its a shame, i suspect my cousin is nerdgay but im cool with him either way.

>> No.9164350

i have seen some chicks who are into anime

>> No.9164431

see >>9161641
>I think there are more men in the furry fandom, but, for sure, there are more female fursuiters. At least 80% of the fursuiters I have met are female.

I know it doesn't mean much, and all my friends are female anyways, but when I go to conventions, and I go to a lot, I always see way more female fursuiters. I even sale furry tails at anime cons, and I sale way more to women than men. So, at the very least, there are more outgoing female furries. I think most of the male furries just lurk awkwardly online and look at furry porn, idk.

A majority are bi. Very, very few are gay or straight from my experience, but that almost my experience with cosplayers in general.

>> No.9164502

the ratio is massively imbalanced

>> No.9164504
File: 352 KB, 868x1280, bearfursuit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closeted male fur here

i wouldn't dare be seen in a fursuit and i rarely and i mean RARELY reveal my fur power level due to the shit seen above. I don't want to commit social suicide and be seen as "dangerous"

I'm into the porn and non-porn sides of the fandom and i'd like making fursuits more than wearing them, since i don't have a sona or see myself as anything other than human.

ps: noone makes a fursuit like winfoxie

>> No.9164536
File: 126 KB, 1024x1450, B2cgD8uCcAAdgfr.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me google that suit maker and I think pic related is the cutest thing. Fuck I wish I had the body to wear something like that. Are any of the models women? [spoiler] Because as a female I'm wondering about the sculpt of the inside and whether or not my breasts could be comfortable with the obvious padding. [spoiler] Not that I could afford a suit, but damn if I could I would go for one of these.

>> No.9164538
File: 123 KB, 1226x814, bearfursuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit i didn't know cherry had more pics, hers and that Ukrainian lioness are the bomb

>> No.9164547
File: 533 KB, 1577x2048, CqVQmCDWgAAMA5j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot is officially gone, a furry thread survived in /cgl/

>> No.9164559

Looks like it was posted on friday,which is usually regarded as furry friday.

>> No.9164561

> tfw you will never be as cute as this lil nigga


>> No.9164579

that dance highlight reel was surprisingly really impressive

>> No.9164661

Is she a boy or girl under that? Ive been looking for a maker who makes theses type suits but cant find one

>> No.9164665
File: 38 KB, 279x600, 279px-EuroFurence16-Photo-Sofia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure that's a man. Pic related is a woman and the same maker if I'm remembering right.

>> No.9165022

You're remembering wrong.
The person who made the bear (Cherry Bear) is Winfox, a Ukranian fursuit maker. Anyone who manages to own a suit by him is male except for one person, Aoi Kitsune. Winfox does not take commissions and has been MIA for a while.

I can't remember who made the lion (user name wise) besides the fact that it was her husband.

I also have statistics on hand for gender ratio, sexuality, etc if anyone's curious.

>> No.9165691

Post em with source, dont hold out on us anon

>> No.9165931

The stats or the makers?
The stats come straight from the furry survey and haven't really changed for the past four years.
The community has been 80% male, 20% female for years now. It's pretty much 50/50 on sexuality with lgbt being just a little bit higher; Especially bi.
Fursuiter wise, if you consider the stats of Anthrocon (you can find these numbers on wikifur), you're looking at about 7000+ attendees, with 2,100 fursuiters in this years parade. They're pretty much 15-20 percent of the cons attendees though.

Now, as mentioned before, most fursuit makers are female, as are the fursuiters themselves. So if 20% of females are female/identify as such, it'd make since that there's a small amount of suiters in comparison to non-suiters.
So far, if I'm remembering correctly, out of the hundreds of makers, I think only a handful are willing to make fursuits for sexual reasons and even then, the last time I checked (which it's been a few years), only .8% of fursuiters admitted to using them for sexual reasons. The number may have raised but I'd rather not know.

Unrelated I suppose but I own suits of both styles (west and east) so if you have any questions, need advice, suggestions I can help there. I personally have never made one, but I know a lot about the craft. Almost 13 years in this garbage community and running if you also want some drama stories too.

>> No.9165951

fuck most of those were actually impressive.

>> No.9165958

>Well I mean this is weird but I don't see anything bad
>Scroll down some more
>Fucking asshole clean open stretched out.
That's it I'm out

>> No.9166045

>Almost 13 years in this garbage community and running if you also want some drama stories too
You know that we always want drama stories anon don't be coy.

>> No.9166121

Depends on what you want. Most furry drama consists of "closed species" arguments, art theft, scamming artists, babyfurs and other kink-obsessed people, fake suicide claims...
There's just a lot and I wouldn't know where to start besides trying to decide on specific users.

>> No.9166609

The thread's going to die before you even write anything at this point. Anything man, your favorite stories, just share don't waste time doing back and forths asking what we want because the answer is we want all of it. Have you done this before?

>> No.9166744

This was a fucking mess.

Apparently a lot of drama happened at Rainfurrest and that's why we get this fucking photoset. Have a lot of friends who are furries but not disgustingly into kink. The head of Rainfurrest was part of a babyfur kink group and had a lot of babyfur and kink friends despite this being a """family friendly""" con and management nearly kicked them out because the grossness of having poop in diapers left out in the hotel, the pool being contaminated, etc. Also the reason why Rainfurrest isn't happening this year.

>> No.9166969

Some furs where i live don't like babyfurs. It's time furries as a whole got their shit together. Personally i would forcibly kick people like the babyfurs out from the fandom,even if it would result in me being unable to go to any future furry cons

>> No.9167177

Man fuck those disgusting people leaving dirty diapers around a con center. That's such a safety hazard and I am enraged at the people defending it saying stuff like "lol it's a fetish con" and "wow why would you bring kids here" when it's advertised as family friendly and they KNOW teenagers go to those events. The con center and hotels do not want that happening in their space and I can't believe those fucktards ruined the pool.

>> No.9167342


There must be a reason this dude in a labcoat doesn't go to the con in seattle.

>> No.9167346
File: 213 KB, 1280x852, me_n___unkie_kage_by_ffex-d3k7v0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to add pic

>> No.9167396


furfag here. Been doing this shit for over half my life. I have a career in IT, and about to go back to school for teaching. I also own a house, two cars, and active in my community. I can't speak for all of us, but most can have a life and fun at the same time.

Don't speak about shit you have only observed.

>> No.9167408

Hey dipshit, you better bring more than your daddy's shotgun.

>> No.9167667

Yeah Kage seems like a really reasonable person and he cares a lot about the community's public image. He has done a great job making Anthrocon a successful thing in Pittsburgh and the city really celebrates them because they boost the economy when they go there and they've managed to get positive media exposure with the local news. That diaper shit would not have gone down well around him.