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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 8 KB, 245x206, Kawa-high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9156280 No.9156280[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reposting questions from the previous thread, eons ago:

Do you smoke in your brand? Before meet ups? DURING meetups? Do you have other stoner lolita friends?

Post your piece!

>> No.9156688

please exit lolita and your life afterwards.

>> No.9156704


>> No.9156706
File: 43 KB, 743x381, Screen Shot 2016-08-24 at 11.35.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoners can be kawaii too anon

>> No.9156711

For context, this is from the /cgl/ census

>> No.9156718

Not a lolita anymore, but I never used to smoke before meetups. That's just selfish and immature, there's a lot of people who don't like the smell of weed so don't subject them to it. As for smoking in brand, I don't think I'd do that either. If I want to drink and smoke and have a good time, I wear something I'm not worried about the resale value of. That's just common sense.

>> No.9156722

I don't smoke myself, I'm actually pretty certain I'm allergic. My parents do though (for medical reasons however) and so the house has a constant smell. I try and stay away from it though as I get woozy and sick feeing from the smell. I have no problem with people smoking it however, in Lolita or not. It's your clothes, do what you want. The smell doesn't linger that long anyway.

>> No.9156727

It's just not legal where you live.

>> No.9156733

I smoke in my brand. If girls drink hard liquor in their brand, I don't see how what I'm doing is any crazier. Like I can't spill weed on my brand and ruin it. I guess I could get oil on it but I doubt it because that stuff is so thick, and aside from that I only vape oil unless I'm at someone's house where I can do dabs. Dabs are like a special occasion thing and not something I do all the time.

I vape before meetups. No one can smell it because I'm sure someone would've asked for some by now if they could. It's extremely popular where I live to do this stuff socially.

Also there are girls in my comm that do way harder drugs that I'd never touch. I only smoke weed. I rarely even drink. It really seems like the least harmful thing -- like drinking alcohol is more dangerous than smoking weed.

>> No.9156736

People are usually too polite to bring it up but yes, stoners smell like shit in the same way regular smokers do.

>> No.9156785

No, vapor doesn't linger.
I don't smoke joints or blunts.

>> No.9156805


No, anon. YOU, as a person, smell like weed.

Smokers smell like tobacco, stoners smell like weed.

>> No.9156823

I've never smoked weed myself, but wouldn't the skunkiness stay on you or on your clothes?

>> No.9156825

Not that anon but you obviously never met someone who vapes weed.

I don't wear lolita that often so there was never an occasion to smoke in burando, but I don't see the problem. As long as you don't smoke in a closed space and wash your clothes to avoid an intense smell, who cares anyway.

>> No.9156848

This exact same thing happens to me anon. I feel for you. I have a coworker that always reeks of pot and it makes me feel sick. Add to that the fact that I live in Washington state... there's no escaping it.

>> No.9156861

I live in a state where recreational use is legal. I have social anxiety so getting a little high before meet ups helps me calm down and not overthink.

I also vape and lol at the people claiming it stinks. These 80's stereotypes about weed are funny, things have changed a lot. If you hotbox your car then yeah you'll smell like shit, but vaping or smoking a bit in a well-ventilated area won't be like smoking a cigarette.
Also in my comm a lot of girls also do harder drugs (especially molly) so weed is really nothing.

I'm an adult who can go to a store, buy weed legally, and get high after work to relax. I don't see the difference between that and how people drink after work, except drinking is more harmful and dangerous.

>> No.9156865
File: 41 KB, 800x800, kawaii bong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make friends w/ girls in comm
>forget how convo started but we hesitantly ask implied stoner questions
>"Holy shit you smoke? So do I!"
>after meetups we smoke up and shitpost on 4chan and watch lolita jewtube videos
>on some saturdays I hosted small get togethers and we'd all read secrets on the big screen while sipping wine and eating sweets
>best lolita friend moved recently
>lonely and don't smoke anymore but happy she's in a legal cannabis state
If you're reading this you know who you are and things aren't the same and I miss you.

>> No.9156875

Stoners only smell like that if they just get done hotboxing a room and then immediately go somewhere or if they have weed and weed smoking accessories on them. Just the smoke is really hard to actually get on clothing enough to bother someone. I smoke pretty regularly but if im around or planning on being around a friend that doesnt ill leave a window open or stand outside for a bit before i hang out with them. Its really simple to keep the smell away. Also id really love to go to a weed meetup somewhere and get high with other lolitas and eat snacks and just chill. Sounds like a good time.

>> No.9156897

I don't like smoking in lolita out of fear of getting ash on the dress, though I've never actually done that. I'm fine doing it in black or something I care less about. I would like to have a stoner lolita meet with edibles one day.

>kill yourself because you smoke weed and I don't like it
You could really use some yourself to help with your butthurt
No more so that alcohol, at least you won't puke from it if you drink too much

>> No.9156900

Not a stoner, but weed smell is infinitely less offensive. Not only does it smell less bad and wears off sooner, but you're not gonna get cancer from secondhand pot smoke.

>> No.9156903

>at least you won't puke from it if you drink too much
Yeah, because EVERYONE has the same tolerance level as you. Lol. People who smoke weed can't handle liquor and all they do is bitch about it and wonder why no one likes em. Pathetic.
You're also the most whiny and obnoxious person in the thread. Go figure.

>> No.9156908

yall smell like shit please wash yourselves

>> No.9156913

Weed isnt like cigarettes, the smell leaves your clothes after a day, no matter how much you smoke in them. However, if you store your pipe and weed in a lolita bag often, it will take weeks minimum to get the smell out.

>> No.9156921

>who cares anyway
People who actually care about their personal hygiene and clothing

>> No.9156923

>People who smoke weed can't handle liquor
Not them but citation needed. You sound so assblasted I hope you're just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.9156925

I'm a stoner. I've only smoked once before a meet up and it was nice being around all that frill while stoned. My fav thing to do is smoke and play in my closet, just dress up and come up with new coord ideas I love it.

>> No.9156930

Can't tell if troll

No matter what your tolerance level, everyone has a limit to his much they can drink before they puke and other intensely shitty physical affects. Not sure what point you're trying to make or how that's even relevant to that post. I like having a few drinks every now and then just as much as the next person, but it's significantly more dangerous of a substance. Look at rape and death statistics of alcohol compared to weed.

Also, the most whiny obnoxious people in the thread are the people like you who are freaking out over people smoking pot. Don't like it? Simply don't do it and stop shitting up our thread.

>> No.9156935

I have a hard time believing this as well. Most of my stoner friends could drink frat boys under the table. Not that that's a good thing.

Also, I like how in anon's world, having low alcohol tolerance is a valid reason not to like someone, but they can't handle people smoking weed.

>> No.9156946

You're overwhelmingly ignorant about how weed works.

Anyone in this thread who equates weed to cigarettes as far as the scent staying goes, doesn't know what they're talking about. If you try to say you know stoners this applies to, you've either been around them while they have weed in their possession or are making it up for the sake of people thinking you're right.

>> No.9157002


>> No.9157020
File: 305 KB, 468x502, VICTORIANPHARMACY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to do an Alice in Wonderland style meet with pot brownies and tea. Considering how rife drug use was before 1937, I'm kind of surprised more lolitas don't try to insist it's part of lifestyling or something... Queen Victoria used it for her cramps...

>> No.9157035

If I'm in Lolita I just use a vaporizer to get high instead of smoking bud. No smell, no smoke.

>> No.9157043

I like you, anon.

>> No.9157047

Wouldn't mushrooms be more appropriate for an Alice themed meet?

>> No.9157053

I would love something like this so much

>> No.9157055

do these really say "Crack"?

smoking Crack is not a good thing, that is an absolutely horrible and terrible thing

>> No.9157065

I still want to have an SF stoner tea party.

If everyone has their rec card, I'm down to bring edible Macarons and THC infused tea.

>> No.9157076

I think it's a joke

At least I certainly hope so

>> No.9157090

Please leave

>> No.9157101
File: 160 KB, 829x1024, ob_fe9656_annex-hepburn-audrey-breakfast-at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to say that you need to be careful with joints ashes, especially for haschish

But honestly, why can't princesses smoke too? Especially with pic related accessory!

>> No.9157102

Please be less butthurt

>> No.9157113


sounds like you had some dank kawaii meet ups

>> No.9157120

Yeah no. Its all fun and games till people eat too much and the high kicks in. Imagine the boat ride in willy wonka and the chocolate factory. Its like that but less darkness, and more spinning and trying not to look at the dresses cause spinning prints may make people puke.

>> No.9157145
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Personally I don't smoke or do drugs of any kind, and people should be able to do what they want. But what I do care about is when you're selling clothes, please note if you do drugs in lolita enough times that there is a lingering smell. Just because it might not be as strong as cigarette scents doesn't mean that there is absolutely no smell, and some people are sensitive to that stuff.

>> No.9157364

I have dropped hasj on my brand. I will say it if I resell and lower the price.

>> No.9157370

I love watching Alice in wonderland when I'm high

>> No.9157421

Anon... have you ever done edibles?
That was super cringy,

>> No.9157473

You sound so ridiculous.
You probably have never even injected one marijuana smonk.

>> No.9157477

When did you smell me?

>> No.9157493

>I'm an adult who can go to a store, buy weed legally, and get high after work to relax. I don't see the difference between that and how people drink after work, except drinking is more harmful and dangerous.
Fucking this!!

I swear 4chan just hates weed because of memes and needing to be contrarian.
Not only that but there are a vast amount of east coasters who fucking hate weed and are pretty much the reason its not federally legal still.

>> No.9157505

To be fair to anon, I'm a regular smoker and vaper but my first experience with edibles did cause a lot of disorientation and nausea. I felt like I was in airplane turbulence for hours rising and dropping. Didn't puke, but I pretty much had to lie down with my eyes closed for the night.

>> No.9157508

Same. For some reason there's nothing like being high and wearing pretty dresses.

>> No.9157511

You can't do both??

>> No.9157514

I recently sold a dress I smoked in and I told her and she still bought it and gave me positive feedback and said in email it didn't smell.
It's not the same, please educate yourself.

>> No.9157517

How much was it? I've definitely ate too many edibles and had that reaction but you shouldn't get that from just having a lolipop or something small.

>> No.9157521

...Half a pan of strong brownies. My friend swore they weren't strong until after we'd eaten a bunch and he admitted how much he'd actually put in them. He's a troll and I never should have trusted him. This is why his wife won't touch pot. He did the same to her except she had no prior experience smoking even. One day I'll try edibles again, but I'll admit it really put me off them. In general I like the clear high I get from vaping and then doing stuff like playing with coord ideas or reading. I'd love to hang out with fellow Lolitas while low level high, but I just go into a shell past a certain threshold.

>> No.9157525
File: 32 KB, 480x640, 96d4fea639928b3ee8698f4c6aeea9a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to buy a cute or really pretty and elegant bong?
I have never owned one but I would like to have a really cute one for special occasions. Like a tea party with my friends dressed in frills, eating cucumber sandwiches and smoking out of a super cute bong sounds so fun~ ... too bad I don't have any lolita friends though, I don't suppose any of you live near santa barbara ca and want to have a kawaii dank party?

>> No.9157526

>He did the same to her except she had no prior experience smoking even.
Your friend sounds like a douche

>> No.9157527

Your friend sounds like a huuuuge asshole.

>> No.9157529
File: 424 KB, 1280x1179, hightea_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gdi. I love antique snuff and jewelry boxes. And I'm okay with weed (it usually agrees with me better than alcohol). The edge ruined these.

Aww. I used to have a lolita buddy to smoke with when we're hanging out outside of comm meets (sometimes in lolita, but usually not). She also moved away, so I know them feels.

That would be so cute. If you're in So Cal, there's a bakery (lol) called Madam Munchie which specializes in macaron edibles.

I get that people have different tolerance levels and some strains are stronger than others, but are you sure you're not mixing up marijuana with LSD or schrooms?

>> No.9157535


I can't think of any particular online shops, but have you looked into local smoke shops at all? I do apologize for making assumptions if you are in a state where that's uncommon. Where I live, a lot of local smoke shops/record stores/neo-hippie boutiques feature local glass artists who sell beautifully handcrafted bongs and pipes. I even found one that looked like a rose.

/saging because photo is on mobile

>> No.9157539

This is an accurate assessment of his personality. But they did put me up in their nice guest room for the night and he cooked me a fancy breakfast the next day, so I forgave him. I was also overconfident and should have been more patient waiting for them to kick in. I felt really bad for his wife, though.

>> No.9157541

I have been, but all anyone has are pipes and plain glass bongs that are absurdly overpriced. Like, $250 for a six inch super basic peice of shit with a stupid SO EDGY logo printed on it.

I do have a super cute ice cream cone pipe though.

>> No.9157544

>That would be so cute. If you're in So Cal, there's a bakery (lol) called Madam Munchie which specializes in macaron edibles.
Aww that sounds awesome. I wish Oregon would let recreational edibles be more of a thing. You can only get a really small amount here. Probably because of stories like the other anon shared and they feel like the public can't handle it. In some regards they're right.

Still, other places have cute weed cafes, why can't we??

>> No.9157547
File: 42 KB, 570x559, prettypipesshoppe_etsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh, gdi, looks like I've misplaced the image. Oh well, here's one from Pretty Pipes Shoppe on etsy. I bet there are plenty other etsy shops, and maybe Aliexpress shops that would carry kawaii pipes and bongs

>> No.9157548

Yes they both have a smell, but if I walk through a cloud of cigarette smoke I get nauseous, start coughing, and feel ill. Weed smoke smells, but that's all it does.

>> No.9157551

There are some people on etsy that make cute pipes. Some people even make kawaii dab rigs, but I've not seen just a regular bong.

>> No.9157564

omg, that is pretty fuckin' kawaii anon!

>> No.9157565
File: 55 KB, 640x640, 1411099600688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is kind of weird, but then again, Oregon is a pretty conservative state in general. I'm just glad my state is finally decriminalizing small ounces of weed.

They really are expensive! Pipes, bongs, grinders, and weed itself is pricey, so I've stuck with lolita because I can't afford to do both.

I guess it doesn't help that I'm not longer in a big college town, where it's easy to find it and for a reasonable price, or at least find people who would be up for relaxing and passing it around on weekends.

>> No.9157569

Wow, fuck that guy.

>> No.9157575


>> No.9157576

yeah it really is expensive, I don't mind paying out the ass for a really pretty glass peice, but I will never be convinced to buy something that looks straight out of a high school science class. Complete with that obnoxious kid's stupid fiery weed skull sticker slapped on everything ugh!

>> No.9157577

I stick to edibles. It's nice being in a legal state and one can get pot candy to relax on a Friday or a weekend day at home. Belgian chocolate tastes best (the cacao seems to help cover the grassy flavor). Stay away from white chocolate, it's awful. Hard candies are the best bang for your buck.

You know what's fun? A lolita sleepover with edibles. Take candy first, then start brewing tea. Bring out a course of fruit, and drink tea. Then as it kicks in, bring out pastries and cheese. KEEP BREWING THE TEA. For dinner, order takeout. Watch beautiful movies, then go to bed for a deep sleep.

Unfortunately, one shouldn't invite those who haven't experienced edibles before, as they are a lot stronger than smoking or vaping, and you don't want a newbie to discover then and there that edibles will bring her extreme paranoia (which does happen to a segment of the population in reaction to pot) and everybody else is too giggly to help or comfort her.

>> No.9157578
File: 35 KB, 570x380, GinaMarieSusino_etsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn dude. Ok, disregard my comment about the LSD. I've kind of been there when I tried hemp oil.

Isn't it? Shame her shop is small. I've found another one though with a buttload of items. The designs seem to be a mix of super cute to babby's first deco den, but at least it's an active shop.

>> No.9157582
File: 9 KB, 253x199, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. I'm spoiled then, because there are a ton of shops where I live that have literally hundreds of choices. One shop I like has a revolving door of local glass artists, so there's always something different.
>mfw my city is a 'cow town' to most people

>> No.9157585

no. it really doesn't.

Velvet soaks it up pretty bad though, you gotta be carefull with that.

That's actually a really dangerous thing your friend did to you and his wife. While you can't OD on weed it does lower your blood pressure and if someone isn't used to it they might faint and hurt themselves, or if either of you had an existing condition that might have been exacerbated by that... You can especially really tank someone's blood pressure to scary levels if they have way too much and they are not a regular user, or if they haven't tried it at all. Weed is much safer than any other drug but what your friend did was not only irresponsible, it was criminal. I hope his wife wises up and leaves him, people like that don't deserve love.

>> No.9157592
File: 51 KB, 570x380, sosmol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one shouldn't invite those who haven't experienced edibles before, as they are a lot stronger than smoking or vapin

anon has a point. Ingesting TCH generally has a longer, but unpredictable effect comparing to smoking.

I like your idea a lot. Definitely keep it private, among individuals of legal age, and preferably among people with some previous experience, and definitely stay hydrated and well fed with someone who is most sober among the group (preferably the hostess).

Man, it'd be so cute and fun to leaf through GLBs or auctions while high.

>> No.9157599
File: 21 KB, 267x300, biscuitgrinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my city is a 'cow town' to most people

same. Most people here prefer to drink shitty, cheap beer by the case while watching sports on weekends, and that's fine, but it makes it hard to find "alt" people, even if they prefer to be sober on weekends.

>> No.9157601
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I've always wanted to smoke but you have to have friends to get weed it seems

>> No.9157602

I meant it more as, reality is not perception, but on second thought, yeah you have a very good point.

>> No.9157605

Or a green card yo.
Or meet weird ass b choice chicks on okc.

>> No.9157610

oh shit my life-ruining anxiety may do me some good for once

>> No.9157616
File: 57 KB, 405x720, schroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my bad, famalam.

Here's something to go with that Little Squirrel print.

>> No.9157637

>It happened once to me so you're wrong about everytime!

>> No.9157671

You can learn from anecdotes, believe it or not.

>> No.9157928

I always keep this in mind with sales, especially bags since that's the item it sticks to most. It's really not that hard to have one of your friends who don't smoke weed confirm that the smell is gone.

>> No.9157931
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I like the way you think, anon.

>> No.9157945

As much as I'm loving this thread, I think some of you are being dangerously naive about the effect marijuana products can have on certain people. Just like with any substance, be it alcohol/caffeine/certain medications, some people have terrible reactions to weed, especially edibles. I have a couple friends who have had severe panic attacks from smoking, and one of them only needed one hit for it to be triggered. I also know another girl who has bipolar and edibles she had unknowingly consumed triggered a hardcore manic episode. The vast vast majority of people I've smoked with had a great time, but that doesn't mean there's no one in the world who has an awful reaction.

I seriously urge people to only have meets involving edibles with experienced marijuana consumers. And if you're just having normal smoking meets, please make sure anyone there who hasn't smoked before starts off really slow and you keep an eye on them.

>> No.9157949

Anxiety and insomnia are how my boyfriend got his card

>> No.9157955


>> No.9157962

>east coasters
This pretty much only applies to the south of the east coast. New England is mostly super chill.

>> No.9158024

>I smoke in my brand, I don't see how it's different than drinking alcohol in brand
Because smoking, cannabis or overwise, makes the clothes stink, even tobacco manifests itself in clothes, old weed stink smells like old BO. When you get secondhand sales you get "from a non-smoking household" for a reason :^/

>> No.9158029

Weed will never reflect the fundamentals of beauty, innocence, and modesty that made the fashion back in the day, and made it popular nowadays. Edgy Lolita stoners can cry all they want, but they'll always be a lesser Lolita than one who abstains.

>> No.9158050
File: 41 KB, 480x640, 1460136032969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah actually i have and i was just shitposting and being cringy but on a serious note newbs to edibles can easily eat too much and things can go wrong and you just gotta ride out the high. It sucks. Nobody ever listens to "only eat a little and wait for like a half hour to 45 min." ill stop being thread cancer though i actually like this thread. Have a picture of a puppy as an apology.

>> No.9158052 [DELETED] 

You sound like tge kibd of faggot who would say you're less lolita for swearing. Also, know what else doesn't reflect any of those things? Being on 4chan. A lolita who goes on 4chan is without a doubt less lolita than one who smokes weed, but doesn't come on this site, by the standards you just stated.

>> No.9158056

You sound like the kind of faggot who would say you're less lolita for swearing. Also, know what else doesn't reflect any of those things? Being on 4chan. A lolita who goes on 4chan is without a doubt less lolita than one who smokes weed, but doesn't come on this site, by the standards you just stated.

BTW, lolita by definition isn't a modest fashion. Not being skimpy=/=modest. Shit vocabulary definitely makes you less of a lolita.

>> No.9158057

>Weed will never reflect the fundamentals of beauty, innocence, and modesty that made the fashion back in the day
Says who other than you?

>Edgy Lolita stoners
Sounds like the typical 4chan meme, dude.

That's already been discussed to death in the thread. And again for the millionth time, vapor doesn't work this way.

>> No.9158059
File: 45 KB, 540x720, 13592840_10206234812541513_1849403266259195979_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me! I was out with a group of people recently and some guy asked to take a hit of my vape pen and I was like, whoa, are you sure? Have you smoked before? He told me he used to do dabs, so I took his word for it. He was fine.

I always ask people if they're sure before they smoke, vape, eat, etc. I treat it like a fucking drug because it is one.

That doesn't mean this thread isn't filled with retards who think smoking or do anything with weed makes you a degenerate asshole. It doesn't.

Also please keep posting kawaii bongs and such to stay on topic.

>> No.9158066

... smoking pot is no more edgy than being a seagull

>> No.9158157

Ugh I wish there was a source on somewhere to get this, It was probably a custom piece or OOAK from a shop tho.

Not a Lolita but a new Cosplayer to the comm. I've been lurking CGL and cosplay communities for a long time and I feel like it's generally frowned upon like, bringing up smoking at cons and such.
With the clever ways of smoking, it's easy to get high without a pungent odor filling up the room. I feel like vape and dabs don't linger NEARLY as bad as some dank kush.

I always thought it would be so cool to have a meetup smoke sesh with some gulls at a con but IDK how to go about organizing this and don't want the wrong kind of attention. Oh well, Guess i'll jus dream on~~~

>> No.9158159
File: 586 KB, 1536x1171, 1398533829_snoop_dogg_0_30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much my entire comm smokes weed and we smoke it together during meetups.

>> No.9158193

does anyone remember that blog that did lolita coordinates with pipes that matched? I think it was a tumblr but I'm not having any luck finding it

>> No.9158197

Do you live in a legal state?

>> No.9158201

FUCKING WHERE. I want to move here.

It was a custom piece anon. I did find their website
They don't focus on kawaii pieces unfortunately. Also there's a piece on their front page that is $15000. There are some other cute things on their site, though... still like a grand a piece. (some day I guess)

I totally know about the cosplay thing, too. My boyfriend is part of a merc club and his bestie cosplay friend is a fucking cop who doesn't smoke so every time they hang out, he can't smoke either, but it's fine cause they usually just work on armor together and things like that.

>> No.9158359


Why can't stoners just die?

>> No.9158464
File: 61 KB, 389x388, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't 9gag reddit enthusiasts get off 4chan??

>> No.9158468

Why can't people who care so much about what other people do and shit up our threads just die?

>> No.9158475

w2c these fuckin pill boxes

>> No.9158487

>or do drugs of any kind
not even caffeine?

you Mormon or something?

>> No.9158490

i came into this thread just to see if anyone pointed this out

>> No.9158511
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Dumping cute pipes because fuck you that's why

>> No.9158513
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>> No.9158515
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>> No.9158517
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>> No.9158520
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Well, pipes and bongs I guess

>> No.9158522
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>> No.9158525
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>> No.9158527
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I'm actually hella in love with this one

>> No.9158529
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>> No.9158530

yep my dresses smell exactly like the oxys I've snorted wearing them: odorless.

>> No.9158531
File: 98 KB, 610x610, 9yv0jx-l-610x610-flower-floral+pipe-pipe-420-weed-glass+pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9158533
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>> No.9158535
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>> No.9158538
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>> No.9158544
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>> No.9158548
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>> No.9158552


>> No.9158555
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Fuck dropped pic

>> No.9158556
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>> No.9158559
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>> No.9158562
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End dump. Hope you all enjoyed!

>> No.9158580

Thanks for the dump, these are kawaii af

>> No.9158596

Never wore lolita and smoked, but made friends with a girl through lolita who, whenever I hung out with her, she would smoke me off my ass. Was a weird time.


>> No.9158599

The premature wrinkles you're giving yourself aren't kawaii.

Be prepared to have your picture posted in an old people in lolita thread when you're 25.

>> No.9158603

I think you're confusing marijuana with cigarettes.

>> No.9158607

Only if you smoke it all the time, and it doesn't age you fast enough to make a difference that early. You won't see the effects until you're in like your mid thirties. That being said, switch to edibles once you're on the latter side of twenties to avoid this.

>> No.9158623

No, that is a thing, but not as intensely as anon is making it out.

>> No.9158633
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that reminds me

damn. I don't even smoke anymore and I want these.

I thought this was something out of a Novala essay, but then I remembered him getting arrested for weed.

>> No.9158680

It's not the drug, it's the smoke.

>> No.9158694
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> tfw no drugs due to already being on medication for paranoia issues
I am a smoker though and when it comes to sticking to clothing cigarettes are a whole other world compared to weed (I smoke flavored cloves I am an expert at smelling like a fucking ashtray). Where as I spent an hour airing my ass out before a meet and doing a light perfume walkthrough a light air out should be just about fine for a weedbro. That being said I find vaping to be a safe and ultimately less time consuming way to be chill before a meet, but not stinky albeit you are going around with a mouth fedora.

>> No.9158750

I'm the anon that did the image dump. Just got high with a friend, now I'm back at my place. Thinking of trying on some frills. Also I've watched Kamikaze Girls while stoned before and 10/10 that was some good shit, I highly recommend.

>> No.9158782
File: 77 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.997302256_gv0t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hnghh I want that! I'm already buying >>9156865 and will probably deco the fuck out of it.

This is beautiful.
I was really torn between buying pic related or a gandalf long pipe. I just feel crazy dropping more than $60 on smaller glass pipes even if I think they're gorgeous.

>> No.9158791

I was thinking about deco-ing a bong, but I don't know how safe it would be to have flames near silicone?

>> No.9158812


my boyfriend barely smells like weed when he comes back except if he exhales near me or he's been hot boxing and sweated so his hair smells a little. clothes barely smell when smoking weed, and idk why the people who don't smoke feel the need to 'tell us how it is'.

i would smoke bong in my cosplays because i know i'm careful but i would most likely only accept vape since it's quick, softer, easier and less smelly if i were to go somewhere right after.

imagining lolitas smoking pot sounds chill and kind of cute. if you're managing your money right and not overdoing it, then keep having fun gulls.

>> No.9158841

Yo people can do what the fuck they want in their brand, doesn't affect you

But while we're here I was wondering if anyone had a medical condition triggered by weed?? I used to get real horny when I was smoking and that shit was glorious but suddenly one day smoking with friends I developed this weird bladder thing where it always feels like I need a piss. it's been over a year now and doctors still haven't figured anything out and it really really sucks and makes going to conventions and stuff quiet upsetting incase I need to dash to the toilet.

>> No.9158842

>mouth fedora
Even normies where I live vape so it's like I no longer look weird.

>> No.9158845

Is it a thing with vapor?
Also alcohol does this. All the girls in my comm are gonna look haggard as fuck when they're in their 30s.

>> No.9158855

No, it's from the plant matter.

>> No.9158870

It does, takes a few washes to get it out. Learned that the hard way after getting stuck in a friends place when they were smoking.

>> No.9158975

>if you're managing your money right

Shit, when I smoked i'd buy $20 at a time and itd last me weeks. Cheaper than alcohol for sure, and way more fun.

>> No.9159015

I was thinking about just putting cabochons on the base and towards the mouthpiece. I wouldn't venture to put anything non-glass near the downstem or the slider, just sounds like a recipe for disaster and a hassle to clean.

>> No.9159018

>dremel hole into quartz crystals and sell them for $100+
This gives me violent urges.

>I used to get real horny
Super normal reaction anon though the bladder thing worries me. I've never heard of anyone experiencing that. Get well soon?

>tfw turning 25 in a month and no wrinkles
Come at me, anon.

>> No.9159033

>goes away for a few days
>"Hey, I haven't checked /cgl/ in a little bit"
>this thread exists and it isn't ironic
>what in the fucking hell

Can you please all die? It'd purge lolita of a lot of unwanteds.

>> No.9159071
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Just ordered these the other day! Can't wait to wear them to a meet.

>> No.9159072

Seriously -- where are you from?

>> No.9159073

Sadly even occasional/moderate recreational use of weed can trigger a bunch of stuff including schizophrenia, cyclical vomiting and anxiety if you have a predisposition to it. What investigations have you had? Have they done a cystoscopy and biopsies, have they done a scan where they look at how much you can hold in your bladder, and have they considered interstitial cystitis or whether you need to do some bladder retraining?

>> No.9159085

I don't wear Lolita but it's refreshing to find others that smoke too! I always smoke in my costumes... Don't really care. The smell of weed I find lingers much less than cigarettes especially to clothing.

>> No.9159091

This site has amazing bongs, rigs, bubblers, etc to choose from:

Thing is though, it's expensive. But when you want something that pretty and custom, then you better be prepared to pay a good amount.

>> No.9159139

I've had a cystoscopy, an ultrasound, blood tests and loads of urine samples. I'm going back to hospital in October so I don't know what's happening then.

I have anxiety and weed really used to help me chill. Now it's totally ruined my life and my sex life as I just can't ignore the sensation.

I've done a lot of research and I'm pretty sure it's bladder retention, but no one has even mentioned IC which is really weird. I started an IC diet a little while ago, which I need to stick to but tomatoes are in fucking everything.

>> No.9159146

You know, back in 2013 anyone making this thread would had been shunned down by everyone and the thread would had died quickly. The mentality back then was different, and people were really intolerant to even drinking alcohol.

I'm so glad this mentality has changed to the better. Now a common reaction seems to be "it's your dress, do whatever you want in/with it" kind of thing and I entirely agree with that. You paid for it, you wear it, you rock it. You don't own anything to others.

I have smoked weed with friends sometimes, though I don't do it all the time or while in lolita (still feels kind off to me) but if we have meets involving alcohol (and again, that was very shunned down) then weed is not such a strange thing to do.

I think cgl probably grew up, matured, or the "muh purity and innocence" and "muh oldschool suffering doll girl feel" have died out. I know that acting/feeling like you're a victorian lady while listening to ali project was always a big part of lolita, but come on. I guess I feel nostalgic and that we lost something inherent to the fashion, but I preffer a more open minded environment of girls who do care about the fashion and wear it with confidence doing what they want vs have to act like a rozen maiden or clamp character or like Mana just shat all over you.

>> No.9159160

You people who want marijuana smokers to die have some serious fucking issues. Get help, you edgelords.

Not to mention, some of us smoke weed medicinally. You want me to die because you ignorantly disapprove of the medicine I take that a doctor suggested and prescribed to me. You're a much more disgusting human being than whatever negative stereotype you're imagining we all fit in.

>> No.9159164
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Yeah, we're doing better, but there's still at least 3 edgy teenagers who have wished death upon the entire thread. I am proud of how much more the board has gotten over itself in general when it comes to weed, though.

>> No.9159178
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This thread makes me want to sit in on a stoner meet and observe. You guys are top lel.

>> No.9159202

Lolita would be better off if it was purged of your edginess

>> No.9159210

Lolita and drugs it's just like my soft grunge blog so hip!