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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 65 KB, 465x700, 1447599239312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9146965 No.9146965 [Reply] [Original]

For things that you can wear everyday. j/k/cfash all allowed.

>> No.9146969
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>> No.9146971
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>> No.9146986
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>> No.9146988
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>> No.9146992
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>> No.9146995
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Also some discussion questions

> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
> What brands do you buy from?
> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
> Style tips for your body shape?
> Why cute fashion?

>> No.9147037

not by the rules of the board it isn't.

>> No.9147064
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>> No.9147066
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>> No.9147067


Cute fashion all day every day. I'm white. I always, always get asked why I'm so dressed up, if I'm going to a party, or if I'm going to a wedding. Or just got married if I'm wearing cream or ivory. That one always stops me in my tracks.

>> No.9147075
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> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
i WISH, I just don't have enough cute clothes.
> What brands do you buy from?
i buy from charity shops a lot because I'm poor, but also aliexpress and I buy second hand burando on ebay. (mostly liz lisa and D.I.A)
> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
nope, i have the bonus of looking vaguely foreign but not too foreign. feels good
> Style tips for your body shape?
i'm skinnyfat, I have no good tips. hide bad areas, reveal the good ones. i know if a skirt or shorts are a certain length they make my legs look a lot skinnier than they actually are.
> Why cute fashion?
to feel moe, it's also extremely comfy.

>> No.9147080

to whom?

>> No.9147084
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oh, I should have mentioned. i live in the uk, in a very white area. i've got olive skin, dark curly hair and dark eyes.

>> No.9147090
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>> No.9147094
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>> No.9147096

So you look like a muslim? Do people run away from you if you stand up suddenly?

>> No.9147097
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>> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
I aim to, wearing cute clothes from the start of my day just makes me happier.
>> What brands do you buy from?
Lots of taobao and y!j, but F21, HM, and Sax5thAve have a nice variety of cute things. I adore most of Valentino, Vince and Chloe.
>> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
I'm half Chinese half French. Living in the city, no one really cares unless I wear all pastels.
>> Style tips for your body shape?
I have a subtle hourglass figure, between rectangle and hourglass. Asian clothes fits me great, one major thing I think people should look out for while shopping is shoulder width, since it's a measurement often overlooked but can drastically alter the look/fit.
>> Why cute fashion?
It makes me feel good.

Considering the overlap of fashion of the countries and the consistent aliexpree/taobao threads, it's probably fine. Besides, half this board can't tell the difference.

>> No.9147098
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try harder

>> No.9147103
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> liz lisa and D.I.A
perfect taste, but isn't it hard to find D.I.A?

Also, dumping

>> No.9147104
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>> No.9147106
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>> No.9147108
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>> No.9147109
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strange, I'm always kinda hesitant to post D.I.A since people here tend to like youthful pink looks. it's damn hard to find, but you find some every once in a while. my s/o's brother works in tokyo and I'm considering asking him to go to 109 and buying me DIA burando

>> No.9147110
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>> No.9147112
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>> No.9147114
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>> No.9147115
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D.I.A is amazing and you should be proud of your taste. There's nothing wrong with mixing up grungier cute with pastel cute every once in a while. And you should go for it, if I had family in Japan I would ask them to buy me lucky packs every year.

>> No.9147117
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does stuff like this count as casual cute?

>> No.9147124
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/end dump

>> No.9147128
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Time for a photo dump. I'll try to post new stuff.

What magazine is this from?

>> No.9147130
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sadly they've toned town/mainstreamed their style a bit. i'm gonna do it for my bday, but one problem- I have no idea what they have in stock right now. i may have to ask him to go in and take pictures, how embarrassing.

looks pretty casual to me.

>> No.9147132
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>> No.9147133
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>> No.9147134
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>> No.9147135
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>> No.9147137
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>> No.9147138
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>> No.9147140
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>> No.9147141
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> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
I try my best to have a cute element or two, Being mid-20's it's a little limited with how cute I can dress, I tend to go more feminine. However phone cases, accessories and nails are a free-for-all.
> What brands do you buy from?
Modcloth, JM, Axes femme, Second hand shops, nomie shops.
> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
Nope, If anyone asks I just say that I like feminine retro style. Pic related
> Style tips for your body shape?
I'm tall with broad shoulders. Buy the right length when you can, alter items to fit you or the style better, Quality over quantity and slowly make the changes to your current wardrobe if you're looking to dress cuter.
> Why cute fashion?
Because depression is bitch. I might feel sad and mopey inside but at least I look put-together and pretty on the outside. I'm working on some confidence issues as I was bullied by family members growing up. Now that I'm out of home and in a great relationship, I feel that I can actually be myself and not always have to be on guard.

>> No.9147142
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>> No.9147144
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>> No.9147145
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>> No.9147149
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>> No.9147151
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>> No.9147153
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>> No.9147155
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>> No.9147158
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>> No.9147167
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/end dump

>> No.9147170
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those shoes just reminded me about the pair of shoes i spent an arm and a leg on and should probably wear at some point. tortoiseshell faux/leather is so nice.

>> No.9147173

I need that jacket

>> No.9147175
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honestly I think you could make your own. scour 2nd hand shops for a womens biker jacket, add studs and buy a cute patch to sew on. it wouldn't be short sleeved though. customizing a leather jacket is very rewarding.

>> No.9147177
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oh, i totally thought you meant the leather one. nevermind. look on aliexpress, there's lots of ones like that.

>> No.9147180
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>> No.9147181
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i could dump pictures forever but i should really sleep.

>> No.9147192 [DELETED] 

nobody cares

>> No.9147197
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you cared enough to post that

>> No.9147203 [DELETED] 

>I don't take shitposting seriously
>I actually care about you


>> No.9147207
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>admits they're shitposting
>takes moral high ground

>> No.9147216
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>> No.9147223

Go to sleep anon, I'll dump later

>> No.9147225

>Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
No I have work all the time and it doesn't allow me to wear cute stuff. I wear it whenever I'm off though.
>what brands do you buy from?
Liz Lisa, tralala, anywhere really I get a lot of my stuff from eBay
>Are you Asian
No. And no one perceives me differently I only get positivity no negativity to my face at least
>style tips for your body shape?
Just wear it if it fits idk
>why cute fashion
It's cute

>> No.9147297
File: 308 KB, 700x1100, ingni-shopstaff-sweet-gyaru-ikebukuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here to dump!


>> No.9147299
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>> No.9147302
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>> No.9147303
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>> No.9147306
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>> No.9147308
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>> No.9147312
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>> No.9147316

Yes, I love fint!

>> No.9147321
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Their stock should be fairly similar to their online store, universal-doll made a post about gyaru summer trends that may be relevant? Maybe you can send him a few stock photos that you like?

Sorry anon, that's from an old dump on /cgl/, I have no idea. It's from a more mainstream jfash magazine.

It's great that you're working on your confidence! I hope you can wear as much cute things as you want.

>> No.9147334

> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
Not very often during the summer months since it's hot as hell where I live, but definitely during cooler months.
> What brands do you buy from?
I don't buy from specific Asian brands when it comes to casual cute clothes; I like to buy from Western brands and take inspiration from Asian style.
> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
Yes. I've always been perceived differently because of my race.
> Style tips for your body shape?
I have an hourglass shaped body with love handles, so I tend to hide it by emphasizing my waist. This means wearing A-line dresses and shirts that go past my waist. I tend to avoid tucking in shirts unless absolutely necessary as that tends to emphasize my waist.
> Why cute fashion?
Why not?

>> No.9147503


>> No.9147714

*that tends to emphasize my HIPS
How did I not notice that till now?

>> No.9147827

I'll bite.
> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
Yes, I rarely wear something not cute, since my closet is full of casual cute Japanese brands and western brands that match with it.
> What brands do you buy from?
Liz Lisa, Ank Rouge, earth, olive des olive, and so on. For western brands it's mostly stuff like H&M, Primark, and ZARA.
> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
I'm half Asian and half Caucasian. Born and raised in a Western European country. I really get the feeling that a lot of people in my country mistake me for foreigner, because - even though I live in a multicultural country - it's that combination of my foreign looks and my foreign fashion style that makes people think I'm a foreigner. Probably people would less quickly think that if I wore the basic style in my country.
> Style tips for your body shape?
I have broad shoulders and quite an ass. Not something Asians typically have, so I always keep an eye open when western brands have cute items that actually fit with this. For example: I just recently bought this winged sleeve top from the H&M that fitted over my shoulders perfectly. Normally if I buy these type of tops from a Japanese brands, they never really cover my shoulders. As for the ass: well luckily dresses/skirts/elastic material shorts are not problem. But for denim shorts it's better to just find cute ones from western brands. You can always be creative and alter them yourself. More comfortable and more worth the money.
> Why cute fashion?
Because it's cute, and feminine too. I like it, because it makes me feel pretty.

>> No.9147838

I'm also from the UK with dark skin and curly hair in a white majority area. I do get a lot of positive comments form people when I wear something cute (that proves I'm not a thug lol). I do a lot of charity shop browsing myself. SOme of my favourite blouses are from the British Heart foundation. I feel like it's easier to do things like Himekaji with the sort of vintage-feel stuff that is floating around in mainstream stores and the accessories in Primark/New Look/H and M these days. I notice Miss Selfridge have some pseudo-otome/lolita-ish stuff in terms of cute OPs that are easy to wear and accommodate a bit of poof for everyday. Some of Bodyline's stuff like the rabbit miniskirt are good for casual.

>> No.9147845
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The british heart foundations where I live are pretty bad, i've had quite good luck in oxfam. this is making me want to go charity shopping now. and yeah, all the nice summer stuff will go on sale soon and we can go crazy.

yeah I read that post with gyaru tears in my eyes. they don't sell a lot of those OTT clothes anymore. i might buy one of their signature belts as a throwback to the best days.
99% of the clothes they stock I could find easily in my local primark.

>> No.9147849
File: 1.63 MB, 1052x845, Screen Shot 2014-01-29 at 3.26.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical D.I.A gals

>> No.9147850
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>> No.9147853

> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
Almost always. I used to wear a lot of tshirts and jeans but I have no desire to wear them any more.
> What brands do you buy from?
I buy mostly from charity shops and the occasional vintage shop. Also Taobao and Aliexpress. And I have some Bodyline pieces I wear regularly (blouses and the good quality school skirts).
> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
I sometimes get mistaken for under-18 when I take the bus.
> Style tips for your body shape?
I'm slim and small-boned with a ginormous arse. If this is you, be careful with miniskirts. It's often better to buy two sizes up and mod the skirt to fit you. And learn to sew back darts!
> Why cute fashion?
I like being feminine but I never really identified with the sexy, stylish, high-fashion kind of femininity. Nothing against women who do relate to that, but it's just not my personality and never has been. Also, I love how a lot of cute pieces are casual and easy to wear, but are also full of cute details and make you look like you're making an effort.

>> No.9147873

Oh, forgot to mention. I'm white, and I look it, though I'm often told I look French (I'm British).

>> No.9147945

>I might feel sad and mopey inside but at least I look put-together and pretty on the outside.

This x100

>> No.9147969

>though I'm often told I look French
...And what race do you think French people are?

>> No.9147974

cheese-eating surrender monkeys

>> No.9147983

I said French, not UKIP

>> No.9147988
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Any Nile Perch fans? They have really cute pastels and I love their overall look. It's not crazy casual, but still okay for everyday.

I'd love to wear things like this alongside my normal style but sometimes I just get tired of the stares and comments, it makes me anxious. I live in a pretty ethnically mixed city, but fashion wise it's all just urban street wear or boring stuff. There are no comms here either so I just stick to online interaction for fashion.

>> No.9147992

> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
Not really cute but modest and stylish, I just take inspiration from twee-looking jfash
> What brands do you buy from?
Esprit, Carousel, JM, all sorts really.
> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
I'm Caucasian. If I wore anything too cutesy people would probably perceive it as weird and slutty.
> Style tips for your body shape?
Petite pear: well-fitting bottoms make or break an outfit, also knee-length dresses are my go-to.
> Why cute fashion?
I used to be a weeb and didn't want to look like a troll anymore, not interested in dressing like a normie.

>> No.9147997
File: 1.60 MB, 1509x2048, Michelle_Dockery_gold_dress_short_hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dark hair and eyes are hardly uncommon in the uk...

>> No.9148003
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Gyaru has really changed drastically over the years, but as long as several of the original brands still live there could always be a nostalgic resurgence. There's been a small boom in gals in anime so there could be a shift towards akiba kei style with gyaru?
It really is sad though. I loved the military grungy gal looks, but over the years I saw less and less of it until modern gal days became watered down trends. They do occasionally release some more out there pieces, so maybe keep a look out for those?

Nile Perch is very cute, though it feels like they don't have much of an international presence. Perhaps you can wear it while going out with your friends, and in time some other people might pick up your style?

>> No.9148005
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>> No.9148008
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>> No.9148009
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>> No.9148052

> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
Most of the time yes, except when i feel like wearing a more street/90's themed clothing.

> What brands do you buy from?
Mostly second hand clothing in charities, for the very interesting prices and quality, or aliexpress stuff.

> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
I'm not actually asian, but i have a lot of asian features. So i guess it suits me well.

> Style tips for your body shape?
High waist dresses and shorts are perfect when you're a bit skinnyfat like me, unlike that low waist normie clothing.

> Why cute fashion?
I never really cared about my appearance until recently. I guess i got tired of looking messy and having a "meh" feeling when looking at my reflection in the mirror... Now i feel a lot better about my appearance, and i think it helped my confidence issues. Also, i just like beautiful looking clothing.

>> No.9148126

> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?

Yes. Mostly Mori (summer) or Otome (winter) leaning.

> What brands do you buy from?

Western brands for basics and foundation pieces; Angelic Pretty, Innocent World, Babyssb and other Lolita brands for accessories. AP's plastic jewelry is very sturdy and worth the cost.
Most of my casual is more Mori then Lolita but I've never found a piece from a brand that made me want to buy new; all the Mori stuff comes from the thrift store.

> Are you Asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?

Tumblr detected. And no, not Asian. And no, I have NEVER heard / seen race brought up as part of how people perceive my fashion sense. 99.9% of all normies don't know what J-fashion, K-fashion or C-fashion even is. What kind of racist town are you from, anon?

> Style tips for your body shape?

Big shoulders, no boobs, tiny waist, huge hips; find your main pieces in person in a physical store and make sure they flatter your frame. Then layer on all the less-fitted pieces you buy online over this one thing that looks good on you.

> Why cute fashion?

Because I'm not sexually available and I think it's false advertising to not match your inner self with your outer self. If you view your sexual energy as empowering and want to dress sexy; then good for you. But that's not me so I want my tone of pretty to match who I am so when I meet new people they can know who I am from the start.

>> No.9148139

I have this black&white flower dress, its really nice!

>> No.9148187

Oh I love the pattern on that dress.

>> No.9148376

Whoops, phrased that badly. What I meant was that *when I'm dressed in cute-casual*, people say I look French, presumably because I'm not dressed in British normie fashion and it makes me look European, or something.

>> No.9148379

>I'm not actually asian, but i have a lot of asian features.
How does that work? You mean you're like Pharrell Williams?

>> No.9148409

You're still European

>> No.9148417

Fucking hell.

>> No.9148424

Mysteries of genetic lottery

Looking french is always more flattering than looking british...

>> No.9148433
File: 39 KB, 725x670, 14063999_1268215869879245_5460195783271663821_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of this needs tweaking, but Jigglypuff is rather cute

>> No.9148501
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>> No.9148697
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> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
I try too. It isn't a problem at work, at least I'll dress casual-cute, sometimes I'll go for a dressier look. I also wear lolita, larme, and fairy kei.

> What brands do you buy from?
normie: Forever 21, H&M, Hot Topic (don't judge), Charlotte Russe and various thrift stores
asian: DreamV, YesStyle, Chuu, IceCream12, Liz Lisa

> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
Not asian. The only people who will percieve me differently are sjw's who think that people wearing circle lenses and asian fashion are culturally appropriating.

> Style tips for your body shape?
I'm skinnyfat and lumpy, but I just wear what I want. I gravitate towards high waisted skirts with crop tops and baggy shirts.

> Why cute fashion?
I feel good when I'm dressed up.

>> No.9148929

> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
Yup, but sometimes i get bored and try to goth it up every now and then
> What brands do you buy from?
Axes Femme, wonder rocket, Emily Temple cute and taobao
>> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
not asian, not that i know of
>> Style tips for your body shape?
I'm petite and short so ideal for cute fashion
>> Why cute fashion?
It works for me and it's not as boring as regular western fashion

>> No.9149109

May we post outfit ideas for critique? I have a good amount of pieces but my issue is in accessories and shoe choices.

>> No.9149162


Have any of you actually been to France?
Mainstream British fashion is actually, on average, much 'cuter' than what you'd get on the continent. You don't really have shops like Cath Kidston, those ubiquitous collared dresses, 'quirky' prints in the rest of Europe, or at least not to the same degree.

>> No.9149174

it's either fast fashion or 'classy' (read: boring) monochrome
honestly french weebs are better dressed than the rest of the population

>> No.9149187

Outfit on the left is perfection.

Do you have just the outfit picture?

>> No.9149190
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>Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
I want to, but my current wardrobe has like, 3 cute outfits and 845083085038 meh outfits.

> What brands do you buy from?
Does cheap 'brands' like H&M, Forever21 etc. count? Because I ususally buy from those kind of places. A huge Taobao order's on the way, I'm hoping to cutify my wardrobe a lot!

> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
Yes. I think so. I'm studying engineering and everyone plays games and goes on the internet browsing DANK MEMES. Japanese and South korean popculture probably effect people's view of me, since I talked to some about anime.
Actually, today a friend told me he went with his sister to the local Cat café and he thought that "I would probably like stuff like that".

> Style tips for your body shape?
I'm curvy! Boobs too small to be an hourglass, waist too small to be a pear.
WAIST AND LEGS! ARE IMPORTANT! If you hide one, enhance the other.
I dislike wearing tight shirts or showing clevage, but I think it's difficult not to look fat when wearing loose tops, because of my chest... It's big, not HUGE, but big enough to make me look fat in loose tops.

> Why cute fashion?
It's CUTE! And FEMININE! I love feeling cute and pastels and twirly skirts are just, mmh. Also, dresses/skirts > pants!

>> No.9149282

ty for this anon

>> No.9149355
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> dresses/skirts > pants

>> No.9149497

We'll try to be nice. Bring it

>> No.9149558

Is cute fashion supposed to be for Asians or what? Why do you even ask something like that? Most of those outfits are European style based, I really doubt that a-line dresses, collars, laces etc come from traditional Japanese fashion.

>> No.9149570

But in modern fashion, this is more the style what is considered casual in Japan and maybe some other Asian countries too. 'Kawaii' is the very base of modern Japanese fashion after all. So I'm guessing that's why. Lol I'm European btw, and our casual fashion is not this cute. More something I'd consider 'cool'.

>> No.9149572

Not that anon, but usually asians wearing jfash inspired clothing are put into a box. Personally, I'm interested in hearing about personal experiences of this. People not being able to tell the difference between hobby/style and "culture"

>> No.9149595
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> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
Only if I'm going out or expecting company, other than that i'm p lazy about coordinating
> What brands do you buy from?
LizLisa, Spank, hmm a lot of stuff from Ali so it varies
> Are you Asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
Nah I'm spic, I get the occasional "are you Vietnamese/japanese?" only because of what I wear I bet, I'm sure people debunk my jfash style since I'm Hispanic but it doesn't bother me much since I'm confident in my coordinates
> Style tips for your body shape?
I'm 5"3 and 110, um I guess I'd suggest high heels so that the legs 'seem' thinner, Since my chest is small (B) I'd also suggest focusing on butt stuff like short skirts and tights, (also butt is getting more popular in the US so I think it will be ok)
> Why cute fashion?
If i'm completely honest with myself I'm gonna say I want to be that special waifu snowflake, dress nice act nice. It's pretty gay but I know I like it too much when people compliment my outfits and I like to pretend to be humble and demure otl

>> No.9149612

>usually asians wearing jfash inspired clothing are put into a box
Not exactly sure what you mean by this... Do you mean they just look like foreigners (tourists/immigrants) instead of locals? I'm asian and I generally rotate between normie, j, and k-fash on a day to day basis. The days I'm wearing j/k-fash is usually when I get the people who say nihao/annyonghasayo (I have no idea how to romanize this sorry)/konnichiwa and start asking me where I'm from, no, where am I REALLY from, no, like where are my parents from. When I first started wearing j and k-fash, my brother would tell me I looked like a FOB.

>> No.9149623

Sorry if the question about race angered some of you guys. I'm asian and sometimes when I'm out with my friends all wearing more cutesy fashion, I get treated differently than my more white looking friends. One time when I was out with a friend, a stranger told her she was strange for trying to look more japanese than me (I'm not even japanese to begin with). I've also had people tell my friends they shouldn't wear jfashion because "muh cultural appropriation" and told me I should be "proud of my culture". I'm not even japanese.

>> No.9149664

I'd love to see more people style salopettes like this.

>> No.9149725

>If i'm completely honest with myself I'm gonna say I want to be that special waifu snowflake, dress nice act nice. It's pretty gay but I know I like it too much when people compliment my outfits and I like to pretend to be humble and demure otl

anon, i would say there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

>I'm 5"3 and 110, um I guess I'd suggest high heels so that the legs 'seem' thinner, Since my chest is small (B) I'd also suggest focusing on butt stuff like short skirts and tights, (also butt is getting more popular in the US so I think it will be ok)

know to discern good social conformity from bad social conformity

>> No.9149745


>> No.9149758

> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
Unless I'm too lazy for anything but pj's
> What brands do you buy from?
Normie brands and aliexpress
> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
I'm not asian but I get asked a lot if I'm Japanese/Chinese.
> Style tips for your body shape?
My body is petite/hourglass so everything fits but nothing looks nice... I love loose shirts with short skirts but loose shirts tend to look like a tent because of my boobs.
> Why cute fashion?
I'm a weeb.

>> No.9149778
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>Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
God, I wish. Right now I'm stuck with the nicest normie clothes I can find and cute pajamas. Have to sort my life out before I start seriously thinking about fashion. It's a long journey but not an impossible one! I hope to dress something like a very toned down, casual mori style.
>What brands do you buy from?
...Walmart. pffffhaha
>Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
Nope, white with dishwater blonde hair and blue eyes. What kind of question even is this, though?
>Style tips for your body shape?
Pear-shaped bodies usually look better in babydoll shirts, something that "flairs" around the hips. Otherwise I guess generally accentuate the hips and make your waist look smaller? Yeah, I got nothin'.
>Why cute fashion?
J-fash and such just kinda looks better than western fashion. American stuff doesn't generally have a nice "flow" to it the way j-fash does. I haven't been able to put my finger on it. Otherwise I just dream of being cute and I find myself happier wearing nicer clothes in general.

>> No.9149959

crocs are pretty popular in jfash for some reason. I think people list them as comfortable, but it's probably because you can customize them by adding charms in the front holes.

>> No.9149970
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>>Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
Not as often as I would like to. My closet is kind of a 50/50 split between dark-coloured, normie clothes and himekaji at the moment. When I go to class or I'm just feeling like a bum, I go for full-normie clothes but if I'm hanging or going somewhere else it's cute stuff. I have to be in the mood for it, if that makes any sense.
>>What brands do you buy from?
Liz Lisa solely for knits or those cute flouncy sukapan that they have from time to time, Titty&Co., Honey Salon, Dazzlin, Snidel. Usually western brands for shoes.
>> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
Nah, I'm West African. I don't really get too much shit. Family members give me the occasional "aren't you too old for x", but that's about it. Nothing that's enough to bother me. No negative feedback from strangers thus far aside from occasionally being mistaken for a kid. Older ladies in particular have been super complimentary about the way I dress which is always nice.
>>Style tips for your body shape?
Know your sizes, I guess?
>>Why cute fashion?
Idk, I just like it. I've never thought I was "worthy" of wearing cute shit growing up and never really had the courage until recently to say fuck it and wear what I want. It makes me feel good to finally have the confidence (and the money) to do so.

>> No.9149995
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dumping some kfashion inspo

>> No.9149996
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>> No.9149997
File: 43 KB, 630x592, korea-imported-chuu-5-youth-skirts-vol-1-dress-upfashion-1605-19-dress_upfashion@6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9149998
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>> No.9149999
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>> No.9150001
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>> No.9150008
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>> No.9150013

> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
As often as I can though it's mostly normie with lots of accessories from otome and lolita
> What brands do you buy from?
Loft, Uniqlo, Joe Fresh, Peppermint Fox, Taobao, ETC
> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
African-American. I've been told I dress very nicely by people but I also wonder if it's due to rampant sterotypes about my race. Either way it's usually positive.
> Style tips for your body shape?
Wear a good bra. Know the dress cut that works for you and stick with it.
> Why cute fashion?
It makes me feel good. Where I live everyone wears north face, uggs, and black leggings or Lulu Lemon so its nice to try and be a little different.

>West African
I was wondering if I was going to be the only one on this thread. Nice having company.

>> No.9150507

> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
Not yet, but I'm systematically replacing my majority normie wardrobe with cute things. For now it's only sometimes.
> What brands do you buy from?
I use a lot of AP accessories, thrifted stuff, and cute things you can find at stores like primark. Once I begin using taobao this list will increase.
> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
Nope, African-American. In the place I live right now, brown skin + tall nets a few glances, which increase exponentially according to how decked out I am(feminine normie fashion + cute accessories vs. sickeningly sweet lolita). I'm used to being stared at for my weird fashion choices anyway, so this doesn't bother me. Otherwise it's all smiles and complements on my sense of style.
> Style tips for your body shape?
Body shape: Extended hourglass due to height+ genetically typical larger butt + broad shoulders: Always check sleeve width, and ask yourself if you're really fine with not raising your hands above your shoulders for the day. Also, keep checking the crotch of tights and position of skirt if you're 60% legs like me.
For lolita specifically: sorry about OTKs. They will unfailingly be UTKs. Start a long-lasting love affair with underskirts.
> Why cute fashion?
Because it's cute and I look cute in it. Also, I don't like normie fashion very much. It's too bland and samey.
Well, three's a crowd!

>> No.9150953

This is perfect examples of what I mean. Strangers thinking that you're dressing as you do as part of your "culture" instead of just having a style related to your hobbies

>> No.9151114
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> All these good feels about dressing cute

how are you all so adorable?

>> No.9151117
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>> No.9151120
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>> No.9151123
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>> No.9151125
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>> No.9151131

Where to cop?

>> No.9151195
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> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
not often, I don't have that many and am trying to slowly replace my wardrobe. although recently I haven't been going out at all...

> What brands do you buy from?
some taobao and normie shops

> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
I'm chinese, but not sure how that affects how people see me

> Style tips for your body shape?
I'm fairly short and thin without many curves so things that are oversized or cinch at the waist look nice I think

> Why cute fashion?
I didn't feel pretty and didn't care what I wore for a long time. I just think they're really cute and I feel cute wearing them!

>> No.9151248
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Okay, I'll bite. I'll only upload a few pictures though.

> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
If I go out socially, I always dress up in cute clothing. If I'm at the house I wear short/pajamas and a shirt.

> What brands do you buy from?
No particular brand, I mostly look over gyaru magazines and street fashion photographs for inspiration. My favorite pieces are from a variety of brands that aren't even j-fashion brands: American Eagle, Rocket Dog, Princess by Vera Wang, and Petticoat Alley are the brand names of some of the cutest items I own.

> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
No; I can't say that anyone has ever commented on the matter.

> Style tips for your body shape?
I'm sort of an hour glass. 36-24-34; my hips are a bit boxy. I find babydoll dresses extremely unflattering and crop tops rarely ever look cute. Anything baggy around the bustline will look horrid. I find fitting skirts easier then I find fitting pants so my wardrobe is mostly skirts. I also find skinny jeans look absolutely horrible... they make legs look like chicken drumsticks and further accentuated the slightly boxy hips. I also find belts don't flatter as an unneeded accessory.

> Why cute fashion?
I actually prefer gothic face. However, most gothic fashion is sexy, period clothing, or extremely disheveled. Those are the three main choices with most gothic fashion sites. Often times such clothes is somewhat uncomfortable to the feel as well. I like cute fashion with a gothic twist, something I see often in street snaps, I like how comfortable it is to wear such styles.

>> No.9151250
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>> No.9151253
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>> No.9151254
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>> No.9151256
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>> No.9151257
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>> No.9152414
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Sauce on tights?

higher quality version

>> No.9152539


>> No.9152651

That's surprising because I think that majority of people don't even know what j-fashion is, at least here in Central/Eastern Europe. I can't imagine someone would call me out for wearing it.

I'm sorry if I sounded mean because I didn't want to. I just think that cute clothing is not limited to Asians and I don't understand why some people think it is an Asian invention. I'm from Central Europe and plenty of girls wear cute blouses, dresses and skirts and most of them never heard of j-fashion or any other Asian fashion style. Same goes for girls from Easter Europe.

>> No.9152663

I don't know if it's because of the people I'm hanging out with, but all of my friends at Uni 'knows' what "cutesy asian fashion" looks like. Being asian, I'm just confirming an asian stereotype when I'm dressing cutesy rather than sexy/mature/sultry. I'm living in Central/Northern Europe

>> No.9152671

I guess it's the people around you. I'm studying engineering so you would think there are plenty of nerds but I never spoke about Japan-related stuff with anyone there. Also the small Asian (Vietnamese) minority in my country isn't dressing somehow special so it might be one of the reasons why other people don't link them with cute fashion.

>> No.9152673

This is exactly it. If I wear generic Asian cutesy fashion, because most of the Asian migrants in my area are Chinese-speaking people are more likely to address me in Chinese and assume I'm first-gen rather than born here. I find it different to wearing lolita (I generally wear gothic and sweet) where people are more likely to see it as "alternative/Harajuku" fashion or "costume" rather than foreign normie fashion, so are more likely to ask about it and address me in English.

>> No.9152682
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> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
When I go out, yes. Once I begin university I will be wearing it more often.

> What brands do you buy from?
General cute brands like Angelic Pretty, WEGO and Japanese Indie Brands that cater to Fairy Kei/Yumekawa.

> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
I'm Black (West African) and live in the UK. Here the common fashion for girls my age is a crop top, skinny jeans, bomber jacket and trainers. Although I stand out, I don't think I've been treated any differently.

> Style tips for your body shape?
I'm short and have a slight pear shaped body, so I try to not make my hips stand out too much by going oversized. It's not the most flattering, but it's comfortable and cute so I prefer it. Other than that, I avoid things that hug the skin too much. I don't wear jeans often but when I do, I pair them with something oversized when I do.
> Why cute fashion?
Because I can wear the colours I like more often than other styles. I was called cute the other day and that made me more confident in going out and wearing these clothes. Not to mention oversized wear is just comfortable.

>> No.9152686

> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
Nope. Having a job and doing a lot of exercise means that I am generally in work clothes or sports clothes during the week.

> What brands do you buy from?
I'm mainly into lolita so the cute side of my fashion is generally still with loliable items. Aside from lolita brands, Axes Femme, Wego, and a lot of stuff from random Chinese stores either from Ali or taobao.

> Are you Asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
Yes, and more people assume I don't speak English if I wear cutesy fashions.

> Style tips for your body shape?
I'm short, pear shaped with a small torso and muscly arms/legs...so I try and emphasize my small torso, cover up my shoulders and either go for butt-flattering stuff or hide how muscular my legs are. From a cute fashion point of view this generally means fitted tops with floaty skirts

> Why cute fashion?
Because I enjoy wearing it

>> No.9152688

Ah I see. I'm studying engineering as well, and that was exactly why I thought they would think that way. But dressing cutesy is a rarity in my country, I can her that's not the case in your country?

>> No.9152689

It's not rare, though the majority wears more mainstream clothing such as trousers and those oversized pieces. But I still see plenty girls in cute dresses, blouses, skirts, with legwear etc. at least at the places where I go.

>> No.9152703


> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
I like to switch styles, sometimes I go ladylike, sometimes cute or just casual af. I feel like if I'd stick to one style I'd get bored easily.

> What brands do you buy from?
I buy whatever I like, usually from thrift or markets bc I'm poor and I'm too tall and I can't buy asian clothes or in online stores.

> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
Nope, I'm hispanic. No one perceives me differently, besides when they mistake me for Indonesian (???), usually I get a lot of compliments about my style and clothes.

> Style tips for your body shape?
I'm somewhat between the pear shape and hourglass, I try to wear only skirts that make my legs seem longer and skinner, I also like to wear clothes smaller on the waist (I don't know how to say that in english)

> Why cute fashion?
Because it is fun to me and I like putting together cheap clothes to make they look more nice. It also boosts my selfconfidence

>> No.9152837

Would a jsk look weird on a bigger chest (32DD)?

>> No.9152881

This is an odd place to be asking this but no if you're within the measurements. You should learn your measurements in cm though. 32DD won't help you much shopping wise.

>> No.9152957
File: 98 KB, 600x600, 120902024337181453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
Yes. I've pretty much purged any clothes I have that aren't cute aside from pajamas.
> What brands do you buy from?
I buy from DreamV a lot and just eBay and aliexpress stores. I'll buy from Modcloth and Lauren Conrad's clothing line sometimes too.
> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
Not asian, but people sometimes think I am weird or immature for dressing this way.
> Style tips for your body shape?
Fit and flare style is pretty universally flattering. I'm pear shaped so I wear tights a lot.
> Why cute fashion?
Dressing cute is a nice way to motivate myself to actually do things instead of staying at home and being a slob.

>> No.9153531


> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
Not much yet. I've always been kind of low maintenance with my fashion choices but recently I've been trying to build up my cute wardrobe

> What brands do you buy from?
Mostly western brands, because I'm a titty monster and it's almost impossible to find anything from asian sites that will fit my chest.

> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
I'm not asian, but usually when I'm dressed up a little nicer people assume it's for some special occasion

> Style tips for your body shape?
I've got a bit of a tummy, and high waisted bottoms are a godsend. Usually I'll pair a high waisted skirt with nice knee high/thigh high socks to compliment my legs.

> Why cute fashion?
Like a couple other anons have said, dressing cute makes me feel cute. Depression has been kicking my ass lately, so the little things like cute fashion help. Also I'm pretty young looking so cute fashion suits me better than mature fashion does.

>> No.9154547

> "casual cute thread"
> half the images are basic f21 stuff
> other half is gyaru/yumekawaii/edgy gothix

What is this mess

>> No.9154551

Casual cute in japan right now is fast fashion, like in the US a few years ago, so yes it would look like F21 stuff.

>> No.9154562

What kind of boots are these/what keywords can I use to google?

>> No.9154637
File: 116 KB, 560x617, SCAN1353+copy~02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the name of the model in this pic and pic related?

>> No.9154641

32DD is 94cm, for gen knowledge

>> No.9154774

@nachos_kimono on twitter?

>> No.9155161
File: 183 KB, 700x958, monlily-ikebukuro-shopstaff-angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought the September issue Seventeen, anyone want pics?

lace up ankle boots with a rounded toe

>> No.9155214
File: 174 KB, 800x1080, 1457915316209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please

I agree, some of the pics upthread aren't casual enough. Something being non-lolita doesn't automatically make it casual

>> No.9155233

Are you me? Seriously. Do you have an Instagram account? Also please give me more tips about body shape!

>> No.9155244

No, I'm 32DD and my bust is around 85cms.

>> No.9155286
File: 81 KB, 900x900, 84128343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gulls, if anyone's looking for inspo for (mostly) kfashion, I'd suggest using Codibook. They have an app you can use too, when you're out shopping (it's helped me find similar styles) and the "trending" section updates daily so you can see changes in fashion trends by season.

>> No.9155919

nice ad

>> No.9155938

Agreed, I'm 30E and the same measurement. I have plenty of room in most of my sks and I'm overweight to boot

>> No.9155947


All I want is this sort of look translated into lolita to be 'bittersweet', not a fucking AP strawberry print in black or the bone dress.

Totally me. Oversized sweaters and tights/jeans. It helps my legs look skinnier

Also totally me! People are always so confused when they realise I'm technically on the cusp of 'obese' because my thighs are hidden in lolita. My arms can look pretty chunky though... I don't even work out, I'm just dense and naturally muscular. Things that have fitted bodices make it apparent that not ALL of you is huge if anyone gets a peek of your legs

>> No.9156393

Do you gulls have one style or color scheme that you stick to for all of your clothes?

My closet is stuffed with clothes, and half of it is frilly and pastel while the other is black and leather, with a bit of normie clothes scrunched in between. I feel like I can't decide on one solid style or silhouette.

>> No.9156421

I'm looking at my closet right now brohemian, and I'd say don't worry about it. I'm sitting at a comfy 30% mori, 10% goth trash, and 60% nautical. If you like the clothes, just wear 'em. You might get bored with just one style or color scheme anyway.

>> No.9156452


I agree that a lot of it looks like some of F21's more girly stuff. The thing is, there's so much that's sold at F21 that I never see anyone in my area actually wearing. So I would still say that even a basic cute girly style isn't as popular stateside.

I really do wonder who else is buying this stuff when I walk through F21 and see so many girls in the usual uggs and jeans uniform.

>> No.9156885

Change styles depending on how comfortable you want to be and where you're going. My wardrobe is a nice mix of edgelord, OL, hipstertrash, skank, and kawaiivomit. I wouldn't wear my kawaii shit to a metal concert or my edgy shit to work.

>basic cute girly style isn't as popular stateside
This is true for where I live in the US as well. The people in my area actually do put effort into their appearance, but the most common style is casual fast fashion. There are kawaii-cute styles every now and then, enough that j/k/c-fash don't really stick out too much.

That's interesting about wearing lolita. I suppose most normies would see it as a costume instead of a style.
>assume I'm first-gen rather than born here
Did you perhaps mean zero-gen, which is when you move from the homeland to another country? First-gen would be if you moved to a new country at a young age or if your parents moved to a new country and you were born there. To put it colloquially, FOBs are gen0 and their kids are gen1, and their kids' kids are gen2, etc.

To be fair, some of the looks posted in thread are things that my normie friends would also wear. I think people who tie fashion to culture generally are in areas where there is low population density and/or ethnic diversity, e.g. non-urban areas. If you're living in a predominantly caucasian area that doesn't really dress fashionably, you're gonna get more comments about how you're dressing than if you lived in the city.

The same goes when I'm in Asia where styles are focused more towards cute/feminine and physical appearance is just more homogenized overall. My "effortlessly fashionable" utilitarian styled outfits are definitely not the norm and therefore mark me as a foreigner even though I'm asian. As soon as I wear my cuteshit I blend in and become another face in the crowd.

>> No.9157162
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>> No.9157165
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>> No.9157173
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>> No.9157756

What is this sweater style called how it crosses

>> No.9157774

I want this look but for some fucking reason I can't find a simple v neck sweater like this.
Anyone have stuff that's similar to this outfit?

>> No.9157777

Here's a sweater that's similar: http://mixxmix.us/product/Plain-V-Neck-Knit-Sweater/36885/?cate_no=848&display_group=1

>> No.9157943

>those thin arms
>those thin legs
>that thin waist
Is it just impossible to look like that if you are not asian?
Also regarding people asking about the way you are dressed. Most girls these days put in zero effort and wear pants/some garbage top so when girls actually wear skirts/dresses they appear "overdressed".
Weird times we are living in.

>> No.9158148

It's entirely possible, these girls just won the genetic lottery for body types when it comes to modelling clothes. I am a 90 lb asian but my legs are short and thick and have never had thigh gap. My caucasian friend is the same height as me and weighs 115 lb. Her limbs are nice and lean, plus she has boobs and nice booty.

For thick legs, I find wearing sheer black tights really helps them look very slim. What I think makes legs look fat is how pudgy your thighs and knees are. The sides of my knees are pretty thick and I have thunder thighs but whenever I cover them, my legs look a lot slimmer. Never wear a light color on the legs.

>> No.9158696

V neck sweater, the sleeves are sometimes called batwing

It's possible, but pretty unlikely and shooped generally.

>> No.9158942

No I mean first gen like you came for school when you were young but you sill preferentially speak Chinese etc. We don't really have the idea of "0 gen" for people that were here from a younger age, only for adult migrants. Among my friend we talk about 1st gen and 1.5ers - 1st gen is usually like the kids that went back in their summer holidays and had to go to Chinese school, still go back heaps, often have parents in China and tend to mainly hang out with other Chinese speakers so often still have really average English. 1.5ers came here usually around primary or high school age, their parents have moved but still hang out with the new migrant communities, and the kids have the awkward cultural gap where they're quite "western", generally have a minimal accent and do well in English, and have a mix of Asian and non Asian friends but the parents are still gonna disown them if they have a white partner, or don't do a professional degree.

>> No.9159714
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>Is it impossible to be thin if you're not asian?

Really anon?

>> No.9163193

My local F21 only has Coachella/festival style clothes right now. I wish we got more casual cute-style stuff but I guess the market is just not here.

> Do you wear "cute" clothing everyday?
No. My wardrobe is a mix of hipster trash clothing, casual cute, retro-inspired and work clothes. I also work in a clothing store that specialises in wear to work clothing and our dress code is that we have wear 100% their brand.
> What brands do you buy from?
Taobao, Amavel, DreamV, Modcloth, whatever I can thrift and normie clothes
> Are you asian? Does anyone perceive you differently based on your race vs your style?
No, I'm definitely very white and not really. The negativity I get is not really based on my race.
> Style tips for your body shape?
Be really careful with skirt lengths even if you're not that tall. I'm fairly short and have really long legs and I've bought from some Asian brands and I've had my ass hang out completely.
> Why cute fashion?
Putting together cute outfits serves as a creative outlet for me. Plus, dressing up definitely makes me feel better emotionally.

>> No.9166750
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anyone know how this is? and what kind of fashion this is?

>> No.9166755
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Pretty sure this is 0yuyi from IG.

I'm also wondering if anyone has any ebay or storenvy stores that sell fashion that's really monochrome? Unfortunately, aliexpress doesn't ship here.

>> No.9167571

Thanks anon!

>> No.9168067

Any more suggestions for tops for people with broad shoulders? I already try to wear baggier tops with a flared skirt when going for cute. I'm short with short legs, so it's hard to balance out. I'm in a pretty similar boat as >>9147827 actually but just have a perky/full butt rather than a big one.

Even though I am Asian, I often don't fit into Asian clothing. My boobs are pretty small, but my actual rib cage is big. I bought some To Alice items and almost ripped them. My waist is ~22" while my hips are 34", but it's pretty much all from my butt as I have narrow hips. Flared skirts really help me. If the cloth is even somewhat thin, you can see the muscles in my arms and even my back. Obviously I don't mind showing off my muscles sometimes, but other times I would like to look like a normal cute girl rather than like the gym rat I am.

Pretty much all blouses look fucking ridiculous on me. Puffy sleeves make me look insanely wide while more fitted sleeves show that I actually have developed deltoids.

Am I stuck with loose sweaters forever?

>> No.9168281

I noticed in my small town, younger women dress with random tops and jeans/leggings, the ones dressed better are older. I wear often dresses and skirts, i love to wear cute otks and tights especially in winter. I also wear most of the time accessories, many girls and women don't wear many accessories or any. My mom call me a weirdo if i wear a simple bow in my head lol. I hate how western fashion ignore legwear with dresses and skirts while i find in normie shops many cute socks and tights... who is wearing these? I also buy nice not oversized blouses with high collars and frills at thift flea market or in normie shops. I wonder why these elegant and nice items are rare to see worn by people.

>> No.9168878
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This has been discussed in Larme and otome threads and I think the consensus was that it was some kind of feminist backlash that happened from around the end of the 80s and onwards where women didn't feel like they should have to dress feminine and girly. You'll notice that alot of Jfashion is so girly because it draws it's influence from western fashions from 1800s - 1980s when dressing cute or girly was normal whereas now women either just dress down in frumpy or hipster normalfag sweater/jeans/leggings mode or in a "sexy" (tacky) Kim Kardashian type of way. Those are basically the accepted norms now, dressing girly or cute is seen as either infantilizing women or ageplayish by normies, or just anachronistic.

>> No.9168904

I find it very hard to find inspiration for everyday cuteness since it's focused heavily on the legs. It's always either baggy/flowy top with fitted shorts or very short dresses... meanwhile my ass and thighs are so chunky I feel uncomfortable when my lolita skirts are shorter than 50cm. It's been like that even when I weighed ~50kg.

And I know I can always choose knee-length dresses or dark pants or whatever, but it's SO hard to find examples and it just isn't the same when half of this look seems to be about a thigh gap.

Sorry, just wanted to rant.

>> No.9168964


This is a pretty crazy coincidence.

>> No.9168997

I go back to otome and natural kei styles for longer lengths. I feel your pain

Chunky knit tops that are fitted? So not quite loose sweater tier, but the chunkier fabrics don't define muscle quite so much. Otherwise drapey (not just 'loose and oversized') T shirts/short sleeve tops, or fitted tops with a cardigan or cute structured blazer without too much padding to break up the line of the shoulder a bit. I also like office shirts that have a bit of structure but don't cling.

>> No.9169098
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What kind of cute fashion are you into? Maybe we can help find some inspo for you.

>> No.9169145

Not that anon but I'm hard pressed to find any himekaji or Romagyaru (Liz Lisa/Ank Rouge-esque) outfits that don't show off a ton of leg.

>> No.9169208

For outings I wear either lolita or kinda old-fashioned stuff similar to >>9146969

I would love to go more romantic, with pastels and cutesy patterns like polka dots or flowers. I adore lace skirts, but they almost always turn out too short or see-through. Same with asian dresses. I find the oversized top-tiny bottom combo super adorable, but that's out of the question.
IDK, I guess my biggest problem is just that it feels weird to dress like an innocent waif when you got junk in the trunk and thunder thighs, lol.

>> No.9169219

There's some not super cutesy stuff you have to sift through but actually the Liz Lisa tumblr has a tag for longer skirts just to begin with - http://liz-lisa.tumblr.com/tagged/longer-skirts

Don't know if this is actually along your kind of style but there's a decent number of examples there.

>> No.9169273

I have the same problem & I gotta say:

1) circle/skater skirts (de-emphasize the booty and I have less trouble wearing short ones because of it. bonus: cute as fuck)

2) knee length tailored pencil skirts (can be worn to a similar effect with loose/large tops without looking dowdy)

>> No.9169479 [DELETED] 

You're a goddess, bless you anon.

>> No.9169483

>>9169219 I am >>9169145 and you are a goddess. Thank you anon.

>> No.9169810

There are quite a few outfits I like there, thank you!

Though I generally notice that longer skirts do give more mature look, even when styled the same as the short ones.

>> No.9169822

IMO it depends how you style it (esp with the accessories and shoes) but in those examples, I definitely see why you feel that way.

>> No.9169824

Sorry it's late and I read your reply wrong. But yeah certainly longer/more modest hemlines tend to look more "adult". Doesnt mean it can't also be cute tho.

>> No.9169892
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I remember that thread. Does anyone have any more sources/articles on the issue? That was a really interesting discussion so I'd like to find out if that was actually the case.

>> No.9169918
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The specific conversation I'm thinking of happened in another one these type of threads ironically (casual Jfash thread), I saved the thread as a PDF as it was pretty insightful, I can upload it somewhere if you like. I also have PDFs of shoujo culture/Jfashion that other anons directed us to in past otome threads one of which has the full PDF of the this article

>> No.9169927
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This. It's really made me nervous about going full street fashion cute like with LizLisa and stuff because here the only day you see anyone in dresses/skirts is on Sunday. Every other day of the week it's Simply Southern couture or when it gets cold, leggings and sweatshirts. The only people I see in dresses or skirts on a daily basis are the older women who teach my college classes.

Pic related is what I deal with on a daily basis. That and monogrammed everything. Got your initials in fancy cursive on your bag/thermos/shirt/earrings? You a high fashion bitch in this little ol' town.

>> No.9169964
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Yes please anon! I'm really interested in the topic so any reading material is more than welcome

>> No.9170023
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Has anyone here shopped for himekaji style pieces through Tokyo Otaku Mode, KawaiiGyaruShop etc? I see bloggers like Emiichan hype them, but I'm wary of people who do constant sponsors.

>> No.9170081
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I like Emiiichan alot and she actually was very cautious of TOM at first. She buys from them now, and maybe promotes them a bit (since she has a section of picks) but I don't think TOM has flat out sponsored any jfash individuals. That being said, treat them like aliexpress v. taobao - for small orders and items out of stock on the original listing go there, otherwise you'd be better off ordering direct from source. Also, wait for 10x point sales on TOM to maximize your savings.

>> No.9170116

I need this outfit in my life. Any sauce on this dress or cardigan?

>> No.9170183
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Hope these links work, if so enjoy!

>> No.9170229

TOM is an authorized retailer. KGS is not. I think she just gets someone in Japan to buy stuff off secondhand sites and whatever sometimes. I don't trust some of those things.

>> No.9170431

I know those feels, anon. My waist is also a size smaller than my hips so shopping for shorts is a nightmare. I've resorted to making my own skirts and basic dresses because I can never find ones long enough and not made of cheap material.

I also just started professional school so while a dress code isn't really enforced, I'd rather wear my "granny" (2 inches above the knee) skirts than booty shorts in front of my professors and future colleagues.

>> No.9170451

What, Aliexpress and Tokyo Otaku Mode aren't comparable at all. TOM is essentially what Marui One was, a way to buy brand legitimately.

TOM may overcharge and overprice for shipping, but you're getting the real deal, and their shipping is fast. They also offer sales and deals to help lighten the load.

Kawaii Gyaru Shop is a lot of replicas, on sale clothes being resold for the original price, used clothes being sold as new, and etc.

>> No.9170969
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Well, this one's an oldie but might make a good suggestion. Anne Frank occasionally rocked cute casual clothes.

>> No.9170975
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and here's one of Anne Frank in the summer. Granted, she was Dutch/German/Jewish not Japanese/Korean/Chinese, and she was probably doing what a lot of other mid-20th century Dutch girls were doing re: clothes, but, still....

>> No.9170980

Tom actually has a commission program (separate from the invite $5 thing) that they select only certain bloggers for. It's not a direct sponsorship where the bloggers are sent things, they just get a small cut of the sale.

And yeah TOM is pretty expensive but it is an authorized reseller. Kawaiigyarushop is not, nor are shops like multipalstore.

I have had such a bad experience with multipalstore. They had a dress I was looking for but it sold out before I could buy it. I then tried to buy the dress on mercari but it sold out. I asked multipalstore if they had bought it and they got really defensive, saying they don't get their stock from flea market apps. I was just asking because I wanted to see if they were going to list it... Next day they listed it for twice the price they sold it for last time and over 3x the price that the girl on mercari had sold it to them for. I just don't get why they were so defensive over it. If you ask hem if they buy stuff from yahoo auctions or mercari or fril they will both at you, but they obviously have to get their stock done somewhere.

On that note, yahoo auctions, mercari, and fril are good places to find secondhand himekaji brands.

>> No.9170981

*they will bitch at you...

>> No.9171030

I've heard this mentioned on the Poshmark app before (apparently Mercari doesn't charge as high seller fees as PM does). Would you recommend this app for fairly casual cute clothes? Poshmark is more mall-tier and priced quite high (probably because of the seller fees).

>> No.9171194

I was talking about Japanese mercari, which is really different form the western one. I don't like the western one at all, personally. I find much better stuff on depop, so try that. You can find some cute stuff there.

>> No.9171245

Ah! Okay. I'd imagine they're very different from each other. I'll check out depop though!

>> No.9171276
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Are you high or something?

>> No.9171355
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Thanks for sharing your experience. I follow a lot of girls that are into himekaji and are all sponsored by KGS and Multipal, had no idea about it.

Sucks though, seemed extremely convenient. If you don't mind me asking, how did you get Japanese mercari? I'm a bit new to shopping secondhand from Japan.