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9137813 No.9137813 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of us here embrace some older aspects of fashion; who here wears a corset or waist trainer?
Do you have a favorite brand or style that you recommend?
Do you have any horror stories about poorly constructed garments?
Discussion of all waist shaping related things welcome.

>> No.9137854

I know pretty much nothing about corsets but I did buy one from orchard corset for waist training. From the little that I have read, I understand probably the best corset is one that you buy handmade from someone who can make it to your own personal body measurements. From my own miniscule experience however, orchard corset seems to have the best pre-made corsets for your $$$ if you're looking for something a little more low cost (I think the model I bought was like $80-90) that have actual steel boning. I would probably just do research on whatever model it is that you're interested in before buying since I've heard that while OC is nice some of their models may be a bit cheaper in quality.

That said, I've bought a cheap corset from Frederick's once when I was a total noob and for a costume, and the difference between that one and the one from orchard corset is like heaven and hell. Frederick's one is definitely meant to be worn for like 10 minutes and then taken off before a trist in the bedroom. I'm glad I only bought it for costume, I worry what it would be like if I tried to buy it for something like waist training. It was all plastic boning that warped after like 1 day of wear at a con but like I said since I was a total noob it may have just been idiocy on my part as well.

>> No.9139716


>> No.9139734

I'll echo what's always said in these threads:
-Timeless Trends is usually the best place for inexpensive pre-made corsets. Also what the other Anon said, Orchid is good too.
-Everyone has a different shape, however, so if you really want to get into corsetry and waist training, go custom.
-Don't buy from Corset Story or any other major brands that sell those mass-produced Asian corsets. If you wear them too long or try to waist train, you could get hurt.

>> No.9139763

Been waist-training since the about beginning of the year. My first purchase was an Orchard Corsets mesh corset, but the mesh was weak and it quickly stretched out from heavy use. So I couldn't cinch as tightly as I wanted anymore. It also wasn't curvy enough for me- the underbust and hips were slightly too small.

My 2nd purchase was a corset from Mystic City, which I like a lot better. It was about $65, I think. It is much studier and fits me better. It's very curvy, so it fits my underbust and hips perfectly while allowing me to cinch down 5~6in. It also has adjustable hip ties, so it fits my hips better. Very comfortable, but it does get hot in the summer.

I have noticed a real difference in my waist size from waist-training. Although I've actually gained about a few pounds, my natural waist circumference has gone down by 1-2in. (It fluctuates.) I'd recommend waist-training for anyone wanting more of an hourglass shape.

Currently I am waiting for a custom heavy duty mesh corset. The seller has a long wait list, so it's a slow process. But hopefully it will turn out well and keep me cool in hotter weather. It's too late for this summer, but that's fine. It will be hot for a while.

>> No.9139786

I actually have a question. Once your waist shape has changed, how long are you able to go without wearing a corset before your waist starts to revert?

>> No.9139837

odd question, but does wear a corset actually help with appetite control? I always feel hungry despite eating healthy and well balanced meals, so I feel like I'm always eating. I read that it helps a little so I was just wondering.

I want one to help with my posture and self esteem but I'm terrified of people at work judging me for it.

>> No.9139840

Have a look at lucy corsetry, she has answered these questions in much more depth than I can manage and I would just be parroting what she says anyway.
Depends how long you've been wearing the corset for and what reduction you have. It can be as quickly as immediate or as long as days to weeks.
I can reduce to 19.5" just by putting my corset on which is a reduction of about 5" but obviously as soon as I undo the corset I go back to my usual 24-25".

>> No.9139846

Directly after I take off my corset for the day, it's noticeably smaller than usual, but that fades pretty quickly. However, my waist is still smaller than when I started, even after a few days of not wearing a corset. I haven't gone much longer than that since I've started. It will depend on your body and how regularly you wear your corset, along with how tight you normally cinch.

If someone else has more experience with going a long time not wearing a corset after waist-training, I'd also like to hear about it!

>> No.9139865

It helps me feel full faster and stay full longer, but I get hungry easier after I take it off. I'd only recommend using it for appetite control if you plan on wearing it all day.

I wear one at work, nobody even knows. Just have to hide it under your clothes. But it does keep me from slouching as much as I normally do, and I feel more confident when I'm wearing one.

Go ahead and get a cheaper one from Orchard Corsets or Mystic City Corsets if you think it's something you might like. Just do your research- make sure to get a good fit and to season your corset.

>> No.9142251

Get a neutral solid colored one without ruffles or trims. It will be a lot less noticeable under clothes.

>> No.9144794

Yeah mine helped me curb my appetite. Or at least I was super picky about the meal sizes. It does wonders for posture but if you're used to curling up in a ball whilst sitting or doing something you can straight up forget about it - it only lets me sit like a true fucking lady.

>> No.9145281

Do you guys stealth with under or over bust corsets?

>> No.9145312

I used to wear them for choir a lot because they help with breath and diaphragm control.
usually I buy the cheapest one from Amazon, seam rip out the front clasps, sew it together without the clasps, replace the string, and replace the boning. that way all the hard parts (measuring, cutting, sewing individual panels) are done. that's what we do at the theatre costume shop because we just don't have enough time to sew custom corsets for every girl AND all the other costume pieces in the span of 2-3 months.

>> No.9145330


>> No.9146785

This thread so far has been very helpful. Thanks anons!

>> No.9146966

Has anyone here used one of those latex waist trainers that are all over depop? I've been really curious about them but they do seem quite cheap which is making me hesitant.

>> No.9147291

In HS I wore a corset every day one month on, one month off. Between that and a hour of calisthenics everyday for PT, My waist dropped to 24 from 32 as a permanent change. At my lowest, my corset was completely closed at the waist and bust, so while I might have physically been able to go lower, I didn't have another 90 to spend on a smaller corset. I had one made by a local corset maker that I met at a convention.
I still have the OG one and another of her designs, a cast off with coat tails that I have literally seen nothing like before or since.

>> No.9147300

A note on this.

If you have terrible posture, take it easy on the corset training from the start.
Your body will not be keen on changing rapidly from bad posture to the extreme end where a corset take you.
As an adult, your muscles have developed the way they are, slouchy and all. If you don't go slow you can cause long term damage to yourself.

Another unasked for suggestion, I find that the best way to save yourself some discomfort is to cinch to a comfy tight when you first put it on, and go to a train tight sometime later.

And one more, use the doorknob trick to cinch your corset by yourself. It works and makes for a much comfier, straighter fit than if you try tugging on the ties with only your hands.

>> No.9147810

lol all that shit is a scam. if it's indistinguishable from something some mlm seller will try to push you on facebook, it's probably a bad idea.

>> No.9148296


>> No.9148307
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my question is, where does everyone buy their corsets/trainers?
> post coupon codes / promo codes if you got some

>> No.9148390

Hook and eye please die

>> No.9148402

Eh you will not want to eat thing that make you bloat but you can still overeat. It just feels annoying.

>> No.9148410

Drinking protein shakes and taking cinnamon pills does more for you than corsets, but they do make you think twice about heavy foods.

>> No.9148437

Does anyone here have wide shoulders and wear a corset? I'd like to start wearing a corset but i have kind of wide shoulders and i'm worried that making my waist smaller (its already fairly slim) will make my shoulders looks even wider in comparison. If anyone has any thoughts/experience on this i'd appreciate it!

>> No.9148591

It's more going to exaggerate the small waist. If it does make your shoulders look bigger, you fuss with the necklines/decor of your blouses to make it more proportional and balanced. If you draw more attention to your hips, this could also help.

>> No.9148596

Those aren't worth buying. They may be trendy but those aren't real corsets and they won't ultimately help you with waist training. A real corset with steel bones made by someone who knows what they're doing is a far better investment and much more comfortable. Try Orchard corset or Mystic City Corsets if you want a low-budget option, and check out lucycorsetry on youtube for more real info on corsets and info on why latex trainers are a scam.

>> No.9148623

I've never bought a corset before, can anyone recommend a UK site that is decent but not too expensive? Like the UK equivalent of Orchard corsets/Mystic City

>> No.9148652

There's not really anything in the UK unless What Katie Did has something left on sale in your size (retail for their corsets is £150+, their yearly sale is crazy cheap), but Restyle is EU based and reasonably priced with decent corsets.

>> No.9148676

I got this one 6 or 7 years ago through their eBay store (not sure if their main site ships to the UK). It got me to 18 inches in a couple weeks/months, though I don't really wear corsets anymore; I rarely throw it on under lolita as I have no Spanx.


>> No.9148846
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>Dat shape
o yes please gimme.

Posting a few corset coords.

>> No.9148850
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>> No.9148853
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>> No.9148854
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>> No.9148857
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>> No.9148858
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>> No.9148859
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>> No.9148863
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>> No.9148864
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>> No.9148865

This is a mess

>> No.9148867
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>> No.9148869
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>> No.9148871
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>> No.9148874
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>> No.9148876
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>> No.9149403
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Memories of GLB volume 1, was it? In retrospect I should have used a bustier or chosen a shorter corset. My torso is very short and you can see my blouse getting pushed up...

>> No.9149860

Either you need to pull your corset down lower, or it just doesn't fit you properly.
This is my 2 cents. Color balance is nice though.

>> No.9150505

Silly Question. With underbust corsets do you wear a bra underneath for support?

>> No.9150730

anyone have advice for dealing with acid reflux?

>> No.9151151

Yeah did say it is way too long for my torso (I'm 5ft tall), but thankyou; mixing black and navy (except in MMM) really rustles a lot of people's jimmies so I'm glad it's not a total trainwreck. I could have worn some more classic-looking shoes though...

>> No.9151582

I know that pain.
I take omeprazole, generic prilosec and I drink a ton of water when I'm in corsets. Between that combo and eating light snacks rather than full meals, I rarely have a flare up.
Just remember anon, a high quality, poorly fitted corset can hurt you too, it's not just the poor quality ones to worry about.

>> No.9153139
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>> No.9153140
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>> No.9153147


>> No.9153151


>> No.9153152

Uhh I actually bought 2 corsets from Leatherotics and their short leather underbust is pretty decent. It was like £40?

>> No.9153157

Penny's body just looks like it's in excruciating pain all the time.

>> No.9153172

Whenever I see her I marvel at her complete lack of makeup and inability to wear nicely fitted clothing. She really does have her boobs and nothing else.

>> No.9153192
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Anyone have good pattern for a corset with a shape like this? It's for a cosplay so it doesn't have to be super legitimate or anything, as long as it's got the general shape down.

>> No.9153519


Goddamn. However, I find I can't hate her, because of this gem in her FAQ:

>Can you eat?
>Do I look like I have a problem eating?

>> No.9153638

corsets make my back hurt after wearing them for a while

>> No.9153656

They force you to sit up straight. Most people have terrible posture, so being put into the correct position is unfamiliar and aches after a while as the muscles are forced to do work they're not used to.

>> No.9153677

It looks like her entire body is trying to escape through her tits

>> No.9154608

I don't suppose there's a lot of guys in this thread but worth a shot. Looking for man spanx of some kind to help keep my gut in or will the regular kind be fine?

>> No.9154617

Rather than spanx, I'd go for a compression top for sports, or 'Abdominal shapers'
Men's wear is shite and hard to navigate, because they 'man up' the vocabulary.
Really wish whoever makes the rules for men's fashion just calls them corsets.
Men's corsets do exist, I can give you info on them, but from what I can see a good majority of them look extreme.

>> No.9155995

Different anon but seconding this. Or any tips on how to draft an underbust corset pattern?

>> No.9157453

Is it a bad idea to get/ give someone a used corset? I bought one when I was a fatty chan have been using it occasionally at a 4 inch reduction for a better silhouette and as a fashion accessory for a year and a half, but I've lost too much weight for it to be of any use to me anymore and I had to get a new one. It's just lying around being useless so I was thinking about giving it to a friend who wants to use it for the same purpose, but I know it's kind of molded to my body so I'm not sure how things will turn out even if she finds it comfortable initially. I feel like it should be fine as long as she doesn't lace it up too tight or try to waist train with it.

>> No.9157470

Laughing Moon

Yeah it's fine as long as you're giving it to them to wear rather than waist train in and they aren't retarded about it.

>> No.9157580

her titty muffin top is driving me insane.

>> No.9157591

There's a method to reseting the corset's fit isn't too bad, can't recall the process though

>> No.9157632


>> No.9157826

Disgustingly fat.

>> No.9157838

What should i look for in a good corset website? I'm looking to buy one but other than ones recommended here idk how to tell what websites are good/sell good quality corsets. Are there any 'red flags' you would say to look out for?

>> No.9157841

I hooe you're all aware what the effects on your body are when wearing a waist trainer.

>> No.9157871

I would look at recommendations from Lucy corsetry as well as reading about the basics of corsets. That will help you when shopping for corsets

>> No.9158027

Nothing bad as long as you don't try to lace it too tight or try to get overnight results. Corsets/waist trainers are completely safe as long as you're not an idiot.

>> No.9158415

any review on isabella corsetry? I'm looking to buying their petite joshephine and love the conical ribcage shape.

>> No.9158537

hi, im a guy looking to get a new corset, had one a few years ago and it fit so well, now it seems like everyone ive tried makes the sides of my hips go numb, i really want something to give me more of an hourglass shape but im having a hard time finding something good. perhaps someone here can help me out?

>> No.9158569

Sound like you need something that is cut curvier, has hip ties, or is custom made to you. What is your price point?

>> No.9158575

im not really sure what the price point for a good one is, the ones ive tried have all been around $90 give or take

>> No.9158590

holy shit this is hot af

>> No.9158644

One wrong move and her corset will burst open to reveal the glorious abundance of her sweet, juicy, rolls.

>> No.9158934

Mystic city corsets has quite curvy corsets, orchard corset and timeless trends I think both have some with hip ties.

I bought my Josephine on sale and it's one of the ones with quite a large ribcage which is great for wearing things underneath and also because my ribcage does not believe in squishing. No issues with the construction but the sizing was way off for those ones

>> No.9158957

I have these same panties

>> No.9158972

Choir Anon-san, may I ask which Amazon corset have you used? I need a corset to train for a bit for several reasons such as cosplay and being a a Vocal major (Vocal Coach suggested me to experiment with it).

Shit, I wish I've seen this thread sooner. I've also bought a "waist trainer" exactly like what anon from >>9148307 wore. Sorry for being a noob with corsets, but can you breathe and expand your diaphragm with those? I'm only worried that my singing may be cut off from loss of air.

>> No.9159000

these are online shops i suppose? what measurements should i take since its always the hipbones that are the problem

>> No.9159319

I've been waist training for about 4 years. I've purchased and off the rack corset from Timeless Trends UK recently (liquidation sale yippeee), but as a seamstress I do like to make my own waist training corsets.
They're not as scary to make as it seems, Sidney Eileen's welt seam method and underbust tutorial are golden.
I prefer to use around 50 bones total, mostly spring steels, with extra wide flat steels supporting the busk and grommets.
I get all my fabric and boning from Vena Cava Design (UK), they're probably the best price for quality.

>> No.9159321

can i order one from you?

>> No.9159328

aw, I'm very touched!
I'm not confident enough to take orders currently dear anon.
If you're the anon with the hips-going-numb problem, there's a very easy solution to that.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4jYelLSE5o adding hip gussets is magical.
Relatively quick, very easy and saves a lot of money. She also does a tutorial for adjustable hip gores if you haven't got access to fabric. You don't even need grommets, it takes a bit of time but hand-sewn eyelets are very simple, and all you need is thread and a sewing needle!
If you have a throwaway email, I'd be more than happy to take an order from you in the future though!
Hope this helps anon.

>> No.9159336

yup, im the one with the hip numbing problem.
the sad part is that i dont have any corset that i can try to add the gussets to, so id have to get a new one regardless, but as i said i no idea what would be a good fit right away... if i could get on that wouldnt need modification that would be preferable. ive been thinking about getting a custom one but thats soo expensive around here, plus im sure id mess something up

in case you ever decide to take orders, im def interested, pseudorandomaddress@mail.com

>> No.9159358
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I'm going to be a slut and throw this on real quick

This is the $35 corset. I'm impressed with how well it has held up, love the lace but it is a bit angular in shape. Kind of flattens my my hips and doesn't give my rib cage any curvature. The coney shape is fine for Lolita though as you're only seeing up to the waist and then it is just there to exaggerate my poof more than anything. I have awful posture and hunch my shoulders, my torso is also twisted from a leg length discrepancy/hip alignment problem so I am 10x more aware of when I have to adjust myself in a corset- one rib might be poking out more than the other etc

>> No.9159362

i wish i could have curves like that

>> No.9159381

Thanks but you probably have them slim animu legs I have dreamed of all my life and can find jeans that fit though anon. Shorts/skirts won't ride up to your waist every two seconds and you won't look like an actual prostitute in a bodycon dress or pencil skirt

>> No.9159387

oddly enough i do, i wouldnt mind swapping a bit for some added curve to the waist though.
still im envious of you

>> No.9159388

Well, measure your underbust, waist and hips for starters. Most websites give you an idea how far down from the waist their "hip"measurement is.

>> No.9159412

from what i can see of the sites you suggested, then when id take the hip measurements arent really at the widest part but rather in the hip dips, leaving the iliac crest to poke out a bit higher up between the waist and 'hips' idk if that makes sens

>> No.9159426

We can be mutually envious anon. I wish I didn't stretch the fuck out of printed tights and could wear a skirt shorter than knee length without my fat ass hanging out. Nobody's perfect. Except Candice Swanepoel perhaps. She has hips and animu legs...

>> No.9159440

yea she has pretty much the ideal body.
i guess yours is mainly from winning the genetic lottery?

>> No.9159451

woop forgot the backlink

>> No.9159472

I'm not going to lie my mother is hot. I didn't exactly win the lottery though (autism, acne, messed up teeth, 3 kinds of eczema, bunions, flat feet, uneven leg length, IBS, PCOS, osteomalacia, too many mental health problems etc). I guess it's cool that I build muscle very easily but I don't want to be so bulky. Having a smaller top half distracts me from my thunder thighs though.

>> No.9159483

oh, sorry to hear, even with all that you look great and i hope it doesnt affect you too much

> too many mental health problems
i can relate to that one for sure

>> No.9159506

Thanks anon. I try lol... I wish the best for you and hope this thread helps you achieve the figure you want if it will make you even just a little happier with yourself. As long as you do it safely and for you

Has anyone got a cropped/ half corset? Something that fits more like a bustier for outerwear (with skirts) but has sturdy boning

>> No.9159508

thank you, i hope so too.

>> No.9159523

That should be fine as long as your hips aren't wider higher up. Even if they are, i.e. your measurement around the iliac crest is larger than the area you're measuring lower down as your "hip" and the corset will be covering that area, obviously you just need to make sure the hip measurements of the corset are large enough to accommodate that

>> No.9159528

how would i make sure of that?

>> No.9159538

Make sure your measurements are smaller than the hip measurements (accounting for the lacing gap of course)
Also if there are hip ties then you are likely to have some leeway with the hip measurements

>> No.9159553

i think if i measures correctly my measurements are 32, 30, 33
im still a bit worried about ordering something wrong though

>> No.9159622

so i looked around a bit, does this seem like an alright on in size 24?

>> No.9159649

Style choice is based on your torso shape.
This will work fine, follow the sizing directions before you order

>> No.9159651

my torso doesnt have a lot of shape really, its pretty rectangular, as can be seen in the measurements, are there any rules of thumb for figuring out the style?

>> No.9159672

Assuming you follow all proper precautions, major health problems caused by corsets are unlikely. Possible side effects include irritated skin, slightly raised blood pressure, and indigestion. In an underbust corset, maximum lung capacity is slightly reduced, but this has no effect unless you are vigorously exercising in it. (Pro-tip: don't go to the gym in a corset.) You aren't normally using your lungs at full capacity. So if you are not exercising or otherwise overworking your lungs, your breathing will be basically unchanged. Overbust corsets reduce lung capacity more, so are best saved for special occasions, not for everyday waist-training.

If you have sensitive skin, use lotion. If you are having digestive issues, take your corset off for a while and try eating smaller meals. If you already have high blood pressure, you may want to avoid or take caution wearing corsets. Remember to season your corsets and to listen to your body. If you are increasing your reduction, pace yourself, don't lace too tightly too quickly. If you are a healthy adult going in, use common sense, and do your research, you'll probably be fine.

>> No.9159675

>Remember to season your corsets
im new to it, what does that mean?

>> No.9159683

Is that the Timeless Trends UK amazon store you got it from? If not please could you link the website? Thanks anon!

>> No.9159687

go ham on the salt, pepper, and spices

>> No.9159689

good just wanted to make sure that i shouldnt give it paprika

>> No.9159787

It means to slowly acclimate yourself and your corset to each other before wearing it for any long period of time or before lacing it tightly. In other words, you want to break it in.

One method is the 2-2-2 rule: 2 inch or less reduction, for 2 or less hours a day, for at least 2 weeks. (The 2 weeks doesn't have to be continuous; you can take a break.) Then you can gradually increase the reduction and amount of time worn each day. But you don't need to follow any particular method exactly- the important thing is to give your body time to adjust, and to give the corset time to mold to your body. This is especially important if you are new to corsets. Your body needs time to get used to wearing them, or you're going to feel very uncomfortable. It's also better for your corset. As you wear it, a corset will slowly adjust to your shape. Seasoning it gives it time to mold to your body for a better fit. Going too fast will put extra stress on your body and corset.

>> No.9159818

girl I swear you and I have the same body shape! Except those hips! So much more lovely than mine aha, I'm a standard hourglass, you're more like hourglass deluxe, perfect lolita silhouette!
Sorry, I love me a good corsetted form haha

>> No.9159832

sorry lovely, yes it was the Amazon outlet. I can recommend their underbusts! They're nicely made, a bit lackluster in the curvature department due to the amount of flat steels but a nice investment nonetheless. Also cashmere, mmm!!

>> No.9159838

I need a new corset and I'd rather get one from a person than a company.
Please let me know if/when you'd be interested in taking an order.

>> No.9159844

Look anon, I've done my homework. I know the long term effects and that I've already succeeded in shortening my life.
I'm still going to do what I like, because I can.

>> No.9159914

damn, maybe the josephine isnt right for me, ive already got a smallish ribcage (small all over really, which makes it difficult to look curvy)
anyone have suggestions for conical ribcage style corsets from other sellers?

>> No.9161366

ok, so just some questions for you gals
i just couldn't see myself wearing one, seems like i'd be crushing my ribs or something, but why do y'all wear a corest?

is it because ya like the slimming effect?
the increase in cleavage?
how it looks to other people?

im interested on account of that i see a lot of gals wearing em at cons and such. just wanted to get a sense of why. thanks in advance.

>> No.9161374

jeez, she looks like she is holding back a dam with that corset!

>> No.9161388

Idk about other anons, but I have pretty bad anxiety and it feels like a constant hug. (Think of the effects of swaddling on babies, and how it soothes them)

It also helps a lot with my confidence since the only thing I don't really like about myself is my little tummy pooch.

>> No.9161409

heh, i can agree with you there.
i got a lil bit of tummy fat, but my boobs counter that in that you will never see my tummy because of them.

>> No.9161621

It depends on your squish and your measurements. My waist squishes a fair bit but my ribcage hates any and all pressure, so the larger ribcage was good. The new Josephine hasn't got as large a ribcage so just check it with your measurements

>> No.9161929

like the other anon, ive got som pretty bad anxiety an the feeling of getting hugged helps a bit. i also like it because it help a lot with my otherwise bad posture and the shape it gives makes me feel a bit better too

>> No.9161988

Anyone here that uses overbust corsets under their Lolita clothes to make things like OPs fit better?
Does this help make a bust a little smaller without making it look like boobloaf?