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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9145635 No.9145635 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about what the fuck is up with New England? First, AB cancelled their dances and instituted 4 hour waits to get patted down for contraband, then Connecticon started stalking people at elevator doors, harassing even non-congoers for badges to get out of the elevators.

Now, AAC announces no more rave, no more lobbycon, and no more extras in your rooms.

fb.com /anotheranimecon/posts/1202306069812004

Why is this region so shit for having a good time? Autists happy with watching four ask-a-character panels as their whole con? Leftover puritan morals? wtf.

>> No.9146255

You do realize the AB raves were canceled because people fucked up one time to many and the pat downs are because of the fucking bombing and threat at that shitty ass pokemon event right? Shit sucks but it's not for no goddamn reason.

>> No.9146302

>AB instituted 4 hour waits to get patted down for contraband

sounds like someone was an idiot and didn't go to the other entrances, I never waited more then thirty minutes and that was only on the first day

>> No.9146312

PortCon in Maine is really lax and still has a dance and doesn't do security check points. Not all of them are going to shit.

>> No.9146475

AB cancelled the rave because someone died (rumored, but the ambulance was called and the whole thing got shut down that night by BPD) and no one wants to host it offsite because of all the resources it takes up not enough ways for attendees to get there and Boston often didn't approve the offsite rave because there wasn't enough BPD detail due to other events that usually happen at the same time. Sheraton got their event hosting license revoked a year after the incident and presumably now wants nothing to do with it, which, can you really blame them?

Why are people still complaining about the rave? It was dumb and AB has made it so painfully clear it's not coming back within the foreseeable future. They tried and tried and it wasn't working and they didn't want to spend more resources on trying to recreate the rave than using them on the actual convention. If anything I applaud AB for trying and knowing when to stop.

As for the lines people also have said this a million times but it isn't AB's fault. Hynes is operated by the MCCA and they're the ones who implemented bag checks at all convention centers under their supervision after the Boston bombing. If you've ever been to a con at the seaport there's checks there too. Now I agree they should work on making the lines more efficient but when you have thousands of people trying to go through 2 entrances lines are sort of inevitable. They did do a bit better this year by making more lines and also opening up other side entrances but obviously there's still a ton of kinks to be worked out. But if you had a 4 hour wait I don't know what the hell door you went through. The max wait time for me to get in on any day was probably Saturday morning and that took about 30-45 minutes, which was annoying as fuck but could've been worse? I guess?

Tldr; stop being a little bitch and man up, no one cares about your shitty rave

>> No.9146573

No one died at the dance ffs. There was a medical emergency in the dance, the EMS and BPD had trouble getting into the dance because the Sheraton hallways were so crowded OUTSIDE the room. The BPD issued citations on the spot to the hotel and the Sheraton lost its license for the better part of a year. As a result no more dance.

>> No.9146734

AB rave a girl overdosed on something she got from a guy there. That's why the shitstorm happened. I'm not sure if it was confirmed, but I heard she was also underage.But yes, the Sheraton lost it's Entertainment licencee for a year, meaning they couldn't host anything in the ballroom and lost out a lot because of it.

>> No.9146850

But nothing has happened at AAC and yet they're taking away the dance and hanging out in the lobby. Which is the only reasons people go - unless cgl is a bigger fan of Ask-Hetalia panels than previously thought.

>> No.9146883

Most people are chiming in only about AB because AB had actual reasons for what OP is bitching about. OP isn't wrong but AB shouldn't be thrown into the mix with AAC's issues.

>> No.9147060

Well... Yeah, but PCM sucks.

>> No.9147257

AAC wasn't the one who implemented the changes, these were the hotels new policies because of minors being irresponsible. Literally not the cons fault. Stop giving minors alcohol and maybe hotel conventions wouldn't have to make these changes. And don't crowd rooms either. Simple.

>> No.9147290

The Raddison that AAC is held at is now owned by the same management ground that runs the Gaylord hotels. Given all the shit and destruction at Katsucon this past year, I'm willing to bet hard money this is the result of that. AAC even alludes to it in their announcement citing issues at other cons have affected us all. I also not be surprised if Katsucon itself is not under similar restrictions next year. And then seeing as how the Gaylord hotels are part of Marriott and Marriott bought Starwood hotels, I could see this becoming national corporateconomy policy for most cons at Marriott or Starwood hotels for nerd cons. Good job rave folk and sperglords who need to destroy shit for no reason. It was a good ride.

>> No.9147315
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Big question is, where are going for cons now?
>CTcon is being slowly murdered
>AB is great, but needs to get its shit together
>AAC showing signs of failure

I'm thinking of hitting NYCC (2017) and PAX east, but not sure if they are cons a casual animeme/web-comic fag would feel comfortable in.

I just want a decent Con in New England I can enjoy myself at, man.

>> No.9147320

NY isn't part of NE though.

>> No.9147332

Arisia is slowly suffering from SJW creep, which is just the Millennial version of Purtianism.

Too bad, it used to be amazing. It's still not bad for hooking up.

>> No.9147336

Wait, wut? i don't remember any contraband pat-downs at AB from this year, but I only actually went in for one of the days because my cosplay wasn't allowed (my shield is about 11lbs. of icanbreakyourface material). This year is actually gonna be my first AAC and I can't wait, but seeing this now... I'm almost hesitant. I dunoo about AAC, but the raves at AB were cancelled because too many fucking girls were taking too many drugs and they couldn't handle it so they were taken out on stretchers. I've gone every year for almost 10 years now, and the majority of people who have gone out in ambulances are these tiny girls that I hear have taken x and/or some other drugs while being drunk as shit. They literally ruin it for everyone because why? Oh yeah, because people are fucking garbage.

>> No.9147339
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do people actually go to cons to have sex

i have literally never seen an attractive person at a con who wasn't some famous cosplayer who isn't going to fuck anyone at the con let alone some random dipshit fatty.

>> No.9147352

Unattractive people have sex too.

>> No.9147354

The most underrated comments in the thread.

You guys are failing to grasp that these decisions weren't made by the cons themselves. Everything OP listed (except for AB's bag checks) was the result of hotel management trying to choke out convention night life and roomstuffing. AAC is the worst of the bunch since the con itself had very few problems but management is pointing to Katsucon to justify the changes. Expect to see this kind of policy shift at non-new england cons too. I'll be very surprised if Katsucon isn't going to try the no-rave and badge/elevator restrictions in 2017.

>> No.9147355

We just do it with the lights out.

>> No.9147360

Good. Considering all the shit going on in the world I don't disagree with patdowns at conventions. Especially after the Pokemon thing.

You should be fined
/kicked out if you are found to have more guests than what you are paying for and is written in your reservation.

Raves are disgusting at conventions and are only there for early-late 20s to feel 'adult' and the 30+ crowd to get to cope some 'teen' ass. You all look stupid in your outfits and are pretty much immature fucks to begin with. Get the fuck out of the hallways, take your drunk asses out of the convention, and don't come back. I hope they take away all your fun.

>> No.9147376
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Behold, the embodiment of the cancer that is killing /cgl/.

>> No.9147382

Yes because I find drunk assholes at conventions who overstuff rooms and crowd hallways to be enjoyable. When youve been going to conventions for 10+ years you get real tired of these fuckers.

>> No.9147384

wouldn't know. i'm qt and can get sex from regular people without the con necessary lol


>> No.9147389


I've been going for 15+ years, I just still remember what it was like to be a broke teenager, but you guys seem to have forgotten.

>> No.9147402

A broke teenager is different from drunk 21yrs giving alcohol to underage attendees in rooms/hallways/raves and concealing them in bottles.

Being a broke teenager doesn't mean you don't know how to have manners, how to adhere to rules about crowding hallways and blocking doorways.

Being a broke teenager doesn't mean you are allowed to roughhouse in the AA or DH and block traffic for 'the lulz' or for Snapchat and Vine.

Being a broke teenager doesn't mean you can be an overall shit of a human being at a convention that hundreds of other people attend and yet still disturb normies outside the convention or who are also spending the night in hotel rooms and have to listen to your overstuffed room and parties and running down the hallway making noise in the middle of the night.

Learn how to fucking behave yourself. I don't give a fuck how old you are. Its no excuse to be a complete shit when other people are attending an event as well and also disturb businesses and normies who may be visiting the town the convention is taking place in.

>> No.9147419

Why not just have quiet floors and loud floors like SF cons do?

>> No.9147423

What? Proof.

>> No.9147427


> Arisia has blocked most, but not all, of the rooms at the Westin. We will be sharing some of the guest room floors with non-Arisia guests. We have an Active block (noisier, near parties), a Quiet block (rooms further away from parties), and a Staff block, all of which are arranged to include both King and Double rooms. While we will have some floors that are all specifically active rooms, every hotel floor (including those that are mostly quiet or mostly staff) have suites that might contain parties.

>> No.9147500

So....Only one con and one hotel. Got it.

>> No.9147517

Chill out, grandpa. The vast majority of broke teens and/or people who participate in con night life keep to themselves. If someone is doing any of the things listed they should be kicked out and/or security beefed up, rather than blanket enforcing huge restrictions on thousands of congoers because a few dipshits misbehaved.

You are also delusional if you think teens are the only ones who cause serious issues at cons. Multiple years at Dragon*con there has been serious injury or almost serious injury because someone thought it would be funny to throw bottles/beer cans/a coffee maker onto the con floor from a dozen floors up. The average age at d*con is something like 40.

tl;dr in a crowd of tens of thousands there is always a handful of people who can't behave themselves, and cons should focus more on weeding them out.

>> No.9147534

I've noticed a lot of small cons have been popping up all over NE this year. Here's hoping some of them will grow into something decent. I'm checking out PopCult Anime Con in Framingham this weekend cause it's local, so we'll see how it goes.

>> No.9147543

Or get rid of the stuff that spawns these people like no more rave. Less nigh life for them to fuck around.

>> No.9147800

Way to miss the entire point of the post.

>> No.9147933

You sound like one of those fundamentalist assholes who want to ban drugs because some people overdose, who want to ban guns because criminals misuse them, who want to censor cartoons because it might cause some kid might act violent, want to ban hentai because some people might start thinking sex was fun.

When did you get old and nasty?
Punish those who break the rules, don't punish everyone.

>> No.9147941

At least it's not Animaine. That's the worst Con I've ever attended.

>> No.9148081

Oh, so you're one of those types.

Here you go:

>*Party Block Notice: When making your reservation for a room in the “Party Block,” please note that this year we’re requiring people to book for both Friday and Saturday to avoid holes in the party block that could potentially be filled with non-Boskone attendees would could potentially complain about noise and cause parties to shut down early.

>Please go to the Lunacon 2016 Hotel Reservation Page to reserve your room. You will be asked if you want to be on an “Active Floor”, a “Quiet Floor” or “No Preference”.
>Being in a Party room on one of the “Active Floors” also ensures you are covered by Lunacon's corkage agreement (allowing you to serve food and non-alcoholic drinks). Parties may be "open" (all convention members welcome, and with doors open or ajar) or "closed" (invitation only). Serving of alcohol is not allowed in open party areas. All open parties will be listed in the convention newsletter.

>If you require an accessible room, a lower floor for Shabbos, or plan to hold a party and need to be on a party floor, please contact our Hotel Liaison at hotel2016@philcon.org.

>> No.9148148

Con raves are fucking cancer anyway. Sorry you won't get to grind up against sweaty neckbeards in decade-old Tripp pants and 14 different "rave eeveelutions." If that's going to ruin your con, I'm not sure why you even go.

>> No.9148340

>Sorry you won't get to grind up against sweaty neckbeards

Don't kinkshame me!

>> No.9148393

How do you find out about these new cons? Small cons are awesome! And thanks for the heads up about Framingham. It's local for me too so now I have to check it out.

>> No.9148488


Of all the Boston suburbs and towns I've visited, that was by far the most depressing.

>> No.9148499


Clearly you've never been to Revere

>> No.9148534

Was there twice.

Revere beach isn't anything on NYC beaches, much less ones in less populated areas, but the crowds on the beach were nice, and wandering the hilly streets was pretty cool.

>> No.9148556

Oh sorry. 3 hotels.

No. I just don't understand how nightlife at conventions can harbor such rude and ill-mannered pieces of shit. And if someone is taken to the hospital even once from a rave, they have had multiple complaints about the attendees at raves, have had no control over 21 year olds giving underage kids alcohol in raves.. Then good. Fuck you. No rave.

The raves at conventions are cringe as fuck no matter what too. Good riddance.

>> No.9148566

>Oh sorry. 3 hotels.

Your point being?

> have had no control over 21 year olds giving underage kids alcohol in raves..

They're more likely to give it to them in stairwells. There's lots of security at most raves.

>> No.9148571
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>They're more likely to give it to them in stairwells. There's lots of security at most raves.
>There's lots of security at most raves.

>> No.9148587

The ones at cons I've been to have.

Also and EMT crew standing by.

>> No.9148609

Clearly these cons need to shut down their raves if they need a fucking EMT crew to standby. I ave been to several cons, mostly in CA, and I have never, ever seen tons of security at raves besides standing outside the door to let people in and I have never seen the requirement to have an EMT station available in case someone fucks up inside.

>> No.9148616


>EMT on standby in case someone needs a medical problem addressed
>'They have professional medical help there in case someone is about to die? what a shitty rave!'

Are you trolling?

>> No.9148618

I love PCM.

>> No.9148672

>Clearly these cons need to shut down their raves if they need a fucking EMT crew to standby.

Why? That's just good policy. And once of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It's no different than having lots of ice water on hand.

> I ave been to several cons, mostly in CA

Well that explains it, you're a leftcoastfag. You might have noticed this is a New England thread, about the EXACT OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING COUNTRY.

>> No.9148695

Jesus Christ, suck it down, Grandma. Stay in your fucking room if you feel threatened by all the frat assholes and drunk fedoras.

>> No.9148764


Your opinion on cultural problems of the Northeast is invalid.

>> No.9148813

By going to other small cons, or advertisements in facebook groups. This one I found out about at U-Con at UCONN (which is a free con the college does around February). There were quite a few other small new cons advertising there as well.

Yeah, Framingham's not the best, but the hotel is really pretty! If nothing else, it'll be fun to chill by the pool and use the scenery for cosplay photos.

And they're having a dance (actually three, apparently?), unlike all other NE cons these days...

>> No.9149120

Are you on staff?

>> No.9149186

It's a great small con, the atmosphere is much friendlier than bigger cons.

>> No.9149226

Kinda ironic that the biggest actual Puritan in this thread isn't from New England, but from laid back, liberal California.

>> No.9149502

Less related, but anyone here go to the events held in Boston? Looks miserable to me.

>> No.9149507

Not ironic at all if you've been following the news

>> No.9149539


Like cosplay picnic, etc? Complete shitshows. Tumblr everywhere, going in circles to announce pronouns, people role playing / larping, high schoolers and autists.

All the sane Boston people stay in their houses and never socialize, it's sad.

>> No.9149605
File: 451 KB, 800x800, 13925327_1456298621063550_239314777052223964_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to go sleep in a cabin and hang out with some 14 year olds for a weekend?

>> No.9149609

Yea the picnic is this weekend. I've never gone. But reading the rules and the fact they won't provide even water made me go ehh.

>> No.9149634

Which news are you referring to?

>> No.9149669

No. When you've been going to conventions for 10+ years, you realize that the world isn't all about your wants, because they are other people in the world and we aren't all Squidwards. If I want to get fucking drunk at a con and hangout with my friends having a good time, then I fucking will. What I won't do is be an ass and a nuisance to other people around me. It's the unwillingness to shrug it off and the rudeness of people just like you that needs to go. "OH THEY HAVE FUN DIFFERENTLY FROM ME. THAT'S DISPLEASING TO ME. I PAID TO BE HERE." So did they ya fat, atrocious mass of pizza rolls. Also, why are you complaining about roomstuffing? You're not going in there, it's not your room.

>> No.9149830
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>ya fat, atrocious mass of pizza rolls

>> No.9149931


Been to a few Boston events, they're usually pretty bad. Generally there's a FEW decent people, but 80-90% of them are very cringe-inducing.

>> No.9150053

what pokemon thing?

>> No.9150372

You're going to see the Katsucon stuff used to tighten shit across the country next year, especially in places where the con already has long term rental plans in place or anywhere where a con can't afford to move to a new venue.

>> No.9150376

BPD won't play ball because they hate the scene (and some cops were assaulted that year the shit went down)

>> No.9150395

Didn't Katsucon overtighten it's rules just a few years ago? I remember people complaining about absurd restrictions and forced badge checks coming off the elevators two/three years back.

If that just led to more vandalism, what makes them think that even more restrictive rules to chafe under won't make underage b& act out even more?

>> No.9152202

So I just got back from their most recent picnic and it was indeed a shitshow! It's like watching a bunch of middle schoolers. All of their contests were completely rigged as well.

>> No.9152216

Storytime, plz

>> No.9152277

>So arrive at event...
>Music is on way too loud and is awful
>Hosts are screaming over music
>Hosts are very rude and curt with guests
>Hear announcements for cosplay contest participants to approach the gazeboo
>Notice they don't invite the rest of the guests to spectate the event
>On closer inspection realize the contestants are almost all personal favorites or friends of the hosts
>A cringy dance party breaks out in the middle of the event.
>I want to go home
>Deathmatch announcements are made
>Contestants race over
>Watch as the contestants are made to sit in the hot sun for 20+ mins
>Event finally starts
>The hosts friends who are competing are very obviously pitted against not very well known characters
>They have children pitted against full grown adults
>There apparently is no age restriction...Why?
>This is done to people pretty sure the hosts don't like.
>Obviously children win cause people feel bad if they don't cheer for the kids.
>One of the girls competing makes a good show of fainting to her opponent
>The host overseeing the even publicly heckles her in a not so nice tone
>No one laughs
>The event continues
>The host is very rude and yelling at people and contestants to shut up if they interrupt her during all of this
>The Deathmatch ends thankfully
>More music and cringyness ensue
>I stay in the back with a few friends for the rest of it until it's over.
>My ride comes
>I thank my lucky stars and run as far from there as humanly possible.

>> No.9152313


>> No.9152576

This why I never go, it's like all of the cringe people of Anime Boston all in a giant gathering freaking out tourists.

>> No.9152833

You misunderstood. Other cons across the country are going to have their shit ruined by the hotels they are held in because of what happened at Katsucon. Anime / nerd con in general have become a red flag for hotels and the hotel management groups that collectively own a lot of the venues are insisting on tighter security restrictions across the country as a result.

>> No.9152910

Damn, that's pretty terrible. Especially pitting little kids against adults and mocking the adults.

At least it wasn't full of "check my pronouns" snowflake and trenders like I was expecting the story to be about.

>> No.9153009


That's just so par for the course for Boston that it's not worth mentioning.

>> No.9153034


Hahahaha. In my opinion Katsucon has improved compared to other cons when it came to raves and badges and elevators and what not. There is no way it will happen.

>> No.9153041

What happened in Katsucon this year?

>> No.9153050

I think some retards flooded their bathroom, thus ruining the entire room and the hallway and someone pulled down an exit sign.

>> No.9153054
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Found the pictures lol

>> No.9153055

I was at the shitshow, as Big Boss. This picnic gets worse and worse every fucking year.

>> No.9153056
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>> No.9153058

Anything to add?

>> No.9153059
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>> No.9153062
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>> No.9153067

Only that there were maybe 5 halfway-decent cosplays at the entire thing. Staff sucked, but that's mainly because that Josue cunt doesn't know his ass from his elbow. Too much tumblr, the usual for Boston.

>> No.9153086
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>lying on the internet
Why do you do it?

>> No.9153095

Oh no anon it wasn't heckling the adults. The only one who was that cruelly heckled was the girl who had fainted really well to her opponent. I'm talking there was venom in the host overseeing's tone.

>> No.9153211

I've read enough comic books to know a frame up when I see one.

Some rival con was trying to smear Katsucon. Or maybe it was the B'nei Brith jerks again.

>> No.9153270

Pretty sure hotel management doesn't care. It happened during their con therefore it's on them.

>> No.9153303

I was disappointed when I heard the picnic was on the same day as Pop Cult Anime Con. I decided to go to the con because it was closer to me and i am glad i went, especially after hearing this.

>> No.9153334

>Pop Cult Anime Con
How was it?

>> No.9153441

Different anon, but I thought it was pretty solid for a small first year con. Hopefully next year they'll be able to get some bigger guests.

>> No.9153550

You made the right choice. The hosts were roughhousing a guy with a toddler and called the police on him at once point. They were screeching on how their permit let them ban whoever they wanted from a public venue.

>> No.9154333

The hosts who run these Boston events and anything else called "New England Cosplayer's Association" are notorious for being immature adults who pull shit like this all the time with no consideration for what the people attending would enjoy. This is the crew responsible for the shitstorm that was(n't) Alternicon.

I know there's mature cosplayers hiding in New England, but most of them refuse to come to these things. I wish one of the local cons would step up and run smaller mid-year events the way other conventions do.

>> No.9154409

No kidding and they try and shut down any one that tries to host. Only one I know of is the Salem hosts and they aren't hosting till October but offer food and drink.

Also no that was the Rock Lee or they are claiming anyway. They are in court battles with him as of now over the loan or whatever. They spent the better part of yesterday trying to cover their ass. Especially after a rumor came about someone recorded one of the attendees nearly passing out from the heat.

>> No.9155222

Rock Lee was the con chair but the rest of NECA were con staff so I don't believe that they are 100% blameless here. Maybe if the "replacement" event they threw wasn't such a disaster, but I have a hard time believing this group of people is capable of any kind of leadership or planning.

>> No.9155274

NECA is Rock Lee's shit my friend you're thinking NECC. Which yea, that's why I said they are claiming it was all his so they can pretend ignorance to shit that happened. But NECA is what he made to 'compete' with NECC and both sides spent the better part of the summer smearing each other. Was entertaining to watch from the sidelines.

>> No.9155342

I know everyone involved and there was more drama about some cosplay picknick, the cops being involved, and I am lol "Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with New England"

>> No.9155356


>> No.9155415

Whoops, my bad; I can never tell the difference between those two shit groups. Someone should make a New England Anime Cosplay group just to make it even more confusing.

Someone please spill the beans about these morons. A few threads ago somebody was going to dish the drama around Alternicon but they never delivered.

>> No.9155454

Well I have a few tidbits, but not the whole story. I know the Rock Lee got a loan cosigned with the two thug leaders K and V. He defaulted they took him to court and are still fighting it now.
K and V are the two morons that claim they know everything about the law. But don't comprehend their permit covers a large crowd in a public park. That's it, they really had no ground to remove that guy with his kid. Also K threw a tantrum when it was pointed out she really had no say in banning dogs in a dog friendly park. Nor do either seem to understand no one pays to attend their stupid events in the commons so they have no claim to 'semi private' event. Anyone can come and go.

>> No.9155471

I wish AB would run a one day Matsuri or something, preferably not at the Hynes. I feel like all their fuckups are a result of the con center so running an event somewhere else could go well.

>> No.9155574

beat me to it and yeah.

>> No.9155581

Anything to add? I really don't have much else. Well besides them having meltdowns when it was rumored someone recorded attendees passing out this Saturday. They gave a big speech about privacy of the attendees. Which is laughable as their so called EMT was too busy partying it up to notice anything or speak up about the fact that it's rather unsafe to host a summer event but refuse to provide even water.

>> No.9156197

Pokemon held their trading card game tournament in Boston, it's a huge event if your in to that kind of thing. Anyway two guys posted on there facebook their firearms saying that they where heading over to get the first place one way or another. Someone reported it to the police, and they where pulled over in the city they found the guns with them.

This was one of the reasons why they decide to add metal detectors to the convention.

>> No.9156780

Ironically there was neither that or bag checks at Boston Comic Con

>> No.9156809

Is K or V the one who drags her infant to cosplay events? Or is that one of their groupies?

>so they have no claim to 'semi private' event. Anyone can come and go
At the last meet I went to the group kept soliciting donations for an upcoming picnic. When asked why they needed a thousand dollars, they replied that it was so that they could purchase a fence to give the attendees a "safe space".

>> No.9156820

No one with the baby is another. She's apart of the group but since having the kid seems to of calmed down on nonsense. I don't agree with bringing the baby but she's not horrid if that makes sense. She's just kinda there really. K and V are the two that you can't tell are male or female. They also are the ones who pick fights at the drop of a hat. Oh the fence that never happened. K even announced at the start of Saturday that her mother pretty much footed the bill this time around. But they are claiming the donations now are for walkies talkies and more tents so attendees won't ignore them screeching. I mean come closer in from the trees.