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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 74 KB, 400x382, Texas-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9139460 No.9139460 [Reply] [Original]

The last Texas Thread has hit auto-sage at >>9124431. Let's try this again. What are you planning?

>> No.9139490

where did the SJ thread go?

>> No.9139500

I said trips but dubs is fine. I'll be doing this.

>> No.9139504

It saged from lack of activity. I think everyone going to San Japan is too busy working on their costumes or planning their panels to talk in the thread. That or there just isnt anything to discuss yet.

>> No.9139520

AFest needs to conclude then the trash talk needs to shift over to SJ. We would talk about deltah but no one cares about them.

>> No.9139530

No, it hit bump limit quick due to max drama activity.

>> No.9139537

Cosplayer-wise, who are you excited to see at San Japan and Afest?

>> No.9139603

probably Nipah, he's such a cutie

>> No.9139614

>AFest needs to conclude

On-site registration actually opens *tonight*. I was thinking if somebody were going to say something about Animefest (like a reminder that Carmine's Pizzeria is closed on Sundays, so you have to find food elsewhere) that they should probably get to mentioning it pretty soon.

>> No.9139667
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Any /cgl/ meetup at Afest?

>> No.9139669
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Anyone else see this?

I wonder how hard they'll enforce it.

>> No.9139675

>Anyone else see this?
>I wonder how hard they'll enforce it.

They've been pretty serious about it in the past. It's because there are government agencies in the building - a potential terrorism target.

I was discussing this on FB for some of the meetups, as the local weather ladz are predicting 40% chance of rain for Saturday and 30% for Sunday, which could make outdoors a rather ... drippy proposition for a photo-shoot of any size. Plaza of the Americas is nice and roomy, and they'll tolerate our coming over to spend money in the food court, but I think a big open photo-shoot would attract a lot of unwanted attention really quickly.

>> No.9139700

I know they've allowed photoshoots over there in years past. Or maybe they just didn't catch them since they were off to the side in hallways.

>> No.9139708

>I know they've allowed photoshoots over there in years past. Or maybe they just didn't catch them since they were off to the side in hallways.

OK, yes, last year, there was a Homestuck photo-shoot off to the side in one of the corner hallways where the guards weren't looking, but ... after what happened last month in Dallas, I imagine every policemen, government agent, and security guard in the city is probably a little more uptight about their job than they used to be. I know I certainly would be.

>> No.9139710

People have snuck small and contained shoots into some of the entry ways and hallways but if you try to run a big fan shoot there they will shut you down so fast.

It's not as bad for Afest as it used to be when akon was still at this venue though. Does anybody remember the NO WEAPONS rule? They made you leave any prop outside the plaza, no matter what it was made of.

>> No.9139714

I have never understood how a no photos rule is supposed to prevent terrorism. Fuck bureaucrats.

>> No.9139731

Going to animefest for the first time. How does it stack up to A-Kon? How to find parties?

>> No.9139735

Afest programming is better. They book better guests. If you are into actual Japanese creators hit those panels up.

The party scene is weak. The floor is usually dead by 11pm.

>> No.9139743

we've done small, well-behaved shoots in the pretty bank area (after asking permission) and at the fountain on the second floor, but that was before all the shootings and shit.

>> No.9139751

>I have never understood how a no photos rule is supposed to prevent terrorism. Fuck bureaucrats.

For the same reason they won't let you take pictures of the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London - they can be used as references to plan an attack. If they just tell *everybody* - including "tourists" like con-goers - that no photography is allowed *period*, that saves them the trouble of having to vet every person who walks in the door with a camera.

>Going to animefest for the first time. How does it stack up to A-Kon?

Animefest is the more family-friendly of the two, and with no concert and inconvenient weekend schedule, there might be less of a turnout than prior years; A-Kon has always been bigger and busier, although to some, that also means "more crowded".

>How to find parties?

Most of the extra-curricular socializing happens in the hallways and main floor of the convention center outside the ballroom(s). If you're cosplaying, try finding when/if there's a scheduled meetup and/or photo-shoot for your character. At least you can meet some folks who have at least *one* thing in common with you!

>> No.9139759

You've given me the same tired excuse they trot out as to why people can't take vacation photos anymore.
Now tell me how it actually prevents terrorism.
>alright achmed we're going to bomb xxx
>but rasheed we have no photos

>> No.9139768

They even said it can be used to plan an attack.
Pictures can show entryways, exits, places to hide things, etc.

>> No.9139800


>family friendly
>no dance

RIP me. I'm just a filthy casual/normie that wanted to hook up with qts at cons. Thank you for helping me frame my expectations.

>> No.9139806

>a filthy casual/normie that wanted to hook up with qts at cons

Your kind are not welcome here.

>> No.9139832


Well, sorry! Was just trying to find out what I could. I don't really know where to look. Hope you have fun at wherever you're going!

>> No.9139856

>RIP me. I'm just a filthy casual/normie that wanted to hook up with qts at cons. Thank you for helping me frame my expectations.

Whoa... hold on. I never said no *dance*, just no *concert*. There are dances with different DJ's Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night!

>> No.9139864

Maybe don't just go to cons to try and hook up with people and instead go to enjoy the con?

Protip: those qts you are trying to hook up with are there to meet other fans, not thirsty normalfags.

>> No.9139869

Most of those qts you're going after already have bfs desu.

>> No.9139901

Why must those two things be mutually exclusive? Hooking up can be part of enjoying the con, too!

Don't worry, I'm not gonna act like an idiot. Just trying to finally enjoy the full span of a con instead of shitty "friends" bogging me down with doing absolutely nothing and being boring. But also I'll bring condoms.

>> No.9139911

Start off with friendship. The only people who go to a con to get laid are other normies.

>> No.9139981

I would imagine normies go to bars or clubs to hook up

>> No.9140060

There's the weirdos like OP who think nerd girls are hot or easy.

>> No.9140099

>Hooking up can be part of enjoying the con, too!
Dude that almost never happens despite the stupid stereotype that there's easy sex at cons. Do not go to a con looking to get laid, you will be disappointed, I guarantee you. You might find 800lb hambeasts who are good to go but you will not find super hot qts looking for the d. They're focused on their friends, their cosplays and enjoying the con; the last thing they want is normies being creepy and trying to get in their pants.
Fuck, someone wrote up a great thing on this a long time ago about how its retarded to go to cons to try fuck the hot cosplayers but I don't have it.

>> No.9140100

Anyone going to Animefest for the video games?

>> No.9140115
File: 1.97 MB, 3840x2688, melty_blood_char_select.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone going to Animefest for the video games?

Ostensibly no, but if you spend any time in the arcade, you have a good chance of seeing us come in a couple of times a day.

Anon, if you like imported Japanese fighting games (and who doesn't), and you live around here, buzz on up to Round One at Grapevine Mills Mall. After you walk past the bowling lanes and all the stupid ticket-vending games, there's a section in the back with BlazBlue, King of Fighters, Melty Blood, and every CapCom/Street Fighter/SNK/Marvel crossover you can imagine.

If you like singing/guitar/rock bandish music or dancing games, they have a big section for those, too!

Oh, and - not to be missed - Metal Slug 6.

>> No.9140123
File: 52 KB, 915x512, thirsty trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you the same idiot who was asking this question back in March?
Either way, I'm so tired of dealing with this type of dude at cons and on /cgl/.

Stop trying to go to cons just to pick up chicks.

>> No.9140127

>>9140099 here,
That image is the one I was thinking of, it sums up the problem of people thinking they can get laid at cons so well.

>> No.9140135

What are popular times, and what's the most popular game? Will train to bust scrubs.

>> No.9140136
File: 19 KB, 551x385, blackbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has little game if he actually tried to ask that question on a board full of the girls he's going after

>the girls in cgl thinking they don't want to fuck alpha men when they have done the contrary

But that last post of his got a kek out of me. He isn't entirely wrong.

>> No.9140137

Jap fighting games are terrible BUT Street Fighter and Tekken

>> No.9140146

>What are popular times, and what's the most popular game? Will train to bust scrubs.

The arcade is frequently full up except for early in the mornings when everybody is still sleeping off whatever they did the night before. From mid-afternoon until late at night it's hard to even get a seat at a console to play, let alone squeeze in to watch.

Last year, I think I saw more people playing Smash Bros than any other game, but there were half-a-dozen of each of the more popular consoles, so always Mortal Kombat (>>9140137's number one fave guessing by his comment) and some variation of Street Fighter going on with the occasional touch of BlazBlue and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

In the back, there are a few more sophisticated setups for games that require body controllers like Guitar Hero or DDR.

>> No.9140147


And western fighting games like Mortal Kombat and Injustice are the most amazing thing in the whole multiverse, right?

Fuck off.

But play me first though.

>> No.9140150

I just capped that myself (and I wrote the original post) but I also wrote a longer, more thorough version some time in the last year and I'm digging through the archives for it right now.
Having some trouble, as I recall the thread was deleted and I can't recollect exactly which key terms I used.

Glad you and I are on the same page though.

>> No.9140156

SF and Tekken are the only good fighting games, Maybe VF but that's it
Get fucked kiddo

>> No.9140164


Stop belittling cosplayers. These are sophisticated, pure artists who choose blatantly obscene and provocative cosplays as a form of empowerment and self expression. NO it's not okay to stare at their barely clad or clearly outlined forms. STOP being a creep and STOP RUINING EVERYTHING GOD

>> No.9140176

Yeah it was a great, to the point, explanation. If you do come across the full version please post it, we can save it for future use.

>> No.9140177

Staring's fine, just don't get buttmad when you get told to fuck off.

>> No.9140180
File: 58 KB, 437x339, save_potions_for_later_use.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we can save it for future use.

Isn't that what potions are for?


>> No.9140183

>Staring's fine, just don't get buttmad when you get told to fuck off.

I think >>9140164 is being facetious.

>> No.9140185
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>> No.9140186

This is some tasty bait anon.

>> No.9140189

I know, was trying to jokingly answer to that but I guess it didn't come across well.

>> No.9140190
File: 59 KB, 155x181, 1372267656293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not sure if there is a meetup but, I-I'll be there on sat anon. We could have a 2 person meet up...

>> No.9140201

I'm beginning to worry about Round One turning into a "permanent convention" based on stories about the one in Arlington of people showing up in cosplay and fursuits

>> No.9140207

Round one is a disaster waiting to happen

>> No.9140214

What's /cgl/'s opinion on A-Fest's programming this year? My friend and I are considering going, but nothing in the schedule stands out apart from the usual panels that I've already been to during the past two years

>> No.9140217
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>> No.9140221

Anyone wanna hang out on Friday?

>> No.9140288

It is
Well Third Strike and maybe 4

>> No.9140293


>> No.9140296

Delete this

>> No.9140315

What are these mediocre reaction images?

Lurk more and get better ones. Stop posting this garbage.

>> No.9140320
File: 2.48 MB, 350x202, pathetic joker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting mad over reaction images
Go back to /a/ faggot.

>> No.9140333

I'm not mad, just disappointed that you're posting fucking facebook-tier reaction images on 4chan of all places.

Stop or go back.
At least delete your reaction folder and start fresh or stop pulling this shit of google or where the fuck ever else.

>> No.9140335

When's Third Strike?

>> No.9140338
File: 671 KB, 480x270, 1379788265446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy you sure sound angry, here's another one for ya.

>> No.9140343

Anon are you the reaction image police? What board are you even from where people post perfect high quality images like you want? You sound ridiculous making demands of people and what they post (especially on 4chan as you said).

Polite sage since what the fuck even.

>> No.9140346

When's Mahvel?

>> No.9140350
File: 88 KB, 640x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9140351

after 2nd strike duh!!!#!!#!!

>> No.9140352

I am the Reaction Image Police, yes.

I spend the most time here, /co/ and /a/ and these disgusting off-model youtube fanart lookin' images are like /mlp/, /v/ or /b/-level trash.

This entire thread is under arrest.
Please go back to drama talk so these /v/irgins will stop arguing about literally who fightan games.

>> No.9140355

Hey Dom <3

>> No.9140366

get a load of this faggot

>> No.9140396
File: 31 KB, 800x452, 1445987022324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone cosplaying Kantai Collection? I wanna take pics with other boats

>> No.9140439

I agree, more texas drama please.

>> No.9140471

Is there anything to do on Friday of a fest? Seems like shit programming and barely any shoots. I mean maybe I'll go to the bnh animators or Mark crilley panels. Tho, I'm only on episode 5 of bnh and I was only really into Mark crilleys channel when I was younger.

>> No.9140526

You can hangout with me.. I work sat/sun so I'm using a fest as an excuse to fuck around for a day.

>> No.9140756
File: 66 KB, 300x300, 14588433551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's a certain appeal to low-quality reaction images.

>> No.9140895

Who's going to luxe dolls group cosplay panel tonight? It has to be entertaining knowing all the bullshit that's gone on with their group hearing then give advice about group cosplay.

>> No.9140973

I'm in a kantai collection Hawaiian shirt, feel free to punch me in the face if you see me

>> No.9141041

Fuck off, attentionwhores

>> No.9141054

I doubt theyd be making fun of themselves here while also telling people to come laugh at them at their panel. Unless thats a thing they do, idk.

>> No.9141095

I don't know about them specifically but some people like any attention, even if it's bad.

>> No.9141157


There seems to be a bit more 18+ programming this year and some new things I haven't seen before.

The guest panels may end up interesting too.

>> No.9141321

I think they changed their panel from "large cosplay groups without drama" to "Sailor Moon cosplay panel"....

>> No.9141413

A fest meet up tonight?
I have no plans.

>> No.9141427

Give me a time and a place, I'm game.

>> No.9141439

Well, if you're interested I'm hosting Horror Anime and You! tonight, as well as Bad Japanese Horror Movies and Japanese Urban Legends. They're all 18+, so no small children.

>> No.9141444

afest always brings out the worst creepers, be safe texas friends! jebus is definitely there

>> No.9141689

I'm wandering now. Where is it at?

>> No.9141693

Oh shit, are we about to die at the Sheraton.

>> No.9141694


>> No.9141699

What the heck is this alarm even over? Is it still going off?

>> No.9141701

False alarm, keep on partying.

>> No.9141702

Nevermind they just answered my question with an announcement haha

>> No.9141740

Anyone else go to the panel "photography with Frank west"? The guy running it was new as fuck,but he was actually really funny.

>> No.9141754

Can you buy badges at the door with a card or do they accept cash only?

>> No.9141797

How was the Sailor Moon panel? Or trololol did no one actually go

>> No.9142036

Most cons take cards, I've never been to one that didn't.

>> No.9142248

Can we all mutually agree that if you're going to have an impromptu Pokemon Go freakout in the dealer's room you shouldn't do it in front of the Charity booth? I've got shit to do, AFest, come on.

>> No.9142268

What happened?

>> No.9142298

Some kids decided to freak out about a Bulbasaur on Pokemon Go and almost crashed into our auction table.

>> No.9142305
File: 40 KB, 350x262, Takumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually that one wasnt me lol

>> No.9142386
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Houstonian here

Got a job interview up towards that Round 1 Friday.

Do they have Initial D? Do they sell the drivers licenses?

My only chances to play have been at conventions and I wanna be able to play regularly, especially if there's a local scene.

>> No.9142469

I have a San Japan badge I don't need anymore. $57.50 since I bought it on the last tier of prereg. Please comment and email if interested.

>> No.9142561

>[Referring to Round One at Grapevine Mills Mall]
>Do they have Initial D? Do they sell the drivers licenses?

I'm not absolutely *certain*, but I don't think so. Racing/driving/drifting games aren't a big thing for me, so I *might* have missed it - but given the floor space games like that usually occupy, I'm pretty sure I would have noticed.

You could always call them. The staff is mostly young, local, fresh-faced people whom I'm sure could answer the phone competently and speak to you in English.

>> No.9142566

Attended the Nep panel, and played played some vidya at afest. Aside from merchandise. There wasn't many interesting things to do.

>> No.9142570

Pretty sure I made the guy at the neptunia booth hate me

>> No.9142571


How was the panel?

>> No.9142581

It wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be, there was a dude at the panel Cosplaying as neptune. He made the panel fantastic. There was also some other meme lords but it was surprisingly funny overall.

>> No.9142592
File: 80 KB, 766x960, hopelost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Afest programming is better
not this year its not

>> No.9142616

People think its better because they can actually get in the panel rooms.

>> No.9142623


That's good. Are you looking towards anything tomorrow?

>> No.9142624

Bad con so far. The horror panel posted here was bad too.

>> No.9142631

It was completely full

>> No.9142647

Was hoping to catch either the senran kagura or hentai dubbing panels tonight, not sure about tomorrow however, Leaving around the evening tomorrow.

>> No.9142705

So uh.
Wanna tell me how my panel sucked, or nah?
Because we really value feedback, but...

>> No.9142724

>Asking cgl for constructive criticism
You're in the wrong place buddy.

>> No.9142734

Except that we asked for constructive crit at the panel.
I'm not asking cgl to give it to me. Just one single anon who was already told to give us it.
BUT Y'KNOW- we didn't have anyone leave during, so. >>9142724

>> No.9142805

different person but im pretty sure they do have initial D, or at least they the last time I went
the neptune guy was based as fuck

>> No.9142810

That doesn't explain anything

>> No.9142874

cgl San Japan line chat is up if anyone is interested. Not gonna provide link here due to raiders but if anyone is interested msg me for an inv.
username is Cascalynd

>> No.9142880

They have video games at this con? Where? I've honestly never been to a game room at a mid-large size con before even tho I've been to a lot of cons.

>> No.9143123

Well as this was my 1st time going to a con, cosplaying at a con, and even hosting a panel at a con. I want to say it was really fun and I liked it a lot! I need to improve my cosplay game so I can look even better next year. I'll be uploading my panel on youtube if anyone wants to watch it later.

>> No.9143276

Did anybody in thread attend the Disasterpiece Theater panel? How was it?

>> No.9143391
File: 5 KB, 168x192, keisuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dallasfag here, I have to check it out but i think I found an arcade to practice with.

Watch yourself, i plan on setting a course record at SJ those locals will never beat

>> No.9143540

What's up Alyson

>> No.9143605

Anon with the concrit. I left before the end so I did not give it at the panel. Just a lot of factual mistakes, like saying things like Madoka was originally a manga. Plus Madoka as a horror anime.
Just be careful, I guess. I was being harsh.

>> No.9144000

I had fun overall. Looking forward to San Japan now.

>> No.9144004

Despite not being in cosplay or mingling with others that much, I had a lot of fun at animefest. It was the first con I ever went to, stayed for three days and had a lot of fun.

>> No.9144025

had fun at animefest, even if I spent a majority of my time in the game room
also if I have to hear Centuries, Somebody Told Me, or Uptown Funk one more time, I'm gonna lose it

>> No.9144088
File: 513 KB, 632x712, 1469952704538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone bid $10k for a piece
Granted, it was Lum drawn by Takada herself but it caught me off guard

>> No.9144104


>tfw it wasn't you that bid 10k on your waifu

a tragedy

>> No.9144116

Were you the guy who almost got her?
If so, my condolences

>> No.9144144

How much did the other pieces go for?

>> No.9144177

Local artists' pieces went from 30 to ~2k (mostly either didnt reach the 100 bucks or was on the high hundreds, there wasn't much of a middleground) and japanese artists' pieces went from 100 (lowest) to 10k (highest) averaging at 800-1600.
The cheaper ones were collab pieces and tokyo ghoul ones while the boku no hero academia and lum ones were the highest selling. There was a group of guys who really pushed the prices high, though, it was insane.

>> No.9144204

You can pay for plane tickets to Tokyo to buy orginal sketches at a cheaper price. Retards.

>> No.9144279



Chill, it was for charity.

Plus if I remember correctly the chicks running the auction were pretty cute.

>> No.9144612
File: 802 KB, 1280x1874, cammy_battletech_pod4393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have video games at this con? Where? I've honestly never been to a game room at a mid-large size con before even tho I've been to a lot of cons.

Sorry I'm late, anon. Don't think this is gonna help you now (con officially closes in just over 3 hours), but the layout in the conference center side of the Sheraton has been pretty much the same for this and the two prior AnimeFests:

On the first floor is Artist's Alley (the "Bizarre Bizaar"), Art Show, panel rooms, autograph sessions, and Main Events (dances, concerts, etc.).
Second floor is the Dealer's Room, a blood drive, more panel rooms, registration and badge pickup, and the skybridge across to the hotel proper.
Third floor is all the video rooms, the Battletech simulators (pic related), a few con offices like HQ and Lost & Found, and at the very end of the hallway is the video arcade.

>I'll be uploading my panel on youtube if anyone wants to watch it later.

Link or it didn't happen!

>Despite not being in cosplay or mingling with others that much, I had a lot of fun at animefest. It was the first con I ever went to, stayed for three days and had a lot of fun.

That's the spirit! We're actually local, but Because of work and other commitments could only go Saturday and Sunday. I missed having a concert to go to Saturday night, but the cosplay contest at The Majestic on Sunday made up for it in spades!

>also if I have to hear Centuries, Somebody Told Me, or Uptown Funk one more time, I'm gonna lose it

We could hear those guys rockin' The Killers through the wall at the Battletech pods next door!

>> No.9144705

this isn't your blog and that's not how you greentext. Can't wait for school to start next week so summerfags can get out.

>> No.9144712

They're using greentext to quote, which is what it's for.
Anon used a weird formatting but it's not that bad. Get your stick outta your butt, anon.

>> No.9144745

Oh shit everyone, it's the 4chan police. Hide the drugs.

>> No.9144751

Is this the only board you visit or what?
Literally every other board uses it like that.
I do agree on the blogposting being a bit strong in that post, however.

>> No.9144778

Except that's literally E X A C T L Y how you greentext you fucking idiot, that's its intended actual purpose.
You're trying a little too hard to fit in.

>> No.9144791

Oh, I was in the frontish row while she was drawing that! That Pikachu, though. All the Lum art pieces were so cute I'm sad I couldn't go to the auction

>> No.9144797

Not that anon but whats the point of greentexting a whole post when its being directly linked to said post? I personally never understood why people do that unless it was a big wall of text and they quoted one little section from it.

>> No.9144827

I find it weird too, but I wouldn't consider it wrong, it's unnecessary at the absolute worst.

>> No.9144834
File: 56 KB, 640x556, Cp2yhHYVYAApv3U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was there too! Takada seems like such a sweet lady, it was my favorite panel by far. She posted the art she did for the con on her twitter so I guess it's okay to post it here.
I was on the panel where they drew the rest of the lums and the hot mess that were the pikachu, yoshi and mario ones too! My sides were in orbit with those (I actually bought the speedo mario one, surprised nobody else wanted it desu).

>> No.9144917
File: 735 KB, 1440x2140, 2016-08-15 14.16.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James is at it again being buttburt about SMD and Ninetails. When will he get banned from events in SA?

>> No.9144924

Adding onto that, when will he understand that none has a "right" to host a fan event?? Literally the ISMD main organizer encourages for more events in one area, especially if they can all work together. If he wanted to, he can still make his own event but 99% sure none will be attending or wanting to vendor for his.

>> No.9145496

The dealer's room at AFest is such a joke. It's little to no licensed merchandise and mostly shitty fan products or shit you could get at a renaissance fair. It's a decently fun con, but there's no fucking need for it to be four days since they won't be back to Labor Day weekend for a few years.

>> No.9145500


Then don't shop there? Go to AA instead?

>> No.9145509
File: 85 KB, 960x540, 14022104_322090084802937_1832499149249995566_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how jebus has at least a foot or more of space between the rest of the cosplayers that are hugging and holding eachother

>> No.9145570

sorry but who is jebus?
i''m gonna guess the middle guy but i don't know

>> No.9145572

Let's not do this please.

>> No.9145578

i legit don't know
hes really the only one i see who's far away from the others

>> No.9145589

Dont' worry about it. He's not worth talking about.

>> No.9145599
File: 812 KB, 1574x576, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was looking at Ikkicon's website when I spotted this.

>> No.9145600 [DELETED] 

Just a heads up, SA and Austin cosplayers, Aaron/Audrey (whatever) Straughsbaugh is back in action. If you don't know who this is, there's a pretty funny thread in the SJ group about it. TL;DR He's a creep, don't add him

>> No.9145604

Just a head sup to SA and Austin area cosplayers: Audrey/Aaron Straughsbaugh is back in action looking for "models". If you do not know who this is, there is a pretty funny thread going on in the San Japan group about it. TL;DR He's a creep, don't add him.

>> No.9145608
File: 86 KB, 640x512, desire_to_know_more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's not worth talking about.

Hey, you started this, dude.

If he's just the Dipper in the middle of >>9145509, then yeah, I wouldn't care ... but if he's photographer - standing on the same side of the camera I am - and he's making trouble for people, I'd like a little help avoiding the guy on behalf of both myself and my subjects.

... he's not this "Stefan" guy I see being mentioned disparagingly in relation to Ikkicon and karaoke contests, is he?

>> No.9145612

He's someone that used to come on here a long time ago, now people mention him just to derail threads. That's why I said don't start this shit.

>> No.9145614
File: 1.84 MB, 1832x1562, ew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Jebus of /a/ is Stefan. Just so we don't rehash the same shit AGAIN, here's why you should avoid him.

>> No.9145618

>Yes, Jebus of /a/ is Stefan.

Good to know, ladz. Thanks. Matter solved.

>people mention him just to derail threads

Fair enough. Let's move on, then. How about we discuss one of the newer and smaller cons: A.N.T. in Fort Worth. Anybody been there? Pros? Cons?

>> No.9145622
File: 213 KB, 492x341, nv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw jebus trying to distract from how disgusting he is

>> No.9145625

Man, fuck that guy. A+ on that thread though

>> No.9145639

They haven't updated the website in over 7 months. It is the last con guests. Don't expect to see anything updated until after ANT.

>> No.9145640

dude all i wanted to know was who was jebus
you could have just said "yes the man in the middle is the person im talking about" i didnt want to feel bad about humanity

>> No.9145683

Looks like the final schedule is out for San Japan. Still don't get why they split the fashion show into two different ones but w/e

>> No.9145702

Here is that panel i did
it should be most of it
I don't know if my friend was able to capture all of it

>> No.9145721

>They wasted a panel spot on this

>> No.9145726

I know, I'm suprised they didn't say it was shit and boot me out 1/2 way through

>> No.9145728

Don't worry about >>9145721, anon. It's just jebus benig buttpunished that nobody wanted his stupid gameshow panels.

>> No.9145731

This nigga probably plays Hugo

>> No.9145737

They didn't really enforce it at all. I saw several smaller photo shoots happening in the plaza this weekend while grabbing food. Heck they didn't even bother with enforcing the no full mask rule 80% of the time. I think the staff doesn't really care and likes to see the cosplayers it's just the upper management that frowns on it due to the law.

>> No.9145746

Maybe the brands wanted it that way.

>> No.9145751

Way to cover your ass, jebus.

>> No.9145757
File: 98 KB, 400x563, smugcowboysfan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up jebus

>> No.9145759

Whatever you say, jebus.

>> No.9145764


>> No.9145780

San Japan is the next con up, and it'll be my first time going. Is the game room any good?

>> No.9145784

Their game room last year was outstanding, surprisingly enough

>> No.9145792

What panels are y'all looking forward to now that the final schedule's out?

>> No.9145903

The game room last year was the best game room i've been to at a Texas con
i think it was the rhythm games and the fighting cabinets that sold me

this is my favorite con in texas, pretty hyped to take my girlfriend but nothing on the schedule really interests her right now, as a music producer wanting to go into voice acting, I think this one may be a success

>> No.9146023

I really wish San Japan or whoever is running their fashion show would decide on models already. I would like to know more than a week in advance. is that too much to ask?

>> No.9146024

If you were hoping to be part of Innocent World fashion show well you can go cry as they already sent out emails on those who were accepted.

>> No.9146243


You won't find much hope at an anime con if you want to break into the business.

>> No.9146601

Acceptance emails were already sent out. If you didn't get one, you didn't get in.

>> No.9146843

Lost a wallet at animefest and I'm pretty pissed about it considering that I had none of my cards in there because who steals a wallet with no money in it? Like it's a good thing that I have my cards but it's still aggravating to think about. I wouldn't be so mad if it was a regular wallet but it has my waifu on it...

>> No.9146860

There's a difference between stealing a wallet and losing one. Either you dropped it or someone snagged it, thinking there'd be money in it.

Buy a new one and nice blogpost.

>> No.9146875

Anyway. I've been trying to contact lost and found and they haven't seen it, or at least haven't contacted me. I'm posting here for advice, or if anyone else has a similar problem.

>> No.9146928

Where was Texas Jet this time around? Not seeing him at afest was a little disappointing. Maybe he went to gencon?

>> No.9146932

dragoncon I mean

>> No.9146938

I know I'd rather be at Dragoncon but you got the dates mixed up, Dragoncon and San Japan fall on the same weekend this year.

>> No.9147318
File: 78 KB, 500x393, DSCF1502_jet_faye_ed_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where was Texas Jet this time around? Not seeing him at afest was a little disappointing.

I noticed his absence as well. If you can stand around long enough, he's great fun to chat with.

>> No.9147350

So an Artist got their prints stolen from right underneath their table during Afest, not cool.

>> No.9147362
File: 175 KB, 1280x960, 1471398620316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does that happen? Did the person leave and they were stolen, or did the theif pull some sort of lupin the 3rd bullshit and steal it right under their nose?

>> No.9147369

How did you find out? Was it reported to security I hope?

>> No.9147438

The AA is accessible to the public 24/7 with no security even though AA hours on the guide where 10-7. Artists can't stay at their tables 24 hours, and packing up inventory everyday is doable but unreasonable and I'd like to think people would have enough decently to not bother tables that are covered up. Just letting you guys know so you can keep an eye out next time, artists work really hard please look out for them.

From the artist themselves, they did report it and Afest brought in night time security officers the next day but this artist traveled for this con and lost a lot profit.

>> No.9147457

>but this artist traveled for this con and lost a lot profit
Sorry to hear that, that really does suck that someone would do something so shitty and the artist cant even protect their stuff.

>> No.9147463

>accessible to the public 24/7
>no security
.... why

>> No.9147555

I have no clue, but apparently it's always been like this and there hasn't ever been any theft (at least reported) till this year. Hopefully A-fest can remedy this , I know the after hours helped artist's profit margin but the no security for those that can't stay is too risky.

>> No.9147967
File: 945 KB, 1280x1707, peridot_artists_alley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artists can't stay at their tables 24 hours, and packing up inventory everyday is doable but unreasonable and I'd like to think people would have enough decently to not bother tables that are covered up. Just letting you guys know so you can keep an eye out next time, artists work really hard please look out for them.

That's probably how they pulled this off.

Look in the background - the fellow on the right carrying the white rack. How would you know him from one of the artists? Obviously, you can't do this while the artists or their friend(s) are manning the booth, but after hours? Unless you had met/talked to/seen them during business hours, an artist hauling some inventory up to his room for safe-keeping wouldn't look too different from a thief.

... and who would have the guts to challenge them on their identity?

>> No.9147968

>the fellow on the right carrying the white rack

That'll each me to judge by the thumbnail. The *woman* carrying the *black* rack.

>> No.9148477

Mint Neko acceptance emails are out! galaxxy ones come later this week apparently

>> No.9150307
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, 1469701447655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

San Japan Late Night Gaming guy here. I fucked up and booked my flight two days early and I don't understand how I did that. Just paid $100 to change it to Thursday. I am an idiot.

Just needed to vent. See y'all there.

>> No.9150308
File: 113 KB, 245x258, 1467783861100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spoilers don't work on /cgl/

>> No.9150775

Dealer-Anon here, so there was another arrest this AFest. Guy kept going in and out of the dealer's room with a badge "his friend gave him" (pretty sure it was stolen), and was stealing merchandise from different tables. Shirts, food, shit from the perfume table. The cops had to strip him of his shirt when they arrested him because it was stolen from a table. There were also five people who got their badges revoked for trying to steal Cards Against Humanity booster packs/starter sets from one of the tables.

This used to be the friendly con, and now there's more fucking theft than A-Kon. Mind you the one guy was homeless, but still.

>> No.9151095

He stole a handcrafted $80 custom Harry Potter wand from a friend of mine. Homelessness is not an excuse to be a dick and steal merchandise from people trying to make some extra money. I'm glad he got caught.

>> No.9151104
File: 327 KB, 1203x983, homeless_guy_crafting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homelessness is not an excuse

The homeless people around the con can get ... weird. I understand that Cancer Survivor's Plaza is a public place, and they're always going to be bumming for change, but ... what was this guy trying to build? A bow?

>> No.9151107
File: 59 KB, 640x360, sasha_potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're always going to be bumming for change

Last year at AnimeFest, there was some guy stumbling through the crowd gathered for the Attack on Titan photoshoot, trying to bum spare change off the young cosplayers who had assembled at Cancer Survivor's Plaza.

It'd be hard to find group of people who would have *less* money than a bunch of teenagers who are seriously considering going without for the whole weekend just so they can spend a few more dollars in the dealer's room. At least the girl dressed as Sasha Blaus could eat her potato if she got desperate!

>> No.9151258

>thinking teenagers who have their shelter, food, transportation and all sorts of other shit paid for are poor

Doesn't excuse panhandling but badge wearing congoers are not poor in any way. 40+ dollars is a fucking luxury to a lot of people

>> No.9151300
File: 140 KB, 750x600, demotivators_fake_golds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>badge wearing congoers are not poor in any way

Oh, of course! Not *poor* as in *destitute*, but after a trip to the Dealer's Room? Not likely to have a lot of cash on them, either!

>> No.9151513

>not RUST irl gameplay
Ya blew it

>> No.9152179

Any recent texas cosplay drama? I saw some minor shit last night but after the luxedolls fiasco, im thirsting for more.

>> No.9152196
File: 438 KB, 1280x839, InitialD@RoundOne_Grapevine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[Round One Grapevine Mills]
>Do they have Initial D?

>>9142805 is correct. They *do* have Initial D - pic related. My (>>9142561) mistake.

>Do they sell the drivers licenses?

That I don't know. I had remembered that someone wanted to know if they had it, so I looked around until I found it, but then spent the rest of my time playing Japanese fighting games.

>> No.9152214

I think the word you're all looking for is "broke" as opposed to "poor".

>> No.9152222


*Excellent* wordsmithing, anon! "Broke" it is!

>> No.9152483

I can confirm they sell Licenses at the machines

>> No.9152509

Just read the san japan groups right now lol

>> No.9152511

Anyone else not ready for San Japan yet and furiously sewing up until then? I feel like shit for always putting my stuff off till the month of.

>> No.9152512

where/which ones

>> No.9152519

I am...
And im just learning how to sew

>> No.9152527

Oh dude, good luck, just keep at it.

>> No.9152916


>> No.9152959

Seems like someone either doesn't want that drama to be seen or they're full of shit >>9152509

>> No.9152963

Message Cascalynd to get into the shitposting.

>> No.9152965
File: 1.25 MB, 1322x942, 1470830271675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Line, sorry for forgetting that crucial detail.

>> No.9153260

Facebook. There's always drama in them.

>> No.9153393


Have just a bit of handsewing left, it's AA I'm more worried about. Still got one more print to go, maybe two if I really want to push myself.

>> No.9154507

If by drama you mean people with two brain cells asking obvious questions or posting their cosplay lineups like anyone's going to care, then yeah. But fairly drama free at the moment, desu

>> No.9154574

Is there any sort of list of names and contact info of artists from the artist alley at animefest? I have someone's real name but everyone uses aliases so it's impossible to find contact info. I don't even know if I purchased something from them, they might've just shared a table with someone I bought something from. They returned my wallet and I want to thank them.

>> No.9154577

If you know their approximate table location you may be able to find them through the website list. There's a link to the table numbers with the names above the map image. https://animefest.org/e/AF2016/Vendors/BizarreBazaar

>> No.9155529
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, 1469543064326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy with the interview here

Managed to check out that Round 1. They did sell the licenses; the desk guys had no idea what I was talking about, but the cabinet dispenses them if you give it some extra credits.

I think I found my happiest place on earth, Round 1 is amazing.

Oh, and I managed to get the job.

Any other cool, nerdy-ish places in the Dallas/Fort Worth area? Or at least a good place for bubble tea?

>> No.9155534

iTea Lounge in Euless is the best for boba tea. Not sure how far you are from it though. Also the Korean district with H-Mart and Daiso is pretty rad. I'm sure there's good boba there too but I've never tried any places.

>> No.9155950
File: 390 KB, 800x1456, brickhouse_games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I found my happiest place on earth, Round 1 is amazing.

It *is* cool, isn't it?

>Oh, and I managed to get the job.


>Any other cool, nerdy-ish places in the Dallas/Fort Worth area?

Brickhouse Games is set to open soon in Garland, which is on the far northeast side of Dallas. It's my understanding that the Battletech pods will have a home there when they're not out making money at cons.

There's Madness Games & Comics in Plano, too. The place is huge, spilling over with comics, games, and all that goofy collectible stuff that I can't imagine anybody makes money off of.

Also, Generation X Comics and Games is in Bedford, at SH-121 and Harwood Road. I've only been there a couple of times since they moved from their Euless location on Industrial Blvd., but I never seem to leave without buying way too much.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Texas Toy Soldier in Carrollton, but if you're not into miniatures games, it wouldn't interest you very much.

Half Price Books has its flagship location on Northwest Highway, just to the east of where it intersects Hwy 75. It's huge. It has lots of books... and they're half price! There are several other smaller locations around D/FW, but the flagship is the biggest and the best.

>iTea Lounge in Euless is the best for boba tea.

Huh. Never heard of it. There used to be a little boba tea place on the west side of Main Street just north of SH-183, but Google tells me iTea Lounge is *not* that place. iTea looks a lot ... cleaner!

>> No.9155973
File: 9 KB, 252x252, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

madness is comfy...

>> No.9158242
File: 774 KB, 1375x1674, gw_denton_town_crossing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Games Workshop store at Denton Town Crossing (in Denton, Texas) is nice. The 100th GW store in North America is the Warhammer Store in south Fort Worth. It's a little cramped, but the manager is an amazing painter!

>> No.9158278

That reminds me.

Ooples opened a store in Houston recently. Has anyone gone?

>> No.9158737

lots of shady shit about the owner, apparently

>> No.9158828

>lots of shady shit about the owner, apparently

Y'know, they say that on The Internet, nobody knows you're a dog. But wow. OK. Might steer clear of this place.


>Emperor's Teeth! I'm can't believe I'm actually linking to tumblr!

>> No.9158862

Because all of that shit is on Tumblr no one cares how shady the owner or places. It should have been on Yelp or Google Reviews to warn people. This is why they're able to open a third store because stupid people give giving them money.

>> No.9158871

Funny this is being brought up because I'm pretty sure Franklin is over on /toy/ shilling his shop right now >>>/toy/5867147

>> No.9158939

why did no one go to delta h con?

>> No.9158984

Why should we? It's got nothing going for it.

>> No.9159024

The con is very small with hardly anything to offer. At most it's entertaining to chat with friends for a few hours and then leave.

>> No.9159284

This. Franklin has always been shady. Why people stick around to work for literally nothing, just because its an anime store, boggles the mind.

Aces got kicked out of Dragons Lair because they were caught banging a 15 year old girl in one of the rooms. Both parties played it down, trying to avoid any legal repercussions.

Its all true. Every last bit of it. Wish it could reach a bigger audience. Glad some people are speaking out abiut these bad practices.

Why people do not report him for these legal violations is beyond me. You arent doing antone a fabor keepong the store open, just making Franklin money while he sits around and burns out his brain cells. I know shitty dope dealers that treat their workers better.

>> No.9159289

Is this guy associated with the Leighs or is there just something in the water that makes Houston anime businesses really shitty

>> No.9159307

**Texas in general

>> No.9159324
File: 1.24 MB, 1886x3146, warriors_of_the_wind_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime businesses really shitty
>**Texas in general

I think it's hard for such a niche business to thrive unless conditions are absolutely perfect. This Franklin lad seems to have figured out how to make that happen.

In the past, there weren't enough customers to keep you around no matter what you did. It wasn't just the shops that were going under, but also the production companies that tried to bring anime to America. Too bad Harmony Gold seems to be the exception - but that's a discussion for another thread (and likely another board as well).

Now that anime is big-time and we live in The Digital Age, you have to try to convince consumers that it makes sense to buy a physical copy of something they can get delivered digitally to their living room from Crunchyroll. If all you're surviving on are manga, wall scrolls, and the occasional PVC figure, you've gotta cut your overhead, or you will go out of business.

The alternative is to bring in other revenue streams. I'm sure game store owners would *love* to subsist solely on hawking their favourite company's game(s), but also selling over-priced snacks and whatever CCG is the flavour of the month can go a long way towards next month's rent.

>> No.9159326
File: 25 KB, 350x250, 1466571736804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just something about the TX anime con/store model. One guy at top rakes in all the cash, works everyone but a couple friends to death, go full doxxing and harrasment to anyone that talks about what goes on behind the scenes until they fuck off entirely.

Its a business model of sorts. Pays up, much like the mafia, and purges anyone that knows the operations, again, much like the mafia. Keeps the naive youth around and gets rid of anyone with a brain that can inform them on workers rights and labor laws. Usually they try to set drama up with friends and make the fighting seem more personal and turn people against each other. Its easy to get rid of one or two people by saying they are the problem and when they leave it'll be fun again, the entire group will turn against them, everytime. Its very typical for abusive relationships.

You either leave the scene due to drama or learn to avoid the workings of the con and cosplay competition drama, go and just enjoy your time with friends there.

>> No.9160478

Anyone got an honest review of ikkicon for me? I know some people think its The Worst con in Texas but if the same people run ANT and I really enjoy ANT maybe I'd like it? Idk. I'm asking for pros and cons here.

>> No.9160566

Oh, you can have fun at Ikki but it's terrible. The panels are decent for the most part, the DR was actually better than what afest offered this year, and you will always find someone to get pissed drunk and hang out with.

That said, it's known for being the party con, so you're gonna get a lot of drunk stories and you'll end up with a ton of downtime between events. Which most people will use to get more drunk.

I spent a few hours just sitting in a corner charging my phone and chilling. Actually went for the cosplay contest, left before results because it wasn't very amazing. If I didn't go with my friends I would have been bored.

It's like a more well established ANT--which is what it is. ANT was so dull for me I just commute there because it's not even worth hanging out in the evenings when you're bored enough to do it during the day.

>> No.9160758

Ikkicon just always has so many... issues, and unlike other cons where, yeah, at a large event something ALWAYS will go wrong no matter what but they find a way to deal with it as quietly and quickly as possible, Ikkicon just resorts to the "chicken with its head cut off" model of con-running. And the worst part? They don't learn from their mistakes. They've been making a lot of the same ones for years. That why a lot of people refer to it as being such a horrible con. Around year 4 and 5, it was just such a straight up clusterfuck and they never fixed it. The registration lines were insanely long for a con of its size, overloaded and fried volunteers were screaming at people left and right, panels never seemed to have what they needed to function or run on time, the cosplay show had a seeming revolving door on its director... It was insanity. And TentCon didn't do much for their image.
But as >>9160566 said, you can definitely still have fun. If you have friends with you and you're good at enjoying your time at a con without having to rely on the con itself functioning in order to do that, then you can have a blast at Ikki. I've had many a fun time at that con (TentCon year I had some of the most fun I've ever had at Ikkicon despite the awful location). But if you're the sort of person where watching an event being poorly run gives you anxiety (which to a degree is me, since I have experience with corporate large event planning), don't expect to have a good time. Because it's going to be poorly run.

>> No.9162068

I too hate the "cosplay line up desu" shit, most people tell me they post it "for me to remember what I'm doing", but if that's the case then make a fucking list on paper.

>> No.9162131

When nothing is announced at 4 months out besides registering and hotel rooms.... and this is year 11 for them. This has become common with them.

>> No.9163072

They just now opened up panel submissions. Have fun with that shit.

>> No.9163394

Here's a stupid question: is there actually any difference between one area and the next? Excluding the beach/coast, obviously. I'm in Houston, I've driven to Dallas, Waco, Austin, San Antonio, and a handful of other places, and I haven't seen a single difference between one place and the next, other than that Dallas has some more lakes. I don't get it.

>> No.9163639

>Here's a stupid question: is there actually any difference between one area and the next?

Yes, but depending on where you visit, the differences may be too subtle to matter. Large metropolitan areas of any kind tend to have a lot in common with each other - perhaps even more than they would have in common with a small town in the same state.

>> No.9164312

dallasfag here, first thing i noticed when coming to Houston is you guys have a shit ton of trees. I was wierded out by it the whole time

>> No.9164336

Haha, I'm a Houstonfag that's been to Dallas once and it's incredibly barren. That weirded me out the whole time.

The middle of the state is pretty much the same, but the east edge versus west is drastically different.

>> No.9164451

San Antonio fag here. can confirm houston is lush as fuck. Dallas was sad.

>> No.9166501
File: 369 KB, 320x180, 1472012620117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody know what website that blue text is from?
for research

>> No.9167410

probably xnxx

>> No.9167417

This. Googling that username or those email addresses will also yield results.

>> No.9167419

yeah not to long after i just googled the username and the date and i found the site.thank you tho

>> No.9167425

Mhmm, enjoy the fresh hell and the musky mental images.