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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 219 KB, 1280x1311, Bols so moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9136334 No.9136334[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Keep it /cgl/ related, please.

>want to work on gijinka cosplay
>doing an EEG
>tons of wires on my head
>can't test out headband to make sure ears stand up

>> No.9136336

Previous thread: >>9129284

>> No.9136340
File: 90 KB, 600x613, 1457559122863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made my first cosplay a few days before my convention due to having a really old sewing machine and limited sewing kills (and procrastination and work).
still came out pretty damn decent for my first time and i felt so cute. i had so much fun at the con and i didn't even expect pictures to be taken of me. it's a great environment and im so happy i'm finally a beginner cosplayer.

all the hard work pays off and i felt productive.

>> No.9136345

Congrats anon!

Had my first photoshoot last weekend, I was really nervous as I'm camera shy, but I got a group together, so it took away from some of the awkwardness and we got a lot of great shots from it.

>> No.9136693

I might be moving away from home soon for uni which I was not expecting because it's really hard to find apartments here. Will probably have to quit cosplay because money but still excited af.

>> No.9136715

I've been busy planning my first hardcore cosplay. Light up effects, props, the whole nine. It's really exciting to watch the anime and analyze how I could recreate x. I started watching tutorials on how to make certain props and feel even more inspired and confident that I can do it. But I'm unsure if I should use a store bought cosplay as a base, or if I should attempt to make the clothes itself from scratch.
I don't usually cosplay, so I'm really excited to get this project started!

>> No.9136872

I posted about two feels threads ago about my grandfather being extremely ill and was going to pass away soon.

Well I leave for the con on Thursday and got a call from my mom earlier saying that he had taken a turn for the worse, is refusing food, and has been placed on morphine around the clock. He could very much pass any day.

My fears have been realized and it's a very large possibility that due to my trip I will miss the funeral and any other services. My grandmother encouraged me to still go and said he would want me to go but I can't help but still feel absolutely horrible.

>> No.9136894

I travelled out of state recently to a con my ex is known to attend. We havent seen one another in 4 years, and we havent spoken in 2 years. Honestly really blown I didnt bump into him. I didnt plan on speaking to him, but I just wanted to see that he is okay. Neither of us uses social media so I cant even internet stalk him.

>> No.9136916
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>mfw makeup is expensive
>mfw clothes are expensive
>mfw figures and toys are expensive
>mfw craft supplies get expensive
>mfw art supplies get expensive

Like damn I feel like I'm too much of a poorfag and I need to just stick with one interest/hobby because everything builds up and costs so much money. I thrift where I can and I almost never splurge. I don't understand people who blow hundreds of dollars each month on this stuff like how do you live?

>> No.9136921

Anon please go and enjoy yourself, I'm sure he would want you to enjoy yourself too, I'm sure he does know that you care.

>> No.9136935


>> No.9136939
File: 32 KB, 375x501, 10624948_10152922360793573_5553883464381422758_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw a client buying a commission from you starts hitting on you after you've started it...
Like, dude, I want to make you a cool costume, I don't want your dick.

>> No.9136991
File: 9 KB, 201x250, 8f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw your best friend has turned into a tumblrina

>> No.9136995

Ate my boyfriend's pet donkey and now I have a stomach ache. What do I do?

>> No.9136998

Dump his ass.

>> No.9137012
File: 253 KB, 1000x1494, nopantsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet lolita at con in 2012
>hang out all the time
>by 2014, seeing each other way less
>we barely return texts anymore

It's the worst feeling, a best friend turning into a stranger.

>> No.9137023

I'm constantly reminded why I hate buying from weebs online.

>see something very specific I want pop up online
>person selling it for cheap
>"hey, anon, I want to buy this, here's my paypal"
>"great! I'll send you an invoice asap"
>pays invoice
>a few days later
>service@paypal.com: "refund from anon"
>"omg anon, I am sooo sorry! I can't find it anywhere! I don't know what happened to it, I have to refund you. I hope you can find someone else selling it soon!!"
>haven't found it for sale since

>> No.9137037

I'm lucky and got married to someone with above average means. A year ago I got really sick and I think it freaked him out and ever since he's done even more to pamper me. Now whenever I want something all I have to do is pout and it gets handed to me. It actually feels really terrible to see someone worried about you constantly but at least my burando will help distract me.

>tfw I wanted massive amounts of burando
>but not like this

>> No.9137097

I'm pissed off because I like cosplaying but I'm constantly reminded that no matter how hard I try, i still have an ugly face and so my cosplay will still be worse than a pretty girl's.

>> No.9137100

Pretty much everything you do is gonna be worse than what a pretty girl does. How have you not gotten used to this yet?

>> No.9137111

Hi, fellow uggo-chan.

At least there's always masks!

>> No.9137117

>having a burando sugar daddy

That's the dream right there.

Ps. Sorry to hear you got sick, glad to hear you're better and swimming in the frills.

>> No.9137121
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Update: Facebook took down her nudes, and she is throwing a FIT.

She's talking about how she wants to remove her breasts so she can be seen as more powerful, and also fit better in burando.

>> No.9137134
File: 957 KB, 500x200, tumblr_nknwy4G2Iu1qdxrpuo3_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 1am
>only ate 950 calories today, at a generous estimate
>500 of that was leftover cake i felt bad for bc no one was eating it and it was going stale

i wish preparing and eating food was as interesting as collecting coords and craft ideas.

>> No.9137147
File: 1.50 MB, 500x500, tumblr_ncn6y9wLrt1tm00qjo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It made me sad that I always dress up and my boyfriend never does. I don't bring him to meets because of this.
I told my boyfriend that when I dress up, it would be nice if he dressed up a little. Two days later he bought two suits with vests and ties and shirts. Just like that. He says he wants to go to meets with me and he wants to support my hobby as much as he can. He bought me Starlight of Serenity OP, and asked me to tell him about what I want to coord with it. I'm so happy, gulls. I've always been a lone lolita and everyone has looked down on me because of my weird clothes, but now someone wants to support me and wants to be part of it!

>> No.9137158

My comm makes me feel really uncomfortable regarding political views. I'm fairly moderate, leaning towards libertarian so it's not like I'm /pol/-tier NatSoc, it's just that the girls in my comm are so radically left and vocal about it too. I never try to bring up politics because I don't want to be hated but many girls tend to bring up how brave Black Lives Matter activists are, all men are rapists and not to be trusted, Islamic radicals are just misunderstood, and finally how a person can be transgender and not do anything to pass or change and still be considered a different gender. They villainize anyone who has a slightly different view than them and frankly, I'm afraid they'll find out my beliefs and kick me.


>> No.9137166

Once you've had a few years in a career that pays decently you can afford these things easily. Good luck to you anon, things should get easier for you down the line hopefully.

>> No.9137167

so uncool. luckily there are so many other things to talk about!

>> No.9137174

Yeah, I'm thankful we keep most things lighthearted, chatting about new releases, etc. It just always kinda lurks in the back of my mind, making me feel anxious.

>> No.9137203

Is this a west-coast comm? Sounds like it

>> No.9137207

At this point I only live for cons and to make money to attend them. It's like bright points of fun and distraction to me outside of the bleakness of everything else.

The downside is that the post-con depression is getting so brutal these days that I just end up in the shower for an hour crying after going.

I did avoid one of the major cons in my area this year to see if not going made things better but it didn't at all.
I'm so grateful to the people I meet at cons though and give me the fun and feeling of being alive again while I'm there, but I never feel like anyone would actually want me as a friend if they knew how I end up outside of cons.

>> No.9137208

I think you're wanted elsewhere honey

>> No.9137212

I know this feel all to well. I just put them all into the 'friends at arms length' category and move on.

>> No.9137213


>> No.9137215

Oh you.

>> No.9137218

That sounds awesome, anon! My bf also says he wants to dress up to match my outfits but I think he expects me to find the clothes for him and just hangs out in his usual jeans & t-shirt until I do. Like bruh these Japanese Lolita brands rarely make matching men's clothes and even when they do it's not going to fit a 6'5" broad-shouldered Western man. Maybe I should try f+f? Are they still bad at custom sizing?

>> No.9137221

>6'5" broad-shouldered Western man
That is a very nice way of saying your bf is on the heavy side.
But hey at least you have a bf, right?

>> No.9137222

I said 6'5" not 5'5"

>> No.9137223

No, he's actually kind of lanky with comical proportions. Skinny with broad shoulders like a stick figure, and he hits his head on lamps a lot.

who are you

>> No.9137241

Bitch who are you

>> No.9137311

Usually roomie I stay with for conventions pissed me off at the most recent con we attended. Had no idea how selfish they actually are, didn't know the meaning of personal space and did nothing but wander off to look for other "friends" constantly while obnoxiously drunk,

Looking forward to getting a hotel room to myself at the next con & proudly say "no" when they ask to share. Feels good.

>> No.9137338

Just do escort work. The pay is great and they let you turn down guys if you feel uncomfortable with them.

>> No.9137374
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>> No.9137385

I haven't seen my best friend in a year since I've moved to a different state and we really only get to see each other when we plan for cons.

My friends and I were all joking in a group chat and I said something about being 'triggered'. Everyone else laughed but she made a big stink about not liking when people did that. I love her (we're pretty much forever friends at this point, I've known her since middle school/2007) but I can see that we're both on really different paths right now. I also have way less patience for her whining. I'm just hoping the con goes off without a hitch...

>> No.9137389

>my average weight boyfriend loses 7kg from being sick for a month in Africa
>tell him he looks great
>anon I look like a skelly
>everyone tells him he looks great
>he realizes he does look good and is committed to staying skinny and working on getting fit
> thought I'm pretty average and kept telling myself I just need to get fit
>I could probably spare losing 7kg too
>already plan gym schedule around my classes when Uni starts up
>this motivation feels good
>maybe if I get more toned my body will fit coords better. Last time when I was addicted to the gym my legs looked great in socks despite having naturally thick calves. (The kind that are equal to thighs without incredible definition)
>hopefully my new work schedule doesn't fully fuck me over

>> No.9137397

>gets triggered by "triggered" jokes

That's a gigantic warning that you're dealing with a toxic person. Good luck anon.

>> No.9137402

Link to archives of nudes plz

>> No.9137407

>Two separate groups of friends succesfully tried to get me into their respective larps. only to discover their long weekends are on the same date
>This was supposed to be fun, not a terrible coin flip

happier feel though
>friend of mine is in japan right now
>he can accept all my purchases and I get to save on shipping and douane charges

>> No.9137431

I understand that you have inhibitions. It isn't for everyone but it pays well enough for college + cosplay.
I think it beats working insane hours for shit pay while also trying to juggle classes.

>> No.9137441

If only I wasn't hideously ugly.

>> No.9137447

Unless you are mutant tier ugly there is nothing makeup/a strict diet/gym can't fix.

>> No.9137453

Personal blender anon.

>> No.9137467
File: 775 KB, 640x857, sexy anon mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugliness is my mutant superpower.

Maybe I can cater to a clientele who like masks.

>> No.9137473

Update. He passed this morning. The service will be Saturday. I'm hurting but I know that he would want me to enjoy myself. Thanks to everyone who gave me such kind words.

>> No.9137482
File: 177 KB, 295x470, Electra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haven't been into cosplay for few years
>Watch all the bigger competitions and still no inspiration
>Until today
>Start playing this game I haven't been playing for long time
>Meet this character (pic related)
>Remember how I put her on my cosplay-to-be -list few years back
>Now I want to cosplay her so badly
>I don't have any extra money to make it
>I'm gonna cry myself to sleep tonight

>> No.9137484

My condolences, anon.

>> No.9137487

how much do you need anon?

>> No.9137518

I don't really know. The skirt would take few meters of fabric alone, it has many little details and since she doesn't have visible petticoat, I would need to build one with wires. And top of this all I'm really bad with styling wigs, I might need someone to make it for me. So this would be really costy one

>> No.9137533
File: 96 KB, 256x512, Junko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching dr3 anime with my friend (we dated abt 2 years ago)
>remembers how i really really wanted to cosplay junko
>he remembers as well
>'anon, how about i buy you the cosplay?'
>he buys me the costume in exact size and everything
>honestly crying because i've wanted to cosplay junko since the first dangan ronpa game came out, couldn't back then because strict parents/no job/money
>now very very happy and ultimate despair

>> No.9137535

>graduated from grad school over a year ago
>can't find a job with my master's degree in engineering
>employers find me assertive, narcissistic, bored, and quiet
>thinking about getting a bachelor's degree in finance
>probably will go to another university
>spend more money on a third degree
>don't feel active to go to Otakon to meet my lolita friends
>don't feel active to go to Rufflecon

I want to go in the real world and have gainful employment, but I don't know if that lifestyle is for me. I fret this will hurt me buying more dresses in the future.

>> No.9137540

Thanks anon, I'm almost fully recovered at this point(I have to avoid heavy exercise and heat but that's not difficult) but he seems to have a hard time grasping that. Every time I cough he acts like I'm going to die and it's really stressful.

>> No.9137549
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>tfw I probably would if I didn't have a boyfriend
I have such problems with doing anything in life, I'm only 18 but I've screwed up every job opportunity I've had so far because of mental illness
I'm a useless human

>> No.9137606
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Somewhat related.
>tfw left sugardaddy site because it felt too much like escorting, made me feel icky
>still in contact with one sugardaddy over email
>he's super goddamn rich, we get along really well, somewhat handsome, in good shape
>he's married (she knows about his sugardaddying, doesn't sound like she likes it)
>it's against my morals to pursue
>mfw I tried to be a sugarbaby and ended up platonic penpals with a man worth millions
>still poor
>still struggling to fund cosplay hobby

>> No.9137612

If your mental illness makes it so that you're unable to hold a job, and you're taking steps to control it but it's not helping, you could try applying for disability. It sucks, but what else can you do if your illness makes it near impossible to work steadily?

Chat with your doctor/psychiatrist about it, they might be able to help you determine if you're a candidate.

>> No.9137619

Wow you girls are so lucky, if I was you I'd be on that dick so fast. Fuck morals, if he looks decent and has the means to buy you a god damn lambo go service him. Huge waste of an opportunity.

>> No.9137625
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>> No.9137648

Why don't you do it then?

>> No.9137670

>beaches & shores

>> No.9137673

I lost a parent a week before a con. They lived overseas and it was a horrible time. I was advised to still go, as it was what they would have wanted. To be happy in costume and spending time with friends. It helped soothe my sadness even by a fraction. You'll be fine anon. My condolences.

>> No.9137677

>It'll be very pleasurable
>You're a big guy!
>for you!

>> No.9137706
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Would if I could, hard to find a millionaire that wants this boypussy, and if he did, probably wouldnt pay me shit. God has forsaken me

>> No.9137754

>sugardaddy site
How exactly did that work? Could you elaborate a little? I have a sort of morbid curiosity for this.

>> No.9137773
File: 35 KB, 362x438, coughemup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl in my comm died in a car crash last October
>she texted me this less than an hour before

I can't believe it's been nearly a year.

>> No.9137774

the way guys pretend it would be easy to take dick for money amuses me. go actually try it and then come back and claim it's an easy gig. heck, just offer a bro a handjob for a meal or something.

you can't, because you don't want to, because whoring yourself out isn't fun for most people, no matter how easy it is to find customers.

>> No.9137785

For guys pretty much the only way to whore themselves out is to go gay. We at least get to keep it straight.

>> No.9137790

>have a bunch of /pol/ friends
>always calling me a libcuck
nope, don't fit in there either, buddy

>> No.9137795

doesn't mean it's any better. you're essentially selling your body. easy for some, not for most

>> No.9137802

implying female whores feel genuine attraction for their clients?

liking dick doesn't make taking it for money instantly easier

>> No.9137805
File: 511 KB, 473x489, 1469869250120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/cgl/ is filled with literal prostitutes

Don't even think about touching my brand unless you've been screened for STDs.

>> No.9137814

Would you like to point out the posts from the literal prostitute that isn't just some faggot b8ing this thread?

>> No.9137816

the $200 per client sure makes it easier. fuck, for $80 a client id take it in the ass all day, and I'm straight

>> No.9137826
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>I would let men fuck me in the ass and I am straight


>> No.9137827

What site was it?

>> No.9137829

>I also like traps and feminine penises and consider myself 100% straight


>> No.9137834
File: 79 KB, 880x880, 13938420_1149261778445943_4222009193848148102_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be debating, discussing, and arguing on /cgl/
>look up topics related to anxiety to inform a discussion here about anxiety
>realize i have been using /cgl/ to manage my anxiety about leaving my room all day long
>also haven't taken anxiety meds because that would require leaving my room to get a clean glass of water
>just huddled here, hungry, thirsty, and unwashed, refusing to face the world outside

fucking lame-ass coping mechanism. thanks for helping me avoid dealing with life, ceeg.

>pic related
>just replace the Spongebob shirt with weeb shit and the SIMS loading screen with /cgl/'s catalog

>> No.9137835

Why are men so threatened with how other men define their sexuality? Is your homophobia that severe?

>> No.9137837

If you're attractive enough, go for it.

It works the same as a dating site, only guys you meet up with offer to give you an allowance, and might only see you once or twice a month. Some will want to take you on vacation with them, some will want to travel with you, some will want to be a real couple and go out on dates and adventures, some just want to fuck.


>> No.9137838

I am a girl, and I am not "thretaned" by the fact you would take a dick in your ass. I do however think it is hilarious you would let a man fuck you and still think you are straight. It's not like he would be forcing you, you are literally giving consent for a man to fuck you.

>> No.9137842


Why don't you call whoever you don't agree with an evil Trump supported and Islamophobic to top off your shitposts in future, you insufferable cunt?

People can take it in the ass all the want, just don't delude yourself into thinking you're heterosexual as it thrusts in and out of you.

>> No.9137846

>gay for pay

The orientation you're looking for is "heteroflexible."

>> No.9137848

Having anxiety about going to Wicked and Whimsy.
Anyone else going?

>> No.9137851

>sometimes accidentally buttdial deceased friend's number

I don't know how, he's not on my recent calls list and his name doesn't start with an "A".

And I can't bring myself to erase his number.

>> No.9137858

"gay for pay" isn't gay

>> No.9137873
File: 109 KB, 922x940, 1398984132359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking it up the ass from another man is 100% heterosexual as long as a monetary transaction takes place

>> No.9137879

I'm not gay, but 20 bucks is 20 bucks.

>> No.9137880

Yes, exactly.

>> No.9137889

I'm a brolita and I would take it up the ass from a sugardaddy to fund my wardrobe.

>> No.9137909

>ITT: men pretend they have the balls to be whores

if you could do it you would be doing it. ffs. it's not for everyone, and that's fine.

>> No.9137938

>mental illness


>> No.9137944
File: 526 KB, 704x1088, e7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw birth control gives you an almost non-existent period

>tfw worry free lolita days

>> No.9137946

iktf. Thanks to the shot, I haven't had a period since October of last year.

>> No.9137952
File: 37 KB, 480x436, 1470849689571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far did you go?

>> No.9137960

Not very. I got cold feet before I met up with anyone in person. I'm still in contact with a few, though. One is offering me enough money to get a cosmetic procedure I really want, and it's tempting, but he wants me to dominate him and I don't think I can.

The issue for me is that I don't fuck without some sort of feelings involved. I'm too sentimental. So I can't take on most sugardaddies, because I don't care about them enough to fuck them.

>> No.9137966
File: 124 KB, 880x880, has3ncn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9137969

>wanting to be a whore without having to work for it

So this... is the power of third-wave feminism.

>> No.9137974

Nah, it's more like not wanting to be a whore, but wanting the same kind of money that whores make.

>> No.9137975

implying flirty patronage is some new thing modern women have discovered and not something multiple cultures have had actual terms for, distinct from prostitution

>> No.9137976
File: 23 KB, 385x385, tumblr_inline_ntgslfKWCu1sysrze_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could get a sugardaddy so I could fund my lolita/weeby addictions, but I have a boyfriend whom I love, and I don't believe cheating is ever excusable.

>tfw you'll never have closet full of lolita/jfash
>tfw you'll never be kawaii asf
>tfw you're super poorfag

>> No.9137979

git gud and make money the normal way like the rest of us not to born to generous families do

>> No.9137982

>but I have a boyfriend
Dump his ass.

>> No.9137983

Another former would-be sugarbaby here. Oddly enough I met the only guy I met up with on SA too.

Some background:
>average looking
>lesbian but eh, I could sleep with a dude for money no issue
>wanted the money to save up for my own place
>was a bit starstruck by successful sugarbabies I knew

>talk to average boring guy on SA for a bit
>meet them at local food place
>dude shows up late in tshirt and jeans
>overweight, total attitude
>we chatted an ate for an hour
>mentioned his sister was a teacher and wanted to sugar
>uhhh that's nice
>go home
>get emails from him
>offers me $100 a month to see him every Saturday
>asked when I'd put out
>tell him probably not until a month or two in because I'd like to get to know him more
>"Hah! You expect to be paid for nothing? You're obviously not experienced. You'll never get far in this."
>ten minute and three email rant over me not putting out for roughly $25 a fuck
>block him
>delete my profile
>never sugar again

The hassle just wasn't worth the cash even though I met one or two nice guys from Japan. One of them wanted to take their date to Tokyo Disney because he loved it but I don't think I was his type because it didn't go far.

>> No.9137984

I wish he knew so he could dump YOUR ass.

>> No.9137989
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>literally having consensual gay sex isn't gay

>> No.9137994
File: 16 KB, 335x226, 14234657983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop replying to the gaiboi bait

>> No.9138001

Yeah, at least the guys that wanted me to basically be an escort were offering a few hundred per meeting.

That really sucks. Not only being treated like a whore, but being treated like a super cheap whore? Damn.

>> No.9138003

You're doing it all wrong.
You have to find a rich gay guy who needs a pretend gf to keep his cover.

>> No.9138011

Salt ones seem to be more common. Basic dudes acting like they can be sugardaddies for cheap but then again there are a lot of new girls that think making $100 a month is being a real sugarbaby.

>tfw sometimes still tempted to get back into it
The money would be nice and I love to travel so traveling and having a hotel furnished for me would be nice, even if sex would be expected. I dunno, maybe it's easier for me because I don't like men so just laying there and pretending to be into it wouldn't be too much of a hardship.

>> No.9138015

Do you honestly think you look good enough to pull that off?

>> No.9138022


>I dunno, maybe it's easier for me because I don't like men so just laying there and pretending to be into it wouldn't be too much of a hardship.

Sounds like you have a warped view of what actually goes on in heterosexual sex.

Your distaste of an entire gender worries me. If it was something like not liking the cock I mean sure, I'm not into vaginas myself, but you remind me far too much of the fedora wearing 'MRA' who hate women and have weird misconceptions about them.

>> No.9138023

>I wish I could get a sugardaddy but I'm not single, so I won't do it cuz I love my bf and won't dump him
>"he should dump you for saying that"

1. we've joked about the whole sugardaddy thing before
2. he knows I'd never do that
3. what is reading comprehension

>> No.9138030

Yeah, I saw quite a few dudes on there that were only making $50k a year fronting like they could make a lady's wildest dreams come true, if only she came over a few times a month for Netflix and chill.

Not her, but I'm only slightly above average, and I had background-verified millionaires trying to see me. I have to assume that a lot of these men have poor personalities on top of being really busy, and are thirsty enough that they'd pay fairly normal women for their time/vaginas.

Someone who is legitimately gorgeous would probably do amazingly well, but even average women have a shot at this if they take care of themselves.

>> No.9138033

>slightly above average
uh huh

>> No.9138040

Not sure if you're accusing me of being ugly or of being pretty. Either way, you don't have to believe me. I know what I look like, I see me every day.

>> No.9138047

You'd be surprised. The average looking girls get a lot more messages because they seem easier to approach and lower maintenance.

I'm not saying I hate men? I just don't find them sexually attractive so sleeping with them is far easier for me. If it were a woman I'd be a lot more reserved and nervous about it because I could have actual attraction to them. To me there's no difference than the male anons going "Yeah I'd take it up the ass from a guy for money" even though they're straight.

>> No.9138051


Fair enough, I misread your comment. My apologies about that.

>> No.9138053

It's alright, it happens.

>> No.9138057
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>having problem approaching and maintaining a girl

>> No.9138069

Welcome to Silicon Valley, where we can barely afford to live and literally have an anime con more than once a month and even more than that if you count pop culture cons, furcons, scifi cons, and super large cosplay meetups of hundreds of people.

>> No.9138074

Millionaires aren't necessarily going to be great with women, especially if they have very little time to spend with them due to whatever career they have. Hence why they seek sugarbabies to begin with. And if they have a bad personality, or bad hygiene, or are just ugly, they may very well have a hard time with more attractive women, because they're competing with charming rich guys that take care of themselves.

That said, this is mostly guesswork on my part. Maybe it's like the other anon said and average women are just more approachable. But I'm definitely not gorgeous, and I got plenty of attention.

>> No.9138080

Don't sell yourself short anon, I'm sure you look fab.

>> No.9138090
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Mfw reading the last half of this thread.

>> No.9138096

A lot of them aren't millionaires though. Just retired guys looking for younger women to make themselves feel young or trust fund guys wanting to show off. One type goes for models, the other goes for average-tier women that seem fun/adventurous and won't grab all their money for designer goods.

Seriously, you go on any sugardaddy website and you're going to see a lot of profiles for men saying they're not looking for gold digging women who expect them to drop thousands on shopping sprees. They have no trouble dropping a few thousand to travel with you somewhere but those millionaires dropping thousands on an afternoon of shopping and just giving their sugarbaby a stack of cash is pretty rare.

>> No.9138113

Steering away from the sugar talk for a minute here.

>doing a casual umbreon cosplay
>think "I'll spice it up with LEDs!"
>realize I have no idea how to work with LEDs
>realize that will cost extra money I don't really have
>my gijinka is destined to be bland.

>> No.9138121

I heard the saudis are always looking for girls willing to do "things"-

>> No.9138144

was gonna put this in the confessions thread but thought maybe it should be here instead.

I've been lurking here for a few months and it's been exciting learning about everything. part of me wants to become a lolita because the clothes are gorgeous, but realising all the things I'd have to change to make it work...I guess I want it, but I don't want it bad enough.

not feeling sorry for myself (much), mostly just recognising the very real work that it takes to maintain a fashion, and coming to terms with the fact that the gap is just too big for someone who only passes through the makeup aisle to get to the electronics and who hasn't worn a skirt since her wedding. it's like when you meet that really hot guy at work or through a friend, and you want to date him so bad. but as you get to know him you realise you'd have to be a completely different person to make things work. so you just say "oh well" and enjoy the eye candy.

so I think I will just continue lurking and living vicariously through you guys. whether I ever actually decide to participate in the fashion or not, I do enjoy coming here.

thank you /cgl/

>> No.9138164

>thank you /cgl/
ur welcome anon

>> No.9138165

I was molested on Friday. I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to do about it, because I knew sexual things would happen but when it came down to him actually touching my vagina I said "no" repeatedly. I in no unclear terms told him I didn't want him touching me there but he pinned me down and did anyway.

It's someone I really care about and I don't want to lose them from my life but I feel empty right now.

To keep it /cgl/ related he also got jizz on my AP cardigan and I was mad at that too.

>> No.9138170

report it to the cops

or if he's in minnesota or northern iowa, give me his info and I'll take care of it

>> No.9138172

Honestly if he cared about you, I think he would have stopped when you said "no".

>> No.9138173

ack, I missed the part where you said
>I don't want to lose them from my life
so scratch the part about me taking care of it, I was mostly joking anyway, which is crass and I'm sorry.

god anon, I'm sorry this happened to you. I have had shit like that happen to me as well. what the fuck is wrong with some people?

I still want to take a rebar to that guy.

also this

>> No.9138189

Thank you for replying. I know I should probably report him but I don't think I can(I would if I thought this is something he has done before/would do again). I care about him a lot but it was just not something I was ready for. I just needed to say that it happened.

>> No.9138200

You will regret not saying something. Take it from someone that knows.

>> No.9138225

Did you already wash the cardigan? If you didn't you have the evidence you need

>> No.9138227

>play stupid online multi player game in my early to mid 20's
>form odd friends group who is also from 4chan
>be friends for years through facebook
>get older and end my relationship with my ex and move 400 miles away from him
>start new life in large city
>lose touch with friend group from online game because actually go outside, etc
>eventually forget about them all as we all seem to have grown in opposite directions in life
>never really unfollow them or anything on facebook because rare use of site

fast forward to now
>join local facebook comm after a year of building up wardrobe
>start going to meets
>encounter greasy weeb at meet who then messages me all the time
>one of my friends from the past decides to comment randomly on a post of mine
>wtf where has this guy been?
>his comment is some stupid trollish shit
>his page is nothing but trump supporting even though he doesn't live in the US
>block his ass and the rest of the group who seems to suffer from the same trolling ailment
>one of them messages me with an alt account to ask why I'm blocking them all
>don't respond and block even more accounts because fuck this shit
>greasy weeb comments on my post about how I could have just "unfollowed" them
>explain that no I definitely needed to block them
>starts going on about how unfollowing and unfriending and blocking are all different

good fucking god why is this bitch all up in my business about this, like it doesn't even concern her?
I guess I could take her advice and UNFOLLOW her dumb ass, but then she's gonna bitch to people at meets and I don't want that. She's on the spectrum for sure and I don't want this to come back and bite me in the ass but she's starting to make me furious and I don't have time for her shit anymore.
I was hoping I could take my friends advice of letting her make friends at meets that are more interesting than me but apparently that isn't working and she's still very interested in me and my life and I just do not want her input.

>> No.9138230

Get a rape kit anyway, if you haven't washed your cardigan. In most states they aren't allowed to report the assault to the police without your consent, but it will be good to have the kit on file in case something happens in the future.

Which it will, if you don't confront him about this and make sure he knows he molested you and that you will not tolerate him ignoring your "no" again.

>> No.9138234

To add... This applies for US but here: https://www.rainn.org/articles/rape-kit

>> No.9138239

Anon, if you don’t plan on reporting him
you need to tell him before you are even in the same space as him in some way that you will not tolerate that. If you don’t communicate that , Think about how it will look to someone who disgustingly didn’t care that you said no if you are alone around him again.
It will look like you “are asking for it”.
So please don’t be alone around him before you tell him how terrible he was.

And if he does it again (or something worse), you need to report him. Not for just your sake either but for other girls who get to know him.

>> No.9138244

9138172 here, I hope that didn't sound too harsh. I've been in your shoes before (isn't that just fucked up) and am mostly past denial and grief over losing that friend. I actually never reported him and only confided to my close friends (who advised me to report him); your post reminds that I'm still really conflicted about it. Mostly regretful. Sending you lots of love, anon.

>> No.9138246

Someone that makes you feel like that is someone you SHOULD lose from your life. At the very least, though, you need to tell him that what he did was not okay, and you're very hurt. Don't be meek about this. He needs to know how his actions affect others. If he cares, he'll listen, apologize, and do whatever he needs to do to make it up to you. If he doesn't care, drop him.

Also, >>9138200 . I didn't report the man that assaulted me, and I deeply regret it years later. But I understand not wanting to.

>> No.9138259

This person doesn't deserve to be in your life if they won't stop when you say no. You will not be missing anything by cutting this person out of your life.

Please look into resources for sexual assault and rape survivors in your area. You aren't alone and you don't have to deal with this by yourself.

I also realize that you probably won't listen to my advice (because I didn't take my advice) so at the very least do something nice for yourself today.

>> No.9138348

I feel you, anon. Same political views, occasionally correct my friends' political shitposting on FB when they are totally wrong on facts, law, history, etc., but other than that, have to shut up whenever my lolita friends talk about politics... I used to be more outspoken but most everything is so polarized and most everyone is so emotional right now

>> No.9138359

>pay for hoodie through ss
>realize i specified the wrong color a few seconds later
>quickly send note asking them to change it
i hope i get the right color,

>> No.9138387

just say no homo and it'll be k

>> No.9138500
File: 1.98 MB, 360x240, ketchupexplod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get quad espresso so I can drive five hours to the con
>get three hours in
>espresso makes me poo myself

>> No.9138503
File: 242 KB, 500x648, downrightoffensive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing Pokemon Go in the park
>cute girl walks by, also playing
>she laughs and says "I love you."
>"Uh, th-thanks. Me too."

>tfw no Poke-gf

>> No.9138562

Lol that weeb trash wants to be more than your friend anon. It sounds like you've become a senpai and you have your very first worshiper. Congrats.

My advice? Acquaintance that bitch, but keep up appearances every now and then by liking a status or picture. Just claim you don't go on facebook that often and set your statuses to be friends except acquaintances. At meets, try your best to keep conversation short with her. If she tries to smother you in a group chat, nicely brush her off and continue with the topic.

I had a friend like this. Always commenting her two fucking cents on everything. Sales posts, statuses, everything. I blocked her ass but I probably wouldn't have done so if I had to see her at meets.

>> No.9138576 [DELETED] 

Here's my story anon.

I was drinking with a good friend whom I had known for a long while and would go to cons with. I had a bf at the time and thought this was just an innocent drink. Well it fucking wasn't and the next thing you know he's pulling my underwear down and asking me to sit on his lap. I keep telling him no, and that I didn't want to cheat on my bf. He laughed and ended up forcing himself on me. I didn't think much of it even though I started bleeding, and told my friend about it a few days later. She told me I had just been raped. Anyway, got a rape kit done, talked to the hospital, and turned in my underwear. Decide I don't want to press charges because he was my friend....right?
I went on with my life until the Stanford rape case happened. I listened to fox news read the letter from the victim, cried hysterically for 3 days. I couldn't eat, I didn't want to take a shower because I didn't want to be naked, it was rough.

I regret not doing the right thing for me. I thought I was being a good friend and didn't want him to get in trouble. But that fucker raped me, and I only just came to terms with it and started getting counseling more than 7 years after.

Anon, I'm not going to tell you what's the right thing for you to do. But I hope my story helps you make a decision that you think is best. I was really headstrong at the time, and didn't want to be painted as the victim. I ignored and denied, but it still got to me in the end, just not right away.

>> No.9138577

Holy shit thank you so much! I've been putting up with this shit for like 2 months. I posted about it here a couple of times but didn't get anything that really helped. Third times a charm! You're the best anon!

>> No.9138581

Hahahahahaha I made a joke like that in front of a girl who is like tumblr incarnate and I think she thought I was serious. She looked so troubled

>> No.9138585

I'll pray for you. She sounds like she's unstable, which means she can be dangerous. The only reason I'd keep her on my list and not block her is in case she tries to go crazy and spread lies about me in the comm. Like the whole, "if I can't have you, no one can" kind of deal...

>> No.9138602

>This guy literally sexually assualted me but Im not going to do anything about it because muh feelings


>> No.9138611

As someone who works in the financial industry, finance bachelor are bullshit if you're just getting it for the skills. You can learn all the financial knowledge you need on the job in 6-8 weeks. The only reason you'd get a finance degree is in order to have a bachelors (which you already have). I'd recommend that you work on the narcissistic, bored, and quiet parts as those seem to be your biggest hurdles. No one wants to work with someone they can't stand.

>> No.9138651

He will do it again if you don't at least make clear to him how serious this is. If not to you, he'll do it to someone else. Report him.