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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9137463 No.9137463 [Reply] [Original]

New Otakon thread, old one is saging!

Old thread here >>9125891

Meetups will be happening on Friday and Saturday nights. We'll first meet up in the Charles St. Lobby (RIP the fountains) around 9 pm and once we gather enough people, move to the Water Street Tavern.

>What're you cosplaying as?
>Panels you're most looking forward to?

>> No.9137485

Discord Link

>> No.9137511
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>> No.9137671

Are we gonna be ok to meet on Friday if there's a photo shoot going on at the same time at the same area?

Maybe change the location?

>> No.9137727

Trying to figure out how to pack a massive rococo wig right now. This sucker is going to probably just sit in a box in my lap on the trip.

Normally we just meet there to make a group to head over to the bar with. The festivities dont normally begin until everyone gets to the bar.

I feel like grandmothers get the appeal of cosplay more then parents do. I'm just glad you're getting all of your things.

>> No.9137767


I get that. It's just this year there's going to be 70+ people doing a fate photoshoot at the same time, same location and I think they have priority.

>> No.9137771

I'm fine with it, if only because I have a fate costume and am going to be there anyways. Also, that area is pretty large, I've been able to get through easily with photoshoots still going on

>> No.9137780

If you're under 21, are you still aloud in the bar?

>> No.9137784

has been nothing but literal autism and sjw safe space bullshit. avoid at all costs.

>> No.9137800


Autism sure but I think the closest anyone got to an sjw safe space was when we all decided rape is bad.

>> No.9137820

Oh nice who are you cosplaying?

>> No.9137844
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Grand Order's Dr. Jekyll. Just have to sew on a million buttons and put a few more layers of paint on the jacket, and I should be good to go

>> No.9137853


Good luck. If you get super pissed you can always just go as Hyde

>> No.9137869

>Only hotels left are going for $250-$400 per night

Oh well.

>> No.9137885

Last year was the first year that they checked ids. Two of the girls i was with were under 21 and the bar tender let them in still. So i think they're not supposed to but the dtaff is used to us and bot too strict just dont try to order booze.

>> No.9137890

It's 2 days before a convention with like 30k people, what did you expect?

>> No.9137891

Really? Last year I didn't see them check at all and I was 19 at the time. I would have been able to order a drink if not for the fact I had to drive afterwards.

>> No.9137892

Baltimore is bumming me out. What is there to do within walking distance of the BCC?

>> No.9137898

Seriously anon, why did you do this to yourself?

>> No.9137925

Maybe because of the way the girls I was with were dressed? One of them was in gyaru and already tipsy? Idk I was surprised they asked since it was the first time.

>> No.9137939

I did it yesterday paid 200 bucks for the weekend. 10 minute walk to the con/$2 dollar Uber ride

>> No.9137943

I would say go to an O's game but they're out of town playing the Giants.

Maybe that's why. I literally look 16 and she never carded me.

>> No.9137995

So I'll be okay, even if I look youngish. I'm not trying to drink or nuthin

>> No.9138110

Oi I've got a room if you are looking for one

>> No.9138125
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>What're you cosplaying as?

Fire Emblem - Kaden
Pokemon Sun/Moon - Male Trainer
Kill la Kill - Iori, Order Regalia

>Panels you're most looking forward to?

Last year at BCC, going to miss Baltimore, but I think DC will give the con a lot more options for space and growth.

Also looking forward to wearing the Order Regalia, didn't come out as well as I would have liked, but its been something that's been on my list for a long time.

>> No.9138127

You better tip or you are going to see your rating drop real hard

>> No.9138135

It's so refreshing seeing different KLK outfits cosplayed. Makes me want to take my Symphony Regalia Da Capo Nonon out of retirement.

>> No.9138146

Finally got my shoes at the very last minute! Now I have every part of my cosplays prepped and stored away save for two tiny details that will get done at the con. Thanks for the encouragement in the last thread, anons! I'm so excited to see everyone!

>> No.9138148
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I only saw one, maybe two attempts at it poking around google image search. I did a wear test last night after I finalized things.

Mostly happy with how it turned out, the gas mask its definitely the weakest part, and the dress isn't as poofy as it should be, but it should be fun hopefully either way.

Shame there isn't a KLK shoot this year :(

>> No.9138186

from Adventure Time, Normal Man, 2D from Gorillaz (Clint Eastwood video), and then my regular goth duds on sunday.

Panels are entirely dependent on when the schedule places them.

I do plan to take a bit of a Poke walk during the day on Saturday because I'll bet it's lousy with Pokestops in downtown.

>> No.9138207 [DELETED] 

Lifting meet will be at 7:30 pm in front of at the corner of the Charles Street Entrance next to the red bike rack. I will be in a pink shirt, we will depart at 7:45PM to Maryland Athletic Club.

Shit should be legit, food/drink after if anyones down.

>> No.9138228

Lifting meet will be at 7:30 pm in front of at the corner of the Charles Street Entrance next to the red bike rack. I will be in a higlighter pink shirt and aviators, we will depart at 7:45PM to Maryland Athletic Club

Likely meet after the lift to drink/eat

>> No.9138272

Does con security use metal detectors? I'm pretty sure my steel bone corset would set off alarm bells.

>> No.9138280

So, I have reservations for the Sharton Inner Harbor (connected to the Baltimore convention center) that I'm going to cancel in favor of another arrangement.

Would anybody like to buy such a convenient room reservation from me so close to the con for a fee?

The reservation is for Friday morning (usually let you in at 12pm Baltimore time) till 11am - Sunday morning.

Post in this thread with skype, steam, or email if you're interested.

>> No.9138293

Hopefully I run into you! Love the Gorillaz

>> No.9138314

Lol. The Sheraton?
And it's not the one connected to the convention center. That would be the Hilton.

>> No.9138317
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>acne flares up right before Otakon
t-thanks. Tempted to not even cosplay because even with foundation it can only cover up so much. I'll probably get over myself eventually though.

>> No.9138320 [DELETED] 

Get ready for riots, another kid just pointed a gun at cops and got killed. So now we gotta find "justice' for him! cut the hoses and burn best buy!

>> No.9138321 [DELETED] 

Go away.

>> No.9138322 [DELETED] 

Shut up already you fucking moron

>> No.9138323 [DELETED] 

Oh shut up.

>> No.9138325
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Here'so my Buddy cosplay from the game Lisa the Joyful. Don'the know if I'Lloyd wear it to the meet up since it'seems hot as fuck. See you guys there!

>> No.9138332
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>> No.9138347
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No its connected via a sky bridge. Its such a short walk. Pic related.

>> No.9138391
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I've been attending Otakon since 2007 as a one day stand. That, along with Katsucon 2007 was what led me to attend anime conventions as a cosplay hall photographer, and later as a cosplaying hall photographer when I started cosplaying, for the past 10 years. I've photographed and videographed the cosplayers, the random events, atmosphere, and the panels for that time. We all knew that nothing will last forever. I'm going to treat this year as any other year, knowing that it will be Otakon's swan song in Baltimore.

>> No.9138405

Read the news you ignorant fucking spergshits. They are already out in the streets and set a store on fire.

>> No.9138408

>Read the news
Yeah, no fuck off. I live here and it's fine, you paranoid turd.

>> No.9138412

Is it too late to book a hotel near the convention that's relatively cheap? Plans in my group changed and it's pretty stressful over here. Where are you guys staying?

>> No.9138413

>>its fine on my side of the city so nothing must be happening KEKEKKEK

When you come down from your luxury apartment you white fuck, better move quickly so you don't get caught up.

>> No.9138415

Why would anyone going to Otakon wander into the ghettos? Get your head out of your ass. Anyone with a brain knows to avoid the particularly dangerous parts of the city.

>> No.9138422

There are pretty much no hotels left. Sorry, senpai . Try seeing if anyone's selling their room.

>> No.9138424

I'm interested!
steam: gachimuchiuchi

>> No.9138425

I did one time back in 2010. Was trying to get to a friend of a friend's hotel that was somewhere near it. At the time, I had no idea where the specific ghetto areas were as it was my first time in the city. Once some random inhabitant started asking about my cosplay and if I was buyin, I quickly decided that I'd rather not venture further into the ghetto and returned to my hotel....

>> No.9138426

isn't it past your bedtime?

>> No.9138432

It happens to everyone at some point. It's people like >>9138413 though that act like violence in Baltimore is some big news story. We will always have ghettos, we will always have violence. We're one of the most dangerous cities for a reason. Literally all you have to do is avoid the ghettos and stick with people at night. You learn to be street smart very quick here.

>> No.9138437

yeah, I've been managing to get hotels by the waterfront the past couple of years. Just to avoid the ghetto areas....

>> No.9138481

I can expect to save money because there ain't shit in Baltimore that I'm remotely interested in besides Otakon.

>> No.9138491

Also what's planned for the meetup? Because I'm not too interested in loud noises or nightlife or getting stupid drunk in a shithole like most normies would.

We're fucking 4channers, don't put on a front. We go to a special event to play dress up and hang out with like-minded anime enjoying people.

>> No.9138492


You know, I had that exact same thought until I tried it.

Its the normalfag shit in cosplay, that really enhances the experience. That being said some of the group do wander around the city and dick around towards the end of the night. There are after parties as well.

>> No.9138494

>We're fucking 4channers, don't put on a front.

reeeee we can't do what normies do, reeee!

The bar is a convenient spot for everyone to relax. No one's saying we're going clubbing in cosplay or something.

>> No.9138502

Dude we literally go to a bar and hang out in the lower area underneath and play pool and CaH and other shit. Yeah most of us are gonna drink, some getting drunk, but it's a great time.

>> No.9138504

>You know, I had that exact same thought until I tried it.
Implying I haven't already done this repeatedly and was disappointed and bummed out by the loud obnoxious assholes who turned it up to 11 trying to be wild and zany party animals each and every single time.

>Yeah most of us are gonna drink, some getting drunk, but it's a great time.
I doubt it.

>> No.9138506

Dude, if you really don't want to go and be social with us just because the meetup happens to take place at a bar, no one is forcing you

>> No.9138507


Were you that one asian guy who tried to get everybody to watch Prison School on a tiny laptop last year?

I wanted to tell you that I appreciated the effort it just wasn't a good time for it. Maybe if the laptop screen was bigger and actually had audio. Either way it was thanks to that asian guy I got into the manga / anime in the first place. Good series.

>> No.9138509

You sound like a real joy to be around.

In all seriousness though, why are you even interested in going? You clearly don't seem into the whole socialization thing.

>> No.9138512

>how dare people have fun and drink at a convention after party that I'm not obligated to go to

>> No.9138517

>Were you that one asian guy who
No. This is my first Otakon.

>In all seriousness though, why are you even interested in going?
First time on the east coast and the people I usually go with are on the west. And yes I am absolutely interested in hanging out and socializing, but as soon as it turns into this shit I'm fucking vacating, hopefully to a location and with people who I don't have to lose my voice screaming to be heard or wearing earplugs to prevent hearing damage. There's more to being social than making a huge fucking scene and screaming memes at the top of your fucking lungs and having to be put down like an out of control child.

>> No.9138523


In that case I suggest showing up, If you're not feeling it then do something else. What you already had planned.

>> No.9138527

I do not remember anyone yelling other than in the convention when we were telling the group we were heading to the bar now, and once when I guy was letting everyone know we were starting up a game of CaH. Everyone used normal speaking voices otherwise. Just don't come if you're gonna be this much of an autist. Yes, this is 4chan, but a majority of us can act like normal people. Not everyone on 4chan is a /pol/ conspiracy theorist or an /r9k/ shut-in virgin NEET. We know how to have fun.

>> No.9138528

The bar we go to is super low key, everyone just stands around drinking and chatting or playing games/pool. It's definitely never loud enough that you need to yell or can't hear someone, and the age range is old enough that we've never had anyone just shouting memes or making a scene. So, if you do show up, I think you'll find it agreeable. However, if you bring that shit attitude along, you won't enjoy it no matter what.

>> No.9138538 [DELETED] 

No, we just don't want to deal with your blackout ass with your face in a toilet again. KEKS

>> No.9138542

Ok cool. Fair enough.

>> No.9138544

My friend and I are going as QT and Meow on Saturday, hoping to see a few Dandys to take pictures with!
also super looking forward to the /cgl/ meet up! lets make this a good year everyone

>> No.9138545

Come see what it's like and form your own opinion based on experience. If it's not your thing, you can leave. It's that simple.

>> No.9138548


I went to Otakon almost every year from 2002-2013... then the past two years I deemed it too much a clusterfuck to bother with.
After reading that article, I'm feelin' really sentimental and regretting that I'm not going this year :(

>> No.9138553


Damn, this is getting me emotional as well.

I want to meet a couple that met at Otakon and are currently happily married coming to this con one final time to say goodbye and I want to hear their story.

>> No.9138572 [DELETED] 

What year was that? I'm bummed out I didn't get to see wasted Claudie.

>> No.9138614

Is there going to be a meetup on Thursday? I-I'm kinda lonely and hope to make a few friends.

>> No.9138620

I know there's a 21+ pre-reg party at the Pratt St Ale House, but that's for all con goers. It might be fun, iirc it starts at 7:30.

>> No.9138642

My pal and I are looking for something to do. Come hang and bar hop with us :]

>> No.9138718
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Kinda mad I can't come since I was gonna debut my Darkman cosplay. How is it so far?

>> No.9138931

So I'm not allowed to have fun and do normie shit and post on 4chan? I love clubbing and getting drunk and being loud and social and all that doesn't mean it's 24/7.

>> No.9138950


Eh, personally once I'm at con I'm not going to do more than go across the street for food or beer. I can go out and do that stuff at home, but I can only cosplay at a con.

But as long as you have fun do whatever you want.

>> No.9138953

Why must "social" be going to a clubbing or drinking place and being really loud?
Can't it be like going to a cafe and just taking it easy

I like the feeling of a caffeine high more than drunk buzz

>> No.9139020


There could be like a different meet up?

I mean there is no way everyone will end up at a bar, some are underage.

>> No.9139058

The bar we go to has a history of letting anyone in and I've never actually seen anyone be carded, so underages should be fine

>> No.9139074

For starters everyone who is there is basically with us, other then the people working. Personally I only go to bars at conventions because i dont get the appeal of them and thr majority make me way too unckmfortable but this one has a nice atmosphere.

Everyte someone talks about how afraid they are to wander into the hood i have a little laugh to myself. The one time i did (on the way too a friends apartment) a literal drug dealer asked if i was lost then once he finished the transaction he was doing walked me to my friends place and was a genuinely a very nice guy the whole time. Honestly people in the hood arent going to do shit to you, especially if you dont look like you should be there.

>> No.9139110

Holy shit Darkman

10/10 for kino taste

>> No.9139162


Just saw this post, added you on steam.

>> No.9139286

So you're assuming everyone that wanders into the ghetto will be okay based on one experience you had. Obviously not every person that's in the area is going to get mugged, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen constantly. In fact, they actually prey on the people looking lost and confused. They're easy targets and they tend to not fight back.

>inb4 "Anon that's BS, you're making that up"

I'm a journalist for the Sun. I know all about these areas and their crime. I can't tell you how many stabbings or muggings happen to tourists who wander a little too far off the Inner Harbor.

>> No.9139296

Can you give statistics on how many tourists experience violent robberies or assaults in the Inner Harbor in a given year?

>> No.9139318

I don't have official statistics on hand (working from home today), but almost all of this information can be found online. I'll post a few links we use to gather data each year if you're curious.



>> No.9139361

Walk five blocks from the inner harbor and get mugged. There's a Barnes and Noble nearby. The Chicken Rico is some really good Peruvian food, that's where I'm going. Other than the con and the Ravens game not much other than restaurants as far as I know. The Baltimore aquarium is really cool, and doesn't cost much more than you're spending on Otakon.

>> No.9139365

Finally checked in my room, they upgraded me to a weird suite with a conference table in a separate room. But either way im chilling after an awsome bath, it's so hot.out be careful gulls!

>> No.9139390

I was about to say I live about 30 minutes away and it's fucking horrible outside. I'm rethinking the matsuri in this heat.

>> No.9139391
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Was literally about to post this, i live an hour north and i want to die
>mfw that feels like temp

>> No.9139412

How many people do you think will get heat stroke this time?

>> No.9139415

>feels like 110
For once, I'm so grateful my main cosplay shows a lot of skin

But really, is that accurate? I don't think I've ever been in a temperature that was/felt like more than 100...

>> No.9139422

It is accurate if you have worked outside for a few hours in this kind of heat. It's not good and the high humidity makes it even worse. It almost feels suffocating.

>> No.9139424

Mine says feels like 106. I'd say it's accurate. It is disgusting outside.

>> No.9139426

Has anyone been in the con center yet? Do we know how well air conditioned it'll be?

>> No.9139431

I'll be there at 4PM or so when I check in, but I'm trying not to go back outside until late evening. Usually the con is air conditioned.

>> No.9139437


BCC staff never let's people in unless they are picking up a badge, most of the line is usually forced to be outside

>> No.9139452

Will the line be shorter because of the heat?

>> No.9139583

Squid bro here. Will there be a meetup tonight?

>> No.9139593

Forgot the jacket for my cosplay after going through the trouble to make sure I had everything else. I'm so mad at myself

>> No.9139599


>> No.9139638
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>> No.9139646
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RIP Linecon, 20XX-2015
But seriously i just got here and there is literally no line

>> No.9139673

Does anyone else try to look for other people going to the con when traveling?

>> No.9139686

Yes, but I didn't see anyone in cosplay at the rest stops on I-95.

>> No.9139694 [DELETED] 
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Lifting meet is still at 7:30 pm in front of at the corner of the Charles Street Entrance next to the red bike rack. I will be in a higlighter pink shirt and aviators, we will depart at 7:45PM to Maryland Athletic Club

Likely meet after the lift to drink/eat

>> No.9139697
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Lifting meet is still at 7:30 pm at the corner of the Charles Street Entrance next to the red bike rack. I will be in a higlighter pink shirt and aviators, we will depart at 7:45PM to Maryland Athletic Club

Likely meet after the lift to drink/eat

>> No.9139724

I haven't seen him yet.


Also, the large fountain near Calvert and Lombard is under construction.

The connecting bridges have also been removed.

>> No.9139760

It didn't feel so hot when I was at Phillips eating crab, but I spent like 10 minutes at the Matsuri and was fucking dying. This heat is nuts, and I'm kinda grateful now my cosplay didn't work out, I'd have been way too hot in if the heat keeps up.

Anyways, to that one anon, that bar we go to for the meet up is pretty nice, and its typically just our group there anyways. I was surprised how low-key it was when I first went to one of the meet ups, considering its Baltimore.

>> No.9139808

I need liquor. Wheres the booze at

>> No.9139842

We found a dealer on pur ride up. It was a mini van full of plush.

Hoping this stays up. Went to dinner and we all got the itis now.

>> No.9139847

We drinking tonight?

>> No.9139873

Anyone going to Powerplant or any of the bars in that area? My friend and I are deciding on that or going to Water Street.

>> No.9139874

Power plant is basic af and expensive. Hit up federal hill or fells point. Fells if you are older then 21.

>> No.9139886

Was thinking about going to Fells, but was hoping to go somewhere where more con goers would be more likely to go. Know anything of Mick O' Shea's Irish Pub?

>> No.9139898

If you want to hang around normie college students then Power Plant is your place. We all go there on the weekends.

>> No.9139912


Fed is closer desu and not bad on a Thursday. That irish place I can't speak for as I've never been but, it looks solid? 73 reviews can't all be lies.

>> No.9139924

Let's drink

>> No.9139937


Decided that we are going to hit the Irish bar right on the water: Tír na nÓg Irish Bar & Grill...we will be getting there around 9, 10 if anyone cares to join.

>> No.9139943

If I'm hungry enough I might join, Irish food sounds so tempting since I'm still in bus purgatory

>> No.9139950

You should!!!!

>> No.9139959

the invite for the discord expired.

Can you guys set it to last for a week?

I can't get back in, I'm not making a discord account.

>> No.9139972

How are the beer prices there? I've avoided the place all these years assuming that a bar at the waterfront would be bit overpriced.

>> No.9139978

How do you meet people at Otakon? I traveled by myself and I'm starting to think I made a grave mistake. I don't wanna be a creeper and just talk to people.

>> No.9139985

tir na nog is pretty pricey unless you go during happy hour

>what is going to the meet
just have knowledge of normal social cues and you'll be fine

>> No.9139995


We are drinking at our hotel first, haha. We will get a couple drinks when we get there, but we will be pretty tipsy before we get there.

>> No.9140004

We have the meet-up if your interested on Friday and Saturday. I've been coming to the past couple Otakons by myself, since none of my personal friends are that big on the whole convention thing. I just tend not to overthink it and just be polite to people,

>> No.9140010

So are we meeting outside the bar or inside? How do we know if we see each other?

>> No.9140019

Well damn, Trying to save bar money for the meet, so I'll probably sit that one out. That said I'll probably be grabbing a pint at the rooftop bar at Lord Baltimore in a bit if anyone else is staying there. Won't be for too long though.

>> No.9140021

How are the meetups? You just show up and say hey and hopefully have conversation? Sounds cool.

>> No.9140022

Are you cool with meeting inside? Did you want to exchange emails or Kik or something? Not sure the best way to talk outside of the thread.

>> No.9140026

Wanna meet people but I'm so exhausted.

I really fucked up and came early and my hotel mates won't be here till noon tomorrow. Where do I goto hang out and possibly snooze when the convention closes?

>> No.9140031

This should work

>> No.9140032

That's how it worked with me. We meet-up at the convention fountain and hang around for a bit until we go to a bar with a lower room that we generally have to ourselves. Its pretty nice.

>> No.9140036
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I take >>9139724 back.

I just bought a bottle.

Pic related is still gone.

>> No.9140042

How many people are there so far?

>> No.9140044

We haven't left yet. I'll post in the thread when we get there and where to find us. We plan on getting there around 9:45 now

>> No.9140048

How big's your group?

>> No.9140051

Just two tonight. Three others will be here tomorrow. We are just going to eat and drink a bit tonight, that's all. Anyone is welcome who was bored and looking for something to do.

>> No.9140054

I'll be there at 10 30 ish!

>> No.9140055

I'm alone and might come by, prolly

Just a warning never eat brownies at a 4chan meetup

>> No.9140056
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Hey guys, I want to come to the meetup, but I'm a notorious camwhore from r9k and I'm scared I'll be shamed. S-Should I go? ;___;

>> No.9140059


Awesome! I'll post in the thread when we get there...if for some reason I don't, I'm wearing a green shirt and my friend has a penguins hat and has a black shirt that says "221B Baker Street".

>> No.9140061

Go anon! Enjoy yourself. Just don't be a whore. (Or do. Whatever floats your boat)

>> No.9140066

It's a convention, most girls are whores. I just am scared that someone will be like "Get out Eliza" kek

>> No.9140068

Where are we meeting tonight?

>> No.9140071

Is it cool to come to the meet-up if you're not cosplaying?

>> No.9140072

I'm not tonight where is everyone I want to drink.

>> No.9140074

Is this for girls onry?

>> No.9140078

There's the lifting meet that got mentioned earlier, but the main ones are Friday and Saturday. Those are are the ones I'm asking about, since I'm sure not too many people want to exercise in cosplay.

>> No.9140079

Is this the only otakon thread on 4chan atm? I'm not really a /cgl/

>> No.9140080

Lol any of these people knowing how to lift...

Let's have a fun on Thursday, let's meet up at a bar.

>> No.9140084

No one will care, dw


I think it is, the old one probably saged

>> No.9140086


I think half the people that show up don't normally lurk /cgl/ I know I never touch this board outside of Otakon threads.

>> No.9140087

Come out for a few dont be boring.

>> No.9140088

do you have to be in a cosplay to come to the meetup?

>> No.9140089

Where is everyone and are there any guys the there?

>> No.9140090

Halp plz

>> No.9140091

We are going to the water Street tavern bottom bar all welcome.

I have comb backed black hair and a dark Polo on.

>> No.9140092

Trying to, hotel mates said they'd be here to let me in at 9 and are ghosting so I need to wait to drop off my stuff first

Read the thread, but the answer to your question is no

>> No.9140093

I thought it was tir na nog

>> No.9140098

I'm holding you to that.

I am not sure if I remember you from last year but I want to see.

>> No.9140101


>> No.9140102

If you went to the Friday night meet then yeah you might remember me

>> No.9140103

We are waiting for a table out on the balcony of the Tir na Nog Irish bar. If you're coming just look for the two people described a couple of posts ago. We should be getting a table in 10 mins

>> No.9140104

I did, but I met so many new people that night come make an impression and we will be con friends.

I promise I am not Chris Chan.

>> No.9140106

Not far we are outside.

Search water street tavern, I can't post the location it thinks it's spam.

>> No.9140108

We almost got a table at tir na nog

>> No.9140114

How many are with you?

>> No.9140116

How many people are at water street rn?

>> No.9140117


>> No.9140122

4 atm which is just my group of friends, but it looks like there is 3 at the Irish pub which might join us.

You're the queen get more here!


>> No.9140128

>you're the queen
I am nothing ofthe sort please dont put such expectations on me

Also, here with a pink backpack

>> No.9140133

The three of us at the Irish bar are going to head to Water Street after we have a drink.

>> No.9140138

I am sitting out front with a black polo.

>> No.9140158

I'm a bit late but I will be there before 11. Let's drink!

>> No.9140162

What are you bitch ass niggas doing tonight?

I already saw like 4 people who actively don't like me, and I wanna see more. And I wanna dare them to do something.

>> No.9140171

Where'should everyone in waterstreer? I'm the guy in the black shirt near the downstairs

>> No.9140173

I bet you're an alright fellow!

>> No.9140181

We are going to leave within the next 15 mins to head to water street, if you wanna meet here just look for the two guys with out description lol

>> No.9140191

I am order a beer in a collard black shirt. Don't leave me senpai I'll buy you a pint

>> No.9140192

I'm in the NY hat, I arrived at waters street

>> No.9140193

Where are you at right now? Any more details on the description lmao

>> No.9140194

Standing on bar stool in front of the bartender.

>> No.9140195

>How do you meet people?
>I dont want to talk to people


>> No.9140199

We are standing at the front door....don't see you. Going to leave soon

>> No.9140205

See you at the next one, we will share laughs at each other expenses.

>> No.9140211

Bunch of gulls are outside the water street tavern!

>> No.9140215

Oh boy! Goils! Lemme at em!

>> No.9140218

Get to water street tavern, we are out front.

>> No.9140223

How expensive are the bars you usually go to on Fridays and Saturdays? I want an idea of how much money I should be setting aside.

>> No.9140325

Fucking finally got here Jesus fuck driving was a bad idea

>> No.9140542
File: 285 KB, 1440x891, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the east coast

>> No.9140556

On the light rail down, my brother has to get an at-con badge so I guess I will wait around for that. I have my badge from that anime box thing back in March.

This year in budgeting a grand total of $80.

>> No.9140562

New discord link ffs

>> No.9140586

My bad. Shit likes to expire even when I set it to not https://discord.gg/zfUXG8T

>> No.9140632

You have to manually copy paste the code into discord on the join screen

Or well that I had to do

>> No.9140688

How is the line this morning?

>> No.9140696
File: 207 KB, 1152x2048, received_10207465522376000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two fucking guys

>> No.9140697

Pre reg line was smooth as fug

Other line was dicked

>> No.9140700

This "I, Cyborg" cybernetics panel is pretty neat and it's a good start to the morning.

>> No.9140706


If any of you guys see me today, don't be a stranger!

>> No.9140709

I have no idea who you are or what you look like but yeah sure.

>> No.9140711

Who are they supposed to be?

>> No.9140717

Cheaper to stay on a boat. :')

>> No.9140718

Are you actually dressed like sakuya today?

>> No.9140719

Sounds dope, waiting on the Metal Gear panel to begin!

>> No.9140730

Remember stay hydrated.

>> No.9140738

Shoulda came to the meet last night senpai

>> No.9140747

Catch a fade with the wrong person and get bodied in Baltimore, brehs.

>> No.9140749


>> No.9140767

I'm staying with my grandparents out in Reisterstown so I'm stuck with light rail schedules senpai.

>> No.9140773

Hey guys, I have 1 rule for everyone to follow at Otakon.


>> No.9140777

This, was never been carded at that bar and I was 20 at the time

>> No.9140781
File: 419 KB, 1312x624, otakon_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple map for those who want to know where the Water Street Tavern Bar is (in blue)

>> No.9140807

where are the meetups for today?

>> No.9140810

We're meeting at the fountains in the charles st lobby at 9 pm and moving to the water street tavern around 945

>> No.9140811

I heard that there is some kind of From Software meetup going on on Saturday. What are the details on that?

I don't have a facebook, so I can't check that for more info.

>> No.9140824
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But I need to cum.

>> No.9140840

That was the best singalong I've ever been a part of

>> No.9140861

Anyone know the username and pw to get into the wifi here?

>> No.9140870
File: 397 KB, 826x801, ota16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not at Ota but here you go

>> No.9140887
File: 29 KB, 335x430, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you!

>> No.9140906

Holy shit im so glad this is the last year in baltimore. This place is so packed you cant really do anything. I remember when you could stop someone in the hallway for a photo and it wouldn't shut down the foot traffic in the entire center.

Im glad it's over.

>> No.9140908
File: 715 KB, 1050x600, fromsoftmeetup_Page_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, that's my meet up! Hope to see you there, what are you cosplaying?

>> No.9140909

What happened to the discord?

>> No.9140928

Anyone know what the fuck is going on on 95?
All lanes closed they're making us turn around fmllllll

>> No.9140931


>> No.9140933
File: 258 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody want to hang out ;__;

>> No.9140935

If you learn to not use emotes on 4chan, maybe

>> No.9140936

I said...



>> No.9140946

Anybody want to succ my juicy neet cock?

>> No.9140952


It's the shitty DMV traffic but it's still early, I'm surprised you got fucc'd.

>> No.9140957

I hope $5 blowjob momiji shows up again this year. He was pretty cute.

>> No.9140966


Chosen Undead, elite knight armor with some doodads. Estus Flask and Soapstone are a go.

>> No.9140978

I'm in video 5 watching Wild City, neat movie.

>> No.9140984

When are the con orgies happening? What's the password?


>> No.9141007

Nah road was completely closed. All I could find online was "accident with injury".
I'm thinking they closed it to land a helicopter

>> No.9141047
File: 2.70 MB, 4032x2268, tmp_26241-20160812_1434491277290051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remembering to cross my legs when sitting because of the skirt is hard. I always forget. But so far it's pretty good, not as bad with a helmet on inside as I would have thought

>> No.9141064

Why does the dealers room smell like dog food?
And outside the convention center it smells like nasty sewer water.
Why does everything stink

>> No.9141069

Sure. Where do you wanna meet up?

>> No.9141072

I would be down as well. Currently soloing it because my friends are in the dealers room

>> No.9141074
File: 1.95 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down near the artist ally, but when you go down the stairs, take a right instead. Charging my phone

>> No.9141076
File: 203 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I made a skype group for anyone that wants to meet up at some point in the con:

Join my chat on Skype: https://join.skype.com/zEWO2HYXaiZk

>> No.9141106

It's your upper lip.

>> No.9141115

In line for 18+ bands. I will die in this line.

>> No.9141118

I walked outside now the sweating won't stop. It won't stop.

>> No.9141129

This is why I'm not showing up in Bmore until late evening at the earliest. That and the traffic.

>> No.9141132

At least it's just humid. Earlier the sun was out and it was way worse.

>> No.9141142

I went there and didn't see you

>> No.9141151

It started the second I was about to get up from lunch. Time to hang out at Chicfila for awhile

>> No.9141158

I'm outside the Charles Street Lobby now, it smells nice.

>> No.9141173

Welcome to baltimore everything smells like the inside of an anuses anus

>> No.9141192


Get here Thursday and pick up your 18+ band early with no line at all

>> No.9141198

Ha! Rave is not 18+. Are you ready to grind near minors?

>> No.9141212

>not using new hotness Discord

>> No.9141216
File: 20 KB, 240x240, shaq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9141224

Four of us are hanging outside Charles Street Lobby

>> No.9141228


>> No.9141245

Still there?

>> No.9141254

They went inside the lobby. I just left

>> No.9141260

We all split

>> No.9141269

How old are you, no jokes.

>> No.9141275

I feel so bad for all of the "therapy" dogs being yanked around. Every last one of them looks super uncomfortable, especially this tiny little 5lb one that looked like it was terrified of getting stepped on. It kept trying to lie down but the owner kept literally dragging it

>> No.9141293

I didn't see any until just after seeing this post. It was in a tiny sailor uniform and looked absolutely terrified

>> No.9141295

The poor german shepherd looked so stressed from that landwhale yanking it around. I think it's so cruel to the poor animals.

>> No.9141322

Who /animescraziestdeaths/ here tonight?

>> No.9141324

Hung out with some of you but I have to head out early.

Drink some 151 for me at the meet.
Some real hard stuff.

>> No.9141327

Therapy dogs are a load of shit anyway. The only people that should have them are people that served in the military and actually have PTSD. Now they give them oh to everyone because they say "a bloo bloo bloo I have anxiety"

>> No.9141342

She's 17

>> No.9141349

Me probably. The ecchi girl costume workshop got cancelled and I wanted to see that trainwreck, but now I won't be able to

>> No.9141350

Anyone going to do the games how quiz? Seems like it will be full of autism but could be fun.

>> No.9141366

Lmao it got cancelled? The fuck did they do? I wanted to see fat itas.>>9141350

>> No.9141369

Fuck, really?

>> No.9141371

Crew heading to game room

>> No.9141386

Room parties where?

>> No.9141391

What the discord is? The skype is dead af

>> No.9141393

That's exactly the one I was talking about. Literally like no more than five lbs. it kept trying to lie down and the owner was just yanking it along. It was so small I'm actually afraid someone is going to step on it.
Why the fuck would you bring it here, causing your "therapy" dog so much stress and potential harm? Obviously just to dress it up and have people coo over it.

>> No.9141399

Where are the con orgies? Pls I'm from AsianMasculinity I heard there were weeb girls here waiting to get RICED.

>> No.9141402


>> No.9141407

Mobile discord is suffering.

>> No.9141409

My guess is that she just filled out the form online to get the dog made a service dog. Not gonna lie my mom did it with her dog just so her land lord couldn't charge her extra for rent. Got her a service dog and medical weed card as soon as she found out she qualified for both.

>> No.9141410


I'm actually not but all Asians on 4chan are from AsianMasculinity by default.

And I'm not even at the convention, still thinking if I wanna drive up there or not.

>> No.9141420

Anybody get any pics of qts ?

>> No.9141422


Just Dante's jumbo hot dogs.

>> No.9141434

There was an umi who was pretty good but also seemed pretty underage

>> No.9141440

A bunch but not sharing them since the qts wanted a photo with me in exchange for the photos i took.

>> No.9141453
File: 3.01 MB, 4032x2268, tmp_21651-20160812_2049181927061467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here for when people start to show up at 9. Just look for the schoolgirl sitting on the fountain ledge with a motorcycle helmet

>> No.9141454

Yeah, why?

>> No.9141457

Fuck your cute

>> No.9141475

Wil be there soon!

>> No.9141482

Already about 20 of us here.

>> No.9141486

How many in cos?

>> No.9141489

I have no glasses plz help

>> No.9141493

I'm game. Hopefully I can stay up for it all.

>> No.9141496

I don't see the group. Where are you all?

>> No.9141497

This is like all new faces, i miss Chris chan.

>> No.9141502

Then tell me

>> No.9141503

we are at water street tavern

>> No.9141505

your cute :^)

>> No.9141511

Where you sluts at

>> No.9141516

Jesus Christ i want to fuck Claudia so bad, holy shit.

>> No.9141541


>> No.9141548

Is anyone interested in the horror panel tonight?

>> No.9141561

In which I forgot that a cgl meetup was tknight. Checking out the fire emblem pajama thing then swinging back to the con. Where the cglers at?

>> No.9141562

What's it about, might be interested

>> No.9141573

Water st tavern

Uhh japanese horror and stuff! Haha

>> No.9141575

Can i please sleep with you.

>> No.9141580

That sounds really fun! Do you know the time for the panel?

>> No.9141584

1 am!

>> No.9141606

Should I cum tomorrow? It's late for me now.

I have lots of good weed, will I be popular? I'm a local and I'm not paying for a room because I can simply go home.

>> No.9141617

If you are all straight edge weeby kuns, I won't come bother you.

But if you are degenerate I have good weed, Girl Scout cookies and Chem dog, I want to make con friends for the weekend.

>> No.9141621

Yo hit me up senpai. I'm down to spark and am not afraid to invest.

>> No.9141624


Ok I'll check in tomorrow, I'm going to bed soon and not planning to drive tonight. I'll bring the goodies and share, no need to invest unless you wanna get a bag for the weekend or something.

I'll make a trip and call myself weedfag. It's pretty good stuff and it's been curing nicely in a sealed glass jar.

>> No.9141629

The hype is palpable, see you then!

>> No.9141640
File: 2.38 MB, 3264x1836, 20160812_235400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo anyone still around?

>> No.9141643

I'm currently getting showered and dressed for the rave.

>> No.9141644

At the bars, fampai

>> No.9141664

Still want to fuck you.

>> No.9141673

Hype for weedfag

>> No.9141681

Yo I wanna fuck you too nigga but, you need to step yo game up and start slinging that good dick.

>> No.9141684

Thanks everyone who came to the meetup!!

>> No.9141692

Going to power plant in crossplay is lol

>> No.9141700

Horror panel is freakn lit family

>> No.9141703
File: 3.11 MB, 4160x2340, 0813160058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's keys in water street?

>> No.9141711

I can see my ballin spot.

Ill george constanza in the bonanza.
hesitant reticent to let them in,
wearin dumb letterman jackets while im jackin them,
with other dope shit to distract you,
laughin out at the whack dude~

>> No.9141712
File: 33 KB, 640x616, 11825598_1107891805906116_6858225852140509578_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw claudia had a micropenis

>> No.9141714
File: 396 KB, 1000x971, 1402040371684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-don't come inside~
i-its not like I left them for you~uguu

>> No.9141746

Desserts after dark was horrible.

>> No.9141749

craziest deaths, while sadly shorter than normal, was awesome as always.

The "getting killed by a Gundam beam sword aimed using a webcam" was probably my favorite of the new stuff

>> No.9141750

>The only acceptable one

Go drown in the inner harbor, freak

>> No.9141751

Was it just boob cupcakes? I figured that was it so I skipped it

>> No.9141755

The people running the panel were drunk and talked about sjws and stories where they got approached by swingers and then posted pictures of random anime characters getting fucked by vegetables. They then talked about vore while giggling.

>> No.9141763

I wasn't expecting any of that but holy shit I'm glad I didn't go. Just assumed it would be baking cakes shaped like dicks.
How disappointing

>> No.9141765

They did have a picture of a child eating gingerbread dick cookies but the whole thing was embarassing. They just shared random stories and joked about shit because they were wasted. It was embarassing.

>> No.9141771
File: 1.25 MB, 3264x1836, 20160812_224851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping this post works.

Bane/business casual here.

Thanks for coming out and I hope you all had a blast.

I took a few of you back to the club suite I talked about and it was a lot of fun. Here is to more fun tomorrow night.

>> No.9141774
File: 53 KB, 300x378, 136658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9141779

Which one is claudia?

>> No.9141783

All of them

>> No.9141794

I like micropenis

>> No.9141807

What's up with the micro penis joke?

>> No.9141821

I think I saw you at the Under the Dog premiere?

>> No.9141822

In my case, I'm smelling hobo piss when walking to and from my hotel. :^)

>> No.9141823
File: 185 KB, 1152x2048, 14001819_1022511617870557_1082034160_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone see these papers at the con? Is this even real?

>> No.9141826


omg so true. lol

>> No.9141828

Nope, was probably the other Raimu. I've been told there's only two of us.

>> No.9141940

Sir you are speaking my language. I can contribute but keep me up to speed with time an place hombre.

>> No.9141946

The AA has that same sewer water smell. Like to the point where i feel bad for my friends working down there this year. It just screams that there is mold and/or bacteria in the vents and walls.

>> No.9141973

Damn didn't make the cut this year

>> No.9141979

Oh shit I think I played KOF against the tohou in the back.

>> No.9142054

What time/place for the Lolita swap meet?

>> No.9142071

Game room meet when?

>> No.9142086

Anywhere meet when?

>> No.9142098

This is Baltimores natural odor.
>pls no bully our pungent aroma.

>> No.9142099

Just wandering around the con taking video. Right now hanging out in video 4 watching Sherlock hound.

>> No.9142105

>he wasn't raped at otakon as a child.

>> No.9142113
File: 1018 KB, 500x281, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you see me say hi!! Happy day 2!! Doing pic related

>> No.9142132

These fatties blocking every walkway in the dealer's room are pissing me off

>> No.9142183

i brought a small amount of rum if anyone wants to buzz

>> No.9142185


then why is this paper going around Otakon? this seems pretty fucked up.

>> No.9142204
File: 632 KB, 1882x649, just stay in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Ice Cold Water Man gonna be busy this day.

>> No.9142217

>when you spend half of the rave denying men because you move too well

>> No.9142285

Ugh, my boyfriend just broke up with me, now i need to do something to piss him off. Any black guys want to hook up?

>> No.9142296

>ruining yourself out of angst will piss off the guy who already dumped you
lol women

>> No.9142308

Should I even come? Any cute girls wanna get high

>> No.9142310

What do you have? I'll do anything for some weed :^)

>> No.9142347

Pls where r.
I was too lazy to buy alchohol for today

>> No.9142348

If it's weed or Molly I'm down

>> No.9142381

Dealers room
What are you dressed as?

>> No.9142382

Shout out to staying in the Hilton and never having to leave inside ever

>> No.9142387

Can't wait! Let me know what's up

>> No.9142403
File: 2.78 MB, 3264x2448, DSC03007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks.

I'd like to go to a few more of the local restaurants since it's the last time I'll be in Baltimore.

>> No.9142409

>I'd like to go to a few more of the local restaurants since it's the last time I'll be in Baltimore.
Lexington Market: Go. Now. They close in 30 minutes.

>> No.9142411

On the subject, best place to get food either around or in the con?
Also are we doing shit tonight :^)

>> No.9142464

The hilton bar tavern thing is worth the price if you are a full grown adult quick service actual meal not just bar food. I had the brazillian bbq ribs. Also dont need to leave the con so it has that going for it.

>> No.9142475

Not really local but Fogo De Chao is fucking great

>> No.9142498


Fuck. I got good weed and here I am sitting on my ass playing league, kek.

I'm just a Maryland fag I didn't even buy con passes yet. I just wanted blaze and meet new people at the bar crawl.

>> No.9142511

Are you gonna be at the meet up at 9?

>> No.9142535


Nah but I'm leaving my house now, seems like at least a couple people were looking forward to smoking. I'm just throwing the con address in my gps and driving there from MoCo.

>> No.9142537

I wanna meet weedfag

>> No.9142544

okay I'm not bringing more than an eighth but we can smoke it all. It will put you on your ass.

>> No.9142545

Alternatively. We have herbs and spices and will be at the meetup. Though I do want to hang with main greenthumb.

>> No.9142546

Sir. I'd like to be on my ass

>> No.9142558

Tbh I don't know how well I'm gonna fit in but yolo.

>> No.9142572

I should be around the convention center by 10, finding parking will suck though I hate DC and Baltimore.

>> No.9142573
File: 2.23 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any one wants to come chill go to the third floor by the photo shoot area. You'll see two people sitting on the ground

>> No.9142574

There's a lot of people sitting on the ground ;^)

>> No.9142578

Where the fuck is that I'm struggling

>> No.9142580

I'm here at we got quite a few already

>> No.9142586

Where yall at

>> No.9142591

Fucking this
Can't find the kids

>> No.9142595

Lmfao jack slate dude

>> No.9142599


Look for squid girl at the bottom of the escalator by the fountains

>> No.9142604

Ah yeah i know where, we on the way!!!

>> No.9142605

By the jojo shoot?

>> No.9142606

We are headed to the tavern real soon.

>> No.9142607


Look to the right look for a bald guy and a squid

>> No.9142608

What color hair for squid

>> No.9142618

Ok I thought you meant squid like splatoon and not anime forgive me for my sins

>> No.9142634

Fyi already left for location

>> No.9142635

I'm not gonna say coming here was a mistake but holy shit did I trivialize the driving distance here.

>> No.9142639

Your also gonna learn quick about how shit driving in bmore is

>> No.9142641


I can't even find a place to park. But I see bitches in cosplay awwwwwwwwww yess.

>> No.9142642

Tbh past the convention center for a little is a pretty nice place
It's on the left :^)

>> No.9142644

Anyone feel like anime is just so much all the time. I need a break to hang with cgls.

Everyone at water street tavern is dIcks out for harambe trading drinks like pokemon.

>> No.9142648

Omg I parked like 5 levels above the street I'm a real big boy now. I need to piss so bad.

>> No.9142654

Yo weedfag we're at water street tavern

>> No.9142657


I'll try to find it. I can hear music this is pretty cool I'm a complete shut in.

>> No.9142659

anything,,,,,,? :3 my body is ready....

>> No.9142660


>> No.9142663

Weedfag u here yet?

>> No.9142670

I'm coming

>> No.9142674

I'm here!

>> No.9142676

I see a dude in a pink polo and a con badge? I'm outside the tavern I'm wearing a green head band.

>> No.9142678

Weedfag what shirt u wearing I'm in the black shirt with the low cut neck

>> No.9142679

desu i wouldve met up with you nerds but im 19 :^)

>> No.9142684

Yo we about to bounce and light up we're on the first floor of the tavern

>> No.9142699

The speed weed cane through and everyone is fullly blunted we arent para anything we are fully noided.

>> No.9142710

People chanting Dicks out for harambe in the center wew

>> No.9142765

So... no orgy-con?

>> No.9142766

Shouts to weedfag luv u duder.

>> No.9142771

Damn the fucking parking garage is closed with my car in it. I tried to rent a room but this hotel is booked up and I'm exhausted from walking around. I feel like I went through some hazing walking around Baltimore.

I'm just chilling in a hotel lobby it's packed with people.

>> No.9142778

I hate and love Baltimore. At least I got a nice room for the night.

>> No.9142825

M8 where the fuck did you park
My parking lot was still open at 1 but I had to help some guy jump his car

>> No.9142845

Claudie was cute. CUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE

>> No.9142858


Laz's parking. Fuck it I paid for a room and I'll deal with it tomorrow.

>> No.9142900

He's got a cute penis I sucked it alil

>> No.9142904

Oliver where my consex at?

>> No.9143001

I'll give it to you after i'm through with your wife's son, cuck

>> No.9143090

This con was thirsty as fuck.

>> No.9143152

What the fuck did you just say nigga?

>> No.9143164

Wow this con was LIT.
Sorry I couldn't make it to last nights meet, I dropped molly and went to the rave with some girls.
Also the tacticool Momiji was pretty cute.

>> No.9143165


>> No.9144779

Guys, I think I met the man of my dreams at this last Baltimore Otakon.

But I'll probably never fucking see him again. u_u

>> No.9145007


Tell us all about him, maybe he's a gull