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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 769 KB, 2848x4288, _DSC4025_prot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9109469 No.9109469 [Reply] [Original]

New larp thread, Drachenfest SOON edition.
previous thread

Thread may contain high level of autism, enter at your own risk.

>> No.9109489
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>> No.9109503
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Hey Hungarian, you got any Dagger in your pile of swords that you could lend me for the DF? I'm increasingly disappointed in my Katzbalger, since it's too long to be practical and the Swiss Dagger I want will likely not arrive in time.

>> No.9109504

Forgot to namefag my post.

>> No.9109506
File: 1.82 MB, 3264x2448, DSC04172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a goldhammer dagger very good and balanced if you hold it you want to stab people with it. 4th from the left
If you lose it you will learn what the hungarian phrase "kőporos lófasszal leszel megbaszva" means.

>> No.9109510

Sweet. I love new languages.
Does it mean "I'll buy you a better one"?

>> No.9109512

it has a lot to do with horse cocks, rock powder and your ass.
And also ,yeah you will buy a new one. Thankfully I bough it 4 years ago on my first drachenfest at the goldhammer tent. They sell wonderful weapons, all of them great, so you can easily buy a new dagger for me there if you lose this one.

>> No.9109513

Sounds fine by me, not the horse cook part, that sounds horrendous.
Do you know the blade length for a sheath?

>> No.9109525
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I can give you a sheat for it, seen here

>> No.9109545

That'd be great, thank you.

You got any meet ups with some fellow anons planned yet?

>> No.9109546

several actually. And it seems like a french group will want some landsknechts to guard a wedding

>> No.9109552

The wedding thing sounds good, but the groom better watch his bride.

>> No.9109554

I would agree but I presume the bride is also french so I would rather just take the money.

>> No.9109884

Anybody got pics of Chaos Warrior larp armor?

>> No.9109888
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a few, I will post one or two for the rest ask me again tomorrow as I slowly fade away for today

>> No.9109892
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>> No.9109898
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Someday I wanna make something like this for rattan SCA style combat. The best thing is that the helm would be SCA LEGAL and effective too.

>> No.9110165
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Custom knife progress for an Empire NPC I am playing next week. Done with space lazers and shit.

>> No.9110832

Okay, here's the site I was referring to with the guide for curving your shield. It looks pretty effort-intensive, but if that's cool with you, great.

>> No.9110836

that looks like entirely too much effort for something a normal sized tree can easily do

>> No.9110848


Breastplate goes over the bevor? Live and learn.

>> No.9110864

100% of the times.
But I presume you meant gorget, and for the huge majority of time that's also true. That's why I say shop bough gorgets are look like shit, a barely shaped metal just dangling outside of the breastplate or on itself doesn't look good honestly and has little protective value

>> No.9110866

ehh, can't brain today. So
Bevor goes ABOVE the breastplate 100% of the times with the possible exceptions of integrated bevors and such things but those are different for various reasons.
Gorget goeas nearly always UNDER the breastplate, but again, there are breastplates with integrated gorgets and such

>> No.9111003
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also, ssems like that my jerkin won't be finished to Drachenfest, but on the other hand I will have a glückhaus "table"

>> No.9111186

I haven't tried either myself, so I honestly couldn't say. Comes down to how bothered you are by the bend being perfectly symmetrical, I guess.

>> No.9111234

How big an image? I could see this from space!

>> No.9111249

well cgl only allows 4mb max file size

>> No.9111256

It's a limit, not a challenge!

>> No.9111263

challange accepted

>> No.9112174

Has anyone here been to OldTown? It was so fucking great.

Also who's going to DF here?

>> No.9112249

me and east german larpfag will be in the Landsknecht camp

>> No.9112344

I forgot my table last game. I'll add it to my stuff now. Thanks!

>> No.9112463
File: 469 KB, 2000x1496, cloth armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started doing the test sample for the dark wold armor project I talked about a while ago

Working with rings this way is NOT easier than a regular chain maille...

>> No.9112469

nobody said it is

>> No.9112470

just stating it

>> No.9113108
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Moar progress

>> No.9113246
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Ok, question for a friend... What is the skirt thing in pic related called? My guess would be some variation on a tunic, but you all are better at this.

>> No.9113251

It looks like it's some kind of robe that's worn under the armor. Maybe a long arming coat?

>> No.9113284

Looks like a simple coat, but wearing a coat over armor usually looks a lot better.

>> No.9113290


Very nice. Are you making this yourself?

>> No.9113607

My first thoughts were also some type of robe thing. From the pic, I don't see any arming points on the lower half, so I wouldn't jump to arming coat.
Could be.. As i was looking myself, I did notice some similar designs as such.
The reason I was thinking a variation on a tunic was because I found something called a horseman's tunic, that seams to come down to mid calf, and has a large split in front (presumably so that it doesn't ride up when mounted on a horse)

>> No.9113619

>From the pic, I don't see any arming points on the lower half, so I wouldn't jump to arming coat.
it's a pic from a video game,
It looks like that because the artist thought it would be cool

>> No.9114609
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holy shit, I finally finished packing, and I still have 4 hours until I have to go.

On a related news, there was an axe murderer attack on a train near Münich and a shooting at Münich in the recent days. My first transfer is at Münich...
Also there was a bomb alert on the trains station this morning where my train will depart.
If I would believe in omens I would say someone really doesn't want me to go because I will wreck his shit.

>> No.9114621

If I were you, I would travel with my helmet and plate on.

Maybe have my self defense axe nearby as well.

>> No.9114623

I have my self defense halberd. That protects me from the front.
And if the axe murderer comes from behind I have ALL the armor there.

>> No.9114778

Hey, larpfags, i just came back from Ragnarok! It was some fun 4 days, even if alas we didn't manage to defeat the Lich Morjul. But it's okay, my nation stole managed to stole ALL the canons, we had thrice as more of them than people able to fire them.
I also learned that looking fabulous was more than enough to let people believe you are the general of your faction

>> No.9116523

I know this is a poor time to ask as those who know the answer will probably be at Drachenfest themselves, but still: what is the exact 'fluff' of Drachenfest?

I understand that dragons fucked up the first world by being too overpowered and destroying everything by fighting, so they made/found a new world and make mortals fight for them there each year. This new world is at a 'crossroads of worlds' or something like that, so characters from each universe (read: larp) can reach it.

That's where it gets kinda hazy for me. How do people get to the Drachenfest (IC)? How do people know it's taking place in the first place? Why do they go there?

>> No.9116581
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Mostly finished with the test sample for the maille undergarment/sewn chainmaille/dark wolf armor. I'm just gonna call it "cloth armor" from here on after since its a cloth jacket with rings attached to it, and I find it much more simpler.

I found that four base textile layers I used for it was quite good enough in terms of stability and flexibility. The leather border works much better if it is 3-4 cm deep than ~1 cm deep since you wont have to penetrate the leather twice when sewing it shut and its much easier to works with the rings since you have more space to move around the needle in. There was also no real problem with sewing the leather and the main textile together with the rings in between which was one of my main concerns, you just pull the thread slightly harder than usual to get it to shut down nice and easy.

The only issues I have found and with no tested fixes so far is that the butted rings can work themselves out of the stitching, and that the leather does not like to be bend inwards.

I also don't like the look for long term maintenance, apart from keeping the rings together I also have to take in to account dirt that gets stuck in between the rings and underneath the leather borders and how to keep the textile from becoming one big coat of sweat and fire smoke. The rings are painted so I am not to worried about rust, and if it starts to build up I can just replace/repaint those rings and then oil it all up since it wont affect me as much due to the jacket design of it all that minimizes contact when taking it on/off and wearing it.

My recommendation for anyone who wants to do something similar is to make a test sample first since it gives you valuable insight and experience that you will need to make the final product perfect in one go. And you should definitively start off by modding/building a regular chain maille first before trying this.

>> No.9116613
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And here is the stitching pattern I used for attaching the rings to the textile.

All exterior rows of rings MUST be sewn on or it will not be stable, on the inside it is not as important how tight you stitch the rings, the traditional japanese version of this had every other ring sewn on while my test sample has what I would name "nine ring pattern".

The nine ring pattern is less reliable in the sense that fewer rings keeps it all together, but since they are more spread out it gives the construction more room and flexibility that puts less strain on the stitching which could potentially result in less maintenance needed. It does however require you to properly stretch the maille out or there will be a lot of loose rings shaking around and making noise.

The pattern saves a lot of valuable time, and trust me this shit takes a lot of time still, but as seen in the above image, third picture, you can see that the last row was skipped. At this point the stitching was tight enough down there that the rings were no longer unstable enough so that I could call it a day, and since its about twice the distance uncovered compared to the nine pattern I'd say that the pattern is tight enough for this type of construction.

All in all a very interesting experiment, and it shows that this design has a lot of potential that validates the time and material investment it requires. The only issue is the future maintenance of it, but I guess it can be worked around. Worst case scenario I will just drench it all in soap water and then oil the rings up when it has dried out.

>> No.9116881

Anyone go to Wyvern Rising in PA? I'm planning on starting this fall and would like some more info before I go

>> No.9116884

Good contribution anon.

>> No.9117194
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this just came up in my FB feed.
Youre an eceleb Hungarian

someone wants a helm like yours.

>> No.9117243
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Grill power in european reenacment joust :

>> No.9117245
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Just don't mess with them..

>> No.9117246
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Especially her...

>> No.9117249
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>> No.9117250
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>> No.9117253
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>> No.9117254
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>> No.9118013

does anyone know a good place to buy armor from in the US? Most of the stuff I find on google are 18 gauge steel, 16 at best.

>> No.9118067

Ask a guy who's going to a LARP that's guest starring LarpGirl and MoMo anything

>> No.9118073

Who the fuck are they and why should we care?

>> No.9118076

They're two larptubers who are relatively well known and pretty universally despised.

>> No.9118083

How do you plan to screw them over?
How do you plan to screw them?

>> No.9118087

Neither of them are well liked on this trip (massive fucking egos/AWs), so hopefully easily. That's to
both questions.

>> No.9118207

Should you manage to do either, do come back to tell the story.

Should you manage to do both, do the same and include the address we can send the medal to.

>> No.9118232

Should I care who either of them are? I thought I escaped this shite when I left the cosplay scene.

>> No.9118239

Cosplay just found something to between cons

>> No.9118253

I don't really condone going out of your way to ruin somebody's fun just because they run a shitty youtube channel.

But I do wholeheartedly support knocking big egos down a peg when they get uppity and expect games to bend over backwards for them, so with that in mind, godspeed, anon.

>> No.9118310


>> No.9118767

I will, thank you father
Yeah, the shit MoMo's tried to pull so far is staggering, and we all know about LarpGirl's shenanigans with DR already.

>> No.9118779

Storytime of said staggering shit and shenanigans?

>> No.9118791

>the shit MoMo's tried to pull so far is staggering, and we all know about LarpGirl's shenanigans with DR already.
Not all of actually do. Inform us?

>> No.9118854

I'll do LarpGirl's first

Basically she wanted to play with Mandalorian armour in Dystopia Rising, the plot crew basically told her to fuck off and that she needed to get play points to get stuff anywhere near that level, she claimed that because she was giving the event publicity she should get it for free, then when they told her to fuck off again she started publicly slamming and shitting on DR for being an awful system.

>> No.9118867

I'm torn now. Because on the one hand, I genuinely do think DR is an awful system, second only to Accelerant in its awfulness. But on the other hand, I now love these people for not putting up with that shit.

>> No.9119145

Your post kind of implies you'll do MoMo's afterward, anon.

>> No.9119284

Clearly his crimes were too ghastly to speak of.

>> No.9119500

All packed for travelling to Empire tomorrow. Got some brand new Dawnish kit, so will have to see how it all looks once it's all together.

>> No.9119534

MoMo's crimes are a little subtler but slightly more infuriating. In this LARP she's created a guild thats a subguild to this bigger guild, and all the subguilds in this guild meet for council meetings and the like, being represented by their group leader. However, MoMo has pulled out of being a member of the council meaning that her guild has no representation in the guild's council, leaving many of its members pissed off because they now have completely zero influence over how the guild is run. In addition, she's encouraged the members in her guild to play ludicrous snowflakes that don't fit in to the actual game system, and despite relinquishing her political power in the guild, still wants to be seen as the guilds' "princess".

tl;dr: MoMo wants to be treated like royalty despite putting in literally zero effort into doing any of the things that royalty are supposed to fucking do.

There's also the generic shit about wanting special treatment for being a 'tuber but desu I think that was obvious.

Agreed, I dislike DR too (skill and profession system is bollocks imo) but I'm glad they didn't fall victim to her bitching.

>> No.9119630
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This is why we should never give attention to chubby girls, they eat it faster than fries.

>> No.9119775

Gropey caught that shit and linked the actual craftsman, probably as soon as he saw it.

Also, go away. No one likes you.

>> No.9119793

Dude, don't be a dick. He's not starting shit this time.

>> No.9119914

I prefer 'have you seen my newest purchase' knigga and 'have you seen my outfit made by caer yet' Shea550 to 'my opinion is law and I am the king of /cgl/ larpthreads 'gropey

>> No.9119929

Anyone amtgard here?

>> No.9120133

I think we have more people who did Amtgard at one point, than people who do Amtgard currently. I don't play, but it's probably the biggest game in my area.

>> No.9120301

I'd like to get into it myself, since there are two groups in my general area who meet up weekly. Unfortunately not as many actual LARP groups around me.

>> No.9120303

What parks?

>> No.9120349

Don't know if you're anywhere near the San Antonio/central Texas area (otherwise this probably won't help you) but there's a group that meets at Olmos Basin park every Sunday. There's also a dagorhir group that meets Saturdays at Kardon park.

I've never been to them so I don't know what the groups are like but sometime when I'm free I'd like to check 'em out.

>> No.9120385

Dang, by parks do you mean groups, not actual parks right? I'm still obviously a newbie at this stuff.

The amtgard group/chapter in San Antonio is called Traitor's Gate. The general group in central Texas is the Celestial Kingdom.

>> No.9120432

That's cool dude, I'm with litchwood grove in Canada

>> No.9121031

Am grill, but alrighty then.

>> No.9121160


People have used "dude" to refer to girls, too, for fuckin decades.

>> No.9122013
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Hey, non english native here, how's that thing called ? with the huge thing in front of your face ? thanks

>> No.9122111

Hi Knigga. We like Gropey. We don't like you. Deal with it.

>> No.9122394

>implying all of larpthread is a single entity that agrees with your opinion and that anyone else is a hater

Man, how does it feel to be part of a fanbase on level with tumblr?

>> No.9122836


>> No.9122901
File: 906 KB, 500x250, 81188-Loki-fuck-yeah-gif-EWzc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Drachenfest
>mfw battlefield of like 13k people
>mfw drinking Tortuga Libre at the thirsty dagger and getting my face rekt in bar brawl
>mfw shit tons of new stuff
>mfw met HLF
>mfw he let me drink some of his booze

>> No.9122961
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Anyone wanna help me with designing my chain cloth armor >>9116581

- I'm thinking about using the same plastic leather I used for my test sample (easy to work with, cheap and easy to come by).
- I don't know if I should go with 4x layers of textile or 2x layers and then put some thin padding in between.

I am also not sure what type of arm sleeves is the best for this purpose, since rings don't act that well when they get cramped?

Some type of tournament/jousting Bevor I'd guess.

>> No.9122981

Is everyone talking German at Drachenfest ?
I'd like to go with my French group there.

>> No.9123041

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that, so:

>Are the Drachenfest players fluent int German?
Most of them

>Do they only speak German in Drachenfest?
Not at all. Most people can speak English, how well they do it varies though.
But there's a group for international people called The Morning Star. Look us up.

>> No.9123045

Oh, nice. I'll check it out.

>> No.9123691
File: 70 KB, 467x650, scan0009_103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is an over stylized haute guard pauldron. You only ever see them that big on late period jousting harness.

Pic is a real set of haute guards.

You're both toolbags.

>> No.9123815

It's 2-3 pieces...
The thing in front of his face is a Bevour.
The shoulder thing is a Spaulder.
The third thing on his vhest is something like Lance Rest I think.

>> No.9123939

>That's where it gets kinda hazy for me. How do people get to the Drachenfest (IC)? How do people know it's taking place in the first place? Why do they go there?
Dragons summoned them there by magic. And to say the old /tg/ proverb "It's magic, I ain't gonna explain shit"
Also same thing with "death" you aren't really die, just got out of that dimension or whatever. So when you got back from the limbus you aren't resurrected but re-summoned by the dragons.
Of course permanent death means you actually died

>> No.9123943

I still have that helmet so he can buy it. Although it has a few more dents since then as it was way too thin for steel combat but we tested a few weapons on it

>> No.9123948

Add to that that she is publickly begging for money eery know and then so she can go larping and in return she will make a video about how good she felt on it.
So yeah, big attention whore.
it's a big shame of our civilization that she actually got enough money to go to the harry potter larp from this and even more..

just for the record I don't like anyone here and also I think that you personally are an autist.

You were from the blue camp right?
Didn't had enough time to meet everyone or to talk with enough with everyone sadly.
Also we weren't 13k. It was way under 10k.
I would wait what the organizers say but I think it was somewhere around 8k, give or take one thousand.

There are french groups there.

>> No.9123950

also as you may have expected I got home from Drachenfest, storytime will come later as I get some food, and do a little recration, catch up and stuff like that.
I don't know when the fuck I will post pictures because the camera I borrowed used a microsd card but didn't had any USB ports and the card reador I got with it couldn't read micro SD or regular SD either, and I have only adapters to that.
Anyway, pictures as always will be on tg first, because lately you guys are acting as fucking idiots and also because tg has a way bigger image size limit.

Also I bought one of the new wyvern swords that are supposedly made by a similar technice than calimacil and allegedly better than them. So far it seems they handle better but will say more after I could seriously try it out. so probably in a few weeks.

>> No.9123968

I'm a fairly new larper from Finland and I'm interested to know how people larp in other countries and how things differ from region to region, so let's get this going!

Add more if necessary.
(Sorry if I use terms I've translated from Finnish larping scene and if they sound weird, but if you get what I mean then we're good.)

> Country (+state)
> Age, gender
> How long have you been larping?
> How many larps have you attended?
> What got you started and what kept you continuing?
> What genre larps do you attend the most and why? (high fantasy, post apocalyptic, cyberpunk, medieval etc.)
> What's your typecast?
> In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
> How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
> How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
> How do you get into your character's mindset and has off game ever bled into your character?
> Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)? If so, what campaign/genre was it? If not, would you like to?
> Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
> What's the usual way your day in a larp goes? (travelling, propping, briefing, larping, de-briefing, cleaning the venue, after party etc.)
> Do you often suffer from PLD?

Bonus for larp organizers:

> Have you ever written a whole larp/been a GM and how many larps have you hosted?
> What genre?
> Do you write/plan/host alone or with a friend?
> How many larpers do you usually allow to join per larp?
> How much does your game usually cost for a larper?
> How do people sign up for your larp and how do you decide who gets to attend?
> How do you choose the location for the larp and how do you finance propping the venue and additional costs (catering, lights, computers etc.)?

>> No.9123984
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> Country (+state)
La Belle France, everywhere cuz motorized.
> Age, gender
19, M.
>How long have you been larping?
Two years, just for Kandorya.
>What got you started and what kept you continuing?
Wanted to play medieval-fantasy IRL, not just in games.
>What genre larps do you attend the most and why? (high fantasy, post apocalyptic, cyberpunk, medieval etc.)
Fantasy, I'd like to try PA but I guess they're in the slavs countries and I don't speak blyat.
>In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
Yep. I saw maybe two people with the full leather lambda stuff, but apart from that everyone had their stuff handcrafted, or at least heavily modified.
>How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
I've spend about 2000 for all my stuff.
>How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
For my first, I did it like one week before, but now it's about five or six month before.
>How do you get into your character's mindset and has off game ever bled into your character?
Read books, play games et cetera. I'm playing a plague doctor vampire, so I took big inspiration for Regis in The Witcher. So, about one week before going into the game, I just re-read all a lot of phrases from this character, in my character's voice, his gestures et cetera.
>Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)? If so, what campaign/genre was it? If not, would you like to?
Overseas for me would be the US, and I don't think they have our quality in LARP. Aren't they more fond of Airsoft ? As their culture dosen't involve a lot of medieval stuff.
>Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
We write our own character. More fun.
>What's the usual way your day in a larp goes?
We're mercenaries, so it's really on the moment and usually it's a mess, but in a good way!
Nice way to revive thread too, Finbro!

>> No.9124063

>> Country (+state)
>> Age, gender
28, male
>> How long have you been larping?
11 years now
>> How many larps have you attended?
fuck knows. probably close to a hundred
>> What got you started and what kept you continuing?
heard it was cool. It was actually cool.
>> What genre larps do you attend the most and why? (high fantasy, post apocalyptic, cyberpunk, medieval etc.)
fantasy, because there are mostly fantasy larps around here
>> What's your typecast?
cutleranon made me a seal, but I don't see how is that important
>> In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
doesn't matter mostly, but if I would have to choose I would say people a tiny bit towards home made is better becasue then you aren't a rich asshole. Then again, a lot of home made kits are shit.
>> How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
varies a lot especially because I re-use a lot of stuff.
>> How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
I started it 11 years ago. Various ways from buying, bribery, blackmail, making it myself, etc.
>> How do you get into your character's mindset and has off game ever bled into your character?
No specific method. The only off game that ever bled into my characters are the things I'm basing my characters on.
>> Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)? If so, what campaign/genre was it? If not, would you like to?
I went to a lot of international larps out of my country, mostly in croatia, and several times went to drachenfest, but always stayed in the continent.
>> Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
GM's writing our characters isn't really a thing around here, sometimes they have suggestions but that's it. But I've been to games where it were otherwise and there were no problem with that

>> No.9124064

>> What's the usual way your day in a larp goes? (travelling, propping, briefing, larping, de-briefing, cleaning the venue, after party etc.)
varies in every larp
>> Do you often suffer from PLD?
I don't suffer it, only withstand it.

>> No.9124082

>> Country
>> Age, gender
22 M
>> How long have you been larping?
3 years or so
>> How many larps have you attended?
4 different games. Lots of events.
>> What got you started and what kept you continuing?
I wanted to fuck around in the woods and kill a player.
I killed a player.
>> What genre larps do you attend the most and why? (high fantasy, post apocalyptic, cyberpunk, medieval etc.)
Post apoc, I like the outfits and I like nerf guns.
>> What's your typecast?
Don't know if I really have one. It started as trigger happy lunatic but characters evolve. And at other games I play vastly different characters.
>> In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
No, not really. I think people just like to look good. Although I think we have an issue with people who are very mediocre at craft trying to do commissions.
>> How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
Does beer count as a prop?
For post apoc its cheaper. The only real expense was nerf guns and parts to mod them. So maybe 70 bucks or so. But collectively I've probably spent about 150 on my kit?
>> How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
I just hoard everything I can find. If I see something that looks cool, I grab it. It helps I walk around my city a lot.
>> How do you get into your character's mindset and has off game ever bled into your character?
I have a playlist that is the exact length of the drive to site. Not really, I've been emotional in game but separate it out.
>> Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)? If so, what campaign/genre was it? If not, would you like to?
No, and sure.
>> Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
I don't want anyone writing my character but me.

>> No.9124088


> What's the usual way your day in a larp goes? (travelling, propping, briefing, larping, de-briefing, cleaning the venue, after party etc.)
I get in a car, put head phones, and drink a beer on the way to site. My tent is a tiny pop up tent so its literally just peg it down. Then I sit in a tree until game starts. Meet up with my crew, then larp. Our GMs organize everyone in cleaning (so everyone does something) then theres an after game dinner. I usually go back to my friend's place where about 6 of us drink heavily and talk about game
> Do you often suffer from PLD?
No. I enjoy my time in larp, but my life doesn't suck so much I get depressed.

>> No.9124091

>I killed a player.
>not a character

I mean sure, 4chan is an anonymous image board but still, you should hide this stuff more carefully

>> No.9124096

I definitely meant a player character.
I don't know why I enjoy ending character lives so much. But its a real joy. I wear a jacket in game, and take a trophy from each on them, sewing it inside.

>> No.9124170

Are the faggot that come after combats and finish each dying person like a rat ?
You must have costed a lot of money to people.

>> No.9124223

Nah, gold. I was the dude in light-brown gambeson you gave Hungarian Schnapps to, if it rings any bells.
And maybe? That's what I've heard anyway.

>> No.9124319

No to the first question. My character doesn't execute, he believes in a weird honor code relevant to the game.
But yes, i end up with lots of peoples supplies.
Shockingly not all games are about friendship.

>> No.9124349

ehh fuck, I wanted to write gold, it was before I got my beauty sleep. Yeah I remember you. And it was actually hungarian pálinka

>> No.9124370

> Country (+state)
> Age, gender
34 M
> How long have you been larping?
Pub Larps - 17 Years, Field Larp - 4 years
> How many larps have you attended?
3 Field Larps and around half a dozen Pub Larps
> What got you started and what kept you continuing?
Most of my social circle are roleplayers, and it's the social aspect of the game that really keeps me going. That and hitting people with latex weapons
> What genre larps do you attend the most and why? (high fantasy, post apocalyptic, cyberpunk, medieval etc.)
High Fantasy, 40K, Sci-Fi and a whole load of White Wolf based games
> What's your typecast?
Don't really have one but the closest I can think of is Unlikely Hero
> In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
Neither really. No one really cares how you got the kit, as long as it's in theme for the setting.
> How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
Too much. If I include an IC appropriate Bell tent for Empire, I'm way over £1000+ for that game alone.
> How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
As soon as I have a character concept. Character kit will never be finished, I will always add little bits each event.
> How do you get into your character's mindset and has off game ever bled into your character?
Listening to a characters playlist and just putting on the kit helps. I've never had OC bleed into my IC, but I've seen it happen.
> Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)? If so, what campaign/genre was it? If not, would you like to?
All of my events are within the UK, longest I've travelled was 8 hours by car.
> Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
All of my characters are my own, but kept within the setting of the game

>> No.9124375

> What's the usual way your day in a larp goes? (travelling, propping, briefing, larping, de-briefing, cleaning the venue, after party etc.)
All of my field larps are weekend length, so the day of arrival is setting up our groups camp, seeing friends OCly especially if I have no reason to interact ICly yet (Empire often has 1500+ people on field so there's lots of friends I will never see on field) and getting into kit. Last day is getting the group camp taken down, taking rubbish to the skip and so on.
> Do you often suffer from PLD?
Sometimes, especially after a high emotionally stressful game. But it's more that I've spent up to 4 days thinking differently, and I take a day off right after to get myself back into real life mode.

>> No.9124386

> Country (+state)
Nah ya bloody scott, you're british.

>> No.9124389

What do you guys put in your potions ?
I'm playing a doctor, and I put alchool w/orange in the begginning, but I don't want to make people drink alchool if they don't want to.

>> No.9124392

One T by dear fellow. One T.
Also, I count myself as both, since Britain is made up of the 3 countries on the main island, with Northern Ireland joining in to make up the UK.

>> No.9124585

>it's a big shame of our civilization that she actually got enough money to go to the harry potter larp from this and even more..

Really? That shit was like $500. Makes me even more glad I didn't bother.

>> No.9124645

yes, and there was another less successful (read: someone with smaller breasts) attention whore who tried to do the same and failed.
but larpgirl started another one recently to get money because she doesn't have a job so people should support her or some shit like that

>> No.9124737

> Country (+state)
> Age, gender
18, M
> How long have you been larping?
Almost 7 years
> How many larps have you attended?
Six weekend-long larps, about the same number of one-day larps, and about a hundred trainings in larp-fighting.
> What got you started and what kept you continuing?
I got started when a twelve-year-old German friend told me there was a hobby where you could hit people with foam sticks. I never really cared for roleplaying until age fourteen.
> What genre larps do you attend the most and why? (high fantasy, post apocalyptic, cyberpunk, medieval etc.)
Fantasy larps, exclusively. Historical larping isn't really my thing, and I don't know any larps around that aren't one of those two.
> What's your typecast?
I tend to play commoners with a disdain for nobility, but that's because in my experience the vast majority of people who play nobility are power-tripping asswipes.
> In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
Most of the people I know well buy their stuff rather than making it. Those that don't make it themselves because they are poor. I have no idea about the community at large, though.

>> No.9124739

Change 'poor' to 'poor or cheap' in the last answer, btw.

> How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
A lot of my stuff is used in multiple costumes, but I guess each has about €500,- of items in it. The exception is my not!voodoo priest, who doesn't carry armour or weapons and cost €100,- at most.
> How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
After each event, I plan out which items I will need for the next one, which gives me about four to eight months. The costume I buy somewhere. For other props I tend to scour French markets and brocantes, which works surprisingly well.
> Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)? If so, what campaign/genre was it? If not, would you like to?
I'd like to go to Empire one day.
> Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
I prefer writing characters myself, as pre-made can be really hit-or-miss. I do try to get some imput from others whether the character will be fun and interesting to play.
> What's the usual way your day in a larp goes? (travelling, propping, briefing, larping, de-briefing, cleaning the venue, after party etc.)
On arrival day (friday), you set up your stuff, get into costume, and the briefing starts at 9 pm with the actual game beginning at 9:30. The second day is just larping the entire day. On the last day, the game ends at about 3 pm. There's a debriefing, everyone gets out of their costume, cleans up their stuff and goes home/do whatever.
> Do you often suffer from PLD?
Not really, I just find myself wishing I could do magic a lot more than usual after a larp.

>> No.9124756

you started larping at 11..?

>> No.9124758


>> No.9124833

> Country (+state)
US, Northern Virginia
> Age, gender
26, M
> How long have you been larping?
About a year and a half now.
> How many larps have you attended?
Just the one so far. This area is starved for good larps, so I count myself lucky I was able to find even one that worked for me.
> What got you started and what kept you continuing?
My old job came with free HEMA classes, which was really great. When I left the job, I suddenly had weekends free, and needed something new to scratch my dressing-up-and-hitting-people-with-swords itch. I already knew about the larp group because I had a school friend in it, so I joined up.
> What genre larps do you attend the most and why? (high fantasy, post apocalyptic, cyberpunk, medieval etc.)
The one I go to is post-apoc fantasy. I'd love to do a sci-fi larp sometime, though.
> What's your typecast?
My first character was a knight and I post a lot about weapons/armor on social media, so I kind of got stereotyped as The Knight Guy. I do other stuff too, though.
> In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
I would say it probably is, yes. Hungarian's answer to this one pretty much sums up my own thoughts.
> How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
Per game, not very much. I've spent maybe around 700-800 on my garb, including weapons, between two characters. But I don't make heavy use of props that need maintenance or replacement between events, so that and event costs are about all I've spent.
> How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
I get my stuff packed up at the last minute mostly. If I'm ordering or making a new costume piece, I try to order it or start on the sewing/construction a month in advance.

>> No.9124838

> How do you get into your character's mindset and has off game ever bled into your character?
I have a playlist for the game, like other anons have mentioned. Getting into costume is usually enough for me as well, especially when the costume involves a mask or other facial prop.
> Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)? If so, what campaign/genre was it? If not, would you like to?
I have not. Would love to visit Drachenfest or one of the other big European games sometime, but that's not going to happen for several years, if ever.
> Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
The idea of GMs dictating anything about a character (beyond "that doesn't work that way in this universe, here's what you might consider trying instead") is entirely foreign to me. If it's my character, I should have final creative control over them up until the point they're released into the world.
> What's the usual way your day in a larp goes? (travelling, propping, briefing, larping, de-briefing, cleaning the venue, after party etc.)
We do weekend-long events, so usually I try to get there late Friday afternoon. I snap a few pictures of some of the better costumes while the light's good, then get into costume myself and dick around in character for an hour or two while I wait for the check-in line to go down. After check-in I play as normal, go to bed around 2-3 AM, then get up the next morning and take a shift as an NPC until lunch. After lunch I get back into character, play until they call game end, and help with cleanup on Sunday morning. We typically go out for a late lunch after cleanup, chat about the events of the game, etc.
> Do you often suffer from PLD?
Not really. I get eager anticipation for about two weeks before each event, and typically leave each one feeling satisfied and exhausted.

>> No.9124857

To be fair, that price is pretty ridiculous. But that's to be expected when the creators waste tons of money on unnecessary shit like providing a costume for every single person who signs up (because asking oppressed middle-class womyn to make their own robe and buy a tie is just too much). Maybe they should spend less time publically complaining about white males and more time getting their budget straight.

>> No.9124865

He is not wearing any of those things

He wants one for SCA combat, and in 12 gauge


> Country (+state)
Virginia, USA
> Age, gender
27, Male
> How long have you been larping?
If you count historic events, I have been involved since I was a baby. My first real larp was at 15 though.
> How many larps have you attended?
Fuuuuuuuuck. I have lost count.
> What got you started and what kept you continuing?
Both my parents are medieval recreationists and gamers. My love of adventure and fantasy keeps me in.
> What genre larps do you attend the most and why? (high fantasy, post apocalyptic, cyberpunk, medieval etc.)
Medieval, low fantasy, and cyberpunk. Getting more into both 18thC history (due to my job) and therefore, fantasy pirate stuff.
> What's your typecast?
black market merchant/rogue type or jaded fighter type
> In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
Depends on the group in question
> How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
Personally? Not much. I have a LOT of stuff
> How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
See the last question. My house looks kinda like a curiosity shop.
> How do you get into your character's mindset and has off game ever bled into your character?
Typically, write myself a little character bio, and no, as I do not have a mental illness
> Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)? If so, what campaign/genre was it? If not, would you like to?
Yup. Three day cyberpunk event in Korea back in the early 2000's called Static Sky.
> Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
I don't understand the question
> What's the usual way your day in a larp goes? (travelling, propping, briefing, larping, de-briefing, cleaning the venue, after party etc.)
It goes as it goes.
> Do you often suffer from PLD?
What the dicks is PLD?

>> No.9124866

Bonus for larp organizers:

> Have you ever written a whole larp/been a GM and how many larps have you hosted?
> What genre?
Low Fantasy, Cyberpunk and modern Cthulhu mythos.
> Do you write/plan/host alone or with a friend?
Usually a group of friends
> How many larpers do you usually allow to join per larp?
Depends on the type of larp. The Cthulhu larp was max of 10 PC's before it would be too immersion dissolving.
> How much does your game usually cost for a larper?
Depends on the larp.
> How do people sign up for your larp and how do you decide who gets to attend?
Typically by facebook/email, and if they meet the minimum epuipment/appearance requirements and at least two story tellers vet the character concept.
> How do you choose the location for the larp and how do you finance propping the venue and additional costs (catering, lights, computers etc.)?
Depends on the game and number of players, as well as the setting. The cyberpunk larp at Magfest 2015 was cheap and easy simply due to the venue's nature, and the players all being congoers.

>> No.9124924

Water, I don't want anyone drinking something they don't want to. Maybe use colored glass for the flasks.

>> No.9125030
File: 940 KB, 627x502, desire to know more intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Three day cyberpunk event in Korea back in the early 2000's called Static Sky.

Huh, really? I've never heard of there being any larp community to speak of in East Asia.

>> No.9125102
File: 49 KB, 446x595, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently making a basic Templar surcoat, should I sew the cross on or paint it on? And if I should paint, what paint?

>> No.9125107

Any good pirate pistol that make sound ? With firecrackers ?

>> No.9125110

Because its non-existant. It was 99% American students, soldiers and military brats. Only 1% Korean.

This was before smartphones got big, so all the data was transfered via actual burnt disks and flash drives.

Both are accurate, but sewn on appliques mean you're more important and higher up in the order. As for paint, not being a dick, but matte fabric paint.

>> No.9125112

Firecrackers are literally made with gunpowder... What you're asking for is basically an actual pistol

>> No.9125114
File: 320 KB, 482x596, Black_guard_by_piemasterxl-d5r1jyj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for a helmet source for my new project inspired by the Knights of Morr. Either this type or sallet. Ideally want to go PU as it will be used for larp combat rather than SCA/HEMA. Anyone know of any PU makers that do one off projects? Wyrmwick and Norton (UK companies) seem to do batches.

>> No.9125115

hum, then any pistol that make sound but would be allowed in a LARP.

>> No.9125126


Mind you, for the same price or less, you could get a light metal costume helmet.



If you want something that actually makes an appreciable "bang", then using a blackpowder pistol with a 3/4 charge and paper wad would work fine at 15 feet away or greater.

>> No.9125306
File: 1.22 MB, 500x333, 4thrz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a guy in my local group who fights like he watched those jedi swordfighting vids (in a fantasy LARP, I might add). He's admitted it isn't very practical, but continues to do so because he finds it fun.

Should I try to coerce him to learn actual techniques, or let him continue his spin2win moves? We're also in one of those rules-heavy hp games, if it makes any difference.

>> No.9125325

Or a cap gun (still technically explosives, but your talking like 4 grains of gunpowder per cap in a cap gun, which beyond going bang isn't going to do much). They make a small flash and a bang.

>> No.9125379

>Rules-heavy HP game
Let him have his fun. I play one of those rules-heavy games and having anyone do something to break the monotony of mundane back-and forth tapfighting is welcome.

Also, as a HEMAfag, please don't go around trying to teach other people shit unless they ask you about it or something.

>> No.9125393

Just casually throw him the 'if you want to learn more or something I'll be glad to show you"

>> No.9125534

I'm >>9123968 , hi again.
Glad to see people actually answered my questions!
Oh, and thank you >>9123984 though actually I'm not a "bro" vvv

> Country
> Age, gender
25, F
> How long have you been larping?
I started last summer so a year now.
> How many larps have you attended?
Only two so far, would've attended more this year but had to cancel a few because of work and such. I hope to go to a few more this year.
> What got you started and what kept you continuing?
I started role playing about 6 years ago after finally finding a friend who's a great DM and has hosted long campaigns for years, but that wasn't enough for me somehow. I had heard of larping ages ago but my home town was tiny as fuck and had no larp community whatsoever. Last year I moved to a bigger city, got new friends and finally was able to find my way to a larp. The immersion was great and I got totally hooked. Here we have a saying "got bitten by a larp fly" when you can't wait for another game.
> What genre larps do you attend the most and why?
I've attended a high fantasy and a cyberpunk larp so far, and I think those are what I'll stick with mostly. Post-apocalyptic interests me as well and so does Sci-fi, but esp. exclusively Sci-fi larps are rare here in Finland.


>> No.9125550


> What's your typecast?
Happy-go-lucky characters for they are close to my own personality. I aim to steer away from those though, because I want to challenge myself and I don't want to get stuck playing a certain typecast.
> In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
It's not frowned upon at all if you buy your props because let's face it, not everyone has access to a laser cutter or has the knowledge on how to make a latex sword. Still, making things yourself gets lots of praise, especially self made weapons and clothes.
> How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
In my first larp (fantasy) I pulled almost everything from my closet. Being an old cosplayer it was easy to just use game appropriate stuff I already had and buy things I needed to modify them. So that cost me probably just 50€ whilst the props for the cyberpunk larp cost me over a 100€ just because I wanted to look super elaborate and blind everyone with lights and UV-paint.
> How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
The minute I apply, even if I wasn't certain I get in, so at least 6 months in advance. I can always use the props I buy in another larp someday anyways.
> How do you get into your character's mindset and has off game ever bled into your character?
I too collect a playlist and try to find a character in fiction that reminds my larp character and learn manners or a tone of voice from that. But usually getting the props on in advance and doing make up tests helps the most.


>> No.9125551

Hopping on bandwagon now
> Country (+state)
> Age, gender
28, M
> How long have you been larping?
11 years
> How many larps have you attended?
Almost a hundred.
> What got you started and what kept you continuing?
Found it more immersive than tabletop or vidya.
> What genre larps do you attend the most and why? (high fantasy, post apocalyptic, cyberpunk, medieval etc.)
Fantasy, because in Hungary you either go fantasy or go vampire, these two are the most widely available.
> What's your typecast?
Can't really put it down to one single type - maybe "voice of reason" would be the common theme of most of my characters, but even that is stretching it. My default when I have no better idea is usually the mercenary type.
> In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
Again, no solid preference, maybe a slight preference to DIY.
> How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
I'm afraid to total it.
> How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
I'm constantly collecting and making whatever I feel like - so I have a growing storage of various larp gear I can use for anything.
> How do you get into your character's mindset and has off game ever bled into your character?
I don't have a set process for it - I usually just read up on the setting, read/watch related media.
> Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)? If so, what campaign/genre was it? If not, would you like to?
I've been to Croatia a few times every year for various fantasy larps. I've tried to go to Drachenfest several times but either I don't have enough days off from work, or - as it happened in 2013 - my workplace went bankrupt and I couldn't afford to go.


>> No.9125560


> Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)?
No, but I'd very much like to travel to another country for a larp. Especially College of Wizardry in Poland intrigues me.
> Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
Here in Finland it's more common that the GM writes the setting, some plot points and most of the characters. In your application you can request to write your own character with the Gm so it fits to the world of the larp in question, but many people just choose to give general guidelines of what kind of character they'd like to play and what would they like to go through during the game. The larper then receives a loose character description and certain goals to achieve, relationships and so forth and can fill everything else themselves.
> What's the usual way your day in a larp goes?
I usually contact other people coming to the larp from my area and hitch a ride, we get our shit to the game site and get familiar with it, que general brief and then propping up and finally complete brief before larping my ass off for the rest of the night. Game ends and then it's time for a de-briefing after which people usually take their props off and head home. Depending on the venue there might be an after party, eating, drinking and sauna.
> Do you often suffer from PLD?
After my second larp I did come across something like it. In Finland the D in PLD sometimes stands for "darra" which is slang word for hangover and that's what people go through more often than the "depression" part; emotional hangover after a great game.

Thank you everyone who answered my questions and keep them coming!
I was really surprised to see how different things are even in European countries close to mine, let's keep this going!


>> No.9125561

> Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
In Hungary the norm is writing your own character (sometimes with some GM guidance), but I've tried larps with pre-written characters, and I have nothing against it - trusting the GMs is more about whether I not I have some personal issue with them (i.e. do I know them to be asshats or not) than the larp design itself.
> What's the usual way your day in a larp goes? (travelling, propping, briefing, larping, de-briefing, cleaning the venue, after party etc.)
Varies, from game to game, to be honest.
> Do you often suffer from PLD?
I usually just suffer from the PLD of others, as I often run the games.

> Have you ever written a whole larp/been a GM and how many larps have you hosted?
I've hosted about 25 larps - I started organizing larps just about when I started.
> What genre?
I've done fantasy, Fallout inspired post-apoc, one modern-era Call of Cthulhu, and right now I'm working on a hard science fiction larp.
> Do you write/plan/host alone or with a friend?
I usually gather a crew of interested and trustworthy people for every larp.
> How many larpers do you usually allow to join per larp?
Depending on the capacity of the terrain, anywhere between 30 and 90.
> How much does your game usually cost for a larper?
Again, depending on whether we need to rent out a venue and catering or just fuck around in the woods, how many specific props does the larp need, etc. Most go between 2000 and 10000 HUF, that is between 6.5 and 32 EUR.
> How do people sign up for your larp and how do you decide who gets to attend?
> How do you choose the location for the larp and how do you finance propping the venue and additional costs (catering, lights, computers etc.)?
We have a forest terrain as default which is officially handled by one of our players, and when we need something else, I just start browsing through available venues and try to find suiting candidates.

>> No.9125569

Managed to forget this one:
> How do people sign up for your larp and how do you decide who gets to attend?
We usually have a simple sign-up process of filling out a form which then generates your character sheet. Participation is limited but any trusted player can invite others - the only restriction being is that they are responsible for the people they bring, both to help them get involved in the game and to make sure they are not problem people.

>> No.9125572

So who was at Avatar? (Belgium)
What faction?

>> No.9125622

most of the money goes to renting the castle and buying stuff for the special effects and the team who maintain/use it.
the costumes are a very small part of the budget there

>> No.9125627
File: 2.25 MB, 2448x3264, DSC02134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never heard of there being any larp community to speak of in East Asia.
as much as you will be surprsied but there is even a larp community in Japan.
Not a big one and they mostly do chamber larps and such but last year winter they made their (allegedly) first weekend long outside larp, so the ones that most people in europe and US play.

like these ones?

>> No.9125631

>I was really surprised to see how different things are even in European countries close to mine, let's keep this going!
don't forget that you are in finland so there are a lot of nordic larps there, which is kind of unique to Scandinavia and Poland, other countries aren't that big on it.

>> No.9125714

You mean like with a nordic setting? I haven't really noticed. Fantasy, vampires, historical Finnish and Harry Potter seem to be the most popular ones arranged here.

>> No.9125723

>like these ones?
Yep, but just found out what I want : "cap gun", and it's accepted in Kandorya so, it's great ! But thanks.

>> No.9125724

Does anyone know what those pointy things are for? (For instance, at the end of the hilt of the second gun from the top)

Can a chainmail work for a far-east based character?
>inb4 r u asian
No, but I'm going to a LARP that has a group that is based on the far east, and they're a different race than human (Something the LARP organizers created)

>> No.9125727

It's to make the bullet and black powder enter I think.

>> No.9125728

nope. Nordic larp has nothing to do with the setting, it's mostly about the "why?" and sometimes a little about the "how?"

historical design. Easier to bash in the heads of others when you run out of ammo. which is pretty soon as they are one shot thing.

And yes it can work, far east was very big on chainmail, although they usually added small plates to it here and there

>> No.9125732

Oh, makes sense.

And do you know about specific periods/cultures who used that so I can take inspiration and such?

>> No.9125733

naaaa, nordic larp is more popular over in sweden and denmark, over here in Estonia a few people have organised some experimental nordic ones but I don't think the nordics scene is any bigger in Finland either. fantasy and battle ones are way more common

>> No.9125739

>percussion cap locks on 18thC pistols

Guns don't have hilts. The hilt of a sword or knife is the guard between the handle and the blade. If you mean the metal protrusion on the heel of the grip, that is there for when you invert the gun, holding it by the barrel in close combat like a hammer.

>> No.9125743
File: 1.13 MB, 4320x3240, SAM_1972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the time nordic larps are chamber larps so it's not that easy to find them.
But yeah estonia isn't big on nordic larps. Some would say estonia isn't even part of scandinavia.
Also, do you know by any chance a few landsknecht reenactors who were on drachenfest last year?
these guys to be more specific

>> No.9125773

>most of the time nordic larps are chamber larps so it's not that easy to find them.

I gave up on finding any other larps than the regular big ones because its a lot of work to find smaller events, and often results in you finding out about them either to late or after they happened.

Sweden is really big on IT and all, but anyone who doesnt work in marketing knows jack shit about advertising or social media, they are all stuck in the 70's and rely on their members to vocally spread information about their events.

There was a website that had a list of larps and such but it didnt include all larps and I stopped using it since it wasnt very active the last time I checked. Which is a really big shame since sometimes some really good looking larps come up. I once saw a Jane Austen larp come up and they had managed to rent out an entire barock age castle and its garden for a whole day, which I thought was really cool.

>> No.9125884
File: 29 KB, 736x610, 7cf810434f5b69f47602d8702554284b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find a sword like this, or what type of sword look like this one ? Thanks.

>> No.9125963

Cheers for links, I really like the idea of the winged skull on top. What would be a good way of making something like that? 3d printing?

>> No.9125972
File: 139 KB, 1536x1024, 13661794_10157087344740291_6124020805388369253_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Country (+state)
London, England
>> Age, gender
>> How long have you been larping?
3 years
>> How many larps have you attended?
I currently do 4 different systems
>> What got you started and what kept you continuing?
Drifted over from cosplay scene, but this is much more fun
>> What genre larps do you attend the most and why? (high fantasy, post apocalyptic, cyberpunk, medieval etc.)
Medium Fantasy
>> What's your typecast?
Amoral sociopathic snob
>> In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
Not really much difference
>> How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
Quite a lot
>> How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
I like to prepare a good few months in advance
>> How do you get into your character's mindset and has off game ever bled into your character?
Not really
>> Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)? If so, what campaign/genre was it? If not, would you like to?
Aiming for Drachenfest next year
>> Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
No issues writing my own character
>> What's the usual way your day in a larp goes? (travelling, propping, briefing, larping, de-briefing, cleaning the venue, after party etc.)
Fight, drink, fight, drink
>> Do you often suffer from PLD?
Only once, when a character i'd played for years finally got killed. But normally no.

>> No.9126002

Try looking for a Tanto, as that is the blade style.

You can get premade paper mache and foam skulls on various sizes from crafts stores durring halloween.

>> No.9126004

Is that you in the photo?

>> No.9126007

While monstering on Saturday, I thought I saw you in the pile of Grendel prisoners. I guess you didn't get ransomed back as I'm sure I then saw you get bashed by Marchers in the Hub, and you were wearing League kit.

>> No.9126080

It is
I was fighting as my RnR character on the Saturday. I got downed and was going to be executed/left for dead. I told them I was the High King of Highguard and the mercs believed me. So they ended up keeping me alive and ransoming me!
I was NPC'ing when you saw me in the hub. I was a League assassin who'd stabbed the groom during their wedding, Needless to say the wedding party were not thrilled.

>> No.9126084

Ah, would that be the Vyig I heard had stabbed someone at a wedding then?

>> No.9126136



>> No.9126142
File: 44 KB, 534x800, tumblr_nczpdtSJkl1rmtzhmo1_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone know what those pointy things are for

Touching on what was already stated, aside from inverting the pistol and using it quite literally as a club, the protrusion on the grip of the weapon would also sometimes be used as a lanyard to secure the weapon to yourself. You can see a little ring on the second one up from the bottom in your picture. In later periods this became the norm.

>> No.9126204

AHH, Finnfag here again, I understood you wrong but yeah. That style is usually applied (or pursued) in every larp here. The only thing here that migh not meet those traits is the game venue, larpers usually settle with what's available and prop the place as much as possible to deepen the immersion.

But yeah, Finns usually larp by what we call the "rule of the highest drama"; even if your character was good at keeping secrets they still let it slip out to the worst tattle tale in the village so other larpers get more playability and more drama is guaranteed.
And what comes to immersion e.g. larps that in game take place in a bar might offer a certain amount of real alcoholic shots. Enough to make it feel like a bar but not so much as to make people drunk af.

All p common here.

>> No.9126206

Finnfag here again, we actually have a larp calendar run by active members of the community where GM's can advertise their larps and recruit new players.
It's not as active as I wish but it updates regularly.

>> No.9126221
File: 149 KB, 1005x1005, 12291062_1531597760483568_8879264667131883544_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Country
Australia (up north)
> Age, gender
> How long have you been larping?
About 4 years
> How many larps have you attended?
Been going to the same 2 for the whole 4 years (we don't have a lot of choice here)
> What got you started and what kept you continuing?
Friends got me into it and I stay for the people and the opportunity to make more challenging kits
> What genre larps do you attend the most and why? (high fantasy, post apocalyptic, cyberpunk, medieval etc.)
High fantasy and Post apoc are all we really have. I'd like to do more Warhammer and medieval larps though
> What's your typecast?
Usually secret or blatant assholes, it's good to be bad
> In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
I'd say it's about even
> How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
Too much
> How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
If I have to make a new kit; usually a couple of months ahead
> How do you get into your character's mindset and has off game ever bled into your character?
I usually have a key catch phrase that I'll repeat to keep me in character (especially if I'm doing an accent)
> Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)? If so, what campaign/genre was it? If not, would you like to?
I'm moving to the UK in 2018 because the LARP scene in Australia is pretty barren, I'm really looking forward to it! (hey UK people be my friend)
> Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
I like the challenge of pre-written characters as it gets me out of my usual typecast
> What's the usual way your day in a larp goes?
Pretty much the same as everyone else
> Do you often suffer from PLD?
It's only happened once after a particularly good RP driven larp

>> No.9126267

Indeed, the band played Rains of Castamere afterwards. Was brilliant.

>> No.9126302

That would have been something to see, sorry I missed it.

>> No.9126394

I even got to say "The Vyig send their regards" as I plunged in the knife, my partner stabbed the bride. I then ran, I made a good 300m before being dog-piled by several angry militia and marchers. When I was told i was to be executed I tried to strangle the magistrate pronouncing judgement. Was great fun!

>> No.9126526
File: 155 KB, 640x970, optimisme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, salut toi. Je commençais à désespérer de trouver un français. Province ?

Nice plaguedoctor mask. Are those sturdy enought for larping ? I was thinking of making one myself, but went inquisitor.


> Country (+state)
France, Paris/Cahors
> Age, gender
> How long have you been larping?
3 years
> How many larps have you attended?
> What got you started and what kept you continuing?
Pen and paper rpg, vidya game, + habit to fight brother with broomstick that turned into fencing. Seemed the natural evolution.
> What genre larps do you attend the most and why? (high fantasy, post apocalyptic, cyberpunk, medieval etc.)
Fantasy. I prefer low fantasy, as there is less abstract things, and less theorycrafting on stats.
> What's your typecast?
Fighter with medium/heavy armor. but as my armor is well made, still pretty mobile. Impossible to tire out, as I'm pretty phlegmatic when it come to fighting. Usually survive most of the fights because I can run with my armor, and put brambles between me and my pursuers.
Often mercenary and mundane-healer. Everyone welcome a healer, and I like to explore most of the larp rather than be locked in one faction.
Now, the same + religious fanatic, due to unhealty amount of warhammer.
> In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
Mix between the two. We have renowned artisans, and generalist stores, so usually the weapons are bought, online or in medfest, but costume is usually more homemade.
Mine is old shitty weapon that got repaired upgraded

>> No.9126530
File: 249 KB, 1024x668, Isis infiltre le GN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
I usually don't really plan for a larp. I have a idea of what I want to play, I make a kit and find a larp when this character could be played.
> How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
between 0 and 50. But kit is made before, and most of my stuff is multi usage. A leather armor with rusted plates is,with small changes, good enought for med/fan, as post apo or a star wars scum. A witch hunter is a hat and belt away from being a cowboy or a pirate.
> How do you get into your character's mindset and has off game ever bled into your character?
I usually don't shot too far from myself, so... It's rather when I make something different that I have to train the mindset before.
> Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)? If so, what campaign/genre was it? If not, would you like to?
Nope, but want and will when enought money to pay the trip.
> Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
It's a personal thing. I write it, the GM blend it into the universe.
> What's the usual way your day in a larp goes? (travelling, propping, briefing, larping, de-briefing, cleaning the venue, after party etc.)
travelling, setting up camp then wearing garb, briefing, larping, debriefing, taking our own shit and cleaning others, travelling.
If close with organisation, longer cleaning up, after party, maybe even another night, then going.
> Do you often suffer from PLD?
Excuse me ?

>> No.9126545
File: 273 KB, 900x1210, plague_doctor_by_gameofdolls-d56obj5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Île-de-France, Fontainbleau mon frère !
The plague doctor mask is great, especially if you're shy. But you know, it was hot as fuck and when you have the mask it's worse. But yeah, you can run around with it. If you have a hat, it's better.
Is that you on the photo ? You're with the Innocents du Vide ? I'm in Grand Griffe.

>> No.9126657

Can I put caps on a flinstock gun ?

>> No.9126696
File: 51 KB, 550x284, gca-antique-firearm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.

>Can I put caps on a flinstock gun ?
I assume you mean flintlock. The answer is no, as they are totally different mechanisms. The name of the lock refers to the source of ignition that sets off the gunpowder. Matchlock means a burning piece of slowmatch. Flintlock means a chunk of flint sparking against a steel frizzen. Caplock means it uses an explosive cap.

There is simply no place to set the cap or strike it, hence why all the guns in >>9125627 are set with caplocks.

Pic related.

>> No.9126730
File: 89 KB, 960x655, 13654137_651916474957304_6018111650377784528_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha... Proche. y'a donc moyen de s'arranger un truc. D'autres Gn bientôt ?

then guard in the star wars later. Now testing the inquisitor garb in a cons. Adding a plaguedoctor, and a leper or a flagelant to make a group

could turn a D&D larp into a seventh seal's, and that would be my biggest wish.

Never did kando. heard too much that it's not worth the price.

Mask are also great to be memorable. it's a perma pokerface, so you can say a lot more of stupid shit.
And yes, it's me as a guard here,
Are your plaguemask only hot, or also hard to breathe ?


A Denix flincock would be fine with personalisation. there is a lot of tutorial for them.

>> No.9126811

Does your character ever carry around enough stuff on a day to day basis to justify usage of a backpack or other fairly large container? If so, what do you have in it?

>> No.9126842

Considering cold forging some plate but don't care about accuracy to any period, is it worth rolling edges over rounding them off with a dremel/sandpaper?

>> No.9126913

Rolling edges is almost always easier/looks better.

>> No.9126995

I find masks in general to be a really great theatrical tool. For shyness, self-consciousness, or any problems getting into character, they can be a massive help.

>> No.9127123
File: 31 KB, 874x622, 13901423_608858559285039_6068428827328123035_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend of mine who actually draw has knocked up a concept design for the sallet I want. Tropemageddon but really suits my purposes.

>> No.9127132
File: 39 KB, 500x444, EA-PlagueDoctorBrownMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noice costume mate, what's the name of your coat ?

Well, for Kandorya, the inter-Kando is great as we are like 300, it's action packed and there's a lot - and I mean a LOT - of roleplay. The game at night is great too. Kandorya is cool if you know what to do, where to go. We're about 1700 and if your bosses don't know you or didn't talk to you earlier, they're going to ignore you and you're just going to burn out in the field under the sun wainting to get robbed or for a battle. So, it's a great experience if you plan what to do yourself and have a group of friends with whom talk, go to the tavern, play Gwent et cetera. And if you want, the price right now is 59€, so, pretty much nothing.

The plague mask is really hot yeah, you need to take a deodorant wipe and clean it every time you wear it for a long time. But no, it's pretty easy to breathe in as long as you make a hole or two (like in pic related).

Well, I've got a lot of work to do this year, so no, nothing planned apart from inter-Kando of spring, and the one in July. Didn't looked at too much for other LARP here too tb(h). Any recommendations?

>> No.9127158
File: 2.40 MB, 5472x3648, SAM_4413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile a few pics from Drachenfest

>> No.9127161
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>> No.9127163
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>> No.9127166
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>> No.9127173
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>> No.9127174
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>> No.9127179
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>> No.9127184
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>> No.9127185

Now that's a proper dwaven lady.

>> No.9127186
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>> No.9127188
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>> No.9127191
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>> No.9127194
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>> No.9127321

Any good book about medecine I can get, to simulate the operation while I heal someone ?

>> No.9127328

Any decent tutorials to making a boffer? All the ones I'm finding are either for the basic pool-noodle type, or involve lots of shitty camera angles and mumbling. Also, pics for inspiration would be nice.

>> No.9127333


>> No.9127337


>> No.9127360
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>> No.9127361


You mean this one? no thanks. Honestly, I'd rather try to make a dicksword look good.

>> No.9127362
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>> No.9127366
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>> No.9127371
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>> No.9127372

holy shit, that's fugly

>> No.9127395
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>> No.9127408
File: 258 KB, 800x1200, Thorin_Upper_Body_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any benefit to a smaller shield like this? Wouldn't an armored gauntlet do about the same thing?

>> No.9127437
File: 923 KB, 2048x1150, cherchez l'intru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fedegn calendar is up again, but someone made a sheet of all of them.

The problem for kando is that I have no group, and can't buy ticket if I'm not sure that I have the entire week empty.

I think will will be in one little larp for beginner in august, as npc, as gf is interested and it's a close and cheap one.

C'est un Cache poussiere. Autant la veste de van helsing, que d'un cocher, ou d'un cowboy. Comme dit avant, je me débrouille pour que le matos soit très réutilisable, c'est du leboncoin. Avec le chapeau, on pourrais faire un bon petit medecin de la peste aussi....

Also, about the hat.
Any way to straighten, harden the leather of a hat ?

For foam painting, is a special fexible paint needed, or acrylic is fine ?

Well, usually the advantage of the small shield is that you hold it with your hand, so here you have the disadvantage of a heater shield without the advantage.

>> No.9127439

I guess it's kind of like a buckler?

>> No.9127445

he seem to be holding it with more like a heater, with the whole arm rather than just a hand

>> No.9127461

larger objects will spread out the force more than smaller ones, the heavier it is the more of the shock it will absorb

even though plate armor does a good job of that, it still doesn't do it well enough to keep you from loosing stability or potentially taking physical damage (even if it doesn't break through the plate, it can sure as hell break a bone or crack off something)

making a gauntlet and wrist guard large and strong enough to effectively stop a blow the same way a shield does, without taking a serious risk to your hand/arm, would make that arm seriously restricted in mobility and usage due to weight and construction. the good thing about shields is that they can easily be picked up and used and just as easily be discarded if you want to climb ladders or switch weapons, while armor such as gauntlets is a lot slower, and would at the same time leave you unarmored on that hand if you remove it.

>> No.9127470

If you are moding it to be able to fire caps for sound effect you totally can. You drill a hole into the pan, and insert a rod into it with slightly smaller diameter than the cap. You can then put a cap onto the rod, and it will fire when hit.

There are loads of of larps in the UK, with varying genres. You can never be short of ones to attend if you wanted to. And at Empire, they are great with new players.

>> No.9127489

>2nd from right

>> No.9127517
File: 758 KB, 2048x1150, trop de fun dans la bataille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have another. Seem bit too happy for peoples fighting for their life, but heh. At least they were having fun.

>> No.9127529
File: 1.23 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Country (+state)
> Age, gender
28, male
> How long have you been larping?
Since 2003 (with a 6 year pause)
> How many larps have you attended?
Could not count, minimum 50
> What got you started and what kept you continuing?
Friends, friends
> What genre larps do you attend the most and why?
Medieval fantasy (because sadly this is more popular)
Post apo in autumn also
> What's your typecast?
> In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
Doesnt matter that much but extra credit for homemade
> How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
Nowaday not much i eveb begun selling my extra stuff
> How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
The day before
> How do you get into your character's mindset and has off game ever bled into your character?
Spend time with my group sharing some fines herbes and once we feel in char we go to town
> Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)? If so, what campaign/genre was it? If not, would you like to?
I lived in france in 2011 but it was during my pause, i started bico the same summer and kinda wish i went to one
> Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
I dont trust the dm but doesnt care enough to write one because nobody cares unless its funny
> What's the usual way your day in a larp goes?
I wake up sometime,somewhere.
There is some stuff happening
I end up in weird adventures where i chose to never figth
I end up with lot of quest stuff but my char is analphabet so i start asking around, i make poeple do quest cuz i dont care.
> Do you often suffer from PLD?
Sometimes after a long combat day, i go to sleep in my peaceful bed and i still hear the voices and clash of a thousand weapons.
It gets me horny

>> No.9127538

Thanks for the sheet and the cache poussière mon ami.

If you want a group for Kando, come to Grand Griffe ! And join l'Église de Gurdyl, our God for alchoolics, you'll get bonus on the battlefield, like making other people drunk, or launching spells of alcoholhemia of mass.

Usually you won't have too, they're pretty small but comfortable. But I don't know, sorry.

>> No.9127557

Does anyone knwo what's the name of the coat weared by the doctor in the 15th century ? Those long ass coat ?

>> No.9127570

found it nevermind

>> No.9127626
File: 863 KB, 642x1444, Tw2_full_Geralt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this thing called ?

>> No.9127647

Will definitely try and make it to Empire (I already have a full Averland kit) and am currently trying to gauge how much of my stuff I will actually need to bring with me as it's a working holiday. It's great that there will be such a buffet of larps over there but I wonder how high the quality is generally? Hopefully I'll make some UK savvy friends to show me around before I go

>> No.9127660

Averland would work perfectly for The League in Empire.
Quality ranges all over really. There's ones with really high production values, all the way down to afternoon length combat games.

>> No.9127726


>> No.9127728

Thanks !

>> No.9127729

bandolier probably

>> No.9127732
File: 346 KB, 569x510, MAIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /clg/, does someone know how the green jacket is named ? Thanks.

>> No.9127776

a bandolier? i think

>> No.9127853

A jacket not every piece of clothing has a specific name you're not going to be able to buy a coat that looks exactly like an assassin's from Dishonored unless you commission it

>> No.9128059

Is there a good way to store a weapon on my back like my animes? I know it's not useful in real life, but LARPing is so far removed, does it even matter?

>> No.9128198

There are some backsystems for mounting your scabbards on your back, which then lets you put your swords on your back.

My brother uses this but he ended up taking them both off since he needed to draw his swords faster.

Having them on the back isnt completely impractical though, if you use hard full length scabbards then they wont get in the way when you are running or moving around like they do when you have them on your belt.

>> No.9128207

Wheel lock guns give me the best boner

>> No.9128438

depends. Do you want to draw your sword too?

>> No.9128491

>> Country (+state)
>> Age, gender
30 M
>> How long have you been larping?
9 years or so
>> How many larps have you attended?
2-3 yearly
>> What got you started and what kept you continuing?
There was a blowout sale at a local /tg/ shop for larp items, got me talking with participants, got me curious.
I stay for the people I met who are now fast friends.
>> What genre larps do you attend the most and why? (high fantasy, post apocalyptic, cyberpunk, medieval etc.)
Medieval, as I enjoy these most, preferably low magic because I hate people pretending they beat me when they point at me and shout lightning bolt
>> What's your typecast?
Underhanded Rogue, otherwise it's priest of some ambivalent deity.
>> In your larp community, is crafting all your props yourself valued more than buying things online?
Crafting your own kit generally gets you big praise, though weapons are an exception. This would probably change if we had people who could craft weapons that don't look like ass.
>> How much money do you usually spend on props per game?
If it's a character for whom I don't have a style, I generally throw 30 euros worth of fabric at it and make my own clothes, pretty much everything else I own is generic enough to fit anything.
>> How early before a larp do you start collecting your props and how do you go about doing so?
Usually about a year in advance if the character is new and I'm missing something.
Second hand/brocanterie markets, thrift shops, DIY craft shops, in that order. Most new items revolve around jewelry, idol statues, scarves, bottles.
>> How do you get into your character's mindset and has off game ever bled into your character?
A few days before the LARP, I generally stream appropriate music (I highly recommend Arany Zoltan on youtube as he's a good musician with an ample selection of both western and eastern euro music, and some Oriental to add to it) to get in the mood, reread IC letters and briefings I got and tinker with my plan.

>> No.9128492


>> Have you ever been to a larp overseas (or out of state)? If so, what campaign/genre was it? If not, would you like to?
The Netherlands is about as far as I've gone. It was very high dragon soul teleporting nothing personnel kid fantasy. It was a barrel of laughs, but not my thing.
>> Can you get involved into writing your own character for a larp or do you trust your game to GM entirely?
Writing your own character is the staple of local larps. If I want a GM written character, I'll NPC. Though I would also highly recommend people to NPC occasionally, in LARPs you don't attend as a PC.
>> What's the usual way your day in a larp goes? (travelling, propping, briefing, larping, de-briefing, cleaning the venue, after party etc.)
Get my crates in order the day before the larp and carry them down from the attic, leave work an hour or two early the day of the larp, miraculously manage to cram all my shit in my clown car, drive the distance listening to appropriate music, get to the camp site, help everyone set up their tents as well as the group's baldachin, dig a fire pit, get all the cooking gear in order, set up the tables and chairs, unload the drink, get told the brief is about to start, take your time getting into gear, take your time checking in, laugh and dick around with familiar faces not of the group, get briefed about an hour later than they said, go back to camp, start helping the group's cook, get interrupted by spawns, kick their ass, come back, cook some more, eat, drink, be merry, visit other groups, cause a political scandal, go back, drink and sing, sleep, repeat from start helping the cook, get up the final morning, start breaking up camp while still IG, more political scandals, debriefing, help organizers clean up, tears, hugs and kisses, then drive on back

>> Do you often suffer from PLD?
Not often, but it has happened. Though admittedly, I was going through a rough time then, and the LARP was the only bright spot of an entire season.

>> No.9128516

>(especially if I'm doing an accent)

You are.

Rolled edges are also kinder to larp weapons if they happen to hit you there.

>> No.9128937


>> No.9129422

Getting ready for a Post-Apoc LARP. I need a melee weapon. Which is the best to get? And is there a way to Post-Apoc up my sword?

>> No.9129515

Clubs with nails in them work for almost every genre

>> No.9129648

Back sheathes did exist IRL, they just weren't used going into combat. The main reason is that a sword is too long to draw easily like that unless you have freakish long arms, so the same still applies to larp weapons.

What you're looking for is something to store a weapon slung on your back during day-to-day happenings, that you can draw and forget about when you're expecting combat. Something as simple as a cord with a loop at each end can work for this--you put the sword through the first loop, drape it over your shoulder with the sword on your back, put the bottom loop around the bottom of the sword, and tighten it so it doesn't slip off. The cord will fall off as soon as you draw the sword, and you can coil it up and store it in a belt pouch until combat is over.

>> No.9129693

I'm a dumb guy, so let me ask a dumb question: does the sword go into the first loop blade first, or handle first? and would I need to worry about it damaging a foam sword? they're awfully prone to getting indents.

>> No.9129789

>new guy joins group
>very friendly, even though he's clearly a cut above most of us physically
>creates a gang in LARP
>generic roughhousers, but nothing too mean
>group is well-liked, more and people want to join, mostly for the distinctive scarves he gives out for members
>turns out he has prospective members do a physical test, won't let people join if they aren't fast or strong or fight well enough
>People start complaining about them being exclusive
>Organizers force him to lower standards massively, pretty much has to accept anyone who tries
>bunch of people walking around with scarves now, don't really follow rules of the original gang
>it eventually dissolves, guy shows up a few more times, then disappears completely

Fuck man it was cool to be part of something bigger. Test wasn't even that hard, either, more like a 'can you keep up with the boys' sort of thing

>> No.9129792

Blade first.

Actually, the indents thing is a good question. I don't think it would be too much of an issue, but I don't have the experience to say for sure.

That sucks, man. Even though you do want to avoid elitism in larp, it's really discouraging when people take that too far and make shitty claims like that whenever somebody has standards.

>> No.9129907

almost everyone I know who's tried that, has tried it once and never again. It's very unhandy to draw them out but even worse to put them back in. You're almost always gonna need help for that.

>> No.9129910

>cause a political scandal
every fucking time!

(you know who I am)

>> No.9129980

Real shame that had to happen. You need groups like that, and being generally fit is part of the costume.

My current group has something similar, but officially we just set the join requirement to be at least 16 years old. That way the organizers cant complain, but they will really never have to do that since most of the people who are not fit enough to run 50m with a shield and maille hate us for not being sjw.

People decide on hating us before they even check in, and thus we need to be more fit so that we can out match them more. I think most battles we loose we have been like 3-1 or 2-1 (with dragons and shit). Fortunately it helps us recruit more people since our reputation among new people grows significantly.

>> No.9130059

You're just mad you're not highly ranked enough for me to woo you.

I might if you keep the hat on, though.

>> No.9130063


>> No.9130114

>miraculously manage to cram all my shit in my clown car
>cause a political scandal
>more political scandals

You sound like my kind of man

>> No.9130166


>Attempted murder of a bastard (only heir) after his father got killed at a feast, as one of his retinue.
>My church took the blame

>Smuggled weapons into a diplomatic meeting
>lived despite many demands.

>Infiltrated half elf maffia as a stooge to the setting's Stasi
>Got us all thrown in jail
>Walked away.

>Broker a deal between a country and its vassals that want more independence. >Indigenous barbarians want a say
>retorted that only people had a say.
>Deal went south, organizers were happy

>Stole from a merchant at a grand fair, got caught because "rocks fall, you die"
>About to get my hands cut off
>local divine champion saves me
>Eventually bed the champion even as our group is damn near at war with theirs
>Their god wants a marriage
>can't settle on a dowry
>can't settle on festivities
>can't settle on patrilineal or matrilineal
>small spats of violence occur, their god curses us

>Orcs show up, bearing mythical magical sword of Party Wiping
>Want passage through her lands.
>Champion claims sword, asks us to stop them
>We refuse, orcs walk
>Manage to track the sword and get it for ourselves at the final event

>Local Lolth is the big bad in this series
>Can't be found, can't be touched
>Regular old unfathomably powerful villain
>Only appears as an illusion
>Write a song especially for her
>Piss her off enough to have her appear in the flesh
>Try to kill her with the sword of Party Wiping
>Fail, almost die, her armies are moving now

>Champion knows I have the sword now, tries to have it stolen
>Fuck your shit, bitch
>Sell it to Local Lolth for a portal far away from this war
>Our group quits the field before the final battle

>New larp, priest of trickster god
>Join city watch
>Get in good with local duke
>Convince him to refer to me as Marquis
>People believe him, start referring to me as such

>Hide priestly level
>Civil war
>Refuse to save my high priest
>Try a coup within my faith's church
>Run away

It keeps my group busy

>> No.9131052
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>I would agree but I presume the bride is also french so I would rather just take the money.
Hungarians confirmed for legendary banter

>> No.9131359

Anyone have any experience wearing foam armor, especially torso armor, during a LARP? Is it too hot, or otherwise unfeasible? Considering making a set for myself, but I don't want to do it if I'll boil like a lobster inside it.

>> No.9131538

anon. What are foam armors are made of?
It's usually insulation foam.
Now, what does those insulate?
It's heat.
So your usual foam armor will be way more hotter in the inside than any metal armour when you fight in it.
you can only counter this in two ways: make it very fantasy like with fuckhuge gaps or make a lot of ventilation holes in it.
+1 install a fan inside or some other cooling system
+1.1 just withstand it.

>> No.9131794

Is not metal an option for you? What kind of armor were you thinking of?

>> No.9131830

Not that anon but heavy metal armors are not a good option for me since it puts to much load on my toes and I have issues with ingrown toenails. In practice it means I will either have to choose between carrying a full size shield or wearing my chainmaille shirt when marching off somewhere.

It is also an issue for people with back- or shoulder problems.

Anon didn't mention why but its either medical, if he is to weak to wear regular armor or if he wants a specific set of foam/plastic armor for costume purposes.

>> No.9131980

>since it puts to much load on my toes
have you ever thought about using your foot?
I mean I always say to others that standing on your toas/first part of your foot is better at fencing generally but still...

Also, chainmail is generally heavier than a plate armor of similar coverage. Just don't make it out of heavy metals, and skip uranium too. Stick to steel.

Also proper armour straightens your back pretty much doesn't allow you to stoop.
(armors from larp shops aren't proper armours, just for the record)

Anyway I think the original anon want foam armour because it's WAAAAAAAY more easier to make fantasy stuff than with metal or with leather. That's a reason I can agree with. (that, or because this is a cosplay board he/she has experience with making those)

>> No.9132086

>original anon want foam armour because it's WAAAAAAAY more easier to make fantasy stuff

Exactly this reason.

>> No.9132539

So I just came across this new larp that I've never heard of before, and it's semi-close to me (it's in Pennsylvania): https://eraschronicles.com/
It looks pretty interesting, and seems to have much higher costuming and decoration standards than most US games. Anybody been to it before, or heard any stories?

>> No.9132742

can someone explain to me why every fucking US larp insist on padding the pommel of the sword when they rarely if never allow attacks with the pommel?

>> No.9132760

they probably like Skallagrim memes a lot

>> No.9132768

Because of 'just in case' stuff

>> No.9132788

I mean, is there a non-retarded reason?

>> No.9132803

Hey, still here ? I have a 150cm sword on my 165cm chassis and I do fine, but my scabard is custom made. The thing is that you need to

>> No.9132811
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godfucking dammit. Clicked on send when i wanted to link a pic.

The thing is that you need a open scabbard, something that held the tip of the sword, and something that keep the guard fixed until you take it.

As there is nothing else, the second you get the tip out of the little scabbard, the rest is free.

The biggest problem would be that the sword, if badly held, can move and become unconfortable.
I dont have that problem, as the flamberge guard is big and easy to lock on the upper part of the scabbard.

But yes, it is doable, and if well made, practical and confortable.

>> No.9132817

You around, Gropey?

>> No.9133045

Today i'm repairing my standard issue "epic armory knight sword".
It has served me well, but too much guard parry just unsticked the guard, which turn freely, and the soft handle make my grip uneasy.

So i'm gonna cut the two of that, and replace it.

For the handle, If i just glue directly some leather on that, will the vibration fuck me up ?

for the guard, can hard leather be a safe solution for other sword without foam on it ?

>> No.9133058

Well, the "just in case" stuff is usually about legal issues. Considering this is 'murica, I would say not wanting to get sued is a non-retarded reason.
They don't ban latex weapons for being "too hard" or "unsafe," which is great in my book.

>> No.9133059

fun fact: they did banned latex swords a few years ago. Some game still bans them.

Some game bans factory made larp safe arrows too saying home made are safer

>> No.9133092

>Some game bans factory made larp safe arrows too saying home made are safer
jesus christ

>> No.9133126

also let's not forget that it's ery fucking hard to manage a pommel strike. Even on games that allows that it's very fucking rare. So making a pommel safe in a retarded way (which is always if we are talking about dickswords) is pretty much meaningless even if people try to wave the "legal issues" joker card.
I mean US larpers say that excuses so much that I slowly start to think that making a decent larp is against the law there or something

>> No.9133142

Americans are so uptight about the law and being super strict with it. I mean I was given a ticket for crossing a street. There were no cars and no crosswalk for 10 min in either direction so I just did what we do in Greece and crossed where it was safest.

Americans love to make silly laws and follow them no matter how difficult it makes life

>> No.9133144

The Youtuber? He's a cool guy.

>> No.9133145

Well, with the legal issues reasoning, I'm not trying to say that it's a sensible reason. Just that the blame for that one falls on how uptight people around here get about laws, and not on the larp.

>> No.9133148

I think he is in general cool, but he is active on youtube, and the youtube community is cancer

>> No.9133151

the fact that there ARE larps in the US without those idiotic things make me blame the idiotic larps too, not just the culture in general.

>> No.9133153

cool, overhyped by people who know nothing about swordfighting except what they see from him and to my taste not professional enough. At least that was the case when I stopped watching him.
Did his videos improved over the last year?

>> No.9133310

Clownbro is occasionally on facebook, but he works a lot. What do you need?

>> No.9133312

I don't think his videos changed. But what I like about him is the fact he keeps mentioning how he's not a pro and just talking from his own experience/assumptions/etc. He's much more experienced than I am (How do you even git gud at that? Like, what are good sources to read if I don't have any HEMA classes or not taking History in the uni?)
In another topic-I need to play a millitary commander in an upcoming LARP. character will be sorta light but will have its serious moments. Any tips/anything I can take inspiration from?

>> No.9133407

>Any tips/anything I can take inspiration from?
Wizard of Id?

Anyway, I personally don't like characters who switch their mood while in character, it doesn't feel like a larp that way or its to much of a real life cliche.

If you wanna make an impact on a larp and impress others you should act like a colonial Brittish officer, always have the same mood and temperament no matter the situation and be absolute in your leadership and nonchalant about your own capabilities. And of course you have to have character and leadership traits based on your character's background as well, if you represent a priesthood you should make your actions based on your religion and take fanatical actions, if you are a barbarian you should be brutal both off the battlefield and more so in the battlefield, etc etc.

>> No.9133887

Wait, in murrica you aren't allowed to cross the street unless there is a crosswalk?

>> No.9133920

That hat is fused to my head so no worry there.
My husband will have to join though or it would be cheating :O

>> No.9133921

>>New larp, priest of trickster god
>>Join city watch
>>Get in good with local duke
>>Convince him to refer to me as Marquis
>>People believe him, start referring to me as such

you forgot the part where he gave me his ship!

>> No.9134031

>(How do you even git gud at that? Like, what are good sources to read if I don't have any HEMA classes or not taking History in the uni?)
read books, sources, etc. After a few years things will stick on you

>> No.9134048

Sadly that is the case and if you get caught you get an expensive ticket in some places.

>> No.9134235
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East German Larpfag: BEHOLD! over 9000 hours in MS paint

>> No.9134271

God damn I wish they were more medieval groups singing and making music in towns/taverns.
A scene à la Wolven Storm in the Witcher 3 in game would be amazing.

>> No.9134286
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Bandolier, but Baldric is probably more accurate, as Bandolier is normally for ammo, Baldrics are for swords.

Also:pic of what I finally got in the mail the other day.

>> No.9134317
File: 148 KB, 1473x2048, 13978161_10154362606144378_1169383579_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concept for an upcoming Empire project. Borrowing elements from Blood Dragons, Black Grail, and Knights of Morr.

>> No.9134344

How to abuse IC position of power to put benis in bagina :DD ?

>> No.9134372

Pretty accurate.
Fuck Blue Marone.

>> No.9134376
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>> No.9134477

also, do you remember what was the lyrics of the song of pixnar taking us home?

>> No.9134563

Not really, sorry. I know that most of it was "Pixner bring uns nach Hause" (Pixner bring us home)

>> No.9134651
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Whats up?

The museum has indeed eaten my life.

>> No.9134676

Nice, link ?

>> No.9134722

i wish i had your drawing style mate

>> No.9134730


>> No.9134823

Can't wait to see this on the field.

>> No.9134946

Would this w/a mask and a hat make a good doctor costume?

>> No.9134998

ask drogo

>> No.9135049

Yea! There is a new larp near where I live.. Ohh wait, its another steampunk larp... That makes 2 steampunk, one werewolf, and amtguard that are local, and 2 hours away for ACL/HEMA... Why are there no good medieval fantasy larps near me?

>> No.9135056

>Why are there no good medieval fantasy larps near me?

its not normie enough, you can only hope for Stephenie Meyer to write a book about the war of the roses if you want a different development

>> No.9135101

Hey clownfriend! How have you been?

>> No.9135162
File: 258 KB, 734x1087, 1b97f68cbf87b5a205829033c0cd5d66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best place to shop online for eating utensil/cutlery?


Any other recommended vendors? I'm looking mainly for 1400-1600 related stuff.

Also, since i have a bad memory. If you have, some interesting repros/museum pieces on this subject please do post. Because i have vague memories of seeing this incredibly cool renaissance-era knife-set which was really decorated and i think it had it's own hanger from the belt. But this is coming from a hazy memory, of course it seems that i didn't bookmark the webpage that had an article about it.

>> No.9135192


ah yes, fucking found it


>> No.9135647


>inb4 the two rival Plantagenet houses are werewolves and vampires
>inb4 Margaret of Anjou is secretly pining for Dick of York
>inb4 the Burgundians are an ancient cabal of loosely Witcher rip off monster hunters aligned to ward the greater evil of the French
>inb4 Team York/Team Lancaster t-shirts

>> No.9135758

I might be talking home but...

Also we are in autosage so here is the new thread



>> No.9135873

Can't claim credit alas, I leaned on a friend to do it. My art skills ended at MS paint.

>> No.9135976

>how to repel women