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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9133695 No.9133695 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /cgl/, I come here for some advice. I am going to be cosplaying a drow in Baltimore next weekend and have come seeking advice for makeup. I have face paint, eyeliner and shadow, and have an idea of how to apply it. But what I'm worried about is it running/smearing/coming off in some way due to the heat and my sweating while at the convention.

So what I want to know is what's the best way to keep my makeup from coming off?

>> No.9133711

First of all, what KIND of face paint? Dollar store carnival face paint or Ben Nye? Oil-based or water-based? This is kind of important, because honestly it's better to go big or go home with bodypaints.

Secondly -- the answer you're looking for is "sealing." There's a million cosplay tutorials about sealing body paint (mostly for Homestucks) and it all involves sealing the paint you put down. Here's a tutorial from Hanyaan:


>> No.9133713

I got a container of Diamond FX black face paint. Wax based I believe.

>> No.9133717

Is it a good idea to use the sealer on my hands as well?

>> No.9133730

Put the sealer EVERYWHERE you put body paint and I mean EVERYWHERE. Get it on there GOOD. You don't want to be like those teenage kids who ruin the hotel bathrooms with paint smears everywhere.

You might want to put a sample patch on your hands and follow the tutorial processes to seal it then run around a bit to see if handling things or getting sweaty moves it at all. I've heard that some cosplayers will carry a small pot of powder sealer to re-apply in case of sweat/spills.

Also, make sure you have theatrical/stage make-up remover too. If properly done, that makeup's going to be very hard to get off lol.

>> No.9133735

Do most places that sell cosmetics have sealer?

I didn't see it when I bought the eyeliner and eye shadow, but then again I wasn't looking.

>> No.9133738

Looking this up, it's a water-based paint so here are some techniques I found to seal it:


Also, thinking back on it a lot of Homestuckers and other full-body painted cosplays will use gloves in the same colors on their hands instead of using paint. It helps keep it from smearing on anything you touch. Have you considered this route too?

>> No.9133744

I'm not sure. I think sealer is more of a stage/theater make-up thing than a beauty thing. You might be able to order a bottle of sealer from Amazon or you can always ask the ladies at your local beauty supply store if they carry it. A lot of people swear by the Ben Nye brand.

I also swear by doing trial tests first -- you never know if you're allergic until you apply a test patch.

>> No.9133745

I'm the first person in my group to do heavy makeup for a cosplay, so unfortunately I have nobody to go to for stuff like this. Just sort of figuring it out as I go.

I want to go out with a bang for the last Otakon in Baltimore, so I decided to step up my groups cosplaying a notch. And in case anyone is interested, I'm a drow of Eilistraee, so a not evil drow. No spider motif on anything, just sort of create it on my own.

pic is not me

>> No.9133752

>use gloves in the same colors on their hands instead of using paint

That's never been something that I wanted to do, as I carry a sword I feel that the gloves would get in the way a bit.

Never had allergies like that before, but I do agree with you. I tried the Diamond DX earlier tonight on my hand with no problems.

>> No.9133762

That Ben Nye stuff may be good, but I don't think I can get it shipped to my house before I leave for Otakon on Thursday. Perhaps I'll get it for Katsucon.

>> No.9133765

>I tried the Diamond DX earlier tonight

I meant testing it as a whole package -- Diamond FX, sealant and powder.

>> No.9133782

Ah, I see. Well it seems I won't be able to get Ben Nye shipped to me in time. Apparently NYX makes a sealer, and seeing as I bought some NYX makeup already from a local store, I'll go back to see if I can find that. It may not be as good, but it may be the only thing I can get in time.

>> No.9133788

NYX is also a good brand to have. Good luck!

>> No.9133795

Thank you for helping. If anybody else has input, it would be much appreciated.

>> No.9133796

Look up "homestuck arm socks" it's supposed to be more like really thin, skintight spandex like stockings to give the illusion of skin without the mess.

>> No.9133810

Are their eyeliners any good?

>> No.9133846

Like I said earlier, I have no problem putting the makeup on my hands. Especially if the sealer does what it's supposed to do. I'm wearing long sleeves so it really doesn't need to go up too far on my arms.

>> No.9133851

I'm not positive sealer will fully protect your prop from hand paint.

I'm not a big makeup expert but does the Otakon heat and sweat factor in at all?

>> No.9133905

Well for the most part I'll be carrying the sword on my hip, so I'm not too worried. I'm moreso worried about the sweat. Luckily I'm in the Marriott this year which is right across the street from the BCC, so if need be I can minimize my time outside.

>> No.9134135

OP here, I will find out since I bought some.

>> No.9134995


as a veteran of the homestuck wars, I can tell you right now there's no sealer made by god or man that will keep paint on your palms all day. especially for Ota, especially when you're holding/carrying something. get armsocks, or don't bother painting your palms at all and pose creatively. PAX is a decent hand alternative too but, again, nothing is going to beat the physical laws of friction.

>> No.9135345

I'll do my best with the makeup and if anyone wants to take a picture I'll hide my palms if it becomes that bad. Like I've said, doing a drow is my first makeup heavy cosplay, as well as being the first makeup heavy in my group, so I'm kind of figuring it out as I go, and of course here asking advice.

>> No.9135776

Body paint general? Case I just bought a mehron foundation stick and I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.9136877

Ask Google for a start. That's how I found out how to apply the Diamond FX stuff I got, then it's just practice to get better at applying it.

>> No.9139687

I know it's day zero of Otakon but I thought as another vet homesstuck I'd share some last bits of info.
Alongside your bodypaint you're going to need a powder and sealing spray. I only skimmed through but I didn't see much mention of power. Most people use a translucent setting powder from Ben Nye but NYC,ELF,and Nyx I believe both have options which you can get locally from a Target or like stores. If you need to use baby powder as substitute. The powder is what keeps the body paint from being tacky and transferring onto other surfaces and the sealing spray keeps the powder on. I've seen people say you can do without one of these all the time but both are important. To apply body paint I usually take a foundation brush (elf sells them for $1) put a tiny amount of water on it and mix it into the cake of the body paint until the body paint gets a thick consistency and apply with broad strokes. Any fluffy brush works for applying the powder, honestly just cover yourself in it and dust off excess with the brush. And for the seal spray, spray it in front of you and walk into to it. Spraying it at yourself usually means you don't cover a lot of skin, what you do get becomes soaked and tacky again and if you are working on your face then you get the shit in your eyes.
What do you need to know. what are you trying to do.

>> No.9140627

alcohol activated

>> No.9141236

>What do you need to know. what are you trying to do.

Trying to paint my face white. Not foundation like Harley Quinn but actual white-skinned alien thing. But I'm really struggling to keep it opaque when I dust on sealibg powder.

And I have no idea how to contour white. Body paint is all very new to me, but all the YouTube tutorials more for body art.

I've messed about with it though and already I prefer how much lighter it feels than Snazaroo, snaz felt like a crust on my face.

>> No.9141365

look up gothic makeup tutorials for white faces

contour is generally done with grey, and forget highlighting cause you won't get lighter than white lol