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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 54 KB, 960x355, otakon-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9125891 No.9125891 [Reply] [Original]

>Who are you cosplaying?
>What panels are looking forward to?
>Any stories from previous years?

>> No.9125937
File: 54 KB, 300x450, raimu_kawasaki_99474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who are you cosplaying?
Raimu from Bakuon

>What panels are looking forward to?
The 3 about cars (holy fuck I didn't expect that many), the Japanese wrestling one, and the one about surrealism in anime.

>Any stories from previous years?
Not really, but looking forward to meeting new people!

>> No.9125941

I am so glad this is the last year in Baltimore though I am going to miss it. I am kind of worried about what it will be like in D.C seeing how much of a clusterfuck it is already as a local

>> No.9126029

>who are you cosplaying
Professor kukui and beowulf (if I can get the HOOD TO STAY GOD DAMMIT)

>what panels are you looking forward to?
Whatever my friends drag me too really

>any stories from previous years?
Two years ago had A M A Z I N G sex with a girl from Canada, we were like two soulmates in those few hours. Never exchanged numbers and every otakon since I've tried to find her

; _;

>> No.9126041

>What panels are looking forward to?
Eh, probably will go to whatever friends want. I never get to see them much so I just like chilling with them. I don't have many plans.

>Any stories from previous years?
Last year was my first year so nothing noteworthy. I'm just looking forward to being able to legally drink. Gonna be pretty fun

>> No.9126048

>Who are you cosplaying?
Moa, Chibi Usa, Tonio and Fennekin
>What panels are looking forward to?
The GBWC. I'm not entered but i've never seen one before.
>Any stories from previous years?
Last year was my first Otakon so my friend and I were pretty tame because we were just trying to get use to everything. I really want to make the /cgl/ meet-up this year.

>> No.9126055
File: 349 KB, 793x517, rrrrround_3_by_emlan-d61qt5v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I can get the HOOD TO STAY GOD DAMMIT
Do it anyway, Beowulf is best Skullgirl

>> No.9126125

Called my hotel. They had my information under my nickname and wrong email address, so I updated that. Also apparently I had two reservations. glad I called them so that I didn't end up having to pay for two reservations...

>> No.9126147

I'm curious how many hours can you realistically wear a costume each day?

>> No.9126151

I personally usually change halfway through the day but that's just me. I mean, it really depends on how comfortable you are/sweaty you get. I don't sweat much but I usually feel gross after walking around for most of the day and I like to change into something a bit more comfy for night time.

>> No.9126501

I wore mine from the start of the day to the end. Really just depends how dedicated you are and how much you can tolerate the pain. I had to go back to the hotel to take off my wig, relax, and touch everything up a few times each day but I feel like since I worked on the costume so long that I need to wear it as much as I can.

>> No.9126514 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 603x797, FB_IMG_1469857832471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting for Thursday night lift. It's happening.

Like 730?

Also a not for all those visiting, if you intend to stay somewhere north of the convention center and take the metro to the con every day the METTO (not the light rail) system is fucked.

>> No.9126521
File: 130 KB, 285x231, 1464304154239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting for Thursday night lift. It's happening.

Like 730?

Also a note for all those visiting, if you intend to stay somewhere north of the convention center and take the metro to the con every day the METRO (not the light rail) system is fucked and it will take an addition 30-45 to get down there.

>> No.9126553

Is there a list of artist going to be in the artist alley on the site somewhere yet? I can't find anything.

>> No.9126707

So do we have the details for the meet?
Friday and Saturday like last time?
And do we wanna do like 9ish around the indoor fountains again, or is that too early or late?

>> No.9126716

Yep Thursday night will be a thing again probably go to the bar we did last year which was on the brick road street can't remember the name.

>> No.9126729
File: 148 KB, 512x720, 405idolizedMaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who are you cosplaying?
maki, pic related. maybe someone from touhou and/or TOSHINO KYOUKO as well
>What panels are looking forward to?
not part of otakon, but the lolita tea party going on at the same time
>Any stories from previous years?
it will be my first year

>> No.9126746
File: 444 KB, 512x724, Jekyll4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who are you cosplaying?
If I'm not completely demotivated after the end of my summer class this week, I'll probably put together Jekyll/Hyde
>What panels are looking forward to?
Basically any mecha ones, the pro wrestling one, and good old VAs After Dark

Hopefully I'll be a bit more outgoing this year compared to the past few, since this will more than likely be the first time I've gone without a gaggle of friends

>> No.9126748

The posts I saw went from "info on the tea coming soon" to "the tea is completely sold out" so no tea for me this year. I'm bummed.

>> No.9126766

that sucks! did you get added to the waitlist? i'm hoping i will have a chance to hang out with some lolitas outside of that cause i really want to make some friends, kinda new to the area.

>> No.9126919

>Who are you cosplaying?
Blue Jacket Lupin, Manga Tetsuo
>What panels are looking forward to?
Japanese Wrestling, is the main one. I might check out surrealism in anime.
>Any stories from previous years?
A story my friends told me. A few years back, night time, going back to the hotel. There two con-goers that had crossed paths with two locals, all were female. Also, apparently all of them were drinking.

So, one of the locals says something to one of the con goers. Con goer gets super amped up, talking about "She's not gonna let anyone ruin her night." Meanwhile, the locals are still talking shit. They're trading verbal shots, back and forth. The calmer con goers says, "Oh my gawd. Clara, relax." This is where it pops off.

Clara runs towards one chick, launches herself into the arm, and goes for a superman punch... and whiffs. But she recovers and starts fighting one chick, they're just trading blows back and forth. Then the other local joins in, making it 2 v 1. Clara's friend is till in the background, yelping.

It was such a spectacle to the on-goers, my friends included. Even a near by security guard just let them slug it out

>> No.9126945

>>Who are you cosplaying?
Something touhou and something fire emblem
>>What panels are looking forward to?
>>Any stories from previous years?
Had a few too many and got tied to a light post after the /cgl/ meetup last year

>> No.9126965

>Who are you cosplaying
Mina Ashido from BNHA
>What panels are you looking forward to
Surrealism in Anime, honestly all the "x in anime" ones look interesting?
>Any stories from previous years
Last time I went was 2012, I was 17 and did Homestuck the entire weekend so not really. I got lost on my way to the hotel, it was on a street that had recently changed its name and for some reason my GPS took me to a farm about an hour away.

>> No.9126976

>Who are you cosplaying?
Murakumo kai2 and maaaybe Haruna kai2 from Kancolle
>What panels are looking forward to?
Not sure
>Any stories from previous years?
First time coming to otakon desu

>> No.9127010

Can't do more than 8

>> No.9127069


I usually rock mine all day each day. You put all the effort into it, as long as it doesn't get all jacked up or gross, you should wear it as much as you can, within your own comfort that is.

>> No.9127122
File: 3.62 MB, 5312x2988, 20150724_191950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down for this. 9 near the fountains?
I'll be the spartan again

>> No.9127133

fountains don't fucking exist they were destroyed

>> No.9127135

The fountains may be gone but the area hasn't changed much since. We could even meet on the street entrance near the statues of those two fellows talking.

>> No.9127137

Oh shit I didn't know that. Well like the other anon said we can meet up in the general area. Or right outside were they used to be

>> No.9127155
File: 125 KB, 500x349, tmp_7475-tumblr_nb4hx6GWZM1tkzt0fo1_500-144543698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can still meet in the general area or off to the side, if I'm one of the first people there I'll take a picture of where we are and post it in the thread so people know. That helped out a few when we did it last year.
Also someone should cosplay as reviewbrah

>> No.9127162

Cool thanks man.
9 o'clock right?

>> No.9127189

So will the area still be easy to find? First time going, no idea where any shit is

>> No.9127199
File: 55 KB, 217x190, 1465485255495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I'll do something to stick out like a sore thumb. You'll find us.

>> No.9127204
File: 196 KB, 384x436, 1469663548406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks senpai

>> No.9127241
File: 28 KB, 450x410, tmp_7475-1468541125275-1282049705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll find yourself familiar with the BCC by the end of the first day, or at least I did my first time. So when you see the picture you'll know, also with the help of people like >>9127199

>mfw I've somehlw become the meet up organizer
rip everyone

>> No.9127260

Anon I request atleast a single round of warewolf one of the two meet ups. I even volunteer to explain the rules.

It's hype every single time!

>> No.9127411

Anyone have any group pictures of previous meetups? I'm wondering what the demographic looks like.

>> No.9127430

When I get home in about two-ish hours I can boot up my old phone and see if I have any.

>> No.9127596


Is Werewolf a Mafia type game, or are we about to whip out Werewolf: The Apocalypse and a bunch of d10s?

>> No.9127599

I'm curious too.

>> No.9127604

So my old phone's lost, but if I remember correctly for the most part the group was 19-26, probably 60-70% male, almost all white.

>> No.9127607

>60-70% male
What the fuck

>> No.9127645

What did you expect? Probably every 4chan meet up in history has been mostly male, save for the /cgl/ lolita-specific meets

>> No.9127649

I have never been to one, are they at least sociable?

>> No.9127672

Oh yeah, there was about 2-3 people that were too awkward to talk, but the rest of us (maybe 8-10) were all talking and laughing and having a great time (alcohol loosened the mood) I'm not one of those people that thought it was terrible, I thought it was a blast just like the rest of the con.

>> No.9127675
File: 28 KB, 415x415, 1439957400755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does the meetup group eventually play in the vidya room? I want to git gud at fighting games with you guys

>> No.9127698

I've never made it to a meet up but if we do that we should definitely play super smash bros

>> No.9127702

Soo the exact opposite of me lol. At least the age is spot on.

>> No.9127706
File: 166 KB, 300x424, woolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's the Werewolf I'm thinking of, it's literally just Mafia with werewolves instead of gangsters. Also, pic related is a card in one of the expansions, and it never fails to crack me up

>> No.9127736

I have never used the cards, I feel it can get too technical that way. Just a group of people yelling works fine for me.

>> No.9127763
File: 1.35 MB, 2688x1520, tmp_7475-1437787988886478494671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy I found a picture from last year. The 10 or so people in the general vicinity of the picture were there for the meet, and a few were off camera.

>> No.9127780


Man, I almost approached that Bane with some hot "4U" memes every time I saw him at the con but kept resisting in the case that he wasn't an obnoxious 4channer and just someone who enjoyed Bane. Now I know of the opportunity I missed to be unoriginal.

>> No.9127795

I don't know why I expected at least one person to be cute

>> No.9127800


>> No.9127802
File: 199 KB, 1136x1136, 13901893_10103793254349813_2069690652_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cosplay list atm, Ritsuko will be up in the air, depending on my Misato, the top two are Fri and the bottom are Sat (whoops most things are JJBA).

>> No.9127804
File: 591 KB, 1781x795, vIjBL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I gotchu. This was on Sunday a couple years back so everyone was pretty raggedy by then

>> No.9127805
File: 474 KB, 200x150, 1p28aro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9127837

Discord group?

>> No.9127880

Ey! This year will be different. I can already tell this year we will have an attractive group. I mean I can feel it in the thread.

>> No.9127881
File: 71 KB, 750x421, thehappygrape1sm-750xx3500-1967-0-539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who are you cosplaying?
Same stuff as last year(s). Too lazy to get new material.
>What panels are looking forward to?
Whatever roommates want to do, I'm more into the game room and beat up the Tetris kids.
>Any stories from previous years?
Last year was pretty adventurous, buy me a drink and I'll share!

Compared to other meetups at cons I've went to. I always felt Otakon to really hit it just right. Your demographic is like 60/40 like mentioned before. I'd say about 50/50 on people in cosplay. Everyone is pretty alright, though don't be surprised if a thirst corner congregates.

If you drink enough, you'll find a 10/10.

Hm, this isn't a bad idea at all to have. So I made one. https://discord.gg/yxK8H

>> No.9127886


>> No.9127900
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x1280, 1469237355661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9127907

Yes they are fine.

I have been to more then a few /cgl/ meetups there are usually two groups one that is all males in a circle, and the other guys with the girls being sociable and making con freinds.

>> No.9127938
File: 142 KB, 298x430, f554aef9366a8c5369d3f449997c123e544340ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post character(s) you're hoping to see cosplayed this year

>> No.9127941

To the nice person in the baltimore lolita group who offered to tell me more about lolita, where will you all be located for the swap meet?

>> No.9127984


This was actually an infamous Reddit meetup picture posted as a joke. I hope I didn't scare anyone off from the meet.

>> No.9127987

I know, I just wanted to use an image. But you never know, maybe some of those people will show up.

>> No.9128033
File: 1.99 MB, 1292x1097, AA_Group_Shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ace Attorney even popular at cons anymore?

>> No.9128049


I would imagine it will be this year since it finally got an anime.

>> No.9128051

Are meetups this bad?

>> No.9128070
File: 596 KB, 1024x768, 67a3b1ead8b07320942e4c5a70f0a1407f817113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qt 2hus, rather than "ironic manly" ones

>> No.9128085
File: 90 KB, 219x291, 0D8lC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manly 2hus are cute too

>> No.9128086

There are some decent traps/genderbends, but far more neckbeards that end up doing it

>> No.9128087

is that a flip phone? Is this from like 2006?

>> No.9128089

I heard some BLM terrorist niggers are planning to protest at the convention and attempt to shut it down. Is this true?

>> No.9128100

I thought about this a few weeks ago. How do you shut down 30k people? If they're blocking entrances police will drag them away. They're just gonna yell outside like the God people and they're be like 10 at most.

>> No.9128107

Fucking why? what significance does an anime convention have?

>> No.9128110

I doubt it. Nobody was there last year and it would've been more likely to happen then

>> No.9128126

Stop spreading this bullshit. That's not true.

>> No.9128271

>Who are you cosplaying?
Doing all idolm@ster cosplays this year! Will bring My First Star Chieri for a group, Tokimeki Escalate Mika, and I'll probably do Uzuki on the third day.

>What panels are looking forward to?
The AKB48 panel, the one about meta destroying anime, Idolm@ster panel for you, and the Satoshi Kon one. Since Yui Makino is an im@s seiyuu, I hope I can see her concert.

>Any stories from previous years?
The meetup on Friday last year was really fun, I regret not going to the one on Saturday. Looking forward to seeing everyone again!

>> No.9128340

Holy shit this. Me and my gf are down for this

>> No.9128769
File: 182 KB, 700x1171, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to see Guilty Gear cosplay, more specifically Slayer
>tfw the fandom is dead

>> No.9128796
File: 77 KB, 700x700, schroedinger___hellsing_by_strikinghyena-d5qk0tw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So badly doe.

>> No.9128837
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, reverse rapunzel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlikely, but I'm hoping to see some Symphogear. I'd even settle for Symphoguys, I just need some singing justice

>> No.9128846
File: 29 KB, 500x378, ca421abd4673f7e89e013f82f0884a5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will never happen

>> No.9128893
File: 1.49 MB, 1352x1824, ota2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who are you cosplaying?
Maki (wonderful rush) and Clover (999 variant). Really looking forward to meeting other Zero Escape fans.

>What panels are looking forward to?
The AKB48, Im@s, and yu gi oh ones for sure. Still waiting on panel descriptions for Boku no Pornorama II: From Nippon With Love and Beyond The Tentacle Chronicles to decide on those.

>Any stories from previous years?
Nothing much other than last time I went everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong. Going to be optimistic about this otakon though, especially with the Matsuri Persona concert and Yui Makino who is both an Idolm@ster and Pripara seiyuu. That and Jiro Ishii making an appearance, but it's a shame the focus is on Under the Dog unlike where at AX it was ZTD.

>> No.9128912

>Only 21k registered
Is this normal a week before the con? I mean I can see like tops 5k doing at the door.

>> No.9128921

>Wonderful Rush

good taste anon

>> No.9128925


honestly i wouldnt be complaining about it. the con is usually over crowded imo with 30k people.

>> No.9128940

>>Who are you cosplaying?
Pheobe form Pokemon ORAS on Friday and friends want to be D&D characters on Saturday so I obliged. Then probably Ruka from Steins;Gate on Sunday.

>>What panels are looking forward to?
The cyborg and surrealism ones sound pretty fun

>>Any stories from previous years?
Not really but I'm looking forwards to actually showing up at a meetup!

>> No.9128943

$180 for two badges is killing my soul.

>> No.9128946

A+++ clover

>> No.9128972

Should have hit up that Omakase sale in January anon

>> No.9128975

I'm not complaining, just curious.
Literally the only reason I'm going. I bought it off someone

>> No.9128979

I think last year it ended with 26k (I think 18k prereg?)so I'm imagining if we're already at 21k, it'll be pretty packed. Not as many as previous years but more than last year.

>> No.9128994

I didn't have money back then to spend on con nonsense.

>> No.9129001

Have to contribute to the movin' fund

>> No.9129003

Pour one out for Baltimore

>> No.9129123

That sale was really tempting, but last year I bought my badge way early and then ended up with a terrible illness the week of the con, went anyway because it would've been a huge waste of money not to, then was trapped inside my hotel all weekend because I couldn't walk. Still a huge waste of money.

So now I'm cautious of financially committing to expensive for-fun things too far ahead of time.

>> No.9129288
File: 14 KB, 300x300, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new, working discord link

>> No.9129326

any qt wanna go together? not feeling like doing meetups

>> No.9129413

No I bet you're one of those neckbeards in the photos that were posted

>> No.9129532

pls, that's insulting

>> No.9129533
File: 146 KB, 768x1365, tmp_28759-20160804_201601-768x1365-1907120089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's left on your cosplay prep list?
>plastidip helmet, again (have to start over)
>braid wefts
>attach bows
>attach wefts to helmet
>attempt to stretch out shirt
>shave body
It's just a bunch of small stuff but it feels like a lot

>> No.9129581
File: 96 KB, 317x384, 1409366193956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any guys wanna pop a straight guy's throat cherry?

>> No.9129712

Momiji, though it's my first convention cosplay so I'm a bit nervous about how it will turn out.
Okabe from Steins;gate.

>> No.9130084
File: 638 KB, 600x675, booty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus the thirst is real. Maybe it's not your style but we could atleast meet first?

>> No.9130224

Is Angus McKenzie gonna rape some chick again or whatever happened?

>> No.9130234
File: 362 KB, 1000x667, DSC_0739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Otakon folk are very friendly people

>> No.9130253

Was this from last year's meet?

>> No.9130255
File: 82 KB, 960x640, 1376346436168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9130256

>Angus McKenzie

>> No.9130269

Oh wow that was 2013? Time flys man

>> No.9130273
File: 232 KB, 1000x667, DSC_0516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't remind me
>tfw feeling old now

>> No.9130285

fuckinng same

>> No.9130332

The swap meet is such a mess. The girl running the group and apparently setting it up can't choose a location. Don't run something if you can't make decisions.

>> No.9130371
File: 653 KB, 500x281, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I went 2012 and 2014 but not 2013
>missed out on a lot of people I'd wanted to see

>> No.9130406

I'm going to start calling you Slayeranon, your thirst is reeeeeaaaal.

>> No.9130515
File: 33 KB, 135x266, 1447702866911.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my fault he's so perfect, yet so underappreciated

>> No.9130701

For my Princess Mononoke cosplay:

>finish painting mask (eyes/mouth and trim, then a black wash)
>make shoes
>make earrings
>finish necklace
>finish spear
>add accents to armbands and headband
>trim wig
>weather dress

oh god i'm not gonna finish in time am i

>> No.9130726

Who are you cosplaying?

>> No.9130803
File: 56 KB, 500x500, raimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raimu Kawasaki

>> No.9130841
File: 375 KB, 1000x667, DSC_0531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna go back, some stuff got in the way of getting to see everyone I wanted to but I'm afraid it's gonna go to shit when it moves next year...

>> No.9130963

While I'm also upset about it, the move was kind of necessary. The BCC hasn't been renovated in two decades, and the decision was made back when attendance was starting to explode. The new one in DC is almost twice as large, though hopefully they go through with the plans to upgrade the BCC over the next few years. At least we may not have to deal with the long lines for 18+ tags

>> No.9130997

The only thing I'm going to miss is the layout of the BCC, it seems a lot more varied and interesting than the one in DC

>> No.9131019

Got into a room with three other people for four days, it's being split four ways and I paid $250. It's my first year that I'm paying for the room, so am I being fleeced /cgl/?

I mean, it's too late to back out now but that seems a bit pricey.

>> No.9131030

If the room is originally $250/night, no, if it's any less then yes

>> No.9131033

Sounds like a lot? I'm paying $150

>> No.9131037

Gee thanks, anon. How does one go about finding the original price of the room?

>> No.9131044

Look up rates for the hotel you're staying at on their website

>> No.9131141
File: 76 KB, 640x720, 1328661019651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, email me if you want to meet up one on one

>> No.9131144

Go to meet up or chat on >>9129288

>> No.9131146


>> No.9131161

You can do it, anon! I believe in you!

>> No.9131167
File: 2 KB, 86x125, 1469230608906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who says i'm not already there

>> No.9131171


>> No.9131190

Does anyone who went to the friday meet at otakon remember the anon who bought all those shots for the group? I never got to thank him

>> No.9131304

You mean the one that never paid his tab so a few guys chipped in so we could come back the next night?

>> No.9131306

Meant for >>9131190

>> No.9131452
File: 1.21 MB, 979x734, IMG_3341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finish turret
>grill exhaust things in the back

>> No.9131548

Oh shit, didn't know about that

>> No.9131551


damn thats rude what a rude dude douche canoe

>> No.9131573
File: 2.34 MB, 3008x2000, DSC_0095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you the guy that brings those fumos around in the tank? Or am I thinking of someone else?

If you are, I posed my fumos with your tank.

>> No.9131792

You got this! Just keep at it and you'll be done in no time!

>> No.9131924

not that anon but is there gonna be a fumo meetup?

>> No.9131952

Yeah, that's me.

I'm a bit disappointed that the three fumos that are supposed to be available this month probably won't be shipped until after Otakon.

>> No.9131982

If anyone's still looking for a room, I have had a good number of people drop out of mine. $160/night, more people respond the lower the price goes. Room is at the Hotel Indigo, about a 7 minute walk to the convention.

>> No.9131988
File: 1.90 MB, 540x304, tumblr_nm5u4yYUra1qbvmsro2_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are Ace Attorney photoshoots on Friday and Saturday. I'll be there cosplaying as Ryuunosuke from DGS.

>> No.9132008

How did I not know until just now that Lotus Juice is performing on Thursday? I may actually have to go to the Matsuri for the first time

>> No.9132020

Anyone live near Pittsburgh? Well, not just specifically anyone, a qt non slutty trap who's single and needs a room and a ride?

I just had a sudden opening that I need to fill.

>> No.9132040

good luck with that

>> No.9132047

Doesn't hurt to try if someone is desperate enough. I just don't want to make the drive all alone.

>> No.9132092

Still haven't booked a hotel, at this point what are my options?
I just want to stay overnight on Sat.

Also is it possibly to get a quick shite cosplay of Subaru from ReZero done in a week? First time attempting to cosplay.

>> No.9132096
File: 1.25 MB, 280x200, Nice Meme!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still haven't booked a hotel

>> No.9132097

>Still haven't booked a hotel, at this point what are my options?

You have no options.

>> No.9132098

W-what do you mean anon

>> No.9132099

Not even a cumdump motel?

>> No.9132102

If you want to get mugged then by all means go for it.

>> No.9132103

Can I get your email?

>> No.9132105

You don't seen very good at time management

>> No.9132113

You will literally be paying to get stabbed

>> No.9132200


Are you the Clover from AX? :O

>> No.9132216

what's the best place to keep up to date on bars/meetups? just monitor this thread?

>> No.9132220


come to the initial meet and then don't get lost, otherwise - thread, discord

>> No.9132222 [DELETED] 

discord link?

>> No.9132223

>using spoiler tags on /cgl/

>> No.9132224

its daijoubu I scrolled up and found it

>> No.9132225

I saw that

>> No.9132255

No, unfortunately I didn't make it to AX.

>> No.9132261


Oh, there was a girl at the Sunday meet telling everyone about her Clover cosplay and love for 999, hence my asking!

>> No.9132263

the lolita one? yeah I was gonna go but will probably dip because it seems really disorganized.

>> No.9132272

>finish painting keyblade and attach the two parts together
>touch up gold detailing
>make the whole fucking mask (probs not gonna happen)
>style wig
>touch up lines on shirt
>make gun

>> No.9132328

O-oh. I was looking forward to that.

>> No.9132342

Here ya go!

>> No.9132345

Well looks like we're having it outside in the 90 degree weather despite everyone begging to have it inside. I'll still go because I'm really trying to sell some stuff. Hopefully I don't melt.

>> No.9132349

Where is it exactly?

>> No.9132353

>At the cornor of the walk way between the convention center and the Sheridan hotel. If you are attending from the convention center walk ou of the second floor Charles street exit and turn right.

>If you are not attending the convention use the elevator/stairwell that is outside of the first floor charles street lobby.

Just posting what I saw in the group. I've been attending for years and don't even know where that is.

>> No.9132360

I'm pretty sure that's the big open area outside the hotel near where the indoor fountain used to be.

>> No.9132367

Why did they decide to do it outside? What the fuck

>> No.9132377

Ask the fat ita who's running it. She didn't listen to anyone's indoor suggestions. It's supposed to rain, too.

>> No.9132378


Not sure. If there is, I'll definitely go. I'll keep my eyes peeled if someone decides to meet up.

I'll probably go around and take fumo pics and show off to /jp/. Will also show up at the Touhou photoshoots as well.


The new Reisen and Marisa one right? Personally, I was hoping for a new Youmu or re-release. She's the only protagonist I don't have.

>> No.9132448



>> No.9132481
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>> No.9132705 [DELETED] 

Because every other year it gets shut down insode of the convention center. Because people dont jnow how to be discrete with exchanging money thats why I have it organized for outside.

Also it supposedly rains every year but in the 11 years ive been going it only really rains on thirsday. There is also a notation on the page to watch the event page for it to get noved if it does tain. Indoors is the last resort situation to avoid getting into trouble as mich as possible.

>> No.9132719

The original place I had in mind had plenty of shade and was outside of the conventions enter so that the odds of the event getting shut down by convention staff, like it does every other year, was unfortunately turned into a parking lot. This is something that I only found out about a couple of weeks ago, and because I have been busy with work, school, and other more pressing matters irl didn't have a chance to really make the change until yesterday on my lunch break. The fact is that yes didn't do all of my research for a location outside of the convention center and get it all figured out before The initial post, but I was unaware of where the construction was.

Because every it gets shut down in less than 45 minutes due to the fact that it breaks convention rules to sell items outside of the dealers room and artist alley. Every year someone also doesn't understand this even though they are told to be discrete.

As far as the rain is concerned there is a note on the page to watch the event page in case of weather. There are a couple of places inside that I have in mind to move to if it actually ends up raining.

Yes I understand it's hot and humid in August but my main concern was to try and keep the swap meet from being shut down. I'm also never going to try to run another one again, I'm going to stick to the luncheons that I normally host because those go so much smoother.

>> No.9132727

Anyone planning any room parties?

>> No.9132747

Ha don't do that this year

The amount of human waste in the Harbor is in space right now and if you were to get some of the stuff in your gut it would put you down.

>> No.9132776

So you're the one running the group. Alright all bitterness aside, can you tell me what we should bring to the swap meet? I don't mean things to sell, but things to set up with. I can't imagine everyone comes just holding their stuff the whole time.

>> No.9132944


I would say a blanket of sime kind to rest it on the floor with. I will have about 5 extra chrap throw blankets anyways just in case someone needs one. I'll also have some extra gift bags on jand incase people need those to take the items they get back to their rooms.

Oh i'm also moving the event to the hilton lobby and the page will update with that info in the next ten minutes.

>> No.9132965

What time is this? I'm getting into lolita and would love to potentially pick up some things. Were you the nice person in the comm thread who suggested I should come check things out?

>> No.9133019

Don't fucking sell in our lobby. It's busy enough with guest checking in. Go sit with the homeless bums across the street in bum stretch. Loiter and peddle over there.

>> No.9133024

>The original place I had in mind had plenty of shade and was outside of the conventions enter so that the odds of the event getting shut down by convention staff, like it does every other year, was unfortunately turned into a parking lot.

What place was this?

>> No.9133027

Not the literal lobby you tard. The Hilton has plenty of space and we won't get in the way of guests.Go be salty somewhere else.

>> No.9133047

I have exactly 2 commitments this con and they got scheduled at the exact same time
fucking awesome

>> No.9133135

From 4-6pm on Saturday. I wasnt the person who suggested that you come in the thread... But honestly its a great way to build up a wardrobe i know that there will be people bringing things that are knew with and without tags. You should still come check it out. Also i would really reccomend that you have a paypal or venmo account so that you can get items easier.

On the sky walk across from the Hyatt where the US Navy Federal ATM was. There was plenty of space, shade, and a covering so that if it rained we wouldnt get wet. I only found out it was a parking lot because some guy posted a video about Otakon on his youtube channel and it was all fenced off.

I know that feeling so well. Every single con everything i am interested in doing is always scheduled at the same time.

>> No.9133168

I went last year but not going this year. Sucks because last year was a fucking blast with cgl

>> No.9133185

Don't do it anywhere in our hotel. Pay like everyone else to use the space or get lost you little freeloader shit. If I find you, I'm calling the cops in just like we do with the homeless bums. I bet Bmore jail is just waiting for some ageplay daddys girls to show up at booking.

>> No.9133192
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>> No.9133193

Thank you so much. I did buy my first dress from lacemarket but I'll definitely come check it out.

>> No.9133208
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>> No.9133314

Is there a FB event page for that?

>> No.9133323

Yes, but I believe you need to be a part of Charm City Lolitas to see it.

>> No.9133366

>Who are you cosplaying?
Not cosplaying
>What panels are looking forward to?
Not going to panels
>Any stories from previous years?
I let /cgl/ grade weaponized autism stay in my room and ended up sleeping with the bartender from one of the harbor bars

>> No.9133369

>No Panels
>No cosplay
What is even the point then? Do you spend $90 just to walk around and people watch?

>> No.9133380

There are a lot more things you can do at a con than just cosplaying and panels. I meet up with my friends and go to events, the meet up, search the dealers room for cool goods. I've never really been a fan of panels and I don't have the skills to make cool cosplays.

Please don't think it's pointless for someone like me to go to a convention.

>> No.9133403

>Charm City Lolitas

That's a really good name.
I'd play ball for them.

>> No.9133426

Baltimore's nickname is Charm City, anon.

>> No.9133443

Am I able to get in line for my badge Thursday

>> No.9133454

only if you pre-regged

>> No.9133463

I know. I think it still has a really nice ring to it though.Charm city sounds really cute.

>> No.9134205

I just have to do a bit of painting and style my wig and I'll be basically done with my cosplay. We're gonna make it, senpai.

>> No.9134245

What time does the pre reg line start?

>> No.9134250

Did a Lolita rape your mom or something?

>> No.9134266
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>> No.9134377

Was it the guy on the right with the unbuttoned white shirt the one who raped that girl?

>> No.9134414

Can I come as a newfag non cosplayer or will I be completely shunned?

>> No.9134422

Can I just pay to room with somebody so I can make friends? I'm basically a newfag of cosplay.

>> No.9134432


Just try not to be a mouth breathing autist and it should be chill.

>> No.9134439

Is cosplay consent?

>> No.9134459

Consent to what?

>> No.9134491
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>Shoes have yet to arrive
>Contacts only arrived today
>Cosplay only about 50% done since I wasn't able to work on it this weekend
>Working every night till Thursday

Gulls I just want this cosplay finished and a nap

>> No.9134497

you got this, senpai!

>> No.9134680

Any kink parties planned for the weekend? Anyone inclined to plan one?

>> No.9134714

Thanks anon, I'll keep plugging away!

>> No.9134801

I'm a little disappointed that one of my cosplays won't be ready for Ota, but I can at least save it for Youma and next year's cons. Plus since I have another cosplay from the same series ready now, it isn't as disappointing as it could be.

>> No.9134832

He was accused of it but from what I heard they were both smashed as shit and she just regretted it the next morning.

>> No.9134881

same i'm still waiting on shoes lolol

>> No.9134884

I'm still waiting on my wigs.

>> No.9134898

Do you wear diapers while your pretend daddy dicks your asshole in some sexual malfunction that you try to justify on fet life?

>> No.9134904

May the cosplay gods grace us all with packages that arrive on time!

>> No.9134935
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Wow, someone touched a nerve.

>> No.9134947

Yeah it makes me mad jelly aince my main comm is the DC one and there is no way to get as cute as a name for them.

Normally 4:30 i think. I haveng seen anything official from the con yet though.

>> No.9135110


Real talk, it's probably too late to organize something like this for Otakon, but I've roomed with complete randos I found from conventions' sites' forums several times and it really is a great way to meet people, would recommend.

Also cosplay is hardly a requirement of conventions, don't worry so much.

>> No.9135221
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just don't go near this flaming homo. he has a habit of stalking girls and gets kicked out of cons.

>> No.9135239

Why would he stalk girls if he's a flaming homo?

>> No.9135247

I don't know. But I've heard stories, plus he looks scary.

>> No.9135256


>not presenting an argument
>vague generalization
Someone's buttblasted

>> No.9135268

Story time?

>> No.9135274

Two days left to finalize wig styling and I have no idea how to make huge wavy spikes well :|

>> No.9135372

he got kicked out of Anime Boston for stalking some female and hangs out with this creep. Adam. ugh eww.

>> No.9135374

I was suffering from dehydration last week. I finally got over it, today. All my stuff is ready. I just need to pack

>> No.9135378

he hangs out with Black Luigi. The pedo.

>> No.9135390

this i can confirm.he can't go back to AB anymore due to drama

>> No.9135394

how does he even go to any con? creeper magnet on. or off?

>> No.9135395
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is this black luigi?

>> No.9135397

why do stupid people have to make drama for others? isn't cosplay about meeting new people and making new friends? talking about the same anime/game/manga or whatever and meet the same people who love it too? now it feels like all that is in the trash, all about stupid people who make drama people who need to be the best model people who just suck and need to be cosfamous. how do you live like that? you know, this makes a lot of people not want to go to cons and such.

>> No.9135400
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no. this is the Black Luigi.

>> No.9135403

TFW i recognize these people and didn't know they're fellow cgl

>> No.9135405

lol some Asian guy Asians are so good at cosplaying.

>> No.9135543

Not really a cosplay, but I decided to bring one of my D&D characters to life. I will be a Drow swordsman of Eilistraee. Started a thread here to get makeup advice, >>9133695

>> No.9135570

It's not just cosplay it's every subculture. Look at Lolita

>> No.9135616


you dont find drama if you dont look for it. make friends who are drama free and all will be well my son

>> No.9135677 [DELETED] 

If anyone is still in need of a hotel room send me an email. I'll give additional details to whomever is interested

>>9134422 including you

>> No.9135692

Who needs a room when you could of had a boat?

>> No.9135693


>could of


>> No.9135697

Can't wait for Boatakon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Nu_KyCcA1I

>> No.9135868

you are sad. Do we need to call coastguard-kun on you fucks again?

>> No.9135872

Solid video, hype is real.
None of the lift though, I am disappointed

>> No.9135963

If you've got $99 and enjoy the company of really chill dudes, we are looking for someone to fill a vacant spot.

If anyone else is looking for a room, same goes to you. While opportunity lasts

>> No.9135982

>when we pouring up, don't get exodia.
someone explain this boatakon thing to me. I'm sobbing.

>> No.9136019

Invited to the events at magfest butt never get the plug for otakon

>> No.9136052

I signed up for the HCC. It's my first cosplay contest and I'm pretty nervous. Advice for what to talk about in my five minutes? Should mention what I like about the character, or just stick to construction specifics?

>> No.9136192

"Solid video" LOL.

Okay, shill.
Maybe Ota is moving to DC so they won't have to deal with these fucktards next year?

>> No.9136205

A group of guys get a boat for Otakon. They stay on the boat and have parties on it. And i was just walking by one of them on my way to pop my lunch in the microwave. And had to shake my head

They'll be there next year just not on a boat. They were at Magfest and Katsucon too.

>> No.9136218

oh no. how did I miss them last year?

>> No.9136278

I don't get it, if the boatakon people are universally looks down upon, then why do they act like everyone is jealous of them? I've never heard anything good about them in or out of /cgl/ except for the people that go to it.

>> No.9136285

Look Lilitu you fat bitch. Chidi done told us all about you. Can you kindly take out cocks out your mouth? You literally post about us every con. Granted your fat ads could be used as a boat but your obsession for us is tiring. Of course you were eating lunch you fucking land whale looking beachball. Go eat something...like a dick

>> No.9136315

She exceeded land whale size long ago

>> No.9136318


>> No.9136322
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>> No.9136328
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>> No.9136361
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Been awhile since i've heard anything about him. Had he quit cons?

>> No.9136364

Delusion of grandeur my friend, Black Luigi thinks he's cosfamous and a community leader as well.

>> No.9136375

nice timestamps samefag

>> No.9136411


I have already been called. Special present for you all. 1449 has been bragging about their new 1.2 k dollar drone they will be flying around. Trying to make those "pro shots of the boat". About January we got issued a new tool that works perfectly, especially with their brand they will be using and I've been itching to use this new skywall100 for a real capture, not in training, since we got it.

Since I love you all so much I will let you choose what kind of retrieval method we use when we bring the drone down. Pick one.

1. Dry retrieval, we capture the drone as it comes down and take it back to the station to make 1449 come to our gates and face charges from the FAA for an unregistered drone. Likely they won't pay and I got myself a new drone.

2. Let it dunk into the harbor and give the crabs a new toy.

>> No.9136443
File: 44 KB, 1436x536, SmartSelectImage_2016-08-09-15-55-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this bad

>> No.9136465

I vote #2 but both are good

>> No.9136481

I can change my ID tag too. It's called switching browsers.

oh shit, you thought I didn't know about that and you alibi was airtight.

>> No.9136482

I vote #1, just so you can take pictures of said drone.

>> No.9136516

And look at you putting a froends name out there on blast like that. At least i have the respect to not use his name.

My vote is #2.

>> No.9136571
File: 1.11 MB, 1420x2206, SmartSelectImage_2016-07-09-12-04-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so damn pants on head retarded I cannot properly respond to this. It's like you want it to be true so badly. Holy fuck.

>> No.9136610

You don't anything about respect. In fact you don't know anything about anything that isn't food. What you need to learn about is treadmill. What year was it that you last could see your toes? I can assure you we don't give a fuck about you or anyone else. We do what we do because we enjoy it, not to show off to anybody. You're the one that seems to be determined to keep bringing us up in here. Maybe you'll jealous of him...maybe you want to suck his dick. Maybe both I don't know. If I send you a pizza maybe you'll leave us the fuck alone. He should report you for work place harassment honestly. You like Pineapples or nah?

>> No.9136614

Desperate attempt after your theory got blown to shit, 1449 fucboi?

>> No.9136621
File: 1.52 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2015-12-30-19-46-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>We do things that are fun for us, not to show off.
>> posts cringe video of them attempting a dance video with discount bottom shelf escorts.

>> No.9136632

We had to use escorts because your mother wasn't available that weekend, tell that bitch to open her schedule like she opened her legs last time and we wouldn't have to lol

>> No.9136635
File: 7 KB, 284x178, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We do things that are fun for us, not to show off.
>Shit up every otakon thread with talk about a crappy boat with glassy-eyed strippers and playing college drinking games
>Spend enough time and effort to even make a video about it

>> No.9136651

This is the last post im going to make concerning you because i dont want to dhit up this thread any further. But man you need to get some more creative insults. As you can tell by physical appearance i am a big girl so i've pretty much heard every insult you've thrown at me more then once. And the fact that you're this upset is great, clearly i hit a cord.

>> No.9136655

I'm sure your fat ass has hit a lot of things, minus a gym

>> No.9136681



>> No.9136683

Did your shoes get in yet? I finally got the last of my packages today.

>> No.9136686

damn man sorry, I told that bitch to be ready to make my money and she plunked out. be right back, I'm going to belt that ho.

>> No.9136687

No but I was asking my grandmother (who ordered them for me as a birthday present) if the seller gave a tracking number because I was worried they won't come in time, and she had me buy other shoes on Amazon with next day delivery. They'll be here tomorrow, I feel so lucky and relieved

>> No.9136694

I've never been to one of the matsuris before, but I really want to see Lotus Juice and Hirata live, preferably pretty close to the whichever stage they're playing at. I know they don't play until 7, but how much earlier should I get there?

>> No.9136701

Oh good, that next day delivery is such a blessing sometimes... Also grandmas who understand cosplay needs.

>> No.9136703

Right? I'm so glad she's been helping with this cosplay haha

>> No.9136708

Honestly whenever. Its a huge open space and not a lot of people go there. At about 7 i think a lot of the thursday crowd woll be waiting for their badges. So you should probably be good.

Sage for double post

>> No.9136734
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>> No.9136833

Any word on a meetup? Looking to do a Thursday or Friday night hopefully, after my group of friends barrage each other with personally invasive questions after not seeing each other in the past 8 months.

>> No.9136836

Meetups are going to be friday and saturday night first meeting in the lobby that has (had??) the fountains, I think it's called the charles st lobby. We'll probably meet at 9 there and then head to the water street tavern around 10.

>> No.9136859

What the hell is this nigger shit doing in my otakon? When I think anime conventions, I think cringy weebs and neckbeards/the type of people in that annoying as fuck NYAAAAA~! video. Not this shit.

Cons...cons have changed.

>> No.9136866
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>> No.9136949

don't worry vegeta. you laugh but you are always second place.

>> No.9136993
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This will be my last year going to Otakon.

>Been to every Otakon 06 till now.
>11 Otakons straight
>knowing this is my final Otakon because I'm not going to DC

I never asked for this.

That being said, I've been at the past 4 /cgl/ meetups and they are always a blast and you guys are always wonderful. I'll dedicate my final /cgl/ meet weekend to make sure all of you, especially the new shy people have a great time.

I won't be at the con till Friday morning. I have something very important to take care of on Thursday, if it goes well I will be on cloud 9 all damn weekend!

>> No.9137000

I love internet racism. I never see any in-person racism. How come you guys are so pussy?

You the type of nigga to call a black cosplayer Harambe online, but get caught awkwardly trying to talk to her online.

You should kill yourself, and I'm not saying that to be funny. You should try to catch a fired bullet with your teeth.

>> No.9137007


u mad thad

>> No.9137008

why don't you want to go to D.C.? The expense or just the shit show that is the commute there. I've heard this from many people.

>> No.9137018
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>> No.9137026

>Who are you cosplaying?
Minato Arisato/Makato Yuki (Persona 3)
Ace (Zero Escape)
Godot (Ace Attorney)
Clownpiece (Touhou)

>What panels are you looking forward to?
The few panels that my friends are running along with whatever feels right at the moment. I've never seriously looked at panels/screenings at cons and honestly it's more fun for me to do shit spur of the moment

>Any stories from previous years?
Not really. Otakon was my first convention and I haven't missed a single year since I began going in 2010. Not going to lie, I might cry a bit leaving the place on Sunday. I hear the new DC venue is nice from people who have been to AwesomeCon, but Baltimore and Otakon have always been one and the same to me, so it's going to be so sad saying goodbye to the place for the next few years. I'm a little excited to attending a new Otakon in 2017 not knowing what to expect after years of being familiar with The Fountain and the mall with the cheap ass McDonalds, but I'm bracing myself for some hardcore post-con depression

>> No.9137056

So Water Street Tavern will be at 10pm Friday and Saturday? Is anyone doing anything Thursday night? Was going to barhop if not.

>> No.9137060


We usually meet infront of the indoor fountains at 9pm - 9:30pm-ish (giving people time to gather) once we feel we have enough people, we all walk a few blocks to the Tavern and take it over. Typically we'll get to the tavern at 9:35-9:45ish and stay there pretty long.

The Tavern has the main area which is just a bar, then it has a small basement most of us go into to play pool, other games, hang out, etc.

>> No.9137066


Honestly, I'm old. At first I thought I was just maturing and falling out of Chinese cartoons / video games in general but then I realized thats not it, video games and anime just haven't put out anything that appeals to me in the last few years.

Maybe I just need to expand my horizons, I always catch myself watching some old cyberpunk gore type 80s anime when i'm bored.

The only video game I play these days is Street Fighter 5.

Maybe I'll make Katsucon my new goto con, I saw footage from that con and it looked pretty cool.

Either way, I make it a personal mission every /cgl/ meet up to make sure you guys have fun. I can't make promises but depending on the circumstances I MIGHT and I mean MIIIIIIGHT have a club suite at my hotel this year. We usually do but my group has people bailing last minute. If we can snag a suite I can arrange an after party up there.

I brought a few anons like rocketeer and Kamina up there last year and it was really fun.

Again, I can't make promises on this.

>> No.9137073

Katsucon is easily one of the best cons in the country.

>> No.9137076

Really now. I like Katsucon, but "best in the country" is saying a bit much when the damn con can't buy out the whole Gaylord. As hilarious as it is seeing the Katsu people mix together with whatever random ass business convention they're forced to share the space with, that, among other issues makes me not agree with your claims there

>> No.9137079
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Oh look. Tripfags being fags. What a shocker.

>> No.9137081

>when the damn con can't buy out the whole Gaylord

You obviously haven't been to Katsucon recently. It's been just them for a couple years. No longer will we have problems like the year of Jew-con.

>> No.9137084

Obviously you're entitled to your own opinion. But just to clarify, they haven't shared the convention center with other conventions/events for two years now.

>> No.9137093

Fair enough. I guess I just didn't notice last year due to the fire and all. I will say I'm also kind of biased towards MAGfest since they're around the same time and I lean more towards vidya than Chinese cartoons and MAG is slowly attracting more and more cosplayers. It also doesn't help that some of my friends who are minor panelist celebrities in the area swore off Katsu due to apparently being treated like shit there and that also kind of rubbed off on me a little.

>> No.9137099

can confirm, guy acts like a gigantic pissbaby on facebook

>> No.9137114

What about MAGfest, anon? The con is a lot more relaxed and has an older crowd, but with some of the cosplay talent of Katsu, as a lot of people take advantage of the Gaylord for pics when it's less crowded. Lots of video games and fighting game community representation. It seems more like your style.

>> No.9137136

What's there to do in and around the Baltimore area and would going out in cosplay (with a small group of people who are also dressed) be a recipe for a bad time?

>> No.9137162

In case people didn't know, Otakorp got off their lazy asses and put out the schedule already. It's on that app Guidebook.

>> No.9137168

>Can confirm. Went to Katsu and Mag both for the first time this year. Both were awesome, but I got better pics and had a more relaxed time at Mag.

Will be at both again next year.

>> No.9137188

This may sound stupid, but as a /k/ommando, what kind of security do they have normally? Given my cosplay I really don't trust their normal security to protect people, but I don't want to get stopped at the door.

>> No.9137227

Katsu is going to shit and a hand basket sinces it chair died

>> No.9137232

Rent-a-cops at the door with a higher than average amount of cops in the area and surrounding blocks outside of the BCC.

>> No.9137335

There is a crew going to lift Thursday night and depending on the moods and company we could grab food and drink after.

>> No.9137343

Anyone know if you'll need a badge to get into the Convention center? Thinking about going as a day trip and would rather not pay for a badge since i just wanna see cosplay and chill with friends.

>> No.9137354

Yes, unless you are directly next to registration you'll need a badge.

>> No.9137361


You will, honestly I can't wait for DC, the bcc has some nice space but the staff are complete asshats.

I've never been to a con other than this one where the bulk of the space is badged, and the staff wants to badge you when leaving.

I was physically stopped from leaving once because the staffer didn't see my badge.

>> No.9137362

They have the police helicopter flying all weekend. No one is going to do shit.

>> No.9137365
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>who are you cosplaying?
Lego Businessman

>What panels are you looking forward to?
Weird Japanese Commercials

>Any stories from the previous years?
I just wander around the place, it's going to be sad leaving all thats familiar. But DC is a new place for new wanderings.

>> No.9137368

Are you Bane-guy from last year??

>> No.9137391

Ok does Ota do reduced at the door badge price as the weekend goes by?

>> No.9137399


>> No.9137405
File: 57 KB, 500x666, 1465446850712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I physically cringed so hard I got a Charley Horse. Never. Never again.

>mfw seeing a full grown black rapper utter the words we notice senpai, he don't notice..... notice us.
I can't you guys.

>> No.9137414

Wasn't going to put my two cents in but after that atrocity do both, do 1 than 2, than make them swim and get it and repo it again.
>don't get Exodia

>> No.9137418

They had no choice but to be subject to this anon!

>> No.9137420

I get that 1449 is a bundle of basic and desperate faggots but you all don't have to be basic school yard niggers in responce.

Shit just don't drink with them, stop being autistic.

>> No.9137429
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This sounds awesome. This will be my first meet up but I've been going since 2004, would be glad to help make it extra special!

>> No.9137435

Where is mag fest?

>> No.9137437

If you like night life, like party's and shit goto powerplant. It's real close. Or fed hill. Or fells point. Lots of great place to.go with a group

>> No.9137438

Nothing happened last year right after the riots nothing is going down this year. I can't address their policy on weapons tho.

>> No.9137442

>old cyberpunk gore type 80s anime
that's the genre I'm mostly into which is why I feel like I might stop going to anime cons after this year. I definitely feel like I'm "aging out" and I'm not even that old. None of the current stuff appeals to me.

>> No.9137443

Great but pretty damn normie tbqh

>> No.9137466

New thread! >>9137463

>> No.9137904

Could I get an email?

>> No.9138143


I am. I'm not using my tripcode from last year because I won't be Bane this year.

If i'm lucky I'll be able to throw something together last minute.

Who's this?