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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 482 KB, 1993x2048, 13914103_10154224349759845_54669347442592700_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9129266 No.9129266 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one in the catalog

>> No.9129289

not sure how you missed it


>> No.9129298
File: 131 KB, 1019x737, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9129319

Salty still? She just asked for help

>> No.9129333
File: 2.59 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160802-114544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9129348

OP should've put landwhale edition

>> No.9129400

I legitimately snorted and I like meta.

>> No.9129407

Why don't bigger girls dress for their body type. They can be really cute if they try but this reminds me of a fat soccer mom trying to squeeze into one of her kid's shirts. This looks horrible. Everything looks disgusting.

>> No.9129427

I'm not surprised she's "Hispanic"

>> No.9129469
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>> No.9129526

Not ita, just looks like a beginner. Could be improved by different head and legwear.

>> No.9129555

I'll never understand people who don't do their makeup when wearing lolita.

>> No.9129557

I smell a self-post...

>> No.9129560

I don't really see the problem?? Nitpick

>> No.9129562

is this a man?

>> No.9129563

I came to post this and I'm happy it made the OP

>> No.9129571

just a cute beginner :/ she looks young. give her a few more coords. this is actually pretty cute imo

>> No.9129574


>> No.9129588

I swear this girl has been posted to like that last 3 threads in this same coord. It's clearly not very good but I mean, give it a rest already it's weird to keep posting her.

>> No.9129682

It's because she keeps posting herself.

>> No.9129683

Your hate for this girl is getting really out of hand. She posted asking for help and knows her coord isn't good. Stop posting her to every thread.

>> No.9129689

Don't care about this being ita or not but uhh, this is a pretty damn good picture of squirrel party, right? I fucking hate bodyline prints but this doesn't look terrible? And I mean the print and quality of photograph. Not the person in the picture.

>> No.9129690

Someone already responded and the troll didn't respond back to it, so I think it's okay now and you don't need to stir shit up further in attempts to argue with someone who literally just wants to argue with you.

don't take bait.

>> No.9129694

Hat looks like elmo. Can't unsee.

>> No.9129696

Squirrel Party is the only Bodyline print worth bothering with. It's really cute and even if you prefer brand it's nice to have a dress that A) you can always find someone to twin with and B) is machine washable.

Sales pitch over, I just really like that dress.

>> No.9129700

Yeah, I totally used to hate it until just now. I'm not big on squirrels but this looks not terrible and something I'd wear to a picnic and hey - now I can go to stupid picnic meets that are mostly filled with itas, yay!

>> No.9129708

Nope. The girl who posted her is in my comm. She was even bragging about it to a friend of hers.

>> No.9129710
File: 1.14 MB, 699x1240, SmartSelectImage_2016-08-04-23-13-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9129714

Seems like the only one looking to argue about pointless shit is you.

>> No.9129716
File: 1.34 MB, 712x1776, SmartSelectImage_2016-08-04-23-12-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9129719
File: 789 KB, 749x1272, SmartSelectImage_2016-08-04-23-10-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9129720

Maybe I have bad taste, but I feel like that dress could have been cute had it been used differently. I'd love to see good coords though. Then again, I'm not a Lolita, just like admiring.

>> No.9129721

This is what nightmares are made of.

>> No.9129722

It's brand she got off a sales group. She just doesn't know what she's doing.

>> No.9129724

Oh, okay. Explains a lot. I thought it was much cuter than usual ita tier dresses.

>> No.9129738
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>> No.9129740
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>> No.9129744
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Cause that's not the oldest excuse in the book.

>> No.9129746
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>> No.9129751
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sweet jesus

>> No.9129753
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>> No.9129755
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>> No.9129759
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>> No.9129760

aside from her hair and the cheap bodyline tote, this coord is fine aside from being plain. She could also probably use some makeup, but I don't understand your issue.

>> No.9129767
File: 145 KB, 600x800, save me pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had to

>> No.9129769
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>> No.9129801

are there any decent coords of this dress
self post much?

>> No.9129805

Babby's first coord?

>> No.9129806

Even ignoring how awful her coord skills are, this cant even be comfortable to wear. The shirt is obviously too tight and the sleeves too short and the way its squeezing her waist looks almost painful.

>> No.9129822
File: 250 KB, 720x1280, 1fb1551b-e89d-443f-9fe5-928e881e648f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9129838

wow you're really shit at drawing

>> No.9129848

it meaning the picture. Not the person. Go be oppressed somewhere else

>> No.9129849

>doesn't know about trolls trolling trolls
>pissing in an ocean of piss
fuck off newfag

>> No.9129853

This is cute. Change the hat and add a petti. Nitpick

>> No.9129855

Are you mad you got posted?

>> No.9129876

Wow. Both of you are fucking lame.

>> No.9129909
File: 497 KB, 1468x722, Coord-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9129926

wtf are those shoes
This isn't horrible though, just looks like ironless babbys first lolita, at least the wig isn't ratty and it looks like she tried to match.

>> No.9129940

Somebody is clearly vindictive.

>> No.9129948

Did you just ignore the pink shoes or??
She basically needs to change everything.

>> No.9129950

Who cares this is an ita thread not an /i/ta thread

>> No.9130013

Hate everything except the second coord.

>> No.9130016

First is nice and casual.

>> No.9130023

The second coord is a mess, though. What the fuck was she thinking with those socks?

>> No.9130024

Still so mad at this fugly coord. If it's for a wedding why not be more casual? Why those horrible pink rocking horse shoes, that are very outlandish? Why not use the ribbon clip that comes with the dress as a hair accesory? Why the knitted beret with a summer dress?
This whole thing offends me.

>> No.9130029

How does the dress even remotely match the hat? If you're doing a Serena themed coord, at least try!

>> No.9130031

What do you mean? Hispanic people have a very wide variety of appearances. I've met blonde, pale, blue-eyed Hispanics and black haired, dark skinned, brown-eyed Hispanics. She looks like a half-Mexican girl I know.

>> No.9130032

Lol, if this girl gets better one day and eventually becomes a really nice lolita, she's gonna be so embarrassed that she looks like this in these pictures that are gonna be around forever.

On that note I don't understand why she wore PINK SHOES in a coord that has absolutely no pink anywhere whatsoever. In the comment section the first person to comment points out the pink shoes, and the girl said she tried to coordinate stuff....like bitch did you really?? Because I don't think you tried at all.

>> No.9130033

It's not an ita tier dress, just coorded in an ita way.

>> No.9130037

If the last girl got a proper, pastel pink blouse and matched the shoes and hair accessories with it, she wouldn't look that bad. Third coord is the worst, she needs to learn how to pose.

>> No.9130044

I'm not qualified to comment on the coord because I'm still in the lurking stage (I mean I could list shit that I personally think is wrong, but y'know), but I kinda feel bad for her.
>she actually looks a lot like me except with different hair and a little different proportioning
>she even looks as tired as me
>someone somewhere along the line misled her into thinking that that's a correct way to wear a beret
>if she has as much of a fivehead as I do, she may have known it's wrong and done it anyway
well I guess at least now I know approximately what I would look like if I attempted lolita.

>> No.9130053

Ah I know, I meant it was a much cuter dress than usual to be in an ita thread, sorry if it was worded bad.

>> No.9130066
File: 345 KB, 488x570, it begins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incoming dump, I'm the Utah anon from the Online Comms thread and boy do I have some content.

>> No.9130067
File: 65 KB, 539x960, nice room.....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9130070
File: 26 KB, 222x395, in the name of all that is holy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9130071
File: 102 KB, 960x720, i need an adult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9130073

Then where more petti if your fat and get shit that fits. If you have a big forehead get bangs or Wear I wig with bangs, just make sure they're right for your face

>> No.9130074
File: 302 KB, 501x597, cord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9130075


>> No.9130078
File: 118 KB, 960x540, bringing your kids is so rori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9130082
File: 264 KB, 489x571, goodwill so kawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9130085
File: 140 KB, 720x960, 13087657_1569940003305107_6183130463125240382_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9130086
File: 137 KB, 960x720, 11156377_10154082761018012_4368084951971853926_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ending the dump with this.

>> No.9130092

Nice try but this is like 4 maybe 5 years old. She's gotten better since this monstrosity.

>> No.9130096

I don't see what's wrong with this coord? I think it's cute and her fluffy hair fits the aesthetic well.

>> No.9130097

yeah I'd have to figure something out with the hair. wig sounds like a good option actually.

>> No.9130098

I think they meant Hispanics are known for being trashy ita?

>> No.9130101

My SIL was apparently peeking over my shoulder when I enlarged this one, because she suddenly yelled "That's SO cute!" and now she wants to find/make something similar for the next ren fest we go to. She's a nice girl, but super weeb and even larger than the ita in the picture.

>> No.9130104

This is also an old AF cosplay. But he's not improved much.

>> No.9130109

Oh please. I've been here longer than you, salt-chan.

>> No.9130121

Anon, I am so sorry I have done this to you.

>> No.9130123

Are you blind? She couldn't even bother to wear a wig or take out her piercing. You can tell everything she is wearing is low quality just by her grainy mirror selfie.

>> No.9130126

Ffs, lolita doesn't require wearing a wig. this is why people think it's a costume. "you can't have piercings if you wear lolita! you have to wear a wig with it!" sounds like cosplay to me.

>> No.9130132

>the s'morning

what's schooling like in Utah because this isn't even acceptable as an eggcorn.

do they not have internet? I'm crying.

>> No.9130136

can't even see coord, ya doink

>> No.9130163

The only one close to decent is the far left and she's a fatty-chan

>> No.9130203
File: 194 KB, 245x138, AVIEWLU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- better hair
- 3/4 Sleeve shirt (short sleeves do you no favours hun)
- no fingerless gloves..just NO

Hey presto passable coord, I'm sure she'll get there eventually. (Please nobody tell me "she's been into lolita for like years.")

>> No.9130205

Legit looks like she has a TP scarf

>> No.9130206

Understood, it happens. :)

>> No.9130245

Not that anon, but I never understood this argument....
We aren't attacking people personally, we're laughing at bad outfit attempts. This is a horrible coord, and there for belongs in this thread, regardless of how old the pic is

>> No.9130258

I think it's more the short attention span of the board. Also we archive everything and our archives are used as a resource, so it becomes even more of a broken record to repost old images that every one already knows.

>> No.9130262

>Then where more petti if your fat
You're fucking laughable. Learn more English before attempting to tell people how to do things on this board. You don't sound like someone worth listening to.

>> No.9130276

Suny, just stop. We get it. You're excited, you tried to friend everyone in the comm, you wanna get attention for your coord. Just post to COF and get ass pats and then get a new coord. Stop shitting up the ita thread with your basic ass and move on. No one buys the- oh her friend posted her. BYE

>> No.9130277

Yes I do
Ad much as I love Hispanics this seems to be the case

>> No.9130280

Found the ita that got posted

>> No.9130281

It certainly is casual. I dont know about the nice part.

>> No.9130301
File: 1.14 MB, 640x360, 0mKXcg1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ita thread seems to be the only place she's been getting ass pats. Please move on Sunni, there's no honor in self posting to the ita thread.

>> No.9130311

Who posted her then?

>> No.9130314

of course she's a BTS stan, why am I not surprised
fucking army-roaches

>> No.9130333

Hey. Nobody knows who's posting her because she's clearly not. She's a sweet girl and this is confusing her. She is not self posting. She's made two posts about people complaing that she's self posting. Stop. Let it go. She's working on her next coord

>> No.9130335

It kinda looks like she's just showing of a newly bought dress or something like that.

>> No.9130343

>Last girl wearing a replica
>Still has massive boobloaf

>> No.9130369


Friends don't post friends to the ita thread. Self posters do it for attention.

>> No.9130375
File: 190 KB, 960x720, 11751949_10154082761873012_3107438708329684532_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utah dump op here! Yeah sorry about that, it just made me giggle so I thought I'd post it. Here's a group shot with her whole coord in it.

>> No.9130378

Utah is a terrifying place, Anon. Avoid it at all costs.

>> No.9130380

There's only one good coord in the whole group...

>> No.9130381

Oh so now she's a sweet girl? How do you know all this. Suneigh, baby, just get off cgl.
It's an obvious self post cause you made your own fuckign thread like two weeks ago. We all make mistakes. The more you stand up for yourself the more you look like a ding dong.

>> No.9130383
File: 96 KB, 720x960, 1656245_576336679119465_1380156968_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I look at my comm the more I want to become a lone lolita.

>> No.9130385
File: 185 KB, 720x960, samara is that you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9130394
File: 68 KB, 1210x642, 13838092_10102621165705318_270378578_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>SunBun....just stop white knighting.
>Stop self-posting.
>You don't need to post on EVERY board, EVERY TIME you change your coord.

Great coords get asspats. Strive for great coords.

>> No.9130395

What's with the fatty in the sweatshirt? Does she really think she's wearing J-fashion?

>> No.9130400

I think I can smell her through my phone.

>> No.9130408

You obviously don't Lolita

>> No.9130409

Hey Soony's friend, caps of this and I'll stop thinking its a self post. Don't block out the time stamp either.

>> No.9130410

The third girls face is so shiny! The fourth girl is a train wreck but she looks absolutely terrified, what is wrong with their faces?

>> No.9130413

>It has an inspiration wall of hideous haircuts

>> No.9130418
File: 68 KB, 751x838, _20160805_134033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw mum thinks her satin nightgown that doesn't fit is "kawaii"

>> No.9130423


>> No.9130429

I think this is a good coord. Her bangs only look odd like she thinks she's in an anime.

>> No.9130434

The hair reminds me of bou from an cafe..

>> No.9130454

I thought both my comms were bad until I saw this

>> No.9130462

alright, I actually know Suny, irl for years. I know nothing about this lifestyle because it isn't me, but I see her post all the time online and she is happy with this group of people. You guys are shit talking her for no god damn reason. I get you have your own rules about the fashion but give her a break. Everyone who has something negative to say is just wasting there time dragging someone down to the point where they don't wanna be a part of this shitty toxic community. She is one of the nicest people I have known and she has tried her hardest for her first one. She is obviously working on getting better in the future. She isn't self-posting, she asked for help. Give her shitty comments isn't helping it's hurting. Give GOOD CRTITICAL comments. Don't be a fucking low life and ruin someone else's. Maybe you are a fail of one of these Lolita girls and can't be just like them.
I'm also going to speak out to all the other girls ur talking shit to and it's pathetic. Get a fucking life and do something better with it then talking shit to people who are trying to love and live their life to the fullest.

>> No.9130466

Threads like this are for bad outfits. She keeps posting herself (no one ear cares enough) so that people will go "oh no she actually looks quite good~" i.e. she's fishing for compliments and that's annoying.

>> No.9130467

this is b8

>> No.9130468

Yes!! Bless whoevr posted this. sunny is a sweetheart and yall just cant handle her first coord was better than urs js

>> No.9130472

Can't tell if retarded white knight or trolling to make her look even worse

>> No.9130476
File: 62 KB, 630x287, IMG_0763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9130480

Not a bait or anything... You guys are honestly pathetic trying to take this girl down. People are posting pictures of her. You know how easy is it to save a picture of someone and post it???? Why don't the REAL haters or trolls post there own Lolita and ruin their dress up huh? Cause you don't have the balls to do it cause your all a bunch of fucking babies hiding under annon. insulting people. Just stfu you are embarrassing yourself

>> No.9130487

>some anonymous people aren't nice to me online so I'm going to quit the hobby entirely!!!1
Okay, bye.

>> No.9130490

It took her fours years to build the confidence for this and people are shitting on her i would do the same thing

>> No.9130491
File: 220 KB, 1024x512, 1093247923842349250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9130495

hey guys i'll be out and honest, I am self posting.

>> No.9130502

Stop. Nobody cares. Moving on.

>> No.9130505

For real get off you guys

>> No.9130506

It's a fashion. You don't have to be involved with the online community to wear it.

>> No.9130511

If you really care about your friend, you should know that coming here to defend them is the single worst thing you can do to help them.

When people get posted here, they get forgotten about as soon as the thread is deleted, usually no more than a week. Except for when they or their friends come here and kick up a fuss about it. Once people learn that you will react like this, they will keep posting you, they will keep antagonising you, because it's funny to watch someone react like this.

You know those old relatives everyone has who post minion memes all over facebook, and write long, inappropriate comments like letters on their relatives posts? That's you right now.

>> No.9130513
File: 25 KB, 270x324, 1-strict-nun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have learned a lesson today young Padawan.
BTW, the only negative comment you got here today was being accused of self posting for attention.

Move along, become a better lolita.

>> No.9130514
File: 82 KB, 400x613, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9130518

see? was that too hard?

>> No.9130519

bait after bait after bait in this thread

>> No.9130523

lmfao you guys realize it's just the same bullshit that was pulled with LoliLexi earlier this year right? Same comm and everything. I'd bet brand it's the same girl doing it too.

>> No.9130525


>> No.9130526


>> No.9130527

If only someone would have the decency to gently tell her that not a damn thing she is wearing is "loliable"

>> No.9130528

Some nobody wanting to be efamous. Tried to get a girl in the comm banned after she was banned herself. Claimed this girl posted her to the ita thread when it was a self post. It back fired on her.

>> No.9130529

You dont remember lolexi and racist chan? Too bad. That was a good thread.

>> No.9130532

It was a "Serena punk Lolita team valor creation"

>> No.9130537

Wigs aren't mandatory in Lolita? It's a casual outfit for school. This is a nitpick.

>> No.9130542

My thoughts exactly

>> No.9130545

When you self post your own status

>> No.9130548
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>> No.9130550
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>> No.9130553


Not the best coord I've ever seen but certainly not ita

>> No.9130554

>paging dr. legwear anon

>> No.9130559

Eh, cute coord without the unmatching black bonnet

>> No.9130561

And socks

>> No.9130563

Lmao whaattt is that headpieceeeee xP

>> No.9130568

The lack of legwear is actually so pretty here for some reason. It looks kind of summery and like it could go a little old school. I think the JSK is a bit high on her though, and peeking bloomers would look really good here.
>that bonnet though

>> No.9130571

Hopefully Sunny girl watches her back because that whole comm is two-faced and toxic as fuck. Run while you still have a chance.

>> No.9130578

What comm is this? I want to look up this lolilexi/lolexi kerfluffle but the archive only gives me this thread.

>> No.9130586

jacksonville lolita society

>> No.9130587

lolilexi + racist-chan are just as two-faced (if not worse) than everyone else. salty as fuck they made their own comm and lexi tries to get people to feel sorry for her on rufflechat and shit

>> No.9130589

she posted herself on behindthebows

>> No.9130592

Not saying they aren't. But the other girl that was involved in the whole mess is no better.

>> No.9130600
File: 159 KB, 620x400, lpplbt8vaylognqsnhma.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do tell anon, I love hearing juicy toxic gossip.

>> No.9130603
File: 137 KB, 766x1199, RO2NcDo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit is great for ita shit.

>> No.9130614

They obviously don't know that. Most people don't know about 4chan.
You guys are so fucking self-centered about the rules here. Outsiders don't know or care.

>> No.9130616

>shitting up the ita thread
No, it's always shit

>> No.9130618

Wtf are you on about? most of what they said isn't a rule, it's common sense. Idiot.

>> No.9130619

That might be true, but then why is "She's gotten much better since then" be an argument?

>> No.9130621

This. Also newfags aren't going to now that some random picture of a nobody was posted 5 years ago once. Even an oldfag might not know if they didn't visit the ita thread the one time it was posted.

>> No.9130623


I really hate that you have to wait to delete posts.

>> No.9130632

Where did you find this horror?

>> No.9130649


>> No.9130650
File: 216 KB, 1161x2048, Km8h7qm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9130699

I feel like clamp would draw this or something

>> No.9130704

The moment I saw that pattern in OnS I knew someone was going to use it for some ita monstrosity.

>> No.9130738

W-why do I like the concept, though? A tentacle or octopus themed gothic dress sounds like it could be really interesting if done right.
>hard for me to hate on this weird baby sewing project

>> No.9130742
File: 69 KB, 540x421, o43pf09vFT1qaf3woo4_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have this for only 145$

>> No.9130743
File: 60 KB, 540x360, o43pf09vFT1qaf3woo7_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9130744

This doesn't look bad. Not lolita but the craftsmanship fits the price.

>> No.9130746

I'm talking about the usual reaction to those kinds of posts and why people here shouldn't just expect newcomers to know how things work here.
It's pretty obvious newbs aren't reading the rules and of someone was alerted of someone being posted, for instance, a comm mod might hear about it and would try to address the situation but might not be familiar with this place and how to address things and the only thing in the rules is to not target people but that isn't clearly expanded on.

>> No.9130747

Yeah but then people would just delete posts all the time

>> No.9130749

This looked passable from the thumbnail but the fucking fringe, yikes.

>> No.9130750

looks like a cheap costume

>> No.9130751

the creator labeled that as a "Lolita OP"

>> No.9130757
File: 187 KB, 589x446, 1455115265310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it come in planet size?

>> No.9130760

Ugh. I swear people do that on purpose even if they know it's not lolita. They just want to attract itas.

>> No.9130762

Is naturallycute girl the same girl as racist-chan?

>> No.9130813

The one mod of that sub seems ok but god the content posted by everyone else is so bad. There's no standards.

>> No.9130819

That doesn't at all address what I said

>> No.9130823

Okay banned chan. The comm is fine, but not welcoming to people who cause drama.

>> No.9130926

reminds me of a ballet outfit i wore as a child

>> No.9130964

Yeah, they came around last year asking for people to go there and help provide decent content. I did for a while but it was so many newbie brolitas and idiots that I couldn't take it and left. Sucks that their users are so shit.

>> No.9130976

Throw a navy blouse and navy+gold legwear on the second one, and I'd be in love.

>> No.9130980

A lot of reddit forums are like that; somewhat decent but filled to the brim with newbies and casuals.

>> No.9130983
File: 498 KB, 966x1288, M0iMa8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9130984

I bet if you wrote up some freaky rp about fucking her and replied with it she wouldn't be offended.

>> No.9130985
File: 101 KB, 720x960, Yb6yNnr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll only do it if I'm allowed to include the cat being present in some manner. He's the best part of every image.

>> No.9130987

>That chair

>> No.9130988

how many individually horrible dresses does this girl own. we're up to 3 or 4 now.

>> No.9130991
File: 302 KB, 1024x1365, bunny doesn't know what to do about this horror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately I think the white and blue one is the last one

>> No.9130994

I fucking hate big-tiddie aristo/ouji. That honestly rustles my jimmies most out of all of this.

>> No.9130996
File: 2.64 MB, 320x240, 1414805051198.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9131000
File: 145 KB, 720x960, bella_in_a_basket_by_robotgirl434-d9crik2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She posted a picture of a teapot with a tissue box and lotion bottle right behind it
She posted to askreddit "How does your pubic hair compare to your head hair colorwise?"
Her dad got her this dress and this is her senior picture
I want to know how deep this rabbit hole goes

>> No.9131001

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. Wear a binder goddamnit. But in this girl's case that won't even help her, everything is garbage.

>> No.9131002

I saw the pubic hair post and laughed my ass off. All of the pets' faces make each picture. Each one looks either disgusted or like they want to leave.

>Fellow Redditors that hate people, what do other people have to do for you to hate them? Do you ever start thinking violently? (Serious)

>> No.9131005

>asked people for best "I just pissed myself" stories
>admits to pissing herself fully clothed

>> No.9131008

She makes me feel bad for wanting to do a photoshoot with my rabbits

>> No.9131012


I would adopt this rabbit so hard, holy shit, anything to get away from that girl.

>> No.9131014


You'll probably be 99x less creepy and ita to be fair.

I plan on doing a photoshoot with my rabbit after getting bunny voyage. Which is redundant but whatever.

What bunny do you have btw?

>> No.9131016
File: 148 KB, 1096x960, mfdvMzk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9131029

What did you not understand about "they don't know what we do here"?

>> No.9131035

So like here.

>> No.9131090

What in the hell are these monstrosities?? Are these the same person??

>> No.9131123

It's not a replica. I own this and can confirm from the details.

>> No.9131129

Actually no wait, I owned that exact dress at one point. It was bought from closet child. The previous owner who sold it to CC changed the position of the bows. When i bought it, I moved the bows back. But yeah, that was in my possession after this person had it and I can confirm it was 100% authentic.

>> No.9131131

That poor rabbit

>> No.9131143

ikr. Why the fuck would you believe that's the person posting when they still left it as anon and didn't provide any proof other than trying to admit something on someone else's behalf, thus making the actual person look more like an asshole.

smells of, not even a vendetta, but rather someone who just wants to be horrible to someone else and knows exactly how to accomplish it.

aaaand everyone here is gullible aside from a handful of gulls - so it worked.

>> No.9131163

And yet the biggest culprit is still a member. Hmmm...

>> No.9131168

learn to reply to people.

>> No.9131204

I feel like it would look better if you cut off the bottom and turned it into shorts

>> No.9131205

I sure hope so at least lol

I want Lief's Gardenberries for my shoot, but I saw bunny voyage the other day and I want it so bad.

Both of my bunnies are lionheads and colored like autistchans bunny is. One is lop eared though :)

>> No.9131240
File: 587 KB, 604x1321, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is left supposed to be infinity miku or something?

>> No.9131278

Self post.

>> No.9131285

>mfw this was the first """"lolita wig"""" I ever bought and wore it with a coord to a con once
>mfw I don't have a reaction image to accurately describe my anguish

The memory still hurts me

>> No.9131376

Why those fucking black/grey socks with that dress! What level of color blind do you have to be to think yeah those socks would work.

>> No.9131380

You can tell from the bottom lace and the waist bow alone that it it's not a replica.

>> No.9131388
File: 36 KB, 515x369, sunni stupid ass bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's a Trump Supporter

>> No.9131445

>yesss boorandon fugleberg

>> No.9131450

Well I see it as if you post an old picture when someone was ita and they're be improved over the years it is more like a post that holds no weight. Itas usually don't improve which is why they get posted. If the girl has improved since the years that photo was taken, then a bad cord is dismissable as a beginners cord.

>> No.9131489

all the more for her to be posted. shit coord, shit personality. perfect ita.

>> No.9131495

This comm is a mess. Wow.

>> No.9131497

Whoa now, I hate trump as much as the next person but let's not turn this thread to utter shit with political opinions.
Voting for trump doesn't make you a bad person.

>> No.9131499

ugly AND cringy

>> No.9131502
File: 62 KB, 400x301, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this real life

>> No.9131504 [DELETED] 

maybe it doesn't make you an outright "bad" person but it certainly makes for a questionable one. what kind of person are you to be able to excuse his behavior and the things he says? trump is some next level shit. let's not pretend we wouldn't make fun of some lolita with equally as bizarre political beliefs.

>> No.9131507

I love this oops

>> No.9131509

Right now this is very simple which prevents it from being too ita. Considering that I am impressed by how much she messed this up.
I look forward to this girl's growth as an ita and for her more elaborately grotesque coords in the future.

>> No.9131512

it's too bad because she has a good face for modelling

>> No.9131517

It's okay anon. We've all been there before.

>> No.9131529

My favorite part about her profile is that she posts about Trauma Center games a couple times, and after that she has a post talking about wanting to become a surgeon. Just reminds me of those weeb kids that want to pick up some specific instrument, for example, because their favorite anime character plays it.

>> No.9131580

Truer fucking words were never spoken. I don't know or care about this bitch. We are here to talk about clothes worn badly.

>> No.9131631

>good face for modelling

She looks like her parents were related before they married, anon.

>> No.9131655

As hideous as that hat and as out-of-place those pink rockinghorse shoes look

...I think I'm most offended by the hair. It just looks like a blob

>> No.9131670

She's wearing solid pink tights??? Her arms and legs are two different colors.
Or maybe it's just me.
Feels kinda nitpick-y to me, but losing the bonnet would be a good idea.

>> No.9131681

Too casual if you ask me. Doesn't even look lolita.

Socks are bad but I don't think the rest is ita.

>> No.9131683

Also adding to what the other anon said makeup and a good skincare routine can do wonders for a "tired" look.

>> No.9131686

Why do so many fatties have hair like this? So thin and greasy.
Also that stuffed tiger and posing on a playground is creepy AF.

>> No.9131689

I agree that wigs aren't mandatory but I really hate how the hair is styles here I think it look garbage. Plus that purse, scarf, and whatever the fuck she is even wearing on her head also look bad.

>> No.9131691

Looks like the wrong shape petti here. Also I hate these shoes.

>> No.9131695

Why the armpit wings tho?

>> No.9131720

Well who are you voting for then?

>> No.9131744

I don't know about anyone else, but I come here to giggle at bad coords and don't really care if the person has improved since then or is a nice person or whatever. I'm not making fun of the person, just their bad choices.
Sure it gets annoying if the same thing is posted over and over but just the fact that a picture is old and the subject dresses better now IMO does not mean it shouldn't be posted. Ita is ita.

>> No.9131774

The picture that was posted was maybe posted once in the past and has been lost in the archives. This picture is just someone digging in the dying out arizona community for something Interesting. Now I can't say much about the person in the picture as I don't really know her and she's not in the community any more. But every one has their ita years. Posting an old image of an ita who has improved, is rather tasteless and shows that someone is desperate to maybe stir drama within the community. I mean there's much worse itas in the community who are far more active and posting literal gold for these threads. But nah this person has to go and find the old images buried deep in the communities photos for your entertainment. It's tacky AF.

>> No.9131780

yeah, change the shoes and add some accessories and this is fine.

>> No.9131782


>> No.9131815

Maybe they saved it when it was new, forgot about it, recently found it again in their folders and decided to share it with the relevant thread? I've done that before. Not everything is shit-stirring obsessed vendetta-chans out to get you.

>> No.9131828

That could be true. But I doubt it with this comm. it's always been full of back stabbing and people posting eachother here just to start shit for no fucking reason.

>> No.9131835
File: 22 KB, 236x390, 784659bf763cc29b1655778dd90c11eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can see...

>> No.9131841

I totally agree. I post older images if I haven't seen them in a recent ita thread. I don't really care about the person behind them or comm drama or nothing.

>> No.9131849

Omg can yall let this whole sunneh thing go I came here for ita shit not comm drama

>> No.9131862

AP has done off-the-shoulder straps just like these before.

>> No.9131883

Alright calm down vendetta chan, let's move on

>> No.9131886

So that's why you bring it up, I see.

>> No.9131893

In that case all Americans are horrible people, since both candidates are shady assholes

>> No.9131895 [DELETED] 

One candidate is a shady asshole, one is an asshole who proudly spouts racist sexist ignorant bullshit and is hailed as a hero for it. If you're voting for him, at least have the dignity to feel embarrassed about it. If someone proudly waves their support for him as a flag of honour then yes I think they must be a colossal asshole too.


>> No.9131899
File: 128 KB, 750x914, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes that is a dim sum hat.

>> No.9131901


>> No.9131908

Itas with originality, nice

>> No.9131936 [DELETED] 

>tfw lolilexi is in my comm

>> No.9131937

No, she got kicked from Jacksonville, she's part of the Savannah comm now

>> No.9131954
File: 608 KB, 1810x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to let your friend look like a sissy.

>> No.9131974
File: 1.74 MB, 708x3337, uglycunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But wait, there's more!

>> No.9131975

I thought they were cosplaying Lady Beard or something.

>> No.9131979
File: 94 KB, 556x406, 2KcE3YZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you feel the need to clarify which comms this horrible girl got banned from. I kek'd when she raged out and created her own comm because she was on a power trip and pissy about being banned/attached secret. How's that workin' out for you lolex?

>> No.9131984

except ms. frizzle is actually cute

>> No.9131985

>toliet shot

>> No.9131994

Fucking stop with your shitty political opinions.
Take it to /pol/.
I want to see itas.

>> No.9131995

No concrit please, she is an artiste~

>> No.9131996

Where to cop those socks though?

>> No.9132011

except that plenty of Americans didn't choose these people as many states have closed primaries.

>> No.9132027

Kek this is memeworthy

>> No.9132032

Let's have some ita thread discussion!
>Have you ever been posted in an ita thread?
>Do you think the coord was bad/have you improved since?
>Do you ever have a soft spot for coords posted as ita? Do you ever think that a highly praised coord is ita?
>Have you ever posted someone you know/have met?

>> No.9132034

is she one of those ddlg girls that dress for sexual attraction cause I'm getting that vibe

>> No.9132037

>Have you ever been posted in an ita thread?
I posted myself. Got some good crit.
>Do you think the coord was bad/have you improved since?
Oh fuck it was awful. And yes, I would have been a god damn idiot not to have improved. That was over 3 years ago now though.
>Do you ever have a soft spot for coords posted as ita? Do you ever think that a highly praised coord is ita?
No soft spot, and yes.
>Have you ever posted someone you know/have met?
I met them later, but they were really, really ita and really fucking socially awkward so no fucks were given.

>> No.9132038

>>Have you ever been posted in an ita thread?
>>Do you think the coord was bad/have you improved since?
>>Do you ever have a soft spot for coords posted as ita? Do you ever think that a highly praised coord is ita?
>>Have you ever posted someone you know/have met?

>> No.9132039

>>Have you ever been posted in an ita thread?
Yeah, a few times, and once recently.
>>Do you think the coord was bad/have you improved since?
I guess I take risks with my coords so they can look bad sometimes. My earlier posts are coords I've definitely improved on, but I've also had stuff posted that I didn't label as Lolita so i.d.k.
>>Do you ever have a soft spot for coords posted as ita? Do you ever think that a highly praised coord is ita?
I wouldn't say I have a soft spot for a lot that gets posted, but sometimes I feel like coords are a little over-nitpicked to the point where it gets silly.
>>Have you ever posted someone you know/have met?
No, I considered it when a really ita fatty chan joined the comm, but she's lost weight and improved and I'm glad I didn't post her because she was pretty nice.

>> No.9132041

The hat is pretty cool, but not something I would wear, ever. Just admire.

I didn't choose either of them.
>implying we're actually a real democracy at all.
but that's besides the point of this thread.

>Have you ever been posted in an ita thread?
A few times, yes.
>Do you think the coord was bad/have you improved since?
A few of them were early beginner coords, so yes. Other times, it was by a vandetta. These days I end up in nitpick or with positive comments in COF threads or the occasional plus size or sweet thread with generally positive comments.
>Do you ever have a soft spot for coords posted as ita? Do you ever think that a highly praised coord is ita?
They often remind me of my babby days, and feels kind of sentimental. As far as highly praised coords, no. There might be little nitpicks, but everyone has room to improve.
>Have you ever posted someone you know/have met?
I don't post people anywhere because karma is a real bitch and it doesn't help me or the person any. I just lurk and look. Occasionally adding stupid commentary.

>> No.9132065

Fucking inbred

>> No.9132076

Nitpick? This is good. She looks cute and it was a fitting place to take a picture.

>> No.9132095

At least try to be funnier if you're going to try troll like that

>> No.9132100

>Have you ever been posted?
Nope, but that might be helped by the fact that I don't post my pictures on the Internet. The only pictures of me out there are group pictures of my comm.
>Do you think your coord was bad?
Well, again, I've never been posted, but I'm still relatively new to wearing lolita and still building my wardrobe, so I could understand if I was posted. But so far so good, and I continue improving?
>Do you ever have a soft spot for ita coords? Did you ever think a highly praised coord was ita?
Nope, I just laugh at them while thinking 'how the hell did you leave the house thinking that was okay?', and yes, very often.
>Have you ever posted someone you know/have met?
Just once, a girl who was a super newbie and used the comm page as her personal lolita diary. She even kept us updated about her 'super cute first loli dress' aka Squirrel Party. The funny thing is I wasn't the only one who posted her, but I never found out who the other person was.

>> No.9132101

I think a coord with that hat could be successful, you'd just have to be very careful and thoughtful about it. It wouldn't be easy, but it'd be doable. just... nothing like what she did

>> No.9132119

That makes it even worse.

>> No.9132120

I'm male and don't know much about this lolita thing but I thought it was cute in my opinion.

>> No.9132138

>I want to know how deep this rabbit hole goes
maybe her dad knows

>> No.9132142

jesus then don't comment like you know what you're talking about, that outfit was certainly not posted here as a nitpick

>> No.9132143

You mean her daddy, right?

>> No.9132145
File: 164 KB, 600x900, Maison-de-Julietta-Harajuku-Lolita-025-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9132155
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, ermahgerd-girl-phoenix-maggie-goldenberger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help but think of this meme when I see her face... they have to be related.

>> No.9132162

why did I laugh so hard?

>> No.9132169


>> No.9132170

Miss fire?

>> No.9132172

To be honest, her attitude is even more unpleasant than her outfits. Some comments are curt to say the least but she snapped at people's genuine curiosity as to why she didn't want concrit (on fits that really could have used them).

>'I prefer to notice my own mistakes'
>all posts are a mistake

>> No.9132180
File: 31 KB, 419x261, why not both.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one probably led to the other, let's be honest

>> No.9132186

Do you think I typed out that entire post to tell someone something I thought they already knew? Are you retarded? I was obviously telling them because I know that they don't know this.

>> No.9132218

Someone call Benson and Stabler...she needs the SVU. This looks like it's about to go down a very dark route.

>> No.9132221

The comments on the post on CoF are so cringey...

>> No.9132355

Ugh... so cringey
Her therapist must make a fortune on her.

>> No.9132423

You just seem paranoid

>> No.9132495

why is this here?

>> No.9132505

this makes me feel better about where I live desu

>> No.9132512

>Have you ever been posted in an ita thread?
Since I've been wearing Lolita I haven't seen myself posted but I also haven't ever really posted a pic of myself yet. I've considered doing it if there is an improvement thread
>Do you think the coord was bad/have you improved since?
I could share my first coords and their improved versions right now 5 months later and yes they have
improved. My first ones would be in an ita thread.
>Do you ever have a soft spot for coords posted as ita? Do you ever think that a highly praised coord is ita?
I think a lot of highly praised stuff looks terrible. I also can't stand when the first probably reason someone was posted is for something they can't immediately or ever change about themselves - body type, wyd. -the way a different shirt can be changed.
>Have you ever posted someone you know/have met
one time I did to btb but I am too afraid to do it here because many people in my comm frequent /cgl/

>> No.9132650

Proof would be nice?

>> No.9132652

Any proof? IE: youtube, tumblr and blog. Almost every lolita that wants to be efamous has this. Example would be MintyFrills. They normally post constant coord photos to a blog, facebook fan page, and they also post haul videos, release videos for a new dress all the time, post videos from teas etc.

>> No.9132682

She isn't aTrump supporter. Both options are shitty. Only a shit person would idolize and vote for Hillary. A good person wpuld realize that the senate and congress make the decisions. Then put their focus towards voting on who will be in that. Trump and Hillary are both shitty but in the end there will be one. Don't turn this into a political post. This post is about a newcomer lolita that you are supposed to give concrit. This makes it clear that there is a vendetta #growup

>> No.9132687

Whoever the female is that keeps getting posted should feel honored. The poster literally has nothing better to do with their time. They could be crafting, studying, reading a book, cooking , literally anything. They have decided this was a better use of their time.

>> No.9132722

even her cat is ashamed

>> No.9132797
File: 135 KB, 720x960, IMG_0791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9132835

Ha! And yet one of you salty bitches felt the need to make it a meme. So who's the pissy horrible person again?

>> No.9132838

Best part: you're one of her "friends"... way to show your true colors. Get over yourself and leave the politics out of the fashion.

>> No.9132899

gaaasp c cant breathe
so kawaii

>> No.9132929

why is ddc always coorded so terribly>>9132899

>> No.9132936

That poor dress... the seams are screaming!

>> No.9132960

Omg I hate twintail wigs

>> No.9132990

Hi Lolex

>> No.9132998

lmfao, wrong answer, try again next time

>> No.9133077
File: 383 KB, 447x635, cute shotgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its that girl that freaked out and left all the groups

>> No.9133081

whoops old thread, sorry

>> No.9133178

Self-Post. You know we started a new thread right? >>9132178

>> No.9133183

She made this 100% from a Yumi King tutorial for sure.

>> No.9133375

>Squirrel Party is the only print worth bothering with
>not Soft Cream
Really nigga?

>> No.9134484

You're right, she doesn't have any of those... that's probably because she wanted to be a fetish model. Never forget her selling her used ass pacifier on Lolita Sales in English. Kek

>> No.9134932

Caps needed