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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9128064 No.9128064 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>9088663

Petite Dollies intro to Larme and style guide: http://blog.petitedollies.com/2016/04/about-larme-magazine.html

Brands/Models List (WIP):

Partial Scans List:

Video about Larme Magazine (annoying narrator alert):

>> No.9128091
File: 148 KB, 800x599, tumblr_oarbw3wiQX1s0ow94o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

summary of last thread:
>finding offbrand tips and offbrand coords examples
>Swankiss's fall collection: is it Larme or still cheap shit?
>unconventional Larme coordinates from past issues
>discussion of new Larme issue: Am I reading Popteen?
>"silly white girls, Larme is for kawaii Asians!"
>Katie's new grungy normie collection
>Ehyphen bonbon fall exhibition
>"I wanna be your lolita" Are Larme brands romanticizing lolita?

>> No.9128165
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BBQ is Larme

>> No.9128264
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found on tumblr -- what do you guys think?

>> No.9128303

Only good thing is the skirt, and it's wrinkled.

>> No.9128325

oh yeah, it is.
But she's got the aesthetic down, I think?

>> No.9128331

This looks like the western interpretation of larme. It seems to focus more on the kawaii aspect (which is negligible in larme) than the mature aspect
The only mature thing is the skirt, as the other anon said, but because the rest of the outfit is so cutesy, the skirt comes off more cheeky and even nymphetty than mature.
I've never seen cone buns in larme (correct me if I'm wrong!), They just seem so "anime harajoooko fashion!" To me and that's not what larme is about. Hair should be less structured, with braids, waves, and ponytails.
And the heart sticker on her cheek is just a no. Not larme at all. So immature.

I think I follow her blog so I like this girls other outfits, but she tends to be pretty ott so she might need to practice some restraint when wearing larme styled fashion

>> No.9128332

Its pretty much Larme but the hair is a bit OTT. Most of her stuff has been pastel-vomit Swankiss shit so this is a very nice change.

>> No.9128344
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Here's something from a previous thread that was classified as Larme but people didn't seem to like it - that doesn't stop it from being Larme, though.
It has a similar color scheme going on and similar garters look that a lot of larme seems to have.

>the skirt is the only mature part
Like just the skirt itself because I feel like the mature part of larme is a lot of the wearing lingerie items over cute clothing.
If that's the western interpretation then it's still coming from Japanese items..

>And the heart sticker on her cheek is just a no
yet heart shaped glasses are okay?

>> No.9128345
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Same skirt for comparison
My point still stands here, though.

>> No.9128354

You don't need lingerie items to be mature in larme. They are sometimes used but are by no means necessary.
Admittedly the main pieces of her outfit are okay and kind of have the right idea, but they are not perfect. See how in the dress you posted there is lace detailing in multiple parts on the dress, not just thr garter parts? Details like that are important. Her outfit lacks detail, the only detail is the garter belt. Puffed sleeve on the shirt to add some more shape rather than just skin tight, and some kind of lacy hem on the skirt and/or shirt would help add more of a larme nuance. Furthermore, the wrinkles make her clothes look cheap. Larme is not luxurious like lolita but it also isnt walmart clearance section kei, and the fit of her clothes kind of remind me of that.

Face jewels/stickers are just not found in larme. It is a swankiss trend. Putting a sticker on your face and wearing glasses are two totally different things.

>> No.9128356

This outfit is better because of the details in her top, especially because it plays on the details in the skirt. I'm a little unsure about the beret, as they are seen in the magazine, but usually in coords that are more modest than this.she also needs some kind of socks. Overall I like this outfit more though.

>> No.9128357

why does cgl not like swankiss?

>> No.9128361

I like swankiss as a brand and some od there clothes are used in larme successfully. However the brand inspired 'swankiss kei' which, despite using similar pieces used in larme, styles them in totally different ways that are just not larme. So I don't think we hate it, it just is Not Larme.

>> No.9128435

>>9128264 Is a hella cute outfit, but it's too immature to be called Larme. Or rather than immature, I think "playful" is a better word for it. Larme has a sophisticated and elegant feel to its aesthetic, and as other anons say, the hairstyle and lack of detail doesn't create this kind of atmosphere.
This >>9128345 outfit however, is very Larme. I'd liked a simple hairaccessory like ribbon or the likes, instead of the furry headband/beret(?) she's wearing. I think it'd make the outfit look even more elegant

>> No.9128451

I have the skirt in this picture and can't figure out how to style it. It goes up so high, to just underneath my boobs. Should I pair it with a graphic tee shirt like how Katie styles it would that be not larme?
Also does anyone have scans from the new issue?

>> No.9128508
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a tee would work, or maybe with a top that has a more detailed collar, something like the one in pic related, but pretty simple otherwise. I wouldn't pair it with anything too fussy.

>> No.9128524

does anyone have good coord pics of a girl with a larger bust. I want to get into larme but I have big tits, I don't want to waste my time if it just doesn't work with my body type

>> No.9128533

How large are we talking about

>> No.9128541

98 cm, i'm skinny other wise and have a good minimizer bra that can get me down to 94.

>> No.9128637


Oh god not this prostitute... I can't stand Kate. She keeps thinking Larme is just a mesh of her own harajuku styled garbage and that her dozens of followers will think its Larme despite it not even being close.

Also I hated that piece. I just found it tacky.

>> No.9128644


Still tacky just like her if truth be told kek

>> No.9128744

Does anyone know which larme brands have shoes of 25cm?

>> No.9128831
File: 389 KB, 500x640, tumblr_mmxwjrPold1rb4z6vo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>"I wanna be your lolita" Are Larme brands romanticizing lolita?
I'm new to larme but I see it as the Japanese version of nymphet fashion. I don't understand why people get offended when someone says it's like nymphet fashion or age-playish. Can someone please shed light on that reaction? Isn't larme magazine pretty open about those influences too (see pic related)?

>> No.9128864

who is this?

>> No.9128922
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Personally, I think the long version of that ehyphen skirt looks way better. The shorter version literally looks like they just chopped off the bottom of the longer skirt. I think Kate would have looked better and less street walker-y in the long version.

>> No.9128960


She's called Kate and she has drama baggage. Plus friends with Tokyo visa fiend Sere and porn star Shani. Kate is known for bullying, visa and other shady crap. Plus she's just tacky anyway.

>> No.9128963


Possibly yeah. Just not on her kek

>> No.9128964


Its because dumlrinas has ruined Lolita and Jfash with their desperation of wanting to have a fling or hump an older man. They're into the sugar baby thing at the moment so nymphet fashion because it was worn in the book/movie Lolita is a total turn on for older men apparently.

>> No.9128966

You seriously think tumblrinas have an influence on larme?

>> No.9129031

She looks plenty tall, short skirts like that are really only good for people who're so short the long skirt would sit at the wrong point and make them look stumpy.

>> No.9129081 [DELETED] 

Not the same person - that's 2 different people wearing the same skirt

>> No.9129084 [DELETED] 

So I saw in previous threads people complained about the sudden amount of rules coming into thus fashion.
I get the just of the mature but cute plus details, but why are people getting nitpicky about it?

>> No.9129085

In the west, most definitely. Tumblr is a pretty popular platform for fashion bloggers. They have an effect on the community at the very least.

>> No.9129090

Yes but I'm confused because she was talking about Lolita and nymphet fashion influencing larme brands

>> No.9129092

This is going to come across as pretentious as fuck, so apologies in advance.

You can think of fashions without hard and fast rules and an emphasis on creating feelings or atmospheres like genres of art. There might not be any hard rules as to what constitutes impressionism, for example, but that doesn't mean a critic wouldn't be able to apply their understanding of what the term means to determine whether or not a piece qualifies as impressionist.

I think in a way, this makes it come across as way more nitpicky, because you have to be really specific about the critique. e.g

>She's not wearing a petticoat
>Colours don't match/compliment one another
>Legwear is too short
>Too much skin
>The pieces she's using don't create a mature vibe
>The clothes should be tailored in X way as opposed to Y
>The pieces lack detailing
>The balance of skin shown here is wrong

Basically the small things matter much more when it comes to combining to create the overall feeling.

>> No.9129111

Uhh, she's in the exact same bedroom in both photos...

>> No.9129303

New substyle guys!

>> No.9129367


Tbf just wear what you wanna wear. Some people are just picky as hell. Lolita I get its gotta be on point. But with Larme its a bit more free? Still put effort into it.

Its just that most of the west apart from a few girls who get it.. popular jfash girls like her posted Kate (Capsulebunny), Pastelbat, Pixielocks, Beckii and SuiSwan just see Larme as more of an opportunity to gain more followers. Thats all. They're not interested in the beauty and concept of the style. It's a new trend so obv they're going to leech on to anything which will guarantee more followers.

Most of them get it wrong anyway. They bombard it with fucking Swankiss and make it look too... fairy kei like or idk. Just not right.

>> No.9129375

Combining larme with country fashion could be interesting though...

>> No.9129423

Cheyannesorelle on blogspot has some pics from the new issue (would link, but 4chan thinks it's spam)

>> No.9129625



There are more individual pages if you search around the larme kei tag on tumblr too.

>> No.9129762

Looked more asian in the second one? Sorry for being on my phone. That might be why, and dumb of me.

>> No.9130428
File: 417 KB, 897x441, dolly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost want Katie to release a collection inspired by Dolly Parton with gingham and denim and bows like in pic related. I mean, Courtney Love got a collection, didn't she?
(yeah I know this is probably a dumb idea lol)

>> No.9130494
File: 96 KB, 770x1145, da578bdd6f42429f96f161871bc0f65d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way! that would be fantastic

>> No.9130555

Why is Larme becoming lolita? This is definitely Larme, whether you like the people or not. Don't let Larme become like another CoF thread full of plainly petty vendettas and trying to tack on more rules to the style just because you hate the girls.

>> No.9130569


>> No.9130624
File: 115 KB, 500x512, dolly96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would kill for that, I love Dolly so much. A lot of larme stuff feels kind of 'wintery' to me, a Dolly inspired collection with gingham and stuff could be nice for summer

>> No.9130626

Fucking agreed.

If any of you actually take a look at what's in the magazine, you'll see it's got a very large range of looks and different ways to coord things. None of this substyle BS and nitpicking.

>> No.9130627

No one can even give a concrete reason as too why its not Larme. Calling her hair to OTT (what? double buns are over the top now?) and other bullshit nitpicks.

Lolita has a much more concrete silhouette. You can change the colors and textures in an outfit, but for the most part, all lolita outfits have a similar silhouette. Larme is not concrete like lolita, no matter how much people on here want to be able to nitpick outfits like they do lolita.

>> No.9130629

Agreed, the lace top looks really cheap but so does swankiss and it's decent otherwise. Even if everything was really shit quality it'd still be obviously larme.

>> No.9130633

Thank you. Larme should be for the sake of Larme. I love it because it's something so unique but wearable. Don't ruin it by turning it into a set of rules. It's a detail oriented aesthetic not a silhouette.

>> No.9130719

I tried asking on the spank thread but it 404'd before i could get a response and what I wanted was mostly for incorporating into larme

Where can I get the vintage-y T shirts that show up in the spank instagram? They're usually festive or holiday inspired and pastel-y... I have a lot of ideas for them but I can't seem to find the right site or maybe I'm not using the right tag?

>> No.9130730
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Fuck that would be great, didn't Katie release a western (?) shirt some time ago?
I'd personally love one of the brands to do something very 60s inspired. Was thinking of Anna Karina and she really nailed that coquettish feminine look. I would love to put together some coords in this style cause it's something you definitely see in the magazine but I'm worried it wouldn't read as larme in a western context...

>> No.9130734

Personally, I'm not going to argue that the outfits aren't larme, but I can critique the individual elements. I don't think face stickers of any kind work well for larme, and I think she would look better in a longer skirt. I also think her balance in the second outfit posted is much better than be first. Like people have said the lace shirt fits better with the skirt.

I was arguing against the nit pickiness over people's bodies in the last thread, but I don't think we need to go in the opposite direction and be all hugbox and call everything larme. (Not totally related to Kate's outfit because you can see she tried to go for the style, but you can tell when someone just gets it 100% completely wrong)

>> No.9130764


Most people in their outfits we've seen so far are shit. Plus if its about Kate she's rank in personality in dress sense anyway. I wish she stayed away from the style she ruins it.

>> No.9130766 [DELETED] 


It'll get worse and bitchier within time. I think Chieko and that one with the man lego hair cut with broad shoulders are going to be bitchy as hell.

Kate is probably lurking this thread >>9130734
It wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.9130767


But its different when you've got complete retards in the IG tag tagging themselves as Larme when its no where near the style? People like Anzu who just do it for attention or other popular kawaiistas with crap tons of followers. Its not fair.

>> No.9130778

So? It's like that with every fashion on the planet. Big guys drown out the little guys. That doesn't mean we have to kill Larme with nitpicks and vendetta.

>> No.9130780 [DELETED] 

What has Chieko done that is so bad?

>> No.9130783

just let them. Those people tag plenty of other shit that have nothing to do with. Don let their cringy behavior ruin something good..

>> No.9130882
File: 347 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_o9lybe0JH41rrep1ro2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There seems to be quite a few anons that want to try larme coords that aren't the stereotypical western "puffball earrings and choker with pink heart cut out shirt and black pencil skirt with garter detail" coords. Perhaps if we all start posting what we come up with, we can get a greater variety of coordinates read as larme? It would probably distance the fashion a little more from the nymphet stuff as well, I know some anons were concerned about that.

pic somewhat related, just some coords I like

>> No.9130897

>Its not fair.
hahahahaha when was it ever said in the history of humanity that any aspect of life would ever be fair? god, you're retarded.

>> No.9130916
File: 1.87 MB, 789x904, Yui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered I scanned some of my 002 issue. But I feel a lot of the outfits are REALLY simple and maybe outdated? It's from 2012 after all... But I'd like to see more 'tomboyish' Larme coords like this one

>> No.9130919

Post better content if you want to be at the top. I'm so fucking tired of people crying at popular girls saying it isn't fair. If you want tons of followers like they do, you gotta work for it.

If a girl has a large following, its (usually) because she posts good photos and engages with her followers. She doesn't sit around on cgl crying like a baby.

>> No.9130924
File: 1.28 MB, 531x902, lol ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think ANYONE would acknowledge the "Devil" coord (The smaller one) to be Larme HAHAHA Even though it's our lord and savior Amo wearing it.

>> No.9130928

Agreed 100%. Kate's Second outfit is a great improvement from the first. The first shows the intention, but it isn't really good because of the lack of balance, details, etc.

I wouldn't say so much that it's an issue of whether or not certain outfits are larme of not when the intention is clearly there. It's more so that the outfits aren't good and can use improvement. I saw the "bullshit nitpicks" more so as areas in need of change and or improvement.

Yeah, frankly put. Lack of quality outfits thus far, even if they do more or less resemble Larme.

>> No.9130930
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Dumping a few outfits as I go through my scans

>> No.9130936
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>> No.9130939
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>> No.9130946
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>> No.9130951
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>> No.9130955
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>> No.9130958
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Last one, I have to leave for bed. Requesting relatively plain outfits with statement pieces like this one!

>> No.9131010

I love those cat shoes!

>> No.9131013 [DELETED] 


Her drama the other week with some other girls put her in a bad place... her and two others.. three others actually. It was all over Dakota Rose and who uses Lolcow...

>> No.9131015


Oh piss off.

I meant as in the people who tag themselves who have nothing to do with the style i.e Anzu for example. How the fuck is cosplaying some dodgy anime character Larme? Thats how I meant it.

Lol also you're mistaken. Most of the popular ones do actually sit around on places like Lolcow and cgl crying or guarding their precious personas from damage. You should already know that by now.

Kate is a very good example of that shit. Also her bestie Shani.

>> No.9131018


I always see that and its boring. I think they're just trying to dwell into Larme but don't really get it as of yet? So they're just experimenting and the fetish one is obviously an easy one to pull for "Oh look she's into Larme!" attention.


Her outfit are awful. None of them look good. People always overdo it with pieces like that...

Didn't Pastel Bat try doing a Larme style too? It was al-r-ight at the most but it looked a bit over done with pieces of jewellery I deem a bit tacky.

But whatever at this point I guess anything goes because "how dare you nitpick her! dis isn't lolita!"

>> No.9131020


Geez... Amo

Poor Amo. Her old style was so nice... then she grew up, had a baby and now runs some minimalist boring rubbish.


Not very Larme at all

>> No.9131031

Aww is someone sad she isn't getting enough asspatts?

Honestly I like Pastel Bat's style even if it's not really Larme. She has a few good elements going on but agreed it gets too OTT

>> No.9131063

I don't really feel like the older larme magazines had really hit their stride yet until like, at least 5 issues in. I have volumes 4+ and I really don't have any desire to get any issues older than that.

>> No.9131142

Personally I prefer the newer ones but the older ones have a charm to them as well.

>> No.9131164

>People like Anzu who just do it for attention

Most people involved in Japanese fashion are doing it for some form of attention, so take your head out of your ass. There is no such thing as a "fake larme gurlz ):" you sound like a dude complaining about fake geek girls. Its CLOTHES. There is nothing unfair about it.

>> No.9131184 [DELETED] 

What thread on the farm?

>> No.9131187

Stop using ott.

>> No.9131214 [DELETED] 

Seconding this what thread? Looked for it and couldn't find it.

>> No.9131217

There wasn't any mention of Lolcow iirc. Just people saying Dakota looked weird.

>> No.9131350 [DELETED] 

Seconding. I'm curious about the Chieko drama.

>> No.9131351

What's the quality of Crayme and EATME like? I see a lot of posts about their upcoming collections but is it worth a buy?

>> No.9131382

I have a Crayme dress, it was from their newest collection so it was quite expensive, but the quality is lovely. The material has a nice weight/texture to it and everything's lined. it's a very wearable piece in general

>> No.9131465

Just fyi her name is Katie, not Kate

>> No.9131521

Fucking love the jacket, would love to see more of this in Larme.

>> No.9131595
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>> No.9131597


Personally I'm not a fan of using an actual garter in an outfit. Unlike the modified ones that some brands use on their clothing, a real garter over a skirt just looks tacky.

>> No.9131619

It's sort of dishevelled and messy but I think she pulls it off - it's kinda like the extreme end of larme fashion where the looks are a bit grungy and slightly ahem edgy - like some of the stuff that Verybrain and occasionally Katie puts out.

Verybrain in particular has a slightly more alternative feel to the fashion (sometimes even gothic leaning) and often hints at or blatantly uses adult and fetish themes etc.

>> No.9131637
File: 32 KB, 500x500, tumblr_o5na9mO2WT1qd5gkeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really like this apart from the bracelets/choker

>blatantly uses adult and fetish themes etc

Pic very related

>> No.9131656


You're overreacting a bit now. No i mean people like her who ruin the tag when she isnt even in the style. Thats what im talkin about.

You dont go to a fandom and tag it as something else do you? Makes NO sense

>> No.9131658 [DELETED] 


Who cares? Kate or Katie either way shes a cunt with a shit style.

>> No.9131713

You're right, but look at the lolita fashion tag or the fairy kei tag, there's plenty of people clogging it up with irrelevant "pastel kawaii girl" shit. They're doing it for likes and followers. That person might be tagging it larme because they have something from a larme brand on in the picture, they've taken a selfie they think qualifies as larme, or they're just being garbage self promoting snowflakes. It can't be helped. Let those idiots do that. It's sucks having to sift through garbage to find something good, but when you do it's really rewarding.

>> No.9131745

... That's what I'm saying though. It's not concrete, but something either is larme or isn't. That's what makes it sound nitpicky, the fact that smaller details make or break the outfit.

>> No.9131806

I always hated this about people whining with fashion tags like "Lolita fashion". You can't moderate or sift the good out of those those tags so its your fault for following them or looking through them so much. Follow girls who post good cords you find or follow brand name tags. People tag something like "jfashion" and any trending current style just to get followers.

>> No.9131820

It just looks to me like she put her clothes on inside out.

>> No.9131915


ok but how can even call this remotely larme

>> No.9131920

*how can you even

>> No.9131925

the video is terrible but the outfit seems ok to me

>> No.9131926

Well NHK approved it as Larme

>> No.9131927

How can anything be larme if it's not a tiny asian girl wearing it right?

>> No.9131931

It just looks like pin up if your bigger or not super pale

>> No.9131933

*you're...tired so

>> No.9131935

OT but what is the hat on the left called??

>> No.9131967


Are we turning into Lolita now guys?

Risa wears mostly lack too you know. >>9131927 < Exactly

Right so... if you're white or asian, mostly asian then it's Larme. But if you're black, biracial, indian ect then its pin up? Okay.

Makes sense lol

>> No.9131969


Minako... she's a bit cringeworthy in my opinion. Seems pleasant but she just sounds like a news reporter at the most...


Well it doesnt fit does it? Its still stupid regardless.

>> No.9132003
File: 78 KB, 344x516, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't have a good sense of the style then it's not Larme. It's not about skin color. This girl just doesn't have the style down. Her going on kawaii international pretending to be an expert is cringeworthy.

Her friend on the right has the best outfit of the bunch. She may have the dreaded pompoms, but she has a good sense of details and balancing different textures. Plus her hair and makeup is quite nice. I would say yes, her outfit is very larme. And oh look, she's also black.

Minako's outfit feels very flat. She may have been able to save it had she done something more with her hair but even then I'm not sure. I wouldn't even call her style pinup, it's more like "I think I'm quirky because I shop at modcloth." Her friend on the left just looks like a boho reject so I'm not even going to touch that.

>> No.9132033

This isn't really Larme. It's not "pinup because she's black" either, it's just bad Larme. I think if lolita is about a perfect coord and ita is beng a mess usually, then being bad at Larme is doing next to nothing or just not getting the "feel" or understanding the "aesthetic" right. Part of Larme is really the presentation.
For people saying "only white and asian tiny girls can wear Larme", there's some black or black-mixed MILK model that can do things with a Larme feel flawlessly, so don't even use race as an excuse.
This just isn't very good. I think it's honestly the hair, her posing, and the tacked on cherry headpiece thing. I think if she'd refine it a little better this could work. You should be able to glance at someone and go "That's Larme". If I saw her on the streets, I'd have no idea she was even attempting j-fashion.

>> No.9132048

I quite like her makeup and her hair is alright, but the dress is kind boring.

>> No.9132079

But you see coords like hers in Larme magazine so.. who are you to say it's not larme?

>> No.9132129

So I just went back and flipped through the last few issues of larme (back to issue 19 since that's what currently in my room and I'm too lazy to go get the rest) and I honestly couldn't find anything like Minako's coord. I think one of the problems is that black is such a heavy color and she's being consumed by it. The looks with black that I'm seeing in Larme are usually paired with another, lighter color or contain more skin exposure. This creates a better sense of balance imo.

I'm also noticing that longer, solid skirts tend to be in lighter colors. Long black skirts are often partially sheer to have some skin exposure and break up the dark color.

I also don't think people would be being this harsh on her if she wasn't on a program talking about larme to the world at large. If you're going to be on something even as silly as kawaii international, you should put in a little more effort to get it right.

>> No.9132158

Do you know if anything she's wearing is even from a Larme brand? Something about her coord just feels really offbrand like she just bought something pinup, maybe because she couldn't find a Larme item in her size, hence why all the items give that "pinup" and just vaguely "retro" feel.
Girl on the right is the only one sort of passing. It's like she gets the feel for Larme in clothing, but she needs to do some makeup and change her hair up a bit.
The girl on the left is god awful. It's not Larme and almost looks more like a bad Himekaji or Himegyaru. She needs makeup, a totally different hairstyle, and needs to actually learn what sets Larme aesthetically apart from other "soft looking" j-fashion. All the girls need different hairstyles or better makeup in general.

>> No.9132173
File: 19 KB, 350x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not from a larme brand, it's this dress: http://www.lindybop.co.uk/sale-c49/dresses-sale-c50/tina-black-evening-dress-p803

And it's just as cheap as it looks. Plus in the model photos you can see it with a petticoat. So the pin up comments weren't far off.

I like girl on the right's hair. It's simple but it has some curl and frames her face nicely. It gets a solid A from me. It's hard to see her makeup well from the picture quality.

>> No.9132190

I was gonna say something about the shape of the dress being off.

There's nothing wrong with being a bigger lady in j-fashion, but there is no denying that it's harder to look good. This dress would look nicer and much more appropriate on someone less apple shaped.

Especially if she posed in a way that didn't cover her waist.

>> No.9132604

Pretty good for a beginner but maybe should tone it down

>> No.9132615

Everything but the garter looks cheap. Hair and makeup is okay.

>> No.9132642

What's going to be the biggest trend in Larme next year?

>> No.9132749


Well you know no one was exactly specific in the first place.

Still have you guys seen some of them dressed as "larme" in the tag?


>> No.9132762

The fashion brands started to incorporate garters in their clothing because people was wearing actual garters out in the street and at clubs, also not just in larme

>> No.9132826


Minako please stop.

And? It still looks tacky in her particular outfit.

>> No.9132930


hopefully not pompoms

>> No.9132945

Agreed. Or garters/those fetish-looking heart collars either.

>> No.9132961

Okay but you didn't say it like it's just about her outfit in particular hence my comment.

>> No.9132970

Genuine question; do you guys actually dislike them, or are you just contrarians who can't stand anything that's popular?

This is still a niche fashion, you still get your special snowflake points and stand out even if you use popular items.

>> No.9132982

Pompoms, I feel like those are more suited for winter. They just don't feel like they fit in with summer season.
I genuinely dislike lingerie/fetish/bondage/whatever elements in larme. Too sexy for my taste.
Gingham printed things are fairly popular, right? I like that as well as sheer ankle socks and those arrow heart hair clips and lace chokers (rather than the leather kind).

>> No.9133005
File: 212 KB, 600x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like the lingerie and bondage stuff but it needs the right balance and I think that's hard to do when people just start slapping random garters on their outfits. It's easier when it's a brand piece made to incorporate something lingerie inspired. Larme does take elements from street fashion like the garters thing, but it presents them in a more elegant package. General Japanese street fashion is a little more loose while Larme Is more controlled. I'm not really sure how to explain it.

I think the problem with pompoms is that they're basically the cult party kei peignoir of larme. It just starts to get tired.

Plus if you look at recent magazines there's very few looks with pompoms. There's just not really in style right now. Most other jfashions have certain elements that will always be considered a part of that style but Larme is constantly changing. It's the closest jfashion to "normal" fashion in that it's following rapidly changing trends. That might be one reason why girls coming from Lolita struggle with the style because at the end of the day, the prints may change but the basics of Lolita stay pretty much the same.

This is one of the few pompom things in the recent issue and even then it's pretty subtle.

>> No.9133007

Forever 21 has a couple jackets like that in their new fall items.

>> No.9133162

>Pompoms, I feel like those are more suited for winter. They just don't feel like they fit in with summer season.
I can get behind that. Same with fluffy jumpers or fur pieces imo. They definitely suit the look, but it's just not practical in this season.

>I genuinely dislike lingerie/fetish/bondage/whatever elements in larme. Too sexy for my taste.
Fair enough. It's not as if they completely dominate, though. No need to wish them away just because you personally dislike them.

>I think the problem with pompoms is that they're basically the cult party kei peignoir of larme. It just starts to get tired.

Are you psychic? That's exactly what I was thinking of when I typed the comment. The problem is that the general dislike of this one specific item completely clouds people from judging the outfit fairly.

I feel bad for the people who just genuinely like the items and basically just weren't fast enough for whatever reason. They get lumped in with bandwagoners and completely dismissed.

>> No.9133203

Agreed, honestly there's nothing wrong with Pom Poms themselves. The newest Larme mag had a really cute coord with giant Pom Pom earrings too. But sadly weebs have kinda tainted the image of them.

>> No.9133348
File: 46 KB, 570x600, Hl4JyWUSbCt6mIvJPFSEaAI9vu8vJ8Ql-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some advice? I've been looking for some pink platforms for a while now, and I found these on sale on Dolls Kill with cheap shipping. OR I could try to track down some Ank Rouge shoes I've had my eye on that are more Larme and I like them more, but I'm having no luck finding them in a pink size L and they'd probably come out to like $50 more. What do you guys think?

>> No.9133350
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(The Ank Rouge shoes I'm hunting)

>> No.9133352

They could work for Larme but I feel it might be a little too easy to lose the feel.

Make sure the rest of your coord is mature, subtle, and not too pastel/Swankiss and I think you'll be fine.

>> No.9133365

I'm pretty sure there are replicas of these up on taobao, but I'm guessing you're only after the real ones?

>> No.9133640

Yeah I see a lot of the bitchiness from Lolita is getting into Larme.

Along with the bitchiness is also too much hug-box attitude. Is there no way to find a balance?

>> No.9134191

I'm also on the edge of buying these shoes. I've wanted them for years, and the price just went down. Idk if they're great for larme but I still love them

>> No.9134203

Rather looks like Rockabilly

>> No.9134829


>> No.9134837

what the fuck. why don't you post something?

>> No.9134863

This. Lolita is a constant shitstorm of nitpicking. Gyaru in the west died hugely because of the awful bitchy attitude (gyaru secrets were actually difficult to look at). Don't let Larme go down the same road.

>> No.9135438
File: 88 KB, 432x576, 01_001 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this look from Ank Rouge even though it's simple. The actual dress doesn't look as nice in the other pics so I won't buy it, but I feel really inspired.

Share some of your favorite larme outfits/pics for my folder?

>> No.9135515
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>> No.9135518
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>> No.9135519
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>> No.9135520
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>> No.9135526
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>> No.9135552

>I wish she stayed away from the style she ruins it.
see how your bias is blinding you.

>> No.9136898
File: 36 KB, 400x480, bbs1stlarme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody give me some concrit on my first attempt to put together a larme cord? I found all of the pieces on poshmark (which surprisingly has a lot of larme-able pieces).

>> No.9136936

It seems like you're trying to use 4 colors here: red, black, white, and pink?
I think for a first attempt, try keeping the color scheme simpler. I wouldn't include black and/or pink at all. Change the bag and top for something white to balance it out.

>> No.9137009
File: 31 KB, 564x764, ce5b885a201a0bbf6985d9ff630f33ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, not looking ugu~ isn't a problem for me, so I'll be good.
Yeah, I'm trying to steer away from replicas.

Yeah, so I ended up buying the Dolls Kill ones. Logic being hopefully I'll have more money by the time the Ank Rouge ones pop up, and I can just buy both maybe? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And uhh pic for contribution

>> No.9137300

Keep a white/red theme and maybe throw some denim in there as well. ( this is like a major trend in larme i saw on the streets the past 2 weeks i've been in tokyo.) try also using the cherry/strawberry motif a lot more -- i'd recommend a choker with one.

>> No.9137432

Can someone tell me wtf the new post on the fb group is about

>> No.9137445
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>> No.9137446
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>> No.9137449
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>> No.9137456

Ok so the "bad things" Chieko has said were probably her comments related to Dakota. (I didn't see this I just saw people talking about it in the threads here)

As for the rest, I'm not so sure. I haven't seen anything recently on the Facebook page that's been really critical of other people's outfits. It still seems like mostly a hugbox. So I wonder if she's talking about the recent stuff in these threads. I know Minako is in the group and she (or a friend of hers) was obviously in this thread trying to defend her outfit, so many be she went and cried about it to them privately. But that's not related to the actual Facebook. They can't exactly police an anon thread on another website. The Facebook community is not the authority on Larme.

I could be totally off base and it could be based on something entirely different.

>> No.9137459
File: 1.99 MB, 400x224, tumblr_o4ov8udFcN1u4nbmvo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guess is the stuffed animal thread. Everyone was getting a little catty about whether or not stuffed animals are larme.

Was gonna give caps but it looks like the post has been deleted lol. It really wasn't that bad....

>> No.9137476

Oh yes, I remember that now. That thread still felt so benign compared to, say, here that I don't see how it's worth a long rambling mod post about it.

>> No.9137490

what were people saying about stuffed animals in larme? i guess missed this conversation

>> No.9137501

"ugh stuffed animals are so immature no way they are larme!" And "plz don't say something isn't larme !!!! No bully! Larme at heart!" With a few "I live in Japan so I know!" thrown in for good measure

>> No.9137505 [DELETED] 

The thread is actually still up and I guess I just don't know how to fbook. I can post some caps if anyone cares.

>> No.9137506 [DELETED] 

Please do

>> No.9137517 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9137520 [DELETED] 
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The next two caps after this are from the reply thread for this comment

>> No.9137522 [DELETED] 
File: 335 KB, 1080x1920, 2016-08-10 11.52.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It really isn't even that bad.

>> No.9137524 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 1080x1920, 2016-08-10 11.52.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tfw people are getting up in arms about plushies

>> No.9137525 [DELETED] 
File: 289 KB, 1080x1920, 2016-08-10 11.53.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hug box time. Next cap is reply thread for this comment.

>> No.9137530 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 1080x1920, 2016-08-10 11.54.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops forgot to number the last one
This is 6/6. "Here in Tokyo" made me chortle. Very subtle.

>> No.9137547
File: 166 KB, 900x1200, CpgrZ6xVUAIy91J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help but get saltier and saltier about how picky people are being about Larme. It doesn't make sense to apply the same logic about what is or isn't "Lolita" to something like Larme. It makes me wonder if people are even bothering to read the magazine anymore. It offers so much freedom in fashion! There is no difference between what is Larme and what is Larme-inspired. Technically every single outfit we come up with is Larme-inspired, because it's not straight from the magazine! And even so a lot of the outfits straight from the magazine I feel like the internet "larme police" would fucking tear apart. Every time someone says something isn't "larme" most of the time I can whip out an actual Larme magazine and prove them wrong. Why apply made up rules to a fashion that barely has any? It feels like some followers of this fashion are latching onto a very specific image of what is Larme and not letting go, which is very tiresome and boring. Finding your own individual style and making the things you like work in your outfits is crucial in Larme, in my own opinion. That is why the outfits in the magazine are so varied.
I think its fine if you don't like an outfit. Some of the outfits in the magazine I don't like at all. But that doesn't make it "not larme" it just means you can improve, and improving it doesn't make it "more larme" it just makes it a better outfit. The only way you could in confidence make an outfit "more larme" is if you actually styled models in the Larme magazine? I don't know if I'm making the best sense here but I'm just mad. I look at the magazine and I look at the community, and it's almost as if people are treating the magazine like it doesn't exist and treating themselves as authorities on Larme instead. It's so backwards. It doesn't make sense. It's sucking the fun and freedom out of it. Picture is from the latest Larme magazine, just took the picture. Oh no is that a stuffed animal purse?

>> No.9137613 [DELETED] 


Youre all going a bit extreme arent you? People can have opinions. But i do understand some can really nitpick.

Why rile up drama anon? This is why subcultures always turn to shit.

>> No.9137616 [DELETED] 


Chieko is salty Dakota is a model and she isnt. lol

>> No.9137745

Honestly a lot of the the thread was right though. Plush purses have been used in the magazine and are sold by multiple Larme brands, so to say they aren't Larme isn't correct.

You said everything I've been thinking. More and more I see people saying "this isn't larme" or "this is definitely larme" and it's BS. Pretty sure half the people in this fashion don't even know that Larme as a fashion is based off of Larme magazine. And while we all have our own opinions, but people need to learn that their opinions are not facts.

>> No.9137749

At the same time though, at what point does something become not larme? Are we going to have to consider everything larme just because the person wearing it says it is? I think Larme has a lot of leeway, but you can still do it wrong.

>> No.9137777


To be honest what even is Larme? it can be anything by this point lmfao

>> No.9137968

Anon who posted the caps. I don't think that plush bags cant be larme! but i think the "anything can be larme" attitude is dangerous/dumb, especially when combined with "I live in Japan/I've been to Japan so I know!" Larme doesn't have rules but that doesn't mean it's a free for all. There is a wide range of things you can use but you can't just throw a beanie baby on your head and call kt larme. And i know that isn't exactly what the girls in the group are suggesting but newbies who read their rants might take it as such. But overall I think it's just silly how catty and defensive the girls were getting over something so benign. But hey I guess I'm somewhat doing that now

>> No.9137980

>the "anything can be larme" attitude is dangerous/dumb
Not half as dangerous/dumb as "larme has to be exactly this!" attitude.

My question is, why does it matter? If Larme magazine is a cornerstone of the fashion, why does it matter if people don't wear it properly? The trends within the fashion will change, the tide will ebb and flow, what does it matter? I'm not saying that absolutely anything can be Larme, but if something misses the mark, why does it matter in the slightest? If someone posts a picture of themselves wearing Larme, but wearing fuck knows, closer to cult party, is it suddenly going to damage or devalue the fashion as a whole? Hardly.

If people want to take Larme to be as close as possible to what's in the magazine and worn by the models, cool. If people want to change it a bit for themselves or improvise, that's cool and it in no way changes how the first group are able to enjoy the fashion.

>> No.9138008

Personaly it just makes it less fun. Doing whatever you want just doesn't take the same kind or amount of effort or artistic eye. I guess that doesn't really effect me or people who want to remain true to the magazine but why call it larme if you aren't gonna bother to try and stick to what happens in the magazine? Why not just call it casual cute jfashion?

>> No.9138056

This exactly. We used to have "casual cute" threads a while back. If people just want to do general cute stuff with no regard to the magazine trends then there it is.

That's going a little off the subject of the stuffed animal bags. I think there are valid points on both sides. It can make an outfit more childish so if you're going to wear one you need to have a good balance to the rest of your outfit. Even if something is in the magazine doesn't mean it's easy to pull off.

I think having discussions like that is actually productive. Having dissenting opinions is not a bad thing.

>> No.9138068

>>9137980 here, these discussions are honestly really good! It's great to talk about the fashion in depth. My post is a bit of a knee-jerk, I guess I do really worry, as a Lolita blow-in, that it'll spiral out of control to the point where people are worried about having their shades of pink not match or if their own hair doesn't match the coord and have the fun sucked out of it by people coming down from discussion to bickering.

>> No.9138086


And I figured that was where you were coming from. But honestly for me as a lolita participator as well people bickering about those things doesn't even bother me. I think those kind of discussions are just as valid as the one we are having now, albeit a little more played out. In any kind of art, be it fashion or music or drawing, people are gonna break out of the boundaries and piss someone off. Sometimes it will be awesome and lead to a change in the style and other times it will just look bad lol. So yeah I am all for experimentation in larme (and lolita too!) But I think it needs to be tempered with discussions like this, regardless of how tedious they can get.

As for plushies...I just want them to look high quality and not cheap and babyish

>> No.9138104
File: 118 KB, 900x1200, 85d94c29-5d89-4d27-b65a-e9de560cc718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I meant to add a line in there about discussions helping to separate the good experiments from the bad and that's why they are necessary. At this point idk if I'm even making sense so have a picture from Liz Lisa that is pretty larme imo

>> No.9138132
File: 184 KB, 647x1080, CpgraF1UsAQ6AyF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that you can do it wrong, but with all the freedom the magazine gives us, people have so much opportunity to do it right by using the magazine as a guide, making notes of the colors, silhouettes, and what suits them personally. Of course not everything is Larme but it includes a very wide range of what is basically romantic-girly fashion. It can be grungey, sweet, gothic, bookish, 80's, 90's, even kind of over the top. Larme is like the modern gyaru sort of.. I mean gyaru is dead, but Larme took its place. Gyaru had so many substyles and changed with the trends just like Larme. But larme doesn't name what would be it's substyles and I don't think we need to, unless we seriously need to categorize everything obsessively in order to understand Larme? I don't think the magazine is interested in doing that. Anyway here is another shitty pic of the latest larme. I hate this outfit and it's very reminiscent of boho gyaru or whatever but yet it's still larme..

>> No.9138133 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9138137 [DELETED] 
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Evil Larme Girls Club

>> No.9138145 [DELETED] 

Also plenty of posters here aren't apart of the Facebook group because they know it's total bullshit. People on don't cry baby seriously act like they are THE hub of all Larme related things.

And aside from the recent drama, we don't even talk about the don't cry baby that much. Even Minako's stuff wasn't directly related to Facebook. She posted that shit all over tumblr and YouTube.

>> No.9138214 [DELETED] 

let's not kid ourselves blacks look like crap in all japanese fashion

also in all other fashion ^_^

>> No.9138236

That's only true currently. I remember as recent as a few months ago, nearly all the coords in the FB group would be dumped/cross posted over here. It was good for discussion but then it kinda got into vendetta territory and shit posting.

>> No.9138258 [DELETED] 


Fuck off

>> No.9138285 [DELETED] 

Cut the race baiting

That was when the Facebook was public and that wasnt the only source of coords. I do think it was generally productive even if some people take it too far. But that's the risk you run in an anonymous setting.

>> No.9138411
File: 30 KB, 564x752, c9111300877cdcde61cd75482a7ead55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I feel like we're just on a bit of a gossip/cattiness binge lately. We're normally pretty tame about that, but this thread and the last have been a bit shitstorm-y. Hopefully it will die down soon.

>> No.9138483

> Some of the outfits in the magazine I don't like at all. But that doesn't make it "not larme"

Yes, thank you! Lolita had this same problem- look at how many people tried to argue that OTT lolita wasn't lolita anymore, despite that being the main style in the GLB back in 2010-2012. People cannot seperate personal taste from rules in the fashion. They want the fashion to bend to their specific rules, which is entitled nitpicky bullshit.

>> No.9138543

I'm not even sure, there are so many different aesthetics, retro, girly, dreamy, grunge, fetish, and now BBQ? I know hair and makeup are a big part, but it's still kind of confusing.

>> No.9138561

Bbq isn't some real thing it was literally just text put next to an outfit to convey "fun!" And "summer!"

>> No.9138569
File: 199 KB, 1024x1024, tumblr_o30lhxOLmS1qb7w7bo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree completely. I'd love to see more scans posted in these threads.

>> No.9138593

larme is a feeling/vibe, it isn't a set of rules

>> No.9138647 [DELETED] 

You can sum this up with
>I got posted and people gave me honest concrit that hurt my feelings.

I hate the twofaced bitchy attitutude of the people on fb who preach about not coming here. How are you an authority to speak about a website you "Never visit"

>> No.9138722

Someone commented on the post saying they want people to stop taking pictures and posting them to cgl, so I think it's definitely related.

Idk how they'd stop it though. There's no way to prove who's cross posting.

>> No.9138866

Yeah it's almost as if people should stop trying to debate what it is, aside from, it's clothing and stop trying to enforce lolita type rules for no fucking reason.

>> No.9139485
File: 61 KB, 480x483, tumblr_oblgwaw8hq1s0ow94o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks really soft.

>> No.9139535

It's pretty cute but not very exciting, at that price at least.
I think a lot of Katie stuff is quite original in an understated way but I feel like this season you could find most of their items in a Western store without even trying.

>> No.9139545


Yeah >>9139535
I have a skirt very similar from uniqlo for $4

>> No.9139582

Agreed. Especially since velvet and burgundy is very trendy.

>> No.9139647
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>> No.9139688

Larme threads make me really sad that we don't have these kinds of cute clothes in western shops. I go through all the racks at the brick & mortars where I live and everything just seems lackluster and drab. The cherry on top is that you only need to spend a few minutes in the children's section to see heaps of adorable outfits for toddlers. Why can't they make these in adult sizes?

I can't wait til I'm in Japan so I can buy all the cute things.

>> No.9139717

Imo western shops do have Larme-able clothing. It's usually more toned down and mature but it's there. Plus vintage 60's and 90's clothing often works too.

>> No.9139747

I tend to agree, you can find tons of Larme stuff in western shops, unlike most other Jfashions.

>> No.9139804

I'm not a fan of Larme, I came to this thread just to have a little nosey (as why the hell not) and I'm actually gob smacked at what the Larme community is turning into, this is the same backwards bullshit that has ruined Lolita and I'm starting to get the feeling that westerners just cannot grasp Japanese fashion. Seriously, if I had a dime every time a western rule was implemented on a J-fashion to curb the salt in some elitists vagina I'd be a millionaire! Yes their is an esthetic that must be respected in order to make it what is but fucking hell! Just enjoy the fashion, be creative and have fun whilst wearing it! Fuck of with your irrelevant militant views you sack of ass hats!

>> No.9139870
File: 82 KB, 432x576, tumblr_obl3fqa9BS1qh5myqo10_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this healthy?

>> No.9139881

No clue but sauce on that skirt pls

>> No.9139887

I think a lot of items can get close but I feel like they are almost always missing an element that gives it a larme feel. I'm not saying these pieces don't exist, they just require a lot of digging and/or modifying. If I'm going to drop $30 on a top that's "larme-ish" and then take the time to add lace trim or whatever, then I'd rather spend a little more and just get brand at that point.

>> No.9139892

Part of Ank Rouge's new collection.
Looks healthy to me, just slim.

>> No.9139894

So then does it have to have lace for it to be Larme then? Good styling is what transforms something "larme-ish" to Larme imo. Buying exclusively from Larme approved brands is easymodo.

>> No.9139962

. >>9139804
Other than the critiquing of people's bodies or race, I really don't see how any of the discussions we've been having have been that bad. Saying people don't suit Larme just because of their body or race is stupid as fuck, but critiquing people's outfits or debating the elements of a fashion is not that bad people like come on. It's literally a part of any fashion, not just Lolita and not just jfashion. All you need to do is look at a celebrity trash mag after the red carpet to see how catty fashion can get.

As long as people can explain their views I don't see why we can't have discussions over what is Larme and what isn't or etc.

Buying from Larme brands is exactly what the magazine is trying to entice you to do. Buying offbrand isn't some noble cause.

I agree with this. I do have some offbrand pieces but I pair them with brand items. It's really hard to get the balance right in an all offbrand outfit and most people don't have even have a good enough general fashion sense to pull it off.

>> No.9139973

I'm not saying that buying off brand is 'noble', I'm saying that people use official Larme brands like a crutch, therefore they don't really grasp a through understanding of the style.

>> No.9139994

I personally haven't really seen that. Most of the girls I've seen wearing brand at least looked decent. Might just be by virtue of wearing a brand item, you'll look a little Larme no matter what. With offbrand if you don't grasp the style, it's gonna show. Badly.

>> No.9140011

Re: The what is and isn't larme discussion

You guys seem to fail to realise it's all about context. In one outfit and one person, a particular piece might be fine and look great; on another it can completely ruin the whole look and look terrible.

There have been very few people saying things like
>X isn't larme and never ever will be

It's more like
>This outfit doesn't cut the mustard and X feature/piece/accessory is probably why

Yeah, prettymuch anything can "Be larme" or whatever you hugbox people want. But only if it's styled to create the right mood and evoke the feeling. That is what people are critiquing for the most part.

>> No.9140040

Exactly. I'm sure there are tons of typically "not Larme" things that someone else could pull off that I never could. Undoubtedly though, bringing certain elements into an outfit is going to be more difficult than sticking to more generally recognized Larme motifs.

You have to put in that much more effort to do something unconventional. That doesn't mean it's bad or that you shouldn't try, but it's not going to be easy and yes, some people are probably going to critique you for it or even be total bitches about it. I'd say either ignore it or take it and grow from it. Again, the comments here are really not that bad as long as they stick to the outfits and not people's physical traits.

>> No.9140220

Maybe this is a dumb question and I know I'll get shitty replies but
Could larme work for someone that's pretty chubby? I avoid super tight fitting clothes but I feel like it wouldn't be terrible and I love larme so much.
Everyone is always extremely thin, and I'm in the process of losing weight but I still want to try.

>> No.9140222

I would hold back from buying too much until you reach your ideal weight since everything you buy won't fit after awhile.

>> No.9140304

Really depends on what you mean by chubby, and where you hold your weight. If you're actually just fat, then no. Just wait, and your new outfits will be a good motivation.

If you're apple shaped, probably not either. It's very difficult to pull off any fashion if you're widest in the middle, unfortunately. There's one girl who's a perfect example of this - she has perfectly slim arms and beautiful long legs, but her middriff is shapped like a balloon - She wears fairy kei iirc, can't remember her name or handle though.

I'm pretty chubby by cgl standards especially, but because I hold all of my extra weight around my hips and thighs, it's not very difficult to hide.

>> No.9140331

Personally I don't think Larme will just "not work" only because of your body type. If you have a good idea of the typical hair, makeup and outfit components of a larme look, you can create one. However some people (like many in this thread) just won't accept you as being larme because of your body type and you have to tolerate that.

My suggestion is that you plan and buy just a few outfits at first to see how it looks on you, try it out. And then if you think it looks good and you want to keep wearing it, continue and as other anon said keep in mind what might not fit you once you lose weight.

>> No.9140425

How long on average does it take to be accepted into the fb group? I'm impatient.. I need some inspiration and chat, I wanna overhaul my wardrobe already and larme fits heavily into my style.

>> No.9140437

seriously girl if you are chubby people will think you look ugly no matter what you wear, especially if you wear anything that stands out. fatties should be ashamed om themselves and only dress in ugly tents right? i say fuck that though, you should not care what people think abut you and do fun stuff. dont let people stop you from doing what you love. if you like experimenting with creative expressions such as fashion or make up or hair then why not? you can be a big inspiration for other chubby girls who want to try but "cant". its all in your mind and i say do it yeah yeah yeah. if people judge you then thats their problem. life is too short to wear boring clothes, regardless your size

>> No.9140441

Or maybe she shouldn't listen to you and actually make the effort to lead a healthy and happier lifestyle? Stop encouraging fatties who have the determination to improve their lives with your HAES bullshit.

>> No.9140446

just send one of the mods a message, thats what i did

>> No.9140514

Who says she can't do both? She can start live healthier and happier etc and so but still start wearing what she likes now at her chubby weight? Some people find it a positive spiral that if you put an effort into your looks you feel better and won't comfort eat/skip exercise/whatevs everyone is different

>> No.9140772

It's cute, but it's Swankiss style rather than Larme.

>> No.9140775

Thank you all for replying! I don't plan on buying too much since I wouldn't want to buy something and it not fit in a week or two.
I'm mainly pear shaped, but my boobs do balance it out a bit more. Battling insecurities and all, I feel like maybe leaning towards larme or trying it out may help make me feel a bit more confident honestly. My makeup leans more towards natural and girly, and I'm in the process of growing my hair out, but it's around law length right now.
I'm always scared to ask for advice around here as so many gulls are just catty and hate fatties but I appreciate everyone's responses.

>> No.9140776

Looks like crane bird legs, but some Japanese people seem to have those naturally.

>> No.9140785

Am I the only one whose fave Larme model is Yui Kanno? I love her!

>> No.9140795

You could try incorporating Larme style accessories into your outfits first before you make the leap into clothes. They can add a cute, girly touch to even your normal outfits. It may not be enough to be called Larme, but it will get you moving in the right direction and give you an idea if that's the direction you want to go.

You can find Larme type accessories on aliexpress or taobao (there's a lot of suitable things if you just type "larme" into taobao's search) or you could even invest in some brand pieces since you obviously won't size out of them. I particularly like Katie's accessories. A little pricey, but the quality is really nice. Highly recommended.

Another thing would be to buy things with stretch, like strechy tops or skirts with shirring in the back. That way they can adjust as your size changes.

Good luck!

>> No.9140845

I like her more than Risa actually, lol.

>> No.9140926

I think it would be better to keep the black purse and lose the pink, but a straight red/white coord could be cute too. The text on the shirt makes me think the purse would play well.

>> No.9141088

Is there any way possible for unnatural hair to work in Larme? I've always wanted a brunette-pink ombre but I feel like then I could never wear Larme or look too Swankiss

>> No.9141122

That's another thing which is just up to people's opinions. I think it'd be fine, especially if the pink's not bright and more of a pastel pink or rose gold sort of colour.

>> No.9141126

Yeah I was thinking of rose gold. Just a subtle pink, nothing too bold.

>> No.9141130
File: 38 KB, 393x560, 1464806944245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember an anon posting this pic and saved it as inspo because I'm a natural brunette and wanted pink at ends. I think it would work (as long as it's not neon pink) since pink is a prominent color in larme.

>> No.9141250
File: 67 KB, 943x960, 13895024_1359766997384218_643395695967263075_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of larme I absolutely love.

>> No.9141259
File: 124 KB, 540x720, tumblr_ntpy8tOMg61qjy5c1o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this

>> No.9141287

I really like hairstyles like this but I actually can't figure them out
I mean it looks like you divide the whole of your hair into two twintails tied more at the back than at the sides but when I do it it seems like the hair is too far back and it looks like the ponytail is sticking out too much & just doesn't fall very nicely. What am I doing wrong? What obvious step am I missing?

>> No.9141291
File: 725 KB, 1280x1729, whats that on her face ohhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Face jewels/stickers are just not found in larme.
No, they are.

>> No.9141325

I think it's more of a half up half down hairstyle, which makes it look done up but also voluminous. So tie the hair above your ears into high pigtails and then bring all your loose hair forward over your shoulders and underneath the pigtails.
They've probably adjusted the direction the pigtails point in as well. A lot of the hairstyles in larme are only for photos and would be hard to keep in place for everyday wear, but good on you for trying.

Same. I'm not against the pheromone sexy look like some people, but this dreamy doll aesthetic is what made me love larme in the first place.

>> No.9141335

Divide hair into 4 sections. The two front above your ears, pull up, twist, and pin to the side of your head. Then add ribbon clips. Curl everything so it's wavy.

>> No.9141568

That's glitter, not stickers, and it's only applied to the eyes.

>> No.9141652

That's what I plan on doing for now, just slowly easing into it until I reach my goal and feel a bit more comfortable wearing dresses and skirts so I can fully go with it. Thank you!

>> No.9141721 [DELETED] 

That's some giant glitter.

>> No.9142174

Thanks for the photos, glad to see this can work in Larme

>> No.9142614

What kind of jewelry is your favorite to wear with Larme? Personally I like chokers with hearts or pearls.

>> No.9142718

let's be real though, the styling isn't swankiss-like over all and as far as I know, this was a once off.

>> No.9142721

I have a bunch of glitter like that. It's usually for nail art.

>> No.9142776
File: 104 KB, 431x575, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I don't think the person in the pic upthread that sparked the face sticker debate was inspired by this one picture in the magazine. Stickers on the face are not part of the larme aesthetic; makeup is relatively natural compared to other jfashions. Stickers are more appropriate for things like fairy kei or sweet lolita.

I have actually been thinking about writing a blog post about this! I find it hard to veer away from the general pearls and chokers; they are my favorite as well but I'm sure there are plenty of other options.
Daisies, cherries, and moon shapes are pretty popular motifs but I personally think that jewelry shaped like that can verge on looking childish so it's harder to find pieces that I think would look good in larme. I also realized that bracelets aren't really seen in larme very much either, there are a lot of bare wrists!

Here's a pic from Lillily with giannnt hoop earrings. I think this kind of thing would only work if the rest of your outfit isn't too...slutty I guess.

>> No.9142922

What is the correct way to pronounce Larme?

>> No.9142925


>> No.9142942

Where are these pieces from? I need all of them.

>> No.9142948

ank rouge i'm guessing

>> No.9143169
File: 49 KB, 564x752, a7b99f340db184f09a2bfa5c02376007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes; circa fall 2015. That was a good time.

>> No.9143414
File: 148 KB, 899x1200, tumblr_obkwz3u4ua1rv5dydo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else trying to lose weight to look better in larme style clothes? I have some basic off brand clothes that work but i'm forcing myself not to buy any brand items until I drop at least 10 pounds.

I would've asked on the fb group but I knew they would pull some HAYES bs.

>> No.9143468 [DELETED] 

Speaking of weight, what is the ideal height/weight/BMI/whatever for larme? I know weight was a concern back in gyaru times, and lolita is apparently known in Japan as a chubby girls' fashion, so what would larme be, somewhere in between?

>> No.9143503
File: 47 KB, 640x640, dwm3pxtak7ih6ynrs1jq20151413151418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to, but I can't stop myself from eating junk because I have no willpower. One day I'll get a cute body though.

>> No.9143524
File: 1.06 MB, 211x203, 1460670282735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my GOD that bag. w2c

>> No.9143566

Those shoes are so fucking cute

>> No.9143571

I'm trying to get into Larme more as it is the kind of style I've always been interested in before I realised it was a thing.
How important are brands in larme?

>> No.9143572

I would. Shopping for japanese brand is horrendous, whilst you might kid yourself that you can fit into an asian L almost everything I see is one size fits all ( either advertised as F or M. literally saw L's like 5% of online shopping.)

For any J fashion I would say drop as much as you can, if not for aes. but simply to feel more comfortable in brand and shopping as brand. They treat tall, pretty, skinny girls in stores a lot differently than fatso's, even if you do look foreign.

>> No.9143573

They're somewhat important, but Larme definitely doesn't focus in on brands as much as Lolita. A lot of off-brand stuff works just fine for Larme. But personally I feel it's way easier to get the feel right when you have brand.

>> No.9143574

People will say not very, as it is possible to do larme in offbrand + western stuff but it very much does help steer things and the trends.
Honestly, the magazine is the definition of what is and isn't larme but brands are very helpful to help working out how to style things.

That being said; what is everyone's favourite brand places and places for offbrand ?

>> No.9143598

Thanks! Time to stalk y!j

>> No.9143599

I really should lose some weight, I'm starting to lose some of my chest and it's the only thing making me look balanced. My waist is small, but my hips and thighs are huge... I don't think I can postpone my squat routine any longer, it just sounds really scary. Wish me luck girls

A big chest is really annoying when you're into jfash. Even though my waist is small, I always look like a huge marshmallow if I don't wear totally fitted clothes... I've just ordered a lot of clothing on taobao, praying the tops I got won't fit weirdly on my upperbody!!!

>> No.9143612
File: 941 KB, 885x884, 1467897761302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a lot of people get their offbrand stuff from Forever 21 or Aliexpress/taobao, but staples like tulle skirts or mockneck tops with detail or shoes can be obtained in many mainstream department stores. I guess it really depends on what part of the larme aesthetic you're going for? I know substyles aren't really an actual thing, but I like romantic girly/dream casual/French and finding things offbrand isn't too hard, it just takes patience and a lot of searching.

pic related was posted by an anon a couple threads ago, I think it's either all or mostly offbrand

>> No.9143629

>tfw you lose weight to look cuter in jfash
>tfw nothing you can do about your wide shoulders

My grandma was quite dainty, but my mom has wide shoulders which i have inherited. So many things look terrible because of it, like all strapless/strappy things. I think those bardot neckline are so cute but they all look awful on me. Covered shoulders with v-neck seems to be the only thing that makes me look in proportion. I dont think i will ever be able to fit into or look good in any jfash tops or items that cover your upper half because or my shoulders

>> No.9143675

You might benefit from looking at some mainstream fashion sources for tips on how to dress broad shoulders. Here's one article I found: http://www.fashionlady.in/how-to-kill-the-broad-shoulders-some-hot-fashion-tips-to-look-for/7107

So it does say the Bardot and off the shoulder tops may not work as well for you, but it has tips for things that do work so maybe give that a shot? It's very basic so you should be able to apply it to both offbrand and brand.

>> No.9143692
File: 115 KB, 600x800, Bethan Sheer Swing Dress Overlayer Pink Front W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think pic related is larme-able? It reminds me of certain things Risa has worn. I would style it differently of course - probably sheer black ankle socks with chunky shoes and a choker. Perhaps I'm kidding myself.

>> No.9143711

Is this all one piece or are you just talking about the overlay?

>> No.9143714

I tried that dress on a while ago, and i found it very unflattering. I love it, but the way the body of the overlay is done looks quite odd in person. It is a very good sale price though!

>> No.9143966

You don't need them, but they do make things a lot easier. Mixing brand and offbrand is a good way to go, especially if you can't always fit brand (my 105cm hips ain't fittin' in a brand pencil skirt any time soon)

I prefer thrift stores for offbrand because it costs even less than fast fashion but it's usually better quality.

>> No.9144074

Is the One Spo stuff on dollskill legit? I wanna buy some items that are sold-out on one spo's site but I don't want a knock off.

>> No.9144600

I think so. I don't think they could legally sell knock offs under the one spo name.

>> No.9144890

Were you on the thinspo thread earlier before it fell to shite?
Jfash is my inspiration. 10 lbs gone in two months, but i still need to lose another 15 to look good and fit brands!

>> No.9145228
File: 464 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One spo tweeted about it so I would say yes. (The tears emotes are meant as tears of joy)

Interesting thing is that the dollskill collection offers extended sizing, s-m-l. Isn't one spo normally one size?

>> No.9145235
File: 215 KB, 900x1200, tumblr_oboq2rnNfb1rv5dydo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Verybrain

>> No.9145516

Yeah the multiple sizing thing threw me for a loop.

>> No.9146063 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 297x202, larme butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made y'all a new OP image for the next thread.

>> No.9146117

So ugly

>> No.9146119

Just ordered $400au worth of lazy oaf from there, and all i can tell you is their customer service is so shit and tacky. They keep calling me babe, and make excuses.

>> No.9146331

You have quite an imagination there.

>> No.9146637

Such bait.

>> No.9147288

Cute but has kinda an old lady vibe

>> No.9148323

what about other types of muted/pastel hair? I've seen some girls in the ig tag that look decent, imo

>> No.9148569

Where else is there good larme discussion, besides here and fb, also any ig you recommend for larme?

>> No.9148762

I like gold colored jewelry, especially with rose motifs. I also love anything that has a heart with a cupid's arrow through it.

I think brands are a little more important then people take them for. I've said it before but the magazine is designed to sell you certain clothing. To pretend otherwise is ignoring a huge part of the magazine. That said, you can evoke the style with offbrand but it can be difficult sometimes. I prefer to style offbrand with brand. It gives me a good balance that doesn't veer too far from the all branded Larme look. If you can't fit brand clothing, you can try adding brand accessories or bags. Doing an all offbrand outfit is an art, and personally I don't feel confident enough for that.

Also I think one of the easiest things to do offbrand is shoes. You may not be able to get the super cute stuff some brands put out, but there are a lot of more basic shoes that fit the bill. Even if you got Larme brand clothing, they have very limited shoe sizes so you might be out of luck there.

>> No.9148763


For offbrand I've actually found a lot of stuff at forever 21. I haven't had as much luck on their online store, but I can usually find something that will work when I shop in store. It's a good way to try it things without a huge money commitment.

Thrift stores are also great for that too. I prefer to go to independent thrift stores (usually tied to a local charity) than to a big name like goodwill. I've heard goodwill sends out some of their best stuff to sell to vintage store and the like and after seeing the selections around here (I've been to all of them in a 25 mile radius) I don't doubt it. If you're willing to pay a little more then consignment stores might have some good stuff too. It's still cheaper than buying new.

I get most of my brand off mercari and fril. It's very rare for me to buy brand firsthand. If you can delay your gratification for a season or two then there are great deals to be had. Just try to choose "classic" Larme pieces that aren't as likely to go out of style quickly. If you want to buy in season stuff that's sold out on official channels then be prepared to pay scalper prices.

(I'm repeating a lot of stuff I've said in previous threads so sorry if you get deja vu reading this)

>> No.9148766

Nowhere I've seen. There are people into Larme on tumblr, but tumblr isn't really conducive to discussion.

If anyone has suggestions for other places I'd love to hear it.

>> No.9149913

I'd be quite interested as well. I'm a big fan of Pinterest as a platform for Larme, but that's still not very good for discussion.

>> No.9150077

Also interested. Though fb admins keep denying my join request so I gave up a month ago, only have here to chat.

>> No.9150141

how do you even get in the group? I've sent a request and they just left it sitting there forever...

>> No.9150193

Possibly a stupid question, but I've just arrived in Japan for 7 months and was wondering where you Japan-based gulls buy your magazines? Can I just pick it up in a combini or should I just go Amazon.jp every other month?

>> No.9150236

Did they give you a reason?

>> No.9150281
File: 41 KB, 390x585, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi gulls! I wear larme kei inspired outfits almost daily and I'm looking for comfy shoes to wear in school. My choice is usually Minna Parikka's bunny sneakers (pic related) but it's boring to wear same shoes too often.

So, do you have any ideas?

>> No.9150288

I was at school there for a few weeks, never found one in a combini but you can find them in book stores. combini's tend to have a very small selection of magazines but book stores tend to stock a lot of them. Places like book off also have older issues.

>> No.9150315

I think getting offended when someone calls a Larme wearer a nymphet is like a lolita getting angry when they get called a doll or alice. No one is going to know you're this specific niche fashion from Japan and will associate you with the more obvious things they know. Larme was inspired partially by the nymphet part of tumblr and that's exactly what it looks like most of the time. Just brush it off, tell them it's just cute clothing, and move on.

>> No.9150335

Go to a quality bookstore like the Kinokuniya near Alta in Shinjuku for the best selection, big tsutayas, maruzen, smaller kinos and other bookstores will have a good selection. If you only have access to combinis in your area maybe online is better.

>> No.9150437

>Larme was inspired partially by the nymphet part of tumblr

Yeaaaaah no. I really doubt that tumblr influenced anything. More accurately, tumblr nymphet fashion and larme magazine/brands take inspiration from similar sources, such as the lolita film or vintage fashion. Things like off the shoulder tops are just a popular part of current fashion, well beyond both the larme and nymphet subcultures.

I really doubt someone is going to come up to a girl wearing larme and call them a "nymphet." It's really not that big of a fashion outside tumblr.

>> No.9150774
File: 61 KB, 640x960, 13962640_1581231498847866_3647639699023146557_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could use a different top

>> No.9150808

I love everything about this, especially the pants. The top is alright, though it'd probably look cuter with a blouse underneath

>> No.9150920

>tumblr didn't make the Lolita movie style fashion or that particular vintage fashion

That's really silly to say. Of course not, but Larme and Nymphet fashion have nearly the exact same fashion icons and inspirations for a reason. Do you think Japan just suddenly fell in love with the Lolita movie look and that particular vintage fashion out of nowhere? It was already incredibly strong on tumblr and Larme took a lot of inspiration from it.

>> No.9150968
File: 145 KB, 800x800, fghjkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to have a Larme discord server, seeing how well the Nanchatte General's is going.

Would anyone be interested?

>> No.9150972

It's "silly to say" because that's not what I said at all. Don't green text me a quote I never used.

Larme magazine is hardly the first example of Japan's obsession with Lolita. You are really overemphasizing the influence of a niche fashion on tumblr.

>> No.9150975

i'd be interested

>> No.9150976

I've never used discord but I'm willing to give it a try.

>> No.9150983

I made a few chatrooms here
If anyone wants to help me mod the server, feel free to PM me

>> No.9151012

"Nymphet fashion" did come before Larme, though, so I see anon's point. A niche fashion influencing a niche j-fashion is nothing new.

>> No.9151039

Nymphet fashion is cobbled together from various high street stores. So Larme is just taking from general fashion trends.

>> No.9152248

Apparently Chieko doesnt want the group to get bigger, but more active. Maybe they're ignoring everyone for the time being?

>> No.9152288

well, that's one way to let a group die

>> No.9152298

Maybe you don't have anything on your profile that would show you're interested in the fashion. I got accepted into the group after like an hour, i'm wearing lolita in my profile picture and am also in a multitude of lolita and other jfash comms/sales groups. Maybe add jfash stuff to your profile if you can, or message a mod asking why you haven't been accepted yet.

>> No.9152409

Like some other anons have said send one of the admins a message about it. I sent a request to join the group last week then I realized that it got denied. I sent another request and I still didn't get added. So I just messaged Chieko and told her I wanted to join the group and it worked.

Chieko's response was that it's hard to keep up with all of the join requests. I thought it was kind of a weak excuse and it doesn't explain why I got denied the first time.

>> No.9152455

thoughts on rhs in larme?

>> No.9152661

Can I request coords with yellow in them? I'm looking through my folders and I have none

>> No.9152831

post a coord

>> No.9153142

I'm already in the group. I was just letting you all know, and also wondering why new people weren't getting accepted

>> No.9153212

Can someone just make another group or apply to be a mod? I just don't understand her reasoning at all.

>> No.9153314

That seems unlikely, I didn't have a problem getting accepted. Then again I have Jfashion all over my profile.

>> No.9153686

I saw someone last night wearing a very larme looking outfit at Bath train station. Didn't say anything because she seemed in a rush and i was too, but if you happen to be here you looked really cute!

>> No.9153700

I can't find them on the dollskill website, got a link?

>> No.9153932


Pretty sure they're sold out.

>> No.9154048

are there any Larme models with small eyes? I follow the tutorials but my eyes end up looking smaller (hooded white girl eyes) I wanna look like Risa but she has... the opposite sort of eyes I have.

>> No.9154277

Have you tried eyelid tape?

>> No.9154432
File: 946 KB, 882x1300, Screenshot_20160822-174954~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl with the dark hair, does anyone happen to know what she's wearing/have a link?
Pic related

>> No.9154732
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>> No.9154735
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>> No.9154736
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>> No.9154737
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>> No.9154763

I'd be interested in people's reactions if a westerner tried similar outfits to these.

>> No.9154767

Oh and tagged them Larme, natch

>> No.9154833

As much as I hate to admit it, most wouldn't see it as Larme. But put it on a kawaii Asian chick and it all changes.

>> No.9154842

>>9154833 I feel like that's why non asian girls tend to add the fetishy type items into an outfit more often, is because it's much more identifiable
that way.

>> No.9154862

That's exactly why the fetish style has taken over. Heaven forbid someone do something different and people say it's not Larme.

>> No.9154888
File: 2.16 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9154889
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>> No.9154985


>> No.9155102

new thread. I'll post a summary later

>> No.9156782

Idk if this is the right place to ask but.... How do you guys get "piecy"/wavy looking bangs like >>9128064? They look really cute with larme but I can never do them right

>> No.9156944


go to slide 3